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Globalcode – Open4education
Developing for Business
Trilha – PHP Architecture
Globalcode – Open4education
Antonio Spinelli
Globalcode – Open4education
o propósito sempre é o mesmo:
resolver problema para o negócio!
Globalcode – Open4education
problema simples
soluções complexas
Globalcode – Open4education
escopo abstrato
problema desconhecido
Globalcode – Open4education
agregue valor para negócio
entenda a demanda
agilidade não é "sobrinhagem"
Globalcode – Open4education
leia código
peça e faça code review
automatize tarefas repetitivas
Globalcode – Open4education
user story
Lista de Desejos
Eu como usuário convidado, quero adicionar um produto
esgotado em minha lista de desejos para que eu receba uma
notificação quando este estiver disponível.
reposição mais inteligente de produtos
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
adicionando um item
na lista de desejos
Globalcode – Open4education
// public/wishlist.php
// ...
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) {
$wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']);
try {
$stm = $db->prepare(
'INSERT INTO wishlists (email, product_id) VALUES (?, ?)'
$stm->execute([$wishItem['email'], $wishItem['product_id']]);
$successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!';
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :(';
// ...
php estruturado
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
// public/wishlist.php
// ...
<?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?>
<td><?php echo $wish['id']; ?> </td>
<td><?php echo $wish['product_name']; ?> </td>
<?php if ($wish['product_stock'] == 0): ?>
<td>Not Available</td>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo removeUrl($wish['id'], ['email' => $email]); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
// ...
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
notificar usuário que
o item está disponível
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
// cli/wishlist_notify.php
// ...
$query = "find all available products from wishlist";
$stm = $db->prepare($query);
$wishlists = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach ($wishlists as $wishlist) {
"{$wishlist['product_name']} disponível",
$stm = $db->prepare("UPDATE wishlists SET status='S' WHERE id=?");
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
Pronto! funciona!
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
quais problemas neste código?
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
organização pobre
sem verificação de erro
dificuldade de reusar código
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
isolando a apresentação
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
// templates/wishlist/list.php
<?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?>
<td><?php echo $wish['id']; ?> </td>
<td><?php echo $wish['product_name']; ?> </td>
<?php if ($wish['product_stock'] == 0): ?>
<td>Not Available</td>
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo removeUrl($wish['id'], ['email' => $email]); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
isolando regras de negócio
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
function isValidWishList(array $data);
function getWishList(array $data);
function findAllWishProducts($email);
function addWishItem(array $data);
function removeWishItem($id);
function findAllWishlistsToNotify();
function wishlistNotified($id);
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
interagindo com
regra de negócio e apresentação
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/functions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/models/wishlist.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/dbconn.php';
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) {
$wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']);
if (addWishItem($wishItem)) {
$successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!';
} else {
$errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :(';
$wishlist = findAllWishProducts($_GET['email']);
include __DIR__ . '/../templates/wishlists/list.php';
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
isolando layout
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
// template/layout.php
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><?php echo $title ?></title>
<?php echo $content ?>
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
// template/wishlist/list.php
<?php $title = 'My Wish List' ?>
<?php ob_start() ?>
<?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?>
<tr><!-- print all columns --></tr>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $content = ob_get_clean() ?>
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../layout.php' ?>
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
front controller
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
Without a front controller
GET /wishlist.php?
With index.php as the front controller
GET /index.php/wishlist/
Globalcode – Open4education
php puro front controller
// public/index.php
// load function files
// route the request internally
$uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
if (preg_match('/wishlist/(.*)$', $uri, $matches) && $method == 'GET') {
} elseif ('/index.php/wishlist/add' === $uri && $method == 'POST') {
wishlistAddAction($_GET['email'], $_POST);
} else {
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
echo '<html><body><h1>Page Not Found</h1></body></html>';
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado autoload
// public/index.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php';
require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/functions.php';
require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/models/wishlist.php';
require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/controllers/wishlist.php';
// include_path is other alternative
ini_set('include_path', __DIR__ . '/../lib');
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado composer
"name": "tonicospinelli/developing-for-business",
"description": "A Quick Project for Talk",
"license": "MIT",
"autoload": {
"files": [
Globalcode – Open4education
php estruturado projeto
├── cli
│ └── wishlist_notification.php
├── composer.json
├── config
│ └── app.php
├── lib
│ ├── controllers
│ │ └── wishlist.php
│ ├── functions.php
│ └── models
│ └── wishlist.php
├── public
│ └── index.php
└── templates
└── wishlists
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
clareza no código
facilidade de crescimento
testes automatizados
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
testes automatizados
Globalcode – Open4education
php business testes automatizados
garantem regras conhecidas
auxiliam refatoração
não evitam bugs
Globalcode – Open4education
php business phpunit
PHPUnit 5.4.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
................................................... 59 / 59 (100%)
Time: 349 ms, Memory: 6.00MB
OK (59 tests, 126 assertions)
Globalcode – Open4education
PHPUnit 5.4.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
..................................F................ 59 / 59 (100%)
Time: 374 ms, Memory: 6.00MB
There was 1 failure:
1) ProductTest::testUpdateProductFailed
Failed asserting that exception of type "ProductException" is
Tests: 59, Assertions: 125, Failures: 1.
php business phpunit
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
não confie em arrays
evite abreviações
Globalcode – Open4education
* Creates a new wish list data.
* @param array $data
* @return array
function newWishList(array $data)
return array(
'email' => isset($data['email']) ? $data['email'] : null),
'product_id' => $data['product_id'],
'status' => 'P',
php business array, não confie!
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
objetos de valor
Globalcode – Open4education
php business objetos de valor
são objetos simples
encapsulam tipos primitivos
representam o valor
Globalcode – Open4education
class Status
const PENDING = 'P';
const SENT = 'S';
public function __construct($status)
$this->status = $status;
// … other methods
public function equalsTo(Status $status)
return $status === $this;
php business objetos de valor
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
php business entidades
são mutáveis
possuem identificador
Globalcode – Open4education
class Wishlist
public function __construct(
Id $id,
Email email,
WishlistItem $item,
Status $status
) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->email = $email;
$this->item = $item;
$this->status = $status;
php business entidades
Globalcode – Open4education
class WishlistItem
public function __construct(
Id $id,
Available $isAvailable
) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->name = $name;
$this->available = $isAvailable;
php business entidades
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
php business repositórios
camada de persistência
estratégia de armazenamento
Globalcode – Open4education
interface WishlistRepository
public function find($id);
public function findAllByEmail($email);
public function add(Wishlist $wishlist);
public function delete(Wishlist $wishlist);
public function findAllToNotify();
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
namespace DevelopBusinessApplicationProductWishlistRepositories;
class PdoRepository implements WishlistRepository
public function __construct(PDO $driver, Factory $factory);
public function findAllByEmail($email)
$query = "find all items by email";
$stm = $this->driver->prepare($query);
return $stm->fetchAll(
[$this->factory, 'create']
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
namespace DevelopBusinessApplicationProductWishlistRepositories;
class RedisRepository implements WishlistRepository
public function __construct(Predis $driver, Factory $factory);
public function find($id)
$wishlist = $this->driver->get($this->getKey($id));
if (!$wishlist) {
throw WishlistNotFoundException::byIdentifier($id);
return $this->factory->fromJson($wishlist);
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
class PdoRepositoryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testAddNewRowSuccessful()
$wishlist = $this->factory->fromQueryResult(/* args */);
$pdoSpy = new PDOSpy();
(new Repository($pdoSpy))->add($wishlist);
$this->assertEquals(2, $wishlist->getId());
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
class PDOSpy extends PDO
public function beginTransaction()
$this->beginTransactionCalled = true;
public function prepare($statement, $options = null)
if ($statement == INSERT INTO wishlists VALUES (?, ?, ?)') {
return new WriteStatementStub($this->failureOnWrite);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"None Stub Statement was found for query: {$statement}"
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
function wishlistListAction($email)
$db = dbConnect();
$factory = new WishlistFactory();
$repository = new WishlistPdoRepository($db, $factory);
$wishlist = $repository->findAllByEmail($email);
include TEMPLATE_DIR . '/wishlists/list.php';
php business repositórios
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
php business serviços
camada de operações
orquestram os objetos
definem o que fazer
Globalcode – Open4education
$db = dbConnect();
$factory = new WishlistFactory();
$repository = new WishlistRepository($db, $factory);
$resolver = new ItemResolver(new ProductRepository($db));
try {
$intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']);
$useCase = new AddItemWishlistUseCase(
$repository, $factory, $resolver
$wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention);
$successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = $e->getMessage();
php business serviços
Globalcode – Open4education
class AddItemWishlistUseCase
public function execute(AddItemIntention $intention)
$item = $this->resolver->resolve($intention->itemId);
try {
$this->repository->findOneByEmailAndItem($email, $item);
throw WishlistException::itemAlreadyExists($wishlist);
} catch (WishlistNotFoundException $e) {
// do nothing
$wishlist = $this->factory->new($email, $item);
return $this->repository->add($wishlist);
php business serviços
Globalcode – Open4education
// cli/wishlist_notify.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$factory = new WishlistFactory();
$repository = new WishlistRepository(dbConnect(), $factory);
$notifier = new MailNotifier();
$intention = new NotifyProductsAvailableIntention($pending);
$useCase = new NotifyProductsAvailableUseCase($repository, $notifier);
php business serviços
Globalcode – Open4education
class NotifyProductsAvailableUseCase
public function __construct($repository, $notifier)
public function execute(NotifyProductsIntention $intention)
$status = $intention->getStatus();
$wishlists = $this->repository->findAllByStatus($status);
foreach ($wishlists as $wishlist) {
php business serviços
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
injeção de dependências
Globalcode – Open4education
php business injeção de dependência
princípio da inversão de dependência
dependências configuráveis
Globalcode – Open4education
php business injeção de dependência
Globalcode – Open4education
// config/app.ini
[databaseConnection PDO]
__construct = ["sqlite:../data/business.db", null, null]
[factory WishlistFactory]
[repository WishlistRepository]
__construct = [[databaseConnection], [factory]]
[productRepository ProductRepository]
driver = [databaseConnection]
[itemResolver WishlistItemResolver]
product = [productRepository]
php business injeção de dependência
Globalcode – Open4education
// public/index.php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$configFile = __DIR__ . '/../config/app.ini';
$container = new RespectConfigContainer($configFile);
if ('/index.php/wishlist/add' === $uri /* other validation */) {
wishlistAddAction($container, $_GET['email'], $_POST);
php business injeção de dependência
Globalcode – Open4education
function wishlistAddAction(Container $container, $email, $request)
try {
$intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']);
$useCase = $container->wishlistAddItemWishlistUseCase;
$wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention);
$successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = $e->getMessage();
php business injeção de dependência
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
php business eventos
mecanismo de inversão de controle
comunicação assíncrona
baixo acoplamento
Globalcode – Open4education
php business eventos
Globalcode – Open4education
class UpdateProductUseCase
public function __construct($repository, $factory, $eventDispatcher);
public function execute(Intention $intention)
// do something
$event = new ProductWasUpdated($updatedProduct);
$this->dispatch('product.updated', $event);
if ($this->isStockIncreased($product, $updatedProduct)) {
$this->dispatch('product.stock.increased', $event);
return $updatedProduct;
php business eventos
Globalcode – Open4education
class StockListener
public function __construct(NotifyProductAvailable $useCase);
public function __invoke(ProductStockIncreasedEvent $event)
$productId = $event->getProduct()->getId();
$intention = new NotifyProductIntention($productId);
php business eventos
Globalcode – Open4education
[wishlistStockListener StockHasIncreasedListener]
useCase = [notifyProductAvailableUseCase]
[eventDispatcher EventDispatcher]
addListener[] = ["product.stock.increased", [wishlistStockListener]]
[productUpdateUseCase UpdateProductUseCase]
__construct = [[repository], [factory], [eventDispatcher]]
php business eventos
Globalcode – Open4education
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
use cases
Globalcode – Open4education
// public/wishlist.php
// ...
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) {
$wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']);
try {
$stm = $db->prepare(
'INSERT INTO wishlists (email, product_id) VALUES (?, ?)'
$stm->execute([$wishItem['email'], $wishItem['product_id']]);
$successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!';
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :(';
php estruturado
Globalcode – Open4education
function wishlistAddAction(Container $container, $email, $request)
try {
$intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']);
$useCase = $container->wishlistAddItemWishlistUseCase;
$wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention);
$successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errormsg = $e->getMessage();
php business
Globalcode – Open4education
estrutura inicial
├── cli
│ ├── create_tables.php
│ └── wishlist_notification.php
├── data
│ └── business.db
├── lib
│ ├── dbconn.php
│ └── functions.php
└── public
├── product.php
└── wishlist.phpw
Globalcode – Open4education
estrutura de negócio
└── src
└── Application
├── Product
│ ├── Controllers
│ └── Repositories
└── ProductWishlist
├── Controllers
├── Listeners
└── Repositories
└── src
├── Product
│ ├── Events
│ ├── Exceptions
│ ├── Intentions
│ ├── Repositories
│ └── UseCases
└── Wishlist
├── Exceptions
├── Intentions
├── Repositories
└── UseCases
Globalcode – Open4education
saia da zona de conforto
testes automatizados
domain driven design
domain specific language
princípio solid
Globalcode – Open4education
Life's too short for bad software
Lew Cirne, New Relic
Globalcode – Open4education
Implementing Domain-Driven Design
by Vaughn Vernon
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
by Martin Fowler
Domain-Driven Design
by Eric Evans
by Carlos Buenosvinos, Christian Soronellas and Keyvan Akbary
Globalcode – Open4education

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Developing for Business

  • 1. Globalcode – Open4education Developing for Business Trilha – PHP Architecture
  • 2. Globalcode – Open4education apresentação Antonio Spinelli @tonicospinelli
  • 3. Globalcode – Open4education o propósito sempre é o mesmo: resolver problema para o negócio!
  • 5. Globalcode – Open4education comportamento escopo abstrato = problema desconhecido
  • 6. Globalcode – Open4education comportamento agregue valor para negócio entenda a demanda agilidade não é "sobrinhagem"
  • 7. Globalcode – Open4education conhecimento leia código peça e faça code review automatize tarefas repetitivas
  • 8. Globalcode – Open4education user story Lista de Desejos Eu como usuário convidado, quero adicionar um produto esgotado em minha lista de desejos para que eu receba uma notificação quando este estiver disponível. Objetivo reposição mais inteligente de produtos
  • 10. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado adicionando um item na lista de desejos
  • 11. Globalcode – Open4education // public/wishlist.php // ... if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) { $wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']); $db->beginTransaction(); try { $stm = $db->prepare( 'INSERT INTO wishlists (email, product_id) VALUES (?, ?)' ); $stm->execute([$wishItem['email'], $wishItem['product_id']]); $db->commit(); $successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!'; } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollBack(); $errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :('; } } // ... php estruturado
  • 12. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado // public/wishlist.php // ... <table> <?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $wish['id']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $wish['product_name']; ?> </td> <?php if ($wish['product_stock'] == 0): ?> <td>Not Available</td> <?php else: ?> <td>Available</td> <?php endif; ?> <td> <?php echo removeUrl($wish['id'], ['email' => $email]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> // ...
  • 13. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado notificar usuário que o item está disponível
  • 14. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado // cli/wishlist_notify.php // ... $query = "find all available products from wishlist"; $stm = $db->prepare($query); $stm->execute(); $wishlists = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($wishlists as $wishlist) { mail( $wishlist['email'], "{$wishlist['product_name']} disponível", $mailBody ); $stm = $db->prepare("UPDATE wishlists SET status='S' WHERE id=?"); $stm->execute([$wishlist['id']]); }
  • 15. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado Pronto! funciona!
  • 16. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado quais problemas neste código?
  • 17. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado organização pobre sem verificação de erro dificuldade de reusar código
  • 18. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado isolando a apresentação
  • 19. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado // templates/wishlist/list.php <table> <?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $wish['id']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $wish['product_name']; ?> </td> <?php if ($wish['product_stock'] == 0): ?> <td>Not Available</td> <?php else: ?> <td>Available</td> <?php endif; ?> <td> <?php echo removeUrl($wish['id'], ['email' => $email]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table>
  • 20. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado isolando regras de negócio
  • 21. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado function isValidWishList(array $data); function getWishList(array $data); function findAllWishProducts($email); function addWishItem(array $data); function removeWishItem($id); function findAllWishlistsToNotify(); function wishlistNotified($id);
  • 22. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado interagindo com regra de negócio e apresentação
  • 23. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado public/wishlist.php require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/functions.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/models/wishlist.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../lib/dbconn.php'; if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) { $wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']); if (addWishItem($wishItem)) { $successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!'; } else { $errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :('; } } $wishlist = findAllWishProducts($_GET['email']); include __DIR__ . '/../templates/wishlists/list.php';
  • 24. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado isolando layout
  • 25. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado // template/layout.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title ?></title> </head> <body> <?php echo $content ?> </body> </html>
  • 26. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado // template/wishlist/list.php <?php $title = 'My Wish List' ?> <?php ob_start() ?> <table> <tbody> <?php foreach ($wishlist as $wish): ?> <tr><!-- print all columns --></tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <?php $content = ob_get_clean() ?> <?php include __DIR__ . '/../layout.php' ?>
  • 27. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado front controller
  • 28. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado Without a front controller GET /wishlist.php? With index.php as the front controller GET /index.php/wishlist/
  • 29. Globalcode – Open4education php puro front controller // public/index.php // load function files // route the request internally $uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if (preg_match('/wishlist/(.*)$', $uri, $matches) && $method == 'GET') { wishlistListAction($matches[1]); } elseif ('/index.php/wishlist/add' === $uri && $method == 'POST') { wishlistAddAction($_GET['email'], $_POST); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); echo '<html><body><h1>Page Not Found</h1></body></html>'; }
  • 30. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado autoload
  • 31. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado autoload // public/index.php require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php'; require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/functions.php'; require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/models/wishlist.php'; require_once LIBRARY_DIR . '/controllers/wishlist.php'; // include_path is other alternative ini_set('include_path', __DIR__ . '/../lib');
  • 32. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado composer { "name": "tonicospinelli/developing-for-business", "description": "A Quick Project for Talk", "license": "MIT", "autoload": { "files": [ "./lib/dbconn.php", "./lib/functions.php", "./lib/controllers/wishlist.php", "./lib/models/wishlist.php" ] } }
  • 33. Globalcode – Open4education php estruturado projeto developing-for-business ├── cli │ └── wishlist_notification.php ├── composer.json ├── config │ └── app.php ├── lib │ ├── controllers │ │ └── wishlist.php │ ├── functions.php │ └── models │ └── wishlist.php ├── public │ └── index.php └── templates └── wishlists
  • 35. Globalcode – Open4education php business clareza no código facilidade de crescimento testes automatizados
  • 36. Globalcode – Open4education php business testes automatizados
  • 37. Globalcode – Open4education php business testes automatizados garantem regras conhecidas auxiliam refatoração não evitam bugs
  • 38. Globalcode – Open4education php business phpunit PHPUnit 5.4.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. ................................................... 59 / 59 (100%) Time: 349 ms, Memory: 6.00MB OK (59 tests, 126 assertions)
  • 39. Globalcode – Open4education PHPUnit 5.4.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. ..................................F................ 59 / 59 (100%) Time: 374 ms, Memory: 6.00MB There was 1 failure: 1) ProductTest::testUpdateProductFailed Failed asserting that exception of type "ProductException" is thrown. FAILURES! Tests: 59, Assertions: 125, Failures: 1. php business phpunit
  • 40. Globalcode – Open4education php business não confie em arrays evite abreviações
  • 41. Globalcode – Open4education /** * Creates a new wish list data. * @param array $data * @return array */ function newWishList(array $data) { return array( 'email' => isset($data['email']) ? $data['email'] : null), 'product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'status' => 'P', ); } php business array, não confie!
