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Desperta Ferro o Dispierta Fierro era
uno de los gritos de guerra entonados         Awake iron! ((Catalan) Desperta Ferro!,
por los almogávares antes de la batalla.      Medieval (Catalan) Desperta Ferres!)
El grito completo era "Aur, aur... Desper-    was a battle cry of the Middle Ages
ta ferro" ("escucha, escucha...Despierta      employed by the Almogàvers. It was
el hierro"). Que gritaban mientras hac-       shouted on entering the fight, to
ían repicar las conteras de sus lanzas        frighten the enemy and invoke the
contra el suelo haciendo saltar chispas       presence of iron in the battle.
contra las piedras.´!
Asterium es un grupo de Death Metal Melódico con temática Romana, formado por Sebas
Silvera (Guitarra solista y vocalista) el año 2009 influenciado por bandas de viking metal
como Amon Amarth o Ensiferum y de death metal como Dethklok o Hackneyed.

El primero en unirse al grupo fue Luciano Bertuzzi de guitarra rítmico, luego se incorporó
Sergio Bernad como batería y para acabar la alineación, Carlos Espinoza al bajo. Con toda la
banda completa, comenzaron a componer sus primeros temas y a hacer sus primeros
conciertos por Cataluña.

En un principio la
banda se centró en
el viking metal, y
grabaron un demo
con sus primeros

Después de un
tiempo la banda
cambió         por
completo         su
temática y ahora se
centran    en     la
Antigua Roma. Las
letras hablan de
antiguas batallas y
héroes Romanos, y
también    de    su
Asterium is a Melodic Death Metal band with
roman theme.

Asterium was created by Sebas Silvera (Lead
Guitar & vocals) on 2009 influenced by Viking
metal bands as Amon Amarth or Ensiferum and
also death metal bands as Dethklok or

The first to join the band was Luciano Bertuzzi
as rhythm guitar, then Sergio Bernad joined
the band as drummer and, finally, Carlos
Espinoza playing bass. With the line up closed,

                                                  Asterium begun to write songs and to
                                                  play live around Catalonia.

                                                  Initially, the band was playing Viking
                                                  metal. But later they changed to a old
                                                  roman oriented theme. Their lyrics
                                                  talk about old battles and roman
                                                  heroes and also about the roman

                                                   Legio IX Hispana
                                                   Guitarra Solista y Voz: Sebas Silvera
                                                   Bateria: Sergio Bernad
                                                   Guitarra Ritmica: Luciano Bertuzzi
Contact & Booking:
                                                   Bajo: Carlos Espinoza
Etnia nace a finales de 1999 con base en Briones la rioja con Jesus Miguel a la bateria Javi
guitarra/voces y Diego guitarra y Eduardo al bajo/voces practicando un metal con multiples

Partiendo de cero y tras muchos ensayos dan su primer concierto el 23/12/2000 en briones
junto a eskupitajo agrikola y corpsevore a principios del 2002 entra Jaime a la percusion y a
finales del mismo año David al bajo ex Parentesis sustituyendo a Eduardo se busca cantante
al año siguiente entra Joao a la voz debutando en la primera edicion del festival Cuzcumetal,
Tras varios conciertos deja el grupo a finales del 2005 y Diego pasa a ocuparse de la voz.

El 18/7/2008 Diego da su ultimo concierto en Hormilla junto a Vondage y Ataxia f. Tras el
deja el grupo por motivos personales. Aagosto del 2008 entra Miguel a la voz se reforman
varios temas y se vuelve a la actividad.

Mayo del 2009 entra Jota a la guitarra y en junio del 2010 deja el grupo y en agosto Miguel
abandona la formacion quedando otra vez sin voz poco mas tarde nos ayuda para un par de
conciertos Ivan de Ataxia f. y parace ser que se
queda y por fin tenemos la formacion definiti-

Junio del 2011 sacamos una demo de adelanto
de lo que sera nuestro primer trabajo

Agosto del 2011 ve la luz “Revolviendonos desde
un jodido nada” nuestro primer trabajo con el
que demostramos que estamos mas vivos que
nunca… noviembre del 2011 David tras nueve
años deja de formar parte de etnia.

En todo este tiempo hemos compartido escena-
rio y algo mas con unos cuantos grandes grupos
a los que desde aqui saludamos...
Etnia was born at the end of 1999,
                                                     based at Briones (La Rioja), with Jesus
                                                     Miguel as drummer, Javi playing guitar/
                                                     vocals, Diego also guitar and Eduardo
                                                     playing bass and voices playing a metal
                                                     with many influences.

                                                     Starting from scratch and after a lot of
                                                     rehearsal they played live from the frist
                                                     time on December 23rd 2000 at Briones
                                                     sharing scenario with Eskupitajo
                                                     Agrikola and Corpsevore.

                                                     In the beginning of 2002 Jaime joins the
                                                     bans playing percussion. AT the end of
                                                     2002 David (ex-Parentesis) joins Etnia
                                                     as bassist replacing     Eduardo. Etnia
                                                     looks for another singer and Joao joins
                                                     the bans. The new line up plays at the
                                                     frist Cuzcumetal fest. Joao leaves Etnia
                                                     at the end of 2005 and Diego takes care
                                                     of the vocals.

                                                     Diego’s last concert with Etnia was July
                                                     18th 2008 at Hormilla with Vondage and
                                                     Ataxia f. On August Miguel joins the
                                                     band a singer, the band changes some
                                                     songs and they started to work again.

                                                     May 2009 Jota takjes care of the guitar
                                                     auntil June 2010. August 2010 Miguel
                                                     leaves Etnia. Ivan, from Ataxia F. helps
                                                     the band and finally decided to join the
                                                     line up.

                                                     June 2011 Etnia release their demo,
                                                     showing part of the work in progress.

                                                     August 2011 finally is releaded
                                                     “Revolviendonos desde un jodido nada”
                                                     Etnia’s first work showing the band’s

                                                     Noviembre 2011 David leaves Etnia
                                                     after 9 years of heavy work.

                                                     During all these years, Etnia has shared
                                                     scenario with some big bands.

DEMO´06 (2006)                                               IVAN . VOZ
REVOLVIENDONOS DESDE UN JODIDO NADA (2011) .                 JAIME . PERCUSION                    MANUEL . BAJO                    JAVI . GUITARRA

Contact & Booking:
La creación de esta banda empieza en abril de 2006 con Ruben Cristian, Adri e Isaac en un viejo local
en las afueras de Tarragona. Se prueban diferentes musicos y se empiezan a componer los primeros
temas...Hasta que en febrero de 2007 se cierra la formacion con Dani y Carlos, y el grupo toma un
aire más comprometido y con ganas de trabajar.

En septiembre de 2007 llega el primer bolo en " welcome to paradise fest " en Reus ( Tarragona )...En
el dia de hoy des-
pues de tantas
idas y venidas el
bajista actual es
Pablo, que se ha
hecho un gran
hueco en el grupo
y ya forma parte
de esta gran fami-
lia de locos.

El grupo ya ha
empezado a disfru-
tar del sabor del
directo y actual-
mente tienen grabados 3 temas que se pueden descargar en
The creation of this band
starts in April 2006 with
Cristian Ruben, Adri and
Isaac in an old building on
the outskirts of Tarragona.

Tested different musi-
cians and begin tocompose
the first songs … Until Fe-
bruary 2007 in close forma-
tion with Dani and Charles,
and the group takes a more
committed and willing to

In September 2007, comes the
first gig in "welcome to paradi-
se fest" in Reus
(Tarragona) ... In this day after so
many comings and
goings current bassist is Paul, who
has made a big hole in the
group and is already part of this
big crazy family.

The group has already begun
to enjoy the taste of live and now
have recorded 3 songsthat can be
downloaded in

Contact & Booking:
Banda formada en el año 2002 con el nombre (Caníbal Leck-
ter) con la intención de transmitir los sentimientos e instintos
más perversos, violentos y despiadados del ser humano a base
de potentes temas de death metal y una puesta en escena que
no dejase indiferente a nadie.

Instinto Caníbal se forja tras la evolución de la banda, la cual
sufre también varios cambios en la formación sirviendo esto
para enriquecer la brutalidad y el marcado estilo del grupo que
en su trayectoria se ha influenciado por grupos como: Brujer-
ía, Caníbal Corpse, Asesino, Decapitated, Six Feet Under etc.

Con más de 8 años de duro trabajo y mas de 60 conciertos
Instinto Caníbal ha compartido escenario con grupos como:
Terroristars, Moho, Kop y tras ganar la edición 2010 del Far-
mer Fest con Noctem y Ktulu .

                                        Ahora Instinto Caníbal
                                        representado por Far-
                                        mer Promotions & Management y con un trabajo formado por
                                        6 temas llamado Antihumano se dispone a infectar a la huma-
                                        nidad a base de brutales conciertos donde disfrutar de una
                                        buena dosis de death metal, sangre, satanismo y marranis-

                                                    DANIEL TORRES RESINA (VOCALISTA)
                                                      HECTOR PORRO JUAN (GUITARRA)
                                                   RUBEN GALLEGO GARRIGA (BATERIA)
                                                      YOLANDA GIL SHARIFI (BAJISTA)
                                                        THIERRY FAVARO (GUITARRA)
Band formed in 2002 with the
name (Cannibal Leckter) inten-
ded to convey the feelingsand
instincts more perverse, vio-
lent and ruthless human
being based on powerful theme-
sof death metal and a staging
that does not leave anyone indif-
ferent .
Cannibal Instinct is forged after
the evolution of the band,
which also suffered severallineup
changes that serve to enrich the
brutality and the sharp style of
the group in its path has be-
en influenced by bands such
as Witchcraft, Cannibal Corpse,
Murderer,Decapitated, Six Feet
Under etc.
With over 8 years of hard
work and more than 60 con-
certs Cannibal Instinct has shared
the stage with groups li-
ke Terroristars,
Mold, Kop and after winning the
2010 FarmerFest with Noctem
and Ktulu.
Now represented by Farmer Can-
nibal Instinct Promotions & Ma-
nagement and a forcé consisting
of 6 songs called Antihumano is
about to infect humanity based
on brutalconcerts to enjoy a
healthy dose of death metal, blo-
od, and Marranism Satanism.

Contact & Booking:
Karlahan es un grupo de Metal Sinfónico de Barcelona que mezcla metal con muchas influencias dis-
tintas como por ejemplo melodic death
metal, black metal y progresivo. La
banda está formada por Jordi Farré
(bateria), Sergi Nuez (bajo), Xavier Diví
(guitarras) y Guillem Rejón (guitarras y
voces ).

El grupo empezó con un sonido más
folk pero fue cambiando en el transcur-
so del tiempo y ahora están desarro-
llando un estilo más maduro y experi-
mentando con muchos estilos distintos.

Karlahan participó en Diciembre de
2007 en las grabaciones del último al-
bum de la banda alemana Equilibrium
llamado «Sagas».
El nuevo album del grupo se llama»A Portrait of Life» y ha sido    Guillem Rejón - Guitars & Lead Vocals
producido por el ex-guitarrista del grupo Jordi Bolibar y el es-   Xavi Diví - Lead Guitars
cocés Scott McLean (Falloch).                                      Sergi Nuez - Bass
                                                                   Jordi Farré - Drums
It all started in late 2006 in Barcelona,
when Guillem (guitars and clean vocals)
decided to found a new band with a differ-
ent aim than his previous one, a heavy
metal band where he played together with
Sergi (bass) and Victor (drums). First he
just thought about it as a musical project,
together with Victor and Toni, a guy from
his school who had a hell of a voice. But in
the end Sergi (bass) joined, since they had
been playing together in his previous band
and the search for the missing members
started. It wasn’t until Jordi (guitars), a
guy from St Cugat, a town near Barcelona,
found a message in a web site about a
Metal band from Barcelona looking for a
guitarist and a keyboardist that band was
completed. The rest of the band asked Jordi if he knew any keyboard players and he remembered that Ivó
(synths) used to play the piano before playing drums in a band together with other friends of him. So he
just asked him and he agreeded. The first rehearsals had started without the last 2 members, but all of
them started working together very smoothly, and from that point Jordi also helped Guillem with the
compositions and specially on the lyrics.

From this point the first compositions started and the band started practicing some of the songs. In Sum-
mer 2007 they started to record a demo song called “Twilight” at Jordi’s house. It took quite a lot of time,
but finally it was completed and it recieved very good critics. In Autum 2007 the band started playing
gigs in different local venues in Barcelona and surroundings and it was in this period when the band no-
ticed that the German band Equilibrium were organising a contest whose winner would participate in
their forthcoming album “Sagas”. They didn’t have many hopes, but in the end they recorded a vocal
cover of “Der Sturm” and they also sent their own song “Twilight”. Finally they won the contest and dur-
ing December they travelled to Hellion Studios Munchen, where they recorded some parts in 2 of the
songs, both in the vocal parts.

By then, some changes occurred in the band, our former drummer Victor and our former keyboard player
Ivó left the band. Victor was replaced by another great drummer, Aleix, and the band decided not to look
for another keyboard player since the orchestrations were far too complex to be played by just one per-
son. The 4th of October of 2008, Karlahan flew to Munich to play at the Helion Festival. This boosted the
band one step forward in their live performances and made it possible to broaden their popularity. They
played together with bands like Equilibrium, Helfahrt, Sycronomica, Dark Seed, Varg...

2009 is a new year for Karlahan and this means a change in few aspects of the band. They have really
forgotten the "folk thing" in their music, and have developed it in a more experimental way, always keep-
ing the orchestral parts mixed with all kinds of metal (melodic death metal, black metal, progressive
metal, thrash metal...). So no more folk metal. Their aim is to make orchestral metal in a more original
way, experimenting with new sounds, scales and musics. This meant that the old songs of the band didn't
really show what the band is nowadays, so they will change the name of their first demo for another one
which still has to be decided. Moreover, the demo will be separated in two parts, a first one with "the old
stuff" and a new one with "the new stuff". Unfortuately this means that it will be delayed, but we hope to
be able to release it somewhen this year. So many changes in
the band recently, too bad that they can't be shown yet to

Finally, the new album will be produced by our guitarist Jordi
Bolibar and our mate from the scottish band Concept of Time,
Scott McLean due to personal reasons. We feel this is the way
it has to be, and we will have much more control on our fu-
ture without depending on others. We have been waiting for
this for too long, so we really need to release some stuff to
promote ourselves. This doesn't mean the quality will be bad,
we have been testing really nice sofware and we are sure the
results won't disappoint anybody. We just hope this acceler-
ates everything and we can release our long-awaited first
album in the end. The new Karlahan album will be entitled "A
Portrait of Life" and will be released somwhen this summer.
No official release has been set yet, but as soon as things
start to enclose it will be announced

Contact & Booking:
Meszaroth se caracteriza por su potencia y su sonido contundente, guitarras
                         atronadoras, poderosos bajos, potententes voces, baterías rápidas… creando
                         oscuras melodías propias de Black Metal entrelazadas con la potencia del
                         Death Metal además de algunos riffs característicos de Thrash Metal.

