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Are You Satisfied With What You See In The Mirror? ........................... 3 
The Weight Loss Cycle - A Never Ending Battle. .................................... 4 
Benefits of Exercise ................................................................................... 6 
Salt and Sodium ....................................................................................... 10 
Fad Diets .................................................................................................. 14 
Hydration ................................................................................................. 16 
Strength Training ..................................................................................... 18 
Muscles and Rest ..................................................................................... 21
Are You Satisfied With What You See In The Mirror? 
Do you see a potbelly, sagging butt, or other signs that you are losing the muscle tone that made you proud of that image when you were younger? 
As we age, gravity starts to take its toll on our bodies. The effects of gravity, the lack of exercise, those over-size portions, the sweets and late night snacks all add up to change our bodies in ways that are not flattering. 
As adults we don’t get as much exercise as we did as children when we ran and played all day long. To reclaim the body of our youth, we need to figure out how to achieve the balance again between diet and exercise to regain our ‘sexy selves’. 
Those extra pounds show in ways that make us self-conscience about being seen naked. We prefer to have the lights off, or to be dressed at all times. 
It’s time to regain that body that made you proud to prance around nude!
The Weight Loss Cycle - A Never Ending Battle. 
You start losing weight, get close to your goal, maybe even get to your goal and then it happens… 
As soon as you stop dieting, you start gaining again! 
This cycle can be maddening! It doesn’t last and it doesn’t give you the results you were looking for. 
Finding the balance between diet and exercise that lets you lose weight is easy enough when every diet system spells this part out for you. Finding the balance of diet and exercise to maintain your weight loss is another story. 
Do you really have to diet for the rest of your life? Or, is there some “secret” to maintaining your new body?
It’s important to understand what self-preservation means for your body. It means that your metabolism is sitting there watching to make sure that your body has what it needs to survive. If not, the metabolism’s job is to make changes to make sure you survive. 
If there is not a supply of food to generate the energy that you need, the metabolism will slow down to keep from burning off what reserves you do have. A steady supply of food satisfies the “starvation” signal and allows the metabolism to run at full speed. 
Eating small, frequent meals – and eating the proper foods – will keep your metabolism at full speed, helping you to easily maintain your weight. 
Another benefit is that it will also help you to avoid overeating and binge eating because you will not experience the pangs of hunger that are common with the restricted 3 meal-a-day diet. When you eat this way, your body works better. The best part is that you will look and feel better. 
Your mood will be more stable as well because the natural chemicals in your body will remain balanced. You will reduce or avoid the risk of some nasty illnesses, such as high-blood pressure and diabetes.
Benefits of Exercise 
A workout is a good way to relieve stress. Whether your stress is from daily life or from studying, exercise is a great stress reliever. Also, the better condition you are in, the more clearly you will be able to think. Your body will be more prepared to respond to new challenges decreasing the risk of injury. And, you will be better able to fight illness and disease. Choosing an exercise routine that’s right for you is the most important step. It will be the key to your success. Decide what your goal is and what types of exercises or how much you can reasonably do. Check with your doctor to be sure that you have no restrictions before you begin, especially if it’s been a while since you have exercised. If you choose a workout that is too difficult, or one that you don’t have the time for, it’s reasonable to expect that you will get discouraged and quit. It’s very important to choose a routine that fits into your schedule and equally important that you enjoy it. 
This is a set of goals that you should follow for your workout: 
 Be realistic. 
 Set small, achievable goals for yourself. 
 Challenge yourself to reach each goal. 
 Stay focused. 
 Work on reaching your next goal, not the total weight loss. 
 Be persistent, but allow for missed goals, it happens. 
Losing weight and getting fit is a process. Any change in your lifestyle habits takes time. 
Fitting exercise into your schedule can be a challenge. Finding a routine that suits your schedule means deciding when and where you will exercise. 
If you don’t have the time, energy or the money to workout at the local gym, there is nothing wrong with working out at home. Even if the local gym is an option for you, you may prefer to be at home.
