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Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
                                              First Edition, August 2012

                                                         Jerry Garner


Chapter 1................................................................................................................................7
       Health Is Essential For Success And Stress Is The Biggest Threat ............................7
Chapter 2..............................................................................................................................10
       Your Thoughts Create Your Future.............................................................................10
Chapter 3..............................................................................................................................13
       Did You Know That You Have Three Minds?............................................................13
Chapter 4..............................................................................................................................17
       The Real Underlying Cause Of Stress..........................................................................17
       Energy Healing.............................................................................................................18
Chapter 5.............................................................................................................................20
       The Three Tools You Are Going To Need ..................................................................20
Chapter 6.............................................................................................................................23
       Three Steps to Remove Negative Emotions................................................................23
Chapter 7..............................................................................................................................27
       Meridians and Magnets A Marriage from Heaven.....................................................27
Chapter 8.............................................................................................................................30
       Helping Others to Get Rid Of Their Trapped Emotions............................................30
Chapter 9.............................................................................................................................33
       I Witness Miracles Everyday-My Stories....................................................................33
Chapter 10...........................................................................................................................36
       Two Amazing Dog Stories ...........................................................................................36

©2012 Jerry Garner                                            2                                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 11............................................................................................................................40
      Summary, Reprint Rights, and Special Offer.............................................................40
      Reprint Rights..............................................................................................................42
      Special Offer.................................................................................................................42
      Actions To Take Now...................................................................................................44
      Pay it Forward..............................................................................................................44

©2012 Jerry Garner                                           3                                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
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©2012 Jerry Garner                           4                               Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer

As the title of this book suggests, one of the main causes of not manifesting your deepest
desires, and business success, is Self-Sabotage.

This book will make you aware of the real root cause of your self sabotage, explain what
it is, and how you can remove that cause permanently, using a simplified, self-help,
three step system.

Briefly, below is a summary of my business background, and pursuit of that elusive
dream of total financial independence, freedom to do what I want, and when I want to
do it.

I also share many of the programs and systems that I was using to discover the real
cause of my failure, so that I could eliminate them.

I have been an entrepreneur since 1965, and since that time I have been chasing my
dreams. I have spent thousands of dollars, and put in thousands of hours of reading,
listening to cassettes, CD's, DVD's, and videos, looking for the secret of success. I
started with a cleaning franchise, bought a Century 21 real estate franchise, spent 18
years in various MLM's, became a day trader in the Forex and Option markets, and a
year ago I started an online marketing business.

During those past 47 years, I have enjoyed limited success, but my dream of total
financial freedom, with a perpetual residual income has continued to elude me, until I
discovered that I was self-sabotaging myself, and more important, how to get rid of
the cause permanently.

I tried all the traditional approaches to overcome my roadblocks, like positive
affirmations on notes all over my environment, and even saying them to myself, while
looking into my own eyes in the mirror.

I have tried NLP, self-hypnosis, hypnotic tapes, meditation techniques, and numerous
manifesting techniques. They all had some limited success, but I continued self-
sabotaging myself, and I still did not know why, so I continued my search.

I discovered, and am still using The Healing Codes system. I discovered and am still
using The Tapping System. They are both great, but still I knew in my gut, that there was
something else holding me back. All the stress was still there, and it was affecting my

©2012 Jerry Garner                      5                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Five months ago, and I am writing this in August 2012, I received an invitation to attend
a Webinar, and after the Webinar, my reaction was "EUREKA", I found the deepest
underlying reason for my business failure.

I have heard it said many times, that everyone has a book within them, but I never had
anything to inspire me, to actually sit down and do the work. Well I have now, and it is
one of the most profound experiences of my life

The bottom line is, that in 3 months, I was able to find and get rid of all the roadblocks
buried deep within me. My stress is gone, my health is dramatically improved, and now
my online business is starting to move. As a result, I am a man on a mission, to share my
secret discovery with as many people as possible.

I know this may sound like a sales pitch, but let me assure you, before you start reading,
that I am not an affiliate of this program. I do not receive any compensation, or money
for sharing it. In the book, I will reveal to you what the system is, how to use
it yourself, and how to get the system for yourself, so you can also remove
all of your internal roadblocks to success.

It is my heartfelt desire, and mission, to help all entrepreneurs, and those aspiring to be
one, to find and remove all internal roadblocks to their success.

This book will start at the beginning, and step by step take you from identifying the
problems causing your stress and business failures, and then walk you through a
three step process of how to eliminate the real, root cause of your stress
and failure. So let’s begin your life changing discovery in Chapter one.

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I encourage you to take the time to use these links, as they are all for your benefit.

I would especially appreciate your feedback and comments on this eBook. It will help
me to improve my second edition. Send your comments to me at

©2012 Jerry Garner                         6                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 1
         Health Is Essential For Success And Stress Is The Biggest Threat

Entrepreneurs tend to be type “A” personalities. What does that mean? Usually, type
“A’s” are the ones who tend to be unbalanced in the way they spend their time.

For instance, some entrepreneurs will wake up in the middle of the night, and work.
Then they get a little sleep, get back up, and work all day. Finally they have some dinner,
and then work all evening.

When you are young, you can get by with such a schedule, but there are long term
consequences in 3 areas of your life. Let’s take a look at what usually happens.

         1. Family life—What do you think the effect is on the spouse and children, when
            they never see you? Many divorces can be traced back to a workaholic spouse.
            How balanced do you think your children will be, with a role model like that.
         2. Stress—Starting and building a new business, requires a lot of mental effort, as
            well as time and money. There are also a lot of unforeseen obstacles to
            overcome. That can cause a great deal of stress.
         3. Health—your body has certain needs that must be met, if you are to remain
            healthy, and productive. It requires nourishment, rest, and mental health. You
            must have good health to be productive, and accomplish your goals.

Let me ask you a question. How balanced, productive, and healthy do you think you will
be, if one or more of these 3 consequences are controlling your life?

So the question remains, “How can you start and build a business, without your
health?” Since the biggest threat to your health is Stress, you need to find a way to get
rid of it.

In the next few chapters, I will be covering the solution to living a healthy, productive,
stress free life, while building your business, and being free from self- sabotage.

First, we need to understand the true nature of Stress. What is it, where does it come
from, and how can you control it?

Now, I am going to explode the myth surrounding stress.

Most people think that stress is caused by external conditions over which they have no
control. The truth is stress comes from within.

You create the stress internally; by the way you react to outside problems, people, and

©2012 Jerry Garner                         7                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
circumstances. In other words, it is your own fault. It is created in your mind.

Let me share a true story with you, to illustrate what I mean.

A couple decades ago, I was associated with a well-known millionaire entrepreneur in
one of his business ventures.

The FTC decided that he had violated one of their regulations, and filed charges against
him. He decided to fight for his rights, because he knew the charges were unfounded.

Every day during the trial, his secretary, accompanied by her teenage daughter, took
notes of all the proceedings to share with his attorneys, every evening.

Every day, crossing the parking lot, crossing the lobby, and riding the elevator up to the
courtroom, she remarked to her daughter, “Do you notice how unfriendly everyone is,
no one is smiling, and everyone seems to be rude”.

At the end of the trial, after the millionaire had been completely exonerated from all
charges, they gathered their stuff and left the courtroom. After getting in to their car to
leave, the secretary remarked to her daughter, ” Did you notice how different everyone
was today? People were smiling, and considerate, and friendly. I wonder what
happened?” As only children can sometimes see the truth, the daughter
replied,“Mother, you were friendly and smiling today”.

What was the difference? The courthouse and the people in it were pretty much the
same after the trial, as during the trial? The circumstances of unfair charges, and a
lengthy trial, created a great amount of internal stress. in their lives, because of
external circumstances, that was beyond their control.

The difference was in the mind of the secretary, and how she reacted to the problem.
She had created her own stress, in her own mind. She couldn’t eat or sleep, and was very
irritable with her family all during the trial. The stress was felt by everyone around her,
and she was giving off negative vibrations wherever she was.

After the victory, she released all the built up stress from within. She began to give off
positive vibrations, and her external world changed immediately.

So what is the moral to this true story?

When faced with external problems, you have 2 choices in dealing with them. You can
play the blame game, and make yourself a victim of circumstances, or you can use your
God given talents, and fight back, with a positive plan of action.

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If you do, then you are in control, and not a victim, and I promise you that the stress
level will be greatly reduced.

Stress is so critical to your health, and business success, that we will spend the next
three chapters exploring it further. So stay with me to the end of this book, and you
are going to be blown away by how easy the permanent solution will be
for you.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       9                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 2
                         Your Thoughts Create Your Future

In my last chapter, we determined that the source of your stress is in your mental
programming, which responds to outside circumstances and problems.

To change that mental programming, requires that you find a way to change the
subconscious programming, in order to greatly reduce the internal stress you feel.

To change that subconscious programming, you must first understand how your
conscious and subconscious minds work. Once you know how they work, my
suggestions will make more sense to you.

In this chapter we will be laying the groundwork for practical things that you can do, but
first things first.

In the headline of this chapter, I made a statement that your thoughts create your
future. This is far from a new thought. Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book, called
“Think and Grow Rich” showed how the wealthiest people knew and used this idea, to
amass their wealth.

The conclusion was that it was their thoughts that were the source of
success. Now, I am going to be making some controversial statements, to explain the
truth about how things really work. I can only ask that you keep an open mind, while I
tie all these thoughts together. I promise that it will make sense to you after you have all
the information.

         1. Thoughts are real things, and these thoughts have power
         2. Where you are now in your life, is the result of all your past thoughts, good or
         3. You can create the future you desire by thinking the right thoughts in the right
         4. You have already created the future you didn’t want, by thinking the wrong
         5. You can’t escape this fact. If you don’t like where you are in life, you will
            continue to create more of the same, unless you learn to change and control
            your thoughts.

©2012 Jerry Garner                         10                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
The physical laws of the Universe, as they really exist, are being rapidly rewritten by
Quantum Physics. Now, we won’t be going into that study in this chapter, because it is
far too complex and time consuming. This eBook is designed to make a complex subject
easier to understand. We will however, use Quantum Physics, as it relates to your
thoughts, because you will need to know that, in order to reach your goal of getting rid
of your internal stress.

                     Thoughts Are Real Things, And Thoughts Have Power

Now, let's talk about thoughts. Let's explore the 5 points above in more detail. In this
chapter we will learn more about thoughts, what they are, how they work, how much
power they have, and how to use them to improve your life.

Some might feel that it is rather silly, because everybody has thoughts every waking
moment. They think, "How could that have any influence over my life?"

In Quantum Physics, which I cover in more detail in another chapter, we learn that
everything is energy in the entire Universe. We also learn that humans have the power
to create what they want, using their thoughts. That is because every thought you have,
has a vibration, which has a direct effect on your life, for good, or bad.

Where you are in life now, is the sum total of all your thoughts. I am going to be brutally
honest here, at the risk of making you mad, and say that, if you are in a bad place now, it
is your own fault. It was your own thoughts that got you where you are.

Did that make you mad, Good! In order to make your life what you want it to be, you are
going to have to change the way you think, in order to eliminate the stress, self-
sabotage, and lack of money. Now, I know that it is easier to say, than to do, that is why
I wrote this book.

In my next chapter, I am going to explain to you why you think the way you do, and how
that, got you to where you are now. Even though you are responsible for your current
circumstances, you had a lot of help from your environment, and people in
your life, over which you had no control.

Well if you resolve to change your current circumstances, and take responsibility for
your life going forward, I promise you, that after you finish this book, you will be able to
do just that. I will be leading you to a very easy, and simple three step
process, that you do yourself.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        11                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
This process will remove your stress, self-sabotage, and everything else holding you
back. So stay with me, and follow along. If you do it, you are going to be amazed at
the improvements in your life, and how fast it will happen.

If you have read this far, I will share an in depth study of the principles in this chapter as
a free reward. This is a series of 3 free individual PDF eBooks, and they are my gift to
you. At the end of this book I will tell you how to get them.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        12                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 3
                     Did You Know That You Have Three Minds?

Are you happy with your life? Is your life full of problems of all kinds?

Are you tired of nothing going right in your life?

You and you alone, created it. Now, don’t shoot the messenger. I will be explaining how
you can create a new life going forward. To create your new life the way you want it, you
will need to understand some basic things.

Today, we will start with your 3 minds. You read that right. I did say three minds.

Everyone knows about the conscious, and the subconscious minds, but where is the 3'rd
mind? The answer is your heart. Did you know the heart has the capacity to think?

Let’s go back and start with your conscious mind. We all know that is where everyone
creates conscious thoughts. These thoughts lead you to make certain decisions, and take
certain actions.

The subconscious mind also has the capacity to think. However, the thoughts are
already programmed into it. Think of it as a computer that was receiving and storing
information from the day you were born.

Think of your conscious mind like a gatekeeper. When you have a new thought, or new
action you are contemplating, which will require a change in your programming, your
conscious mind will decide whether or not to allow it to be added to your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind is just like a computer. It can only respond to the prior
thoughts already programmed into it, but it can’t create its own new thoughts.

In order to reach your goal of greatly reducing your internal stress, you will need to
learn about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, and bypass the conscious

That brings me to the third mind. You will not see very much written about this mind,
but Quantum Physics is beginning to shed light on this subject.

In my last chapter we learned that you are right now, creating your future, for good or
bad. As we learned, your thoughts are things, and the tools you use to create.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        13                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
In this chapter you learned that you have 3 minds: They are: The heart mind, the
subconscious mind, and the conscious mind.

I listed the heart first, because the heart is another mind, and is up to 1,000 times more
powerful than your conscious mind. It is the seat of your deepest emotions.

It overrides, and influences our subconscious mind, which in turn is more powerful than
our conscious mind.

Think of our mind as an iceberg, where only about 10% is above the surface, like our
conscious mind, and 90% is below the surface, like our subconscious mind.

So where does the heart/mind fit in to this analogy? It is like the ocean that the iceberg
is in. The currents and temperature of the vast ocean are what determines where the
iceberg goes, and how long it will last.

So how do we begin to apply this knowledge in a practical way, to greatly reduce the
stress, self-sabotage, and the problems of life? One of a number of illustrations out there
is a person who is trying to make a decision, about what to do next.

On their right shoulder is an angel whispering in their ear, not to do something. On their
left shoulder is a devil, telling them to go ahead and do it.

That illustrates the conflict between your conscious and subconscious minds, but what
happens when you can’t decide, and there is a tie?

That is where the Heart Mind takes over. Since the heart is a part of, and directly
connected to the universe, it will break the tie, and make the decision for you. It is like
the ocean that the iceberg is in.

Have you heard the expression, “Just follow your heart” So now let’s apply this
knowledge to greatly reduce your internal stress.

To illustrate, let’s use the greatest source of stress in 2012, and that is the lack of money,
security, and where the Geo-political forces in the world are taking all of us.

Let’s assume that you lost your job, and you are worried sick about your financial future.
Your internal fears and worry dominates your thoughts. We call that stress. As we
covered already, that stress was created in your mind.

It is very true that we have very little control over the external problems of the world
that helps to provoke and create problems for us. but you do have control over your
thoughts. In my last chapter, I challenged you to take responsibility for your
future, by controlling your thoughts.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        14                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
There is only one conclusion to what I just said, since your thoughts created your
present circumstances that will continue to be your future, unless you change your
thoughts. I know it is easier said than done, but never the less, you must do it.

Think about this. You have the power to create your future, anyway that
you want it. If your dominate thoughts are only on what you want, you
can manifest it.

I promise you, that knowledge alone will greatly reduce your stress level. You will no
longer be a victim, you will have the power to create your future, the way you want it.

Since manifesting your future, by changing your thoughts, is so important, In the rest of
this book, I will be guiding you, on ways that you can begin implementing right away. In
fact, you will learn a very simple one-two-three method that anyone can

Caution, don't skip to the last chapter now. It is necessary to learn new things first. If
you skip ahead, you will probably be confused. If you are suffering now, I understand
that you want relief quickly, but as the old cliche says, "Haste makes waste".

As I said before, the heart mind is directly connected to the Universal Energy Field, and
it is more powerful than your conscious and subconscious mind. It can and does
override them both. Your personality is embedded in your heart.

In my research I ran across some amazing examples of all the thousands of heart
transplants done in the past few decades. In every one that received a heart transplant,
the personality of the donor, showed up in the recipient.

When the families of the donor visited the recipient, they were amazed to find that they
immediately recognized their loved one’s personality in the recipient.

I will give you one example here to illustrate what I mean. This example was copied
from my mentor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, who created the Emotion code™ course, where I
learned to completely clear myself of all the negative trapped emotions that I
accumulated over seven decades, and which emotional clearing has created a miracle in
my life.

A fascinating story is told of a middle-aged white man who got a heart transplant. He
knew that he was going to get a heart from a young black man.

After he got the heart transplant, he had this incredible, insatiable yearning for classical
music. He couldn't stop listening to it. He would play classical music loud in his home
all day long. He would listen to certain passages obsessively over and over.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        15                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Finally, his wife thought he was losing his mind. He'd never liked classical music before.
They were amazed to find out that he had received the heart of a young black man who
was a concert violinist, who was hit by a car as he was crossing the street on his way
home from a recital.

You could easily spend a whole day on Google reading stories just like this, by Goggling
"heart transplant personality changes".

In the next few chapters, we will tie it all together, and show you how to use these three
minds in practical ways to reprogram yourself, in order to greatly reduce your internal
stress, self-sabotage, and problems of life.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       16                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 4
                      The Real Underlying Cause Of Stress

In the last chapter, I promised we would get to the real cause of stress. First we have to
realize that we need to know what the real problem is, before we can remove it.

In this chapter, we are going to discover those problems. The best way is to start with an

In our society today we have a divorce rate that is now above 50%. In most divorces,
there are innocent children, who are traumatized by the events leading up to the

Let’s assume a family with one child, around 4 to 5 years old. And let’s assume that there
are financial problems, which have been building up for a year or two. These financial
woes caused many arguments, and led to some very heated debates.

The child was exposed to some very heavy negative emotions during those fight scenes,
like fear, heartache, insecurity, sorrow, dread, horror, panic, and probably a few more.

The question is, ”Where did those negative emotions go?”

What is the most logical place for those emotions to go. It is the heart isn’t it. Those
negative emotions are all vibrations, and they attach themselves to the heart.

Each time the child was exposed to those arguments, the same negative emotions of
energy pockets, attached themselves to the heart, on top of the ones already there.

The human body automatically tries to protect itself, so in order to protect the heart, the
child’s body will form a shield around the heart.

Unfortunately that shield is made up of negative emotions itself. Those shields are called
a “Heartwall”, and guess what, It will stay with the child its whole life, unless a way is
found to remove it.

Now, with those negative emotions trapped there, that child’s heart can’t work properly,
and even in adult life, it will react to those same emotions in a negative child like way.
Even worse, it can lead to heart problems in later life.

Is it any wonder why so many adults, have so many emotional problems? It is estimated
that over 93% of people have “Heartwalls”?

I started this book discussing why good health is essential to business success, and that

©2012 Jerry Garner                       17                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
the biggest health threat is stress.

In this chapter we have found that the underlying cause of stress, is
actually trapped emotions in the heart, and Heartwalls.

There is a whole industry offering ways to overcome these emotional blockages to
success. There are lots of valuable programs out there, that are very good, and they
create some excellent results. I know, because I have bought and used quite a few of
them. At the end of the book, I will share my favorite ones with you that I know works,
but first you need to clear your body of all trapped emotions.

I have personally found a permanent way to remove all of my Heartwalls, and trapped
emotions in my heart. The results have been amazing for me. Even more amazing is,
the solution was so simple and easy, I could not believe it.

                                   Energy Healing

Energy Healing is a relatively new practice that is sweeping the world. It is around 25 to
30 years old in its modern growth cycle, but it is founded on the scientific premise of
Quantum Physics. That premise is, that everything in the Universe is pure

If you would look at any solid object, under an electron microscope, with an
amplification of 1 million times or more, you would only see atoms.

These atoms are like miniature solar systems, with a core, or Neutron, like the Sun, and
electrons, like the planets in orbit around it. The only difference in atoms, is the number
of electrons orbiting the Neutron.

If we can project, on an equal scale, the distance between the Neutron, and the Electrons
in orbit, we see that it is a vast space. That means that anything that we see as solid, is
really an illusion.

We also see that these atoms have a built in intelligence, that controls their behavior.
Even better, for our purposes of energy healing, we see the tremendous power of an
atom. Look what happens, when we split a Uranium, or Plutonium atom.

We can say that since our body is made up of energy, that any aches,
pains, or emotional imbalances, must have an energy source. Logically
that source of energy is negative vibrations. Since everything in the
Universe vibrates.

So the source of our stresses, must be negative energy, or vibrations, and if we can find a

©2012 Jerry Garner                       18                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
way to eliminate that negative energy, by neutralizing it with a positive energy, then
stress would have to disappear, along with the aches, pains, and other symptoms of

In the next chapter I am going to prepare you to eliminate your negative heart walls, and
all the hidden emotions that are trapped in your heart. You are going to learn about the
three natural things that are already well known on their own, and will give you the
necessary background information on them.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       19                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 5
                     The Three Tools You Are Going To Need

In this chapter, I am going to prepare you to eliminate your negative heart wall, and all
of the hidden emotions that are trapped in your heart.

We will start with the main tool that you are going to need to remove the trapped
emotions. That tool is: Magnetism In previous chapters, I discussed that everything in
the Universe is pure energy.

We learned that the emotional traumas, especially in young children, are balls of
negative energy that become trapped in the heart. Those negative energies will stay with
you the rest of your life, unless you find a way to remove them.

I am happy to report we have that tool, and it is Magnetism.

Without being sidetracked with a detailed discussion of what magnetism is, and how
essential it is to everything in the Universe, I will tell you how we can use it as a tool to
get rid of our trapped emotions.

The energy produced by magnets is a positive energy. It stands to reason, that if we want
to neutralize a negative energy, we need to expose it to a positive energy. The question
is, “How do we do that, if the negative emotions are trapped in the heart?”

There is a way, and that way is your body's Meridian system.

Here again, we could spend hours discussing Meridian systems, but I will boil it down to
what we need to know, in order to use it as a tool to remove our negative emotions. This
Meridian System is in actuality an acupuncture system, which has been used for
thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine.

Think of your house electrical wiring system, as an example. You have the main
electrical wiring coming into your house, into a circuit breaker box, or if it’s an older
house, it might be a fuse box.

The breaker box then distributes the electricity into all the outlets, and appliances in the
house. Some branches are divided up into multiple outlets, and lighting fixtures.

©2012 Jerry Garner                         20                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Think of your meridian system as an electrical system, or rivers of energy. You have the
main electrical circuit of the body called the Governing Meridian. This Meridian
branches out to every organ, gland, and system in the body. This system is why
acupuncture works so well.

The Governing Meridian starts at your upper lip, through the forehead, the top of your
head, down your neck, and down your spine to your tailbone.

So now we know how to get to the negative emotions causing our physical and
emotional problems through the Meridian Acupuncture System. The question is, “How
do we actually do that? ” No, you don't need to know anything about, acupuncture. It is
much simpler than you can imagine, and you are about to find out.

We have covered two essential tools, in our self-help program to remove our Heartwalls,
and trapped emotions. We need a third tool, and that tool is Muscle Testing using
our subconscious mind.

Your Subconscious Mind
Even though we have touched on the subconscious mind in earlier chapters we will look
at it from a different perspective.

Let’s review what we know:

          Everything is energy, including our subconscious mind.
          The subconscious is what monitors and controls our bodies.
          The subconscious is 10x times more powerful than our conscious mind.
          Every thought and breath you have ever had is stored in your subconscious
          The subconscious is directly connected to the entire Universe.

So let’s look at what the subconscious mind can also do, that is not as well known, as
those other features.

The subconscious is also a storage computer, that has unlimited capacity, In fact some
scientists even believe, that the storage capacity is the Universe itself, since the
subconscious mind is directly connected to the Universe.

In any case, what is important for our purposes, is that the subconscious mind has
stored every breath, and every thought, you have ever had, since your birth.

It also has reacted to human emotions, both positive, and negative, from all the events
in our lives. The bottom line is, if we could find a way to tap into and
communicate directly with our subconscious, we would have a very
powerful tool.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        21                          Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
There have been volumes written about controlling the subconscious mind, using a wide
variety of techniques, like sleep learning, brain wave entrainment CDs, visualization,
and numerous meditation techniques. Perhaps you have tried one or more yourself.

As good and helpful as most of them are, they all fall short of getting to the root cause,
which is Heartwalls, and trapped emotions in the heart, and other organs of the body,
and successfully removing those trapped negative energy balls of emotions.

I am happy to tell you, that yes; there is a simple and easy way to do it. We can easily do
it by using the 3'rd tool that we have, which is:

If you have been to a chiropractor, chances are you have been exposed to it already. It
works by muscle resistance. The chiropractor usually has you extend one arm out, and
then will ask a yes or no question, while putting downward pressure on the top of your

For instance if you are being tested for an allergy to a food item, the chiropractor will
have you hold the item in your hand, while putting downward pressure on your wrist,
and ask if you are allergic to that item. If you are, the answer would be YES, and there
would be strong resistance against the downward pressure on your wrist.

If the answer is NO, your arm would easily go down. So item by item you can find out
exactly what you are allergic to.

Do you see how that works? The chiropractor is communicating directly with
your subconscious mind, and getting yes or no answers.

Do you see the application of it, being able to communicate directly with your own
mind? So the next question is, “Do I have to be a chiropractor to do this?” The answer is

The next question is, “Doesn’t this require a lot of schooling and training before I can
use it myself?” Again the answer is no.

I mentioned that this process of self-help is very simple and easy to do. In my next
chapter we will put it all together. We will take the 3 tools at our disposal, Magnetism,
Meridians, and Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) and outline a simple 3 step procedure.

This procedure will help you find the heartwalls, and trapped emotions, bring them to
the surface, and then neutralize the negative emotions, one at a time, with a pure source
of magnetism.

You need to keep reading, because, in the next chapter I will be showing you this
remarkable life changing system, that will clear you of all the negativity trapped in your
body, that is causing all the self-sabotage, fear, worry, and lack of success.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        22                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 6
                     Three Steps to Remove Negative Emotions

In my previous chapter we covered the 3 tools that are needed to permanently remove
all negative emotions from our bodies. Those are the ones responsible for the stress in
our lives.

In this chapter, we will finally put them all together into a simple 3 step system, like I
promised I would earlier in the book, that anyone can easily do themselves.

Three Steps
      1) Find the trapped emotion, using Kinesiology, or muscle testing.
      2) Bring the trapped emotion to the surface, where you can remove it.
      3) Cancel out the negative emotions using a source of pure magnetism.

Now let’s take each step and examine them more closely, to see what is involved. We will
see how all 3 tools, that we have already looked at, Kinesiology, Meridians, and
Magnetism, all work together.

We have to start by locating the trapped emotions in our Heartwall, and heart, and other
organs. The tool we will use is Muscle Testing.

The first step is to test yourself to see if you are testable. That means asking your
subconscious yes and no questions. The question, you may now be asking, is, “Don’t I
need to go to a Kinesiologist to be tested?” The Answer is no.

The procedure to follow is this: I use it for myself. There are 4 or 5 different procedures
to muscle test yourself, but the one that works best for me, is called the elbow and wrist

Place your right elbow against your right side, and extend your lower arm out
horizontally, with your palm down.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        23                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Now take your left hand and extend your index and middle finger, and place them on
your wrist a couple inches behind the protruding bone on your right wrist. Relax, take a
deep breath, and don’t apply any pressure yet to your right wrist.

Now while saying the word YES or LOVE, begin applying pressure with your 2 fingers,
down against your right wrist, while resisting that pressure with your right arm. What
you are looking for is a firm resistance. You do not need to use unnecessary

Next say the word NO or HATE, while applying pressure down against your wrist, like
before. What you will find is that when you apply pressure down, there is a
noticeable weakness in pressure.

Some people, struggle at first, after all, it is a new experience that you are doing for the
first time. What you need to do, is practice until you feel a distinct difference between
YES and NO. Just practice until you feel the difference.

Now two things have happened here. First, you have verified that you are testable, and
                               second, that you are now connected to your
                               subconscious computer, and can now communicate
                               with YES and NO questions. Your subconscious then
                               responds, with strong, or weak, resistance.

                                    It is like entering a password on your computer when
                                    you boot it up. Then you can communicate with the

                                    By the way, if you have trouble connecting, you may
 This method has proved to be       try drinking a glass of water, and doing some deep
 the easiest method for me to       breathing exercises, and try again. You may also try
 do self healing and proxy          again later. I promise you, it is worth the trouble to
 healing work. Notice that the      learn. Unfortunately, you may be one of the few who
 two left fingers are resting on    can’t make it work.
 my right wrist 1-2” above the
                                 That is usually because you find it difficult to believe
 protruding bone on the back of
                                 that anything you can’t sense with your 5 senses,
 my right wrist.
                                 doesn’t exist.

The way that the Universe works is to read your intentions. Your subconscious mind is a
slave to your conscious mind. If you believe that Kinesiology doesn’t work, it won’t work
for you. On the other hand, if you have an open mind, and believe that it will work, then
it will.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        24                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
You have now learned to prepare yourself for muscle testing, but to complete step one,
you are going to have to learn how to find what your trapped emotions are, and where to
find them.

Later in the book, you will learn the details of locating trapped negative emotions. For
now we need to cover all three steps, and then go into more detail later. Now let's look at
the second step.

STEP TWO the Power of Intention
First, let’s be clear what I mean when I say Intention

For example, let’s say that you want to start your own online business, and you have
been doing research on line, to find what you want. You find several things that sound
good, but you haven’t taken any action. Why?

Well you now know, that our trapped emotions are the real culprits, and when this book
is finished, you will have no more excuses, after those blockages are removed.

Perhaps you have been saying things to yourself like, “I wish I could do this”, or “I
would really like to do this”, or “I think I might try this”, or “I just don’t have the time
or money to do it.”

Now contrast that conversation with this one: “This opportunity sounds very good”, or
“I am fed up with my life, and I am going to do something about it now”, or “I don’t
have any money or time, now, but I will find a way to do it”.

Let me ask you, which conversation describes Intention, and which one describes

Another way to look at it is that, wishing comes from your conscious mind, and
Intention comes from your heart. As we learned in a previous post, the heart is a mind,
many times stronger than your subconscious mind, and both are connected to the
Universal Mind of our Creator.

So you can describe your intention, as your heart’s desire, or firm
conviction, or resolve to make it happen, and nothing will stop you.

Bringing Your Emotions to The Surface
Since all of your trapped emotions are deep within your body, and attached to your
internal organs, we need a way to bring them to the surface, where we can cancel those
negative emotions, with a positive source of vibrations.

Here is how it is done. First, you must establish communication with the Universal
Mind. As we have explained before, Quantum Physics shows us that we are all part of
the universal energy field, whether we are conscious of it or not.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        25                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
It also shows us that our conscious thoughts have power to influence, or make changes
to that universal energy field. So we must communicate with the Universal Mind by
using our thoughts.

In this case, to express our heartfelt Intention to get the trapped emotions to the
surface, so they can be erased. Some could refer to this as praying, but what is prayer,
but direct communication with our Creator?

This approach is a scientific and practical way to express our Intentions, and it has
nothing to do with religion, It works for all humans, regardless of their faith, or lack of

The bottom line is this. I personally approach the Universal Mind, (or whatever Name
you use) in a prayerful, grateful attitude of needing help to find, and release my trapped

It is that approach, which brings the hidden emotion to the surface, where it can be
neutralized. That is just how simple this second step is.

I saved the third step for the next chapter, because we will go into more detail.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        26                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 7
                     Meridians and Magnets A Marriage from Heaven

In my last chapter, I shared the first two steps, out of three steps, to completely remove
the trapped negative emotions in your body.

We have already discussed in previous chapters, these emotions are the root cause of
your stress, health problems, and self-sabotage, and that has been holding you back
from success.

In this chapter, you are going to learn the third and final step of the process, This is how
you can actually rid your body of all the negative garbage, that you brought to the
surface in step two.

In a previous chapter, you learned about meridians. You learned that for centuries, the
Chinese have utilized them to help heal body ailments through Acupuncture.

They identified a governing meridian, that starts at the upper lip, crosses your forehead,
down your neck and spine, and ends at your tailbone.

Then there is an entire network of meridians, branching off the main meridian, and
going to all the organs in your body. That means that whatever you do to the
main meridian, affects every organ.

In a previous chapter, you also learned about magnetism. We found that our entire body
is a magnet, and through Kirlian photography we discovered that there is magnetism in
our finger tips.

Magnetism is a strong positive force, and if you Google magnetism in natural health
care, you will find that magnetism has a long history of success.

Meridians And Magnetism – A Combination Made In Heaven.
Now you are nearing the conclusion of our three steps, and putting the pieces together.
Here is where the magic happens for you.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        27                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Here is where, you actually get rid of the trapped emotions. You are about to learn how
to use this very simple and easy three step process. So here it is: Drum roll please!

      1) Using the Muscle Testing procedure you learned in a previous chapter, you
         locate the trapped emotion, using an Emotion Chart. At the end of this
         chapter, I will tell you how to get the chart.
      2) You bring the emotion to the surface of your body, through your strong
         thought intentions, where it can be neutralized.
      3) You neutralize the negative emotion on the surface, using

This is the swiping procedure you will follow. You can use any magnet, like a refrigerator
magnet, or your finger tips on either hand, and starting above your nose lightly rub the
magnet up to the top of your forehead, three to four times, while thinking, or saying that
the emotion you found is gone .

                                  The trapped emotion that you found in step one, has
                                  probably caused some symptoms in your body, like
                                  pain and discomfort. In most cases the symptom is
                                  greatly relieved, within minutes, and usually totally
                                  within 24 hours.

                                  There you have it. I told you it was simple and easy,
                                  and you can do it too.

 This photo shows the common      I discovered this program in April 2012, 5 months
 refrigerator magnet I use to     ago, as I write this. Since then, I have found and
 swipe my meridian from the       removed several hundred layers of negative emotions,
 top of my nose to my fore-       trapped in my heart, and other organs.
 head. When I don't have a
                                  The result has been improved health, my stress is
 magnet, I use my fingertips
                                  gone, and the things I couldn’t manifest before are
 which Kirlian photography
                                  starting to happen now, like magic. It is amazing
 shows are magnets them-
                                  what happens when you get rid of negative
                                  emotions that have been causing your self-

I wrote this book to share with the world my personal life changing miracles. The truth
is that I am on a mission to help as many marketers get rid of their self-sabotage, as I

©2012 Jerry Garner                      28                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Now don’t get the wrong impression. This is not an affiliate program and I get no
compensation of any kind. In fact I will not sell this book, ever. At the end of the book I
have a reprint rights contract, to allow anyone to reprint and share this book freely,
with only 2 restrictions. First you can not sell this book, even for pennies, and second
you can't alter or re-brand it. I did not write this book to profit from it.

If you are wondering what is in this for me, I have written a last chapter in this book,
that explains my motivation, and my special free blog and private Facebook Group,
where you can continue to share the Emotion code™ with others.. You are going to
really miss out, if you don't read that chapter, and give it serious consideration.

This miracle in my life is available to you and your loved ones, and I encourage you to go
to this website to get an Emotion code™ chart. This chart is necessary to guide you to
the emotions causing the problem.

To get the charts free, along with 7 free videos demonstrating the Emotion Code, just
click this link: (iPad and Android
users can copy and paste the link into your browser)

This is not the end of this book. In another chapter, I will share a few real life stories of
using this system. It has worked for myself and loved ones 100%, and I have
some amazing stories to share with you.

In the next chapter, I will explain how this same 3 step process will work equally well to
clear trapped negative emotions from your loved ones serving as their proxy healer.

You can also clear your pets trapped emotions serving as their proxy healer. I have
already cleared 4 pet dogs of trapped emotions, and the results were equally amazing. In
fact I will share 2 of those real life stories in chapter 10.

©2012 Jerry Garner                         29                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 8
                 Helping Others to Get Rid Of Their Trapped Emotions

In the last chapter, you finished learning how to rid yourself of Heartwalls, and other
trapped emotions. We learned a very simple 1-2-3 method of using muscle testing,
meridians, and magnets, to miraculously remove them.

In this chapter, I am going to explain how you can do this energy balancing for your
loved ones, and friends, by being a proxy for them. Let me explain.

Proxy testing and balancing
In my prior chapter on muscle testing, I explained how to prepare for your own tests. It
started with you saying yes and no while pushing down on the back of your right wrist
with your 2 left fingers. The purpose was to get a feel for the different resistances for

The next thing you need to do, is to establish a base, to be sure you are testable before
proceeding. You do this by saying, "I am-your name", while pushing down on your
wrist. You should feel FIRM resistance.

Now do the same thing again, using someone else’s name, and you should feel a lot
LESS resistance. You are looking for strong resistance when you say your name and
weak resistance when you say anyone else.

Now, I will explain how you can act as a proxy for someone else. First, you must get
their permission to test them. Explain that you will be connected to their
subconscious mind, and asking yes or no questions.

This is similar to a computer tech diagnosing your computer problems, by connecting
remotely to your computer, so they can read the symptoms.

Explain that they won’t experience anything different, and it has nothing to do with
mind reading, mind control, or anything having to do with the occult.

You will just be finding trapped emotions, using muscle testing, exactly how you do for
yourself. You will find what is causing them pain or health problems, and then
removing them with a simple little magnet.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       30                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
After the trapped emotions are removed, they will feel noticeably better. As I said
earlier, I am going to be sharing some remarkable stories that I have experienced
personally, while doing proxy healing. For now, I need to show you how proxy healing

How To Become A Proxy For Others
You will be setting up your base to become a proxy, exactly the same way that you do for
yourself. The difference now is that you will be saying their name, instead of your own.

That means that when you say their name, you will get a NO, at first. Continue to say
their name, while applying pressure on your wrist, each time you say NO.

It is normal to have to do this several times, before you get a yes. I frequently have to
repeat 5 or 6 times, before I get a yes. Sometimes I start to feel some resistance, after 2
or 3 repetitions, and each subsequent one gets stronger.

Once you have established a strong YES, you are connected to their
subconscious mind.

It works for someone on the other side of the world, just as well as if they were next to
you. How could that be possible?

In a previous chapter, I covered the subject of Quantum Physics. Briefly you learned that
everything in the universe is energy, and you learned that there is no time and space in
that energy field.

You also learned that your thoughts are things, and through your thoughts you are
connected to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind is directly
connected to the Universal Mind.

So we are all part of that Universal Mind and energy field, and can
consciously communicate with it.

Once you are connected, you will ask your yes and no questions, as if you are
that person. Just follow the directions in the Emotion code™ book, and the Emotion
code™ chart, and their subconscious will find their trapped emotions for you.

Once you find the hidden emotion, you will swipe the magnet from your forehead up to
the top of your head, 3 or 4 swipes. With each swipe you will say that, "the emotion you
found, is gone".

The last two things you will want to do is ask their subconscious if that emotion is now
gone. Then you will disconnect from their subconscious, by saying your name, over and
over, until you get a yes.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        31                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
That is it. It is so simple to do, that you might think that there is something missing. I
promise you that it is true. I have used it daily, for the four months since I learned it,
and it has never failed.

If you haven’t already, go to and
get the Emotion Code™ charts. I repeat that this is not an affiliate program, and I get no
compensation of any kind for sharing. The information in this book is my gift to

In fact this PDF book may be reprinted and shared with others, with two very important
restrictions. First it cannot be sold for any money or compensation. That would defeat
my purpose in GIVING this information to the world, and if compensation is received, it
is no longer a gift, but just another product.

The second thing is it can't be altered, re-branded, or changed in any way.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        32                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 9
                     I Witness Miracles Everyday-My Stories

In this book, starting with “Health Is Essential for Success”, I took you on a journey
from there, to being able to eliminate all negative emotions trapped inside you.

It is these negative emotions, that are the root cause of your internal stress, and as a
result, you experience not only health problems, but self-sabotage which causes
most failures in your business and personal life.

I introduced you to the Emotion code™ system, which allows anyone to remove these
negative emotions from themselves, and loved ones.

This System is truly a miracle in my life, and it is my mission in life to share it with as
many people as I can. The Emotion code™ system is not an affiliate program, and I get
no compensation of any kind. It is a labor of love for me.

Miracles Happen Every Day For Me.
In this chapter, I am going to share my personal real life experiences with you. I will
explain the exact procedure I used, the questions I asked, and the miraculous results.

The following is my first miracle that I was a part of:

In April 2012, a lady friend of mine from just outside London shared with me that she
was experiencing very bad lower back pain. I told her about the Emotion code™ System
that I had purchased, and she asked if I would do a scan on her, as her proxy.

Of course I agreed, and this is what transpired.

First, I had to establish a connection with her subconscious, using the technique I
described in my last chapter, on being a proxy for someone else. I said “I am Sophie"
several times, until I got a yes, on my muscle testing.

That itself could be classified as a miracle. Think about it. Think about
being able to connect to the subconscious mind of another, on the other
side of the world.

Without knowing, that this is based totally on the scientific principle of Quantum
Physics, and has nothing to do with the occult, mind reading, or any special powers, you
would probably be very skeptical.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        33                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Anyway, after making the connection, as her proxy, I asked my questions as if I were

In a previous chapter, I covered Heartwalls, what they are, and why over 93% of people
have one. So my first question was “Do I have a Heartwall, that I can find and remove

Using the Elbow, Wrist, testing method, I got a strong YES.

Using the Emotion code™ chart, which is divided into 2 columns, and 6 rows, and
listing 5 emotions in each of the 12 blocks on the chart, I found the block in column A
and row one.

I then asked if each one of the 5 emotions. was the Heartwall emotion. When I got to
FORLORN, the answer was a strong Yes.

The next question was, “Do I need to know the origin of that Heartwall?” and the
answer again was yes. So I asked, ” Did it happen before the age of 20?” The answer
was not a clear yes or no.

I had learned that emotions can be picked up in the womb, from your mother, and even
more remarkable, it can be inherited from prior generations. My next questions went
like this:

“Is this an inherited emotion? Answer was Yes. “Was this emotion picked up from your
mother?” The answer was Yes. “Did your mother inherit that emotion?” The answer was

“Did your mother get it from her mother?” The answer was Yes. “Did your
grandmother get it from her mother?” The answer was No.

