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EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	
		Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 	
Updated	September,	2016
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	
Table	of	Contents	
Introduction	......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
About	EcoPeace	.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
Our	Core	Values	.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
Who	We	Are	......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
Our	Vision	..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
Our	Mission	.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	3	
Our	Core	Competency:	Environmental	Peacebuilding	......................................................................................................................................................................................................	4	
Where	We	Work	................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	4	
The	EcoPeace	Approach	....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	4	
Adjusting	to	Current	Challenges	....................................................................................................................................................................................................................	5	
Overarching	Objectives	of	this	Strategic	Plan	...............................................................................................................................................................................................	5	
Programs	...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	6	
Impacting	Decision-Making	...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................	7	
Water	Cannot	Wait	............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	7	
Water	Energy	Nexus	..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	7	
Jordan	Valley	Rehabilitation	..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	8	
Engaging	Community	....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	9	
Good	Water	Neighbors	......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	9	
Eco-Facilities	....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	10	
Enhancing	Capacity	.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	11	
Center	for	Environmental	Peacebuilding	.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................	11	
External	Relations	............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	12	
Improving	Visibility	......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	12	
Online	..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	12	
In	Local	Communities	......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	12	
Communicating	a	Unified	Image	.................................................................................................................................................................................................................	13	
Internal	Operations	.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	14	
Governance	.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	14	
Finance	........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	15	
Securing	&	Diversifying	....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	15	
Streamlining	&	Empowering	............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................	15
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 	3	
About	EcoPeace	
Who	We	Are	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	is	a	unique	organization	that	brings	Jordanian,	
Palestinian,	and	Israeli	environmentalists	together.	Our	primary	
objective	is	the	promotion	of	cooperative	efforts	to	protect	our	
shared	environmental	heritage.	In	so	doing,	we	seek	to	advance	both	
sustainable	regional	development	and	the	creation	of	necessary	
conditions	for	lasting	peace	in	our	region.	EcoPeace	has	offices	in	
Amman,	Bethlehem,	and	Tel	Aviv.
Our	Vision	
EcoPeace’s	vision	is	to	secure	a	sustainable,	prosperous,	and	peaceful	
future	for	the	Middle	East	and	all	humanity.	
Our	Mission	
EcoPeace	develops	transboundary	environmental	solutions	through	
constituencies	and	partnerships	by	developing	increased	collective	
commitment	to	a	sustainable,	prosperous,	and	peaceful	future.	
Our	Core	Values	
• Integrity	
• Diversity	and	Mutuality	
• Respect	
• Professionalism	
• Integration	
• Creativity	
• Justice	
• Improving	Lives	
• Sustainable	Environmental	
and	Socioeconomic	
• Education	
• Regional	Stability	
• Equal	Commitment	Across	
• A	Two-State	Solution	and	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	4	
Beir Sheva
Wadi Hadera
Wadi Abu NarWadi Ale
Yarkon River Wadi Kane
Tel aviv
Wadi Beer Sheva
Wadi Harod Wadi Ziglab
Wadi Zarka
Wadi Auja
Wadi Qelt
Wadi Nar/Kidron
"Good Water Neighbors" Communities
Wadi Zomar
Jordan Valley
Beit Shan
Baka Gharbia-Jat
Emek Hefer
Muaz Bin Jabal
Tabkat Fahal
Sharhabil bin Hassnah
Jalameh, Jenin
Baka Sharkia
East Jerusalem
Abu Dis
Deir Alla
South Shouna
West Jerusalem
Tsur Hadassah
Wadi Fukin
South Ghour
Gour Fifa
Mountain Aquifer – Recharge Zone
Mountain Aquifer – Confined Area
Coastal Aquifer
Jordan River – Dead Sea Basin
Israeli Communities
Palestinian Communities
Jordanian Communities
EcoPeace Office
Peace Park
Ein	Gedi	
Our	Core	Competency:	Environmental	Peacebuilding	
EcoPeace	is	an	internationally	recognized	trailblazer	in	the	practical	
implementation	of	environmental	peacebuilding,	which	acknowledges	that	
shared	natural	resources	can	be	an	important	opportunity	to	understand	
existing	and	potential	areas	of	interdependence	across	conflicts.		
