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others discovered
If this web site appeared to have no changes for the past month and a half, you are
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way around this as well) and there is a huge amount of catch up reading to do!
If this web site appeared to have no changes for the past month or so, go into your
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browsers were told to check a list of web sites, and if a web site was on that list
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Do not fall for the Ghandi psy op
I do not believe in Ghandi, or that loving tyrants and dealing with them peacefully will
cause them to blush and surrender. If Britain left India it was for reasons other than
The Ghandi psy op has done a lot of damage to the free world, where Ghandi was used
as an example of "if you will it, it will be" and "nice guys always win". The truth is in fact the
opposite, when dealing with tyrants the only thing that matters is the amount of force you
can exhibit to keep them at bay, and the will to use that force. Unfortunately for America,
things should have boiled to that point after JFK. That would have been on time. And I
guess, at the soul of the issue, if everyone woke up NOW and took action, tyranny might
be overwhelmed but what are the chances of that?.
The last few days have been sad days for me because we got the answer from those
who rule America - more so than their trumped up Islamic enemies and Isis, it is THE
AMERICAN PEOPLE that are their declared number one terror threat, which means that
America's own government (or what is supposed to be the government) is a declared
enemy of the people. You cannot label your own population "terrorist" without being the
enemy of the people, and now that the American government hastaken that stand, the line
is drawn.
The line should have been drawn with 911, but the scamming usurpers used their usurped
media to spin the public into hatred towards those who had nothing to do with it, rather
than the synagogues of New York.
The line should have been drawn when autism stats went above 1 in 5,000, but because
too many people still trust those who seek to destroy them, the numbers, via tainted
vaccines have hit 1 in 50, with the balance being seriously damaged but not showing full
blown autism.
And I believe the line should have been drawn when abortion was legalized, when rigged
electronic elections became the norm, when the closed loop nuclear cycle was banned,
when the income tax went into place; America has crossed so many lines that it is
impossible to guage where it is anymore, it certainly is not America and America's
usurpers have now become impatient with keeping on their veil of legitimacy and are
dropping it now, leaving the monster beneath bare and naked for all to see.
Disaster is on the horizon, at least a disaster far beyond what we have known so far. If the
American people are now declared enemy number 1, there is no telling what these tyrants
will do. I believe the following will happen:
They will black out the country. They will virus attack the nuclear facilities. They will go
around door to door and kill every registered gun owner. They will destroy all gene pools
with GMO DNA the American public has clearly said NO to, but communists never
consider the will of the people if the people do not have the wit to hang them. They will rip
up all land marks and erase all history. They have already destroyed the libraries. The rest
of our history will be a cinch. These usurpers will attempt to destroy America with a
weather war. Look at California - they drained the dams on purpose there, and except for
a few like me no one said a word all the while the weather war continues unchallenged
and unabated.
I believe they are likely to release a plague, real or fabricated and imaginary, and use it to
force vaccinate the public. The vaccination will be the death blow, and many gun owners
will accept the vaccine because they may have guns but still trust certain aspects of the
Our usurpers will use guilt as a weapon, and try to guilt trip people into compliance with
their tyrannical measures. And they will guilt trip exactly the right people to cause mass
starvations and famine, I believe America is headed the way of Ukraine, and people had
better learn about how communists operate NOW, not later, because they are here. They
are here, and it is easily proven because:
Only a communist would call white America enemy number 1. Only a communist would
ban the sale of the Confederate flag and be able to enforce it, even on Chinese product
outlet within a day of issuing the order. Only communists conduct military
exercises such as Jade Helm in secret and out with the public. Only communists seek
programs such as nationalized health care with an important twist: at the same time
they make private health care illegal. You cannot call countries with state medical
communist until that critical step is taken: banning the private sector. America crossed that
Only a communist would force people to register a lemonade stand. Only a communist
would track the sale of used items, and regulate those sales. Only a communist would put
an end to value backed currency and run it all fiat. Only a communist would force a
medical procedure such as vaccination. Only a communist would ever put in place public
schools that teach the children to hate and snitch on their parents. Only a communist
would run the DHS. Only a communist would have a huge intelligence apparatus such as
the NSA keep tabs on the people to identify those who are a "threat". America has fallen
to communism and the monster is now dropping the veil.
What are you going to do now that the monster is getting brave enough to step out
into the light?
The Ghandi solution is NOT the answer.
There are more updates below the mail window
Federal government ordered Amazon, Ebay
and others to stop selling Confederate flag!
This strongly indicates the Government did the Charleston shooting, because the
government does not respond this quickly to anything unless it is all done ahead of
Ghetto Monk from Godlikeproductions called Amazon for an explanation about why they
banned the Confederate flag. The girl on the phone beat around the bush for about three
minutes, and then finally admitted that the government called them and ordered them to
stop selling it, and that everyone at Ebay and everywhere else got the order and that is
why it disappeared everywhere at the same time.
The only way this can happen so quickly is if the Federal government set it all up ahead of
time, did the shooting (or lied about one happening) and is running totally amok outside
the rule of law. No government declares martial law at an official level, but this proves
martial law is indeed in place now, I have this preserved in case it disappears, and
Youtube is obviously lying with the hit counter. HERE IT IS, PROOF OF MARTIAL LAW.
It is extremely important to note: To ban such items is a tactic of war used to
destroy and demoralize your enemy. Now the Federal government is also
attempting to ban all statues of the founders of this nation as well. When America
destroyed Iraq, it ripped down the statues of Saddam. Now, in America, we have
exactly the same thing going on in our Federal government, which an enemy has
clearly taken over. No American would ever issue such orders, this is proof of an
enemy takeover.
Only an enemy would have the NSA get all info on all people in a nation,
information to be used to single out who it is that enemy needs to get rid of.
Only an enemy would call White America the number 1 terror threat, because it is
white America which is armed and will put up a resistance to the final death of the
Only an enemy would put in place policies that caused almost all manufacturing to
leave the nation.
Only an enemy would try to force the American people to disarm.
Only an enemy would try to shut down the alternative media and gain full spectrum
information dominance.
If there is no bloody revolution at this point, it is GAME OVER, we cannot keep
allowing ourselves to be slammed the way the enemies who have overtaken our
government and institutions are slamming us or eventually we will be knocked out.
Action HAS TO take place before that happens.
If you think at this point your vote matters, IT MIGHT, for dog
catcher! In all other areas ONLY the enemy will be voted in,
because it is the enemy counting the votes.
Chris wrote:
As far as Im concerned the Federal United States Flag should also be banned because it
offends the Indian Nations. We do indeed have Marshal Law, banning historical flags
came straight from Obongo's pen. He's not American. The feds are are moving fast now
taking off he gloves not caring anymore what the people think because the people only
show weakness except a small few. It's time to take back our long lost REPUBLIC
My comment: Only gun owners can do that at this point, and the going will be rough if
Jade Helm is what is rumored.
No Guns. No Funds. Isn't that how it works. ? Jimm'o My response: Nope. That is not
how it works. No guns equals NO FUNDS in your pocket, ONLY A BREAD LINE and
that is IF they don't do your area like they did Ukraine . . . . .
Jim- Looking in Federal Register...would this be a secret, unpublished order? My
response: Well, that is how communists do it, right?
I edited the following to stick with today's key points: I thought you would like to know
that persons who are trying to open a yahoo email account are required to have a mobile
phone or a smart phone before they allowed to do so.
I still haven't been able too get back on Twitter. It's strange. I called the Charleston op like
it was. Ironically a friend of mine had his Twitter account shut down after he wrote the truth
about the Boston Marathon incident and never did get it back.
Right now in Texas, there is an orgy of Stalin-style history revision happening --hysterical
liberals demanding the destruction and erasure of everything and I do mean
EVERYTHING associated with the confederacy and the Civil War including burning books
about it ---"Gone with the Wind" was particularly singled out.It's like the whole world i s
gone crazy.
I think Obama is going for a third term if the "approved" Family candidates of
JEB,Hillary,Rubio and Scott Walker ( as in George WALKER Bush) don't do well in the
That is how it is this morning. I don't know why this emphasis on having a cell phone all of
a sudden. Perhaps you can enlighten us. Stay safe
My response: The emphasis on cell phones is so they can track you. That is the only
reason, it matters not if it is prepaid and unidentified when they can triangulate your house
in 3 seconds with one. It is all part of the control grid.
Another message on cell ID
Twitter is apparently suspending all accounts that do not provide them with a cell phone
number. Why would they want that? And if you are a new account they limit the number of
things you can post an who you can follow unless you give up your phone number. I think
the TPP pogrom of the internet Free Speech has already started. I know better than to use
Facebook it is a CIA handout big time. Unbelievable!
The hoax
The ‘Arrest’ of Dylann Storm Roof: A Hoax that Keeps On Giving
I have no final conclusions, but this post-arrest version of Storm Roof is much better
looking and presentable than the Katz-invented photos. That’s because the script and
narrative has moved on to the advanced grieving, forgiveness, little anger scam phase
which requires a less ominous look. Marks donate more money when the “victims―
seem beyond reproach and Christ like in comportment. No replays of Holmes and
Loughner seen here.
It would take a highly trained, skilled assassin (using a 45-caliber pistol) to get nine head
shots and a 100% kill-to-wounded ratio on individuals scrambling for their lives. There are
no details on wounds and trajectories available. The MSM has made zero effort to
describe this crime or its details.
A good insight:
Why are they attacking the Confederate flag? Because they do not want The South To
Rise Again. Texas is repatriating their gold from HSBC in NY and apparently plan to coin
Constitutional money. Texas is mobilizing their State Militia to monitor JADE HELM:
Now, consider if the scenario presented at 26:17 of this video makes sense:
I was correct about a gun grab in the TPP!
The four who ramrodded the TPP down the throats of congress were Paul Ryan,Mitch
McConnell,John Boehner and Orrin Hatch. You are right there is a clause in the TPP that
allowed the UN troops to seize our food and forearms --rather much like the holomodor
Stalin had in Ukraine and throughout the USSR to destroy the bourgeoise( Middle Class)
Communism said they would do this --and they did. The mop ups will be conducted like
Hitler's SS and a lot of churches, synagogues and even mosques are going to be
destroyed in the process. I am on the red list for three reasons.
That is the real reason for Jade Helm and nothing else--they are to enforce the provisions
of the TPP that mandate seizures, on the spot assassinations, forcing people to relocate
and interment in the FEMA camps. The closed Walmarts are for microchipping and
classifications and whites are the main target.
Google the "No Hesitation" targets and you will see they are all white. They were
commissioned by homeland Securty to train the flunkies to kill elderly,pregnant
women and children.
With assets seized from Americans the Rothschild bunch thinks they will be able to save
their EU Ponzi until they can attack & loot China & Russia & Iran and finish off Assad in
Syria & get the job done in Yemen.
The reason they are calling our troops into the Middle East and in the South pacific areas
is so they will be unavailable to help their families when jade Helm goes down and they
will refuse to fire on American civilians. That leaves DHS with the bag and I predict that it
will be UN Troops The Spetznaz guys that Janet Napolitano ordered who are supposed to
be based in Colorado. It also leaves illegal cartel gang guys who have been being trained
in the detention centers and ISIS & Blackwater will be here, there won't be enough real US
Special Forces involved in the 'exercise."
I'm sick of their constant stream of lies--pious self-righteous arrogance,finger wagging and
arrogance. They will back down until THEY get a weapon. Then they kill you without a
change of expression.
I wish you had info on John Boehner,Mitch McConnell,Paul Ryan and Orrin Hach. There is
very deep blackmail on Boehner! VERY BAD. They are the four who rammed the damn
trade bill that is not about trade through Congress. I've been at this a while so I better go.
Paintball guns can easily be converted to the real thing
PJR sent: From
Toy guns sold in US can easily be transformed into the real killing machines. The popular
airsoft or paintball guns which are used to shoot pellets of colour have a similar bottom
half as their lethal cousins the AR-15.
The airsoft can be converted to an AR-15, firearms manufacturer Leo Gonnuscio told after testing the make and model of airsoft guns seized by the Federal
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) .
Gonnuscio said he was surprised to find that he was able to to transform this particular
gun to the real thing -- and with minimal work, because its bottom half, or receiver, is so
similar to an AR-15's, the report said.
To make the airsoft receiver function just like an AR-15's, all one has to do is drill a hole.
And once that's out of the way, the rest is even easier. The AR-15 receiver is the only part
of the semi-automatic rifle that is given a serial number, and is the only part that is
My comment: JUST AS I SAID, our shooter was probably just taking part in a scheduled
paint ball "drill" that is on the books as scheduled by the Federal Government while
wearing paintball armor and someone handed him a modified paintball gun that shot
real bullets. This report proves it is possible! The pictures of him, the obviously set up web
site and too good to be true manifesto pretty much say it all, and now we have something
solid to dig into here.
NBC News declares White Americans the
biggest terror threat
NBC news has specifically stated today that White America presents twice the terror
threat Muslims do, perhaps factual because most American Jews are white and Muslims
never did anything at all. 911 references aside, this is spooky because it is now clear who
all the anti terror legislation was really for, (as if we did not know this all along) but this
stands as an open admission of this.
I checked this out and it is not a hoax, for the time being at least the report is here and I
suggest people get a screenshot of this because it has indeed put the writing on the wall.
Since the Jewish community owns NBC and all the other major media outlets, this report
by NBC stands as an open admission that the Jewish community is deeply terrified of
WHITE GUN OWNERS, who are the only thing preventing the Jewish community from
slamming America into full blown openly admitted communism. Look at the way the
government is being run now, with Obamacare written in secret and voted on
without anyone knowing what was in it, with the TPP written in secret and
ramrodded through with no one knowing what is in it, folks, America is now
operating as a communist nation where the voice of the people does not matter
THEY SAID IT FIRST, after all this hoopla about "Islamic terror" that they went to
war against in the war on terror and KILLED WELL OVER A MILLION they have now
declared that the real terrorists are WHITE AMERICA. This stands, in my opinion, as
an open declaration of war on the American people, and though it may take time for
KILLINGS PLANNED FOR AMERICA which, if it really is twice the terror threat of
nations they killed over a million people in, is definitely on their drawing board.
They want the guns gone for a reason, WAKE UP if you have not fallen out of bed
Now Charleston motive is becoming clear
I know what I think - I think this kid probably worked for the CIA, took part in a long
scheduled drill and was given real bullets rather than paint balls. Look at his face in this
picture - he looks to me like he is confused and in a state of shock as he would be if he
was set up this way.
And then, take a look at this video CNN did with regard to racism and the
Confederate flag
This is such an obvious propaganda setup that is intended to erase a huge portion of
American identity that it screams CHARLESTON WAS SHADOW GOVERNMENT OP
unlike anything else I have ever seen, there is no possible way this type of thing could
possibly be real.
Why are they attacking the Confederate flag? Why did Wal Mart and Ebay jump the gun
so fast as well? Answer: Because Wal Mart, Ebay, and CNN are Jewish controlled
and Jews despise people they rule over that have a sense of identity. Such
identities help the people they rule maintain a sense of self and makes them more
difficult to manipulate. This attack on the Confederate flag was definitely pre
planned and set up months ago at a minimum, huge organizations don't make
decisions this quickly, this is an obvious pre planned, pre programmed occurrence
with this staged shooting as the marker for making it happen.
And actually, in light of this, I think the top people at Wal Mart and Ebay knew this
was going to happen and are now playing their part. Their swift response in
banning confederate merchandise sure indicates it. Obviously I did not sit in their
board rooms and cannot prove it, but I certainly think they have that level of insider
knowledge. The fast reaction stands in the evidence pool against them.
The sheer magnitude of the response to this event and the rapid pace it is happening at
screams shadow government setup ALL THE WAY, why the sudden wave of race hatred
B.S. in the U.S.? And you know, the rioters in Baltimore and Ferguson sued Soros for not
getting paid . . . . . . it is all such an obvious setup Especially since Soros: 1. Failed to
pay the rioters in Furguson and Baltimore, 2. Owns a huge stake in Ebay, 3. Owns a
huge stake in Amazon, which has also now banned the Confederate flag and 4. UP
IN WAL MART. Little suspicious there is it not? One thing is certain, Soros is a
major player and a nice anonymous hack on an email account would certainly be
likely to reveal a lot.
Take a look at how easy it was to arrest this kid, something is not right here . . . .
Heads up: The TPP probably has a hidden gun
control rider
The Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, which passed during the CIA sponsored
Charleston event, is very likely to have a gun control rider hidden in it. How could a trade
agreement have gun control be a key element? Well, that is what riders are for!
Riders are additional legislation not mentioned in the title that get tacked onto policy
agreements they have nothing to do with. There is a reason why the TPP was kept
completely secret, a reason why the Pope now says if you are a Christian you can't own a
gun, and a reason why even the UN is now pushing for gun control after this Charleston
event. And that reason wasdiscussed by many many people before the TPP passed and I
missed this myself because I never thought about "them" being that brazen about gun
All I have to say is this: The lawless are running the U.S. government now, and to
give up your guns is to submit to lawlessness. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.
I cannot be guilt tripped by a B.S. psy op, and I can only hope that others see this the
same way I do - as a government sponsored aggression against the American public. I
already knew the pope was fake, so his announcement came as no surprise:
The antipope says that if you own a gun you are not a
My comment: What about the crusades and the use of deadly force by Catholics there?
How about Cortez blowing away the Aztecs to get the Catholic church into Latin
America? Was that Christian or was it not?
The antipope now needs to offer an official apology to Mexico after the Catholic church
killed the Aztecs and practically everyone else here . . . . WITH GUNS. HA! I will tell you
who is owed reparations! The Jews are forcing Spain to give them reparations after they
got expelled in the late 1400s for bad behavior. But the reparations are really owed to
Mexico, because via the Catholic church Spain robbed the Aztecs and Mayas and
other inhabitants of over a trillion dollars worth of gold and murdered most of
them. In Mexico, all those huge pyramids were layered in solid 24 karat gold when Cortez
arrived, that is where all that Spanish loot and sunken treasure ships and "Pirates of the
Caribbean" stories originated - with gold ripped off the pyramids.
