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                                     G-8 Summit - 2019

                                     The 45th G8 summit was held at New York,
                                     USA on the 28th of June2019. The
                                     President of USA Robert Gates gave the
                                     inaugural speech welcoming the G8
                                     countries for this summit. The summit
                                     lasted for 5 days and included discussions
                                     on Climates change, Dollar, natural gas,
                                     fight against terrorism and dialogue with
                                     BRIC and BRIC+ countries. One of the few
                                     points that were discussed was the success
                                     of the dollar which appreciated because of
                                     the strong economic conditions prevailing in
                                     the west. The summit also included the
                                     discussion on the measures taken to ensure
                                     stable prices of the natural gas and the proposal of a natural gas pipeline linking the
     Today’s Edition
                                     whole world.
                                     However the main point of discussion was the need for the formation of a centralized
 Iran-Pakistan-India gas       2
                                     special force to counter the terrorism acts against the United Force of Taliban (UFT)
 pipeline completed
                                     which has been a great concern for the whole world amidst the rising terrorist
                                     attacks. The recent attack on President Gates by the UFT has sent across a strong
 Kingfisher Airlines to        3
 merge with Lufthansa
                                     need for the world to get together to counter this serious international problem.

                                     The G-8 counties came up with the idea of a special force called the “SCUDS” who
 Judg(e)ment Day               4     would have troops from all over the world and would be experienced in counter
                                     terrorism operations. They will operate under an independent leadership but along
                                     with the UN who would define their charter of duties. The proposal is still under
 Space Tourism expected        5     consideration but should be approved soon and implemented after been approved by
 to scale new heights                the BRIC nations.

 India Acquires Thorium        6

 Rise of Alternative Fuels:    7     Google to Launch Speegle:
 Sensex reaching new           8
                                      Is this the end of the Traditional Search Engines?
 heights                             Google unveiled finally the                        on the information required until the
                                     revolutionary “Speegle” this week after            relevant information is found and it’s
 ASEAN countries               9     many years of secretive research and               uniqueness is in algorithm it uses
 meeting a success;                  development.        The future of                  which has inbuilt artificial Intelligence
 discuss on banning use              Information Search will be forever                 to clearly seek data that the user wants
 of Fossil fuels
                                     transformed with this technology.                  and then can present the information in
 Olympics 2020- The           10                                                        whichever form wanted (either text or
                                     Speegle is a Search Engine to which a              voice). Talkoo, launched by Yahoo, ten
 countdown begins…..
                                     user can not only ask but also discuss             years back was the first ever talking

                                                                                                                       Continued to page 2
PAGE 2                                        INDIA AND WORLD

Google to launch Speegle
Continued from page 1

search engine. However, it would       Speegle also gives more                  an adverse impact of close to
only voice the information found       complicated instructions on how to       EURO 80 Billion.
the website and was generally          make origami or change a flat tire;
used by the visually impaired.         fun information like jokes and           While most of the information will
Speegle     can     be                             quotes;        driving       be free, some information will be a
accessed both through                              instructions            ,    paid service and yahoo plans to
the phone and the                                  restaurants to choose        generate revenues through both
internet all through                               from etc. As it can be       ads and small user fees for
the day.                                           easily accessed by a         services like navigation, therapy,
                                                   phone call,        many      etc. When asked about the future
The man behind this                                services that are offered    expansion plans , Google’s
ingenious concept, Mr.                             currently like Nokia         Di re ct o r, M rs . Gh a a ya t hri
Tu     JuKo     Choon,                             N a v i g a t i o n          Pudukotta, announced “Soon,
explains    “You     are                           Systems       and other      Speegle will work in 10 major
interested about the                               search engines might         languages including Chinese,
Great      Economic                                be in deep trouble. The      Japanese , Hindi and French.”
Disaster     of   2009,                            impact     of   Speegle      Following the announcement the
“Speegle asks if you want to know      would be felt all across silicon         stock prices of Yahoo doubled from
the     reasons,         effects,      valley with the scrip of MSN,AOL         EURO 23.75 TO EURO 47 when
developments , policies and other      and other players taking a beating       the Dow Jones resumed business
things related to this event. It can   of more than a drop of 80%. The          on Monday. This in turn resulted
even give you information from a       market capitalization of AOL             in a record hike in the market
source specified by you. It feels      would decline by close to EURO 45        capitalization of yahoo by a
like interacting with the Nobel        Billion and that of MSN which was        whopping EURO 33 Billion in just
laureate Paul Krugman.”                in the top 3 for the FY18, will have     one trading day.

Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline completed
The Iran-India 2,775 km gas            meet its domestic demand for gas
pipeline finally got completed on      which for India is at present           extending this pipeline to their
25th Jun09 after facing a lot of       186billion cubic meters per             country after negotiating the price.
challenges. With this pipeline in      annum . India now can also have a       The success of the pipeline now
place it makes India & Pakistan as     trade off with the neighboring          gives India and Pakistan a strategic
two countries which would easily       countries and facilitate them by        advantage in the Asia pacific region
                                                                               and will help the two countries in
                                                                               their quest for becoming world

                                                                                  “First Time in the history of South Asia Such
                                                                                  an occasion had arrived where Pakistan has
                                                                                  got an opportunity to redefine where it can
                                                                                  make way for prosperity and peace, the first
                                                                                   step being bringing economic prosperity to
                                                                                  India which definitely improve the relations
                                                                                         between the two countries” -
                                                                                         Imran Khan - PM of Pakistan
INDIA AND WORLD                                                 PAGE 3

