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First Lesson - eBay Selling Tips
Welcome to your first lesson in the eBay Selling Tips Crash Course.
Over the next few days, you’ll receive several lessons that will help you
learn the basics of becoming an eBay seller.
In this first lesson let's talk a little about what to expect when becoming
an eBay seller.
Are you currently looking for ways to make money online or expand your
revenue streams? If you are, you may have considered the popular
online auction website eBay. Chance are you’ve even used it, at least for
shopping if not selling. What’s nice about eBay is that just about anyone
can become an eBay seller, including you. All you need is a few items to
Did you know that eBay has over 160 million members, with well over
800 million listings posted? Think about that number for just a minute or
two. That’s how big your customer base can be almost instantly. That is
a lot of profit potential.
If you don’t happen to have an eBay account yet, you can register for
one from the main page of the website: It only
takes a minute or two!
If you want to know more about setting up your seller profile you should
visit this page:
Perhaps, the greatest reason as to why you should become an eBay
seller is because there are no minimum auction requirements. You can
sell things for as little as penny if you want too! This means you can test
the waters and see how it goes.
selling experience, you can continue, if don’t you can stop because it’s
terms of use are very flexible and you don’t pay any fees until you sell
To find out more about fees, check out the help page here: They even have a handy fee
Becoming a seller has a relatively easy learning curve. In fact, it takes
very little computer experience to list an auction. All you have to do is
follow the step-by-step instructions and you could have your first items
listed online in a matter of minutes.
If you’re new to eBay you’ll find that you can sell just about anything,
within reason. There are only a few restrictions. For a detailed list of
prohibited items, you’ll want to visit the help center.
Here is that link:
With that said, there are plenty of things you can sell like: real estate,
vehicles, clothing, toys, movies, books, gaming consoles, computers,
beauty items, and much more. Whether you are looking to sell
something that you have in your home, something you bought from a
yard sale or a thrift store, or something that can be dropped shipped
from another company, you should have no problem finding eager
customers on eBay.
The most successful eBay sellers start out as buyers and I recommend
that you do too. This will give you a sense of how everything works. It
will also show you how things work from the buyer’s perspective. This
experience will actually make you a much better seller. Think of it as
consumer research.
Pay attention to the customer service you receive from the buyer. Think
about how you want to be treated as a buyer, and take notes. Interact
with the sellers. Get involved in hot auctions to see what they are like. In
your spare time, start making notes about the hot items that you see and
start thinking about how you can make you items stand out!
Selling on eBay works just like any other business. You have to
determine what people want and give it to them. There are very specific
items that sell well on eBay, you just have to figure out what those are.
There are many resources for finding out this information. The best
place to start is with the lessons that eBay offers to their sellers.
Take the time to read all of the information eBay provides for you, it’s
free, you’ll learn a great deal and it will help you avoid making costly
We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to
start selling on eBay, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon.
We will be going over some basic selling rules and options you should
know before you start selling.
Selling Without A Product
Second Lesson - eBay Selling Tips
It’s time for your second lesson in the eBay Selling Tips Crash Course. I
hope you
found lesson one informative. In this lesson we will be going over some
basic selling rules and options.
Since you made it to the second lesson of this short course I assume
you are very interested in becoming an eBay seller. You’re definitely not
alone, because it can be a relatively quick and easy way to make money
Every day, people flock to eBay to make extra money from home and
the savvy ones are even able to make enough money to support
themselves full time, but before you dive in full throttle it’s a good idea to
take a few minutes and examine the eBay listing rules.
Because it is such a huge marketplace, with members from all around
the world, it’s no big surprise that there are scammers lurking around
and in order to better protect the buyers, eBay has specific rules
concerning the items that can be auctioned off on the site. These rules
must be followed, or you can be banned from the site.
Even though there are numerous categories, items that are put up for
auction really only fall into one of four categories according to eBay.
Those are: prohibited, questionable,
potentially infringing, and approved. Approved is the simplest category
to define and the one you want to be focused on.
After the ‘approved’ category, however, it starts to get a little harder to
understand with the exception of prohibited items. A prohibited item may
not be auctioned on eBay for any reason, under any circumstances.
Prohibited items include alcohol, drugs, animals, tobacco, human
remains or organs (yes people have tried) of any type, lottery tickets or
government property.
Questionable items are those that are not prohibited, but are not
necessarily infringing. Adult material falls under the ‘questionable’
category. Tickets of any type may also be questionable. Law
enforcement related equipment, as well as guns, knives, and other
weapons are questionable items.
Artifacts, food items, batteries, all hazardous chemicals and materials
are also on the list of questionable items. You can auction questionable
items at eBay, as long as those items meet certain conditions.
Infringing items are those that violate copyrights, trademarks, and other
legal rights. These items are almost always some type of media, such as
software, DVDs, and CDs, but the list contains other items as well, such
as counterfeit items and illegal recordings.
If you didn’t have a chance to check out the full list from the link I
provided you with in the last lesson, here it is again:
If you are unsure as to which category your item falls into, you should
contact eBay with this question before setting up the auction.
One of the things I like most about eBay is that you don’t have to have
large or expensive items. In fact, most people are just selling items that
are taking up space in their homes or they don’t want anymore. Items
that tend to sell relatively well are lots, or groups, of toys, collectables,
infant cloths etc.
One of the biggest downsides to selling on eBay is the competition. With
large numbers of people posting every day you’ll often notice multiple
auction listings for the exact same items. While this is nice for buyers, it
can hinder your success as a seller. When the supply is higher than the
demand, you may not make as much money off of your items as you
had originally hoped.
Here are a few other things to keep in mind if you want to become a
successful eBay seller.
- You need to have good product descriptions and clear digital pictures
of the item or items that you are selling. Having multiple picture’s in your
listing is a great way to increase your chances of making a sale.
eBay wants you to be successful so they provide you with a suite of free
and inexpensive promotional tools to help you get your listings noticed.
For instance, you can have a bold listing for just a few cents. Highlighted
listings are equally inexpensive. You can also opt for the gallery, a
border, gift services listings, subtitles, featured home page, featured
plus, featured gallery, keywords, co-op advertising, and optimized
By implementing some of these tools can easily increase your chances
of getting noticed, just be careful not to go overboard! You don’t want to
spend more to get noticed than your item is worth!
That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about
Selling Without A Product
Third Lesson - EBay Selling Tips
It’s "add your name here", with your third lesson in the EBay Selling Tips
Crash Course.
Today let's talk about why you should accept PayPal as a form of
payment for your customers.
As we have been discussing it’s relatively easy to start selling on eBay.
However, there are a few important things that you need to know if you
want to be successful. Of course it’s important to have high quality items
to sell, with detailed descriptions and good pictures, but there is
something else that can be just as important and that is how you get
For the best chance of success on eBay, you’ll want to consider
accepting multiple forms of payments, including personal checks,
cashier’s checks, bank-to-bank transfers, money orders and my favorite,
PayPal. Of course, you can still make money on eBay without accepting
PayPal, but keep in mind that your chances for success are higher when
you do.
It’s one of the most common methods of payment accepted on eBay and
despite that there are still a number of sellers who don’t accept which
limits their customers purchasing options and ultimately loses them
When it comes to getting a PayPal account, you’ll find that you can have
a personal account or business account. If you want to make the most
out of PayPal and eBay, you’ll want to get a business account, because
it enables to you accept credits. The only difference between a business
account and a personal account is the fees. The fees that you are
charged will vary, but you’ll be charged a small fee each time someone,
namely an eBay buyer, sends you a payment.
Don’t let the fees keep you from using PayPal. By accepting it, you will
be more likely to have more sales, as well as higher priced product
sales, from buyers rely on it to shop online. As your sales increase the
fees will easily pay for themselves. In fact, your fees, from a business
standpoint, can even be tax deductible.
One of the main reasons why eBay buyers like to use PayPal is
because it gives them a sense of security. They don’t have to provide
you with their bank account information or their credit or debit card
numbers. This information is automatically stored in PayPal’s secure
system. They simply have to follow the instructions on the invoice, enter
in their PayPal sign in information, click a few confirmation buttons and
they are good to go; no sensitive information has to exchange hands.
For more information about using PayPal with your eBay account here is
a link to their help page:
In your next lesson we will be talking about the importance of
Selling Without A Product
Fourth Lesson - EBay Selling Tips
There are an unlimited number of tips that can help increase your chances of
making a profit on eBay, like using detailed product descriptions, good
pictures and seller tools, but there is one way that is guaranteed to help you
make sales. That is having an open line of communication with all of your
buyers goes a long way when it comes to closing the sale.
When it comes to keeping an open line of communication with your
customers or potential customers, there are three main situations that you
should take advantage of.
First, if you’re selling a popular item, you may have a number of bids or
even a number of questions. Even if your product description is very
detailed, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you to have messages from
other eBay members seeking more information.
While some of these questions may be good, valid ones, others may
seem a little bit out in left field. In fact, some questions may leave you
wondering if they even looked at your listing. Still, it’s a good idea to you
answer all user questions in a polite and timely manner. This will help
increase the chances of your item or items being sold.
As a seller, it’s very important to pay attention to your feedback rating.
To help ensure a good rating customer service is key. Make sure you
sell quality items and ship them as quickly as possible. During the post-
bid process, be sure to congratulate the winning bidder.
Once a buyer has agreed to buy an item from you, whether it be through
a traditional auction listing or a “Buy It Now,” sale, you’ll want to send
your customer an invoice, showing the total amount they owe you. After
you have received payment, chances are you’ll box up the item and
head to the post office.
A great way to make a good impression is to send your customers an
email update letting them know that their items were shipped. Many
buyers like this because it gives them an estimated arrival time and
often a tracking number, depending on how you shipped it.
It is also a good idea to follow up in a few days or a week, to see if they
received their item. You may also want to send a personal note asking
them how they liked the item and encourage them to leave you
You should also let them know that you hope to do business with them
again. In today’s society, many consumers aren’t thanked for their
business anymore, although many wish that they still were. Sending a
thank-you note only takes a few minutes of your time, but it is something
that your customers will likely remember for some time to come.
Keeping an open line of communication before, during, and after each
sale will help you build a good, positive reputation among eBay buyers.
It can also result in return customers; customers who can help to
increase your eBay profits.
I hope this lesson was helpful to you. Don't forget to keep an eye out for
my next email. There will be some great stuff in your last lesson.
Selling Without A Product
Fifth Lesson - EBay Selling Tips.
Well, we have come to the final lesson in the EBay Selling Tips Crash
Course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your lessons and learned how to
get started as an eBay seller. In this last lesson we are going to talk
about how to get your auctions noticed in a crowded marketplace.
If your goal is to make as much money as possible by selling products
eBay, it’s important to keep in mind that there are thousands of people
who are interested in doing the same thing which means competition.
When many of us think of internet marketing, we often think of big online
retailers and websites. While you may not be running a full-fledged
online store, you’re trying to make a profit so you have to start thinking
like a retailer.
Just having your items for sale listed isn’t enough to get exposure, you
have to think about taking it a step farther. There are a number of
different ways that you can help get listings noticed, without having to
spend a dime.
Perhaps, one of the best ways is by joining the eBay community. When
you talk with other members your screen name shows up. This means
every time you start a new message or respond to an existing one a link
to your listings page shows up too. If your post is good other members
will click it just out of curiosity and chances are something to catch their
It’s also important to make sure that your listing contains all necessary
information such as, a good title and description, guarantees, special
features and shipping policies.
Use a logo in your product listing and ensure that it indicates the types
of products you offer. This will set you apart from thousands of other
sellers. It will also make you look more professional, differentiate you
from your competitors and help build brand awareness.
In your descriptions use phrases that explain your product's major
benefits and peak consumer interest. Your listings should be informative
and easy to read. Include a strong all to action. This will encourage
customers to click the bid or buy button.
Make sure that you avoid misspelling and grammar by writing your
description in MS Word or a similar type of software that will check for
errors. When possible have someone you trust proofread your listing
before you post it online.
A short, concise listing is much more effective than a long tedious one.
People will usually skim through and look for bullet points that catch their
attention so make sure you include them.
As I have mentioned, having a great photo for your listing will improve
your chances even more. Did you know that people tend to not look at
listing if there isn’t a photo? When you take your photo make sure that
you don’t have extra items in your photo, avoid any clutter that could
confuse and distract the buyer from focusing on the item that you are
trying to sell. A nice neutral colored background works best because it
will help to focus the buyer’s attention on the item that you’re selling.
Lastly, try to think of your eBay listing is your 24-hour salesperson. It is
the first contact your customers will have with you so make it look as
attractive and professional as possible. This will provide browsers with
the appearance of a legitimate business, which will instill confidence
increase the level of trust they have when making a purchase.
If you want even more tips to help you increase revenue from your eBay
listings be sure to check out the seller’s hub. It is free for all sellers and
it’s pack full of tips that will help you manage your listings, access seller
tools and learn how to use data and insights to grow and improve your
Here is that link:
As we close this final lesson I would like to thank you again for joining
me for this short course. I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot
about how to start selling on eBay and even though your lessons have
come to an end you can still feel free to contact me if you have any
questions. I’ll be glad to help!
Until then,
Selling Without A Product
Legal Notice
The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as
possible in the creation of this course, notwithstanding the
fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that
the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing
nature of the Internet.
The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or
damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or
indirectly arising from the use of the information found in
this course.
This course is not intended for use as a source of legal,
business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are
advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal,
business, accounting, and finance field.
No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes
responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author
reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher
assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the
reader of this course.
This email may contain affiliate programs and advertisements for
monetization, which can result in commissions or advertising fees
being earned for purchases made by visitors that click through any of
the advertisements and/or links included in this text.

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  • 1.
  • 2. First Lesson - eBay Selling Tips Welcome to your first lesson in the eBay Selling Tips Crash Course. Over the next few days, you’ll receive several lessons that will help you learn the basics of becoming an eBay seller. In this first lesson let's talk a little about what to expect when becoming an eBay seller. Are you currently looking for ways to make money online or expand your revenue streams? If you are, you may have considered the popular online auction website eBay. Chance are you’ve even used it, at least for shopping if not selling. What’s nice about eBay is that just about anyone can become an eBay seller, including you. All you need is a few items to sell. Did you know that eBay has over 160 million members, with well over 800 million listings posted? Think about that number for just a minute or two. That’s how big your customer base can be almost instantly. That is a lot of profit potential. If you don’t happen to have an eBay account yet, you can register for one from the main page of the website: It only takes a minute or two! If you want to know more about setting up your seller profile you should visit this page: Perhaps, the greatest reason as to why you should become an eBay seller is because there are no minimum auction requirements. You can sell things for as little as penny if you want too! This means you can test the waters and see how it goes.
  • 3. selling experience, you can continue, if don’t you can stop because it’s terms of use are very flexible and you don’t pay any fees until you sell something. To find out more about fees, check out the help page here: They even have a handy fee calculator. Becoming a seller has a relatively easy learning curve. In fact, it takes very little computer experience to list an auction. All you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions and you could have your first items listed online in a matter of minutes. If you’re new to eBay you’ll find that you can sell just about anything, within reason. There are only a few restrictions. For a detailed list of prohibited items, you’ll want to visit the help center. Here is that link: With that said, there are plenty of things you can sell like: real estate, vehicles, clothing, toys, movies, books, gaming consoles, computers, beauty items, and much more. Whether you are looking to sell something that you have in your home, something you bought from a yard sale or a thrift store, or something that can be dropped shipped from another company, you should have no problem finding eager customers on eBay. The most successful eBay sellers start out as buyers and I recommend that you do too. This will give you a sense of how everything works. It will also show you how things work from the buyer’s perspective. This experience will actually make you a much better seller. Think of it as consumer research. Pay attention to the customer service you receive from the buyer. Think about how you want to be treated as a buyer, and take notes. Interact with the sellers. Get involved in hot auctions to see what they are like. In your spare time, start making notes about the hot items that you see and start thinking about how you can make you items stand out!
  • 4. Selling on eBay works just like any other business. You have to determine what people want and give it to them. There are very specific items that sell well on eBay, you just have to figure out what those are. There are many resources for finding out this information. The best place to start is with the lessons that eBay offers to their sellers. Take the time to read all of the information eBay provides for you, it’s free, you’ll learn a great deal and it will help you avoid making costly mistakes. We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to start selling on eBay, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be going over some basic selling rules and options you should know before you start selling. Selling Without A Product Second Lesson - eBay Selling Tips It’s time for your second lesson in the eBay Selling Tips Crash Course. I hope you found lesson one informative. In this lesson we will be going over some basic selling rules and options. Since you made it to the second lesson of this short course I assume you are very interested in becoming an eBay seller. You’re definitely not alone, because it can be a relatively quick and easy way to make money online. Every day, people flock to eBay to make extra money from home and the savvy ones are even able to make enough money to support themselves full time, but before you dive in full throttle it’s a good idea to take a few minutes and examine the eBay listing rules. Because it is such a huge marketplace, with members from all around the world, it’s no big surprise that there are scammers lurking around and in order to better protect the buyers, eBay has specific rules concerning the items that can be auctioned off on the site. These rules must be followed, or you can be banned from the site.
  • 5. Even though there are numerous categories, items that are put up for auction really only fall into one of four categories according to eBay. Those are: prohibited, questionable, potentially infringing, and approved. Approved is the simplest category to define and the one you want to be focused on. After the ‘approved’ category, however, it starts to get a little harder to understand with the exception of prohibited items. A prohibited item may not be auctioned on eBay for any reason, under any circumstances. Prohibited items include alcohol, drugs, animals, tobacco, human remains or organs (yes people have tried) of any type, lottery tickets or government property. Questionable items are those that are not prohibited, but are not necessarily infringing. Adult material falls under the ‘questionable’ category. Tickets of any type may also be questionable. Law enforcement related equipment, as well as guns, knives, and other weapons are questionable items. Artifacts, food items, batteries, all hazardous chemicals and materials are also on the list of questionable items. You can auction questionable items at eBay, as long as those items meet certain conditions. Infringing items are those that violate copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights. These items are almost always some type of media, such as software, DVDs, and CDs, but the list contains other items as well, such as counterfeit items and illegal recordings. If you didn’t have a chance to check out the full list from the link I provided you with in the last lesson, here it is again: If you are unsure as to which category your item falls into, you should contact eBay with this question before setting up the auction. One of the things I like most about eBay is that you don’t have to have large or expensive items. In fact, most people are just selling items that are taking up space in their homes or they don’t want anymore. Items that tend to sell relatively well are lots, or groups, of toys, collectables, infant cloths etc.
  • 6. One of the biggest downsides to selling on eBay is the competition. With large numbers of people posting every day you’ll often notice multiple auction listings for the exact same items. While this is nice for buyers, it can hinder your success as a seller. When the supply is higher than the demand, you may not make as much money off of your items as you had originally hoped. Here are a few other things to keep in mind if you want to become a successful eBay seller. - You need to have good product descriptions and clear digital pictures of the item or items that you are selling. Having multiple picture’s in your listing is a great way to increase your chances of making a sale. eBay wants you to be successful so they provide you with a suite of free and inexpensive promotional tools to help you get your listings noticed. For instance, you can have a bold listing for just a few cents. Highlighted listings are equally inexpensive. You can also opt for the gallery, a border, gift services listings, subtitles, featured home page, featured plus, featured gallery, keywords, co-op advertising, and optimized listings. By implementing some of these tools can easily increase your chances of getting noticed, just be careful not to go overboard! You don’t want to spend more to get noticed than your item is worth! That's it for today's lesson. In your next lesson we will be talking about Selling Without A Product Third Lesson - EBay Selling Tips It’s "add your name here", with your third lesson in the EBay Selling Tips Crash Course. Today let's talk about why you should accept PayPal as a form of payment for your customers.
  • 7. As we have been discussing it’s relatively easy to start selling on eBay. However, there are a few important things that you need to know if you want to be successful. Of course it’s important to have high quality items to sell, with detailed descriptions and good pictures, but there is something else that can be just as important and that is how you get paid! For the best chance of success on eBay, you’ll want to consider accepting multiple forms of payments, including personal checks, cashier’s checks, bank-to-bank transfers, money orders and my favorite, PayPal. Of course, you can still make money on eBay without accepting PayPal, but keep in mind that your chances for success are higher when you do. It’s one of the most common methods of payment accepted on eBay and despite that there are still a number of sellers who don’t accept which limits their customers purchasing options and ultimately loses them sales. When it comes to getting a PayPal account, you’ll find that you can have a personal account or business account. If you want to make the most out of PayPal and eBay, you’ll want to get a business account, because it enables to you accept credits. The only difference between a business account and a personal account is the fees. The fees that you are charged will vary, but you’ll be charged a small fee each time someone, namely an eBay buyer, sends you a payment. Don’t let the fees keep you from using PayPal. By accepting it, you will be more likely to have more sales, as well as higher priced product sales, from buyers rely on it to shop online. As your sales increase the fees will easily pay for themselves. In fact, your fees, from a business standpoint, can even be tax deductible. One of the main reasons why eBay buyers like to use PayPal is because it gives them a sense of security. They don’t have to provide you with their bank account information or their credit or debit card numbers. This information is automatically stored in PayPal’s secure system. They simply have to follow the instructions on the invoice, enter in their PayPal sign in information, click a few confirmation buttons and they are good to go; no sensitive information has to exchange hands.
  • 8. For more information about using PayPal with your eBay account here is a link to their help page: paypal.html In your next lesson we will be talking about the importance of communication. Selling Without A Product Fourth Lesson - EBay Selling Tips There are an unlimited number of tips that can help increase your chances of making a profit on eBay, like using detailed product descriptions, good pictures and seller tools, but there is one way that is guaranteed to help you make sales. That is having an open line of communication with all of your buyers goes a long way when it comes to closing the sale. When it comes to keeping an open line of communication with your customers or potential customers, there are three main situations that you should take advantage of. First, if you’re selling a popular item, you may have a number of bids or even a number of questions. Even if your product description is very detailed, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you to have messages from other eBay members seeking more information. While some of these questions may be good, valid ones, others may seem a little bit out in left field. In fact, some questions may leave you wondering if they even looked at your listing. Still, it’s a good idea to you answer all user questions in a polite and timely manner. This will help increase the chances of your item or items being sold. As a seller, it’s very important to pay attention to your feedback rating. To help ensure a good rating customer service is key. Make sure you sell quality items and ship them as quickly as possible. During the post- bid process, be sure to congratulate the winning bidder. Once a buyer has agreed to buy an item from you, whether it be through a traditional auction listing or a “Buy It Now,” sale, you’ll want to send your customer an invoice, showing the total amount they owe you. After you have received payment, chances are you’ll box up the item and head to the post office.