Nothing is set in stone. If you want to use the local gym, check into a trial membership. This will give you the opportunity to actually see how it will fit into your schedule. You’ll also get a chance to try out the personal trainer they have on staff and the array of equipment that is available to you. 
Your workout routine should be enjoyable and not too strenuous to start. Fitting a complete routine into the time that you have available is also important. 
It is easy to get discouraged with a routine that’s too hard. This can also leave you stiff and sore from strain and fatigue. Pace yourself when you get started. Each muscle that hasn’t worked in a while is going to be one that you will feel later. 
An important part of any workout is to get your heart rate up. Exercising this way will boost your metabolism and burn more calories. This boost will extend hours beyond your workout, burning even more calories and increasing your weight loss far more than just eating the right foods.
Checking with your doctor is always a good idea before you start any new exercise routine or diet. Your doctor is in the best position to evaluate your physical condition. They may also have some good advice on types of activity for you to start with. 
Physical activity helps build your immune system, strengthen your body and relieve stress. If you have not been physically active, you will want to start out slowly. 
Walking gives you a great workout. When you walk at a brisk pace it will get your heart rate up and give you many more benefits than a leisurely stroll. 
Get the most out of your workout by getting your heart rate up for about two hours each week. It does not have to be all at once and you may get more benefits by breaking it up throughout the day with 10 or 20 minute workouts. 
Your strength and endurance will increase with regular exercise. As your fitness improves, you will be able to increase the amount of time that you work out.
Salt and Sodium 
Salt is about 40% sodium which has been linked to many diseases and health issues. Most of us get more sodium than our bodies need through the foods we eat each day. 
Salt is found in ALL processed foods and even in a large number of the drinks that we consume every day. Checking the Sodium content on food labels will surprise all but the savviest of shoppers. 
If your tap water is provided by the city, chances are that amount of sodium in the tap water is already well beyond the recommended daily amount. Adding salt is the most preferred method to soften water. 
Using a water filter does nothing to remove this. Salt is extremely soluble in water and carries through all but the most sophisticated filters that are specifically designed to remove salts. These filters are extremely expensive and are not available in a home model. 
In the case of city water, drinking or even cooking with your tap water supplies you with enough sodium that any small amount that you add
at the table puts you even further over your limit. This is in addition to any sodium that has been added to processed and canned foods. 
Diet foods are about the worst thing that you can eat for sodium content. Salt is added to make up for the lack of flavor caused by removing the fat from foods. 
The addition of too much table salt can be detrimental to your overall health. If you are trying to reduce your salt intake or are on a salt restricted diet, you can keep your daily amount of sodium below the recommendations. 
 Read the labels at the grocery store and choose foods that are low in sodium and others that are high in potassium. 
 Cook without adding salt, use garlic or another aromatic spice before cooking to tease your taste buds. 
 You can cut back slowly on your salt intake or use a substitute spice to help adjust your taste buds. 
 Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables 
 Use bottled spring water for everything from cooking and drinking to ice cubes.
Cooking your own meals will help improve your health and save you money. Put leftovers into plastic meal trays and freeze for your own homemade, healthy “frozen dinners”. These are great for those nights that you don’t feel like cooking. 
Planning your own menu and experimenting with cooking can be time consuming, and sometimes, it can even be a costly mistake. There may be some spice combinations that you really do not enjoy, and others that you may think are great on everything. 
Cooking this way will also likely increase the number of foods that you enjoy. 
 Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season. 
 Use healthy ingredients. 
 Stock your spice cabinet, and then experiment with tastes based on the recommendations on the labels. 
 Shop local sales. Compare prices, ask for price matching and use coupons. 
 Try new foods. 
 Cook enough for a couple of meals for “frozen dinners”. 
 Create an entirely new meal with the leftovers. 
 Look for salt-free recipes for the sauces that you enjoy.