Kingfisher Airlines to merge with Lufthansa in fiscal
year 2020-21
Kingfisher Airlines, the largest          European market for more than 20       Hindustan Aeronautics limited
passenger carrier in the world is         years and has shown set backs          (HAL), prior which Kingfisher was
planning to merge with Lufthansa          only in the recent years. The          buying aircrafts from Airbus at a
Airways by the beginning of next          reason for this has been mainly        phenomenally high premium. HAL
year. Kingfisher Airlines is the          attributed to failing to timely        has been a timely vendor for
world’s largest passenger carrier         adapt to the growing competition       Indian airline industry providing
aircraft service both in terms of         from the Asian competitors.            subsidized cost advantage and
fleet size and scheduled                  Kingfisher Airlines, over the years    competitive upgraded models
passengers carried.. Kingfisher           has expanded into the African and      every three years. The “Hi-power
Airlines will have to make major          American markets and is currently      Jet Booster” bio-fuel with greater
changes to Lufthansa Airways              viewed as the top performer in the     energy density produced by the
before the merger as Lufthansa            service segment. Kingfisher has        Kingfisher-HAL subsidiary
has suffered some major setbacks          found its preference among the         BioSpace Fuels Corp, has helped
in the past few years. In March           North American passengers as a         Kingfisher save on its operational
2019, it was announced that the           low cost and middle class travel       cost by up to 98% over the
talks for closer co-operation             caterer.                               Operational cost in 2010,a decade
between the two aerospace giants                                                 ago.
to better organize the combined           A recent survey conducted by
world network were in progress.           Oxford University in association        Kingfisher entered into the
Sidhartha Vijay Mallya signed the         with BBC indicated that the            European market in 2017, based in
deal with Jens Bisch, CEO of              passengers have rated Lufthansa        France with operating services in
Lufthansa group after the final           the least competitive in Europe,       18 domestic destinations and 72
rounds of discussion in Bangalore         for their in-flight services. The      international destinations.
on Monday.”The alliance will help         report also indicated depreciation     However, the European market
both the players to redesign the          in the quality of in-flight service.   has been resistant to change to
existing business model to suit the       Lufthansa has failed to catch up       Kingfisher because of the
unique customer requirement of            with the market trend and              traditional players like Air France,
E uro pe a nd b e yo n d” s a i d         upgrade the aircraft beyond A381       Virgin Atlantic, British Airways
Lufthansa Airways, Chief                  -1000 and Boeing 797 – 1000.The        and Lufthansa. The Kingfisher-
O pe ra t i o ns O f fi ce r H a ra l d   demand in the European market          Lufthansa alliance will test the
Eisenaecher.                              for passenger carrier aircraft has     brand loyalty of the elite European
                                          declined leading to the drop in        customer segment which
 Kingfisher Airlines, a subsidiary        sales of Airbus and Boeing             Lufthansa is loosing year on year.
of United Breweries(51%) and the          aircrafts. Kingfisher airlines, has    If everything goes as chalked, it
Singapore Airlines(49%) will enter        grown significantly over the past      will be a win-win situation for both
into a strategic partnership to           decade. Kingfisher gained large        parties and shutters for major
enhance its market coverage.              scale advantage in 2015 by leasing     players of Europe.
Lufthansa has dominated the               aircrafts to Boeing 757- 800 from

Lunch over an expensive Buffet

A bidder has offered to pay 1,234,890 Euros for a
lunch rendezvous       with Warren Buffet on the
eMeeting Inc for the 14th time starting in June 2006.,
The top bid at 1600 hours EDT was over 1.6 million
Euros. The proceedings of the event will be used for
charitable trust for under-privileged children in West
Pakistan. Warren Buffet continues to be the richest
man third year in a row, following his strategy to
move majority of his investments to Shanghai Stock
Exchange (SSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
PAGE 4                                             S P E CI AL RE PO R T

Judg(e)ment Day: When bail-outs refused to work

The last 20 years has seen a lot of       who have high stakes in the US.           aggravated the pricing. The oil
downfall of the US economy. The           Adding to the mayhem are the              prices are inherently hitting the
spending has increased and the            several Asian governments and             food prices the most all over the
income has fallen considerably; the       investment hedge funds who are            world. The production and logistics
net effect – a huge deficit in the        selling off dollar in very large          have never reached such high
US economy. The dollar’s crash in         quantities owing to their loss of         magnitudes of costs till date and
2015 has aggravated this scenario.        confidence in the US economy.             people are hungry and starving as
The borrowing of the US has                                                         they have nothing to pay with;
considerably                              The    journey     towards the            even in the regions of Western
raised thereby                                              Judgement Day           Europe and USA.
further adding                                              started off with
fuel to this fire.                                          the       OPEC           There has been a drastic shift from
Central banks of                                            declaring in the         the oil towards natural gas
the EU & Asian                                              mid 2018s that           exploration by the oil companies in
Union are on a                                              the barrels will         the past two years. The two major
spree to “bail-                                             now be sold in           reasons cited for this – large
out” the US                                                 Euros. This in           amounts of gas reserves in Middle
economy.      But                                           turn        was          East and Russia’s Verkhoyansk
their hopes and                                             instigated by the        region. Seconding to this fact is the
their confidence                                            decreasing               emission norms being adopted
seem     to    be                                           dollar rate over         world-wide to tackle the global
falling day by                                              the past 5 years.        warming effect. The combination
day. It seems                                               The insecurity           of the declining dollar with the
that        the                                             revolving around         increasing oil prices is tipping the
Judgement Day                                               the     financial        world economy. Southeast Asian
is very near – Death of the Wall Street                     markets is the           economies with Japan are also
the day when                                                leading cause of         suffering a heavy blow due to their
the bail-outs will refuse to work for                       the increase in          large investments in the US
the US.                                   the barter trade. The internet has         treasuries. The Chinese economy
                                          proved to be the best resource to          is also badly hit as the Chinese
Consider this; the world is sending       this.                                      market predominated by the US is
three billion dollars daily to                                                                          declining due to
finance the deficits. The FED had         Five years ago,                                               the reduction in
to increase the interest rate –           Shell,    Reliance                                            t h e        U S
currently standing at 8.1%;               and Sinopec had                                               spending. India
quarterly to balance inflation            challen ged                                                   has       shown
within the proportions. The result        themselves      into        The journey towards the           tremendous
is a drop in the house prices. But        search for new                                                growth in the
to counter this is the increase in        wells.      Their          Judgment Day started off           last five years,
the debts of the households of the        efforts    haven’t                                            even though the
                                          exactly paid off;         with the OPEC declaring in
US. The effect – number of the                                                                          US-IT         job
bankrupt citizens is the highest          their targets for                                             market in India
                                          new wells haven’t
                                                                      the mid 2018s that the
this year over the last decade.                                                                         is hit. Their
                                          been     achieved,         barrels will now be sold in        economies are
At this very moment, several              but at the same                                               hit, but still
smaller banks have filed for              t i m e       t h e                  Euros.                   they         are
bankruptcy. Their financial               consumption has                                               growing. Their
obligations have grown so much            increased. The oil                                            unemployment
that the support from the Asian           barrel currently                                              rates are high
Union seems to be inadequate. The         stands at €100.                                               but still their
stock markets have been hit really        W i t h       t h e                                           economies are
hard, with the stock market               announcement from a noted Nobel            scaling upwards; slowly though.
declining as an effect of the decline     laureate from India, that the
of the stock prices of these              alternative fuels in full commercial       Western Europe has shown a
financials. Following the                 usage will still require ten more          decline in its economy. Two
financials, there are the companies       painful years, has actually                reasons again – increased
S P E CI AL RE PO R T                                           PAGE 5