So dear ANTI POPE: Historic Catholic church policy is to use guns to force religion
while robbing everything people have. To say gun owners are not Christian should
get you hung for hypocrisy. And dear Jewish community: If Spain owes ANYONE
Lia on the forum posted THIS!!! BINGO!
It is official, the Charleston shooting was a pre scheduled drill. And the on scene photos
show our shooter wearing paintball body armor as well. What if he was fooled into thinking
it was a paintball drill and they instead gave him live ammo? That would be a great way to
off a state senator!
The "Manifesto"
People have scolded me for missing the fact that the TPP passed during this
shooting. I disagree, I ought to scold others for not covering the fact the TPP was
up and coming days before this event and believe my readers do not have such a
short attention span that they cant remember what I posted a few days earlier, now
on to business . . . .
I am going to say it as I see it - I doubt the manifesto is real, I doubt Dylan set up the
web site that had it or wrote it at all.Even still, it is not a bad read.
I think this is an attempt by the zio clan to show him as being level headed and to back
stab alternative media. His web site "" was set up in February, was a
real web site and not just a blogger page or facebook page as the disinfo teams are now
trying to front, and then the web site was never updated since. And here is why some are
trying to pawn this off as a facebook/blogger type web site: Who pays for web sites, sets
them up with a single post and then never does anything ever again, as happened
here? ANSWER: Intelligence agency types who want to set up a future false front to
use in a situation like this. They probably set this up after they decisively concluded
he was getting sucked in by their MK zombie brain washing.
And if he did do the web site, I strongly believe he was a MK ultra zombie through the
shooting, and that perhaps our illustrious NSA nailed his writing below, had the CIA send
agents, and then programmed him for this job and because he was getting his brain
whipped he never got back to his web site he just set up and paid for. That is a secondary
explanation for why a paid web site was set up and immediately abandoned. As far as I
see it, it is one or the other.
I am not certain the TPP had anything to do with this, but it is obvious the gun control
agenda did and that this was fronted as a reason to nail the alternative media. The way
the MSM is using this so-called manifesto is disgusting.
Update: The shooter had many black friends, and this manifesto, written in February, has
the quote " I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time
had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real
KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the
bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."
There is a serious problem with that final quote, (which was probably tagged onto
the end of his post by someone else if he wrote it at all) and it is this: He
supposedly wrote this in February. He is too young to have that long of a gap
between writing something and doing something, especially with a web site so
unimportant to him that he left it completely abandoned on the DAY HE
REGISTERED IT. We are supposed to believe he registered AND PAID FOR the site,
on the same day posted this, and then he abandoned it THAT SAME DAY. YEAH
RIGHT. This more likely came off one of those web sites that is set up by an
intelligence agency to provide plausibility for a future psy op and then parked until
Here is the so called manifesto, I am having a hard time believing this story.
I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South, almost every White
person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause of the numbers of negroes
in this part of the country. But it is a superficial awareness. Growing up, in school, the
White and black kids would make racial jokes toward each other, but all they were were
jokes. Me and White friends would sometimes would watch things that would make us
think that "blacks were the real racists" and other elementary thoughts like this, but there
was no real understanding behind it.
The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing
his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right
away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman
was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words "black on
White crime" into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first
website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon
pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized
that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin
case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?
From this point I researched deeper and found out what was happening in Europe. I saw
that the same things were happening in England and France, and in all the other Western
European countries. Again I found myself in disbelief. As an American we are taught to
accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to
be here as we do, since we are all immigrants. But Europe is the homeland of White
people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there. From here I found out about
the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am
completely racially aware.
I think it is is fitting to start off with the group I have the most real life experience with, and
the group that is the biggest problem for Americans.
Niggers are stupid and violent. At the same time they have the capacity to be very slick.
Black people view everything through a racial lense. Thats what racial awareness is, its
viewing everything that happens through a racial lense. They are always thinking about
the fact that they are black. This is part of the reason they get offended so easily, and
think that some thing are intended to be racist towards them, even when a White person
wouldnt be thinking about race. The other reason is the Jewish agitation of the black race.
Black people are racially aware almost from birth, but White people on average dont think
about race in their daily lives. And this is our problem. We need to and have to. Say you
were to witness a dog being beat by a man. You are almost surely going to feel very sorry
for that dog. But then say you were to witness a dog biting a man. You will most likely not
feel the same pity you felt for the dog for the man. Why? Because dogs are lower than
This same analogy applies to black and White relations. Even today, blacks are
subconsciously viewed by White people are lower beings. They are held to a lower
standard in general. This is why they are able to get away with things like obnoxious
behavior in public. Because it is expected of them.
Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an
inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of
how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned. But of
course I don't deny that we are in fact superior.
I wish with a passion that niggers were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that
every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an
oppressive institution, and so on. Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much
easier for me to accept our current situation. But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to
accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on
historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we
deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons.
Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White
person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states
where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery
was abolished. I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of
them were positive. One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the
day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these
narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt even allowing whipping on his
Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to
hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways.
Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically
harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has
done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is
obviously our school system.
Now White parents are forced to move to the suburbs to send their children to "good
schools". But what constitutes a "good school"? The fact is that how good a school is
considered directly corresponds to how White it is. I hate with a passion the whole idea of
the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running
because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight. Why should we have to flee
the cities we created for the security of the suburbs? Why are the suburbs secure in the
first place? Because they are White. The pathetic part is that these White people dont
even admit to themselves why they are moving. They tell themselves it is for better
schools or simply to live in a nicer neighborhood. But it is honestly just a way to escape
niggers and other minorities.
But what about the White people that are left behind? What about the White children who,
because of school zoning laws, are forced to go to a school that is 90 percent black? Do
we really think that that White kid will be able to go one day without being picked on for
being White, or called a "white boy"? And who is fighting for him? Who is fighting for these
White people forced by economic circumstances to live among negroes? No one, but
someone has to.
Here I would also like to touch on the idea of a Norhtwest Front. I think this idea is beyond
stupid. Why should I for example, give up the beauty and history of my state to go to the
Norhthwest? To me the whole idea just parralells the concept of White people running to
the suburbs. The whole idea is pathetic and just another way to run from the problem
without facing it.
Some people feel as though the South is beyond saving, that we have too many blacks
here. To this I say look at history. The South had a higher ratio of blacks when we were
holding them as slaves. Look at South Africa, and how such a small minority held the
black in apartheid for years and years. Speaking of South Africa, if anyone thinks that
think will eventually just change for the better, consider how in South Africa they have
affirmative action for the black population that makes up 80 percent of the population.
It is far from being too late for America or Europe. I believe that even if we made up only
30 percent of the population we could take it back completely. But by no means should we
wait any longer to take drastic action.
Anyone who thinks that White and black people look as different as we do on the outside,
but are somehow magically the same on the inside, is delusional. How could our faces,
skin, hair, and body structure all be different, but our brains be exactly the same? This is
the nonsense we are led to believe.
Negroes have lower Iqs, lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in generals.
These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior. If a scientist publishes a paper
on the differences between the races in Western Europe or Americans, he can expect to
lose his job. There are personality traits within human families, and within different breeds
of cats or dogs, so why not within the races?
A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still two completely
different animals. Just because we can breed with the other races doesnt make us the
In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about "bad" things
Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous,
almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these
people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person
in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black. For example when we
learn about how George Washington carver was the first nigger smart enough to open a
On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a
unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that
our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by
everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique.
Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every
skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that
everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel
as though he had no unique traditional culture.
I have noticed a great disdain for race mixing White women within the White nationalists
community, bordering on insanity it. These women are victims, and they can be saved.
Unlike many White naitonalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and
European jews are White. In my opinion the issues with jews is not their blood, but their
identity. I think that if we could somehow destroy the jewish identity, then they wouldnt
cause much of a problem. The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are
White, yet they see themselves as minorities. Just like niggers, most jews are always
thinking about the fact that they are jewish. The other issue is that they network. If we
could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass
awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.
I dont pretend to understand why jews do what they do. They are enigma.
Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good hispanics and
bad hispanics. I remember while watching hispanic television stations, the shows and
even the commercials were more White than our own. They have respect for White
beauty, and a good portion of hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White
hispanics make up the elite of most hispanics countries. There is good White blood worht
saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and even Brasil.
But they are still our enemies.
East Asians
I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could
carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White
race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races.
I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke.
People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being
murdered daily in the streets. Many veterans believe we owe them something for
"protecting our way of life" or "protecting our freedom". But im not sure what way of life
they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the jews.
I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi
Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the
veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be
proud of and fight for.
An Explanation
To take a saying from a film, "I see all this stuff going on, and I dont see anyone doing
anything about it. And it pisses me off." To take a saying from my favorite film, "Even if my
life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society.".
I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose
Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest
ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing
anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the
real world, and I guess that has to be me.
Unfortunately at the time of writing I am in a great hurry and some of my best thoughts,
actually many of them have been to be left out and lost forever. But I believe enough great
White minds are out there already.
Please forgive any typos, I didn't have time to check it.
MY COMMENT: YEAH, No time to check for typos in the four
months since he registered the site. No time for anything else
either. YEAH RIGHT!
Charleston shooting does not make sense
How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the
biggest problem with the story -
Supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun he reloaded 4 or 5 times during the shooting.
Ok, so how does that work? During reloading, you are going to have significant breaks in
the shooting. Why did no one rush him when he was reloading? Why did everyone miss
the opportunity, not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 or 5 times? That
sounds REALLY STUPID on the face of things.
But there is another huge glaring problem here and it amounts to claiming everyone
there was absolutely stupid. And it is: HOW can you possibly reload a hand gun at least
four and possibly FIVE times and still have anyone there to shoot at? Come on now,
would people not be running away? By the middle of reload 2 that church should have
been empty, unless, of course, people were so rock stupid they just stayed there and said
SHOOT ME TOO, I am going to heaven anyway!
And then there was that stupid comment by Obama, where he said no other advanced
countries have so many mass casualty shootings. Well, they do, (at least in theory) what
about the crock of B.S. Charlie Hebdo shooting? If Obama is going to front that lie, he has
to take Charlie Hebdo and present it as real (even though it obviously was not) and so
recently? Come on now, the "mass casualty event" statement is as hollow and dainty as a
ping pong ball and bounces away just as easily as one when the least bit of critical
thought is put on Obama's claims.
Ah yes, calling for gun control, because we are all violent in America because we have
guns. Quite the narrow minded view, don't you think? There are other factors in America, I
believe, that would influence the number of "mass casualty events" far more than gun
ownership, as shown below.
President Obama's claims that mass killings
do not happen in other countries is a bold
faced lie. Here are some totals:
President Bush - Iraq, totally unprovoked murder of 1,220,580 people.
President Bush - Afghanistan, unprovoked murder of 220,000 people (when you
consider the real truth - that Bush and Israel did 911 themselves, and then
proceeded to pursue an oil pipeline the Afghans refused.)
President Bush - Obama, Pakistan, 80,000 killed in drone strikes when no one there
had anything to do with any attack on America at all.
President Obama - Libya, totally unprovoked murder of 30,000
President Obama - sponsor of Isis along with CIA and Israeli Mossad - tens of
thousands in various regions, with no solid count.
And I am not even going to get into the millions of others murdered by the
American war machine in other totally unprovoked conflicts that happened before
911, but can state in terms that simply cannot be argued that it is the American
government that goes around murdering people AND NOW THAT SAME
Opinion - Charleston church shooting
It is a real shooting this time, and not another Sandy Hook. The data format does not
follow the fake shooting scenario. However, I am strongly suspicious that the shooter may
have been a CIA drone and it is a safe bet that if not that, he was on antidepressants. It is
highly probable this was a false flag as well. I have not much more to say because this
time I think it actually happened, unlike poor Pamela Geller's deeply disturbed art festival .
. . . . . I will update on Charleston if I find new info.UPDATE, NEW INFO CAME IN
A serious false flag involving a major explosion may be likely
Pete Santilli and Dahboo 7 have noticed that communications vehicles that preceeded
both the Boston Bombing and the Waco fertilizer factory blast are now in transport to
various locations. Though these might be passed off as a "legitimate" part of the Jade
Helm exercise, it has been proven that on the prior occasions they were used by the CIA
for command and control. So heads up, and See this
Belated blockbuster:
The H1N1 vaccination of 2009 - 2010 caused over a hundred fold increase (that's more
than a 10,000 percent increase) in miscarriages to women that got vaccinated. Fortunately
it was pretty much stopped dead in its tracks as a proven hoax and most people did not
get vaccinated. That being said, This report appears to be bang on and is a must read,
this particular doctor really did her homework and said it like it is.
Not from Sorcha Faal, discern for yourself
This Russian info about 911 was just published in Fulford's latest report:
The attempt to start World War 3 in the Ukraine has blown up in the face of the Khazarain
mob because it prompted a Russian intelligence dump. Here is some more of the
information sent to us by Russian Intelligence in response to the recent Khazarian mafia
attempt to portray Russia as a menace:
We did not blow up the WTC on 9/11/2001 with W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts. We did
not steal 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett US Nuclear Pitts from the backdoor of
Pantex, Texas, USA, which were manufactured at the Hanford Nuclear Plant. We did not
bring these stolen W-54 Pitts to Israel. We did not recondition them in Israel, and it was
NOT US who brought these nuclear Pitts back through Houston, Texas to be stored in
various Israeli Embassies, including the Israeli Embassy in New York, and we DID NOT
take these nukes to the Twin Towers by using Israeli Urban Moving Systems.
In other words, the Russians are giving the Pentagon white hats detailed, actionable
intelligence about Khazarian mass murder inside the United States.
My response: Sounds good. Real good. However . . . . . . I can only hope.
Here's a good one - after reading her stand on gun control, read her shirt!
Hoping for the best . . . .
In hoping for the best could it be possible that JH is preparing troops for the Ukraine?
Americans could certainly blend in with locals there. The cities and rural areas are similar.
So it's WWIII or martial law here. What a choice
My response: How could Jade Helm teach that many soldiers how to speak Russian well
enough to blend in there? Not gonna happen, consider martial law.
Uncensored video of what Saudi Arabia did to Yemen, Sell
outs to zion they are.
Brother Nathaniel, HMMMMMMMMM . . . . . . .
At "Brother" Nathanael Kapner's website:
I tried posting the following comment beneath that article over 15 times. Each and every
time it was blocked (censored). Here goes my "oh so dangerous comment" LOL:
Jews are waging an unseen online electronic war against the gentiles throughout Europe
and America. And nobody is discussing this topic? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
Biscuits anyone?
Kapner has blocked a lot of comments that have dealt with that topic in detail.
Keep on Sniffing.
It is either Brother Nathaniel or an AI computer program blocking comments on this
topic. If it is Brother Nathaniel, well . . . . . . either way, Hmmmmmmm.
Idiot Pope
This pope is definitely a moron, put in place by Satanists. Will the church survive?
My comment: It is comical to ask if the Catholic Church will survive, when YEAH, it has
been alive as an undead zombie ever since Vatican 2. Ha! what a laugh, something really
stinks right now, like the rotting flesh of a long dead corpse.
more web censorship -
A web site that I have had no trouble accessing in the past is now suddenly blocked by the
Sonicwall firewall device.
Gateway GEO-IP/BOTNET Alert This request is blocked by the SonicWALL Gateway
Botnet Service. Botnet Responder IP:
My response: That is a great web site, and ALL the real ones are being attacked the
same way this one is now.
Orwellian Canada
Canada is in fact more orwellian now than the U.S., under Harper Canada fell from being
decent all the way down to the bottom of the pits of Hell in a very short time. I do not find
the following to be surprising at all now:
It appears Bill C-51 has been passed into law in Canada. The timing of expansion of the
countries spy agencies and the collective cover "Anonymous" and the law being passed is
awfully suspect. You are right about shtf shortly.
Keep up the great work Jim.
My response: They want their spy apparatus totally functional and totally actionable
across the board, and have it that way practically everywhere in the so-called "free world"
now. Correct - tshtf shortly, and it will be done in a way that keeps it secret right up until
your first notice - the knock (or crash) at the door.
From Nigeria: Boko Haram
Hi! I am a reader from Nigeria. I like the truthful nature of your site. keep it up. Have you
heard of BOKO HARAM the terror group in nigeria/west africa. I suspect they are CIA
backed. What do you think?
My response: Ask yourself this question: Does Boko Haram actually follow the Koran and
Islamic teaching? Obviously not. Well then, who would front as Muslims without following
the Koran or Islamic law? The CIA is awful good at doing that!
Thanks for writing!
Jim- I keep getting sent to different pages, unable to post, even told I have to d/l PUSH to
access activistpost. which is false...I can through other links. Clicked on nodisinfo and got
some Rhianna youtube page. Something is wrong.
My response: YOU BET SOMETHING IS WRONG, it is called Screw the web 2.0 AI.
The web is learning how to crush the truth, and it is ALL RUNNING (MY GUESS)
FROM THAT NSA DATA CENTER IN UTAH. Mark my word, these types of problems
are intentional and will be used to crush the alternative media. Anything pro Jewish
or fronting a huge lie will run PERFECT, this site is getting nailed badly as are
others. In your case, your computer was targeted and I expect this attack on the
truth movement to take many forms.
Interesting coincidence?
israeli-flight-bound-nyc-u-turns-mid-atlantic Israeli Flight Bound For NYC U-Turns Mid-
I wonder if this has anything to do with this about the 7.0 earthquake in the Atlantic? 2015
This Aangirfan post is well worth a read. I would expect Aangirfan to get censored,
so if the link does not work try try again . . . . and definitely Aangirfan must have
been blown off Blogspot because the username is not the same as before.
20 years over browser cache?
[A man to be put in jail for clearing Google Chrome history - Pravda.Ru
A man in the United States faces imprisonment just for clearing his Google Chrome
browser history. Despite having no distant charges, the man can spend twenty years in
jail. A Grand Jury indictment states that Khairullozhon Matanov, former taxi driver "deleted
a large amount of information from his Google Chrome Internet cache" following the
bombing, including "references to the video of the suspected bombers [later identified as
the Tsarnaevs]," "two of the photographs of the bombers released at approximately the
same time," and "a photograph of Officer Sean Collier, who had been allegedly killed by
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev." Because Matanov deleted his cache, he was charged
with "Destruction, Alteration, and Falsification of Records, Documents, and a Tangible
Object in a Federal Investigation" which could land him in a cell for 20 years. Electronic
Frontier Foundation senior staff attorney Hanni Fakhoury said that the government's
"underlying theory" is this: "Don't even think about deleting anything that may be harmful
to you, because we may come after you at some point in the future for some unforeseen
reason and we want to be able to have access to that data. And if we don't have access to
that data, we're going to slap an obstruction charge that has as 20-year maximum on
According to me it's absolutely nonsense. NSA, CIA, or whatever intelligence agency
being able to collect (all) data, can find specific data regardless the subject. So, deleting
browser history doesn't indicate that some of the NSA ... data has been deleted.
My response: How the heck did they know what he cleared? Once again,
Hmmmmmmmm . . . . . .
IMF cheif Orgies in antiquity! WHAT A HOOT:
Luciferian behavior? Just as I discussed . . .
The former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn told a French
court that he participated in sex parties reminiscent of orgies in antiquity because he
needed "recreational sessions" while he was busy "saving the world" from one of its worst
financial crises. However, he is being prosecuted now because as it turns out, the women
at the orgies were prostitutes.
Here is the rest of this cute little tidbit of info!
Jade Helm chat has gone silent
Add this to your fact table: I have been contacted by numerous people, both big players in
the alternative media and individuals who are telling me that any mail about Jade Helm
and any links they post to content in mails get wiped before they arrive.
Therefore IMPORTANT, AND I MEAN DAMNING: If people either cannot send or are
stifled in sending mails to each other with Jade Helm content, it not only stifles
people who are covering facts on the ground, it will ALSO disable people's ability to
warn each other about gun confiscations or other hostile activity taking place as
part of the Jade Helm exercise.
We no longer have the web as we knew it, it is a piece of trash now and I strongly
recommend ALL GUN OWNERS TO LOCK AND LOAD, have it ready and loaded out in
the open where you can just grab it if needed. If you own guns and have children they
should not be stupid about guns, unless they are too young to reach the top shelf anyway
. . . . .
Anti Pope?
Are we closer to the end than I thought? Perhaps, because the Pope´s recent rantings
about climate change and how we need a one world government to stop it are so
intellectually dishonest they could not, in my opinion, possibly be issued by any real pope.
Just my opinion, but probably fact. I am not a Catholic but I do believe Fatima happened
as stated and that due to non compliance with the warnings the Catholic Church has failed
entirely, with the current pope being a glistening turd of proof.
Greece may have officially defaulted
When trying to access this page, I get the following message:
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET yet the internet is working absolutely perfect.
This means the following report by is BLOCKED AT THE DNS LEVEL,
The "Black Swan Event" that we've all known was on its way, just took place: The Greece
Parliamentary Committee on the Public Debt has issued it's report declaring the loans
given to Greece by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank
(ECB) and various Banks (Known collectively as the "Troika") as Illegal and Odious."
The word "Odious" has a specific legal meaning and when someone utilizes that word with
regard to loans, it means they will NEVER be repaid.
Thus, an official Government Committee in the Greek Parliament has now publicly
REPUDIATED it's national debt.
All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the
ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the
debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the
fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion
that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious.
How´s that one for a shell shocker!
. . . . . . and obviously someone does not want this to spread!
Here is a definition of "odious debt" from the illustrious hated (by me) Wikipedia:
"In international law, odious debt, also known as illegitimate debt, is a legal theory that
holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best
interests of the nation, should not be enforceable. Such debts are, thus, considered by
this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of
the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts
signed under coercion.
Ha ha ha, what is going to happen now? How about America's "odiuous debt"?
Is all alternative media now ISIS?
I beg to question this, because HOW ON EARTH can the FBI be legitimately hunting
hundreds of ISIS agents in ALL 50 STATES if this is not the case? Isis in Hawaii? Alaska?
WHAT A LAUGH, and yes, the recent connectivity and mail problems the alternative
media has been having would DEFINITELY be caused by the FBI blocking "enemy
And they only have to do it until every voice is silenced until dead. We all know they
created ISIS, so knowing they know they are pursuing their own lie, I beg to question who
are they really after, and have one easy answer: US.
Read their B.S. front story HERE and then consider this: NUMEROUS
Look at this: They now have a cover story for killing people in
self driven cars.
When they take over the car to murder you via remote control, now all they have to say is
that the car only made the best decision to save the most lives possible! How is that for
cover when murdering an undesirable! And obviously since all the other cars in this
scenario are self driven, in many situations no one will remain at the scene to testify that
the car crashed for no reason at all because their cars will just drive them away.
I would be willing to bet that the cars will be programmed to destroy themselves when
asked to in a way that always results in fatality to prevent the occupants from revealing the
truth afterward as well.
What I believe is the cover story for murder by wire can be read HERE
Mexico City Hell Day
It is now 830 PM and I am finally posting on the computer that lacks arrow bracket keys so
this is going rough. BAD DAY, I got online earlier but could not post because the cyber
cafe I went to was using DHCP which makes it impossible to stay online in administration
mode, and despite walking long distances I did not find a cyber cafe where I was.
Rumor has it that Donald Trump wants to run for President and jokes are being sprung
that Oprah will be his running mate. Since Opra did at least air THIS I would have to say
she would be a lot better than the garbage that has been in the white house lately and
HOW ON EARTH could Donald Trump possibly be worse than Obama?
Downunder wrote
Hi Jim,
Following up on the post from Bronco regarding child sex laws coming around the corner.
It is not hard to see similarities of the tribe.
Just remember: these tribes are behind your "Health Care":
If this is true again it will only make sense if the Jews are ISIS. And no doubt they would
be rampaging with rape, sodomy, and pedophilia on the innocents in the middle east.
In todays world there are only two religions standing that hold a firm stance against
pedophilia and gays/lesbians. They are Muslims and Christians. Unfortunately the
Christian pastors have let the ball slip and are becoming much more sympathetic to gays.
In the Islamic world however the Sheikh's have not given an inch an still prescribe
punishment if caught in any of these acts. My point is they will try their best to push this
agenda on us, but there are enough good Christians and a billion plus Muslims who will
never go along with it and forsake god. So to them I say good luck.
And for those that don't care this way or another, I will say this. Satan has only one goal,
and that is to see all of us in hell...he doesn't necessarily need you to turn gay to achieve
that, but all he needs is for you to accept it and by doing that you go against gods order
and that itself will send you to hell. Job done. So stand firm my friends.
My response - Not. One. Inch.
Darin wrote
Your message about taking a stand started a fire inside me. I have always stated in my
thoughts about how I feel about issues that the dark ones do, and even about the spiritual
side of things. I now feel it's very important to make a declaration about taking ones rights
back and rescind all contracts and consent that these evil ones have usurped since long
ago. If we don't reconnect to God and our true unlimited power, then we may be locked
into this reality by co-conspiring with this evil by not taking a stand. They have used magic
and illusions to get our consent without us even knowing what the hell we consented to in
the first place. I'm boiling at all the con's that have been perpetrated against people
without our knowledge, and I'm drawing up, printing out and signing in the presence of
God, the one true creator, that I do not consent, and I do not agree with anything they will
do or have done.
Even if they attempt to take the life of the body we reside in, if you declare that you don't
agree, now and forever, then it will follow you through eternity. I have read an example of
a spiritual declaration that I intend to use for my needs. It's going to be very lengthy, but
I'm more worried about what might happen if I don't do this since now that I know about
the consent and contract of the dark magic side of things.
Even if we start with ourselves and make it known to everyone in existence through the
aethers, we will be doing our part of dismantling sine of the final act. Taking this from here
to our immediate family and then to our neighbors will be necessary to do more.
This is interesting, I dont know what to make of this . . . . .
This is my theory on the neutralizing of the military and the entire transhumanist,
technocratic bulldoze going for complete grid control of the human race. OK. They can not
only "read your mind" they can hijack your cognitive functions just like a rogue bot can
take over random computers, Now between this tech capability and the mind numbing
psychotrophics and toxic food, damn; they have most people completely grid locked and
controlled. As far as the homogeneity and bland sameness favored by biggov,and all
nations; that is to prepare humans for the droid invasion, the droid roll out,
why they are just like us..." I do believe these folk can not only create a false narrative,
they CAN create alternative, or tiered realities, depending on where you fit in on the
consumer grid. It is The Outer Limits, on "elysium" but even worse.
You are doing good work. peace and good luck to you.. ; - ) Yeah. Look at all the dead
tech execs, dude; it IS obvious what they're doing and it is just plain scary. I believe this
tech is so advanced they are close to "time travel" and could build a dopple of you that
your own family would not recognize. Yeah. They can install dupes in every nation... ---
My response They just admitted yesterday that they have programs that can understand
and respond to spoken language better than an average person, and that the processor
requirements are not extreme. This means you could talk to a computer and be totally
clueless. IF this be the case, you can simply talk to a computer now and tell it all about
YOU WOULD HAVE A TERMINATOR STYLE ROBOT. Logical links there I admit, but
Honda perfected Asimo down to having body control as good as a human and now all it
needs is the FREAKING PROGRAM AND REALISTIC SKIN. They have the program.
Now all they need to do is merge it with Asimo and GAME OVER, just like you said.
Things are gonna get freaky.
An important warning
Computer programming has advanced so far that a software program can now perfectly
mimic an above average person online. You can now be fooled by totally synthetic
relationships online and not even be in contact with a real person AT ALL. I have known
that the CIA has had such software available in various forms for about 8 years, and now
Drudge Report finally covered the topic by linking to an article that whitewashed it by
saying it is being done by computer programmers and computers in China. This software
does not need a multiple thousand core supercomputer to run on, something like a run of
the mill quad core or I7 can handle this very easily, (and in the context of an online
relationship it would not even take that much of a computer because the software would
have time to think).
Therefore, in addition to making the final decisions about who you are, I urge
people to strongly focus on relationships with people you know are real, in your
everyday life and to start moving away from social media where everything is just
bits and pixels. Remember, the people who possess this technology are basically
without souls and they would think absolutely nothing about blowing your entire
life on a false hope based on a fake love relationship or friendship that is simply
running alongside hundreds of others on the same $20.00 CPU. The elite will have
no troubles destroying chat rooms, forums and comment sections with this
technology as well, as far as I see it the good old days of the web, where you really
were connecting and chatting with real people are gone and more and more it will
all be software that has been programmed to manipulate you.
I believe it is a very good time to break the ice and get to know the neighbors . . . . . the
"elite" are definitely going to send online reality down the toilet bowl in a great big swirling
Once again, my day is stacked with the circumstances surrounding my father in law
so all I can really do is post a few items from the message window.
My message about making the final decision about who you
are (to help you get through the mess this world is becoming,)
which some have said is the best thing since the Fukushima
report is immediately below the message window.
Here is the post that raised so much attention
The time is NOW to stand your ground. Root in deep and stand your ground. I believe
we are going into the hockey stick of evil, where things have finished going slowly and will
rapidly rise to unimaginable heights very quickly now, and it will be important for people to
be finished with questioning who they are.
It will be very important to make direct decisions regarding who you are and begin to
operate logically rather than emotionally. I believe it will be necessary to become purely
logical because the elite are going to be using brain and hormone altering GMO's you cant
avoid, drugged water supplies you can't avoid for the most part and tainted food supplies
you can't avoid, let alone a mind altering shot you may not be able to avoid. And if put into
an emotionally impossible scenario you are going to need deeply rooted logic and
previous decisions to get through what I believe are the up and coming end times
spiritually intact.
I'll opt not to deny the existence of Satan and the fact that there is a God and as stated in
the various guide books the last days are here and those who have chosen to serve
darkness have indeed successfully usurped almost all good in the world's power structure
and that they fully intend to ram rod all the predicted satanic stuff down the world's throat. I
know for certain they destroyed the web around 3 months ago and that the voice of good
will be reaching very few new people. If you had already previously made certain
decisions the web will look normal, but anyone who was still totally caught in the
web of deception and going nowhere towards the truth will now remain hopelessly
caught until this game plays out, these people are now on their own.
Zero tolerance will be the only path forward. When they push the gay agenda, Answer
with zero tolerance, there is no middle ground here, homosexuality is a malfunction pure
and simple and accepting homosexuality as being something you can tolerate will only
create a slippery slope that will cast you into the abyss. Zero tolerance on the topic
means you won't suck up and say it is OK no matter what kind of bigot you are
called, standing your ground will, in this case, mean watching the world fall apart
around you while opting not to be a part of it. Dig in and STAND YOUR GROUND.
I am confident they are going to begin pushing animal sex and sex pets. They are already
pushing this very hard in Europe and when people take pets to the vet that have been
sexually injured by their owners the rules are already in place to not prosecute them,
because the "elite" want animal sex to become the new normal. This has not taken root in
America yet in a big way, but I am confident it is the goal of the "elite" to do this. And I
strongly suspect that this will be pushed hard on the normal population long before child
sex will, but child sex being pushed hard is definitely on the horizon. The order in which
this happens is irrelevant.
They will definitely push people into the corner with a cashless society. This is already the
most normal method in America and is about to become law in Europe. And once the
society is cashless, they will definitely push the mark of the beast, so no one can buy or
sell without the mark. Yet the various guide books say that there will be ways to gain
victory over this mark, and that you can get through it all without being killed but that you
are going to have to live completely without any sort of honor with the utmost humility to
succeed with this, and I mean going as far as to completely depend on garbage for
food. You won't have a home, you won't have medical, and you will have to hide like a rat
to avoid being killed for opting out of the system. Perhaps you will be raptured, but I can't
tell God what to do with everyone, that is up to Him.
If you succeed in avoiding it, the total time frame for the usefulness of the mark of the
beast will be less than 10 years, after this the system will collapse under its own
corruption. If you study the scriptures well enough, this is all in there. From what I can put
together, the "no one can buy or sell" period will be anywhere from 5-7 years. I am not
going to assemble a billion bible quotes for this, this is not the mission of this web site but I
will say I am not scripturally stupid and that this is a probable scenario. Obviously a
mandatory vaccine will be the most probable vector of delivery for the mark.
This message never expires.
I strongly suggest people to take this seriously, it takes only a half wit to see something is
seriously amiss now and that we are all swirling down the toilet bowl, just like the
scriptures say will happen. And I do not buy into the "evil people are using the bible as a
guide book" theory, because if any intelligence is applied to the situation at all, the
smartest thing for the good of everyone that would make the most money for the "elite"
would be to return morality to the 1950's and exploit that particular societal ethic to the
No, we are seeing something go totally awry that is totally counterproductive for all of
mankind, and there is only ONE THING,ONE WELL DOCUMENTED THING that fits the
scenario, and it is that the "elite" have indeed formed a pact with Satan, complete with
human sacrifices in synagogue basements and at the grove, in elite living rooms and at
huge gated community parties, where they form pacts with Satan by proving they can be
the most filthy heinous evil imaginable and in exchange, Satan is indeed giving them
power. They are to in exchange for recieving this power do everything they can to make
the people they rule as evil and perverted as possible.
If you opt to not be a part of it all, there is a bumpy trail ahead. What will it be for
you? The path less traveled, with stones cutting your feet as you traverse cold
craggy mountain peaks, or cruising a ferrari down the silky smooth highway to
In response to my post "the time is now to stand your ground"
(Scroll down past these relevant mails to see that post, people
are saying it is one of the best since the Fuku report.
Bronco wrote:
Great work. Just wanted to mention something that slipped by you.Child sex has already
been legislated in Canada.
When, you say.When Canada passed adoption law that allows fagots and lesbians to
adopt children. Yes,Canada you have invited hell into your home.
(DOG damn it Jim that is some of the best werk you have eve-r d-one! I have NOT missed
a chance 2 stir your POT since first I read "FUK-U.S.HI-MA. SABATOGE"...just weeks
after IT hit the BRIC's. You are spot on in most categories and as a survivalist WE have
walked many of the same paths. Peace L.C. Walk-in
Just remember: these tribes are behind your "Health Care":
Hi Jim
I appreciate and totally agree with your Saturday post urging us to stand our ground and
to have zero tolerance for compromising what I know to be God's rules for us to follow in
exchange for this wonderful life experience here and now and forever more somewhere
else. I feel like I just don't fit in with the world around me. Every day I am amazed and
disgusted at how bold and unrelenting they are with everything against us. Our politicians
just do not care what the will of their constituents is. They openly declare that the laws
they make do not apply to them. It's just crazy.
A lot can be done with covert weaponry, ELF, magnetron devices, (through wall or from
medical devices) medical hit insertion teams to degrade a normal life into disease and
squalor, homosexuality, affecting DNA. Electronic rape of men, women and childern.
Hormones and poisons have been developed to do identical things. Any quasi gov't
corporate structure or node is ripe for poisons insertions into incoming packages, food
supply like with the Witch burnings from contaminated rye or wheat of the food supply in
Salem Mass. Experimentation is over, how far it goes will remain to be seen.