I then used a refrigerator magnet, and swiped my forehead 3 or 4 times, while saying
that--- “Forlorn has been removed”, I followed that up with the question-- “Has forlorn
been removed from my heart?” I got a strong Yes.

I had learned that Heartwalls are usually made up of 2 or more emotions, so my next
question was “Are there any other Heartwalls?” The answer was Yes.

This time I found the emotion in column A and row 1. It was ABANDONMENT.

Using the same questions, as before, I discovered that she had also inherited that
emotion from her grandmother.

I then swiped my forehead 3 or 4 times with the magnet, while saying, “Abandonment
has been removed from my heart” My follow-up question showed that Abandonment
had indeed been removed.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       34                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
The next day, my friend and I communicated on Skype, after I had sent her a PDF of my
scanning results, and she was blown away, by what I discovered about her inherited
emotions. There was no possible way for me to know that, if I was not actually
communicating directly with her subconscious mind.

Even better, she said that on a scale of 1 to 10, her back pain was around 8 or 9, before,
and now it was down to 3 or 4. The following day, she said the pain was gone.

To some who are not familiar with Quantum Physics, and energy balancing, this could
be called a miracle. After all, it is beyond the experience of most people.

To me, it is purely scientific, and a gift from our Creator, and one that is changing lives,
dramatically, all over the world. If you haven’t already, go to (if link does not click, just copy and paste
to your browser) and get a copy of “The Emotion Code™charts plus 7 free videos” You
owe it to yourself, and loved ones.

In the next chapter I will share two amazing real life stories of my first two energy-
healing sessions on pet dogs. First, I started with my good friend Sophie’s pet dog FLO.
It was a truly remarkable experience. Then there is a really mind blowing healing of my
good friend, in Idaho, Randy’s pet dog Coco. If you love animals, these two stories will
show that the Emotion code™ works just as well for them.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        35                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 10
                             Two Amazing Dog Stories

In the last chapter, I shared with you my experience in removing a Heartwall from my
friend Sophie, while acting as her proxy from my home in Atlanta. Her lower back pain
caused by her two Heartwalls, was almost instantly relieved after I swiped a magnet over
my forehead 3 times, and her lower back pain was gone after 24 hours.

I concluded that this “Miracle” was made possible because of the scientific principles of
Quantum Physics, Muscle Testing, and Magnetism. It had nothing to do with the occult,
or any special powers. In fact anyone can easily do the same things for
themselves, and loved ones.

The Emotion Code™ charts, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is all you will need. To get
the charts free, along with 7 free videos demonstrating the Emotion Code, just click this
link: (if link does not click, just copy
and paste to your browser)

At any rate, I have since removed several more trapped emotions from Sophie, not just
in her heart, but other organs as well. Each clearing of the negative emotions also
brought relief from her external symptoms.

I had learned that the Emotion Code™ had been used on animals successfully by others,
so I asked Sophie if she wanted me to work on her border collie, Flo. As you may be
aware, Border Collies are a working breed, and they are most happy when they are
working, which is herding animals.

Flo was 12 years old, and couldn’t work anymore because of both hips being very weak,
and also a right front leg soreness.

I connected with Flo’s subconscious mind exactly the same way I do for everyone that I
am a proxy for. I said--- “I am Flo”, while pushing on my right wrist with my left fingers.
Of course I got a NO the first 2 or 4 cycles, but after about 5 0r 6 cycles, I got a firm YES.
I was now connected to the subconscious mind of a dog in England. How
cool is that?

©2012 Jerry Garner                        36                             Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
I now asked the following questions of Flo’s subconscious:

“Do I have a hidden Emotion causing my hips to be weak?” The answer was YES. Using
the Emotion code™ chart I found the hidden emotion of RESENTMENT, trapped in her
liver. I then swiped the magnet over my forehead, 3 or 4 times while saying, on each
swipe---“Resentment is gone from my liver.” I then asked her subconscious “Is the
emotion of resentment gone from my liver.” The answer was a firm YES.

My next question was, “Do I have any other hidden emotions causing my hip
weakness?.” The answer was YES. Using the Emotion code™ chart, I found the emotion
of PANIC, trapped in her liver. I removed that emotion by swiping my forehead with a
magnet 3 or 4 times. A quick question of her subconscious mind showed that panic was
indeed gone from her liver.

The next few days, I checked with Sophie to see how Flo was doing, and she said that Flo
was up, and back to work herding sheep. Of course she limited how long Flo worked, but
Flo was again a happy dog, doing what she loved.

All I can say is WOW! Even though I knew how and why this was possible, and I was just
the facilitator, it just blew me away, and brought tears of joy to my eyes. That was the
greatest gift I could ever receive for my efforts.

I do have another dog energy healing story to share with you to close out this book. This
one was truly a miracle, and the healing of pets is one of the most rewarding experiences
I have had.

In the beginning of this chapter, I shared with you my first experience in healing a pet
dog, Flo, in England, serving as her proxy.

I had shared with my good friend Randy, in Idaho, my experience with healing Flo.
Randy told me about his pet dog Coco, who was a stray dog that they had adopted, and
asked me if I could do an energy balancing for Coco. I was more than happy to do it.

While on a Skype video call with Randy, he got Coco to get in front of the camera, so I
could see her. Keeping in mind that she was a stray, Randy didn’t know how old she was,
or how badly she had been treated.

When I saw her on camera, I was instantly aware, that she must have a lot of trapped
emotions, because her ears were drooping, her tail was between her legs, and she had
the saddest eyes, I have ever seen on a dog. My heart told me that I just have to help this

©2012 Jerry Garner                       37                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
She had a fear of loud noises, and was afraid of men, and very timid and withdrawn,
rolling over on her back around strangers.

Using my Emotion Code™ chart, I started my scans. Of course I had to connect with
Coco’s subconscious first, using the technique I described in previous chapters.

I always start with scanning for a Heartwall, because almost every person and animal
has at least one, and because it is the heart, it is the one organ that has a profound effect
on our health, and emotions.

I started by asking: “Do I have a Heartwall?” The answer was Yes. On my Emotion
Code™ chart, I found the emotion, INSECURITY. I swiped MY forehead with a magnet
3 or 4 times, while saying “Insecurity in my heart is gone.” A follow up question
verified, that the emotion, Insecurity was now gone.

I was sure, going by how beat down she was, that she must have other Heartwalls. So I
asked “Do I have any other Heartwalls, that I need to find and remove now?” The
answer was Yes.

This time my chart took me to the emotion of, HEARTACHE. I removed that emotion,
by swiping the magnet over MY forehead, 3 or 4 times, and a follow-up test showed that
heartache was now gone.

I continued searching for other Heartwalls, and I actually found 3 more. They were
ABANDONMENT, REJECTION, and HELPLESSNESS. I removed all 3 as I found them,
by swiping my forehead 3 or 4 times.

I did not find any other Heartwalls, but when I asked “Do I have any other hidden
emotions, that I need to find and remove now?” The answer was Yes.

My scan found LOST on the chart, and that trapped emotion was in her small intestine,
not the heart. Of course I swiped it away with my magnet.

The next day I talked to Randy, and asked if he noticed any difference in Coco, and he
excitedly said that there was a very big change in the hours after her energy balancing.

In the next few days, Randy said she continued showing improvement, and was like a
new dog. He showed her to me on a Skype video call, and the difference was astounding.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        38                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Her ears were perked up, her tail was wagging, and her eyes were shining and alert. She
was now a happy dog.

My reaction was one of gratitude and joy, for finding that God given gift of the Emotion
Code™, and being able to help that poor dog. If you haven’t yet, you owe it to yourself,
your loved ones, and yes your pets also, To get the charts free, along with 7 free videos
demonstrating the Emotion Code, just click this link: (if link does not click, just copy and
paste to your browser)

I have created my own blog to share the Emotion Code™ with the world, and this is my
invitation to subscribe to my blog, which by the way is free. My intention is to post my
personal experiences, using the Emotion Code™, and to enjoy your comments and
feedback. I will also share other energy healing systems that I use, and will also be doing
some Q&A blogs from your feedback and questions.

In the next and last chapter, I will be tying it altogether, and then I will suggest an action
plan, so you can begin to clear yourself and loved ones of your trapped emotions, that
have been causing your health problems, relationship problems, and self- sabotaging
decisions that are causing financial problems for you.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        39                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Chapter 11
                     Summary, Reprint Rights, and Special Offer

When I started to write this eBook, I had three objectives in mind.

The first was to help small business people like myself, to eliminate the self-sabotage
that has been killing their dreams, of financial freedom, happy relationships, and secure

The second objective was to eliminate the stress, and related health problems that
makes it very difficult to start and build a business.

The third objective was to share my discovery of the real underlying cause of your self-
sabotage, and then introduce you to a new 21'st Century self-help system that will
eliminate that root cause permanently.

The best way to introduce and teach this system was to write a simplified book of
instructions, which would not confuse you with technical details, but explain the
essentials of this remarkable new system. So let's review what you have learned from
this book.


In chapter One, we started with a discussion of Stress. Why start there? Well, think
about it. The biggest single cause of health problems happens to be Stress.

The biggest cause of Stress happens to be money.

If that is the case, and you have been trying to start and run a business, and are
continually failing, and you don't know why. Wouldn't you want to know the
reason why, and more important the real solution to the problem.

In chapter two you started to understand what the real underlying cause of self-
sabotage is, in order to find a solution. You discovered that the root cause was your own
thoughts, and you created your circumstances that you find yourself in now.

You learned that you can create your dreams the way you want them to
be, but first you will have to get rid of the thought patterns that got you
here with new ways of thinking.

©2012 Jerry Garner                      40                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
In chapter three you learned about the three minds we all have, the conscious,
subconscious, and the heart mind. That is a new finding that most people are not aware
of, but it plays a critical role in the self-sabotage you are experiencing.

In chapter four you started learning what the real cause of your self-sabotage is. You
discovered that hidden trapped emotions of negative energy are trapped in your organs
and have even created a heart wall around your heart.

You were then introduced to energy healing, to lead you into chapter five.

In chapter five you learned about the three tools that you will need to get rid of the
negative trapped emotions causing your self-sabotage. The tools are Magnetism,
Meridians, and Kinesiology (or muscle testing)

Then in chapter six we got down to teaching you what those simplified 3 steps are that
you will be using to actually clear yourself of the emotions causing your self-sabotage
We went into detail on the first two steps, but saved the third and final step for the next

In chapter seven you learned how to put it all together, and using the 3 tools you
have, to locate the emotion, bring it to the surface, and then neutralize the negative

In chapter eight you learned how to use this simple and easy, 3 step system to be a
proxy healer for your family and friends.

Then in chapter nine I shared my first energy healing experience using the Emotion
Code™, and went into a more detailed step by step explanation of exactly what to do.
Then I shared the amazing results of that session.

Finally in chapter ten, you learned that you can also be a proxy for your pets, using the
exact same system, and get equally amazing results.

©2012 Jerry Garner                       41                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Reprint Rights

This eBook was written for the benefit of network and affiliate marketers, as well as any
small business person. It was my intention to remove the root cause of
business failure, and that is self-sabotage.

Until 4 months ago, I was one of the victims. Then I found the Emotion Code™ of Dr.
Bradley Nelson. Since then I have removed every trapped emotion, over 300 of them,
from myself. My transformation has been spectacular. My business
partners have told me that I act like a new man.

I have also removed my other partner’s trapped emotions, and they too have
experienced the same results.

I am of the firm belief that this is the first thing a marketer or
businessman should do, when starting their business. Removing self-sabotage,
will free you up to be at your peak performance, and give you the health and stamina
you will need.

I had two choices to make regarding the Emotion Code™. The first was that I could
become a certified practitioner, and make a business out of it. The second was to use it
to help my family and friends, and do it for free.

I needed a way to reach as many people as possible to share this remarkable, God given
gift. I decided that if I give this book to the World, that it would have to be free.
Otherwise it would not be a gift, but just another eBook to sell.

For that reason there are only two restrictions to reprinting and giving this book away.
The first is that it can’t be sold for any compensation. The second thing is that it can’t be
changed, re-branded, or altered, and must be reprinted as is.

                                    Special Offer.

In case you are wondering what I get out of doing all the work of creating this book, and
giving it away, I will explain how I get paid.

My motive is to build a team of like-minded individuals by offering a subscription
to my blog, which is also free. My blog is a way to share all of the natural and
energy healing protocols on the market.

©2012 Jerry Garner                        42                            Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
On each blog there are banners to my main affiliate program, and when someone joins
my team in that program, I am compensated with a commission. In addition, I have
included a link in this eBook to a gift of three free eBooks on the subjects of
money, manifesting, and love. If you decide to order more books from them, I will
receive an affiliate’s commission.

In my blogs, besides keeping you up to date on the fields of natural and energy healing,
with free content, I will from time to time, be sharing other programs that I believe in
and use myself. Some of them will probably be affiliate programs, and if you participate
I will receive a commission.

In order to be in harmony with The Universal Law of Attraction, which says—“You must
give first, before you can receive”, I wrote this eBook as my gift to the Universe. The
more value I can give you, with no strings attached, the more the Universe will
compensate me.


     •    For those who subscribe to my blog, I will give you an invitation to my
          private Facebook group, where you can get your questions answered, and
          share your experiences with the group, pertaining to natural healing, especially
          energy healing.

     •    For those who join me in my affiliate program, from any of my blogs, I will give
          you a free copy of The Emotion Code™ book, so you won’t have to buy

     •    For those who would like to have a one on one phone consultation with me, and
          get private tutoring on using the Emotion Code™, I will make the details
          available in my welcome blog post. I will coach you until you can use the
          Emotion Code™s on your own.

©2012 Jerry Garner                         43                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
Actions To Take Now

If you have trouble with these links, please copy and paste them into your browser.
Again they will load without any opt-in or obligation.
     •    Link to the three free Ebooks about Quantum Physics:

     •    Link to the Emotion Code™ website to get the free Emotion Code™ Charts plus 7
          free videos

     •    Link to my blog:

     •    Link to my affiliate program if you are looking for income to reduce stress:


To subscribe to my natural and energy healing blog send me an email and put in the
subject line: “please subscribe me to your blog” If link fails, copy and paste to your email.

                                     Pay it Forward

Now that you have read the book and see how easy it is to experience healing miracles in
your own life. The best thing you can do now is “Pay it Forward”.
Send this PDF eBook to ten of your loved ones and closest friends. Then they can enjoy
the same healing miracles as you.
You will be part of this Worldwide mission to improve the world, one person at a time.
Introduce the Emotion Code™ to ten people by sharing this book with them.