  • 42. Globalcode – Open4education php business objetos de valor
  • 43. Globalcode – Open4education php business objetos de valor são objetos simples encapsulam tipos primitivos representam o valor
  • 44. Globalcode – Open4education class Status { const PENDING = 'P'; const SENT = 'S'; public function __construct($status) { $this->validate($status); $this->status = $status; } // … other methods public function equalsTo(Status $status) { return $status === $this; } } php business objetos de valor
  • 45. Globalcode – Open4education php business entidades
  • 46. Globalcode – Open4education php business entidades são mutáveis possuem identificador
  • 47. Globalcode – Open4education class Wishlist { public function __construct( Id $id, Email email, WishlistItem $item, Status $status ) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; $this->item = $item; $this->status = $status; } } php business entidades
  • 48. Globalcode – Open4education class WishlistItem { public function __construct( Id $id, $name, Available $isAvailable ) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->available = $isAvailable; } } php business entidades
  • 49. Globalcode – Open4education php business repositórios
  • 50. Globalcode – Open4education php business repositórios camada de persistência estratégia de armazenamento
  • 51. Globalcode – Open4education interface WishlistRepository { public function find($id); public function findAllByEmail($email); public function add(Wishlist $wishlist); public function delete(Wishlist $wishlist); public function findAllToNotify(); } php business repositórios
  • 52. Globalcode – Open4education namespace DevelopBusinessApplicationProductWishlistRepositories; class PdoRepository implements WishlistRepository { public function __construct(PDO $driver, Factory $factory); public function findAllByEmail($email) { $query = "find all items by email"; $stm = $this->driver->prepare($query); $stm->execute([$email]); return $stm->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_FUNC, [$this->factory, 'create'] ); } } php business repositórios
  • 53. Globalcode – Open4education namespace DevelopBusinessApplicationProductWishlistRepositories; class RedisRepository implements WishlistRepository { public function __construct(Predis $driver, Factory $factory); public function find($id) { $wishlist = $this->driver->get($this->getKey($id)); if (!$wishlist) { throw WishlistNotFoundException::byIdentifier($id); } return $this->factory->fromJson($wishlist); } } php business repositórios
  • 54. Globalcode – Open4education class PdoRepositoryTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testAddNewRowSuccessful() { $wishlist = $this->factory->fromQueryResult(/* args */); $pdoSpy = new PDOSpy(); (new Repository($pdoSpy))->add($wishlist); $this->assertTrue($pdoSpy->beginTransactionCalled); $this->assertTrue($pdoSpy->commitCalled); $this->assertEquals(2, $wishlist->getId()); } } php business repositórios
  • 55. Globalcode – Open4education class PDOSpy extends PDO { public function beginTransaction() { $this->beginTransactionCalled = true; } public function prepare($statement, $options = null) { if ($statement == INSERT INTO wishlists VALUES (?, ?, ?)') { return new WriteStatementStub($this->failureOnWrite); } throw new InvalidArgumentException( "None Stub Statement was found for query: {$statement}" ); } } php business repositórios
  • 56. Globalcode – Open4education function wishlistListAction($email) { $db = dbConnect(); $factory = new WishlistFactory(); $repository = new WishlistPdoRepository($db, $factory); $wishlist = $repository->findAllByEmail($email); include TEMPLATE_DIR . '/wishlists/list.php'; } php business repositórios
  • 57. Globalcode – Open4education php business serviços
  • 58. Globalcode – Open4education php business serviços camada de operações orquestram os objetos definem o que fazer
  • 59. Globalcode – Open4education $db = dbConnect(); $factory = new WishlistFactory(); $repository = new WishlistRepository($db, $factory); $resolver = new ItemResolver(new ProductRepository($db)); try { $intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']); $useCase = new AddItemWishlistUseCase( $repository, $factory, $resolver ); $wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention); $successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!"; } catch (Exception $e) { $errormsg = $e->getMessage(); } php business serviços
  • 60. Globalcode – Open4education class AddItemWishlistUseCase { public function execute(AddItemIntention $intention) { $item = $this->resolver->resolve($intention->itemId); try { $this->repository->findOneByEmailAndItem($email, $item); throw WishlistException::itemAlreadyExists($wishlist); } catch (WishlistNotFoundException $e) { // do nothing } $wishlist = $this->factory->new($email, $item); return $this->repository->add($wishlist); } } php business serviços
  • 61. Globalcode – Open4education // cli/wishlist_notify.php require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $factory = new WishlistFactory(); $repository = new WishlistRepository(dbConnect(), $factory); $notifier = new MailNotifier(); $intention = new NotifyProductsAvailableIntention($pending); $useCase = new NotifyProductsAvailableUseCase($repository, $notifier); $useCase->execute($intention); php business serviços
  • 62. Globalcode – Open4education class NotifyProductsAvailableUseCase { public function __construct($repository, $notifier) public function execute(NotifyProductsIntention $intention) { $status = $intention->getStatus(); $wishlists = $this->repository->findAllByStatus($status); foreach ($wishlists as $wishlist) { $this->notifier()->send($wishlist); $wishlist->changeStatusTo(Status::sent()); $this->repository->update($wishlist); } } } php business serviços
  • 63. Globalcode – Open4education php business injeção de dependências
  • 64. Globalcode – Open4education php business injeção de dependência princípio da inversão de dependência dependências configuráveis
  • 65. Globalcode – Open4education php business injeção de dependência Respect/Config
  • 66. Globalcode – Open4education // config/app.ini [databaseConnection PDO] __construct = ["sqlite:../data/business.db", null, null] [factory WishlistFactory] [repository WishlistRepository] __construct = [[databaseConnection], [factory]] [productRepository ProductRepository] driver = [databaseConnection] [itemResolver WishlistItemResolver] product = [productRepository] php business injeção de dependência
  • 67. Globalcode – Open4education // public/index.php require_once __DIR__ . '/../config/app.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $configFile = __DIR__ . '/../config/app.ini'; $container = new RespectConfigContainer($configFile); if ('/index.php/wishlist/add' === $uri /* other validation */) { wishlistAddAction($container, $_GET['email'], $_POST); } php business injeção de dependência
  • 68. Globalcode – Open4education function wishlistAddAction(Container $container, $email, $request) { try { $intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']); $useCase = $container->wishlistAddItemWishlistUseCase; $wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention); $successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!"; } catch (Exception $e) { $errormsg = $e->getMessage(); } } php business injeção de dependência
  • 70. Globalcode – Open4education php business eventos mecanismo de inversão de controle comunicação assíncrona baixo acoplamento
  • 71. Globalcode – Open4education php business eventos symfony/event-dispatcher
  • 72. Globalcode – Open4education class UpdateProductUseCase { public function __construct($repository, $factory, $eventDispatcher); public function execute(Intention $intention) { // do something $this->repository->update($updatedProduct); $event = new ProductWasUpdated($updatedProduct); $this->dispatch('product.updated', $event); if ($this->isStockIncreased($product, $updatedProduct)) { $this->dispatch('product.stock.increased', $event); } return $updatedProduct; } } php business eventos
  • 73. Globalcode – Open4education class StockListener { public function __construct(NotifyProductAvailable $useCase); public function __invoke(ProductStockIncreasedEvent $event) { $productId = $event->getProduct()->getId(); $intention = new NotifyProductIntention($productId); $this->useCase->execute($intention); } } php business eventos
  • 74. Globalcode – Open4education config/app.ini [wishlistStockListener StockHasIncreasedListener] useCase = [notifyProductAvailableUseCase] [eventDispatcher EventDispatcher] addListener[] = ["product.stock.increased", [wishlistStockListener]] [productUpdateUseCase UpdateProductUseCase] __construct = [[repository], [factory], [eventDispatcher]] php business eventos
  • 75. Globalcode – Open4education php business estrutura
  • 76. Globalcode – Open4education camadas business use cases application web devices useinterface database ExternalInterfaces
  • 77. Globalcode – Open4education // public/wishlist.php // ... if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isValidWishList($_POST['wish_item'])) { $wishItem = getWishList($_POST['wish_item']); $db->beginTransaction(); try { $stm = $db->prepare( 'INSERT INTO wishlists (email, product_id) VALUES (?, ?)' ); $stm->execute([$wishItem['email'], $wishItem['product_id']]); $db->commit(); $successmsg = 'Product was added at wish list successfully!'; } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollBack(); $errormsg = 'Product could not be added at wishlist! :('; } } php estruturado
  • 78. Globalcode – Open4education function wishlistAddAction(Container $container, $email, $request) { try { $intention = getIntention($request['wish_item']); $useCase = $container->wishlistAddItemWishlistUseCase; $wishlist = $useCase->execute($intention); $successmsg = "{$wishlist->getItemName()} added!"; } catch (Exception $e) { $errormsg = $e->getMessage(); } } php business
  • 79. Globalcode – Open4education estrutura inicial developing-for-business ├── cli │ ├── create_tables.php │ └── wishlist_notification.php ├── data │ └── business.db ├── lib │ ├── dbconn.php │ └── functions.php └── public ├── product.php └── wishlist.phpw
  • 80. Globalcode – Open4education estrutura de negócio developing-for-business └── src └── Application ├── Product │ ├── Controllers │ └── Repositories └── ProductWishlist ├── Controllers ├── Listeners └── Repositories developing-for-business └── src ├── Product │ ├── Events │ ├── Exceptions │ ├── Intentions │ ├── Repositories │ └── UseCases └── Wishlist ├── Exceptions ├── Intentions ├── Repositories └── UseCases
  • 81. Globalcode – Open4education conclusão saia da zona de conforto testes automatizados domain driven design domain specific language princípio solid
  • 82. Globalcode – Open4education Life's too short for bad software Lew Cirne, New Relic
  • 83. Globalcode – Open4education Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans DDD in PHP by Carlos Buenosvinos, Christian Soronellas and Keyvan Akbary referências