The	foundation	of	EcoPeace’s	methodology	is	that	solutions	to	environmental	
problems	are	rarely	zero-sum.	For	all	parties	involved,	solutions	to	
transboundary	environmental	problems	can	create	better	ecological	
situations	as	well	as	improved	social	and	economic	standings.	Through	joint	
efforts	and	cooperation,	it	is	possible	to	solve	environmental	problems	and,	in	
the	process,	develop	increased	understanding	of	and	openness	toward	
interdependence	amongst	conflicting	parties.	This	sets	the	stage	for	joint	
development	of	prosperity,	trust,	and	ultimately,	peace.	
The	EcoPeace	Approach	
Twenty-two	years	of	operations	and	involvement	in	transboundary	water	
issues	in	our	region	serve	as	the	strong	foundation	of	our	unique	approach,	
which	utilizes	
• Win-win	solutions	that	speak	to	stakeholders’	self-interests	
• Complementary	top-down	and	bottom-up	approaches	based	on	
education,	advocacy,	and	research	
• Dissemination	of	expertise	to	other	areas	of	conflict	worldwide		
• Leveraging	of	financial	resources	to	provide	infrastructure	and	other	
initiatives	in	local	communities	in	need	
• Local	staff	who	are	engaged	in,	accepted	into,	and	familiar	with	the	
communities	in	which	they	work	
Where	We	Work	
Government	Engagement	
Education	 Advocacy	 Research	
Grassroots	&	Community	Engagement
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	5	
Adjusting	to	Current	Challenges	
In	a	highly	nationalistic,	violent,	and	conflict-ridden	period	of	the	history	of	the	
Middle	East,	EcoPeace	seeks	to	promote	mutual	respect	and	identity	beyond	
narrow	“tribal,”	nationalistic,	or	religious	identities.	Instead,	EcoPeace	seeks	
mutual	and	respectful	connections	based	on	broader	shared	interests	of	
environment,	heritage,	economy,	and	geopolitics.	What	differentiates	EcoPeace	
from	other	peacebuilding	organizations	is	our	focus	on	the	shared	environment	
and	our	aim	to	advance	equitable	resource	allocation	and	sustainable	
management	of	shared	natural	resources.	This	serves	as	a	means	to	develop	
mutual	respect	between	both	the	different	nations,	and	people	and	nature	in	
general.	EcoPeace’s	unique,	proactive	approach	creates	healthy	
interdependence,	as	seen	in	nature,	across	political	borders.	This	is	especially	
important	in	today’s	political	and	environmental	climates,	which	are	both	
steeped	in	a	lack	of	consensus	and	progress.	EcoPeace	views	the	current	cycles	of	
frustration	as	opportunities	to	facilitate	positive	political	and	environmental	
changes	that	will	directly	impact	the	communities	with	which	we	work.	
Overarching	Objectives	of	this	Strategic	Plan	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	operates	under	a	5-year	strategic	planning	process.	This	
new	strategic	plan	for	the	years	2016-2020	builds	on	earlier	efforts	and	responds	
to	feedback	from	previous	initiatives	and	new	realities.	Extensive	interviews	and	
discussions	with	staff,	board	members,	and	external	stakeholders	serve	as	the	
basis	for	the	development	of	this	strategy.	
Our	overall	goals	as	stated	in	this	Strategic	Plan	are	to:	
our	existing	top-down	
and	bottom-up	approach	
our	capacity	for	global	
leadership	in	the	field	of	
Promote a	unified	organization-
wide	brand	and	message
governance	and	increase	
transparency	and	
diversification	of	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	6	
Breaking	down	the	overarching	objectives	into	program-oriented	goals	enables	the	
alignment	and	enhancement	of	existing	programs.	EcoPeace	aims	to	improve	and	
expand	these	program-based	activities	in	order	to	better	serve	the	communities	with	
which	we	work	both	locally	and	globally.	The	programs	are	not	individual	tracks	of	
work,	but	rather	elements	in	a	wide	continuum	of	efforts	that	support	EcoPeace’s	vision	
and	mission.	Several	programs	have	been	consolidated	into	more	comprehensive	
categories	in	order	to	provide	a	more	well-rounded	approach.	For	example,	our	Good	
Water	Neighbors	project	now	includes	the	Protecting	Groundwater	Initiative	and	the	
Green	Economy	Initiative	outside	of	the	Jordan	Valley.	Additionally,	Jordan	Valley	
Rehabilitation	now	includes	Jordan	River	Rehabilitation,	the	Jordan	Valley	Master	Plan,	
and	the	Green	Economy	Initiative	within	the	valley.