                         Meszaroth es una banda que surge en la ciudad de Huelva (España) a prin-
                         cipios del 2008 de manos de Samu (batería) y Víctor (voz). Tras unos meses
                         de búsqueda de nuevos miembros, consiguen encontrar a Héctor
                         (guitarrista) y a Fender (bajo). Tras no encontrar un segundo guitarrista a
                         mediados de verano, un viejo amigo de Samu, Ale, se ofrece de forma tem-
                         poral para ser segundo guitarrista. A partir de aquí, Meszaroth empieza a
                         componer sus primeros temas. A finales de Agosto, Ale abandona la banda y
                         en su lugar ingresa en la banda como segundo guitarrista Juanmi. De éste
                         modo, el grupo está completo y la composición sigue su curso. Al poco tiem-
                         po, Héctor se ve obligado a abandonar el proyecto durante algún tiempo, y
                         Víctor, el hasta entonces vocalista, también se va. Poco tiempo después,
contactan con Curro para la voz, el cual después de dos meses también lo deja. En éste tiempo
Héctor vuelve a la banda, y Ale, quien por un tiempo fue guitarrista, vuelve a la banda como vocalista
y tercer guitarra.

En el verano del 2009 dan sus primeros conciertos con muy buena aceptación, y es a finales de dicho
año cuando consiguen grabar con algo de calidad su primer tema con tres
guitarras. Este tema es bien recibido a pesar de ser una grabación casera y
con pocos recursos. En 2010 comparten escenario con Blasphemium en
Huelva y con Foscor y Vidres a la Sang en Sevilla. Tras la gran aceptación
recibida por el hecho de tocar tres guitarristas, se proponen seguir compo-
niendo para tres guitarras, lo cual le da más sonido, más melodía y más
atmósfera. A finales de verano Fender deja la banda y entra como nuevo
                                                   bajista Borja, completándo-
                                                   se de éste modo la alinea-
                                                   ción actual y definitiva has-
                                                   ta el momento. En septiem-
                                                   bre y octubre dan dos con-
                                                   ciertos en Sevilla, con
                                                   Sphere of Madness, Visceral
                                                   Tumor y Purulent Necrop-
                                                   sys, cosechando una buena
Meszaroth musically is cha-
racterized by his power
and forceful sound, thun-
derous guitars, powerful
low, strong voices, rapid
batteries … creating dark
own melodies of the Black
Metal interlaced with the
power of the Death Metal
besides some riffs more
typical of the Thrash Metal
in his sound creating and
shaping it.

Meszaroth arises in the city
of Huelva (Spain) at the
beginning of hand 2008 of
Samu (battery) and Víctor
(voice). After a few months
of search of new members,
they manage to find Héctor
(guitarist) and (bass) Fen-
der. After a second guita-
rist does not be find in the
middle of summer, an old
friend of Samu, Ale, he
offers as temporary form
to be the second guitarist.
From here, Meszaroth start composing their first songs. At the end of August, Ale leaves the band and
in his place it joins the band as the second guitarist Juanmi. In this one way, the group is complete
and the composition follows his course. To a little time, Héctor is ought to leave the project for some
time, and Víctor, till then vocalist, also it goes away. A little time later, they contact Job for the voice,
which after two months also leaves it. In this one time Héctor returns to the band, and Ale, who in a
time was a guitarist, returns to the band as vocalist and third guitar.

In summer of 2009 they give his first concerts with very good acceptance, and it is at the end of the
above mentioned year when they manage to record with something of quality his first theme with
three guitars. This one is acclaimed in spite of being a domestic recording and with few resources. In
2010 they share scene with Blasphemium in Huelva and with Foscor and Vidres to the Sang in Seville.
                                                                     After the great acceptance got for
                                                                     the fact of touching three guita-
                                                                     rists, they propose to continue
                                                                     composing for three guitars,
                                                                     which gives them louder sound,
                                                                     deeper melody and stronger at-
                                                                     mosphere. At the end of summer
                                                                     Fender it leaves the band and en-
                                                                     ters as new bass player Borja,
                                                                     way being completed of this one
                                                                     the current and definitive align-
                                                                     ment up to the moment. In Sep-
                                                                     tember and October Visceral Tu-
                                                                     mor and Purulent Necropsys give
                                                                     two concerts in Seville, with Sphe-
                                                                     re of Madness, harvesting a good

Contact & Booking:
Mistweaver se creó en octubre de 1997
y su primer ensayo tuvo lugar en enero
de 1998. Su estilo en ese tiempo era un
mix entre Doom y Death. La banda co-
menzó a componer sus primeros temas,
sin bajista, y algunos meses después
completaron la formación y comenzaron
los conciertos. Tras cuatro conciertos
llegaron los primeros cambios por dife-
rencias musicales y la búsqueda de nue-
vos miembros llevó algo mas de tiempo
en esta ocasión hasta junio de 1999,
cuando después de varios conciertos la
banda finalmente graba su primer mini
álbum “Sol Obscurabitur” en Oso Studio,
lanzado en junio de 2000.

Siguen los conciertos y en mayo de 2001 “Dream´s Domain” es grabado en Tala Studios de Bermeo.
El álun se lanza en septiembre y Mistweaver firma con Zero Rec, re-editando el álbum en diciembre.
Un nuevo cambio de bajista y la banda comienza a tocar en más sitios, yendo a Portugal dos días en
febrero de 2002. Combinando conciertos y la creación de nuevos temas, Mistweaver vuela a Alemania
en octubre para grabar su segundo larga duración “The Aftermath”, en los Spacelab Studios. El álbum
se lanzó en junio de 2003 con Deepsend Rec de USA tras haber roto el contrato con Zero. Esto dio la
oportunidad de ir a tocar a ese país, participando en el bien conocido Milwaukee Metalfest.

En 2004 Mistweaver firma con el sello escocés Golden Lake y durante el primer trimestre de 2005 gra-
ban una nueva obra maestra: “Age of Darkness” en VRS studio de Madrid masterizándolo en Finnvox
de Finlandia. Desgraciadamente se producen nuevos cambios en la formación y, además, el sello
cerró, lo que supuso romper la regularidad en los conciertos. Pero las nuevas canciones seguían le-
                                                                  gando y la banda decide contratar
                                                                  un batería para grabar su siguien-
                                                                  te álbum, haciéndolo para esa
                                                                  parte en marzo de 2007 en los
                                                                  Tribal Art Studios de Gerona. El
                                                                  resto del disco debería de haberse
                                                                  grabado en septiembre; pero dife-
                                                                  rentes circunstancias lo retrasaron
                                                                  hasta mayo de 2008. Mientras la
                                                                  banda completa la formación y en
                                                                  mayo graba esta vez en Sonic
                                                                  Train Studios de Sweden con el
                                                                  título “Tales from the Grave”.

                                                                  Actualmente, la banda busca sello
                                                                  para lanzar este álbum.
Mistweaver was formed in October 1997 and the first
rehearse was in January 1998. The style in those days was
a mixture between Doom and Death. The band started the
composition of the first stuff, still without a bassist and
some months later the line up was completed and the first
gigs finally came. After four gigs, the first changes of line
up due to musical differences and the search for new
members last longer this time, until June 1999 and then,
after some gigs, the band recorded their first mini album
“Sol Obscurabitur” at Oso´s Studio, released in June 2000.

More gigs and in May 2001 “Dream´s Domain” was
recorded at Tala Studios in Bermeo. The album was
released in September and Mistweaver signs to Zero Rec,
re-releasing the album in December. A new change of
bassist and the band goes to play abroad for first time,
going to Portugal for two dates in February 2002. More
gigs and meanwhile the creation of the new album was
happening and in October Mistweaver flies to Germany to
record the second full lenght “The Aftermath”, at Spacelab
Studios. The album would be released in June 2003 with
Deepsend Rec from USA after breaking the contrat with
Zero. That was the chance to go to play to that country,
playing at the well known Milwaukee Metalfest.

In 2004 Mistweaver signs to the label Golden Lake from Scotland and during the first three months of
2005 the band recorded a new masterpiece, “Age of Darkness” at VRS studio in Madrid and mastering
the stuff at Finnvox in Finland. Unfortunately more changes of line up came to the band and also the
label closed its doors, so the activity for gigs was not very regular. But the new songs were breeding
and so the band decides to hire a session drummer for the recording of the new album and so the
drum tracks were recorded in March 2007 at Tribal Art Studios in Gerona. The rest of the album was
supposed to be recorded in September but because of different causes has to be delayed until May
2008. Meanwhile the line up is ready to play with a new drummer. Then in May the new album was
recorded, this time at Sonic Train Studios in Sweden and the title is “Tales from the Grave”.

At the moment Mistweaver is looking for a label to release this album.

Contact & Booking: MISTWEAVER Raúl Puente Tobalina (
Telf.: (0034) 626 918 694
En el verano de 2009 nace
                                                                       Primitive, con Sergio ( Voz ) e
                                                                       Ivan ( Guitarra ) un proyecto
                                                                       que tenían en mente desde
                                                                       hacia tiempo, solo faltaba
                                                                       encontrar mús icos para
                                                                       completar la banda. Entonces
                                                                       aparecio Fran ( Bateria ) con el
                                                                       que compartían local, y
                                                                       empezaron a componer sus
                                                                       primeros temas.

                                                                       Pasado un tiempo, y cuando
                                                                       todo empezaba a tomar forma,
                                                                       Ivan abandona la banda por
                                                                       motivos personales cediendo
                                                                       su puesto a Johnny ( Guitarra )
                                                                       que tocaba con Fran en otro
                                                                       grupo. A partir de ese
                                                                       momento el grupo decidió
                                                                       eliminar los temas anteriores y
comenzar una nueva etapa, dejando atrás Primitive y dando paso a Murder Kaos. Ya solo quedaba
encontrar bajista, y el destino decidió que se encontrasen a Albert ( Bajo/Teclados ) en los locales de
ensayo, el cual, días después entró a formar parte de MK. En los meses siguientes se vieron inmersos
en la composición de su repertorio y con tan solo 5 meses de vida ganan el primer Night Bucs Festival
en Junio de 2010.

En Junio de 2011 y ya con Dani ( Guitarra Solista )
formando parte del grupo, se presentan al
concurso de bandas emergentes "Wolfest" para
ver la reacción de la gente ante la música de MK,
ganando el premio Myspace por sus contundente
directo y aportando unas criticas realmente

En Octubre de 2011 se meten en los Bloq Studio
para grabar su primer EP "Mundo de Cristal" que
cuenta con 5 de los 10 temas que tienen en su
repertorio. Tras grabar el CD, Dani abandona la
banda por motivos personales y en Febrero de
2012 entra Alex "Mufasa" (Guitarra Solista)
cubriendo perfectamente su puesto.

A día de hoy Murder Kaos solo piensa en hacer el
máximo numero de conciertos por el territorio
español para dar a conocer su primer trabajo .
Serio (vocals) and Ivan
(Guitar) started their Project
summer 2009.It was called
Primitive and they started to
look for the rest of the

The fisrt to join the band
was Fran (drummer) and
they started writting the first
songs. Ivan left the band
and was replaces by Johnny
(Guitar), Fran’s old friend
from another band. Then
they started from scratch,
changing to Murder Kaos.

They looked for a bassist
and found Albert (Bass/
Keyboards) at the rehearsal
place, who joined Murder

The next months they
created their set-list and five
months later they win the
first Night Bucs Festival June

June 2011. With Dani as
lead guitar, they go to the
"Wolfest" contest for new
bands to see how the public
reacts in front of Murder
Kaos music. Murder Kaos
won the Myspace prize
because their smashing live
and with really good critics.

In October 2011 they go to
the Bloq Studios to record
their first EP "Mundo de
Cristal" with 5 of the 10
songs they have in their set-

After recording the CD, Dani
left the band and is replaced
by Alex "Mufasa" (Lead

At the moment, Murder Kaos
only thinks on having as
much concerts as possible to
present their work.

Contact & Booking:
Noctem, was consolidated as a extreme metal band in April 2001. It’s founders cradled by the ideals
of violence exaltation, misanthropy and antithesis to the totality of the absurd religions created this
most excellent machine of War , which advances by leaps and bounds among the ranks of a putrid
and poor social values infested civilization.

In 2002 the band records their first work “Unholy blood” which was commercialized for 2 years. After
several formation changes the band continues their way making national level concerts and compos-
ing new tracks, totally immersed in the search of a more personal music style.

The band releases during two years their live cd “live 2004” auto produced and recorded in their natal

In 2007-2008, after the departure of two of their most ancient members a restructure takes place in
the band to later on, release the record of the mcd “God Among Slaves”. With the release of this work
and the big success among
the online press and metal
heads, the band, with its
new components, fulfills
different tours through the
country accompanied in the
Spanish stages by foreign
In 2008 the band signs with
the label Noisehead Re-
cords (Austria) and carries
out an european tour
“Noctem European Tour 08”
where the band destroys
the European stages of
Spain, Portugal, France,
Andorra, UK, Belgium and
In January of 2009 the band re-
cords at Vienna their debut album
“Divinity” which counts with the
collaborations of Christos Antoniou
(Septic flesh and Chaos star) and of
Leal (ex-Forever Slave). The album
was released in April by the musical
seal Noisehead Records in Europe
and in May with Relapse Records in
the USA. For the present time, the
band has recorded two videos
exracted from the album "Divinity",
standing out the violent and cen-
sored "Across Heracles towards",
directed by Miguel Angel Font Bis-

The band performs different presentations of the album “Divinity” in festivals and tours, like the ones
at Spain or Portugal in 2009, sharing stage in some concerts with first level bands like Malevolent
Creation (USA), Vomitory (Sweden) and Napalm Death, in their spanish dates.