unemployment due to large               public sector. The government           The power block of the EU has
segment in working class without        cannot raise enough funds through       fallen – with France, Germany and
jobs, combined with another still       the taxes to cover the public sector    the Netherlands disowning their
l a rge r s e g me nt o f a ge i n g    spending. Several social problems       membership from the EU. At the
population. Inability of the            have raised their ugly heads in the     same time, however, they have
governments to revamp the post          US and the EU – nationalistic and       still maintained the euro as their
retirement schemes with ever            fascistic sentiments are on the         currency. The focus of the EU
falling stock markets, has almost       rise. These sentiments have             administration is more on the
led to the inability to pay pensions.   negative effects on the flow of         civilian aspects due to a rise of
In more and more                                             s k i l l e d      anti-EU sentiments. This is also
people are looking                                           workmen            served a severe blow to the
for     jobs    post                                         from       the     bargaining power of the EU for a
retirement        at                                         Asian Union.       fair-share in the new energy
cheap      salaries.                                         The problems       sources. The new power block is
This      combined                                           come to a full     the AU, with India and China
with          their                                          circle    when     leading from the front.
experience         is                                        t h e s e
taking away the                                              workmen are        The consequences of this economic
jobs from the                                                driven away,       dismay is – reduction in
youth. Consumer                                              even though        production and consumption; less
spending          on                                         they were in       commercial trading and less
luxury,        which                                         the     perfect    tourism between the once power-
once Europe was                                              position     to    blocks – US & EU, and the Asian
known for, is now                                            earn       and     Union. The trust between them
almost zero with                                             therefore pay      that had developed after the
most       of    the                                         these taxes to     collective efforts in to tide over the
earni ngs goi ng i nt o basic           support the economy. The                economic recession of 2008-09 and
necessities of food clothing and        workforce is now therefore,             the victory over terrorism in 2010
shelter.                                neglecting EU and US and                has almost vanished. Governments
                                        exploiting the fortunes in the          are now blaming one another and
The economic downturn of the US         South America, Australia and the        focussing on their internal needs.
and the EU has several other            Middle East.                            The world economy is now come to
implications specifically on the                                                grinding halt with Globalisation

Space Tourism expected to scale new heights

Ever since the Virgin Galactic, a       that hovers in space for about 30      Pacific Regional Spaceports (
subsidiary of Virgin Group,             minutes giving you a feeling of        MAMPRS) on the Chincoteague
accomplished a journey on the           floating in space) cost about          Island and Christmas Island for
NASA rockets on June 30th , 2010        $500,000 when it was first             all international companies ,
which     took                                           introduced.           reduction in the Space Tax and
famous      the                                          Almost a decade       open bidding for land on the moon
former      US                                           later, the prices     for private companies to set up
president                                                have      fallen      resorts, more spaceliners are coming
B a r r a c k                                            dramatically as       into the market. With about 25 big
Obama      and                                           more     players      players in this industry and the
around      the                                          s u c h       a s     cost     reduction        due     to
Earth’s Orbit                                            Microsoft’s           alternative synthetic fuels , the
and parked at                                            SpaceS hipOne         future for Space tourism is booming.
t      h      e                                          and     Amazon’s      Today, prices have dropped as low
International                                            Blue      Origin      as 500 dollars for 50 minutes of
Space Station                                            entere d     t he     weightlessness and with Reliance
priced       at                                          market.     With      Industries Limited entering the
whooping $25 million dollars per        the legislature from the               Asian market with the launch of
ticket, space tourism has been          International Space Association        Reliance Space Technology a few
growing by leaps and bounds. The        that enforced the law to the free      months ago, now space travel will be
sub-orbital journey (a 2 hour flight    use of the Mid Atlantic and Mid        available for the masses and more
PAGE 6                                    SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

India Acquires Thorium Reactor

The long dream of having a nuclear           of the fossil fuels. This thorium       securities and to float it even
reactor to create inexpensive                reactor is a new and safe type of       outside India to fund this project
power, which offers almost zero              nuclear reactor and will replace the    initially.
possibility of a meltdown, the one           need for Uranium. Previously
whose radioactive waste exists               Australia was supplying Uranium                  India as such has 10
much shorter, about a hundred                in abundance to China and refused       million tones of 232Th reserves
years and not the tens of                    India for the same. This is a fitting   which is about 30% of world’s
thousands, the one which can burn            reply to then and even the              thorium reserves. The Advanced
up all the existing                                     Americans who were,          Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) that
high level wastes is                                    few years back, trying to    was previously developed in 2011
now realized. India                                     control India’s nuclear      will also be operational till this
has    acquired    the                                  power. Thorium as such       reactor becomes fully functional.
thorium reactor that                                    is not fissile. It can be    This thorium reactor will bring
will produce 900MW                                      converted to 233Th which     about a revolution in the field of
of Electricity with                                     is fissile and can be used   energy by drastically reducing the
practically       zero                                  in the nuclear reactions.    electricity rates. India is expected
refueling for about                                     The scientists all over      to rule the world in terms of energy
three years. With the                                   the world are fascinated     by 2030. India has patented the
enormous demand for                                     and India by 2021 will       technology and it is expected to sell
energy around the                                       have breeder reactors        energy to countries like Pakistan,
globe, the world is                                     that will start producing    Sri Lanka and China. The money is
moving       towards                                    power on a very large        initially to be used for Government
nuclear energy as an India's Thorium Reactor            scale. India has planned     projects and the establishment of 1
alternative to burning                                  to issue government          more breeder reactor.

Ranbaxy bags Patent
for Hair Regeneration

Ranbaxy labs, partly owned by
Daichi Sankyo early last year
successfully tested a medical cure
for baldness. The patent rights
was under question by a British
biotechnology group Intercytex
who had done the primary
research in the field identifying a
gap in the cloning. Ranbaxy had
taken The TRIPs agreement with
the US patent rights has indicated
the product will be sold under
Ranbaxy’s name. Ranbaxy will
market the yet to be named
product in Asian Market by the
end of this year and globally mid-
June next year. The process
involves the tissue culture of the
dermal papilla cells by a process
called hair follicle culture (HFC).
Ranbaxy Labs is expected to earn
a profit of over 40 billion EUROS
in the next 8 years.
                                      SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

Rise of Alternative Fuels: A Special Report
With the increase in the carbon     damage to the environment. With        Laboratories releasing standards
emissions by the jets and the       the news from the meteorological       for the E85 and E100 (85% ethanol
vehicles plying on the roads, the   department about rise in the sea       and 15% petrol and 100% ethanol
search for the alternative fuels    levels by at least 4 meters, the       respectively) the usability of the
sources has again gained            threat to drowning of metros all       fuels all over the world has
momentum. In                                              over the world   increased with ease. Also there has
2015, over 700                                            has risen four   been a substantial rise in the
million motor                                             fold. These      market percentage of the hybrid
vehicles ran on                                           situations       fuel cars. The number of diesel
the surface of the                                        have pushed      vehicles have also increased. The
earth. There are                                          us to the        World Bio-diesel Council is also
another 50 million                                        brinks where     supporting the research on the
waiting to be                                             the necessity    same.
delivered. These                                          of an
numbers have                                              absolutely       Beside the bio-fuels, there has
increased over the                                        green fuel is    been an increase in the trend of
last 5 years                                              necessary.       the use of compressed natural gas
manifold. Also                                            There has        on a large scale. The OGEC
with the fall in                                          been a           countries are supporting this
prices of flying even in            substantial rise in the research for   particular move so as to initiate
international flights due to the    these fuels and their usage on a       this movement towards the
probable international mergers.     commercial basis.                      greener earth. Currently the
The net effect is the rise in the                                          Middle East, Russia, South East
carbon foot-print.                  The current line of the bio-fuels      Asia and India are the largest
                                    comprises of the ethanol and petrol    producers of the natural gas.
Environmentalists all over the      mix and diesel and bio-diesel mix.     Reliance Petroleum in a joint
world are relentless about the      With the Underwriter’s                 venture with the ONGC has
PAGE 8                                           INDUSTRY

Tata launches Kato

The long wait for the worlds most      in Sep . However the it has been     height of 1.8 meters and width of
fuel efficient hybrid car is over as   strategically priced at Rs 2 lakh    1.8 meters. It is a complete family
on 29th June Monday the $98            and is now giving sleepless nights   car and can easily accommodate 5
billion Tata group launched its        to its rivals back in India and      people.
first most fuel efficient car in the   across the globe. Prime Minister
hybrid segment called the Tata         Rahul Gandhi personally
Kato. The launch of this car has       congratulated the group on
created a new competition in the       achieving this astonishing feat
global auto market as it promises      yet again after Tata Nano in
a mileage of 100 miles per/Kg of       2009 and said this would mark
green gas.                             a new beginning in the field of
This car was launched in Delhi at      Hybrid cars and mark the end
an auto expo where the ex head of      of Euro X petrol engines .
Tata Group Mr. Rattan Tata and         This car has been basically
                                       targeted at the middle class
the brain behind this child who        population who did not have
drove the car to the Tata pavilion     access to hybrid cars because of
unveiling this new invention.          the high priced models existing
As per the Tata group the car will     in the markets. It is a 4 door
hit the Indian roads later this year   car with a length of 4 meters ,

RTS opens its first office in Vietnam

Reliance Technology Solutions is       industries. By 2014 the company               Now it has moved to
the 7th companies to start its         had its clientele in Healthcare,     Vietnam keeping track of the
operations in Vietnam. After IT        Banking & Financial services,        booming IT sector there. Vietnam
majors like Capgemini, First Data      Manufacturing, Retail, Media &       is the second biggest country for IT
etc, extended its operations to        Entertainment, Insurance,            in south-east Asia. Hanoi has more
Vietnam, it is now                                                          than 12 IT parks of which the
RTS’ turn to look for                                                       Infotechpark where RTS has
greener pastures in                                                         begun its operations is the biggest
the country. It is                                                          and is spread over 700 ha. This
starting         its                                                        growth in IT has promised more
operations in the                                                           FDI for Vietnam. Outsourcing by
biggest IT Park in                                                          countries like US, China, India &
the      country.                                                           UK is set to improve the economy
Reliance Technology                                                         of Vietnam and the average salary
Services started its                                                        of a software programmer in
operations in India                                                         Vietnam has increased by 30%
in 2010 and they                                                            compared to the last year. The
have shown a great                                                          unemployment rate has decreased
growth     rate.   It                                                       drastically and is expected to fall
started      as     a                                                       further with RTS entering the
information solution                                                        country. More foreigners are
provider         for                                                        migrating to this country and it
healthcare       and                                                        has also given a boost to all other
financial    services                                                       sectors as the purchasing power of
sectors. Further in                                                         people has gone up. The
2011 as the economy                                                         Vietnamese Government expects a
fully recovered from                                                        GDP growth rate of 7-8% in 2020.
the worst recession of 2008-2010,      Telecom, etc.                        Vietnam is experiencing an IT
the company expanded to various                                             boom in true sense.
MARKETS                                       PAGE 9

Sensex reaching new                                                 ASEAN countries meeting
                                                                    a success; discuss on
heights                                                             banning use of Fossil fuels
This Friday the BSE stock market broke all existing records by
closing above 32000 after a week long fluctuation silencing         One of the most alarming issue the world is
critics and analysts views about it not crossing the 30k mark.      addressing over the years has been the
                                                                    increase in the Malaysia will host the
                                                                    symposium to discuss the . The competitive
The market zoomed upwards 400pts after the RBI announced
                                                                    challenges in terms of pollution explosion in
the fall in the CRR from 4% to 3% which would increase the
                                                                    the ASEAN region will be the main subject of
liquidity in the market and came as a relief to the banks
                                                                    discussions. World has seen a sharp rise in
considering                                 the      recent
                                                                    the particulate matters in terms of Carbon
economic                                    scenario. The
                                                                    Monoxide,           sulphurdioxide          and
finance                                     minister      S
                                                                    Chloroflourocarbons accounting for ripple
                                                                    effects across globe. The deforestation as a
stated in an                                interview    to
                                                                    result of Infrastructure development in South
t     h     e                               Economic
                                                                    Africa has also been indicated to have caused
times that                                  the country’s
                                                                    the increase in Carbon levels. The effect of
economy is                                  likely to grow
                                                                    global warming is forever seen first at the
at 11% this                                 year and the
                                                                    poles. The Northwest passage which was
future looks                                strong.
                                                                    bridging the three continents of Asia, Europe
                                                                    and America has melted at an alarming rate.
The cement                                    industry was          Similar effects are seen at the Aortic ice caps.
the     top                                   gainer   with         A recent research has shown global warming
Reliance real estate and DLF         gaining 13% and 18%            to have been the reason for the 68% of the ice
r    e   s   p   e   c  t  i          v    e  l   y   .             caps today that is melted. The surface area of
                                                                    the ice covered area has reduced causing the
The BSE index and Nifty have both shown a remarkable                temperatures to hit extremes in summers and
growth from September last year. The Nifty has risen by close       winters. The meet witnessed over 180
to 15% and Sensex rose by an impressive 20% and has been            countries meet apart from the 10 ASEAN
relatively stable in spite of the fluctuations in the world         countries. The discussion from the meet
markets. Analysts Kp Jorgan have forecasted that the Sensex         where addressing the need for using mainly
will cross 40K by the end of this year considering the strong       non-conventional sources of energy. The
political and economic environment existing in India.               restricted ban on use of fossil fuel will be the
                                                                    first initiative in creating a complete pause to
                                                                    the issue. The ban for use of fossil fuels as
                                                                    source of energy was agreed universally
South Africa’s Economy picks                                        across Asian countries and will be a clear
                                                                    boost of the propaganda the biologists have
up Pace                                                             been enchanting for years.

