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EXCMO. AYTO. DE ANTEQUERA                                                                                         and in landscape.                                                                                                            Descalzas.
                                                                                                                   fauna, geomorphology                                                                                                         Convento de las
                                                                                                                   natural values in flora,                                                                                                     Museum of t he
                                                                                                                   protection for its important                                                                                                 Museum and the
                                                                                                                   area enjoys a special                                                                                                        the Municipal
                                                                                                                   2/1989, July 18th). This                                                                                                     churches, as well as
                                                                                                                   conditions deserves (Law                                                                                                     and Baroque
                                                                                                                   an area of these                                                                                                             numerous Renaissant
                                                                                                                   enjoys all the protection                                                                                                    Castle and its
                                                                                                                   Park and at present it                                                                                                       Dolmens, its Muslim
                                                                                                                   it was declared a Natural                                                                                                    the Prehistoric
                                                                                                                   National Interest; in 1978                                                                                                   which you can see
                                                                                                                   declared Natural Area of                                                                                                     and artistic place in
                                                                                                                   in 1929 when it was                                                                                                          Antequera, a historic
                                                                                                                   became a protected area                                                                                                      monumental city of
                                                                                                                      The Torcal of Antequera                                                                                                   through          the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                N - 3 31 , g o i n g
                                                                                                                                                       MALAGA                                                                                   through major road
                                                                                                                                                                               C- 3310

El Torcal de                                                                                         Protection Regime
                                                                                                                                                                                                               on the east.                     can get to the Torcal
                                                                                                                                                        Autovía Málaga-Antequera                               to the Sierra de las Cabras        From Málaga, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Chimeneas on the west and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Boca del Asno.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to the Sierra de las
                                                                                                                                                                                            Almogía                                             you have passed the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               at the south. The massif joins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                about 12 Km once
                                                                                                                                                                                                               municipality of Antequera
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                road to the Torcal is
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mountains. It is within the
                                                                                                                                                                     Casabermeja                                                                Concepción. The
   NATURAL PARK                                                                                                                                                                                                crest of the Sub-Andalusian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Villanueva de la
                                                                                                                                                    Pedrizas                       la Concepción               it forms part of the limestone
                                                                                                                                                    de las                         Villanueva de                                                the road to
                                                                                                                                                    Pto                                                        the province of Málaga and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Antequera by taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                       DE      the Torcal is in the centre of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   EL TORCAL                                    Torcal         from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The National Reserve of
                                                                                                                                                                                         C- 3310
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You can get to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Localization                                                              Accesses
  PROVINCE GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT.                            Geomorphic Units                                                           Visit Area and Infrastructure                                                                Visit Area and Infrastructure
  C/. Mauricio Moro, 2 - 3º Planta - 29006 Málaga                                                                                                                                                                                               (Continuation)
  Telf. 951 04 00 58                                                     The Torcal has an extension of 11,7 km+ and it is one of the                 TAJO DE LA VENTA AREA: It is situated on the crossroads with
                                                                        most outstanding examples of Karstic landscape in Europe.                  the major road C-3310 and under an impressive rocky cleft called                                 AREA OF PUBLIC USE “TORCAL ALTO”: It can be acceded to
  TOWN HALL OF ANTEQUERA.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       following the road that takes you to the crossroads with the C-
  C/. Infante D. Fernando, 140                                          Geomorphologically, four areas can be distinguished:                       Tajo de la Venta due to its proximity to the old Venta del Rosario.
                                                                                                                                                   It is an old restored quarry and it consists of :                                            3310, after having gone about 3.7 Km. There, the visitor will
  Telf. 95 270 81 00
                                                                                                                                                      Control and Information Stand: It informs the visitor and
  CIVIL GUARD OF ANTEQUERA.                                                SIERRA PELADA: It is situated to the east of the reserve, and                                                                                                            A visitor´s area: Interactive exhibition on the natural and
  C/. Alameda de Andalucía, s/n.                                                                                                                   controls the entrance of vehicles to the Reserve.
