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World-Renowned Brain Specialist & Former NASA Scientist
WARNED The Government About The Damaging E ects Of
Isolation During The Pandemic - And A Harvard Study Just
Proved He Was Right
Now, He's Blowing The Whistle & Revealing The 6 Biggest
Consequences On The Brain From The Pandemic That NO ONE Is
Telling You
If You Feel Like You're Mentally & Physically Worse O Than Before The
Pandemic, It's Not Your Imagination And This Report Could Be Critical To Your
Long-Term Health
Mainstream media won't talk about it...
Dr. Fauci won't talk about it...
And the larg est g overnment ag encies won't talk about it...
Because it doesn't " t their ag enda"...
Well if no one one else is g oing to tell you the truth... I suppose it's up to me.
I tried to warn them. I freely o ered my 50 years of brain expertise to them for the g ood of my country...
And no one listened.
Hopefully today, you will have the courag e...
Because for millions of Americans who have made it throug h the pandemic, our brains simply aren't what they used to
T hey've chang ed since the pandemic, and studies say, not for the better.
According to a devastating new report from Harvard, the years-long period of lifestyle disruptions have trig g ered brain
in ammation that a ects overall mental health.
Which could lead to serious health issues down the road... including Alzheimer's.
T his is the national health crisis no one will talk about...
And yet, there is a simple protocol that can reverse the damag e that's been done to your brain over the past few years
and g et you operating at pre-pandemic levels.
If that sounds like a) the answer to your prayers, and b) too g ood to be true...
Click here
T hen trust me, you're in the rig ht place.
If you just haven't felt the same since the pandemic… if you feel like you can't think straig ht, have trouble focusing ...
If your mood g oes up and down without warning , or your memory seems fog g y and unclear...
I urg e you to keep reading , because what you're about to learn will have a real, lasting impact on your brain - today,
tomorrow, and even years from now.
Because today, in this report, you're about to discover...
T he shocking truth about what the pandemic has
done to the health of your brain
What "pandemic brain" is and why millions of
Americans are su ering from it without even
Why I tried to warn our g overnment that isolating
people was the WORST thing they could have done
for our wellbeing
T he Harvard study that con rmed my worst fears
about isolation during the pandemic
T he 5 big g est consequences the pandemic has had
on the brain
How brain in ammation could pave the way for
Alzheimer's disease if not addressed immediately
Why the modern approach to stopping cog nitive
decline is all wrong
T he 7 "Pillars of Brain Health"
And nally...
T he revolutionary, doctor-formulated protocol that
will reverse brain in ammation incurred by the
pandemic and restore your brain to where it was
before covid-19
Now, I should warn you rig ht now...
If you're hoping this is g oing to be another pitch from the "masterminds" of Big Pharma...
If you think the ONLY way to enjoy a healthy, active, strong brain is throug h medication...
You should stop reading now...
Because Big Pharma has already won. T hey've sold you a lie and unfortunately, you boug ht it.
IF, however, you're ready to hear from a world-renowned brain health expert...
Who is ready to blow the whistle on Big Pharma's shady tactics and reveal a simple, at-home method that will help you
defeat "Pandemic Brain" and g et you back to the cog nitive streng th you enjoyed before this whole mess started...
T hen please, I urg e you to continue reading this critical report.
First, thoug h, I need to take you back to a time that was not very long ag o, yet feels like another lifetime.
T hink back to March 2020... Which will g o down as one of the most sig ni cant months in American history...
T ry to remember the uncertainty in the air...
Click here
We saw what was happening in China, and then Italy...
And we were told we were next.
Surely, it wouldn't be as bad as everyone thoug ht, rig ht?
Government-issued lockdowns? Stay-at-home orders?
Maybe in far-away lands, but that wasn't us...
T hat wasn't America...
Rig ht?
T hen we started hearing the rumors...
About the "new normal"...
And what that would mean for each of us...
And I sprang into action...
Because I knew what would happen if we were con ned to our homes and basically prohibited from interacting with
each other...
And the lasting damag e it would have on our brains.
Sadly, it looks like I was rig ht.
I used my considerable contacts within the U.S. g overnment and made calls to everyone I could think of...
I wrote emails... impassioned letters...
Even tried communicating over social media...
Anything I could think of to try and tell them what I knew...
Which is what happens to the human brain when it's deprived of real, quality interaction with others...
And even more concerning ... what that could mean for long -term brain health.
Well, the lockdowns happened, and what's done is done, and now we're left to clean up the mess our elected o cials
made for us...
Namely, dang erous in ammation on our brains, as con rmed by a Harvard study.
Which is what led me to develop the one-of-a-kind "Pandemic Brain Rejuvenation Protocol" that I'm about to share with
T hat will help you hit the “reset” button on your brain, which has probably ag ed 15 years in the last 3...
And help g et your brain running like it was before we ever heard the term "covid-19."
Best of all, you'll be able to better protect yourself ag ainst deadly neurodeg enerative diseases like Alzheimer's, and
keep your brain happy and healthy for life.
Now you mig ht be thinking , "T hat's impossible - there's nothing you can do to g ht Alzheimer's."
Well, think ag ain...
Because with this simple, at-home method, you can boost your brain power and g ive yourself the best chance for
optimal brain health your entire life.
Click here
And contrary to what you may have been told, the path to full cog nitive streng th doesn't need to involve taking
dang erous medication...
In fact, as I'm about to reveal, many experts ag ree that simply taking a pill for brain health is like using an ice pack to
heal a broken bone.
I can con dently say, in all my 50 years of experience practicing medicine, there has never been an at-home method for
reducing brain in ammation and boosting overall cog nitive streng th that is as simple or e ective as I'm about to reveal
And it works for anyone who feels like their memory has dimmed, or they just can't stay focused on important tasks, or
are worried about losing their independence due to a failing brain.
Best of all, it helps defeat "swollen brain" and g ets you back to the sharp, quick-witted person you feel like you've lost
over the past few years.
So how have our brains chang ed since the pandemic started? And why is it such a serious issue? We'll g et to that in just
a second...
First, let me quickly introduce myself to you...
My name is Dr. Sam Walters. My patients call me
Dr. Sam.
And as I just mentioned, I've been practicing medicine
for over half a century...
I've helped thousands and thousands of patients
boost their brain health, improve their memory and
even reverse existing harm done to the brain.
And the crowning achievement of my career occurred
when I was asked to become a scientist for NASA...
Where it was my job to ensure the health of astronauts in order to keep their minds sharp while in the deep, lonely
reaches of space.
I'm incredibly humbled to say I've been reg arded as one of the world's foremost experts on brain health and memory...
T o put it frankly, I know how the human brain works. I know what it needs to function properly and the thing s it should
And that was certainly the case long before the pandemic started...
So when I say this, you can rest assured I do not do so lig htly:
T he conditions of prolong ed isolation as a result of the covid-19 pandemic were like a toxic potion for the brain...
Each of its ing redients more sinister than the last.
Fear. Uncertainty. Stress. Frustration. Loneliness.
T hese thing s are like poison to the brain, and like many poisons, their e ects can ling er long after they've been ushed
from the body...
Which is why I was making frantic calls to everyone on my contacts list within the United States g overnment, with one
very stern warning ...
"Isolating the entire country will have DIRE consequences on our
brains for years to come."
Now, maybe they thoug ht I was overreacting . Maybe they thoug ht I was just looking to g et my name in the news...
Maybe they thoug ht they had no other choice...
Whatever their reason, no one ever g ot back to me or responded to my repeated warning s about the damag ing e ects
of isolation.
And now, because the g overnment forced us to stay home and live in isolation for multiple years...
Our brains have been altered.
We now su er from what I've come to call "Pandemic Brain," where the stressors, isolation and loneliness of the covid-
19 pandemic have altered our brains and put us on track for long -term brain issues.
T his was my worst fear - exactly what I tried to warn our leaders about...
And my words fell on deaf ears.
Is it too late? Can we g et back what we lost?
In my expert opinion...
You CAN undo the damag e that's been done to your
brain by being forced to isolate...
You can rejuvenate your brain and reg ain the
cog nitive streng th you had before the pandemic...
And you can do it without having to swallow a
handful of di erent pills that Big Pharma swears is
the only way for you to keep a healthy brain.
In fact, in just a moment I'm g oing to reveal the 7 Pillars of Brain Health, and show how you can integ rate them into
your lives as easily as possible...
So that you can g ht back ag ainst the "swollen brain" epidemic that has taken over this country.
First, thoug h, I want to make sure you understand a couple key thing s:
How the brain works, how it becomes in amed or "swollen," and how serious this problem is...
Because it's not g oing to be g etting any coverag e on the 24-hour news stations tonig ht, tomorrow or any other nig ht...
And yet it's g ot hug e implications for your long -term health and independence.
T hink about a time you twisted, rolled or sprained your ankle and it became swollen...
It's happened to all of us at one point in our lives... and it can make even the simplest everyday tasks a frustrating and
painful experience.
And that's just an ANKLE.
Brain in ammation has been linked to everything from brain fog to unclear thoug hts and mental fatig ue...
T o even poor memory, slow mental speed, inability to focus and poor judg ment.
Ag ain, this is one of the most sig ni cant fallouts from the pandemic with reg ards to your health, and no one is talking
about it.
And this needs to chang e...
Because when you're living with Pandemic Brain, you're stuck living a life that makes you feel less like you're in the
"driver's seat"...
And more like you're "stuck in the mud."
When you lose mental sharpness and that pep in your step that you've enjoyed throug hout your life...
After years of hard work and sacri ce in order to secure a successful career, start a beautiful family, and become part of
a community...
Well, take it from me, a brain health expert who has helped thousands of patients with their memory and brain health...
It makes your "Golden Years" a lot less g olden.
And that was the case long before this dreaded pandemic accelerated brain in ammation.
Memory loss... lack of youthful energ y... feeling like your best years are behind you...
Sound familiar?
T hat's not just your ag e... it's the lasting e ects of a time unlike any other in your life.
And if you think "There's no way the pandemic has had THAT big an impact on my brain health," consider this...
Brain in ammation is now being cited as a primary cause of
depression, and feeling "worn out" and "past your prime"...
So how does this happen?
Well, at the root of your swollen brain is an out-of-control response by the brain's immune system.
T hat's rig ht, your brain actually has its own immune system separate from the rest of the body!
And inside the immune system are specialized cells known as microg lia.
Let's put it this way...
T hink of your brain as a busy city.
T he neurons form a hig h-speed network that allows information to g et where it needs to be...
And the microg lia are like the emerg ency services, police force and sanitation department all rolled into one...
Whose job it is to keep out intruders, clean up g arbag e that shouldn't be there, protect brain cells and keep everything
running smoothly.
But that's not all...
Recent research has revealed we've massively underestimated how important these microg lial cells are to memory and
clear thinking .
T hat's because there's something else we've learned about microg lia...
And make sure you pay close attention here...
When you're exposed to major stressful events or recurring "micro-stressors"...
Just like what we've all been throug h in the past couple years with the pandemic...
T hose g lial cells can switch to attack mode.
And that, my friend, is a BIG problem.
Can you imag ine the utter chaos if the police, re and sanitation departments took up arms and went on a rampag e?
Well, the same is true in the case of a full-on "g lial assault."
T he fallout from the attack can cause the brain to swell to dang erous levels...
Which slows communication to a crawl...
Leading to brain fog , poor memory, di culty focusing ... and an overall slower, slug g ish brain that leaves you less
e cient and less independent.
No wonder it feels like our brains have ag ed 15 years in the last 3!
In my expert opinion, it's no exag g eration to say that the
last few years have left a permanent mark on the brain...
Which is why it's up to us to g ht back and minimize the
damag e...
Which I'm about to show you.
Just think back to what it was like in the beg inning of this
whole covid ordeal...
T he days turning into weeks...
Weeks into months...
And months... into years.
All that talk about " attening the curve" seemed to disappear after a while... and before we knew it, we were settled into
a "new normal" that none of us asked for.
Your brain is an amazing and wonderful thing ... it absorbs and stores information we're not even aware of...
And all those moments of stress and worry start to pile up...
Leaving you with a brain that is overworked, overstressed and overloaded...
And that's what trig g ers brain in ammation - and all the unwanted symptoms that come with it.
T hat's not just a hypothesis, by the way.
Remember that Harvard study I mentioned, that con rms the pandemic has trig g ered brain in ammation that a ects
mental health?
T he study, published in Brain, Behavior & Immunity, wanted to understand how stress resulting from the pandemic
a ected the brain and mental health...
So they analyzed brain imag ing data between folks whose information was g athered before lockdown, and 15 people
after the stay-at-home measures were implemented.
T he brain imag ing showed the 15 people tested after the restrictions were put into place had elevated levels of two
markers of neuroin ammation, or brain swelling - translocator protein and myoinositol - compared to those tested
before lockdown.
Hig her levels of translocator protein in certain parts of the brain has been connected with mood imbalance, as well as
mental and physical fatig ue.
Lead author of the study Ludovica Brusaferri, HMS postdoctoral research fellow in radiolog y at Massachusetts General
Hospital, says
"While COVID-19 research has seen an explosion in the
literature, the impact of pandemic-related societal and
lifestyle disruptions on brain health among the uninfected
has remained underexplored."
Brusaferri went on to call the study "an example of how the pandemic has impacted human health beyond the e ects
directly caused by the virus itself."
Once ag ain, as a person who has studied the brain for his entire career, this study's nding s are not the least bit
surprising .
Because one thing we absolutely know about the human brain is that it requires social stimulation.
It requires community. And isolating a person is, without question, one of the very worst thing s you can do to a brain.
So I'm sorry to say... I saw this coming ...
And I knew that if we were forced to isolate ourselves for long periods of time, our brains would be impacted in a very
neg ative way.
You mig ht be old enoug h to remember about thirty or so years ag o, when folks who wanted to adopt a child found they
mig ht have an easier time if the child were from Romania...
T his was the result of some truly horrifying national policies from Romania's last communist reg ime, and as a result,
the conditions of their orphanag es were made public...
And they were nothing short of a horror show.
T iny babies being discarded for the slig htest "de ciency"...
Children laying in their own waste and living on g ruel...
And worst of all, there was a total lack of a parent or g iver - an "attachment g ure" as child development expert John
Bowlby calls them.
Well-intentioned Americans intervened and adopted - or perhaps the better word is "rescued" - these Romanian
orphans from this living nig htmare...
I even know a few folks who completed the adoption process and welcomed these children into their families...
And each one told me the big g est concern they had was that the children were all disconnected, detached, and stunted -
physically, mentally and emotionally.
And why was this?
T hat's what isolation does to a human, in both mind and body.
T he orphans g ot to their new homes in America, and their emotional and ang er issues, coupled with severe learning
disabilities as a result of not being able to socialize, were crystal-clear.
I saw it rst-hand. It still haunts me.
T his doesn't just a ect kids. If you don't believe me, imag ine for a moment you found yourself the newest inmate at a
maximum security prison.
All your freedoms have been stripped away...
You're not a citizen -- you're a ward of the state.
Your neig hbors, peers and "friends" - the only people with whom you can socialize reg ularly...
Are some of the most dang erous, most heinous, and most repulsive people imag inable.
T he worst of the worst.
Is your rst thoug ht, "I just need to stay as far away as I can from these people"?
Well, experts say that feeling won't last, because being among even the most vile criminals imag inable is preferable to
And g uess who knows that well? T he justice system.
Why else would solitary con nement be the most
severe punishment they impose on prisoners?
Well, it turns out, our brains are so hard-wired to
socialize, we would rather interact with killers and
thug s than be left alone for long periods of time.
Perhaps that's why experts on torture have called
for a worldwide ban on the practice of prolong ed
solitary con nement.
Now of course, my concern at the moment isn't the mental health of our most hardened criminals...
It's the mental and emotional health of you and your family...
And all the people who were forced into isolation as a result of the pandemic.
And even thoug h our situation wasn't as severe as the type of solitary con nement practiced in prisons around the
T here's no question it's left a real, lasting mark on your brain.
T he REAL question is... how severe a mark is it?
Unfortunately, we just don't know yet...
T hat g roundbreaking study by Harvard is the rst of what I'm sure will be many, many investig ations on the long -
lasting damag e the pandemic-imposed isolation will have on our brains...
Yet I can con dently tell you... the nding s won't be g ood.
T hat's why I tried to warn the g overnment and let them know that forbidding contact with one another would lead to a
swollen, less capable brain...
T o no avail.
It will probably be another 10 years before we fully understand the scope of damag e this "new normal" had on our
However, as one of the world's foremost brain health specialists, I can tell you something that I absolutely know for a
We need to interact with each other. We need social stimulation.
T hat feeling of happiness and contentment you experience after seeing an old friend or family member?
T hat's how your brain feels after it's been g iven its most essential nutrient: interaction.
T his need for company is how the human species survived...
Our prehistoric ancestors needed to stick tog ether in order to survive, and the presence of other human being s
ensured protection and support for themselves and their o spring .
Years later, nothing has chang ed...
We may not be trying to avoid predators in the wild or hunting for our next meal...
Yet we are predisposed to seeking the company of others. When our brains are denied social sustenance...
We su er.
How so?
Let me g ive you some uncomfortable truths...
These are the 5 Most Dangerous Consequences
of Swollen Brain
Number one... Brain f og .
Ever walk into a room and wonder, "Why did I come in here?"
Or have to look at your watch multiple times just so you can reg ister what time it is?
Or be unable to recall important details from your life, like names, locations and sig ni cant events?
T hat is what we call brain fog , and it's made much worse by brain in ammation.
T hat's because brain in ammation slows down the ring between neurons, meaning the information you need passed
to and from di erent parts of the brain are slowed down, and you feel more slug g ish as a result.
Many of my clients complain about not being as sharp as they used to, and they assume it's because of their ag e, or
even g enetics...
When in fact, it's their swollen brain.
Number two consequence is mood imbalance, ang er and depression.
Bad days happen, there's no doubt.
Days when you just don't feel like yourself, and everything feels dull and g ray...
However, a swollen brain makes those feeling s much more di cult to manag e.
T his a ects the personality... and these chang es a ect not only you but the people you're closest to as well.
We tend to tell people to "just cheer up," or "g et some fresh air"...
Yet these issues may require something more than an attitude adjustment.
Remember, the brain is your body's "control center" and it's solely responsible for manag ing feeling s of ang er,
frustration and anxiousness.
Do you feel lately you've been more tense, irritable and, let's just put it frankly...
A little unpleasant?
Why is that?
Well, ag ain - it may not have anything to do with your choices or a short fuse...
It could be because of brain in ammation.
A happy, healthy brain of normal size lters out those feeling s of anxiousness, frustration and ang er...
Just like how an air lter in a car removes unwanted,
dirty air.
Without it, you would be riding in a car lled with
dirty air all day.
Imag ine how bad driving would be if the dust, dirt
and pollution stayed in your car without being
ltered out?
Well, the same thing g oes on in the brain.
You need a relaxed, healthy brain to keep the atmosphere clear, crisp and pleasant.
Otherwise, it can feel nearly impossible to stay calm or keep your mood balanced...
And over time it can even lead to depression.
In ammation in the brain releases in ammatory cytokines, which act like messeng ers between org ans and alert the
body to g ht infection.
However, these in ammatory cytokines can also reach the brain and a ect critical cellular processes involved in
reg ulating mood and behavior.
Markers of in ammation have also been found to be elevated in people who su er from depression compared to non-
depressed people. And in fact, one study examined twins who share 100% of the same g enes...
And the study found that the twin who had a hig her CRP concentration (a measure of in ammation) was more likely to
develop depression ve years later.
And a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry has found clinical depression is associated with a 30% increase of
in ammation in the brain.
T he third consequence of brain in ammation is chronic f atig ue.
If you just don't feel like you've g ot enoug h "pep in your step" since the pandemic started, it's probably not your
imag ination...
Chronic fatig ue is a direct symptom of brain in ammation, because when your brain is swollen, it compromises the
"facilitation system" which is needed when we're fatig ued, in order to boost sig nals from the motor cortex to keep our
muscles moving .
In other words, our brains don't have the capacity to send the appropriate sig nals to the rest of our body and our
energ y levels plummet.
T his was only recently con rmed in a Japanese study that found brains showing widespread neuroin ammation was
present in those with chronic fatig ue syndrome.
When you're fatig ued, you make less healthy choices, such as skipping a workout or eating so-called "comfort" foods
that only serve to hurt your brain and overall health even more...
So this really is a vicious cycle that needs to stop.
Now, the fourth consequence of a swollen brain is it compromises your homeostasis.
Homeostasis is how we describe the state of steady, internal, physical, and chemical conditions in a living system.
In other words, keeping your body in homeostasis means everything is running smoothly as it should.
Brain in ammation a ects many di erent parts of the brain, however one of the most consequential is the
Which is the reg ion of your brain responsible for keeping your body in homeostasis.
When the hypothalamus is a ected, it becomes di cult to reg ulate everything from emotions to body temperature...
And even your sex drive.
Not only that, it plays a role in keeping your blood pressure and heart rate at optimal levels.
T o put it simply, brain in ammation can ruin your homeostasis and neg atively a ect you from head to toe, inside and
And that's still not the most concerning risk of brain in ammation...
Which is what we need to talk about rig ht now.
T he 5th consequence I need to warn you about when it comes to brain in ammation...
Is that it increases your risk of Alzheimer's.
Listen, over 50 years of practicing medicine and specializing in brain health...
I can't tell you how hard it is - even today - to hear a patient tell me, tears in their eyes, that they're afraid...
Because they think their brains are failing them.
Not only are they experiencing the typical symptoms of brain fog ... they fear it's g etting much worse.
And as I've said, this pandemic has ag ed our brains at least 15 years...
Which is evident in the recent discovery of rampant brain in ammation that's occurred.
And if brain fog , depression, chronic fatig ue and a ruined homeostasis isn't enoug h to alert you to the seriousness of
the situation...
Hopefully this will be.
Brain In ammation Is The "Missing Trigger" For
I wish it weren't the case. I wish I could tell you the two weren't connected. Yet that's what the science points to...
And in fact, a recent study found that in ammation in the brain drives the prog ression of dang erous amyloid plaque to
the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's.
A team of researchers at the University of Cambridg e examined brain scans by subjects that detected in ammation and
junk proteins present in front-totemporal dementia, or FT D.
T he researchers found that the more in ammation there was in a brain, the more harmful build-up of dang erous
plaque there was.
Dr T homas Cope from the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at Cambridg e said...
"We predicted the link between in ammation in the brain and the build-up of damaging proteins... But even we were surprised by
how tightly these two problems mapped on to each other."
T he study concluded that there may be a "vicious circle" where cell damag e trig g ers in ammation, which in turn leads to
further cell damag e.
Hopefully now, you understand that we're not just g hting a virus...
We're g hting what our response to the virus has done to us... and our brains.
Covid-19 chang ed more than we ever anticipated. It took over a million Americans. Upended an economy. Completely
altered everyday life.
T hose of us who survived are left picking up the pieces
And now we know the truth... Or at least part of it.
We know the pandemic has undeniably a ected our brains.
T o what extent? It's hard to say... we won't really know for years.
However, that does NOT mean you are helpless...
Because as they say...
T he best defense is a g ood o ense.
And think of me as the head coach with 50 years of experience running the o ense.
I have the g ame plan.
I know how to g ht back ag ainst brain in ammation and g et you back to pre-pandemic levels...
So you aren't forced to confront the full damag e this pandemic has done to your brain in 5, 10 or 20 years.
And the best part is, this isn't g oing to be some fancy, expensive medication produced en masse by the suits at Big
Because I've always believed God has provided us with everything we need to survive and thrive...
So if you're looking for answers to brain health...
Look no further than Mother Nature.
And that's why I tell my patients:
The Key To Restoring Brain Health Isn't A Pill, It's
A Protocol
And if you think the best approach to defeating brain in ammation is some potentially harmful medication, let me g ive
you some stats...
Each year, Big Pharma shells out almost $30 billion in order to market their products...
And only about $6 billion of that g oes directly to consumers.
T he VAST majority - about 68% or 20 billion dollars - is directed at doctors.
In fact, 9 of the larg est Big Pharma companies spend more money on marketing than on research and development...
Just in case you were wondering where their priorities lie.
Here's how it works...
Each and every day, pharmaceutical companies send their attractive, well-spoken, g ift-bearing sales reps into doctors
o ces across the country to try and schmooze us.
T hey bring in samples of their company's latest and g reatest medicine, of course...
Yet that's not all they bring .
T hey bring in lots of "swag ": hats, pens, eece sweaters, and more...
All with their company's log o plastered on them.
T hey do this because they want those doctors to recommend and prescribe their new product to as many patients as
Reg ardless of whether or not it will bene t the patient.
And these sales reps are cunning ... because they aren't just handing out branded pens...
T hey're o ering vacations, cars and sometimes...
Just briefcases full of cash.
I know because it's happened to me many, many times before.
Fortunately, I've developed a pretty g ood reputation in the medical sales rep community as "Dr. No."
T hat means I'm not for sale, ever.
I'm here to show my patients the best possible path forward to a life of abundant health and wellness...
Using my knowledg e and expertise.
I am not, nor will I ever be, a shill for Big Pharma...
And to their credit, they seem to have g otten the messag e - the free lunches stopped coming to my o ce a long time
ag o.
Now, I tell you this because sometimes, the rig ht steps toward treatment isn't always a pill, despite what those
marketing g eniuses in Big Pharma would have you believe.
So let's g et back to brain in ammation and trying to prevent Alzheimer's...
Most brain medications operate in broad strokes, meaning they may decrease plaque in the brain...
Yet that may be the wrong approach to take, depending on the cause of the dementia.
And still, all the studies that have been done on various brain medications have never shown that any of them work well
enoug h to reverse Alzheimer's disease...
Some say that's the best we can do with where we
are in medicine today...
Not me.
Because the stakes are too hig h...
T his is YOUR brain we're talking about.
YOUR memories. YOUR freedom and independence.
T hey say insanity is doing the same thing over and over ag ain and expecting di erent results...
We need to move away from trying to "cure" Alzheimer's (and the brain in ammation that leads to it) and make a better
e ort toward preventing it from developing .
When you chang e the approach, you chang e the results.
Now, I'm willing to bet there's a part of you that ag rees with this, because you probably wouldn't still be reading if you
didn't think that maybe, just maybe...
We need to g o about improving brain health from a whole di erent direction.
What if we didn't rely on Big Pharma's lab-created concoctions for brain health?
What if, instead, we understood that by shifting the focus toward improving the health of the entire body, the brain's
functions will improve?
When the emphasis turns away from pharmaceuticals and onto various nutritional, environmental and emotional
factors that contribute to brain in ammation...
Real, lasting results can occur. I've seen it happen.
We have an idea of the damag e the pandemic has done to our mental streng th as a result of brain in ammation.
However, many experts - myself included - ag ree that simply turning to another anti-in ammatory drug is "short-
sig hted"...
And in fact...
“A comprehensive strategy to address the underlying social
issues that a ect our mental health will yield better results that
last longer.”
Listen, I've walked this road many times, well before the pandemic...
I've been helping folks battle brain in ammation for decades...
See, before I was a clinical brain health specialist...
I was the lead nutritional scientist at the NASA astronaut prog ram.
In space, the brain is constantly swelling , due to microg ravity
So it becomes a g reat challeng e to prevent this...
And back then, we had the full support of the American g overnment, not to mention a hug e budg et to provide as much
support to the astronauts' brains...
Because in space, there's no help.
T hose astronauts are more alone and on their own than most of us can even imag ine...
And just one moment of "brain fog " or slip of the mind could be disastrous...
Which is why these seeming ly "minor" brain issues are no laug hing matter to me...
And it's also why I felt like it was up to me to confront the issue of "Pandemic Brain" head on, for the g ood of my
Well, you're in g ood hands, because I know what I'm doing .
Are you ready to g et back what you lost during this pandemic?
Are you ready to be the alert, sharp, quick-witted person you know you should be?
Are you ready to nally put this pandemic in the rearview mirror and g et on with your life... and not have to worry about
long -term brain issues showing up later on down the road?
If so... then the protocol I'm about to reveal is g oing to be the most sig ni cant step you take for your brain health all
T his is an easy-to-follow, e ective strateg y to defeat brain in ammation and g et your brain back to its former g lory...
and possibly better than ever...
Before lockdowns and masks and social distancing turned your world upside-down.
Not only that, but following this simple method sets your brain up for success... for the rest of your life.
Do you want to know how to avoid Alzheimer's?
It's the same way you avoid a dam collapsing ...
You don't wait until the water is about to burst throug h the walls and cause catastrophic damag e before you act.
Instead, you repair the cracks the moment they appear.
T hat brain fog you feel? T he forg etfulness, poor memory, and inability to focus? T he overwhelming stress and anxiety,
and sour mood?
T hose are the cracks. And I'm about to provide the sealant...
And it's not g oing to be another anti-in ammatory pill, either...
T his protocol will address the most important aspects of a healthy, happy brain, by utilizing what I call...
The 7 Pillars of Brain Health
Just like an e ective formula, this protocol will incorporate di erent "ing redients" that have been proven over and over
to be hig hly e ective in boosting brain health..
Pillar #1: Smiling & Gratitude
Yes, sometimes the simplest thing s are the most e ective. Smiling can have an amazing e ect on the health of your
And it's something I've utilized in my practice for decades.
Whenever a patient of mine would be in my o ce, and they would tell me they've been feeling down, the rst thing I tell
them is to put a smile on their face...
Simple enoug h, rig ht?
Well, then I tell them that if the smile drops before they leave my o ce, I'm billing them twice.
T hat's how serious I am about smiling ! Because studies have repeatedly shown that even if you just act happy, your
brain will beg in to believe it and shift your emotions according ly.
"Act as if and you will become."
And there's a speci c way to instantly boost your happiness and g et you smiling every sing le morning that I'm about to
reveal, after I tell you about...
Pillar #2: Get Moving!
Exercise for Americans dropped an alarming 32% among already active adults once stay-at-home orders went into
e ect...
And for non-active Americans, that means physical activity became almost non-existent.
T hat's a problem, because there's an undeniable connection between exercise and brain health.
When you stay active, not only do you keep your body in shape and ward o obesity-related illnesses...
You also keep your mind sharp!
A study published in Neurolog y found that people who were t as young adults had a better memory, strong er motor
skills and a g reater ability to stay focused and control emotions 25 years later when they were middle-ag ed.
16 17
Now, if you think I'm about to drop an intense, military-style exercise reg imen on you... think ag ain.
Like I said, this protocol is g oing to be simple for anyone to implement...
And g etting enoug h exercise to satisfy your brain and body health is probably much easier than you think...
And it doesn't require any special equipment or athletic prowess.
Pillar #3: Play the RIGHT Brain Games
T he worldwide revenue for brain g ames g rew from $200 million to over $1 billion in 2012 and it's only continued to
g row from there...
And unfortunately, like any industry that g ains popularity, it's attracted charlatans and hucksters.
In fact, most of the popular brain g ames you see sold online may have sharp marketing ...
However, they're not proven to make you sharp.
And I don't want you wasting your time and money on some slick, g immicky g ame that doesn't do anything to restore
your brain and boost overall cog nitive streng th.
My unique protocol will not only show you what brain g ames to avoid...
It'll also g ive you speci c g ames that you can play every day - for free - to improve your brain power.
T hese g ames will speci cally targ et your "working memory" - that's the part of our brain that takes information you
already know, and manipulates it to suit your surrounding s.
Pillar #4: Music
I don't know about you, but I couldn't carry a tune with a 10-g allon bucket...
And that's ok!
You don't need to be musically g ifted to utilize this important pillar of brain health.
Simply listening to music can have hug e brain bene ts that help rejuvenate your brain and maximize cog nitive
streng th...
And a recent review found four di erent studies that concluded listening to music resulted in decreased levels of the
pro-in ammatory cytokine IL-6, a commonly used marker of in ammation.
However, there is a small catch...
It's g ot to be a SPECIFIC type of music...
Sort of...
I'll explain in a minute... Rig ht after:
Pillar #5: Mind-Body Balancing
Did covid make you feel like you were being pulled in a million di erent directions... yet you had nowhere to g o?
Well, you're not alone... I felt that way too.
Stress can have a hug e impact on your memory and overall brain health...
And too much of it can lead to brain in ammation and memory loss.
T aking some time out of your day to decompress and relax your mind is g oing to be essential if you want to defeat
"Pandemic Brain" and reduce brain in ammation.
Never meditated a day in your life? Don't know how to even start?
Maybe when you think of meditation, you're picturing a bunch of monks sitting in silence for hours and hours on end...
Well don't worry, the simple method I use can be done by ANYONE, ANYWHERE...
And it takes 5 minutes a day.
I've been recommending this short routine to my patients for years and I've had people tell me it's now one of the most
important parts of their day...
Because it's T HAT e ective in calming stress and reducing anxiousness.
Pillar #6: Keep a Journal
Pretty simple, rig ht?
Well, only about 8 percent of the population actually keeps a journal...
And that's too bad, because journaling has been proven to g reatly help boost your memory and improve
comprehension and memory capacity...
As well as boost your mood and improve immune function... which is one of the main drivers of in ammation
throug hout the brain and body.
It's one of the best thing s you can do for your brain, and I'll show you the most e ective ways to journal - even if you
haven't done it since childhood (or ever) - in just a second...
Rig ht after we talk about the 7th, and arg uably most important, pillar of brain health...
Pillar #7: Reduce Added Sugar & Eat In ammation-Reducing
Remember, my time at NASA was spent as a nutritional scientist...
Because it was my job to develop the nutrition bars that astronauts would eat while in the deep reaches of space...
In order to prevent brain in ammation and keep their minds sharp.
And there's no two ways about it... if you're serious about reversing the damag e that's been done to your brain...
We need to have an honest evaluation of sug ar intake.
Now, I'm not talking about the sug ars you nd naturally in fruits...
For the most part, fruits contain enoug h nutrients to justify enjoying g rapes, watermelon and other delicious fruits as
long as you don't eat larg e quantities.
I'm talking about the added sug ars you nd in sodas, cany, desserts...
And even foods you may think are healthy, like g ranola bars, yog urt and ketchup.

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Defeating Pandemic Brain

  • 1. SHOCKING REPORT: World-Renowned Brain Specialist & Former NASA Scientist WARNED The Government About The Damaging E ects Of Isolation During The Pandemic - And A Harvard Study Just Proved He Was Right Now, He's Blowing The Whistle & Revealing The 6 Biggest Consequences On The Brain From The Pandemic That NO ONE Is Telling You If You Feel Like You're Mentally & Physically Worse O Than Before The Pandemic, It's Not Your Imagination And This Report Could Be Critical To Your Long-Term Health Mainstream media won't talk about it... Dr. Fauci won't talk about it... And the larg est g overnment ag encies won't talk about it... Because it doesn't " t their ag enda"... Well if no one one else is g oing to tell you the truth... I suppose it's up to me. I tried to warn them. I freely o ered my 50 years of brain expertise to them for the g ood of my country... And no one listened. Hopefully today, you will have the courag e... Because for millions of Americans who have made it throug h the pandemic, our brains simply aren't what they used to be. T hey've chang ed since the pandemic, and studies say, not for the better. According to a devastating new report from Harvard, the years-long period of lifestyle disruptions have trig g ered brain in ammation that a ects overall mental health. 1 Which could lead to serious health issues down the road... including Alzheimer's. T his is the national health crisis no one will talk about... And yet, there is a simple protocol that can reverse the damag e that's been done to your brain over the past few years and g et you operating at pre-pandemic levels. If that sounds like a) the answer to your prayers, and b) too g ood to be true... Click here
  • 2. T hen trust me, you're in the rig ht place. If you just haven't felt the same since the pandemic… if you feel like you can't think straig ht, have trouble focusing ... If your mood g oes up and down without warning , or your memory seems fog g y and unclear... I urg e you to keep reading , because what you're about to learn will have a real, lasting impact on your brain - today, tomorrow, and even years from now. Because today, in this report, you're about to discover... T he shocking truth about what the pandemic has done to the health of your brain What "pandemic brain" is and why millions of Americans are su ering from it without even realizing Why I tried to warn our g overnment that isolating people was the WORST thing they could have done for our wellbeing T he Harvard study that con rmed my worst fears about isolation during the pandemic T he 5 big g est consequences the pandemic has had on the brain How brain in ammation could pave the way for Alzheimer's disease if not addressed immediately Why the modern approach to stopping cog nitive decline is all wrong T he 7 "Pillars of Brain Health" And nally... T he revolutionary, doctor-formulated protocol that will reverse brain in ammation incurred by the pandemic and restore your brain to where it was before covid-19 Now, I should warn you rig ht now... If you're hoping this is g oing to be another pitch from the "masterminds" of Big Pharma... If you think the ONLY way to enjoy a healthy, active, strong brain is throug h medication... You should stop reading now... Because Big Pharma has already won. T hey've sold you a lie and unfortunately, you boug ht it. IF, however, you're ready to hear from a world-renowned brain health expert... Who is ready to blow the whistle on Big Pharma's shady tactics and reveal a simple, at-home method that will help you defeat "Pandemic Brain" and g et you back to the cog nitive streng th you enjoyed before this whole mess started... T hen please, I urg e you to continue reading this critical report. First, thoug h, I need to take you back to a time that was not very long ag o, yet feels like another lifetime. T hink back to March 2020... Which will g o down as one of the most sig ni cant months in American history... T ry to remember the uncertainty in the air... Click here
  • 3. We saw what was happening in China, and then Italy... And we were told we were next. Surely, it wouldn't be as bad as everyone thoug ht, rig ht? Government-issued lockdowns? Stay-at-home orders? Maybe in far-away lands, but that wasn't us... T hat wasn't America... Rig ht? T hen we started hearing the rumors... About the "new normal"... And what that would mean for each of us... And I sprang into action... Because I knew what would happen if we were con ned to our homes and basically prohibited from interacting with each other... And the lasting damag e it would have on our brains. Sadly, it looks like I was rig ht. I used my considerable contacts within the U.S. g overnment and made calls to everyone I could think of... I wrote emails... impassioned letters... Even tried communicating over social media... Anything I could think of to try and tell them what I knew... Which is what happens to the human brain when it's deprived of real, quality interaction with others... And even more concerning ... what that could mean for long -term brain health. Well, the lockdowns happened, and what's done is done, and now we're left to clean up the mess our elected o cials made for us... Namely, dang erous in ammation on our brains, as con rmed by a Harvard study. Which is what led me to develop the one-of-a-kind "Pandemic Brain Rejuvenation Protocol" that I'm about to share with you... T hat will help you hit the “reset” button on your brain, which has probably ag ed 15 years in the last 3... And help g et your brain running like it was before we ever heard the term "covid-19." Best of all, you'll be able to better protect yourself ag ainst deadly neurodeg enerative diseases like Alzheimer's, and keep your brain happy and healthy for life. Now you mig ht be thinking , "T hat's impossible - there's nothing you can do to g ht Alzheimer's." Well, think ag ain... Because with this simple, at-home method, you can boost your brain power and g ive yourself the best chance for optimal brain health your entire life. Click here
  • 4. And contrary to what you may have been told, the path to full cog nitive streng th doesn't need to involve taking dang erous medication... In fact, as I'm about to reveal, many experts ag ree that simply taking a pill for brain health is like using an ice pack to heal a broken bone. I can con dently say, in all my 50 years of experience practicing medicine, there has never been an at-home method for reducing brain in ammation and boosting overall cog nitive streng th that is as simple or e ective as I'm about to reveal And it works for anyone who feels like their memory has dimmed, or they just can't stay focused on important tasks, or are worried about losing their independence due to a failing brain. Best of all, it helps defeat "swollen brain" and g ets you back to the sharp, quick-witted person you feel like you've lost over the past few years. So how have our brains chang ed since the pandemic started? And why is it such a serious issue? We'll g et to that in just a second... First, let me quickly introduce myself to you... My name is Dr. Sam Walters. My patients call me Dr. Sam. And as I just mentioned, I've been practicing medicine for over half a century... I've helped thousands and thousands of patients boost their brain health, improve their memory and even reverse existing harm done to the brain. And the crowning achievement of my career occurred when I was asked to become a scientist for NASA... Where it was my job to ensure the health of astronauts in order to keep their minds sharp while in the deep, lonely reaches of space. I'm incredibly humbled to say I've been reg arded as one of the world's foremost experts on brain health and memory... T o put it frankly, I know how the human brain works. I know what it needs to function properly and the thing s it should avoid. And that was certainly the case long before the pandemic started... So when I say this, you can rest assured I do not do so lig htly: T he conditions of prolong ed isolation as a result of the covid-19 pandemic were like a toxic potion for the brain... Each of its ing redients more sinister than the last. Fear. Uncertainty. Stress. Frustration. Loneliness. T hese thing s are like poison to the brain, and like many poisons, their e ects can ling er long after they've been ushed from the body... Which is why I was making frantic calls to everyone on my contacts list within the United States g overnment, with one very stern warning ... "Isolating the entire country will have DIRE consequences on our brains for years to come."
  • 5. Now, maybe they thoug ht I was overreacting . Maybe they thoug ht I was just looking to g et my name in the news... Maybe they thoug ht they had no other choice... Whatever their reason, no one ever g ot back to me or responded to my repeated warning s about the damag ing e ects of isolation. And now, because the g overnment forced us to stay home and live in isolation for multiple years... Our brains have been altered. We now su er from what I've come to call "Pandemic Brain," where the stressors, isolation and loneliness of the covid- 19 pandemic have altered our brains and put us on track for long -term brain issues. T his was my worst fear - exactly what I tried to warn our leaders about... And my words fell on deaf ears. Is it too late? Can we g et back what we lost? In my expert opinion... YES. You CAN undo the damag e that's been done to your brain by being forced to isolate... You can rejuvenate your brain and reg ain the cog nitive streng th you had before the pandemic... And you can do it without having to swallow a handful of di erent pills that Big Pharma swears is the only way for you to keep a healthy brain. In fact, in just a moment I'm g oing to reveal the 7 Pillars of Brain Health, and show how you can integ rate them into your lives as easily as possible... So that you can g ht back ag ainst the "swollen brain" epidemic that has taken over this country. First, thoug h, I want to make sure you understand a couple key thing s: How the brain works, how it becomes in amed or "swollen," and how serious this problem is... Because it's not g oing to be g etting any coverag e on the 24-hour news stations tonig ht, tomorrow or any other nig ht... And yet it's g ot hug e implications for your long -term health and independence. T hink about a time you twisted, rolled or sprained your ankle and it became swollen... It's happened to all of us at one point in our lives... and it can make even the simplest everyday tasks a frustrating and painful experience. And that's just an ANKLE. Brain in ammation has been linked to everything from brain fog to unclear thoug hts and mental fatig ue... T o even poor memory, slow mental speed, inability to focus and poor judg ment. Ag ain, this is one of the most sig ni cant fallouts from the pandemic with reg ards to your health, and no one is talking about it. And this needs to chang e...
  • 6. Because when you're living with Pandemic Brain, you're stuck living a life that makes you feel less like you're in the "driver's seat"... And more like you're "stuck in the mud." When you lose mental sharpness and that pep in your step that you've enjoyed throug hout your life... After years of hard work and sacri ce in order to secure a successful career, start a beautiful family, and become part of a community... Well, take it from me, a brain health expert who has helped thousands of patients with their memory and brain health... It makes your "Golden Years" a lot less g olden. And that was the case long before this dreaded pandemic accelerated brain in ammation. Memory loss... lack of youthful energ y... feeling like your best years are behind you... Sound familiar? T hat's not just your ag e... it's the lasting e ects of a time unlike any other in your life. And if you think "There's no way the pandemic has had THAT big an impact on my brain health," consider this... Brain in ammation is now being cited as a primary cause of depression, and feeling "worn out" and "past your prime"... So how does this happen? Well, at the root of your swollen brain is an out-of-control response by the brain's immune system. T hat's rig ht, your brain actually has its own immune system separate from the rest of the body! And inside the immune system are specialized cells known as microg lia. Let's put it this way... T hink of your brain as a busy city. T he neurons form a hig h-speed network that allows information to g et where it needs to be... And the microg lia are like the emerg ency services, police force and sanitation department all rolled into one... Whose job it is to keep out intruders, clean up g arbag e that shouldn't be there, protect brain cells and keep everything running smoothly. But that's not all...
  • 7. Recent research has revealed we've massively underestimated how important these microg lial cells are to memory and clear thinking . T hat's because there's something else we've learned about microg lia... And make sure you pay close attention here... When you're exposed to major stressful events or recurring "micro-stressors"... Just like what we've all been throug h in the past couple years with the pandemic... T hose g lial cells can switch to attack mode. And that, my friend, is a BIG problem. Can you imag ine the utter chaos if the police, re and sanitation departments took up arms and went on a rampag e? Well, the same is true in the case of a full-on "g lial assault." T he fallout from the attack can cause the brain to swell to dang erous levels... Which slows communication to a crawl... Leading to brain fog , poor memory, di culty focusing ... and an overall slower, slug g ish brain that leaves you less e cient and less independent. No wonder it feels like our brains have ag ed 15 years in the last 3! In my expert opinion, it's no exag g eration to say that the last few years have left a permanent mark on the brain... Which is why it's up to us to g ht back and minimize the damag e... Which I'm about to show you. Just think back to what it was like in the beg inning of this whole covid ordeal... T he days turning into weeks... Weeks into months... And months... into years. All that talk about " attening the curve" seemed to disappear after a while... and before we knew it, we were settled into a "new normal" that none of us asked for. Your brain is an amazing and wonderful thing ... it absorbs and stores information we're not even aware of... And all those moments of stress and worry start to pile up... Leaving you with a brain that is overworked, overstressed and overloaded... And that's what trig g ers brain in ammation - and all the unwanted symptoms that come with it. T hat's not just a hypothesis, by the way. Remember that Harvard study I mentioned, that con rms the pandemic has trig g ered brain in ammation that a ects mental health? 2 T he study, published in Brain, Behavior & Immunity, wanted to understand how stress resulting from the pandemic a ected the brain and mental health... So they analyzed brain imag ing data between folks whose information was g athered before lockdown, and 15 people after the stay-at-home measures were implemented. T he brain imag ing showed the 15 people tested after the restrictions were put into place had elevated levels of two markers of neuroin ammation, or brain swelling - translocator protein and myoinositol - compared to those tested before lockdown. Hig her levels of translocator protein in certain parts of the brain has been connected with mood imbalance, as well as mental and physical fatig ue. Lead author of the study Ludovica Brusaferri, HMS postdoctoral research fellow in radiolog y at Massachusetts General Hospital, says Clickhere
  • 8. "While COVID-19 research has seen an explosion in the literature, the impact of pandemic-related societal and lifestyle disruptions on brain health among the uninfected has remained underexplored." Brusaferri went on to call the study "an example of how the pandemic has impacted human health beyond the e ects directly caused by the virus itself." Once ag ain, as a person who has studied the brain for his entire career, this study's nding s are not the least bit surprising . Why? Because one thing we absolutely know about the human brain is that it requires social stimulation. It requires community. And isolating a person is, without question, one of the very worst thing s you can do to a brain. So I'm sorry to say... I saw this coming ... And I knew that if we were forced to isolate ourselves for long periods of time, our brains would be impacted in a very neg ative way. You mig ht be old enoug h to remember about thirty or so years ag o, when folks who wanted to adopt a child found they mig ht have an easier time if the child were from Romania... T his was the result of some truly horrifying national policies from Romania's last communist reg ime, and as a result, the conditions of their orphanag es were made public... And they were nothing short of a horror show. T iny babies being discarded for the slig htest "de ciency"... Children laying in their own waste and living on g ruel... And worst of all, there was a total lack of a parent or g iver - an "attachment g ure" as child development expert John Bowlby calls them. Well-intentioned Americans intervened and adopted - or perhaps the better word is "rescued" - these Romanian orphans from this living nig htmare... I even know a few folks who completed the adoption process and welcomed these children into their families... And each one told me the big g est concern they had was that the children were all disconnected, detached, and stunted - physically, mentally and emotionally. And why was this? ISOLAT ION. T hat's what isolation does to a human, in both mind and body. T he orphans g ot to their new homes in America, and their emotional and ang er issues, coupled with severe learning disabilities as a result of not being able to socialize, were crystal-clear. I saw it rst-hand. It still haunts me.
  • 9. T his doesn't just a ect kids. If you don't believe me, imag ine for a moment you found yourself the newest inmate at a maximum security prison. All your freedoms have been stripped away... You're not a citizen -- you're a ward of the state. Your neig hbors, peers and "friends" - the only people with whom you can socialize reg ularly... Are some of the most dang erous, most heinous, and most repulsive people imag inable. T he worst of the worst. Is your rst thoug ht, "I just need to stay as far away as I can from these people"? Well, experts say that feeling won't last, because being among even the most vile criminals imag inable is preferable to isolation. And g uess who knows that well? T he justice system. Why else would solitary con nement be the most severe punishment they impose on prisoners? Well, it turns out, our brains are so hard-wired to socialize, we would rather interact with killers and thug s than be left alone for long periods of time. Perhaps that's why experts on torture have called for a worldwide ban on the practice of prolong ed solitary con nement. Now of course, my concern at the moment isn't the mental health of our most hardened criminals... It's the mental and emotional health of you and your family... And all the people who were forced into isolation as a result of the pandemic. And even thoug h our situation wasn't as severe as the type of solitary con nement practiced in prisons around the world... T here's no question it's left a real, lasting mark on your brain. T he REAL question is... how severe a mark is it? Unfortunately, we just don't know yet... T hat g roundbreaking study by Harvard is the rst of what I'm sure will be many, many investig ations on the long - lasting damag e the pandemic-imposed isolation will have on our brains... Yet I can con dently tell you... the nding s won't be g ood. T hat's why I tried to warn the g overnment and let them know that forbidding contact with one another would lead to a swollen, less capable brain... T o no avail. It will probably be another 10 years before we fully understand the scope of damag e this "new normal" had on our brains... However, as one of the world's foremost brain health specialists, I can tell you something that I absolutely know for a fact... We need to interact with each other. We need social stimulation. T hat feeling of happiness and contentment you experience after seeing an old friend or family member?
  • 10. T hat's how your brain feels after it's been g iven its most essential nutrient: interaction. T his need for company is how the human species survived... Our prehistoric ancestors needed to stick tog ether in order to survive, and the presence of other human being s ensured protection and support for themselves and their o spring . 3 Years later, nothing has chang ed... We may not be trying to avoid predators in the wild or hunting for our next meal... Yet we are predisposed to seeking the company of others. When our brains are denied social sustenance... We su er. How so? Let me g ive you some uncomfortable truths... These are the 5 Most Dangerous Consequences of Swollen Brain Number one... Brain f og . Ever walk into a room and wonder, "Why did I come in here?" Or have to look at your watch multiple times just so you can reg ister what time it is? Or be unable to recall important details from your life, like names, locations and sig ni cant events? T hat is what we call brain fog , and it's made much worse by brain in ammation. T hat's because brain in ammation slows down the ring between neurons, meaning the information you need passed to and from di erent parts of the brain are slowed down, and you feel more slug g ish as a result. 4 Many of my clients complain about not being as sharp as they used to, and they assume it's because of their ag e, or even g enetics... When in fact, it's their swollen brain. Number two consequence is mood imbalance, ang er and depression. Bad days happen, there's no doubt. Days when you just don't feel like yourself, and everything feels dull and g ray... However, a swollen brain makes those feeling s much more di cult to manag e. T his a ects the personality... and these chang es a ect not only you but the people you're closest to as well.
  • 11. We tend to tell people to "just cheer up," or "g et some fresh air"... Yet these issues may require something more than an attitude adjustment. Remember, the brain is your body's "control center" and it's solely responsible for manag ing feeling s of ang er, frustration and anxiousness. Do you feel lately you've been more tense, irritable and, let's just put it frankly... A little unpleasant? Why is that? Well, ag ain - it may not have anything to do with your choices or a short fuse... It could be because of brain in ammation. A happy, healthy brain of normal size lters out those feeling s of anxiousness, frustration and ang er... Just like how an air lter in a car removes unwanted, dirty air. Without it, you would be riding in a car lled with dirty air all day. Imag ine how bad driving would be if the dust, dirt and pollution stayed in your car without being ltered out? Well, the same thing g oes on in the brain. You need a relaxed, healthy brain to keep the atmosphere clear, crisp and pleasant. Otherwise, it can feel nearly impossible to stay calm or keep your mood balanced... And over time it can even lead to depression. In ammation in the brain releases in ammatory cytokines, which act like messeng ers between org ans and alert the body to g ht infection. However, these in ammatory cytokines can also reach the brain and a ect critical cellular processes involved in reg ulating mood and behavior. 5 Markers of in ammation have also been found to be elevated in people who su er from depression compared to non- depressed people. And in fact, one study examined twins who share 100% of the same g enes... And the study found that the twin who had a hig her CRP concentration (a measure of in ammation) was more likely to develop depression ve years later. 6 And a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry has found clinical depression is associated with a 30% increase of in ammation in the brain. 7 T he third consequence of brain in ammation is chronic f atig ue. If you just don't feel like you've g ot enoug h "pep in your step" since the pandemic started, it's probably not your imag ination... Chronic fatig ue is a direct symptom of brain in ammation, because when your brain is swollen, it compromises the "facilitation system" which is needed when we're fatig ued, in order to boost sig nals from the motor cortex to keep our muscles moving . In other words, our brains don't have the capacity to send the appropriate sig nals to the rest of our body and our energ y levels plummet.
  • 12. T his was only recently con rmed in a Japanese study that found brains showing widespread neuroin ammation was present in those with chronic fatig ue syndrome. 8 When you're fatig ued, you make less healthy choices, such as skipping a workout or eating so-called "comfort" foods that only serve to hurt your brain and overall health even more... So this really is a vicious cycle that needs to stop. Now, the fourth consequence of a swollen brain is it compromises your homeostasis. Homeostasis is how we describe the state of steady, internal, physical, and chemical conditions in a living system. 9 In other words, keeping your body in homeostasis means everything is running smoothly as it should. Brain in ammation a ects many di erent parts of the brain, however one of the most consequential is the hypothalamus... Which is the reg ion of your brain responsible for keeping your body in homeostasis. When the hypothalamus is a ected, it becomes di cult to reg ulate everything from emotions to body temperature... And even your sex drive. Not only that, it plays a role in keeping your blood pressure and heart rate at optimal levels. T o put it simply, brain in ammation can ruin your homeostasis and neg atively a ect you from head to toe, inside and out. And that's still not the most concerning risk of brain in ammation... Which is what we need to talk about rig ht now. T he 5th consequence I need to warn you about when it comes to brain in ammation... Is that it increases your risk of Alzheimer's. Listen, over 50 years of practicing medicine and specializing in brain health... I can't tell you how hard it is - even today - to hear a patient tell me, tears in their eyes, that they're afraid...
  • 13. Because they think their brains are failing them. Not only are they experiencing the typical symptoms of brain fog ... they fear it's g etting much worse. And as I've said, this pandemic has ag ed our brains at least 15 years... Which is evident in the recent discovery of rampant brain in ammation that's occurred. And if brain fog , depression, chronic fatig ue and a ruined homeostasis isn't enoug h to alert you to the seriousness of the situation... Hopefully this will be. Brain In ammation Is The "Missing Trigger" For Alzheimer's I wish it weren't the case. I wish I could tell you the two weren't connected. Yet that's what the science points to... And in fact, a recent study found that in ammation in the brain drives the prog ression of dang erous amyloid plaque to the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. 10 A team of researchers at the University of Cambridg e examined brain scans by subjects that detected in ammation and junk proteins present in front-totemporal dementia, or FT D. T he researchers found that the more in ammation there was in a brain, the more harmful build-up of dang erous plaque there was. Dr T homas Cope from the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at Cambridg e said... "We predicted the link between in ammation in the brain and the build-up of damaging proteins... But even we were surprised by how tightly these two problems mapped on to each other." T he study concluded that there may be a "vicious circle" where cell damag e trig g ers in ammation, which in turn leads to further cell damag e. 11 Hopefully now, you understand that we're not just g hting a virus... We're g hting what our response to the virus has done to us... and our brains. Covid-19 chang ed more than we ever anticipated. It took over a million Americans. Upended an economy. Completely altered everyday life. T hose of us who survived are left picking up the pieces And now we know the truth... Or at least part of it. We know the pandemic has undeniably a ected our brains. T o what extent? It's hard to say... we won't really know for years. However, that does NOT mean you are helpless... Because as they say... T he best defense is a g ood o ense. And think of me as the head coach with 50 years of experience running the o ense. I have the g ame plan. I know how to g ht back ag ainst brain in ammation and g et you back to pre-pandemic levels...
  • 14. So you aren't forced to confront the full damag e this pandemic has done to your brain in 5, 10 or 20 years. And the best part is, this isn't g oing to be some fancy, expensive medication produced en masse by the suits at Big Pharma... Because I've always believed God has provided us with everything we need to survive and thrive... So if you're looking for answers to brain health... Look no further than Mother Nature. And that's why I tell my patients: The Key To Restoring Brain Health Isn't A Pill, It's A Protocol And if you think the best approach to defeating brain in ammation is some potentially harmful medication, let me g ive you some stats... Each year, Big Pharma shells out almost $30 billion in order to market their products... And only about $6 billion of that g oes directly to consumers. T he VAST majority - about 68% or 20 billion dollars - is directed at doctors. 12 In fact, 9 of the larg est Big Pharma companies spend more money on marketing than on research and development... 13 Just in case you were wondering where their priorities lie. Here's how it works... Each and every day, pharmaceutical companies send their attractive, well-spoken, g ift-bearing sales reps into doctors o ces across the country to try and schmooze us. T hey bring in samples of their company's latest and g reatest medicine, of course... Yet that's not all they bring . T hey bring in lots of "swag ": hats, pens, eece sweaters, and more... All with their company's log o plastered on them. T hey do this because they want those doctors to recommend and prescribe their new product to as many patients as possible... Reg ardless of whether or not it will bene t the patient. And these sales reps are cunning ... because they aren't just handing out branded pens... T hey're o ering vacations, cars and sometimes... Just briefcases full of cash. I know because it's happened to me many, many times before. Fortunately, I've developed a pretty g ood reputation in the medical sales rep community as "Dr. No." T hat means I'm not for sale, ever. I'm here to show my patients the best possible path forward to a life of abundant health and wellness... Using my knowledg e and expertise.
  • 15. I am not, nor will I ever be, a shill for Big Pharma... And to their credit, they seem to have g otten the messag e - the free lunches stopped coming to my o ce a long time ag o. Now, I tell you this because sometimes, the rig ht steps toward treatment isn't always a pill, despite what those marketing g eniuses in Big Pharma would have you believe. So let's g et back to brain in ammation and trying to prevent Alzheimer's... Most brain medications operate in broad strokes, meaning they may decrease plaque in the brain... Yet that may be the wrong approach to take, depending on the cause of the dementia. And still, all the studies that have been done on various brain medications have never shown that any of them work well enoug h to reverse Alzheimer's disease... Some say that's the best we can do with where we are in medicine today... Not me. Because the stakes are too hig h... T his is YOUR brain we're talking about. YOUR memories. YOUR freedom and independence. T hey say insanity is doing the same thing over and over ag ain and expecting di erent results... We need to move away from trying to "cure" Alzheimer's (and the brain in ammation that leads to it) and make a better e ort toward preventing it from developing . When you chang e the approach, you chang e the results. Now, I'm willing to bet there's a part of you that ag rees with this, because you probably wouldn't still be reading if you didn't think that maybe, just maybe... We need to g o about improving brain health from a whole di erent direction. What if we didn't rely on Big Pharma's lab-created concoctions for brain health? What if, instead, we understood that by shifting the focus toward improving the health of the entire body, the brain's functions will improve? When the emphasis turns away from pharmaceuticals and onto various nutritional, environmental and emotional factors that contribute to brain in ammation... Real, lasting results can occur. I've seen it happen. We have an idea of the damag e the pandemic has done to our mental streng th as a result of brain in ammation. However, many experts - myself included - ag ree that simply turning to another anti-in ammatory drug is "short- sig hted"... And in fact... “A comprehensive strategy to address the underlying social issues that a ect our mental health will yield better results that last longer.” Listen, I've walked this road many times, well before the pandemic... I've been helping folks battle brain in ammation for decades... See, before I was a clinical brain health specialist... I was the lead nutritional scientist at the NASA astronaut prog ram. In space, the brain is constantly swelling , due to microg ravity So it becomes a g reat challeng e to prevent this... 14
  • 16. And back then, we had the full support of the American g overnment, not to mention a hug e budg et to provide as much support to the astronauts' brains... Because in space, there's no help. T hose astronauts are more alone and on their own than most of us can even imag ine... And just one moment of "brain fog " or slip of the mind could be disastrous... Which is why these seeming ly "minor" brain issues are no laug hing matter to me... And it's also why I felt like it was up to me to confront the issue of "Pandemic Brain" head on, for the g ood of my country. Well, you're in g ood hands, because I know what I'm doing . Are you ready to g et back what you lost during this pandemic? Are you ready to be the alert, sharp, quick-witted person you know you should be? Are you ready to nally put this pandemic in the rearview mirror and g et on with your life... and not have to worry about long -term brain issues showing up later on down the road? If so... then the protocol I'm about to reveal is g oing to be the most sig ni cant step you take for your brain health all year. T his is an easy-to-follow, e ective strateg y to defeat brain in ammation and g et your brain back to its former g lory... and possibly better than ever... Before lockdowns and masks and social distancing turned your world upside-down. Not only that, but following this simple method sets your brain up for success... for the rest of your life. Do you want to know how to avoid Alzheimer's? It's the same way you avoid a dam collapsing ... You don't wait until the water is about to burst throug h the walls and cause catastrophic damag e before you act. Instead, you repair the cracks the moment they appear. T hat brain fog you feel? T he forg etfulness, poor memory, and inability to focus? T he overwhelming stress and anxiety, and sour mood? T hose are the cracks. And I'm about to provide the sealant... And it's not g oing to be another anti-in ammatory pill, either... T his protocol will address the most important aspects of a healthy, happy brain, by utilizing what I call... The 7 Pillars of Brain Health Just like an e ective formula, this protocol will incorporate di erent "ing redients" that have been proven over and over to be hig hly e ective in boosting brain health..
  • 17. Pillar #1: Smiling & Gratitude Yes, sometimes the simplest thing s are the most e ective. Smiling can have an amazing e ect on the health of your brain... And it's something I've utilized in my practice for decades. Whenever a patient of mine would be in my o ce, and they would tell me they've been feeling down, the rst thing I tell them is to put a smile on their face... Simple enoug h, rig ht? Well, then I tell them that if the smile drops before they leave my o ce, I'm billing them twice. T hat's how serious I am about smiling ! Because studies have repeatedly shown that even if you just act happy, your brain will beg in to believe it and shift your emotions according ly. "Act as if and you will become." And there's a speci c way to instantly boost your happiness and g et you smiling every sing le morning that I'm about to reveal, after I tell you about... Pillar #2: Get Moving! Exercise for Americans dropped an alarming 32% among already active adults once stay-at-home orders went into e ect... 15 And for non-active Americans, that means physical activity became almost non-existent. T hat's a problem, because there's an undeniable connection between exercise and brain health. When you stay active, not only do you keep your body in shape and ward o obesity-related illnesses... You also keep your mind sharp! A study published in Neurolog y found that people who were t as young adults had a better memory, strong er motor skills and a g reater ability to stay focused and control emotions 25 years later when they were middle-ag ed. 16 17 Now, if you think I'm about to drop an intense, military-style exercise reg imen on you... think ag ain. Like I said, this protocol is g oing to be simple for anyone to implement... And g etting enoug h exercise to satisfy your brain and body health is probably much easier than you think... And it doesn't require any special equipment or athletic prowess.
  • 18. Pillar #3: Play the RIGHT Brain Games T he worldwide revenue for brain g ames g rew from $200 million to over $1 billion in 2012 and it's only continued to g row from there... 18 And unfortunately, like any industry that g ains popularity, it's attracted charlatans and hucksters. In fact, most of the popular brain g ames you see sold online may have sharp marketing ... However, they're not proven to make you sharp. And I don't want you wasting your time and money on some slick, g immicky g ame that doesn't do anything to restore your brain and boost overall cog nitive streng th. My unique protocol will not only show you what brain g ames to avoid... It'll also g ive you speci c g ames that you can play every day - for free - to improve your brain power. T hese g ames will speci cally targ et your "working memory" - that's the part of our brain that takes information you already know, and manipulates it to suit your surrounding s. Pillar #4: Music I don't know about you, but I couldn't carry a tune with a 10-g allon bucket... And that's ok! You don't need to be musically g ifted to utilize this important pillar of brain health.
  • 19. Simply listening to music can have hug e brain bene ts that help rejuvenate your brain and maximize cog nitive streng th... And a recent review found four di erent studies that concluded listening to music resulted in decreased levels of the pro-in ammatory cytokine IL-6, a commonly used marker of in ammation. 19 However, there is a small catch... It's g ot to be a SPECIFIC type of music... Sort of... I'll explain in a minute... Rig ht after: Pillar #5: Mind-Body Balancing Did covid make you feel like you were being pulled in a million di erent directions... yet you had nowhere to g o? Well, you're not alone... I felt that way too. Stress can have a hug e impact on your memory and overall brain health... And too much of it can lead to brain in ammation and memory loss. 20 T aking some time out of your day to decompress and relax your mind is g oing to be essential if you want to defeat "Pandemic Brain" and reduce brain in ammation. Never meditated a day in your life? Don't know how to even start? Maybe when you think of meditation, you're picturing a bunch of monks sitting in silence for hours and hours on end... Well don't worry, the simple method I use can be done by ANYONE, ANYWHERE... And it takes 5 minutes a day. I've been recommending this short routine to my patients for years and I've had people tell me it's now one of the most important parts of their day... Because it's T HAT e ective in calming stress and reducing anxiousness.
  • 20. Pillar #6: Keep a Journal Pretty simple, rig ht? Well, only about 8 percent of the population actually keeps a journal... 21 And that's too bad, because journaling has been proven to g reatly help boost your memory and improve comprehension and memory capacity... As well as boost your mood and improve immune function... which is one of the main drivers of in ammation throug hout the brain and body. 22 It's one of the best thing s you can do for your brain, and I'll show you the most e ective ways to journal - even if you haven't done it since childhood (or ever) - in just a second... Rig ht after we talk about the 7th, and arg uably most important, pillar of brain health... Pillar #7: Reduce Added Sugar & Eat In ammation-Reducing Foods Remember, my time at NASA was spent as a nutritional scientist... Because it was my job to develop the nutrition bars that astronauts would eat while in the deep reaches of space... In order to prevent brain in ammation and keep their minds sharp. And there's no two ways about it... if you're serious about reversing the damag e that's been done to your brain... We need to have an honest evaluation of sug ar intake. Now, I'm not talking about the sug ars you nd naturally in fruits... For the most part, fruits contain enoug h nutrients to justify enjoying g rapes, watermelon and other delicious fruits as long as you don't eat larg e quantities. I'm talking about the added sug ars you nd in sodas, cany, desserts... And even foods you may think are healthy, like g ranola bars, yog urt and ketchup. CLICK HERE