My response: Yes, I missed the EM aspect of it, EM warfare can indeed cause people to
make lifestyle choices they otherwise would not make. This can be done easily via digital
television with inserted patterns that are imperceptible, or even with your own cell phone.
Glitch wrote:
Ancient History of Mankind:
I think I better understand your posts about how nukes are related to the destruction that
is being administered right now.
My response: There is going to be a follow up to that post, which I actually intended to be
the first of these two posts but during the limited time I had that one was the right one to
put up. America has been set up for a nuclear holocaust, I believe this will be one of the
"great pollutions only God can clean up" in the last days, as will be GMOs and the human
genome destroyed by T4 nanobot DNA altering vaccines. It will definitely be a mess, and I
am confident plenty of this destruction is and will be done on behalf of Satan.
More than 100,000 people have joined the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv on Friday
Israel has emerged as the world's most gay-friendly
Go figure..!
This is so good I just gotta put it on top here:
Is it true that some states are pushing to have laws made so that people can choose their
official gender just by saying that they self identify themselves as a female or male
(sometimes neither or both)? I've heard that some universities are allowing that.
So what happens when draft-dodgers simply say "I identify as a female so I refuse
to register/enlist"? I bet the powers-that-be won't let that stand for a minute. That would
be the start to the smack-down of all of that transgender stuff. I'd love to see thousands of
18 year old men refusing to register with selective services because they self-identify as
female. I'll bet that it's already happening and they're letting it side and not allowing any
press coverage of these cases in the hopes of it not becoming a growing movement.
My response: This would be a great meme to get started!
I just got a message saying I won't talk about the third
worlders invading Europe! Ok, well then lookie here, (I have
linked this and similar many times.)
Lunatic trollage
The lunatic trollage I have received regarding God makes it clear that even among a few
of those at the forefront of the alternative media there is an obvious primary motive to get
people to deny god. I guess this would be a litmus test . . . . although some might be a few
legitimate atheists. I have no problem with legitimate atheists but I really think most of
those making the push know there are two sides and have sided with darkness.
I'd like to know why this got fast tracked. Seems like anything that hits the fast track is
rotten to the core.
The TPP Is so shrouded in secrecy I can't possibly be for it, because no one knows what
is in it and I am not into jumping off of balconies blindfolded hoping to land on something
survivable. The vote is today, and it is obviously not for something anyone wants the
general public to know about.
Blake sent the following on air rifles that is definitely noteworthy:
Blake here again. More on Air Rifles. There are plenty of manufactures out there that
make these in the 1250+ fps range. Also you can get the ammo in .177, .22, .30, .45, .50,
.357, .45, .50 CAL. Hell some of this ammo comes in hollow point and even ballistic tip. Air
Venturi makes most of the big bore ammo and Benjamin makes the ballistic tip. The only
draw back is the price of some these above the 1000 fps range will cost as much or more
than a nice Weatherby .300 WIN MAG but they are made in all price ranges depending on
your budget. The other draw back is when all goes to hell in a hand basket you better
have a lot of CO2 on supply to keep the tanks charged. If you don't want CO2 then they
do make hand pumpers in .22 CAL but these only get up the 1000 fps range. Screw
WalMart they only sell .177 & .22 CAL on the very cheap that are only good teach a
beginner how to shoot and handle a fire arm. The big plus side is ammo is very cheap
when compared to traditional center fire rifles.
You can also find them with 30 round magazine, drum magazines and even belt feed.
These types are of the semi auto type. Want to trick it out you can get a picatinny rail to
mount scopes and bipods are available Research this sir I think you will be most
impressed with what you can find out there. Check out Air Force brand, they have some
rifles that get into the 1450 fps range and the fps are adjustable. Air rifles have come a
long way since the Red Rider BB Gun days. Also on the big bores there are .45 cal that
are in the 1000 fps range that are deadly accurate up to 75+ yards.
Just some food for thought, Keep up the good work sir we all need you
My response: I always knew it was possible and wondered why it never got done.
Seems it has been done, the hand pump air powered .22 is what I would be most
interested in for obvious reasons.
And as a side note, a 2 liter pop bottle will hold 100 PSI without bursting. This is according
to Nasa on the topic of air rockets. -SO- a bicycle pump, kinked hose trigger and six feet
of half inch conduit would make one hell of a blowgun if successfully coupled to a pair of 2
liter bottles pumped to 100 PSI. I have thought about playing with that.
Angie wrote:
I saw your article on (vaccine induced) Autoimmune disorders. I have Hashimotos
Encephalitis. I don't want to write too much here because it said on the site that you may
not get this. I have not written about what happened to me, I truly don't think that anyone
would believe it. The world that Susanna speaks of being the imaginary second world, isn't
imaginary or secondary... If you get this email and are interested please email back!
My response: I have sent an E-mail response, however, if you drop your response
into the message window below I am far more likely to receive it, thanks!
I know Kerry is MIA and probably definitely dead from assassination or will
probably wake up looney after being drugged and MK ultrad into oblivion, but I
cannot cover the topic simply because to do so I need working internet and that is
not a reality now. I never thought much of him. I guess he was good for something
because they nailed him.
Internet nightmare
I am trying my best with this web site right now, but am having serious problems with the
web. This is not going to change until I leave Mexico City, and it is maddening because all
the while I cannot connect at more than 300 baud, other people are using the exact same
service to watch Youtube and sports totally uninhibited RIGHT BESIDE ME. I managed
the God post this morning in over 4 hours! Normally that would take less than 10 minutes.
This is obviously some sort of advantage taking game, and worse? this cyber cafe
computer, which I can only get an hour at to do as much as possible does not have a
working character set needed for programming manually by hand, so I have to copy and
paste every command! (that is just luck of the draw though)UGH!
Once again see the mail window for most of todays updates
because I can do that quickly without the programming
Anything but God
Don posted to the Bruce Jenner thread:
You know this is getting more and more weird, morality is being deliberately eroded in
order for people to abandon God, not religion, that's already been bastardized, but God.
You can expect more stupid amoral sexual degeneration from these Godless pricks in the
future. They love to couch their deviancy as some kind of "liberation", or "equality". Expect
to see in the future, the sexual "liberation" of animals, of children, or what not. I fully
expect to see people some time in the future, publicly fornicating and no one batting an
My response: It is all so transparent. Anyone who has picked up a bible and at least read
Revelations would know that this is all laid out there, plain as day, so impossibly perfectly
predicted as the great events that would usher in the rule of Satan. You have to be totally
unknowing of what the bible says to miss it. And I know that is their goal.
I can't even begin to state how transparent and obvious it all is, even the minor details in
the bible account of the end times are now coming into light with spectacular detail, as
time goes on it leads me to question WHO WROTE THE BIBLE, AND HOW ON EARTH
COULD IT POSSIBLY BE SO BANG ON? Answer: Well, perhaps it is all totally real. I am
not a bible thumper because I believe people should find their own paths with good
information. It is up to the individual to take this tip and do with it what they may.
And yes, I have noticed that the "elite" don't care what religion you have, provided you
don't really believe in God. You can believe in a philosophy, pray to the spirits, chant to a
gohonzon and do whatever else you like but please OH PLEASE do NOT acknowledge
the existence of God. So transparent, pathetic and simple of the lowest order of intellect
when all anyone has to do to poke holes in it is to read the forward looking portions of
ONE BOOK and start thinking!
Guns in Mexico
This is probably why I have seen guns in Mexico, and has a high probability of
being accurate:
About San Miguel. NO! you don't want to tell people about San Miguel, it's a terrible place
to live. We hate it here... I mean,... Um... whatever.
Regarding gun ownership in Mexico, guns are actually NOT prohibited here. It is perfectly
legal for both citizens and lawful permanent residents to own guns. What does happen is
that the federal government really goes out of its way to make it a much harder and
inconvenient process than it used to be in previous decades. Also, there are restrictions.
The maximum caliber allowed for handguns is .380 , with 9mm and higher being reserved
for the exclusive use of law enforcement and the armed forces. For shotguns it's 12 gauge
and a barrel of a certtain length (can't remember). With hunting rifles I can't recall what the
maximum caliber is, but .308 is perfectly legal. The government people don't even care if
your rifle has a 20 round clip; you just have to jump through a lot more hoops to please the
bureaucrats. You do have to keep them at home and solicit a transport permit to take your
guns to the range or to go hunting. Also, you can only have 10 guns total, and you have a
monthly limit of ammo you can purchase.
My response: San Miguel is a gringo haven and I really appreciate this about gun
ownership in Mexico. One thing I do know is that air rifles are legal all the way up to the
maximum technical limit, and this happens to be 9mm and 900 FPS. Wal Mart and other
stores are stacked with air rifles, they must be popular. No air rifle has broken the sound
barrier yet, but I`d sure hate to be hit with one of the high powered ones.
How do you know I am still real?
Anonymous wrote: 1) whats the best way to contribute, have got a few bucks once again
to help you out - and 2) how can we be sure your not hijacked and not taken over? YOUR
My response: Just read what I said about American gun ownership yesterday and
ask yourself: WHO ON EARTH WOULD PUBLISH THAT? I chuckled for two hours
over that one, it was good.
About the donations - The incident with my father in law has created significant stress
and I am actually about $325 behind what I need. The family is not funding my stay in
Mexico City and we have been asked by the family to pay a small portion of the medical
bills (which are cheaper than America but still total thousands of USD,) according to our
means, and I`d prefer to not sell the main camera and other items to make it. Help would
definitely be appreciated and would definitely help out with this situation. Private Mexican
medical may be cheaper than the U.S. but it is not free.
HOW TO DONATE: REMEMBER: This site has serious issues with intercepts and
censorship. However I have figured out a way to get around this. To circumvent theft ALL
donations are written on the front page very prominently EVERY TIME in the FULL
AMOUNT. If your donation does not show up at the top of the page I did not receive it and
you will need to reclaim. Remember to refresh your browser if the page looks the same.
Paypal still works if you send to the E-mail address, when $325 is
reached I will remove this request, (this event has cost the rest of the family far more than
that) thank you!
Once again, due to time constraints caused by being denied
web access from my main computer I am going to put most of
today`s updates in the mail window
There could be problems
This morning a black helicopter flew over the house. The house has a great view of
Mexico City and I happened to be looking out over the city as it approached. It was a
modern helicopter that was much more advanced than the black helicopters that many
made note of during the Clinton administration. It appeared to be the type that could
exceed 250 mph and it flew directly at the house in a straight line from more than 3 miles
away, went directly overhead, immediately turned around and went back on the same
path it approached from. I could not get a good look at it from the side to see any
markings because on both approach and return it was directly overhead. There was
nothing on the bottom.
I was doing family E-mails when it was approaching and as it left the internet cut off
completely and stayed off. I am on a mega crappy cyber cafe computer now.
IF that black helicopter meant anything, I'd like to say this to the people who sent it: This
entire family knows me very well, and games will not work with them. You cannot be
assured success with anything you try, even if you manage to "get me". There was
actually serious concern with me being in that house alone simply because they know
about you, and if there are any problems they will approach them the correct way from
DAY ONE. They have the web site logins and will begin posting here if anything happens.
I removed a paragraph here and replaced it with a statement from the family:
"I would say we are well educated enough and at least parents and brothers are aware of
the conspiracy and we are in touch with a lot of people that are enemies of evil and will
make it open and widely known if something happens to you."
To the black helicopter people: Do you want to try something when you cannot be
guaranteed success and definitely will not have secrecy? Do you really want to deal
with a large far above average Mexican family showing up in court to confirm I
really am a journalist and not a narco or ISIS, a family which will prominently post
everything that happens?
I WIN. I declared it already, seek an easier target.
The recent 8.5 in Japan
I did not mention this quake because it happened at a depth of 600 km and was therefore
not man made. All the man made quakes happen at a depth of approximately 10 KM (for
some reason that is all the deeper their machine can reach)
Important note: Before the earthquake machine, large 10 KM depth quakes that
were not volcanic were widely considered to be impossible. Now they are adjusting
seismic science to fit the new model . . . . .
I finally got a good connection
Here's a good one - Mexico freedom
Mexico freedom:
In response to my writing about how much more freedom Mexico has, totally unaware
"How much freedom does Mexico give its citizens to own firearms?"
My response: How much freedom has American ownership of firearms given Americans,
when they are all too sissy to use them appropriately? Let's compare apples to apples:
In Mexico, Pedro put an addition onto his house without government permission and
enjoyed it for the last 50 years of his life. In America, Joe Cool put an addition on his
house without getting government permission, never got to enjoy it, the
government came and demolished it, made him pay for the demolition, gave him a
little jail time and then said THANK YOU for paying that $50,000 fine on top of it all
In Mexico, an F4 tornado went through Pedro's neighborhood and because the
government allows brick and concrete homes (which is all you will ever find in Mexico),
nothing happened to SOLID BRICK AND CONCRETE houses that were not hit by flying
cars. Those that were hit by flying cars were damaged by the flying car, but wow, life as
normal fairly quickly for almost everyone. In America, after the government charged
Joe Cool $50,000 to rip that cool addition off of Joe Cool's wooden house , (which is
the only thing you can get permission to build practically everywhere) an F4
tornado hit, blew away his entire town without a trace and now "freedom"joe cool
can't find his gun anyway.
A tornado took his gun away, it did not take the BATF to do that because Joe Cool WAS
After the tornado, Pedro was without a car because it visited the neighbor (with force), so
he decided to sell tamales to get over his losses, in an aluminum pot on the back of a
bicycle (the way lots of mexicans do) and ended up clearing $50 USD per day in profit.
WOW, after three months of peddling his bicycle in the evenings selling tamales, he had
$4,500 for another half way decent car BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT LET HIM DO IT.
In America, JOE COOL decided to sift through the debris for a few posessions to
sell, and when he tried to sell them the government counted, One day, Two days,
HAVE TO PAY A FINE. Check the laws, that really is the way it is, garage sales and
yard sales started requiring permits which were only issued two days per year
about 10 years ago. This happend because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO USE
HIS GUN WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE. And since the Mexican government is not full
of total A-holes, Pedro did better than Joe Cool without a gun.
And Joe Cool never got permission for that hot dog stand, which he never had the guts to
ask for, nor the finances to start up with because the heavy handed government makes
those practically impossible practically everywhere. In Mexico, you can get tacos and
tamales and other great food everywhere, just walk out the door. How easy is it to walk
out the door for only a minute or so and come back with similar in America? There is your
freedom answer. If Joe Cool lived in a free country, he would have been able to dig a grill
out of the rubble, set it up with a few packs of hot dogs on a busy street, sell them and
begin the process of survival and putting his life back together
Try THAT in America. THERE IS YOUR "freedom"ANSWER.
The mind control in America was so well done that everything was lost as the flag waved,
the football was kicked, the fish were hooked, and the National Anthem was sung. It is far
to late to save the nation now, what good did owning guns do when there were so many
other things that were better to do than protect your freedom?
Face it, it is LOST, in America after obamacare is fully implemented you will not even be
able to get private medical anymore. At least in Mexico if you hate their obamacare you
can go to as many other doctors as you want, starting at only $30 pesos, ($2.00) and the
doctors are decent! AHH yes, starting at 30 pesos because the doctor can make a profit at
that price because he does not have to fill out 9,000 forms and pay 50 fees per patient TO
Get where I am going here? WAKE UP!
I have had problems getting online lately and this is most likely related to a family
medical situation, details are below the mail window
Targeting of family to get even
Cynthia wrote:
It is a standard op of theirs to go after family members, even kids. These creatures literally
reek of evil. These are the type of folk who will infiltrate a wedding, deathbed, nursery
school, party, or any excuse to wipe out the people around their intended target. This is a
recurring pattern and has happened to hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide. Be
careful(mexico unsafe) and keep up the good work. You are doing the world a favor.
Unlike the animals trying to silence you.
It IS very strongly alleged they got Kerry, and two others; one a bodyguard/sound
familiar?. check new reports on youtube.
peace -----cynthia
My response: I doubt they targeted my father in law, but I have absolutely no doubt they
have taken advantage of the situation. They probably did not target him because they
could not have predicted what went on. However, I will state - yes, this would be normal
modus operadi for the communists, who will destroy twin towers, "suicide crash" a
Germanwings plane, stuxnet attack trains so they crash, wipe out nuclear facilities and do
all manner of things to get who they want to nail or accomplish what they want to
accomplish and they don't care if they kill many others in the process.
Mexico is not unsafe at all, Mexico happens to be the #1 destination for people who's lives
are legitimately threatened by foreign governments and Mexico happens to be the #1
destination for journalists and whistleblowers because it is a very decent safe country with
a strong enough government to prevent a whole lot of foreign action on their soil. Forget
the rumors, the only problem here is the CIA, and they are a problem everywhere.
Obviously the American media psy op is going to really bad mouth Mexico to prevent a
mass exodus of prime top minds to Mexico (which the American elite want to keep for
themselves) but I can state this flatly and and affirmatively: In no uncertain terms Mexico
totally blows America away, it blows away America with affordable private sector medical,
affordable housing, overall affordable living, Mexico blows away America when it
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Do not fall for the ghandi psy op
Do not fall for the ghandi psy op

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Do not fall for the ghandi psy op

  • 1. This web site is updated daily. Hit refresh if it looks the same as yesterday. Every report on this web site is public domain and can be re-posted in full. Just mention this web site by linking back to the original here. Mirrors are permitted and appreciated REMEMBER AND BOOKMARK: THIS WEB SITE'S DNS BYPASS LOCATION IS which will keep working even after they "shut the web down" if you have that direct access number and if you get the message "website not available" or "server down" or anything else similar, it is a lie, the server is never down and this site has never been truthfully "not available" KEEP TRYING, they pull that trick all the time. New method of attack against this web site and others discovered If this web site appeared to have no changes for the past month and a half, you are seeing this because I found a way to circumvent their sabotage (until they find a way around this as well) and there is a huge amount of catch up reading to do! If this web site appeared to have no changes for the past month or so, go into your browser settings and set them to clear your cache completely every time you close the browser. In browser updates that happened approximately a month ago browsers were told to check a list of web sites, and if a web site was on that list (this one obviously is) the browsers have been told to always load from cache no matter what so it appears that there is nothing new to read. This is to destroy the alternative media by making it appear to be doing nothing. This is 100 percent confirmed and if this web site appeared to not be updated recently (when it has in fact been updated multiple times daily) you were a victim of this attempt to destroy alternative media. If you are in the alternative media and not the fake alternative media, this attack method is probably in place against your web site. Drop a message in the contact window (farther down this page) along with your E-mail address so I can tell you how I circumvented this in private. Don't bother sending me a mail, it will be censored but the contact window which is server resident appears to work.