                                                                        it consists of an extensive lapiaz area or frequent dolines; its                                                                                                        cultural values of the Reserve and a 10 minutes video on this can
  Telf. 95 284 01 06 - 95 284 03 57                                                                                                                   Information Boards: They indicate the visitor the most interesting
                                                                        maximum altitude is 1,154 m ( the Camorro de los Monteses or                                                                                                            be seen. There are some toilets and a tourist information desk.
  CIVIL SERVICE OF ANTEQUERA.                                           Cerro de los Repetidores).                                                 aspects of the Reserve.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mirador de “Las Ventanillas” (Viewpoint): Access to it is
  C/. Picadero, s/n.                                                                                                                                  Reafforestation Area: It is fenced and the results of environment
  Telf. 95 284 59 10                                                                                                                                                                                                                            found by keeping to the signposted path (about 100m). There
                                                                                                                                                   education activities with students and the growth of those trees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                are wonderful views of Malaga´s coast and of the region of the
                                                                           TORCAL ALTO: It is to the southwest of the reserve and has              which have been planted by children can be seen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                river Campanillas.
  Plaza de San Sebastián, 7.                                            the best karstic area of the massif. A great rocky crest, las Vilaneras,      Parking: For buses and cars
  Telf. 95 270 25 05                                                    separates it from Torcal Bajo. The maximum altitude of the Torcal                                                                                                           Ruta Verde (Green Route Itinerary): Pedestrian path which
                                                                                                                                                   of those who like hiking and
                                                                        is here: the Camorro de las Siete Mesas (1,336 m).                                                                                                                      starts in the car park and takes
  HOSPITAL OF ANTEQUERA.                                                                                                                           those who prefer acceding to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                you all around Torcal Alto
  Pol. La Azucarera, Avda. Poeta Muñoz Rojas, s/n                                                                                                  Torcal Alto walking while
  Telf: 95 284 62 63
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1,410 m). Its difficulty is ranked
                                                                                                                                                   enjoying a nice and beautiful
                                                                          TORCAL BAJO: It is situated between the previous two areas                                                                                                            as low to medium (be
                 www.                                                                                                                 walk. It´s provided with litter
                                                                        and it is similar to Torcal Alto although less spectacular. It contains                                                                                                 precautious on rainy and wet
             e-mail:                               historic and cultural remains related to antique human settlements.                                                                                                     days), lasting 40-60 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It is most advisable if you want
            VISITORS CENTRE OF TORCAL                                                                                                                DIEGO “MONEA´S”                                                                            to see its flora, geological rock
                Teléfono 952 03 13 89                                     CLEFTS AND HILLSIDES: They delimitate the Reserve; the                   VIEWPOINT: It is situated half                                                               formations, cattle and fauna
   Textos: M. Romero y E. Hergueta. Fotografías: Alfredo Sotelo Matos   most spectacular ones are on the south side; their                         way between the crossroads                                                                   (Take binoculars with you!) and
  Imprime: Gráficas San Rafael - Antequera • Dep. Legal: MA-67-2001     geomorphological variations confer to them an overwhelming                 and the Area of Public Use of                                                                for environment education. It is
                                                                        character. They make a perfect place for shelter and nesting of            Torcal Alto. It is an ideal place                                                            well signposted and it has litter
                                                                        some birds of prey.                                                        to rest while admiring the views                                                             bins.
                                                                                                                                                   and locating geographical                                                                        Parking: Wide area for cars
         EXCELENTÍSIMO                                                                                                                             points. It is provided with                                                                  and buses. It has noticeboards,
         AYUNTAMIENTO                                                                                                                              parking, information boards,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                litter bins and benches.
                                                   AREA DE TURISMO                                                                                 bins and benches.
