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Nicholas Cintron
Dying Wish
Years after the 1st war and everything seemed to settle down, Denite and his
younger brother Mason were at home with their parents Reski and Ceedra. The war
of the two worlds, good versus evil so to speak. The King and queen look upon their
once great empire, now reduced to mere ashes and fire. It had looked as though the
whole world had imploded and they were now left with the burden of rebuilding it.
The two brothers often played separately considering the fact that their parents had
favorites. Denite was the eldest brother and as such would assume the crown when
their mother and father would pass. Yet that was not the only reason their father
favored him. He was also exceptionally good at destroying the enemies of their once
proud and historic clan. Their clan was almost completely wiped out during the
war; few survived the first wave of attackers considering their enormous strength in
numbers as well as physical strength. The 1st war was caused by the kings long
known and powerful enemy, the one they called Destiny. Destiny harbored hatred
over the king, although only the king new why. Destiny destroyed nearly half of the
known world with his own power alone, his forces to Destiny were merely a pawns
to him with he would let them live and die as he pleased. The world was nothing
like it was before. Many died of either starvation or being brought down in the heat
of battle. After many years of battling Destiny’s forces on the frontlines, it was time
to deal with him as a whole. King Reski and Queen Ceedra were the ones that
brought down Destiny using their combined power, trapping him in a world of
darkness and loathing. Out of 100s of clans, only the king’s clan, Teroshi remained.
The king had to keep his power almost at his limit just to hold back Destiny’s will to
rejoin the world he once knew. On the fateful day that all knew was coming, the
king died releasing the spirit of Destiny that was once trapped inside of the
darkness. There was only one way to trap him once again and that power was at
rest dormant inside of each of the two brothers. They were the world’s only
Denite: “You need to train harder, that is what father would’ve wanted. For
you to become strong like us”. He yelled at his brother Mason who was lying face
down on the earth. “I am trying brother” he said as he got back to his feet, “ These
powers are new to me”. Denite once again hit his brother without mercy trying to
make him strong enough to take pain. “Are you going to let the whole world die
because of your own petty jealousy of me?” he argued. “Fuck you” Mason said as his
brother once again beat him to a bloody mess. Just as Denite was going to use his
strength to damage his brother severely, his mother caught his fist. “Now boys, you
will need to learn the bond of souls before you can lock away Destiny once and for
all”. With anger in his eyes and hate in his heart, Mason ran away from his brother
and mother. That was his greatest power, speed. His reflexes were faster than a cat
and his feet were even faster than a cheetah. Denite’s power was his strength and
capacity to learn from his enemy’s movements. As fast as Mason can run they both
knew he would come back. His family was all that he had left in this world. This
same cycle kept continuing for {Insert name} which drove him mad with anger. On
this certain day he promised himself he would never come back. As Mason turned
back to look if someone was coming after him, he ran right into something big and
fell to the ground. He looked up to see the Demon look into his eyes. “Destiny” he
said, with the mere mention of his name in over 50 years, he cracked a smile. “No
one has called me that since I was locked away in hell, and who might you be”. As
Destiny turned he noticed something inside the eyes of the boy who had run into
him. It may have been something inside of fear, hate, or anger, which Destiny knew
all too well. “You” Destiny said as he noticed the insignia of the Teroshi clan on his
arm. He grabbed the young boy and flew away to his personal home. The boy was
then chained down, which against his powers of speed he had no help. He had no
clue where he was and was terrified; because of the stories he had heard his father
telling his older brother about Destiny. Destiny has killed many men, which was
why he was so afraid. “Why hadn’t he killed me yet if he knew who I was?” he
thought. Just then Destiny came in. Destiny said, “what do you have to do with the
Teroshi clan”. Mason swallowed hard and said, “I am the youngest son of king
Reski”. Destiny was taken aback with those words. “How could this young man be
the offspring of my worst enemy, and for that matter where is his father”? “Where is
your father and why hasn’t he come to send me back yet?” “He is dead” Mason said.
Just then the biggest evil grin was on the face of Destiny, “I am finally free to do what
I have always wanted, to destroy your world”. All at once Mason broke his binds
and hit Destiny with all of the power he could muster. Destiny and even Mason was
surprised, he had never had such strength before. Destiny grabbed him by his
throat and said “I could kill you right now if I choose, but you seem to have
exceptional strength for such a young man, and I could feel the hate and sorrow in
your heart so I am going to give you an offer. You join me and I will teach you all I
know and make you immortal but you must kill your brother or I snap your neck
like a twig and you die as you were, a weak young brat”. With the fear that had a
grip on Mason, he looked into the eyes of the once banished demon and said, “Fuck
you” and spit in his face. The demon with his evil smirk threw Mason against the
wall and then collapsed. Mason realizing this was his only chance of escape ran as
fast as he could. Destiny yells “Dammit I still have not regain my full power yet”
realizing his only chance of survival and taking over this world had just escaped.
Mason ran through corridor after corridor until he realized he was underground
considering the amount of overgrowth that was around him. He then ran upward
and was shocked at his current destination. He was now standing somewhere he
had never been before, even with all of the trips his father had taken his older
brother and him on he had never come across this place. As Mason took a second to
think he must be where his father had told him never to enter, the place where
demons gained strength. At that realization, he knew that Destiny could not be far
behind and quickly ran toward where he though his home would be to inform them
of the demon lurking inside of this realm once again. When suddenly, a hand
coming out of the ground grabbed him. He tried to scream out for help but was
pulled down too quickly. Mason then awoke locked to a wall by chains made of a
material he had never seen before. As Destiny walks in, he says, “Those chains are
made up of pure power, they will never break or detach until I get what I want. I
will take your power, your soul, and even your body if I desire. Your mother and
brother are not looking for you. They are sitting at home thinking you will come
back. The right decision would be to join me and you will be stronger than both of
them combined, enough power to kill them both with a single strike, or you die it is
your choice”. “I do know however that your brother thinks you are weak and
slowing him down. I see different, I see your potential and your hatred against your
own clan for always casting you out and leaving you by yourself. My travels have
been long and I have never seen such a strong and powerful person inside such a
young boy. You are the only man, women, or child to have ever broken these chains
before. If you become my protégée, I will show you true domination and true
power. You will finally feel the greatest treasure of all, which is the blood of your
enemy dripping off of your blade and hands. Join me and I will give you the world,
what is your answer”?
On their long trip they had finally stopped for the night. Mason looked out
over the night sky and saw a place much darker than night itself “you are never to
go there” his father said “but why Mason asked” his father took a second and said
“there, darkness rules over all your hatred will boil past its limits and you will never
be the same”. Mason shook his head with an upset face and said, “ I can take care of
myself”. His father then said, “son, I love you but you will not need worry about the
throne, your brother will assume control when I am gone but only once he is at the
right age.”. “But dad I am stronger than him and I know with more training I will
win the throne”. “Son it has been said and foretold that my first son will be the
strongest and smartest on the entire earth, you cant beat him and you do know that
deep inside, I’m sorry”.
As mason looked deep inside himself listening to the deep hatred of his
brother and his clan, listening to the deep need to become strong he looks into the
dark empty eyes of the demon Destiny and says “Yes I will join you but only on one
condition, you are not to harm my mother”. Destiny takes a long look at Mason and
says “I will promise that to you”. Just as quick as mason shook Destiny’s hand the
chains re-tracked and he fell to the floor. Destiny then leaned down and said, “Get
up we have much to do in such little time, your training starts now”.
Chapter 2:
The wind was whipping across Masons face as the sweat dripped more and
more making his body cold. For the last few months, Mason had been training with
Destiny; he had become stronger than he had ever been, more dangerous as well.
You could even see Masons mindset change as his eyes became darker and more
mischievous. The only man that had now mattered in his life, Destiny, was
controlling his mind. Destiny was now the force that was driving Mason further and
further into the depths of madness with each passing day. As Destiny looks into the
eyes of his now forceful protégée and saw himself about 70 years ago when it all
Beaten and heckled by his own clan, Destiny but his real name being Han
decided to go out on his own leaving his family behind. He knew they could not care
much anyway, “they hate me, they wish I was never born” was all that could keep
repeating in his head. As he grew farther and farther from home, he grew stronger
and more malevolent yet then he had stopped knowing that full well he could not
ever return home, but for the first time in at least 15 years he did, and what he saw
had shook him to his fiery core. His parents had by now stopped worrying thinking
he was dead considering he was always the outcast who could not accomplish a
single training method. They had had another child who was about the same age
Destiny was when he had left his village. This gave Destiny more anger and more
fire in his heart when suddenly, he bust into the door of his once home and
screamed “ I hate you all of you, Die, Die, Die” and he slayed them all his mother,
father, and even the one who had to have been his new little brother”. Just then a
shadowy figure came through the door and put his hand on Destiny’s shoulder.
Destiny swung his sword around but it was then broken in half by just the hand of
this newcomer. “Come with me” the shadowy voice said, “ I will show you the world
as how it really is”. Destiny knew he could not beat him and had gone with him after
slaughtering the entire village of his up bringing and leaving it to waste in ruble.
Destiny, covered in blood went to see what this man had to show him. As time
passed and Destiny grew older, the shadowy figure had left him powerful and
immortal and with a new passion to destroy this world, and to set his sights on
conquering the world above.
As the moonlight struck the severely damaged earth, Destiny had then
snapped back to reality as he was hit by a strong force and fell to the ground. He
turned to see the eyes of Mason’s older brother Denite. As Denite grabbed his
brother and yelled “we need to go now”, Mason snapped back and hit Denite with
his new gained strength and he flew back into a hollowed out tree. Denite looked at
his brother with fear in his eyes as Mason said these words clearly to him, “I am
never going back there I will kill you someday, and until that day arises you will
always be a target to me, so now you must live always looking over your shoulder.
One day I will wipe out our entire clan and you along with it. Now run you dog and
just remember this you will die”. Denite swallowed hard and run for the fear of his
life, now knowing that Destiny had changed his little brother into some anger fueled
killing machine. Destiny smiled obviously seeing the progress finally with his own
eyes. Those words kept replaying in his head “You will die” he knew full well where
he had heard those words before. He himself had said them to Mason’s father just
before they had trapped him in hell. Destiny again smiled and said to himself, “Yes
you will make a fine protégée”. You could almost see the smallest smirk on the face
of Destiny, although only Destiny knew about his true plans.
“Destiny is a demon mom and a strong one at that”, Denite said to his mother,
“I cannot believe my own little brother has fallen in line for him after what he did to
our family, Our clan, Our World”. “Now calm down son your brother must have a
plan set in place, don’t you forget that Destiny has held people against their own free
will”. “Mom he told me that he WILL kill me someday, if that is not a threat or
considering his new found strength, a promise then I have no idea what it is”. With
the tears that have been welling in his eyes for the course of this conversation, had
finally broken him down enough and Denite fell to his knees. Ceedra, seeing this
immediately ran to his aid, Denite saying he was fine just some minor cuts and
bruises. Both Ceedra and Denite were now terrified of what their sibling has
become. Neither of them like what is happening but they also now know how deep
he has gone into darkness and how the paralyzing anger that Denite had previously
seen was taking over. All because of Destiny toying with his mind, Destiny the
reason he is like this. As the sun finally arose the next morning after the entire
ordeal with his mother, Denite decided to go for a walk along the rubble of his
father’s once great empire. It saddened him to see the world he once knew in such
disarray. The families of the men who had fought alongside his father, were now
penny-less and fearful that they may starve. It was getting colder now which
signified the early signs of the ever approaching winter. All Denite could thing about
were those 3 words “You Will Die”, he could not believe that his once loyal younger
brother had fallen so low to join Destiny’s fight. It has sickened him to think that
someday his brother will kill him, that he will destroy this world.
As Destiny had arisen from his long slumber, Mason was already hard at
work. Mason has his own intentions for his clan and will not squander his chance to
take them all out, except for his mother who of course he still loved very much. His
mother was the only one who had supported him months ago when he wanted to
become stronger. Mason still does not know of Destiny’s true intentions and
probably never will. As Destiny sees what he has turned his archenemies son into,
he cannot help but smile at his own power of reasoning and persuasion. It has been
much time since the beginning of Masons training and he has become quite strong,
even Destiny believes he would have a great chance in a one on one fight with
Destiny himself. Destiny once again arrives out of the shadows to spar with Mason.
Destiny set himself up in front of Mason and immediately charged at him, not
realizing the great speed that Mason possessed, Destiny was very surprised when
Mason hit him with such a force that he flew through the solid wall. When Destiny
stands, he feels an immense pressure in his chest. He looks upon himself and sees a
great whole that has been torn into his shirt. Destiny feels around the fresh and
tender wound, as he touches it, he drops to his knees in agonizing pain. Destiny
looks up at Mason and only has one thought, “what has he become”.
Back at Masons home, Denite and his mother Ceedra are trying desperately
to come up with a plan to save mason from his own aggression. Denite, who had felt
the full brute force of Mason’s new found strength was still very weary and weak.
“What has my brother become, a monster? No not at all just fit with immense rage
toward him” he thought. Ceedra breaking the tension says “while we think about
this, shall we go for a walk?” Denite tries to stand but is still too weak from the
single punch that Mason had landed to his chest. Denite once again sits and reveals
the wound to his chest. “It is getting worse mother, somehow I can feel Mason’s
aggression in my wound.” “We have to find a way to break the trance that Destiny
has Mason under, but how?”