©2012 Jerry Garner                          44                           Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer

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Ebook update oct 15 9 pm

  • 1.
  • 2. Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer First Edition, August 2012 by Jerry Garner Contents Contents.............................................................................................................................2 Introduction.......................................................................................................................5 Chapter 1................................................................................................................................7 Health Is Essential For Success And Stress Is The Biggest Threat ............................7 Chapter 2..............................................................................................................................10 Your Thoughts Create Your Future.............................................................................10 Chapter 3..............................................................................................................................13 Did You Know That You Have Three Minds?............................................................13 Chapter 4..............................................................................................................................17 The Real Underlying Cause Of Stress..........................................................................17 Energy Healing.............................................................................................................18 Chapter 5.............................................................................................................................20 The Three Tools You Are Going To Need ..................................................................20 Chapter 6.............................................................................................................................23 Three Steps to Remove Negative Emotions................................................................23 Chapter 7..............................................................................................................................27 Meridians and Magnets A Marriage from Heaven.....................................................27 Chapter 8.............................................................................................................................30 Helping Others to Get Rid Of Their Trapped Emotions............................................30 Chapter 9.............................................................................................................................33 I Witness Miracles Everyday-My Stories....................................................................33 Chapter 10...........................................................................................................................36 Two Amazing Dog Stories ...........................................................................................36 ©2012 Jerry Garner 2 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 3. Chapter 11............................................................................................................................40 Summary, Reprint Rights, and Special Offer.............................................................40 Summary......................................................................................................................40 Reprint Rights..............................................................................................................42 Special Offer.................................................................................................................42 Bonuses........................................................................................................................43 Actions To Take Now...................................................................................................44 Pay it Forward..............................................................................................................44 ©2012 Jerry Garner 3 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 4. DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT The author and publisher have used their best efforts in preparing this report. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this report. The information contained in this report is strictly for educational purposes Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential however, there is no guarantee that you will improve in any way using the techniques and ideas in these materials examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of anything. self- help and improvement potential is entirely independent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. your level of improvement in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, knowledge and various skills. since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or improvement level nor are we responsible for any of your actions. many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you still achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be DEEMED liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this report. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose. ©2012 Jerry Garner 4 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 5. Introduction As the title of this book suggests, one of the main causes of not manifesting your deepest desires, and business success, is Self-Sabotage. This book will make you aware of the real root cause of your self sabotage, explain what it is, and how you can remove that cause permanently, using a simplified, self-help, three step system. Briefly, below is a summary of my business background, and pursuit of that elusive dream of total financial independence, freedom to do what I want, and when I want to do it. I also share many of the programs and systems that I was using to discover the real cause of my failure, so that I could eliminate them. I have been an entrepreneur since 1965, and since that time I have been chasing my dreams. I have spent thousands of dollars, and put in thousands of hours of reading, listening to cassettes, CD's, DVD's, and videos, looking for the secret of success. I started with a cleaning franchise, bought a Century 21 real estate franchise, spent 18 years in various MLM's, became a day trader in the Forex and Option markets, and a year ago I started an online marketing business. During those past 47 years, I have enjoyed limited success, but my dream of total financial freedom, with a perpetual residual income has continued to elude me, until I discovered that I was self-sabotaging myself, and more important, how to get rid of the cause permanently. I tried all the traditional approaches to overcome my roadblocks, like positive affirmations on notes all over my environment, and even saying them to myself, while looking into my own eyes in the mirror. I have tried NLP, self-hypnosis, hypnotic tapes, meditation techniques, and numerous manifesting techniques. They all had some limited success, but I continued self- sabotaging myself, and I still did not know why, so I continued my search. I discovered, and am still using The Healing Codes system. I discovered and am still using The Tapping System. They are both great, but still I knew in my gut, that there was something else holding me back. All the stress was still there, and it was affecting my health. ©2012 Jerry Garner 5 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 6. Five months ago, and I am writing this in August 2012, I received an invitation to attend a Webinar, and after the Webinar, my reaction was "EUREKA", I found the deepest underlying reason for my business failure. I have heard it said many times, that everyone has a book within them, but I never had anything to inspire me, to actually sit down and do the work. Well I have now, and it is one of the most profound experiences of my life The bottom line is, that in 3 months, I was able to find and get rid of all the roadblocks buried deep within me. My stress is gone, my health is dramatically improved, and now my online business is starting to move. As a result, I am a man on a mission, to share my secret discovery with as many people as possible. I know this may sound like a sales pitch, but let me assure you, before you start reading, that I am not an affiliate of this program. I do not receive any compensation, or money for sharing it. In the book, I will reveal to you what the system is, how to use it yourself, and how to get the system for yourself, so you can also remove all of your internal roadblocks to success. It is my heartfelt desire, and mission, to help all entrepreneurs, and those aspiring to be one, to find and remove all internal roadblocks to their success. This book will start at the beginning, and step by step take you from identifying the problems causing your stress and business failures, and then walk you through a three step process of how to eliminate the real, root cause of your stress and failure. So let’s begin your life changing discovery in Chapter one. There are several clickable links in the book. If the links do not work for you, it is likely the conversion when we uploaded the book. The book, in its original form, is clickable on every operating system except iPad and Android OS. This is because they use a “pointer” instead of mouse system. Since there are many ways in which you may have received this eBook, such as hyperlink in a forum post, the links may not work. If your copy of this eBook does not allow links to be clicked, just copy and past them into your browser. You will go directly to the websites. If you have a problem, please email me. I encourage you to take the time to use these links, as they are all for your benefit. I would especially appreciate your feedback and comments on this eBook. It will help me to improve my second edition. Send your comments to me at ©2012 Jerry Garner 6 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 7. Chapter 1 Health Is Essential For Success And Stress Is The Biggest Threat Entrepreneurs tend to be type “A” personalities. What does that mean? Usually, type “A’s” are the ones who tend to be unbalanced in the way they spend their time. For instance, some entrepreneurs will wake up in the middle of the night, and work. Then they get a little sleep, get back up, and work all day. Finally they have some dinner, and then work all evening. When you are young, you can get by with such a schedule, but there are long term consequences in 3 areas of your life. Let’s take a look at what usually happens. 1. Family life—What do you think the effect is on the spouse and children, when they never see you? Many divorces can be traced back to a workaholic spouse. How balanced do you think your children will be, with a role model like that. 2. Stress—Starting and building a new business, requires a lot of mental effort, as well as time and money. There are also a lot of unforeseen obstacles to overcome. That can cause a great deal of stress. 3. Health—your body has certain needs that must be met, if you are to remain healthy, and productive. It requires nourishment, rest, and mental health. You must have good health to be productive, and accomplish your goals. Let me ask you a question. How balanced, productive, and healthy do you think you will be, if one or more of these 3 consequences are controlling your life? So the question remains, “How can you start and build a business, without your health?” Since the biggest threat to your health is Stress, you need to find a way to get rid of it. In the next few chapters, I will be covering the solution to living a healthy, productive, stress free life, while building your business, and being free from self- sabotage. First, we need to understand the true nature of Stress. What is it, where does it come from, and how can you control it? Now, I am going to explode the myth surrounding stress. Most people think that stress is caused by external conditions over which they have no control. The truth is stress comes from within. You create the stress internally; by the way you react to outside problems, people, and ©2012 Jerry Garner 7 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 8. circumstances. In other words, it is your own fault. It is created in your mind. Let me share a true story with you, to illustrate what I mean. A couple decades ago, I was associated with a well-known millionaire entrepreneur in one of his business ventures. The FTC decided that he had violated one of their regulations, and filed charges against him. He decided to fight for his rights, because he knew the charges were unfounded. Every day during the trial, his secretary, accompanied by her teenage daughter, took notes of all the proceedings to share with his attorneys, every evening. Every day, crossing the parking lot, crossing the lobby, and riding the elevator up to the courtroom, she remarked to her daughter, “Do you notice how unfriendly everyone is, no one is smiling, and everyone seems to be rude”. At the end of the trial, after the millionaire had been completely exonerated from all charges, they gathered their stuff and left the courtroom. After getting in to their car to leave, the secretary remarked to her daughter, ” Did you notice how different everyone was today? People were smiling, and considerate, and friendly. I wonder what happened?” As only children can sometimes see the truth, the daughter replied,“Mother, you were friendly and smiling today”. What was the difference? The courthouse and the people in it were pretty much the same after the trial, as during the trial? The circumstances of unfair charges, and a lengthy trial, created a great amount of internal stress. in their lives, because of external circumstances, that was beyond their control. The difference was in the mind of the secretary, and how she reacted to the problem. She had created her own stress, in her own mind. She couldn’t eat or sleep, and was very irritable with her family all during the trial. The stress was felt by everyone around her, and she was giving off negative vibrations wherever she was. After the victory, she released all the built up stress from within. She began to give off positive vibrations, and her external world changed immediately. So what is the moral to this true story? When faced with external problems, you have 2 choices in dealing with them. You can play the blame game, and make yourself a victim of circumstances, or you can use your God given talents, and fight back, with a positive plan of action. ©2012 Jerry Garner 8 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 9. If you do, then you are in control, and not a victim, and I promise you that the stress level will be greatly reduced. Stress is so critical to your health, and business success, that we will spend the next three chapters exploring it further. So stay with me to the end of this book, and you are going to be blown away by how easy the permanent solution will be for you. ©2012 Jerry Garner 9 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 10. Chapter 2 Your Thoughts Create Your Future In my last chapter, we determined that the source of your stress is in your mental programming, which responds to outside circumstances and problems. To change that mental programming, requires that you find a way to change the subconscious programming, in order to greatly reduce the internal stress you feel. To change that subconscious programming, you must first understand how your conscious and subconscious minds work. Once you know how they work, my suggestions will make more sense to you. In this chapter we will be laying the groundwork for practical things that you can do, but first things first. In the headline of this chapter, I made a statement that your thoughts create your future. This is far from a new thought. Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book, called “Think and Grow Rich” showed how the wealthiest people knew and used this idea, to amass their wealth. The conclusion was that it was their thoughts that were the source of success. Now, I am going to be making some controversial statements, to explain the truth about how things really work. I can only ask that you keep an open mind, while I tie all these thoughts together. I promise that it will make sense to you after you have all the information. 1. Thoughts are real things, and these thoughts have power 2. Where you are now in your life, is the result of all your past thoughts, good or bad. 3. You can create the future you desire by thinking the right thoughts in the right way. 4. You have already created the future you didn’t want, by thinking the wrong thoughts. 5. You can’t escape this fact. If you don’t like where you are in life, you will continue to create more of the same, unless you learn to change and control your thoughts. ©2012 Jerry Garner 10 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 11. The physical laws of the Universe, as they really exist, are being rapidly rewritten by Quantum Physics. Now, we won’t be going into that study in this chapter, because it is far too complex and time consuming. This eBook is designed to make a complex subject easier to understand. We will however, use Quantum Physics, as it relates to your thoughts, because you will need to know that, in order to reach your goal of getting rid of your internal stress. Thoughts Are Real Things, And Thoughts Have Power Now, let's talk about thoughts. Let's explore the 5 points above in more detail. In this chapter we will learn more about thoughts, what they are, how they work, how much power they have, and how to use them to improve your life. Some might feel that it is rather silly, because everybody has thoughts every waking moment. They think, "How could that have any influence over my life?" In Quantum Physics, which I cover in more detail in another chapter, we learn that everything is energy in the entire Universe. We also learn that humans have the power to create what they want, using their thoughts. That is because every thought you have, has a vibration, which has a direct effect on your life, for good, or bad. Where you are in life now, is the sum total of all your thoughts. I am going to be brutally honest here, at the risk of making you mad, and say that, if you are in a bad place now, it is your own fault. It was your own thoughts that got you where you are. Did that make you mad, Good! In order to make your life what you want it to be, you are going to have to change the way you think, in order to eliminate the stress, self- sabotage, and lack of money. Now, I know that it is easier to say, than to do, that is why I wrote this book. In my next chapter, I am going to explain to you why you think the way you do, and how that, got you to where you are now. Even though you are responsible for your current circumstances, you had a lot of help from your environment, and people in your life, over which you had no control. Well if you resolve to change your current circumstances, and take responsibility for your life going forward, I promise you, that after you finish this book, you will be able to do just that. I will be leading you to a very easy, and simple three step process, that you do yourself. ©2012 Jerry Garner 11 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 12. This process will remove your stress, self-sabotage, and everything else holding you back. So stay with me, and follow along. If you do it, you are going to be amazed at the improvements in your life, and how fast it will happen. If you have read this far, I will share an in depth study of the principles in this chapter as a free reward. This is a series of 3 free individual PDF eBooks, and they are my gift to you. At the end of this book I will tell you how to get them. ©2012 Jerry Garner 12 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 13. Chapter 3 Did You Know That You Have Three Minds? Are you happy with your life? Is your life full of problems of all kinds? Are you tired of nothing going right in your life? You and you alone, created it. Now, don’t shoot the messenger. I will be explaining how you can create a new life going forward. To create your new life the way you want it, you will need to understand some basic things. Today, we will start with your 3 minds. You read that right. I did say three minds. Everyone knows about the conscious, and the subconscious minds, but where is the 3'rd mind? The answer is your heart. Did you know the heart has the capacity to think? Let’s go back and start with your conscious mind. We all know that is where everyone creates conscious thoughts. These thoughts lead you to make certain decisions, and take certain actions. The subconscious mind also has the capacity to think. However, the thoughts are already programmed into it. Think of it as a computer that was receiving and storing information from the day you were born. Think of your conscious mind like a gatekeeper. When you have a new thought, or new action you are contemplating, which will require a change in your programming, your conscious mind will decide whether or not to allow it to be added to your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is just like a computer. It can only respond to the prior thoughts already programmed into it, but it can’t create its own new thoughts. In order to reach your goal of greatly reducing your internal stress, you will need to learn about how to reprogram your subconscious mind, and bypass the conscious gatekeeper. That brings me to the third mind. You will not see very much written about this mind, but Quantum Physics is beginning to shed light on this subject. In my last chapter we learned that you are right now, creating your future, for good or bad. As we learned, your thoughts are things, and the tools you use to create. ©2012 Jerry Garner 13 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 14. In this chapter you learned that you have 3 minds: They are: The heart mind, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind. I listed the heart first, because the heart is another mind, and is up to 1,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind. It is the seat of your deepest emotions. It overrides, and influences our subconscious mind, which in turn is more powerful than our conscious mind. Think of our mind as an iceberg, where only about 10% is above the surface, like our conscious mind, and 90% is below the surface, like our subconscious mind. So where does the heart/mind fit in to this analogy? It is like the ocean that the iceberg is in. The currents and temperature of the vast ocean are what determines where the iceberg goes, and how long it will last. So how do we begin to apply this knowledge in a practical way, to greatly reduce the stress, self-sabotage, and the problems of life? One of a number of illustrations out there is a person who is trying to make a decision, about what to do next. On their right shoulder is an angel whispering in their ear, not to do something. On their left shoulder is a devil, telling them to go ahead and do it. That illustrates the conflict between your conscious and subconscious minds, but what happens when you can’t decide, and there is a tie? That is where the Heart Mind takes over. Since the heart is a part of, and directly connected to the universe, it will break the tie, and make the decision for you. It is like the ocean that the iceberg is in. Have you heard the expression, “Just follow your heart” So now let’s apply this knowledge to greatly reduce your internal stress. To illustrate, let’s use the greatest source of stress in 2012, and that is the lack of money, security, and where the Geo-political forces in the world are taking all of us. Let’s assume that you lost your job, and you are worried sick about your financial future. Your internal fears and worry dominates your thoughts. We call that stress. As we covered already, that stress was created in your mind. It is very true that we have very little control over the external problems of the world that helps to provoke and create problems for us. but you do have control over your thoughts. In my last chapter, I challenged you to take responsibility for your future, by controlling your thoughts. ©2012 Jerry Garner 14 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 15. There is only one conclusion to what I just said, since your thoughts created your present circumstances that will continue to be your future, unless you change your thoughts. I know it is easier said than done, but never the less, you must do it. Think about this. You have the power to create your future, anyway that you want it. If your dominate thoughts are only on what you want, you can manifest it. I promise you, that knowledge alone will greatly reduce your stress level. You will no longer be a victim, you will have the power to create your future, the way you want it. Since manifesting your future, by changing your thoughts, is so important, In the rest of this book, I will be guiding you, on ways that you can begin implementing right away. In fact, you will learn a very simple one-two-three method that anyone can do. Caution, don't skip to the last chapter now. It is necessary to learn new things first. If you skip ahead, you will probably be confused. If you are suffering now, I understand that you want relief quickly, but as the old cliche says, "Haste makes waste". As I said before, the heart mind is directly connected to the Universal Energy Field, and it is more powerful than your conscious and subconscious mind. It can and does override them both. Your personality is embedded in your heart. In my research I ran across some amazing examples of all the thousands of heart transplants done in the past few decades. In every one that received a heart transplant, the personality of the donor, showed up in the recipient. When the families of the donor visited the recipient, they were amazed to find that they immediately recognized their loved one’s personality in the recipient. I will give you one example here to illustrate what I mean. This example was copied from my mentor, Dr. Bradley Nelson, who created the Emotion code™ course, where I learned to completely clear myself of all the negative trapped emotions that I accumulated over seven decades, and which emotional clearing has created a miracle in my life. A fascinating story is told of a middle-aged white man who got a heart transplant. He knew that he was going to get a heart from a young black man. After he got the heart transplant, he had this incredible, insatiable yearning for classical music. He couldn't stop listening to it. He would play classical music loud in his home all day long. He would listen to certain passages obsessively over and over. ©2012 Jerry Garner 15 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 16. Finally, his wife thought he was losing his mind. He'd never liked classical music before. They were amazed to find out that he had received the heart of a young black man who was a concert violinist, who was hit by a car as he was crossing the street on his way home from a recital. You could easily spend a whole day on Google reading stories just like this, by Goggling "heart transplant personality changes". In the next few chapters, we will tie it all together, and show you how to use these three minds in practical ways to reprogram yourself, in order to greatly reduce your internal stress, self-sabotage, and problems of life. ©2012 Jerry Garner 16 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 17. Chapter 4 The Real Underlying Cause Of Stress In the last chapter, I promised we would get to the real cause of stress. First we have to realize that we need to know what the real problem is, before we can remove it. In this chapter, we are going to discover those problems. The best way is to start with an example. In our society today we have a divorce rate that is now above 50%. In most divorces, there are innocent children, who are traumatized by the events leading up to the divorce. Let’s assume a family with one child, around 4 to 5 years old. And let’s assume that there are financial problems, which have been building up for a year or two. These financial woes caused many arguments, and led to some very heated debates. The child was exposed to some very heavy negative emotions during those fight scenes, like fear, heartache, insecurity, sorrow, dread, horror, panic, and probably a few more. The question is, ”Where did those negative emotions go?” What is the most logical place for those emotions to go. It is the heart isn’t it. Those negative emotions are all vibrations, and they attach themselves to the heart. Each time the child was exposed to those arguments, the same negative emotions of energy pockets, attached themselves to the heart, on top of the ones already there. The human body automatically tries to protect itself, so in order to protect the heart, the child’s body will form a shield around the heart. Unfortunately that shield is made up of negative emotions itself. Those shields are called a “Heartwall”, and guess what, It will stay with the child its whole life, unless a way is found to remove it. Now, with those negative emotions trapped there, that child’s heart can’t work properly, and even in adult life, it will react to those same emotions in a negative child like way. Even worse, it can lead to heart problems in later life. Is it any wonder why so many adults, have so many emotional problems? It is estimated that over 93% of people have “Heartwalls”? I started this book discussing why good health is essential to business success, and that ©2012 Jerry Garner 17 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 18. the biggest health threat is stress. In this chapter we have found that the underlying cause of stress, is actually trapped emotions in the heart, and Heartwalls. There is a whole industry offering ways to overcome these emotional blockages to success. There are lots of valuable programs out there, that are very good, and they create some excellent results. I know, because I have bought and used quite a few of them. At the end of the book, I will share my favorite ones with you that I know works, but first you need to clear your body of all trapped emotions. I have personally found a permanent way to remove all of my Heartwalls, and trapped emotions in my heart. The results have been amazing for me. Even more amazing is, the solution was so simple and easy, I could not believe it. Energy Healing Energy Healing is a relatively new practice that is sweeping the world. It is around 25 to 30 years old in its modern growth cycle, but it is founded on the scientific premise of Quantum Physics. That premise is, that everything in the Universe is pure Energy. If you would look at any solid object, under an electron microscope, with an amplification of 1 million times or more, you would only see atoms. These atoms are like miniature solar systems, with a core, or Neutron, like the Sun, and electrons, like the planets in orbit around it. The only difference in atoms, is the number of electrons orbiting the Neutron. If we can project, on an equal scale, the distance between the Neutron, and the Electrons in orbit, we see that it is a vast space. That means that anything that we see as solid, is really an illusion. We also see that these atoms have a built in intelligence, that controls their behavior. Even better, for our purposes of energy healing, we see the tremendous power of an atom. Look what happens, when we split a Uranium, or Plutonium atom. We can say that since our body is made up of energy, that any aches, pains, or emotional imbalances, must have an energy source. Logically that source of energy is negative vibrations. Since everything in the Universe vibrates. So the source of our stresses, must be negative energy, or vibrations, and if we can find a ©2012 Jerry Garner 18 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 19. way to eliminate that negative energy, by neutralizing it with a positive energy, then stress would have to disappear, along with the aches, pains, and other symptoms of disease. In the next chapter I am going to prepare you to eliminate your negative heart walls, and all the hidden emotions that are trapped in your heart. You are going to learn about the three natural things that are already well known on their own, and will give you the necessary background information on them. ©2012 Jerry Garner 19 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 20. Chapter 5 The Three Tools You Are Going To Need In this chapter, I am going to prepare you to eliminate your negative heart wall, and all of the hidden emotions that are trapped in your heart. We will start with the main tool that you are going to need to remove the trapped emotions. That tool is: Magnetism In previous chapters, I discussed that everything in the Universe is pure energy. We learned that the emotional traumas, especially in young children, are balls of negative energy that become trapped in the heart. Those negative energies will stay with you the rest of your life, unless you find a way to remove them. I am happy to report we have that tool, and it is Magnetism. Without being sidetracked with a detailed discussion of what magnetism is, and how essential it is to everything in the Universe, I will tell you how we can use it as a tool to get rid of our trapped emotions. The energy produced by magnets is a positive energy. It stands to reason, that if we want to neutralize a negative energy, we need to expose it to a positive energy. The question is, “How do we do that, if the negative emotions are trapped in the heart?” There is a way, and that way is your body's Meridian system. Here again, we could spend hours discussing Meridian systems, but I will boil it down to what we need to know, in order to use it as a tool to remove our negative emotions. This Meridian System is in actuality an acupuncture system, which has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine. Think of your house electrical wiring system, as an example. You have the main electrical wiring coming into your house, into a circuit breaker box, or if it’s an older house, it might be a fuse box. The breaker box then distributes the electricity into all the outlets, and appliances in the house. Some branches are divided up into multiple outlets, and lighting fixtures. ©2012 Jerry Garner 20 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 21. Think of your meridian system as an electrical system, or rivers of energy. You have the main electrical circuit of the body called the Governing Meridian. This Meridian branches out to every organ, gland, and system in the body. This system is why acupuncture works so well. The Governing Meridian starts at your upper lip, through the forehead, the top of your head, down your neck, and down your spine to your tailbone. So now we know how to get to the negative emotions causing our physical and emotional problems through the Meridian Acupuncture System. The question is, “How do we actually do that? ” No, you don't need to know anything about, acupuncture. It is much simpler than you can imagine, and you are about to find out. We have covered two essential tools, in our self-help program to remove our Heartwalls, and trapped emotions. We need a third tool, and that tool is Muscle Testing using our subconscious mind. Your Subconscious Mind Even though we have touched on the subconscious mind in earlier chapters we will look at it from a different perspective. Let’s review what we know:  Everything is energy, including our subconscious mind.  The subconscious is what monitors and controls our bodies.  The subconscious is 10x times more powerful than our conscious mind.  Every thought and breath you have ever had is stored in your subconscious  The subconscious is directly connected to the entire Universe. So let’s look at what the subconscious mind can also do, that is not as well known, as those other features. The subconscious is also a storage computer, that has unlimited capacity, In fact some scientists even believe, that the storage capacity is the Universe itself, since the subconscious mind is directly connected to the Universe. In any case, what is important for our purposes, is that the subconscious mind has stored every breath, and every thought, you have ever had, since your birth. It also has reacted to human emotions, both positive, and negative, from all the events in our lives. The bottom line is, if we could find a way to tap into and communicate directly with our subconscious, we would have a very powerful tool. ©2012 Jerry Garner 21 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 22. There have been volumes written about controlling the subconscious mind, using a wide variety of techniques, like sleep learning, brain wave entrainment CDs, visualization, and numerous meditation techniques. Perhaps you have tried one or more yourself. As good and helpful as most of them are, they all fall short of getting to the root cause, which is Heartwalls, and trapped emotions in the heart, and other organs of the body, and successfully removing those trapped negative energy balls of emotions. I am happy to tell you, that yes; there is a simple and easy way to do it. We can easily do it by using the 3'rd tool that we have, which is: Kinesiology If you have been to a chiropractor, chances are you have been exposed to it already. It works by muscle resistance. The chiropractor usually has you extend one arm out, and then will ask a yes or no question, while putting downward pressure on the top of your wrist. For instance if you are being tested for an allergy to a food item, the chiropractor will have you hold the item in your hand, while putting downward pressure on your wrist, and ask if you are allergic to that item. If you are, the answer would be YES, and there would be strong resistance against the downward pressure on your wrist. If the answer is NO, your arm would easily go down. So item by item you can find out exactly what you are allergic to. Do you see how that works? The chiropractor is communicating directly with your subconscious mind, and getting yes or no answers. Do you see the application of it, being able to communicate directly with your own mind? So the next question is, “Do I have to be a chiropractor to do this?” The answer is no. The next question is, “Doesn’t this require a lot of schooling and training before I can use it myself?” Again the answer is no. I mentioned that this process of self-help is very simple and easy to do. In my next chapter we will put it all together. We will take the 3 tools at our disposal, Magnetism, Meridians, and Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) and outline a simple 3 step procedure. This procedure will help you find the heartwalls, and trapped emotions, bring them to the surface, and then neutralize the negative emotions, one at a time, with a pure source of magnetism. You need to keep reading, because, in the next chapter I will be showing you this remarkable life changing system, that will clear you of all the negativity trapped in your body, that is causing all the self-sabotage, fear, worry, and lack of success. ©2012 Jerry Garner 22 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 23. Chapter 6 Three Steps to Remove Negative Emotions In my previous chapter we covered the 3 tools that are needed to permanently remove all negative emotions from our bodies. Those are the ones responsible for the stress in our lives. In this chapter, we will finally put them all together into a simple 3 step system, like I promised I would earlier in the book, that anyone can easily do themselves. Three Steps 1) Find the trapped emotion, using Kinesiology, or muscle testing. 2) Bring the trapped emotion to the surface, where you can remove it. 3) Cancel out the negative emotions using a source of pure magnetism. Now let’s take each step and examine them more closely, to see what is involved. We will see how all 3 tools, that we have already looked at, Kinesiology, Meridians, and Magnetism, all work together. STEP ONE We have to start by locating the trapped emotions in our Heartwall, and heart, and other organs. The tool we will use is Muscle Testing. The first step is to test yourself to see if you are testable. That means asking your subconscious yes and no questions. The question, you may now be asking, is, “Don’t I need to go to a Kinesiologist to be tested?” The Answer is no. The procedure to follow is this: I use it for myself. There are 4 or 5 different procedures to muscle test yourself, but the one that works best for me, is called the elbow and wrist test. Place your right elbow against your right side, and extend your lower arm out horizontally, with your palm down. ©2012 Jerry Garner 23 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 24. Now take your left hand and extend your index and middle finger, and place them on your wrist a couple inches behind the protruding bone on your right wrist. Relax, take a deep breath, and don’t apply any pressure yet to your right wrist. Now while saying the word YES or LOVE, begin applying pressure with your 2 fingers, down against your right wrist, while resisting that pressure with your right arm. What you are looking for is a firm resistance. You do not need to use unnecessary force. Next say the word NO or HATE, while applying pressure down against your wrist, like before. What you will find is that when you apply pressure down, there is a noticeable weakness in pressure. Some people, struggle at first, after all, it is a new experience that you are doing for the first time. What you need to do, is practice until you feel a distinct difference between YES and NO. Just practice until you feel the difference. Now two things have happened here. First, you have verified that you are testable, and second, that you are now connected to your subconscious computer, and can now communicate with YES and NO questions. Your subconscious then responds, with strong, or weak, resistance. It is like entering a password on your computer when you boot it up. Then you can communicate with the computer. By the way, if you have trouble connecting, you may This method has proved to be try drinking a glass of water, and doing some deep the easiest method for me to breathing exercises, and try again. You may also try do self healing and proxy again later. I promise you, it is worth the trouble to healing work. Notice that the learn. Unfortunately, you may be one of the few who two left fingers are resting on can’t make it work. my right wrist 1-2” above the That is usually because you find it difficult to believe protruding bone on the back of that anything you can’t sense with your 5 senses, my right wrist. doesn’t exist. The way that the Universe works is to read your intentions. Your subconscious mind is a slave to your conscious mind. If you believe that Kinesiology doesn’t work, it won’t work for you. On the other hand, if you have an open mind, and believe that it will work, then it will. ©2012 Jerry Garner 24 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 25. You have now learned to prepare yourself for muscle testing, but to complete step one, you are going to have to learn how to find what your trapped emotions are, and where to find them. Later in the book, you will learn the details of locating trapped negative emotions. For now we need to cover all three steps, and then go into more detail later. Now let's look at the second step. STEP TWO the Power of Intention First, let’s be clear what I mean when I say Intention For example, let’s say that you want to start your own online business, and you have been doing research on line, to find what you want. You find several things that sound good, but you haven’t taken any action. Why? Well you now know, that our trapped emotions are the real culprits, and when this book is finished, you will have no more excuses, after those blockages are removed. Perhaps you have been saying things to yourself like, “I wish I could do this”, or “I would really like to do this”, or “I think I might try this”, or “I just don’t have the time or money to do it.” Now contrast that conversation with this one: “This opportunity sounds very good”, or “I am fed up with my life, and I am going to do something about it now”, or “I don’t have any money or time, now, but I will find a way to do it”. Let me ask you, which conversation describes Intention, and which one describes wishing. Another way to look at it is that, wishing comes from your conscious mind, and Intention comes from your heart. As we learned in a previous post, the heart is a mind, many times stronger than your subconscious mind, and both are connected to the Universal Mind of our Creator. So you can describe your intention, as your heart’s desire, or firm conviction, or resolve to make it happen, and nothing will stop you. Bringing Your Emotions to The Surface Since all of your trapped emotions are deep within your body, and attached to your internal organs, we need a way to bring them to the surface, where we can cancel those negative emotions, with a positive source of vibrations. Here is how it is done. First, you must establish communication with the Universal Mind. As we have explained before, Quantum Physics shows us that we are all part of the universal energy field, whether we are conscious of it or not. ©2012 Jerry Garner 25 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 26. It also shows us that our conscious thoughts have power to influence, or make changes to that universal energy field. So we must communicate with the Universal Mind by using our thoughts. In this case, to express our heartfelt Intention to get the trapped emotions to the surface, so they can be erased. Some could refer to this as praying, but what is prayer, but direct communication with our Creator? This approach is a scientific and practical way to express our Intentions, and it has nothing to do with religion, It works for all humans, regardless of their faith, or lack of faith. The bottom line is this. I personally approach the Universal Mind, (or whatever Name you use) in a prayerful, grateful attitude of needing help to find, and release my trapped emotions. It is that approach, which brings the hidden emotion to the surface, where it can be neutralized. That is just how simple this second step is. I saved the third step for the next chapter, because we will go into more detail. ©2012 Jerry Garner 26 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 27. Chapter 7 Meridians and Magnets A Marriage from Heaven In my last chapter, I shared the first two steps, out of three steps, to completely remove the trapped negative emotions in your body. We have already discussed in previous chapters, these emotions are the root cause of your stress, health problems, and self-sabotage, and that has been holding you back from success. In this chapter, you are going to learn the third and final step of the process, This is how you can actually rid your body of all the negative garbage, that you brought to the surface in step two. Meridians In a previous chapter, you learned about meridians. You learned that for centuries, the Chinese have utilized them to help heal body ailments through Acupuncture. They identified a governing meridian, that starts at the upper lip, crosses your forehead, down your neck and spine, and ends at your tailbone. Then there is an entire network of meridians, branching off the main meridian, and going to all the organs in your body. That means that whatever you do to the main meridian, affects every organ. Magnets In a previous chapter, you also learned about magnetism. We found that our entire body is a magnet, and through Kirlian photography we discovered that there is magnetism in our finger tips. Magnetism is a strong positive force, and if you Google magnetism in natural health care, you will find that magnetism has a long history of success. Meridians And Magnetism – A Combination Made In Heaven. Now you are nearing the conclusion of our three steps, and putting the pieces together. Here is where the magic happens for you. ©2012 Jerry Garner 27 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 28. Here is where, you actually get rid of the trapped emotions. You are about to learn how to use this very simple and easy three step process. So here it is: Drum roll please! 1) Using the Muscle Testing procedure you learned in a previous chapter, you locate the trapped emotion, using an Emotion Chart. At the end of this chapter, I will tell you how to get the chart. 2) You bring the emotion to the surface of your body, through your strong thought intentions, where it can be neutralized. 3) You neutralize the negative emotion on the surface, using magnetism. This is the swiping procedure you will follow. You can use any magnet, like a refrigerator magnet, or your finger tips on either hand, and starting above your nose lightly rub the magnet up to the top of your forehead, three to four times, while thinking, or saying that the emotion you found is gone . The trapped emotion that you found in step one, has probably caused some symptoms in your body, like pain and discomfort. In most cases the symptom is greatly relieved, within minutes, and usually totally within 24 hours. Conclusion There you have it. I told you it was simple and easy, and you can do it too. This photo shows the common I discovered this program in April 2012, 5 months refrigerator magnet I use to ago, as I write this. Since then, I have found and swipe my meridian from the removed several hundred layers of negative emotions, top of my nose to my fore- trapped in my heart, and other organs. head. When I don't have a The result has been improved health, my stress is magnet, I use my fingertips gone, and the things I couldn’t manifest before are which Kirlian photography starting to happen now, like magic. It is amazing shows are magnets them- what happens when you get rid of negative selves. emotions that have been causing your self- sabotage. I wrote this book to share with the world my personal life changing miracles. The truth is that I am on a mission to help as many marketers get rid of their self-sabotage, as I can. ©2012 Jerry Garner 28 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 29. Now don’t get the wrong impression. This is not an affiliate program and I get no compensation of any kind. In fact I will not sell this book, ever. At the end of the book I have a reprint rights contract, to allow anyone to reprint and share this book freely, with only 2 restrictions. First you can not sell this book, even for pennies, and second you can't alter or re-brand it. I did not write this book to profit from it. If you are wondering what is in this for me, I have written a last chapter in this book, that explains my motivation, and my special free blog and private Facebook Group, where you can continue to share the Emotion code™ with others.. You are going to really miss out, if you don't read that chapter, and give it serious consideration. This miracle in my life is available to you and your loved ones, and I encourage you to go to this website to get an Emotion code™ chart. This chart is necessary to guide you to the emotions causing the problem. To get the charts free, along with 7 free videos demonstrating the Emotion Code, just click this link: (iPad and Android users can copy and paste the link into your browser) This is not the end of this book. In another chapter, I will share a few real life stories of using this system. It has worked for myself and loved ones 100%, and I have some amazing stories to share with you. In the next chapter, I will explain how this same 3 step process will work equally well to clear trapped negative emotions from your loved ones serving as their proxy healer. You can also clear your pets trapped emotions serving as their proxy healer. I have already cleared 4 pet dogs of trapped emotions, and the results were equally amazing. In fact I will share 2 of those real life stories in chapter 10. ©2012 Jerry Garner 29 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 30. Chapter 8 Helping Others to Get Rid Of Their Trapped Emotions In the last chapter, you finished learning how to rid yourself of Heartwalls, and other trapped emotions. We learned a very simple 1-2-3 method of using muscle testing, meridians, and magnets, to miraculously remove them. In this chapter, I am going to explain how you can do this energy balancing for your loved ones, and friends, by being a proxy for them. Let me explain. Proxy testing and balancing In my prior chapter on muscle testing, I explained how to prepare for your own tests. It started with you saying yes and no while pushing down on the back of your right wrist with your 2 left fingers. The purpose was to get a feel for the different resistances for each. The next thing you need to do, is to establish a base, to be sure you are testable before proceeding. You do this by saying, "I am-your name", while pushing down on your wrist. You should feel FIRM resistance. Now do the same thing again, using someone else’s name, and you should feel a lot LESS resistance. You are looking for strong resistance when you say your name and weak resistance when you say anyone else. Now, I will explain how you can act as a proxy for someone else. First, you must get their permission to test them. Explain that you will be connected to their subconscious mind, and asking yes or no questions. This is similar to a computer tech diagnosing your computer problems, by connecting remotely to your computer, so they can read the symptoms. Explain that they won’t experience anything different, and it has nothing to do with mind reading, mind control, or anything having to do with the occult. You will just be finding trapped emotions, using muscle testing, exactly how you do for yourself. You will find what is causing them pain or health problems, and then removing them with a simple little magnet. ©2012 Jerry Garner 30 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 31. After the trapped emotions are removed, they will feel noticeably better. As I said earlier, I am going to be sharing some remarkable stories that I have experienced personally, while doing proxy healing. For now, I need to show you how proxy healing works. How To Become A Proxy For Others You will be setting up your base to become a proxy, exactly the same way that you do for yourself. The difference now is that you will be saying their name, instead of your own. That means that when you say their name, you will get a NO, at first. Continue to say their name, while applying pressure on your wrist, each time you say NO. It is normal to have to do this several times, before you get a yes. I frequently have to repeat 5 or 6 times, before I get a yes. Sometimes I start to feel some resistance, after 2 or 3 repetitions, and each subsequent one gets stronger. Once you have established a strong YES, you are connected to their subconscious mind. It works for someone on the other side of the world, just as well as if they were next to you. How could that be possible? In a previous chapter, I covered the subject of Quantum Physics. Briefly you learned that everything in the universe is energy, and you learned that there is no time and space in that energy field. You also learned that your thoughts are things, and through your thoughts you are connected to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind is directly connected to the Universal Mind. So we are all part of that Universal Mind and energy field, and can consciously communicate with it. Once you are connected, you will ask your yes and no questions, as if you are that person. Just follow the directions in the Emotion code™ book, and the Emotion code™ chart, and their subconscious will find their trapped emotions for you. Once you find the hidden emotion, you will swipe the magnet from your forehead up to the top of your head, 3 or 4 swipes. With each swipe you will say that, "the emotion you found, is gone". The last two things you will want to do is ask their subconscious if that emotion is now gone. Then you will disconnect from their subconscious, by saying your name, over and over, until you get a yes. ©2012 Jerry Garner 31 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 32. That is it. It is so simple to do, that you might think that there is something missing. I promise you that it is true. I have used it daily, for the four months since I learned it, and it has never failed. If you haven’t already, go to and get the Emotion Code™ charts. I repeat that this is not an affiliate program, and I get no compensation of any kind for sharing. The information in this book is my gift to mankind. In fact this PDF book may be reprinted and shared with others, with two very important restrictions. First it cannot be sold for any money or compensation. That would defeat my purpose in GIVING this information to the world, and if compensation is received, it is no longer a gift, but just another product. The second thing is it can't be altered, re-branded, or changed in any way. ©2012 Jerry Garner 32 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 33. Chapter 9 I Witness Miracles Everyday-My Stories In this book, starting with “Health Is Essential for Success”, I took you on a journey from there, to being able to eliminate all negative emotions trapped inside you. It is these negative emotions, that are the root cause of your internal stress, and as a result, you experience not only health problems, but self-sabotage which causes most failures in your business and personal life. I introduced you to the Emotion code™ system, which allows anyone to remove these negative emotions from themselves, and loved ones. This System is truly a miracle in my life, and it is my mission in life to share it with as many people as I can. The Emotion code™ system is not an affiliate program, and I get no compensation of any kind. It is a labor of love for me. Miracles Happen Every Day For Me. In this chapter, I am going to share my personal real life experiences with you. I will explain the exact procedure I used, the questions I asked, and the miraculous results. The following is my first miracle that I was a part of: In April 2012, a lady friend of mine from just outside London shared with me that she was experiencing very bad lower back pain. I told her about the Emotion code™ System that I had purchased, and she asked if I would do a scan on her, as her proxy. Of course I agreed, and this is what transpired. First, I had to establish a connection with her subconscious, using the technique I described in my last chapter, on being a proxy for someone else. I said “I am Sophie" several times, until I got a yes, on my muscle testing. That itself could be classified as a miracle. Think about it. Think about being able to connect to the subconscious mind of another, on the other side of the world. Without knowing, that this is based totally on the scientific principle of Quantum Physics, and has nothing to do with the occult, mind reading, or any special powers, you would probably be very skeptical. ©2012 Jerry Garner 33 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 34. Anyway, after making the connection, as her proxy, I asked my questions as if I were her. In a previous chapter, I covered Heartwalls, what they are, and why over 93% of people have one. So my first question was “Do I have a Heartwall, that I can find and remove Now?” Using the Elbow, Wrist, testing method, I got a strong YES. Using the Emotion code™ chart, which is divided into 2 columns, and 6 rows, and listing 5 emotions in each of the 12 blocks on the chart, I found the block in column A and row one. I then asked if each one of the 5 emotions. was the Heartwall emotion. When I got to FORLORN, the answer was a strong Yes. The next question was, “Do I need to know the origin of that Heartwall?” and the answer again was yes. So I asked, ” Did it happen before the age of 20?” The answer was not a clear yes or no. I had learned that emotions can be picked up in the womb, from your mother, and even more remarkable, it can be inherited from prior generations. My next questions went like this: “Is this an inherited emotion? Answer was Yes. “Was this emotion picked up from your mother?” The answer was Yes. “Did your mother inherit that emotion?” The answer was Yes. “Did your mother get it from her mother?” The answer was Yes. “Did your grandmother get it from her mother?” The answer was No. I then used a refrigerator magnet, and swiped my forehead 3 or 4 times, while saying that--- “Forlorn has been removed”, I followed that up with the question-- “Has forlorn been removed from my heart?” I got a strong Yes. I had learned that Heartwalls are usually made up of 2 or more emotions, so my next question was “Are there any other Heartwalls?” The answer was Yes. This time I found the emotion in column A and row 1. It was ABANDONMENT. Using the same questions, as before, I discovered that she had also inherited that emotion from her grandmother. I then swiped my forehead 3 or 4 times with the magnet, while saying, “Abandonment has been removed from my heart” My follow-up question showed that Abandonment had indeed been removed. ©2012 Jerry Garner 34 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 35. The next day, my friend and I communicated on Skype, after I had sent her a PDF of my scanning results, and she was blown away, by what I discovered about her inherited emotions. There was no possible way for me to know that, if I was not actually communicating directly with her subconscious mind. Even better, she said that on a scale of 1 to 10, her back pain was around 8 or 9, before, and now it was down to 3 or 4. The following day, she said the pain was gone. To some who are not familiar with Quantum Physics, and energy balancing, this could be called a miracle. After all, it is beyond the experience of most people. To me, it is purely scientific, and a gift from our Creator, and one that is changing lives, dramatically, all over the world. If you haven’t already, go to (if link does not click, just copy and paste to your browser) and get a copy of “The Emotion Code™charts plus 7 free videos” You owe it to yourself, and loved ones. In the next chapter I will share two amazing real life stories of my first two energy- healing sessions on pet dogs. First, I started with my good friend Sophie’s pet dog FLO. It was a truly remarkable experience. Then there is a really mind blowing healing of my good friend, in Idaho, Randy’s pet dog Coco. If you love animals, these two stories will show that the Emotion code™ works just as well for them. ©2012 Jerry Garner 35 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 36. Chapter 10 Two Amazing Dog Stories In the last chapter, I shared with you my experience in removing a Heartwall from my friend Sophie, while acting as her proxy from my home in Atlanta. Her lower back pain caused by her two Heartwalls, was almost instantly relieved after I swiped a magnet over my forehead 3 times, and her lower back pain was gone after 24 hours. I concluded that this “Miracle” was made possible because of the scientific principles of Quantum Physics, Muscle Testing, and Magnetism. It had nothing to do with the occult, or any special powers. In fact anyone can easily do the same things for themselves, and loved ones. The Emotion Code™ charts, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is all you will need. To get the charts free, along with 7 free videos demonstrating the Emotion Code, just click this link: (if link does not click, just copy and paste to your browser) At any rate, I have since removed several more trapped emotions from Sophie, not just in her heart, but other organs as well. Each clearing of the negative emotions also brought relief from her external symptoms. I had learned that the Emotion Code™ had been used on animals successfully by others, so I asked Sophie if she wanted me to work on her border collie, Flo. As you may be aware, Border Collies are a working breed, and they are most happy when they are working, which is herding animals. Flo was 12 years old, and couldn’t work anymore because of both hips being very weak, and also a right front leg soreness. I connected with Flo’s subconscious mind exactly the same way I do for everyone that I am a proxy for. I said--- “I am Flo”, while pushing on my right wrist with my left fingers. Of course I got a NO the first 2 or 4 cycles, but after about 5 0r 6 cycles, I got a firm YES. I was now connected to the subconscious mind of a dog in England. How cool is that? ©2012 Jerry Garner 36 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 37. I now asked the following questions of Flo’s subconscious: “Do I have a hidden Emotion causing my hips to be weak?” The answer was YES. Using the Emotion code™ chart I found the hidden emotion of RESENTMENT, trapped in her liver. I then swiped the magnet over my forehead, 3 or 4 times while saying, on each swipe---“Resentment is gone from my liver.” I then asked her subconscious “Is the emotion of resentment gone from my liver.” The answer was a firm YES. My next question was, “Do I have any other hidden emotions causing my hip weakness?.” The answer was YES. Using the Emotion code™ chart, I found the emotion of PANIC, trapped in her liver. I removed that emotion by swiping my forehead with a magnet 3 or 4 times. A quick question of her subconscious mind showed that panic was indeed gone from her liver. The next few days, I checked with Sophie to see how Flo was doing, and she said that Flo was up, and back to work herding sheep. Of course she limited how long Flo worked, but Flo was again a happy dog, doing what she loved. All I can say is WOW! Even though I knew how and why this was possible, and I was just the facilitator, it just blew me away, and brought tears of joy to my eyes. That was the greatest gift I could ever receive for my efforts. I do have another dog energy healing story to share with you to close out this book. This one was truly a miracle, and the healing of pets is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. In the beginning of this chapter, I shared with you my first experience in healing a pet dog, Flo, in England, serving as her proxy. I had shared with my good friend Randy, in Idaho, my experience with healing Flo. Randy told me about his pet dog Coco, who was a stray dog that they had adopted, and asked me if I could do an energy balancing for Coco. I was more than happy to do it. While on a Skype video call with Randy, he got Coco to get in front of the camera, so I could see her. Keeping in mind that she was a stray, Randy didn’t know how old she was, or how badly she had been treated. When I saw her on camera, I was instantly aware, that she must have a lot of trapped emotions, because her ears were drooping, her tail was between her legs, and she had the saddest eyes, I have ever seen on a dog. My heart told me that I just have to help this dog. ©2012 Jerry Garner 37 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 38. She had a fear of loud noises, and was afraid of men, and very timid and withdrawn, rolling over on her back around strangers. Using my Emotion Code™ chart, I started my scans. Of course I had to connect with Coco’s subconscious first, using the technique I described in previous chapters. I always start with scanning for a Heartwall, because almost every person and animal has at least one, and because it is the heart, it is the one organ that has a profound effect on our health, and emotions. I started by asking: “Do I have a Heartwall?” The answer was Yes. On my Emotion Code™ chart, I found the emotion, INSECURITY. I swiped MY forehead with a magnet 3 or 4 times, while saying “Insecurity in my heart is gone.” A follow up question verified, that the emotion, Insecurity was now gone. I was sure, going by how beat down she was, that she must have other Heartwalls. So I asked “Do I have any other Heartwalls, that I need to find and remove now?” The answer was Yes. This time my chart took me to the emotion of, HEARTACHE. I removed that emotion, by swiping the magnet over MY forehead, 3 or 4 times, and a follow-up test showed that heartache was now gone. I continued searching for other Heartwalls, and I actually found 3 more. They were ABANDONMENT, REJECTION, and HELPLESSNESS. I removed all 3 as I found them, by swiping my forehead 3 or 4 times. I did not find any other Heartwalls, but when I asked “Do I have any other hidden emotions, that I need to find and remove now?” The answer was Yes. My scan found LOST on the chart, and that trapped emotion was in her small intestine, not the heart. Of course I swiped it away with my magnet. The next day I talked to Randy, and asked if he noticed any difference in Coco, and he excitedly said that there was a very big change in the hours after her energy balancing. In the next few days, Randy said she continued showing improvement, and was like a new dog. He showed her to me on a Skype video call, and the difference was astounding. ©2012 Jerry Garner 38 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 39. Her ears were perked up, her tail was wagging, and her eyes were shining and alert. She was now a happy dog. My reaction was one of gratitude and joy, for finding that God given gift of the Emotion Code™, and being able to help that poor dog. If you haven’t yet, you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and yes your pets also, To get the charts free, along with 7 free videos demonstrating the Emotion Code, just click this link: (if link does not click, just copy and paste to your browser) I have created my own blog to share the Emotion Code™ with the world, and this is my invitation to subscribe to my blog, which by the way is free. My intention is to post my personal experiences, using the Emotion Code™, and to enjoy your comments and feedback. I will also share other energy healing systems that I use, and will also be doing some Q&A blogs from your feedback and questions. In the next and last chapter, I will be tying it altogether, and then I will suggest an action plan, so you can begin to clear yourself and loved ones of your trapped emotions, that have been causing your health problems, relationship problems, and self- sabotaging decisions that are causing financial problems for you. ©2012 Jerry Garner 39 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 40. Chapter 11 Summary, Reprint Rights, and Special Offer When I started to write this eBook, I had three objectives in mind. The first was to help small business people like myself, to eliminate the self-sabotage that has been killing their dreams, of financial freedom, happy relationships, and secure futures. The second objective was to eliminate the stress, and related health problems that makes it very difficult to start and build a business. The third objective was to share my discovery of the real underlying cause of your self- sabotage, and then introduce you to a new 21'st Century self-help system that will eliminate that root cause permanently. The best way to introduce and teach this system was to write a simplified book of instructions, which would not confuse you with technical details, but explain the essentials of this remarkable new system. So let's review what you have learned from this book. Summary In chapter One, we started with a discussion of Stress. Why start there? Well, think about it. The biggest single cause of health problems happens to be Stress. The biggest cause of Stress happens to be money. If that is the case, and you have been trying to start and run a business, and are continually failing, and you don't know why. Wouldn't you want to know the reason why, and more important the real solution to the problem. In chapter two you started to understand what the real underlying cause of self- sabotage is, in order to find a solution. You discovered that the root cause was your own thoughts, and you created your circumstances that you find yourself in now. You learned that you can create your dreams the way you want them to be, but first you will have to get rid of the thought patterns that got you here with new ways of thinking. ©2012 Jerry Garner 40 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 41. In chapter three you learned about the three minds we all have, the conscious, subconscious, and the heart mind. That is a new finding that most people are not aware of, but it plays a critical role in the self-sabotage you are experiencing. In chapter four you started learning what the real cause of your self-sabotage is. You discovered that hidden trapped emotions of negative energy are trapped in your organs and have even created a heart wall around your heart. You were then introduced to energy healing, to lead you into chapter five. In chapter five you learned about the three tools that you will need to get rid of the negative trapped emotions causing your self-sabotage. The tools are Magnetism, Meridians, and Kinesiology (or muscle testing) Then in chapter six we got down to teaching you what those simplified 3 steps are that you will be using to actually clear yourself of the emotions causing your self-sabotage We went into detail on the first two steps, but saved the third and final step for the next chapter. In chapter seven you learned how to put it all together, and using the 3 tools you have, to locate the emotion, bring it to the surface, and then neutralize the negative emotion. In chapter eight you learned how to use this simple and easy, 3 step system to be a proxy healer for your family and friends. Then in chapter nine I shared my first energy healing experience using the Emotion Code™, and went into a more detailed step by step explanation of exactly what to do. Then I shared the amazing results of that session. Finally in chapter ten, you learned that you can also be a proxy for your pets, using the exact same system, and get equally amazing results. ©2012 Jerry Garner 41 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 42. Reprint Rights This eBook was written for the benefit of network and affiliate marketers, as well as any small business person. It was my intention to remove the root cause of business failure, and that is self-sabotage. Until 4 months ago, I was one of the victims. Then I found the Emotion Code™ of Dr. Bradley Nelson. Since then I have removed every trapped emotion, over 300 of them, from myself. My transformation has been spectacular. My business partners have told me that I act like a new man. I have also removed my other partner’s trapped emotions, and they too have experienced the same results. I am of the firm belief that this is the first thing a marketer or businessman should do, when starting their business. Removing self-sabotage, will free you up to be at your peak performance, and give you the health and stamina you will need. I had two choices to make regarding the Emotion Code™. The first was that I could become a certified practitioner, and make a business out of it. The second was to use it to help my family and friends, and do it for free. I needed a way to reach as many people as possible to share this remarkable, God given gift. I decided that if I give this book to the World, that it would have to be free. Otherwise it would not be a gift, but just another eBook to sell. For that reason there are only two restrictions to reprinting and giving this book away. The first is that it can’t be sold for any compensation. The second thing is that it can’t be changed, re-branded, or altered, and must be reprinted as is. Special Offer. In case you are wondering what I get out of doing all the work of creating this book, and giving it away, I will explain how I get paid. My motive is to build a team of like-minded individuals by offering a subscription to my blog, which is also free. My blog is a way to share all of the natural and energy healing protocols on the market. ©2012 Jerry Garner 42 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 43. On each blog there are banners to my main affiliate program, and when someone joins my team in that program, I am compensated with a commission. In addition, I have included a link in this eBook to a gift of three free eBooks on the subjects of money, manifesting, and love. If you decide to order more books from them, I will receive an affiliate’s commission. In my blogs, besides keeping you up to date on the fields of natural and energy healing, with free content, I will from time to time, be sharing other programs that I believe in and use myself. Some of them will probably be affiliate programs, and if you participate I will receive a commission. In order to be in harmony with The Universal Law of Attraction, which says—“You must give first, before you can receive”, I wrote this eBook as my gift to the Universe. The more value I can give you, with no strings attached, the more the Universe will compensate me. Bonuses • For those who subscribe to my blog, I will give you an invitation to my private Facebook group, where you can get your questions answered, and share your experiences with the group, pertaining to natural healing, especially energy healing. • For those who join me in my affiliate program, from any of my blogs, I will give you a free copy of The Emotion Code™ book, so you won’t have to buy it • For those who would like to have a one on one phone consultation with me, and get private tutoring on using the Emotion Code™, I will make the details available in my welcome blog post. I will coach you until you can use the Emotion Code™s on your own. ©2012 Jerry Garner 43 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer
  • 44. Actions To Take Now If you have trouble with these links, please copy and paste them into your browser. Again they will load without any opt-in or obligation. • Link to the three free Ebooks about Quantum Physics: • Link to the Emotion Code™ website to get the free Emotion Code™ Charts plus 7 free videos • Link to my blog: • Link to my affiliate program if you are looking for income to reduce stress: id=garwil5 To subscribe to my natural and energy healing blog send me an email and put in the subject line: “please subscribe me to your blog” If link fails, copy and paste to your email. Pay it Forward Now that you have read the book and see how easy it is to experience healing miracles in your own life. The best thing you can do now is “Pay it Forward”. Send this PDF eBook to ten of your loved ones and closest friends. Then they can enjoy the same healing miracles as you. You will be part of this Worldwide mission to improve the world, one person at a time. Introduce the Emotion Code™ to ten people by sharing this book with them. ©2012 Jerry Garner 44 Self-Sabotage The Dream Killer