  • 9. A great way to make a good impression is to send your customers an email update letting them know that their items were shipped. Many buyers like this because it gives them an estimated arrival time and often a tracking number, depending on how you shipped it. It is also a good idea to follow up in a few days or a week, to see if they received their item. You may also want to send a personal note asking them how they liked the item and encourage them to leave you feedback. You should also let them know that you hope to do business with them again. In today’s society, many consumers aren’t thanked for their business anymore, although many wish that they still were. Sending a thank-you note only takes a few minutes of your time, but it is something that your customers will likely remember for some time to come. Keeping an open line of communication before, during, and after each sale will help you build a good, positive reputation among eBay buyers. It can also result in return customers; customers who can help to increase your eBay profits. I hope this lesson was helpful to you. Don't forget to keep an eye out for my next email. There will be some great stuff in your last lesson. Selling Without A Product Fifth Lesson - EBay Selling Tips. Well, we have come to the final lesson in the EBay Selling Tips Crash Course. I sure hope you have enjoyed your lessons and learned how to get started as an eBay seller. In this last lesson we are going to talk about how to get your auctions noticed in a crowded marketplace. If your goal is to make as much money as possible by selling products eBay, it’s important to keep in mind that there are thousands of people who are interested in doing the same thing which means competition. When many of us think of internet marketing, we often think of big online retailers and websites. While you may not be running a full-fledged online store, you’re trying to make a profit so you have to start thinking like a retailer.
  • 10. Just having your items for sale listed isn’t enough to get exposure, you have to think about taking it a step farther. There are a number of different ways that you can help get listings noticed, without having to spend a dime. Perhaps, one of the best ways is by joining the eBay community. When you talk with other members your screen name shows up. This means every time you start a new message or respond to an existing one a link to your listings page shows up too. If your post is good other members will click it just out of curiosity and chances are something to catch their eye. It’s also important to make sure that your listing contains all necessary information such as, a good title and description, guarantees, special features and shipping policies. Use a logo in your product listing and ensure that it indicates the types of products you offer. This will set you apart from thousands of other sellers. It will also make you look more professional, differentiate you from your competitors and help build brand awareness. In your descriptions use phrases that explain your product's major benefits and peak consumer interest. Your listings should be informative and easy to read. Include a strong all to action. This will encourage customers to click the bid or buy button. Make sure that you avoid misspelling and grammar by writing your description in MS Word or a similar type of software that will check for errors. When possible have someone you trust proofread your listing before you post it online. A short, concise listing is much more effective than a long tedious one. People will usually skim through and look for bullet points that catch their attention so make sure you include them. As I have mentioned, having a great photo for your listing will improve your chances even more. Did you know that people tend to not look at listing if there isn’t a photo? When you take your photo make sure that you don’t have extra items in your photo, avoid any clutter that could confuse and distract the buyer from focusing on the item that you are trying to sell. A nice neutral colored background works best because it will help to focus the buyer’s attention on the item that you’re selling.
  • 11. Lastly, try to think of your eBay listing is your 24-hour salesperson. It is the first contact your customers will have with you so make it look as attractive and professional as possible. This will provide browsers with the appearance of a legitimate business, which will instill confidence increase the level of trust they have when making a purchase. If you want even more tips to help you increase revenue from your eBay listings be sure to check out the seller’s hub. It is free for all sellers and it’s pack full of tips that will help you manage your listings, access seller tools and learn how to use data and insights to grow and improve your business Here is that link: As we close this final lesson I would like to thank you again for joining me for this short course. I sincerely hope that you have learned a lot about how to start selling on eBay and even though your lessons have come to an end you can still feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I’ll be glad to help! Until then, Selling Without A Product ========================================== Legal Notice The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this course, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in
  • 12. this course. This course is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this course. This email may contain affiliate programs and advertisements for monetization, which can result in commissions or advertising fees being earned for purchases made by visitors that click through any of the advertisements and/or links included in this text.