The fresh FII and FDI from India may put South Africa on a fast
track growth. New domestic demand on non-export sectors due
to the rising income levels and the forthcoming economic policies
by the government is helping South African Economy climb
gradually. The government is confident about the growth of the
economy even though the industrial surged by only 1.4% due to
the unexpected growth in some sectors. The FMCG segment
jumped by 22.3% compared to last month. The food and
beverages industry averaged a growth of 14.7% over the
previous month. The growth in food and beverages segment
jumped by 22.3% over the previous month. The Information
Technology recorded a growth of 18% while there was a boom in
the construction industry and the increase was around 15%. The
growth in GDP was expected to settle around 7% this year. The
government also announced that they will be investing in
infrastructure and education to attract more foreign investors.
SPORTS                                                   PAGE 10

Ad rates reach all time peak this IPL
As the 21st season of the IPL,   and    five second spot when the season        20 crores and we have sold the
the first of 2019, comes to an   end    started. This is an increase of more    entire slot” says Mr.Amol,
the prices of advertisements     has    than 200% in the ad rates for the       President, SMS. “Seeing the
reached an all time high.        The    IPL. The bidding for the ad spots       number of people thronging for the
official broadcaster of          the    for the final started on a high note    tickets and keeping in view the
t o urna me nt ,                                            with a collection   increased seat capacity the
Screen Media                                                of about 3000       companies are willing to pay the
S e r v i c e s                                             b r a n d s         premium. The companies and
(SMS),         is                                           participating in    brands who need to reach young
charging       Rs                                           the bid.            men and women on a large scale
20 crores for                                                                   find this as a good option and
t he      f i na l                                         “The Ad spots        hence the premium rate” he
m a t c h                                                  for the final        further added. The willingness of
between India                                              match between        brands to pay this premium for
and Pakistan.                                              India      and       IPL clearly send out a message
The rate of                                                Pakistan have        that even the world cup T20 may
ads was Rs 6.5                                             been sold for a      not match the brand appeal of the
crores for the                                             premium of Rs        22nd season of IPL later this year.

Olympics 2020- The
countdown begins…..
Today the countdown for the Olympics
scheduled from 30th June- 20 July 2020 begins
with 364 days remaining. This Olympics would
be the first for India and second for Asia after
the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The SAI stadium
in New Delhi where the opening ceremony will
be held is in the final stages of being renovated
in the form of a big fort depicting the various
cultures of India on the walls through
attractive sculptures and visual multimedia

This Olympics would witness the introduction
of five new games with three outdoor and two
indoor categories. The T20 cricket and Online
gaming are the two most popular games that
the world would be closely following to see the
winner. India are the favourites in topping the
medal tally followed by China and Russia
especially after India coming second after
China in the previous Olympics.

In a recent statement, the PM of India, Mr.
Rahul Gandhi expressed his satisfaction on the
developmental efforts towards the preparation
of the Olympics and he also stated that he was
elated to be the PM of India, where for the first
time in its history, Olympics are going to be

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  • 1. Ahmedabad|Bangalore|Chandigarh|Chennai|Hyderabad|Kochi|Kolkata|Lucknow|New Delhi|Pune Saturday, June 29, 2019|Mumbai|10 pages|Rs.15 G-8 Summit - 2019 The 45th G8 summit was held at New York, USA on the 28th of June2019. The President of USA Robert Gates gave the inaugural speech welcoming the G8 countries for this summit. The summit lasted for 5 days and included discussions on Climates change, Dollar, natural gas, fight against terrorism and dialogue with BRIC and BRIC+ countries. One of the few points that were discussed was the success of the dollar which appreciated because of the strong economic conditions prevailing in the west. The summit also included the discussion on the measures taken to ensure stable prices of the natural gas and the proposal of a natural gas pipeline linking the Today’s Edition whole world. Carries However the main point of discussion was the need for the formation of a centralized Iran-Pakistan-India gas 2 special force to counter the terrorism acts against the United Force of Taliban (UFT) pipeline completed which has been a great concern for the whole world amidst the rising terrorist attacks. The recent attack on President Gates by the UFT has sent across a strong Kingfisher Airlines to 3 merge with Lufthansa need for the world to get together to counter this serious international problem. The G-8 counties came up with the idea of a special force called the “SCUDS” who Judg(e)ment Day 4 would have troops from all over the world and would be experienced in counter terrorism operations. They will operate under an independent leadership but along with the UN who would define their charter of duties. The proposal is still under Space Tourism expected 5 consideration but should be approved soon and implemented after been approved by to scale new heights the BRIC nations. India Acquires Thorium 6 Reactor Rise of Alternative Fuels: 7 Google to Launch Speegle: Sensex reaching new 8 Is this the end of the Traditional Search Engines? heights Google unveiled finally the on the information required until the revolutionary “Speegle” this week after relevant information is found and it’s ASEAN countries 9 many years of secretive research and uniqueness is in algorithm it uses meeting a success; development. The future of which has inbuilt artificial Intelligence discuss on banning use Information Search will be forever to clearly seek data that the user wants of Fossil fuels transformed with this technology. and then can present the information in Olympics 2020- The 10 whichever form wanted (either text or Speegle is a Search Engine to which a voice). Talkoo, launched by Yahoo, ten countdown begins….. user can not only ask but also discuss years back was the first ever talking Continued to page 2
  • 2. PAGE 2 INDIA AND WORLD Google to launch Speegle Continued from page 1 search engine. However, it would Speegle also gives more an adverse impact of close to only voice the information found complicated instructions on how to EURO 80 Billion. the website and was generally make origami or change a flat tire; used by the visually impaired. fun information like jokes and While most of the information will Speegle can be quotes; driving be free, some information will be a accessed both through instructions , paid service and yahoo plans to the phone and the restaurants to choose generate revenues through both internet all through from etc. As it can be ads and small user fees for the day. easily accessed by a services like navigation, therapy, phone call, many etc. When asked about the future The man behind this services that are offered expansion plans , Google’s ingenious concept, Mr. currently like Nokia Di re ct o r, M rs . Gh a a ya t hri Tu JuKo Choon, N a v i g a t i o n Pudukotta, announced “Soon, explains “You are Systems and other Speegle will work in 10 major interested about the search engines might languages including Chinese, Great Economic be in deep trouble. The Japanese , Hindi and French.” Disaster of 2009, impact of Speegle Following the announcement the “Speegle asks if you want to know would be felt all across silicon stock prices of Yahoo doubled from the reasons, effects, valley with the scrip of MSN,AOL EURO 23.75 TO EURO 47 when developments , policies and other and other players taking a beating the Dow Jones resumed business things related to this event. It can of more than a drop of 80%. The on Monday. This in turn resulted even give you information from a market capitalization of AOL in a record hike in the market source specified by you. It feels would decline by close to EURO 45 capitalization of yahoo by a like interacting with the Nobel Billion and that of MSN which was whopping EURO 33 Billion in just laureate Paul Krugman.” in the top 3 for the FY18, will have one trading day. Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline completed The Iran-India 2,775 km gas meet its domestic demand for gas pipeline finally got completed on which for India is at present extending this pipeline to their 25th Jun09 after facing a lot of 186billion cubic meters per country after negotiating the price. challenges. With this pipeline in annum . India now can also have a The success of the pipeline now place it makes India & Pakistan as trade off with the neighboring gives India and Pakistan a strategic two countries which would easily countries and facilitate them by advantage in the Asia pacific region and will help the two countries in their quest for becoming world powers. “First Time in the history of South Asia Such an occasion had arrived where Pakistan has got an opportunity to redefine where it can make way for prosperity and peace, the first step being bringing economic prosperity to India which definitely improve the relations between the two countries” - Imran Khan - PM of Pakistan
  • 3. INDIA AND WORLD PAGE 3 Kingfisher Airlines to merge with Lufthansa in fiscal year 2020-21 Kingfisher Airlines, the largest European market for more than 20 Hindustan Aeronautics limited passenger carrier in the world is years and has shown set backs (HAL), prior which Kingfisher was planning to merge with Lufthansa only in the recent years. The buying aircrafts from Airbus at a Airways by the beginning of next reason for this has been mainly phenomenally high premium. HAL year. Kingfisher Airlines is the attributed to failing to timely has been a timely vendor for world’s largest passenger carrier adapt to the growing competition Indian airline industry providing aircraft service both in terms of from the Asian competitors. subsidized cost advantage and fleet size and scheduled Kingfisher Airlines, over the years competitive upgraded models passengers carried.. Kingfisher has expanded into the African and every three years. The “Hi-power Airlines will have to make major American markets and is currently Jet Booster” bio-fuel with greater changes to Lufthansa Airways viewed as the top performer in the energy density produced by the before the merger as Lufthansa service segment. Kingfisher has Kingfisher-HAL subsidiary has suffered some major setbacks found its preference among the BioSpace Fuels Corp, has helped in the past few years. In March North American passengers as a Kingfisher save on its operational 2019, it was announced that the low cost and middle class travel cost by up to 98% over the talks for closer co-operation caterer. Operational cost in 2010,a decade between the two aerospace giants ago. to better organize the combined A recent survey conducted by world network were in progress. Oxford University in association Kingfisher entered into the Sidhartha Vijay Mallya signed the with BBC indicated that the European market in 2017, based in deal with Jens Bisch, CEO of passengers have rated Lufthansa France with operating services in Lufthansa group after the final the least competitive in Europe, 18 domestic destinations and 72 rounds of discussion in Bangalore for their in-flight services. The international destinations. on Monday.”The alliance will help report also indicated depreciation However, the European market both the players to redesign the in the quality of in-flight service. has been resistant to change to existing business model to suit the Lufthansa has failed to catch up Kingfisher because of the unique customer requirement of with the market trend and traditional players like Air France, E uro pe a nd b e yo n d” s a i d upgrade the aircraft beyond A381 Virgin Atlantic, British Airways Lufthansa Airways, Chief -1000 and Boeing 797 – 1000.The and Lufthansa. The Kingfisher- O pe ra t i o ns O f fi ce r H a ra l d demand in the European market Lufthansa alliance will test the Eisenaecher. for passenger carrier aircraft has brand loyalty of the elite European declined leading to the drop in customer segment which Kingfisher Airlines, a subsidiary sales of Airbus and Boeing Lufthansa is loosing year on year. of United Breweries(51%) and the aircrafts. Kingfisher airlines, has If everything goes as chalked, it Singapore Airlines(49%) will enter grown significantly over the past will be a win-win situation for both into a strategic partnership to decade. Kingfisher gained large parties and shutters for major enhance its market coverage. scale advantage in 2015 by leasing players of Europe. Lufthansa has dominated the aircrafts to Boeing 757- 800 from Lunch over an expensive Buffet A bidder has offered to pay 1,234,890 Euros for a lunch rendezvous with Warren Buffet on the eMeeting Inc for the 14th time starting in June 2006., The top bid at 1600 hours EDT was over 1.6 million Euros. The proceedings of the event will be used for charitable trust for under-privileged children in West Pakistan. Warren Buffet continues to be the richest man third year in a row, following his strategy to move majority of his investments to Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
  • 4. PAGE 4 S P E CI AL RE PO R T Judg(e)ment Day: When bail-outs refused to work The last 20 years has seen a lot of who have high stakes in the US. aggravated the pricing. The oil downfall of the US economy. The Adding to the mayhem are the prices are inherently hitting the spending has increased and the several Asian governments and food prices the most all over the income has fallen considerably; the investment hedge funds who are world. The production and logistics net effect – a huge deficit in the selling off dollar in very large have never reached such high US economy. The dollar’s crash in quantities owing to their loss of magnitudes of costs till date and 2015 has aggravated this scenario. confidence in the US economy. people are hungry and starving as The borrowing of the US has they have nothing to pay with; considerably The journey towards the even in the regions of Western raised thereby Judgement Day Europe and USA. further adding started off with fuel to this fire. the OPEC There has been a drastic shift from Central banks of declaring in the the oil towards natural gas the EU & Asian mid 2018s that exploration by the oil companies in Union are on a the barrels will the past two years. The two major spree to “bail- now be sold in reasons cited for this – large out” the US Euros. This in amounts of gas reserves in Middle economy. But turn was East and Russia’s Verkhoyansk their hopes and instigated by the region. Seconding to this fact is the their confidence decreasing emission norms being adopted seem to be dollar rate over world-wide to tackle the global falling day by the past 5 years. warming effect. The combination day. It seems The insecurity of the declining dollar with the that the revolving around increasing oil prices is tipping the Judgement Day the financial world economy. Southeast Asian is very near – Death of the Wall Street markets is the economies with Japan are also the day when leading cause of suffering a heavy blow due to their the bail-outs will refuse to work for the increase in large investments in the US the US. the barter trade. The internet has treasuries. The Chinese economy proved to be the best resource to is also badly hit as the Chinese Consider this; the world is sending this. market predominated by the US is three billion dollars daily to declining due to finance the deficits. The FED had Five years ago, the reduction in to increase the interest rate – Shell, Reliance t h e U S currently standing at 8.1%; and Sinopec had spending. India quarterly to balance inflation challen ged has shown within the proportions. The result themselves into The journey towards the tremendous is a drop in the house prices. But search for new growth in the to counter this is the increase in wells. Their Judgment Day started off last five years, the debts of the households of the efforts haven’t even though the exactly paid off; with the OPEC declaring in US. The effect – number of the US-IT job bankrupt citizens is the highest their targets for market in India new wells haven’t the mid 2018s that the this year over the last decade. is hit. Their been achieved, barrels will now be sold in economies are At this very moment, several but at the same hit, but still smaller banks have filed for t i m e t h e Euros. they are bankruptcy. Their financial consumption has growing. Their obligations have grown so much increased. The oil unemployment that the support from the Asian barrel currently rates are high Union seems to be inadequate. The stands at €100. but still their stock markets have been hit really W i t h t h e economies are hard, with the stock market announcement from a noted Nobel scaling upwards; slowly though. declining as an effect of the decline laureate from India, that the of the stock prices of these alternative fuels in full commercial Western Europe has shown a financials. Following the usage will still require ten more decline in its economy. Two financials, there are the companies painful years, has actually reasons again – increased
  • 5. S P E CI AL RE PO R T PAGE 5 unemployment due to large public sector. The government The power block of the EU has segment in working class without cannot raise enough funds through fallen – with France, Germany and jobs, combined with another still the taxes to cover the public sector the Netherlands disowning their l a rge r s e g me nt o f a ge i n g spending. Several social problems membership from the EU. At the population. Inability of the have raised their ugly heads in the same time, however, they have governments to revamp the post US and the EU – nationalistic and still maintained the euro as their retirement schemes with ever fascistic sentiments are on the currency. The focus of the EU falling stock markets, has almost rise. These sentiments have administration is more on the led to the inability to pay pensions. negative effects on the flow of civilian aspects due to a rise of In more and more s k i l l e d anti-EU sentiments. This is also people are looking workmen served a severe blow to the for jobs post from the bargaining power of the EU for a retirement at Asian Union. fair-share in the new energy cheap salaries. The problems sources. The new power block is This combined come to a full the AU, with India and China with their circle when leading from the front. experience is t h e s e taking away the workmen are The consequences of this economic jobs from the driven away, dismay is – reduction in youth. Consumer even though production and consumption; less spending on they were in commercial trading and less luxury, which the perfect tourism between the once power- once Europe was position to blocks – US & EU, and the Asian known for, is now earn and Union. The trust between them almost zero with therefore pay that had developed after the most of the these taxes to collective efforts in to tide over the earni ngs goi ng i nt o basic support the economy. The economic recession of 2008-09 and necessities of food clothing and workforce is now therefore, the victory over terrorism in 2010 shelter. neglecting EU and US and has almost vanished. Governments exploiting the fortunes in the are now blaming one another and The economic downturn of the US South America, Australia and the focussing on their internal needs. and the EU has several other Middle East. The world economy is now come to implications specifically on the grinding halt with Globalisation Space Tourism expected to scale new heights Ever since the Virgin Galactic, a that hovers in space for about 30 Pacific Regional Spaceports ( subsidiary of Virgin Group, minutes giving you a feeling of MAMPRS) on the Chincoteague accomplished a journey on the floating in space) cost about Island and Christmas Island for NASA rockets on June 30th , 2010 $500,000 when it was first all international companies , which took introduced. reduction in the Space Tax and famous the Almost a decade open bidding for land on the moon former US later, the prices for private companies to set up president have fallen resorts, more spaceliners are coming B a r r a c k dramatically as into the market. With about 25 big Obama and more players players in this industry and the around the s u c h a s cost reduction due to Earth’s Orbit Microsoft’s alternative synthetic fuels , the and parked at SpaceS hipOne future for Space tourism is booming. t h e and Amazon’s Today, prices have dropped as low International Blue Origin as 500 dollars for 50 minutes of Space Station entere d t he weightlessness and with Reliance priced at market. With Industries Limited entering the whooping $25 million dollars per the legislature from the Asian market with the launch of ticket, space tourism has been International Space Association Reliance Space Technology a few growing by leaps and bounds. The that enforced the law to the free months ago, now space travel will be sub-orbital journey (a 2 hour flight use of the Mid Atlantic and Mid available for the masses and more
  • 6. PAGE 6 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY India Acquires Thorium Reactor The long dream of having a nuclear of the fossil fuels. This thorium securities and to float it even reactor to create inexpensive reactor is a new and safe type of outside India to fund this project power, which offers almost zero nuclear reactor and will replace the initially. possibility of a meltdown, the one need for Uranium. Previously whose radioactive waste exists Australia was supplying Uranium India as such has 10 much shorter, about a hundred in abundance to China and refused million tones of 232Th reserves years and not the tens of India for the same. This is a fitting which is about 30% of world’s thousands, the one which can burn reply to then and even the thorium reserves. The Advanced up all the existing Americans who were, Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) that high level wastes is few years back, trying to was previously developed in 2011 now realized. India control India’s nuclear will also be operational till this has acquired the power. Thorium as such reactor becomes fully functional. thorium reactor that is not fissile. It can be This thorium reactor will bring will produce 900MW converted to 233Th which about a revolution in the field of of Electricity with is fissile and can be used energy by drastically reducing the practically zero in the nuclear reactions. electricity rates. India is expected refueling for about The scientists all over to rule the world in terms of energy three years. With the the world are fascinated by 2030. India has patented the enormous demand for and India by 2021 will technology and it is expected to sell energy around the have breeder reactors energy to countries like Pakistan, globe, the world is that will start producing Sri Lanka and China. The money is moving towards power on a very large initially to be used for Government nuclear energy as an India's Thorium Reactor scale. India has planned projects and the establishment of 1 alternative to burning to issue government more breeder reactor. Ranbaxy bags Patent for Hair Regeneration Ranbaxy labs, partly owned by Daichi Sankyo early last year successfully tested a medical cure for baldness. The patent rights was under question by a British biotechnology group Intercytex who had done the primary research in the field identifying a gap in the cloning. Ranbaxy had taken The TRIPs agreement with the US patent rights has indicated the product will be sold under Ranbaxy’s name. Ranbaxy will market the yet to be named product in Asian Market by the end of this year and globally mid- June next year. The process involves the tissue culture of the dermal papilla cells by a process called hair follicle culture (HFC). Ranbaxy Labs is expected to earn a profit of over 40 billion EUROS in the next 8 years.