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Impacting	Decision-Making	
EcoPeace’s	top-down	approach	utilizes	advocacy,	education,	and	research	to	
engage	and	inform	governments	on	important	environmental	issues	at	the	local,	
national,	and	regional	levels.	
Water	Cannot	Wait	
This	program	focuses	on	promoting	political	awareness	of	urgent	issues	related	
to	the	current	water	situation	with	the	intention	of	creating	political	will	to	solve	
water-related	problems	as	a	complement	to,	and	not	a	substitute	for,	the	
political	peace	process.	The	approach	directs	the	message	to	high-level	
politicians	and	informs	the	public	about	water	issues	with	the	hopes	of	reaching	
a	Final	Israeli/Palestinian	Accord	on	Water.		
In	order	to	continue	working	toward	this	final	agreement,	Water	Cannot	Wait	will	
focus	on	bringing	governmental	ministries	and	agencies	together	to	find	common	
ground	on	coordinated	water	management,	with	special	attention	being	given	to	
Israeli	and	Palestinian	water	ministries.	Another	priority	is	to	advance	sanitary	
solutions	by	facilitating	agreements	between	Israel	and	Palestine	that	will	allow	
for	the	exchange	of	energy	necessary	to	build	and	operate	future	sewage	and	
water	treatment	plants	in	Palestine.	EcoPeace	also	aims	to	provide	solutions	to	
Gaza’s	water	and	sanitation	crisis	by	facilitating	an	increase	in	water	and	energy	
access,	as	well	as	the	exploitation	of	Gaza	marine	gas	fields.	
Water	Energy	Nexus	
The	Water	Energy	Nexus	(WEN)	project	seeks	to	develop	healthy	
interconnectedness	through	national	interdependence	on	water	and	energy	with	
potential	positive	security	effects	in	Levant	countries.	The	project	includes	a	
consortium	of	researchers	across	Palestine,	Jordan,	and	Israel	that	will	identify	
the	technical,	economic,	and	geo-political	feasibility	of	Jordan	as	a	provider	of	
large-scale	renewable	energy	and	the	coastal	region	of	Israel	and	Gaza	as	the	
provider	of	desalinated	water	for	the	three	countries.	Given	the	present	reality	of	
climate	change,	desalinating	Mediterranean	seawater	is	a	necessary	adaptation	
measure,	and	investments	in	renewable	energy	are	important	mitigation	
measures.	The	resulting	interconnectedness	and	interdependence	between	
Israel,	Jordan,	and	Palestine	could	be	of	high	political	value	and	assist	in	the	
development	of	political	stability.	In	addition,	this	aspect	of	the	program	leads	a	
coordinating	effort	to	allow	Gaza	access	to	marine	gas	as	a	medium-term	energy	
source	to	alleviate	the	water/energy	crisis	in	Gaza.	Creation	of	a	regional	working	
group	as	well	as	a	series	of	international	meetings	are	necessary	to	secure	the	
regional	and	governmental	support	needed	to	advance	the	WEN.
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	8	
Jordan	Valley	Rehabilitation	
A	unique	natural	and	cultural	treasure,	the	Jordan	
River	and	surrounding	valley	are	situated	in	the	
Great	Rift	Valley	flowing	250	kilometers	from	the	
Sea	of	Galilee	to	the	Dead	Sea.	The	Jordan	Valley	
has	always	been	a	place	for	migration	and	
exchange	of	plants	and	animals,	with	over	500	
million	birds	migrating	each	year.	However,	the	
Jordan	River	is	vanishing	due	to	excessive	water	
diversion	and	pollution.	Diversion	of	95%	of	the	
original	flow	has	resulted	in	tremendous	loss	of	
biodiversity	and	economic	opportunities.		
Jordan	Valley	Master	Plan	
The	Jordan	Valley	Master	Plan	lays	out	a	vision	for	
the	Jordan	Valley	if	it	is	provided	the	right	actions	
in	regards	to	ecological	and	economic	
development.	The	plan	was	well	received	by	Israel,	
Jordan,	and	Palestine	in	2015,	and	its	
implementation	will	continue	to	be	actively	
pursued.	Of	the	127	interventions	laid	out	in	the	
Master	Plan,	11	were	identified	as	pilot	
interventions	based	on	their	potential	for	
immediate	initiation.	It	is	paramount	to	continue	
advocacy	to	seek	political	commitment	to	the	
Master	Plan	that	will	help	leverage	funding	from	
financial	institutions,	investors,	and	donors.	
EcoPeace	must	also	engage	the	business	
community	in	order	to	draw	this	support.	A	
conference	or	high-level	meeting	where	the	two	
tracks	convene	can	attract	powerful	leaders	while	
advancing	international	attention.	This	event	
would	ensure	commitment	to	regional	
development	as	described	in	the	Master	Plan	and	
leapfrog	the	region	past	current	political	
Jordan	River	Basin	Governance	
As	part	of	the	Master	Plan,	EcoPeace	is	developing	various	governance	models	
including	a	Model	Basin	Commission	for	the	Jordan	River.	The	objective	is	to	
propose	a	governance	structure	for	the	Jordan	River	based	on	best	practices	and	
feedback	from	existing	transboundary	basin	commissions.	The	Model	Basin	
Commission	will	propose	a	legal	framework	and	descriptions	of	governance	
bodies	within	the	specific	political,	financial,	and	scientific	contexts.	This	work	is	
to	be	completed	and	presented	in	the	Fall	of	2016.	
Green	Economy	Initiative	
EcoPeace	designed	this	program	to	advance	cross-border	economic	incentives	
for	environmental	protection	and	to	advance	the	understanding	of	regionally	
shared	environmental	resources.	Next	steps	for	this	program	are	to	further	
enhance	local	tour	guides’	resources	and	understanding	of	the	environment,	as	
well	as	to	pursue	UNESCO	World	Heritage	certification	for	the	Jordan	River	
Faith-Based	Initiatives	
Many	Christian,	Jewish,	and	Muslim	communities	are	currently	minimally	aware	
of	the	Jordan	River’s	poor	ecological	condition.	With	the	river’s	strong	
significance	to	many	religions,	this	provides	a	direct	opportunity	for	faith-based	
engagement	in	rehabilitation.	EcoPeace	seeks	to	develop	relationships	with	
individual	Christian,	Jewish,	and	Muslim	communities	and	leaders	both	locally	
and	internationally.	Developing	relationships	with	powerful	interfaith	leaders	is	
also	crucial	for	creating	consensus	throughout	the	religious	community.	Having	
prominent	religious	leaders	sign	our	“Jordan	River	Covenant”	will	disseminate	
our	message	and	create	powerful	support	for	our	mission.	
Jordan	River	Rehabilitation	(JRR)	
With	the	objective	to	rehabilitate	the	Jordan	River	through	awareness	and	
advocacy,	Jordan	River	Rehabilitation	implements	local	involvement	and	delivers	
impactful	research	and	policy	publications.	The	creation	of	conferences	that	
bring	ministries	together	from	all	three	governments,	as	well	as	working	
committees	from	each	watershed	group	that	meet	on	a	regular	monthly	basis	are	
necessary	for	the	advancement	of	the	project.	Involving	local	and	international	
media	must	also	be	prioritized	in	order	to	gain	necessary	public	support	for	the	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	9	
Good	Water	Neighbors	
Across	the	region,	Good	Water	Neighbors	(GWN)	develops	joint	solutions	to	
water	resource	issues	and	lays	the	foundation	for	more	sustainable	peace	among	
Palestinians,	Jordanians,	and	Israelis.	The	GWN	methodology	is	based	on	
identifying	cross-border	communities	with	mutual	dependence	on	shared	water	
resources	and	helping	them	seek	common	solutions	while	establishing	contacts	
across	borders	and	making	tremendous	strides	in	the	people-to-people	efforts	of	
peacebuilding	throughout	the	conflict	zone.	Ninety-five	percent	of	participants	
confirm	that	these	cross-border	activities	strengthen	acquaintances	across	
borders	and	support	development	of	trust	and	the	ability	to	work	for	the	
common	goal	of	sustainable	peace.	
Under	this	Strategic	Plan,	GWN	will	see	several	improvements	including	
expansion	of	the	existing	Water	Trustee	program	and	installation	of	grey	water	
systems	in	schools	and	communities	that	will	demonstrate	low-cost	ways	to	
conserve	water.	EcoPeace	also	plans	to	develop	a	model	farm	in	the	region	to	
showcase	best	practices	and	new	technologies	for	agriculture	according	to	the	
needs	of	each	community.	The	GWN	program	will	also	be	expanded	to	cultivate	a	
new	basin-wide	approach	which	will	increase	the	effectiveness	of	stakeholders’	
forums	as	well	as	local	leadership.	
Protecting	Groundwater	
Groundwater	is	one	of	the	most	common	and	vital	natural	resources	for	potable	
water,	but	is	often	overlooked	by	governments	and	the	public	due	to	its	hidden	
nature.	Because	groundwater	resources	also	move	across	political	boundaries,	
EcoPeace	seeks	to	develop	regional	coordination	for	groundwater	protection	by	
focusing	on	the	following:	capacity	building,	inspection	and	enforcement,	cross-
border	and	cross-authority	coordination/cooperation,	initiation	of	solutions	
including	treatment	and	reuse	water,	reduction	of	hazards,	and	
recommendations	on	sustainable	financing.	
Engaging	Community	
EcoPeace’s	bottom-up	approach	seeks	to	engage	civil	society	to	participate	
in	the	development	of	sustainable	natural	resource	management	methods.	
Local	meetings	serve	as	necessary	forums	for	stakeholder	input	in	a	
process	that	builds	cooperation,	develops	trust	across	the	conflict,	and	
fosters	local	solutions.	EcoPeace	has	found	that	civil	society	engagement	is	
essential	for	the	long-term	sustainability	of	local	solutions.
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	10	
EcoCenters	and	Parks	provide	expertise	on	how	to	develop	sustainable	peace-
focused	ecotourism	assets	based	on	practical	experience.	Based	on	involvement	
of	local	stakeholders,	this	program	explores	practical	expansion	opportunities	for	
innovative	and	sustainable	economic	initiatives	in	government,	municipalities,	
local	communities,	and	tourism.	EcoPeace	currently	has	three	EcoCenters	and	
one	Peace	Park.	
The	primary	objectives	of	the	three	EcoCenters	are	to	preserve	biodiversity,	
document	the	areas’	natural	ecological	values,	and	educate	the	community	and	
tourists	about	their	environment	and	ways	to	sustainably	develop	within	it.	
EcoCenters	will	increase	their	emphasis	on	the	role	of	community	as	well	as	the	
importance	of	women	and	children	in	the	path	to	sustainable	development.	
Gender-focused	leadership	workshops	for	women	and	training	sessions	in	
schools	will	help	youth	and	their	families	better	understand	the	benefits	of	
proper	waste	management.	In	conjunction	with	increased	opportunities	for	the		
empowerment	of	local	advocacy,	EcoPeace	will	also	develop	and	adapt	additional	
conservation	and	rehabilitation	methods	for	and	to	the	local	environments	that	
our	EcoCenters	inhabit.	
Jordan	River	Peace	Park	
The	Jordan	River	Peace	Park	will	be	located	in	the	beautiful	areas	of	Al	
Bakoora/Naharayim	and	Jeser	Al	Majama/Gesher,	where	the	Jordan	River	and	
Yarmouk	River	intersect.	Endorsed	by	the	mayors	and	communities	on	both	sides	
of	the	river,	the	park	offers	a	concrete	regional	opportunity	for	rehabilitation	of	
the	river	and	creation	of	a	“borderless”	zone	in	which	Israelis	and	Jordanians	can	
freely	interact	and	enjoy	their	shared	environment.	In	order	to	move	forward	on	
the	development	of	this	peace	park,	a	documented	regional	plan,	including	
specific	actions	needed	to	construct	the	park	and	its	facilities,	must	be	produced	
and	presented	to	the	relevant	government	bodies.	Securing	a	Memorandum	of	
Understanding	with	Jordan	and	Israel	is	also	necessary	in	order	to	develop	
regional	commitment	to	progressing	with	park	development.
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Enhancing	Capacity	
EcoPeace’s	international	reputation	as	a	leader	in	
environmental	peacemaking	has	attracted	other	
communities	in	areas	of	environmental	
conflict	to	seek	our	advice	and	expertise.	
Previously,	EcoPeace	has	held	seminars,	
written	articles	about	our	unique	
approach,	held	exchange	visits,	and	
delivered	direct	support	and	advice	
in	order	to	disseminate	our	
expertise.	Now,	we	are	looking	to	
formally	expand	our	services	to	
better	serve	communities	
Center	for	Environmental	Peacebuilding	
EcoPeace	recognizes	the	global	interest	for	and	the	opportunity	to	develop	a	
Center	for	Environmental	Peacebuilding	as	an	international	hub	of	expertise	on	
the	practical	application	of	environmental	peacebuilding.	The	objective	for	the	
center	is	to	apply	EcoPeace’s	practical	knowledge	and	experience	to	facilitate	
environmental	peacebuilding	in	other	regions	of	the	world.		
EcoPeace	will	develop	the	CEP	peacebuilding	based	on	its	own	approach,	fine-
tuned	theories,	and	practical	experience	acquired	over	its	22	years	of	operation.	
The	goal	is	to	develop	a	center	that	utilizes	staff	who	on	a	daily	basis	are	directly	
involved	in	EcoPeace’s	programs	and	can	deliver	training	to	other	organizations	
and	educational	institutions.	As	the	program	develops,	the	center	will	cultivate	
relationships	with	universities	and	think	tanks	in	order	to	develop	academic	
materials	that	will	inform	a	wide	audience	on	the	effectiveness	of	the	theory	of	
environmental	peacebuilding	as	supported	by	practical	local	experience.	The	
generation	of	these	materials	as	well	as	Memorandums	of	Understanding	with	
academic	and	research	institutions	are	necessary	next	steps	in	conjunction	with	
the	physical	establishment	of	the	Center	for	Environmental	Peacebuilding.	Once	
established,	the	CEP	will	be	able	to	consult	to	other	communities	worldwide	
working	to	ameliorate	environmental	conflicts.
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	12	
External	Relations	
EcoPeace	needs	a	clear	strategy	for	communication	with	targeted	messaging	in	order	to	deliver	an	accurate	perception	of	EcoPeace’s	identity	with	a	focus	on	its	core	
values	and	mission.	This	will	not	only	promote	our	brand,	but	also	solidify	it.	Identifying	target	audiences	to	communicate	with,	developing	consistent	messaging	
across	all	key	messages,	and	securing	that	EcoPeace	delivers	what	is	promised	without	creating	unfulfillable	expectations	are	the	goals	of	the	overall	communication	
Improving	Visibility	
As	EcoPeace	expands	beyond	the	region	of	Israel,	Palestine,	and	Jordan,	it	is	
crucial	to	disseminate	the	proper	image	to	potential	clients,	donors,	and	
communities	that	may	not	have	otherwise	heard	of	EcoPeace.	Solidifying	our	
accomplishments	and	policies	online	as	well	as	in	the	communities	in	which	we	
have	worked	will	ensure	that	we	are	properly	represented	to	an	ever-growing	
EcoPeace’s	website	is	in	the	process	of	receiving	a	critical	update	that	will	allow	
the	website	to	clearly	define	and	communicate	the	organization’s	values	with	
timely	delivery	of	information	about	current	activities	and	projects	to	develop	
knowledge	and	support	for	EcoPeace.	The	redesigned	site	will	provide	outreach	
to	supporters,	potential	supporters,	other	stakeholders,	public	media,	and	
fundraising	opportunities.	Every	project	page	should	have	a	clear	purpose	and	a	
call-to-action	and	be	closely	monitored	for	feedback	that	will	inform	how	the	
website	will	be	continuously	updated	with	the	timeliest	information	available.	
In	Local	Communities	
EcoPeace’s	unique	approach	that	empowers	communities	to	take	charge	in	the	
implementation	phase	of	its	projects	often	leaves	EcoPeace	out	of	ceremonial	
activities	when	a	project	is	final;	therefore,	EcoPeace	misses	the	final	
recognition	of	engagement	and	contribution.	This	leads	to	a	lack	of	
understanding	of	EcoPeace’s	role	and	the	benefits	brought	to	communities	by	
the	organization,	as	well	as	resulting	criticism	and	blame	for	normalization.	
EcoPeace	needs	to	ensure	its	recognition	of	involvement	so	that	it	can	advertise	
success	stories	and	capitalize	on	opportunities	to	document	its	true	effect	on	
local	communities.	Methods	may	include	placing	permanent	signage	in	
communities	explaining	EcoPeace’s	work,	as	well	as	being	more	upfront	about	
ensuring	permanent	dedication	to	any	involvement	in	local	communities.
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 	13	
Communicating	a	Unified	Image	
In	order	to	disseminate	a	strong,	organization-wide	identity	and	message,	it	is	extremely	
important	to	proactively	develop	regional	messaging	and	standard	terminology	with	highest	
degree	of	alignment	in	both	official	and	unofficial	communication	by	all	staff	and	volunteers.	A	
system	of	standardization	of	values	will	aid	in	combatting	opportunistic	political	adversaries	
creating	doubts	about	EcoPeace’s	mission	and	actions.	Situations	quickly	arise	with	an	immediate	
need	for	appropriate	reaction	and	response,	and	it	is	important	that	staff	and	volunteers	at	all	
levels	receive	training	to	deliver	consistent	messaging	especially	in	the	case	of	an	unexpected	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 	Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 2	14	
Internal	Operations	
As	a	result	of	its	expansion	and	welcomed	success,	EcoPeace’s	latest	challenge	is	to	
maintain	core	competencies	in	an	effective	organizational	culture	that	develops	human	
capital	while	emphasizing	ethical	practices	and	balanced	organizational	controls.	
EcoPeace	operates	in	an	environment	with	little	authority	or	expectations	of	consensus	
amongst	an	increasingly	diverse	and	expanding	group	of	stakeholders	in	a	political	
environment	where	communication	is	particularly	sensitive.	It	is	a	challenge	to	grow	an	
effective	organization	with	limited	resources	and	training,	while	managing	a	situation	
where	measurements	of	success	are	innovative	performance	metrics	of	complex	
programs.	Strong,	unified	governance	across	the	organization	and	improved	
transparency	and	diversification	of	finances	are	steps	that	can	be	taken	in	order	to	
ensure	maximum	effectiveness	of	internal	operations.	
To	strengthen	the	organization	further,	EcoPeace	is	in	the	process	of	clearly	defining	
roles	and	responsibilities	of	its	different	levels	of	leadership.	Members	of	the	Board	of	
Directors	should	take	a	more	prominent	role	to	direct	and	advise	the	organization	on	its	
strategic	direction,	including	support	toward	fundraising	efforts	and	financial	reporting.	
Strengthening	the	of	roles	of	Board	Chair	and	Board	Committees	such	as	Finance	will	
utilize	the	maximum	potential	for	guidance.	The	team	of	three	Executive	Directors	must	
also	have	more	clearly	defined	responsibilities	to	ensure	proper	cohesion	across	the	
three	offices.	The	organization	would	be	strengthened	by	having	the	Board	set	annual	
and	long-term	objectives	for	the	Directors,	annual	performance	reviews,	and	facilitation	
of	their	capacity	development.	Increasing	organization	and	streamlining	the	upper	
levels	of	governance	will	secure	uniform	operational	environment	across	the	
EcoPeace	Middle	East	 Strategic	Plan	2016-2020	 	15	
Securing	&	Diversifying	
To	secure	long-term	stable	financing	and	operations,	it	is	
important	to	develop	an	annual	planning	process	with	a	
three-year	vision	including	new	ventures	and	overall	
budgets.	Due	to	the	higher	risk	of	depending	on	a	small	
number	of	large	international	donors,	it	is	also	important	
for	EcoPeace	to	broaden	its	donor	base	through	further	
involvement	of	the	Board	of	Directors	and	Advisory	
Committee,	as	well	as	other	methods	of	fundraising	such	as	
crowdfunding	and	peer-to-peer	online	giving.	A	strategic	
plan	for	the	Development	Department	specifically	
addressing	fundraising	will	be	a	valuable	addition	to	this	
organizational	strategy	by	systematically	seeking	to	
understand	available	grants	and	funds	that	might	be	
applicable,	such	as	new	and	growing	opportunities	for	
fundraising	like	bequests,	crowdfunding,	or	peer-to-peer	
online	giving.	
Streamlining	&	Empowering		
In	2015,	EcoPeace	began	using	internet-based	software	
NetSuite	in	order	to	increase	transparency	and	ease	of	
information	access	across	the	organization.	As	
implementation	advances,	the	system	will	contain	all	
budgeting	information	and	allow	monthly	reporting	for	
individual	projects	and	entities	across	the	entire	EcoPeace	
organization.	This	will	allow	the	organization	to	deliver	
more	timely	and	accurate	information	to	everyone	
responsible	for	financial	management	of	projects,	as	well	as	
the	opportunity	to	increase	the	financial	responsibility	of	
project	managers,	ensuring	increased	transparency	and	
control	for	the	project	managers.

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