“We are ready” is all Destiny could say before he got a sadistic look from
Mason himself. Destiny said “Let us take a walk” and began to stroll away. Mason
walked after him with the evil in his eyes knowing soon he can hurt all that had hurt
him in his life, all that had cast him out for being too weak, and all that had promised
to love him unconditionally. Once Destiny and Mason had reached a gloomy,
abandoned path. Mason watched as Destiny put his hands together and screamed
“Rayfa” and punched the earth. Not knowing what to now expect, Mason just stood
there until he felt the ground at his feet shake with a force to destroy cities. Masons
eyes then saw over 100,000 dead men arise from the hollow ground and stand at
attention under the rule of one man, no god, Destiny. Destiny then looked back at
Mason saying only 4 words “its time for war”. Destiny, Mason, and their entire army
marched toward the kindom of the Teroshi clan, not stopping until they destroy
anything in their path. It was truly a time for war as the air was cold and wet while
the sky showed no sign of rain or snow. The army was sent first to scope out and lay
waste to anything in its path. They marched through many war torn villages that
still have not been completely rebuilt. Ashes were only what had remained of the
first village yet the people did not want to leave their homes. The few that had
stayed began to cry as they had seen the army marching through. People began
screaming as Destiny’s army of the dead began slaying every sing man, woman, and
child in their path. Considering that this area had been destroyed by the war, the
Teroshi clans relieve crew had been there taking care of the villagers affected by the
area. A messenger from the Teroshi clan had seen everything and as soon as he had
heard the screaming, he ran for the kingdom to pass on the message that Destiny
was finally attacking, and that his army will not be stopped.
“Ma’am Ceedra” he panted running into the throne room, “Destiny has begin
his attack, and he has an army of the dead that will not be stopped”. “Calm down we
can fix this, all we need to do is bring back our entire army from relief areas to fight
with us”. Denite, Ceedra’s son then entered the room still not at full health. “Mom
what’s going on, I heard screams that echoed across the land”. “Denite, go back to
your bed you still need to rest”. “No. What’s going on” he said. The messenger
realizing the danger of the situation retold the message and he could see the
intensity and aggression change in Denite’s eyes. Denite looks at his mother and
says, “it’s time to go”.
Destiny and Mason now look upon the kingdom and see many of the warriors
of Mason’s so called previous clan were returning in high numbers and seemed to be
preparing for a fight. Without warning, Destiny’s army began jumping over the wall
and tearing down everything in its path. As many began battling, Destiny walked
into the kingdom alone. Men ran toward him to try and take him down themselves,
Destiny thought “very bad idea”. He slayed all with one strike and once again began
walking toward the throne room where he had assumed Ceedra was. As Destiny
busted through the door he called out “Ceedra I’m home”. Ceedra surprising the
demon stabbed him through his dark, cold heart. Destiny fell to the ground and
Ceedra thought she had won already, but Destiny jumped back up and grabbed the
queen by her small throat. Destiny threw her across the room and said “that
actually hurt ha-ha but I think we should reunite with old friends shall we”, and
Destiny slammed his fist on the floor once again. You could see the dust and grime
fly into the air with the amount of force that he applied to the punch. Ceedra could
feel the floor begin to shake and rise, like an earthquake. Destiny just smiled as the
casket of the former king Reski began to rise and open. The casket then turned to
face the queen and opened to show the slowly decomposing body of the king. His
eyes then opened and he stepped out. The queen then realized the once great king
with whom she had brought down the likes of Destiny was now under control of the
very man they had sent to hell all those years ago. Queen Ceedra will now be face
with her worst nightmare, fighting the man she loved. As Ceedra began realizing
this, the dead slave of the former king spoke very few words, “Ceedra? Where am I?
What’s going on? “ Reski then turned to look ad his immortal enemy, Destiny.
Destiny said, “I let him have his voice so you two could talk to each other one last
time until both of you die”. Before one of them could say anything more, Destiny
pounded his fist on the floor one last time and Reski once again fell under full
control of Destiny, voice and all. Without mercy, Reski then attacked his wife and hit
her into the throne breaking it in half. Destiny now changing his control allows
Reski control of his sight and mind. Seeing how badly he himself had hurt the
woman he loved begins to thrash against Destiny’s control. Destiny knowing he
would try and take back control had a contingency plan in order. Through Destiny’s
power, was able to control every instinct and sense flowing through a body.
Knowing that Reski would try his best to break free, Destiny began to prey on the
pain flowing through the former kings heart by hurting his beloved. He increased
the pain flowing through him and made him break down. As soon as he realized
enough was enough, he retook control over Reski and put him on the attack.
Walking through the place he once called home, Mason fought the memories
that had been swimming through his mind. Man after man had approached him
thus far, all had been laid to waste at his feet. Mason had made his way to the
meadow where he had spent many of his young years. Now approaching him who
seemed to be waiting for him, his only friend. “Deo”? he asked. He sensed his
movements in the dark. Deo then moved into the light to face Mason. “I have to stop
you Mason”, Deo said. Mason says “you will die at my fight as any other rat who had
betrayed my trust”. Deo attacked Mason with a variety of moves from involving his
sword to his fists, missing every one of them. With the last swipe of his sword,
Mason caught Deo’s arm and threw him fifteen feet away crashing into pendant of
the Teroshi clan. Mason moves quick to take advantage of the situation. As he
stands over Deo, Mason begins to feel remorse, something he has not felt in years.
Mason thought that with all of his trainings and newfound strength, that remorse
was something he would never feel again. Mason with one quick look at the
pendant, lost all the remorse flowing through his body and punched Deo’s heart out
through his back. Ripping his arm back out through his chest, Mason began to weep
uncontrollably yelling out “why couldn’t you just understand? Why?” Mason found
his way to his feet and began to push forward toward his brother’s room. By the
time that Mason had reached Denite’s room, he had killed over 10 of his former
friends, neighbors, and even his grade school teacher. Mason now stood merely 10
feet from the old wooden door, which on the opposing side was his brother’s room.
Mason was determined to kill his brother no matter the cost. Mason kicked the door
into pieces that flew into the room like splinter scattering across the floor. Denite
was not in there. “Where are you brother, I came here to fulfill my promise”. Then
Mason felt a strong strike to the back of his head and everything went black.
“Are you ready to give in Ceedra”, said Destiny. “Never you evil bastard”, said
Ceedra. Reski weeping the destructive pain that harming his wife has caused his
heart. Reski turns around and looks Destiny in the eye and says, “you better pray to
god that I do not break this bind you have on me or else I will stand proudly as I spit
on your grave”. Destiny smirks with his usual devilish grin and breaks Reski’s arm
to show he is not fucking around any longer. Reski once again goes on the prowl
attacking his wife. Ceedra screaming out to Reski begging him to stop, pleading for
mercy. Yet nothing, only Destiny can stop this madness. Destiny proving his power
over everyone and anything. Reski again threw Ceedra against the wall finally
breaking her will, Ceedra says “please take me so I can be with you once again”. A
beam of light then shines down upon both Ceedra and Reski, surprising even
Destiny, and all at once they both disappeared.
Mason wakes up inside an empty room tied to a steel chair. Trying to regain
focus and fight his restraints, “you are not going to break free, trust me”, came a
voice from the darkness. In Masons current state he could not tell the voice of the
man. The voice, Denite then comes into the light and Mason immediately loses
control and fights harder to find a way to kill his brother. “Those ropes are soaked
in the blood of our father” he paused “I did some research on our friend Destiny and
it seems that that is what sent him to hell”. “Which is where I’m going to send you,
unless you break this hold he has on you little brother, listen I’m sorry for what I
have done and what I have said”. “Shove your apology up your ass you son of a
bitch”, Mason says back. Denite punches Mason as hard as he can in his chest and
says, “that is for what you did to me”, and hit him again. Grueling hours passed with
Denite punishing Mason, trying to break Destiny’s spell over him, while the rest of
the clan fought a world of undead soldiers. One by one they fought and died trying
to defend their once great Kingdom. “You are breaking it I can see it, I can and I
know you are breaking his spell”. Just as Mason thought his brother was making
sense, Destiny appeared and threw Denite out the door and ripped apart Masons
restraints. Mason runs after his brother outside the corridor and sees that he has
disappeared. Mason begins to run throughout the castle looking for his older
brother. With no luck on finding Denite, Mason yells out in anger knowing this may
have been his only chance to take down his brother.
Ceedra awakens in a room with white wall and a golden chandelier hanging
shining light on her broken down husband. She runs to his side and slips in a red
substance which upon further inspection she realized was Reski’s blood. “You cant
die, please tell me you wont die, I need you here with me to protect out sons and our
kingdom” she said as a booming voice came from above, saying “you both are here
because I brought you here. I need your help… that creature down there, once he is
done with the world there. His intentions are to come here and make it his own, to
make heaven his kingdom”. “Heaven? You are lying heaven cannot be real”. The
mysterious man takes a second and looks around, then says “oh really”. He
completely heals both Ceedra and Reski of all of their injuries. “Reski, you do know
that since I broke Destiny’s hold on your soul, you will die again when I send you
back to earth”? “Yes I know”, he turns to his wife and says, “you have to stop our son
from going beyond darkness, I will always be here with you in spirit”. He kisses
Ceedra and says “I love you”, just as the same light appears to transport them back
to earth.
Destiny begins to grab a hold of the desperately angered Mason, but Mason
snaps back and yells “get away from me”. Mason then sees something out of the
corner of his eye and chases it. Not knowing that his speed has strengthened with
his power, he disappears and stops in front of the running Denite. “Time to die
brother”, Mason says, “not if I kill you first” Denite says as he goes on the attack.
Hitting Mason with power enough to stop his heart if he hit him in the right spot.
The hit does connect but on his arm breaking his elbow while breaking Denite’s own
wrist. Both men in agonizing in pain, they once again go on the attack. Punch after
punch, strike after strike, each one hit the other will full force until both brothers
were battered and bloody. Mason draws his sword and Denite his knives. Denite is
the first to attack stabbing mason straight through his heart. In immense pain
Mason lifts his sword and stabs Denite in the same spot. “Im sorry little brother”,
Denite says with blood pooling inside of his mouth. “I love you,” he says as both
men fall to the ground dying slowly. Mason reaches over his dead brother, crying he
says, “I love you but I do hate you” as he pushes his sword deeper. Mason leans up
against a hollowed out tree and dies knowing that he had succeeded in his goal.
Denite, had awaken in a small white room with a golden chandelier in the
middle of the room. Denite was confused because last he knew he had died in a long
awaited battle against his brother. Denite was frightened by a loud voice coming
from above. “Who are you… where am I… what is going on… show yourself”. A man
in a long white trench coat then appeared before his eyes. “Who are you?” Denite
asked, “I am god” said the man. Shocked by what this man had just said Denite
stands there unmoving trying to understand what had happened to head. “Am I in
heaven?” Denite thought, “Yes you are” a voice inside of his head answered. Denite
then looked at the man who was smiling at him knowing that the voice inside if
Denite’s head had come from him. “Why am I here?” Denite asked. “Because you did
what was best for your family and what was best for heaven”. “What do you mean?”
“what I mean is that you killed your brother who was under control of yours and my
worlds greatest enemy”. “You are here because I am going to send you back to earth
because from what I can tell is that Destiny is still kicking, and after earth, his next
conquest is… well here” he says gesturing around him. “This room is all that heaven
has to offer”, “no, this is just a waiting room to meet me, everyone ends up here…
well anyone who has served a good purpose in life, such as your mom and dad”.
“What became of my brother” Denite said weeping, “he is somewhere else” god said
feeling remorse. “I am sending you back to kill Destiny with this” he said hoisting
his hands upward as a shining golden sword came from a light above. It lowers into
god’s hands and as quickly as it touched his hands, it appeared in Denite’s hands.
“This sword can kill anything, it is called The Sword Of Light… but it only has one
enemy, The Sword Of Darkness, it comes from hell and these two swords must never
clash”. “Why?” “If they do… it would mean the end of all worlds, mine, yours, and
even hell”. As Denite was sent back to earth he heard god say these last words to
him “Goodbye, I am leaving my trust in you, good luck”.
Mason felt the cold steel of a blade ripping against his skin and woke from a
deep slumber with a blood-curdling scream. He also felt the heat of fire surround
his body quickly. Mason took a second to take in his whereabouts and could not
think of where he might be. The last thing that he had remembered was running
into Denite in the woods, beyond that was nothing. All of the sudden, Mason heard a
deep angry, evil laugh coming from all around him. He finally noticed that he was
chained to a board and could not even struggle against his binds. A dark man then
came from behind him and looked at him with soul crushing intent. “Welcome to
my palace” the man said. “Who are you?” Mason asked, “I have many names and am
feared by many, even your master above us fears me”. “Mason I am Satan”. “Why
am I here I don’t remember anything”. “That is because I have warped your mind to
only know what I want you to know”. “I have a mission for you mason… I need you
to go back to earth”. “Why?” Mason asked. “You will be sent back to kill your Master
Destiny and anyone that I say you have to such as your brother” he said this as he
gave an evil look. “You will find a man by the name of Hunter, he is the man who
had trained the black sheep Destiny, you are also a black sheep”. Satan sliced a
marking into the wrist of Mason with a fiery blade, and with agony Mason fought the
pain with all of his will. “The marking of the black sheep”, Satan said. “This object
that I am about to bestow upon you must clash with the other sword from heaven
which I assume that my father has already given your brother”. “This sword is the
sword of darkness and it is more powerful than its opposition, now go” Satan said.
“Oh and Mason… You die again, your soul is mine forever”.
“What the hell happened, where are Reski, Ceedra, Mason… Where the fuck
are they?” Destiny says through clinched teeth from anger. After the fight he had
seen Mason run off and Destiny knew he had no chance of catching him. Destiny
throws a golden chalice filled with wine against the wall while lashing out in anger.
“Sir, we still have not found Mason or Reski and Ceedra” says his general. “You will
find them or I will send you to damnation myself” Destiny says grabbing his general
by his throat. Destiny looks at the morning sky all black with the smoke and ash of
smoldering inflamed villages and cities. Watching the world burn is something
Destiny enjoys but yet he cannot seem to. Knowing that there are still people out
there that can send him to his fiery grave. Suddenly Destiny falls to the ground, he
looks upon his surroundings almost in a daze he begins to see fire everywhere. He
is hanging by a noose choking to death but still cannot die. Then he wakes up inside
of a tub filled with blood realizing it was coming from his darkened heart. The blood
running through his veins at the moment was black. Remembering what had
happened about a year ago when he was trapped in hell. He now sees the only
person in any world, any universe that Destiny fears… The devil, standing there with
a sword covered in blood. Destiny looks down upon his own body being burned
alive with 1 thousand swords sticking out of his body. Destiny screams in agony,
which wakes him out of his daze. “What the hell was that”? I’m inside your head
Destiny… I hope you remember all of the fun we had together, the reason for little
flashbacks; I added the pain so it would be better for my own personal viewing
pleasure. We both know that you miss our time together, which is why someone
will be there to kill you soon, your favorite source of pain and fear Satan… Oh and I
will see you soon”. Destiny lay there upon the dirty sweat soaked floor crying
knowing that Satan has always come through on his promises.
Reski falls from the light slowly coming to his last breath. Ceedra catches his
helpless body and lays him flat upon the ground weeping as she did so. “Take care
of the boys… I know that Mason is in a dark place at the moment but it will pass, he
just needs you my love like I did. Just know I will still be watching over you and I
love you… goodbye”, he said with his final breath. “I love you so much” Ceedra said
crying still holding her husband’s now lifeless body. Ceedra looks up to see the
white light once again, only this time her son Denite steps out of it looking as though
he had lost all of his energy. “Mom” he says looking to her and then at his father’s
dead body. Ceedra runs to hug Denite saying how much she loves him. Denite holds
his mother close and begins to clinch his fists together with anger knowing who had
killed his father.
Mason wakes up in the felid and quickly looks at his arm hoping he had had a
dream and he had never actually met Satan himself. Sure enough he sees what
Satan had referred to as “The Mark Of The Black Sheep” hearing the voice of Satan
inside of his head. Mason also looks at his chest seeing a scar, looking as though he
had been stitched up. Taking in his surroundings, Mason sees where Denite’s body
had been laying after he stabbed him, also seeing the blood that had must of came
from his back. “I’m back, I’m really alive again”, he notices that all of the pain and
anger he had felt over losing the throne to his brother seemed to be washed away,
and all he felt now was anger against Destiny. “I’ll kill you Destiny”, he says. Mason
stands and begins to walk toward the kingdom he once called home. While walking
he senses something rustling around in the bushes behind him. Still having power
from before he died he could sense the anger and power within whoever is
following him. He turns just as his pursuer goes on the attack. Mason dodges the
first attack and hits him at full force, throwing him 10 feet away. Mason stands over
him and appears the sword called the sword of darkness. He takes a deep breath
and cuts off the head of what he later realized were one of Destiny’s men. Mason
takes the head in hand and begins to walk in an opposite direction. “I’m coming for
you, son of a bitch”. Mason finds his way through the forest to where Destiny had
kept him. Mason takes a sharpened stick and slams the head down onto it, and
stakes it into the ground marking the place in his mind that he will promise to take
Destiny down. Mason again walks toward his once known home. Arriving outside
the torn down gate while soldiers are dragging their fellow brethren toward their
gravestones for burial. Mason sees his mother and Denite attending the funeral of
his father and he walks towards them. Denite turns just as Mason stands behind
him. “Are you here to kill me again?” noticing his newly acquired weapon. “No big
brother I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused”. Denite hugs his little brother, both
weeping immensely as their mother finally hears them. She runs to Mason’s side
hugging him crying. Just as quickly as Mason was let go by his brother and mother,
guards bearing swords around him, surrounded him. “You are under arrest for
treason against the kingdom”. He got one last look at his family before they dragged
him to a cell. Ceedra mouthed the words “I love you” as they took Mason away.
Mason sitting in his cell feeling distress and anger over how his mother, his
own mother could let the soldiers take him to prison. Mason did not understand,
although he did remember what he did to the kingdom, hurting his friends, trying to
and killing his brother. It did hurt him mentally and physically thinking about what
he did. The more he thought, the more he was in agony and he started crying.
“Dinner time scum bag” the guard said to mason, as he tossed it through the cell
door letting the food fall to the floor. Mason, furious says, “Fuck you, you piece of
shit”. The guard came back to the cell, this time opening it. He hits mason across the
face saying, “you killed my son… cut his head clean off and let it roll to the ground”.
“Deo is your son?” “Yes he was until you murdered him in cold blood… I hope you
rot in this goddamn cell, so I can beat my anger and pain into you every single day”.
The guard then raises his fist and goes to punch Mason once more, but was stopped
by Denite’s hand. “What are you doing”? The guard rips his arm free from Denite’s
hand and walks away. “Come on Mason we need to talk, you, me, and mom”. He
took the restraints off of Mason and away they went. “I’m sorry brother, I really am.
I didn’t feel anything… just anger and pain”. “I don’t care about that anymore,
neither does mom”. Denite pats mason on the back as they both walk into the palace
together for the first time in a long time.
Mason could barely stare his mother or brother in their eyes after what he
had done. “Mason… is it really you in there”? “Yes it is me mom, and I am so sorry
for everything I have done to you”, Ceedra cuts him off. “I know son I know and I
forgive you”. Denite steps in and says, “How are you alive Mason?” Mason just
stares at him with cold disheartened eyes, remembering the torture that he himself
had endured and inflicted upon other souls. “I don’t want to talk about it”, Mason
says as he walks toward his mother. “Mason… we both know that you were sent to
hell”, Mason looks upon Denite with fear in his eyes of the likes Denite had never
seen before. Mason begins to cry at his mothers feet hoping that just being home
would take all of the pain and suffering from his soul but it hadn’t. “We all need to
get some rest” says Ceedra “Mason your room is just how you had left it, please use
the bed and get some sleep”. “Thank you mother” Mason retorts. Mason the goes
down the hallway toward his room passing torn apart rooms from the battle
occurring just a day before. Mason opens his door and his room is just as he
remembers it, down to the last detail. As he lays in his bed hoping for better days,
he falls into a deep slumber, almost as if he hadn’t slept for months. While in his
sleep, mason dreams of how his life used to be, before all of this madness had
sickened his heart. As he reaches the peak of his dream, suddenly everything turns
black, and beams of red light were shining through a small door. He reaches for the
door, and as it opens, out shot massive amounts of fire which began burning his
skin. Mason feeling pain begins to roll around in some liquid on the floor to put out
the flames that had engulfed his entire body. Mason calmed from putting out the
blaze upon his body suddenly realized what had put out the fire. He looks upon his
hand showing crimson red, which could only be one thing in his mind “blood”.
Mason turns to look for the source and sees his brother and mother lying there on
the ground dead from bleeding out. Mason closes his eyes to stop tears and when he
re opens them, he is ties to 4 black broncos ripping his body apart piece by piece.
Scared he screams once again making the mistake of closing his eyes once again.
Opening them to find he is swimming in a river of blood coming from dearly
departed friends and family, all who had been part of his life before meeting Destiny.
Mason began shouting, “I need to wake up” over and over. Suddenly he is woken by
his concerned mother asking him if he is ok, “yea mom im ok… I just love you that’s
all goodnight” as he rolls over to go back into the nightmares. Ceedra walk out of his
room with a look of terror on her face. She had seen the symbol on his arm leaking
blood all over his bed. She knows that symbol, horrified she says “The Mark of the
Black Sheep”, which only could have come from one person. This leaves Ceedra
with only one question in her mind “Why would Satan let my son go free?”
Mason awoken from his slumber felt horrific. Everything that he had seen
trapped in that godforsaken place was playing over and over inside of his dreams
and he had sworn that he had heard a voice just before he woke up. Mason walked
out into the throne room where his mother and brother were now sitting. Mason
heard them discussing the mark on Mason’s arm just before he had appeared. When
Mason came out Denite quickly jumped on him and ripped off the sleeve of his shirt.
“What the hell did you do in hell?” “What are you talking about?” “The mark you
stupid asshole, where did you get it?” Mason stopped talking and told the story of
his time spent in hell. “I was in hell for a long time Denite… Satan gave me an
ultimatum, he said that if I collect and damn souls for him, then the torture would
stop… and I’m stupid for taking that deal… you don’t know what it is like there. You
have no idea the pain and anger, and even sadness there is unbearable. I made the
deal so I can be here. Part of my deal is that… I have to kill destiny and reap his soul
to hell. I will succeed and it will be reparations for killing our father. I love you
both”, is the last thing he said to them as he walked out the door. Denite looking at
his mother, “what do we do now?” “I think we should let things run their course,
Mason is right we have no idea what happened to him down there, we don’t know
what he went through. I even feel bad for asking him what he went through”, Denite
interrupts, “we needed to know and I am going to save my little brother”. “What
makes you think he needs saving?” “You know as well as I do that he made a deal
with the Devil himself, and we all know that comes at a price, which I assume is
complete damnation in hell., and what if he does succeed, he will spend eternity in
hell with Satan and Destiny, both demons, both know the extent of torture. I am
going to save my little brother… if it kills me”.
Destiny laid his head on his worn out pillow falling into a deep slumber. “You
will spend eternity here in hell with me”, Destiny then sees a flash of Satan in his
sleep. Spooked beyond belief he wakes up in a puddle of sweat. Destiny then with
an evil smile thinking of a new plan, he goes back to sleep knowing what he can now
do to prolong his death.
“Mason… Mason… Mason… its me Destiny”. Mason hears a voice in his head
growing louder and louder. “Mason I just want you to know that I can now listen to
your thoughts and I know what you are planning”. “How?” “Your new favorite mark
that makes you remember your time in hell… you see I have one too and now that
that unholy monster has given you one we are linked forever”. “Forever?” “Yes
Mason, Forever you have spent time in hell granted not as long as me, but time just
the same and now you are back on earth, that makes you immortal… well somewhat,
but I must leave now your brothers goons are tracking me… I will see you soon
mason mainly to kill you so I may prevent my own demise”. Mason looks around the
wilderness hidden from all. “I must kill him”, he says as he once again begins his
transition to a world of sleep knowing what may await him there.
Denite standing outside of where Destiny lay his head at night looking upon a
head placed on a sharpened stick. Walking past what may have been his warning to
keep away, he pushes on toward the gates. “Who might you be”, one of the
guardians asked. The other interjects and says “I know you” then draws his sword
for battle. Denite goes to pull out his knives when a sword appears on his side.
Instead of pulling the knives, Denite draws the sword and in one clean slash, he
takes both of the guardian’s heads off. Pushing onward he throws the sword at the
rusty lock on the gate and it breaks, opening the doors. Destiny’s soldiers flustered
and surprised by the intrusion were not ready for the attack on their for trace. They
were also not ready for the angered Denite, son of reski to immediately go on the
attack beginning to slay each and every one of them. Destiny can only watch as his
men were cut to ribbons by Denite’s newly acquired weapon of choice. Destiny
could hear the screams of his men being slaughtered and only could show a smile
for what was being done. Denite making his way downs a now bloody hall finding
an oversized wooden door. Denite cuts through the door like butter and finds
Destiny sitting in a chair made of human bone and flesh. “I expected your brother to
be here before… hmmm no matter killing both of Reski’s boys will give me great
pleasure”. “Shut your mouth you pig, you have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide…
tonight will be your death and I will stand over your lifeless corpse and tear your
fucking head off”. Destiny, cocky as always only raises his hand and says “well bring
it on then if you have no problem trying to kill an immortal”. Denite charges at
Destiny with full force, as he nears Destiny feels a sensation and suddenly
disappears like wind, leaving Denite standing there wondering what had just
Destiny appears in a heavy wooded area, surrounded by brush and many
broken trees. He turns to find a sword stuck into the ground like it had been
jammed in there purposefully. Just as Destiny approaches the sword there was a
loud sound that shook all of the dying leaves off of the dead trees. He once again
takes in his surroundings searching for any sign of a would be attacker. He then
sees Mason standing there holding a golden dagger dripped with blood from a fresh
cut on his forearm. “But…. How”, “you see Destiny… there is something that Satan
has told me that he did not tell you”. Mason then holds up a stone with some sort of
writing in it. “This was gifted to me by Satan himself, and do you know what it
says… well of course you don’t. You didn’t even know about it”. “What does it say
you little brat”. “It tells me how to end something like you and me, it also tells me
how to summon you here, which is why you are here and not dead”. “What makes
you think I would be dead,”, “because my brother is after you, because of me… you
changed me into something I hate something I do not need to be strong”. “Enough of
that, tonight you die and it will be by my hand”. “Do you know what happens after
you kill me, do you know why Satan wants you to reap my soul to hell… it is because,
he wants us both in hell to eradicate our kind from earth… he does not want us here
because he knows that together we can take hell from him, he knows that we can kill
him”, Destiny says as he steps closer to Mason. “I know you could care less Mason,
but we will jot only just die he will torture us for eternity… he will pick our skin
from our bones and use it for a rug”. Suddenly Mason goes into a seizure like phase
feeling massive pain. Mason begins to see Satan flashing through his eyes, seeing
the torture he had went through. Mason slowly recovering from his nightmare
looks upon his forearm where his mark is now soaking his shirt in blood. “You see
Mason why would he curse you with this mark… just think about it, and Mason Ill
see you around” was the last thing Destiny said before once again disappearing and
leaving Mason there alone to consider his choices.
Destiny proud of his choice of words in trying to retake Mason’s mind
appears back in his fort thinking Denite would be long gone by then, goes toward his
bar to have a drink. Destiny pours himself his favorite cocktail, scotch with a dose of
human blood. Suddenly it fly’s out of his hand due to a dagger being thrown from
somewhere hidden in the darkness. Quickly, Destiny turns to deflect the next one
being thrown from a different location. All at once four men pounce on Destiny to
entrap him in chains, but Destiny with cat like reflexes jumps into the air breaking
through the ceiling and setting foot on the roof where Denite is waiting for him.
With the four men close behind, Destiny decides to try a new tactic. He moves
toward Denite to try and use him as a bargaining chip. To Destiny’s surprise Denite
did not try to attack or even move at all. “Why did he not run from me?” Destiny
thought. With ease Denite snaps a golden pair of chains to Destiny’s forearms, and
has trapped the demon. “No mere chain can contain my power you fool” Destiny
says as he tries to break free. Through his struggling he heard this “these chains are
made of pure gold, they have been washed in the blood of a mortal human and these
markings were set by my father”. Destiny through mortified eyes now knows that
he is trapped. “These binds can only be broken with a certain spell only known to
my family, passed down from generations., even after death it will still bind the
souls together. Now with that being said I am going to propose a deal”. “I do not
deal with anyone, I make deals to take souls”. “You will listen to me or I will skin
you alive, knowing you cannot die it should be very painful”. Destiny giving Denite a
look of dread wondering why he would be foolish enough to lock himself to
someone who killed his father. “You will tell me how to kill you and you will take
me to hell with you as I will die too”. “Are you insane child if you want to know the
pain you may go ask your brother”. “Shut your mouth you scum, I am going there to
find a way to remove that mark from my brothers arm” he says through gritted
teeth. “Are you being serious, Satan will take your soul and make you his slave for
eternity. Child you do not want to be there, no matter what hatred you have
towards me you must believe me. That place is filled with sorrow and pain, it will
make you believe that death is the only safety yet you cannot die again”. “Destiny
you will take me there, I do not care what will be done to me or what I will see”.
“What makes you think I will take you there in the first place?” “If you deny my
request, then I will be forced to take you to my brother and let him take care of you”
Denite says with a smile. Destiny in his mind, weighing his options “take him to hell
which would damn both him and his brother or have him take me to Mason and he
will reap my soul to hell where I would never be able to escape”. With a smile
Destiny says “I will prepare the ritual, but I will need some items for it. One thing
you can only get from one person on this earth”. “Who?” With a small smirk Destiny
says “your little brother”.
With shock showing in Masons eyes he sees Denite standing in front of him
while he is being restrained by at least four men from what Mason can see. Denite
then grabs the only dagger on earth that can kill Destiny or even Mason. Dneite then
holding the dagger to Mason’s arm and cutting through his skin. Mason showing
grimace in his face from the pain hears his brother say this “I am truly sorry little
brother but this is for your own good”. Suddenly Mason is awoken by a strange
noise somewhere outside of his hidden camp. Mason rises to his feet readying for
any attack that may be coming. Slowly Destiny walks out from behind a tree looking
at him with hateful eyes. Mason sees a flash of gold shimmering in the sunlight
coming from Destiny’s wrist. Mason the turns into a strike coming from above.
Moving to dodge the strike, mason runs into a fist and collapses being struck with
strong force. Mason looks up and only sees a glare of a man standing above, who
strikes him once again knocking him unconscious. Mason is awoken by water being
splashed in his face. Trying to stand he realizes he is bound to a tree. In his view,
he sees Destiny with a golden chain binding his wrists together rendering him
immobile. Mason then feels a sudden stabbing pain coming from behind the tree.
Out walks his older brother Denite holding the golden dagger covered in what he
could only think was his own blood. “What are you doing brother, why do you need
my blood?” “Mason I cannot explain myself right now, all I can tell you is that I am
going to save you”. Denite kneels in front of Mason and says, “I love you”. Mason
looking at Denite’s arm realizing that the chain that had to be entrapping Destiny
was also connected to his brother. “What are you planning, you must tell me”. “No
Mason, I cannot this will save you from damnation”. Denite walks with Destiny and
suddenly stabs him through his chest. Mason shocked at this abrupt killing yells
“you have just killed the only thing keeping me here on earth”. “No not this time”
Denite says and stabs himself. Mason begins to cry as he witnesses his brother fall
to the ground dead. All Mason could think is “Why?”
Denite feeling nothing begins falling still locked to Destiny, seeing only
things to drive a man insane, “this is only purgatory… hell is much much worse”.
Destiny and Denite both land on a pile of damned souls being stripped of their skin
slowly and being thrown into an eternal fire by gruesome looking demons. Destiny
points and says “Satan’s palace is this way”. Still locked together by the golden
chain, Denite and Destiny both begin the torturous walk toward the palace. Walking
past souls being ripped to pieces and snapped back together to do it all over again,
demons drinking blood of men, women, and even children. Denite then sees a
woman being used as seat for one of the tormenting demons. She looks at Denite
with pleading helpless eyes hoping that he had come here to save her. Destiny pulls
Denite along saying “lets just get this over with, there is no time for detours”. Soon
after such encounter they reach the palace of hells king. With two guards standing
at the door, Denite begins to walk for the door and is stopped by two spears crossing
his path. “Who might you be” one of the guards asks. “I am here to see Satan about
what is currently on my brothers arm”. “Run along or I will use your skin as a
blanket”. Fit with anger Denite reaches for his sword and draws it. “Then you die”,
Denite says as a beam of light escapes the sword reducing the guardians to ash.
Destiny surprised by this encounter now knows the true power of gods weapon.
Denite breaking through the door once again proving his devotion to his family.
Satan sitting upon his throne of dead souls looks down at both of the men who had
just rudely entered his home. “Who are you”, Satan says letting his snakes tongue
roll as he speaks. Denite angrily replies “You will tell me how to remove the mark
on my younger brother”. Wide eyed, Satan says “you are Denite? In my kingdom
how did you even get here, I even remember your brother screaming your name as I
personally was peeling the skin from his bones”. Denite holding back his anger
knowing that he would never be able to beat the king of hell in a one on one fight. “I
am here for an exchange”, pulling Destiny from the shadows “Oh by the sweet blood
of my father, him?” “Yes him for removing that dreaded mark off of my brothers
arm so that he may come home to me and his mother”. “Let me understand this, you
are literally making a deal with the devil… don’t you think that might upset your
friends upstairs”, Satan says pointing upward. “I do know that and it may but this is
for my family”. Satan walking sown from his throne makes his way toward Denite,
“I think we do have a deal”, Satan says going to shake Denite’s hand. “One more
thing, The girl being used as a stool just outside of your palace, I want her to come
with me because I know she is a live soul that was stolen”. Satan shocked
wondering how he would know about that girl. “Fine take her, she is not
permanently damned here and as well she is not actually dead”. Satan once again
goes to shake Denite’s hand, but this time Denite reaches out and grasps the king of
hell’s hand to seal their bargain. With a snap of his fingers Satan breaks the chain
binding Denite to Destiny. He then has his guards take Destiny to a very secluded
cell while he takes Denite to a shrine. “This is where I will remove the mark of the
black sheep from your brothers arm”. Satan kneels and begins to speak in a mixture
of Latin and Greek, he then turns and looks at Satan’s cold black eyes feeling all of
his sense being heightened as he falls to the ground. “There it is done”, Satan says as
Denite arises, now you may go free and take Adriell with you… oh I forgot to
mention the mark cannot be removed completely, it can only be transferred to
someone with the same blood. Goodbye Denite and good luck dealing with what
your brother went through”. Denite then goes to fight Satan but he reappears on the
ground where he had stabbed himself, lying next to Adriell who had awoken before
him wondering where she is. Denite turned to look and was horrified at what he
saw, all of the men who had helped restrain Mason were speared through trees and
Mason was gone.
“So who are you”, “You don’t remember me? I went to school with you”.
Denite then told her many things about himself trying to hopefully jog her memory.
“Im sorry but I don’t remember… I was there for quite sometime and I only
remember how I got there”. “So how did you get there if I may ask? I mean one day
we were walking through the garden of wishes and the next you had just
disappeared without a trace. We thought you were captured by Destiny’s men”.
“Well when I went home that night, I had seen a man in a black robe run behind a
your castle and so I followed him. When I finally saw him again he was standing
outside of your brothers window just watching him while he slept. When I made a
move to capture him he disappeared and took me with him. When I woke up I was
in a dark cell with reeked of blood, and soon after I was a footstool for some demon”.
Denite just stared at her blankly wondering the courage that this woman must have
to have survived years in that god-forsaken place. He also wondered if she knew
anything about his true feelings for her.
“Goddamn him, I told him I don’t need help from anyone” Mason says as he
walks a stone path leading to a river bank covered by vines and oddly shaped trees.
As he stops to replenish his thirst, there is a rustle in the bushes. Mason turns to see
a deer feeding upon an apple tree. “Hey there little guy” Mason says thinking that
somehow the deer understood him. Suddenly the deer turns and looks at Mason
and then scampers off into the woods. Mason then feels a deep stabbing pain
coming from his waist. He pulls up his shirt to feel for an injury, though while doing
so he looks upon his forearm and sees no sign of the mark. “Did he really get Satan
to remove the mark from me?” “Yes”, which rang in his ears for a matter of seconds
before he decides to turn around to face Denite who still carried the dagger in hand.
Denite drops the dagger at his feet and runs to his younger brothers side. “How do
you feel Mason”, “I feel alright Denite” as he begins to walk feeling pain shooting all
through his body, but yet holding back trying his dam nest to not show any sign of
weakness. Denite notices Masons hands begin shaking as he slowly falls forward
into the river landing on a mossy rock. “Mason”!!!! Denite yells as he sees trails of
blood begin floating with the current. Denite picks Mason from the river and throws
him over his shoulder, “don’t worry little brother… you are going to be okay” Denite
says with tears in his eyes as he begins the long journey home.
“Where have you been and who is that?” Adriell says catching up with Denite
who is still carrying Mason on his shoulder. “This is my little brother Mason… you
have many things to catch up on” Denite said with a sound of chuckle in his voice.
“Lets go home, I just need to be home”, with a nod of the head from Adriell they
move on. While walking, they find a road; it was dark going both ways. “I feel
uneasy about this road so we can set up camp for the night if we double back to
where we passed that cavern”. “Ok, but we need to get there soon I also feel
uneasy”. Denite begins to blaze the trail toward where they had last seen the cavern
with Adriell following close behind.
“Ah”, Destiny says as he spits the blood from his mouth. He had been cut,
stabbed, and ripped to shreds over and over again almost as if he was in some
insane nightmare, but this wasn’t a nightmare at all. He was in hell and being
tortured is one of the requirements. Through groggy eyes he looks up for any sign
of his surroundings, but there was nothing. Just empty blackness filled the air, while
a sense of loathing quickly followed behind. “What do you want from me”, Destiny
says hoping for an answer, but heard nothing. Destiny had been there locked to a
cage for what had seemed like centuries. He was now getting a feel for who or what
was inside of this black room torturing him with no remorse. Being here for that
long of time had serious affects on Destiny’s mind, body, and soul. It had almost
been like they were changing him, making him better. Destiny reasoned it to being
that they had to be toying with his inner psychie. As time grew longer, and the body
of Destiny grew weaker, He began to feel more insane. Destiny’s fingers would twist
and turn at the lock hoping that by some miracle he would escape this menacing
blackness. All of a sudden, breaking the silence, “You already know what I want
from you”. The voice sounded sick and demented with a touch of anger. “I will rip
you limbs many times just to hear you suffer but I have more pressing matters at
hand, so… What will it be”? Satan becoming more agitated as Destiny could not
think of a word to say. Instead Destiny looks into the face of the king of hell and
spits the excess blood into the dark eyes of the man holding him captor. Satan
smiles and draws his black tongue over the blood now leaking down his face. “You
taste immaculate, but I can see right through your exterior. I already know that you
regret doing that because… it means I may punish your body for a longer time”.
Satan leans into Destiny’s ear and whispers, “You are going to wish you can die as
easily as the human you once were. When I am finished with you, you will be
begging me to end this worthless life of yours but guess what… I never ever will”.
Satan turns to leave but before he does, he turns and says, “Remember I still have
your soul”. This drew Destiny back for a time while he himself was suffering with
the fact that he had no clue what the lord of darkness had up his evil sleeve.
Mason awoke in a pool of sweat, wondering how he had even kept moving
after what pain he had went through. He looks around seeing his older brother
sleeping next to a fire, and a woman who had been sitting near the mouth of the
cave. She seemed to be awake and struggling with an entity in her mind. Mason
walked to her side and sat trying his best to think of who she might be. While
thinking, Mason heard her say quietly, “Does it ever stop”? Mason turned and
looked at her and retorted, “does what ever stop”? “The mental pictures, the voices,
the heart pounding agony of hell, Does it ever seize to exist inside anyone’s head”.
Mason had just heard this woman break down and as he looked at her, he could see
tears welling up inside of her eyes. Mason, not even thinking quickly wraps his arms
around her knowing full well the extent of torture that hell can have on a human
mind. Mason holds onto this woman being able to hear her heartbeat and her blood
circulate throughout her entire body. Suddenly Mason and Adriell share an intense
gaze for a time where Mason actually for the first time since his childhood felt at
piece. Mason could hear the wind make the trees sway forward and back as well as
rivers flowing and crashing on rocks. He could hear the wildlife that he and his
brother had once hunted to feed themselves on their father’s trips. For once Mason
felt safe, and just as this feeling was being washed over him, Adriell leaned in for a
passionate kiss to the lips. Mason surprised by her action fells jolts of electricity run
through his body. He had just realized that this was his first kiss and became
nervous very quickly. When Adriell put her hand softly on the back of Mason’s head,
Mason began to again achieve that feeling of safeness and leaned in further to accept
her kiss. Adriell sees Denite begin to stir and quickly breaks the kiss. She slowly
puts her index finger to her mouth and makes a “shhh” noise telling Mason to keep
this a secret from his brother. Mason had just experienced his first kiss ever, he felt
excited, and began to breath heavy. Suddenly feeling at peace, Mason quickly fell
into a deep sleep right there at the mouth of the cave. Adriell stands to look at her
handy work, and a smile knowing that her master’s plan was going to be easier than
she thought.
Destiny, shaking back and forth praying to the heavens although he knows
that no one can hear his pleas. As he looks down upon his body seeing cuts and
bruises. Feeling the pain of the torture from the latest dose of punishment that the
king of hell had to offer. Slow breathing and gasps were all that are coming from
Destiny’s mouth. He could feel his heart begin to slow, hoping that he would soon be
dead and be safe from Satan’s demonic mind. All Destiny could hear was the
whispers that the devil could implant into his mind. Destiny could feel himself
slowly begin to go insane. Satan finally broke Destiny’s mind hearing him crack and
begin to scream, begging for relief. Hearing Destiny scream was the first
achievement in Satan’s evil plan. Hearing him cry was next. Satan smiles as he
walks into the dungeon dragging his cart filled with his “toys”. Destiny could hear
the screeching of the sharp metal dragging on the concrete floor carving its way
through caked up blood. Destiny, feels his hands begin to shake as the screeching
stops behind him. Quickly Satan turns around the cage, making Destiny stare into
the empty black eyes of the fallen angel. In the darkness all Destiny could see was
the blood soaked smile of the one true demon. “I could hear your screams from my
throne room. You’re weak, you’re nothing, you have given up all hope of escape,
now are you fully ready to give into me. Destiny, with his head hanging low says,
“yes”. Seeing a broken shell of a man, of a demon, Satan cannot help but crack his
evil smile. Out loud he laughs saying, “good, but you are still going to be here for a
long time. The amount of insolence from you will not go forgotten. I still get to hear
you scream bloody murder while I rip the skin from muscle and then muscle from
bone. I will rip out your eyes and punch your teeth down your throat.” Almost in a
whisper Satan says, “You will die here Destiny”. As he walks out of the room, leaving
Destiny to process what he had just heard.

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Dying Wish

  • 1. Nicholas Cintron Dying Wish Intro: Years after the 1st war and everything seemed to settle down, Denite and his younger brother Mason were at home with their parents Reski and Ceedra. The war of the two worlds, good versus evil so to speak. The King and queen look upon their once great empire, now reduced to mere ashes and fire. It had looked as though the whole world had imploded and they were now left with the burden of rebuilding it. The two brothers often played separately considering the fact that their parents had favorites. Denite was the eldest brother and as such would assume the crown when their mother and father would pass. Yet that was not the only reason their father favored him. He was also exceptionally good at destroying the enemies of their once proud and historic clan. Their clan was almost completely wiped out during the war; few survived the first wave of attackers considering their enormous strength in numbers as well as physical strength. The 1st war was caused by the kings long known and powerful enemy, the one they called Destiny. Destiny harbored hatred over the king, although only the king new why. Destiny destroyed nearly half of the known world with his own power alone, his forces to Destiny were merely a pawns to him with he would let them live and die as he pleased. The world was nothing like it was before. Many died of either starvation or being brought down in the heat of battle. After many years of battling Destiny’s forces on the frontlines, it was time to deal with him as a whole. King Reski and Queen Ceedra were the ones that brought down Destiny using their combined power, trapping him in a world of darkness and loathing. Out of 100s of clans, only the king’s clan, Teroshi remained. The king had to keep his power almost at his limit just to hold back Destiny’s will to rejoin the world he once knew. On the fateful day that all knew was coming, the king died releasing the spirit of Destiny that was once trapped inside of the darkness. There was only one way to trap him once again and that power was at rest dormant inside of each of the two brothers. They were the world’s only survival. Beginning: Denite: “You need to train harder, that is what father would’ve wanted. For you to become strong like us”. He yelled at his brother Mason who was lying face down on the earth. “I am trying brother” he said as he got back to his feet, “ These powers are new to me”. Denite once again hit his brother without mercy trying to make him strong enough to take pain. “Are you going to let the whole world die because of your own petty jealousy of me?” he argued. “Fuck you” Mason said as his brother once again beat him to a bloody mess. Just as Denite was going to use his strength to damage his brother severely, his mother caught his fist. “Now boys, you will need to learn the bond of souls before you can lock away Destiny once and for all”. With anger in his eyes and hate in his heart, Mason ran away from his brother and mother. That was his greatest power, speed. His reflexes were faster than a cat and his feet were even faster than a cheetah. Denite’s power was his strength and
  • 2. capacity to learn from his enemy’s movements. As fast as Mason can run they both knew he would come back. His family was all that he had left in this world. This same cycle kept continuing for {Insert name} which drove him mad with anger. On this certain day he promised himself he would never come back. As Mason turned back to look if someone was coming after him, he ran right into something big and fell to the ground. He looked up to see the Demon look into his eyes. “Destiny” he said, with the mere mention of his name in over 50 years, he cracked a smile. “No one has called me that since I was locked away in hell, and who might you be”. As Destiny turned he noticed something inside the eyes of the boy who had run into him. It may have been something inside of fear, hate, or anger, which Destiny knew all too well. “You” Destiny said as he noticed the insignia of the Teroshi clan on his arm. He grabbed the young boy and flew away to his personal home. The boy was then chained down, which against his powers of speed he had no help. He had no clue where he was and was terrified; because of the stories he had heard his father telling his older brother about Destiny. Destiny has killed many men, which was why he was so afraid. “Why hadn’t he killed me yet if he knew who I was?” he thought. Just then Destiny came in. Destiny said, “what do you have to do with the Teroshi clan”. Mason swallowed hard and said, “I am the youngest son of king Reski”. Destiny was taken aback with those words. “How could this young man be the offspring of my worst enemy, and for that matter where is his father”? “Where is your father and why hasn’t he come to send me back yet?” “He is dead” Mason said. Just then the biggest evil grin was on the face of Destiny, “I am finally free to do what I have always wanted, to destroy your world”. All at once Mason broke his binds and hit Destiny with all of the power he could muster. Destiny and even Mason was surprised, he had never had such strength before. Destiny grabbed him by his throat and said “I could kill you right now if I choose, but you seem to have exceptional strength for such a young man, and I could feel the hate and sorrow in your heart so I am going to give you an offer. You join me and I will teach you all I know and make you immortal but you must kill your brother or I snap your neck like a twig and you die as you were, a weak young brat”. With the fear that had a grip on Mason, he looked into the eyes of the once banished demon and said, “Fuck you” and spit in his face. The demon with his evil smirk threw Mason against the wall and then collapsed. Mason realizing this was his only chance of escape ran as fast as he could. Destiny yells “Dammit I still have not regain my full power yet” realizing his only chance of survival and taking over this world had just escaped. Mason ran through corridor after corridor until he realized he was underground considering the amount of overgrowth that was around him. He then ran upward and was shocked at his current destination. He was now standing somewhere he had never been before, even with all of the trips his father had taken his older brother and him on he had never come across this place. As Mason took a second to think he must be where his father had told him never to enter, the place where demons gained strength. At that realization, he knew that Destiny could not be far behind and quickly ran toward where he though his home would be to inform them of the demon lurking inside of this realm once again. When suddenly, a hand coming out of the ground grabbed him. He tried to scream out for help but was pulled down too quickly. Mason then awoke locked to a wall by chains made of a
  • 3. material he had never seen before. As Destiny walks in, he says, “Those chains are made up of pure power, they will never break or detach until I get what I want. I will take your power, your soul, and even your body if I desire. Your mother and brother are not looking for you. They are sitting at home thinking you will come back. The right decision would be to join me and you will be stronger than both of them combined, enough power to kill them both with a single strike, or you die it is your choice”. “I do know however that your brother thinks you are weak and slowing him down. I see different, I see your potential and your hatred against your own clan for always casting you out and leaving you by yourself. My travels have been long and I have never seen such a strong and powerful person inside such a young boy. You are the only man, women, or child to have ever broken these chains before. If you become my protégée, I will show you true domination and true power. You will finally feel the greatest treasure of all, which is the blood of your enemy dripping off of your blade and hands. Join me and I will give you the world, what is your answer”? Flashback: On their long trip they had finally stopped for the night. Mason looked out over the night sky and saw a place much darker than night itself “you are never to go there” his father said “but why Mason asked” his father took a second and said “there, darkness rules over all your hatred will boil past its limits and you will never be the same”. Mason shook his head with an upset face and said, “ I can take care of myself”. His father then said, “son, I love you but you will not need worry about the throne, your brother will assume control when I am gone but only once he is at the right age.”. “But dad I am stronger than him and I know with more training I will win the throne”. “Son it has been said and foretold that my first son will be the strongest and smartest on the entire earth, you cant beat him and you do know that deep inside, I’m sorry”. Continues: As mason looked deep inside himself listening to the deep hatred of his brother and his clan, listening to the deep need to become strong he looks into the dark empty eyes of the demon Destiny and says “Yes I will join you but only on one condition, you are not to harm my mother”. Destiny takes a long look at Mason and says “I will promise that to you”. Just as quick as mason shook Destiny’s hand the chains re-tracked and he fell to the floor. Destiny then leaned down and said, “Get up we have much to do in such little time, your training starts now”. Chapter 2: The wind was whipping across Masons face as the sweat dripped more and more making his body cold. For the last few months, Mason had been training with Destiny; he had become stronger than he had ever been, more dangerous as well. You could even see Masons mindset change as his eyes became darker and more mischievous. The only man that had now mattered in his life, Destiny, was controlling his mind. Destiny was now the force that was driving Mason further and further into the depths of madness with each passing day. As Destiny looks into the
  • 4. eyes of his now forceful protégée and saw himself about 70 years ago when it all started. Flashback: Beaten and heckled by his own clan, Destiny but his real name being Han decided to go out on his own leaving his family behind. He knew they could not care much anyway, “they hate me, they wish I was never born” was all that could keep repeating in his head. As he grew farther and farther from home, he grew stronger and more malevolent yet then he had stopped knowing that full well he could not ever return home, but for the first time in at least 15 years he did, and what he saw had shook him to his fiery core. His parents had by now stopped worrying thinking he was dead considering he was always the outcast who could not accomplish a single training method. They had had another child who was about the same age Destiny was when he had left his village. This gave Destiny more anger and more fire in his heart when suddenly, he bust into the door of his once home and screamed “ I hate you all of you, Die, Die, Die” and he slayed them all his mother, father, and even the one who had to have been his new little brother”. Just then a shadowy figure came through the door and put his hand on Destiny’s shoulder. Destiny swung his sword around but it was then broken in half by just the hand of this newcomer. “Come with me” the shadowy voice said, “ I will show you the world as how it really is”. Destiny knew he could not beat him and had gone with him after slaughtering the entire village of his up bringing and leaving it to waste in ruble. Destiny, covered in blood went to see what this man had to show him. As time passed and Destiny grew older, the shadowy figure had left him powerful and immortal and with a new passion to destroy this world, and to set his sights on conquering the world above. Continuation: As the moonlight struck the severely damaged earth, Destiny had then snapped back to reality as he was hit by a strong force and fell to the ground. He turned to see the eyes of Mason’s older brother Denite. As Denite grabbed his brother and yelled “we need to go now”, Mason snapped back and hit Denite with his new gained strength and he flew back into a hollowed out tree. Denite looked at his brother with fear in his eyes as Mason said these words clearly to him, “I am never going back there I will kill you someday, and until that day arises you will always be a target to me, so now you must live always looking over your shoulder. One day I will wipe out our entire clan and you along with it. Now run you dog and just remember this you will die”. Denite swallowed hard and run for the fear of his life, now knowing that Destiny had changed his little brother into some anger fueled killing machine. Destiny smiled obviously seeing the progress finally with his own eyes. Those words kept replaying in his head “You will die” he knew full well where he had heard those words before. He himself had said them to Mason’s father just before they had trapped him in hell. Destiny again smiled and said to himself, “Yes you will make a fine protégée”. You could almost see the smallest smirk on the face of Destiny, although only Destiny knew about his true plans.