In 2010, Noctem goes out on tour with very high level bands like Incantation and Hate in a european
tour in January, stopping by Great Britain, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Netherlands and
Chez Republic.

In february of the same year the band records their third video extracted from their album "Divinity",
that will be released in the summer of 2010.

Acquiring major recognition in both national and international level. In May, of the same year, Noctem
gets involved in another european tour with the Norwegian Black metal band Ragnarok, this time sha-
ring stages in countries like: Austria, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Belgium.

In november of 2010 the band joins Gorgoroth on tour, this time through Eastern Europe and other
countries; also sharing stages with bands like Finntroll and Carach Angren.

In march of 2011 the band announces their signing with Rising records for the worldwide release of
their new album: Oblivion.

The album was pre-released in Spain from 25/04/2011 and worldwide from 13/06/2011.

The Oblivion Spanish Tour 2011 started in the end of April
and the band destroyed the national stages during May,
June, August and finally September.

In summer of 2011 and after receiving a brutal feedback
from the international metal press and metalheads, Noc-
tem announce their appearance in the "Lux Mundi Europe
Tour 2011", where the band will share stage with interna-
tional well known acts like Samael, Melechesh and Keep of

In september of 2011, Noctem joins forces with Nekronos
promotion agency from Portugal and the prestigious label
Metal Blade Records (Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Amon
Amarth...) announces the release of Oblivion in NorthAme-
rica. The official release is fixed for the 25th of October.

Contact & Booking:
ONIROPHAGUS es una banda de Doom/Death nacida bajo la influencia de My Dying Bride, Paradise
Lost, Hypocrisy, Ophis, Asphyx, Immolation, Incantation, Autopsy y Evoken entre otras. La banda fue
formada en septiembre de 2011 para tocar música como la de las grandes referencias del metal extre-
mo de los primeros 90.

ONIROPHAGUS está compuesta actualmente por Moregod (guitarra y bajo), Uretra (batería) y Pain-
grinder (voces). Su música se construye sobre la mezcla de riffs muy lentos y arrastrados y furiosas
ráfagas de death metal en la esfera de Morbid Angel. En una misma canción se suceden la más oscura
angustia, la máxima enfermedad y los frag-
mentos más armoniosos.

Su primer trabajo, "Defiler of Hope", es un
generoso EP de 34 minutos de duración,
formado por cinco temas largos y pesados y
una pieza instrumental de piano. Un aspecto
destacable del álbum es el sonido orgánico
que el productor, Javi Félez (Moontower Stu-
dios), ha sabido darle a la mezcla final, rezu-
mando ecos de Hypocrisy y de Ophis. Cada
canción de "Defiler of Hope" es un nuevo
reto compositivo. En cuanto a las voces,
aportan solidez y oscuridad sobre una rica
complejidad de texturas, doblándose en los
subidones de los temas.

"Defiler of Hope" incorpora colaboraciones
de Fiar (Foscor), Xavi (Decapitated Christ) y
Von Päx (Barbarian Swords) a las voces y
guitarras de Javi (Graveyard). El material
gráfico del EP es obra del artista César Valla-
dares; un trabajo oscuro y enigmático que
encaja perfectamente con el espíritu de la
banda y sus canciones.

La banda está trabajando actualmente en su
primer álbum de larga duración "Prehuman"
para 2013.
ONIROPHAGUS is a Doom/Death band born under the musical influence of My Dying Bride, Paradise
Lost, Hypocrisy, Ophis, Asphyx, Immolation, Incantation, Autopsy and Evoken among others. The
band was created in September 2011 in order to compose music like that created by the great extre-
me metal bands of early 90's.

ONIROPHAGUS is currently formed by Moregod (guitar and bass), Uretra (drums) and Paingrinder
(Voices). Their music is build on the blending of slow-paced doom riffs and furious death metal bursts
in the sphere of Morbid Angel. Anguished darkness, maximum sickness and harmonious leanings in-
tertwine in the same tune.

Their first work, "Defiler of Hope", is a 34 minutes long EP, formed by five long and heavy tracks and
one piano outro. One thing that's particularly appreciable about the album is the organic sound that
the producer, Javi Félez (Moontower Studios), has built in the final mix, oozing echoes of Hypocrisy
and the works of Ophis. Every song in "Defiler of Hope" is a new compositional challenge. When it
comes to the vocals, they bring power and sickness on a rich textured complexity of tones, doubled in
climatic fragments.

"Defiler of Hope" features collaborations of Fiar (Foscor), Xavi (Decapitated Christ) and Von Päx
(Barbarian Swords) in the vocals and guest guitars by Javi (Graveyard). The EP's art is a work of illus-
trator César Valladares, a dark and enigmatic layout, perfectly fitting with the band and their tracks.

ONIROPHAGUS are currently working on their first album "Prehuman" for 2013.

Contact & Booking:
2002: La banda se funda en la primavera de 2002 en Lleida por Jordi Castells y Juan Ramon Mulero,
en breve se incorporarían Albert Arnaiz y Guillem Tugues. Todos ellos músicos principiantes, empie-
zan versionando bandas de heavy y de rock.
2003: El grup empieza a hacer bolos en directo y a tocar los primeros temas propios. En verano com-
parten cartel con Gerard Quintana en las fiestas de Alpicat.
2004: El guitarrista Juan Ramon Mulero deja el grupo en la primavera del 2004 i es substituido por
Juan Pedro Romero en otoño del mismo año. Hasta que este no se une al projecto, el grupo funciona
unos meses como trio.
2005: Durante la segunda mitad de este año, se acaban de preparar todos los temas que formarán
parte del primer disco y se registra
la primera maqueta, ‘Hard Dawn’.
El grupo queda finalista del concur-
so ‘Directe’ y gana el primer pre-
mio del concurso de rock Sant Ig-
nasi-Institutos de Junio.
2006: El primer trabajo se graba
en los estudios Sonograma
(Albatàrrech) entre febrero y mar-
zo, y sale a la venda en diciembre
del mismo año. Se titula ‘Here co-
mes the plowman’ (Discmedi,
2006). En mayo comparten escena-
rio con Ratos de Porao en las fies-
tes de Lleida. El grupo queda fina-
lista del concurso ‘Pepe Marín’ de
Lleida y actua con Mesclat en otoño
del mismo año.
2007: Presentación del disco por
toda la mitad norte del estado español. La gira cuenta con una treintena de conciertos. En la prima-
vera telonean Napalm Deathen Lleida y en verano comparten cartel con Sepultura en el Senglar Rock
de Lleida. Albert Arnaiz realiza su ultimo concierto con la banda a final de año.
2008: El segundo disco se graba durante la primavera en Crazy Notes Studio (Lleida), y se mezcla
durante el verano en los estudios de Musiclan (Figueres) y masterizado en los estudios Finnvox
(Helsinki). Aleix Duaigües (ex-miembro de In Extremis, Lleida) y Joaquim Castañ (ex-miembro
de Athanor, Fraga) se encargan de graba la bateria, y este último continuará como bateria fijo en el
grupo. El álbum lleva como título ‘Life must disappear’ (Discmedi, 2008).
2009: Durante la presentación del disco, el grupo aparece en el recopilatorio ‘Metal Norte’ (Fragment
Records, 2009), un doble CD que incluye a 18 bandas emergentes en el panorama del heavy metal
de la mitad norte de la península ibérica. Telonean a Los Suaves en Lleida en las fiestas de primavera.
A finales del mismo año se lanza el promo-single ‘El comte Cràpula’, que incluye una B-side con la
versión del tema ‘Painkiller’ de Judas Priest.
2010: Se realizan unas remezclas del single del 2009 con Gerard Porqueres i se graban dos nuevas
canciones. El grupo se clasifica para la segunda ronda de conciertos del festival Emergenza (Edición
de Barcelona), realizando un concierto en la sala Razzmatazz.
2011: El promo-single ‘The seals will open’ sale a la luz, y se inician las faenas de composición del
resto de material que ha de formar parte del nuevo álbum.
2002: Tha band is born in spring of 2002 in Lleida by the mee-
ting of Jordi Castells and Juan Ramon Mulero (guitars). A short
time later is completed by Albert Arnaiz (drums) and Guillem
Tugues (bass). All of them novice musicians, they begin covering
rock and heavy bands.
2003: The band begins playing live and to perform their own
material. In summer they share a festival with Gerard Quinta-
na in Alpicat.
2004: Guitar player Juan Ramon Mulero leaves the band in
spring of 2004 and is replaced by Juan Pedro Romero in autumn
of the same year. The band plays as a trio some concerts till he
joins the band.
                                                2005: During
                                                the second half of the year the band finishes all the
                                                tracks of the first album and they record the first de-
                                                mo: ‘Hard Dawn’. The band is also finalist of the
                                                ‘Directe’ contest and they wint the first prize of the
                                                ‘Sant Ignasi-Instituts’ contest in june.
                                                2006_: The first album is recorded at Sonograma stu-
                                                dios (Albatàrrech) between february and march. Is
                                                released at the end of the year. Is entitled ‘Here co-
                                                mes the plowman’ (Discmedi, 2006). In may the band
                                                supports Ratos de Porao during the major party in
                                                Lleida. The band is also finalist of the ‘Pepe Marín’
                                                contest and they play with Mesclat in the autumn of
                                                the same year.
2007: Presentation of the brand new album around the Spanish
State. The tour includes almost 30 concerts. In spring they sup-
port Napalm Death in Lleida and in summer they share poster
with Sepultura in the Senglar Rock festival near Lleida. Albert
Arnaiz plays his last concert with the band in november.
2008: The second album is recorded in spring at the Crazy Notes
Studio (Lleida). Is mixed in summer at Musiclan studios
(Figueres) and mastered at Finnvox studios (Helsinki). Aleix
Duaigües (ex In Extremis, Lleida) and Joaquim Castañ
(ex Athanor, Fraga) record the drums, and the last one remains
as the official drummer of the band from then on. The album is
called ‘Life must disappear’ (Discmedi, 2008).
2009: Durant the presentation of the album the band appears at
the ‘Metal Norte’ compilation (Fragment Records, 2009), a dou-
ble album which includes 18 heavy metal bands of the half-north
                                               of the Spanish
                                               State. They also support in spring Los Suaves in Llei-
                                               da. In the end of the same year they release the pro-
                                               mo-single ‘El comte Cràpula’, which includes a B-side
                                               of the ‘Painkiller’ cover (Judas Priest).
                                                2010: A remix / remaster of the last single is done in
                                                the end of 2010 (Gerard Porqueres) and two new
                                                tracks are recorded. The band reaches the second
                                                round of the european Emergenza contest, playing at
                                                the Razzmatazz hall (Barcelona).
                                                2011: The promo-single ‘The seals will open’ is relea-
                                                sed (including the two remixed tracks). The band be-

R.D.O. se va crear en gener del 2009 en musics ke venien de anteriors bandes locals , la formacio no
ha sufrit canvis , se ha grabat un CD ''Apocalipsis de locura'' en els studis K2 de Borriol per KIKE BAR-
BERA i el libreto per TOFOL(Distri comu) , se pot descarregar gratuitament desde el nostre myspace :
R.D.O. was born January 2009 with some musi-
                                         cians coming from other local bands. The lineup
                                         has been stable. R.D.O. has recorded a CD
                                         ''Apocalipsis de locura'' at the K2 Studios (Borriol)
                                         by KIKE BARBERA with the artwork by TOFOL
                                         (Distri comu).

                                         You can download the CD from the band’s MySpa-

Contact & Booking:
Reek es una banda de Sabadell (Barcelona) crea-
da a mediados de febrero de 2010. Después de
que los miembros fundadores, Oriol Pérez
(guitarra) y Sergio López (bajo), se embarcasen
en la difícil tarea de encontrar músicos con nivel
alto y compromiso con la banda, la primera for-
mación estable se consolidó con Gerard Torà
(guitarra), Carlos Moreno (batería) e Iván Lara

Con esta alineación y tras ganar una batalla de
bandas en Manresa, grabaron su primer EP

                                                     "Rubbish Through Your Veins" en 2011 gracias al
                                                     suculento premio en metálico obtenido en los Re-
                                                     cycle Studios de Palau-Solità i Plegamans
                                                     (Cataluña), donde han grabado bandas como Hy-
                                                     de Abbey.

                                                     Este EP salió a la venta en marzo de 2012, dep-
                                                     sués de la marcha de Carlos como batería por
                                                     falta de compromiso.

                                                     La banda dio varios conciertos con Llorenç Fernàn-
                                                     dez a la batería hasta encontrar definitivamente a

Esteban Portero, batería oficial de la banda ac-

El estilo de la banda se etiqueta como thrash
metal, pese a que buscan no limitarse sólo al
clásico "tu-pa, tu-pa", añadiendo toques de hea-
vy clásico, prog o neoclásica a sus temas.

Han tocado con bandas nacionales reconocidas
en la escena thrash como Crisix.
Reek is a band from Sabadell (Barcelona) born mid February 2010. The founder members Oriol Pérez (guitar)
and Sergio López (bass) started to look for high level musicians wiling to join the band with high commitment
and the first lineup came upo witrh Gerard Torà (guitar), Carlos Moreno (drums) and Iván Lara (vocals).

With this lineup, after winning a battle of band at
Manresa, they recorded their first EP "Rubbish
Through Your Veins" on 2011 with the prize. The
EP was recorded at the Recycle Studios of Palau-
Solità i Plegamans (Catalonia), a place where also
recorded Hyde Abbey.

The EP was released March 2012, just after
Carlos left the band.

Reek played several concerts with Llorenç
Fernàndez a s drummer until they found Esteban
Portero, official drummer of the band at

The band style is thrash metal, even if the try not
to be limited to the standard "tu-pa, tu-pa",
including some heavy classic, prog or neoclassic
touch to their songs.

Reek has performed with bands as Crisix.

     Contact & Booking:
Nuestra historia comienza al inicio del segundo milenio de nuestro tiempo, en el año 300 de la Edad de Dwa-
para, en los últimos días de la vida de Virginal Desire. Con el tiempo, comenzó a latir un nuevo corazón en
su interior animado por los ritmos que un día le dieron el latir a su viejo pero luchador corazón. ¿Cómo se
abriría paso entre sus congéneres; los grupos de metal? Alzando la mirada al cielo en la noche para buscar
por donde empezar, apareció la respuesta por sí misma...en silencio...las estrellas...el cosmos...

