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To Whom It May Concern:
Regarding the Transfer of IBM Stock Certificates
Estimated Capital
Assuming that the “less than hundred” certificates are processed at 99 shares per certificate, and the
“Blank”certificatesare processed at1000 sharespercertificate;the IBMCapital involvedinthistransfer
amounts to:
7000 certificates at 99 shares per certificate, amounts to: 693,000 shares
8000 certificates at 100 shares per certificate, amounts to: 800,000 shares
1650 certificates at 1000 shares per certificate, amounts to: 1,650,000 shares
Value of Estimated Capital: (In U.S. Dollars, at $368.00 per share 01/Feb/1972) is: $ 1,156,624,000.
I might also add that this transaction required my signature just three times.
Trusting that this has been instructive, I am:
Yours very truly,
Daniel J. G. Stumpf
Appended below:
1) “Certificate of Cremation”, from British American Bank Note Company Ltd., dated February 23, 1972
2) Letter of Transmittal to British American Bank Note Company Ltd., from National Trust Company Ltd.,
dated February 11, 1972
3) Table: IBMShare Price History, in U. S. Dollars, from 1970 to 2015; February 01, 1972 highlighted
IBM SHARE PRICE HISTORY in U.S. Dollars - 1970 to 2015, Highlighted: February 01, 1972
Date Open High Low Close
7/1/2015 163.970001 173.779999 162.229996 173.220001
6/1/2015 170.210007 171.559998 162.119995 162.660004
5/1/2015 173.199997 176.300003 168.839996 169.649994
4/1/2015 160.229996 175.130005 158.389999 171.289993
3/2/2015 161.940002 165.350006 153.399994 160.5
2/2/2015 154 164.990005 151.509995 161.940002
1/2/2015 161.309998 163.309998 149.520004 153.309998
12/1/2014 161.639999 164.520004 150.5 160.440002
11/3/2014 164.25 164.970001 159.800003 162.169998
10/1/2014 189.910004 190.889999 161.100006 164.399994
9/2/2014 192.679993 195 188.119995 189.830002
8/1/2014 190.5 194.130005 183.580002 192.300003
7/1/2014 181.699997 196.399994 181.699997 191.669998
6/2/2014 184.759995 187.649994 179.270004 181.270004
5/1/2014 196.309998 196.740005 182.330002 184.360001
4/1/2014 193.119995 199.210007 187.009995 196.470001
3/3/2014 183.330002 195.630005 182.210007 192.490005
2/3/2014 176.020004 186.119995 172.190002 185.169998
1/2/2014 187.210007 190.809998 175.339996 176.679993
12/2/2013 179.460007 187.789993 172.729996 187.570007
11/1/2013 179.809998 186.240005 177.309998 179.679993
10/1/2013 185.339996 186.990005 172.570007 179.210007
9/3/2013 183.630005 194.889999 182.309998 185.179993
8/1/2013 196.649994 197.169998 181.100006 182.270004
7/1/2013 192.149994 200.940002 190.259995 195.039993
6/3/2013 208.25 210.050003 188.410004 191.110001
5/1/2013 201.869995 211.979996 199.199997 208.020004
4/1/2013 212.800003 214.889999 187.679993 202.539993
3/1/2013 200.649994 215.899994 199.360001 213.300003
2/1/2013 204.649994 205.350006 197.509995 200.830002
1/2/2013 194.089996 208.580002 190.389999 203.070007
12/3/2012 190.759995 196.449997 186.940002 191.550003
11/1/2012 194.679993 198 184.779999 190.070007
10/1/2012 208.009995 211.789993 190.559998 194.529999
9/4/2012 196.610001 208.320007 193.25 207.449997
8/1/2012 196.960007 202 193.020004 194.850006
7/2/2012 196.360001 197.839996 181.850006 195.979996
6/1/2012 190.119995 199.990005 187 195.580002
5/1/2012 207.179993 208.929993 192 192.899994
4/2/2012 208.960007 210.690002 196.789993 207.080002
3/1/2012 197.229996 209.119995 196.809998 208.649994
2/1/2012 193.210007 199.229996 190.830002 196.729996
1/3/2012 186.729996 193.100006 177.350006 192.600006
12/1/2011 187.009995 194.899994 179.039993 183.880005
11/1/2011 181.550003 189.970001 177.059998 188
10/3/2011 174.360001 190.529999 168.880005 184.630005
Date Open High Low Close
9/1/2011 172.710007 180.910004 158.759995 174.869995
8/1/2011 182.600006 183.690002 157.130005 171.910004
7/1/2011 171.610001 185.630005 171.490005 181.850006
6/1/2011 168.899994 172.449997 161.520004 171.550003
5/2/2011 172.110001 173.539993 165.899994 168.929993
4/1/2011 163.699997 173 162.190002 170.580002
3/1/2011 163.149994 167.720001 151.710007 163.070007
2/1/2011 162.110001 166.25 159.029999 161.880005
1/3/2011 147.210007 164.350006 146.639999 162
12/1/2010 143.610001 147.5 143.509995 146.759995
11/1/2010 143.639999 147.529999 141.179993 141.460007
10/1/2010 135.509995 144 134.389999 143.600006
9/1/2010 125.309998 136.110001 124.519997 134.139999
8/2/2010 129.25 132.490005 122.279999 123.129997
7/1/2010 123.550003 131.600006 120.610001 128.399994
6/1/2010 124.690002 131.940002 122.82 123.480003
5/3/2010 129.389999 133.100006 116 125.260002
4/1/2010 128.949997 132.279999 127.120003 129
3/1/2010 127.5 130.729996 125.199997 128.25
2/1/2010 123.230003 128.270004 121.610001 127.160004
1/4/2010 131.179993 134.25 121.900002 122.389999
12/1/2009 127.290001 132.850006 126 130.899994
11/2/2009 120.769997 128.940002 119.5 126.349998
10/1/2009 119.389999 128.610001 117.260002 120.610001
9/1/2009 117.669998 122.879997 115.150002 119.610001
8/3/2009 118.879997 120.879997 116.120003 118.050003
7/1/2009 105 119.370003 99.5 117.93
6/1/2009 106.940002 110.639999 103.510002 104.419998
5/1/2009 103.779999 106.82 99.830002 106.279999
4/1/2009 96.129997 106.050003 95.699997 103.209999
3/2/2009 91.169998 99.860001 83.019997 96.889999
2/2/2009 90.599998 97.099998 82.849998 92.029999
1/2/2009 83.889999 94.940002 81.760002 91.650002
12/1/2008 80.949997 87.269997 75.309998 84.160004
11/3/2008 92.639999 94.760002 69.5 81.599998
10/1/2008 115.510002 116.800003 78.82 92.970001
9/2/2008 122.870003 124 109.949997 116.959999
8/1/2008 128.520004 129.970001 121.5 121.730003
7/1/2008 117.5 130.929993 116.599998 127.980003
6/2/2008 128.490005 129.369995 118.150002 118.529999
5/1/2008 121.059998 129.990005 120.779999 129.429993
4/1/2008 115.199997 125 113.860001 120.699997
3/3/2008 113.860001 119.790001 111.800003 115.139999
2/1/2008 107.160004 116.629997 100.599998 113.860001
1/2/2008 108.989998 108.989998 97.040001 107.110001
12/3/2007 105.550003 112.190002 104 108.099998
11/1/2007 115.5 116.089996 99.269997 105.18
Date Open High Low Close
10/1/2007 117.610001 121.459999 110.959999 116.120003
9/4/2007 116.339996 118.889999 114.300003 117.800003
8/1/2007 110.389999 117.349998 103.699997 116.690002
7/2/2007 105.389999 118.82 104.580002 110.650002
6/1/2007 106.620003 107.239998 101.559998 105.25
5/1/2007 102.059998 108.050003 101.349998 106.599998
4/2/2007 94.510002 103 93.910004 102.209999
3/1/2007 90.25 95.809998 88.769997 94.260002
2/1/2007 98.970001 100.440002 92.470001 92.940002
1/3/2007 97.18 100.900002 94.550003 99.150002
12/1/2006 91.900002 97.879997 90.550003 97.150002
11/1/2006 92.5 94.050003 90.43 91.919998
10/2/2006 81.760002 92.68 81.559998 92.330002
9/1/2006 81.129997 83.790001 79.309998 81.940002
8/1/2006 76.650002 81.68 75.050003 80.970001
7/3/2006 77.540001 78.529999 72.730003 77.410004
6/1/2006 79.889999 80.870003 76.059998 76.82
5/1/2006 82.589996 83.690002 79.059998 79.900002
4/3/2006 82.720001 84.449997 80.629997 82.339996
3/1/2006 80.199997 84.989998 79.510002 82.470001
2/1/2006 80.900002 82.239998 78.93 80.239998
1/3/2006 82.449997 85.029999 80.209999 81.300003
12/1/2005 89.150002 89.919998 81.559998 82.199997
11/1/2005 81.849998 89.940002 80.639999 88.900002
10/3/2005 80.220001 84.599998 78.699997 81.879997
9/1/2005 80.160004 82.110001 76.93 80.220001
8/1/2005 83 84.199997 79.870003 80.620003
7/1/2005 74.300003 85.110001 74.160004 83.459999
6/1/2005 75.57 77.730003 73.449997 74.199997
5/2/2005 76.879997 78.110001 72.5 75.550003
4/1/2005 91.489998 91.760002 71.849998 76.379997
3/1/2005 92.639999 93.730003 89.089996 91.379997
2/1/2005 93.669998 94.970001 91.550003 92.580002
1/3/2005 98.970001 99.099998 91.440002 93.419998
12/1/2004 94.5 99 94.470001 98.580002
11/1/2004 89.330002 96.629997 89.230003 94.239998
10/1/2004 85.949997 90.269997 84.290001 89.75
9/1/2004 84.050003 87.279999 83.239998 85.739998
8/2/2004 86.870003 87.389999 81.900002 84.690002
7/1/2004 88.279999 88.440002 83.419998 87.07
6/1/2004 88 91.209999 87.300003 88.150002
5/3/2004 88.129997 89.75 85.120003 88.589996
4/1/2004 91.669998 94.550003 88.010002 88.169998
3/1/2004 96.5 97.599998 90.279999 91.839996
2/2/2004 99.150002 100.43 95.199997 96.5
1/2/2004 92.860001 99.849998 89.010002 99.230003
12/1/2003 90.900002 94.120003 90.029999 92.68
Date Open High Low Close
11/3/2003 89.900002 91.480003 87.720001 90.540001
10/1/2003 88.75 94.540001 87.529999 89.480003
9/2/2003 82.400002 93.470001 82.300003 88.330002
8/1/2003 81.150002 84.720001 78.730003 82.010002
7/1/2003 81.400002 87.029999 80.580002 81.25
6/2/2003 89 89.080002 79.809998 82.5
5/1/2003 85.300003 90.400002 84.449997 88.040001
4/1/2003 78.5 86.489998 78.120003 84.900002
3/3/2003 78.900002 84.900002 73.169998 78.43
2/3/2003 78.199997 80.050003 74.309998 77.949997
1/2/2003 78.800003 88.949997 77.019997 78.199997
12/2/2002 88.599998 89.459999 75.599998 77.5
11/1/2002 78.900002 88.110001 76.699997 86.919998
10/1/2002 59.200001 79.790001 54.009998 78.940002
9/3/2002 74.199997 77.5 57.990002 58.310001
8/1/2002 70.400002 82.849998 65.849998 75.379997
7/1/2002 72.010002 74.199997 65.699997 70.400002
6/3/2002 80.75 80.949997 66.099998 72
5/1/2002 83.849998 86.489998 75.919998 80.449997
4/1/2002 104 104 83.339996 83.760002
3/1/2002 98.599998 108.849998 98.5 104
2/1/2002 107.639999 109.300003 95.760002 98.120003
1/2/2002 120.599998 126.389999 101 107.889999
12/3/2001 114.800003 124.699997 113.209999 120.959999
11/1/2001 107.25 117 106.900002 115.589996
10/1/2001 91.720001 112.099998 91.339996 108.07
9/4/2001 100.150002 103.129997 87.489998 91.720001
8/1/2001 105.349998 110.089996 98.860001 99.949997
7/2/2001 113.5 115.400002 101.559998 105.209999
6/1/2001 112.5 119 111.099998 113.5
5/1/2001 115.849998 119.900002 110.959999 111.800003
4/2/2001 97.449997 118.050003 90.050003 115.139999
3/1/2001 99.300003 108.400002 87.650002 96.18
2/1/2001 112.400002 118.639999 99.099998 99.900002
1/2/2001 84.5 116.75 83.75 112
12/1/2000 94.4375 104.75 80.0625 85
11/1/2000 98.4375 104.375 91.625 93.5
10/2/2000 112.625 119.625 86.9375 98.5
9/1/2000 133.0625 134.9375 110.25 112.625
8/1/2000 112 134.25 110.25 132.015625
7/3/2000 108.75 117.8125 100 112.25
6/1/2000 107.5625 122.3125 105.5 109.5625
5/1/2000 112.5 113.625 102 107.3125
4/3/2000 120 128 101.25 111.5
3/1/2000 102 128.25 99.5 118.375
2/1/2000 112.375 119.75 100.9375 102.75
1/3/2000 112.4375 124.75 109.625 112.25
Date Open High Low Close
12/1/1999 102.5625 122.125 102.25 107.875
11/1/1999 98.5 109.875 90 103.0625
10/1/1999 121 123.25 89 98.25
9/1/1999 125.625 137.6875 119.625 121
8/2/1999 124 129.625 117.5625 124.5625
7/1/1999 130 139.1875 122.625 125.6875
6/1/1999 113.625 132 109.4375 129.25
5/3/1999 208 246 112.625 116
4/1/1999 177.3125 215.25 163 209.1875
3/1/1999 169.5 185.9375 164 177.25
2/1/1999 184.5 184.5 161.75 169.75
1/4/1999 185 199.25 173.5 183.25
12/1/1998 163.5 189.9375 162.25 184.375
11/2/1998 148.4375 170.5625 145.75 165.125
10/1/1998 125.0625 149.8125 116.8125 148.5
9/1/1998 113 136.1875 110.75 128.5
8/3/1998 134 134.875 112.625 112.625
7/1/1998 116 138.125 112.75 132.5
6/1/1998 117.375 120 106 114.8125
5/1/1998 115.9375 129.3125 115.5 117.5
4/1/1998 103.875 120 103.3125 115.875
3/2/1998 104.1875 106.6875 95.875 103.875
2/2/1998 100 105.875 97.5 104.4375
1/2/1998 104.5 108.375 95.625 98.75
12/1/1997 110 113.5 96.375 104.625
11/3/1997 99.125 109.9375 95.25 109.5
10/1/1997 106.125 107.25 88.625 98.5
9/2/1997 101.375 107.4375 96.125 106
8/1/1997 105.5 109.4375 99.6875 101.375
7/1/1997 90.25 108.4375 90.125 105.75
6/2/1997 87.75 93.75 81.75 90.25
5/1/1997 160.5 179.25 84.5 86.5
4/1/1997 137 161.125 127.125 160.5
3/3/1997 143.75 149.75 130 137.25
2/3/1997 157.375 157.375 137.125 143.75
1/2/1997 153.75 170.125 145 156.875
12/2/1996 159.625 166 147.25 151.5
11/1/1996 128.875 160.75 127.125 159.375
10/1/1996 124 135.375 123.125 129
9/3/1996 113.25 127.875 112.562477 124.5
8/1/1996 108 115.75 107.25 114.375
7/1/1996 99.25 108.875 89.125 107.5
6/3/1996 106.375 106.625 96.125 99
5/1/1996 107.75 112.5 103.625 106.75
4/1/1996 112.125 120.875 103.375 107.75
3/1/1996 121.625 125.5 107.625 111.25
2/1/1996 108.75 128.875 108.125 122.625
Date Open High Low Close
1/2/1996 91.375 109.875 83.125 108.5
12/1/1995 97 97.25 87.75 91.375
11/1/1995 97.25 102.375 93 96.625
10/2/1995 95 99.25 89.125 97.25
9/1/1995 102.75 104.5 91.625 94.5
8/1/1995 109.125 114.625 98.625 103.375
7/3/1995 96.25 111.25 95.75 108.875
6/1/1995 93.5 99.375 88.375 96
5/1/1995 93.875 97.875 91.5 93
4/3/1995 82.25 96.875 82.25 94.625
3/1/1995 75.125 85.125 75.125 82.125
2/1/1995 72.375 76.25 72.25 75.25
1/3/1995 73.5 78 70.25 72.125
12/1/1994 70.625 74.625 68.875 73.5
11/1/1994 74.375 75.25 68 70.75
10/3/1994 69.375 76.375 67.375 74.5
9/1/1994 66.875 71.375 66.625 69.625
8/1/1994 61.875 70.125 61.5 68.5
7/1/1994 59 63.125 54.5 61.875
6/1/1994 63 65 58.125 58.75
5/2/1994 57.5 64.125 56.25 63
4/4/1994 53 59.5 51.375 57.5
3/1/1994 52.875 58.875 51.375 54.625
2/1/1994 56.875 57.375 52 52.875
1/3/1994 56.875 60 54.75 56.5
12/1/1993 54.75 59.875 52.75 56.5
11/1/1993 46 56.125 45.75 53.875
10/1/1993 42.125 46.625 42.125 46
9/1/1993 45.75 46.375 41.25 42
8/2/1993 44.375 45.875 40.625 45.75
7/1/1993 49.625 49.75 41.125 44.5
6/1/1993 53.25 54.375 48.5 49.375
5/3/1993 49.125 54 47.125 52.75
4/1/1993 51.5 53.125 47.375 48.625
3/1/1993 54.75 57.125 49.875 50.875
2/1/1993 52 54.875 48.75 54.375
1/4/1993 51.75 53.25 45.875 51.5
12/1/1992 68.375 68.875 48.75 50.375
11/2/1992 67 69.875 60.875 68.25
10/1/1992 81 81.125 65 66.875
9/1/1992 86.625 88.75 80 80.75
8/3/1992 94.5 95.25 85 86.625
7/1/1992 97.875 100.375 92.375 94.75
6/1/1992 90.5 98.625 88.25 97.875
5/1/1992 91.25 94.375 90.125 90.75
4/1/1992 83.5 90.75 81.625 90.75
3/2/1992 86.875 90.25 83.125 83.5
Date Open High Low Close
2/3/1992 90 93.25 86.625 86.875
1/2/1992 89 98.125 88.875 90
12/2/1991 91.125 92.375 83.5 89
11/1/1991 98.375 101.375 92.375 92.5
10/1/1991 103.625 104.75 96.75 98.25
9/3/1991 97.75 106.375 97.625 103.625
8/1/1991 101 101.75 92 96.875
7/1/1991 97.625 103 95.625 101.25
6/3/1991 106 107.375 96.625 97.125
5/1/1991 102.5 106.5 100.5 106.125
4/1/1991 113.875 114.75 102.125 103
3/1/1991 128.25 135 111 113.875
2/1/1991 126.5 139.75 125.625 128.75
1/2/1991 112.875 127.125 105.5 126.75
12/3/1990 114.5 116 110.625 113
11/1/1990 105.375 115.125 104.875 113.625
10/1/1990 107.125 110.375 96.25 105.5
9/4/1990 101 109.25 100.75 106.375
8/1/1990 111.875 112.375 96.5 101.875
7/2/1990 117.5 123.125 110.5 111.5
6/1/1990 120.5 122.25 116.25 117.5
5/1/1990 109.5 122.125 107.875 120
4/2/1990 105.125 111.25 105 109
3/1/1990 103.75 109.375 103.375 106.125
2/1/1990 98.625 105.5 97.5 103.875
1/2/1990 94.75 101.625 94.5 98.625
12/1/1989 97.625 101.875 93.375 94.125
11/1/1989 100.25 100.75 96 97.625
10/2/1989 109.375 109.75 97.75 100.25
9/1/1989 116.875 118.75 107.75 109.25
8/1/1989 115.5 119.375 112.5 117.125
7/3/1989 112.5 116.75 110.625 115
6/1/1989 109.5 115.125 107.5 111.875
5/1/1989 113 113.75 107.5 109.625
4/3/1989 109.25 115.75 106.25 114.125
3/1/1989 122.125 122.375 107.625 109.125
2/1/1989 129.75 130.875 120.625 121.5
1/3/1989 121.875 130.875 120.625 130.625
12/1/1988 118.375 124.125 117.625 121.875
11/1/1988 122.875 124.375 114.125 118.5
10/3/1988 115.125 124.875 112.75 122.625
9/1/1988 111.125 116.5 109.5 115.375
8/1/1988 126 126.875 110.375 111.5
7/1/1988 127.75 129.5 120 125.75
6/1/1988 113 128.375 111.75 127.375
5/2/1988 113.625 115.125 107.5 112.5
4/4/1988 107.5 116.5 105.625 113.375
Date Open High Low Close
3/1/1988 117.875 118.625 104.25 107.625
2/1/1988 112.75 117.875 106.875 117.5
1/4/1988 117 124 108.625 112.375
12/1/1987 112.5 120.375 105 115.5
11/2/1987 121 124.875 110 110.75
10/1/1987 151.25 157.25 100 122.5
9/1/1987 168.625 169.375 148.5 150.75
8/3/1987 159.5 175.875 158.5 168.375
7/1/1987 162.875 169.875 159.125 161
6/1/1987 161 168.625 156 162.5
5/1/1987 160 167.625 155 160
4/1/1987 149 161.5 142.625 160.125
3/2/1987 139.5 156.625 137.625 150.125
2/2/1987 128.25 144.25 128 139.5
1/2/1987 121 130.875 115.75 128.75
12/1/1986 126.5 130.125 120 120
11/3/1986 124 127.875 119.25 127.125
10/1/1986 134.875 135.5 119.75 123.625
9/2/1986 138.875 145.5 133.125 134.5
8/1/1986 132.625 142 129.25 138.75
7/1/1986 146.5 150.125 129.875 132.5
6/2/1986 152.75 153.5 144.125 146.5
5/1/1986 156 157.5 142.25 152.375
4/1/1986 151.875 161.875 147.375 156.25
3/3/1986 150.375 153.5 144.5 151.5
2/3/1986 151.875 161 150 150.875
1/2/1986 154.75 156.5 143 151.5
12/2/1985 139.75 158.75 137.625 155.5
11/1/1985 129.625 140.75 129.625 139.75
10/1/1985 124 131.375 122.875 129.875
9/3/1985 126.625 130.5 122.25 123.875
8/1/1985 131.75 132.75 125.5 126.625
7/1/1985 123.75 132.5 120 131.375
6/3/1985 129.375 130.625 117.375 123.75
5/1/1985 126.375 133.25 124.625 128.625
4/1/1985 127 130.375 123.875 126.5
3/1/1985 134.5 136.75 124.125 127
2/1/1985 135.625 138.25 130.75 134
1/2/1985 122.375 137.625 119 136.375
12/3/1984 121.25 124.5 116 123.125
11/1/1984 125.75 127.75 119.5 121.75
10/1/1984 123.75 127.75 118.75 124.625
9/4/1984 123 128.5 120.875 124.25
8/1/1984 111 126.75 110.875 123.75
7/2/1984 105.75 110.875 104 110.625
6/1/1984 107.75 109.25 99 105.75
5/1/1984 114 117.25 105.625 107.75
Date Open High Low Close
4/2/1984 114.25 114.625 107.5 113.75
3/1/1984 109.75 115.75 106.625 113.875
2/1/1984 114.25 114.625 106.5 110.25
1/3/1984 122.25 125 112.625 114.125
12/1/1983 117.75 124.875 117.125 122
11/1/1983 127.25 127.75 117.375 117.375
10/3/1983 126.5 134.25 125.5 126.75
9/1/1983 119.625 129.5 118.125 126.875
8/1/1983 120.25 123.75 115.25 119.5
7/1/1983 120.625 127 118.625 120.375
6/1/1983 111.25 124.5 110.25 120.25
5/2/1983 116 118.5 109.75 111.25
4/4/1983 101.625 118 101.125 117
3/1/1983 100.75 104.875 98.625 101.75
2/1/1983 98.125 101.5 93.875 99
1/3/1983 94.75 100.75 92.25 98.875
12/1/1982 87.25 98 86.125 96.25
11/1/1982 80.5 86.5 79.5 86.5
10/1/1982 74 84.75 73.25 79.875
9/1/1982 70.25 77.625 69.375 73.375
8/2/1982 66.625 71 62.125 70.5
7/1/1982 60.625 68.625 59.375 65.625
6/1/1982 61.625 62.125 57.5 60.625
5/3/1982 64.375 65.25 61.25 61.5
4/1/1982 60.5 66.125 59.875 64.25
3/1/1982 62.125 62.75 57.125 59.75
2/1/1982 63 64 59.75 61.875
1/4/1982 57.625 64.75 55.625 63.625
12/1/1981 54.5 57.625 53 56.875
11/2/1981 52 54.5 49.875 54.5
10/1/1981 54.125 56.25 48.375 51.5
9/1/1981 55.125 56.75 52.25 54.125
8/3/1981 56.125 58.875 55 55.125
7/1/1981 57.875 57.875 54.625 56.125
6/1/1981 59.75 60.75 57.125 57.875
5/1/1981 58.625 59.375 55.125 58.75
4/1/1981 62.375 63.375 58.625 58.625
3/2/1981 64.25 65.25 61.375 62.375
2/2/1981 64.375 64.875 60.25 64.25
1/2/1981 67.875 71.5 64 64.375
12/1/1980 68 69.5 63.25 67.875
11/3/1980 66.75 72.75 66.25 68.125
10/1/1980 64.125 71.5 63.625 66.625
9/2/1980 65.5 69 63.375 64.125
8/1/1980 65.25 69.125 64 65.5
7/1/1980 58.75 66.125 58.375 65.25
6/2/1980 55.375 60.375 55.25 58.75
Date Open High Low Close
5/1/1980 54.875 56.625 52 55.375
4/1/1980 55.75 56 50.375 54.875
3/3/1980 63.5 63.5 51.375 55.75
2/1/1980 68.625 70.5 62 63.5
1/2/1980 63 72 61.25 68.625
12/3/1979 65.125 67.625 63.25 64.375
11/1/1979 62.375 67 61.125 65.25
10/1/1979 67.625 69.5 61.125 62.375
9/4/1979 69.875 71.375 65.75 67.75
8/1/1979 69.75 72.5 68.25 70
7/2/1979 73.375 76.75 68 69.75
6/1/1979 76.375 78.5 72.125 73.375
5/1/1979 314.249908 321.5 302.249908 304
4/2/1979 315.5 322 306.249908 314.249908
3/1/1979 300 320.750092 298.624969 315.5
2/1/1979 308.750092 311 297.124969 300
1/2/1979 298.5 316.249908 294.5 308.750092
12/1/1978 270.624969 310 269.375031 298.5
11/1/1978 265.249908 276.5 256 269.5
10/2/1978 277 293.5 263.5 264.249908
9/1/1978 292 304.5 273.5 277
8/1/1978 281 300.750092 279 291.875031
7/3/1978 257.249908 281.5 255 281
6/1/1978 258.249908 276.249908 256 257.249908
5/1/1978 266 268.750092 258 258.249908
4/3/1978 236.249924 266 234.750076 266
3/1/1978 251.249924 252.5 235.249924 235.5
2/1/1978 265.5 266.375031 250.249924 251.249924
1/3/1978 268.5 273 264 265.5
12/1/1977 264 275.249908 259.249908 273.5
11/1/1977 257.249908 269.249908 249 264
10/3/1977 261 262.5 254.124954 257.249908
9/1/1977 268.375031 269 255.249924 261
8/1/1977 268.124969 272 263.875031 268.375031
7/1/1977 263.875031 275.5 258 268.124969
6/1/1977 246 268.875031 246 264
5/2/1977 258.750092 263.750092 244.5 245.5
4/1/1977 276.5 279.249908 256.5 258.750092
3/1/1977 276.124969 286.124969 275.750092 276.5
2/1/1977 275.249908 277.875031 266 276
1/3/1977 276.5 280.5 266.124969 275.249908
12/1/1976 271 282 264.750092 279.124969
11/1/1976 271.750092 275.5 257.5 271
10/1/1976 281.375031 283.249908 253 271.750092
9/1/1976 273.624969 288.5 273.249908 281.375031
8/2/1976 272.124969 280.750092 267.750092 273.624969
7/1/1976 276.750092 280.375031 268 272.124969
Date Open High Low Close
6/1/1976 256.5 278.875031 252 276.750092
5/3/1976 252.750076 259.5 245.249924 256.624969
4/1/1976 262 273.249908 252.375046 253.375046
3/1/1976 255.624954 265.875031 254.249924 262
2/2/1976 257.750092 264.5 251.750076 255.624954
1/2/1976 224.249924 259.750092 223.375046 257.750092
12/1/1975 226.375046 227.249924 207.750076 224.249924
11/3/1975 212.249924 226.5 211 226.375046
10/1/1975 188.249924 215.750076 183.249924 212.249924
9/2/1975 186.249924 196.249924 177.624954 188.249924
8/1/1975 190.249924 190.750076 176 186.249924
7/1/1975 209 210.750076 189.750076 190.249924
6/2/1975 217 219.750076 203 209
5/1/1975 209.875046 227.375046 206 215
4/1/1975 206.624954 217.375046 196.249924 209.875046
3/3/1975 216 224.750076 203.249924 206.624954
2/3/1975 188.249924 221 187.249924 215.5
1/2/1975 168.249924 191.5 157.249924 188.249924
12/2/1974 175.5 175.624954 160.124954 168
11/1/1974 189.124954 200 166.750076 177.249924
10/1/1974 159 197 154.249924 189.124954
9/3/1974 192 192.5 150.5 159
8/1/1974 201.624954 215 188.249924 192
7/1/1974 212.750076 223.875046 196.249924 201.624954
6/3/1974 212.5 232 210 212.750076
5/1/1974 227.249924 232 209.624954 212.5
4/1/1974 235.750076 242.5 218.750076 227.249924
3/1/1974 237.875046 254 231.5 235.750076
2/1/1974 244.5 244.5 225 237.875046
1/2/1974 246.750076 251.5 225 245.249924
12/3/1973 264.750092 267 235.124954 246.750076
11/1/1973 280.249908 290 263 265
10/1/1973 257.750092 295 245 280.249908
9/4/1973 300.5 300.5 250.5 258
8/1/1973 314.5 314.750092 297.249908 301
7/2/1973 314 323.5 295 314.5
6/1/1973 314 333.5 306 317
5/1/1973 411.5 425.25 314 314.750092
4/2/1973 431.5 436.25 401.25 408
3/1/1973 431.5 449.75 419.5 431.5
2/1/1973 435.5 456.5 418.5 431.5
1/2/1973 404.5 448.5 404.5 435.5
12/1/1972 391 405 385 402
11/1/1972 386 394.5 371 391
10/2/1972 406.5 407.875 361.5 385.5
9/1/1972 408.5 409.75 393.25 406.5
8/1/1972 402 426.75 402 408.5
Date Open High Low Close
7/3/1972 393 405.5 383.5 400.75
6/1/1972 399 401 387 392
5/1/1972 386 406 376.75 397.75
4/3/1972 382.25 399.75 379.25 386
3/1/1972 369.5 386 366 382.25
2/1/1972 368 375 364.5 368.5
1/3/1972 336.5 372 331.75 368
12/1/1971 306.5 348.5 306.5 336.5
11/1/1971 300 306.5 288.25 305.5
10/1/1971 304.25 315.25 295.5 300.5
9/1/1971 304 313 299 303.75
8/2/1971 292.75 320 283.25 304
7/1/1971 317 319.25 290.25 291.25
6/1/1971 327.5 331.5 308 317
5/3/1971 355 355.5 325 327
4/1/1971 357.5 364 349 357.75
3/1/1971 336.5 365.75 334.75 357.5
2/1/1971 325.5 343.5 325 336.5
1/4/1971 316.75 327.75 310 325.5
12/1/1970 307.25 320.75 306.25 317.75
11/2/1970 294 309 288.5 307.25
10/1/1970 291.75 309.75 283 294
9/1/1970 265.25 295.5 259.25 291.75
8/3/1970 251.875 271.5 218.75 266.25
7/1/1970 250 262.5 242 252.25
6/1/1970 278 287 250 250
5/1/1970 298 299 237 278
4/1/1970 338.5 340.5 286.25 298
3/2/1970 340.25 341 315.25 338.5
2/2/1970 337 355 334.75 340.25
1/2/1970 364.5 387 334.25 335.187408

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Cremation of IBM Stock Certificates

  • 1. To Whom It May Concern: Regarding the Transfer of IBM Stock Certificates Estimated Capital Assuming that the “less than hundred” certificates are processed at 99 shares per certificate, and the “Blank”certificatesare processed at1000 sharespercertificate;the IBMCapital involvedinthistransfer amounts to: 7000 certificates at 99 shares per certificate, amounts to: 693,000 shares 8000 certificates at 100 shares per certificate, amounts to: 800,000 shares 1650 certificates at 1000 shares per certificate, amounts to: 1,650,000 shares ______________ TOTAL IBM CAPITAL TRANSFERRED FOR CREMATION 3,143,000 shares Value of Estimated Capital: (In U.S. Dollars, at $368.00 per share 01/Feb/1972) is: $ 1,156,624,000. I might also add that this transaction required my signature just three times. Trusting that this has been instructive, I am: Yours very truly, Daniel J. G. Stumpf Appended below: 1) “Certificate of Cremation”, from British American Bank Note Company Ltd., dated February 23, 1972 2) Letter of Transmittal to British American Bank Note Company Ltd., from National Trust Company Ltd., dated February 11, 1972 3) Table: IBMShare Price History, in U. S. Dollars, from 1970 to 2015; February 01, 1972 highlighted
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. IBM SHARE PRICE HISTORY in U.S. Dollars - 1970 to 2015, Highlighted: February 01, 1972 Date Open High Low Close 7/1/2015 163.970001 173.779999 162.229996 173.220001 6/1/2015 170.210007 171.559998 162.119995 162.660004 5/1/2015 173.199997 176.300003 168.839996 169.649994 4/1/2015 160.229996 175.130005 158.389999 171.289993 3/2/2015 161.940002 165.350006 153.399994 160.5 2/2/2015 154 164.990005 151.509995 161.940002 1/2/2015 161.309998 163.309998 149.520004 153.309998 12/1/2014 161.639999 164.520004 150.5 160.440002 11/3/2014 164.25 164.970001 159.800003 162.169998 10/1/2014 189.910004 190.889999 161.100006 164.399994 9/2/2014 192.679993 195 188.119995 189.830002 8/1/2014 190.5 194.130005 183.580002 192.300003 7/1/2014 181.699997 196.399994 181.699997 191.669998 6/2/2014 184.759995 187.649994 179.270004 181.270004 5/1/2014 196.309998 196.740005 182.330002 184.360001 4/1/2014 193.119995 199.210007 187.009995 196.470001 3/3/2014 183.330002 195.630005 182.210007 192.490005 2/3/2014 176.020004 186.119995 172.190002 185.169998 1/2/2014 187.210007 190.809998 175.339996 176.679993 12/2/2013 179.460007 187.789993 172.729996 187.570007 11/1/2013 179.809998 186.240005 177.309998 179.679993 10/1/2013 185.339996 186.990005 172.570007 179.210007 9/3/2013 183.630005 194.889999 182.309998 185.179993 8/1/2013 196.649994 197.169998 181.100006 182.270004 7/1/2013 192.149994 200.940002 190.259995 195.039993 6/3/2013 208.25 210.050003 188.410004 191.110001 5/1/2013 201.869995 211.979996 199.199997 208.020004 4/1/2013 212.800003 214.889999 187.679993 202.539993 3/1/2013 200.649994 215.899994 199.360001 213.300003 2/1/2013 204.649994 205.350006 197.509995 200.830002 1/2/2013 194.089996 208.580002 190.389999 203.070007 12/3/2012 190.759995 196.449997 186.940002 191.550003 11/1/2012 194.679993 198 184.779999 190.070007 10/1/2012 208.009995 211.789993 190.559998 194.529999 9/4/2012 196.610001 208.320007 193.25 207.449997 8/1/2012 196.960007 202 193.020004 194.850006 7/2/2012 196.360001 197.839996 181.850006 195.979996 6/1/2012 190.119995 199.990005 187 195.580002 5/1/2012 207.179993 208.929993 192 192.899994 4/2/2012 208.960007 210.690002 196.789993 207.080002 3/1/2012 197.229996 209.119995 196.809998 208.649994 2/1/2012 193.210007 199.229996 190.830002 196.729996 1/3/2012 186.729996 193.100006 177.350006 192.600006 12/1/2011 187.009995 194.899994 179.039993 183.880005 11/1/2011 181.550003 189.970001 177.059998 188 10/3/2011 174.360001 190.529999 168.880005 184.630005
  • 5. Date Open High Low Close 9/1/2011 172.710007 180.910004 158.759995 174.869995 8/1/2011 182.600006 183.690002 157.130005 171.910004 7/1/2011 171.610001 185.630005 171.490005 181.850006 6/1/2011 168.899994 172.449997 161.520004 171.550003 5/2/2011 172.110001 173.539993 165.899994 168.929993 4/1/2011 163.699997 173 162.190002 170.580002 3/1/2011 163.149994 167.720001 151.710007 163.070007 2/1/2011 162.110001 166.25 159.029999 161.880005 1/3/2011 147.210007 164.350006 146.639999 162 12/1/2010 143.610001 147.5 143.509995 146.759995 11/1/2010 143.639999 147.529999 141.179993 141.460007 10/1/2010 135.509995 144 134.389999 143.600006 9/1/2010 125.309998 136.110001 124.519997 134.139999 8/2/2010 129.25 132.490005 122.279999 123.129997 7/1/2010 123.550003 131.600006 120.610001 128.399994 6/1/2010 124.690002 131.940002 122.82 123.480003 5/3/2010 129.389999 133.100006 116 125.260002 4/1/2010 128.949997 132.279999 127.120003 129 3/1/2010 127.5 130.729996 125.199997 128.25 2/1/2010 123.230003 128.270004 121.610001 127.160004 1/4/2010 131.179993 134.25 121.900002 122.389999 12/1/2009 127.290001 132.850006 126 130.899994 11/2/2009 120.769997 128.940002 119.5 126.349998 10/1/2009 119.389999 128.610001 117.260002 120.610001 9/1/2009 117.669998 122.879997 115.150002 119.610001 8/3/2009 118.879997 120.879997 116.120003 118.050003 7/1/2009 105 119.370003 99.5 117.93 6/1/2009 106.940002 110.639999 103.510002 104.419998 5/1/2009 103.779999 106.82 99.830002 106.279999 4/1/2009 96.129997 106.050003 95.699997 103.209999 3/2/2009 91.169998 99.860001 83.019997 96.889999 2/2/2009 90.599998 97.099998 82.849998 92.029999 1/2/2009 83.889999 94.940002 81.760002 91.650002 12/1/2008 80.949997 87.269997 75.309998 84.160004 11/3/2008 92.639999 94.760002 69.5 81.599998 10/1/2008 115.510002 116.800003 78.82 92.970001 9/2/2008 122.870003 124 109.949997 116.959999 8/1/2008 128.520004 129.970001 121.5 121.730003 7/1/2008 117.5 130.929993 116.599998 127.980003 6/2/2008 128.490005 129.369995 118.150002 118.529999 5/1/2008 121.059998 129.990005 120.779999 129.429993 4/1/2008 115.199997 125 113.860001 120.699997 3/3/2008 113.860001 119.790001 111.800003 115.139999 2/1/2008 107.160004 116.629997 100.599998 113.860001 1/2/2008 108.989998 108.989998 97.040001 107.110001 12/3/2007 105.550003 112.190002 104 108.099998 11/1/2007 115.5 116.089996 99.269997 105.18
  • 6. Date Open High Low Close 10/1/2007 117.610001 121.459999 110.959999 116.120003 9/4/2007 116.339996 118.889999 114.300003 117.800003 8/1/2007 110.389999 117.349998 103.699997 116.690002 7/2/2007 105.389999 118.82 104.580002 110.650002 6/1/2007 106.620003 107.239998 101.559998 105.25 5/1/2007 102.059998 108.050003 101.349998 106.599998 4/2/2007 94.510002 103 93.910004 102.209999 3/1/2007 90.25 95.809998 88.769997 94.260002 2/1/2007 98.970001 100.440002 92.470001 92.940002 1/3/2007 97.18 100.900002 94.550003 99.150002 12/1/2006 91.900002 97.879997 90.550003 97.150002 11/1/2006 92.5 94.050003 90.43 91.919998 10/2/2006 81.760002 92.68 81.559998 92.330002 9/1/2006 81.129997 83.790001 79.309998 81.940002 8/1/2006 76.650002 81.68 75.050003 80.970001 7/3/2006 77.540001 78.529999 72.730003 77.410004 6/1/2006 79.889999 80.870003 76.059998 76.82 5/1/2006 82.589996 83.690002 79.059998 79.900002 4/3/2006 82.720001 84.449997 80.629997 82.339996 3/1/2006 80.199997 84.989998 79.510002 82.470001 2/1/2006 80.900002 82.239998 78.93 80.239998 1/3/2006 82.449997 85.029999 80.209999 81.300003 12/1/2005 89.150002 89.919998 81.559998 82.199997 11/1/2005 81.849998 89.940002 80.639999 88.900002 10/3/2005 80.220001 84.599998 78.699997 81.879997 9/1/2005 80.160004 82.110001 76.93 80.220001 8/1/2005 83 84.199997 79.870003 80.620003 7/1/2005 74.300003 85.110001 74.160004 83.459999 6/1/2005 75.57 77.730003 73.449997 74.199997 5/2/2005 76.879997 78.110001 72.5 75.550003 4/1/2005 91.489998 91.760002 71.849998 76.379997 3/1/2005 92.639999 93.730003 89.089996 91.379997 2/1/2005 93.669998 94.970001 91.550003 92.580002 1/3/2005 98.970001 99.099998 91.440002 93.419998 12/1/2004 94.5 99 94.470001 98.580002 11/1/2004 89.330002 96.629997 89.230003 94.239998 10/1/2004 85.949997 90.269997 84.290001 89.75 9/1/2004 84.050003 87.279999 83.239998 85.739998 8/2/2004 86.870003 87.389999 81.900002 84.690002 7/1/2004 88.279999 88.440002 83.419998 87.07 6/1/2004 88 91.209999 87.300003 88.150002 5/3/2004 88.129997 89.75 85.120003 88.589996 4/1/2004 91.669998 94.550003 88.010002 88.169998 3/1/2004 96.5 97.599998 90.279999 91.839996 2/2/2004 99.150002 100.43 95.199997 96.5 1/2/2004 92.860001 99.849998 89.010002 99.230003 12/1/2003 90.900002 94.120003 90.029999 92.68
  • 7. Date Open High Low Close 11/3/2003 89.900002 91.480003 87.720001 90.540001 10/1/2003 88.75 94.540001 87.529999 89.480003 9/2/2003 82.400002 93.470001 82.300003 88.330002 8/1/2003 81.150002 84.720001 78.730003 82.010002 7/1/2003 81.400002 87.029999 80.580002 81.25 6/2/2003 89 89.080002 79.809998 82.5 5/1/2003 85.300003 90.400002 84.449997 88.040001 4/1/2003 78.5 86.489998 78.120003 84.900002 3/3/2003 78.900002 84.900002 73.169998 78.43 2/3/2003 78.199997 80.050003 74.309998 77.949997 1/2/2003 78.800003 88.949997 77.019997 78.199997 12/2/2002 88.599998 89.459999 75.599998 77.5 11/1/2002 78.900002 88.110001 76.699997 86.919998 10/1/2002 59.200001 79.790001 54.009998 78.940002 9/3/2002 74.199997 77.5 57.990002 58.310001 8/1/2002 70.400002 82.849998 65.849998 75.379997 7/1/2002 72.010002 74.199997 65.699997 70.400002 6/3/2002 80.75 80.949997 66.099998 72 5/1/2002 83.849998 86.489998 75.919998 80.449997 4/1/2002 104 104 83.339996 83.760002 3/1/2002 98.599998 108.849998 98.5 104 2/1/2002 107.639999 109.300003 95.760002 98.120003 1/2/2002 120.599998 126.389999 101 107.889999 12/3/2001 114.800003 124.699997 113.209999 120.959999 11/1/2001 107.25 117 106.900002 115.589996 10/1/2001 91.720001 112.099998 91.339996 108.07 9/4/2001 100.150002 103.129997 87.489998 91.720001 8/1/2001 105.349998 110.089996 98.860001 99.949997 7/2/2001 113.5 115.400002 101.559998 105.209999 6/1/2001 112.5 119 111.099998 113.5 5/1/2001 115.849998 119.900002 110.959999 111.800003 4/2/2001 97.449997 118.050003 90.050003 115.139999 3/1/2001 99.300003 108.400002 87.650002 96.18 2/1/2001 112.400002 118.639999 99.099998 99.900002 1/2/2001 84.5 116.75 83.75 112 12/1/2000 94.4375 104.75 80.0625 85 11/1/2000 98.4375 104.375 91.625 93.5 10/2/2000 112.625 119.625 86.9375 98.5 9/1/2000 133.0625 134.9375 110.25 112.625 8/1/2000 112 134.25 110.25 132.015625 7/3/2000 108.75 117.8125 100 112.25 6/1/2000 107.5625 122.3125 105.5 109.5625 5/1/2000 112.5 113.625 102 107.3125 4/3/2000 120 128 101.25 111.5 3/1/2000 102 128.25 99.5 118.375 2/1/2000 112.375 119.75 100.9375 102.75 1/3/2000 112.4375 124.75 109.625 112.25
  • 8. Date Open High Low Close 12/1/1999 102.5625 122.125 102.25 107.875 11/1/1999 98.5 109.875 90 103.0625 10/1/1999 121 123.25 89 98.25 9/1/1999 125.625 137.6875 119.625 121 8/2/1999 124 129.625 117.5625 124.5625 7/1/1999 130 139.1875 122.625 125.6875 6/1/1999 113.625 132 109.4375 129.25 5/3/1999 208 246 112.625 116 4/1/1999 177.3125 215.25 163 209.1875 3/1/1999 169.5 185.9375 164 177.25 2/1/1999 184.5 184.5 161.75 169.75 1/4/1999 185 199.25 173.5 183.25 12/1/1998 163.5 189.9375 162.25 184.375 11/2/1998 148.4375 170.5625 145.75 165.125 10/1/1998 125.0625 149.8125 116.8125 148.5 9/1/1998 113 136.1875 110.75 128.5 8/3/1998 134 134.875 112.625 112.625 7/1/1998 116 138.125 112.75 132.5 6/1/1998 117.375 120 106 114.8125 5/1/1998 115.9375 129.3125 115.5 117.5 4/1/1998 103.875 120 103.3125 115.875 3/2/1998 104.1875 106.6875 95.875 103.875 2/2/1998 100 105.875 97.5 104.4375 1/2/1998 104.5 108.375 95.625 98.75 12/1/1997 110 113.5 96.375 104.625 11/3/1997 99.125 109.9375 95.25 109.5 10/1/1997 106.125 107.25 88.625 98.5 9/2/1997 101.375 107.4375 96.125 106 8/1/1997 105.5 109.4375 99.6875 101.375 7/1/1997 90.25 108.4375 90.125 105.75 6/2/1997 87.75 93.75 81.75 90.25 5/1/1997 160.5 179.25 84.5 86.5 4/1/1997 137 161.125 127.125 160.5 3/3/1997 143.75 149.75 130 137.25 2/3/1997 157.375 157.375 137.125 143.75 1/2/1997 153.75 170.125 145 156.875 12/2/1996 159.625 166 147.25 151.5 11/1/1996 128.875 160.75 127.125 159.375 10/1/1996 124 135.375 123.125 129 9/3/1996 113.25 127.875 112.562477 124.5 8/1/1996 108 115.75 107.25 114.375 7/1/1996 99.25 108.875 89.125 107.5 6/3/1996 106.375 106.625 96.125 99 5/1/1996 107.75 112.5 103.625 106.75 4/1/1996 112.125 120.875 103.375 107.75 3/1/1996 121.625 125.5 107.625 111.25 2/1/1996 108.75 128.875 108.125 122.625
  • 9. Date Open High Low Close 1/2/1996 91.375 109.875 83.125 108.5 12/1/1995 97 97.25 87.75 91.375 11/1/1995 97.25 102.375 93 96.625 10/2/1995 95 99.25 89.125 97.25 9/1/1995 102.75 104.5 91.625 94.5 8/1/1995 109.125 114.625 98.625 103.375 7/3/1995 96.25 111.25 95.75 108.875 6/1/1995 93.5 99.375 88.375 96 5/1/1995 93.875 97.875 91.5 93 4/3/1995 82.25 96.875 82.25 94.625 3/1/1995 75.125 85.125 75.125 82.125 2/1/1995 72.375 76.25 72.25 75.25 1/3/1995 73.5 78 70.25 72.125 12/1/1994 70.625 74.625 68.875 73.5 11/1/1994 74.375 75.25 68 70.75 10/3/1994 69.375 76.375 67.375 74.5 9/1/1994 66.875 71.375 66.625 69.625 8/1/1994 61.875 70.125 61.5 68.5 7/1/1994 59 63.125 54.5 61.875 6/1/1994 63 65 58.125 58.75 5/2/1994 57.5 64.125 56.25 63 4/4/1994 53 59.5 51.375 57.5 3/1/1994 52.875 58.875 51.375 54.625 2/1/1994 56.875 57.375 52 52.875 1/3/1994 56.875 60 54.75 56.5 12/1/1993 54.75 59.875 52.75 56.5 11/1/1993 46 56.125 45.75 53.875 10/1/1993 42.125 46.625 42.125 46 9/1/1993 45.75 46.375 41.25 42 8/2/1993 44.375 45.875 40.625 45.75 7/1/1993 49.625 49.75 41.125 44.5 6/1/1993 53.25 54.375 48.5 49.375 5/3/1993 49.125 54 47.125 52.75 4/1/1993 51.5 53.125 47.375 48.625 3/1/1993 54.75 57.125 49.875 50.875 2/1/1993 52 54.875 48.75 54.375 1/4/1993 51.75 53.25 45.875 51.5 12/1/1992 68.375 68.875 48.75 50.375 11/2/1992 67 69.875 60.875 68.25 10/1/1992 81 81.125 65 66.875 9/1/1992 86.625 88.75 80 80.75 8/3/1992 94.5 95.25 85 86.625 7/1/1992 97.875 100.375 92.375 94.75 6/1/1992 90.5 98.625 88.25 97.875 5/1/1992 91.25 94.375 90.125 90.75 4/1/1992 83.5 90.75 81.625 90.75 3/2/1992 86.875 90.25 83.125 83.5
  • 10. Date Open High Low Close 2/3/1992 90 93.25 86.625 86.875 1/2/1992 89 98.125 88.875 90 12/2/1991 91.125 92.375 83.5 89 11/1/1991 98.375 101.375 92.375 92.5 10/1/1991 103.625 104.75 96.75 98.25 9/3/1991 97.75 106.375 97.625 103.625 8/1/1991 101 101.75 92 96.875 7/1/1991 97.625 103 95.625 101.25 6/3/1991 106 107.375 96.625 97.125 5/1/1991 102.5 106.5 100.5 106.125 4/1/1991 113.875 114.75 102.125 103 3/1/1991 128.25 135 111 113.875 2/1/1991 126.5 139.75 125.625 128.75 1/2/1991 112.875 127.125 105.5 126.75 12/3/1990 114.5 116 110.625 113 11/1/1990 105.375 115.125 104.875 113.625 10/1/1990 107.125 110.375 96.25 105.5 9/4/1990 101 109.25 100.75 106.375 8/1/1990 111.875 112.375 96.5 101.875 7/2/1990 117.5 123.125 110.5 111.5 6/1/1990 120.5 122.25 116.25 117.5 5/1/1990 109.5 122.125 107.875 120 4/2/1990 105.125 111.25 105 109 3/1/1990 103.75 109.375 103.375 106.125 2/1/1990 98.625 105.5 97.5 103.875 1/2/1990 94.75 101.625 94.5 98.625 12/1/1989 97.625 101.875 93.375 94.125 11/1/1989 100.25 100.75 96 97.625 10/2/1989 109.375 109.75 97.75 100.25 9/1/1989 116.875 118.75 107.75 109.25 8/1/1989 115.5 119.375 112.5 117.125 7/3/1989 112.5 116.75 110.625 115 6/1/1989 109.5 115.125 107.5 111.875 5/1/1989 113 113.75 107.5 109.625 4/3/1989 109.25 115.75 106.25 114.125 3/1/1989 122.125 122.375 107.625 109.125 2/1/1989 129.75 130.875 120.625 121.5 1/3/1989 121.875 130.875 120.625 130.625 12/1/1988 118.375 124.125 117.625 121.875 11/1/1988 122.875 124.375 114.125 118.5 10/3/1988 115.125 124.875 112.75 122.625 9/1/1988 111.125 116.5 109.5 115.375 8/1/1988 126 126.875 110.375 111.5 7/1/1988 127.75 129.5 120 125.75 6/1/1988 113 128.375 111.75 127.375 5/2/1988 113.625 115.125 107.5 112.5 4/4/1988 107.5 116.5 105.625 113.375
  • 11. Date Open High Low Close 3/1/1988 117.875 118.625 104.25 107.625 2/1/1988 112.75 117.875 106.875 117.5 1/4/1988 117 124 108.625 112.375 12/1/1987 112.5 120.375 105 115.5 11/2/1987 121 124.875 110 110.75 10/1/1987 151.25 157.25 100 122.5 9/1/1987 168.625 169.375 148.5 150.75 8/3/1987 159.5 175.875 158.5 168.375 7/1/1987 162.875 169.875 159.125 161 6/1/1987 161 168.625 156 162.5 5/1/1987 160 167.625 155 160 4/1/1987 149 161.5 142.625 160.125 3/2/1987 139.5 156.625 137.625 150.125 2/2/1987 128.25 144.25 128 139.5 1/2/1987 121 130.875 115.75 128.75 12/1/1986 126.5 130.125 120 120 11/3/1986 124 127.875 119.25 127.125 10/1/1986 134.875 135.5 119.75 123.625 9/2/1986 138.875 145.5 133.125 134.5 8/1/1986 132.625 142 129.25 138.75 7/1/1986 146.5 150.125 129.875 132.5 6/2/1986 152.75 153.5 144.125 146.5 5/1/1986 156 157.5 142.25 152.375 4/1/1986 151.875 161.875 147.375 156.25 3/3/1986 150.375 153.5 144.5 151.5 2/3/1986 151.875 161 150 150.875 1/2/1986 154.75 156.5 143 151.5 12/2/1985 139.75 158.75 137.625 155.5 11/1/1985 129.625 140.75 129.625 139.75 10/1/1985 124 131.375 122.875 129.875 9/3/1985 126.625 130.5 122.25 123.875 8/1/1985 131.75 132.75 125.5 126.625 7/1/1985 123.75 132.5 120 131.375 6/3/1985 129.375 130.625 117.375 123.75 5/1/1985 126.375 133.25 124.625 128.625 4/1/1985 127 130.375 123.875 126.5 3/1/1985 134.5 136.75 124.125 127 2/1/1985 135.625 138.25 130.75 134 1/2/1985 122.375 137.625 119 136.375 12/3/1984 121.25 124.5 116 123.125 11/1/1984 125.75 127.75 119.5 121.75 10/1/1984 123.75 127.75 118.75 124.625 9/4/1984 123 128.5 120.875 124.25 8/1/1984 111 126.75 110.875 123.75 7/2/1984 105.75 110.875 104 110.625 6/1/1984 107.75 109.25 99 105.75 5/1/1984 114 117.25 105.625 107.75
  • 12. Date Open High Low Close 4/2/1984 114.25 114.625 107.5 113.75 3/1/1984 109.75 115.75 106.625 113.875 2/1/1984 114.25 114.625 106.5 110.25 1/3/1984 122.25 125 112.625 114.125 12/1/1983 117.75 124.875 117.125 122 11/1/1983 127.25 127.75 117.375 117.375 10/3/1983 126.5 134.25 125.5 126.75 9/1/1983 119.625 129.5 118.125 126.875 8/1/1983 120.25 123.75 115.25 119.5 7/1/1983 120.625 127 118.625 120.375 6/1/1983 111.25 124.5 110.25 120.25 5/2/1983 116 118.5 109.75 111.25 4/4/1983 101.625 118 101.125 117 3/1/1983 100.75 104.875 98.625 101.75 2/1/1983 98.125 101.5 93.875 99 1/3/1983 94.75 100.75 92.25 98.875 12/1/1982 87.25 98 86.125 96.25 11/1/1982 80.5 86.5 79.5 86.5 10/1/1982 74 84.75 73.25 79.875 9/1/1982 70.25 77.625 69.375 73.375 8/2/1982 66.625 71 62.125 70.5 7/1/1982 60.625 68.625 59.375 65.625 6/1/1982 61.625 62.125 57.5 60.625 5/3/1982 64.375 65.25 61.25 61.5 4/1/1982 60.5 66.125 59.875 64.25 3/1/1982 62.125 62.75 57.125 59.75 2/1/1982 63 64 59.75 61.875 1/4/1982 57.625 64.75 55.625 63.625 12/1/1981 54.5 57.625 53 56.875 11/2/1981 52 54.5 49.875 54.5 10/1/1981 54.125 56.25 48.375 51.5 9/1/1981 55.125 56.75 52.25 54.125 8/3/1981 56.125 58.875 55 55.125 7/1/1981 57.875 57.875 54.625 56.125 6/1/1981 59.75 60.75 57.125 57.875 5/1/1981 58.625 59.375 55.125 58.75 4/1/1981 62.375 63.375 58.625 58.625 3/2/1981 64.25 65.25 61.375 62.375 2/2/1981 64.375 64.875 60.25 64.25 1/2/1981 67.875 71.5 64 64.375 12/1/1980 68 69.5 63.25 67.875 11/3/1980 66.75 72.75 66.25 68.125 10/1/1980 64.125 71.5 63.625 66.625 9/2/1980 65.5 69 63.375 64.125 8/1/1980 65.25 69.125 64 65.5 7/1/1980 58.75 66.125 58.375 65.25 6/2/1980 55.375 60.375 55.25 58.75
  • 13. Date Open High Low Close 5/1/1980 54.875 56.625 52 55.375 4/1/1980 55.75 56 50.375 54.875 3/3/1980 63.5 63.5 51.375 55.75 2/1/1980 68.625 70.5 62 63.5 1/2/1980 63 72 61.25 68.625 12/3/1979 65.125 67.625 63.25 64.375 11/1/1979 62.375 67 61.125 65.25 10/1/1979 67.625 69.5 61.125 62.375 9/4/1979 69.875 71.375 65.75 67.75 8/1/1979 69.75 72.5 68.25 70 7/2/1979 73.375 76.75 68 69.75 6/1/1979 76.375 78.5 72.125 73.375 5/1/1979 314.249908 321.5 302.249908 304 4/2/1979 315.5 322 306.249908 314.249908 3/1/1979 300 320.750092 298.624969 315.5 2/1/1979 308.750092 311 297.124969 300 1/2/1979 298.5 316.249908 294.5 308.750092 12/1/1978 270.624969 310 269.375031 298.5 11/1/1978 265.249908 276.5 256 269.5 10/2/1978 277 293.5 263.5 264.249908 9/1/1978 292 304.5 273.5 277 8/1/1978 281 300.750092 279 291.875031 7/3/1978 257.249908 281.5 255 281 6/1/1978 258.249908 276.249908 256 257.249908 5/1/1978 266 268.750092 258 258.249908 4/3/1978 236.249924 266 234.750076 266 3/1/1978 251.249924 252.5 235.249924 235.5 2/1/1978 265.5 266.375031 250.249924 251.249924 1/3/1978 268.5 273 264 265.5 12/1/1977 264 275.249908 259.249908 273.5 11/1/1977 257.249908 269.249908 249 264 10/3/1977 261 262.5 254.124954 257.249908 9/1/1977 268.375031 269 255.249924 261 8/1/1977 268.124969 272 263.875031 268.375031 7/1/1977 263.875031 275.5 258 268.124969 6/1/1977 246 268.875031 246 264 5/2/1977 258.750092 263.750092 244.5 245.5 4/1/1977 276.5 279.249908 256.5 258.750092 3/1/1977 276.124969 286.124969 275.750092 276.5 2/1/1977 275.249908 277.875031 266 276 1/3/1977 276.5 280.5 266.124969 275.249908 12/1/1976 271 282 264.750092 279.124969 11/1/1976 271.750092 275.5 257.5 271 10/1/1976 281.375031 283.249908 253 271.750092 9/1/1976 273.624969 288.5 273.249908 281.375031 8/2/1976 272.124969 280.750092 267.750092 273.624969 7/1/1976 276.750092 280.375031 268 272.124969
  • 14. Date Open High Low Close 6/1/1976 256.5 278.875031 252 276.750092 5/3/1976 252.750076 259.5 245.249924 256.624969 4/1/1976 262 273.249908 252.375046 253.375046 3/1/1976 255.624954 265.875031 254.249924 262 2/2/1976 257.750092 264.5 251.750076 255.624954 1/2/1976 224.249924 259.750092 223.375046 257.750092 12/1/1975 226.375046 227.249924 207.750076 224.249924 11/3/1975 212.249924 226.5 211 226.375046 10/1/1975 188.249924 215.750076 183.249924 212.249924 9/2/1975 186.249924 196.249924 177.624954 188.249924 8/1/1975 190.249924 190.750076 176 186.249924 7/1/1975 209 210.750076 189.750076 190.249924 6/2/1975 217 219.750076 203 209 5/1/1975 209.875046 227.375046 206 215 4/1/1975 206.624954 217.375046 196.249924 209.875046 3/3/1975 216 224.750076 203.249924 206.624954 2/3/1975 188.249924 221 187.249924 215.5 1/2/1975 168.249924 191.5 157.249924 188.249924 12/2/1974 175.5 175.624954 160.124954 168 11/1/1974 189.124954 200 166.750076 177.249924 10/1/1974 159 197 154.249924 189.124954 9/3/1974 192 192.5 150.5 159 8/1/1974 201.624954 215 188.249924 192 7/1/1974 212.750076 223.875046 196.249924 201.624954 6/3/1974 212.5 232 210 212.750076 5/1/1974 227.249924 232 209.624954 212.5 4/1/1974 235.750076 242.5 218.750076 227.249924 3/1/1974 237.875046 254 231.5 235.750076 2/1/1974 244.5 244.5 225 237.875046 1/2/1974 246.750076 251.5 225 245.249924 12/3/1973 264.750092 267 235.124954 246.750076 11/1/1973 280.249908 290 263 265 10/1/1973 257.750092 295 245 280.249908 9/4/1973 300.5 300.5 250.5 258 8/1/1973 314.5 314.750092 297.249908 301 7/2/1973 314 323.5 295 314.5 6/1/1973 314 333.5 306 317 5/1/1973 411.5 425.25 314 314.750092 4/2/1973 431.5 436.25 401.25 408 3/1/1973 431.5 449.75 419.5 431.5 2/1/1973 435.5 456.5 418.5 431.5 1/2/1973 404.5 448.5 404.5 435.5 12/1/1972 391 405 385 402 11/1/1972 386 394.5 371 391 10/2/1972 406.5 407.875 361.5 385.5 9/1/1972 408.5 409.75 393.25 406.5 8/1/1972 402 426.75 402 408.5
  • 15. Date Open High Low Close 7/3/1972 393 405.5 383.5 400.75 6/1/1972 399 401 387 392 5/1/1972 386 406 376.75 397.75 4/3/1972 382.25 399.75 379.25 386 3/1/1972 369.5 386 366 382.25 2/1/1972 368 375 364.5 368.5 1/3/1972 336.5 372 331.75 368 12/1/1971 306.5 348.5 306.5 336.5 11/1/1971 300 306.5 288.25 305.5 10/1/1971 304.25 315.25 295.5 300.5 9/1/1971 304 313 299 303.75 8/2/1971 292.75 320 283.25 304 7/1/1971 317 319.25 290.25 291.25 6/1/1971 327.5 331.5 308 317 5/3/1971 355 355.5 325 327 4/1/1971 357.5 364 349 357.75 3/1/1971 336.5 365.75 334.75 357.5 2/1/1971 325.5 343.5 325 336.5 1/4/1971 316.75 327.75 310 325.5 12/1/1970 307.25 320.75 306.25 317.75 11/2/1970 294 309 288.5 307.25 10/1/1970 291.75 309.75 283 294 9/1/1970 265.25 295.5 259.25 291.75 8/3/1970 251.875 271.5 218.75 266.25 7/1/1970 250 262.5 242 252.25 6/1/1970 278 287 250 250 5/1/1970 298 299 237 278 4/1/1970 338.5 340.5 286.25 298 3/2/1970 340.25 341 315.25 338.5 2/2/1970 337 355 334.75 340.25 1/2/1970 364.5 387 334.25 335.187408