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Vol. 53 No. 14                           Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi                                    April 4, 2013

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 An Easter tradition                                                                      +
                                                                                                     Blood Drive All blood +
                                                                                                                  April 4           types
                                                                                          +             Chapel 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. needed!
                                                                                          +      Liberty Center 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.         +
                                                                                          +    visit and use
                                                                                          + SEABEE or SEABEELIBERTY as sponsor code       +
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                                                                                          CNO explains what
                                                                                          budget changes
                                                                                          mean for you
                                                                                          By Chief of Naval Operations
                                                                                          Public Affairs
                                                                                            Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
                                                                                          Adm. Jonathan Greenert released
                                                                                          a video message to the fleet re-
                                                                                          cently about the passage of a De-
                                                                                          fense appropriations bill and what
                                                                                          that means for the fleet.
                                                                                            In the video, the Navy's top ad-
                                                                                          miral discussed the bill that the
                                                                                          President signed last week putting      Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
                                                                                          legislation into effect that will re-   Adm. Jonathan Greenert gives a
                                                                                          store Defense Department funds          video message to the fleet about
                                                                                                                                  the passage of another Continu-
                                                                                          through September.
                                                                                                                                  ing Resolution and what that
                                                                                            What was projected to be a $9
                                                                                                                                  means for the fleet. (U.S. Navy photo
                                                                                          billion shortfall in the Navy's oper-   by Mass Communication Specialist 1st
                                                                                          ations accounts will be halved ac-      Class Peter D. Lawlor/Released)
                                                                                          cording to Greenert. He explained
 Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) was busy with Easter activities through-      in the video that the Bill will take    uted to the fleet and important
 out the holiday weekend. Military families were treated to three Easter-related cel-     care of four and a half billion dol-    operations can get underway."
 ebrations sponsored by Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), Balfour Beatty              lar shortfall in operations and that      Among those priorities Greenert
 Communities (BBC) and the Seabee Memorial Chapel. Families came out to Seabee            the Navy will have to adjust. He        said that the Navy's bills will be
 Lake March 29, for BBC’s Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza, and to the athletic fields,       also stated, that sequestration,        paid, deployed operations will re-
 March 29, for MWR’s annual Easter egg hunt. Members of the Seabee Memorial Chapel        the reduction of spending in all        main funded and some restoration
 congregation enjoyed an Easter egg hunt after services Easter Sunday. (U.S. Navy photo   accounts, remains in place.             and modernization projects will
 by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)                            "We're going to move ahead in a       return.
                                                                                          very deliberate fashion and decide        "So what does this mean to you?
                                          For more photos, see page 6 and NCBC Facebook   what's important and fund those         For our Sailors, this means your
                                                                                          most important things," said            pay will be stable as it has been,
                                                                                          Greenert. "Money will be distrib-       See CNO page 9
Spring into action as a Ready Navy family
                                             From Commander Navy                     members must gather at your desig-
                          NCBC               Installations Command                   nated meeting place, exiting by vari-
                  Commanding Officer         Public Affairs                          ous doors. Your emergency plan
                    Capt. Rick Burgess       For many, spring brings a resur-        should also include how your family
                 Public Affairs Officer    gence of energy and activity with         will communicate with each other,
                        Rob Mims           the milder temperatures.                  particularly if normal communication
                          Editor             It is a perfect time to practice your   methods, such as phone lines or cell
                     Bonnie L. McGerr      family emergency plan and to re-          towers, are out. Road conditions
                 Mass Comm. Specialist     evaluate and restock your emer-           and other hazards can limit ease of
                                           gency supply kit for the changing         movement. Have a contact person
                      Ryan G. Wilber
                                           season. Although winter storms are        outside the area who each member
                  Special Contributors
                                           becoming a fading memory, it is im-       of the family can notify that they are
                  CM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil
                                           portant to remember that weather          safe, if separated. Place a call to
                 CECN(SCW) Lucinda Moise
                                           and other hazards can be unpre-           your designated contact person to
        The Seabee Courier is a            dictable. So spring into action as a      be sure he or she is willing to serve
        weekly authorized on-line          Ready Navy Family and be ready for        in that role. The Ready Navy web-
        publication for members of         any hazard.                               site provides printable forms and
        the military services and their      Be and Stay Informed: Learn             contact cards to guide you in your
        families. Content does not         about hazards that are common in          planning.
        necessarily reflect the official   spring months and most likely to            Build a Kit: The best way to pre-
        views of the U.S. Govern-          happen in your area. The Ready            pare for the unexpected is to have
        ment, the DoD or the U.S.          Navy website "Be and Stay In-             on hand one or more emergency
        Navy and does not imply en-        formed" tabs offer specific instruc-      kits that include enough water and
        dorsement thereof. The ap-         tions, information, and resources         non-perishable supplies for every
        pearance of advertising in this    you may need to know regarding            family member to survive at least        An emergency kit is an effective way to prepare for unexpected
        newspaper, including inserts       floods, tornadoes, man-made haz-          three days. Keep a kit prepared at       events. Having the entire family prepare the kit will help children bet-
        or supplements, does not           ards, and emergency actions. Learn        home, and consider having kits in        ter cope with emergencies and ensures everyone knows the emer-
        constitute endorsement by          what you should know if you need          your car, at work, and a portable        gency kit contents. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist
        the U. S. Government, DoD,         to evacuate or take shelter in your       version in your home ready to take       Monique K. Hilley/Released)
        the Navy or NCBC Gulfport of       home.                                     with you. These kits will enable you
                                             Make a Plan: As a family, make          and your family to respond to any        items you are missing and shop to-        For information about Ready Navy
        the products and services ad-
                                           and refine your emergency plan so         emergency more effectively. Make a       gether at your local installation com-   and tips, forms, and guidance to be
        vertised. All content in this
                                           that everyone in the family under-        game of kit building with your chil-     missary and NEX to complete your         prepared for and stay informed
        newspaper shall be made
                                           stands what to do, where to go, and       dren. One idea is to have your chil-     kit. History shows that children who     about all hazards, visit
        available for purchase, use or
                                           what to take in the event of any          dren go on a scavenger hunt to find      are involved and informed with  Ready Navy is
        patronage without regard to
                                           emergency. Practice your plan by          and gather necessary supplies            emergency planning are better able       a CNIC-sponsored emergency pre-
        race, color, religion, gender,
                                           conducting a drill where all family       around your house. Make note of          to react safely in an emergency.         paredness program.
        national origin, age, marital
        status, physical handicap, po-
        litical affiliation or any other
        non-merit factor of the pur-
        chaser, user or patron. If a
 April 4, 2013

        violation or rejection of this                                                                                                                                    April is designated
        equal opportunity policy by
        an advertiser is confirmed,                                                                                                                                                Sexual
        the publisher shall refuse to
        print advertising from that
        source until the violation is
                                                                                                                                                                          Assault Awareness
        corrected. The Seabee Courier
        solicits news contributions
                                                                                                                                                                             Month (SAAM).
        from military and civilian
        sources, but the Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                            The SafeHelpline
        staff reserves the right to edit
                                                                                                                                                                          provides live, one-
Seabee Courier

        and/or rewrite material se-
        lected for publication to con-
        form        with     journalism
                                                                                                                                                                          on-one crisis sup-
        standards. The deadline for
        material is close of business
                                                                                                                                                                          port. CALL: 877-
        every Friday. Your comments
        are always welcome. The
        Seabee Courier office is in
        Building 1, Room 205. The
                                                                                                                                                                         CLICK: www.Safe-
        mailing address is 4902 Mar-
        vin Shields Blvd., Code 15,
        Gulfport, MS 39501. Phone:
        228-871-3662.,           Email:
                                                                                                                                                                            or TEXT: 55-247
Navy resources
                 available for                           Around
                 Sailors trying                                                                the
                 to trim fat
                 From Navy Pesonnel Command
                 Public Affairs
                   Sailors who have hit a weight
                 loss plateau, or can't drop the
                 weight despite having a physi-
                 cally active lifestyle, may benefit   Chief Steelworker (SCW/EXW/AW/FPJ) Christen All-
                 from a talk with their local dieti-   good was commissioned a Chief Warrant Officer (CWO)
                 cian, officials said March 28.        2 during a ceremony held at the Training Hall on board
                   "There are three main reasons       Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC), April 1.
                 why increasing exercise and ac-       CWOs are technical specialists who perform with the
                 tivity may lead to weight             knowledge and skills of a specific occupational field at a
                 plateau or increased weight           level beyond what is normally expected of a Master Chief
                 gain. Being more aware will           Petty Officer. Allgood was one of two selected for CWO
                 help you identify and adjust ac-      during fiscal year 2013 in the Naval Construction Force.
                 cordingly," said Lt. Cmdr. Jen-       (U.S. Navy photos by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan
                 nifer Wallinger, registered           G. Wilber/Released)
                 dietitian, Navy Nutrition, Navy
                 Physical Readiness Program. "It
                 is important to balance the nu-
                 trients that you put in your body
                 with what you burn off in activ-
                 ity, whether that is normal daily
                 activity or exercise."
                   One reason is that adding ac-
                 tivity increases hunger.
                   "Make sure the food you eat                                                                   Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Christopher Stamps, NCBC Gulfport Master-
                 will fill you up by choosing nu-                                                                at-Arms (MAA) Office, leading petty officer, and Steelworker Construction-
                 trient dense foods containing                                                                   man Cassandra Null, assigned to the MAA Office, raise an Air Force two-star
                 protein, fiber and healthy fats                                                                 flag in preparation for a distinguished visitor on board NCBC Gulfport,
                 instead of calorie dense foods                                                                  March 29. Traditionally, each military installation flies a flag from their
                 [including] high fat and high                                                                   headquarters flagpole of the appropriate color for service and stars for
                 sugar items with few nutrients,"                                                                rank when receiving officers O-7 and above. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Com-
April 4, 2013

                 continued Wallinger.                                                                            munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)
                   Another reason is choosing the
                 wrong foods.
                   "The body is designed not to
                 starve. If you do not choose
                 lower calorie, filling food, you
                 will naturally compensate for
                 the extra calories burned from
                 daily activity and exercise," said
                 Wallinger. "Try filling up on veg-
                 etables before or as part of your
Seabee Courier

                   Lastly, exercising can provide a
                 false sense of entitlement.
                   "People may think, 'I worked
                 out, so I can have or deserve
                                                       Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battal-
                 that burger, cheesecake, na-
                                                       ion (NMCB) 11 conduct command level physical training
                 chos' . . . whatever," said
                                                       on Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport
                                                       in the early morning, March 22. NMCB 11 is a Seabee bat-
                   Activity helps you burn calo-
                                                       talion specializing in contingency construction, disaster
                 ries, but only if you do not eat
                                                       response, and humanitarian assistance. (U.S. Navy photo
                 all of those calories back.
                                                       by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jonathan
                 See TRIM page 12                      Carmichael/Released)
As Earth Day is April 22
                                            BUZZ on the Street asks:
                           “What can we do to conserve
                             energy on board NCBC?”

                 “Shortening the work        “Car pooling. It saves    “Automatic shut offs         “Turn off power to
                 week.”                      gas and money.”           on things like comput-       unoccupied buildings
                                                                       ers.”                        on base and convert
                 EA3(SCW) Sam Poling         Rhea Kiuluul                                           heavy vehicles into hy-
                 NMCB 11                     Hometown: Guam            Jessica Watkins              brid or bio diesel.”
                 Hometown: Sparta, Mich.                               MWR
                                                                       Hometown: Lima, Ohio         Demetrius Baldwin
                                                                                                    Fire Inspector, NCBC
                                                                                                    Fire Department
                                                                                                    Hometown: Gulfport, Miss.
April 4, 2013
Seabee Courier

                 “Limit water usage, es-     “Turn off anything that   “Invest in more solar        “Turning off lights
                 pecially when it comes      uses energy when it       panels and maybe even        when no one is using
                 to showers.”                isn’t being utilized.”    wind turbines for            them.”
                                                                       smaller facilities.”
                 CM3(SCW) Calvin             BUCR Caitlynn Crow                                     CMCA Brandon Thomas
                 Bookwalter                  NMCB 133                  Brian Webb                   NMCB 133
                 NMCB 1                      Hometown: Georgetown,     Assistant Fire Chief         Hometown: Ocala, Fla.
                 Hometown: Millstown, Pa.    Texas                     NCBC Fire Department
                                                                       Hometown: Baton Rouge, La.
Easter is twice the fun with MWR & BBC special events
April 4, 2013
Seabee Courier

                 Military families turned out March 29, for the Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC)    the Fire Dog’s 62nd birthday. Patrons at MWR ’s morning event enjoyed mul-
                 Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza and March 30, for the Morale, Welfare and             tiple egg hunts, children’s games, a climbing wall, bounce house and free
                 Recreation (MWR), Easter Egg Hunt. BBC’s afternoon of fun at Seabee Lake fea-      food and drinks. The day was capped off by special guest appearances by the
                 tured egg hunts, pony rides, a petting zoo, crawfish boil and a DJ to play         Easter Bunny and McGruff the Crime Dog.(U.S. Navy photos by Chief Mass Com-
                 music for the crowd. Guests were also asked to join in and help celebrate Sparky   munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)
Underwater Construction
                 Home at last . . . NMCB 133 returns                                                                          Team (UCT) ONE
                                                                                Family and friends welcomed
                                                                                home more than 180 Seabees                    UCT 1 is searching for highly motivated Seabees and
                                                                                assigned to Naval Mobile Con-                 CEC officers looking for a career and lifestyle change.
                                                                                struction Battalion (NMCB) 133,
                                                                                Delayed Body, at the Training                                                             Join an ELITE force
                                                                                Hall on board NCBC Gulfport as                                                            and travel as a small,
                                                                                they returned from deployment,
                                                                                April 1. For more than six
                                                                                                                                                                          professional team. Ex-
                                                                                months The Runnin’ Roos have                                                              ecute specialized con-
                                                                                been operating forward de-                                                                struction, diving and
                                                                                ployed to the U.S. Central Com-                                                           demolition skills with
                                                                                mand area of responsibility
                                                                                (AOR) in support of construc-
                                                                                                                                                                          the latest and greatest
                                                                                tion operations throughout                                                                technology and equip-
                                                                                Afghanistan. NMCB 133 is re-                                                              ment.
                                                                                turning home as the last active
                                                                                duty Seabee battalion to deploy                       Contact UCT CCC/Diver recruiting team at
                                                                                to Afghanistan. (U.S. Navy photo                     757-462-3988/4313 or Email YNC Aberle at
                                                                                by Chief Mass Communication Spe-            ; SW1 Dohse
                                                                                cialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)
                                                                                                                                            at or visit
                                                                                For more return photos see NCBC Facebook for more information.

                 NCBC   FREEZE FRAME
                 Culinary Specialist 1st Class (SCW)
                 Shameka Danell Hooker
                 NCBC Gulfport
April 4, 2013

                 Warehouse Supervisor

                 By CM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil
                 NCBC Public Affairs

                 FF: What single experience during your ca-   work as hard as she does right now.          proud to say that you are a U.S. Navy         FF: Who was your most influential mentor
Seabee Courier

                 reer stands out the most and why?            She is honestly the reason that I work       Sailor.                                       during your career, and why?
                 CS1: The day I graduated from boot           so hard to make it and be successful                                                       CS1: My greatest mentor would
                 camp. I think it was the first time I        in everything that I do.                     FF: What is your favorite thing about work-   have to be CSCS(SW/SCW) Virgilio
                 had ever seen my mother cry over                                                          ing with the Seabees?                         Figuerus was at the time my CSC in
                 being proud of me.                           FF: What advice would you give to future     CS1: I am probably one of the only            NMCB 7. That man pushed me harder
                                                              Sailors?                                     fleet rate personnel that can honestly        than I have ever been pushed in my
                 FF: What has been your biggest motivation    CS1: Stay focused. Do not let the joy        say that I love my Seabees. The mem-          life because he had so much faith in
                 throughout your career?                      of finally being free from your families     bers I worked with in NMCB 7 were             me. To this day I believe he will al-
                 CS1: The fact that one day I would           watching eye make you do things that         some of the greatest people I have            ways be my greatest motivator. If and
                 like to make it so my mother would           would go against your character.             ever met in my life. They taught me so        when I retire, he has to be my guest
                 never have to work or at least not           Never or at least try to keep them           much and for that I am very grateful.         speaker.
NMCB 5 Jungle Warfare Training

                                                                                          Patiya Cherry, a housekeeper for Navy Gateway Inns and Suites
                                                                                          (NGIS) Gulfport, Miss. and Commander, Navy Installations Com-
                                                                                          mand (CNIC) Navy Lodging Program 2012 Housekeeper of the
                                                                                          Year, makes her rounds preparing rooms after guest check-outs,
                                                                                          April 1. The CNIC Navy Lodging Program recognizes installa-
                                                                                          tions, lodging operations and individual accomplishments by pre-
                                                                                          senting the Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt Five, Four and Three Star
                                                                                          Accreditation Awards, and the Manager, Supervisor, Associate and
                                                                                          Housekeeper of the Year awards. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Com-
                                                                                          munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released)

                                                                                          NGIS Gulfport employee is
                                                                                          Housekeeper of the Year
                                                                                          By MCC(SCW/SW/AW)                 among 34 employees.
                                                                                          Ryan G. Wilber                      “She always goes above and
                                                                                          NCBC Public Affairs               beyond the call of her position
                                                                                            Patiya Cherry, a housekeeper    by acting as an outstanding
                                                                                          for Navy Gateway Inns and         example to her peers. She
                                                                                          Suites (NGIS) Gulfport, Miss.,    sets the bar high and moti-
                                                                                          was announced as the 2012         vates others to follow. On nu-
                                                                                          Housekeeper of the Year dur-      merous occasions, Patiya has
                                                                                          ing a Commander, Navy Instal-     volunteered to perform addi-
                                                                                          lations Command (CNIC) Navy       tional duties when we were
                                                                                          Lodging Program Appreciation      short-staffed. She has acted

                                                                                                                                                                April 4, 2013
                                                                                          Day Ceremony held at the          as a common area cleaner and
                                                                                          Rhodes Hall Conference Room       as Housekeeping Lead, when
                                                                                          on board Naval Construction       needed. Without her dedica-
                                                                                          Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulf-     tion and “can do” attitude, our
                                                                                          port, March 27.                   operation would not function
                                                                                            The CNIC Navy Lodging Pro-      as required,” said Tomlin in her
                                                                                          gram recognizes installations,    award write-up.
                                                                                          lodging operations and individ-     Cherry, a native of Moss
                                                                                          ual accomplishments by pre-       Point, Miss., has been commut-
                                                                                          senting the Adm. Elmo R.          ing 45 minutes to work in the
                                                                                          Zumwalt Five, Four and Three      hospitality service on the
                                                                                          Star Accreditation Awards, and    Seabee base for the past three
                                                                                                                            years. She said she does it be-
                                                                                                                                                                Seabee Courier
                                                                                          the Manager, Supervisor, Asso-
                                                                                          ciate and Housekeeper of the      cause she simply enjoys the
                                                                                          Year awards.                      work.
                                                                                            In addition to Housekeeper        “I love the environment. I
                                                                                          of the Year, a world-wide com-    love the job. It’s worth the
OKINAWA, Japan - Equipment Operator 2nd Class Kendrell Dale fast-ropes out of an          petition, Cherry was also         drive,” said Cherry. “I like
MV-22 Osprey, assigned to Marine Medium Tilt-Rotor Squadron (VMM) 265, during             named NGIS Gulfport’s Em-         meeting new people, and mak-
a Jungle Leaders Course. Kendrell is assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battal-        ployee of the Quarter, 1st        ing them happy and smile.
ion (NMCB) 5, which enrolled six Seabees in the Marine Jungle Leaders Course at the       quarter and Employee of the       When they come into a clean
Jungle Warfare Training Center. The course is designed to teach small unit leaders        Year. Simone Tomlin, NGIS         room it makes their day. And,
all aspects of small unit jungle operations and general survival skills for the jungle.   Gulfport general manager, said    it makes my day to make their
                                                                                          it was her industriousness,       day.”
(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class John P. Curtis/Released)
                                                                                          hard work and pleasant atti-
                                                                                          tude that put her over the top    See AWARD page 11
‘The Meat & Potatoes
            of Life’
                                     By Lisa Smith Molinari
                                    Military Spouse Contributer

Revival of the fittest:
Marriage and the common cold
                                     take it easy for the next couple     to muster sympathy.
                                     days.”                                 We wives feel guilt and won-
                                       Instead, my husband would          der why we find our husbands’        Capt. Kyle Perry, 81st Inpatient Operations Squadron, re-
                                     put on a dramatic display in         childish ploys for attention so      views a patient’s chart at the Intensive Care Unit nurses’
                                     hopes of indirectly compelling       patently unattractive. We wish       station March 6, at the Keesler Medical Center. Perry was
                                     us all to run and get him a          our natural nurturing instincts      selected to be part of the White House clinic and reports
                                     blankie and a fudgesicle.            would kick in, but instead of        in October for a three-year assignment. (U.S. Air Force photo
                                       “Why would my otherwise re-        making soup, we find ourselves       by Steve Pivnick/Rekeased)
                                     sponsible, straightforward, mas-     muttering insensitive remarks
                                     culine military husband resort       under our breath such as, “He
                                     to such childish passive aggres-
                                     sive tactics?” I wondered.
                                                                          should get an Oscar for that
                                                                          sneeze” or “Building the
                                                                                                               Keesler medic to serve
                                       At first, I thought his germ-in-   groundwork for another after-
  I’m about to make a highly in-
flammatory, clearly sexist, cer-
                                     duced plea for attention might
                                     have something to do with him
                                                                          noon nap, are we?” or “Grow a
                                                                          pair, would ya?”
                                                                                                               in White House clinic
tainly offensive generalization.     having grown up in a big family.       But perhaps all this irony and     By Steve Pivnick
Readers will undoubtedly gasp        One of five siblings, my hus-        marital discourse during illness     81st Medical Group Public Affairs
at my insensitivity, and offer a     band was flanked by the              serves a higher purpose. Con-          One 81st Medical Group nurse will soon join an elite medical
myriad of anecdotal evidence to      smartest kid and the funniest        sider this: if sick males were       staff when he becomes a member of the White House clinic.
the contrary.                        kid in the family, so he had to      babied by their female compan-         Capt. Kyle Perry, a critical care nurse in the 81st Inpatient Op-
  But deep down in the recesses      do whatever he could to get his      ions, the males might find it so     erations Squadron intensive care unit, was notified of his selec-
of our hearts and minds, in the      parent’s attention.                  enjoyable, there would be no         tion for the post in February and reports there in October for the
spaces not corrupted by con-           Occurrences which might oth-       reason to get back to the work       three-year assignment.
trived societal notions of           erwise seem unfortunate to a         of hunting, gathering, and mat-        "I didn't hear anything for three months, then I received an
“equality” and “fairness,” we all    child were savored in my hus-        ing to keep the tribe strong.        email telling me I had been selected for an interview," Perry
secretly know these words to         band’s large family. For exam-         So, nature has built in an au-     said. "I went to Washington for a two-day interview process in
be true: Men are total wimps         ple, normally a kid would hate       tomatic trigger -- men who get

                                                                                                                                                                                      April 4, 2013
                                                                                                               early February. Once completed, the entire staff (of 40-45 physi-
when they get sick.                  going with their mother to get       sick become so pathetic, their       cians, physician assistants, nurses and medical technicians)
  Several years after getting        orthopedic shoes, a tonsillec-       women find them repulsive and        votes and the next day the applicants were called to let them
married, I began to notice a re-     tomy, allergy testing, and           cannot produce sympathy. This        know whether they'd been chosen."
curring behavioral pattern every     speech therapy; however, these       motivates the men to recover           Three other nurses were competing for the three Air Force po-
time my husband caught a cold.       were precious moments in my          quickly so that they will become     sitions.
Unnecessary sniffling, dramatic      husband’s childhood when mom         attractive to women again and          He added, "To say the least, I was pretty surprised that I got
coughing, flamboyant sneezing        showed him special attention         can thereby resume their main        the job. When I left for the interview, I wasn't at all certain I
– each occurrence followed by        and bought him ice cream.            goal in life: mating.                would be selected. Everyone was very friendly and I'm excited
a moan, groan or whimper,              My “big family” theory seemed        So when my husband recently        about working with them. The entire staff is outstanding and
along with a pitiable declaration    to explain my husband’s theatri-     came down with a case of bron-       they've been working together for some time. They truly rely on
such as “I don’t feel so good.”      cal reaction to the common           chitis, I decided that it was my
                                                                                                               one another."

                                                                                                                                                                                      Seabee Courier
  My husband’s pathetic actions      cold, but then I started talking     wifely duty to be repulsed, to
                                                                                                                 The staff is led by the president's physician, a Navy captain,
while sick did not appear to be      to other wives. Apparently, my       show no sympathy and to roll
                                                                                                               and is comprised of medics from the Army, Navy and Air Force.
natural and spontaneous, but         husband isn’t the only one --        my eyes as much as humanly
                                                                                                                 The medical unit cares for the president, his family, the White
seemed intended to garner the        every man on the planet ex-          possible. It wasn’t easy to com-
                                                                                                               House staff and visitors and the job requires two to three weeks
maximum amount of attention          hibits pathetic, overly dramatic,    pletely ignore my husband’s
                                                                                                               of travel each month. The clinic is located on the grounds adja-
(also known as “milking it”).        attention seeking behaviors          childish pleas for attention, but,
                                                                                                               cent to the White House and five to six staff members provide
Additionally, when he got sick,      when ill.                            I figured, it’s the least I could
my husband would never simply                                                                                  care in the clinic.
                                       Ironically, just as otherwise      do.
approach me directly and say,                                                                                    Perry said. "When the president travels, the clinic staff goes in
                                     strong husbands become grov-
  “Honey, I think I’m coming                                                                                   advance to establish emergency medical services."
                                     eling weaklings when stricken
down with something, and                                                  Get more wit and observations          Before leaving Keesler, Perry will attend flight nurse training at
                                     with the sniffles, their otherwise
would appreciate you making                                               from Lisa at her blog, http://the-   Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and survival school at
                                     nurturing wives universally roll
me some chicken soup while I                                              meatandpotatoesof-         Fairchild AFB, Wash. He anticipates further training after he be-
                                     their eyes and find it impossible
                                                                                                               gins his new duties.                                                     8
Focus on Education
Month of the Military Child salutes children                                                                                                                       Coastline Community
                                                                                                                                                                   College to hold early
for contributions, sacrifices and support
By Terri Moon Cronk                                                                                                         Thompson said she hopes civilian
                                                                                                                                                                   summer registration
American Forces Presss Service                                                                                            communities will also reach out to       Coastline Community College
  During April’s Month of the Military                                                                                    military children.                       will hold early registration for
Child, the Defense Department rec-                                                                                          “Our military children are embed-      their summer term (June 18
ognizes the support provided by and                                                                                       ded in their school systems and          - Aug. 11) from April 9 - May
sacrifices made by military children,                                                                                     their neighborhoods,” she said.          28. For additional informa-
said Barbara Thompson, director of                                                                                        Military installations will celebrate    tion, contact Dr. David Drye
DOD’s office of family policy/children                                                                                    the Month of the Military Child with     in the Navy College Officer,
and youth.                                                                                                                activities such as parades, face         building 60, room 239 or at
  Since 1983, DOD has recognized                                                                                          painting, carnivals and other events     228-871-3439/2785 or at the
military children for the support they                                                                                    that children enjoy, Thompson said.      website,
provide to their families. There are                                                                                      Activities information, she said, will
now 1.8 million children in the mili-                                                                                     be available through base newspa-
tary system, Thompson said.                                                                                               pers, youth centers, child develop-
  “Military children, youth and teens                                                                                     ment center and family support
                                                                                                                                                                    NCBC School
are an integral part of their military                                                                                    centers.
parent because they stand by them,                                                                                          Even though the number of chil-         Liaison Officer,
they’re proud of them, they recog-       Children at the Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Child                 dren with a deployed parent has de-
nize their sacrifices and they take on                                                                                    creased because of the U.S.               Kevin Byrd is lo-
                                         Development Center (CDC) use their imagainations to express
additional responsibilities to meet      themselves during an indoor art session on a rainy April morning.                military’s drawdown in Afghanistan,       cated at MWR,
the needs of their families,” she        The CDC has several special activities planned to celebrate the                  military families continue to face de-
said.                                                                                                                     ployments, humanitarian missions          Building 352, 1706
                                         Month of the Military Child, including a picnic with parents and
  Military children also receive na-     a cardboard ship building project. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction              and training, Thompson said.              Bainbridge Ave.,
tional-level recognition, Thompson       Mechanic 3rd Class Katchen Tofil/Released)                                         Regardless of the mission, military
said. Following a presidential study                                                                                      families are separated during times       NCBC, 228-871-
directive in January 2011, she said,      Based on that directive, DOD has       of high-quality child care off the in-   of holidays and children’s birthdays,
the cabinet secretaries signed a let-                                                                                     she said.
                                                                                                                                                                    2117 or email:
                                         partnered with the Department of        stallation, she said, adding that 66
ter of support from their depart-        Agriculture and Health and Human        percent of military families live off      “That’s why we recognize that chil-
ments to military communities.           Services to increase the availability   base.                                    dren serve, too,” Thompson said.

                                                                                                                          From CNO page 1                          without your dedication," said

                                                                                                                                                                                                      April 4, 2013
                                                                                                                          our manpower accounts have               Greenert.
                                                                                                                          been stable throughout this tur-           "As you may know our furloughs
                                                                                                                          moil," said Greenert. "We're going       are being reduced from 22 to 14
                                                                                                                          to get our family readiness pro-         days," said Greenert. "The Secre-
                                                                                                                          grams and MWR programs back              tary of the Navy and I are working
                                                                                                                          on track where they need to be.          with the Department of Defense
                                                                                                                          PCS will remain stable throughout        staff to keep that as low as possi-
                                                                                                                          all this, so moves should continue       ble."
                                                                                                                          apace."                                    Greenert stressed that with a
                                                                                                                            Despite other branches reducing        balanced approach to spending,
                                                                                                                          access to tuition assistance,            careful planning and the dedica-

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Seabee Courier
                                                                                                                          Greenert stated that he will fight       tion of all hands, the Navy will be
                                                                                                                          to keep education benefits for           able to successfully navigate these
                                                                                                                          Sailors intact.                          tumultuous fiscal times.
                                                                                                                            "Tuition assistance is still at 100      "I want you to remember to
                                                                                                                          percent, and I'm working to keep         focus on Warfighting First, Oper-
                                                                                                                          it at that level," said Greenert.        ate Forward and Be Ready," said
                                                                                                                          "That's where I think we need to         Greenert. "Thank you for your pa-
                                                                                                                          be."                                     tience, thank you for your profes-
                                                                                                                            Greenert thanked the Navy civil-       sionalism, thank you for your
                                                                                                                          ian workforce for their patience         service."
                                                                                                                          during the turmoil of the last cou-       Greenert’s video can viewed at in
                                                                                                                          ple of months. "Remember we're a         its entirety on his blog:
                                                                                                                          team here and we can't function    9
for the single sailor or unaccom-
                                                                                 panied active duty personnel of
                                                                                 NCBC Gulfport. This FREE facility
                                                                                 has Wi-Fi, pool tables, individual
                                                                                 TVs with headphones that play
                                                                                 cable or movies, a big screen
                                                                                 with recliners, computers and a
                                                                                 fully equipped video game room.
                                                                                 Liberty also provides FREE shut-
                                                                                 tles to shopping and dining
                                                                                 areas and an exciting monthly
                                                                                 calendar of trips offered at dis-
                                                                                 counted rates. Call or visit NCBC
                                                                                 Liberty on Facebook for hours of
                       FREE Movie         bring the whole crew! Stop by the      operation and additional details.
                       Program at the     Snack Bar on your way in to get that   Search NCBC Liberty.
                       Training Hall:     buttered movie popcorn and those         Getaway with friends and
                       Take a load off.   other goodies that help you get lost
                                                                                 enjoy the ambiance of the big
                       Sit back and       in the moment. Forget what was
                                                                                 screen. Take the Liberty Center’s
                       watch the big      playing? No worries - put the movie
 screen all by yourself for some alone    hotline in your phone, 228-871-3299    FREE shuttle to Cinemark The-
 time, or make it a family night and      and call anytime!                      ater this Friday at 6 p.m.
                                                                                   Sign up for Paintball with the
 Friday, “The Hobbit: An Unex-            “Parental Guidance,” PG, 1 p.m.;       Liberty Center on Sunday. Get a
 pected Journey,” PG13, 6:30 p.m.         “Zero Dark Thirty,” R, 3:30 p.m.       group together for an afternoon
 Saturday, “Cirque Du Soleil:             Sunday, “The Hobbit: An unex-          of fun starting at 1 p.m. and
 World’s Away,” PG, 11 a.m.;              pected Journey,” PG13, 2 p.m.
                                                                                 only costing $10 per person;
                                                                                 supplies included!
Fitness                                   Information, Tickets
   CDC Fitness Intramural sports          and Travel                             Navy Outdoor Rec
makes working out fun. This                 On a budget? No worries - you          You can be sure to find the
season, sign up for softball or           can still afford to get away with      best prices around at NOR. Stop
three on three lunchtime basket-          ITT’s military discounted prices       by and pick up a price list for all
ball. Get a group together and            that aren’t available anywhere         of your spring outdoor plans          from French toast plates to         & Teen Desoto National Forest
motivate each other to push that          else – not even online. Design a       from boats and camping gear to        breakfast burritos or traditional   Cleanup Trip with the Youth Ac-
work out a little further with            fun-filled, high quality custom        party favorites like bounce           eggs and bacon. The Grill is lo-    tivities Center this Saturday from
some healthy competition. Sign            trip for you and your crew.            houses. NOR’s pricing can’t be        cated at the corner of Colby and    8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost is only $4
up today at the Fitness Center.           Whether you have a day or a            beat. NOR is open Monday, 8           7th Street.                         and includes lunch.
Call 228-822-5109 for details.            week, there is fun around the          a.m. – 1 p.m., Thursday and Fri-        Anchors & Eagles: Great serv-       On Tuesday join the YAC for
  Want an alternative work out?           corner at the local breweries,         day 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Satur-       ice and good times are what you     Smart Moves: Learn to Be Stress
Try swimming laps. Swimming is            beaches and hotels. Mobile, New        day 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.                   can expect at Anchors & Eagles.     Free! The program is completely
excellent for cardio and toning.          Orleans and Pensacola are only                                               Open Tuesday - Thursday 2 - 9       FREE and runs from 5:30 – 8:30
                                                                                 Food and Beverage                     p.m. and designated for Chiefs      p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                April 4, 2013
Come before work or on lunch.             a short distance away. Stop by
The pool is open Monday – Fri-            today to design your worry free          Don’t sit around in your room       and Officers. Stop by and shake       If you haven’t taken the oppor-
day, 5:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. If             adventure.                             bored when you could be having        off the day with comrades.          tunity to check out the YAC’s Be-
you or the little ones don’t know           Visit Disney World or enjoy an       fun with friends at the Beehive.                                          fore and After School Program
how to swim, don’t worry. The             exciting Disney Cruise where
                                                                                                                       Youth Activities                    Power Hour, then you are miss-
                                                                                 Sit back and enjoy the flat
Fitness Center offers swimming            dreams come true! Stop by ITT          screens, play a little pool, and        Be a part of something impor-     ing out. Stop by Monday from 2
lessons, too.                             beside the NEX and receive a           just have fun! With an excellent      tant and sign up to for the Youth   – 5:30 p.m. and see for yourself.
  Summer is right around the              FREE child’s Disney growth chart       beverage selection, you are sure
corner. Are you ready for the             the last Wednesday of every            to find your preference. Call
beach? The CDC Fitness Center             month.                                 228-871-4009 for info.                 MWR Program contact information
has everything you need to help             Active Duty, Reservist, National       Don’t let a busy work week
lose pounds, tone up target               Guard, USCG and Retirees are           ruin your eating habits. The Grill     Anchors & Eagles                           228-871-4607