Ahora ya podía ponerse en pie y erguirse el nuevo ser, se llamaría Rex Devs.Al ir tomando contacto con este
mundo, empezó a percibir la presencia de antiguos seres que vivieron hace muchísimos años, la antigüedad de
algunos de ellos se acercaba a los tiempos
de los protagonistas de la primera revela-
ción llamada “Zodiaco”.Uno de ellos le
transmitía un sentimiento inigualable por
ningún otro de los seres, era el calor del
Amor de una Madre, era Gea.

Cerrando los ojos, Rex Devs podía sentir
levemente dentro de su corazón éste mis-
mo dolor que Gea callaba pero que le es-
taba consumiendo cada día. Ella propor-
ciona suficiente alimento como para abas-
tecer a todo el planeta, pero que unos
cuantos seres dirigidos por el poder del
mal habían inventado un estado llamado
pobreza creando así el desequilibrio mas
absurdo del universo por puro egoísmo.
Rex Devs volvió a grabar todo lo aprendi-
do, esta vez se dirigió al Este buscando
los llamados Axtudio porque había oído
que era uno de los mejores lugares donde
poder plasmar su mensaje con esa perso-
nalidad de música extrema que tenia “Ser de Seres”.

El camino era largo y tedioso. En uno de los peores ataques sufridos, los siete entes fueron golpeados con bruta-
lidad y quedaron inconscientes en el suelo por un tiempo. Solo cuatro entes, reunieron las fuerzas suficientes
para levantarse y a pesar de las heridas recibidas decidieron seguir adelante, este incidente les retrasó mucho en
su camino e hizo que tuvieran que repartirse entre ellos toda la carga.

La meditación le hizo cambiar totalmente su enfoque, debía encarnarse en un cuerpo humano, con sus posibili-
dades y limitaciones, para saber cómo poder encontrar el camino. Gea entonces, le informó de lo duro de su
decisión, del dolor que puede llegar a sentir un ser humano, pero no había otra forma de abrir el camino. Enton-
ces Gea accedió y le dijo: “Nacerás en el mundo material en un cuerpo humano y vivirás como uno de ellos, par-
tirás de sus posibilidades y tendrás su libertad de decisión, pero utiliza este poder con precaución porque todos
ellos lo poseen y muy pocos son los que lo utilizan correctamente en su beneficio, ellos solos se condenan al
sufrimiento y se niegan la felicidad de la autorrealización.
Nunca olvides este consejo: nosce te ipsum…”
                                                                Line Up:
Rex Devs debia plasmar nuevamente todos sus conocimien-
                                                                Guzman: Drum, bass & orchestral sequenc.
tos. Esta vez se dirigio al Centro. Carlos Santos y su Sadman
Studios fueron los encargados de ello y Mika Jussila solicito
                                                                Santi: All guitar & orchestral sequenced
desde Finnvox, en el Norte de Gea, encargarse el personal-      Kisa: Female Vocals
mente de la mejora, cuanto fuese posible, de “Nosce Te Ip-      Kike: Male Vocals
sum”.                                                           Rec and mixed: Carlos Santos, Sadman Studios
Our history begins at start of the
second millennium of our time, in
the year 300 of the Age of Dwa-
para, in the last days of the life of
Virginal Desire.

With time, a new heart began to
beat in its interior encouraged by
the rhythms that one day gave it
the beating to its old but fighting
heart.How to be known among its
like minded; the metal bands?
The answer appeared by itself
looking at the sky in the night to
seek where to start… in silence…
the stars... the cosmos...

Now the new living being could
rise and would be called Rex
Devs. While it was getting in contact with this World, began to perceive the presence of old be-
ings that lived many years ago, ancient times of some of them approached times when the first
revelation’s protagonists called “Zodiaco”. One of them transmitted an inequal feeling like no
other of the old beings could. It was the heat of the Love of a Mother, it was Gea.

Closing the eyes, Rex Devs could feel lightly inside its heart the same pain, that Gea silenced but
that each day was consuming it. She provides enough food to supply the whole planet, but some
beings directed by the evil power had invented a state called poverty, therefore creating the more
absurd imbalance of the universe by pure selfishness. Rex Devs recorded again all they had
learned. This time they were directed to the East, finding Axstudio. They had heard that it was
one of the best places where they could express their message with the extreme music and per-
sonality that “Ser de Seres” had.

The way was long and tedious. In one of the worst attacks suffered, the seven ones were struck
with brutality and they remained unconscious on the ground during a while.

There were only four of them that joined forces enough to rise and in spite of the injuries re-
ceived, they decided to continue. This incident delayed them a lot in their way and made them
share all the load among them.

Meditation made Rex Devs change its vision. It should convert itself into a human body, with all
its possibilities and limitations, to know how to find the way. Then Gea told him about how diffi-
cult its decision was and the pain which a human can feel but there was no other option to start
the way. Gea accepted it and told him: “You will be born as
a human in the material world and you will live like one of
them. You will have their same possibilities and their free-
dom to decide but you should use this power carefully be-
cause all of them have it and only a few of them know how
to use it correctly. They are only condemned to suffering
and refuse the happiness of fullfillment. Don’t forget this
advice: Nosce Te Ipsum”.

Again Rex Devs had to give expression to all of their knowl-
edges. This time, they went to the center; Carlos Santos and
Sadman Studios were reponsible for recording it and Mika
Jussila from Finnvox in the North of Gea, was in charge of
improving “Nosce Te Ipsum”.

Contact & Booking:
Banda de metal nacida en Barcelona, en algún punto del año 2006. Durante todo este tiempo, la
banda pasó primero, de hacer pequeños conciertos en Barcelona, a estenderse por toda Cataluña, y
podo después por toda España.

                                            A dia de hoy, han realizado varios tours por toda la
                                            península y las islas, expandiendo horizontes paso a
                                            paso, compartiendo cartel con las mejores bandas
                                            nacionales, como The Band Apart, Dawn of the Maya,
                                            Thirteen Bled promises y un largo etc…

                                            Además cuentan con la fortuna de haber podido
                                            compartir cartel con bandas in ternacionales, del
                                            calibre de Parkway Drive, The Black Dahlia murder,
                                            Despised Icon, Cancer Bats, War From a Harlots
                                            Mouth, Trigger The Bloodshed y un larguísimo

                                            A finales del 2011, la banda se desplaza a Madrid para
                                            grabar su primer LP, bajo las ordenes de Alex Cappa,
                                            en The Metal Factory Studios, quien graba, edita y
mezcla el disco, para posteriormente
Masterizarse en LSD Studios de
Alemania, con un resultado final mas
que satisfactorio, y un sonido
perfectamente competitivo con discos

Stained Blood actualmente esta
ultimando los detalles y los diseños que
lo que será su primer largo, que verá la
luz en pocos meses, y trabajando ya
en la gira, que una vez presentado el
disco en Barcelona, les lanzará de
nuevo a la carretera.

Estad Atentos!!!
Metal band born in Barcelona, at some
point in 2006. During this time, the band
has been growing slowly, at first making
small concerts in Barcelona and Catalan
lands, expanding his horizons gradually,
having made, to this day, many tours
throughout the Spanish territory, sharing
the stage with many of the best national
bands, like The Band Apart, Thirteen Bled
Promises, Dawn of The Maya, Breakdown
Collapse, Silent Havoc and many more.

We also have the fortune to have shared
concerts with the best international bands
such as The Black Dahlia Murder, Parkway
Drive, Despised Icon, Cancer Bats, War
From A Harlots Mouth, Trigger The

In late 2011 the band entered in studio to
record what will be their first LP. Moves to
Madrid to get in hands of Alex Cappa, in
The Metal Factory Studios, who works on
recording, editing and mixing, then LSD
studios in Germany make the final

The band is currently finalizing the details
of what will be their first album, which will
come this 2012, and after making the
presentation in Barcelona, we’ll returns to
the road again.

Stay tuned!!

Contact & Booking:
Subliminal Chaos nace en Sevilla en 2006, fundada por miembros de bandas del panorama musical
sevillano, buscan obtener un sonido death con tintes hardcore como el que plasman en su primera
demo PUTAS Y PUÑOS, grabada en 2008 y compuesta por 5 temas, de la que liquidan más de 500
copias. Se suceden los conciertos y festivales en diversos puntos de la geografia nacional (Sevilla, Ma-
drid, Málaga, Córdoba..), con gran aceptación tanto de público como de las otras bandas con las que
comparten escenario.. Entre finales de 2009 y principios de 2010 graban su segunda demo NEGATIVE
SYMMETRY, que por cambios en las filas del grupo y el trauma que ello provoca no llegó a verse edi-
tada, pero en sus 6 temas se apreciaba su enrome evolución y acercamiento a géneros más extremos
como el black o el grind, pero siempre con un toque característico bastante vanguardista. Desde el
primer momento la banda ha contado para toda su imagen artística con la inestimable ayuda de la
diseñadora gaditana Lucía Valdés, cuidando en todo momento las ediciones de sus trabajos, cartele-
ría, logos, etc.. para darle un toque cuidado, artístico y personal. Será en 2011 cuando la banda, tras
no parar de tocar y sacar nuevas composiciones, entran en los Octopus Estudios de Sevilla para gra-
bar el trabajo que tienes entre manos, THE CLOUD AND THE THUNDER, un Ep de cuatro temas gra-
bados por Sergio James, quien no ha parado de trabajar con grandes artistas del panorama internaci-
onal, donde plasman el camino que han elegido, una nueva y extrema vía entre el Noise, Grind, Post-
Metal, Black,.. las etiquetas se quedan estrechas a la hora de clasificar su sonido. Para el Mástering se
ponen en contacto con Alan Douches de los West West Side Music de New York, quien ha trabajado
con bandas de la talla de Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Black Dhalia Murder, Neurosis, Baroness,
Nile.., obteniendo un resultado óptimo. Con una edición de autético lujo y una mentalidad totalmente
Diy confían en no parar de girar para demostrar su enorme show sobre las tablas.

Han compartido escenario con bandas de la talla de 16 (USA), DEATH MERCEDES (FR), AATHMA (SP),
y un largo etc..

Sus principales influencias actualmente serían bandas como CONVERGE, DEATH, MAYBESHEWILL,
Subliminal Chaos was worn in Sevilla in 2006, founded by several members of local bands looking for
a death-hardcore sound like the one exposed at their first demo PUTAS Y PUÑOS, recorded 2008 with
5 tracks with 500 copies sold.

They have several live shows (Sevilla, Madrid, Málaga, Córdoba..), with a great acceptance fropm the
public ans also fro the other bands the share scenario. At the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 the
recorded their second demo NEGATIVE SYMMETRY. But these one was nor releaswed due to changes
in the band and problems related. But in their 6 tracks was clear the band’s evolution and how other
extreme styles as black or grind were included in the ban’s soung, keeping always their vanguard
characteristic touch.

From the very first time the band has worked their image with Lucía Valdés, taking care of their work
artwork, logos, posters and so on in order to have a personal, artistic and cared touch.

In 2011 the band, continuing playing and writing, go to the Octopus Estudios (Sevilla) to record their
last work THE CLOUD AND THE THUNDER, a 4 tracks Ep recorded by Sergio James, qwho has worked
with big international artists. This work shows the band’s new path: a extreme way between Noise,
Grind, Post-Metal, Black,.. The labels are not enough
to define their style. The EP mastering was done by
Alan Douches od the West West Side Music from
New York, who has worked with bands as Converge,
Dillinger Escape Plan, Black Dhalia Murder, Neurosis,
Baroness, Nile.., with an optimal result. With a
luxury edition and a DIY mind they expect to not
stop touring to show their project on scene.

Subliminal Chaos has shared scenario with 16 (USA),

Their main influences are band as CONVERGE,

Contact & Booking:
La historia es que al desaparecer los Kloakas del Ebro en 2003 se
quedaron Jota y Gabri codo con codo sacando algunos temillas que
dieron lugar a la Bitxa del Miserable. Con ello, y algo más tarde, se
animó a volver a tocar Cesitar, el antiguo bajista de los Eskupitajo
Agricola, dando lugar al nacimiento de Volvone.

Tras varios conciertos y nuevos temas en 2006 Jota sale del grupo
para dirigirse hacia nuevos estilos musicales hecho que hace que
Javo entre en el grupo como nuevo guitarrista.

Posteriormente se graba una demo y en 2009 la que es la primera
maqueta de Volvone "Sindikal 2009: Odisea en su Espacio". Asimis-
mo, y ya en 2010, entra en el grupo Pitu para encargarse de los
platos y darle otro dinamismo al grupo.
The story is that the disappearance of the Ebro Kloakas in
                                     2003 were Jack and Gabri pulling alongside some temillas that
                                     led to the Miserable Bitxa. With this, and somewhat later, were
                                     encouraged to touch Cesitar, former bassist Eskupitajo Agrico-
                                     la, giving rise to Volvone.

                                     After several concerts and new songs in 2006 Jack leaves the
                                     group to go into new musical styles made Javo makes it into
                                     the group as a new guitarist.

                                     Subsequently recording a demo in 2009 which is the first mo-
                                     del of Volvone "Sindikal 2009: Odyssey in Space." Also, as ear-
                                     ly as 2010, the group enters Pitu to handle the plates to a dif-
                                     ferent dynamic to the group.

Contact & Booking:
ZIKUTA es sinónimo de metal reivindicativo en ca-
talán desde 2006. Su consigna es sencilla :
¡directos al hígado! Su música es contundente, su
voz rota y sus letras ácidas y comprometidas con
su tierra y los los derechos sociales. Los directos
son su mejor arma, donde puedes ver que ZIKUTA
apunta y dispara cada acorde y cada palabra como
una bala.