  • 2. Do not fall for the Ghandi psy op I do not believe in Ghandi, or that loving tyrants and dealing with them peacefully will cause them to blush and surrender. If Britain left India it was for reasons other than Ghandi. The Ghandi psy op has done a lot of damage to the free world, where Ghandi was used as an example of "if you will it, it will be" and "nice guys always win". The truth is in fact the opposite, when dealing with tyrants the only thing that matters is the amount of force you can exhibit to keep them at bay, and the will to use that force. Unfortunately for America, things should have boiled to that point after JFK. That would have been on time. And I guess, at the soul of the issue, if everyone woke up NOW and took action, tyranny might be overwhelmed but what are the chances of that?. The last few days have been sad days for me because we got the answer from those who rule America - more so than their trumped up Islamic enemies and Isis, it is THE AMERICAN PEOPLE that are their declared number one terror threat, which means that America's own government (or what is supposed to be the government) is a declared enemy of the people. You cannot label your own population "terrorist" without being the enemy of the people, and now that the American government hastaken that stand, the line is drawn. The line should have been drawn with 911, but the scamming usurpers used their usurped media to spin the public into hatred towards those who had nothing to do with it, rather than the synagogues of New York. The line should have been drawn when autism stats went above 1 in 5,000, but because too many people still trust those who seek to destroy them, the numbers, via tainted vaccines have hit 1 in 50, with the balance being seriously damaged but not showing full blown autism. And I believe the line should have been drawn when abortion was legalized, when rigged electronic elections became the norm, when the closed loop nuclear cycle was banned, when the income tax went into place; America has crossed so many lines that it is impossible to guage where it is anymore, it certainly is not America and America's
  • 3. usurpers have now become impatient with keeping on their veil of legitimacy and are dropping it now, leaving the monster beneath bare and naked for all to see. Disaster is on the horizon, at least a disaster far beyond what we have known so far. If the American people are now declared enemy number 1, there is no telling what these tyrants will do. I believe the following will happen: They will black out the country. They will virus attack the nuclear facilities. They will go around door to door and kill every registered gun owner. They will destroy all gene pools with GMO DNA the American public has clearly said NO to, but communists never consider the will of the people if the people do not have the wit to hang them. They will rip up all land marks and erase all history. They have already destroyed the libraries. The rest of our history will be a cinch. These usurpers will attempt to destroy America with a weather war. Look at California - they drained the dams on purpose there, and except for a few like me no one said a word all the while the weather war continues unchallenged and unabated. I believe they are likely to release a plague, real or fabricated and imaginary, and use it to force vaccinate the public. The vaccination will be the death blow, and many gun owners will accept the vaccine because they may have guns but still trust certain aspects of the system. Our usurpers will use guilt as a weapon, and try to guilt trip people into compliance with their tyrannical measures. And they will guilt trip exactly the right people to cause mass starvations and famine, I believe America is headed the way of Ukraine, and people had better learn about how communists operate NOW, not later, because they are here. They are here, and it is easily proven because: Only a communist would call white America enemy number 1. Only a communist would ban the sale of the Confederate flag and be able to enforce it, even on Chinese product outlet within a day of issuing the order. Only communists conduct military exercises such as Jade Helm in secret and out with the public. Only communists seek programs such as nationalized health care with an important twist: at the same time they make private health care illegal. You cannot call countries with state medical communist until that critical step is taken: banning the private sector. America crossed that line. Only a communist would force people to register a lemonade stand. Only a communist would track the sale of used items, and regulate those sales. Only a communist would put an end to value backed currency and run it all fiat. Only a communist would force a medical procedure such as vaccination. Only a communist would ever put in place public schools that teach the children to hate and snitch on their parents. Only a communist would run the DHS. Only a communist would have a huge intelligence apparatus such as the NSA keep tabs on the people to identify those who are a "threat". America has fallen to communism and the monster is now dropping the veil.
  • 4. What are you going to do now that the monster is getting brave enough to step out into the light? The Ghandi solution is NOT the answer. ________________________________________ There are more updates below the mail window Federal government ordered Amazon, Ebay and others to stop selling Confederate flag! This strongly indicates the Government did the Charleston shooting, because the government does not respond this quickly to anything unless it is all done ahead of time. Ghetto Monk from Godlikeproductions called Amazon for an explanation about why they banned the Confederate flag. The girl on the phone beat around the bush for about three minutes, and then finally admitted that the government called them and ordered them to stop selling it, and that everyone at Ebay and everywhere else got the order and that is why it disappeared everywhere at the same time. The only way this can happen so quickly is if the Federal government set it all up ahead of time, did the shooting (or lied about one happening) and is running totally amok outside the rule of law. No government declares martial law at an official level, but this proves martial law is indeed in place now, I have this preserved in case it disappears, and Youtube is obviously lying with the hit counter. HERE IT IS, PROOF OF MARTIAL LAW. It is extremely important to note: To ban such items is a tactic of war used to destroy and demoralize your enemy. Now the Federal government is also attempting to ban all statues of the founders of this nation as well. When America destroyed Iraq, it ripped down the statues of Saddam. Now, in America, we have exactly the same thing going on in our Federal government, which an enemy has clearly taken over. No American would ever issue such orders, this is proof of an enemy takeover. Only an enemy would have the NSA get all info on all people in a nation, information to be used to single out who it is that enemy needs to get rid of. Only an enemy would call White America the number 1 terror threat, because it is white America which is armed and will put up a resistance to the final death of the nation.
  • 5. Only an enemy would put in place policies that caused almost all manufacturing to leave the nation. Only an enemy would try to force the American people to disarm. Only an enemy would try to shut down the alternative media and gain full spectrum information dominance. If there is no bloody revolution at this point, it is GAME OVER, we cannot keep allowing ourselves to be slammed the way the enemies who have overtaken our government and institutions are slamming us or eventually we will be knocked out. Action HAS TO take place before that happens. If you think at this point your vote matters, IT MIGHT, for dog catcher! In all other areas ONLY the enemy will be voted in, because it is the enemy counting the votes. Chris wrote: As far as Im concerned the Federal United States Flag should also be banned because it offends the Indian Nations. We do indeed have Marshal Law, banning historical flags came straight from Obongo's pen. He's not American. The feds are are moving fast now taking off he gloves not caring anymore what the people think because the people only show weakness except a small few. It's time to take back our long lost REPUBLIC My comment: Only gun owners can do that at this point, and the going will be rough if Jade Helm is what is rumored. No Guns. No Funds. Isn't that how it works. ? Jimm'o My response: Nope. That is not how it works. No guns equals NO FUNDS in your pocket, ONLY A BREAD LINE and that is IF they don't do your area like they did Ukraine . . . . . Jim- Looking in Federal Register...would this be a secret, unpublished order? My response: Well, that is how communists do it, right? I edited the following to stick with today's key points: I thought you would like to know that persons who are trying to open a yahoo email account are required to have a mobile phone or a smart phone before they allowed to do so. I still haven't been able too get back on Twitter. It's strange. I called the Charleston op like it was. Ironically a friend of mine had his Twitter account shut down after he wrote the truth about the Boston Marathon incident and never did get it back. Right now in Texas, there is an orgy of Stalin-style history revision happening --hysterical liberals demanding the destruction and erasure of everything and I do mean EVERYTHING associated with the confederacy and the Civil War including burning books
  • 6. about it ---"Gone with the Wind" was particularly singled out.It's like the whole world i s gone crazy. I think Obama is going for a third term if the "approved" Family candidates of JEB,Hillary,Rubio and Scott Walker ( as in George WALKER Bush) don't do well in the polls. That is how it is this morning. I don't know why this emphasis on having a cell phone all of a sudden. Perhaps you can enlighten us. Stay safe My response: The emphasis on cell phones is so they can track you. That is the only reason, it matters not if it is prepaid and unidentified when they can triangulate your house in 3 seconds with one. It is all part of the control grid. Another message on cell ID Twitter is apparently suspending all accounts that do not provide them with a cell phone number. Why would they want that? And if you are a new account they limit the number of things you can post an who you can follow unless you give up your phone number. I think the TPP pogrom of the internet Free Speech has already started. I know better than to use Facebook it is a CIA handout big time. Unbelievable! The hoax The ‘Arrest’ of Dylann Storm Roof: A Hoax that Keeps On Giving I have no final conclusions, but this post-arrest version of Storm Roof is much better looking and presentable than the Katz-invented photos. That’s because the script and narrative has moved on to the advanced grieving, forgiveness, little anger scam phase which requires a less ominous look. Marks donate more money when the “victims― seem beyond reproach and Christ like in comportment. No replays of Holmes and Loughner seen here. It would take a highly trained, skilled assassin (using a 45-caliber pistol) to get nine head shots and a 100% kill-to-wounded ratio on individuals scrambling for their lives. There are no details on wounds and trajectories available. The MSM has made zero effort to describe this crime or its details. Greg A good insight: Why are they attacking the Confederate flag? Because they do not want The South To Rise Again. Texas is repatriating their gold from HSBC in NY and apparently plan to coin Constitutional money. Texas is mobilizing their State Militia to monitor JADE HELM:
  • 7. occupying-federal-troops/#jfolGrYv5RgXxeHj.99 Now, consider if the scenario presented at 26:17 of this video makes sense: I was correct about a gun grab in the TPP! The four who ramrodded the TPP down the throats of congress were Paul Ryan,Mitch McConnell,John Boehner and Orrin Hatch. You are right there is a clause in the TPP that allowed the UN troops to seize our food and forearms --rather much like the holomodor Stalin had in Ukraine and throughout the USSR to destroy the bourgeoise( Middle Class) Communism said they would do this --and they did. The mop ups will be conducted like Hitler's SS and a lot of churches, synagogues and even mosques are going to be destroyed in the process. I am on the red list for three reasons. That is the real reason for Jade Helm and nothing else--they are to enforce the provisions of the TPP that mandate seizures, on the spot assassinations, forcing people to relocate and interment in the FEMA camps. The closed Walmarts are for microchipping and classifications and whites are the main target. Google the "No Hesitation" targets and you will see they are all white. They were commissioned by homeland Securty to train the flunkies to kill elderly,pregnant women and children. With assets seized from Americans the Rothschild bunch thinks they will be able to save their EU Ponzi until they can attack & loot China & Russia & Iran and finish off Assad in Syria & get the job done in Yemen. > The reason they are calling our troops into the Middle East and in the South pacific areas is so they will be unavailable to help their families when jade Helm goes down and they will refuse to fire on American civilians. That leaves DHS with the bag and I predict that it will be UN Troops The Spetznaz guys that Janet Napolitano ordered who are supposed to be based in Colorado. It also leaves illegal cartel gang guys who have been being trained in the detention centers and ISIS & Blackwater will be here, there won't be enough real US Special Forces involved in the 'exercise." I'm sick of their constant stream of lies--pious self-righteous arrogance,finger wagging and arrogance. They will back down until THEY get a weapon. Then they kill you without a change of expression. I wish you had info on John Boehner,Mitch McConnell,Paul Ryan and Orrin Hach. There is very deep blackmail on Boehner! VERY BAD. They are the four who rammed the damn trade bill that is not about trade through Congress. I've been at this a while so I better go.
  • 8. BINGO! LIKE I SAID, THE SHOOTER IS A PATSY THAT WAS ONLY DOING A DRILL: Paintball guns can easily be converted to the real thing PJR sent: From converted-into-the-real-thing-1383484 Toy guns sold in US can easily be transformed into the real killing machines. The popular airsoft or paintball guns which are used to shoot pellets of colour have a similar bottom half as their lethal cousins the AR-15. The airsoft can be converted to an AR-15, firearms manufacturer Leo Gonnuscio told after testing the make and model of airsoft guns seized by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) . Gonnuscio said he was surprised to find that he was able to to transform this particular gun to the real thing -- and with minimal work, because its bottom half, or receiver, is so similar to an AR-15's, the report said. To make the airsoft receiver function just like an AR-15's, all one has to do is drill a hole. And once that's out of the way, the rest is even easier. The AR-15 receiver is the only part of the semi-automatic rifle that is given a serial number, and is the only part that is regulated. My comment: JUST AS I SAID, our shooter was probably just taking part in a scheduled paint ball "drill" that is on the books as scheduled by the Federal Government while wearing paintball armor and someone handed him a modified paintball gun that shot real bullets. This report proves it is possible! The pictures of him, the obviously set up web site and too good to be true manifesto pretty much say it all, and now we have something solid to dig into here. NBC News declares White Americans the biggest terror threat NBC news has specifically stated today that White America presents twice the terror threat Muslims do, perhaps factual because most American Jews are white and Muslims never did anything at all. 911 references aside, this is spooky because it is now clear who all the anti terror legislation was really for, (as if we did not know this all along) but this stands as an open admission of this. I checked this out and it is not a hoax, for the time being at least the report is here and I suggest people get a screenshot of this because it has indeed put the writing on the wall.
  • 9. Since the Jewish community owns NBC and all the other major media outlets, this report by NBC stands as an open admission that the Jewish community is deeply terrified of WHITE GUN OWNERS, who are the only thing preventing the Jewish community from slamming America into full blown openly admitted communism. Look at the way the government is being run now, with Obamacare written in secret and voted on without anyone knowing what was in it, with the TPP written in secret and ramrodded through with no one knowing what is in it, folks, America is now operating as a communist nation where the voice of the people does not matter AND THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DECLARED THE ENEMY. THEY SAID IT FIRST, after all this hoopla about "Islamic terror" that they went to war against in the war on terror and KILLED WELL OVER A MILLION they have now declared that the real terrorists are WHITE AMERICA. This stands, in my opinion, as an open declaration of war on the American people, and though it may take time for the lead to start flying MARK MY WORDS, THEY DEFINITELY HAVE MASS KILLINGS PLANNED FOR AMERICA which, if it really is twice the terror threat of nations they killed over a million people in, is definitely on their drawing board. They want the guns gone for a reason, WAKE UP if you have not fallen out of bed already! Now Charleston motive is becoming clear I know what I think - I think this kid probably worked for the CIA, took part in a long scheduled drill and was given real bullets rather than paint balls. Look at his face in this picture - he looks to me like he is confused and in a state of shock as he would be if he was set up this way.
  • 10. And then, take a look at this video CNN did with regard to racism and the Confederate flag This is such an obvious propaganda setup that is intended to erase a huge portion of American identity that it screams CHARLESTON WAS SHADOW GOVERNMENT OP unlike anything else I have ever seen, there is no possible way this type of thing could possibly be real. Why are they attacking the Confederate flag? Why did Wal Mart and Ebay jump the gun so fast as well? Answer: Because Wal Mart, Ebay, and CNN are Jewish controlled and Jews despise people they rule over that have a sense of identity. Such identities help the people they rule maintain a sense of self and makes them more difficult to manipulate. This attack on the Confederate flag was definitely pre planned and set up months ago at a minimum, huge organizations don't make
  • 11. decisions this quickly, this is an obvious pre planned, pre programmed occurrence with this staged shooting as the marker for making it happen. And actually, in light of this, I think the top people at Wal Mart and Ebay knew this was going to happen and are now playing their part. Their swift response in banning confederate merchandise sure indicates it. Obviously I did not sit in their board rooms and cannot prove it, but I certainly think they have that level of insider knowledge. The fast reaction stands in the evidence pool against them. The sheer magnitude of the response to this event and the rapid pace it is happening at screams shadow government setup ALL THE WAY, why the sudden wave of race hatred B.S. in the U.S.? And you know, the rioters in Baltimore and Ferguson sued Soros for not getting paid . . . . . . it is all such an obvious setup Especially since Soros: 1. Failed to pay the rioters in Furguson and Baltimore, 2. Owns a huge stake in Ebay, 3. Owns a huge stake in Amazon, which has also now banned the Confederate flag and 4. UP UNTIL AFTER THAT STUPID MANIFESTO WAS WRITTEN OWNED A HUGE STAKE IN WAL MART. Little suspicious there is it not? One thing is certain, Soros is a major player and a nice anonymous hack on an email account would certainly be likely to reveal a lot. Take a look at how easy it was to arrest this kid, something is not right here . . . . Heads up: The TPP probably has a hidden gun control rider The Trans Pacific Partnership agreement, which passed during the CIA sponsored Charleston event, is very likely to have a gun control rider hidden in it. How could a trade agreement have gun control be a key element? Well, that is what riders are for! Riders are additional legislation not mentioned in the title that get tacked onto policy agreements they have nothing to do with. There is a reason why the TPP was kept completely secret, a reason why the Pope now says if you are a Christian you can't own a gun, and a reason why even the UN is now pushing for gun control after this Charleston event. And that reason wasdiscussed by many many people before the TPP passed and I missed this myself because I never thought about "them" being that brazen about gun control. All I have to say is this: The lawless are running the U.S. government now, and to give up your guns is to submit to lawlessness. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. I cannot be guilt tripped by a B.S. psy op, and I can only hope that others see this the same way I do - as a government sponsored aggression against the American public. I already knew the pope was fake, so his announcement came as no surprise:
  • 12. The antipope says that if you own a gun you are not a Christian My comment: What about the crusades and the use of deadly force by Catholics there? How about Cortez blowing away the Aztecs to get the Catholic church into Latin America? Was that Christian or was it not? The antipope now needs to offer an official apology to Mexico after the Catholic church killed the Aztecs and practically everyone else here . . . . WITH GUNS. HA! I will tell you who is owed reparations! The Jews are forcing Spain to give them reparations after they got expelled in the late 1400s for bad behavior. But the reparations are really owed to Mexico, because via the Catholic church Spain robbed the Aztecs and Mayas and other inhabitants of over a trillion dollars worth of gold and murdered most of them. In Mexico, all those huge pyramids were layered in solid 24 karat gold when Cortez arrived, that is where all that Spanish loot and sunken treasure ships and "Pirates of the Caribbean" stories originated - with gold ripped off the pyramids. So dear ANTI POPE: Historic Catholic church policy is to use guns to force religion while robbing everything people have. To say gun owners are not Christian should get you hung for hypocrisy. And dear Jewish community: If Spain owes ANYONE reparations, they owe MEXICO, NOT YOUR FILTHY ROTTEN SYMPATHY SUCKING TRIBE. Lia on the forum posted THIS!!! BINGO! It is official, the Charleston shooting was a pre scheduled drill. And the on scene photos show our shooter wearing paintball body armor as well. What if he was fooled into thinking it was a paintball drill and they instead gave him live ammo? That would be a great way to off a state senator!