                                                                                                                                                                                                Seabee Courier
areas or just plain feel better.          now eligible for a complimentary       has healthy food options on the        Auto Skills Center                         228-871-2804
The Center has top of the line            Universal 3 Day Park-to-Park           menu. Just look for the apple!         Beehive All Hands Club                     228-871-4009
cardio and strength training              ticket and Blue Man Group              Need a menu for your office or         Child Development Center                   228-871-2323
equipment and plenty of it - so           Ticket at children’s price! All de-    want to place a delivery order,        Fitness Center                             228-871-2668
                                                                                                                        Information, Tickets &                     228-871-2231
you don’t have to stand around            pendents and DOD personnel             call 228-871- 2494. The Grill is
waiting for machines. There are           are eligible for discounted Uni-       open Monday - Friday from 6:30         Liberty Center                             228-871-4684
also racquetball and basketball           versal 2 Day, with Third Day           a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and offers            Seabee Heritage Center                     228-871-3619
courts, softball and soccer fields,       Free tickets! Call 228-871-2231        lunch delivery 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.        Navy Outdoor Recreation                    228-871-2127
and a running track. Equipment            for more information!                    Got a morning meeting sched-         Shields RV Park                            228-871-5435
is available for rental at the front                                             uled? Why not meet over break-         The Grill                                  228-871-2494
                                          Liberty Center
desk. And don’t forget to finalize                                               fast at The Grill. The Grill is        Training Hall                              228-871-4750
that healthy routine with a relax-         The Liberty program offers            open as early as 6:30 a.m. and         Youth Activities Center                    228-871-2251
ing visit to the sauna.                   multiple recreation opportunities      offers a variety of tasty options      Main Office                                228-871-2538                 10
NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities
DISABLED COUPLE NEEDS HELP - A                needed for the 2013 Zombie Run April 6,       volunteers are needed to assist with         room 205, no later than April 10 to sign    volunteers May 1, to serve as test proc-
disabled Gulfport couple is looking for       10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Harrison County       parking, registration, water stations and    up.                                         tors and 35 volunteers, May 14, 15 and
volunteers to repair their fencing and do     Fairgrounds. Proceeds raised during the       other key components of the race. Flo-       PASS CHRISTIAN BOYS & GIRLS                 16 to serve as proctors. Volunteers are
other minor projects. If you can help,        race will help cover the cost of surgery      rence Gardens is located at 12321            CLUB SOFTBALL BENEFIT- Four vol-            asked to report to the school by 7:30
please all Edward Austin at 228-596-          for 15 children in need of cleft lip and      Preservation Drive Gulfport. If you are      unteers are needed to serve as umpires      a.m. Please contact Stephanie Schep-
8565.                                         palate repairs. Although there is a lot of    interested in volunteering, please contact   at the “Bases Loaded for Boys and Girls     ens, 228-365-0204 for more information.
RESTORE COASTAL ALABAMA PART-                 fun and play throughout the race/obsta-       Vicki Parkhill,                              Club Adult Co-ed Softball Tournament        COAST SALVATION ARMY NEEDS
NERSHIP - RCAP is looking for 100 -           cle course, the benefits are life changing.   228-539-5039, ext. 6 or email www.flo-       May 4. The tournament will be held at       VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers are need for
1,000 volunteers to create four reefs at      Contact                                                          Klondyke Road Fields, Long Beach.           various projects throughout the year.
Pelican Point in Fairhope, Ala. Once con-, or          SMOKIN’ THE SOUND AND SMOKIN’                Teams are also welcome - fee is $150 per    Contact Shawna Tatge for info,
structed, the reefs will protect the adja-    stop by the Orange Grove Navy Federal         THE LAKE - Smokin’ the Sound and             team. If you are interested in volunteer-
cent shoreline and enhance habitat for        Credit Union branch located in the Cross-     Smokin’ the Sound, April 26 - 28, and        ing or entering a team, please contact      USO GULF COAST - Get involved with
fish, shellfish and birds, providing oppor-   roads Shopping Plaza to sign up.              Smokin’ the Lake, May 4 - 5, are return-     Leah Ladner, Balfour Beatty Communi-        USO Gulf Coast. Thanks to dedicated
tunities for fishing, bird watching and       GULFPORT CENTRAL MIDDLE                       ing to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Race      ties, 228-863-0424 or                       volunteers, our USO Gulf Coast Centers
sightseeing from land, kayak or boat.         SCHOOL - GCMS, 1310 42nd Ave, Gulf-           organizers are asking for volunteers to                          operate to provide a place to unwind, to
Volunteers will meet April 6 at 8 a.m., at    port is asking for 10 proctor/hall moni-      sell and attach wrist bands to event         LONG BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT                  connect to families back home or what-
Pelican Point, Baldwin County, Alabama,       tors April 10, from 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.         spectators, director spectators to viewing   has requested proctors for the May State    ever else is needed to ease the burden.
near the mouth of Weeks Bay, 10299            Contact Erwin Gilliam, Guidance Coun-         areas and perform other volunteer serv-      tests. Contact Christ Spinks, Assistant     Even if you are not able to volunteer on
County Road 1, Fairhope, Ala. Sign up         selor, 228-870-1020.                          ices. Volunteers will be provided with a     Superintendent, at 228-864-1146 for in-     a regular basis, our local USO Gulf Coast
for this opportunity at www.100-              FLORENCE GARDENS 5K RUN - Flo-                meal. If you are interested in volunteer-    formation.                                  Centers often have programs and events or call Kandice O'Grady at 251-      Volunteers are needed for the Florence        ing, please contact Chief Ryan Wilber at     ORANGE GROVE ELEMENTARY - Or-               that need your support. Interested in be-
990-6002 for info..                           Gardens 5K Run April 13, 4 p.m. All pro- or stop by the          ange Grove Elementary, 11391 Old High-      coming a USO volunteer? Visit usovolun-
2013 ZOMBIE RUN- Ten volunteers are           ceeds will benefit Make a Wish. Twelve        NCBC Public Affairs Office, building 1,      way 49, Gulfport is in need of six

     Seabee Memorial Chapel                                                                                                              Chapel Offerings
                                                                                                                                         Looking for a church?
                                                                                                                                         The Seabee Memorial Chapel holds services every Sunday that might suit
                                                                                                                                         your needs. Protestant Services include a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. and
                                                                                                                                         Divine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Catholic Services include Catholic
                                                                                                                                         Mass at 9:30 a.m. There is also Catholic Mass Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                         Seabee Pantry
                                                                                                                                         The Seabee Pantry needs restocking. During the holidays, the need for
                                                                                                                                         food donations is at its highest level. Please donate as many canned goods
                                                                                                                                         and other nonperishables as possible. Donation drop-off sites are located
                                                                                                                                         at the Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commissary, Fleet and Family Support Cen-
                                                                                                                                         ter and Armed Forces Retirement Home. The Seabee Pantry is for
                                                                                                                                         anyone affiliated with NCBC.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 April 4, 2013
                                                                                                                                         Praise and Worship
                                                                                                                                         The Seabee Memorial Chapel is looking for new members for the Praise and
                                                                                                                                         Worship Team for the Divine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. If you
                                                                                                                                         can sing or play an instrument, you are invited to come share your gift.
                                                                                                                                         Women’s Bible Study
                                                                                                                                         Women’s Bible Study is held Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at the Seabee
                                                                                                                                         Memorial Chapel. Free child care is available. For more information on
                                                                                                                                         all offerings that are available, contact the chapel at 228-871-2454.

                                                                                                                                         From AWARD page 7                           work for NGIS worldwide.
                                 Center Chaplains:                                                                                                                                     “As a frequent visitor to Navy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Seabee Courier
                                                                                                                                           Cherry said she was “caught               Gateway Inns and Suites, I
                   Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Protestant Chaplain                                                                             off track” when announced the               couldn’t be happier with the
                        Lt. Yoon Choi, Protestant Chaplain                                                                               winner, but was happy to be                 type of quality service that you
                                                                                                                                         acknowledged by her supervi-                provide. … I know now that
                 For information concerning other faith groups,                                                                          sors.                                       wherever I go worldwide I will
                      call the chapel office at 228-871-2454                                                                               “I was honored and excited.               get a quality night’s stay as a
                                                                                                                                         I am happy to be recognized.                result of your efforts. Congrat-
                                      Services:                                                                                          It just makes me want to work               ulations on a great day. I wish
                                                                                                                                         harder,” said Cherry.                       I could be there with all of
                               Gospel Service: 8 a.m.                                                                                      Vice Adm. William French,                 you, but all the winners ought
                         Sunday Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m.                                                                                 commander, Navy Installations               to be very proud of standing
                                                                                                                                         Command, took time to deliver               out in a great crowd of folks
                       Weekday Mass: Tuesday, 11:15 a.m.                                                                                 a special message via video to              who are very professional, de-
                       Divine Worship: Sunday, 10:30 a.m.                                                                                the Appreciation Day award                  livering quality service every
                                                                                                                                         winners, along with all who                 day,” said French.               11
vided. Please bring a dish to share. For more in-     suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to find out how      Commander Bill North at 228-863-8602 for info.
                                                      formation contact FRG President Jaime Royal at        to become a part of the NMCRS volunteer team!       VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove is open daily
                                                      317-730-4064 or email            Gamblers Anonymous                                 from Noon to 10 p.m. and located at 15206
                                                      Log on to the FRG site,                               The Fleet and Family Support Center offers GA       Dedeaux Road, Orange Grove. Meetings are the
              CENT                           FSG/133frg.                meetings every Thursday at 11 a.m. GA is a          first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. All are
              NOT R
                                                      FOCUS                                                 fellowship of people who share their experience,    welcome and encouraged to attend. Call 228-
                                                      Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS),             strength and hope with each other. All meetings     832-0017 for more info.
                 ES                                   provides resiliency training to service members
                                                      and their families by teaching practical skills to
                                                                                                            are confidential and facilitated by GA. Come to a
                                                                                                            meeting or call Jim Soriano at 228-871-3000 for
                                                                                                                                                                 NMCB 62 Alumni Group
                                                                                                                                                                Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 62
                                                      help meet the challenges of military life, includ-    details.                                            was recommissioned in Gulfport in 1966, and de-
                                                      ing how to communicate & solve problems effec-        TRAINING                                            commissioned in 1989. To become a member, go
                                                      tively and to successfully set goals together.        Naval Sea Cadets The Gulfport branch of the         to or for links to
                                                      Confidential and free with family-friendly hours,     Naval Sea Cadets are recruiting youth ages 11 to    Seabee historical sites. Seabee Veterans of
SUPPORT                                               contact FOCUS today! Call 228- 822-5736 or            17 for Sea Cadets, a nation-wide organization       America Island X-1 Gulfport are seeking Active
Family Readiness Groups                               email                       that help youth achieve personal success            Duty, Reserve, Retired or Seabees who left the
NMCB 1 FRG invites friends and family mem-            Gulfport Officer’s Spouse Club                        through nautical training. Meetings are the third   military after a short period of time. Island X-1
bers to attend FRG meetings the first Monday of       The Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club is a social      Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.,     Gulfport meets the first Thursday of each month
every month at the Youth Activity Center, build-      organization that has FUN while helping our           building 1, 2nd floor conference room. Contact      at Anchors & Eagles at 7 p.m. Contact Joe Scott
ing 335. A potluck dinner is served at 6 p.m., fol-   community. We meet monthly and have special           Lt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 or                  (secretary) at 228-669-8335 or
lowed by a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Children are          interest groups for almost everyone! For more for details.             or log onto
welcome and babysitting is provided during de-        information, email We         SOCIAL                                     for information.
ployment. Contact FRG President Mary Belanger,        hope to see YOU soon!                                 Miss. Gulf Coast First Class Association is         D.A.V. - Disabled American Veterans,
e-mail                          Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. The Navy            always looking for new members. Meetings are        Chapter 5 invites Veterans and future Veterans
NMCB 11 FRG For more information regarding            Wives Clubs of America, Inc. is interested in         every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Fitness        to monthly meetings held the 3rd Monday of
the NMCB 11 FRG, please visit                         reestablishing a club in the local area. If you are   Center classroom. For more information, contact     each month at 7 p.m. Call Service Officer, Silva or email us at             interested in joining an organization that pro-       Association president, CE1 Daniel Shaver, 228-      Royer at 228-324-1888 to find out more about                                  motes the health and welfare of any enlisted          871-2145.                                           our organization.
NMCB 74 FRG All families of NMCB 74 are in-           member of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast             NCBC Multi-Cultural Diversity Committee is          HERITAGE
vited to the 74 FRG meeting the third Monday of       Guard, please contact Darlene Carpenter at 228-       seeking members. Meetings are held the first        The Seabee Gift Store is located in the
each month. Meetings are at the MWR Youth Ac-         342-2271 or Tina O’Shields, 228-357-0513. Visit       and third Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m.,         Seabee Heritage Center Training Hall, building
tivities Center, building 335, behind the Grinder for more in-         at the Seabee Memorial Chapel. Contact              446. Hours are Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. to 4
on NCBC. Socializing begins at 5:30 p.m., and         formation on NWCA.                                    BU1 Jerma Cloude, 228-871-2454 for details.         p.m., and Saturdays from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. The
meetings begin at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish to      NMCRS                                                 VFW Post 3937 Long Beach is open Monday -           shop has a variety of Seabee related memora-
share at our potluck dinner. Children are wel-        The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift           Thursday from noon until 8 p.m., Friday and         bilia, books and DVD’s. Contact the museum at
come. Email or visit our          Shop is located in building 29 on Snead Street.       Saturday from Noon until 10 p.m., Sunday from or call the gift
Facebook page at “NMCB74 Fearless FRG” for            The Thrift Shop is staffed entirely by volunteers,    noon until 7 p.m. The first Friday of the month     shop at 228-871-4779 for information on all that
more information.                                     and child care and mileage are reimbursed. Re-        is Seafood Night, the remaining Fridays are         is available.
 NMCB 133 FRG invites all friends and family          tail hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday        Steak Night. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10
members to attend FRG meetings the first Mon-         and Friday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers are al-        a.m. on Saturdays. VFW meetings are held the
day of the month at 6 p.m. at the Youth Center.       ways welcome. Visit the NMCRS offices at the          second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.          To publicize your organization, send information
Children are welcome and babysitting is pro-          Fleet and Family Support Center, building 30,         New members are always welcome. Contact Post        to

From TRIM page 3                           higher calorie consumption is re-
                                                                                                                                                                           Fraud, Waste

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    April 4, 2013
Sailors can track their food in-
take to ensure they are main-
taining a calorie deficit to
                                           sumed. The calories individuals
                                           need to lose or gain weight
                                           varies based on factors such as
                                                                                         Spring Southern                                                                   and Abuse
promote their weight manage-
ment goals.
  SuperTracker is available at
                                           weight, age and activity level.
                                             "There is a lot of information
                                           out there, some good and some
                                                                                        Region Military and                                                                Due to limited IG re-
                                                                                                                                                                           sources throughout the
                                           bad," said Wallinger. "Speaking
                                           with a dietician can help Sailors
                                           identify and navigate the best
                                                                                         Civilian Job Fair                                                                 Southeast Region, all
                                                                                                                                                                           Fraud, Waste and Abuse
  While many may think con-                method for their needs."                                April 9, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.                                                hotline work will now be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Seabee Courier
suming fewer calories is the key             Sailors may learn more about
to weight loss, that method can            healthy eating, nutrition and                 Biloxi Civic Center, 950 W. Howard Ave., Biloxi                                   handled by the Region.
backfire. According to Wallinger,          how to locate a dietician at the
                                           Navy Nutrition web site at                         Dress as you would for an                                                    To report Fraud, Waste
a very low-calorie diet will ulti-
mately slow your metabolism                         interview and bring a resume                      For a list of                and Abuse, contact the
and weight loss and will encour-           pers-npc/support/navynutri-                  No admission fee - meet employ-                        registered                  Region at: Toll Free 1-
age rapid weight regain when               tion/Pages/default2.aspx.                    ers with job opportunities in many                  employers, visit
                                                                                        different fields                                          877-657-9851 Comm:
Armed Forces MC 2013 Navy-Marine Corps Relief Fund
                                                                                        Please make child care arrange-
                                                                                                                                                                           904-542-4979 DSN 942-
Poker Run . . . A poker run to benefit the Navy Marine Corps
                                                                                        ments before the job fair                                                          4979 FAX: 904- 542-
Relief Society(NMCRS) is scheduled for April 20 at the AFMC
Clubhouse, 11007 Wolf River Road, Gulfport. Registration is at                           For additional information or help with your resume,                              5587, E-mail:
10 a.m., first bike out at 11 a.m. and last bike in at 4 p.m. For                                call 228-388-7997 or 888-844-3577.                              
more information, contact call 228-229-2816.                                                                                                                                                                        12

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Seabee eCourier April 4, 2013

  • 1. Vol. 53 No. 14 Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi April 4, 2013 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + An Easter tradition + Blood Drive All blood + April 4 types + Chapel 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. needed! + + Liberty Center 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. + + visit and use + + SEABEE or SEABEELIBERTY as sponsor code + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ CNO explains what budget changes mean for you By Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert released a video message to the fleet re- cently about the passage of a De- fense appropriations bill and what that means for the fleet. In the video, the Navy's top ad- miral discussed the bill that the President signed last week putting Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) legislation into effect that will re- Adm. Jonathan Greenert gives a store Defense Department funds video message to the fleet about the passage of another Continu- through September. ing Resolution and what that What was projected to be a $9 means for the fleet. (U.S. Navy photo billion shortfall in the Navy's oper- by Mass Communication Specialist 1st ations accounts will be halved ac- Class Peter D. Lawlor/Released) cording to Greenert. He explained Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) was busy with Easter activities through- in the video that the Bill will take uted to the fleet and important out the holiday weekend. Military families were treated to three Easter-related cel- care of four and a half billion dol- operations can get underway." ebrations sponsored by Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR), Balfour Beatty lar shortfall in operations and that Among those priorities Greenert Communities (BBC) and the Seabee Memorial Chapel. Families came out to Seabee the Navy will have to adjust. He said that the Navy's bills will be Lake March 29, for BBC’s Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza, and to the athletic fields, also stated, that sequestration, paid, deployed operations will re- March 29, for MWR’s annual Easter egg hunt. Members of the Seabee Memorial Chapel the reduction of spending in all main funded and some restoration congregation enjoyed an Easter egg hunt after services Easter Sunday. (U.S. Navy photo accounts, remains in place. and modernization projects will by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) "We're going to move ahead in a return. very deliberate fashion and decide "So what does this mean to you? For more photos, see page 6 and NCBC Facebook what's important and fund those For our Sailors, this means your most important things," said pay will be stable as it has been, Greenert. "Money will be distrib- See CNO page 9
  • 2. Spring into action as a Ready Navy family From Commander Navy members must gather at your desig- NCBC Installations Command nated meeting place, exiting by vari- Commanding Officer Public Affairs ous doors. Your emergency plan Capt. Rick Burgess For many, spring brings a resur- should also include how your family Public Affairs Officer gence of energy and activity with will communicate with each other, Rob Mims the milder temperatures. particularly if normal communication Editor It is a perfect time to practice your methods, such as phone lines or cell Bonnie L. McGerr family emergency plan and to re- towers, are out. Road conditions Mass Comm. Specialist evaluate and restock your emer- and other hazards can limit ease of MCC(SCW/SW/AW) gency supply kit for the changing movement. Have a contact person Ryan G. Wilber season. Although winter storms are outside the area who each member Special Contributors becoming a fading memory, it is im- of the family can notify that they are CM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil portant to remember that weather safe, if separated. Place a call to CECN(SCW) Lucinda Moise and other hazards can be unpre- your designated contact person to The Seabee Courier is a dictable. So spring into action as a be sure he or she is willing to serve weekly authorized on-line Ready Navy Family and be ready for in that role. The Ready Navy web- publication for members of any hazard. site provides printable forms and the military services and their Be and Stay Informed: Learn contact cards to guide you in your families. Content does not about hazards that are common in planning. necessarily reflect the official spring months and most likely to Build a Kit: The best way to pre- views of the U.S. Govern- happen in your area. The Ready pare for the unexpected is to have ment, the DoD or the U.S. Navy website "Be and Stay In- on hand one or more emergency Navy and does not imply en- formed" tabs offer specific instruc- kits that include enough water and dorsement thereof. The ap- tions, information, and resources non-perishable supplies for every pearance of advertising in this you may need to know regarding family member to survive at least An emergency kit is an effective way to prepare for unexpected newspaper, including inserts floods, tornadoes, man-made haz- three days. Keep a kit prepared at events. Having the entire family prepare the kit will help children bet- or supplements, does not ards, and emergency actions. Learn home, and consider having kits in ter cope with emergencies and ensures everyone knows the emer- constitute endorsement by what you should know if you need your car, at work, and a portable gency kit contents. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist the U. S. Government, DoD, to evacuate or take shelter in your version in your home ready to take Monique K. Hilley/Released) the Navy or NCBC Gulfport of home. with you. These kits will enable you Make a Plan: As a family, make and your family to respond to any items you are missing and shop to- For information about Ready Navy the products and services ad- and refine your emergency plan so emergency more effectively. Make a gether at your local installation com- and tips, forms, and guidance to be vertised. All content in this that everyone in the family under- game of kit building with your chil- missary and NEX to complete your prepared for and stay informed newspaper shall be made stands what to do, where to go, and dren. One idea is to have your chil- kit. History shows that children who about all hazards, visit available for purchase, use or what to take in the event of any dren go on a scavenger hunt to find are involved and informed with Ready Navy is patronage without regard to emergency. Practice your plan by and gather necessary supplies emergency planning are better able a CNIC-sponsored emergency pre- race, color, religion, gender, conducting a drill where all family around your house. Make note of to react safely in an emergency. paredness program. national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, po- litical affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the pur- chaser, user or patron. If a April 4, 2013 violation or rejection of this April is designated equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, Sexual the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is Assault Awareness corrected. The Seabee Courier solicits news contributions Month (SAAM). from military and civilian sources, but the Public Affairs The SafeHelpline staff reserves the right to edit provides live, one- Seabee Courier and/or rewrite material se- lected for publication to con- form with journalism on-one crisis sup- standards. The deadline for material is close of business port. CALL: 877- every Friday. Your comments are always welcome. The 995-5247 Seabee Courier office is in Building 1, Room 205. The CLICK: www.Safe- mailing address is 4902 Mar- vin Shields Blvd., Code 15,; Gulfport, MS 39501. Phone: 228-871-3662., Email: or TEXT: 55-247 2
  • 3. Navy resources available for Around Sailors trying the to trim fat From Navy Pesonnel Command Public Affairs Center Sailors who have hit a weight loss plateau, or can't drop the weight despite having a physi- cally active lifestyle, may benefit Chief Steelworker (SCW/EXW/AW/FPJ) Christen All- from a talk with their local dieti- good was commissioned a Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) cian, officials said March 28. 2 during a ceremony held at the Training Hall on board "There are three main reasons Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC), April 1. why increasing exercise and ac- CWOs are technical specialists who perform with the tivity may lead to weight knowledge and skills of a specific occupational field at a plateau or increased weight level beyond what is normally expected of a Master Chief gain. Being more aware will Petty Officer. Allgood was one of two selected for CWO help you identify and adjust ac- during fiscal year 2013 in the Naval Construction Force. cordingly," said Lt. Cmdr. Jen- (U.S. Navy photos by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan nifer Wallinger, registered G. Wilber/Released) dietitian, Navy Nutrition, Navy Physical Readiness Program. "It is important to balance the nu- trients that you put in your body with what you burn off in activ- ity, whether that is normal daily activity or exercise." One reason is that adding ac- tivity increases hunger. "Make sure the food you eat Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Christopher Stamps, NCBC Gulfport Master- will fill you up by choosing nu- at-Arms (MAA) Office, leading petty officer, and Steelworker Construction- trient dense foods containing man Cassandra Null, assigned to the MAA Office, raise an Air Force two-star protein, fiber and healthy fats flag in preparation for a distinguished visitor on board NCBC Gulfport, instead of calorie dense foods March 29. Traditionally, each military installation flies a flag from their [including] high fat and high headquarters flagpole of the appropriate color for service and stars for sugar items with few nutrients," rank when receiving officers O-7 and above. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Com- April 4, 2013 continued Wallinger. munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) Another reason is choosing the wrong foods. "The body is designed not to starve. If you do not choose lower calorie, filling food, you will naturally compensate for the extra calories burned from daily activity and exercise," said Wallinger. "Try filling up on veg- etables before or as part of your Seabee Courier meal." Lastly, exercising can provide a false sense of entitlement. "People may think, 'I worked out, so I can have or deserve Seabees assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battal- that burger, cheesecake, na- ion (NMCB) 11 conduct command level physical training chos' . . . whatever," said on Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport Wallinger. in the early morning, March 22. NMCB 11 is a Seabee bat- Activity helps you burn calo- talion specializing in contingency construction, disaster ries, but only if you do not eat response, and humanitarian assistance. (U.S. Navy photo all of those calories back. by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jonathan See TRIM page 12 Carmichael/Released) 3
  • 4. As Earth Day is April 22 BUZZ on the Street asks: “What can we do to conserve energy on board NCBC?” “Shortening the work “Car pooling. It saves “Automatic shut offs “Turn off power to week.” gas and money.” on things like comput- unoccupied buildings ers.” on base and convert EA3(SCW) Sam Poling Rhea Kiuluul heavy vehicles into hy- NMCB 11 Hometown: Guam Jessica Watkins brid or bio diesel.” Hometown: Sparta, Mich. MWR Hometown: Lima, Ohio Demetrius Baldwin Fire Inspector, NCBC Fire Department Hometown: Gulfport, Miss. April 4, 2013 Seabee Courier “Limit water usage, es- “Turn off anything that “Invest in more solar “Turning off lights pecially when it comes uses energy when it panels and maybe even when no one is using to showers.” isn’t being utilized.” wind turbines for them.” smaller facilities.” CM3(SCW) Calvin BUCR Caitlynn Crow CMCA Brandon Thomas Bookwalter NMCB 133 Brian Webb NMCB 133 NMCB 1 Hometown: Georgetown, Assistant Fire Chief Hometown: Ocala, Fla. Hometown: Millstown, Pa. Texas NCBC Fire Department Hometown: Baton Rouge, La. 4
  • 5. Easter is twice the fun with MWR & BBC special events April 4, 2013 Seabee Courier Military families turned out March 29, for the Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC) the Fire Dog’s 62nd birthday. Patrons at MWR ’s morning event enjoyed mul- Easter Egg Hunt Extravaganza and March 30, for the Morale, Welfare and tiple egg hunts, children’s games, a climbing wall, bounce house and free Recreation (MWR), Easter Egg Hunt. BBC’s afternoon of fun at Seabee Lake fea- food and drinks. The day was capped off by special guest appearances by the tured egg hunts, pony rides, a petting zoo, crawfish boil and a DJ to play Easter Bunny and McGruff the Crime Dog.(U.S. Navy photos by Chief Mass Com- music for the crowd. Guests were also asked to join in and help celebrate Sparky munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) 5
  • 6. Underwater Construction Home at last . . . NMCB 133 returns Team (UCT) ONE Family and friends welcomed home more than 180 Seabees UCT 1 is searching for highly motivated Seabees and assigned to Naval Mobile Con- CEC officers looking for a career and lifestyle change. struction Battalion (NMCB) 133, Delayed Body, at the Training Join an ELITE force Hall on board NCBC Gulfport as and travel as a small, they returned from deployment, April 1. For more than six professional team. Ex- months The Runnin’ Roos have ecute specialized con- been operating forward de- struction, diving and ployed to the U.S. Central Com- demolition skills with mand area of responsibility (AOR) in support of construc- the latest and greatest tion operations throughout technology and equip- Afghanistan. NMCB 133 is re- ment. turning home as the last active duty Seabee battalion to deploy Contact UCT CCC/Diver recruiting team at to Afghanistan. (U.S. Navy photo 757-462-3988/4313 or Email YNC Aberle at by Chief Mass Communication Spe-; SW1 Dohse cialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) at or visit For more return photos see NCBC Facebook for more information. NCBC FREEZE FRAME FRAMES Culinary Specialist 1st Class (SCW) Shameka Danell Hooker NCBC Gulfport April 4, 2013 Warehouse Supervisor By CM3(SCW) Katchen Tofil NCBC Public Affairs FF: What single experience during your ca- work as hard as she does right now. proud to say that you are a U.S. Navy FF: Who was your most influential mentor Seabee Courier reer stands out the most and why? She is honestly the reason that I work Sailor. during your career, and why? CS1: The day I graduated from boot so hard to make it and be successful CS1: My greatest mentor would camp. I think it was the first time I in everything that I do. FF: What is your favorite thing about work- have to be CSCS(SW/SCW) Virgilio had ever seen my mother cry over ing with the Seabees? Figuerus was at the time my CSC in being proud of me. FF: What advice would you give to future CS1: I am probably one of the only NMCB 7. That man pushed me harder Sailors? fleet rate personnel that can honestly than I have ever been pushed in my FF: What has been your biggest motivation CS1: Stay focused. Do not let the joy say that I love my Seabees. The mem- life because he had so much faith in throughout your career? of finally being free from your families bers I worked with in NMCB 7 were me. To this day I believe he will al- CS1: The fact that one day I would watching eye make you do things that some of the greatest people I have ways be my greatest motivator. If and like to make it so my mother would would go against your character. ever met in my life. They taught me so when I retire, he has to be my guest never have to work or at least not Never or at least try to keep them much and for that I am very grateful. speaker. 6
  • 7. NMCB 5 Jungle Warfare Training Patiya Cherry, a housekeeper for Navy Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS) Gulfport, Miss. and Commander, Navy Installations Com- mand (CNIC) Navy Lodging Program 2012 Housekeeper of the Year, makes her rounds preparing rooms after guest check-outs, April 1. The CNIC Navy Lodging Program recognizes installa- tions, lodging operations and individual accomplishments by pre- senting the Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt Five, Four and Three Star Accreditation Awards, and the Manager, Supervisor, Associate and Housekeeper of the Year awards. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Com- munication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) NGIS Gulfport employee is Housekeeper of the Year By MCC(SCW/SW/AW) among 34 employees. Ryan G. Wilber “She always goes above and NCBC Public Affairs beyond the call of her position Patiya Cherry, a housekeeper by acting as an outstanding for Navy Gateway Inns and example to her peers. She Suites (NGIS) Gulfport, Miss., sets the bar high and moti- was announced as the 2012 vates others to follow. On nu- Housekeeper of the Year dur- merous occasions, Patiya has ing a Commander, Navy Instal- volunteered to perform addi- lations Command (CNIC) Navy tional duties when we were Lodging Program Appreciation short-staffed. She has acted April 4, 2013 Day Ceremony held at the as a common area cleaner and Rhodes Hall Conference Room as Housekeeping Lead, when on board Naval Construction needed. Without her dedica- Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulf- tion and “can do” attitude, our port, March 27. operation would not function The CNIC Navy Lodging Pro- as required,” said Tomlin in her gram recognizes installations, award write-up. lodging operations and individ- Cherry, a native of Moss ual accomplishments by pre- Point, Miss., has been commut- senting the Adm. Elmo R. ing 45 minutes to work in the Zumwalt Five, Four and Three hospitality service on the Star Accreditation Awards, and Seabee base for the past three years. She said she does it be- Seabee Courier the Manager, Supervisor, Asso- ciate and Housekeeper of the cause she simply enjoys the Year awards. work. In addition to Housekeeper “I love the environment. I of the Year, a world-wide com- love the job. It’s worth the OKINAWA, Japan - Equipment Operator 2nd Class Kendrell Dale fast-ropes out of an petition, Cherry was also drive,” said Cherry. “I like MV-22 Osprey, assigned to Marine Medium Tilt-Rotor Squadron (VMM) 265, during named NGIS Gulfport’s Em- meeting new people, and mak- a Jungle Leaders Course. Kendrell is assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battal- ployee of the Quarter, 1st ing them happy and smile. ion (NMCB) 5, which enrolled six Seabees in the Marine Jungle Leaders Course at the quarter and Employee of the When they come into a clean Jungle Warfare Training Center. The course is designed to teach small unit leaders Year. Simone Tomlin, NGIS room it makes their day. And, all aspects of small unit jungle operations and general survival skills for the jungle. Gulfport general manager, said it makes my day to make their it was her industriousness, day.” (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class John P. Curtis/Released) hard work and pleasant atti- tude that put her over the top See AWARD page 11 7
  • 8. ‘The Meat & Potatoes of Life’ By Lisa Smith Molinari Military Spouse Contributer Revival of the fittest: Marriage and the common cold take it easy for the next couple to muster sympathy. days.” We wives feel guilt and won- Instead, my husband would der why we find our husbands’ Capt. Kyle Perry, 81st Inpatient Operations Squadron, re- put on a dramatic display in childish ploys for attention so views a patient’s chart at the Intensive Care Unit nurses’ hopes of indirectly compelling patently unattractive. We wish station March 6, at the Keesler Medical Center. Perry was us all to run and get him a our natural nurturing instincts selected to be part of the White House clinic and reports blankie and a fudgesicle. would kick in, but instead of in October for a three-year assignment. (U.S. Air Force photo “Why would my otherwise re- making soup, we find ourselves by Steve Pivnick/Rekeased) sponsible, straightforward, mas- muttering insensitive remarks culine military husband resort under our breath such as, “He to such childish passive aggres- sive tactics?” I wondered. should get an Oscar for that sneeze” or “Building the Keesler medic to serve At first, I thought his germ-in- groundwork for another after- I’m about to make a highly in- flammatory, clearly sexist, cer- duced plea for attention might have something to do with him noon nap, are we?” or “Grow a pair, would ya?” in White House clinic tainly offensive generalization. having grown up in a big family. But perhaps all this irony and By Steve Pivnick Readers will undoubtedly gasp One of five siblings, my hus- marital discourse during illness 81st Medical Group Public Affairs at my insensitivity, and offer a band was flanked by the serves a higher purpose. Con- One 81st Medical Group nurse will soon join an elite medical myriad of anecdotal evidence to smartest kid and the funniest sider this: if sick males were staff when he becomes a member of the White House clinic. the contrary. kid in the family, so he had to babied by their female compan- Capt. Kyle Perry, a critical care nurse in the 81st Inpatient Op- But deep down in the recesses do whatever he could to get his ions, the males might find it so erations Squadron intensive care unit, was notified of his selec- of our hearts and minds, in the parent’s attention. enjoyable, there would be no tion for the post in February and reports there in October for the spaces not corrupted by con- Occurrences which might oth- reason to get back to the work three-year assignment. trived societal notions of erwise seem unfortunate to a of hunting, gathering, and mat- "I didn't hear anything for three months, then I received an “equality” and “fairness,” we all child were savored in my hus- ing to keep the tribe strong. email telling me I had been selected for an interview," Perry secretly know these words to band’s large family. For exam- So, nature has built in an au- said. "I went to Washington for a two-day interview process in be true: Men are total wimps ple, normally a kid would hate tomatic trigger -- men who get April 4, 2013 early February. Once completed, the entire staff (of 40-45 physi- when they get sick. going with their mother to get sick become so pathetic, their cians, physician assistants, nurses and medical technicians) Several years after getting orthopedic shoes, a tonsillec- women find them repulsive and votes and the next day the applicants were called to let them married, I began to notice a re- tomy, allergy testing, and cannot produce sympathy. This know whether they'd been chosen." curring behavioral pattern every speech therapy; however, these motivates the men to recover Three other nurses were competing for the three Air Force po- time my husband caught a cold. were precious moments in my quickly so that they will become sitions. Unnecessary sniffling, dramatic husband’s childhood when mom attractive to women again and He added, "To say the least, I was pretty surprised that I got coughing, flamboyant sneezing showed him special attention can thereby resume their main the job. When I left for the interview, I wasn't at all certain I – each occurrence followed by and bought him ice cream. goal in life: mating. would be selected. Everyone was very friendly and I'm excited a moan, groan or whimper, My “big family” theory seemed So when my husband recently about working with them. The entire staff is outstanding and along with a pitiable declaration to explain my husband’s theatri- came down with a case of bron- they've been working together for some time. They truly rely on such as “I don’t feel so good.” cal reaction to the common chitis, I decided that it was my one another." Seabee Courier My husband’s pathetic actions cold, but then I started talking wifely duty to be repulsed, to The staff is led by the president's physician, a Navy captain, while sick did not appear to be to other wives. Apparently, my show no sympathy and to roll and is comprised of medics from the Army, Navy and Air Force. natural and spontaneous, but husband isn’t the only one -- my eyes as much as humanly The medical unit cares for the president, his family, the White seemed intended to garner the every man on the planet ex- possible. It wasn’t easy to com- House staff and visitors and the job requires two to three weeks maximum amount of attention hibits pathetic, overly dramatic, pletely ignore my husband’s of travel each month. The clinic is located on the grounds adja- (also known as “milking it”). attention seeking behaviors childish pleas for attention, but, cent to the White House and five to six staff members provide Additionally, when he got sick, when ill. I figured, it’s the least I could my husband would never simply care in the clinic. Ironically, just as otherwise do. approach me directly and say, Perry said. "When the president travels, the clinic staff goes in strong husbands become grov- “Honey, I think I’m coming advance to establish emergency medical services." eling weaklings when stricken down with something, and Get more wit and observations Before leaving Keesler, Perry will attend flight nurse training at with the sniffles, their otherwise would appreciate you making from Lisa at her blog, http://the- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and survival school at nurturing wives universally roll me some chicken soup while I meatandpotatoesof- Fairchild AFB, Wash. He anticipates further training after he be- their eyes and find it impossible gins his new duties. 8
  • 9. Focus on Education Month of the Military Child salutes children Coastline Community College to hold early for contributions, sacrifices and support By Terri Moon Cronk Thompson said she hopes civilian summer registration American Forces Presss Service communities will also reach out to Coastline Community College During April’s Month of the Military military children. will hold early registration for Child, the Defense Department rec- “Our military children are embed- their summer term (June 18 ognizes the support provided by and ded in their school systems and - Aug. 11) from April 9 - May sacrifices made by military children, their neighborhoods,” she said. 28. For additional informa- said Barbara Thompson, director of Military installations will celebrate tion, contact Dr. David Drye DOD’s office of family policy/children the Month of the Military Child with in the Navy College Officer, and youth. activities such as parades, face building 60, room 239 or at Since 1983, DOD has recognized painting, carnivals and other events 228-871-3439/2785 or at the military children for the support they that children enjoy, Thompson said. website, provide to their families. There are Activities information, she said, will now 1.8 million children in the mili- be available through base newspa- tary system, Thompson said. pers, youth centers, child develop- “Military children, youth and teens ment center and family support NCBC School are an integral part of their military centers. parent because they stand by them, Even though the number of chil- Liaison Officer, they’re proud of them, they recog- Children at the Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) Child dren with a deployed parent has de- nize their sacrifices and they take on creased because of the U.S. Kevin Byrd is lo- Development Center (CDC) use their imagainations to express additional responsibilities to meet themselves during an indoor art session on a rainy April morning. military’s drawdown in Afghanistan, cated at MWR, the needs of their families,” she The CDC has several special activities planned to celebrate the military families continue to face de- said. ployments, humanitarian missions Building 352, 1706 Month of the Military Child, including a picnic with parents and Military children also receive na- a cardboard ship building project. (U.S. Navy photo by Construction and training, Thompson said. Bainbridge Ave., tional-level recognition, Thompson Mechanic 3rd Class Katchen Tofil/Released) Regardless of the mission, military said. Following a presidential study families are separated during times NCBC, 228-871- directive in January 2011, she said, Based on that directive, DOD has of high-quality child care off the in- of holidays and children’s birthdays, the cabinet secretaries signed a let- she said. 2117 or email: partnered with the Department of stallation, she said, adding that 66 ter of support from their depart- Agriculture and Health and Human percent of military families live off “That’s why we recognize that chil- ments to military communities. Services to increase the availability base. dren serve, too,” Thompson said. From CNO page 1 without your dedication," said April 4, 2013 our manpower accounts have Greenert. been stable throughout this tur- "As you may know our furloughs moil," said Greenert. "We're going are being reduced from 22 to 14 to get our family readiness pro- days," said Greenert. "The Secre- grams and MWR programs back tary of the Navy and I are working on track where they need to be. with the Department of Defense PCS will remain stable throughout staff to keep that as low as possi- all this, so moves should continue ble." apace." Greenert stressed that with a Despite other branches reducing balanced approach to spending, access to tuition assistance, careful planning and the dedica- Seabee Courier Greenert stated that he will fight tion of all hands, the Navy will be to keep education benefits for able to successfully navigate these Sailors intact. tumultuous fiscal times. "Tuition assistance is still at 100 "I want you to remember to percent, and I'm working to keep focus on Warfighting First, Oper- it at that level," said Greenert. ate Forward and Be Ready," said "That's where I think we need to Greenert. "Thank you for your pa- be." tience, thank you for your profes- Greenert thanked the Navy civil- sionalism, thank you for your ian workforce for their patience service." during the turmoil of the last cou- Greenert’s video can viewed at in ple of months. "Remember we're a its entirety on his blog: team here and we can't function 9
  • 10. for the single sailor or unaccom- panied active duty personnel of NCBC Gulfport. This FREE facility has Wi-Fi, pool tables, individual TVs with headphones that play cable or movies, a big screen with recliners, computers and a fully equipped video game room. Liberty also provides FREE shut- tles to shopping and dining areas and an exciting monthly calendar of trips offered at dis- counted rates. Call or visit NCBC Liberty on Facebook for hours of FREE Movie bring the whole crew! Stop by the operation and additional details. Program at the Snack Bar on your way in to get that Search NCBC Liberty. Training Hall: buttered movie popcorn and those Getaway with friends and Take a load off. other goodies that help you get lost enjoy the ambiance of the big Sit back and in the moment. Forget what was screen. Take the Liberty Center’s watch the big playing? No worries - put the movie screen all by yourself for some alone hotline in your phone, 228-871-3299 FREE shuttle to Cinemark The- time, or make it a family night and and call anytime! ater this Friday at 6 p.m. Sign up for Paintball with the Friday, “The Hobbit: An Unex- “Parental Guidance,” PG, 1 p.m.; Liberty Center on Sunday. Get a pected Journey,” PG13, 6:30 p.m. “Zero Dark Thirty,” R, 3:30 p.m. group together for an afternoon Saturday, “Cirque Du Soleil: Sunday, “The Hobbit: An unex- of fun starting at 1 p.m. and World’s Away,” PG, 11 a.m.; pected Journey,” PG13, 2 p.m. only costing $10 per person; supplies included! Fitness Information, Tickets CDC Fitness Intramural sports and Travel Navy Outdoor Rec makes working out fun. This On a budget? No worries - you You can be sure to find the season, sign up for softball or can still afford to get away with best prices around at NOR. Stop three on three lunchtime basket- ITT’s military discounted prices by and pick up a price list for all ball. Get a group together and that aren’t available anywhere of your spring outdoor plans from French toast plates to & Teen Desoto National Forest motivate each other to push that else – not even online. Design a from boats and camping gear to breakfast burritos or traditional Cleanup Trip with the Youth Ac- work out a little further with fun-filled, high quality custom party favorites like bounce eggs and bacon. The Grill is lo- tivities Center this Saturday from some healthy competition. Sign trip for you and your crew. houses. NOR’s pricing can’t be cated at the corner of Colby and 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cost is only $4 up today at the Fitness Center. Whether you have a day or a beat. NOR is open Monday, 8 7th Street. and includes lunch. Call 228-822-5109 for details. week, there is fun around the a.m. – 1 p.m., Thursday and Fri- Anchors & Eagles: Great serv- On Tuesday join the YAC for Want an alternative work out? corner at the local breweries, day 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Satur- ice and good times are what you Smart Moves: Learn to Be Stress Try swimming laps. Swimming is beaches and hotels. Mobile, New day 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. can expect at Anchors & Eagles. Free! The program is completely excellent for cardio and toning. Orleans and Pensacola are only Open Tuesday - Thursday 2 - 9 FREE and runs from 5:30 – 8:30 Food and Beverage p.m. and designated for Chiefs p.m. April 4, 2013 Come before work or on lunch. a short distance away. Stop by The pool is open Monday – Fri- today to design your worry free Don’t sit around in your room and Officers. Stop by and shake If you haven’t taken the oppor- day, 5:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. If adventure. bored when you could be having off the day with comrades. tunity to check out the YAC’s Be- you or the little ones don’t know Visit Disney World or enjoy an fun with friends at the Beehive. fore and After School Program how to swim, don’t worry. The exciting Disney Cruise where Youth Activities Power Hour, then you are miss- Sit back and enjoy the flat Fitness Center offers swimming dreams come true! Stop by ITT screens, play a little pool, and Be a part of something impor- ing out. Stop by Monday from 2 lessons, too. beside the NEX and receive a just have fun! With an excellent tant and sign up to for the Youth – 5:30 p.m. and see for yourself. Summer is right around the FREE child’s Disney growth chart beverage selection, you are sure corner. Are you ready for the the last Wednesday of every to find your preference. Call beach? The CDC Fitness Center month. 228-871-4009 for info. MWR Program contact information has everything you need to help Active Duty, Reservist, National Don’t let a busy work week lose pounds, tone up target Guard, USCG and Retirees are ruin your eating habits. The Grill Anchors & Eagles 228-871-4607 Seabee Courier areas or just plain feel better. now eligible for a complimentary has healthy food options on the Auto Skills Center 228-871-2804 The Center has top of the line Universal 3 Day Park-to-Park menu. Just look for the apple! Beehive All Hands Club 228-871-4009 cardio and strength training ticket and Blue Man Group Need a menu for your office or Child Development Center 228-871-2323 equipment and plenty of it - so Ticket at children’s price! All de- want to place a delivery order, Fitness Center 228-871-2668 Information, Tickets & 228-871-2231 you don’t have to stand around pendents and DOD personnel call 228-871- 2494. The Grill is Travel waiting for machines. There are are eligible for discounted Uni- open Monday - Friday from 6:30 Liberty Center 228-871-4684 also racquetball and basketball versal 2 Day, with Third Day a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and offers Seabee Heritage Center 228-871-3619 courts, softball and soccer fields, Free tickets! Call 228-871-2231 lunch delivery 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Navy Outdoor Recreation 228-871-2127 and a running track. Equipment for more information! Got a morning meeting sched- Shields RV Park 228-871-5435 is available for rental at the front uled? Why not meet over break- The Grill 228-871-2494 Liberty Center desk. And don’t forget to finalize fast at The Grill. The Grill is Training Hall 228-871-4750 that healthy routine with a relax- The Liberty program offers open as early as 6:30 a.m. and Youth Activities Center 228-871-2251 ing visit to the sauna. multiple recreation opportunities offers a variety of tasty options Main Office 228-871-2538 10
  • 11. NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities DISABLED COUPLE NEEDS HELP - A needed for the 2013 Zombie Run April 6, volunteers are needed to assist with room 205, no later than April 10 to sign volunteers May 1, to serve as test proc- disabled Gulfport couple is looking for 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Harrison County parking, registration, water stations and up. tors and 35 volunteers, May 14, 15 and volunteers to repair their fencing and do Fairgrounds. Proceeds raised during the other key components of the race. Flo- PASS CHRISTIAN BOYS & GIRLS 16 to serve as proctors. Volunteers are other minor projects. If you can help, race will help cover the cost of surgery rence Gardens is located at 12321 CLUB SOFTBALL BENEFIT- Four vol- asked to report to the school by 7:30 please all Edward Austin at 228-596- for 15 children in need of cleft lip and Preservation Drive Gulfport. If you are unteers are needed to serve as umpires a.m. Please contact Stephanie Schep- 8565. palate repairs. Although there is a lot of interested in volunteering, please contact at the “Bases Loaded for Boys and Girls ens, 228-365-0204 for more information. RESTORE COASTAL ALABAMA PART- fun and play throughout the race/obsta- Vicki Parkhill, Club Adult Co-ed Softball Tournament COAST SALVATION ARMY NEEDS NERSHIP - RCAP is looking for 100 - cle course, the benefits are life changing. 228-539-5039, ext. 6 or email www.flo- May 4. The tournament will be held at VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers are need for 1,000 volunteers to create four reefs at Contact Klondyke Road Fields, Long Beach. various projects throughout the year. Pelican Point in Fairhope, Ala. Once con-, or SMOKIN’ THE SOUND AND SMOKIN’ Teams are also welcome - fee is $150 per Contact Shawna Tatge for info, structed, the reefs will protect the adja- stop by the Orange Grove Navy Federal THE LAKE - Smokin’ the Sound and team. If you are interested in volunteer- cent shoreline and enhance habitat for Credit Union branch located in the Cross- Smokin’ the Sound, April 26 - 28, and ing or entering a team, please contact USO GULF COAST - Get involved with fish, shellfish and birds, providing oppor- roads Shopping Plaza to sign up. Smokin’ the Lake, May 4 - 5, are return- Leah Ladner, Balfour Beatty Communi- USO Gulf Coast. Thanks to dedicated tunities for fishing, bird watching and GULFPORT CENTRAL MIDDLE ing to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Race ties, 228-863-0424 or volunteers, our USO Gulf Coast Centers sightseeing from land, kayak or boat. SCHOOL - GCMS, 1310 42nd Ave, Gulf- organizers are asking for volunteers to operate to provide a place to unwind, to Volunteers will meet April 6 at 8 a.m., at port is asking for 10 proctor/hall moni- sell and attach wrist bands to event LONG BEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT connect to families back home or what- Pelican Point, Baldwin County, Alabama, tors April 10, from 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. spectators, director spectators to viewing has requested proctors for the May State ever else is needed to ease the burden. near the mouth of Weeks Bay, 10299 Contact Erwin Gilliam, Guidance Coun- areas and perform other volunteer serv- tests. Contact Christ Spinks, Assistant Even if you are not able to volunteer on County Road 1, Fairhope, Ala. Sign up selor, 228-870-1020. ices. Volunteers will be provided with a Superintendent, at 228-864-1146 for in- a regular basis, our local USO Gulf Coast for this opportunity at www.100- FLORENCE GARDENS 5K RUN - Flo- meal. If you are interested in volunteer- formation. Centers often have programs and events or call Kandice O'Grady at 251- Volunteers are needed for the Florence ing, please contact Chief Ryan Wilber at ORANGE GROVE ELEMENTARY - Or- that need your support. Interested in be- 990-6002 for info.. Gardens 5K Run April 13, 4 p.m. All pro- or stop by the ange Grove Elementary, 11391 Old High- coming a USO volunteer? Visit usovolun- 2013 ZOMBIE RUN- Ten volunteers are ceeds will benefit Make a Wish. Twelve NCBC Public Affairs Office, building 1, way 49, Gulfport is in need of six Seabee Memorial Chapel Chapel Offerings Looking for a church? The Seabee Memorial Chapel holds services every Sunday that might suit your needs. Protestant Services include a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. and Divine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Catholic Services include Catholic Mass at 9:30 a.m. There is also Catholic Mass Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m. Seabee Pantry The Seabee Pantry needs restocking. During the holidays, the need for food donations is at its highest level. Please donate as many canned goods and other nonperishables as possible. Donation drop-off sites are located at the Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commissary, Fleet and Family Support Cen- ter and Armed Forces Retirement Home. The Seabee Pantry is for anyone affiliated with NCBC. April 4, 2013 Praise and Worship The Seabee Memorial Chapel is looking for new members for the Praise and Worship Team for the Divine Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. If you can sing or play an instrument, you are invited to come share your gift. Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study is held Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at the Seabee Memorial Chapel. Free child care is available. For more information on all offerings that are available, contact the chapel at 228-871-2454. From AWARD page 7 work for NGIS worldwide. Center Chaplains: “As a frequent visitor to Navy Seabee Courier Cherry said she was “caught Gateway Inns and Suites, I Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Protestant Chaplain off track” when announced the couldn’t be happier with the Lt. Yoon Choi, Protestant Chaplain winner, but was happy to be type of quality service that you acknowledged by her supervi- provide. … I know now that For information concerning other faith groups, sors. wherever I go worldwide I will call the chapel office at 228-871-2454 “I was honored and excited. get a quality night’s stay as a I am happy to be recognized. result of your efforts. Congrat- Services: It just makes me want to work ulations on a great day. I wish harder,” said Cherry. I could be there with all of Gospel Service: 8 a.m. Vice Adm. William French, you, but all the winners ought Sunday Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m. commander, Navy Installations to be very proud of standing Command, took time to deliver out in a great crowd of folks Weekday Mass: Tuesday, 11:15 a.m. a special message via video to who are very professional, de- Divine Worship: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. the Appreciation Day award livering quality service every winners, along with all who day,” said French. 11
  • 12. vided. Please bring a dish to share. For more in- suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to find out how Commander Bill North at 228-863-8602 for info. formation contact FRG President Jaime Royal at to become a part of the NMCRS volunteer team! VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove is open daily 317-730-4064 or email Gamblers Anonymous from Noon to 10 p.m. and located at 15206 Log on to the FRG site, The Fleet and Family Support Center offers GA Dedeaux Road, Orange Grove. Meetings are the CENT FSG/133frg. meetings every Thursday at 11 a.m. GA is a first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. All are E NOT R FOCUS fellowship of people who share their experience, welcome and encouraged to attend. Call 228- Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS), strength and hope with each other. All meetings 832-0017 for more info. ES provides resiliency training to service members and their families by teaching practical skills to are confidential and facilitated by GA. Come to a meeting or call Jim Soriano at 228-871-3000 for NMCB 62 Alumni Group Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 62 help meet the challenges of military life, includ- details. was recommissioned in Gulfport in 1966, and de- ing how to communicate & solve problems effec- TRAINING commissioned in 1989. To become a member, go tively and to successfully set goals together. Naval Sea Cadets The Gulfport branch of the to or for links to Confidential and free with family-friendly hours, Naval Sea Cadets are recruiting youth ages 11 to Seabee historical sites. Seabee Veterans of SUPPORT contact FOCUS today! Call 228- 822-5736 or 17 for Sea Cadets, a nation-wide organization America Island X-1 Gulfport are seeking Active Family Readiness Groups email that help youth achieve personal success Duty, Reserve, Retired or Seabees who left the NMCB 1 FRG invites friends and family mem- Gulfport Officer’s Spouse Club through nautical training. Meetings are the third military after a short period of time. Island X-1 bers to attend FRG meetings the first Monday of The Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club is a social Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., Gulfport meets the first Thursday of each month every month at the Youth Activity Center, build- organization that has FUN while helping our building 1, 2nd floor conference room. Contact at Anchors & Eagles at 7 p.m. Contact Joe Scott ing 335. A potluck dinner is served at 6 p.m., fol- community. We meet monthly and have special Lt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 or (secretary) at 228-669-8335 or lowed by a meeting at 6:30 p.m. Children are interest groups for almost everyone! For more for details. or log onto welcome and babysitting is provided during de- information, email We SOCIAL for information. ployment. Contact FRG President Mary Belanger, hope to see YOU soon! Miss. Gulf Coast First Class Association is D.A.V. - Disabled American Veterans, e-mail Navy Wives Clubs of America, Inc. The Navy always looking for new members. Meetings are Chapter 5 invites Veterans and future Veterans NMCB 11 FRG For more information regarding Wives Clubs of America, Inc. is interested in every Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Fitness to monthly meetings held the 3rd Monday of the NMCB 11 FRG, please visit reestablishing a club in the local area. If you are Center classroom. For more information, contact each month at 7 p.m. Call Service Officer, Silva or email us at interested in joining an organization that pro- Association president, CE1 Daniel Shaver, 228- Royer at 228-324-1888 to find out more about motes the health and welfare of any enlisted 871-2145. our organization. NMCB 74 FRG All families of NMCB 74 are in- member of the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast NCBC Multi-Cultural Diversity Committee is HERITAGE vited to the 74 FRG meeting the third Monday of Guard, please contact Darlene Carpenter at 228- seeking members. Meetings are held the first The Seabee Gift Store is located in the each month. Meetings are at the MWR Youth Ac- 342-2271 or Tina O’Shields, 228-357-0513. Visit and third Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m., Seabee Heritage Center Training Hall, building tivities Center, building 335, behind the Grinder for more in- at the Seabee Memorial Chapel. Contact 446. Hours are Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 on NCBC. Socializing begins at 5:30 p.m., and formation on NWCA. BU1 Jerma Cloude, 228-871-2454 for details. p.m., and Saturdays from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. The meetings begin at 6 p.m. Bring a covered dish to NMCRS VFW Post 3937 Long Beach is open Monday - shop has a variety of Seabee related memora- share at our potluck dinner. Children are wel- The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Thrift Thursday from noon until 8 p.m., Friday and bilia, books and DVD’s. Contact the museum at come. Email or visit our Shop is located in building 29 on Snead Street. Saturday from Noon until 10 p.m., Sunday from or call the gift Facebook page at “NMCB74 Fearless FRG” for The Thrift Shop is staffed entirely by volunteers, noon until 7 p.m. The first Friday of the month shop at 228-871-4779 for information on all that more information. and child care and mileage are reimbursed. Re- is Seafood Night, the remaining Fridays are is available. NMCB 133 FRG invites all friends and family tail hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday Steak Night. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 members to attend FRG meetings the first Mon- and Friday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers are al- a.m. on Saturdays. VFW meetings are held the day of the month at 6 p.m. at the Youth Center. ways welcome. Visit the NMCRS offices at the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To publicize your organization, send information Children are welcome and babysitting is pro- Fleet and Family Support Center, building 30, New members are always welcome. Contact Post to From TRIM page 3 higher calorie consumption is re- Fraud, Waste April 4, 2013 Sailors can track their food in- take to ensure they are main- taining a calorie deficit to sumed. The calories individuals need to lose or gain weight varies based on factors such as Spring Southern and Abuse Hotline: promote their weight manage- ment goals. SuperTracker is available at weight, age and activity level. "There is a lot of information out there, some good and some Region Military and Due to limited IG re- sources throughout the supertracker-tools/super- tracker.html. bad," said Wallinger. "Speaking with a dietician can help Sailors identify and navigate the best Civilian Job Fair Southeast Region, all Fraud, Waste and Abuse While many may think con- method for their needs." April 9, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. hotline work will now be Seabee Courier suming fewer calories is the key Sailors may learn more about to weight loss, that method can healthy eating, nutrition and Biloxi Civic Center, 950 W. Howard Ave., Biloxi handled by the Region. backfire. According to Wallinger, how to locate a dietician at the Navy Nutrition web site at Dress as you would for an To report Fraud, Waste a very low-calorie diet will ulti- mately slow your metabolism interview and bring a resume For a list of and Abuse, contact the and weight loss and will encour- pers-npc/support/navynutri- No admission fee - meet employ- registered Region at: Toll Free 1- age rapid weight regain when tion/Pages/default2.aspx. ers with job opportunities in many employers, visit different fields 877-657-9851 Comm: Armed Forces MC 2013 Navy-Marine Corps Relief Fund Please make child care arrange- 904-542-4979 DSN 942- Poker Run . . . A poker run to benefit the Navy Marine Corps ments before the job fair 4979 FAX: 904- 542- Relief Society(NMCRS) is scheduled for April 20 at the AFMC Clubhouse, 11007 Wolf River Road, Gulfport. Registration is at For additional information or help with your resume, 5587, E-mail: 10 a.m., first bike out at 11 a.m. and last bike in at 4 p.m. For call 228-388-7997 or 888-844-3577. more information, contact call 228-229-2816. 12