Visit for an assortment of dietary information. The information available includes “Healthy Eating Tips”, recipes, cookbooks and menus. There are recommendations for the amount of exercise that we should get at each age, and many other resources.
Fad Diets 
Fad diets are called that for a very good reason. They are usually meant to produce quick results but are not a good long-term diet. 
If you want to cleanse your system or lose 5 pounds in a week, some will deliver. Even those fad diets that deliver a few pounds quickly cannot replace a good balanced diet combined with an exercise routine for maintaining weight control and good health. 
Many men, women and children will start using one of the popular diet plans, meals or pills they are constantly being bombarded with at the store and on television. Many of these methods are expensive and people don’t usually stick with them. Most of the weight loss is from excess fluids and body waste. 
Rapid weight loss can be detrimental to your health. It can deprive your body of important vitamins and minerals and slow down your metabolism.
The only sure way to maintain a healthy weight and good physical fitness is through a balanced diet and exercise plan. Maintaining a good fitness program could even add years to your life! 
In order to eat a balance diet, you don’t need to deprive yourself of your favorite things or starve. In fact you shouldn’t do either. Simply adding a few ingredients and eating in moderation can provide surprising results. 
Depriving yourself of your favorite foods is no good. This leads to over indulging and is not a healthy way to eat any food. 
Instead of starving yourself, or depriving yourself, your goal is to eat well. If you want a candy bar or a slice of cake, have it. Just don’t have a piece that’s big enough to be a meal, and don’t have it everyday. Moderation is the key in “cheats”. Eat enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, but not enough to totally ruin your diet. 
Remember that the goal is to keep the body fueled and to keep hunger away. This helps to eat much more reasonable portions and keeps your metabolism running well. 
For a good resistance program that includes a healthy diet, check out something like The F4X System.
Why It’s Important To Drink Plenty Of Water And Ways To Make Sure You Do 
The human body is over 50% water. A person can live for weeks without food but only a few days without water. Performance and abilities are affected when the body loses only 1% of its water. At 15% loss, the situation can become critical and organs can even begin to fail. 
It is generally a good rule of thumb to drink about a gallon of water each day. Water helps your body get rid of the toxins in your system. Many toxins are stored in body fat and as you burn off that fat the toxins are released into your system. Water will help your body filter them and flush them out. 
We know that it’s not healthy to sit in one position for extended periods of time. Drinking plenty of water will require you to take bathroom breaks. Getting up and moving gets your blood pumping, flooding your body and brain with fresh oxygen. Using the bathroom releases the toxins. 
Drinking cold water will cause your body to burn energy just by warming it up to body temperature so it can be used efficiently. 
Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS
Strength Training 
Strength training exercises are used in physical therapy offices around the world. Every day men and women of all ages and abilities benefit from this type of therapy. 
It builds strength in the muscles and in their support systems. You do not need a lot of expensive equipment or run for miles to benefit from it. 
The core of strength training is resistance. Resistance training consists of exposing the muscles to a little more than they are used to then increasing the resistance as the muscle gets stronger. 
A strength training routine will deliberately target specific muscle groups. These types of exercises are done with slow deliberate movement to achieve maximum results. With this type of training, you can actually feel the specific muscle responding to the resistance. 
There are around 650 muscles in the human body. Each muscle and its support system are vital for our movement and livelihood. Even the heart and lungs are muscles and can be strengthened with a well rounded exercise routine and a balanced diet.
Strength training focuses on building muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. It will also strengthen bones, improve balance and coordination and increase endurance. These types of exercise should be included in a well-rounded exercise program. 
Strength training can be done by lifting weights or using some type of resistance. A very popular type of resistance equipment is rubber bands. These are available in different tensions that help build muscle slowly and efficiently. An important part of any training program is to expose the muscle to slightly increased challenges with more repetitions or greater resistance. 
During exercise it is important to focus on good posture and breathing. This will help strengthen your back and stomach, reduce your risk of injury and increase your stamina. 
Dumbbells are another popular strength training tool. These are popular with home gyms because they can be easily used and stored at home. They also lend themselves to a wider variety of exercises in the least amount of space. 
Resistance training is easily achieved by timing your lifting vs. lowering motions. It works the muscles more quickly, decreasing the amount of time required to get a good workout.
This is a set of “Power Block Elite” dumbbells. They can grow with your workout since they are adjustable from 5 to 90 pounds depending on the model that you are interested in. Storage is easy since you don’t need a large stand for an array of weights. They are a little pricey but are much more convenient to have around the house. 
With 44 reviews and 4 ½ stars on the 50 lb set, this item is worth a look. 
Power Block Elite at Amazon
Muscles and The Need For Rest 
There are about 650 muscles in the human body. The result of exercising a muscle is mild damage to the muscle. 
During the rest and recovery period is when the muscle will repair this damage and make it stronger. The best results will be achieved with a combination of increased resistance and rest. You just need to work different muscle groups every day. Give the muscle a day or two to recover then get right back at it. 
The muscles in your entire body should be prepared for the challenge of exercise with a warm up routine. This will wake up your system by increasing oxygen and blood flow. 
It’s an important part of any workout routine to rest the muscles before working them again. This gives the body the needed time to repair the damage done during the workout. This repair is also the step that encourages muscle growth. 
This means that you should not work the same muscle group 2 days in a row. It does not mean that you cannot continue to work out on the odd days.
If you over do your workout and end up very sore, give that muscle group a few days to recover. When you return to working this muscle group, lighten the workout so the damage caused is not as severe. 
The goal in working out is to lose weight and / or firm up the muscles. Overworking any muscle group is bound to slow down your progress since you will not want to strain sore muscles. This could mean extra days off and possibly a reason not to return to working out at all. 
To learn more about muscle growth, visit the Mueller Center at:
Cover Image: debsch 
Inside Image: julosstock 
Power Block Elite:

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Don't look-good-naked-anymore

  • 1. I DON’T LOOK GOOD NAKED ANYMORE Brought to you by:
  • 2. Contents Are You Satisfied With What You See In The Mirror? ........................... 3 The Weight Loss Cycle - A Never Ending Battle. .................................... 4 Benefits of Exercise ................................................................................... 6 Salt and Sodium ....................................................................................... 10 Fad Diets .................................................................................................. 14 Hydration ................................................................................................. 16 Strength Training ..................................................................................... 18 Muscles and Rest ..................................................................................... 21
  • 3. Are You Satisfied With What You See In The Mirror? Do you see a potbelly, sagging butt, or other signs that you are losing the muscle tone that made you proud of that image when you were younger? As we age, gravity starts to take its toll on our bodies. The effects of gravity, the lack of exercise, those over-size portions, the sweets and late night snacks all add up to change our bodies in ways that are not flattering. As adults we don’t get as much exercise as we did as children when we ran and played all day long. To reclaim the body of our youth, we need to figure out how to achieve the balance again between diet and exercise to regain our ‘sexy selves’. Those extra pounds show in ways that make us self-conscience about being seen naked. We prefer to have the lights off, or to be dressed at all times. It’s time to regain that body that made you proud to prance around nude!
  • 4. The Weight Loss Cycle - A Never Ending Battle. You start losing weight, get close to your goal, maybe even get to your goal and then it happens… As soon as you stop dieting, you start gaining again! This cycle can be maddening! It doesn’t last and it doesn’t give you the results you were looking for. Finding the balance between diet and exercise that lets you lose weight is easy enough when every diet system spells this part out for you. Finding the balance of diet and exercise to maintain your weight loss is another story. Do you really have to diet for the rest of your life? Or, is there some “secret” to maintaining your new body?
  • 5. It’s important to understand what self-preservation means for your body. It means that your metabolism is sitting there watching to make sure that your body has what it needs to survive. If not, the metabolism’s job is to make changes to make sure you survive. If there is not a supply of food to generate the energy that you need, the metabolism will slow down to keep from burning off what reserves you do have. A steady supply of food satisfies the “starvation” signal and allows the metabolism to run at full speed. Eating small, frequent meals – and eating the proper foods – will keep your metabolism at full speed, helping you to easily maintain your weight. Another benefit is that it will also help you to avoid overeating and binge eating because you will not experience the pangs of hunger that are common with the restricted 3 meal-a-day diet. When you eat this way, your body works better. The best part is that you will look and feel better. Your mood will be more stable as well because the natural chemicals in your body will remain balanced. You will reduce or avoid the risk of some nasty illnesses, such as high-blood pressure and diabetes.
  • 6. Benefits of Exercise A workout is a good way to relieve stress. Whether your stress is from daily life or from studying, exercise is a great stress reliever. Also, the better condition you are in, the more clearly you will be able to think. Your body will be more prepared to respond to new challenges decreasing the risk of injury. And, you will be better able to fight illness and disease. Choosing an exercise routine that’s right for you is the most important step. It will be the key to your success. Decide what your goal is and what types of exercises or how much you can reasonably do. Check with your doctor to be sure that you have no restrictions before you begin, especially if it’s been a while since you have exercised. If you choose a workout that is too difficult, or one that you don’t have the time for, it’s reasonable to expect that you will get discouraged and quit. It’s very important to choose a routine that fits into your schedule and equally important that you enjoy it.
  • 7. This is a set of goals that you should follow for your workout:  Be realistic.  Set small, achievable goals for yourself.  Challenge yourself to reach each goal.  Stay focused.  Work on reaching your next goal, not the total weight loss.  Be persistent, but allow for missed goals, it happens.  DON’T GIVE UP!! Losing weight and getting fit is a process. Any change in your lifestyle habits takes time. Fitting exercise into your schedule can be a challenge. Finding a routine that suits your schedule means deciding when and where you will exercise. If you don’t have the time, energy or the money to workout at the local gym, there is nothing wrong with working out at home. Even if the local gym is an option for you, you may prefer to be at home.
  • 8. Nothing is set in stone. If you want to use the local gym, check into a trial membership. This will give you the opportunity to actually see how it will fit into your schedule. You’ll also get a chance to try out the personal trainer they have on staff and the array of equipment that is available to you. Your workout routine should be enjoyable and not too strenuous to start. Fitting a complete routine into the time that you have available is also important. It is easy to get discouraged with a routine that’s too hard. This can also leave you stiff and sore from strain and fatigue. Pace yourself when you get started. Each muscle that hasn’t worked in a while is going to be one that you will feel later. An important part of any workout is to get your heart rate up. Exercising this way will boost your metabolism and burn more calories. This boost will extend hours beyond your workout, burning even more calories and increasing your weight loss far more than just eating the right foods.
  • 9. Checking with your doctor is always a good idea before you start any new exercise routine or diet. Your doctor is in the best position to evaluate your physical condition. They may also have some good advice on types of activity for you to start with. Physical activity helps build your immune system, strengthen your body and relieve stress. If you have not been physically active, you will want to start out slowly. Walking gives you a great workout. When you walk at a brisk pace it will get your heart rate up and give you many more benefits than a leisurely stroll. Get the most out of your workout by getting your heart rate up for about two hours each week. It does not have to be all at once and you may get more benefits by breaking it up throughout the day with 10 or 20 minute workouts. Your strength and endurance will increase with regular exercise. As your fitness improves, you will be able to increase the amount of time that you work out.
  • 10. Salt and Sodium Salt is about 40% sodium which has been linked to many diseases and health issues. Most of us get more sodium than our bodies need through the foods we eat each day. Salt is found in ALL processed foods and even in a large number of the drinks that we consume every day. Checking the Sodium content on food labels will surprise all but the savviest of shoppers. If your tap water is provided by the city, chances are that amount of sodium in the tap water is already well beyond the recommended daily amount. Adding salt is the most preferred method to soften water. Using a water filter does nothing to remove this. Salt is extremely soluble in water and carries through all but the most sophisticated filters that are specifically designed to remove salts. These filters are extremely expensive and are not available in a home model. In the case of city water, drinking or even cooking with your tap water supplies you with enough sodium that any small amount that you add
  • 11. at the table puts you even further over your limit. This is in addition to any sodium that has been added to processed and canned foods. Diet foods are about the worst thing that you can eat for sodium content. Salt is added to make up for the lack of flavor caused by removing the fat from foods. The addition of too much table salt can be detrimental to your overall health. If you are trying to reduce your salt intake or are on a salt restricted diet, you can keep your daily amount of sodium below the recommendations.  Read the labels at the grocery store and choose foods that are low in sodium and others that are high in potassium.  Cook without adding salt, use garlic or another aromatic spice before cooking to tease your taste buds.  You can cut back slowly on your salt intake or use a substitute spice to help adjust your taste buds.  Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables  Use bottled spring water for everything from cooking and drinking to ice cubes.
  • 12. Cooking your own meals will help improve your health and save you money. Put leftovers into plastic meal trays and freeze for your own homemade, healthy “frozen dinners”. These are great for those nights that you don’t feel like cooking. Planning your own menu and experimenting with cooking can be time consuming, and sometimes, it can even be a costly mistake. There may be some spice combinations that you really do not enjoy, and others that you may think are great on everything. Cooking this way will also likely increase the number of foods that you enjoy.  Choose fruits and vegetables that are in season.  Use healthy ingredients.  Stock your spice cabinet, and then experiment with tastes based on the recommendations on the labels.  Shop local sales. Compare prices, ask for price matching and use coupons.  Try new foods.  Cook enough for a couple of meals for “frozen dinners”.  Create an entirely new meal with the leftovers.  Look for salt-free recipes for the sauces that you enjoy.
  • 13. Visit for an assortment of dietary information. The information available includes “Healthy Eating Tips”, recipes, cookbooks and menus. There are recommendations for the amount of exercise that we should get at each age, and many other resources.
  • 14. Fad Diets Fad diets are called that for a very good reason. They are usually meant to produce quick results but are not a good long-term diet. If you want to cleanse your system or lose 5 pounds in a week, some will deliver. Even those fad diets that deliver a few pounds quickly cannot replace a good balanced diet combined with an exercise routine for maintaining weight control and good health. Many men, women and children will start using one of the popular diet plans, meals or pills they are constantly being bombarded with at the store and on television. Many of these methods are expensive and people don’t usually stick with them. Most of the weight loss is from excess fluids and body waste. Rapid weight loss can be detrimental to your health. It can deprive your body of important vitamins and minerals and slow down your metabolism.
  • 15. The only sure way to maintain a healthy weight and good physical fitness is through a balanced diet and exercise plan. Maintaining a good fitness program could even add years to your life! In order to eat a balance diet, you don’t need to deprive yourself of your favorite things or starve. In fact you shouldn’t do either. Simply adding a few ingredients and eating in moderation can provide surprising results. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods is no good. This leads to over indulging and is not a healthy way to eat any food. Instead of starving yourself, or depriving yourself, your goal is to eat well. If you want a candy bar or a slice of cake, have it. Just don’t have a piece that’s big enough to be a meal, and don’t have it everyday. Moderation is the key in “cheats”. Eat enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, but not enough to totally ruin your diet. Remember that the goal is to keep the body fueled and to keep hunger away. This helps to eat much more reasonable portions and keeps your metabolism running well. For a good resistance program that includes a healthy diet, check out something like The F4X System.
  • 16. Hydration Why It’s Important To Drink Plenty Of Water And Ways To Make Sure You Do The human body is over 50% water. A person can live for weeks without food but only a few days without water. Performance and abilities are affected when the body loses only 1% of its water. At 15% loss, the situation can become critical and organs can even begin to fail. It is generally a good rule of thumb to drink about a gallon of water each day. Water helps your body get rid of the toxins in your system. Many toxins are stored in body fat and as you burn off that fat the toxins are released into your system. Water will help your body filter them and flush them out. We know that it’s not healthy to sit in one position for extended periods of time. Drinking plenty of water will require you to take bathroom breaks. Getting up and moving gets your blood pumping, flooding your body and brain with fresh oxygen. Using the bathroom releases the toxins. Drinking cold water will cause your body to burn energy just by warming it up to body temperature so it can be used efficiently.
  • 17. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey Department of the Interior/USGS
  • 18. Strength Training Strength training exercises are used in physical therapy offices around the world. Every day men and women of all ages and abilities benefit from this type of therapy. It builds strength in the muscles and in their support systems. You do not need a lot of expensive equipment or run for miles to benefit from it. The core of strength training is resistance. Resistance training consists of exposing the muscles to a little more than they are used to then increasing the resistance as the muscle gets stronger. A strength training routine will deliberately target specific muscle groups. These types of exercises are done with slow deliberate movement to achieve maximum results. With this type of training, you can actually feel the specific muscle responding to the resistance. There are around 650 muscles in the human body. Each muscle and its support system are vital for our movement and livelihood. Even the heart and lungs are muscles and can be strengthened with a well rounded exercise routine and a balanced diet.
  • 19. Strength training focuses on building muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. It will also strengthen bones, improve balance and coordination and increase endurance. These types of exercise should be included in a well-rounded exercise program. Strength training can be done by lifting weights or using some type of resistance. A very popular type of resistance equipment is rubber bands. These are available in different tensions that help build muscle slowly and efficiently. An important part of any training program is to expose the muscle to slightly increased challenges with more repetitions or greater resistance. During exercise it is important to focus on good posture and breathing. This will help strengthen your back and stomach, reduce your risk of injury and increase your stamina. Dumbbells are another popular strength training tool. These are popular with home gyms because they can be easily used and stored at home. They also lend themselves to a wider variety of exercises in the least amount of space. Resistance training is easily achieved by timing your lifting vs. lowering motions. It works the muscles more quickly, decreasing the amount of time required to get a good workout.
  • 20. This is a set of “Power Block Elite” dumbbells. They can grow with your workout since they are adjustable from 5 to 90 pounds depending on the model that you are interested in. Storage is easy since you don’t need a large stand for an array of weights. They are a little pricey but are much more convenient to have around the house. With 44 reviews and 4 ½ stars on the 50 lb set, this item is worth a look. Power Block Elite at Amazon
  • 21. Muscles and The Need For Rest There are about 650 muscles in the human body. The result of exercising a muscle is mild damage to the muscle. During the rest and recovery period is when the muscle will repair this damage and make it stronger. The best results will be achieved with a combination of increased resistance and rest. You just need to work different muscle groups every day. Give the muscle a day or two to recover then get right back at it. The muscles in your entire body should be prepared for the challenge of exercise with a warm up routine. This will wake up your system by increasing oxygen and blood flow. It’s an important part of any workout routine to rest the muscles before working them again. This gives the body the needed time to repair the damage done during the workout. This repair is also the step that encourages muscle growth. This means that you should not work the same muscle group 2 days in a row. It does not mean that you cannot continue to work out on the odd days.
  • 22. If you over do your workout and end up very sore, give that muscle group a few days to recover. When you return to working this muscle group, lighten the workout so the damage caused is not as severe. The goal in working out is to lose weight and / or firm up the muscles. Overworking any muscle group is bound to slow down your progress since you will not want to strain sore muscles. This could mean extra days off and possibly a reason not to return to working out at all. To learn more about muscle growth, visit the Mueller Center at:
  • 23. Credits: Cover Image: debsch Inside Image: julosstock Power Block Elite: