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Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Concepts : Copy : Content
Words have the power to bring
about change; you just need
to know how to use them.
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Demonstrating that you can never have too much of a good thing, Barclays
Private Bank has an invitation-only lifestyle site called Little Book of Wonders,
which offers its ultra-wealthy members up to five top-notch events a year,
as well as interesting articles and features.
The brief was to transform the previous concierge-style site into something
more worthy of the money’s-no-object audience’s attention. Our solution was
a high-end concept called Memories in the making, which repositioned Little
Book of Wonders as the gateway to life-enriching shared experiences.
Art director: Joe Prytherych
Copy sample
Sit front row at Chanel – An exquisite opportunity to sparkle amongst the A list
When it comes to previewing the new season’s fashion, the FROW is the only place
to be. Mingling with film stars, swapping tips with the fashion editors and getting
up close to the hautest in haute couture… it’s a view that few get to experience.
The day begins with a first class Eurostar to Paris, where you’ll enjoy a light lunch
at JaJa before being whisked to the show’s secret location. You’ll then take your
seat amongst the A list to enjoy the dazzle and drama of Karl Lagerfeld’s latest
collection. A late dinner at the Michelin starred Le Meurice will be followed by
a night tour of the city, en route to Hotel Mathis and fashion-filled dreams.
Barclays: Little Book of Wonders
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Copy sample from ebook
Convert, keep, grow
How customer lifecycle marketing can help you build relationships that last
Created by RMC for marketing professionals in search of the perfect email campaign
The days of firing off batch and blast emails are over. Today’s savviest marketing professionals understand that the
best way to convert, keep and grow customers is to make sure you’re talking to them about the right things, in the right
way, at the right time.
To give this its proper name, it’s called customer lifecycle marketing (CLM), and it’s the key to building long-term
relationships with your customers which will make you, them and your finance director happy.
Sounds simple? Well it is, as long as you know what you’re doing – which is why we’ve created this ebook. It’s full
of useful, practical information to help you plan, create and execute the six types of email campaign that are essential
to any CLM-focused email marketing strategy:
•	 Welcome emails
•	 Cart abandonment emails
•	 Browse abandonment emails
•	 Post-purchase emails
•	 Customer retention emails
•	 Win-back emails
We’re passionate about the power of email, and we want to help everyone in the industry use it better. So if you’re keen
to get more from your email campaigns, this is the ebook for you. From who you should target and what you should
include, to tips and tactics that really work, everything you need is here.
Related Marketing Cloud
Related Marketing Cloud is a cloud-based
integrated marketing company, and was
one of the earliest champions of email
marketing. As part of their own brand
development, they asked me to create an
ebook and a series of accompanying blogs
to explain to potential clients how lifecycle
marketing can help them acquire, convert,
grow, retain and reboot their customers.
Whilst the core content of each ebook
chapter was relatively similar to the
corresponding blog, the tone and approach
were deliberately different, reflecting the
contrasting environment and expectations
of the readers.
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Copy sample from blog
Convert, keep, grow
How customer lifecycle marketing can help you build relationships that last
#1 The power of the welcome – and how to get it right
Welcome to the first in a series of blogs about making CLM work for you.
And in a neat twist, I’m kicking things off by looking at the welcome email;
a deceptively simple piece of communication that’s one of the most powerful
tools in your e-basket.
Let’s face it, we all like to be made to feel welcome, especially when we’re
somewhere new. A handshake, a smile, an introduction or two; it makes us feel
warm, included, part of a group. And if we’re lucky, and we start off in the right
way, it could lead to something bigger; a friendship or business association that
outlives the first meeting.
A welcome email has the same potential to be the start of a relationship that lasts.
But don’t be fooled by the cosy-sounding name; there’s much more to it than
a friendly hello. It’s one of the most critical points in every customer journey,
laying the groundwork for long-term loyalty and engagement.
So get it right, and you’ll be able to make a great first impression, set out your core
brand values and open the door to future purchases, all in one go. But get it wrong,
and you risk losing them before the relationship has really started.
Here are the top five things you need to think about if you want to start off in your
customers’ good books.
(1) Timing
Don’t hang about. It’s that simple. According to a survey by Return Path*, 75% of
welcome emails are sent the same day. And the longer you wait, the less likely they
are to be opened. By acting quickly, you’re more likely to catch the recipient while
they’re in the right mood, but leave it too long and they may lose interest or, dare
I say it, forget who you are.
Some companies choose to send a single welcome email; others spread the
conversation out across a few days. You’ll need to do some testing to work out
which is right for you.
(2) Messaging
This is one of your first chances to make the recipient feel warm towards your
company. So get the tone right, make the subject line captivating, and make
the email look and feel part of your brand. Make sure, too, that you greet them
appropriately, and that any personalisation you use is correct and not too heavy
handed; assuming all women love pink or all men love football is a short-cut
to unsubscribes.
You might also want to think about segmenting your recipients – for example,
into customers and subscribers – and tailoring the messaging to suit each group.
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Cancer Research UK
I first worked with CRUK at
RAPP, and when I went
freelance, some of their briefs
came too. From TV and press
to retail posters, banners and
emails, I’ve covered most of
their bases, navigated several
rebrands, and still enjoy
working for them today.
I’m also jointly responsible for
DM pack (codenamed “Why?”)
which toppled the previous,
long-standing winner several
years ago – and remains
Art director: Jon Harvey
145 147 148 40
I don’t know what you’ve got planned for today. But there’s one
thing you’re doing already, without lifting a finger – and that’s
helping us beat cancer.
Today, like every day, we’ll be using your gift to find new ways
to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. From investigating
why cancer starts, and how to stop it spreading, to lobbying
the government to bring in cancer-beating laws, we’ll be hard
at work, thanks to you. It’s incredibly challenging, but I can
promise you we won’t give up until we’ve
beaten every kind of cancer.
We’ve put together this newsletter to
give you a snapshot of some of the
work we’re doing, with your help.
We’re stronger with you on our side,
so thank you for staying with us.
Harpal S. Kumar
CEO, Cancer Research UK
Harpal S. Kumar
CEO of Cancer Research UK
A B Sample
12 Sample Street
Town Sample
Sample Place
Area Sample
ABC 123
<contact um/mailsort code/romocode>
Cancer Research UK, PO Box 232, Melksham SN12 6WF.
Registered charity nos. 1089464, SC041666 and IOM 1103.
Our team at the Cambridge Research
Institute have shown that when two drugs
are used together, they pack a far more
powerful punch against pancreatic cancer.
Their research revealed that when a
chemotherapy drug called gemcitabine
is combined with a new drug called
MRK003, it sets off a chain of events
that kills off cancer cells much more
effectively than if they were used on their
own. The team are now running a clinical
trial to test whether this discovery could
lead to a new treatment.
The earlier cancer is detected,
the better the chances
of treating it successfully.
Find out more at
8080p IN EVERY £1
In one of the 200 clinical trials we fund each
year, our scientists have been leading a trial into a
clever new piece of kit called a Cytosponge. They’re investigating
whether it could be used to test for Barrett’s oesophagus,a
condition which can lead to cancer if left unchecked.
The sponge is compressed inside a tiny capsule which is attached
to a piece of string. The capsule dissolves once the patient has
swallowed it, allowing the sponge to expand and collect
cells from the food pipe. The patient then simply pulls
the sponge out by the string, and the cells can be
tested for early signs of the disease.
It’s a brilliant little invention, offering a quick and
painless way of catching oesophageal cancer before
it starts. If our trial is successful, we’re planning to
ask the National Screening Committee to roll it out
across the UK as part of a screening programme.
Whatever you’re
going through,
you don’t have
to tackle it alone:
l Our specialist
cancer nurses can
offer help and advice
on 0800 800 4040
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
l You can talk
to other people
affected by cancer
on our online forum
l Or find out more
about the disease
on our patient
information website
If you have more
general questions
about our work or
your gift:
l Please call
our Supporter
Contact Team on
0300 123 1861
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
l Or you can
email us on
l There’s also loads
of information on
our main website
“I first noticed a lump when I was showering.
The doctor confirmed it was seminoma, a
type of testicular cancer, and I needed surgery.
I then found another lump on the other testicle.
It was unbelievable – I thought it was all over,
but I had more surgery and chemotherapy.
Now, eight years later, I’m currently
clear of all signs of cancer, and have
two children, Keira and Daniel.
Cancer doesn’t have to be the end
– sometimes it’s a new beginning.
The more vital research we can
fund, the more success stories
like mine we’ll be hearing.”
Alim Erinoglu
Testicular cancer survivor
Alim with
his family
Actual size of the
Cytosponge capsule
Thousands of gorgeous,
pre-loved items are
given to us every week.
What will you find?
N O V E L S …
Retail posters (also appeared as banners)
Welcome newsletter
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
The Archer Academy
Setting up a school from scratch is a huge job and the
comms are a critical part of giving potential parents
the confidence to overcome a lack of track record.
As the only writer on the founding team for new free
school the Archer Academy, I created or co-created
much of the outward facing comms, from proposal
through to opening and beyond. This included the
prospectus, website, student microsite, social media,
press and an extensive email marketing campaign.
Unusually for a free school, the Archer Academy has
been oversubscribed every year since opening, with
950 applicants for 150 places in the most recent
admissions round.
Art director: Peter Copley
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Left: Main school website
Above: Year 6 transition microsite
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Digitas LBi were pitching for a slice of Barclays Wealth and Investment
Management, and this is how we won it; with a campaign called Stop. Think.
Succeed. It set out to challenge high net worth individuals to pause and
reflect on whether they were managing their wealth in the right way.
The campaign brought the concept to life through a range of media, including:
press, posters and films showing people stopping in a moment in time as the
world rushed by them; using white space in print as a metaphor for space for
thought; and creating ‘space to think’ pods at airports.
It not only won the pitch but was also rolled out by Barclays WIM and is still
in use.
Art director: Joe Prytherych
Advert in Royal Opera House programme
Landing page on Barclays website
Airport wifi login takeover
Barclays: Stop. Think. Succeed.
Film storyboard
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Toyota Corolla
Briefed to explain to potential Toyota customers that the
Corolla was being expanded into an MPV, we had a lot of fun
playing with a phrase anyone who’s ever had grandparents
will be familiar with: “Ooooh, haven’t you grown?”
The resulting DM pack touched on a rich seam of insights
into families and how they alter as they grow (both older and
higher), including a reflection on the changing face of childhood
journeys and a life-sized height-chart to bring the message –
and a lot of product detail – charmingly to life.
Art director: Dave Scott
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Why do we need more investment into asthma?
Despite the research and development that has
already been carried out across Europe, there are
still some real gaps in our knowledge about the
causes and triggers of asthma, and the best ways
to treat it. In particular:
•	There are no effective treatments for about 5%
of asthma patients.
•	We still don’t understand enough about the causes
and symptoms of the different types of asthma.
•	As a result, many of the treatments we have are not
targeted enough to be properly effective.
•	Many patients struggle to manage their medication
as well as they should.
•	The result is 500,000 hospitalisations and 15,000
deaths from asthma in Europe each year.
Whilst many different organisations and individuals
are working to overcome these gaps, the current lack
of collaboration means that they are not doing so
as quickly, efficiently or successfully as they could.
This is what the extra investment from the EIP will
change, if it is given the go-ahead.
Asthma UK
When Asthma UK were launching their
European Asthma Research and Innovation
Project (EARIP), they needed to be able to
explain it to potential stakeholders, some
of whom were not medically minded. So they
briefed me to turn an impenetrable, science-
loaded 15-page explanation into something that
laypeople could understand, and be inspired by.
In contrast to some of the more conceptual
copywriting featured elsewhere, this brief
required a forensic ability to liberate the key
points from a dense document, explain them
in a jargon-free way that made sense to every
reader and repackage the whole piece into
manageable chunks.
Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research
A dedicated people-based research centre to improve
the lives of people with asthma over the next five years
and in the decades ahead
Copy sample
The fifteen minute guide to the European Asthma
Research and Innovation Project
All over Europe, there are hundreds of different
organisations, research groups and drug companies
who are looking for the best way to tackle asthma.
But right now, they’re mainly working in isolation.
There is no consensus on the best way to deal with
asthma, and no real collaboration. Considering we
all share the same goal, that’s a huge waste of time,
money and resources.
Now, Asthma UK has the opportunity to be at the
forefront of a big change in the way asthma is
investigated. We have been allocated €500,000 by
the European Commission to come up with a clear
plan for addressing the European ‘asthma problem,’
which we hope will convince them that a European
Innovation Partnership (EIP) for asthma is needed.
If the European Commission agree, the resulting
EIP would bring in around €100m of investment
for asthma research and related activities over the
next decade. This would revolutionise the way that
asthma is investigated and treated, potentially
reducing asthma deaths by 25% within 10 years.
This quick guide explains why we think an EIP is
necessary, what we’ll be doing during the next three
years to justify it, and the outcomes we’re aiming for
if we’re successful.
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
Proving that there is no such thing as a boring
brief, this piece for an industrial cleaning
company scrubbed up far better than even the
client was expecting.
Our idea was built around the thought that
everything Envirotec comes into contact with
ends up sparkling, even their sales brochure.
The result was a glossy, all-white pack, with
minimal but polished copy. And in a neat twist,
it signed off with the line This brochure has
been professionally cleaned by Envirotec.
Art director: Stu Lythgoe
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
and that’s powerful because...
Creating fiefdoms and trying to landgrab is surprisingly common when
agencies work together – but it’s not good for anyone, and it’s not the
Propellernet way. By respecting and working together with our clients’
partners, we’ll do a better job, more efficiently, and might even learn
something new while we’re at it. It also helps our clients maximise their
marketing spend and boosts our reputation for fair play.
Castle Square House
9 Castle Square
We share...
work space and thinking space
Like every company, we have a structure in
place, but we try very hard not to let it limit us.
So our floorplan is incredibly open, with team
members of all levels sitting together, and we
have some fantastic breakout areas that help
different groups meet up and swap ideas.
And we don’t limit pitches to the big cheeses, or
planning sessions to the creative types; anyone
who has something to add is welcome to join in.
and that’s powerful because...
Why should anyone be defined by their job title,
or their experience? In our view, it’s what you
can do, not what you’ve already done, that
matters. By sitting together, working closely
together, creating the space for people to come
together and treating everyone’s ideas with
respect, we have a far greater chance of coming
up with brilliant stuff.
What we do for our people
Whoever said greed is good got it totally
wrong. Where’s the fun in trying to grab
what you can and keep it for yourself?
At Propellernet, we know that sharing
equals growing. And that goes for the
work we do with our clients, and their
products, but also for us, and how we
work internally.
So if you’ve got something brilliant going
on, don’t tuck it away for safe keeping.
Spread the word, share it out, pass it on,
and watch it grow. That’s the power of
It’s not just what we do. It’s who we are.
The Power
Of Sharing
We share...
the company figures
If you say you’re going to work openly and
transparently, you’ve got to see it through.
And in this case, we really put our money
where our mouths are. We share all the
company figures with everyone who works
for us, sowe all know what we’re aiming for
and whether or not we’re going to achieve it.
and that’s powerful because...
It might seem risky to show your staff the
balance sheet, but we’re told it’s a stroke of
genius. It helps us all focus our minds on the
company goals and keep an eye out for new
opportunities for business development.
It also gives us the excuse to celebrate when
things are going well – and the incentive to
put in some extra effort when we’re not hitting
our targets.
What we do for our people
Why we love The power of sharing
We’ve put together this document to explain
the thinking behind our new positioning; to
show you why we chose it, how we feel about
it, and what it says about the way we work.
We’ll go on to explain in more detail how it
works across all the different parts of our
business. But to kick things off, we’d like to
take a look at some of the words that come
to mind when you break The power of
sharing down.
We share...
our skills and space with local businesses
We love working in Brighton, and we want it to
love us back, so we go out of our way to support
our seaside colleagues. We offer consultation
sessions to small businesses (in return for a
small charitable donation), share our office space
with like-minded companies who need a bit of a
hand-up, and support events like BrightonSEO.
We even loan out Nikki, our award-winning MD,
through local networking organisation MDHUB.
and that’s powerful because...
It’s not just about good karma (though we’re
always happy to have the universe on-side).
These days, even small organisations need to
be properly internet savvy, or risk going under.
By helping local businesses raise their game,
we’re doing our bit to help Brighton stay a vibrant,
eclectic place, as well as supporting the growing
community of digital agencies. It may not be
Silicon Valley yet, but we’re working on it.
What we do for our community
Brighton-based search
and SEO organisation
Propellernet pride
themselves on being
a great place to work,
and one of their strengths
in what they do.
So when they briefed us
to help them develop a new
brand position, they also
asked us to create this
mini brochure to explain
to the team why they had
chosen that route, and how
deeply it ran through the
company’s DNA.
Art director: Jon Harvey
Copy sample
The power of sharing
We share... nicely with other agencies
We’re proud of what we do – but we’re not precious, and we
don’t snatch. So if our clients are already working with other
agencies, we’ll show them our campaign plans and work
cheerfully and collaboratively alongside them. And we
certainly don’t see it as a chance to try and pinch more of the
business for ourselves.
Concepts : Copy : Content
Cathy Halstead
07957 697907
This brief from Crisis, for a doordrop about hidden homelessness, didn’t initially set any pulses racing. But my partner
and I came up with a concept that felt too big for the page; an attention-grabbing, reverse-graffitied image of a person
whose curled-up form personified the fact that homelessness and its resulting problems hadn’t really gone away.
Luckily, the client agreed, and we rolled the concept out on a range of dirty walls across the capital. It was subsequently
picked up by the London press, creating a far higher profile than a typical doordrop would usually generate.
Art director: Jon Harvey
Guerrilla marketing
image applied to
a wall in London.
Right and above:
Campaign doordrop

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  • 1. Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Concepts : Copy : Content Words have the power to bring about change; you just need to know how to use them.
  • 2. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Demonstrating that you can never have too much of a good thing, Barclays Private Bank has an invitation-only lifestyle site called Little Book of Wonders, which offers its ultra-wealthy members up to five top-notch events a year, as well as interesting articles and features. The brief was to transform the previous concierge-style site into something more worthy of the money’s-no-object audience’s attention. Our solution was a high-end concept called Memories in the making, which repositioned Little Book of Wonders as the gateway to life-enriching shared experiences. Art director: Joe Prytherych Copy sample Sit front row at Chanel – An exquisite opportunity to sparkle amongst the A list When it comes to previewing the new season’s fashion, the FROW is the only place to be. Mingling with film stars, swapping tips with the fashion editors and getting up close to the hautest in haute couture… it’s a view that few get to experience. The day begins with a first class Eurostar to Paris, where you’ll enjoy a light lunch at JaJa before being whisked to the show’s secret location. You’ll then take your seat amongst the A list to enjoy the dazzle and drama of Karl Lagerfeld’s latest collection. A late dinner at the Michelin starred Le Meurice will be followed by a night tour of the city, en route to Hotel Mathis and fashion-filled dreams. Barclays: Little Book of Wonders
  • 3. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Copy sample from ebook Convert, keep, grow How customer lifecycle marketing can help you build relationships that last Created by RMC for marketing professionals in search of the perfect email campaign Introduction The days of firing off batch and blast emails are over. Today’s savviest marketing professionals understand that the best way to convert, keep and grow customers is to make sure you’re talking to them about the right things, in the right way, at the right time. To give this its proper name, it’s called customer lifecycle marketing (CLM), and it’s the key to building long-term relationships with your customers which will make you, them and your finance director happy. Sounds simple? Well it is, as long as you know what you’re doing – which is why we’ve created this ebook. It’s full of useful, practical information to help you plan, create and execute the six types of email campaign that are essential to any CLM-focused email marketing strategy: • Welcome emails • Cart abandonment emails • Browse abandonment emails • Post-purchase emails • Customer retention emails • Win-back emails We’re passionate about the power of email, and we want to help everyone in the industry use it better. So if you’re keen to get more from your email campaigns, this is the ebook for you. From who you should target and what you should include, to tips and tactics that really work, everything you need is here. Related Marketing Cloud Related Marketing Cloud is a cloud-based integrated marketing company, and was one of the earliest champions of email marketing. As part of their own brand development, they asked me to create an ebook and a series of accompanying blogs to explain to potential clients how lifecycle marketing can help them acquire, convert, grow, retain and reboot their customers. Whilst the core content of each ebook chapter was relatively similar to the corresponding blog, the tone and approach were deliberately different, reflecting the contrasting environment and expectations of the readers.
  • 4. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Copy sample from blog Convert, keep, grow How customer lifecycle marketing can help you build relationships that last #1 The power of the welcome – and how to get it right Welcome to the first in a series of blogs about making CLM work for you. And in a neat twist, I’m kicking things off by looking at the welcome email; a deceptively simple piece of communication that’s one of the most powerful tools in your e-basket. Let’s face it, we all like to be made to feel welcome, especially when we’re somewhere new. A handshake, a smile, an introduction or two; it makes us feel warm, included, part of a group. And if we’re lucky, and we start off in the right way, it could lead to something bigger; a friendship or business association that outlives the first meeting. A welcome email has the same potential to be the start of a relationship that lasts. But don’t be fooled by the cosy-sounding name; there’s much more to it than a friendly hello. It’s one of the most critical points in every customer journey, laying the groundwork for long-term loyalty and engagement. So get it right, and you’ll be able to make a great first impression, set out your core brand values and open the door to future purchases, all in one go. But get it wrong, and you risk losing them before the relationship has really started. Here are the top five things you need to think about if you want to start off in your customers’ good books. (1) Timing Don’t hang about. It’s that simple. According to a survey by Return Path*, 75% of welcome emails are sent the same day. And the longer you wait, the less likely they are to be opened. By acting quickly, you’re more likely to catch the recipient while they’re in the right mood, but leave it too long and they may lose interest or, dare I say it, forget who you are. Some companies choose to send a single welcome email; others spread the conversation out across a few days. You’ll need to do some testing to work out which is right for you. (2) Messaging This is one of your first chances to make the recipient feel warm towards your company. So get the tone right, make the subject line captivating, and make the email look and feel part of your brand. Make sure, too, that you greet them appropriately, and that any personalisation you use is correct and not too heavy handed; assuming all women love pink or all men love football is a short-cut to unsubscribes. You might also want to think about segmenting your recipients – for example, into customers and subscribers – and tailoring the messaging to suit each group.
  • 5. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Cancer Research UK I first worked with CRUK at RAPP, and when I went freelance, some of their briefs came too. From TV and press to retail posters, banners and emails, I’ve covered most of their bases, navigated several rebrands, and still enjoy working for them today. I’m also jointly responsible for theircurrent‘banker’old-school DM pack (codenamed “Why?”) which toppled the previous, long-standing winner several years ago – and remains unbeaten. Art director: Jon Harvey BOUGHT IT. LOVED IT. OVER IT? PASS ON THE THINGS YOU’VE FALLEN OUT OF LOVE WITH AND HELP US BEAT CANCER SOONER. COME IN AND DONATE IT 145 147 148 40 EACH DAY, WITH YOUR HELP, WE’RE CREATING MORE TOMORROWS TODAY, LIKE EVERY DAY, IS A REALLY BIG DAY FOR CANCER RESEARCH UK I don’t know what you’ve got planned for today. But there’s one thing you’re doing already, without lifting a finger – and that’s helping us beat cancer. Today, like every day, we’ll be using your gift to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease. From investigating why cancer starts, and how to stop it spreading, to lobbying the government to bring in cancer-beating laws, we’ll be hard at work, thanks to you. It’s incredibly challenging, but I can promise you we won’t give up until we’ve beaten every kind of cancer. We’ve put together this newsletter to give you a snapshot of some of the work we’re doing, with your help. We’re stronger with you on our side, so thank you for staying with us. Harpal S. Kumar CEO, Cancer Research UK Harpal S. Kumar CEO of Cancer Research UK A B Sample 12 Sample Street Town Sample Sample Place Area Sample Sampleton ABC 123 <contact um/mailsort code/romocode> HOW YOUR GIFTS ARE HELPING US TAKE ON CANCER – AND WIN INSIDE IF UNDELIVERED PLEASE RETURN TO: Cancer Research UK, PO Box 232, Melksham SN12 6WF. Registered charity nos. 1089464, SC041666 and IOM 1103. EN3 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 40WE’VE HELPED DOUBLE UK SURVIVAL RATES IN JUST 40 YEARS, BUT ONE IN THREE OF US WILL STILL GET CANCER THE TWO DRUGS THAT GANG UP ON PANCREATIC CANCER Our team at the Cambridge Research Institute have shown that when two drugs are used together, they pack a far more powerful punch against pancreatic cancer. Their research revealed that when a chemotherapy drug called gemcitabine is combined with a new drug called MRK003, it sets off a chain of events that kills off cancer cells much more effectively than if they were used on their own. The team are now running a clinical trial to test whether this discovery could lead to a new treatment. The earlier cancer is detected, the better the chances of treating it successfully. Find out more at 1 FOR EVERY £1 WE SPEND RAISING EXTRA FUNDS, WE GET £4 BACK 14514740 200WE’RE THE ONLY PEOPLE FIGHTING OVER 200 CANCERS 8080p IN EVERY £1 WE RECEIVE GOES DIRECTLY TOWARDS OUR GROUNDBREAKING RESEARCH. WE INVEST THE OTHER 20p INTO RAISING EVEN MORE FUNDS 0WE DON’T GET ANY GOVERNMENT FUNDING FOR OUR RESEARCH. THAT’S WHY WE NEED YOU ON OUR SIDE In one of the 200 clinical trials we fund each year, our scientists have been leading a trial into a clever new piece of kit called a Cytosponge. They’re investigating whether it could be used to test for Barrett’s oesophagus,a condition which can lead to cancer if left unchecked. The sponge is compressed inside a tiny capsule which is attached to a piece of string. The capsule dissolves once the patient has swallowed it, allowing the sponge to expand and collect cells from the food pipe. The patient then simply pulls the sponge out by the string, and the cells can be tested for early signs of the disease. It’s a brilliant little invention, offering a quick and painless way of catching oesophageal cancer before it starts. If our trial is successful, we’re planning to ask the National Screening Committee to roll it out across the UK as part of a screening programme. WE’RE HERE TO HELP Whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to tackle it alone: l Our specialist cancer nurses can offer help and advice on 0800 800 4040 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm l You can talk to other people affected by cancer on our online forum l Or find out more about the disease on our patient information website If you have more general questions about our work or your gift: l Please call our Supporter Contact Team on 0300 123 1861 Mon-Fri 8am-6pm l Or you can email us on l There’s also loads of information on our main website “SCIENTISTS LIKE ME – STRIVING TO UNDERSTAND CANCER – WE COULDN’T DO OUR JOBS WITHOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU. THANK YOU.” DR FRANK UHLMANN, LABORATORY HEAD, CANCER RESEARCH UK LONDON RESEARCH INSTITUTE. THE SPONGE THAT DETECTS CANCER “I first noticed a lump when I was showering. The doctor confirmed it was seminoma, a type of testicular cancer, and I needed surgery. I then found another lump on the other testicle. It was unbelievable – I thought it was all over, but I had more surgery and chemotherapy. Now, eight years later, I’m currently clear of all signs of cancer, and have two children, Keira and Daniel. Cancer doesn’t have to be the end – sometimes it’s a new beginning. The more vital research we can fund, the more success stories like mine we’ll be hearing.” Alim Erinoglu Testicular cancer survivor WITH YOUR SUPPORT, WE’LL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, TOMORROW, AND THE DAY AFTER, AND THE DAY AFTER THAT, UNTIL WE’VE BEATEN CANCER FOR GOOD. FROM TESTICULAR CANCER TO TWO CHILDREN Alim with his family “IF WE CAN DETECT BARRETT’S OESOPHAGUS EARLIER, WE COULD HELP PREVENT MORE CASES OF OESOPHAGEAL CANCER.” DR REBECCA FITZGERALD, CANCER RESEARCH UK TRIAL LEADER, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. “THE TRIAL GIVES YOU HOPE – I REALLY FEEL I CAN DO THIS WITH THE SCIENCE BEHIND ME.” RICHARD GRIFFITHS, CLINICAL TRIAL PATIENT. Actual size of the Cytosponge capsule Thousands of gorgeous, pre-loved items are given to us every week. What will you find? “IS THAT NEW?” “NO DARLING, IT’S VINTAGE.” COME IN AND FIND IT VINTAGE DRESSES FINE CHINA OSCAR WINNING MOVIES S AT U R D AY N I G H T H E E L S C R Y S T A L V A S E S TA I L O R E D S U I T S C L A S S I C N O V E L S … WITH THOUSANDS OF QUALITY ITEMS GIVEN TO US EVERY WEEK, WHO KNOWS WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER? COME IN AND FIND IT Retail posters (also appeared as banners) Welcome newsletter