  • 7. PAGE 7 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Rise of Alternative Fuels: A Special Report With the increase in the carbon damage to the environment. With Laboratories releasing standards emissions by the jets and the the news from the meteorological for the E85 and E100 (85% ethanol vehicles plying on the roads, the department about rise in the sea and 15% petrol and 100% ethanol search for the alternative fuels levels by at least 4 meters, the respectively) the usability of the sources has again gained threat to drowning of metros all fuels all over the world has momentum. In over the world increased with ease. Also there has 2015, over 700 has risen four been a substantial rise in the million motor fold. These market percentage of the hybrid vehicles ran on situations fuel cars. The number of diesel the surface of the have pushed vehicles have also increased. The earth. There are us to the World Bio-diesel Council is also another 50 million brinks where supporting the research on the waiting to be the necessity same. delivered. These of an numbers have absolutely Beside the bio-fuels, there has increased over the green fuel is been an increase in the trend of last 5 years necessary. the use of compressed natural gas manifold. Also There has on a large scale. The OGEC with the fall in been a countries are supporting this prices of flying even in substantial rise in the research for particular move so as to initiate international flights due to the these fuels and their usage on a this movement towards the probable international mergers. commercial basis. greener earth. Currently the The net effect is the rise in the Middle East, Russia, South East carbon foot-print. The current line of the bio-fuels Asia and India are the largest comprises of the ethanol and petrol producers of the natural gas. Environmentalists all over the mix and diesel and bio-diesel mix. Reliance Petroleum in a joint world are relentless about the With the Underwriter’s venture with the ONGC has
  • 8. PAGE 8 INDUSTRY Tata launches Kato The long wait for the worlds most in Sep . However the it has been height of 1.8 meters and width of fuel efficient hybrid car is over as strategically priced at Rs 2 lakh 1.8 meters. It is a complete family on 29th June Monday the $98 and is now giving sleepless nights car and can easily accommodate 5 billion Tata group launched its to its rivals back in India and people. first most fuel efficient car in the across the globe. Prime Minister hybrid segment called the Tata Rahul Gandhi personally Kato. The launch of this car has congratulated the group on created a new competition in the achieving this astonishing feat global auto market as it promises yet again after Tata Nano in a mileage of 100 miles per/Kg of 2009 and said this would mark green gas. a new beginning in the field of This car was launched in Delhi at Hybrid cars and mark the end an auto expo where the ex head of of Euro X petrol engines . Tata Group Mr. Rattan Tata and This car has been basically targeted at the middle class the brain behind this child who population who did not have drove the car to the Tata pavilion access to hybrid cars because of unveiling this new invention. the high priced models existing As per the Tata group the car will in the markets. It is a 4 door hit the Indian roads later this year car with a length of 4 meters , RTS opens its first office in Vietnam Reliance Technology Solutions is industries. By 2014 the company Now it has moved to the 7th companies to start its had its clientele in Healthcare, Vietnam keeping track of the operations in Vietnam. After IT Banking & Financial services, booming IT sector there. Vietnam majors like Capgemini, First Data Manufacturing, Retail, Media & is the second biggest country for IT etc, extended its operations to Entertainment, Insurance, in south-east Asia. Hanoi has more Vietnam, it is now than 12 IT parks of which the RTS’ turn to look for Infotechpark where RTS has greener pastures in begun its operations is the biggest the country. It is and is spread over 700 ha. This starting its growth in IT has promised more operations in the FDI for Vietnam. Outsourcing by biggest IT Park in countries like US, China, India & the country. UK is set to improve the economy Reliance Technology of Vietnam and the average salary Services started its of a software programmer in operations in India Vietnam has increased by 30% in 2010 and they compared to the last year. The have shown a great unemployment rate has decreased growth rate. It drastically and is expected to fall started as a further with RTS entering the information solution country. More foreigners are provider for migrating to this country and it healthcare and has also given a boost to all other financial services sectors as the purchasing power of sectors. Further in people has gone up. The 2011 as the economy Vietnamese Government expects a fully recovered from GDP growth rate of 7-8% in 2020. the worst recession of 2008-2010, Telecom, etc. Vietnam is experiencing an IT the company expanded to various boom in true sense.
  • 9. MARKETS PAGE 9 Sensex reaching new ASEAN countries meeting a success; discuss on heights banning use of Fossil fuels This Friday the BSE stock market broke all existing records by closing above 32000 after a week long fluctuation silencing One of the most alarming issue the world is critics and analysts views about it not crossing the 30k mark. addressing over the years has been the increase in the Malaysia will host the symposium to discuss the . The competitive The market zoomed upwards 400pts after the RBI announced challenges in terms of pollution explosion in the fall in the CRR from 4% to 3% which would increase the the ASEAN region will be the main subject of liquidity in the market and came as a relief to the banks discussions. World has seen a sharp rise in considering the recent the particulate matters in terms of Carbon economic scenario. The Monoxide, sulphurdioxide and finance minister S Chloroflourocarbons accounting for ripple Swaminathan effects across globe. The deforestation as a stated in an interview to result of Infrastructure development in South t h e Economic Africa has also been indicated to have caused times that the country’s the increase in Carbon levels. The effect of economy is likely to grow global warming is forever seen first at the at 11% this year and the poles. The Northwest passage which was future looks strong. bridging the three continents of Asia, Europe and America has melted at an alarming rate. The cement industry was Similar effects are seen at the Aortic ice caps. the top gainer with A recent research has shown global warming Reliance real estate and DLF gaining 13% and 18% to have been the reason for the 68% of the ice r e s p e c t i v e l y . caps today that is melted. The surface area of the ice covered area has reduced causing the The BSE index and Nifty have both shown a remarkable temperatures to hit extremes in summers and growth from September last year. The Nifty has risen by close winters. The meet witnessed over 180 to 15% and Sensex rose by an impressive 20% and has been countries meet apart from the 10 ASEAN relatively stable in spite of the fluctuations in the world countries. The discussion from the meet markets. Analysts Kp Jorgan have forecasted that the Sensex where addressing the need for using mainly will cross 40K by the end of this year considering the strong non-conventional sources of energy. The political and economic environment existing in India. restricted ban on use of fossil fuel will be the first initiative in creating a complete pause to the issue. The ban for use of fossil fuels as source of energy was agreed universally South Africa’s Economy picks across Asian countries and will be a clear boost of the propaganda the biologists have up Pace been enchanting for years. The fresh FII and FDI from India may put South Africa on a fast track growth. New domestic demand on non-export sectors due to the rising income levels and the forthcoming economic policies by the government is helping South African Economy climb gradually. The government is confident about the growth of the economy even though the industrial surged by only 1.4% due to the unexpected growth in some sectors. The FMCG segment jumped by 22.3% compared to last month. The food and beverages industry averaged a growth of 14.7% over the previous month. The growth in food and beverages segment jumped by 22.3% over the previous month. The Information Technology recorded a growth of 18% while there was a boom in the construction industry and the increase was around 15%. The growth in GDP was expected to settle around 7% this year. The government also announced that they will be investing in infrastructure and education to attract more foreign investors.
  • 10. SPORTS PAGE 10 Ad rates reach all time peak this IPL season As the 21st season of the IPL, and five second spot when the season 20 crores and we have sold the the first of 2019, comes to an end started. This is an increase of more entire slot” says Mr.Amol, the prices of advertisements has than 200% in the ad rates for the President, SMS. “Seeing the reached an all time high. The IPL. The bidding for the ad spots number of people thronging for the official broadcaster of the for the final started on a high note tickets and keeping in view the t o urna me nt , with a collection increased seat capacity the Screen Media of about 3000 companies are willing to pay the S e r v i c e s b r a n d s premium. The companies and (SMS), is participating in brands who need to reach young charging Rs the bid. men and women on a large scale 20 crores for find this as a good option and t he f i na l “The Ad spots hence the premium rate” he m a t c h for the final further added. The willingness of between India match between brands to pay this premium for and Pakistan. India and IPL clearly send out a message The rate of Pakistan have that even the world cup T20 may ads was Rs 6.5 been sold for a not match the brand appeal of the crores for the premium of Rs 22nd season of IPL later this year. Olympics 2020- The countdown begins….. Today the countdown for the Olympics scheduled from 30th June- 20 July 2020 begins with 364 days remaining. This Olympics would be the first for India and second for Asia after the Beijing Olympics in 2008. The SAI stadium in New Delhi where the opening ceremony will be held is in the final stages of being renovated in the form of a big fort depicting the various cultures of India on the walls through attractive sculptures and visual multimedia effects. This Olympics would witness the introduction of five new games with three outdoor and two indoor categories. The T20 cricket and Online gaming are the two most popular games that the world would be closely following to see the winner. India are the favourites in topping the medal tally followed by China and Russia especially after India coming second after China in the previous Olympics. In a recent statement, the PM of India, Mr. Rahul Gandhi expressed his satisfaction on the developmental efforts towards the preparation of the Olympics and he also stated that he was elated to be the PM of India, where for the first time in its history, Olympics are going to be held.