Sobre su historia, nacen en el 2006 en el Vallès
Occidental, Catalunya, com la idea de hacer lo que
les gusta: música, y canalizar el odio y la rabia que
acumulan en su día a día. El año 2007 fichan por
Radikal Records, discográfica catalana de bandas
que quieren despertar conciencias, con quien com-
parten su camino desde entonces. ZIKUTA ha pre-
sentado su propuesta político-musical alrededor de
los Països Catalans y de Euskal Herria con muy bu-
ena crítica. En el 2010 deciden endurecer su sonido y su mensaje y una muesra de ello es la canción
que nos presentan: INTIFADA.
ZIKUTA is metal protest in
                                catalan language since 2006.
                                Their motto is simple: direct
                                the liver! Their music is force-
                                ful, his voice is broken and his
                                lyrics are acidic and commit-
                                ted to their land and social
                                rights. The concerts are their
                                best weapon because you can
                                see that ZIKUTA points and
                                shoots every chord and every
                                word like a bullet.

                                 ZIKUTA was born in 2006 in
                                 Catalonia, they wanted to
                                 make music because they
love it and they wanted to express the hate and the anger
that generates daily. In 2007 signed with Radikal Records,
catalan label for bands who want to wake up consciences.
ZIKUTA has submitted their political music in the Catalan
Countries and Basque Country with a very good critic. In
2010 decided to tighten their sound and their message and an
example is the song that we have

Discografia / Discografía / Discography

2007: Fills d’immigrants / Hijos de inmigrantes / Sons of immigrants

2008: Despertant consciències / Despertando conciencias / Wake up consciences (Radikal Records

2009: Arrels / Raíces / Roots

2011: Radikal Records Volum 3 (Radikal Records compilation)

Contact & Booking:
Desperta Ferro!

                                                                                  Awake iron!


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Desperta ferro vol 5

  • 1. Desperta Ferro o Dispierta Fierro era uno de los gritos de guerra entonados Awake iron! ((Catalan) Desperta Ferro!, por los almogávares antes de la batalla. Medieval (Catalan) Desperta Ferres!) El grito completo era "Aur, aur... Desper- was a battle cry of the Middle Ages ta ferro" ("escucha, escucha...Despierta employed by the Almogàvers. It was el hierro"). Que gritaban mientras hac- shouted on entering the fight, to ían repicar las conteras de sus lanzas frighten the enemy and invoke the contra el suelo haciendo saltar chispas presence of iron in the battle. contra las piedras.´!
  • 2. Asterium es un grupo de Death Metal Melódico con temática Romana, formado por Sebas Silvera (Guitarra solista y vocalista) el año 2009 influenciado por bandas de viking metal como Amon Amarth o Ensiferum y de death metal como Dethklok o Hackneyed. El primero en unirse al grupo fue Luciano Bertuzzi de guitarra rítmico, luego se incorporó Sergio Bernad como batería y para acabar la alineación, Carlos Espinoza al bajo. Con toda la banda completa, comenzaron a componer sus primeros temas y a hacer sus primeros conciertos por Cataluña. En un principio la banda se centró en el viking metal, y grabaron un demo con sus primeros temas. Después de un tiempo la banda cambió por completo su temática y ahora se centran en la Antigua Roma. Las letras hablan de antiguas batallas y héroes Romanos, y también de su cultura.
  • 3. Asterium is a Melodic Death Metal band with roman theme. Asterium was created by Sebas Silvera (Lead Guitar & vocals) on 2009 influenced by Viking metal bands as Amon Amarth or Ensiferum and also death metal bands as Dethklok or Hackneyed. The first to join the band was Luciano Bertuzzi as rhythm guitar, then Sergio Bernad joined the band as drummer and, finally, Carlos Espinoza playing bass. With the line up closed, Asterium begun to write songs and to play live around Catalonia. Initially, the band was playing Viking metal. But later they changed to a old roman oriented theme. Their lyrics talk about old battles and roman heroes and also about the roman culture. Legio IX Hispana Guitarra Solista y Voz: Sebas Silvera Bateria: Sergio Bernad Guitarra Ritmica: Luciano Bertuzzi Contact & Booking: Bajo: Carlos Espinoza
  • 4. Etnia nace a finales de 1999 con base en Briones la rioja con Jesus Miguel a la bateria Javi guitarra/voces y Diego guitarra y Eduardo al bajo/voces practicando un metal con multiples influencias. Partiendo de cero y tras muchos ensayos dan su primer concierto el 23/12/2000 en briones junto a eskupitajo agrikola y corpsevore a principios del 2002 entra Jaime a la percusion y a finales del mismo año David al bajo ex Parentesis sustituyendo a Eduardo se busca cantante al año siguiente entra Joao a la voz debutando en la primera edicion del festival Cuzcumetal, Tras varios conciertos deja el grupo a finales del 2005 y Diego pasa a ocuparse de la voz. El 18/7/2008 Diego da su ultimo concierto en Hormilla junto a Vondage y Ataxia f. Tras el deja el grupo por motivos personales. Aagosto del 2008 entra Miguel a la voz se reforman varios temas y se vuelve a la actividad. Mayo del 2009 entra Jota a la guitarra y en junio del 2010 deja el grupo y en agosto Miguel abandona la formacion quedando otra vez sin voz poco mas tarde nos ayuda para un par de conciertos Ivan de Ataxia f. y parace ser que se queda y por fin tenemos la formacion definiti- va… Junio del 2011 sacamos una demo de adelanto de lo que sera nuestro primer trabajo Agosto del 2011 ve la luz “Revolviendonos desde un jodido nada” nuestro primer trabajo con el que demostramos que estamos mas vivos que nunca… noviembre del 2011 David tras nueve años deja de formar parte de etnia. En todo este tiempo hemos compartido escena- rio y algo mas con unos cuantos grandes grupos a los que desde aqui saludamos...
  • 5. Etnia was born at the end of 1999, based at Briones (La Rioja), with Jesus Miguel as drummer, Javi playing guitar/ vocals, Diego also guitar and Eduardo playing bass and voices playing a metal with many influences. Starting from scratch and after a lot of rehearsal they played live from the frist time on December 23rd 2000 at Briones sharing scenario with Eskupitajo Agrikola and Corpsevore. In the beginning of 2002 Jaime joins the bans playing percussion. AT the end of 2002 David (ex-Parentesis) joins Etnia as bassist replacing Eduardo. Etnia looks for another singer and Joao joins the bans. The new line up plays at the frist Cuzcumetal fest. Joao leaves Etnia at the end of 2005 and Diego takes care of the vocals. Diego’s last concert with Etnia was July 18th 2008 at Hormilla with Vondage and Ataxia f. On August Miguel joins the band a singer, the band changes some songs and they started to work again. May 2009 Jota takjes care of the guitar auntil June 2010. August 2010 Miguel leaves Etnia. Ivan, from Ataxia F. helps the band and finally decided to join the line up. June 2011 Etnia release their demo, showing part of the work in progress. August 2011 finally is releaded “Revolviendonos desde un jodido nada” Etnia’s first work showing the band’s strenght. Noviembre 2011 David leaves Etnia after 9 years of heavy work. During all these years, Etnia has shared scenario with some big bands. Lineup DISCOGRAFIA. DEMO´06 (2006) IVAN . VOZ DEMO´11 (2011) . JESUS MIGUEL . BATERIA REVOLVIENDONOS DESDE UN JODIDO NADA (2011) . JAIME . PERCUSION MANUEL . BAJO JAVI . GUITARRA Contact & Booking:
  • 6. La creación de esta banda empieza en abril de 2006 con Ruben Cristian, Adri e Isaac en un viejo local en las afueras de Tarragona. Se prueban diferentes musicos y se empiezan a componer los primeros temas...Hasta que en febrero de 2007 se cierra la formacion con Dani y Carlos, y el grupo toma un aire más comprometido y con ganas de trabajar. En septiembre de 2007 llega el primer bolo en " welcome to paradise fest " en Reus ( Tarragona )...En el dia de hoy des- pues de tantas idas y venidas el bajista actual es Pablo, que se ha hecho un gran hueco en el grupo y ya forma parte de esta gran fami- lia de locos. El grupo ya ha empezado a disfru- tar del sabor del directo y actual- mente tienen grabados 3 temas que se pueden descargar en
  • 7. The creation of this band starts in April 2006 with Cristian Ruben, Adri and Isaac in an old building on the outskirts of Tarragona. Tested different musi- cians and begin tocompose the first songs … Until Fe- bruary 2007 in close forma- tion with Dani and Charles, and the group takes a more committed and willing to work. In September 2007, comes the first gig in "welcome to paradi- se fest" in Reus (Tarragona) ... In this day after so many comings and goings current bassist is Paul, who has made a big hole in the group and is already part of this big crazy family. The group has already begun to enjoy the taste of live and now have recorded 3 songsthat can be downloaded in Contact & Booking:
  • 8. Banda formada en el año 2002 con el nombre (Caníbal Leck- ter) con la intención de transmitir los sentimientos e instintos más perversos, violentos y despiadados del ser humano a base de potentes temas de death metal y una puesta en escena que no dejase indiferente a nadie. Instinto Caníbal se forja tras la evolución de la banda, la cual sufre también varios cambios en la formación sirviendo esto para enriquecer la brutalidad y el marcado estilo del grupo que en su trayectoria se ha influenciado por grupos como: Brujer- ía, Caníbal Corpse, Asesino, Decapitated, Six Feet Under etc. Con más de 8 años de duro trabajo y mas de 60 conciertos Instinto Caníbal ha compartido escenario con grupos como: Terroristars, Moho, Kop y tras ganar la edición 2010 del Far- mer Fest con Noctem y Ktulu . Ahora Instinto Caníbal representado por Far- mer Promotions & Management y con un trabajo formado por 6 temas llamado Antihumano se dispone a infectar a la huma- nidad a base de brutales conciertos donde disfrutar de una buena dosis de death metal, sangre, satanismo y marranis- mo. COMPONENTES: DANIEL TORRES RESINA (VOCALISTA) HECTOR PORRO JUAN (GUITARRA) RUBEN GALLEGO GARRIGA (BATERIA) YOLANDA GIL SHARIFI (BAJISTA) THIERRY FAVARO (GUITARRA)
  • 9. Band formed in 2002 with the name (Cannibal Leckter) inten- ded to convey the feelingsand instincts more perverse, vio- lent and ruthless human being based on powerful theme- sof death metal and a staging that does not leave anyone indif- ferent . Cannibal Instinct is forged after the evolution of the band, which also suffered severallineup changes that serve to enrich the brutality and the sharp style of the group in its path has be- en influenced by bands such as Witchcraft, Cannibal Corpse, Murderer,Decapitated, Six Feet Under etc. With over 8 years of hard work and more than 60 con- certs Cannibal Instinct has shared the stage with groups li- ke Terroristars, Mold, Kop and after winning the 2010 FarmerFest with Noctem and Ktulu. Now represented by Farmer Can- nibal Instinct Promotions & Ma- nagement and a forcé consisting of 6 songs called Antihumano is about to infect humanity based on brutalconcerts to enjoy a healthy dose of death metal, blo- od, and Marranism Satanism. Contact & Booking:
  • 10. Karlahan es un grupo de Metal Sinfónico de Barcelona que mezcla metal con muchas influencias dis- tintas como por ejemplo melodic death metal, black metal y progresivo. La banda está formada por Jordi Farré (bateria), Sergi Nuez (bajo), Xavier Diví (guitarras) y Guillem Rejón (guitarras y voces ). El grupo empezó con un sonido más folk pero fue cambiando en el transcur- so del tiempo y ahora están desarro- llando un estilo más maduro y experi- mentando con muchos estilos distintos. Karlahan participó en Diciembre de 2007 en las grabaciones del último al- bum de la banda alemana Equilibrium llamado «Sagas». KARLAHAN El nuevo album del grupo se llama»A Portrait of Life» y ha sido Guillem Rejón - Guitars & Lead Vocals producido por el ex-guitarrista del grupo Jordi Bolibar y el es- Xavi Diví - Lead Guitars cocés Scott McLean (Falloch). Sergi Nuez - Bass Jordi Farré - Drums
  • 11. It all started in late 2006 in Barcelona, when Guillem (guitars and clean vocals) decided to found a new band with a differ- ent aim than his previous one, a heavy metal band where he played together with Sergi (bass) and Victor (drums). First he just thought about it as a musical project, together with Victor and Toni, a guy from his school who had a hell of a voice. But in the end Sergi (bass) joined, since they had been playing together in his previous band and the search for the missing members started. It wasn’t until Jordi (guitars), a guy from St Cugat, a town near Barcelona, found a message in a web site about a Metal band from Barcelona looking for a guitarist and a keyboardist that band was completed. The rest of the band asked Jordi if he knew any keyboard players and he remembered that Ivó (synths) used to play the piano before playing drums in a band together with other friends of him. So he just asked him and he agreeded. The first rehearsals had started without the last 2 members, but all of them started working together very smoothly, and from that point Jordi also helped Guillem with the compositions and specially on the lyrics. From this point the first compositions started and the band started practicing some of the songs. In Sum- mer 2007 they started to record a demo song called “Twilight” at Jordi’s house. It took quite a lot of time, but finally it was completed and it recieved very good critics. In Autum 2007 the band started playing gigs in different local venues in Barcelona and surroundings and it was in this period when the band no- ticed that the German band Equilibrium were organising a contest whose winner would participate in their forthcoming album “Sagas”. They didn’t have many hopes, but in the end they recorded a vocal cover of “Der Sturm” and they also sent their own song “Twilight”. Finally they won the contest and dur- ing December they travelled to Hellion Studios Munchen, where they recorded some parts in 2 of the songs, both in the vocal parts. By then, some changes occurred in the band, our former drummer Victor and our former keyboard player Ivó left the band. Victor was replaced by another great drummer, Aleix, and the band decided not to look for another keyboard player since the orchestrations were far too complex to be played by just one per- son. The 4th of October of 2008, Karlahan flew to Munich to play at the Helion Festival. This boosted the band one step forward in their live performances and made it possible to broaden their popularity. They played together with bands like Equilibrium, Helfahrt, Sycronomica, Dark Seed, Varg... 2009 is a new year for Karlahan and this means a change in few aspects of the band. They have really forgotten the "folk thing" in their music, and have developed it in a more experimental way, always keep- ing the orchestral parts mixed with all kinds of metal (melodic death metal, black metal, progressive metal, thrash metal...). So no more folk metal. Their aim is to make orchestral metal in a more original way, experimenting with new sounds, scales and musics. This meant that the old songs of the band didn't really show what the band is nowadays, so they will change the name of their first demo for another one which still has to be decided. Moreover, the demo will be separated in two parts, a first one with "the old stuff" and a new one with "the new stuff". Unfortuately this means that it will be delayed, but we hope to be able to release it somewhen this year. So many changes in the band recently, too bad that they can't be shown yet to everybody. Finally, the new album will be produced by our guitarist Jordi Bolibar and our mate from the scottish band Concept of Time, Scott McLean due to personal reasons. We feel this is the way it has to be, and we will have much more control on our fu- ture without depending on others. We have been waiting for this for too long, so we really need to release some stuff to promote ourselves. This doesn't mean the quality will be bad, we have been testing really nice sofware and we are sure the results won't disappoint anybody. We just hope this acceler- ates everything and we can release our long-awaited first album in the end. The new Karlahan album will be entitled "A Portrait of Life" and will be released somwhen this summer. No official release has been set yet, but as soon as things start to enclose it will be announced Contact & Booking:
  • 12. Meszaroth se caracteriza por su potencia y su sonido contundente, guitarras atronadoras, poderosos bajos, potententes voces, baterías rápidas… creando oscuras melodías propias de Black Metal entrelazadas con la potencia del Death Metal además de algunos riffs característicos de Thrash Metal. Meszaroth es una banda que surge en la ciudad de Huelva (España) a prin- cipios del 2008 de manos de Samu (batería) y Víctor (voz). Tras unos meses de búsqueda de nuevos miembros, consiguen encontrar a Héctor (guitarrista) y a Fender (bajo). Tras no encontrar un segundo guitarrista a mediados de verano, un viejo amigo de Samu, Ale, se ofrece de forma tem- poral para ser segundo guitarrista. A partir de aquí, Meszaroth empieza a componer sus primeros temas. A finales de Agosto, Ale abandona la banda y en su lugar ingresa en la banda como segundo guitarrista Juanmi. De éste modo, el grupo está completo y la composición sigue su curso. Al poco tiem- po, Héctor se ve obligado a abandonar el proyecto durante algún tiempo, y Víctor, el hasta entonces vocalista, también se va. Poco tiempo después, contactan con Curro para la voz, el cual después de dos meses también lo deja. En éste tiempo Héctor vuelve a la banda, y Ale, quien por un tiempo fue guitarrista, vuelve a la banda como vocalista y tercer guitarra. En el verano del 2009 dan sus primeros conciertos con muy buena aceptación, y es a finales de dicho año cuando consiguen grabar con algo de calidad su primer tema con tres guitarras. Este tema es bien recibido a pesar de ser una grabación casera y con pocos recursos. En 2010 comparten escenario con Blasphemium en Huelva y con Foscor y Vidres a la Sang en Sevilla. Tras la gran aceptación recibida por el hecho de tocar tres guitarristas, se proponen seguir compo- niendo para tres guitarras, lo cual le da más sonido, más melodía y más atmósfera. A finales de verano Fender deja la banda y entra como nuevo bajista Borja, completándo- se de éste modo la alinea- ción actual y definitiva has- ta el momento. En septiem- bre y octubre dan dos con- ciertos en Sevilla, con Sphere of Madness, Visceral Tumor y Purulent Necrop- sys, cosechando una buena crítica.
  • 13. Meszaroth musically is cha- racterized by his power and forceful sound, thun- derous guitars, powerful low, strong voices, rapid batteries … creating dark own melodies of the Black Metal interlaced with the power of the Death Metal besides some riffs more typical of the Thrash Metal in his sound creating and shaping it. Meszaroth arises in the city of Huelva (Spain) at the beginning of hand 2008 of Samu (battery) and Víctor (voice). After a few months of search of new members, they manage to find Héctor (guitarist) and (bass) Fen- der. After a second guita- rist does not be find in the middle of summer, an old friend of Samu, Ale, he offers as temporary form to be the second guitarist. From here, Meszaroth start composing their first songs. At the end of August, Ale leaves the band and in his place it joins the band as the second guitarist Juanmi. In this one way, the group is complete and the composition follows his course. To a little time, Héctor is ought to leave the project for some time, and Víctor, till then vocalist, also it goes away. A little time later, they contact Job for the voice, which after two months also leaves it. In this one time Héctor returns to the band, and Ale, who in a time was a guitarist, returns to the band as vocalist and third guitar. In summer of 2009 they give his first concerts with very good acceptance, and it is at the end of the above mentioned year when they manage to record with something of quality his first theme with three guitars. This one is acclaimed in spite of being a domestic recording and with few resources. In 2010 they share scene with Blasphemium in Huelva and with Foscor and Vidres to the Sang in Seville. After the great acceptance got for the fact of touching three guita- rists, they propose to continue composing for three guitars, which gives them louder sound, deeper melody and stronger at- mosphere. At the end of summer Fender it leaves the band and en- ters as new bass player Borja, way being completed of this one the current and definitive align- ment up to the moment. In Sep- tember and October Visceral Tu- mor and Purulent Necropsys give two concerts in Seville, with Sphe- re of Madness, harvesting a good critique. Contact & Booking:
  • 14. Mistweaver se creó en octubre de 1997 y su primer ensayo tuvo lugar en enero de 1998. Su estilo en ese tiempo era un mix entre Doom y Death. La banda co- menzó a componer sus primeros temas, sin bajista, y algunos meses después completaron la formación y comenzaron los conciertos. Tras cuatro conciertos llegaron los primeros cambios por dife- rencias musicales y la búsqueda de nue- vos miembros llevó algo mas de tiempo en esta ocasión hasta junio de 1999, cuando después de varios conciertos la banda finalmente graba su primer mini álbum “Sol Obscurabitur” en Oso Studio, lanzado en junio de 2000. Siguen los conciertos y en mayo de 2001 “Dream´s Domain” es grabado en Tala Studios de Bermeo. El álun se lanza en septiembre y Mistweaver firma con Zero Rec, re-editando el álbum en diciembre. Un nuevo cambio de bajista y la banda comienza a tocar en más sitios, yendo a Portugal dos días en febrero de 2002. Combinando conciertos y la creación de nuevos temas, Mistweaver vuela a Alemania en octubre para grabar su segundo larga duración “The Aftermath”, en los Spacelab Studios. El álbum se lanzó en junio de 2003 con Deepsend Rec de USA tras haber roto el contrato con Zero. Esto dio la oportunidad de ir a tocar a ese país, participando en el bien conocido Milwaukee Metalfest. En 2004 Mistweaver firma con el sello escocés Golden Lake y durante el primer trimestre de 2005 gra- ban una nueva obra maestra: “Age of Darkness” en VRS studio de Madrid masterizándolo en Finnvox de Finlandia. Desgraciadamente se producen nuevos cambios en la formación y, además, el sello cerró, lo que supuso romper la regularidad en los conciertos. Pero las nuevas canciones seguían le- gando y la banda decide contratar un batería para grabar su siguien- te álbum, haciéndolo para esa parte en marzo de 2007 en los Tribal Art Studios de Gerona. El resto del disco debería de haberse grabado en septiembre; pero dife- rentes circunstancias lo retrasaron hasta mayo de 2008. Mientras la banda completa la formación y en mayo graba esta vez en Sonic Train Studios de Sweden con el título “Tales from the Grave”. Actualmente, la banda busca sello para lanzar este álbum.
  • 15. Mistweaver was formed in October 1997 and the first rehearse was in January 1998. The style in those days was a mixture between Doom and Death. The band started the composition of the first stuff, still without a bassist and some months later the line up was completed and the first gigs finally came. After four gigs, the first changes of line up due to musical differences and the search for new members last longer this time, until June 1999 and then, after some gigs, the band recorded their first mini album “Sol Obscurabitur” at Oso´s Studio, released in June 2000. More gigs and in May 2001 “Dream´s Domain” was recorded at Tala Studios in Bermeo. The album was released in September and Mistweaver signs to Zero Rec, re-releasing the album in December. A new change of bassist and the band goes to play abroad for first time, going to Portugal for two dates in February 2002. More gigs and meanwhile the creation of the new album was happening and in October Mistweaver flies to Germany to record the second full lenght “The Aftermath”, at Spacelab Studios. The album would be released in June 2003 with Deepsend Rec from USA after breaking the contrat with Zero. That was the chance to go to play to that country, playing at the well known Milwaukee Metalfest. In 2004 Mistweaver signs to the label Golden Lake from Scotland and during the first three months of 2005 the band recorded a new masterpiece, “Age of Darkness” at VRS studio in Madrid and mastering the stuff at Finnvox in Finland. Unfortunately more changes of line up came to the band and also the label closed its doors, so the activity for gigs was not very regular. But the new songs were breeding and so the band decides to hire a session drummer for the recording of the new album and so the drum tracks were recorded in March 2007 at Tribal Art Studios in Gerona. The rest of the album was supposed to be recorded in September but because of different causes has to be delayed until May 2008. Meanwhile the line up is ready to play with a new drummer. Then in May the new album was recorded, this time at Sonic Train Studios in Sweden and the title is “Tales from the Grave”. At the moment Mistweaver is looking for a label to release this album. Contact & Booking: MISTWEAVER Raúl Puente Tobalina ( Telf.: (0034) 626 918 694
  • 16. En el verano de 2009 nace Primitive, con Sergio ( Voz ) e Ivan ( Guitarra ) un proyecto que tenían en mente desde hacia tiempo, solo faltaba encontrar mús icos para completar la banda. Entonces aparecio Fran ( Bateria ) con el que compartían local, y empezaron a componer sus primeros temas. Pasado un tiempo, y cuando todo empezaba a tomar forma, Ivan abandona la banda por motivos personales cediendo su puesto a Johnny ( Guitarra ) que tocaba con Fran en otro grupo. A partir de ese momento el grupo decidió eliminar los temas anteriores y comenzar una nueva etapa, dejando atrás Primitive y dando paso a Murder Kaos. Ya solo quedaba encontrar bajista, y el destino decidió que se encontrasen a Albert ( Bajo/Teclados ) en los locales de ensayo, el cual, días después entró a formar parte de MK. En los meses siguientes se vieron inmersos en la composición de su repertorio y con tan solo 5 meses de vida ganan el primer Night Bucs Festival en Junio de 2010. En Junio de 2011 y ya con Dani ( Guitarra Solista ) formando parte del grupo, se presentan al concurso de bandas emergentes "Wolfest" para ver la reacción de la gente ante la música de MK, ganando el premio Myspace por sus contundente directo y aportando unas criticas realmente buenas. En Octubre de 2011 se meten en los Bloq Studio para grabar su primer EP "Mundo de Cristal" que cuenta con 5 de los 10 temas que tienen en su repertorio. Tras grabar el CD, Dani abandona la banda por motivos personales y en Febrero de 2012 entra Alex "Mufasa" (Guitarra Solista) cubriendo perfectamente su puesto. A día de hoy Murder Kaos solo piensa en hacer el máximo numero de conciertos por el territorio español para dar a conocer su primer trabajo .
  • 17. Serio (vocals) and Ivan (Guitar) started their Project summer 2009.It was called Primitive and they started to look for the rest of the band. The fisrt to join the band was Fran (drummer) and they started writting the first songs. Ivan left the band and was replaces by Johnny (Guitar), Fran’s old friend from another band. Then they started from scratch, changing to Murder Kaos. They looked for a bassist and found Albert (Bass/ Keyboards) at the rehearsal place, who joined Murder Kaos. The next months they created their set-list and five months later they win the first Night Bucs Festival June 2010. June 2011. With Dani as lead guitar, they go to the "Wolfest" contest for new bands to see how the public reacts in front of Murder Kaos music. Murder Kaos won the Myspace prize because their smashing live and with really good critics. In October 2011 they go to the Bloq Studios to record their first EP "Mundo de Cristal" with 5 of the 10 songs they have in their set- list. After recording the CD, Dani left the band and is replaced by Alex "Mufasa" (Lead guitar). At the moment, Murder Kaos only thinks on having as much concerts as possible to present their work. Contact & Booking:
  • 18. Noctem, was consolidated as a extreme metal band in April 2001. It’s founders cradled by the ideals of violence exaltation, misanthropy and antithesis to the totality of the absurd religions created this most excellent machine of War , which advances by leaps and bounds among the ranks of a putrid and poor social values infested civilization. In 2002 the band records their first work “Unholy blood” which was commercialized for 2 years. After several formation changes the band continues their way making national level concerts and compos- ing new tracks, totally immersed in the search of a more personal music style. The band releases during two years their live cd “live 2004” auto produced and recorded in their natal city. In 2007-2008, after the departure of two of their most ancient members a restructure takes place in the band to later on, release the record of the mcd “God Among Slaves”. With the release of this work and the big success among the online press and metal heads, the band, with its new components, fulfills different tours through the country accompanied in the Spanish stages by foreign bands… In 2008 the band signs with the label Noisehead Re- cords (Austria) and carries out an european tour “Noctem European Tour 08” where the band destroys the European stages of Spain, Portugal, France, Andorra, UK, Belgium and Italy.
  • 19. In January of 2009 the band re- cords at Vienna their debut album “Divinity” which counts with the collaborations of Christos Antoniou (Septic flesh and Chaos star) and of Leal (ex-Forever Slave). The album was released in April by the musical seal Noisehead Records in Europe and in May with Relapse Records in the USA. For the present time, the band has recorded two videos exracted from the album "Divinity", standing out the violent and cen- sored "Across Heracles towards", directed by Miguel Angel Font Bis- ier. The band performs different presentations of the album “Divinity” in festivals and tours, like the ones at Spain or Portugal in 2009, sharing stage in some concerts with first level bands like Malevolent Creation (USA), Vomitory (Sweden) and Napalm Death, in their spanish dates. In 2010, Noctem goes out on tour with very high level bands like Incantation and Hate in a european tour in January, stopping by Great Britain, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Netherlands and Chez Republic. In february of the same year the band records their third video extracted from their album "Divinity", that will be released in the summer of 2010. Acquiring major recognition in both national and international level. In May, of the same year, Noctem gets involved in another european tour with the Norwegian Black metal band Ragnarok, this time sha- ring stages in countries like: Austria, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Belgium. In november of 2010 the band joins Gorgoroth on tour, this time through Eastern Europe and other countries; also sharing stages with bands like Finntroll and Carach Angren. In march of 2011 the band announces their signing with Rising records for the worldwide release of their new album: Oblivion. The album was pre-released in Spain from 25/04/2011 and worldwide from 13/06/2011. The Oblivion Spanish Tour 2011 started in the end of April and the band destroyed the national stages during May, June, August and finally September. In summer of 2011 and after receiving a brutal feedback from the international metal press and metalheads, Noc- tem announce their appearance in the "Lux Mundi Europe Tour 2011", where the band will share stage with interna- tional well known acts like Samael, Melechesh and Keep of Kalessin. In september of 2011, Noctem joins forces with Nekronos promotion agency from Portugal and the prestigious label Metal Blade Records (Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Amon Amarth...) announces the release of Oblivion in NorthAme- rica. The official release is fixed for the 25th of October. Contact & Booking:
  • 20. ONIROPHAGUS es una banda de Doom/Death nacida bajo la influencia de My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Hypocrisy, Ophis, Asphyx, Immolation, Incantation, Autopsy y Evoken entre otras. La banda fue formada en septiembre de 2011 para tocar música como la de las grandes referencias del metal extre- mo de los primeros 90. ONIROPHAGUS está compuesta actualmente por Moregod (guitarra y bajo), Uretra (batería) y Pain- grinder (voces). Su música se construye sobre la mezcla de riffs muy lentos y arrastrados y furiosas ráfagas de death metal en la esfera de Morbid Angel. En una misma canción se suceden la más oscura angustia, la máxima enfermedad y los frag- mentos más armoniosos. Su primer trabajo, "Defiler of Hope", es un generoso EP de 34 minutos de duración, formado por cinco temas largos y pesados y una pieza instrumental de piano. Un aspecto destacable del álbum es el sonido orgánico que el productor, Javi Félez (Moontower Stu- dios), ha sabido darle a la mezcla final, rezu- mando ecos de Hypocrisy y de Ophis. Cada canción de "Defiler of Hope" es un nuevo reto compositivo. En cuanto a las voces, aportan solidez y oscuridad sobre una rica complejidad de texturas, doblándose en los subidones de los temas. "Defiler of Hope" incorpora colaboraciones de Fiar (Foscor), Xavi (Decapitated Christ) y Von Päx (Barbarian Swords) a las voces y guitarras de Javi (Graveyard). El material gráfico del EP es obra del artista César Valla- dares; un trabajo oscuro y enigmático que encaja perfectamente con el espíritu de la banda y sus canciones. La banda está trabajando actualmente en su primer álbum de larga duración "Prehuman" para 2013.
  • 21. ONIROPHAGUS is a Doom/Death band born under the musical influence of My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Hypocrisy, Ophis, Asphyx, Immolation, Incantation, Autopsy and Evoken among others. The band was created in September 2011 in order to compose music like that created by the great extre- me metal bands of early 90's. ONIROPHAGUS is currently formed by Moregod (guitar and bass), Uretra (drums) and Paingrinder (Voices). Their music is build on the blending of slow-paced doom riffs and furious death metal bursts in the sphere of Morbid Angel. Anguished darkness, maximum sickness and harmonious leanings in- tertwine in the same tune. Their first work, "Defiler of Hope", is a 34 minutes long EP, formed by five long and heavy tracks and one piano outro. One thing that's particularly appreciable about the album is the organic sound that the producer, Javi Félez (Moontower Studios), has built in the final mix, oozing echoes of Hypocrisy and the works of Ophis. Every song in "Defiler of Hope" is a new compositional challenge. When it comes to the vocals, they bring power and sickness on a rich textured complexity of tones, doubled in climatic fragments. "Defiler of Hope" features collaborations of Fiar (Foscor), Xavi (Decapitated Christ) and Von Päx (Barbarian Swords) in the vocals and guest guitars by Javi (Graveyard). The EP's art is a work of illus- trator César Valladares, a dark and enigmatic layout, perfectly fitting with the band and their tracks. ONIROPHAGUS are currently working on their first album "Prehuman" for 2013. Contact & Booking:
  • 22. 2002: La banda se funda en la primavera de 2002 en Lleida por Jordi Castells y Juan Ramon Mulero, en breve se incorporarían Albert Arnaiz y Guillem Tugues. Todos ellos músicos principiantes, empie- zan versionando bandas de heavy y de rock. 2003: El grup empieza a hacer bolos en directo y a tocar los primeros temas propios. En verano com- parten cartel con Gerard Quintana en las fiestas de Alpicat. 2004: El guitarrista Juan Ramon Mulero deja el grupo en la primavera del 2004 i es substituido por Juan Pedro Romero en otoño del mismo año. Hasta que este no se une al projecto, el grupo funciona unos meses como trio. 2005: Durante la segunda mitad de este año, se acaban de preparar todos los temas que formarán parte del primer disco y se registra la primera maqueta, ‘Hard Dawn’. El grupo queda finalista del concur- so ‘Directe’ y gana el primer pre- mio del concurso de rock Sant Ig- nasi-Institutos de Junio. 2006: El primer trabajo se graba en los estudios Sonograma (Albatàrrech) entre febrero y mar- zo, y sale a la venda en diciembre del mismo año. Se titula ‘Here co- mes the plowman’ (Discmedi, 2006). En mayo comparten escena- rio con Ratos de Porao en las fies- tes de Lleida. El grupo queda fina- lista del concurso ‘Pepe Marín’ de Lleida y actua con Mesclat en otoño del mismo año. 2007: Presentación del disco por toda la mitad norte del estado español. La gira cuenta con una treintena de conciertos. En la prima- vera telonean Napalm Deathen Lleida y en verano comparten cartel con Sepultura en el Senglar Rock de Lleida. Albert Arnaiz realiza su ultimo concierto con la banda a final de año. 2008: El segundo disco se graba durante la primavera en Crazy Notes Studio (Lleida), y se mezcla durante el verano en los estudios de Musiclan (Figueres) y masterizado en los estudios Finnvox (Helsinki). Aleix Duaigües (ex-miembro de In Extremis, Lleida) y Joaquim Castañ (ex-miembro de Athanor, Fraga) se encargan de graba la bateria, y este último continuará como bateria fijo en el grupo. El álbum lleva como título ‘Life must disappear’ (Discmedi, 2008). 2009: Durante la presentación del disco, el grupo aparece en el recopilatorio ‘Metal Norte’ (Fragment Records, 2009), un doble CD que incluye a 18 bandas emergentes en el panorama del heavy metal de la mitad norte de la península ibérica. Telonean a Los Suaves en Lleida en las fiestas de primavera. A finales del mismo año se lanza el promo-single ‘El comte Cràpula’, que incluye una B-side con la versión del tema ‘Painkiller’ de Judas Priest. 2010: Se realizan unas remezclas del single del 2009 con Gerard Porqueres i se graban dos nuevas canciones. El grupo se clasifica para la segunda ronda de conciertos del festival Emergenza (Edición de Barcelona), realizando un concierto en la sala Razzmatazz. 2011: El promo-single ‘The seals will open’ sale a la luz, y se inician las faenas de composición del resto de material que ha de formar parte del nuevo álbum.
  • 23. 2002: Tha band is born in spring of 2002 in Lleida by the mee- ting of Jordi Castells and Juan Ramon Mulero (guitars). A short time later is completed by Albert Arnaiz (drums) and Guillem Tugues (bass). All of them novice musicians, they begin covering rock and heavy bands. 2003: The band begins playing live and to perform their own material. In summer they share a festival with Gerard Quinta- na in Alpicat. 2004: Guitar player Juan Ramon Mulero leaves the band in spring of 2004 and is replaced by Juan Pedro Romero in autumn of the same year. The band plays as a trio some concerts till he joins the band. 2005: During the second half of the year the band finishes all the tracks of the first album and they record the first de- mo: ‘Hard Dawn’. The band is also finalist of the ‘Directe’ contest and they wint the first prize of the ‘Sant Ignasi-Instituts’ contest in june. 2006_: The first album is recorded at Sonograma stu- dios (Albatàrrech) between february and march. Is released at the end of the year. Is entitled ‘Here co- mes the plowman’ (Discmedi, 2006). In may the band supports Ratos de Porao during the major party in Lleida. The band is also finalist of the ‘Pepe Marín’ contest and they play with Mesclat in the autumn of the same year. 2007: Presentation of the brand new album around the Spanish State. The tour includes almost 30 concerts. In spring they sup- port Napalm Death in Lleida and in summer they share poster with Sepultura in the Senglar Rock festival near Lleida. Albert Arnaiz plays his last concert with the band in november. 2008: The second album is recorded in spring at the Crazy Notes Studio (Lleida). Is mixed in summer at Musiclan studios (Figueres) and mastered at Finnvox studios (Helsinki). Aleix Duaigües (ex In Extremis, Lleida) and Joaquim Castañ (ex Athanor, Fraga) record the drums, and the last one remains as the official drummer of the band from then on. The album is called ‘Life must disappear’ (Discmedi, 2008). 2009: Durant the presentation of the album the band appears at the ‘Metal Norte’ compilation (Fragment Records, 2009), a dou- ble album which includes 18 heavy metal bands of the half-north of the Spanish State. They also support in spring Los Suaves in Llei- da. In the end of the same year they release the pro- mo-single ‘El comte Cràpula’, which includes a B-side of the ‘Painkiller’ cover (Judas Priest). 2010: A remix / remaster of the last single is done in the end of 2010 (Gerard Porqueres) and two new tracks are recorded. The band reaches the second round of the european Emergenza contest, playing at the Razzmatazz hall (Barcelona). 2011: The promo-single ‘The seals will open’ is relea- sed (including the two remixed tracks). The band be- Contact & Booking: INFO@PLOWSHAREBAND.COM