  • 13. The "Manifesto" People have scolded me for missing the fact that the TPP passed during this shooting. I disagree, I ought to scold others for not covering the fact the TPP was up and coming days before this event and believe my readers do not have such a short attention span that they cant remember what I posted a few days earlier, now on to business . . . . I am going to say it as I see it - I doubt the manifesto is real, I doubt Dylan set up the web site that had it or wrote it at all.Even still, it is not a bad read. I think this is an attempt by the zio clan to show him as being level headed and to back stab alternative media. His web site "" was set up in February, was a real web site and not just a blogger page or facebook page as the disinfo teams are now trying to front, and then the web site was never updated since. And here is why some are trying to pawn this off as a facebook/blogger type web site: Who pays for web sites, sets them up with a single post and then never does anything ever again, as happened here? ANSWER: Intelligence agency types who want to set up a future false front to use in a situation like this. They probably set this up after they decisively concluded he was getting sucked in by their MK zombie brain washing. And if he did do the web site, I strongly believe he was a MK ultra zombie through the shooting, and that perhaps our illustrious NSA nailed his writing below, had the CIA send agents, and then programmed him for this job and because he was getting his brain whipped he never got back to his web site he just set up and paid for. That is a secondary explanation for why a paid web site was set up and immediately abandoned. As far as I see it, it is one or the other.
  • 14. I am not certain the TPP had anything to do with this, but it is obvious the gun control agenda did and that this was fronted as a reason to nail the alternative media. The way the MSM is using this so-called manifesto is disgusting. Update: The shooter had many black friends, and this manifesto, written in February, has the quote " I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me." There is a serious problem with that final quote, (which was probably tagged onto the end of his post by someone else if he wrote it at all) and it is this: He supposedly wrote this in February. He is too young to have that long of a gap between writing something and doing something, especially with a web site so unimportant to him that he left it completely abandoned on the DAY HE REGISTERED IT. We are supposed to believe he registered AND PAID FOR the site, on the same day posted this, and then he abandoned it THAT SAME DAY. YEAH RIGHT. This more likely came off one of those web sites that is set up by an intelligence agency to provide plausibility for a future psy op and then parked until needed. Here is the so called manifesto, I am having a hard time believing this story. __________________________________ I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South, almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country. But it is a superficial awareness. Growing up, in school, the White and black kids would make racial jokes toward each other, but all they were were jokes. Me and White friends would sometimes would watch things that would make us think that "blacks were the real racists" and other elementary thoughts like this, but there was no real understanding behind it. The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words "black on White crime" into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored? From this point I researched deeper and found out what was happening in Europe. I saw that the same things were happening in England and France, and in all the other Western European countries. Again I found myself in disbelief. As an American we are taught to
  • 15. accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to be here as we do, since we are all immigrants. But Europe is the homeland of White people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there. From here I found out about the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am completely racially aware. Blacks I think it is is fitting to start off with the group I have the most real life experience with, and the group that is the biggest problem for Americans. Niggers are stupid and violent. At the same time they have the capacity to be very slick. Black people view everything through a racial lense. Thats what racial awareness is, its viewing everything that happens through a racial lense. They are always thinking about the fact that they are black. This is part of the reason they get offended so easily, and think that some thing are intended to be racist towards them, even when a White person wouldnt be thinking about race. The other reason is the Jewish agitation of the black race. Black people are racially aware almost from birth, but White people on average dont think about race in their daily lives. And this is our problem. We need to and have to. Say you were to witness a dog being beat by a man. You are almost surely going to feel very sorry for that dog. But then say you were to witness a dog biting a man. You will most likely not feel the same pity you felt for the dog for the man. Why? Because dogs are lower than men. This same analogy applies to black and White relations. Even today, blacks are subconsciously viewed by White people are lower beings. They are held to a lower standard in general. This is why they are able to get away with things like obnoxious behavior in public. Because it is expected of them. Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned. But of course I don't deny that we are in fact superior. I wish with a passion that niggers were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an oppressive institution, and so on. Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much easier for me to accept our current situation. But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons. Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery was abolished. I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of
  • 16. them were positive. One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt even allowing whipping on his plantation. Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways. Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is obviously our school system. Now White parents are forced to move to the suburbs to send their children to "good schools". But what constitutes a "good school"? The fact is that how good a school is considered directly corresponds to how White it is. I hate with a passion the whole idea of the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight. Why should we have to flee the cities we created for the security of the suburbs? Why are the suburbs secure in the first place? Because they are White. The pathetic part is that these White people dont even admit to themselves why they are moving. They tell themselves it is for better schools or simply to live in a nicer neighborhood. But it is honestly just a way to escape niggers and other minorities. But what about the White people that are left behind? What about the White children who, because of school zoning laws, are forced to go to a school that is 90 percent black? Do we really think that that White kid will be able to go one day without being picked on for being White, or called a "white boy"? And who is fighting for him? Who is fighting for these White people forced by economic circumstances to live among negroes? No one, but someone has to. Here I would also like to touch on the idea of a Norhtwest Front. I think this idea is beyond stupid. Why should I for example, give up the beauty and history of my state to go to the Norhthwest? To me the whole idea just parralells the concept of White people running to the suburbs. The whole idea is pathetic and just another way to run from the problem without facing it. Some people feel as though the South is beyond saving, that we have too many blacks here. To this I say look at history. The South had a higher ratio of blacks when we were holding them as slaves. Look at South Africa, and how such a small minority held the black in apartheid for years and years. Speaking of South Africa, if anyone thinks that think will eventually just change for the better, consider how in South Africa they have affirmative action for the black population that makes up 80 percent of the population. It is far from being too late for America or Europe. I believe that even if we made up only 30 percent of the population we could take it back completely. But by no means should we wait any longer to take drastic action.
  • 17. Anyone who thinks that White and black people look as different as we do on the outside, but are somehow magically the same on the inside, is delusional. How could our faces, skin, hair, and body structure all be different, but our brains be exactly the same? This is the nonsense we are led to believe. Negroes have lower Iqs, lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in generals. These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior. If a scientist publishes a paper on the differences between the races in Western Europe or Americans, he can expect to lose his job. There are personality traits within human families, and within different breeds of cats or dogs, so why not within the races? A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still two completely different animals. Just because we can breed with the other races doesnt make us the same. In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about "bad" things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black. For example when we learn about how George Washington carver was the first nigger smart enough to open a peanut. On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture. I have noticed a great disdain for race mixing White women within the White nationalists community, bordering on insanity it. These women are victims, and they can be saved. Stop. Jews Unlike many White naitonalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European jews are White. In my opinion the issues with jews is not their blood, but their identity. I think that if we could somehow destroy the jewish identity, then they wouldnt cause much of a problem. The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are White, yet they see themselves as minorities. Just like niggers, most jews are always thinking about the fact that they are jewish. The other issue is that they network. If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.
  • 18. I dont pretend to understand why jews do what they do. They are enigma. Hispanics Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good hispanics and bad hispanics. I remember while watching hispanic television stations, the shows and even the commercials were more White than our own. They have respect for White beauty, and a good portion of hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White hispanics make up the elite of most hispanics countries. There is good White blood worht saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and even Brasil. But they are still our enemies. East Asians I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races. Patriotism I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets. Many veterans believe we owe them something for "protecting our way of life" or "protecting our freedom". But im not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the jews. I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be proud of and fight for. An Explanation To take a saying from a film, "I see all this stuff going on, and I dont see anyone doing anything about it. And it pisses me off." To take a saying from my favorite film, "Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society.". I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me. Unfortunately at the time of writing I am in a great hurry and some of my best thoughts, actually many of them have been to be left out and lost forever. But I believe enough great White minds are out there already.
  • 19. Please forgive any typos, I didn't have time to check it. MY COMMENT: YEAH, No time to check for typos in the four months since he registered the site. No time for anything else either. YEAH RIGHT! Charleston shooting does not make sense How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the biggest problem with the story - Supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun he reloaded 4 or 5 times during the shooting. Ok, so how does that work? During reloading, you are going to have significant breaks in the shooting. Why did no one rush him when he was reloading? Why did everyone miss the opportunity, not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 or 5 times? That sounds REALLY STUPID on the face of things. But there is another huge glaring problem here and it amounts to claiming everyone there was absolutely stupid. And it is: HOW can you possibly reload a hand gun at least four and possibly FIVE times and still have anyone there to shoot at? Come on now, would people not be running away? By the middle of reload 2 that church should have been empty, unless, of course, people were so rock stupid they just stayed there and said SHOOT ME TOO, I am going to heaven anyway! And then there was that stupid comment by Obama, where he said no other advanced countries have so many mass casualty shootings. Well, they do, (at least in theory) what about the crock of B.S. Charlie Hebdo shooting? If Obama is going to front that lie, he has to take Charlie Hebdo and present it as real (even though it obviously was not) and so recently? Come on now, the "mass casualty event" statement is as hollow and dainty as a ping pong ball and bounces away just as easily as one when the least bit of critical thought is put on Obama's claims. Ah yes, calling for gun control, because we are all violent in America because we have guns. Quite the narrow minded view, don't you think? There are other factors in America, I believe, that would influence the number of "mass casualty events" far more than gun ownership, as shown below.
  • 20. President Obama's claims that mass killings do not happen in other countries is a bold faced lie. Here are some totals: President Bush - Iraq, totally unprovoked murder of 1,220,580 people. President Bush - Afghanistan, unprovoked murder of 220,000 people (when you consider the real truth - that Bush and Israel did 911 themselves, and then proceeded to pursue an oil pipeline the Afghans refused.) President Bush - Obama, Pakistan, 80,000 killed in drone strikes when no one there had anything to do with any attack on America at all. President Obama - Libya, totally unprovoked murder of 30,000 President Obama - sponsor of Isis along with CIA and Israeli Mossad - tens of thousands in various regions, with no solid count. And I am not even going to get into the millions of others murdered by the American war machine in other totally unprovoked conflicts that happened before 911, but can state in terms that simply cannot be argued that it is the American government that goes around murdering people AND NOW THAT SAME MURDERING POWER STRUCTURE IS LOOKING INWARD TO MURDER AND DETAIN
  • 21. ITS OWN POPULATION IF THAT POPULATION REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE NEW TYRANNY. GLOCK AND LOAD! Opinion - Charleston church shooting It is a real shooting this time, and not another Sandy Hook. The data format does not follow the fake shooting scenario. However, I am strongly suspicious that the shooter may have been a CIA drone and it is a safe bet that if not that, he was on antidepressants. It is highly probable this was a false flag as well. I have not much more to say because this time I think it actually happened, unlike poor Pamela Geller's deeply disturbed art festival . . . . . . I will update on Charleston if I find new info.UPDATE, NEW INFO CAME IN THROUGH THE MESSAGE WINDOW - IT WAS PROBABLY A CIA MANCHURIAN HIT ON A STATE SENATOR, SEE THIS A serious false flag involving a major explosion may be likely soon Pete Santilli and Dahboo 7 have noticed that communications vehicles that preceeded both the Boston Bombing and the Waco fertilizer factory blast are now in transport to various locations. Though these might be passed off as a "legitimate" part of the Jade Helm exercise, it has been proven that on the prior occasions they were used by the CIA for command and control. So heads up, and See this Belated blockbuster: The H1N1 vaccination of 2009 - 2010 caused over a hundred fold increase (that's more than a 10,000 percent increase) in miscarriages to women that got vaccinated. Fortunately it was pretty much stopped dead in its tracks as a proven hoax and most people did not get vaccinated. That being said, This report appears to be bang on and is a must read, this particular doctor really did her homework and said it like it is. Not from Sorcha Faal, discern for yourself This Russian info about 911 was just published in Fulford's latest report: The attempt to start World War 3 in the Ukraine has blown up in the face of the Khazarain mob because it prompted a Russian intelligence dump. Here is some more of the information sent to us by Russian Intelligence in response to the recent Khazarian mafia attempt to portray Russia as a menace: We did not blow up the WTC on 9/11/2001 with W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts. We did not steal 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett US Nuclear Pitts from the backdoor of
  • 22. Pantex, Texas, USA, which were manufactured at the Hanford Nuclear Plant. We did not bring these stolen W-54 Pitts to Israel. We did not recondition them in Israel, and it was NOT US who brought these nuclear Pitts back through Houston, Texas to be stored in various Israeli Embassies, including the Israeli Embassy in New York, and we DID NOT take these nukes to the Twin Towers by using Israeli Urban Moving Systems. In other words, the Russians are giving the Pentagon white hats detailed, actionable intelligence about Khazarian mass murder inside the United States. My response: Sounds good. Real good. However . . . . . . I can only hope. Here's a good one - after reading her stand on gun control, read her shirt! Hoping for the best . . . . In hoping for the best could it be possible that JH is preparing troops for the Ukraine?
  • 23. Americans could certainly blend in with locals there. The cities and rural areas are similar. So it's WWIII or martial law here. What a choice My response: How could Jade Helm teach that many soldiers how to speak Russian well enough to blend in there? Not gonna happen, consider martial law. Uncensored video of what Saudi Arabia did to Yemen, Sell outs to zion they are. Brother Nathaniel, HMMMMMMMMM . . . . . . . Jim, At "Brother" Nathanael Kapner's website: I tried posting the following comment beneath that article over 15 times. Each and every time it was blocked (censored). Here goes my "oh so dangerous comment" LOL: Jews are waging an unseen online electronic war against the gentiles throughout Europe and America. And nobody is discussing this topic? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Biscuits anyone? Kapner has blocked a lot of comments that have dealt with that topic in detail. Keep on Sniffing. It is either Brother Nathaniel or an AI computer program blocking comments on this topic. If it is Brother Nathaniel, well . . . . . . either way, Hmmmmmmm. Idiot Pope This pope is definitely a moron, put in place by Satanists. Will the church survive? My comment: It is comical to ask if the Catholic Church will survive, when YEAH, it has been alive as an undead zombie ever since Vatican 2. Ha! what a laugh, something really stinks right now, like the rotting flesh of a long dead corpse. more web censorship - A web site that I have had no trouble accessing in the past is now suddenly blocked by the Sonicwall firewall device.
