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2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 M E D I A K I T
Evolution Brands is a brand development consult-
ing group. Every campaign, strategy, and solution
we create is personalized to your business needs,
the needs of your employees, and most important-
ly, the needs of potential and current customers.
Each client is a unique organization with specific
needs. We approach and perform every project
with the utmost care, offering our many years of
relevant experience.
We take pride in our innovative spirit and strong
work ethic. We know success takes a solid com-
bination of inspiration and perspiration. We take
the time to understand what drives our clients,
their clients, and the client’s ideal consumer.
Then, through a combination of experience,
technique, creativity, and good old fashioned
elbow grease, we deliver.
We are a creative powerhouse.
“Evolution Brands video production and branding
work is outstanding.”
	 - Jeff Nager, CMO, American Blue Collar 		
	 Stanley Tools Apparel Division
“Work product has excellent professional polish.
Everyone from the executives to the designers are
generous with their time and knowledge. I feel I
have obtained excellent value and ROI.”
	 - Pablo S. Hurtado, Esq., Founder/Attorney
	 The Hurtado Immigration Law Firm
“Professional. Creative. Talented. The ideas and
strategic development [are] outstanding.”
	 - Stan Ellis, Owner	
	 D&D Air Conditioning & Heating
“If you’re serious, I MEAN REALLY SERIOUS about
growing your business, Evolution Brands is the way
to go. (I’m Curt Sheard and I approve this message).”
	 - Curt Sheard, Owner, Big Boi’s BBQ
“My website receives over 4,800 new visits a
week which has gone straight to our bottom line.
Use Evolution Brands if you want results.”
	 - Eli Mendes, Owner, Tropic Trailer
“Snikwah has grown considerably in a very short
time. Tom and his team have been instrumental in
our brands success.”
	 - Roy Smith, Owner, Snikwah
Do you charge for an initial consultation?
Nope, not ever. When we meet with you the first time it’s to
find out exactly what your needs are, how we can help, and
then work out a plan together.
What happens once I’ve signed an agreement?
Once you’ve signed with Evolution Brands, we will take
some time to identify likes/dislikes, target markets, and your
goals. We’ll then ask for all assets (logos, past collateral,
graphics, photography, etc.) and once those are received,
the real fun begins. At that point our team will find the best
solutions for you and begin building, updating, enhancing,
and evolving your brand.
Will I have input in the design process?
Absolutely. It’s your business and you know it better than
anyone. We’ll consult with you before beginning any project
so we know if you hate orange or really want a penguin on
your website. Our job is to build, upgrade, and maintain
your brand and we can only do that by partnering with you.
Can I make changes after a project is finalized?
Yes. Once a project is finalized you can always come to
us with new ideas and changes. We can either make a
change to an existing project at our standard rate or add an
entirely new service, such as SEO or a social media market-
ing campaign.
What is your payment structure?
Most of our clients have a retainer agreement with us.
The only up front cost is the retainer deposit, which is based
on budget and scope of work. For rates, please email us at
The amazing Evolution Brands team manages
clients all over the United States.
Every business has great intentions in the beginning, but as
time goes on those intentions can get lost in a sea of day-to-
day details. Evolution Brands can help get you back on track
and revamp your organization into a successful brand.
Our team of experienced consultants will create a com-
prehensive strategy that motivates employees and delivers
successful returns. But we don’t stop there.
Leading companies know they must be innovative to be
successful. Once you have a solid business foundation,
our team can go on to assist in uncovering new sources of
revenue, bring fresh ideas to the table, and help you sustain
competitive advantages for growth.
Branding & Design
We believe that your brand is your reputation and will
ultimately determine if you have loyal customers. Branding
is the practice of creating a name, symbol or design that
identifies and differentiates your company from others.
An effective brand strategy gives your business the edge
in increasingly competitive markets. Evolution Brands helps
clients build a brand they can be proud of and when that
happens, success will surely follow.
Analytics help businesses see their market through new
eyes and provide incredibly beneficial insight for growth.
Evolution Brands can help you harness that power in a
unique way that takes you beyond standard measures like
ad spend and sales because of our deep understanding
of brands and consumer behaviors. We dig deeper and
evaluate marketing ROI and the impact of marketing on your
brand value.
