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The “tower room,” which juts
out from the apartment’s main
footprint is lit with natural
light from six arched windows
and provides a quiet space
for morning coffee. The gilded
Guéridon table is paired with
ebonized Regency chairs
Kimberly brought from her
previous home.

                                   A Fresh
                                  With views of the New York City skyline (yup, you read that right) and Long Island
                                 Sound, this Greenwich penthouse gives even the chicest Park Avenue apartment a run
                                        for its money, and its new resident, Kimberly Blue, a new lease on life

                                                           by Suzanne Gannon photographs by hulya kolabas
                                                                       st yled by Ronny carroll

                                                      n a Friday afternoon in mid-             “No one can build above this building,” she explains
                                                      January when the weather gods         as she pulls back the luxuriant draperies that dress a
                                                      can’t seem to decide on rain, sleet   southwest-facing window, eagerly offering her tourist
                                                      or snow flurries, and when the        a pair of binoculars she keeps at the ready.
                                                      clouds have amassed in ominous           Indeed, after tumbling over some nearby treetops
                                                      clusters sliced through by rays of    and an occasional roof, the eye travels to a distant
                                 sunshine reminiscent of a Turner painting, Kimberly        cityscape of astonishing clarity, silvery silhouettes of
                                 Blue is enthusiastically guiding her visitor on a tour     the Manhattan skyline rendered in miniature—the
                                 of her new home, a 2,500-square-foot penthouse             Citicorp building, the Chrysler building, the Empire
                                 tucked onto the top two floors of a brick building just    State—and crowded onto an invisible little island that
                                 off Putnam Avenue’s peak. The chestnut-haired sprite       rises out of the metallic flat of the East River and New
                                 is buoyant, animated by the deliberate serenity of her     York Harbor beyond.
                                 new aerie, which, with its modern glamour and judi-           The distance Kimberly has put between herself
                                 ciously chosen contents, is a metaphor for her life at     and that island—and the high-pressure hustle it rep-
                                 this moment: dramatic change in every direction.           resents—is symbolic of the miles she has traveled in
                                    After a warm greeting in a tiny foyer into which        the last twelve months. After twenty-four years on
                                 one steps directly off the elevator, she leads her guest   Wall Street, where she rose to the rank of managing
                                 to a sunken living room that evokes the chic interior      director at two prestigious investment banks, she has
                                 of a classic-six on upper Fifth Avenue with an envy-       left that world—and her black pantsuits and Manolo
                                 inducing view of Central Park. The vista visible from      Blahniks—behind in order to start a new venture, with
                                 this living room, however, is arguably an even more        Greenwich gallery owner Zorianna Altomaro, that she
                                 magical one.                                               says marries her creativity and her business acumen
The home offers an abundance of
                                                                                                                                                   sensual vignettes that make the
                                                                                                                                                   connection between aesthetic beauty
                                                                                                                                                   and quiet contentment, gracious little
                                                                                                                                                   spaces that soothe the soul with the
                                                                                                                                                   tranquility that derives from thoughtful
                                                                                                                                                   appointments in serene surroundings.

A portrait of a lady      and combines the worlds of history and art in a new          Tiffany Eastman of Stamford to design it. She moved
with a strand of pearls   context.                                                     out of the house in Greenfield Hill and into a cottage
by Ukrainian artist
Valeriy Skrypka              “I knew it was time to embark on a new journey,           owned by friends where she waited for Tiffany to bring
greets visitors in the    one which would allow me to explore areas of cre-            the vision of her future to life, through furniture, fab-
elevator entryway. •      ative interest,” she says. “I decided that the only way      rics, wall coverings, and objects.
Measuring roughly
2,500 square feet, the
                          to do so would be to dramatically change my current             “Tiffany was able to see the bones through the mess,”
penthouse includes        life, which meant selling my home, leaving a wonder-         says Kimberly, adding that the late ’80s ballooning
two floors.               ful career and taking the leap into an undefined new         draperies with their elaborate swags and jabeaus, the
                          world.”                                                      mahogany kitchen cabinets, and the floral wallpaper
                                                                                       made her feel “claustrophobic.”
                          Designing a New Life                                            “It was Waverly times a thousand,” adds Tiffany.
                          Kimberly moved to Greenwich after having spent ten           “The attack of the flowers.”
                          years in an old shingle-style, center-hall colonial in          It was not the first time the two had collaborated.
                          Fairfield’s Greenfield Hill, a house from which, as          For five years, Kimberly worked with Tiffany in deco-
                          an aerial photograph that hangs in her current din-          rating her home in Greenfield Hill, a place where her
                          ing room shows, she could not see a single neighbor.         more traditional milieu consisted largely of an unfussy
                          There, in January of 2010, she found a note in her           mix of French and English antiques and maritime oil
                          mailbox from a couple who asked that she contact             paintings.
                          them should she ever want to sell. She didn’t need              The two say their tastes have evolved on parallel
                          another sign.                                                tracks from classic and traditional to classic with a                                                       To overcome the lack
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of alignment between
                             “It was synchronicity that I found this place,” she       modern twist. Together they edited Kimberly’s fur-                                                            the room’s entryway
                          says. “It always takes a catalyst to move out of a comfort   niture collection down to a few choice pieces—a                                                                 and the focal point
                          zone, a nudge to confront the next door and decide           Sheridan sideboard, an English grandfather clock with                                                          that is the fireplace
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the decorator Tiffany
                          whether to go through it or not.”                            gold finials, a duo of Regency chairs, a pair of bedside
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Eastman centered the
                             Ten months later, she’d sold the house—and most           chests—and supplemented them with mostly new                                                                 sofa on the fireplace
                          of its contents, a transaction she found “liberating”—       furniture, carpets, vintage objects and other pieces                                                             and anchored the
                          found the penthouse and hired interior designer              she’d found at antiques shops from South Carolina                                                                room with a large
                                                                                                                                                                                                   mirror to the left and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a bench beneath a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    painting to the right.
74   GREENWICHMAG.COM                                                                                                                                                                         march 2012 greenwich     75
“My personality is a combination of classic elegance
                                                                                                                  and a bit of glamour—a little ‘jzuhjz,’” says Kimberly,
                                                                                                                  channeling the sound of something Zsa Zsa Gabor
                                                                                                                  would say.

                                                                                                                  Optical Illusions
                                                                                                                  The job was not without its challenges. The building
                                                                                                                  has no proper stairwell for moving furniture and its
                                                                                                                  only elevator offers a mere eighty-four inches of height.
                                                                                                                  The staircase to the apartment’s second floor features
                                                                                                                  a particularly tricky corner, and the several weeks of
                                                                                                                  installations in the winter of 2010/2011 were some of
                                                                                                                  the snowiest in Connecticut’s history.
                                                                                                                     “That sofa came within a quarter-inch of its life,”
                                                                                                                  says Tiffany. “So we got creative.”
                                                                                                                     Several of the custom pieces can be dissembled into
                                                                                                                  smaller parts, and a large mirror that leans against a
                                                                                                                  wall in the living room rests on a removable stand that
                                                                                                                  gave the movers a bit of wiggle room. In addition, on
                                                                                                                   the second floor, where the hallway makes a ninety-
                                                                                                                   degree turn, Tiffany avoided putting a seam in the
                                                                                                                   runner by having it cut from the perimeter of the car-
                                                                                                                   pet she had chosen for the guest room. The result is a
                                                                                                                   continuity between the two spaces that also protects
                                                                                                                   inhabitants from tripping.
                                                                                                                      “There’s not a level wall and there’s no symmetry,”
                                                                                                                   says Tiffany. “Everything is left of center and so we
                                                                                                                   had to fudge a lot.”
                                                                                                                       Overcoming that lack of alignment and oddly
                                                                                                                   shaped spaces seems to be Tiffany’s strength. Though
                                                                                                                   the threshold to the living room, which is flanked by
                                                                                                                   fluted columns left over from the previous owner’s
                                                                                                                   renovation, is not centered on the fireplace, she was
                                                                                                                   able to produce a sense of balance by establishing an
                             Tiffany paired a        to Maine—a gilded head of Buddha, alabaster lamps,           alternate axis between the fireplace and the sofa. And
                             Sheridan sideboard      driftwood tables, and a gilt mask one would see at           to compensate for the fact that the room leans to the
                             from Kimberly’s
                             previous home
                                                     Carnevale in Venice.                                         left, perhaps because of the seductive views available
                             with a pair of             “We wanted to give this space a little shimmer but        from its windows, Tiffany anchored the right corner of
                             alabaster lamps         not make it too glitzy,” says Tiffany. “So we chose a soft   the room with a bench with rolled arms and an abstract
                             and a contemporary      metallic theme that you don’t tire of.”                      painting by local artist Kerri Rosenthal.
                             painting by local
                             artist Amy Vischio. •      The palette of icy blues, soft grays, muted silvers,         In what was a narrow and spare sunroom covered
                             A mirror in a frame     and brushed golds is evident everywhere you look: in         with an awkward atrium roof, Tiffany hung floor-to-
                             of opalescent shells    linen draperies that glint with a metallic finish; in the    ceiling sheers on a track that travels the length of the
                             lends the dining
                             room an extra           mirrored bar that houses stereo equipment as well as         room and behind the tufted and ribbed gray-velvet set-
                             shimmer. • Polished     liquor bottles; in delicate mesh draperies the color of      tee. The sheers soften the space while providing cover
                             nickel hoops Tiffany    zinc; in the gold-leafed chandelier that hangs in the        from harsh sunlight—“it can really bake in here,”
                             likens to “jewelry”
Decorator Tiffany
                             adorn the backs of
                                                     “tower room” where Kimberly pages through the Times          Kimberly says—and create a billowing if not intrigu-
Eastman created a “cave”                             over a cup of coffee; and in the soothing hues she chose     ing passage between the apartment’s spacious private
                             the dining chairs.
of a dining room with
charcoal-gray Venetian                               for the walls and ceilings, many of them custom blends.      deck, which affords a view of three soaring church
plaster on the walls and
a one-of-a-kind plaster
crosshatch on the ceiling.                                                                                                                       march 2012 greenwich    77
“ knew it was time to embark on a new
                                                                                                               An upholstered headboard is
                                                                                                          embellished with nail heads and a      journey, one which would allow me
                                                                                                           wall of built-in shelving provides    to explore areas of creative interest. I
                                                                                                               space for keepsakes and art.
                                                                                                                                                 decided that the only way to do so would
                                                                                                                                                 be to dramatically change my current life,
                                                                                                                                                 which meant selling my home, leaving a
                                                                                                                                                 wonderful career and taking the leap into
                                                                                                                                                 an undefined new world.” —Kimberly Blue

                                                                                         To brighten up the kitchen, a narrow alley with a
                                                                                      breakfast area on one end, Tiffany suggested paint-
                                                                                      ing the dark cabinets a doveish white and replacing
                                                                                      the emerald-green granite countertop with a milky
                                                                                      Carrera marble. For a matching backsplash, she found
                                                                                      petite subway tiles that not only impart a feminine
                                                                                      touch but also show her eye for scale.
                                                                                         “I can’t tell you how many tiles I went through
                                                                                      to match this slab,” says Tiffany. “I am obsessively
                                                                                         The home offers an abundance of sensual vignettes
                                                                                      that make the connection between aesthetic beauty
                                                                                      and quiet contentment, gracious little spaces that
                                                                                      soothe the soul with the tranquility that derives from
                                                                                      thoughtful appointments in serene surroundings.
                                                                                         The “tower room,” where Kimberly reads her morn-
A luminous angel            spires at one time, and its interior quarters.            ing paper, is a jewel box of a space that juts out from
by Valeriy Skrypka             Despite the apartment’s quirks, its decoration         the footprint of the rest of the penthouse and feels as
appears to watch
over Kimberly as she        required very few structural changes, with the excep-     though it is floating above the ground below. With
sleeps. On the same         tion of the powder room on the first floor, which         its vaulted ceiling and six arched windows—two on
wall hangs a painting       Kimberly gutted. Now warmed by a gray paint with          each of its three walls—it’s a room where Kimberly
of a grenade that says
“Sweet Dreams” in gilt      a lustrous patina that suggests the texture of silk, it   says she feels like Rapunzel. Tiffany ebonized a pair
lettering. • A gray vinyl   features a Hudson pearl-marble sink basin on a metal      of Regency chairs and accessorized the windows with
bench sits beneath a        stand and a white Thassos marble tile floor arranged in   sheers that enhance the floating effect. A glass-topped
gilt-framed mirror.
                            a herringbone pattern.                                    Guéridon table with a gold-leafed bezel and legs serves

78   GREENWICHMAG.COM                                                                                                                                                          march 2012 greenwich   79
A panel of sheers
runs the length of
the sunroom and
softens the light that
streams in through
the atrium roof. The     as a delicate complement to the chairs and echoes the
view of three church
spires, Kimberly         patina of the chandelier.
explains, gives her         Though she has thrown several successful cocktail
a spiritual sense of     parties, Kimberly says she has not yet mastered the art
                         of the complete dinner party. But when she eventually
                         figures it out, the dining room is ready. Arranged to
                         facilitate comfortable conversation for a gathering of
                         six, it is an intimate space that feels like a dark cave
                         where you might be persuaded, with the help of a gob-
                         let of fine red Burgundy, to impart your most closely
                         held secrets.
                            Finished in a charcoal-gray Venetian plaster whose
                         painterly strokes are reflected in a soffitted ceiling
                         finished in a hand-painted, one-of-a-kind plaster cross-
                         hatch, it centers on a highly polished round table sur-
                         rounded by high-backed chairs that are upholstered
                         and skirted in a heavy gauge poly-cotton. Little pol-
                         ished-nickel hoops adorn the backs of the chairs and
                         mirror the swoops of a contemporary glass chandelier.
                         A large mirror, whose frame is encrusted in delicate,
                         opalescent seashells, adds to the room’s luster.               Having new lodging has enabled Kimberly to              Kimberly on her
                            “I had a panic attack when I unpacked that mirror,”      indulge another budding interest: a passion for art. To    spacious terrace •
                                                                                                                                                To update an
                         says Tiffany. “I have to admit I brought my glue gun.”      complement a collection that already includes several      ’80s kitchen with
                                                                                     seascapes under moody skies, as well as a pair of          emerald-green
                         Fostering the Future                                        portraits of whimsical imps from a series by Steven        granite countertops
                                                                                                                                                and dark cabinetry,
                         When she’s not working out in her upstairs gym or           Hopwood-Lewis entitled “Heroes,” and that she calls        the cabinets were
                         taking in the view from one of her many windows,            “Judgment” and “Grace,” she has been drawn to a            painted white and
                         Kimberly says she finds sanctuary in her bedroom, a         handful of contemporary Ukrainian artists whose            a Carrera marble
                         seemingly soundproof place located on the first floor.      work possesses a striking otherworldliness.                countertop and
                                                                                                                                                matching marble
                         It is arrayed in pillows and awash in shades of white.         In the dining room hangs a canvas by Valeriy Skrypka    subway tiles cut to
                         The mirror-fronted armoire features delicate fretwork;      that depicts a boy releasing butterflies from his hands;   a petite scale were
                         outfitted with a padded seat, large windows admit           in the powder room there is a portrait of a woman          installed.
                         natural light; and a luxurious bed with an upholstered      whom Kimberly says is “leaving her past behind and
                         headboard embellished with nail-heads promises a            embracing her future” by Mykola Zhuravel, an artist-
                         restful sleep. One wall is dedicated to built-in shelv-     beekeeper who mixes honeycombs into his works; in
                         ing that showcases objects that appear to be precious:      her bedroom there is a luminous angel also by Skrypka;
                         a still life of voluptuous roses; a large conch shell; a    and in the guest room on the second floor, an etching
                         childhood portrait of Kimberly wearing white gloves;        by Kiev-born Oleksiy Fedorenko entitled “Little Flora,”
                         a rare cluster of coral.                                    which features a young girl from whose head is sprout-
                            “You need a retreat from the world outside,” says        ing a flowering stalk.
                         Tiffany. The quiet contemplation the room seems to             “She’s dreaming of the future,” says Kimberly.
                         encourage is underscored by a subtle flourish that             Little Flora may not be the only female in this house
                         Kimberly is eager to point out.“Wait until you see this,”   imagining a happy road ahead.
                         she says as she coaxes her guest into her bathroom, a          In Kimberly’s bedroom hangs her proudest—and
                         twinkling smile on her face.                                perhaps most provocative— acquisition of all: a white
                            In the vanity mirror that hangs above the sink           and gold hand grenade emblazoned with the prescrip-
                         appears the reflection of a tapered church spire that is    tion, “Sweet Dreams.”
                         visible through the window on the opposite wall.               It seems she’s already stepped through that next
                            “Isn’t that amazing?” she asks.                          door.					                                            G

80   GREENWICHMAG.COM                                                                                                                      march 2012 greenwich   81
Fairfield County’s premiere home design competition

                  a-list                                       awards
                          it’s time to make your mark                                                                                                                       bring your a-game.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   JAY ACKERMAN
                                                                                                                                                             JOHN BESSLER
                  CELERIE KEMBLE       GARY BREWER           THOM FILICIA           COREY PAPADOPOLI              ALEXA HAMPTON          VICTORIA HAGAN                        PETER PENNOYER                     RICHARD HARTLAGE    STEPHEN STIMSON                             + your host
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                                                          enter now                                                                                                             

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  • 1. The “tower room,” which juts out from the apartment’s main footprint is lit with natural light from six arched windows and provides a quiet space for morning coffee. The gilded Guéridon table is paired with ebonized Regency chairs Kimberly brought from her previous home. A Fresh Perspective With views of the New York City skyline (yup, you read that right) and Long Island Sound, this Greenwich penthouse gives even the chicest Park Avenue apartment a run for its money, and its new resident, Kimberly Blue, a new lease on life by Suzanne Gannon photographs by hulya kolabas st yled by Ronny carroll O n a Friday afternoon in mid- “No one can build above this building,” she explains January when the weather gods as she pulls back the luxuriant draperies that dress a can’t seem to decide on rain, sleet southwest-facing window, eagerly offering her tourist or snow flurries, and when the a pair of binoculars she keeps at the ready. clouds have amassed in ominous Indeed, after tumbling over some nearby treetops clusters sliced through by rays of and an occasional roof, the eye travels to a distant sunshine reminiscent of a Turner painting, Kimberly cityscape of astonishing clarity, silvery silhouettes of Blue is enthusiastically guiding her visitor on a tour the Manhattan skyline rendered in miniature—the of her new home, a 2,500-square-foot penthouse Citicorp building, the Chrysler building, the Empire tucked onto the top two floors of a brick building just State—and crowded onto an invisible little island that off Putnam Avenue’s peak. The chestnut-haired sprite rises out of the metallic flat of the East River and New is buoyant, animated by the deliberate serenity of her York Harbor beyond. new aerie, which, with its modern glamour and judi- The distance Kimberly has put between herself ciously chosen contents, is a metaphor for her life at and that island—and the high-pressure hustle it rep- this moment: dramatic change in every direction. resents—is symbolic of the miles she has traveled in After a warm greeting in a tiny foyer into which the last twelve months. After twenty-four years on one steps directly off the elevator, she leads her guest Wall Street, where she rose to the rank of managing to a sunken living room that evokes the chic interior director at two prestigious investment banks, she has of a classic-six on upper Fifth Avenue with an envy- left that world—and her black pantsuits and Manolo inducing view of Central Park. The vista visible from Blahniks—behind in order to start a new venture, with this living room, however, is arguably an even more Greenwich gallery owner Zorianna Altomaro, that she magical one. says marries her creativity and her business acumen
  • 2. The home offers an abundance of sensual vignettes that make the connection between aesthetic beauty and quiet contentment, gracious little spaces that soothe the soul with the tranquility that derives from thoughtful appointments in serene surroundings. A portrait of a lady and combines the worlds of history and art in a new Tiffany Eastman of Stamford to design it. She moved with a strand of pearls context. out of the house in Greenfield Hill and into a cottage by Ukrainian artist Valeriy Skrypka “I knew it was time to embark on a new journey, owned by friends where she waited for Tiffany to bring greets visitors in the one which would allow me to explore areas of cre- the vision of her future to life, through furniture, fab- elevator entryway. • ative interest,” she says. “I decided that the only way rics, wall coverings, and objects. Measuring roughly 2,500 square feet, the to do so would be to dramatically change my current “Tiffany was able to see the bones through the mess,” penthouse includes life, which meant selling my home, leaving a wonder- says Kimberly, adding that the late ’80s ballooning two floors. ful career and taking the leap into an undefined new draperies with their elaborate swags and jabeaus, the world.”  mahogany kitchen cabinets, and the floral wallpaper made her feel “claustrophobic.” Designing a New Life “It was Waverly times a thousand,” adds Tiffany. Kimberly moved to Greenwich after having spent ten “The attack of the flowers.” years in an old shingle-style, center-hall colonial in It was not the first time the two had collaborated. Fairfield’s Greenfield Hill, a house from which, as For five years, Kimberly worked with Tiffany in deco- an aerial photograph that hangs in her current din- rating her home in Greenfield Hill, a place where her ing room shows, she could not see a single neighbor. more traditional milieu consisted largely of an unfussy There, in January of 2010, she found a note in her mix of French and English antiques and maritime oil mailbox from a couple who asked that she contact paintings. them should she ever want to sell. She didn’t need The two say their tastes have evolved on parallel another sign. tracks from classic and traditional to classic with a To overcome the lack of alignment between “It was synchronicity that I found this place,” she modern twist. Together they edited Kimberly’s fur- the room’s entryway says. “It always takes a catalyst to move out of a comfort niture collection down to a few choice pieces—a and the focal point zone, a nudge to confront the next door and decide Sheridan sideboard, an English grandfather clock with that is the fireplace the decorator Tiffany whether to go through it or not.” gold finials, a duo of Regency chairs, a pair of bedside Eastman centered the Ten months later, she’d sold the house—and most chests—and supplemented them with mostly new sofa on the fireplace of its contents, a transaction she found “liberating”— furniture, carpets, vintage objects and other pieces and anchored the found the penthouse and hired interior designer she’d found at antiques shops from South Carolina room with a large mirror to the left and a bench beneath a painting to the right. 74 GREENWICHMAG.COM march 2012 greenwich 75
  • 3. “My personality is a combination of classic elegance and a bit of glamour—a little ‘jzuhjz,’” says Kimberly, channeling the sound of something Zsa Zsa Gabor would say. Optical Illusions The job was not without its challenges. The building has no proper stairwell for moving furniture and its only elevator offers a mere eighty-four inches of height. The staircase to the apartment’s second floor features a particularly tricky corner, and the several weeks of installations in the winter of 2010/2011 were some of the snowiest in Connecticut’s history. “That sofa came within a quarter-inch of its life,” says Tiffany. “So we got creative.” Several of the custom pieces can be dissembled into smaller parts, and a large mirror that leans against a wall in the living room rests on a removable stand that gave the movers a bit of wiggle room. In addition, on the second floor, where the hallway makes a ninety- degree turn, Tiffany avoided putting a seam in the runner by having it cut from the perimeter of the car- pet she had chosen for the guest room. The result is a continuity between the two spaces that also protects inhabitants from tripping. “There’s not a level wall and there’s no symmetry,” says Tiffany. “Everything is left of center and so we had to fudge a lot.” Overcoming that lack of alignment and oddly shaped spaces seems to be Tiffany’s strength. Though the threshold to the living room, which is flanked by fluted columns left over from the previous owner’s renovation, is not centered on the fireplace, she was able to produce a sense of balance by establishing an Tiffany paired a to Maine—a gilded head of Buddha, alabaster lamps, alternate axis between the fireplace and the sofa. And Sheridan sideboard driftwood tables, and a gilt mask one would see at to compensate for the fact that the room leans to the from Kimberly’s previous home Carnevale in Venice. left, perhaps because of the seductive views available with a pair of “We wanted to give this space a little shimmer but from its windows, Tiffany anchored the right corner of alabaster lamps not make it too glitzy,” says Tiffany. “So we chose a soft the room with a bench with rolled arms and an abstract and a contemporary metallic theme that you don’t tire of.” painting by local artist Kerri Rosenthal. painting by local artist Amy Vischio. • The palette of icy blues, soft grays, muted silvers, In what was a narrow and spare sunroom covered A mirror in a frame and brushed golds is evident everywhere you look: in with an awkward atrium roof, Tiffany hung floor-to- of opalescent shells linen draperies that glint with a metallic finish; in the ceiling sheers on a track that travels the length of the lends the dining room an extra mirrored bar that houses stereo equipment as well as room and behind the tufted and ribbed gray-velvet set- shimmer. • Polished liquor bottles; in delicate mesh draperies the color of tee. The sheers soften the space while providing cover nickel hoops Tiffany zinc; in the gold-leafed chandelier that hangs in the from harsh sunlight—“it can really bake in here,” likens to “jewelry” Decorator Tiffany adorn the backs of “tower room” where Kimberly pages through the Times Kimberly says—and create a billowing if not intrigu- Eastman created a “cave” over a cup of coffee; and in the soothing hues she chose ing passage between the apartment’s spacious private the dining chairs. of a dining room with charcoal-gray Venetian for the walls and ceilings, many of them custom blends. deck, which affords a view of three soaring church plaster on the walls and a one-of-a-kind plaster 76 GREENWICHMAG.COM crosshatch on the ceiling. march 2012 greenwich 77
  • 4. “ knew it was time to embark on a new I An upholstered headboard is embellished with nail heads and a journey, one which would allow me wall of built-in shelving provides to explore areas of creative interest. I space for keepsakes and art. decided that the only way to do so would be to dramatically change my current life, which meant selling my home, leaving a wonderful career and taking the leap into an undefined new world.” —Kimberly Blue To brighten up the kitchen, a narrow alley with a breakfast area on one end, Tiffany suggested paint- ing the dark cabinets a doveish white and replacing the emerald-green granite countertop with a milky Carrera marble. For a matching backsplash, she found petite subway tiles that not only impart a feminine touch but also show her eye for scale. “I can’t tell you how many tiles I went through to match this slab,” says Tiffany. “I am obsessively meticulous.” The home offers an abundance of sensual vignettes that make the connection between aesthetic beauty and quiet contentment, gracious little spaces that soothe the soul with the tranquility that derives from thoughtful appointments in serene surroundings. The “tower room,” where Kimberly reads her morn- A luminous angel spires at one time, and its interior quarters. ing paper, is a jewel box of a space that juts out from by Valeriy Skrypka Despite the apartment’s quirks, its decoration the footprint of the rest of the penthouse and feels as appears to watch over Kimberly as she required very few structural changes, with the excep- though it is floating above the ground below. With sleeps. On the same tion of the powder room on the first floor, which its vaulted ceiling and six arched windows—two on wall hangs a painting Kimberly gutted. Now warmed by a gray paint with each of its three walls—it’s a room where Kimberly of a grenade that says “Sweet Dreams” in gilt a lustrous patina that suggests the texture of silk, it says she feels like Rapunzel. Tiffany ebonized a pair lettering. • A gray vinyl features a Hudson pearl-marble sink basin on a metal of Regency chairs and accessorized the windows with bench sits beneath a stand and a white Thassos marble tile floor arranged in sheers that enhance the floating effect. A glass-topped gilt-framed mirror. a herringbone pattern. Guéridon table with a gold-leafed bezel and legs serves 78 GREENWICHMAG.COM march 2012 greenwich 79
  • 5. A panel of sheers runs the length of the sunroom and softens the light that streams in through the atrium roof. The as a delicate complement to the chairs and echoes the view of three church spires, Kimberly patina of the chandelier. explains, gives her Though she has thrown several successful cocktail a spiritual sense of parties, Kimberly says she has not yet mastered the art peace. of the complete dinner party. But when she eventually figures it out, the dining room is ready. Arranged to facilitate comfortable conversation for a gathering of six, it is an intimate space that feels like a dark cave where you might be persuaded, with the help of a gob- let of fine red Burgundy, to impart your most closely held secrets. Finished in a charcoal-gray Venetian plaster whose painterly strokes are reflected in a soffitted ceiling finished in a hand-painted, one-of-a-kind plaster cross- hatch, it centers on a highly polished round table sur- rounded by high-backed chairs that are upholstered and skirted in a heavy gauge poly-cotton. Little pol- ished-nickel hoops adorn the backs of the chairs and mirror the swoops of a contemporary glass chandelier. A large mirror, whose frame is encrusted in delicate, opalescent seashells, adds to the room’s luster. Having new lodging has enabled Kimberly to Kimberly on her “I had a panic attack when I unpacked that mirror,” indulge another budding interest: a passion for art. To spacious terrace • To update an says Tiffany. “I have to admit I brought my glue gun.” complement a collection that already includes several ’80s kitchen with seascapes under moody skies, as well as a pair of emerald-green Fostering the Future portraits of whimsical imps from a series by Steven granite countertops and dark cabinetry, When she’s not working out in her upstairs gym or Hopwood-Lewis entitled “Heroes,” and that she calls the cabinets were taking in the view from one of her many windows, “Judgment” and “Grace,” she has been drawn to a painted white and Kimberly says she finds sanctuary in her bedroom, a handful of contemporary Ukrainian artists whose a Carrera marble seemingly soundproof place located on the first floor. work possesses a striking otherworldliness. countertop and matching marble It is arrayed in pillows and awash in shades of white. In the dining room hangs a canvas by Valeriy Skrypka subway tiles cut to The mirror-fronted armoire features delicate fretwork; that depicts a boy releasing butterflies from his hands; a petite scale were outfitted with a padded seat, large windows admit in the powder room there is a portrait of a woman installed. natural light; and a luxurious bed with an upholstered whom Kimberly says is “leaving her past behind and headboard embellished with nail-heads promises a embracing her future” by Mykola Zhuravel, an artist- restful sleep. One wall is dedicated to built-in shelv- beekeeper who mixes honeycombs into his works; in ing that showcases objects that appear to be precious: her bedroom there is a luminous angel also by Skrypka; a still life of voluptuous roses; a large conch shell; a and in the guest room on the second floor, an etching childhood portrait of Kimberly wearing white gloves; by Kiev-born Oleksiy Fedorenko entitled “Little Flora,” a rare cluster of coral. which features a young girl from whose head is sprout- “You need a retreat from the world outside,” says ing a flowering stalk. Tiffany. The quiet contemplation the room seems to “She’s dreaming of the future,” says Kimberly. encourage is underscored by a subtle flourish that Little Flora may not be the only female in this house Kimberly is eager to point out.“Wait until you see this,” imagining a happy road ahead. she says as she coaxes her guest into her bathroom, a In Kimberly’s bedroom hangs her proudest—and twinkling smile on her face. perhaps most provocative— acquisition of all: a white In the vanity mirror that hangs above the sink and gold hand grenade emblazoned with the prescrip- appears the reflection of a tapered church spire that is tion, “Sweet Dreams.” visible through the window on the opposite wall. It seems she’s already stepped through that next “Isn’t that amazing?” she asks. door. G 80 GREENWICHMAG.COM march 2012 greenwich 81
  • 6. Fairfield County’s premiere home design competition a-list awards it’s time to make your mark bring your a-game. panel of judges DOUGLAS FRIEDMAN JAY ACKERMAN JOHN BESSLER CELERIE KEMBLE GARY BREWER THOM FILICIA COREY PAPADOPOLI ALEXA HAMPTON VICTORIA HAGAN PETER PENNOYER RICHARD HARTLAGE STEPHEN STIMSON + your host Kemble Interiors Robert A.M. Stern Thom Filicia, Inc. Elliott + Elliott Architecture Mark Hampton, LLC Victoria Hagan Interiors Peter Pennoyer Architects AHBL, Inc. Stephen Stimson ERIC COHLER, Architects Associates Landscape Eric Cohler Design Architects enter now