  • 6. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 The Archer Academy Setting up a school from scratch is a huge job and the comms are a critical part of giving potential parents the confidence to overcome a lack of track record. As the only writer on the founding team for new free school the Archer Academy, I created or co-created much of the outward facing comms, from proposal through to opening and beyond. This included the prospectus, website, student microsite, social media, press and an extensive email marketing campaign. Unusually for a free school, the Archer Academy has been oversubscribed every year since opening, with 950 applicants for 150 places in the most recent admissions round. Art director: Peter Copley
  • 7. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Left: Main school website Above: Year 6 transition microsite
  • 8. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Digitas LBi were pitching for a slice of Barclays Wealth and Investment Management, and this is how we won it; with a campaign called Stop. Think. Succeed. It set out to challenge high net worth individuals to pause and reflect on whether they were managing their wealth in the right way. The campaign brought the concept to life through a range of media, including: press, posters and films showing people stopping in a moment in time as the world rushed by them; using white space in print as a metaphor for space for thought; and creating ‘space to think’ pods at airports. It not only won the pitch but was also rolled out by Barclays WIM and is still in use. Art director: Joe Prytherych Advert in Royal Opera House programme Landing page on Barclays website Airport wifi login takeover Barclays: Stop. Think. Succeed. Film storyboard
  • 9. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Toyota Corolla Briefed to explain to potential Toyota customers that the Corolla was being expanded into an MPV, we had a lot of fun playing with a phrase anyone who’s ever had grandparents will be familiar with: “Ooooh, haven’t you grown?” The resulting DM pack touched on a rich seam of insights into families and how they alter as they grow (both older and higher), including a reflection on the changing face of childhood journeys and a life-sized height-chart to bring the message – and a lot of product detail – charmingly to life. Art director: Dave Scott
  • 10. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Why do we need more investment into asthma? Despite the research and development that has already been carried out across Europe, there are still some real gaps in our knowledge about the causes and triggers of asthma, and the best ways to treat it. In particular: • There are no effective treatments for about 5% of asthma patients. • We still don’t understand enough about the causes and symptoms of the different types of asthma. • As a result, many of the treatments we have are not targeted enough to be properly effective. • Many patients struggle to manage their medication as well as they should. • The result is 500,000 hospitalisations and 15,000 deaths from asthma in Europe each year. Whilst many different organisations and individuals are working to overcome these gaps, the current lack of collaboration means that they are not doing so as quickly, efficiently or successfully as they could. This is what the extra investment from the EIP will change, if it is given the go-ahead. Asthma UK When Asthma UK were launching their European Asthma Research and Innovation Project (EARIP), they needed to be able to explain it to potential stakeholders, some of whom were not medically minded. So they briefed me to turn an impenetrable, science- loaded 15-page explanation into something that laypeople could understand, and be inspired by. In contrast to some of the more conceptual copywriting featured elsewhere, this brief required a forensic ability to liberate the key points from a dense document, explain them in a jargon-free way that made sense to every reader and repackage the whole piece into manageable chunks. Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research A dedicated people-based research centre to improve the lives of people with asthma over the next five years and in the decades ahead Copy sample The fifteen minute guide to the European Asthma Research and Innovation Project All over Europe, there are hundreds of different organisations, research groups and drug companies who are looking for the best way to tackle asthma. But right now, they’re mainly working in isolation. There is no consensus on the best way to deal with asthma, and no real collaboration. Considering we all share the same goal, that’s a huge waste of time, money and resources. Now, Asthma UK has the opportunity to be at the forefront of a big change in the way asthma is investigated. We have been allocated €500,000 by the European Commission to come up with a clear plan for addressing the European ‘asthma problem,’ which we hope will convince them that a European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for asthma is needed. If the European Commission agree, the resulting EIP would bring in around €100m of investment for asthma research and related activities over the next decade. This would revolutionise the way that asthma is investigated and treated, potentially reducing asthma deaths by 25% within 10 years. This quick guide explains why we think an EIP is necessary, what we’ll be doing during the next three years to justify it, and the outcomes we’re aiming for if we’re successful.
  • 11. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Envirotec Proving that there is no such thing as a boring brief, this piece for an industrial cleaning company scrubbed up far better than even the client was expecting. Our idea was built around the thought that everything Envirotec comes into contact with ends up sparkling, even their sales brochure. The result was a glossy, all-white pack, with minimal but polished copy. And in a neat twist, it signed off with the line This brochure has been professionally cleaned by Envirotec. Art director: Stu Lythgoe
  • 12. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 and that’s powerful because... Creating fiefdoms and trying to landgrab is surprisingly common when agencies work together – but it’s not good for anyone, and it’s not the Propellernet way. By respecting and working together with our clients’ partners, we’ll do a better job, more efficiently, and might even learn something new while we’re at it. It also helps our clients maximise their marketing spend and boosts our reputation for fair play. Castle Square House 9 Castle Square Brighton BN1 1EG We share... work space and thinking space Like every company, we have a structure in place, but we try very hard not to let it limit us. So our floorplan is incredibly open, with team members of all levels sitting together, and we have some fantastic breakout areas that help different groups meet up and swap ideas. And we don’t limit pitches to the big cheeses, or planning sessions to the creative types; anyone who has something to add is welcome to join in. and that’s powerful because... Why should anyone be defined by their job title, or their experience? In our view, it’s what you can do, not what you’ve already done, that matters. By sitting together, working closely together, creating the space for people to come together and treating everyone’s ideas with respect, we have a far greater chance of coming up with brilliant stuff. What we do for our people Whoever said greed is good got it totally wrong. Where’s the fun in trying to grab what you can and keep it for yourself? At Propellernet, we know that sharing equals growing. And that goes for the work we do with our clients, and their products, but also for us, and how we work internally. So if you’ve got something brilliant going on, don’t tuck it away for safe keeping. Spread the word, share it out, pass it on, and watch it grow. That’s the power of sharing. It’s not just what we do. It’s who we are. The Power Of Sharing We share... the company figures If you say you’re going to work openly and transparently, you’ve got to see it through. And in this case, we really put our money where our mouths are. We share all the company figures with everyone who works for us, sowe all know what we’re aiming for and whether or not we’re going to achieve it. and that’s powerful because... It might seem risky to show your staff the balance sheet, but we’re told it’s a stroke of genius. It helps us all focus our minds on the company goals and keep an eye out for new opportunities for business development. It also gives us the excuse to celebrate when things are going well – and the incentive to put in some extra effort when we’re not hitting our targets. What we do for our people Why we love The power of sharing We’ve put together this document to explain the thinking behind our new positioning; to show you why we chose it, how we feel about it, and what it says about the way we work. We’ll go on to explain in more detail how it works across all the different parts of our business. But to kick things off, we’d like to take a look at some of the words that come to mind when you break The power of sharing down. We share... our skills and space with local businesses We love working in Brighton, and we want it to love us back, so we go out of our way to support our seaside colleagues. We offer consultation sessions to small businesses (in return for a small charitable donation), share our office space with like-minded companies who need a bit of a hand-up, and support events like BrightonSEO. We even loan out Nikki, our award-winning MD, through local networking organisation MDHUB. and that’s powerful because... It’s not just about good karma (though we’re always happy to have the universe on-side). These days, even small organisations need to be properly internet savvy, or risk going under. By helping local businesses raise their game, we’re doing our bit to help Brighton stay a vibrant, eclectic place, as well as supporting the growing community of digital agencies. It may not be Silicon Valley yet, but we’re working on it. What we do for our community Propellernet Brighton-based search and SEO organisation Propellernet pride themselves on being a great place to work, and one of their strengths istogettheirstaffinvolved in what they do. So when they briefed us to help them develop a new brand position, they also asked us to create this mini brochure to explain to the team why they had chosen that route, and how deeply it ran through the company’s DNA. Art director: Jon Harvey Copy sample The power of sharing We share... nicely with other agencies We’re proud of what we do – but we’re not precious, and we don’t snatch. So if our clients are already working with other agencies, we’ll show them our campaign plans and work cheerfully and collaboratively alongside them. And we certainly don’t see it as a chance to try and pinch more of the business for ourselves.
  • 13. Concepts : Copy : Content Cathy Halstead 07957 697907 Crisis This brief from Crisis, for a doordrop about hidden homelessness, didn’t initially set any pulses racing. But my partner and I came up with a concept that felt too big for the page; an attention-grabbing, reverse-graffitied image of a person whose curled-up form personified the fact that homelessness and its resulting problems hadn’t really gone away. Luckily, the client agreed, and we rolled the concept out on a range of dirty walls across the capital. It was subsequently picked up by the London press, creating a far higher profile than a typical doordrop would usually generate. Art director: Jon Harvey Left: Guerrilla marketing image applied to a wall in London. Right and above: Campaign doordrop