Our Services
Our Process
Case Study I
Snikwah is a Naples based active wear clothing company that accommodates any
lifestyle. The idea behind the Snikwah concept was that original owners, Michelle and
Billy Hawkins, wanted to create active wear that allowed them to do what they like to
do, only better. Snikwah was designed to support any outdoor enthusiast whether they
are seeking protection from the sun’s harmful rays, a rashguard for in-water use, or just a
comfortable shirt that breathes with you.
To expedite the process of getting the Snikwah brand out to the market, they teamed
up with Evolution Brands, a Bonita Springs brand creation and management company.
Evolution Brands helped develop and grow the Snikwah brand through one-of-a-kind shirt
designs, original videos, focused social media content, stellar photography, and
graphics - all of which validates and solidifies Snikwah in the marketplace.
Snikwah’s target customer is any active individual in need of performance wear that can
keep up with them in water (Hydro line) or out of the water (Original line). The Snikwah
line of shirts have incredible benefits too. They keep you cooler in warmer temperatures
and warmer in colder temperatures, they provide an unparalleled UPF 50+ rating, have
exceptional wicking abilities, are bug resistant, and they’re crazy comfortable.
The Snikwah design is a revolutionary game changer. It actually evolves with the
individual’s activity. It’s great for highly active sports like surfing, wakeboarding, skate-
boarding, and diving, not to mention more casual outdoor activities like hiking, biking,
fishing, and hunting. The shirts can literally be used for anything, even lawn mowing or
relaxing on the beach!
Because Snikwah’s Original line is made with Drirelease®, a patented high-performance
fabric formula, there is nothing like it on the market. This is a great edge for Snikwah that
can propel the brand in the future. Once a consumer sees the product and puts it into
action, they fully understand how revolutionary it is.
the client
“Snikwah now distributes around
3,000 shirts a month to dealers all
around the world.”
Client: Snikwah Worldwide
Industry: Apparel
Location: Naples, FL
The biggest challenge Snikwah and Evolution Brands have faced is not in sales, but in
getting the actual product out to the public and making the company more recognizable.
Rome was not built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour and that’s what
Evolution Brands has been doing. Snikwah has the potential to out-perform many of the
leading active wear brands on the market today. Whereas other brands have cornered
themselves into a certain sliver of the market share, Snikwah’s chameleon-like strategy
can adapt to any customer.
Another challenge that Evolution Brands and Snikwah faced was the creation and design
of a completely unique product. The original product (made of nylon) was uncomfortable
and wasn’t breathable. Also, the original logo was hard to read. The company had no
web or social media presence, along with a pipeline of only five hundred customers with
a buying cycle of one shirt every two years. The small three person company needed
infrastructure to accommodate multi-million dollar in sales.
Evolution Brands performed a complete rebrand of the company. They created stunning
packaging and a completely new product (fabric, thumb holes, ponytail hole, and sunglasses
holder). Evolution Brands also performed a massive PR launch by identifying markets in
both fishing and surfing industries, and prepared Snikwah and its employees for trade-
shows. Evolution Brands created all photo and video concepts for advertising and
commercials, and set up endorsements for the brand.
2015 has already been an outstanding year for Snikwah. In January, Snikwah
attended Surf Expo in Orlando, Florida which yielded excellent results. Due to the
success of Surf Expo, Snikwah acquired over 80 new dealers and received worldwide
attention. Snikwah also announced the signing of Jazmine Dean to Team Snikwah, their
international team of outdoor sports professionals. Jazmine, a young professional surfer,
is on her way to becoming one of the top contenders in the surfing community. Snikwah
revealed that Jazmine will be working alongside Evolution Brands and designing her
own line of Hydros, Snikwah’s compression fit rashguard.
Evolution Brands and Snikwah accomplish so much due to three major factors. First, Snik-
wah has been making headway throughout the social media world across many plat-
forms. Evolution Brands cleared a path for them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube,
and most recently Vine and Tumblr. Second, Evolution Brands established Snikwah in
the correct markets. Instead of limiting themselves as a fishing shirt or a surfing shirt, they
have embraced all active lifestyles and left no boundaries. Finally, Evolution Brands got
the shirts out to the public. Once people could see them, they literally sold themselves.
Besides the obvious benefits of the shirts, customers have gained convenience benefits
too. Since Snikwah has acquired new dealers, the active wear lines will begin springing
up across multiple retail locations worldwide. The product is made in China and uses the
“just in time” product delivery method. Additionally, their website ( has an
easily accessible e-commerce store which lets customers shop day or night. Their inno-
vative website has lifestyle sections with appropriate active wear in each so anyone can
find what they are looking for.
Customers can be confident that after purchasing a Snikwah product they can
maximize the use of it for any occasion and any activity - it is that comfortable and
versatile. With the collaboration of Evolution Brands and the introduction
of Team Snikwah, the company has opened doors that were not possible a year ago.
a year ago. By adding a wide array of professional athletes, Snikwah has a
chance to become synonymous with sporting events globally and will be in
great company with Red Bull, Nike, Adidas, and Under Armor. The future is limitless for
Snikwah and its brand.
With the help of social media, Snikwah can keep customers and fans updated on
worldwide news and promotions that deal directly with their products and events.
Evolution Brands has helped amplify Jazmine Dean’s impact on Snikwah’s online
success too. Jazmine’s fans have migrated onto the Snikwah pages to keep
informed about Jazmine’s product line and appearances. Through Snik-
wah, Jazmine can promote her upcoming tournaments, surfing schedule,
and accomplishments to an even broader audience. Not to mention all the
accessible original content Evolution Brands created, such as Jazmine’s Snikwah photos
and videos that help cement the brand.
Snikwah’s customer base is growing and so is customer retention. Snikwah distributes
around 3,000 shirts a month to dealers all around the world. In a recent interview
Snikwah’s CEO, Roy Smith, stated, “I just ordered six more tons of fabric!”
With 5,000 page followers and 30,000 followers on their discovery pages,
the online reach is not too shabby for a newer company. They have only been selling
to dealers and direct consumers for six months. Since the creation of the company
18 months ago, Snikwah has become a multi-million dollar company.
Case Study II
Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is a full-service immigration practice that assists with every-
thing from visas to representation in immigration court. The result is a law firm focused on
providing immigration legal services to individuals, their families, and their businesses.
The key to their success and passion is that many of the attorneys are immigrants them-
selves, inspired to work as a lighthouse for their clients and help them in their pursuit of
the American Dream.
The firm began on August 15, 201 and now has two locations in Fort Myers and
Naples with clients from all over the world. Since their founding, Hurtado has become
the largest immigration-focused law firm in all of Southwest Florida. Their partnership
with Evolution Brands has only continued to increase their success. Evolution Brands has
helped to identify and define the Hurtado Law Firm Brand, expand their reach, and
increase their revenue by targeting a more profitable clientele.
As a full-service immigration practice, Hurtado helps with a variety of visas including
investor, professional, and family while also providing removal defense in deportation
cases. Due to this wide range of services, their target client varies. Hurtado’s concen-
tration in investor visas, like the EB-5 Investor Program, makes them an ideal partner for
foreign and domestic entrepreneurs looking to invest in the U.S. economy. As fluent
Spanish-speakers, they are completely accessible to Hispanic and other foreign clients
looking to have themselves or family members relocate to the US.
The Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is driven by their strong belief in building a brighter
future for our country and their clients. Their firm is best embodied by their slogan,
“Lighting the path to a brighter future” or “El faro de la inmigración,” which means “the
beacon of immigration.” They look at themselves as a guiding light for the generations
of new Americans to come.
the client
Client: Hurtado Immigration Law Firm
Industry: Immigration Legal Services
Location: Fort Myers, FL
“Within two months of their Evolution
Brands partnership, Hurtado has reached
nearly 450,000 people in the US and inter-
nationally that resulted in over 46,000 visits
to their website.”
Although Hurtado had a number of ongoing cases and a solid work flow, their main
challenge was attracting more profitable cases in order to generate revenue. While
the firm was very busy with deportation cases, these don’t typically receive payment
for years. Investor visas (specifically EB-5s) offer a much greater profit margin and
faster access to the money. The EB-5 visa allows an immigrant investor and their family
to acquire lawful permanent residency to live in the US by investing a minimum of
$500,000 to $1,000,000 in a new enterprise that creates US jobs.
In order to shift their focus to foreign investors, Hurtado faced another challenge.
They would need to be able to expand their reach beyond Southwest Florida and into
the international market. At the time, the firm had no international name recognition
and no knowledge of how to engage with the foreign business world.
Evolution Brands has developed a whole new branding concept and marketing
approach in order to help Hurtado Immigration Law Firm both connect with and appeal
to a larger international audience. Their approach began with enhancing Hurtado’s
brand personality with all new original graphics, a redesigned logo, and engaging
video content to use for advertising and commercials. Evolution Brands redesigned and
streamlined Hurtado’s website design to make it more user-friendly, including bilingual
video concepts for Spanish-speaking visitors.
Hurtado now has a stronger and more established social media presence on platforms
like Facebook, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, and Vine. In just their second month with Evolu-
tion Brands, Hurtado’s Facebook following has increased by 220% since the previous
month with their reach increasing by 421% and their engagement by 1,194%. This
engagement shows that not only is Hurtado finding more people, but their audience is
also connecting with their content and their message. They have also been successful in
reaching their foreign market with the top 5 countries reached on Facebook being the
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Indonesia, followed closely by
Honduras and Mexico.
A majority of Hurtado’s newfound international success can be attributed to the multi-
lingual advertising campaigns launched on both Facebook and Google Adwords.
In order to increase name recognition for Hurtado and the EB-5 program around the
globe, campaigns were created in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Man-
darin and targeted business people holding positions like CEO, chairman, president,
founder, and other high-ranking job titles. In just two months, Hurtado’s Facebook and
Google campaigns have reached 443,000 people and resulted in over 46,000 visits
to his website.
Hurtado’s number of profitable cases and incoming business is higher than ever and,
with his strong online presence and international advertising campaigns, his success will
only continue to grow.
Between Hurtado’s fiercely passionate dedication to helping immigrants around the
globe and Evolution Brands’s innovative knowledge and tools for reaching and
engaging these potential clients, Hurtado’s success is only just beginning. With a loyal
customer base behind them and a steady income, Hurtado can look forward to further
developing and expanding their business. Working together with Evolution Brands,
Hurtado is only taking its first steps into the same bright future that it promises its clientele.
Our fully comprehensive and cohesive
approach to getting your brand exposure
uses a combination of new and traditional
media, and our staff features teams of
experts in both. At Evolution Brands, our
priority lies with the clients. We use the full
force of our experience and expert staff,
as well as all the latest technological inno-
vations and platforms to give our clients and
their consumers the best possible chance
at success. Everyone’s got a story, so let us
supply the happy ending.
Put our innovative spirit and strong work
ethic to work for you. Start the conversation
at or give us a call at
(239) 789-1992.
Get Started Today
Evolution Brands 13099 S Cleveland Ave, Ste. 510 Fort Myers, FL 33907
EB_media kit_2016_digital

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  • 1. 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 M E D I A K I T
  • 2. Evolution Brands is a brand development consult- ing group. Every campaign, strategy, and solution we create is personalized to your business needs, the needs of your employees, and most important- ly, the needs of potential and current customers. Each client is a unique organization with specific needs. We approach and perform every project with the utmost care, offering our many years of relevant experience. We take pride in our innovative spirit and strong work ethic. We know success takes a solid com- bination of inspiration and perspiration. We take the time to understand what drives our clients, their clients, and the client’s ideal consumer. Then, through a combination of experience, technique, creativity, and good old fashioned elbow grease, we deliver. We are a creative powerhouse. Welcome
  • 3. 3 “Evolution Brands video production and branding work is outstanding.” - Jeff Nager, CMO, American Blue Collar Stanley Tools Apparel Division “Work product has excellent professional polish. Everyone from the executives to the designers are generous with their time and knowledge. I feel I have obtained excellent value and ROI.” - Pablo S. Hurtado, Esq., Founder/Attorney The Hurtado Immigration Law Firm “Professional. Creative. Talented. The ideas and strategic development [are] outstanding.” - Stan Ellis, Owner D&D Air Conditioning & Heating “If you’re serious, I MEAN REALLY SERIOUS about growing your business, Evolution Brands is the way to go. (I’m Curt Sheard and I approve this message).” - Curt Sheard, Owner, Big Boi’s BBQ “My website receives over 4,800 new visits a week which has gone straight to our bottom line. Use Evolution Brands if you want results.” - Eli Mendes, Owner, Tropic Trailer “Snikwah has grown considerably in a very short time. Tom and his team have been instrumental in our brands success.” - Roy Smith, Owner, Snikwah
  • 4. Do you charge for an initial consultation? Nope, not ever. When we meet with you the first time it’s to find out exactly what your needs are, how we can help, and then work out a plan together. What happens once I’ve signed an agreement? Once you’ve signed with Evolution Brands, we will take some time to identify likes/dislikes, target markets, and your goals. We’ll then ask for all assets (logos, past collateral, graphics, photography, etc.) and once those are received, the real fun begins. At that point our team will find the best solutions for you and begin building, updating, enhancing, and evolving your brand. Will I have input in the design process? Absolutely. It’s your business and you know it better than anyone. We’ll consult with you before beginning any project so we know if you hate orange or really want a penguin on your website. Our job is to build, upgrade, and maintain your brand and we can only do that by partnering with you. Can I make changes after a project is finalized? Yes. Once a project is finalized you can always come to us with new ideas and changes. We can either make a change to an existing project at our standard rate or add an entirely new service, such as SEO or a social media market- ing campaign. What is your payment structure? Most of our clients have a retainer agreement with us. The only up front cost is the retainer deposit, which is based on budget and scope of work. For rates, please email us at
  • 5. 5 The amazing Evolution Brands team manages clients all over the United States.
  • 6. Consulting Every business has great intentions in the beginning, but as time goes on those intentions can get lost in a sea of day-to- day details. Evolution Brands can help get you back on track and revamp your organization into a successful brand. Our team of experienced consultants will create a com- prehensive strategy that motivates employees and delivers successful returns. But we don’t stop there. Leading companies know they must be innovative to be successful. Once you have a solid business foundation, our team can go on to assist in uncovering new sources of revenue, bring fresh ideas to the table, and help you sustain competitive advantages for growth. Branding & Design We believe that your brand is your reputation and will ultimately determine if you have loyal customers. Branding is the practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates your company from others. An effective brand strategy gives your business the edge in increasingly competitive markets. Evolution Brands helps clients build a brand they can be proud of and when that happens, success will surely follow. Analytics Analytics help businesses see their market through new eyes and provide incredibly beneficial insight for growth. Evolution Brands can help you harness that power in a unique way that takes you beyond standard measures like ad spend and sales because of our deep understanding of brands and consumer behaviors. We dig deeper and evaluate marketing ROI and the impact of marketing on your brand value. Our Services
  • 8. Case Study I Snikwah is a Naples based active wear clothing company that accommodates any lifestyle. The idea behind the Snikwah concept was that original owners, Michelle and Billy Hawkins, wanted to create active wear that allowed them to do what they like to do, only better. Snikwah was designed to support any outdoor enthusiast whether they are seeking protection from the sun’s harmful rays, a rashguard for in-water use, or just a comfortable shirt that breathes with you. To expedite the process of getting the Snikwah brand out to the market, they teamed up with Evolution Brands, a Bonita Springs brand creation and management company. Evolution Brands helped develop and grow the Snikwah brand through one-of-a-kind shirt designs, original videos, focused social media content, stellar photography, and graphics - all of which validates and solidifies Snikwah in the marketplace. Snikwah’s target customer is any active individual in need of performance wear that can keep up with them in water (Hydro line) or out of the water (Original line). The Snikwah line of shirts have incredible benefits too. They keep you cooler in warmer temperatures and warmer in colder temperatures, they provide an unparalleled UPF 50+ rating, have exceptional wicking abilities, are bug resistant, and they’re crazy comfortable. The Snikwah design is a revolutionary game changer. It actually evolves with the individual’s activity. It’s great for highly active sports like surfing, wakeboarding, skate- boarding, and diving, not to mention more casual outdoor activities like hiking, biking, fishing, and hunting. The shirts can literally be used for anything, even lawn mowing or relaxing on the beach! Because Snikwah’s Original line is made with Drirelease®, a patented high-performance fabric formula, there is nothing like it on the market. This is a great edge for Snikwah that can propel the brand in the future. Once a consumer sees the product and puts it into action, they fully understand how revolutionary it is. the client “Snikwah now distributes around 3,000 shirts a month to dealers all around the world.” Client: Snikwah Worldwide Industry: Apparel Location: Naples, FL
  • 9. 9 The biggest challenge Snikwah and Evolution Brands have faced is not in sales, but in getting the actual product out to the public and making the company more recognizable. Rome was not built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour and that’s what Evolution Brands has been doing. Snikwah has the potential to out-perform many of the leading active wear brands on the market today. Whereas other brands have cornered themselves into a certain sliver of the market share, Snikwah’s chameleon-like strategy can adapt to any customer. Another challenge that Evolution Brands and Snikwah faced was the creation and design of a completely unique product. The original product (made of nylon) was uncomfortable and wasn’t breathable. Also, the original logo was hard to read. The company had no web or social media presence, along with a pipeline of only five hundred customers with a buying cycle of one shirt every two years. The small three person company needed infrastructure to accommodate multi-million dollar in sales. challenges Evolution Brands performed a complete rebrand of the company. They created stunning packaging and a completely new product (fabric, thumb holes, ponytail hole, and sunglasses holder). Evolution Brands also performed a massive PR launch by identifying markets in both fishing and surfing industries, and prepared Snikwah and its employees for trade- shows. Evolution Brands created all photo and video concepts for advertising and commercials, and set up endorsements for the brand. 2015 has already been an outstanding year for Snikwah. In January, Snikwah attended Surf Expo in Orlando, Florida which yielded excellent results. Due to the success of Surf Expo, Snikwah acquired over 80 new dealers and received worldwide attention. Snikwah also announced the signing of Jazmine Dean to Team Snikwah, their international team of outdoor sports professionals. Jazmine, a young professional surfer, is on her way to becoming one of the top contenders in the surfing community. Snikwah revealed that Jazmine will be working alongside Evolution Brands and designing her own line of Hydros, Snikwah’s compression fit rashguard. Evolution Brands and Snikwah accomplish so much due to three major factors. First, Snik- wah has been making headway throughout the social media world across many plat- forms. Evolution Brands cleared a path for them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and most recently Vine and Tumblr. Second, Evolution Brands established Snikwah in the correct markets. Instead of limiting themselves as a fishing shirt or a surfing shirt, they have embraced all active lifestyles and left no boundaries. Finally, Evolution Brands got the shirts out to the public. Once people could see them, they literally sold themselves. Besides the obvious benefits of the shirts, customers have gained convenience benefits too. Since Snikwah has acquired new dealers, the active wear lines will begin springing up across multiple retail locations worldwide. The product is made in China and uses the “just in time” product delivery method. Additionally, their website ( has an easily accessible e-commerce store which lets customers shop day or night. Their inno- vative website has lifestyle sections with appropriate active wear in each so anyone can find what they are looking for. results
  • 10. Customers can be confident that after purchasing a Snikwah product they can maximize the use of it for any occasion and any activity - it is that comfortable and versatile. With the collaboration of Evolution Brands and the introduction of Team Snikwah, the company has opened doors that were not possible a year ago. a year ago. By adding a wide array of professional athletes, Snikwah has a chance to become synonymous with sporting events globally and will be in great company with Red Bull, Nike, Adidas, and Under Armor. The future is limitless for Snikwah and its brand. summary With the help of social media, Snikwah can keep customers and fans updated on worldwide news and promotions that deal directly with their products and events. Evolution Brands has helped amplify Jazmine Dean’s impact on Snikwah’s online success too. Jazmine’s fans have migrated onto the Snikwah pages to keep informed about Jazmine’s product line and appearances. Through Snik- wah, Jazmine can promote her upcoming tournaments, surfing schedule, and accomplishments to an even broader audience. Not to mention all the accessible original content Evolution Brands created, such as Jazmine’s Snikwah photos and videos that help cement the brand. Snikwah’s customer base is growing and so is customer retention. Snikwah distributes around 3,000 shirts a month to dealers all around the world. In a recent interview Snikwah’s CEO, Roy Smith, stated, “I just ordered six more tons of fabric!” With 5,000 page followers and 30,000 followers on their discovery pages, the online reach is not too shabby for a newer company. They have only been selling to dealers and direct consumers for six months. Since the creation of the company 18 months ago, Snikwah has become a multi-million dollar company.
  • 11. 11 Case Study II Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is a full-service immigration practice that assists with every- thing from visas to representation in immigration court. The result is a law firm focused on providing immigration legal services to individuals, their families, and their businesses. The key to their success and passion is that many of the attorneys are immigrants them- selves, inspired to work as a lighthouse for their clients and help them in their pursuit of the American Dream. The firm began on August 15, 201 and now has two locations in Fort Myers and Naples with clients from all over the world. Since their founding, Hurtado has become the largest immigration-focused law firm in all of Southwest Florida. Their partnership with Evolution Brands has only continued to increase their success. Evolution Brands has helped to identify and define the Hurtado Law Firm Brand, expand their reach, and increase their revenue by targeting a more profitable clientele. As a full-service immigration practice, Hurtado helps with a variety of visas including investor, professional, and family while also providing removal defense in deportation cases. Due to this wide range of services, their target client varies. Hurtado’s concen- tration in investor visas, like the EB-5 Investor Program, makes them an ideal partner for foreign and domestic entrepreneurs looking to invest in the U.S. economy. As fluent Spanish-speakers, they are completely accessible to Hispanic and other foreign clients looking to have themselves or family members relocate to the US. The Hurtado Immigration Law Firm is driven by their strong belief in building a brighter future for our country and their clients. Their firm is best embodied by their slogan, “Lighting the path to a brighter future” or “El faro de la inmigración,” which means “the beacon of immigration.” They look at themselves as a guiding light for the generations of new Americans to come. the client Client: Hurtado Immigration Law Firm Industry: Immigration Legal Services Location: Fort Myers, FL “Within two months of their Evolution Brands partnership, Hurtado has reached nearly 450,000 people in the US and inter- nationally that resulted in over 46,000 visits to their website.”