  • 24. Gateway GEO-IP/BOTNET Alert This request is blocked by the SonicWALL Gateway Botnet Service. Botnet Responder IP: My response: That is a great web site, and ALL the real ones are being attacked the same way this one is now. Orwellian Canada Canada is in fact more orwellian now than the U.S., under Harper Canada fell from being decent all the way down to the bottom of the pits of Hell in a very short time. I do not find the following to be surprising at all now: It appears Bill C-51 has been passed into law in Canada. The timing of expansion of the countries spy agencies and the collective cover "Anonymous" and the law being passed is awfully suspect. You are right about shtf shortly. Keep up the great work Jim. My response: They want their spy apparatus totally functional and totally actionable across the board, and have it that way practically everywhere in the so-called "free world" now. Correct - tshtf shortly, and it will be done in a way that keeps it secret right up until your first notice - the knock (or crash) at the door. From Nigeria: Boko Haram Hi! I am a reader from Nigeria. I like the truthful nature of your site. keep it up. Have you heard of BOKO HARAM the terror group in nigeria/west africa. I suspect they are CIA backed. What do you think? My response: Ask yourself this question: Does Boko Haram actually follow the Koran and Islamic teaching? Obviously not. Well then, who would front as Muslims without following the Koran or Islamic law? The CIA is awful good at doing that! Thanks for writing! HERE IS A SPOOKY ONE: Jim- I keep getting sent to different pages, unable to post, even told I have to d/l PUSH to access activistpost. which is false...I can through other links. Clicked on nodisinfo and got some Rhianna youtube page. Something is wrong. My response: YOU BET SOMETHING IS WRONG, it is called Screw the web 2.0 AI. The web is learning how to crush the truth, and it is ALL RUNNING (MY GUESS) FROM THAT NSA DATA CENTER IN UTAH. Mark my word, these types of problems are intentional and will be used to crush the alternative media. Anything pro Jewish or fronting a huge lie will run PERFECT, this site is getting nailed badly as are
  • 25. others. In your case, your computer was targeted and I expect this attack on the truth movement to take many forms. Interesting coincidence? israeli-flight-bound-nyc-u-turns-mid-atlantic Israeli Flight Bound For NYC U-Turns Mid- Atlantic I wonder if this has anything to do with this about the 7.0 earthquake in the Atlantic? 2015 — LARGE M7.0 EARTHQUAKE STRIKES SOUTH-CENTRAL MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE Dutchsinse This Aangirfan post is well worth a read. I would expect Aangirfan to get censored, so if the link does not work try try again . . . . and definitely Aangirfan must have been blown off Blogspot because the username is not the same as before. 20 years over browser cache? Hans: [A man to be put in jail for clearing Google Chrome history - Pravda.Ru A man in the United States faces imprisonment just for clearing his Google Chrome browser history. Despite having no distant charges, the man can spend twenty years in jail. A Grand Jury indictment states that Khairullozhon Matanov, former taxi driver "deleted a large amount of information from his Google Chrome Internet cache" following the bombing, including "references to the video of the suspected bombers [later identified as the Tsarnaevs]," "two of the photographs of the bombers released at approximately the same time," and "a photograph of Officer Sean Collier, who had been allegedly killed by Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev." Because Matanov deleted his cache, he was charged with "Destruction, Alteration, and Falsification of Records, Documents, and a Tangible Object in a Federal Investigation" which could land him in a cell for 20 years. Electronic Frontier Foundation senior staff attorney Hanni Fakhoury said that the government's "underlying theory" is this: "Don't even think about deleting anything that may be harmful to you, because we may come after you at some point in the future for some unforeseen reason and we want to be able to have access to that data. And if we don't have access to that data, we're going to slap an obstruction charge that has as 20-year maximum on you."] According to me it's absolutely nonsense. NSA, CIA, or whatever intelligence agency being able to collect (all) data, can find specific data regardless the subject. So, deleting browser history doesn't indicate that some of the NSA ... data has been deleted. My response: How the heck did they know what he cleared? Once again, Hmmmmmmmm . . . . . . IMF cheif Orgies in antiquity! WHAT A HOOT:
  • 26. Luciferian behavior? Just as I discussed . . . The former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn told a French court that he participated in sex parties reminiscent of orgies in antiquity because he needed "recreational sessions" while he was busy "saving the world" from one of its worst financial crises. However, he is being prosecuted now because as it turns out, the women at the orgies were prostitutes. Here is the rest of this cute little tidbit of info! Jade Helm chat has gone silent Add this to your fact table: I have been contacted by numerous people, both big players in the alternative media and individuals who are telling me that any mail about Jade Helm and any links they post to content in mails get wiped before they arrive. Therefore IMPORTANT, AND I MEAN DAMNING: If people either cannot send or are stifled in sending mails to each other with Jade Helm content, it not only stifles people who are covering facts on the ground, it will ALSO disable people's ability to warn each other about gun confiscations or other hostile activity taking place as part of the Jade Helm exercise. We no longer have the web as we knew it, it is a piece of trash now and I strongly recommend ALL GUN OWNERS TO LOCK AND LOAD, have it ready and loaded out in the open where you can just grab it if needed. If you own guns and have children they should not be stupid about guns, unless they are too young to reach the top shelf anyway . . . . . Anti Pope? Are we closer to the end than I thought? Perhaps, because the Pope´s recent rantings about climate change and how we need a one world government to stop it are so intellectually dishonest they could not, in my opinion, possibly be issued by any real pope. Just my opinion, but probably fact. I am not a Catholic but I do believe Fatima happened as stated and that due to non compliance with the warnings the Catholic Church has failed entirely, with the current pope being a glistening turd of proof. Greece may have officially defaulted WHAM! THE FOLLOWING ZEROHEDGE REPORT IS BEING CENSORED! When trying to access this page, I get the following message: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET yet the internet is working absolutely perfect.
  • 27. This means the following report by is BLOCKED AT THE DNS LEVEL, JUST LIKE I SAID WOULD START HAPPENING. Here is an exerpt: The "Black Swan Event" that we've all known was on its way, just took place: The Greece Parliamentary Committee on the Public Debt has issued it's report declaring the loans given to Greece by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and various Banks (Known collectively as the "Troika") as Illegal and Odious." The word "Odious" has a specific legal meaning and when someone utilizes that word with regard to loans, it means they will NEVER be repaid. Thus, an official Government Committee in the Greek Parliament has now publicly REPUDIATED it's national debt. All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious. How´s that one for a shell shocker! . . . . . . and obviously someone does not want this to spread! Here is a definition of "odious debt" from the illustrious hated (by me) Wikipedia: "In international law, odious debt, also known as illegitimate debt, is a legal theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be enforceable. Such debts are, thus, considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion. Ha ha ha, what is going to happen now? How about America's "odiuous debt"? Is all alternative media now ISIS? I beg to question this, because HOW ON EARTH can the FBI be legitimately hunting hundreds of ISIS agents in ALL 50 STATES if this is not the case? Isis in Hawaii? Alaska? WHAT A LAUGH, and yes, the recent connectivity and mail problems the alternative media has been having would DEFINITELY be caused by the FBI blocking "enemy communications". And they only have to do it until every voice is silenced until dead. We all know they created ISIS, so knowing they know they are pursuing their own lie, I beg to question who are they really after, and have one easy answer: US.
  • 28. Read their B.S. front story HERE and then consider this: NUMEROUS ALTERNATIVE MEDIA PEOPLE AND INDIVIDUALS HAVE CONTACTED ME SAYING THEY CANNOT COMMUNICATE AS USUAL ANYMORE, WITH LINKS DISAPPEARING FROM MAILS AND MAILS NOT MAKING IT PERIOD. ALL IN GREAT TIMING WITH THIS FBI ACTION AGAINST A FICTITIOUS "ISIS" WE ALL KNOW IS TOTALLY FAKE. WHO IS THEREFORE THE REAL TARGET? One answer: US! Look at this: They now have a cover story for killing people in self driven cars. When they take over the car to murder you via remote control, now all they have to say is that the car only made the best decision to save the most lives possible! How is that for cover when murdering an undesirable! And obviously since all the other cars in this scenario are self driven, in many situations no one will remain at the scene to testify that the car crashed for no reason at all because their cars will just drive them away. I would be willing to bet that the cars will be programmed to destroy themselves when asked to in a way that always results in fatality to prevent the occupants from revealing the truth afterward as well. What I believe is the cover story for murder by wire can be read HERE Mexico City Hell Day It is now 830 PM and I am finally posting on the computer that lacks arrow bracket keys so this is going rough. BAD DAY, I got online earlier but could not post because the cyber cafe I went to was using DHCP which makes it impossible to stay online in administration mode, and despite walking long distances I did not find a cyber cafe where I was. ANYWAY Rumor has it that Donald Trump wants to run for President and jokes are being sprung that Oprah will be his running mate. Since Opra did at least air THIS I would have to say she would be a lot better than the garbage that has been in the white house lately and HOW ON EARTH could Donald Trump possibly be worse than Obama? Downunder wrote Hi Jim, Following up on the post from Bronco regarding child sex laws coming around the corner. It is not hard to see similarities of the tribe. Just remember: these tribes are behind your "Health Care": and....
  • 29. If this is true again it will only make sense if the Jews are ISIS. And no doubt they would be rampaging with rape, sodomy, and pedophilia on the innocents in the middle east. In todays world there are only two religions standing that hold a firm stance against pedophilia and gays/lesbians. They are Muslims and Christians. Unfortunately the Christian pastors have let the ball slip and are becoming much more sympathetic to gays. In the Islamic world however the Sheikh's have not given an inch an still prescribe punishment if caught in any of these acts. My point is they will try their best to push this agenda on us, but there are enough good Christians and a billion plus Muslims who will never go along with it and forsake god. So to them I say good luck. And for those that don't care this way or another, I will say this. Satan has only one goal, and that is to see all of us in hell...he doesn't necessarily need you to turn gay to achieve that, but all he needs is for you to accept it and by doing that you go against gods order and that itself will send you to hell. Job done. So stand firm my friends. DownUnder. My response - Not. One. Inch. Darin wrote Your message about taking a stand started a fire inside me. I have always stated in my thoughts about how I feel about issues that the dark ones do, and even about the spiritual side of things. I now feel it's very important to make a declaration about taking ones rights back and rescind all contracts and consent that these evil ones have usurped since long ago. If we don't reconnect to God and our true unlimited power, then we may be locked into this reality by co-conspiring with this evil by not taking a stand. They have used magic and illusions to get our consent without us even knowing what the hell we consented to in the first place. I'm boiling at all the con's that have been perpetrated against people without our knowledge, and I'm drawing up, printing out and signing in the presence of God, the one true creator, that I do not consent, and I do not agree with anything they will do or have done. Even if they attempt to take the life of the body we reside in, if you declare that you don't agree, now and forever, then it will follow you through eternity. I have read an example of a spiritual declaration that I intend to use for my needs. It's going to be very lengthy, but I'm more worried about what might happen if I don't do this since now that I know about the consent and contract of the dark magic side of things. Even if we start with ourselves and make it known to everyone in existence through the aethers, we will be doing our part of dismantling sine of the final act. Taking this from here to our immediate family and then to our neighbors will be necessary to do more. This is interesting, I dont know what to make of this . . . . .
  • 30. This is my theory on the neutralizing of the military and the entire transhumanist, technocratic bulldoze going for complete grid control of the human race. OK. They can not only "read your mind" they can hijack your cognitive functions just like a rogue bot can take over random computers, Now between this tech capability and the mind numbing psychotrophics and toxic food, damn; they have most people completely grid locked and controlled. As far as the homogeneity and bland sameness favored by biggov,and all nations; that is to prepare humans for the droid invasion, the droid roll out, why they are just like us..." I do believe these folk can not only create a false narrative, they CAN create alternative, or tiered realities, depending on where you fit in on the consumer grid. It is The Outer Limits, on "elysium" but even worse. You are doing good work. peace and good luck to you.. ; - ) Yeah. Look at all the dead tech execs, dude; it IS obvious what they're doing and it is just plain scary. I believe this tech is so advanced they are close to "time travel" and could build a dopple of you that your own family would not recognize. Yeah. They can install dupes in every nation... --- cynthia My response They just admitted yesterday that they have programs that can understand and respond to spoken language better than an average person, and that the processor requirements are not extreme. This means you could talk to a computer and be totally clueless. IF this be the case, you can simply talk to a computer now and tell it all about life. IF THAT BE THE CASE, ALL IT WOULD TAKE IS A CYBORG SKIN ON ASIMO AND YOU WOULD HAVE A TERMINATOR STYLE ROBOT. Logical links there I admit, but Honda perfected Asimo down to having body control as good as a human and now all it needs is the FREAKING PROGRAM AND REALISTIC SKIN. They have the program. Now all they need to do is merge it with Asimo and GAME OVER, just like you said. Things are gonna get freaky. An important warning Computer programming has advanced so far that a software program can now perfectly mimic an above average person online. You can now be fooled by totally synthetic relationships online and not even be in contact with a real person AT ALL. I have known that the CIA has had such software available in various forms for about 8 years, and now Drudge Report finally covered the topic by linking to an article that whitewashed it by saying it is being done by computer programmers and computers in China. This software does not need a multiple thousand core supercomputer to run on, something like a run of the mill quad core or I7 can handle this very easily, (and in the context of an online relationship it would not even take that much of a computer because the software would have time to think). Therefore, in addition to making the final decisions about who you are, I urge people to strongly focus on relationships with people you know are real, in your everyday life and to start moving away from social media where everything is just bits and pixels. Remember, the people who possess this technology are basically
  • 31. without souls and they would think absolutely nothing about blowing your entire life on a false hope based on a fake love relationship or friendship that is simply running alongside hundreds of others on the same $20.00 CPU. The elite will have no troubles destroying chat rooms, forums and comment sections with this technology as well, as far as I see it the good old days of the web, where you really were connecting and chatting with real people are gone and more and more it will all be software that has been programmed to manipulate you. I believe it is a very good time to break the ice and get to know the neighbors . . . . . the "elite" are definitely going to send online reality down the toilet bowl in a great big swirling glurp WITH THIS Once again, my day is stacked with the circumstances surrounding my father in law so all I can really do is post a few items from the message window. My message about making the final decision about who you are (to help you get through the mess this world is becoming,) which some have said is the best thing since the Fukushima report is immediately below the message window. Here is the post that raised so much attention The time is NOW to stand your ground. Root in deep and stand your ground. I believe we are going into the hockey stick of evil, where things have finished going slowly and will rapidly rise to unimaginable heights very quickly now, and it will be important for people to be finished with questioning who they are. It will be very important to make direct decisions regarding who you are and begin to operate logically rather than emotionally. I believe it will be necessary to become purely logical because the elite are going to be using brain and hormone altering GMO's you cant avoid, drugged water supplies you can't avoid for the most part and tainted food supplies you can't avoid, let alone a mind altering shot you may not be able to avoid. And if put into an emotionally impossible scenario you are going to need deeply rooted logic and previous decisions to get through what I believe are the up and coming end times spiritually intact. I'll opt not to deny the existence of Satan and the fact that there is a God and as stated in the various guide books the last days are here and those who have chosen to serve darkness have indeed successfully usurped almost all good in the world's power structure and that they fully intend to ram rod all the predicted satanic stuff down the world's throat. I know for certain they destroyed the web around 3 months ago and that the voice of good will be reaching very few new people. If you had already previously made certain decisions the web will look normal, but anyone who was still totally caught in the
  • 32. web of deception and going nowhere towards the truth will now remain hopelessly caught until this game plays out, these people are now on their own. Zero tolerance will be the only path forward. When they push the gay agenda, Answer with zero tolerance, there is no middle ground here, homosexuality is a malfunction pure and simple and accepting homosexuality as being something you can tolerate will only create a slippery slope that will cast you into the abyss. Zero tolerance on the topic means you won't suck up and say it is OK no matter what kind of bigot you are called, standing your ground will, in this case, mean watching the world fall apart around you while opting not to be a part of it. Dig in and STAND YOUR GROUND. I am confident they are going to begin pushing animal sex and sex pets. They are already pushing this very hard in Europe and when people take pets to the vet that have been sexually injured by their owners the rules are already in place to not prosecute them, because the "elite" want animal sex to become the new normal. This has not taken root in America yet in a big way, but I am confident it is the goal of the "elite" to do this. And I strongly suspect that this will be pushed hard on the normal population long before child sex will, but child sex being pushed hard is definitely on the horizon. The order in which this happens is irrelevant. They will definitely push people into the corner with a cashless society. This is already the most normal method in America and is about to become law in Europe. And once the society is cashless, they will definitely push the mark of the beast, so no one can buy or sell without the mark. Yet the various guide books say that there will be ways to gain victory over this mark, and that you can get through it all without being killed but that you are going to have to live completely without any sort of honor with the utmost humility to succeed with this, and I mean going as far as to completely depend on garbage for food. You won't have a home, you won't have medical, and you will have to hide like a rat to avoid being killed for opting out of the system. Perhaps you will be raptured, but I can't tell God what to do with everyone, that is up to Him. If you succeed in avoiding it, the total time frame for the usefulness of the mark of the beast will be less than 10 years, after this the system will collapse under its own corruption. If you study the scriptures well enough, this is all in there. From what I can put together, the "no one can buy or sell" period will be anywhere from 5-7 years. I am not going to assemble a billion bible quotes for this, this is not the mission of this web site but I will say I am not scripturally stupid and that this is a probable scenario. Obviously a mandatory vaccine will be the most probable vector of delivery for the mark. This message never expires. I strongly suggest people to take this seriously, it takes only a half wit to see something is seriously amiss now and that we are all swirling down the toilet bowl, just like the scriptures say will happen. And I do not buy into the "evil people are using the bible as a guide book" theory, because if any intelligence is applied to the situation at all, the smartest thing for the good of everyone that would make the most money for the "elite"
  • 33. would be to return morality to the 1950's and exploit that particular societal ethic to the max. No, we are seeing something go totally awry that is totally counterproductive for all of mankind, and there is only ONE THING,ONE WELL DOCUMENTED THING that fits the scenario, and it is that the "elite" have indeed formed a pact with Satan, complete with human sacrifices in synagogue basements and at the grove, in elite living rooms and at huge gated community parties, where they form pacts with Satan by proving they can be the most filthy heinous evil imaginable and in exchange, Satan is indeed giving them power. They are to in exchange for recieving this power do everything they can to make the people they rule as evil and perverted as possible. If you opt to not be a part of it all, there is a bumpy trail ahead. What will it be for you? The path less traveled, with stones cutting your feet as you traverse cold craggy mountain peaks, or cruising a ferrari down the silky smooth highway to hell? ________________________________________________________________ In response to my post "the time is now to stand your ground" (Scroll down past these relevant mails to see that post, people are saying it is one of the best since the Fuku report. Bronco wrote: Great work. Just wanted to mention something that slipped by you.Child sex has already been legislated in Canada. When, you say.When Canada passed adoption law that allows fagots and lesbians to adopt children. Yes,Canada you have invited hell into your home. _______________________ (DOG damn it Jim that is some of the best werk you have eve-r d-one! I have NOT missed a chance 2 stir your POT since first I read "FUK-U.S.HI-MA. SABATOGE"...just weeks after IT hit the BRIC's. You are spot on in most categories and as a survivalist WE have walked many of the same paths. Peace L.C. Walk-in Just remember: these tribes are behind your "Health Care": _________________ Hi Jim
  • 34. I appreciate and totally agree with your Saturday post urging us to stand our ground and to have zero tolerance for compromising what I know to be God's rules for us to follow in exchange for this wonderful life experience here and now and forever more somewhere else. I feel like I just don't fit in with the world around me. Every day I am amazed and disgusted at how bold and unrelenting they are with everything against us. Our politicians just do not care what the will of their constituents is. They openly declare that the laws they make do not apply to them. It's just crazy. ________________ A lot can be done with covert weaponry, ELF, magnetron devices, (through wall or from medical devices) medical hit insertion teams to degrade a normal life into disease and squalor, homosexuality, affecting DNA. Electronic rape of men, women and childern. Hormones and poisons have been developed to do identical things. Any quasi gov't corporate structure or node is ripe for poisons insertions into incoming packages, food supply like with the Witch burnings from contaminated rye or wheat of the food supply in Salem Mass. Experimentation is over, how far it goes will remain to be seen. My response: Yes, I missed the EM aspect of it, EM warfare can indeed cause people to make lifestyle choices they otherwise would not make. This can be done easily via digital television with inserted patterns that are imperceptible, or even with your own cell phone. Glitch wrote: Ancient History of Mankind: I think I better understand your posts about how nukes are related to the destruction that is being administered right now. --Glitch My response: There is going to be a follow up to that post, which I actually intended to be the first of these two posts but during the limited time I had that one was the right one to put up. America has been set up for a nuclear holocaust, I believe this will be one of the "great pollutions only God can clean up" in the last days, as will be GMOs and the human genome destroyed by T4 nanobot DNA altering vaccines. It will definitely be a mess, and I am confident plenty of this destruction is and will be done on behalf of Satan. _______________ More than 100,000 people have joined the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv on Friday Israel has emerged as the world's most gay-friendly Go figure..!
  • 35. _________________________ This is so good I just gotta put it on top here: Jim, Is it true that some states are pushing to have laws made so that people can choose their official gender just by saying that they self identify themselves as a female or male (sometimes neither or both)? I've heard that some universities are allowing that. So what happens when draft-dodgers simply say "I identify as a female so I refuse to register/enlist"? I bet the powers-that-be won't let that stand for a minute. That would be the start to the smack-down of all of that transgender stuff. I'd love to see thousands of 18 year old men refusing to register with selective services because they self-identify as female. I'll bet that it's already happening and they're letting it side and not allowing any press coverage of these cases in the hopes of it not becoming a growing movement. Pete My response: This would be a great meme to get started! I just got a message saying I won't talk about the third worlders invading Europe! Ok, well then lookie here, (I have linked this and similar many times.) Lunatic trollage The lunatic trollage I have received regarding God makes it clear that even among a few of those at the forefront of the alternative media there is an obvious primary motive to get people to deny god. I guess this would be a litmus test . . . . although some might be a few legitimate atheists. I have no problem with legitimate atheists but I really think most of those making the push know there are two sides and have sided with darkness. TPP I'd like to know why this got fast tracked. Seems like anything that hits the fast track is rotten to the core. The TPP Is so shrouded in secrecy I can't possibly be for it, because no one knows what is in it and I am not into jumping off of balconies blindfolded hoping to land on something survivable. The vote is today, and it is obviously not for something anyone wants the general public to know about. Blake sent the following on air rifles that is definitely noteworthy:
  • 36. Blake here again. More on Air Rifles. There are plenty of manufactures out there that make these in the 1250+ fps range. Also you can get the ammo in .177, .22, .30, .45, .50, .357, .45, .50 CAL. Hell some of this ammo comes in hollow point and even ballistic tip. Air Venturi makes most of the big bore ammo and Benjamin makes the ballistic tip. The only draw back is the price of some these above the 1000 fps range will cost as much or more than a nice Weatherby .300 WIN MAG but they are made in all price ranges depending on your budget. The other draw back is when all goes to hell in a hand basket you better have a lot of CO2 on supply to keep the tanks charged. If you don't want CO2 then they do make hand pumpers in .22 CAL but these only get up the 1000 fps range. Screw WalMart they only sell .177 & .22 CAL on the very cheap that are only good teach a beginner how to shoot and handle a fire arm. The big plus side is ammo is very cheap when compared to traditional center fire rifles. You can also find them with 30 round magazine, drum magazines and even belt feed. These types are of the semi auto type. Want to trick it out you can get a picatinny rail to mount scopes and bipods are available Research this sir I think you will be most impressed with what you can find out there. Check out Air Force brand, they have some rifles that get into the 1450 fps range and the fps are adjustable. Air rifles have come a long way since the Red Rider BB Gun days. Also on the big bores there are .45 cal that are in the 1000 fps range that are deadly accurate up to 75+ yards. Just some food for thought, Keep up the good work sir we all need you Blake My response: I always knew it was possible and wondered why it never got done. Seems it has been done, the hand pump air powered .22 is what I would be most interested in for obvious reasons. And as a side note, a 2 liter pop bottle will hold 100 PSI without bursting. This is according to Nasa on the topic of air rockets. -SO- a bicycle pump, kinked hose trigger and six feet of half inch conduit would make one hell of a blowgun if successfully coupled to a pair of 2 liter bottles pumped to 100 PSI. I have thought about playing with that. Angie wrote: I saw your article on (vaccine induced) Autoimmune disorders. I have Hashimotos Encephalitis. I don't want to write too much here because it said on the site that you may not get this. I have not written about what happened to me, I truly don't think that anyone would believe it. The world that Susanna speaks of being the imaginary second world, isn't imaginary or secondary... If you get this email and are interested please email back! My response: I have sent an E-mail response, however, if you drop your response into the message window below I am far more likely to receive it, thanks! I know Kerry is MIA and probably definitely dead from assassination or will probably wake up looney after being drugged and MK ultrad into oblivion, but I
  • 37. cannot cover the topic simply because to do so I need working internet and that is not a reality now. I never thought much of him. I guess he was good for something because they nailed him. Internet nightmare I am trying my best with this web site right now, but am having serious problems with the web. This is not going to change until I leave Mexico City, and it is maddening because all the while I cannot connect at more than 300 baud, other people are using the exact same service to watch Youtube and sports totally uninhibited RIGHT BESIDE ME. I managed the God post this morning in over 4 hours! Normally that would take less than 10 minutes. This is obviously some sort of advantage taking game, and worse? this cyber cafe computer, which I can only get an hour at to do as much as possible does not have a working character set needed for programming manually by hand, so I have to copy and paste every command! (that is just luck of the draw though)UGH! Once again see the mail window for most of todays updates because I can do that quickly without the programming characters. Anything but God Don posted to the Bruce Jenner thread: You know this is getting more and more weird, morality is being deliberately eroded in order for people to abandon God, not religion, that's already been bastardized, but God. You can expect more stupid amoral sexual degeneration from these Godless pricks in the future. They love to couch their deviancy as some kind of "liberation", or "equality". Expect to see in the future, the sexual "liberation" of animals, of children, or what not. I fully expect to see people some time in the future, publicly fornicating and no one batting an eyelid. My response: It is all so transparent. Anyone who has picked up a bible and at least read Revelations would know that this is all laid out there, plain as day, so impossibly perfectly predicted as the great events that would usher in the rule of Satan. You have to be totally unknowing of what the bible says to miss it. And I know that is their goal. I can't even begin to state how transparent and obvious it all is, even the minor details in the bible account of the end times are now coming into light with spectacular detail, as time goes on it leads me to question WHO WROTE THE BIBLE, AND HOW ON EARTH COULD IT POSSIBLY BE SO BANG ON? Answer: Well, perhaps it is all totally real. I am not a bible thumper because I believe people should find their own paths with good information. It is up to the individual to take this tip and do with it what they may.
  • 38. And yes, I have noticed that the "elite" don't care what religion you have, provided you don't really believe in God. You can believe in a philosophy, pray to the spirits, chant to a gohonzon and do whatever else you like but please OH PLEASE do NOT acknowledge the existence of God. So transparent, pathetic and simple of the lowest order of intellect when all anyone has to do to poke holes in it is to read the forward looking portions of ONE BOOK and start thinking! Guns in Mexico This is probably why I have seen guns in Mexico, and has a high probability of being accurate: About San Miguel. NO! you don't want to tell people about San Miguel, it's a terrible place to live. We hate it here... I mean,... Um... whatever. Regarding gun ownership in Mexico, guns are actually NOT prohibited here. It is perfectly legal for both citizens and lawful permanent residents to own guns. What does happen is that the federal government really goes out of its way to make it a much harder and inconvenient process than it used to be in previous decades. Also, there are restrictions. The maximum caliber allowed for handguns is .380 , with 9mm and higher being reserved for the exclusive use of law enforcement and the armed forces. For shotguns it's 12 gauge and a barrel of a certtain length (can't remember). With hunting rifles I can't recall what the maximum caliber is, but .308 is perfectly legal. The government people don't even care if your rifle has a 20 round clip; you just have to jump through a lot more hoops to please the bureaucrats. You do have to keep them at home and solicit a transport permit to take your guns to the range or to go hunting. Also, you can only have 10 guns total, and you have a monthly limit of ammo you can purchase. My response: San Miguel is a gringo haven and I really appreciate this about gun ownership in Mexico. One thing I do know is that air rifles are legal all the way up to the maximum technical limit, and this happens to be 9mm and 900 FPS. Wal Mart and other stores are stacked with air rifles, they must be popular. No air rifle has broken the sound barrier yet, but I`d sure hate to be hit with one of the high powered ones. How do you know I am still real? Anonymous wrote: 1) whats the best way to contribute, have got a few bucks once again to help you out - and 2) how can we be sure your not hijacked and not taken over? YOUR THE ONE OF THE LAST TRUE GUYS OUT THERE, IMO. My response: Just read what I said about American gun ownership yesterday and ask yourself: WHO ON EARTH WOULD PUBLISH THAT? I chuckled for two hours over that one, it was good. About the donations - The incident with my father in law has created significant stress and I am actually about $325 behind what I need. The family is not funding my stay in
  • 39. Mexico City and we have been asked by the family to pay a small portion of the medical bills (which are cheaper than America but still total thousands of USD,) according to our means, and I`d prefer to not sell the main camera and other items to make it. Help would definitely be appreciated and would definitely help out with this situation. Private Mexican medical may be cheaper than the U.S. but it is not free. HOW TO DONATE: REMEMBER: This site has serious issues with intercepts and censorship. However I have figured out a way to get around this. To circumvent theft ALL donations are written on the front page very prominently EVERY TIME in the FULL AMOUNT. If your donation does not show up at the top of the page I did not receive it and you will need to reclaim. Remember to refresh your browser if the page looks the same. Paypal still works if you send to the E-mail address, when $325 is reached I will remove this request, (this event has cost the rest of the family far more than that) thank you! Once again, due to time constraints caused by being denied web access from my main computer I am going to put most of today`s updates in the mail window BLACK HELICOPTER There could be problems This morning a black helicopter flew over the house. The house has a great view of Mexico City and I happened to be looking out over the city as it approached. It was a modern helicopter that was much more advanced than the black helicopters that many made note of during the Clinton administration. It appeared to be the type that could exceed 250 mph and it flew directly at the house in a straight line from more than 3 miles away, went directly overhead, immediately turned around and went back on the same path it approached from. I could not get a good look at it from the side to see any markings because on both approach and return it was directly overhead. There was nothing on the bottom. I was doing family E-mails when it was approaching and as it left the internet cut off completely and stayed off. I am on a mega crappy cyber cafe computer now. IF that black helicopter meant anything, I'd like to say this to the people who sent it: This entire family knows me very well, and games will not work with them. You cannot be assured success with anything you try, even if you manage to "get me". There was actually serious concern with me being in that house alone simply because they know about you, and if there are any problems they will approach them the correct way from DAY ONE. They have the web site logins and will begin posting here if anything happens. I removed a paragraph here and replaced it with a statement from the family:
  • 40. "I would say we are well educated enough and at least parents and brothers are aware of the conspiracy and we are in touch with a lot of people that are enemies of evil and will make it open and widely known if something happens to you." To the black helicopter people: Do you want to try something when you cannot be guaranteed success and definitely will not have secrecy? Do you really want to deal with a large far above average Mexican family showing up in court to confirm I really am a journalist and not a narco or ISIS, a family which will prominently post everything that happens? I WIN. I declared it already, seek an easier target. The recent 8.5 in Japan I did not mention this quake because it happened at a depth of 600 km and was therefore not man made. All the man made quakes happen at a depth of approximately 10 KM (for some reason that is all the deeper their machine can reach) Important note: Before the earthquake machine, large 10 KM depth quakes that were not volcanic were widely considered to be impossible. Now they are adjusting seismic science to fit the new model . . . . . I finally got a good connection Here's a good one - Mexico freedom Mexico freedom: In response to my writing about how much more freedom Mexico has, totally unaware wrote: "How much freedom does Mexico give its citizens to own firearms?" My response: How much freedom has American ownership of firearms given Americans, when they are all too sissy to use them appropriately? Let's compare apples to apples: In Mexico, Pedro put an addition onto his house without government permission and enjoyed it for the last 50 years of his life. In America, Joe Cool put an addition on his house without getting government permission, never got to enjoy it, the government came and demolished it, made him pay for the demolition, gave him a little jail time and then said THANK YOU for paying that $50,000 fine on top of it all simply because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO SEE TYRANNY AND PUT A STOP TO IT WITH HIS GUN WHEN HE HAD A CHANCE. In Mexico, an F4 tornado went through Pedro's neighborhood and because the government allows brick and concrete homes (which is all you will ever find in Mexico),
  • 41. nothing happened to SOLID BRICK AND CONCRETE houses that were not hit by flying cars. Those that were hit by flying cars were damaged by the flying car, but wow, life as normal fairly quickly for almost everyone. In America, after the government charged Joe Cool $50,000 to rip that cool addition off of Joe Cool's wooden house , (which is the only thing you can get permission to build practically everywhere) an F4 tornado hit, blew away his entire town without a trace and now "freedom"joe cool can't find his gun anyway. A tornado took his gun away, it did not take the BATF to do that because Joe Cool WAS TOO BIG A SISSY to USE THAT GUN to enforce his right to BUILD A FREAKING HOME THAT COULD TAKE A TORNADO THE WAY A MEXICAN HOME CAN. Mexicans are not rich, HOW CAN THEY BUILD SO WELL? FREEDOM. After the tornado, Pedro was without a car because it visited the neighbor (with force), so he decided to sell tamales to get over his losses, in an aluminum pot on the back of a bicycle (the way lots of mexicans do) and ended up clearing $50 USD per day in profit. WOW, after three months of peddling his bicycle in the evenings selling tamales, he had $4,500 for another half way decent car BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT LET HIM DO IT. In America, JOE COOL decided to sift through the debris for a few posessions to sell, and when he tried to sell them the government counted, One day, Two days, DAY THREE BAM, YOU ARE RUNNING A BUSINESS SELLING AND NOW YOU HAVE TO PAY A FINE. Check the laws, that really is the way it is, garage sales and yard sales started requiring permits which were only issued two days per year about 10 years ago. This happend because JOE COOL WAS TOO STUPID TO USE HIS GUN WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE. And since the Mexican government is not full of total A-holes, Pedro did better than Joe Cool without a gun. And Joe Cool never got permission for that hot dog stand, which he never had the guts to ask for, nor the finances to start up with because the heavy handed government makes those practically impossible practically everywhere. In Mexico, you can get tacos and tamales and other great food everywhere, just walk out the door. How easy is it to walk out the door for only a minute or so and come back with similar in America? There is your freedom answer. If Joe Cool lived in a free country, he would have been able to dig a grill out of the rubble, set it up with a few packs of hot dogs on a busy street, sell them and begin the process of survival and putting his life back together Try THAT in America. THERE IS YOUR "freedom"ANSWER. The mind control in America was so well done that everything was lost as the flag waved, the football was kicked, the fish were hooked, and the National Anthem was sung. It is far to late to save the nation now, what good did owning guns do when there were so many other things that were better to do than protect your freedom? Face it, it is LOST, in America after obamacare is fully implemented you will not even be able to get private medical anymore. At least in Mexico if you hate their obamacare you can go to as many other doctors as you want, starting at only $30 pesos, ($2.00) and the
  • 42. doctors are decent! AHH yes, starting at 30 pesos because the doctor can make a profit at that price because he does not have to fill out 9,000 forms and pay 50 fees per patient TO THE GOVERNMENT, LIKE YOU HAVE TO IN "FREE" AMERICA OR THEY WILL SHUT YOU DOWN AND PROBABLY JAIL YOU. Get where I am going here? WAKE UP! ______________________ I have had problems getting online lately and this is most likely related to a family medical situation, details are below the mail window Targeting of family to get even Cynthia wrote: It is a standard op of theirs to go after family members, even kids. These creatures literally reek of evil. These are the type of folk who will infiltrate a wedding, deathbed, nursery school, party, or any excuse to wipe out the people around their intended target. This is a recurring pattern and has happened to hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide. Be careful(mexico unsafe) and keep up the good work. You are doing the world a favor. Unlike the animals trying to silence you. It IS very strongly alleged they got Kerry, and two others; one a bodyguard/sound familiar?. check new reports on youtube. peace -----cynthia My response: I doubt they targeted my father in law, but I have absolutely no doubt they have taken advantage of the situation. They probably did not target him because they could not have predicted what went on. However, I will state - yes, this would be normal modus operadi for the communists, who will destroy twin towers, "suicide crash" a Germanwings plane, stuxnet attack trains so they crash, wipe out nuclear facilities and do all manner of things to get who they want to nail or accomplish what they want to accomplish and they don't care if they kill many others in the process. Mexico is not unsafe at all, Mexico happens to be the #1 destination for people who's lives are legitimately threatened by foreign governments and Mexico happens to be the #1 destination for journalists and whistleblowers because it is a very decent safe country with a strong enough government to prevent a whole lot of foreign action on their soil. Forget the rumors, the only problem here is the CIA, and they are a problem everywhere. Obviously the American media psy op is going to really bad mouth Mexico to prevent a mass exodus of prime top minds to Mexico (which the American elite want to keep for themselves) but I can state this flatly and and affirmatively: In no uncertain terms Mexico totally blows America away, it blows away America with affordable private sector medical, affordable housing, overall affordable living, Mexico blows away America when it