  • 5. “Destiny is a demon mom and a strong one at that”, Denite said to his mother, “I cannot believe my own little brother has fallen in line for him after what he did to our family, Our clan, Our World”. “Now calm down son your brother must have a plan set in place, don’t you forget that Destiny has held people against their own free will”. “Mom he told me that he WILL kill me someday, if that is not a threat or considering his new found strength, a promise then I have no idea what it is”. With the tears that have been welling in his eyes for the course of this conversation, had finally broken him down enough and Denite fell to his knees. Ceedra, seeing this immediately ran to his aid, Denite saying he was fine just some minor cuts and bruises. Both Ceedra and Denite were now terrified of what their sibling has become. Neither of them like what is happening but they also now know how deep he has gone into darkness and how the paralyzing anger that Denite had previously seen was taking over. All because of Destiny toying with his mind, Destiny the reason he is like this. As the sun finally arose the next morning after the entire ordeal with his mother, Denite decided to go for a walk along the rubble of his father’s once great empire. It saddened him to see the world he once knew in such disarray. The families of the men who had fought alongside his father, were now penny-less and fearful that they may starve. It was getting colder now which signified the early signs of the ever approaching winter. All Denite could thing about were those 3 words “You Will Die”, he could not believe that his once loyal younger brother had fallen so low to join Destiny’s fight. It has sickened him to think that someday his brother will kill him, that he will destroy this world. As Destiny had arisen from his long slumber, Mason was already hard at work. Mason has his own intentions for his clan and will not squander his chance to take them all out, except for his mother who of course he still loved very much. His mother was the only one who had supported him months ago when he wanted to become stronger. Mason still does not know of Destiny’s true intentions and probably never will. As Destiny sees what he has turned his archenemies son into, he cannot help but smile at his own power of reasoning and persuasion. It has been much time since the beginning of Masons training and he has become quite strong, even Destiny believes he would have a great chance in a one on one fight with Destiny himself. Destiny once again arrives out of the shadows to spar with Mason. Destiny set himself up in front of Mason and immediately charged at him, not realizing the great speed that Mason possessed, Destiny was very surprised when Mason hit him with such a force that he flew through the solid wall. When Destiny stands, he feels an immense pressure in his chest. He looks upon himself and sees a great whole that has been torn into his shirt. Destiny feels around the fresh and tender wound, as he touches it, he drops to his knees in agonizing pain. Destiny looks up at Mason and only has one thought, “what has he become”. Back at Masons home, Denite and his mother Ceedra are trying desperately to come up with a plan to save mason from his own aggression. Denite, who had felt the full brute force of Mason’s new found strength was still very weary and weak. “What has my brother become, a monster? No not at all just fit with immense rage toward him” he thought. Ceedra breaking the tension says “while we think about this, shall we go for a walk?” Denite tries to stand but is still too weak from the single punch that Mason had landed to his chest. Denite once again sits and reveals
  • 6. the wound to his chest. “It is getting worse mother, somehow I can feel Mason’s aggression in my wound.” “We have to find a way to break the trance that Destiny has Mason under, but how?” “We are ready” is all Destiny could say before he got a sadistic look from Mason himself. Destiny said “Let us take a walk” and began to stroll away. Mason walked after him with the evil in his eyes knowing soon he can hurt all that had hurt him in his life, all that had cast him out for being too weak, and all that had promised to love him unconditionally. Once Destiny and Mason had reached a gloomy, abandoned path. Mason watched as Destiny put his hands together and screamed “Rayfa” and punched the earth. Not knowing what to now expect, Mason just stood there until he felt the ground at his feet shake with a force to destroy cities. Masons eyes then saw over 100,000 dead men arise from the hollow ground and stand at attention under the rule of one man, no god, Destiny. Destiny then looked back at Mason saying only 4 words “its time for war”. Destiny, Mason, and their entire army marched toward the kindom of the Teroshi clan, not stopping until they destroy anything in their path. It was truly a time for war as the air was cold and wet while the sky showed no sign of rain or snow. The army was sent first to scope out and lay waste to anything in its path. They marched through many war torn villages that still have not been completely rebuilt. Ashes were only what had remained of the first village yet the people did not want to leave their homes. The few that had stayed began to cry as they had seen the army marching through. People began screaming as Destiny’s army of the dead began slaying every sing man, woman, and child in their path. Considering that this area had been destroyed by the war, the Teroshi clans relieve crew had been there taking care of the villagers affected by the area. A messenger from the Teroshi clan had seen everything and as soon as he had heard the screaming, he ran for the kingdom to pass on the message that Destiny was finally attacking, and that his army will not be stopped. “Ma’am Ceedra” he panted running into the throne room, “Destiny has begin his attack, and he has an army of the dead that will not be stopped”. “Calm down we can fix this, all we need to do is bring back our entire army from relief areas to fight with us”. Denite, Ceedra’s son then entered the room still not at full health. “Mom what’s going on, I heard screams that echoed across the land”. “Denite, go back to your bed you still need to rest”. “No. What’s going on” he said. The messenger realizing the danger of the situation retold the message and he could see the intensity and aggression change in Denite’s eyes. Denite looks at his mother and says, “it’s time to go”. Destiny and Mason now look upon the kingdom and see many of the warriors of Mason’s so called previous clan were returning in high numbers and seemed to be preparing for a fight. Without warning, Destiny’s army began jumping over the wall and tearing down everything in its path. As many began battling, Destiny walked into the kingdom alone. Men ran toward him to try and take him down themselves, Destiny thought “very bad idea”. He slayed all with one strike and once again began walking toward the throne room where he had assumed Ceedra was. As Destiny busted through the door he called out “Ceedra I’m home”. Ceedra surprising the demon stabbed him through his dark, cold heart. Destiny fell to the ground and Ceedra thought she had won already, but Destiny jumped back up and grabbed the
  • 7. queen by her small throat. Destiny threw her across the room and said “that actually hurt ha-ha but I think we should reunite with old friends shall we”, and Destiny slammed his fist on the floor once again. You could see the dust and grime fly into the air with the amount of force that he applied to the punch. Ceedra could feel the floor begin to shake and rise, like an earthquake. Destiny just smiled as the casket of the former king Reski began to rise and open. The casket then turned to face the queen and opened to show the slowly decomposing body of the king. His eyes then opened and he stepped out. The queen then realized the once great king with whom she had brought down the likes of Destiny was now under control of the very man they had sent to hell all those years ago. Queen Ceedra will now be face with her worst nightmare, fighting the man she loved. As Ceedra began realizing this, the dead slave of the former king spoke very few words, “Ceedra? Where am I? What’s going on? “ Reski then turned to look ad his immortal enemy, Destiny. Destiny said, “I let him have his voice so you two could talk to each other one last time until both of you die”. Before one of them could say anything more, Destiny pounded his fist on the floor one last time and Reski once again fell under full control of Destiny, voice and all. Without mercy, Reski then attacked his wife and hit her into the throne breaking it in half. Destiny now changing his control allows Reski control of his sight and mind. Seeing how badly he himself had hurt the woman he loved begins to thrash against Destiny’s control. Destiny knowing he would try and take back control had a contingency plan in order. Through Destiny’s power, was able to control every instinct and sense flowing through a body. Knowing that Reski would try his best to break free, Destiny began to prey on the pain flowing through the former kings heart by hurting his beloved. He increased the pain flowing through him and made him break down. As soon as he realized enough was enough, he retook control over Reski and put him on the attack. Walking through the place he once called home, Mason fought the memories that had been swimming through his mind. Man after man had approached him thus far, all had been laid to waste at his feet. Mason had made his way to the meadow where he had spent many of his young years. Now approaching him who seemed to be waiting for him, his only friend. “Deo”? he asked. He sensed his movements in the dark. Deo then moved into the light to face Mason. “I have to stop you Mason”, Deo said. Mason says “you will die at my fight as any other rat who had betrayed my trust”. Deo attacked Mason with a variety of moves from involving his sword to his fists, missing every one of them. With the last swipe of his sword, Mason caught Deo’s arm and threw him fifteen feet away crashing into pendant of the Teroshi clan. Mason moves quick to take advantage of the situation. As he stands over Deo, Mason begins to feel remorse, something he has not felt in years. Mason thought that with all of his trainings and newfound strength, that remorse was something he would never feel again. Mason with one quick look at the pendant, lost all the remorse flowing through his body and punched Deo’s heart out through his back. Ripping his arm back out through his chest, Mason began to weep uncontrollably yelling out “why couldn’t you just understand? Why?” Mason found his way to his feet and began to push forward toward his brother’s room. By the time that Mason had reached Denite’s room, he had killed over 10 of his former friends, neighbors, and even his grade school teacher. Mason now stood merely 10
  • 8. feet from the old wooden door, which on the opposing side was his brother’s room. Mason was determined to kill his brother no matter the cost. Mason kicked the door into pieces that flew into the room like splinter scattering across the floor. Denite was not in there. “Where are you brother, I came here to fulfill my promise”. Then Mason felt a strong strike to the back of his head and everything went black. “Are you ready to give in Ceedra”, said Destiny. “Never you evil bastard”, said Ceedra. Reski weeping the destructive pain that harming his wife has caused his heart. Reski turns around and looks Destiny in the eye and says, “you better pray to god that I do not break this bind you have on me or else I will stand proudly as I spit on your grave”. Destiny smirks with his usual devilish grin and breaks Reski’s arm to show he is not fucking around any longer. Reski once again goes on the prowl attacking his wife. Ceedra screaming out to Reski begging him to stop, pleading for mercy. Yet nothing, only Destiny can stop this madness. Destiny proving his power over everyone and anything. Reski again threw Ceedra against the wall finally breaking her will, Ceedra says “please take me so I can be with you once again”. A beam of light then shines down upon both Ceedra and Reski, surprising even Destiny, and all at once they both disappeared. Mason wakes up inside an empty room tied to a steel chair. Trying to regain focus and fight his restraints, “you are not going to break free, trust me”, came a voice from the darkness. In Masons current state he could not tell the voice of the man. The voice, Denite then comes into the light and Mason immediately loses control and fights harder to find a way to kill his brother. “Those ropes are soaked in the blood of our father” he paused “I did some research on our friend Destiny and it seems that that is what sent him to hell”. “Which is where I’m going to send you, unless you break this hold he has on you little brother, listen I’m sorry for what I have done and what I have said”. “Shove your apology up your ass you son of a bitch”, Mason says back. Denite punches Mason as hard as he can in his chest and says, “that is for what you did to me”, and hit him again. Grueling hours passed with Denite punishing Mason, trying to break Destiny’s spell over him, while the rest of the clan fought a world of undead soldiers. One by one they fought and died trying to defend their once great Kingdom. “You are breaking it I can see it, I can and I know you are breaking his spell”. Just as Mason thought his brother was making sense, Destiny appeared and threw Denite out the door and ripped apart Masons restraints. Mason runs after his brother outside the corridor and sees that he has disappeared. Mason begins to run throughout the castle looking for his older brother. With no luck on finding Denite, Mason yells out in anger knowing this may have been his only chance to take down his brother. Ceedra awakens in a room with white wall and a golden chandelier hanging shining light on her broken down husband. She runs to his side and slips in a red substance which upon further inspection she realized was Reski’s blood. “You cant die, please tell me you wont die, I need you here with me to protect out sons and our kingdom” she said as a booming voice came from above, saying “you both are here because I brought you here. I need your help… that creature down there, once he is done with the world there. His intentions are to come here and make it his own, to make heaven his kingdom”. “Heaven? You are lying heaven cannot be real”. The mysterious man takes a second and looks around, then says “oh really”. He
  • 9. completely heals both Ceedra and Reski of all of their injuries. “Reski, you do know that since I broke Destiny’s hold on your soul, you will die again when I send you back to earth”? “Yes I know”, he turns to his wife and says, “you have to stop our son from going beyond darkness, I will always be here with you in spirit”. He kisses Ceedra and says “I love you”, just as the same light appears to transport them back to earth. Destiny begins to grab a hold of the desperately angered Mason, but Mason snaps back and yells “get away from me”. Mason then sees something out of the corner of his eye and chases it. Not knowing that his speed has strengthened with his power, he disappears and stops in front of the running Denite. “Time to die brother”, Mason says, “not if I kill you first” Denite says as he goes on the attack. Hitting Mason with power enough to stop his heart if he hit him in the right spot. The hit does connect but on his arm breaking his elbow while breaking Denite’s own wrist. Both men in agonizing in pain, they once again go on the attack. Punch after punch, strike after strike, each one hit the other will full force until both brothers were battered and bloody. Mason draws his sword and Denite his knives. Denite is the first to attack stabbing mason straight through his heart. In immense pain Mason lifts his sword and stabs Denite in the same spot. “Im sorry little brother”, Denite says with blood pooling inside of his mouth. “I love you,” he says as both men fall to the ground dying slowly. Mason reaches over his dead brother, crying he says, “I love you but I do hate you” as he pushes his sword deeper. Mason leans up against a hollowed out tree and dies knowing that he had succeeded in his goal. Denite, had awaken in a small white room with a golden chandelier in the middle of the room. Denite was confused because last he knew he had died in a long awaited battle against his brother. Denite was frightened by a loud voice coming from above. “Who are you… where am I… what is going on… show yourself”. A man in a long white trench coat then appeared before his eyes. “Who are you?” Denite asked, “I am god” said the man. Shocked by what this man had just said Denite stands there unmoving trying to understand what had happened to head. “Am I in heaven?” Denite thought, “Yes you are” a voice inside of his head answered. Denite then looked at the man who was smiling at him knowing that the voice inside if Denite’s head had come from him. “Why am I here?” Denite asked. “Because you did what was best for your family and what was best for heaven”. “What do you mean?” “what I mean is that you killed your brother who was under control of yours and my worlds greatest enemy”. “You are here because I am going to send you back to earth because from what I can tell is that Destiny is still kicking, and after earth, his next conquest is… well here” he says gesturing around him. “This room is all that heaven has to offer”, “no, this is just a waiting room to meet me, everyone ends up here… well anyone who has served a good purpose in life, such as your mom and dad”. “What became of my brother” Denite said weeping, “he is somewhere else” god said feeling remorse. “I am sending you back to kill Destiny with this” he said hoisting his hands upward as a shining golden sword came from a light above. It lowers into god’s hands and as quickly as it touched his hands, it appeared in Denite’s hands. “This sword can kill anything, it is called The Sword Of Light… but it only has one enemy, The Sword Of Darkness, it comes from hell and these two swords must never clash”. “Why?” “If they do… it would mean the end of all worlds, mine, yours, and
  • 10. even hell”. As Denite was sent back to earth he heard god say these last words to him “Goodbye, I am leaving my trust in you, good luck”. Mason felt the cold steel of a blade ripping against his skin and woke from a deep slumber with a blood-curdling scream. He also felt the heat of fire surround his body quickly. Mason took a second to take in his whereabouts and could not think of where he might be. The last thing that he had remembered was running into Denite in the woods, beyond that was nothing. All of the sudden, Mason heard a deep angry, evil laugh coming from all around him. He finally noticed that he was chained to a board and could not even struggle against his binds. A dark man then came from behind him and looked at him with soul crushing intent. “Welcome to my palace” the man said. “Who are you?” Mason asked, “I have many names and am feared by many, even your master above us fears me”. “Mason I am Satan”. “Why am I here I don’t remember anything”. “That is because I have warped your mind to only know what I want you to know”. “I have a mission for you mason… I need you to go back to earth”. “Why?” Mason asked. “You will be sent back to kill your Master Destiny and anyone that I say you have to such as your brother” he said this as he gave an evil look. “You will find a man by the name of Hunter, he is the man who had trained the black sheep Destiny, you are also a black sheep”. Satan sliced a marking into the wrist of Mason with a fiery blade, and with agony Mason fought the pain with all of his will. “The marking of the black sheep”, Satan said. “This object that I am about to bestow upon you must clash with the other sword from heaven which I assume that my father has already given your brother”. “This sword is the sword of darkness and it is more powerful than its opposition, now go” Satan said. “Oh and Mason… You die again, your soul is mine forever”. “What the hell happened, where are Reski, Ceedra, Mason… Where the fuck are they?” Destiny says through clinched teeth from anger. After the fight he had seen Mason run off and Destiny knew he had no chance of catching him. Destiny throws a golden chalice filled with wine against the wall while lashing out in anger. “Sir, we still have not found Mason or Reski and Ceedra” says his general. “You will find them or I will send you to damnation myself” Destiny says grabbing his general by his throat. Destiny looks at the morning sky all black with the smoke and ash of smoldering inflamed villages and cities. Watching the world burn is something Destiny enjoys but yet he cannot seem to. Knowing that there are still people out there that can send him to his fiery grave. Suddenly Destiny falls to the ground, he looks upon his surroundings almost in a daze he begins to see fire everywhere. He is hanging by a noose choking to death but still cannot die. Then he wakes up inside of a tub filled with blood realizing it was coming from his darkened heart. The blood running through his veins at the moment was black. Remembering what had happened about a year ago when he was trapped in hell. He now sees the only person in any world, any universe that Destiny fears… The devil, standing there with a sword covered in blood. Destiny looks down upon his own body being burned alive with 1 thousand swords sticking out of his body. Destiny screams in agony, which wakes him out of his daze. “What the hell was that”? I’m inside your head Destiny… I hope you remember all of the fun we had together, the reason for little flashbacks; I added the pain so it would be better for my own personal viewing pleasure. We both know that you miss our time together, which is why someone
  • 11. will be there to kill you soon, your favorite source of pain and fear Satan… Oh and I will see you soon”. Destiny lay there upon the dirty sweat soaked floor crying knowing that Satan has always come through on his promises. Reski falls from the light slowly coming to his last breath. Ceedra catches his helpless body and lays him flat upon the ground weeping as she did so. “Take care of the boys… I know that Mason is in a dark place at the moment but it will pass, he just needs you my love like I did. Just know I will still be watching over you and I love you… goodbye”, he said with his final breath. “I love you so much” Ceedra said crying still holding her husband’s now lifeless body. Ceedra looks up to see the white light once again, only this time her son Denite steps out of it looking as though he had lost all of his energy. “Mom” he says looking to her and then at his father’s dead body. Ceedra runs to hug Denite saying how much she loves him. Denite holds his mother close and begins to clinch his fists together with anger knowing who had killed his father. Mason wakes up in the felid and quickly looks at his arm hoping he had had a dream and he had never actually met Satan himself. Sure enough he sees what Satan had referred to as “The Mark Of The Black Sheep” hearing the voice of Satan inside of his head. Mason also looks at his chest seeing a scar, looking as though he had been stitched up. Taking in his surroundings, Mason sees where Denite’s body had been laying after he stabbed him, also seeing the blood that had must of came from his back. “I’m back, I’m really alive again”, he notices that all of the pain and anger he had felt over losing the throne to his brother seemed to be washed away, and all he felt now was anger against Destiny. “I’ll kill you Destiny”, he says. Mason stands and begins to walk toward the kingdom he once called home. While walking he senses something rustling around in the bushes behind him. Still having power from before he died he could sense the anger and power within whoever is following him. He turns just as his pursuer goes on the attack. Mason dodges the first attack and hits him at full force, throwing him 10 feet away. Mason stands over him and appears the sword called the sword of darkness. He takes a deep breath and cuts off the head of what he later realized were one of Destiny’s men. Mason takes the head in hand and begins to walk in an opposite direction. “I’m coming for you, son of a bitch”. Mason finds his way through the forest to where Destiny had kept him. Mason takes a sharpened stick and slams the head down onto it, and stakes it into the ground marking the place in his mind that he will promise to take Destiny down. Mason again walks toward his once known home. Arriving outside the torn down gate while soldiers are dragging their fellow brethren toward their gravestones for burial. Mason sees his mother and Denite attending the funeral of his father and he walks towards them. Denite turns just as Mason stands behind him. “Are you here to kill me again?” noticing his newly acquired weapon. “No big brother I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused”. Denite hugs his little brother, both weeping immensely as their mother finally hears them. She runs to Mason’s side hugging him crying. Just as quickly as Mason was let go by his brother and mother, guards bearing swords around him, surrounded him. “You are under arrest for treason against the kingdom”. He got one last look at his family before they dragged him to a cell. Ceedra mouthed the words “I love you” as they took Mason away.
  • 12. Mason sitting in his cell feeling distress and anger over how his mother, his own mother could let the soldiers take him to prison. Mason did not understand, although he did remember what he did to the kingdom, hurting his friends, trying to and killing his brother. It did hurt him mentally and physically thinking about what he did. The more he thought, the more he was in agony and he started crying. “Dinner time scum bag” the guard said to mason, as he tossed it through the cell door letting the food fall to the floor. Mason, furious says, “Fuck you, you piece of shit”. The guard came back to the cell, this time opening it. He hits mason across the face saying, “you killed my son… cut his head clean off and let it roll to the ground”. “Deo is your son?” “Yes he was until you murdered him in cold blood… I hope you rot in this goddamn cell, so I can beat my anger and pain into you every single day”. The guard then raises his fist and goes to punch Mason once more, but was stopped by Denite’s hand. “What are you doing”? The guard rips his arm free from Denite’s hand and walks away. “Come on Mason we need to talk, you, me, and mom”. He took the restraints off of Mason and away they went. “I’m sorry brother, I really am. I didn’t feel anything… just anger and pain”. “I don’t care about that anymore, neither does mom”. Denite pats mason on the back as they both walk into the palace together for the first time in a long time. Mason could barely stare his mother or brother in their eyes after what he had done. “Mason… is it really you in there”? “Yes it is me mom, and I am so sorry for everything I have done to you”, Ceedra cuts him off. “I know son I know and I forgive you”. Denite steps in and says, “How are you alive Mason?” Mason just stares at him with cold disheartened eyes, remembering the torture that he himself had endured and inflicted upon other souls. “I don’t want to talk about it”, Mason says as he walks toward his mother. “Mason… we both know that you were sent to hell”, Mason looks upon Denite with fear in his eyes of the likes Denite had never seen before. Mason begins to cry at his mothers feet hoping that just being home would take all of the pain and suffering from his soul but it hadn’t. “We all need to get some rest” says Ceedra “Mason your room is just how you had left it, please use the bed and get some sleep”. “Thank you mother” Mason retorts. Mason the goes down the hallway toward his room passing torn apart rooms from the battle occurring just a day before. Mason opens his door and his room is just as he remembers it, down to the last detail. As he lays in his bed hoping for better days, he falls into a deep slumber, almost as if he hadn’t slept for months. While in his sleep, mason dreams of how his life used to be, before all of this madness had sickened his heart. As he reaches the peak of his dream, suddenly everything turns black, and beams of red light were shining through a small door. He reaches for the door, and as it opens, out shot massive amounts of fire which began burning his skin. Mason feeling pain begins to roll around in some liquid on the floor to put out the flames that had engulfed his entire body. Mason calmed from putting out the blaze upon his body suddenly realized what had put out the fire. He looks upon his hand showing crimson red, which could only be one thing in his mind “blood”. Mason turns to look for the source and sees his brother and mother lying there on the ground dead from bleeding out. Mason closes his eyes to stop tears and when he re opens them, he is ties to 4 black broncos ripping his body apart piece by piece. Scared he screams once again making the mistake of closing his eyes once again.
  • 13. Opening them to find he is swimming in a river of blood coming from dearly departed friends and family, all who had been part of his life before meeting Destiny. Mason began shouting, “I need to wake up” over and over. Suddenly he is woken by his concerned mother asking him if he is ok, “yea mom im ok… I just love you that’s all goodnight” as he rolls over to go back into the nightmares. Ceedra walk out of his room with a look of terror on her face. She had seen the symbol on his arm leaking blood all over his bed. She knows that symbol, horrified she says “The Mark of the Black Sheep”, which only could have come from one person. This leaves Ceedra with only one question in her mind “Why would Satan let my son go free?” Mason awoken from his slumber felt horrific. Everything that he had seen trapped in that godforsaken place was playing over and over inside of his dreams and he had sworn that he had heard a voice just before he woke up. Mason walked out into the throne room where his mother and brother were now sitting. Mason heard them discussing the mark on Mason’s arm just before he had appeared. When Mason came out Denite quickly jumped on him and ripped off the sleeve of his shirt. “What the hell did you do in hell?” “What are you talking about?” “The mark you stupid asshole, where did you get it?” Mason stopped talking and told the story of his time spent in hell. “I was in hell for a long time Denite… Satan gave me an ultimatum, he said that if I collect and damn souls for him, then the torture would stop… and I’m stupid for taking that deal… you don’t know what it is like there. You have no idea the pain and anger, and even sadness there is unbearable. I made the deal so I can be here. Part of my deal is that… I have to kill destiny and reap his soul to hell. I will succeed and it will be reparations for killing our father. I love you both”, is the last thing he said to them as he walked out the door. Denite looking at his mother, “what do we do now?” “I think we should let things run their course, Mason is right we have no idea what happened to him down there, we don’t know what he went through. I even feel bad for asking him what he went through”, Denite interrupts, “we needed to know and I am going to save my little brother”. “What makes you think he needs saving?” “You know as well as I do that he made a deal with the Devil himself, and we all know that comes at a price, which I assume is complete damnation in hell., and what if he does succeed, he will spend eternity in hell with Satan and Destiny, both demons, both know the extent of torture. I am going to save my little brother… if it kills me”. Destiny laid his head on his worn out pillow falling into a deep slumber. “You will spend eternity here in hell with me”, Destiny then sees a flash of Satan in his sleep. Spooked beyond belief he wakes up in a puddle of sweat. Destiny then with an evil smile thinking of a new plan, he goes back to sleep knowing what he can now do to prolong his death. “Mason… Mason… Mason… its me Destiny”. Mason hears a voice in his head growing louder and louder. “Mason I just want you to know that I can now listen to your thoughts and I know what you are planning”. “How?” “Your new favorite mark that makes you remember your time in hell… you see I have one too and now that that unholy monster has given you one we are linked forever”. “Forever?” “Yes Mason, Forever you have spent time in hell granted not as long as me, but time just the same and now you are back on earth, that makes you immortal… well somewhat, but I must leave now your brothers goons are tracking me… I will see you soon
  • 14. mason mainly to kill you so I may prevent my own demise”. Mason looks around the wilderness hidden from all. “I must kill him”, he says as he once again begins his transition to a world of sleep knowing what may await him there. Denite standing outside of where Destiny lay his head at night looking upon a head placed on a sharpened stick. Walking past what may have been his warning to keep away, he pushes on toward the gates. “Who might you be”, one of the guardians asked. The other interjects and says “I know you” then draws his sword for battle. Denite goes to pull out his knives when a sword appears on his side. Instead of pulling the knives, Denite draws the sword and in one clean slash, he takes both of the guardian’s heads off. Pushing onward he throws the sword at the rusty lock on the gate and it breaks, opening the doors. Destiny’s soldiers flustered and surprised by the intrusion were not ready for the attack on their for trace. They were also not ready for the angered Denite, son of reski to immediately go on the attack beginning to slay each and every one of them. Destiny can only watch as his men were cut to ribbons by Denite’s newly acquired weapon of choice. Destiny could hear the screams of his men being slaughtered and only could show a smile for what was being done. Denite making his way downs a now bloody hall finding an oversized wooden door. Denite cuts through the door like butter and finds Destiny sitting in a chair made of human bone and flesh. “I expected your brother to be here before… hmmm no matter killing both of Reski’s boys will give me great pleasure”. “Shut your mouth you pig, you have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide… tonight will be your death and I will stand over your lifeless corpse and tear your fucking head off”. Destiny, cocky as always only raises his hand and says “well bring it on then if you have no problem trying to kill an immortal”. Denite charges at Destiny with full force, as he nears Destiny feels a sensation and suddenly disappears like wind, leaving Denite standing there wondering what had just happened. Destiny appears in a heavy wooded area, surrounded by brush and many broken trees. He turns to find a sword stuck into the ground like it had been jammed in there purposefully. Just as Destiny approaches the sword there was a loud sound that shook all of the dying leaves off of the dead trees. He once again takes in his surroundings searching for any sign of a would be attacker. He then sees Mason standing there holding a golden dagger dripped with blood from a fresh cut on his forearm. “But…. How”, “you see Destiny… there is something that Satan has told me that he did not tell you”. Mason then holds up a stone with some sort of writing in it. “This was gifted to me by Satan himself, and do you know what it says… well of course you don’t. You didn’t even know about it”. “What does it say you little brat”. “It tells me how to end something like you and me, it also tells me how to summon you here, which is why you are here and not dead”. “What makes you think I would be dead,”, “because my brother is after you, because of me… you changed me into something I hate something I do not need to be strong”. “Enough of that, tonight you die and it will be by my hand”. “Do you know what happens after you kill me, do you know why Satan wants you to reap my soul to hell… it is because, he wants us both in hell to eradicate our kind from earth… he does not want us here because he knows that together we can take hell from him, he knows that we can kill him”, Destiny says as he steps closer to Mason. “I know you could care less Mason,
  • 15. but we will jot only just die he will torture us for eternity… he will pick our skin from our bones and use it for a rug”. Suddenly Mason goes into a seizure like phase feeling massive pain. Mason begins to see Satan flashing through his eyes, seeing the torture he had went through. Mason slowly recovering from his nightmare looks upon his forearm where his mark is now soaking his shirt in blood. “You see Mason why would he curse you with this mark… just think about it, and Mason Ill see you around” was the last thing Destiny said before once again disappearing and leaving Mason there alone to consider his choices. Destiny proud of his choice of words in trying to retake Mason’s mind appears back in his fort thinking Denite would be long gone by then, goes toward his bar to have a drink. Destiny pours himself his favorite cocktail, scotch with a dose of human blood. Suddenly it fly’s out of his hand due to a dagger being thrown from somewhere hidden in the darkness. Quickly, Destiny turns to deflect the next one being thrown from a different location. All at once four men pounce on Destiny to entrap him in chains, but Destiny with cat like reflexes jumps into the air breaking through the ceiling and setting foot on the roof where Denite is waiting for him. With the four men close behind, Destiny decides to try a new tactic. He moves toward Denite to try and use him as a bargaining chip. To Destiny’s surprise Denite did not try to attack or even move at all. “Why did he not run from me?” Destiny thought. With ease Denite snaps a golden pair of chains to Destiny’s forearms, and has trapped the demon. “No mere chain can contain my power you fool” Destiny says as he tries to break free. Through his struggling he heard this “these chains are made of pure gold, they have been washed in the blood of a mortal human and these markings were set by my father”. Destiny through mortified eyes now knows that he is trapped. “These binds can only be broken with a certain spell only known to my family, passed down from generations., even after death it will still bind the souls together. Now with that being said I am going to propose a deal”. “I do not deal with anyone, I make deals to take souls”. “You will listen to me or I will skin you alive, knowing you cannot die it should be very painful”. Destiny giving Denite a look of dread wondering why he would be foolish enough to lock himself to someone who killed his father. “You will tell me how to kill you and you will take me to hell with you as I will die too”. “Are you insane child if you want to know the pain you may go ask your brother”. “Shut your mouth you scum, I am going there to find a way to remove that mark from my brothers arm” he says through gritted teeth. “Are you being serious, Satan will take your soul and make you his slave for eternity. Child you do not want to be there, no matter what hatred you have towards me you must believe me. That place is filled with sorrow and pain, it will make you believe that death is the only safety yet you cannot die again”. “Destiny you will take me there, I do not care what will be done to me or what I will see”. “What makes you think I will take you there in the first place?” “If you deny my request, then I will be forced to take you to my brother and let him take care of you” Denite says with a smile. Destiny in his mind, weighing his options “take him to hell which would damn both him and his brother or have him take me to Mason and he will reap my soul to hell where I would never be able to escape”. With a smile Destiny says “I will prepare the ritual, but I will need some items for it. One thing
  • 16. you can only get from one person on this earth”. “Who?” With a small smirk Destiny says “your little brother”. With shock showing in Masons eyes he sees Denite standing in front of him while he is being restrained by at least four men from what Mason can see. Denite then grabs the only dagger on earth that can kill Destiny or even Mason. Dneite then holding the dagger to Mason’s arm and cutting through his skin. Mason showing grimace in his face from the pain hears his brother say this “I am truly sorry little brother but this is for your own good”. Suddenly Mason is awoken by a strange noise somewhere outside of his hidden camp. Mason rises to his feet readying for any attack that may be coming. Slowly Destiny walks out from behind a tree looking at him with hateful eyes. Mason sees a flash of gold shimmering in the sunlight coming from Destiny’s wrist. Mason the turns into a strike coming from above. Moving to dodge the strike, mason runs into a fist and collapses being struck with strong force. Mason looks up and only sees a glare of a man standing above, who strikes him once again knocking him unconscious. Mason is awoken by water being splashed in his face. Trying to stand he realizes he is bound to a tree. In his view, he sees Destiny with a golden chain binding his wrists together rendering him immobile. Mason then feels a sudden stabbing pain coming from behind the tree. Out walks his older brother Denite holding the golden dagger covered in what he could only think was his own blood. “What are you doing brother, why do you need my blood?” “Mason I cannot explain myself right now, all I can tell you is that I am going to save you”. Denite kneels in front of Mason and says, “I love you”. Mason looking at Denite’s arm realizing that the chain that had to be entrapping Destiny was also connected to his brother. “What are you planning, you must tell me”. “No Mason, I cannot this will save you from damnation”. Denite walks with Destiny and suddenly stabs him through his chest. Mason shocked at this abrupt killing yells “you have just killed the only thing keeping me here on earth”. “No not this time” Denite says and stabs himself. Mason begins to cry as he witnesses his brother fall to the ground dead. All Mason could think is “Why?” Denite feeling nothing begins falling still locked to Destiny, seeing only things to drive a man insane, “this is only purgatory… hell is much much worse”. Destiny and Denite both land on a pile of damned souls being stripped of their skin slowly and being thrown into an eternal fire by gruesome looking demons. Destiny points and says “Satan’s palace is this way”. Still locked together by the golden chain, Denite and Destiny both begin the torturous walk toward the palace. Walking past souls being ripped to pieces and snapped back together to do it all over again, demons drinking blood of men, women, and even children. Denite then sees a woman being used as seat for one of the tormenting demons. She looks at Denite with pleading helpless eyes hoping that he had come here to save her. Destiny pulls Denite along saying “lets just get this over with, there is no time for detours”. Soon after such encounter they reach the palace of hells king. With two guards standing at the door, Denite begins to walk for the door and is stopped by two spears crossing his path. “Who might you be” one of the guards asks. “I am here to see Satan about what is currently on my brothers arm”. “Run along or I will use your skin as a blanket”. Fit with anger Denite reaches for his sword and draws it. “Then you die”, Denite says as a beam of light escapes the sword reducing the guardians to ash.
  • 17. Destiny surprised by this encounter now knows the true power of gods weapon. Denite breaking through the door once again proving his devotion to his family. Satan sitting upon his throne of dead souls looks down at both of the men who had just rudely entered his home. “Who are you”, Satan says letting his snakes tongue roll as he speaks. Denite angrily replies “You will tell me how to remove the mark on my younger brother”. Wide eyed, Satan says “you are Denite? In my kingdom how did you even get here, I even remember your brother screaming your name as I personally was peeling the skin from his bones”. Denite holding back his anger knowing that he would never be able to beat the king of hell in a one on one fight. “I am here for an exchange”, pulling Destiny from the shadows “Oh by the sweet blood of my father, him?” “Yes him for removing that dreaded mark off of my brothers arm so that he may come home to me and his mother”. “Let me understand this, you are literally making a deal with the devil… don’t you think that might upset your friends upstairs”, Satan says pointing upward. “I do know that and it may but this is for my family”. Satan walking sown from his throne makes his way toward Denite, “I think we do have a deal”, Satan says going to shake Denite’s hand. “One more thing, The girl being used as a stool just outside of your palace, I want her to come with me because I know she is a live soul that was stolen”. Satan shocked wondering how he would know about that girl. “Fine take her, she is not permanently damned here and as well she is not actually dead”. Satan once again goes to shake Denite’s hand, but this time Denite reaches out and grasps the king of hell’s hand to seal their bargain. With a snap of his fingers Satan breaks the chain binding Denite to Destiny. He then has his guards take Destiny to a very secluded cell while he takes Denite to a shrine. “This is where I will remove the mark of the black sheep from your brothers arm”. Satan kneels and begins to speak in a mixture of Latin and Greek, he then turns and looks at Satan’s cold black eyes feeling all of his sense being heightened as he falls to the ground. “There it is done”, Satan says as Denite arises, now you may go free and take Adriell with you… oh I forgot to mention the mark cannot be removed completely, it can only be transferred to someone with the same blood. Goodbye Denite and good luck dealing with what your brother went through”. Denite then goes to fight Satan but he reappears on the ground where he had stabbed himself, lying next to Adriell who had awoken before him wondering where she is. Denite turned to look and was horrified at what he saw, all of the men who had helped restrain Mason were speared through trees and Mason was gone. “So who are you”, “You don’t remember me? I went to school with you”. Denite then told her many things about himself trying to hopefully jog her memory. “Im sorry but I don’t remember… I was there for quite sometime and I only remember how I got there”. “So how did you get there if I may ask? I mean one day we were walking through the garden of wishes and the next you had just disappeared without a trace. We thought you were captured by Destiny’s men”. “Well when I went home that night, I had seen a man in a black robe run behind a your castle and so I followed him. When I finally saw him again he was standing outside of your brothers window just watching him while he slept. When I made a move to capture him he disappeared and took me with him. When I woke up I was in a dark cell with reeked of blood, and soon after I was a footstool for some demon”.
  • 18. Denite just stared at her blankly wondering the courage that this woman must have to have survived years in that god-forsaken place. He also wondered if she knew anything about his true feelings for her. “Goddamn him, I told him I don’t need help from anyone” Mason says as he walks a stone path leading to a river bank covered by vines and oddly shaped trees. As he stops to replenish his thirst, there is a rustle in the bushes. Mason turns to see a deer feeding upon an apple tree. “Hey there little guy” Mason says thinking that somehow the deer understood him. Suddenly the deer turns and looks at Mason and then scampers off into the woods. Mason then feels a deep stabbing pain coming from his waist. He pulls up his shirt to feel for an injury, though while doing so he looks upon his forearm and sees no sign of the mark. “Did he really get Satan to remove the mark from me?” “Yes”, which rang in his ears for a matter of seconds before he decides to turn around to face Denite who still carried the dagger in hand. Denite drops the dagger at his feet and runs to his younger brothers side. “How do you feel Mason”, “I feel alright Denite” as he begins to walk feeling pain shooting all through his body, but yet holding back trying his dam nest to not show any sign of weakness. Denite notices Masons hands begin shaking as he slowly falls forward into the river landing on a mossy rock. “Mason”!!!! Denite yells as he sees trails of blood begin floating with the current. Denite picks Mason from the river and throws him over his shoulder, “don’t worry little brother… you are going to be okay” Denite says with tears in his eyes as he begins the long journey home. “Where have you been and who is that?” Adriell says catching up with Denite who is still carrying Mason on his shoulder. “This is my little brother Mason… you have many things to catch up on” Denite said with a sound of chuckle in his voice. “Lets go home, I just need to be home”, with a nod of the head from Adriell they move on. While walking, they find a road; it was dark going both ways. “I feel uneasy about this road so we can set up camp for the night if we double back to where we passed that cavern”. “Ok, but we need to get there soon I also feel uneasy”. Denite begins to blaze the trail toward where they had last seen the cavern with Adriell following close behind. “Ah”, Destiny says as he spits the blood from his mouth. He had been cut, stabbed, and ripped to shreds over and over again almost as if he was in some insane nightmare, but this wasn’t a nightmare at all. He was in hell and being tortured is one of the requirements. Through groggy eyes he looks up for any sign of his surroundings, but there was nothing. Just empty blackness filled the air, while a sense of loathing quickly followed behind. “What do you want from me”, Destiny says hoping for an answer, but heard nothing. Destiny had been there locked to a cage for what had seemed like centuries. He was now getting a feel for who or what was inside of this black room torturing him with no remorse. Being here for that long of time had serious affects on Destiny’s mind, body, and soul. It had almost been like they were changing him, making him better. Destiny reasoned it to being that they had to be toying with his inner psychie. As time grew longer, and the body of Destiny grew weaker, He began to feel more insane. Destiny’s fingers would twist and turn at the lock hoping that by some miracle he would escape this menacing blackness. All of a sudden, breaking the silence, “You already know what I want from you”. The voice sounded sick and demented with a touch of anger. “I will rip
  • 19. you limbs many times just to hear you suffer but I have more pressing matters at hand, so… What will it be”? Satan becoming more agitated as Destiny could not think of a word to say. Instead Destiny looks into the face of the king of hell and spits the excess blood into the dark eyes of the man holding him captor. Satan smiles and draws his black tongue over the blood now leaking down his face. “You taste immaculate, but I can see right through your exterior. I already know that you regret doing that because… it means I may punish your body for a longer time”. Satan leans into Destiny’s ear and whispers, “You are going to wish you can die as easily as the human you once were. When I am finished with you, you will be begging me to end this worthless life of yours but guess what… I never ever will”. Satan turns to leave but before he does, he turns and says, “Remember I still have your soul”. This drew Destiny back for a time while he himself was suffering with the fact that he had no clue what the lord of darkness had up his evil sleeve. Mason awoke in a pool of sweat, wondering how he had even kept moving after what pain he had went through. He looks around seeing his older brother sleeping next to a fire, and a woman who had been sitting near the mouth of the cave. She seemed to be awake and struggling with an entity in her mind. Mason walked to her side and sat trying his best to think of who she might be. While thinking, Mason heard her say quietly, “Does it ever stop”? Mason turned and looked at her and retorted, “does what ever stop”? “The mental pictures, the voices, the heart pounding agony of hell, Does it ever seize to exist inside anyone’s head”. Mason had just heard this woman break down and as he looked at her, he could see tears welling up inside of her eyes. Mason, not even thinking quickly wraps his arms around her knowing full well the extent of torture that hell can have on a human mind. Mason holds onto this woman being able to hear her heartbeat and her blood circulate throughout her entire body. Suddenly Mason and Adriell share an intense gaze for a time where Mason actually for the first time since his childhood felt at piece. Mason could hear the wind make the trees sway forward and back as well as rivers flowing and crashing on rocks. He could hear the wildlife that he and his brother had once hunted to feed themselves on their father’s trips. For once Mason felt safe, and just as this feeling was being washed over him, Adriell leaned in for a passionate kiss to the lips. Mason surprised by her action fells jolts of electricity run through his body. He had just realized that this was his first kiss and became nervous very quickly. When Adriell put her hand softly on the back of Mason’s head, Mason began to again achieve that feeling of safeness and leaned in further to accept her kiss. Adriell sees Denite begin to stir and quickly breaks the kiss. She slowly puts her index finger to her mouth and makes a “shhh” noise telling Mason to keep this a secret from his brother. Mason had just experienced his first kiss ever, he felt excited, and began to breath heavy. Suddenly feeling at peace, Mason quickly fell into a deep sleep right there at the mouth of the cave. Adriell stands to look at her handy work, and a smile knowing that her master’s plan was going to be easier than she thought. Destiny, shaking back and forth praying to the heavens although he knows that no one can hear his pleas. As he looks down upon his body seeing cuts and bruises. Feeling the pain of the torture from the latest dose of punishment that the king of hell had to offer. Slow breathing and gasps were all that are coming from
  • 20. Destiny’s mouth. He could feel his heart begin to slow, hoping that he would soon be dead and be safe from Satan’s demonic mind. All Destiny could hear was the whispers that the devil could implant into his mind. Destiny could feel himself slowly begin to go insane. Satan finally broke Destiny’s mind hearing him crack and begin to scream, begging for relief. Hearing Destiny scream was the first achievement in Satan’s evil plan. Hearing him cry was next. Satan smiles as he walks into the dungeon dragging his cart filled with his “toys”. Destiny could hear the screeching of the sharp metal dragging on the concrete floor carving its way through caked up blood. Destiny, feels his hands begin to shake as the screeching stops behind him. Quickly Satan turns around the cage, making Destiny stare into the empty black eyes of the fallen angel. In the darkness all Destiny could see was the blood soaked smile of the one true demon. “I could hear your screams from my throne room. You’re weak, you’re nothing, you have given up all hope of escape, now are you fully ready to give into me. Destiny, with his head hanging low says, “yes”. Seeing a broken shell of a man, of a demon, Satan cannot help but crack his evil smile. Out loud he laughs saying, “good, but you are still going to be here for a long time. The amount of insolence from you will not go forgotten. I still get to hear you scream bloody murder while I rip the skin from muscle and then muscle from bone. I will rip out your eyes and punch your teeth down your throat.” Almost in a whisper Satan says, “You will die here Destiny”. As he walks out of the room, leaving Destiny to process what he had just heard.