Rules for visitors                                                       Recommendations                                                          Flora and vegetation                                                    Fauna
  DO NOT THROW LITTER                                                      USE RUBBER-SOLED SHOES and try not to step on wet rocks                   The massif of the Torcal represents an area of a rich and varied        The fauna present in the Torcal has been conditioned in many
OR WASTE ON THE FLOOR,                                                   since you may slip.                                                      flora which emphasizes the importance of its natural values. The        cases by the men´s use of the environment. The vertebrate species
place it in the bins and                                                                                                                          present degradation of the vegetal cover in most of its surface,        inside the Reserve amount to 116, divided in the following way:
                                                                          If there is fog, DO NOT ABANDON THE ESTABLISHED ROUTE;                  due to the wood cutting, extensive shepherding or the human             1 amphibious species, 11 reptile species, 82 kinds of birds and
containers provided.                                                     OTHERWISE, YOU MAY GET LOST.                                             action in any other way, does not impede the presence of some           22 different kinds of mammals. There exists a multitude of
  P H OTO G R A P H T H E                                                  DO NOT COME NEAR PITS OR HOLES IN THE TERRAIN,                         areas of climacic vegetation and of different endemic species of        invertebrate species, most of them being insects which are the
PLANTS, do not recollect                                                 you may fall if you approach too closely.                                a great interest and value. Its richness in plant species is            basis for the feeding of a great quantity of the vertebrate animals
them.                                                                                                                                             considerable. In the Torcal there are at least 664 plant species,       that live in the Reserve.
                                                                           CONSULT THE ENVIRONMENT WARDEN about the activities                    grouped in almost a hundred families. Thus, there are 12 species           The zoological communities lack of the existence of big predators
  DO NOT DISTURB THE                                                     that can not be carried out without authorization or phone directly      of lichens, 77 of Briofites (moss), 10 of Pteridofites (fens) and       or big herviborous; the fox and the pyrenean ibex are
ANIMALS, do not come near                                                to the Environmental Delegation in the Province.                         565 plants with                                                         representative of these.
the nests during the spring and                                                                                                                   s e e d s
the summer seasons.                                                                                                                                                                                                          One of the most outstanding values of the faunistic composition
  H U N T I N G I S N OT
ALLOWED all year through in
                                                                         Man and El Torcal                                                           The vegetal
                                                                                                                                                  formations present
                                                                                                                                                  in the Torcal can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the Torcal is the great richness of birds existent in it, either
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          permanently or like a stopover in their migratory routes or like a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nesting place. In this sense, the Sierra was declared Special Area
any of its modalities.                                                      Man´s presence in the Torcal of Antequera goes back to                                                                                        for the protection of birds (Z.E.P.A.), following law no. 79/409
                                                                         Prehistory. Neolithic remains found in different places give evidence    be separated in                                                         of the Community Direction, but some of these bird species have
 PLEASE, RESPECT THE SILENCE IN THE PARK, it is most                                                                                              two dif ferent                                                          become much unusual due to the pression exerted by men
                                                                         of this, the most important one being those of the Cueva del Toro.
advisable listening to the natural sounds of the park.                                                                                            bioclimatic types:                                                      (poisons, nests pillaging, uncontrolled sports activities, etc.), as
                                                                         Likewise, some remains of Roman origin indicate a geological
                                                                         use of the Torcal and it seems that they used the Torcal as a            the thermo-                                                             it is the case of the Imperial Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon or the
  CAMPING IS NOT PERMITTED inside the Reserve.
                                                                         quarry to extract limestones that they used in the building of the       Mediterranean in                                                        Bonelli´s Eagle. Many of these nest in big clefts, that is why it is
  THERE IS A SIGNPOSTED AREA which can be acceded to                     villages near the Torcal, such as Antikaria, Osqua and Nescania.         the low areas of                                                        so important not doing activities of hang-gliding or rock climbing
only with the authorization of the A.M.A.; if you do not have it,                                                                                 the Reserve or in                                                       in them. The Griffon Vultures can usually be seen in the Torcal,
                                                                            The Arab presence was important and a watchtower could still          areas with a
please do not come into this area.                                                                                                                                                                                        either flying between the Desfiladero de los Gaitanes-Sierra
                                                                         be seen until recently in the nearby mountain of Las Chimeneas           c e r t a i n
                                                                         and inside the Torcal itself several tombs and rests have been                                                                                   Huma and the Sierras del Camarolos and the Jobo, or when they
 REMEMBER: THE CONSERVATION, ASPECT AND VISIT                                                                                                     temperature, and                                                        come to eat dead cattle.
CONDITIONS OF THIS NATURAL AREA DEPEND HIGHLY                            found. The human presence was almost permanent until the last            the          meso-
UPON YOU.                                                                century when the only known settlement in the Sierra called Las                                                                                     Other interesing birds present in the Torcal of Antequera are
                                                                                                                                                  M e d i t e r ra n e a n
                                                                         Sepulturas (The Tombs) was abandoned; it consists of several                                                                                     the wheatear, the Eagle Owl, the Little Owl, the common kestrel,
                                                                                                                                                  which occupies
                                                                         small buildings made of stone with sheepfolds and crop fields.                                                                                   the martin, the chough and many other small birds (common tit,

Geological aspects                                                       These settlers had a high ability in working the stone as the findings
                                                                                                                                                  most of the Sierra
                                                                                                                                                  in the medium and
                                                                                                                                                  high parts of the Reserve. There exist some places in which there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          common coal tit, goldfinch, woodlarks, redstarts, buntings) and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          many others which are easily seen depending on the season and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on the area.
  The Torcal is constituted by three different types of limestones:         The industrial exploitation in the 19th century caused an intense     are plant species that belong to the superior meso or to the supra-
                                                                         oak wood cutting in order to make charcoal in the Torcal; the            Mediterranean as it is the case of the Puerto de las Campanas.             The existence of reptiles in the Sierra depends highly on
oolitic limestones, breccialike limestones and clastic limestones.
                                                                         quarry exploitation was intensified and shepherding was massified,       The vegetation communities of a higher botanic importance within        temperature aspects and so they are very active during the summer
All of them had their origin in the ocean bottom during the Jurassic                                                                                                                                                      and the spring seasons, when they can be seen very frequently.
                                                                         impeding the natural regeneration of plants. That is the reason          the Park are those that are among the rocks. They have adapted
period, about 150 million years ago. Those sediments lying at                                                                                                                                                             We must outstand the following species: the ocellate lizard, the
                                                                         why some parts of the Reserve have such a desolate aspect. Then          to the fractures and crevices in the rocks, and a lot of these plants
the bottom of the sea emerged as a consequence of the Alpine                                                                                                                                                              wall lizard, the ladder snake, Montpellier snake and Lataste´s
                                                                         in the twentieth century, coinciding with the end of the quarry          are endemic; then some strict rules of conservation are required.
fold, keeping its horizontality in spite of emerging over 1000                                                                                                                                                            viper, whose bite is poisonous.
                                                                         exploitation, the Torcal was used only as an area of extensive           This has made it necessary to create a reservation area inside
metres above the water. Later on, a series of faults gave about
                                                                         shepherding, and crops were grown in the dolines in times of             Torcal Alto with the aim of preserving and protecting several              Among the mammals, the mole is very frequent in the areas of
fractures (diaclasas) and fault systems which meet right-angled
                                                                         scarcity.                                                                plant communities. The most representative of the rock plant            dolines as it can be detected by the small humps of earth they
(NW-SE and NE-SW orientation); the erosion in these crevices
                                                                            The acquisition of most of the Park by the Andalusian Government      species are Linaria antikaria, Saxifraga biternata, Sedum acre,         make. The rest of the mammals can be guessed because of their
produced which is nowadays known as passages or corridors,
                                                                         has made possible the restoration and preservation of this peculiar      anthirrinum australe and polypodium australe, among others.             excrements, as it is the case of the fox, the weasel, the badger
and caves and dolines (a synonym for “Torcas” which gives the
                                                                         area in our geography, a place where Nature shows some of its               The vegetation of the Torcal corresponds to that of a Basofil        or the rabbit.
name to the park) were formed in their intersection. From that
moment on, all of it was submmitted to a peculiar erosive process,       most unusual aspects.                                                    Andalusian holm oak wood. Trees are represented by holm oak
the Karstic moulding. Ice expansion processes, or the erosion                                                                                     trees, gall-oaks, mountain ashes and maples. The formations of
produced in the rock by the action of ice, together with the solution                                                                             thickets and bramble patches usually cover most of the area of
of the different limestones due to the chemical action of the                                                                                     Torcal Alto with honeysuckles, bushes and other plants such as
atmospheric CO2 which is present in the rainwater, have moulded                                                                                   hawthorn, rhamnus lycioides ssp. oleoides, blackberries, wild
a great quantity of forms in the rocks, producing a real “museum                                                                                  rosebushes, peonies,…Other interesting groups of plants because
of natural sculptures”, called imitative forms and which have been                                                                                of their relation with cattle-raising are pastures and thistles which
recognized individually (such as “The screw” – El Tornillo, which                                                                                 usually are in the dolines or “closures”, and then we find Poa
                                                                                                                                                  bulbosa, Trifoflum suberraneum, Ranunculus bulbosus, Onopordon
has become the logo of the park). Besides, the vertical solution
                                                                                                                                                  illyricum, Sylibum marianum or some stranger ones such as
of the rocks brings about surfaces of lapies, creating furrows and
                                                                                                                                                  Dianthus anticarius or the Linaria Oblongifolia.
areas difficult to accede to and which are known as “agrios”
(acid), by the inhabitants of the area.                                                                                                              Ivy is a plant to be outstood because of the beautiful and
                                                                                                                                                  sometimes striking formations it presents in combination with the
  SUBTERRANEAN FORMS: Like any limestone massif, the Torcal
                                                                                                                                                  rocks. It is much abundant in Torcal Alto.
has a great richness in pits, caves and other subterranean forms,
some of them of a great historic importance such as the Cueva                                                                                        As we can see, the great botanic richness of the Torcal is formed
del Toro (Bull´s Cave). Its origin is related to solution and widening                                                                            by rare and endangered plants and so we ask for your cooperation
processes of the subterranean limestones due to the action of the                                                                                 for their conservation; please do not damage the plants, do not
                                                                                                                                                  take the flowers since they are the only ones that can guarantee
                                                                                                                                                  the reproduction of these plants.

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El Torcal Inglés

  • 1. EXCMO. AYTO. DE ANTEQUERA and in landscape. Descalzas. fauna, geomorphology Convento de las natural values in flora, Museum of t he protection for its important Museum and the area enjoys a special the Municipal 2/1989, July 18th). This churches, as well as conditions deserves (Law and Baroque an area of these numerous Renaissant enjoys all the protection Castle and its Park and at present it Dolmens, its Muslim it was declared a Natural the Prehistoric National Interest; in 1978 which you can see declared Natural Area of and artistic place in in 1929 when it was Antequera, a historic became a protected area monumental city of Antequera The Torcal of Antequera through the N - 3 31 , g o i n g MALAGA through major road C- 3310 El Torcal de Protection Regime on the east. can get to the Torcal Autovía Málaga-Antequera to the Sierra de las Cabras From Málaga, you Chimeneas on the west and Boca del Asno. to the Sierra de las Almogía you have passed the at the south. The massif joins about 12 Km once municipality of Antequera road to the Torcal is Mountains. It is within the Casabermeja Concepción. The NATURAL PARK crest of the Sub-Andalusian Villanueva de la Pedrizas la Concepción it forms part of the limestone de las Villanueva de the road to Pto the province of Málaga and ANTEQUERA Antequera by taking DE the Torcal is in the centre of EL TORCAL Torcal from The National Reserve of C- 3310 You can get to the ANTEQUERA Localization Accesses ADDRESSES OF INTEREST PROVINCE GOVERNMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT. Geomorphic Units Visit Area and Infrastructure Visit Area and Infrastructure C/. Mauricio Moro, 2 - 3º Planta - 29006 Málaga (Continuation) Telf. 951 04 00 58 The Torcal has an extension of 11,7 km+ and it is one of the TAJO DE LA VENTA AREA: It is situated on the crossroads with most outstanding examples of Karstic landscape in Europe. the major road C-3310 and under an impressive rocky cleft called AREA OF PUBLIC USE “TORCAL ALTO”: It can be acceded to TOWN HALL OF ANTEQUERA. following the road that takes you to the crossroads with the C- C/. Infante D. Fernando, 140 Geomorphologically, four areas can be distinguished: Tajo de la Venta due to its proximity to the old Venta del Rosario. It is an old restored quarry and it consists of : 3310, after having gone about 3.7 Km. There, the visitor will Telf. 95 270 81 00 find: Control and Information Stand: It informs the visitor and CIVIL GUARD OF ANTEQUERA. SIERRA PELADA: It is situated to the east of the reserve, and A visitor´s area: Interactive exhibition on the natural and C/. Alameda de Andalucía, s/n. controls the entrance of vehicles to the Reserve. it consists of an extensive lapiaz area or frequent dolines; its cultural values of the Reserve and a 10 minutes video on this can Telf. 95 284 01 06 - 95 284 03 57 Information Boards: They indicate the visitor the most interesting maximum altitude is 1,154 m ( the Camorro de los Monteses or be seen. There are some toilets and a tourist information desk. CIVIL SERVICE OF ANTEQUERA. Cerro de los Repetidores). aspects of the Reserve. Mirador de “Las Ventanillas” (Viewpoint): Access to it is C/. Picadero, s/n. Reafforestation Area: It is fenced and the results of environment Telf. 95 284 59 10 found by keeping to the signposted path (about 100m). There education activities with students and the growth of those trees are wonderful views of Malaga´s coast and of the region of the TOURISM INFORMATION OF ANTEQUERA. TORCAL ALTO: It is to the southwest of the reserve and has which have been planted by children can be seen. river Campanillas. Plaza de San Sebastián, 7. the best karstic area of the massif. A great rocky crest, las Vilaneras, Parking: For buses and cars Telf. 95 270 25 05 separates it from Torcal Bajo. The maximum altitude of the Torcal Ruta Verde (Green Route Itinerary): Pedestrian path which of those who like hiking and is here: the Camorro de las Siete Mesas (1,336 m). starts in the car park and takes HOSPITAL OF ANTEQUERA. those who prefer acceding to you all around Torcal Alto Pol. La Azucarera, Avda. Poeta Muñoz Rojas, s/n Torcal Alto walking while Telf: 95 284 62 63 (1,410 m). Its difficulty is ranked enjoying a nice and beautiful TORCAL BAJO: It is situated between the previous two areas as low to medium (be www. walk. It´s provided with litter and it is similar to Torcal Alto although less spectacular. It contains precautious on rainy and wet bins. e-mail: historic and cultural remains related to antique human settlements. days), lasting 40-60 minutes. It is most advisable if you want VISITORS CENTRE OF TORCAL DIEGO “MONEA´S” to see its flora, geological rock Teléfono 952 03 13 89 CLEFTS AND HILLSIDES: They delimitate the Reserve; the VIEWPOINT: It is situated half formations, cattle and fauna Textos: M. Romero y E. Hergueta. Fotografías: Alfredo Sotelo Matos most spectacular ones are on the south side; their way between the crossroads (Take binoculars with you!) and Imprime: Gráficas San Rafael - Antequera • Dep. Legal: MA-67-2001 geomorphological variations confer to them an overwhelming and the Area of Public Use of for environment education. It is character. They make a perfect place for shelter and nesting of Torcal Alto. It is an ideal place well signposted and it has litter some birds of prey. to rest while admiring the views bins. and locating geographical Parking: Wide area for cars EXCELENTÍSIMO points. It is provided with and buses. It has noticeboards, AYUNTAMIENTO parking, information boards, DE ANTEQUERA litter bins and benches. AREA DE TURISMO bins and benches.
  • 2. Rules for visitors Recommendations Flora and vegetation Fauna DO NOT THROW LITTER USE RUBBER-SOLED SHOES and try not to step on wet rocks The massif of the Torcal represents an area of a rich and varied The fauna present in the Torcal has been conditioned in many OR WASTE ON THE FLOOR, since you may slip. flora which emphasizes the importance of its natural values. The cases by the men´s use of the environment. The vertebrate species place it in the bins and present degradation of the vegetal cover in most of its surface, inside the Reserve amount to 116, divided in the following way: If there is fog, DO NOT ABANDON THE ESTABLISHED ROUTE; due to the wood cutting, extensive shepherding or the human 1 amphibious species, 11 reptile species, 82 kinds of birds and containers provided. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY GET LOST. action in any other way, does not impede the presence of some 22 different kinds of mammals. There exists a multitude of P H OTO G R A P H T H E DO NOT COME NEAR PITS OR HOLES IN THE TERRAIN, areas of climacic vegetation and of different endemic species of invertebrate species, most of them being insects which are the PLANTS, do not recollect you may fall if you approach too closely. a great interest and value. Its richness in plant species is basis for the feeding of a great quantity of the vertebrate animals them. considerable. In the Torcal there are at least 664 plant species, that live in the Reserve. CONSULT THE ENVIRONMENT WARDEN about the activities grouped in almost a hundred families. Thus, there are 12 species The zoological communities lack of the existence of big predators DO NOT DISTURB THE that can not be carried out without authorization or phone directly of lichens, 77 of Briofites (moss), 10 of Pteridofites (fens) and or big herviborous; the fox and the pyrenean ibex are ANIMALS, do not come near to the Environmental Delegation in the Province. 565 plants with representative of these. the nests during the spring and s e e d s the summer seasons. One of the most outstanding values of the faunistic composition (spermatofites). H U N T I N G I S N OT ALLOWED all year through in Man and El Torcal The vegetal formations present in the Torcal can of the Torcal is the great richness of birds existent in it, either permanently or like a stopover in their migratory routes or like a nesting place. In this sense, the Sierra was declared Special Area any of its modalities. Man´s presence in the Torcal of Antequera goes back to for the protection of birds (Z.E.P.A.), following law no. 79/409 Prehistory. Neolithic remains found in different places give evidence be separated in of the Community Direction, but some of these bird species have PLEASE, RESPECT THE SILENCE IN THE PARK, it is most two dif ferent become much unusual due to the pression exerted by men of this, the most important one being those of the Cueva del Toro. advisable listening to the natural sounds of the park. bioclimatic types: (poisons, nests pillaging, uncontrolled sports activities, etc.), as Likewise, some remains of Roman origin indicate a geological use of the Torcal and it seems that they used the Torcal as a the thermo- it is the case of the Imperial Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon or the CAMPING IS NOT PERMITTED inside the Reserve. quarry to extract limestones that they used in the building of the Mediterranean in Bonelli´s Eagle. Many of these nest in big clefts, that is why it is THERE IS A SIGNPOSTED AREA which can be acceded to villages near the Torcal, such as Antikaria, Osqua and Nescania. the low areas of so important not doing activities of hang-gliding or rock climbing only with the authorization of the A.M.A.; if you do not have it, the Reserve or in in them. The Griffon Vultures can usually be seen in the Torcal, The Arab presence was important and a watchtower could still areas with a please do not come into this area. either flying between the Desfiladero de los Gaitanes-Sierra be seen until recently in the nearby mountain of Las Chimeneas c e r t a i n and inside the Torcal itself several tombs and rests have been Huma and the Sierras del Camarolos and the Jobo, or when they REMEMBER: THE CONSERVATION, ASPECT AND VISIT temperature, and come to eat dead cattle. CONDITIONS OF THIS NATURAL AREA DEPEND HIGHLY found. The human presence was almost permanent until the last the meso- UPON YOU. century when the only known settlement in the Sierra called Las Other interesing birds present in the Torcal of Antequera are M e d i t e r ra n e a n Sepulturas (The Tombs) was abandoned; it consists of several the wheatear, the Eagle Owl, the Little Owl, the common kestrel, which occupies small buildings made of stone with sheepfolds and crop fields. the martin, the chough and many other small birds (common tit, Geological aspects These settlers had a high ability in working the stone as the findings show. most of the Sierra in the medium and high parts of the Reserve. There exist some places in which there common coal tit, goldfinch, woodlarks, redstarts, buntings) and many others which are easily seen depending on the season and on the area. The Torcal is constituted by three different types of limestones: The industrial exploitation in the 19th century caused an intense are plant species that belong to the superior meso or to the supra- oak wood cutting in order to make charcoal in the Torcal; the Mediterranean as it is the case of the Puerto de las Campanas. The existence of reptiles in the Sierra depends highly on oolitic limestones, breccialike limestones and clastic limestones. quarry exploitation was intensified and shepherding was massified, The vegetation communities of a higher botanic importance within temperature aspects and so they are very active during the summer All of them had their origin in the ocean bottom during the Jurassic and the spring seasons, when they can be seen very frequently. impeding the natural regeneration of plants. That is the reason the Park are those that are among the rocks. They have adapted period, about 150 million years ago. Those sediments lying at We must outstand the following species: the ocellate lizard, the why some parts of the Reserve have such a desolate aspect. Then to the fractures and crevices in the rocks, and a lot of these plants the bottom of the sea emerged as a consequence of the Alpine wall lizard, the ladder snake, Montpellier snake and Lataste´s in the twentieth century, coinciding with the end of the quarry are endemic; then some strict rules of conservation are required. fold, keeping its horizontality in spite of emerging over 1000 viper, whose bite is poisonous. exploitation, the Torcal was used only as an area of extensive This has made it necessary to create a reservation area inside metres above the water. Later on, a series of faults gave about shepherding, and crops were grown in the dolines in times of Torcal Alto with the aim of preserving and protecting several Among the mammals, the mole is very frequent in the areas of fractures (diaclasas) and fault systems which meet right-angled scarcity. plant communities. The most representative of the rock plant dolines as it can be detected by the small humps of earth they (NW-SE and NE-SW orientation); the erosion in these crevices The acquisition of most of the Park by the Andalusian Government species are Linaria antikaria, Saxifraga biternata, Sedum acre, make. The rest of the mammals can be guessed because of their produced which is nowadays known as passages or corridors, has made possible the restoration and preservation of this peculiar anthirrinum australe and polypodium australe, among others. excrements, as it is the case of the fox, the weasel, the badger and caves and dolines (a synonym for “Torcas” which gives the area in our geography, a place where Nature shows some of its The vegetation of the Torcal corresponds to that of a Basofil or the rabbit. name to the park) were formed in their intersection. From that moment on, all of it was submmitted to a peculiar erosive process, most unusual aspects. Andalusian holm oak wood. Trees are represented by holm oak the Karstic moulding. Ice expansion processes, or the erosion trees, gall-oaks, mountain ashes and maples. The formations of produced in the rock by the action of ice, together with the solution thickets and bramble patches usually cover most of the area of of the different limestones due to the chemical action of the Torcal Alto with honeysuckles, bushes and other plants such as atmospheric CO2 which is present in the rainwater, have moulded hawthorn, rhamnus lycioides ssp. oleoides, blackberries, wild a great quantity of forms in the rocks, producing a real “museum rosebushes, peonies,…Other interesting groups of plants because of natural sculptures”, called imitative forms and which have been of their relation with cattle-raising are pastures and thistles which recognized individually (such as “The screw” – El Tornillo, which usually are in the dolines or “closures”, and then we find Poa bulbosa, Trifoflum suberraneum, Ranunculus bulbosus, Onopordon has become the logo of the park). Besides, the vertical solution illyricum, Sylibum marianum or some stranger ones such as of the rocks brings about surfaces of lapies, creating furrows and Dianthus anticarius or the Linaria Oblongifolia. areas difficult to accede to and which are known as “agrios” (acid), by the inhabitants of the area. Ivy is a plant to be outstood because of the beautiful and sometimes striking formations it presents in combination with the SUBTERRANEAN FORMS: Like any limestone massif, the Torcal rocks. It is much abundant in Torcal Alto. has a great richness in pits, caves and other subterranean forms, some of them of a great historic importance such as the Cueva As we can see, the great botanic richness of the Torcal is formed del Toro (Bull´s Cave). Its origin is related to solution and widening by rare and endangered plants and so we ask for your cooperation processes of the subterranean limestones due to the action of the for their conservation; please do not damage the plants, do not take the flowers since they are the only ones that can guarantee rainwater. the reproduction of these plants.