  • 12. Although Hurtado had a number of ongoing cases and a solid work flow, their main challenge was attracting more profitable cases in order to generate revenue. While the firm was very busy with deportation cases, these don’t typically receive payment for years. Investor visas (specifically EB-5s) offer a much greater profit margin and faster access to the money. The EB-5 visa allows an immigrant investor and their family to acquire lawful permanent residency to live in the US by investing a minimum of $500,000 to $1,000,000 in a new enterprise that creates US jobs. In order to shift their focus to foreign investors, Hurtado faced another challenge. They would need to be able to expand their reach beyond Southwest Florida and into the international market. At the time, the firm had no international name recognition and no knowledge of how to engage with the foreign business world. challenges Evolution Brands has developed a whole new branding concept and marketing approach in order to help Hurtado Immigration Law Firm both connect with and appeal to a larger international audience. Their approach began with enhancing Hurtado’s brand personality with all new original graphics, a redesigned logo, and engaging video content to use for advertising and commercials. Evolution Brands redesigned and streamlined Hurtado’s website design to make it more user-friendly, including bilingual video concepts for Spanish-speaking visitors. Hurtado now has a stronger and more established social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn, and Vine. In just their second month with Evolu- tion Brands, Hurtado’s Facebook following has increased by 220% since the previous month with their reach increasing by 421% and their engagement by 1,194%. This engagement shows that not only is Hurtado finding more people, but their audience is also connecting with their content and their message. They have also been successful in reaching their foreign market with the top 5 countries reached on Facebook being the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Indonesia, followed closely by Honduras and Mexico. A majority of Hurtado’s newfound international success can be attributed to the multi- lingual advertising campaigns launched on both Facebook and Google Adwords. In order to increase name recognition for Hurtado and the EB-5 program around the globe, campaigns were created in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Man- darin and targeted business people holding positions like CEO, chairman, president, founder, and other high-ranking job titles. In just two months, Hurtado’s Facebook and Google campaigns have reached 443,000 people and resulted in over 46,000 visits to his website. Hurtado’s number of profitable cases and incoming business is higher than ever and, with his strong online presence and international advertising campaigns, his success will only continue to grow. results
  • 13. 13 Between Hurtado’s fiercely passionate dedication to helping immigrants around the globe and Evolution Brands’s innovative knowledge and tools for reaching and engaging these potential clients, Hurtado’s success is only just beginning. With a loyal customer base behind them and a steady income, Hurtado can look forward to further developing and expanding their business. Working together with Evolution Brands, Hurtado is only taking its first steps into the same bright future that it promises its clientele. summary
  • 14. Our fully comprehensive and cohesive approach to getting your brand exposure uses a combination of new and traditional media, and our staff features teams of experts in both. At Evolution Brands, our priority lies with the clients. We use the full force of our experience and expert staff, as well as all the latest technological inno- vations and platforms to give our clients and their consumers the best possible chance at success. Everyone’s got a story, so let us supply the happy ending. Put our innovative spirit and strong work ethic to work for you. Start the conversation at or give us a call at (239) 789-1992. Get Started Today Evolution Brands 13099 S Cleveland Ave, Ste. 510 Fort Myers, FL 33907 NATALIE KIMMEL CREATIVE DIRECTOR JOSHUA DOBKINS MEDIA PRODUCTION CONSULTANT TOM MACDONALD BRAND CONSULTANT PETER SIMMONS CLIENT RELATIONS DIRECTOR KEVIN ABRAMS WEB DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT MADELINE JOHNSON CONTENT STRATEGIST