  • 24. R.D.O. se va crear en gener del 2009 en musics ke venien de anteriors bandes locals , la formacio no ha sufrit canvis , se ha grabat un CD ''Apocalipsis de locura'' en els studis K2 de Borriol per KIKE BAR- BERA i el libreto per TOFOL(Distri comu) , se pot descarregar gratuitament desde el nostre myspace :
  • 25. R.D.O. was born January 2009 with some musi- cians coming from other local bands. The lineup has been stable. R.D.O. has recorded a CD ''Apocalipsis de locura'' at the K2 Studios (Borriol) by KIKE BARBERA with the artwork by TOFOL (Distri comu). You can download the CD from the band’s MySpa- ce Contact & Booking:
  • 26. Reek es una banda de Sabadell (Barcelona) crea- da a mediados de febrero de 2010. Después de que los miembros fundadores, Oriol Pérez (guitarra) y Sergio López (bajo), se embarcasen en la difícil tarea de encontrar músicos con nivel alto y compromiso con la banda, la primera for- mación estable se consolidó con Gerard Torà (guitarra), Carlos Moreno (batería) e Iván Lara (voz). Con esta alineación y tras ganar una batalla de bandas en Manresa, grabaron su primer EP "Rubbish Through Your Veins" en 2011 gracias al suculento premio en metálico obtenido en los Re- cycle Studios de Palau-Solità i Plegamans (Cataluña), donde han grabado bandas como Hy- de Abbey. Este EP salió a la venta en marzo de 2012, dep- sués de la marcha de Carlos como batería por falta de compromiso. La banda dio varios conciertos con Llorenç Fernàn- dez a la batería hasta encontrar definitivamente a Esteban Portero, batería oficial de la banda ac- tualmente. El estilo de la banda se etiqueta como thrash metal, pese a que buscan no limitarse sólo al clásico "tu-pa, tu-pa", añadiendo toques de hea- vy clásico, prog o neoclásica a sus temas. Han tocado con bandas nacionales reconocidas en la escena thrash como Crisix.
  • 27. Reek is a band from Sabadell (Barcelona) born mid February 2010. The founder members Oriol Pérez (guitar) and Sergio López (bass) started to look for high level musicians wiling to join the band with high commitment and the first lineup came upo witrh Gerard Torà (guitar), Carlos Moreno (drums) and Iván Lara (vocals). With this lineup, after winning a battle of band at Manresa, they recorded their first EP "Rubbish Through Your Veins" on 2011 with the prize. The EP was recorded at the Recycle Studios of Palau- Solità i Plegamans (Catalonia), a place where also recorded Hyde Abbey. The EP was released March 2012, just after Carlos left the band. Reek played several concerts with Llorenç Fernàndez a s drummer until they found Esteban Portero, official drummer of the band at themoment. The band style is thrash metal, even if the try not to be limited to the standard "tu-pa, tu-pa", including some heavy classic, prog or neoclassic touch to their songs. Reek has performed with bands as Crisix. Contact & Booking:
  • 28. Nuestra historia comienza al inicio del segundo milenio de nuestro tiempo, en el año 300 de la Edad de Dwa- para, en los últimos días de la vida de Virginal Desire. Con el tiempo, comenzó a latir un nuevo corazón en su interior animado por los ritmos que un día le dieron el latir a su viejo pero luchador corazón. ¿Cómo se abriría paso entre sus congéneres; los grupos de metal? Alzando la mirada al cielo en la noche para buscar por donde empezar, apareció la respuesta por sí misma...en silencio...las estrellas...el cosmos... Ahora ya podía ponerse en pie y erguirse el nuevo ser, se llamaría Rex Devs.Al ir tomando contacto con este mundo, empezó a percibir la presencia de antiguos seres que vivieron hace muchísimos años, la antigüedad de algunos de ellos se acercaba a los tiempos de los protagonistas de la primera revela- ción llamada “Zodiaco”.Uno de ellos le transmitía un sentimiento inigualable por ningún otro de los seres, era el calor del Amor de una Madre, era Gea. Cerrando los ojos, Rex Devs podía sentir levemente dentro de su corazón éste mis- mo dolor que Gea callaba pero que le es- taba consumiendo cada día. Ella propor- ciona suficiente alimento como para abas- tecer a todo el planeta, pero que unos cuantos seres dirigidos por el poder del mal habían inventado un estado llamado pobreza creando así el desequilibrio mas absurdo del universo por puro egoísmo. Rex Devs volvió a grabar todo lo aprendi- do, esta vez se dirigió al Este buscando los llamados Axtudio porque había oído que era uno de los mejores lugares donde poder plasmar su mensaje con esa perso- nalidad de música extrema que tenia “Ser de Seres”. El camino era largo y tedioso. En uno de los peores ataques sufridos, los siete entes fueron golpeados con bruta- lidad y quedaron inconscientes en el suelo por un tiempo. Solo cuatro entes, reunieron las fuerzas suficientes para levantarse y a pesar de las heridas recibidas decidieron seguir adelante, este incidente les retrasó mucho en su camino e hizo que tuvieran que repartirse entre ellos toda la carga. La meditación le hizo cambiar totalmente su enfoque, debía encarnarse en un cuerpo humano, con sus posibili- dades y limitaciones, para saber cómo poder encontrar el camino. Gea entonces, le informó de lo duro de su decisión, del dolor que puede llegar a sentir un ser humano, pero no había otra forma de abrir el camino. Enton- ces Gea accedió y le dijo: “Nacerás en el mundo material en un cuerpo humano y vivirás como uno de ellos, par- tirás de sus posibilidades y tendrás su libertad de decisión, pero utiliza este poder con precaución porque todos ellos lo poseen y muy pocos son los que lo utilizan correctamente en su beneficio, ellos solos se condenan al sufrimiento y se niegan la felicidad de la autorrealización. Nunca olvides este consejo: nosce te ipsum…” Line Up: Rex Devs debia plasmar nuevamente todos sus conocimien- Guzman: Drum, bass & orchestral sequenc. tos. Esta vez se dirigio al Centro. Carlos Santos y su Sadman Studios fueron los encargados de ello y Mika Jussila solicito Santi: All guitar & orchestral sequenced desde Finnvox, en el Norte de Gea, encargarse el personal- Kisa: Female Vocals mente de la mejora, cuanto fuese posible, de “Nosce Te Ip- Kike: Male Vocals sum”. Rec and mixed: Carlos Santos, Sadman Studios
  • 29. Our history begins at start of the second millennium of our time, in the year 300 of the Age of Dwa- para, in the last days of the life of Virginal Desire. With time, a new heart began to beat in its interior encouraged by the rhythms that one day gave it the beating to its old but fighting heart.How to be known among its like minded; the metal bands? The answer appeared by itself looking at the sky in the night to seek where to start… in silence… the stars... the cosmos... Now the new living being could rise and would be called Rex Devs. While it was getting in contact with this World, began to perceive the presence of old be- ings that lived many years ago, ancient times of some of them approached times when the first revelation’s protagonists called “Zodiaco”. One of them transmitted an inequal feeling like no other of the old beings could. It was the heat of the Love of a Mother, it was Gea. Closing the eyes, Rex Devs could feel lightly inside its heart the same pain, that Gea silenced but that each day was consuming it. She provides enough food to supply the whole planet, but some beings directed by the evil power had invented a state called poverty, therefore creating the more absurd imbalance of the universe by pure selfishness. Rex Devs recorded again all they had learned. This time they were directed to the East, finding Axstudio. They had heard that it was one of the best places where they could express their message with the extreme music and per- sonality that “Ser de Seres” had. The way was long and tedious. In one of the worst attacks suffered, the seven ones were struck with brutality and they remained unconscious on the ground during a while. There were only four of them that joined forces enough to rise and in spite of the injuries re- ceived, they decided to continue. This incident delayed them a lot in their way and made them share all the load among them. Meditation made Rex Devs change its vision. It should convert itself into a human body, with all its possibilities and limitations, to know how to find the way. Then Gea told him about how diffi- cult its decision was and the pain which a human can feel but there was no other option to start the way. Gea accepted it and told him: “You will be born as a human in the material world and you will live like one of them. You will have their same possibilities and their free- dom to decide but you should use this power carefully be- cause all of them have it and only a few of them know how to use it correctly. They are only condemned to suffering and refuse the happiness of fullfillment. Don’t forget this advice: Nosce Te Ipsum”. Again Rex Devs had to give expression to all of their knowl- edges. This time, they went to the center; Carlos Santos and Sadman Studios were reponsible for recording it and Mika Jussila from Finnvox in the North of Gea, was in charge of improving “Nosce Te Ipsum”. Contact & Booking:
  • 30. Banda de metal nacida en Barcelona, en algún punto del año 2006. Durante todo este tiempo, la banda pasó primero, de hacer pequeños conciertos en Barcelona, a estenderse por toda Cataluña, y podo después por toda España. A dia de hoy, han realizado varios tours por toda la península y las islas, expandiendo horizontes paso a paso, compartiendo cartel con las mejores bandas nacionales, como The Band Apart, Dawn of the Maya, Thirteen Bled promises y un largo etc… Además cuentan con la fortuna de haber podido compartir cartel con bandas in ternacionales, del calibre de Parkway Drive, The Black Dahlia murder, Despised Icon, Cancer Bats, War From a Harlots Mouth, Trigger The Bloodshed y un larguísimo etcetera. A finales del 2011, la banda se desplaza a Madrid para grabar su primer LP, bajo las ordenes de Alex Cappa, en The Metal Factory Studios, quien graba, edita y mezcla el disco, para posteriormente Masterizarse en LSD Studios de Alemania, con un resultado final mas que satisfactorio, y un sonido perfectamente competitivo con discos internacionales. Stained Blood actualmente esta ultimando los detalles y los diseños que lo que será su primer largo, que verá la luz en pocos meses, y trabajando ya en la gira, que una vez presentado el disco en Barcelona, les lanzará de nuevo a la carretera. Estad Atentos!!!
  • 31. Metal band born in Barcelona, at some point in 2006. During this time, the band has been growing slowly, at first making small concerts in Barcelona and Catalan lands, expanding his horizons gradually, having made, to this day, many tours throughout the Spanish territory, sharing the stage with many of the best national bands, like The Band Apart, Thirteen Bled Promises, Dawn of The Maya, Breakdown Collapse, Silent Havoc and many more. We also have the fortune to have shared concerts with the best international bands such as The Black Dahlia Murder, Parkway Drive, Despised Icon, Cancer Bats, War From A Harlots Mouth, Trigger The Bloodshed… In late 2011 the band entered in studio to record what will be their first LP. Moves to Madrid to get in hands of Alex Cappa, in The Metal Factory Studios, who works on recording, editing and mixing, then LSD studios in Germany make the final mastering. The band is currently finalizing the details of what will be their first album, which will come this 2012, and after making the presentation in Barcelona, we’ll returns to the road again. Stay tuned!! Contact & Booking:
  • 32. Subliminal Chaos nace en Sevilla en 2006, fundada por miembros de bandas del panorama musical sevillano, buscan obtener un sonido death con tintes hardcore como el que plasman en su primera demo PUTAS Y PUÑOS, grabada en 2008 y compuesta por 5 temas, de la que liquidan más de 500 copias. Se suceden los conciertos y festivales en diversos puntos de la geografia nacional (Sevilla, Ma- drid, Málaga, Córdoba..), con gran aceptación tanto de público como de las otras bandas con las que comparten escenario.. Entre finales de 2009 y principios de 2010 graban su segunda demo NEGATIVE SYMMETRY, que por cambios en las filas del grupo y el trauma que ello provoca no llegó a verse edi- tada, pero en sus 6 temas se apreciaba su enrome evolución y acercamiento a géneros más extremos como el black o el grind, pero siempre con un toque característico bastante vanguardista. Desde el primer momento la banda ha contado para toda su imagen artística con la inestimable ayuda de la diseñadora gaditana Lucía Valdés, cuidando en todo momento las ediciones de sus trabajos, cartele- ría, logos, etc.. para darle un toque cuidado, artístico y personal. Será en 2011 cuando la banda, tras no parar de tocar y sacar nuevas composiciones, entran en los Octopus Estudios de Sevilla para gra- bar el trabajo que tienes entre manos, THE CLOUD AND THE THUNDER, un Ep de cuatro temas gra- bados por Sergio James, quien no ha parado de trabajar con grandes artistas del panorama internaci- onal, donde plasman el camino que han elegido, una nueva y extrema vía entre el Noise, Grind, Post- Metal, Black,.. las etiquetas se quedan estrechas a la hora de clasificar su sonido. Para el Mástering se ponen en contacto con Alan Douches de los West West Side Music de New York, quien ha trabajado con bandas de la talla de Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Black Dhalia Murder, Neurosis, Baroness, Nile.., obteniendo un resultado óptimo. Con una edición de autético lujo y una mentalidad totalmente Diy confían en no parar de girar para demostrar su enorme show sobre las tablas. Han compartido escenario con bandas de la talla de 16 (USA), DEATH MERCEDES (FR), AATHMA (SP), THE ORANGE MAN THEORY (IT), TROCOTOMBIX (SP), BURNING BRIGHT (FR), EL EGO (SP), MU- TANT SPERM QUARTET (SP), HUMAN MINCER (SP), SPELLCRAFT (SP), MIGRAINE (SP), DYING (SP), y un largo etc.. Sus principales influencias actualmente serían bandas como CONVERGE, DEATH, MAYBESHEWILL, BLACK DHALIA MURDER, NEUROSIS, GHOST, SO HIDEOUS MY LOVE, CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX,..
  • 33. Subliminal Chaos was worn in Sevilla in 2006, founded by several members of local bands looking for a death-hardcore sound like the one exposed at their first demo PUTAS Y PUÑOS, recorded 2008 with 5 tracks with 500 copies sold. They have several live shows (Sevilla, Madrid, Málaga, Córdoba..), with a great acceptance fropm the public ans also fro the other bands the share scenario. At the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 the recorded their second demo NEGATIVE SYMMETRY. But these one was nor releaswed due to changes in the band and problems related. But in their 6 tracks was clear the band’s evolution and how other extreme styles as black or grind were included in the ban’s soung, keeping always their vanguard characteristic touch. From the very first time the band has worked their image with Lucía Valdés, taking care of their work artwork, logos, posters and so on in order to have a personal, artistic and cared touch. In 2011 the band, continuing playing and writing, go to the Octopus Estudios (Sevilla) to record their last work THE CLOUD AND THE THUNDER, a 4 tracks Ep recorded by Sergio James, qwho has worked with big international artists. This work shows the band’s new path: a extreme way between Noise, Grind, Post-Metal, Black,.. The labels are not enough to define their style. The EP mastering was done by Alan Douches od the West West Side Music from New York, who has worked with bands as Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Black Dhalia Murder, Neurosis, Baroness, Nile.., with an optimal result. With a luxury edition and a DIY mind they expect to not stop touring to show their project on scene. Subliminal Chaos has shared scenario with 16 (USA), DEATH MERCEDES (FR), AATHMA (SP), THE ORANGE MAN THEORY (IT), TROCOTOMBIX (SP), BURNING BRIGHT (FR), EL EGO (SP), MUTANT SPERM QUARTET (SP), HUMAN MINCER (SP), SPELLCRAFT (SP), MIGRAINE (SP), DYING (SP), .. Their main influences are band as CONVERGE, DEATH, MAYBESHEWILL, BLACK DHALIA MURDER, NEUROSIS, GHOST, SO HIDEOUS MY LOVE, CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX,.. Contact & Booking:
  • 34. La historia es que al desaparecer los Kloakas del Ebro en 2003 se quedaron Jota y Gabri codo con codo sacando algunos temillas que dieron lugar a la Bitxa del Miserable. Con ello, y algo más tarde, se animó a volver a tocar Cesitar, el antiguo bajista de los Eskupitajo Agricola, dando lugar al nacimiento de Volvone. Tras varios conciertos y nuevos temas en 2006 Jota sale del grupo para dirigirse hacia nuevos estilos musicales hecho que hace que Javo entre en el grupo como nuevo guitarrista. Posteriormente se graba una demo y en 2009 la que es la primera maqueta de Volvone "Sindikal 2009: Odisea en su Espacio". Asimis- mo, y ya en 2010, entra en el grupo Pitu para encargarse de los platos y darle otro dinamismo al grupo.
  • 35. The story is that the disappearance of the Ebro Kloakas in 2003 were Jack and Gabri pulling alongside some temillas that led to the Miserable Bitxa. With this, and somewhat later, were encouraged to touch Cesitar, former bassist Eskupitajo Agrico- la, giving rise to Volvone. After several concerts and new songs in 2006 Jack leaves the group to go into new musical styles made Javo makes it into the group as a new guitarist. Subsequently recording a demo in 2009 which is the first mo- del of Volvone "Sindikal 2009: Odyssey in Space." Also, as ear- ly as 2010, the group enters Pitu to handle the plates to a dif- ferent dynamic to the group. Contact & Booking:
  • 36. ZIKUTA es sinónimo de metal reivindicativo en ca- talán desde 2006. Su consigna es sencilla : ¡directos al hígado! Su música es contundente, su voz rota y sus letras ácidas y comprometidas con su tierra y los los derechos sociales. Los directos son su mejor arma, donde puedes ver que ZIKUTA apunta y dispara cada acorde y cada palabra como una bala. Sobre su historia, nacen en el 2006 en el Vallès Occidental, Catalunya, com la idea de hacer lo que les gusta: música, y canalizar el odio y la rabia que acumulan en su día a día. El año 2007 fichan por Radikal Records, discográfica catalana de bandas que quieren despertar conciencias, con quien com- parten su camino desde entonces. ZIKUTA ha pre- sentado su propuesta político-musical alrededor de los Països Catalans y de Euskal Herria con muy bu- ena crítica. En el 2010 deciden endurecer su sonido y su mensaje y una muesra de ello es la canción que nos presentan: INTIFADA.
  • 37. ZIKUTA is metal protest in catalan language since 2006. Their motto is simple: direct the liver! Their music is force- ful, his voice is broken and his lyrics are acidic and commit- ted to their land and social rights. The concerts are their best weapon because you can see that ZIKUTA points and shoots every chord and every word like a bullet. ZIKUTA was born in 2006 in Catalonia, they wanted to make music because they love it and they wanted to express the hate and the anger that generates daily. In 2007 signed with Radikal Records, catalan label for bands who want to wake up consciences. ZIKUTA has submitted their political music in the Catalan Countries and Basque Country with a very good critic. In 2010 decided to tighten their sound and their message and an example is the song that we have Discografia / Discografía / Discography 2007: Fills d’immigrants / Hijos de inmigrantes / Sons of immigrants 2008: Despertant consciències / Despertando conciencias / Wake up consciences (Radikal Records compilation) 2009: Arrels / Raíces / Roots 2011: Radikal Records Volum 3 (Radikal Records compilation) Contact & Booking:
  • 38. Desperta Ferro! Awake iron! Email: Reverbnation: MySpace: Facebook: Twitter:!/brutalassaultsp YouTube: