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Providing Practical Support to Refugees


                                                                     Geoffrey N. Read

             TRUSTEES                                                in the absence of ...

                                                                     Lorna M. Sewell
Dear Friends and Supporters,                                         Chair, DCRSC Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees has been very busy
progressing the setting up of the new Asylum
Seeker & Refugee Organisation Consortium and                                      EDITORIAL COMMENT
its related Constitution.  The Board remains

completely confident that this will be very                                 ONTRIBUTIONS.            We welcome all
shortly achieved, thereby releasing the much                                contributions from anyone to our monthly
needed funding from Plymouth City Council.                                  Newsletters. Do you have something to
                                                                     include? Please pass your article or comment
There are several interesting snippets in this                       to the Editor whose contact details are at the
issue of our Newsletter, including the article on                    foot of each page. News, gossip, information,
the Draft Immigration & Citizenship Bill... so do                    notices, advertisements, photographs… anything
please read through it at your leisure!                              will be considered for inclusion.

Harvest Festival will be upon us next month and                          Deadline for the September 2008 issue:
we will soon be sending out an electronic email                                         Friday, 29th August 2008
shot to you all requesting that you remember
DCRSC at this special time. We rely on your
donations of food, cash and other items to keep                                         DISTRIBUTION
us afloat!

                                                                            ISTRIBUTION.          We would like to
We simply cannot afford to purchase Toiletries                              publicise our monthly Newsletters far
for our destitute clients and rely on you to                                and wide.        Unfortunately, due to
donate such items.       This includes soaps,                        financial constraints and to avoid postal
toothbrushes, razors, etc. You know the sort                         charges, we can only send copies to those on
of thing!                                                            email. A few spare copies will be available at
                                                                     the Reception Desk at DCRSC. The layout is
Could I also please also take this opportunity to                    designed so that it can be printed back-to-back
thank you all for very kind support during the                       so do please print off a copy and pass it to your
first six months of this year?       You have all                    friends.     If you are reading this and not
been truly wonderful!                                                already receiving a copy then please get in
                                                                     touch with the Editor.
               DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                     Or email: Or go to our new website at:
DCRSC OPENING HOURS                                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!

O                                                                    H
        PENING HOURS.            Due to reduced                             APPY     BIRTHDAY       to    Svetlana
        staffing, our Drop-in Opening Hours                                 ZAKHAROVA for Friday, 1        August.
        until further notice will be:                                       Svetlana was formerly a member of our
                                                                     Food Programme Team.
Mondays:       Drop-in 10 am – 2 pm.

Tuesdays:      Closed. Appointments only.
Wednesdays:    Drop-in 10 am - 2pm.                                       EST          WISHES         to      Svetlana
Thursdays:     Closed. Appointments only.                                 STOUPNIKOV. All members of DCRSC
Fridays:       Closed.                                                    would like to wish Svetlana all the very
                                                                     best for her birthday on Wednesday, 6th
Clients will be seen for appointments on
                                                                     August. Svetlana is a member of our Board of
Tuesdays and Thursdays only, and on Fridays
                                                                     Trustees, filling the post of Treasurer.
the office will be completely closed to clients.
You can telephone DCRSC on (01752) 265952.
                                                                     We hope that you both enjoy your special day
If anyone has an urgent enquiry on Tuesdays
                                                                     and thank you for all your hard work!
then please go to Refugee Action which is

located on the 4th Floor, Prideaux Court, Palace
                                                                                THERS?      Have we missed any?           Do
Street (not far from DCRSC). Their telephone
                                                                                please let me know! Ed.
number is (01752) 235030 and they will accept
telephone calls from Mondays to Fridays from
10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                                              DCRSC GENERAL MATTERS

                                                                            NNUAL        REPORT      FOR      2007.

                                                                            Electronic copies are available by email
        NGOING APPEAL.              DCRSC is a
                                                                            and our Administrator is currently
        registered charitable organisation and
                                                                     sending out copies to those who have already
        not    supported     by    any    national
                                                                     requested them. If anyone should like a hard
Governmental funding.       We rely totally on
                                                                     copy then please send an A4 SAE to the Editor.
donations. We ask for donations of cash, non-

perishable food, and items of clothing, bedding,
                                                                           OARD OF TRUSTEES. The Board held
and toiletries. If you are able to help, please
                                                                           a meeting on Wednesday, 16th July. The
contact the Editor in the first instance.
                                                                           next meeting will be held on Wednesday,
                                                                     3 September.         If there is something of
                 FAREWELL!                                           concern that you would like the Board to discuss
                                                                     then please mention it to the Editor who will

          e bid farewell to Marvella WOOD-                           pass it on to the Board.
          WOLFE (Vella) who has moved on to

          pastures new.     Monica covered all                                OMPOSITION             OF     THE   BOARD   OF
volunteering points during her time with DCRSC                                TRUSTEES.
and finally ended up in the Clothing Store.
Thank you for all your hard work Vella and best                      Trustees.     The following were confirmed as
wishes for the future!                                               Trustees at the AGM in June:
                                                                     Mrs. Lorna M. SEWELL
                                                                     Mr. Arnold D. MELHUISH
                                                                     Ms. Svetlana STOUPNIKOV
                                                                     Mrs. Elizabeth A. HARDINGE
                                                                     Mrs. Isatta KALLON
                                                                     Dr. Penelope KEY

               DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                     Or email: Or go to our new website at:
Board Members.    The following were elected                                 ALKS & PRESENTATIONS.             Two of
as Board Members at the Board Meeting held in                                volunteers, Geoff and Charlie, conducted
July:                                                                        two sessions of lectures and PowerPoint
Mrs. Lorna M. SEWELL (Chair)                                           Slide Shows at Estover Community College in
Mr. Arnold D. MELHUISH (Vice-Chair & Secretary)
                                                                       July.  Both presentations were well received
Ms. Svetlana STOUPNIKOV (Treasurer)
                                                                       and more sessions are being planned.
Co-opted Members.          The following are
currently serving as Co-opted Members to the                           Are you a School, Group or Organisation
Board:                                                                  that would welcome a Talk about the
Mr. Geoffrey N. READ
Mr. John SHINNER                                                                  work of DCRSC?
                                                                        Please get in touch with the Editor in

        EW DCRSC LEAFLET.             We have                                    the first instance.
        recently issued a brand-new leaflet to

        replace the earlier edition. All earlier
                                                                              RAINING DAY. Another Training Day
editions should now be destroyed as they
                                                                              for Auxiliary (Volunteer) Caseworkers
contain out-of-date information. We also have
                                                                              was held on Friday, 27 th June from 09:30
a brand new separate leaflet outlining our Food
                                                                       a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This was organised by Trish
Programme. If you would like to receive copies
                                                                       Baxter.     The next level of training will be
and have not already received them, please
                                                                       dealing with the Asylum Support Service
contact the Editor.
                                                                       Contract & Asylum Process for our clients so
                                                                       that we know how to assist them when they
                                                                       come to us with their needs.    This will take
                                                                       place on Friday, 1st August from 10:00 a.m. to
                                                                       3:00 p.m. Trish will give more details to those
                                                                       who are interested.

                                                                                OLUNTEERS’ MEETINGS

                                                                       July 2008 Meeting.      This was held at 10:00
                                                                       a.m. on Thursday, 31 July. The minutes have

      TAFF TEAM MEETINGS. Staff Team                                   been made available by email and hard copies
      Meetings are normally held on a                                  have been placed in the Volunteers‟ Box in the
      Wednesday every fortnight. The Staff                             Administration Office of DCRSC.
Team had a meeting on Wednesday, 9th July and
Arnold has emailed copies of the minutes to the                        August 2008 Meeting.      The next meeting will
Staff Team.    The next meeting is scheduled                           be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, 28th August
for Wednesday, 6th August at 3 p.m.                                    at DCRSC.     All volunteers are encouraged to

       TATISTICS. Geoff Read has produced
       the monthly statistics for DCRSC for
       the June 2008 and is currently working
on those for July.      These latest stats are
particularly important as it gives the run-down
for the first half of 2008. If anyone wishes to
have sight of any statistical information then do
please contact the Editor directly in the first
instance. The 2007 statistics are included in
the 2007 Annual Report which is also now
                 DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                       Or email: Or go to our new website at:
V                                                                          W
      OLUNTEERS NEEDED!                We are                                          EBSITE.        We have a brand-new
      constantly seeking new volunteers to                                             website at long last!    Although this
      replace those who occasionally leave us.                                         site is up-and-running, there will be a
No special qualifications are necessary… simply                            lot of „tweaking‟ to be done in the next few
the ability to give a little of your time each                             weeks so please try to take a look at in each
week. We need more volunteers to assist us                                 week to see how it develops. We would welcome
with the following:                                                        any suggestions, criticisms and / or comments
                                                                           that you have regarding this site so please
   Clothing Store                                                         forward them to the Editor. This new website
   Food Programme                                                         was built for us by one of Volunteers who
   IT Supervision
                                                                           wishes to remain anonymous but we should like
   Reception Desk
                                                                           to give him / her our very sincerest thanks!
   Women‟s Group
                                                                           Simply click on this link or cut-and-paste it into
   We are also seeking selected volunteers to become
    Auxiliary Caseworker.                                                  your address box. Please also make a note of
                                                                           this link in your diaries, etc.
Would you like to help?      Please contact the                  
Editor in the first instance. He will then pass
those details to the appropriate Trustee /                                       THE DCRSC CLOTHING STORE
Staff Member who will arrange a short

interview over a cup of tea!                                                     ONATIONS.       Although located in the

                                                                                 basement of the DCRSC offices, the
       OLUNTEER’S       ROSTER     FOR      JULY                                 Clothing Store is managed by Churches
       2008.    John JEBB is responsible for                               Together in Plymouth (CTiP).        They would
       producing the roster.        The roster                             welcome any donations of clothing, etc., but are
includes the names of volunteers for the                                   currently in need of:
Reception Desk, the Food Team, Auxiliary
Caseworkers and the Clothing Store. Just the                                         Curtains                  No thank you!
one hard copy is displayed at the Centre... in the                                   Men’s Clothing            Yes please!
Kitchen. Please add you names to the list!                                           Men’s Shoes               Yes please!
                                                                                     Pots & Pans               Yes please!

                                                                                     Single Blankets           No thank you!
                                                                                     Sleeping Bags             Yes please!
           Sessions are usually held at 12 noon on
                                                                                     Toiletries                Yes please!
           the last Thursday of each month.                                          Children’s Clothing       No thank you!
The next session will be held at 12 noon on                                          Ladies Clothing           No thank you!
Thursday, 14th August. Other sessions planned
for the Summer are listed below. All ladies,                               Please note that no Ladies or Children‟s Clothing
including ladies with small children, will be most                         are required at the moment.       It would most
welcome to attend. Please contact Blerina or                               helpful if all donations were clean and of
Liz at the Centre for further information.                                 reasonable quality.    All contributions will be
                                                                           gratefully received and put to good use.
Thursday, 28th August
Thursday, 11th September                                                        THE DCRSC FOOD PROGRAMME
Thursday, 25th September

                                                                                  HANK YOU!         The volunteer Food
                                                                                  Programme Coordinator would like to
The Women‟s Development Group is currently in need
                                                                                  express his especial thanks to all those
   of materials, sewing thread, wools and knitting
                     equipment.                                            who gave their time and / or who made
  The cost can be beyond the means of our Clients.                         donations during recent months. Many thanks!
 If you are able to help, please hand items in at the
           Centre to either Liz or Blerina.
                     Thank You!
                     DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                           Or email: Or go to our new website at:
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR                                                            NEWS, GOSSIP &

      CRISIS COUNTRIES.      The following
      item was submitted by our Volunteer,                                  THIS SPACE COULD HAVE BEEN USED TO
Christine:                                                                          PLACE YOUR NOTICE!
Debt Campaigners have called for a moratorium on debt
repayments from countries afflicted by severe food                                    Why not contact the Editor?
shortages. The call came as the Food & Agriculture
Organisation met recently in Rome to discuss the food crisis

and G8 Finance Ministers met in Japan. Nick Dearden,
director of Jubilee Debt Campaign, said: “It‟s shocking that                      MADONNA           OF        SACRIFICE.
while many millions of people in the world are going short of                    Wordless reverence is the most fitting
food, their governments are still being forced to shell out                      tribute to the Mothers of All Lands.
millions of pounds a week to rich countries and banks. The
                                                                         May her sole remaining treasure, in the
terrible irony is that economic conditions, forced on poor
countries by the World Bank and the IMF in return for                    liberated and peace-blessed world of the
debt relief packages, have actually contributed to the crisis            future, live to realise that in the terrible vision
we are witnessing today.”                                                of the present his eyes have seen the glory of

                                                                         the coming of the Lord.
           PPRECIATION. The following item was
           submitted by our volunteer, Helen:

On behalf of my children and I, may I express my deep
appreciation to everyone that supported us in various ways
during a very difficult period of our lives whilst we were
imprisoned at Yarlswood, IRC, Bedfordshire. Thank you all
for writing letters, sending e-mails and faxes, signing
petitions, organising the various and massive campaigns and
for praying. Our appreciation also goes to all who visited us
at Yarlswood, the encouraging phone calls, cards and letters.
Thank you all for the many interventions from different
quarters and organisations particularly the MP, Mrs Lynda
Gilroy; Bishop John Ford and Father Sam Philpott with the
congregation at St. Peters Church. Also, the Management /
Trustees, Staff and Volunteers at the Devon & Cornwall
Refugee Support Council; Refugee Action in Plymouth; the
Governors, Principal, Staff and the amazing students of
Stoke Damerel Community College.        EMAS in Plymouth;
NCDAC; and the local newspapers.

Thank you ever so much, and may God in His infinite mercy
meet you all at your points of need. AMEN


                                                                         Editor’s Note: I came across a batch of these photographs
                                                                         and accompanying quotations. The above item is the third
                                                                         of the collection. I intend to publish each of the remainder
                                                                         every month. Ed.

Do you have something to say?
Do please write and tell us. Ed.
                   DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                         Or email: Or go to our new website at:
A                                                                         I
      PPLES  &   SNAKES,     COLLECTIVE                                         NDEPENDENT ASYLUM COMMISSION
      VOICES & AVID.         My place or                                        PUBLISHES SECOND AND THIRD
      yours? Saturday, 26th to Wednesday,                                       REPORTS. The Independent Asylum
29 October 2008. Free performance poetry                                  Commission‟s second report focused on the
workshops.                                                                treatment of refused asylum seekers, saying
An invitation – if you or your group would like to take part in           that the current system was inadequate. It said
a brand new live lit lyrical explosion, please read the poster
                                                                          that dawn raids by immigration officers should
at the end of this Newsletter!...
                                                                          be phased out and that voluntary return should

       RAFT         IMMIGRATION             AND                           be the “standard procedure” for refused asylum
       CITIZENSHIP BILL.             The draft                            seekers,” with force used only as a last resort.
       Immigration and Citizenship Bill was                               It also said that refused asylum seekers who
published on 14th July 2008. The Bill has been                            are unable to return through no fault of their
published in draft to allow Parliament and public                         own should be given temporary permission to
to provide their views on our plans before the                            work rather than being forced into destitution.
final Bill is introduced. If you would like to                            The third report called for a comprehensive
comment on the plans, a public scrutiny                                   review into the detention of an estimated 2,000
document setting out the proposed changes                                 children each year. "There should be an end to
there is a setting in the website given below. A                          the detention of children and age disputed
questionnaire is also provided so that you can                            young people," it said in its recommendations.
complete electronically and return to the Home                            For further News Reviews, please visit the
Office simplification team. DCRSC will be                                 Refugee Council website.

submitting a joint reply.
                                                                                  NE WORLD WEEK:
For further information, please go to:                                            19th -26th October 2008.    One World                           Week is a development educational
                                                                          charity, which encourages local people to use a

                                                                          week as a focus to get together for activities
     REE LUNCH AND ENGLISH CLASSES                                        and celebration of One World issues, using a
     for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and others                              common annual theme. This year it‟s „Growing
     who are unable to access provision.                                  Together‟.
Organised by Plymouth Faith Communities
Asylum Support Coordination Group. Lunch is at                            Some One World Facts:
1 p.m. and English Classes are at 2 p.m. every                              Founded 30 years ago.
Tuesday and Friday in the Stoke Damerel Parish                              It is a member of Development Education Association
                                                                             and the Trade Justice Movement.
Centre, Paradise Road (entrance behind the                                  Usually held around 24th October (United Nations Day).
Stoke Damerel Church).
For further information please contact: Marlene Schuster                  Millions of people around the world still do not enjoy that
on     (01752)    567420       or     email    her    on                  most fundamental right – the right to survive. Yet 2008 is                                             the 60th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human
                                                                          Rights which aspires to:

                                                                          “….a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of
                                                                          speech and belief and freedom from fear and want”

                                                                          One World Week Are Working Towards:

                                                                              Growing together – locally... By bringing together people of diverse
                                                                               cultures, of many faiths and none, to grow together in mutual
                                                                               understanding of shared values and commitment to each other‟s human
                                                                               rights locally and globally, and

                                                                              Growing together - globally... By learning more about how our local
                                                                               actions and personal lifestyles can affect the rights to a livelihood of
                                                                               members of our human family across the world, and what we can do to

                    DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                          Or email: Or go to our new website at:
“Sharing this fragile planet our rights are inextricably                           EFUGEE COUNCIL INFORMATION.
linked to those of our fellow human beings. However far
                                                                                   The following website gives some very
away the event may be, if another human being anywhere is
denied their fundamental rights that impoverishes the                              useful information including:
world I inhabit.” Milind Kolhatkar, Chair of One World
Week, April 2008                                                              Language ID Chart
                                                                              Language Profiles
                                                                              Resources for Advisers
For further information, go to:                                          

P                                                                        T
                                                                                    EACHING       FELLOWSHIP     AWARDS
     and drink traders are being encouraged to
                                                                                    FOR ACADEMICS... The following
     get in quickly to snap up the last few
                                                                                    article was published in The Herald on
remaining stalls to sell local produce.     The
                                                                                    Tuesday, 8th July:
event, now in its fifth year, is to take place
between 15th and 17th August and will be held in                         Two academics at the University of Plymouth have won
the city centre‟s Piazza.                                                national awards to further their work.
                                                                         Avril Butler, senior lecturer in social work, and Dr. Chris

                                                                         Ricketts, sub-dean in the Faculty of Technology, have each
                                                                         been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from the
     THEATRE GROUP. This group is running a                              Higher Education Academy.
     theatre project every Sunday at 2.30 p.m.                           Fifty fellowships have been awarded across the country to
on Floor 1, Anglia House, Derry‟s Cross,                                 outstanding teachers. The university now has a total of 12
Plymouth. This project explores Kurdish culture
                                                                         They will each receive £10,000 for their professional and
and heritage.                                                            personal development and will collect their awards in London
If you are interested in attending or would like to know                 in September.
more then please call (01752) 262040 or 07856055376.                     Ms. Butler has led the Social Work Centre for Practice

                                                                         Learning at Plymouth and launched the Students & Refugees
     ECYCLING GOODS TO CITY FOLK                                         Together (START) project in 2001.

     WHO ARE IN NEED.          The following
     article was published in The Herald on                              Avril Butler is the Chair of the Board of
Saturday, 12th July:                                                     Governors of START.       All members and
                                                                         supporters     of   DCRSC     offer  their
A new Domestic Recycling Centre is set to open in                        congratulations to Avril on this great
Stonehouse, aimed at re-circulating goods such as fridges                achievement!
to people in need.

The Resettlement Agency, which is launching the Rendle
Street Centre, is also searching for more volunteers from                               EEKEND       BOLLYWOOD    AT
all walks of life to help with the project.                                             PLYMOUTH       ARTS   CENTRE:
As well as being a base for repairing and re-servicing white                            Saturday, 2nd & Sunday, 3rd
goods, the centre will be used as a furniture showroom.
                                                                                        August at 1pm.
Bosses are urging the public to donate goods such as
                                                                         Plymouth Arts Centre is screening a Weekend Bollywood
washing machines, fridges, freezers and electric cookers,
                                                                         film every season, beginning this weekend with Sarkar Raj.
which will not only help those who may not otherwise be able
                                                                         The film features the biggest stars of the Bollywood world
to afford them, but also lead to fewer ending up on landfill
                                                                         and is the much-awaited sequel to Sarkar. The film is
sites and harming the environment.
                                                                         screened as a matinee only, offering the chance to luxuriate
The non-profit group, part of the national Furniture Re-use
                                                                         in front of a film and relax whatever the weather is doing
Network, already runs two shops in Union Street and a
                                                                         outside. Sarkar Raj is an intense political drama, a study of
social inclusion service in Adelaide Street.
                                                                         power, which explores the politics of development and takes
Donated furniture is cleaned, reconditioned and then sold at
                                                                         a fresh look at the traditional versus the modernity debate.
low cost, or given away free, to those who need it.
                                                                         When the CEO (Rai) of an international firm proposes a
The centre at 170 Rendle Street in Stonehouse will be open
                                                                         power plant in rural Maharashtra the insightful Shankar
from Monday, 14th July.
                                                                         (Abhishek) is quick to realise it‟s benefits.
Anybody wishing to donate re-usable furniture should
                                                                         But with shady fixers with an eye on multi-million kick backs
contact the Union Street office on (01752) 217046.
                                                                         complicating the issues, Shankar‟s dream project becomes a
Both centres‟ opening hours are 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. on Modays
                                                                         potential minefield.
to Fridays, and 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturdays.                            (Directed by Ram Gopal Varma, India, 2008, 125 mins, subtitled. Cast includes:
You can also visit their website at:                                     Aishwarya Rai, Abishnek Bachnan, Amitabh Bachchan).

                   DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                         Or email: Or go to our new website at:
Tickets just £3.50. Booking recommended on                               Friday, 15th August
 (01752) 206114. For further information go to:
                                                                          Christian                                               Dormition of the Theotokos
                                                                          An Orthodox festival that commemorates the death,
                                                                          resurrection, and glorification of Christ's mother.
                    DIARY DATES                                           Dormition means "falling asleep".

All dates are shown using the Gregorian (Western) calendar.               Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The calendar is accurate, but some dates may vary regionally              A largely Roman Catholic festival celebrating their belief
because they are determined by the lunar calendar. Jewish                 that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken body and soul
festivals usually begin at sundown on the previous day.                   into heaven.

If on the internet, just click on the faith links for further             Friday, 15th – to Sunday, 17th August
information. These are underlined. Ed.
                                                                          Plymouth Flavour Fest 2008
                                                                          (see separate article)
 Friday, 1st August
                                                                          Saturday, 16th August
 DCRSC Caseworker Training Day
 (see separate article)                                                   Hindu
                                                                          Raksha Bandhan
 Pagan                                                                    Raksha Bandhan is the Hindu festival that celebrates
 Lughnasadh - Lammas                                                      brotherhood and love.
 A harvest festival and one of the Pagan festivals of Celtic              "Raksha Bandhan" means a thread for protection.
 origin which split the year into four.
                                                                          Sunday, 17th August
 Saturday, 2nd & Sunday 3rd August
                                                                          Birthday of Marcus Garvey
 Weekend Bollywood at Plymouth Arts Centre
                                                                          Commemorates the birthday of Marcus Garvey, the
 (see separate article)
                                                                          Jamaican politician born in 1887 who predicted the crowning
                                                                          of a King in Africa, and instigated the 'Back to Africa'
 Wednesday, 6th August                                                    movement.

 DCRSC Staff Meeting
                                                                          Tuesday, 19th August
 (see separate article)
                                                                          Jamshedi Noruz (Shenshai)
                                                                          Zoroastrian New Year's Day in the Shenshai calendar.
 Orthodox Christian feast commemorating the sudden
 emanation of radiance from the person of Jesus that
 occurred on the mountain.
                                                                          Lailat-ul-Bara'h (Night of Forgiveness) is the time when
 Sunday, 10th August                                                      Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins.
                                                                          Muslims believe that on this night one's destiny is fixed for
                                                                          the year ahead.
 Tisha B'Av
 A solemn day that commemorates a series of tragedies that
 have befallen the Jewish people over the years, many of                  Sunday, 24th August
 which have coincidentally happened on this day.
                                                                          Khordad Sal (Shenshai)
 Thursday, 14th August                                                    The birthday of Zoroaster, celebrated on this date in the
                                                                          Shenshai calendar.
 DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session
 (see separate article)                                                   Hindu
                                                                          Janmashtami - Krishna Jayanti
                                                                          The Janamashtami festival marks the birth of Krishna, the
                                                                          most highly venerated God in the Hindu pantheon.

                    DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                          Or email: Or go to our new website at:
Thursday, 28th August                                                    Monday, 22nd September

DCRSC Volunteers’ Meeting                                                Pagan
(see separate article)                                                   Autumn Equinox
                                                                         This day is celebrated when day and night are of equal
DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session                                      duration.
(see separate article)
                                                                         Thursday, 25th September
                                                                         DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session
The most important Jain festival, it consists of eight
(Swetambara) or ten (Digambara) days of intensive fasting                (see separate article)
and repentance.
A time of reflection.                                                    Monday, 29th September

Friday, 29th August
                                                                         Navaratri (start)
                                                                         Navaratri (nine nights) symbolises the triumph of good over
Deadline Date
                                                                         evil and marks the start of autumn.
for articles for the DCRSC September Newsletter
(see separate article)                                                   Tuesday, 30th September

Tuesday, 2nd September                                                   Rosh Hashanah
                                                                         Jewish New Year
Ramadan (start)
Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting.                                  Sunday, 19th – Sunday, 26th October

                                                                         One World Week
Wednesday, 3rd September
                                                                         (see separate article)
DCRSC Meeting of the Board of Trustees
(see separate article)                                                   Saturday, 26th to Wednesday, 29th October

Hindu                                                                    Apples & Snakes, Collective Voices & AVID
Ganesh Chaturthi                                                         (see separate article and attached poster)
Hindus celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the
elephant-headed God.

Monday, 8th September

Feast of the Birth of Mary
Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches celebrate
the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus.

Nativity of the Theotokos
Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary.

Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Roman Catholics celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary.

Thursday, 11th September

DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session
(see separate article)

Ethiopian New Year
The start of the New Year in Ethiopia is recognised because
Rastafarians believe Ethiopia to be their spiritual homeland,
and a place to which they want to return.

                   DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC.
                         Or email: Or go to our new website at:

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DCRSC August 2008 newsletter

  • 1. DEVON & CORNWALL REFUGEE SUPPORT COUNCIL Providing Practical Support to Refugees NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2008 FOREWORD Geoffrey N. Read BY THE CHAIR OF THE DCRSC BOARD OF TRUSTEES in the absence of ... Lorna M. Sewell Dear Friends and Supporters, Chair, DCRSC Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees has been very busy progressing the setting up of the new Asylum Seeker & Refugee Organisation Consortium and EDITORIAL COMMENT its related Constitution. The Board remains C completely confident that this will be very ONTRIBUTIONS. We welcome all shortly achieved, thereby releasing the much contributions from anyone to our monthly needed funding from Plymouth City Council. Newsletters. Do you have something to include? Please pass your article or comment There are several interesting snippets in this to the Editor whose contact details are at the issue of our Newsletter, including the article on foot of each page. News, gossip, information, the Draft Immigration & Citizenship Bill... so do notices, advertisements, photographs… anything please read through it at your leisure! will be considered for inclusion. Harvest Festival will be upon us next month and Deadline for the September 2008 issue: we will soon be sending out an electronic email Friday, 29th August 2008 shot to you all requesting that you remember DCRSC at this special time. We rely on your donations of food, cash and other items to keep DISTRIBUTION us afloat! D ISTRIBUTION. We would like to We simply cannot afford to purchase Toiletries publicise our monthly Newsletters far for our destitute clients and rely on you to and wide. Unfortunately, due to donate such items. This includes soaps, financial constraints and to avoid postal toothbrushes, razors, etc. You know the sort charges, we can only send copies to those on of thing! email. A few spare copies will be available at the Reception Desk at DCRSC. The layout is Could I also please also take this opportunity to designed so that it can be printed back-to-back thank you all for very kind support during the so do please print off a copy and pass it to your first six months of this year? You have all friends. If you are reading this and not been truly wonderful! already receiving a copy then please get in touch with the Editor. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 1
  • 2. DCRSC OPENING HOURS HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! O H PENING HOURS. Due to reduced APPY BIRTHDAY to Svetlana st staffing, our Drop-in Opening Hours ZAKHAROVA for Friday, 1 August. until further notice will be: Svetlana was formerly a member of our Food Programme Team. Mondays: Drop-in 10 am – 2 pm. B Tuesdays: Closed. Appointments only. Wednesdays: Drop-in 10 am - 2pm. EST WISHES to Svetlana Thursdays: Closed. Appointments only. STOUPNIKOV. All members of DCRSC Fridays: Closed. would like to wish Svetlana all the very best for her birthday on Wednesday, 6th Clients will be seen for appointments on August. Svetlana is a member of our Board of Tuesdays and Thursdays only, and on Fridays Trustees, filling the post of Treasurer. the office will be completely closed to clients. You can telephone DCRSC on (01752) 265952. We hope that you both enjoy your special day If anyone has an urgent enquiry on Tuesdays and thank you for all your hard work! then please go to Refugee Action which is O located on the 4th Floor, Prideaux Court, Palace THERS? Have we missed any? Do Street (not far from DCRSC). Their telephone please let me know! Ed. number is (01752) 235030 and they will accept telephone calls from Mondays to Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. DCRSC GENERAL MATTERS A DONATIONS NNUAL REPORT FOR 2007. O Electronic copies are available by email NGOING APPEAL. DCRSC is a and our Administrator is currently registered charitable organisation and sending out copies to those who have already not supported by any national requested them. If anyone should like a hard Governmental funding. We rely totally on copy then please send an A4 SAE to the Editor. donations. We ask for donations of cash, non- B perishable food, and items of clothing, bedding, OARD OF TRUSTEES. The Board held and toiletries. If you are able to help, please a meeting on Wednesday, 16th July. The contact the Editor in the first instance. next meeting will be held on Wednesday, rd 3 September. If there is something of FAREWELL! concern that you would like the Board to discuss then please mention it to the Editor who will W e bid farewell to Marvella WOOD- pass it on to the Board. WOLFE (Vella) who has moved on to C pastures new. Monica covered all OMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF volunteering points during her time with DCRSC TRUSTEES. and finally ended up in the Clothing Store. Thank you for all your hard work Vella and best Trustees. The following were confirmed as wishes for the future! Trustees at the AGM in June: Mrs. Lorna M. SEWELL Mr. Arnold D. MELHUISH Ms. Svetlana STOUPNIKOV Mrs. Elizabeth A. HARDINGE Mrs. Isatta KALLON Dr. Penelope KEY DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 2
  • 3. T Board Members. The following were elected ALKS & PRESENTATIONS. Two of as Board Members at the Board Meeting held in volunteers, Geoff and Charlie, conducted July: two sessions of lectures and PowerPoint Mrs. Lorna M. SEWELL (Chair) Slide Shows at Estover Community College in Mr. Arnold D. MELHUISH (Vice-Chair & Secretary) July. Both presentations were well received Ms. Svetlana STOUPNIKOV (Treasurer) and more sessions are being planned. Co-opted Members. The following are currently serving as Co-opted Members to the Are you a School, Group or Organisation Board: that would welcome a Talk about the Mr. Geoffrey N. READ Mr. John SHINNER work of DCRSC? Please get in touch with the Editor in N EW DCRSC LEAFLET. We have the first instance. recently issued a brand-new leaflet to T replace the earlier edition. All earlier RAINING DAY. Another Training Day editions should now be destroyed as they for Auxiliary (Volunteer) Caseworkers contain out-of-date information. We also have was held on Friday, 27 th June from 09:30 a brand new separate leaflet outlining our Food a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This was organised by Trish Programme. If you would like to receive copies Baxter. The next level of training will be and have not already received them, please dealing with the Asylum Support Service contact the Editor. Contract & Asylum Process for our clients so that we know how to assist them when they come to us with their needs. This will take place on Friday, 1st August from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Trish will give more details to those who are interested. V OLUNTEERS’ MEETINGS July 2008 Meeting. This was held at 10:00 st a.m. on Thursday, 31 July. The minutes have S TAFF TEAM MEETINGS. Staff Team been made available by email and hard copies Meetings are normally held on a have been placed in the Volunteers‟ Box in the Wednesday every fortnight. The Staff Administration Office of DCRSC. Team had a meeting on Wednesday, 9th July and Arnold has emailed copies of the minutes to the August 2008 Meeting. The next meeting will Staff Team. The next meeting is scheduled be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, 28th August for Wednesday, 6th August at 3 p.m. at DCRSC. All volunteers are encouraged to attend. S TATISTICS. Geoff Read has produced the monthly statistics for DCRSC for the June 2008 and is currently working on those for July. These latest stats are particularly important as it gives the run-down for the first half of 2008. If anyone wishes to have sight of any statistical information then do please contact the Editor directly in the first instance. The 2007 statistics are included in the 2007 Annual Report which is also now available. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 3
  • 4. V W OLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are EBSITE. We have a brand-new constantly seeking new volunteers to website at long last! Although this replace those who occasionally leave us. site is up-and-running, there will be a No special qualifications are necessary… simply lot of „tweaking‟ to be done in the next few the ability to give a little of your time each weeks so please try to take a look at in each week. We need more volunteers to assist us week to see how it develops. We would welcome with the following: any suggestions, criticisms and / or comments that you have regarding this site so please  Clothing Store forward them to the Editor. This new website  Food Programme was built for us by one of Volunteers who  IT Supervision wishes to remain anonymous but we should like  Reception Desk to give him / her our very sincerest thanks!  Women‟s Group Simply click on this link or cut-and-paste it into  We are also seeking selected volunteers to become Auxiliary Caseworker. your address box. Please also make a note of this link in your diaries, etc. Would you like to help? Please contact the Editor in the first instance. He will then pass those details to the appropriate Trustee / THE DCRSC CLOTHING STORE Staff Member who will arrange a short D interview over a cup of tea! ONATIONS. Although located in the V basement of the DCRSC offices, the OLUNTEER’S ROSTER FOR JULY Clothing Store is managed by Churches 2008. John JEBB is responsible for Together in Plymouth (CTiP). They would producing the roster. The roster welcome any donations of clothing, etc., but are includes the names of volunteers for the currently in need of: Reception Desk, the Food Team, Auxiliary Caseworkers and the Clothing Store. Just the Curtains No thank you! one hard copy is displayed at the Centre... in the Men’s Clothing Yes please! Kitchen. Please add you names to the list! Men’s Shoes Yes please! Pots & Pans Yes please! W Single Blankets No thank you! OMEN’S DEVELOPMENT GROUP. Sleeping Bags Yes please! Sessions are usually held at 12 noon on Toiletries Yes please! the last Thursday of each month. Children’s Clothing No thank you! The next session will be held at 12 noon on Ladies Clothing No thank you! Thursday, 14th August. Other sessions planned for the Summer are listed below. All ladies, Please note that no Ladies or Children‟s Clothing including ladies with small children, will be most are required at the moment. It would most welcome to attend. Please contact Blerina or helpful if all donations were clean and of Liz at the Centre for further information. reasonable quality. All contributions will be gratefully received and put to good use. SUMMER DATES: Thursday, 28th August Thursday, 11th September THE DCRSC FOOD PROGRAMME Thursday, 25th September T HANK YOU! The volunteer Food WANTED! Programme Coordinator would like to The Women‟s Development Group is currently in need express his especial thanks to all those of materials, sewing thread, wools and knitting equipment. who gave their time and / or who made The cost can be beyond the means of our Clients. donations during recent months. Many thanks! If you are able to help, please hand items in at the Centre to either Liz or Blerina. Thank You! DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 4
  • 5. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR NEWS, GOSSIP & ADVERTISEMENTS C ALL TO FREEZE DEBTS OF FOOD CRISIS COUNTRIES. The following item was submitted by our Volunteer, THIS SPACE COULD HAVE BEEN USED TO Christine: PLACE YOUR NOTICE! Debt Campaigners have called for a moratorium on debt repayments from countries afflicted by severe food Why not contact the Editor? shortages. The call came as the Food & Agriculture Organisation met recently in Rome to discuss the food crisis A and G8 Finance Ministers met in Japan. Nick Dearden, director of Jubilee Debt Campaign, said: “It‟s shocking that MADONNA OF SACRIFICE. while many millions of people in the world are going short of Wordless reverence is the most fitting food, their governments are still being forced to shell out tribute to the Mothers of All Lands. millions of pounds a week to rich countries and banks. The May her sole remaining treasure, in the terrible irony is that economic conditions, forced on poor countries by the World Bank and the IMF in return for liberated and peace-blessed world of the debt relief packages, have actually contributed to the crisis future, live to realise that in the terrible vision we are witnessing today.” of the present his eyes have seen the glory of A the coming of the Lord. PPRECIATION. The following item was submitted by our volunteer, Helen: On behalf of my children and I, may I express my deep appreciation to everyone that supported us in various ways during a very difficult period of our lives whilst we were imprisoned at Yarlswood, IRC, Bedfordshire. Thank you all for writing letters, sending e-mails and faxes, signing petitions, organising the various and massive campaigns and for praying. Our appreciation also goes to all who visited us at Yarlswood, the encouraging phone calls, cards and letters. Thank you all for the many interventions from different quarters and organisations particularly the MP, Mrs Lynda Gilroy; Bishop John Ford and Father Sam Philpott with the congregation at St. Peters Church. Also, the Management / Trustees, Staff and Volunteers at the Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support Council; Refugee Action in Plymouth; the Governors, Principal, Staff and the amazing students of Stoke Damerel Community College. EMAS in Plymouth; NCDAC; and the local newspapers. Thank you ever so much, and may God in His infinite mercy meet you all at your points of need. AMEN Regards, Helen Editor’s Note: I came across a batch of these photographs and accompanying quotations. The above item is the third of the collection. I intend to publish each of the remainder every month. Ed. Do you have something to say? Do please write and tell us. Ed. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 5
  • 6. A I PPLES & SNAKES, COLLECTIVE NDEPENDENT ASYLUM COMMISSION VOICES & AVID. My place or PUBLISHES SECOND AND THIRD yours? Saturday, 26th to Wednesday, REPORTS. The Independent Asylum th 29 October 2008. Free performance poetry Commission‟s second report focused on the workshops. treatment of refused asylum seekers, saying An invitation – if you or your group would like to take part in that the current system was inadequate. It said a brand new live lit lyrical explosion, please read the poster that dawn raids by immigration officers should at the end of this Newsletter!... be phased out and that voluntary return should D RAFT IMMIGRATION AND be the “standard procedure” for refused asylum CITIZENSHIP BILL. The draft seekers,” with force used only as a last resort. Immigration and Citizenship Bill was It also said that refused asylum seekers who published on 14th July 2008. The Bill has been are unable to return through no fault of their published in draft to allow Parliament and public own should be given temporary permission to to provide their views on our plans before the work rather than being forced into destitution. final Bill is introduced. If you would like to The third report called for a comprehensive comment on the plans, a public scrutiny review into the detention of an estimated 2,000 document setting out the proposed changes children each year. "There should be an end to there is a setting in the website given below. A the detention of children and age disputed questionnaire is also provided so that you can young people," it said in its recommendations. complete electronically and return to the Home For further News Reviews, please visit the Office simplification team. DCRSC will be Refugee Council website. O submitting a joint reply. NE WORLD WEEK: For further information, please go to: 19th -26th October 2008. One World Week is a development educational /policyandlaw/immigrationandcitizenshipbill/ charity, which encourages local people to use a F week as a focus to get together for activities REE LUNCH AND ENGLISH CLASSES and celebration of One World issues, using a for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and others common annual theme. This year it‟s „Growing who are unable to access provision. Together‟. Organised by Plymouth Faith Communities Asylum Support Coordination Group. Lunch is at Some One World Facts: 1 p.m. and English Classes are at 2 p.m. every  Founded 30 years ago. Tuesday and Friday in the Stoke Damerel Parish  It is a member of Development Education Association and the Trade Justice Movement. Centre, Paradise Road (entrance behind the  Usually held around 24th October (United Nations Day). Stoke Damerel Church). For further information please contact: Marlene Schuster Millions of people around the world still do not enjoy that on (01752) 567420 or email her on most fundamental right – the right to survive. Yet 2008 is the 60th Anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which aspires to: “….a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want” One World Week Are Working Towards:  Growing together – locally... By bringing together people of diverse cultures, of many faiths and none, to grow together in mutual understanding of shared values and commitment to each other‟s human rights locally and globally, and  Growing together - globally... By learning more about how our local actions and personal lifestyles can affect the rights to a livelihood of members of our human family across the world, and what we can do to help. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 6
  • 7. R “Sharing this fragile planet our rights are inextricably EFUGEE COUNCIL INFORMATION. linked to those of our fellow human beings. However far The following website gives some very away the event may be, if another human being anywhere is denied their fundamental rights that impoverishes the useful information including: world I inhabit.” Milind Kolhatkar, Chair of One World Week, April 2008  Language ID Chart  Language Profiles  Resources for Advisers For further information, go to: P T LYMOUTH FLAVOUR FEST 2008. Food EACHING FELLOWSHIP AWARDS and drink traders are being encouraged to FOR ACADEMICS... The following get in quickly to snap up the last few article was published in The Herald on remaining stalls to sell local produce. The Tuesday, 8th July: event, now in its fifth year, is to take place between 15th and 17th August and will be held in Two academics at the University of Plymouth have won the city centre‟s Piazza. national awards to further their work. Avril Butler, senior lecturer in social work, and Dr. Chris P Ricketts, sub-dean in the Faculty of Technology, have each LYMOUTH KURDISH COMMUNITY been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship from the THEATRE GROUP. This group is running a Higher Education Academy. theatre project every Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Fifty fellowships have been awarded across the country to on Floor 1, Anglia House, Derry‟s Cross, outstanding teachers. The university now has a total of 12 fellowships. Plymouth. This project explores Kurdish culture They will each receive £10,000 for their professional and and heritage. personal development and will collect their awards in London If you are interested in attending or would like to know in September. more then please call (01752) 262040 or 07856055376. Ms. Butler has led the Social Work Centre for Practice R Learning at Plymouth and launched the Students & Refugees ECYCLING GOODS TO CITY FOLK Together (START) project in 2001. WHO ARE IN NEED. The following article was published in The Herald on Avril Butler is the Chair of the Board of Saturday, 12th July: Governors of START. All members and supporters of DCRSC offer their A new Domestic Recycling Centre is set to open in congratulations to Avril on this great Stonehouse, aimed at re-circulating goods such as fridges achievement! to people in need. W The Resettlement Agency, which is launching the Rendle Street Centre, is also searching for more volunteers from EEKEND BOLLYWOOD AT all walks of life to help with the project. PLYMOUTH ARTS CENTRE: As well as being a base for repairing and re-servicing white Saturday, 2nd & Sunday, 3rd goods, the centre will be used as a furniture showroom. August at 1pm. Bosses are urging the public to donate goods such as Plymouth Arts Centre is screening a Weekend Bollywood washing machines, fridges, freezers and electric cookers, film every season, beginning this weekend with Sarkar Raj. which will not only help those who may not otherwise be able The film features the biggest stars of the Bollywood world to afford them, but also lead to fewer ending up on landfill and is the much-awaited sequel to Sarkar. The film is sites and harming the environment. screened as a matinee only, offering the chance to luxuriate The non-profit group, part of the national Furniture Re-use in front of a film and relax whatever the weather is doing Network, already runs two shops in Union Street and a outside. Sarkar Raj is an intense political drama, a study of social inclusion service in Adelaide Street. power, which explores the politics of development and takes Donated furniture is cleaned, reconditioned and then sold at a fresh look at the traditional versus the modernity debate. low cost, or given away free, to those who need it. When the CEO (Rai) of an international firm proposes a The centre at 170 Rendle Street in Stonehouse will be open power plant in rural Maharashtra the insightful Shankar from Monday, 14th July. (Abhishek) is quick to realise it‟s benefits. Anybody wishing to donate re-usable furniture should But with shady fixers with an eye on multi-million kick backs contact the Union Street office on (01752) 217046. complicating the issues, Shankar‟s dream project becomes a Both centres‟ opening hours are 9 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. on Modays potential minefield. to Fridays, and 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturdays. (Directed by Ram Gopal Varma, India, 2008, 125 mins, subtitled. Cast includes: You can also visit their website at: Aishwarya Rai, Abishnek Bachnan, Amitabh Bachchan). DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 7
  • 8. Tickets just £3.50. Booking recommended on Friday, 15th August (01752) 206114. For further information go to: Christian Dormition of the Theotokos An Orthodox festival that commemorates the death, resurrection, and glorification of Christ's mother. DIARY DATES Dormition means "falling asleep". Christian All dates are shown using the Gregorian (Western) calendar. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary The calendar is accurate, but some dates may vary regionally A largely Roman Catholic festival celebrating their belief because they are determined by the lunar calendar. Jewish that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken body and soul festivals usually begin at sundown on the previous day. into heaven. If on the internet, just click on the faith links for further Friday, 15th – to Sunday, 17th August information. These are underlined. Ed. Plymouth Flavour Fest 2008 (see separate article) Friday, 1st August Saturday, 16th August DCRSC Caseworker Training Day (see separate article) Hindu Raksha Bandhan Pagan Raksha Bandhan is the Hindu festival that celebrates Lughnasadh - Lammas brotherhood and love. A harvest festival and one of the Pagan festivals of Celtic "Raksha Bandhan" means a thread for protection. origin which split the year into four. Sunday, 17th August Saturday, 2nd & Sunday 3rd August Rastafari Birthday of Marcus Garvey Weekend Bollywood at Plymouth Arts Centre Commemorates the birthday of Marcus Garvey, the (see separate article) Jamaican politician born in 1887 who predicted the crowning of a King in Africa, and instigated the 'Back to Africa' Wednesday, 6th August movement. DCRSC Staff Meeting Tuesday, 19th August (see separate article) Zoroastrian Christian Jamshedi Noruz (Shenshai) Transfiguration Zoroastrian New Year's Day in the Shenshai calendar. Orthodox Christian feast commemorating the sudden emanation of radiance from the person of Jesus that Muslim occurred on the mountain. Lailat-ul-Bara'h Lailat-ul-Bara'h (Night of Forgiveness) is the time when Sunday, 10th August Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins. Muslims believe that on this night one's destiny is fixed for Jewish the year ahead. Tisha B'Av A solemn day that commemorates a series of tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people over the years, many of Sunday, 24th August which have coincidentally happened on this day. Zoroastrian Khordad Sal (Shenshai) Thursday, 14th August The birthday of Zoroaster, celebrated on this date in the Shenshai calendar. DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session (see separate article) Hindu Janmashtami - Krishna Jayanti The Janamashtami festival marks the birth of Krishna, the most highly venerated God in the Hindu pantheon. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 8
  • 9. Thursday, 28th August Monday, 22nd September DCRSC Volunteers’ Meeting Pagan (see separate article) Autumn Equinox This day is celebrated when day and night are of equal DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session duration. (see separate article) Thursday, 25th September Jain Paryushana DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session The most important Jain festival, it consists of eight (Swetambara) or ten (Digambara) days of intensive fasting (see separate article) and repentance. A time of reflection. Monday, 29th September Hindu Friday, 29th August Navaratri (start) Navaratri (nine nights) symbolises the triumph of good over Deadline Date evil and marks the start of autumn. for articles for the DCRSC September Newsletter (see separate article) Tuesday, 30th September Jewish Tuesday, 2nd September Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year Muslim Ramadan (start) Ramadan is the Muslim month of fasting. Sunday, 19th – Sunday, 26th October One World Week Wednesday, 3rd September (see separate article) DCRSC Meeting of the Board of Trustees (see separate article) Saturday, 26th to Wednesday, 29th October Hindu Apples & Snakes, Collective Voices & AVID Ganesh Chaturthi (see separate article and attached poster) Hindus celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed God. Monday, 8th September Christian Feast of the Birth of Mary Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches celebrate the birth of Mary, mother of Jesus. Christian Nativity of the Theotokos Orthodox Christians celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary. Christian Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholics celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary. Thursday, 11th September DCRSC Women’s Develop Group Session (see separate article) Rastafari Ethiopian New Year The start of the New Year in Ethiopia is recognised because Rastafarians believe Ethiopia to be their spiritual homeland, and a place to which they want to return. DCRSC Newsletter Editor: Telephone Geoff READ on (01752) 563800, or 07745819828, or at DCRSC. Or email: Or go to our new website at: 9