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Dan Brown
 The Man
Behind the
  Recently named
 one of the World's
100 Most Influential
  People by TIME
The Book!
[a conspiracy theory]
Has   been the best
selling book in the past
few years.
Its only recent rival has
been the Harry Potter

Over   60 million copies in

Translated   into over 44
The Da Vinci Code:
  A Worldwide
[Every author and Publisher Dreams]



 RUSSIAN                  ROMANIAN

 [BRAZIL]                 KOREAN
              LATVIAN                  POLISH

                               KSIAZKI      MARATHI

  SLOVENE            [AUDIO]             VIETNAMEES


1996     DAN BROWN
The Book‘s Four Main Characters
                Robert Langdon
The main character, is a professor of Religious Symbology
at Harvard University. There is actually no post at Harvard
        called Professor of Religious Symbology.

                   Jacques Sauniere
Murdered museum curator at the Louvre, Grand Master of
 the Priory of Sion, sworn protectors of the Holy Grail.

                     Sophie Neveu
An agent of the Department of Cryptology. It is a branch of
                 the French state police.
 She is also the granddaughter of the murdered curator.

                   Sir Leigh Teabing
Wealthy grail researcher, British Royal Historian affiliated
                  with Oxford University
Dan Brown begins his book by the
          usual disclaimer,
 ―All characters and events in
this book are fictitious, and any
resemblance to actual persons,
     living or dead, is purely
      We can easily end the
         discussion here.
     This is a book of fiction!
So, Why The
Fuss Over A
•It‘s written like no
    other fiction

•Controversy should
  Make Us Think!
The Books Opening Statements
  ―All descriptions of artwork,
 architecture, documents, and
 secret rituals in this novel are
In a Television interview now transcribed on his own
 web pages, Brown was asked regarding his novel:
 "How much of this is based on reality in terms of
           things that actually occurred?"
                  Brown responded:
            "Absolutely all of it."
 ―All characters and events in
  this book are fictitious, and
   any resemblance to actual
   persons, living or dead, is
      purely coincidental.‖



Trojan Horse
A Cleverly Written Book
1.The Book is presented as a novel;
  therefore, Brown has no footnotes to
  question his claims.
2. The ―Fact‖ statement allows the reader to
  assume the ―Facts‖ in the book are true
  except for the fictional story line.
3. The reader then gives consent to these
  ―Facts‖ allowing false claims about
  history, Jesus and Christianity to be
  weaved into the story.
•The Da Vinci Code begins with the murder
of a French museum curator named
Jacques Sauniere.
•A scholarly Harvard professor and a
beautiful French cryptologist are
commissioned to decipher a message left by
the curator before his death.
•The message turns out to reveal the most
profound conspiracy in the history of
humankind: a cover-up of the true message
of Jesus Christ by a secret arm of the
Roman Catholic Church called Opus Dei.
•Before his death, the curator had
evidence that could disprove the deity of
•Although (according to the plot) the
[Roman Catholic] church tried for
centuries to suppress the evidence.
•Great thinkers and artists have planted
clues everywhere: in paintings such as
the Mona Lisa and Last Supper by Da
Vinci, in the architecture of cathedrals,
even in Disney cartoons.
Prepare to Answer!
―But in your hearts set apart Christ as
  Lord. Always be prepared to give
   an answer to everyone who asks
  you to give the reason for the hope
    that you have. But do this with
  gentleness and respect, keeping a
 clear conscience, so that those who
 speak maliciously against your good
 behavior in Christ may be ashamed
            of their slander‖
             1Peter 3: 15-16
Is Christianity Based on
          BLIND FAITH?
    ―The New Testament is based on
fabrications…every faith is…based on
fabrications…Jesus was not born of a
 literal virgin birth….Those who truly
understand their faiths understand the
       stories are metaphorical‖
           (Pages DVC 341-342)

Paul before Agrippa
Please Open your Bibles to Acts 26:22b-29
• Christianity is not based on Blind Faith!
• We need to Know why we believe what we
• Match Biblical events with Relevant world
• We must be confident to talk about the
  Christian Faith!
• A line must be drawn. A line between
The Da Vinci Code Provides
for us another Opportunity to
   Teach People about the
 History of Christianity,
 The Divinity of Jesus,
Core Doctrines from the Bible
Nothing new under
     the sun
We live in an Era
 of Conspiracy
1951   August 12, 1988
Proposed the
       marriage as a

       Suggested but not

Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh
         [Authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail]

               Sir Leigh Teabing
[Wealthy Grail Researcher and one of four main characters in DVC]

T e a b i n g   The name
              is actually an
               anagram of
B a i g e n t    Baigent
Also proposes a
        this time regarding
          the relationship
          between Jesus,
         John the Baptist
              and Mary
          Magdalene, and
       states that their true
           story has been
1997    suppressed by the
          Roman Catholic
Allegations of plagiarism
In February 2006, Michael Baigent and Richard
Leigh, two of the three authors of The Holy Blood
and the Holy Grail, took the UK publisher of The Da
Vinci Code to court for breach of copyright, alleging

On April 11, 2005, novelist Lewis Perdue sued Brown
and his publisher Random House for plagiarizing his
novels The Da Vinci Legacy (1983) and Daughter of
God (2000), claiming "there are far too many
parallels between my books and The Da Vinci Code
for it to be an accident."
1983   2000
Other ―stabs‖ at this
   now lucrative
business include…
  theories thrive
 where there are
lots of MONEY to
     be made!
  Da Vinci
 Born in the Tuscan
  village of Vinci
   Regarded as the
 founder of the High
  Painter, sculptor,
engineer, and scientist
The ‗Mona Lisa‘:
 Leonardo‘s most
 famous painting
  and today, the
   world‘s most
expensive piece of
    art work.
‗Last Supper‘
Brown says that the
―Madonna of the Rocks”        'nuns' of the
                           Confraternity of the
                         Immaculate Conception
                          gave instructions for
                              this painting
                                 (p. 191).

                             The problem is;
                         there were no nuns in
                               the order –
                           it was an all male
The Da Vinci Code
     on Trial
Dan Brown‘s ―Facts‖
    Biblical and
  Historical Facts
Dan Brown‘s
 Opening Statement:

“…almost everything
our fathers taught us
about Christ is false”
    (DVC: Page 235)

1.The Roman emperor Constantine
  conspired to deify Jesus Christ.

2.Constantine personally selected
  the books of the New Testament.

3.The Gnostic gospels were banned
  by men to suppress women.

4.Thousands of secret documents
  disprove key points of Christianity.
5.Jesus was married to Mary
6.Mary Magdalene herself was the
  Holy Grail. The vessel that contained
  the blood of Jesus – meaning their
  daughter together (Sarah).
7.Mother and child fled to France after
  the death of Jesus, and they were
  assisted there by Joseph of
8.Jesus and Mary‘s descendants
  became royalty, forming the
  Merovingian line of kings in France.
9.Their secret was handed on through
  a secret society called the Priory of
10.Some of the Grand Masters, the
 leaders of this secret society include
 Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and
 Leonardo Da Vinci.
So, what's our
Reply to all these?
Our Opening Statement
 ―we did not follow cleverly invented stories
   when we told you about the power and
   coming of our lord Jesus Christ, but we
  were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he
   received honor and glory from God the
father when the voice came to him from the
   Majestic Glory, saying, ―This is my son,
  whom I love; with him I am well pleased.‖
  we ourselves heard this voice that came
from heaven when we were with him on the
          sacred mountain.‖ [NIV]
                [2Pet 1:16-18]
Examples of
Cleverly invented
The Abominable Snowman
“I think there is no sense in forming
    an opinion where there is no
evidence to form it on. If you build a
 person without any bones, he may
 look fair enough to the eye, but he
     won’t be able to stand up. I
consider that evidence is the bones
            of an opinion.”
            -Mark Twain
            [Down The Rhone]
                         and the Council
                            of Nicaea
                              In 325 A.D.,
                             convened an
                         Ecumenical meeting
                           of more than 318
                          bishops at Nicaea
                         from throughout the
Emperor Constantine
                            Christian world.
 (Reign: 306-337 A.D.)
Why the Council was

       Emperor Constantine

   Two Opposing Views:
Arius and Athanasius
Council of Nicaea
Arius (250-336)
•Popular preacher in Alexandria who
taught that Jesus was a created
being inferior to God.
•His teaching became known as
Arianism, which was denounced at
the Council of Nicea but continued to
hold sway in the Eastern Church for
many years.
Athanasius (297-373)
Also known as Alexander of Alexandria.
•A bold deacon from the Church of
Alexandria championed the opposing
view that Christ was both human and
divine at that same time.

•Not only did Christ have a
pre-human existence as Arius
believed, but Athanasius advocated
Christ never had a beginning. He always
existed and was always divine.
DVC page 233
  ―Until that moment in
history Jesus was viewed
   by his followers as a
 mortal prophet…not the
       Son of God‖.
The question is;
 what did the early
   Christians and
 apostles believe
about Jesus before
    the council?

The Incarnation:
A Lesson in Humility
―In the beginning the Word already existed.
   He was with God, and he was God. He
created everything there is. Nothing exists
 that he didn't make. Life itself was in him.
So the Word became human and lived here
      on earth among us‖ John 1:1-4 (NLT)
     This passage from John 1, has been
 discovered in an ancient manuscript, and it
 is carbon-dated at 175-225 A.D. Thus Jesus
was clearly spoken of as God over a hundred
   years before Constantine convened the
             Council of Nicaea.
This is p66, which
    is called the
Bodmer Papyrus. It
 dates from around
200 A.D. The text is
 John 1:1-13, plus
  the first word of
      verse 14.
Philippians 2: 5-8
―Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus:
Who , being in the very nature God,
  did not consider equality with God
        something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
  taking the very nature of a servant,
  being made in human likeness.
And being found in the appearance as a man,
 he humbled himself
 and became obedient to death-
    even death on a cross!‖
Isaiah 9:6 [700 B.C.]
―For unto us a Child is born,
  unto us a Son is given;
  and the government will be
upon His shoulder.
And his name will be called
   Wonderful, Counselor,
   Mighty God, Everlasting
   Father, Prince of Peace.‖
Daniel 7:13-14 [562 B.C.]
 13. "I was watching in the night visions,
  And behold, One like the Son of Man,
         Coming with the clouds of
heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days,
 And they brought Him near before Him.
 14Then to Him was given dominion and
  glory and a kingdom, That all peoples,
      nations, and languages should
serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting
  dominion, Which shall not pass away,
         And His kingdom the one
      Which shall not be destroyed.
Zechariah 12:9-10 [520 B.C.]
 9 "It shall be in that day that I will seek to
 destroy all the nations that come against
 10"And I will pour on the house of David
 and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the
Spirit of grace and supplication; then they
 will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes,
they will mourn for Him as one mourns for
  his only son, and grieve for Him as one
            grieves for a firstborn‖
John 10:31-33
  Again the Jews picked up stone to
 stone him, but Jesus said to them, ―I
have shown you many great miracles
from the father. For which of these do
            you stone me?‖
  ―We are not stoning you for any of
   these,‖ replied the Jews, ―but for
   blasphemy, because you, a mere
        man, claim to be God.‖
Hebrews 1:7-8
 In speaking of the angels he
―He makes his angels winds,
 his servants flames of fire.‖
  But about the son he says,
―Your throne God, will last for
        ever and ever,
  and righteousness will be
 scepter of your kingdom…‖
Early Christians Speak
     50 AD The Huleatt Manuscript
  "She poured it [the perfume] over his [Jesus']
  hair when he sat at the table. But, when the
disciples saw it, they were indignant. . . . God,
    aware of this, said to them: 'Why do you
trouble this woman? She has done [a beautiful
thing for me.] . . . Then one of the Twelve, who
   was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief
 priest and said, 'What will you give me for my
             work?' [Matt. 26:7-15]"
             (Huleatt fragments 1-3)
Polycarp of Smyrna [69-155A.D.]

"I praise you for all things,
I bless you, I glorify you,
along with the everlasting and
heavenly Jesus Christ,
your beloved Son, with
whom, to you and the Holy Spirit,
be glory both now and to all coming
ages. Amen"
(Martyrdom of Polycarp 14)
74 AD The Letter of Barnabas
 "And further, my brethren, if the Lord
[Jesus] endured to suffer for our soul,
 he being the Lord of all the world, to
  whom God said at the foundation of
the world, 'Let us make man after our
    image, and after our likeness,'
    understand how it was that he
endured to suffer at the hand of men―
        (Letter of Barnabas 5)
Justin Martyr [100-165 A.D.]
"The Father of the universe has a
Son, who also being the first begotten
Word of God, is even God."
(First Apology, ch 63)

"Christ is called both God and Lord
of hosts."
(Dialogue with Trypho, ch, 36)

 Justin Martyr quotes Hebrews 1:8 to prove the
Deity of Christ. "Thy throne, O God, is forever
and ever."
 (Dialogue with Trypho, ch 56)
150 AD Justin Martyr
    "We will prove that we worship him
reasonably; for we have learned that he is
 the Son of the true God Himself, that he
  holds a second place, and the Spirit of
 prophecy a third. For this they accuse us
 of madness, saying that we attribute to a
    crucified man a place second to the
    unchangeable and eternal God, the
Creator of all things; but they are ignorant
     of the Mystery which lies therein"
            (First Apology 13:5-6)
170 AD Tatian the Syrian

 "We are not playing the fool,
  you Greeks, nor do we talk
  nonsense, when we report
that God was born in the form
          of a man"
   (Address to the Greeks 21)
177 AD Athenagoras
 "The Son of God is the Word of the
 Father in thought and actuality. By
him and through him all things were
made, the Father and the Son being
one. Since the Son is in the Father
and the Father is in the Son by the
  unity and power of the Spirit, the
Mind and Word of the Father is the
            Son of God…
And if, in your exceedingly great
  wisdom, it occurs to you to inquire
 what is meant by ‗the Son‘, I will tell
you briefly: He is the first- begotten of
    the Father, not as having been
produced, for from the beginning God
 had the Word in himself, God being
eternal mind and eternally rational, but
 as coming forth to be the model and
energizing force of all material things"
     (Plea for the Christians 10:2-4)
Clement Of Alexandria 190 AD
"I understand nothing else
than the Holy Trinity to be
meant; for the third is the
Holy Spirit, and the Son
is the second, by whom
all things were made according
to the will of the Father."
(Stromata, Book V, ch. 14)
200 AD Hippolytus [170-235A.D.]

 "As far as regards the
power, therefore, God is
    one. But as far as
 regards the economy
   there is a threefold
manifestation, as shall be
proved afterwards when
 we give account of the
      true doctrine"
 (Against The Heresy Of One Noetus)
Jesus in The Trinity
1Timothy 3:16
‗‗Beyond all question, the mystery of
godliness is great:
He [God] appeared in the body,
     was vindicated by the Spirit,
Was seen by angels,
     was preached among the nations,
Was believed on in the world,
     was taken up in glory‘‘.
[A possible "early creed" of the church]
What is MAN?
      An illustration from the ‗image‘ of MAN


SOUL                                     SPIRIT

Yet, MAN is seen as a single been!
What is ‗the image of God?‘

God‘s ‗image‘ is not Physical but Spiritual
Forensic manuscript
evidence contradicts The
  Da Vinci Code's claim
that Jesus' divinity was a
fourth century invention.
The Creed of     "We believe in one God, the
Nicaea 325 A.D     Father Almighty, maker of
                     heaven and earth, of all
                 things, visible and invisible"
                 ... "We believe . . . in our one
                   Lord Jesus Christ the Son
                   of God, the only-begotten
                 born of the Father, that is, of
                 the substance of the Father,
                    God of God, light of light,
                  true God of true God, born,
                 not made. One in being with
                  the Father. Through him all
                      things were made . ."
The Nicene Vote
Brown asserts in his book, through
   Teabing, that the majority of
   bishops at Nicaea overruled
  Arius's belief that Jesus was a
 "mortal prophet― and adopted the
  doctrine of Jesus' divinity by a
    "relatively close vote."
        True or false?
Not a
        ―relatively close‖
      2 vs 318 bishops
     The landslide vote came after
considerable debate. But in the end the
council overwhelmingly declared Arius
   to be a heretic, since his teaching
  contradicted what the apostles had
      taught about Jesus‘ divinity.
The council simply
 what Jesus, the
Apostles and other
 early Christians
Saturday or Sunday Worship?
   ―Nothing in Christianity is original . . .
Originally Christianity honored the Jewish
   Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine
   shifted it to coincide with the pagan‘s
veneration day of the sun . . . .To this day,
   most churchgoers attend services on
Sunday morning with no idea that they are
 there on account of the pagan sun god‘s
         weekly tribute—Sunday.‖
            (DVC page 232-233)
          True or False?
Christians always worshipped on
        the first day (Sunday)
•Early Christians state that they stopped keeping
  the Sabbath to worship on Sunday started with
                    the apostles.
•They partook of the Lord‘s Supper (communion)
                   every first day.
    •They called the first day (Sunday) the Lord‘s
  •They called the day Jesus rose from the dead,
                   the Lord‘s Day.
   •They said the reason they worshipped on the
 first day, was because it was a weekly memorial
        of the day Jesus rose from the dead!
Justin Martyr A.D. 150

―On the day called Sunday, all
   who live in cities or in the
country gather together in one
 place and the memoirs of the
apostles or the writings of the
      prophets are read.‖
Acts 20:7 says that they gathered
on the first day of the week.
1Corinthians 16:2 says, ―They
gathered on the first day of the
Revelation 1:10 calls it ―the Lord‘s
The Didache, an early second-
century manuscript, states that
Christians worshipped on Sunday,
and calls it ―the Lord‘s Day.‖
The Da Vinci Code page 231

 "The Bible is a
 product of man
 my dear, not of
(DVC page 254)
―Constantine commissioned and
  financed a new Bible, which
omitted those gospels that spoke
  of Christ‘s human traits and
 embellished those gospels that
 made Him godlike. The earlier
gospels were outlawed, gathered
        up, and burned.‖
DVC page 234
―Fortunately for historians, some
 of the gospels that Constantine
attempted to eradicate managed
to survive. The Dead Sea Scrolls
 were found in the 1950s hidden
  in a cave near Qumran in the
 Judean desert. And, of course,
the Coptic Scrolls in 1945 at Nag
 The Da Vinci Code page 231
"More than eighty gospels were
     considered for the New
   Testament, and yet only a
  relatively few were chosen."
 In all of antiquity, there are only twenty eight
 other sources no longer in existence that are
    cited or mentioned in Jewish or Gnostic
                writings as gospels.
Irenaeus of Lyon A.D. 180
 Matthew also issued a written Gospel among
 the Hebrews in their own dialect, while Peter
 and Paul were preaching at Rome, and laying
   the foundations of the Church. After their
departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of
Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what
  had been preached by Peter. Luke also, the
  companion of Paul, recorded in a book the
Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the
disciple of the Lord, who also had leaned upon
His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during
       his residence at Ephesus in Asia.
            (Against Heresies 3.1.1).
Why FOUR Gospels?
  A lesson from personal name signing
•Try signing your name four times.
•What do you notice?
                  Non is perfectly
                identical to another
•What will be the assumption if the four were
perfectly identical?

A photograph of the harbor in Rockport,
Massachusetts, featuring the red fishing shack known
    as "Motif #1." It's one of the most commonly
  photographed and painted buildings in America.
John Barbour              Mary Poore

                   Allison Goldstein
Marilyn Swift
All four canonical gospels exist in
lists of church scripture as early as
    Papias (115 A.D.) and Justin
   Martyr (165 A.D.) and no other
 gospels ever appear in any list as
  authoritative. Constantine did not
 summon the council of Nicea until
    A.D. 325 - far too late for this
     claim to be taken seriously.
Gospels are
Better than
The oldest fragment of the New
                           Dated to around 125 A.D.
                     The text is from the Gospel of John,
                             written around 90 A.D.
                     The gap between the original and
                       this copy is about 30-50 years.
                                 The text reads:
                               The Jews replied,
                        ―We are not permitted to put
                       anyone to death.‖ (This was to
                      fulfill what Jesus had said when
                      he indicated the kind of death he
                      was to die.) Then Pilate entered
                            the headquarters again,
                     summoned Jesus, and asked him,
                      ―Are you the King of the Jews?‖
                                (John 18:31-33)
This is papyrus 52
A portion of p75
  (Papyrus 75),
 which contains
Luke and John,
 and was written
around A.D. 200.
   This picture
shows the place
where Luke ends
and John begins.
This detail from the previous picture shows the end
        of Luke and the beginning of John.
               The scribe has added:
                   KATA IOANEN
(Gospel according to Luke . . . Gospel according to John).
Other than the
four recognized gospels,
       there are only
 ancient documents still in
  existence today that are
      called "gospel"
What Are

Qumran Excavation
The Dead Sea scrolls
Roughly 825-870 documents,
  including texts from the
       Hebrew Bible.
They are practically the only known
surviving Biblical documents written
          before AD 100.
―But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this
surpassing power is from God and not from us‖ 2COR. 4:7
Cave 4

  About 15,000
 fragments from
500 manuscripts
were found from
every book of the
  Old Testament
The Isaiah scroll, found relatively intact,
is 1000 years older than any previously
known copy of Isaiah. In fact, the scrolls
 are the oldest group of Old Testament
        manuscripts ever found!
The assertion that the Dead Sea Scrolls,
 contain lost or hidden Gospels is false.
    The scrolls contain books of the
     Old Testament, apocryphal and
  pseudepigraphic books, and manuals
used by the Jewish Essene community.

All of the scrolls were written before the
time of Christ; no Christian documents -
 orthodox, Gnostic, or otherwise - have
       ever been found at this site.
Books Ranked According to Number of
                  Manuscripts found (top 15)
Books                   No. found

Psalms                  39
Deuteronomy             33
1 Enoch                 25
Genesis                 24
Isaiah                  22
Jubilees                21
Exodus                  18
Leviticus               17
Numbers                 11
Minor Prophets          10
Daniel                  8
Jeremiah                6
Ezekiel                 6
Job                     6
1&2 Samuel              4
Textual Evidence for Ancient Manuscripts

   Author        Date      Oldest Copy    Interval     Copies

Aristophanes    400 BC       AD 900      1,300 years    45
  Aristotle     340 BC      AD 1100      1,450 years     5
Demosthenes     300 BC      AD 1100      1,400 years     2
Julius Caesar    50 BC       AD 900      950 years      10
 Herodotus      435 BC       AD 900      1,350 years     8
   Homer        800 BC       AD 100       900 years     643
   Plato        360 BC       AD 800      1,150 years    15
 Sophocles      415 BC      AD 1000      1,400 years     7
Thucydides      410 BC       AD 900      1,300 years     8
    Old         1500 BC
 Testament      – 500 BC     200 BC       200-400      5’000
    New         AD 50-90     AD 125       50 years     8,000
They continued steadfastly in the apostles‘ doctrine
- Ac 2:42; cf. 2 Pet. 3:2; Jude 17
They received their words as the Word of God
- 1 Th 2:13; cf. 1 Co 14:37
Paul quoted the gospel of Luke as Scripture
- 1 Ti 5:18; cf. Luke 10:7
Paul‘s letters were designed to be circulated among
the churches - Co 4:16
Peter equated Paul‘s letters with ―Scripture‖
- 2 Pet. 3:15-16
    The church accepted the apostles‘ writings
  because to accept their teaching was to accept
         Jesus Christ Himself - cf. Jn. 13:20
1. Over a 1600 year span
2. Over a period of 40 generations
3. By approximately 40 authors from every walk of life; e.g.:
a. Moses           Political leader trained in Egypt
b. Peter           Fisherman
c. Amos            Herdsman
d. Joshua          Military general
e. Nehemiah        Cup bearer to a king
f. Daniel          Prime minister
g. Luke            A physician
h. Solomon         King
i. Matthew         Tax collector
j. Paul            Tentmaker and rabbi

a. Moses      In the wilderness
b. Jeremiah   In a dungeon
c. Daniel     On a hillside and in a palace
d. Paul       Inside prison walls
e. Luke       While traveling
f. John       In exile on island of Patmos

g. Others     In the rigors of military
a. David -      In times of war
b. Solomon-     In times of peace
a. Some writing from the heights of joy
b. Others from the depths of sorrow and `
Asia - Africa - Europe
Hebrew - Aramaic - Greek
1. Fall of Babylon, written 200 years before it occurred
   - Isa 13:17-22
2. Fall of Egypt, that it would be destroyed more by civil war
   than by outside forces – Isa. 19:1-4
3. The fall of Nineveh, with its utter desolation
   - Zeph. 2:13-15
4. The fall of Tyre, with its becoming a place for the spreading
   of nests - Ezek 26:1-5
5. There are the prophecies concerning Christ
   - cf. Lk 24:44-45
a. It has been stated there 332 prophecies fulfilled in Christ.
b. The mathematical probability that all could be fulfilled in one
   person by chance alone has been calculated as one in 84
   times ten to the 123rd power (84 followed by 123 zeroes)

   1 in 84 x     10123!
   1 in 840, 000, 000,000,
000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,
 1. In the Bible there are scientific truths
 a. Unknown by man with all his wisdom and resources
 b. Stated as facts hundreds of years in advance of the
 discovery of these truths by men

 2. The writers of the Bible could have known these facts
 only through inspiration
 a. They could not have known such things on their own
 b. They must have had divine help, i.e., inspiration from God

 1. The roundness of the earth –                 Isa. 40:22
 2. The suspension of the earth in space -       Job 26:7
 3. The currents in the seas –                   Psa. 8:8
 4. The springs in the seas -                    Job 38:16
 5. All nations of one blood -                   Ac 17:26
             OF THE BIBLE
   Compare the continuity of the Bible with any
            other such writings of man
a. Imagine what you would have if you just took ten
1) From one walk of life, one generation, one place,
one time, one mood one continent, one language

2) Speaking on one controversial subject
b. You would have a conglomeration of ideas, not
The reason for the unity of the Bible? The writers
     were all moved by the same Holy Spirit
                 (2 Pet. 1:20-21)

The Gnostic gospels are attributed to a
    group known as the Gnostics.
Gnosticism 101
Gnosis means ―To Know‖
They were a kind of religious secret
Gnostics believed that salvation was
 attained through attaining certain
These people thought they had secret,
 special knowledge hidden from ordinary
"The Nag Hammadi and the Dead
  Sea Scrolls [are] the earliest
    Christian records.“- DVC
All of the Biblical gospels date from
   the last half of the first century,
whereas the two texts the Da Vinci
Code relies on mostly, the gospel of
    Phillip and the gospel of Mary
Magdalene, are from the third to fifth
The Nag Hammadi
  The Gospel of Phillip
           Brown‘s Error:
The Gnostic Gospel, The Gospel of
Philip was not written in Aramaic as
 the Da Vinci Code implies but in
  Coptic, translated from Greek.
          (DVC Page 246)
The Nag Hammadi Discovery
•Discovery date: December 1945
•Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi
•By a peasant
•Content: codices [Handwritten Books]
•Dates back to the fourth century.
•They included poems, myths,
 mysticism and what some call
 the ―Secret Gospels‖
Nag Hammadi, Egypt
Facts on the Gnostic gospels
•Fifty-two copies of ancient writings.
•13 leather-bound papyrus codices.
•Written in Coptic and belonged to a library in a
•Among the 52 writings, scholars discovered
works many attribute to the leading Gnostic,
•The texts reject the Genesis account of
creation, the Creator God is mocked as a blind
fool. He is called the Demiurge, the lesser God.
•The Gospel of Egyptians was used by the
Gnostic sect, called Nassenes.
One document, the manifesto of the Valentinian
 school called ―The Gospel of Truth,‖ contains
  themes and passages from Matthew, Luke,
  John, 10 of Paul‘s 13 letters, 1 John, and
   Revelation and likely contained 2 John,
              Hebrews, and Jude.
This is a sizable portion of our New Testament,
    and it was in place 120 years after Jesus.
In spite of Brown‘s assertion in DVC that eighty
gospels‖ existed, only New Testament Gospels
           were alluded to by Valentinus
The Gnostic ―Gospels‖
  The quickest way to have the Gnostic teaching
accepted by the masses was to attach the names of
 Apostles to their writings. These were used to gain
       acceptance for the Gnostic teachings.
The earliest dates for these Gnostic works date from
           the early 2nd and 3rd century.
   The Gospel          The Gospel       The Gospel
   of Thomas            of Philip         of Truth
   The Gospel        The Apocalypse   The Apocalypse
of the Egyptians         of Peter         of Paul

    The Letter         Testimony      Perfect Mind and
of Peter to Philip      of Truth        The Thunder
   It's a rule of thumb in the ancient
  history detective business that the
documents closest to the event are the
 ones most likely to tell us the truth.
In other words, the documents that Ban
  Brown thinks hold the secrets about
 Jesus aren't as ancient and reliable as
 the ones that tell us the secrets every
          time we open a Bible.
Why where the Gnostic
    gospels Rejected?
• They are too late to be written
  by the purported authors.
• They rely heavily on the stories
  in the existing gospels.
• They contradict the beliefs
  taught in the orthodox gospels.
Use of Literal
  Deceit in
the Da Vinci
“Teabing flipped through the book
(The Gnostic Gospels) and pointed out
  several other passages that clearly
suggest MM and Jesus had a romantic

Teabing was still talking. “I shan’t bore
 you with the countless references to
the Jesus and Mary Magdalene union.
 That has been explored, ad nauseam,
   by modern historians.” (Pg. 247)
1John 4:1-3
―Dear friends, do not believe every spirit; but
 test the spirits to see whether they are from
   God, because many false prophets have
gone out into the world. This is how you can
recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that
acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in
  the flesh is from God, but every spirit that
   does not acknowledge Jesus is not from
  God. This is the antichrist, which you have
 heard is coming and even now is already in
                    the world‖
This is a portion of
   the Gospel of
manuscript found
in Nag Hammadi.
  The title at the
 bottom reads, in
  "The Gospel of
The Gospel According to Thomas
The Gospel According to Thomas
 "These are the secret words which the
 living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas
  Thomas wrote. And he said, Whoever
 finds the explanation of these word will
             not taste death.
  Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not
cease seeking until he finds, and when
he finds, he will be troubled, and when
 he has been troubled, he will marvel
     and he will reign over the All.."
Jesus said: If those who lead you say to
you: 'See, the Kingdom is in heaven,' then
the birds of the heaven will precede you. If
 they say to you: 'It is in the sea,' then the
 fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is
within you and it is without you. If you will
    know yourselves, then you will be
 known and you will know that you are
   the sons of the Living Father. But if
 you do not know yourselves, then you
   are in poverty and you are poverty.
Jesus said: The man old in days will
  not hesitate to ask a little child of
 seven days about the place of Life,
 and he will live. For many who are
   first shall become last and they
  shall become a single one. Jesus
said: Know what is in thy sight, and
   what is hidden from thee will be
     revealed to thee. For there is
  nothing hidden which will not be
His disciples asked Him, they
 said to Him: Wouldst thou that
we fast and how should we pray
 and should we give alms and
 what diet should we observe?
 Jesus said: Do not lie; and do
  not do what you hate, for all
   things are manifest before
For there is nothing hidden that shall
not be revealed and there is nothing
  covered that shall remain without
          being uncovered.
  Jesus said: Blessed is the lion
 which the man eats and the lion
 will become man; and cursed is
 the man whom the lion eats and
     the lion will become man
The Gospel of Mary
•The Gospel of Mary came from neither the
Dead Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi
•Dan Brown does not tell us the source of the
Gospel of Mary, but we are led to believe that
it came from the Nag Hammadi Library.
•The Gospel of Mary was found in the Berlin
Codex discovered in 1896. It is a manuscript
dated to the fifth century.
•DVC says mid-second century!
The following portion of The Second Treatise of
   the Great Seth illustrates how the Gnostics
      viewed the Old Testament. The words
  Hebdomad, meaning "the seventh god," and
  Archon, "the ruler," are epithets they used in
     reference to the God of Israel. English
 translation by Roger A. Bullard and Joseph A.
Gibbons, in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag
   Hammadi Library in English, translated and
 introduced by members of the Coptic Gnostic
Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and
Christianity, Claremont, California, third edition
      (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988), pp. 368-69.
"Adam was a laughingstock, since he was
    made a counterfeit type of man by the
 Hebdomad, as if he had become stronger
  than I and my brothers . . . Abraham and
 Isaac and Jacob were a laughingstock . . .
David was a laughingstock . . . the prophets
   were laughingstocks . . . they came into
being as counterfeits . . . Moses, a 'faithful
servant,' was a laughingstock, having been
  named 'The Friend' since they perversely
   bore witness concerning him who never
                knew me .. .
the Archon was a laughingstock
   because he said, 'I am God, and
 there is none greater than I. I alone
am the Father, the Lord, and there is
     none other beside me. I am a
 jealous God, who brings the sins of
   the fathers upon the children for
three and four generations,' as if he
had become stronger than I and my
Thus he was in an empty glory . . . I did
not succumb to them as they had planned.
  But I was not afflicted at all . . . I did not
    die in reality but in appearance . . . I
  removed the shame from me . . . It was
  another . . . who drank the gall and the
 vinegar . . . who bore the cross . . . upon
whom they placed the crown of thorns. But
 I was rejoicing in the height over all . . . I
   was laughing at their ignorance. I am
           Christ, the Son of Man."
The Controversial Quote from the
        gospel of Mary

  The companion of the [        ] Mary
      Magdalene. [      ] her more
than [      ] the disciples, and used to
    kiss her [ ] on her [      ]. The
   rest [       ] … They said to him,
 “Why do you love her more than all of
  us?" The savior answered and said,
    "Why do I not love you as her?"
Dan Brown‘s Insertions

The companion of the [ savior is ] Mary
  Magdalene. [ But Christ loved ] her
  more than [ all ] the disciples, and
   used to kiss her [ often ] on her [
  mouth ]. The rest of [ the disciples
were offended ] …. They said, “Why do
you love her more than all of us”? The
  savior answered and said to them,
   “Why do I not love you as her”?
Let‘s Play the Devil‘s Advocate
• Even though the script did not say
  any of the things Dan Brown wants
  his readers to believe, question
• Why would the Apostles be
  MM on her ―MOUTH‖ if they were
• Why would they demand a man
  loves his wife less?
1COR. 3:18-19
 Do not deceive yourselves. If any
one of you thinks he is wise by the
 standards of this age, he should
  become a ―fool‖ so that he may
 become wise. For the wisdom of
this world is foolishness in God‘s
sight. As it is written: ―He catches
   the wise in their craftiness‖.
1Pet. 2:21-22
To this you were called, because
Christ suffered for you, leaving
you an example that you should
follow is his steps.
―He committed no sin,
and no deceit was found in his
Nowhere do these documents
 found in Nag Hammadi state
   that Jesus married Mary

 To what extent do you think
the Apostle went in their fight
    against the Gnostics?
2 John 7-11
   ―Many deceivers, who do not
   acknowledge Jesus Christ as
coming in the flesh, have gone out
into the world. Any such person is
  the deceiver and the antichrist.
  Watch out that you do not lose
what you have worked for, but that
    you may be rewarded fully.
Anyone who runs ahead and
does not continue in the teaching
   of Christ does not have God;
     whoever continues in the
teaching has both the Father and
 the Son. If anyone comes to you
and does not bring this teaching,
  do not take him into your house
   or welcome him. Anyone who
    welcomes him shares in his
           wicked work‖
What is the
"Holy Grail"

In ―Christian‖ mythology,
  the Holy Grail was the
 dish, plate, or cup used
    by Jesus at the Last
Supper, said to possess
   ―miraculous powers‖.
The beginnings of the Grail in literature
       The Grail is first featured in
      “Perceval, le Conte du Graal”
         (The Story of the Grail)
         by Chrétien de Troyes,
    A Poem dated sometime between
              1180 and 1191
The Grail was considered a bowl or dish
   when first described by Chrétien de
   Troyes. Other authors had their own
 ideas; Robert de Boron portrayed it as
      the vessel of the Last Supper
The connection of Joseph of Arimathea
  with the Grail legend dates from Robert
    de Boron's Joseph d'Arimathie (late
twelfth century) in which Joseph receives
 the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and
sends it with his followers to Great Britain;
   building upon this theme, later writers
  recounted how Joseph used the Grail to
   catch Christ's blood while interring him
   and that in Britain he founded a line of
          guardians to keep it safe.
      The sarcophagus
 containing the bones of
  Mary Magdalene and
 ancient documents that
 tell the true story of her
   life, according to the
Opus Dei secret society,
  is the true Holy Grail,
  since Mary‘s womb is
the metaphorical chalice
     that bore the royal
  bloodline of Jesus on
Hear Dan Brown
 ―Teabing spoke more quietly
 now. ‗The quest for the Holy
  Grail is literally the quest to
kneel before the bones of Mary
Magdalene. A journey to pray at
the feet of the outcast one, the
     lost sacred feminine.‖
       (page 277, DVC)
  ―we did not follow cleverly
invented stories when we told
   you about the power and
   coming of our lord Jesus
     Christ, but we were
 eyewitnesses of his majesty‖
         -2PETER 1:16
Treasure Hunters
The next few slides will
  focus on relics attributed to
  Jesus that people believe or
    believed to be authentic
The Shroud of Turin.
                       PICTURE TAKEN 1898
The Holy Chalice which Jesus used for
 serving wine during the Last Supper
Other alleged Holy relics include:
3.Pieces of the True Cross, including the half
 of the INRI inscription tablet, preserved at the
 ancient basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
 in Rome. Very small pieces or particles of the
    True Cross are preserved in hundreds of
           other churches in Europe.
 4.The Calvary of crucifixion, a small rock
  called Golgotha, in the Church of the Holy
 Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Inside the church is
 a pile of rock about 3 m high, believed to be
         what is now visible of Calvary.
5.The Holy Prepuce or foreskin of
     Jesus, removed during his
• The Spear of Destiny or Holy Lance,
  the spear of Longinus used to pierce
Jesus' side when he was on the cross,
       to ensure that he had died.
  • The Crown of Thorns which was
 placed upon the head of Jesus at his
      crucifixion by Pontius Pilate
Veronica's Veil
                           Used to wipe the
                              sweat from
                            Jesus' brow as
                             he carried the

Note that this is only a
9.The Seamless robe of Jesus,
which is kept at the cathedral of

 10.Letters Jesus himself has
  written to Abgar, the King of
Edessa declining an invitation to
         visit his palace.
11.The Holy Sponge, in Santa
    Croce in Gerusalemme
 12.The Holy Umbilical Cord
          13. Hair
         14. Tears
         15. Blood
       16. Milk teeth
"Jesus was the original
 feminist. He intended for
the future of the church to
  be in the hands of Mary
 Sir Leigh Teabing, The
   Da Vinci Code p.248
Which Mary?
•There is Mary "the mother of Jesus―
•Mary "the mother of James and Joses―
•Mary "the wife of Clopas", and
•Mary "the sister of Lazarus".
•However, Mary Magdalene stands out from the
other Marys as she is not directly associated with
any man.
•Mary "Magdalene" means "Mary of Magdala",
just as Jesus "the Nazarene" means "Jesus of
•If they were married, Mary Magdalene should
have been called, by all logic, Mary "the wife of
•In three different passages we learn of Mary
of Bethany, who washes Jesus‘ feet. You read
of a prostitute who washes Jesus‘ feet in
chapter seven of Luke.
•Mary Magdalene is introduced in Luke chapter
eight, where Jesus cleanses her of seven
•In John 12, the sister of Martha and Lazarus,
Mary of Bethany, washes Jesus‘ feet in
preparation for his death and burial, and also
as a display of worship for raising her brother
from the dead in the preceding verses.
•That was Mary of Bethany, not Mary
The Son of God came to earth not to start a family
   but to save the Church, which is his true bride
                (Ephesians 5:22-33)

If Jesus had married Mary Magdalene, we would
expect to see some type of her veneration in the
history of the early church as like we see for Mary,
Jesus mother.

Whenever Jesus' family is referred to, it is his
brothers and sisters who are mentioned, but
never a wife. Contrast this to descriptions of
the apostles, Peter, and the brothers of the
Lord, all of whom are said to have had wives
Another use of Literal Deceit
 "According to these unaltered
  gospels, it was not Peter to
whom Christ gave directions with
 which to establish the Christian
Church. It was Mary Magdalene."

    The Da Vinci Code page 248
The Gnostic gospel of
 Thomas, to which the book
  refers, records Jesus as
 wanting to transform Mary
  Magdalene into a man to
make her acceptable to enter

 The Mary Magdalene of the
Da Vinci Code would have us
  accept would be a ―Bridal
 Chamber‖ Bride…someone
 having a public act of sex.
     (Hieros Gamos)
     ―Sacred Marriage‖

                                                   The Poor Knights of the
                                                Temple of Solomon ,officially
                                                 recognized as such in 1118

                        The Knights
   Opus Dei               Templar                    Priory of Sion
                       Founded in the early
 Founded in 1928                                             1099
                          12th century by
   by a Roman                                              [1950‘s]
                       Hughes de Payens,
Catholic priest, St.
                       a veteran of the First
Josemaría Escrivá
The claim that the
Order of the Knights
Templar was formed
by the Priory of Sion
  is entirely false.
Alleged Grand Masters of The
         Priory of Sion?

Victor Hugo                  Da Vinci
  1802-1885   Isaac Newton   1452-1519
Frenchman, Pierre Plantard (1920-2000)
The whole basis of the Da Vinci Code is based on a hoax
              created by Pierre Plantard.
Leonardo da Vinci never could have
known about the Priory of Sion, since
    it wasn't founded until 1956,
      437 years after his death!

  Unanimous conclusion of scholars
       and serious investigators:
The Priory of Sion was a 20th-century
   hoax, and that the famous people
listed never had anything to do with it
Silas the Monk
 There are no monks in
       Opus Dei.
Albinism is a real medical
   condition in which a
 body cannot produce the
  amount of the pigment
Although few are blind,
  many do not see well
enough to drive a car or,
as seen in "The Da Vinci
 Code," to shoot people
from a distance. In other
  words, it's extremely
 unlikely that Silas could
    perform the tasks
 described in the novel.
Noah: White or Back?
Corporal Mortification
                          Practiced by
                     Mother Teresa, Padre Pio
                      and slain archbishop
                         Oscar Romero.

 1cor. 9:24-27(?)
cilice   "...a spiked chain
         worn around the
          upper thigh for
          two hours each
           day, except for
            Church feast
          days, Sundays,
         and certain times
             of the year‖
Contemporary Symbology
  ―A career hazard of
  symbologists was a
  tendency to extract
hidden meanings from
  situations that had
      DVC Page 172
Scared Feminine
―His Mona Lisa is
  neither male nor
female. It carries a
subtle message of

 This, he claims, is
why she is smiling –
  it was her secret
The book alleges
that the Mona Lisa is
an androgynous self
 portrait of Da Vinci.

  She is smiling
because she knows
 the secret of the
  Priory of Zion.

 She appears to be
androgynous, again,
  because of the
    equality of
god and goddess.
Mona Lisa is a young Florentine
 woman who in 1495 married the
well-known figure, Francesco del
 Giocondo, and thus came to be
    known as ``La Gioconda'‗.
This is confirmed by the discovery
  of documentation in Florence,
   Italy archives. She had five
 children and two became nuns.
Last Supper .Com
Many artists have offered a rendition of the
     ―last supper.‖ Among them are:
               Duccio (1308)
             Lorenzetti (1320)
       Andrea del Castagno (1447)
            Dieric Bouts (1464)
            Ghirlandaio (1480)
           Reubens (1630), and
              Poussin (1640)
Without exception, they all had the apostle
   John either sitting straight up next to
 Jesus, or resting against his breast. Only
     Da Vinci has him leaning away.
The Florentine School had a long tradition of
  often depicting young males as sweet,
     pretty, rather effeminate persons.

Raphael‘s ―Crucifixion‖
- London National Gallery
Iconography from the
Russian Orthodox Church.
 It goes back much farther
 in time than Leonardo Da
          Vinci's era.
      Pictured is another
   crucifixion scene where
   Jesus is giving St. John
the responsibility of caring
 for his mother. It's hard to
  tell which is which, since
      both are somewhat
 androgynous. Despite the
 long flowing hair, John is
   the person on the right.
John the
These are photos of the St. John figure taken
 before and after the most recent restoration
       project that concluded in 1998.
All these paintings are from the 14th
and 15th centuries, done by artists who
  were contemporaries of Leonardo.

It should be clear that his style merely
     reflected the spirit of the age.

This is why it would‘ve been strange if
  he didn’t paint John with delicate
A look at
artistic fusion
of imagery in
landscape painting
What if we could call in
Leonardo Da Vinci
 as a Star Witness
   in this case?
Actually, we can!
“Da Vinci Speaks.”
            On page 665 of,
 The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci,
we do find him engaged in preparing the
      layout for The Last Supper.
  He made one entry that can help us
         answer our question.
    Here we find him fashioning the
     blueprint for his masterpiece.
 In verses 9 through 14, he wrote the
“[9] Another [disciple] speaks into
    his neighbor’s ear and he, as he
listens to him, turns towards him to
  lend an ear [10], while he holds a
knife in one hand, and in the other
  the loaf, half cut through by the
knife. [13] Another who has turned,
 holding a knife in his hand, upsets
 with his hand a glass on the table
“The Last Supper” in Light of The
   Gospel of John (13:21-25)
A ―Newsweek magazine‖
  article that summarized
leading scholars‘ opinions
concluded that the theory
   that Jesus and Mary
 Magdalene were secretly
 has no historical basis.
(Barbara Kantrowitz and Anne
Underwood, ―Decoding the Da
   Vinci Code‖, Newsweek,
  December 8, 2003, pg. 54)
The Merovingians

The Merovingians were a dynasty of
Frankish kings who ruled a (frequently
fluctuating) area in parts of present-day
France and Germany from the 5th to 8th
century AD. They were sometimes referred to
as the "long-haired kings" by contemporaries,
though the significance of their long hair is not
The Merovingian
What is The
Real Truth
Behind The
 Da Vinci
The Real Da Vinci
The Battle to keep Christianity
   Pure in the First Century B.C.
• Pagan mythology and philosophies
began to fall with the spread of
• Temple-prostitutes would facilitate
worship with Aphrodite/Venus, Ishtar,
•The Churches at Pergamum and
Thyatira were warned about proto-
Gnostic and sexual immorality
•Using the Gnostic
    ―Gospel of Philip‖ and ―Mary
Magdalene‖ as the Da Vinci Code argues
      that Mary was Jesus‘ wife,
   Dan Brown is trying to subvert
     Christianity back to Greek
     • The main sacrament in the
          ―Gospel of Philip‖
was the bridal chamber, which was the
         way to redemption.
The ―Bridal Chamber‖ was sexual
mystery rite, in which the new member
would have the right to watch only after
he became a ―Bridegroom‖ or ―Bride‖
          or ―Heiros Gamos‖

  ―Let the others yearn just to listen to
  her voice and enjoy her ointment...
Bridegrooms and brides belong to the
bridal chamber. No one shall be able to
   see the bridegroom with the bride
       unless one becomes one.‖
            Gospel of Philip
The Exegesis on the Soul
Those who are to have intercourse with
   one another will be satisfied with the
 intercourse. And as if it were a burden,
 they leave behind them the annoyance
     of physical desire and they do not
separate from each other. They become
  a single life….For they were originally
  joined to one another when they were
   with God. This marriage brings them
           back together again.
The ―Bridal Chamber‖
•Brown‘s thread throughout the
book is that male and female are
exactly represented in deity, but
they have been changed by a
male-dominated Church.

•True worship, he argues, should
include god and goddess worship
equally, and that is the conspiracy
of the Church over the last two
thousand years.
On the acknowledgments page, Dan
Brown thanks those who helped him
 complete this book, one of those
           mentioned is
    the Gnostic Society Library.

 The Da Vinci Code champions the
    Gnostic Gospels, their view of
Christianity, their sexual orgies and
claims ―Orthodox‖ Christianity stole
   Jesus from the original Gnostic
Early Israelites
•The book claims that the early
Israelites worshipped the
goddess Shekinah as the equal
to Yahweh.
•In fact, the term Shekinah
(derived from Hebrew for
"dwelling") does not appear in
early Judaism at all.
•It was only used in later Talmudic
Judaism to refer to the "dwelling",
or presence of God among his
•The term is used to describe a
spiritual radiance.
•Dan Brown is probably confusing
Shekinah with Asherah.
Christianity started to spread
 throughout the Greek and
Roman worlds, Pagan ideas
 and theology began to fall
         out of favor.

Acts 19 is a great example of
 when people began to burn
the sorcery scrolls in public
and stopped buying statues
   of the temple goddess
  Artemis in about 54 A.D.
 where Paul was preaching.
2:14-17, 20-29

    US PART!
20 "Nevertheless I have a few things against
you, because you allow that woman Jezebel,
who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and
seduce My servants to commit sexual
immorality and eat things sacrificed to

21 "And I gave her time to repent of her sexual
immorality, and she did not repent.‖
22 "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and
those who commit adultery with her into great
tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.
Revelation 2:20-21
We see these warnings to the churches
      in Revelation, especially
     Pergamum and Thyatira.

   In Thyatira, we have a so called
 prophetess, who is teaching sexual
   immorality and idol practices.

 This would be one of the many proto
   Gnostic movements that would
  eventually spread throughout the
           Christian world.
A Peek into the
Mystical World of
•Jesus came to deliver
―Gnosis‖ knowledge from the
―All-Father‖ the unknown God.
•Christ did not die on the Cross,
but only a phantom.
•The Gnostics took on familiar
names and terminology but with
much different theology.
•They believed there was an
unknown All-Father, and Mother
•This goddess was referred to as
•They believed all souls originally
lived in a spiritual realm of light,
the Pleroma, until they were
imprisoned in physical bodies on
the earth.
•Flesh and all matter were
viewed as intrinsically evil.
•Gnostic ―Salvation‖ equated
liberation of the soul from the
body—the freeing of the inner
spirit from the confines of
          [Colossians 2:23]
•Such liberation could only be
achieved through ―Gnosis‖ which
brought about the detachment
from the evil world (similar to Buddhism)
•To achieve this enlightenment,
one needed to know the truth
about God, (All-Father), himself
and life.
•Ancient Gnostics preached two
gods, a good deity of light and
an evil deity of darkness.
•The good deity (The Principle,
or All-Father) was seen as the
epitome of love.
•This God was responsible for
creating the other god.
•This evil god, the demiurge, is the
one who created the physical
world; He is the God of the Old
•This evil God of the Jews, who
favored the Jews, seeks to impede
human souls from returning to God
and returning to the Divine.
•The good God is utterly
removed from the world, he is
•But through sexual intercourse,
the bridal chamber, man can
return to the Plemoria and
become one with the Divine!
(DVC page 336)
 ―Early Jews believed that the Holy of Holies in
  Solomon‘s Temple housed not only God but
also His powerful female equal, Shekinah. Men
    seeking spiritual wholeness came to the
  Temple to visit priestesses – or hierodules –
with whom they made love and experienced the
   divine through physical union. The Jewish
 tetragrammaton YHWH – the sacred name of
     God – in fact derived from Jehovah, an
    androgynous physical union between the
  masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for
                  Eve, Havah.‖
The Best Way to Justify Sin
―He (Langdon) explained that although what she saw
 probably looked like a sex ritual, Hieros Gamos had
  nothing to do with eroticism. It was a spiritual act.
  Historically, intercourse was the act through which
  male and female experienced God. The ancients
believed that the male was spiritually incomplete until
  he had carnal knowledge of the sacred feminine.
  Physical union with the female remained the sole
 means through which man could become spiritually
complete and ultimately achieve gnosis – knowledge
  of the divine. Since the days of Isis, sex rites had
   been considered man‘s only bridge from earth to
                     (page 335, DVC)
What is page 335 of DVC
   •Group sex is a
   spiritual act [?]

•Immorality is how we
  experience God [?]
Do you now see why
   the Bible is so
  intense when it
     comes to
Sexual Immorality?
The next 28
slides are proof
  of this point
1 Timothy 6:20-21
 “Timothy, guard what has been
entrusted to your care. Turn away
  from godless chatter and the
opposing ideas of what is falsely
called knowledge, 21which some
 have professed and in so doing
 have wandered from the faith.”
2 Peter 2:1-3
 “But there were also false prophets among
      the people, just as there will be false
    teachers among you. They will secretly
introduce destructive heresies, even denying
    the sovereign Lord who bought them—
   bringing swift destruction on themselves.
  2Many will follow their shameful ways and
 will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3In
  their greed these teachers will exploit you
     with stories they have made up. Their
 condemnation has long been hanging over
   them, and their destruction has not been
NUM 25:1-2
1While    Israel was staying in Shittim,
  the men began to indulge in sexual
    immorality with Moabite women,
 2who invited them to the sacrifices to

     their gods. The people ate and
 bowed down before these gods. 3So
Israel joined in worshiping the Baal of
  Peor. And the LORD's anger burned
              against them.
MATT 15:19
19For out of the heart come evil
  thoughts, murder, adultery,
 sexual immorality, theft, false
testimony, slander. 20These are
  what make a man `unclean';
   but eating with unwashed
   hands does not make him
           `unclean.' "
ASTS 5: 20
 "It is my judgment, therefore, that
  we should not make it difficult for
   the Gentiles who are turning to
 God.   20Instead we should write to

 them, telling them to abstain from
food polluted by idols, from sexual
     immorality, from the meat of
strangled animals and from blood.
ROM. 1:18-32
    The wrath of God is being
revealed from heaven against all
the godlessness and wickedness
of men who suppress the truth by
  their wickedness, 19since what
may be known about God is plain
to them, because God has made
          it plain to them.
20For   since the creation of the world
   God's invisible qualities--his eternal
  power and divine nature--have been
  clearly seen, being understood from
 what has been made, so that men are
              without excuse.
   21For although they knew God, they

  neither glorified him as God nor gave
thanks to him, but their thinking became
    futile and their foolish hearts were
22Although     they claimed to be wise,
 they became fools 23and exchanged
    the glory of the immortal God for
images made to look like mortal man
  and birds and animals and reptiles.
  24Therefore God gave them over in

   the sinful desires of their hearts to
  sexual impurity for the degrading of
      their bodies with one another.
25They  exchanged the truth of God for a lie,
 and worshiped and served created things
   rather than the Creator--who is forever
               praised. Amen.
 26Because of this, God gave them over to

      shameful lusts. Even their women
 exchanged natural relations for unnatural
   ones. 27In the same way the men also
  abandoned natural relations with women
and were inflamed with lust for one another.
  Men committed indecent acts with other
 men, and received in themselves the due
         penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore,    since they did not think it
 worthwhile to retain the knowledge of
God, he gave them over to a depraved
mind, to do what ought not to be done.
 29They have become filled with every

   kind of wickedness, evil, greed and
depravity. They are full of envy, murder,
    strife, deceit and malice. They are
   gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters,
  insolent, arrogant and boastful; they
invent ways of doing evil; they disobey
               their parents;
31they  are senseless, faithless,
 heartless, ruthless. 32Although
   they know God's righteous
 decree that those who do such
 things deserve death, they not
 only continue to do these very
things but also approve of those
       who practice them.
ROM. 13: 13
  12The    night is nearly over; the day is
    almost here. So let us put aside the
 deeds of darkness and put on the armor
  of light. 13Let us behave decently, as in
        the daytime, not in orgies and
   drunkenness, not in sexual immorality
  and debauchery, not in dissension and
jealousy. 14Rather, clothe yourselves with
  the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think
   about how to gratify the desires of the
                 sinful nature.
1COR 10:8
8We  should not commit sexual
 immorality, as some of them
  did--and in one day twenty-
three thousand of them died.
9We should not test the Lord,

   as some of them did--and
     were killed by snakes.
GAL. 5:19
  The acts of the sinful nature are
obvious: sexual immorality, impurity
  and debauchery; 20idolatry and
witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy,
    fits of rage, selfish ambition,
 dissensions, factions 21and envy;
drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I
warn you, as I did before, that those
who live like this will not inherit the
            kingdom of God.
COL. 3:5

 Put to death, therefore,
whatever belongs to your
  earthly nature: sexual
immorality, impurity, lust,
 evil desires and greed,
     which is idolatry.
1THESS. 4:3-5
3Itis God's will that you should
 be sanctified: that you should
 avoid sexual immorality; 4that
  each of you should learn to
 control his own body in a way
that is holy and honorable,  5not

   in passionate lust like the
heathen, who do not know God;
HEB. 12:15-17
15See    to it that no one misses the grace
of God and that no bitter root grows up to
cause trouble and defile many. 16See that
 no one is sexually immoral, or is godless
 like Esau, who for a single meal sold his
    inheritance rights as the oldest son.
     17Afterward, as you know, when he

   wanted to inherit this blessing, he was
rejected. He could bring about no change
  of mind, though he sought the blessing
                    with tears

 4Marriage   should be
honored by all, and the
marriage bed kept pure,
 for God will judge the
  adulterer and all the
   sexually immoral.
JUDE 1:5-7
 5Though    you already know all this, I want to
 remind you that the Lord delivered his people
out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did
 not believe. 6And the angels who did not keep
their positions of authority but abandoned their
   own home--these he has kept in darkness,
bound with everlasting chains for judgment on
  the great Day. 7In a similar way, Sodom and
   Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave
    themselves up to sexual immorality and
perversion. They serve as an example of those
    who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
1PET. 4:1-5
1Therefore,    since Christ suffered in his body, arm
 yourselves also with the same attitude, because
he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.
      2As a result, he does not live the rest of his

 earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for
the will of God. 3For you have spent enough time
    in the past doing what pagans choose to do--
  living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies,
 carousing and detestable idolatry. 4They think it
strange that you do not plunge with them into the
 same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse
on you. 5But they will have to give account to him
   who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
REV 9:20-21
 20The   rest of mankind that were not
  killed by these plagues still did not
repent of the work of their hands; they
 did not stop worshiping demons, and
idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and
wood--idols that cannot see or hear or
  walk. 21Nor did they repent of their
murders, their magic arts, their sexual
        immorality or their thefts
REV. 22:14-15
14"Blessed   are those who wash their
robes, that they may have the right to
  the tree of life and may go through
 the gates into the city. 15Outside are
 the dogs, those who practice magic
    arts, the sexually immoral, the
     murderers, the idolaters and
  everyone who loves and practices
EPH 5:3
But among you there must
   not be even a hint of
 sexual immorality, or of
any kind of impurity, or of
greed, because these are
 improper for God's holy
1COR. 6:12-20
12"Everything is permissible for me"--but
 not everything is beneficial. "Everything
 is permissible for me"--but I will not be
  mastered by anything. 13"Food for the
stomach and the stomach for food"--but
God will destroy them both. The body is
 not meant for sexual immorality, but for
the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14By
 his power God raised the Lord from the
      dead, and he will raise us also.
15Do   you not know that your bodies
 are members of Christ himself? Shall
I then take the members of Christ and
  unite them with a prostitute? Never!
16Do you not know that he who unites

  himself with a prostitute is one with
  her in body? For it is said, "The two
 will become one flesh."17But he who
   unites himself with the Lord is one
            with him in spirit.
18Flee  from sexual immorality. All other
  sins a man commits are outside his
  body, but he who sins sexually sins
  against his own body. 19Do you not
know that your body is a temple of the
 Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you
have received from God? You are not
   your own; 20you were bought at a
 price. Therefore honor God with your
Matthew 7:15-19,20
  “Watch out for false prophets. They
 come to you in sheep's clothing, but
  inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
    16By their fruit you will recognize
   them. Do people pick grapes from
   thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
   17Likewise every good tree bears
  good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad
 fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad
fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good
  fruit… 20Thus, by their fruit you will
            recognize them.”
Goddess Worship
 in Ancient and
Modern Religions
OF THE HEARTH   Sea Goddess Mod

The Goddess Durga   Earth goddess

Diana of Ephesus
The Olympic Games
  •The motions of the planet Venus do
   not determine the official length of
   the Olympic Games, but DVC says
             that they do.
      •The Olympic Games were not
  originally formed to honor Aphrodite.
  They were originally formed to honor
  •The book claims the Olympics were
   held for Venus in 8-year cycles but
  they were actually held for Zeus in 4-
              year cycles.
               (Page 36)
Remember the
―cleverly invented stories‖
    They are called
―fairy tales‖
Dan Brown uses
      fairy Tale
  to support his claims!

DAN Brown just has to
catch himself this time
   ―A career hazard of
   symbologists was a
tendency to extract hidden
 meanings from situations
     that had none.‖
          (DVC 172)
The book claims there are 666 panes of
glass on the pyramid outside the Louvre.
 The Museum says there are 673. (Page 21)
Six hundred three of them are diamond shaped and only
             seventy of them are triangular
Only liquid soap in the rest rooms.
                          No bar soaps

The Inverted

                 Smart car unable to achieve the speed
                  and dexterity described in the book
What If?

How do any of these Human
 activities destroy Jesus‘ divinity?

- Birth, Schooling and Carpentry
- Eating and Drinking
- Tiredness, Crying and Bleeding
- Physical Death
- Marrying and Ability to Have Children
- Would Jesus being single be
The True Marriage and Children
   Jesus' Bride is still in preparation, but soon will be
                    ready. Rev 19:7-8
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for
  the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath
 made herself ready. And to her was granted that she
should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the
       fine linen is the righteousness of saints."

         Their children? Revelation 22:17
"And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'" Jesus and his
       Bride will give life to "whosoever will" to
              "take the water of life freely."

The whole world will be given an opportunity to
           become their children!
Food for Thought
•Are you a CHILD of God?
•Have you been BORN AGAIN and HOW?
•Do you know SCRIPTURES [not stories]
that confirm or affirms this new birth?
•Are you WILLING to TALK about them?
•Is your religion or faith based on
FEELINGS, EMOTIONS or biblical facts?
•How will you respond to CHALLENGE
from the BIBLE? [ACTS 24:24-25]
Pictures Tell
a Thousand
What do all
these pictures
   have in
They are all

Be Careful where we get Your
      Information from
  Why is
Dan Brown
Conclusion on the Da Vinci Code
•Salvation is available to those who
come to Jesus- The Jesus of the
• The Jesus of the Da Vinci Code is
the Gnostic Jesus- another Jesus.
• The Da Vinci Code claiming to be a
novel, but is plainly a veiled attack on
• The book is built on a hoax
created by Pierre Plantard, a
convicted embezzler.

•The book is filled with factual
and historical errors which are
either intentional or
irresponsible scholarship.
                            THIS SESSION WILL
                                 HOLD ON
                             SEPTEMBER 13TH

 Questions or comments should be written on the
participants card given to you and submitted to the
                 users or email to
  before 6.00pm, Tuesday September 12TH 2006
Thank You For Coming
  and Participating
Peace of the Lord!

          Emmanuel Emeh
   International Church of Christ
            Lagos, Nigeria

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Confronting The Da Vinci Code

  • 1. International Church of Christ A Christian Evidences Work Shop
  • 2. CONFRONTING THE DA VINCI CODE International Church of Christ Islands Region, Lagos
  • 3. Dan Brown The Man Behind the Book Recently named one of the World's 100 Most Influential People by TIME Magazine
  • 4. The Book! [a conspiracy theory] Has been the best selling book in the past few years. Its only recent rival has been the Harry Potter series Over 60 million copies in print Translated into over 44 languages
  • 5. The Da Vinci Code: A Worldwide Phenomenon [Every author and Publisher Dreams]
  • 14. The Book‘s Four Main Characters Robert Langdon The main character, is a professor of Religious Symbology at Harvard University. There is actually no post at Harvard called Professor of Religious Symbology. Jacques Sauniere Murdered museum curator at the Louvre, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, sworn protectors of the Holy Grail. Sophie Neveu An agent of the Department of Cryptology. It is a branch of the French state police. She is also the granddaughter of the murdered curator. Sir Leigh Teabing Wealthy grail researcher, British Royal Historian affiliated with Oxford University
  • 16. Dan Brown begins his book by the usual disclaimer, ―All characters and events in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.‖ We can easily end the discussion here. This is a book of fiction!
  • 17. So, Why The Fuss Over A Novel?
  • 18. •It‘s written like no other fiction •Controversy should Make Us Think!
  • 19. The Books Opening Statements ―FACT‖ ―All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate.‖ In a Television interview now transcribed on his own web pages, Brown was asked regarding his novel: "How much of this is based on reality in terms of things that actually occurred?" Brown responded: "Absolutely all of it."
  • 20. REMEMBER THIS STATEMENT? ―All characters and events in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.‖ WHAT IS DAN BROWN UP TO?
  • 21. THE DA VINCI CODE Another Trojan Horse
  • 22. A Cleverly Written Book 1.The Book is presented as a novel; therefore, Brown has no footnotes to question his claims. 2. The ―Fact‖ statement allows the reader to assume the ―Facts‖ in the book are true except for the fictional story line. 3. The reader then gives consent to these ―Facts‖ allowing false claims about history, Jesus and Christianity to be weaved into the story.
  • 23. THE JESUS CONSPIRACY •The Da Vinci Code begins with the murder of a French museum curator named Jacques Sauniere. •A scholarly Harvard professor and a beautiful French cryptologist are commissioned to decipher a message left by the curator before his death. •The message turns out to reveal the most profound conspiracy in the history of humankind: a cover-up of the true message of Jesus Christ by a secret arm of the Roman Catholic Church called Opus Dei.
  • 24. •Before his death, the curator had evidence that could disprove the deity of Christ. •Although (according to the plot) the [Roman Catholic] church tried for centuries to suppress the evidence. •Great thinkers and artists have planted clues everywhere: in paintings such as the Mona Lisa and Last Supper by Da Vinci, in the architecture of cathedrals, even in Disney cartoons.
  • 25. Prepare to Answer! ―But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander‖ 1Peter 3: 15-16
  • 26. Is Christianity Based on BLIND FAITH? ―The New Testament is based on fabrications…every faith is…based on fabrications…Jesus was not born of a literal virgin birth….Those who truly understand their faiths understand the stories are metaphorical‖ (Pages DVC 341-342) IS THIS STATEMENT TRUE?
  • 27. Paul before Agrippa Please Open your Bibles to Acts 26:22b-29 • Christianity is not based on Blind Faith! • We need to Know why we believe what we believe. • Match Biblical events with Relevant world History • We must be confident to talk about the Christian Faith! • A line must be drawn. A line between EMOTIONS and FACTS
  • 28. The Da Vinci Code Provides for us another Opportunity to Teach People about the History of Christianity, The Divinity of Jesus, and Core Doctrines from the Bible
  • 29. Nothing new under the sun We live in an Era of Conspiracy Theories
  • 30. 1951 August 12, 1988
  • 31. 1972
  • 32. Proposed the marriage as a ―hypothesis‖ ―HYPOTHESIS‖ Suggested but not Proven 1982
  • 33. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh [Authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail] Sir Leigh Teabing [Wealthy Grail Researcher and one of four main characters in DVC] T e a b i n g The name Teabing is actually an anagram of B a i g e n t Baigent
  • 34. Also proposes a hypothesis, this time regarding the relationship between Jesus, John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene, and states that their true story has been 1997 suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 35. Allegations of plagiarism In February 2006, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, two of the three authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, took the UK publisher of The Da Vinci Code to court for breach of copyright, alleging plagiarism On April 11, 2005, novelist Lewis Perdue sued Brown and his publisher Random House for plagiarizing his novels The Da Vinci Legacy (1983) and Daughter of God (2000), claiming "there are far too many parallels between my books and The Da Vinci Code for it to be an accident."
  • 36. 1983 2000
  • 37. Other ―stabs‖ at this now lucrative business include…
  • 38.
  • 40. Conspiracy theories thrive where there are lots of MONEY to be made!
  • 41. Leonardo Da Vinci Born in the Tuscan village of Vinci 1452-1519 Regarded as the founder of the High Renaissance Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist
  • 42. The ‗Mona Lisa‘: Leonardo‘s most famous painting and today, the world‘s most expensive piece of art work.
  • 44. Brown says that the ―Madonna of the Rocks” 'nuns' of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception gave instructions for this painting (p. 191). The problem is; there were no nuns in the order – it was an all male group.
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  • 50. The Da Vinci Code on Trial Dan Brown‘s ―Facts‖ versus Biblical and Historical Facts
  • 51. Dan Brown‘s Opening Statement: “…almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false” (DVC: Page 235)
  • 53. 1.The Roman emperor Constantine conspired to deify Jesus Christ. 2.Constantine personally selected the books of the New Testament. 3.The Gnostic gospels were banned by men to suppress women. 4.Thousands of secret documents disprove key points of Christianity.
  • 54. 5.Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. 6.Mary Magdalene herself was the Holy Grail. The vessel that contained the blood of Jesus – meaning their daughter together (Sarah). 7.Mother and child fled to France after the death of Jesus, and they were assisted there by Joseph of Arimathea.
  • 55. 8.Jesus and Mary‘s descendants became royalty, forming the Merovingian line of kings in France. 9.Their secret was handed on through a secret society called the Priory of Zion. 10.Some of the Grand Masters, the leaders of this secret society include Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • 56. So, what's our Reply to all these?
  • 57. Our Opening Statement ―we did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, ―This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.‖ we ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.‖ [NIV] [2Pet 1:16-18]
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  • 64. “I think there is no sense in forming an opinion where there is no evidence to form it on. If you build a person without any bones, he may look fair enough to the eye, but he won’t be able to stand up. I consider that evidence is the bones of an opinion.” -Mark Twain [Down The Rhone]
  • 65. Constantine and the Council of Nicaea In 325 A.D., Constantine convened an Ecumenical meeting of more than 318 bishops at Nicaea from throughout the Emperor Constantine Christian world. (Reign: 306-337 A.D.)
  • 66. Why the Council was Convened Emperor Constantine Two Opposing Views: Arius and Athanasius
  • 68. Arius (250-336) •Popular preacher in Alexandria who taught that Jesus was a created being inferior to God. •His teaching became known as Arianism, which was denounced at the Council of Nicea but continued to hold sway in the Eastern Church for many years.
  • 69. Athanasius (297-373) Also known as Alexander of Alexandria. •A bold deacon from the Church of Alexandria championed the opposing view that Christ was both human and divine at that same time. •Not only did Christ have a pre-human existence as Arius believed, but Athanasius advocated Christ never had a beginning. He always existed and was always divine.
  • 70. DVC page 233 ―Until that moment in history Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet…not the Son of God‖. IS THIS STATEMENT TRUE?
  • 71. The question is; what did the early Christians and apostles believe about Jesus before the council?
  • 74. ―In the beginning the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn't make. Life itself was in him. So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us‖ John 1:1-4 (NLT) This passage from John 1, has been discovered in an ancient manuscript, and it is carbon-dated at 175-225 A.D. Thus Jesus was clearly spoken of as God over a hundred years before Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea.
  • 75. This is p66, which is called the Bodmer Papyrus. It dates from around 200 A.D. The text is John 1:1-13, plus the first word of verse 14.
  • 76. Philippians 2: 5-8 ―Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who , being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in the appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross!‖
  • 77. Isaiah 9:6 [700 B.C.] ―For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.‖
  • 78. Daniel 7:13-14 [562 B.C.] 13. "I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. 14Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed.
  • 79. Zechariah 12:9-10 [520 B.C.] 9 "It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. 10"And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn‖
  • 80. John 10:31-33 Again the Jews picked up stone to stone him, but Jesus said to them, ―I have shown you many great miracles from the father. For which of these do you stone me?‖ ―We are not stoning you for any of these,‖ replied the Jews, ―but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.‖
  • 81. Hebrews 1:7-8 In speaking of the angels he says, ―He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire.‖ But about the son he says, ―Your throne God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be scepter of your kingdom…‖
  • 82. Early Christians Speak 50 AD The Huleatt Manuscript "She poured it [the perfume] over his [Jesus'] hair when he sat at the table. But, when the disciples saw it, they were indignant. . . . God, aware of this, said to them: 'Why do you trouble this woman? She has done [a beautiful thing for me.] . . . Then one of the Twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priest and said, 'What will you give me for my work?' [Matt. 26:7-15]" (Huleatt fragments 1-3)
  • 83. Polycarp of Smyrna [69-155A.D.] "I praise you for all things, I bless you, I glorify you, along with the everlasting and heavenly Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, with whom, to you and the Holy Spirit, be glory both now and to all coming ages. Amen" (Martyrdom of Polycarp 14)
  • 84. 74 AD The Letter of Barnabas "And further, my brethren, if the Lord [Jesus] endured to suffer for our soul, he being the Lord of all the world, to whom God said at the foundation of the world, 'Let us make man after our image, and after our likeness,' understand how it was that he endured to suffer at the hand of men― (Letter of Barnabas 5)
  • 85. Justin Martyr [100-165 A.D.] "The Father of the universe has a Son, who also being the first begotten Word of God, is even God." (First Apology, ch 63) "Christ is called both God and Lord of hosts." (Dialogue with Trypho, ch, 36) Justin Martyr quotes Hebrews 1:8 to prove the Deity of Christ. "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever." (Dialogue with Trypho, ch 56)
  • 86. 150 AD Justin Martyr "We will prove that we worship him reasonably; for we have learned that he is the Son of the true God Himself, that he holds a second place, and the Spirit of prophecy a third. For this they accuse us of madness, saying that we attribute to a crucified man a place second to the unchangeable and eternal God, the Creator of all things; but they are ignorant of the Mystery which lies therein" (First Apology 13:5-6)
  • 87. 170 AD Tatian the Syrian "We are not playing the fool, you Greeks, nor do we talk nonsense, when we report that God was born in the form of a man" (Address to the Greeks 21)
  • 88. 177 AD Athenagoras "The Son of God is the Word of the Father in thought and actuality. By him and through him all things were made, the Father and the Son being one. Since the Son is in the Father and the Father is in the Son by the unity and power of the Spirit, the Mind and Word of the Father is the Son of God…
  • 89. And if, in your exceedingly great wisdom, it occurs to you to inquire what is meant by ‗the Son‘, I will tell you briefly: He is the first- begotten of the Father, not as having been produced, for from the beginning God had the Word in himself, God being eternal mind and eternally rational, but as coming forth to be the model and energizing force of all material things" (Plea for the Christians 10:2-4)
  • 90. Clement Of Alexandria 190 AD "I understand nothing else than the Holy Trinity to be meant; for the third is the Holy Spirit, and the Son is the second, by whom all things were made according to the will of the Father." (Stromata, Book V, ch. 14)
  • 91. 200 AD Hippolytus [170-235A.D.] "As far as regards the power, therefore, God is one. But as far as regards the economy there is a threefold manifestation, as shall be proved afterwards when we give account of the true doctrine" (Against The Heresy Of One Noetus)
  • 92. Jesus in The Trinity 1Timothy 3:16 ‗‗Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He [God] appeared in the body, was vindicated by the Spirit, Was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, Was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory‘‘. [A possible "early creed" of the church]
  • 93. What is MAN? An illustration from the ‗image‘ of MAN BODY SOUL SPIRIT Yet, MAN is seen as a single been!
  • 94. What is ‗the image of God?‘ God‘s ‗image‘ is not Physical but Spiritual
  • 95. Forensic manuscript evidence contradicts The Da Vinci Code's claim that Jesus' divinity was a fourth century invention.
  • 96. The Creed of "We believe in one God, the Nicaea 325 A.D Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things, visible and invisible" ... "We believe . . . in our one Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, the only-begotten born of the Father, that is, of the substance of the Father, God of God, light of light, true God of true God, born, not made. One in being with the Father. Through him all things were made . ."
  • 97. The Nicene Vote Brown asserts in his book, through Teabing, that the majority of bishops at Nicaea overruled Arius's belief that Jesus was a "mortal prophet― and adopted the doctrine of Jesus' divinity by a "relatively close vote." True or false?
  • 98. Not a ―relatively close‖ vote 2 vs 318 bishops The landslide vote came after considerable debate. But in the end the council overwhelmingly declared Arius to be a heretic, since his teaching contradicted what the apostles had taught about Jesus‘ divinity.
  • 99. The council simply AFFIRMED what Jesus, the Apostles and other early Christians taught.
  • 100. Saturday or Sunday Worship? ―Nothing in Christianity is original . . . Originally Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan‘s veneration day of the sun . . . .To this day, most churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no idea that they are there on account of the pagan sun god‘s weekly tribute—Sunday.‖ (DVC page 232-233) True or False?
  • 101. Christians always worshipped on the first day (Sunday) •Early Christians state that they stopped keeping the Sabbath to worship on Sunday started with the apostles. •They partook of the Lord‘s Supper (communion) every first day. •They called the first day (Sunday) the Lord‘s day. •They called the day Jesus rose from the dead, the Lord‘s Day. •They said the reason they worshipped on the first day, was because it was a weekly memorial of the day Jesus rose from the dead!
  • 102. Justin Martyr A.D. 150 ―On the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together in one place and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read.‖
  • 103. Acts 20:7 says that they gathered on the first day of the week. 1Corinthians 16:2 says, ―They gathered on the first day of the week.‖ Revelation 1:10 calls it ―the Lord‘s Day.‖ The Didache, an early second- century manuscript, states that Christians worshipped on Sunday, and calls it ―the Lord‘s Day.‖
  • 105. The Da Vinci Code page 231 "The Bible is a product of man my dear, not of God."
  • 106. (DVC page 254) ―Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible, which omitted those gospels that spoke of Christ‘s human traits and embellished those gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up, and burned.‖
  • 107. DVC page 234 ―Fortunately for historians, some of the gospels that Constantine attempted to eradicate managed to survive. The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the 1950s hidden in a cave near Qumran in the Judean desert. And, of course, the Coptic Scrolls in 1945 at Nag Hammadi.‖
  • 108. THE GOSPELS The Da Vinci Code page 231 "More than eighty gospels were FALSE! considered for the New Testament, and yet only a relatively few were chosen." In all of antiquity, there are only twenty eight other sources no longer in existence that are cited or mentioned in Jewish or Gnostic writings as gospels.
  • 109. Irenaeus of Lyon A.D. 180 Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own dialect, while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome, and laying the foundations of the Church. After their departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, did also hand down to us in writing what had been preached by Peter. Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book the Gospel preached by him. Afterwards, John, the disciple of the Lord, who also had leaned upon His breast, did himself publish a Gospel during his residence at Ephesus in Asia. (Against Heresies 3.1.1).
  • 110. Why FOUR Gospels? A lesson from personal name signing •Try signing your name four times. •What do you notice? Non is perfectly identical to another •What will be the assumption if the four were perfectly identical? FORGERY!
  • 111. A photograph of the harbor in Rockport, Massachusetts, featuring the red fishing shack known as "Motif #1." It's one of the most commonly photographed and painted buildings in America.
  • 112. John Barbour Mary Poore Allison Goldstein Marilyn Swift
  • 113. All four canonical gospels exist in lists of church scripture as early as Papias (115 A.D.) and Justin Martyr (165 A.D.) and no other gospels ever appear in any list as authoritative. Constantine did not summon the council of Nicea until A.D. 325 - far too late for this claim to be taken seriously.
  • 115. The oldest fragment of the New Testament. Dated to around 125 A.D. The text is from the Gospel of John, written around 90 A.D. The gap between the original and this copy is about 30-50 years. The text reads: The Jews replied, ―We are not permitted to put anyone to death.‖ (This was to fulfill what Jesus had said when he indicated the kind of death he was to die.) Then Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, ―Are you the King of the Jews?‖ (John 18:31-33) This is papyrus 52
  • 116. A portion of p75 (Papyrus 75), which contains Luke and John, and was written around A.D. 200. This picture shows the place where Luke ends and John begins.
  • 117. This detail from the previous picture shows the end of Luke and the beginning of John. The scribe has added: EUAGGELION KATA LOUKAN . . . EUAGGELION KATA IOANEN (Gospel according to Luke . . . Gospel according to John).
  • 118. Other than the four recognized gospels, there are only Eleven ancient documents still in existence today that are called "gospel"
  • 119. What Are THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS
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  • 124. The Dead Sea scrolls Roughly 825-870 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible. They are practically the only known surviving Biblical documents written before AD 100. WHY IS THIS SO?
  • 125. ―But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassing power is from God and not from us‖ 2COR. 4:7
  • 126. Cave 4 About 15,000 fragments from 500 manuscripts were found from every book of the Old Testament canon--except Esther.
  • 127. The Isaiah scroll, found relatively intact, is 1000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah. In fact, the scrolls are the oldest group of Old Testament manuscripts ever found!
  • 128. The assertion that the Dead Sea Scrolls, contain lost or hidden Gospels is false. The scrolls contain books of the Old Testament, apocryphal and pseudepigraphic books, and manuals used by the Jewish Essene community. All of the scrolls were written before the time of Christ; no Christian documents - orthodox, Gnostic, or otherwise - have ever been found at this site.
  • 129. Books Ranked According to Number of Manuscripts found (top 15) Books No. found Psalms 39 Deuteronomy 33 1 Enoch 25 Genesis 24 Isaiah 22 Jubilees 21 Exodus 18 Leviticus 17 Numbers 11 Minor Prophets 10 Daniel 8 Jeremiah 6 Ezekiel 6 Job 6 1&2 Samuel 4
  • 130. Textual Evidence for Ancient Manuscripts Author Date Oldest Copy Interval Copies Aristophanes 400 BC AD 900 1,300 years 45 Aristotle 340 BC AD 1100 1,450 years 5 Demosthenes 300 BC AD 1100 1,400 years 2 Julius Caesar 50 BC AD 900 950 years 10 Herodotus 435 BC AD 900 1,350 years 8 Homer 800 BC AD 100 900 years 643 Plato 360 BC AD 800 1,150 years 15 Sophocles 415 BC AD 1000 1,400 years 7 Thucydides 410 BC AD 900 1,300 years 8 Old 1500 BC Testament – 500 BC 200 BC 200-400 5’000 years New AD 50-90 AD 125 50 years 8,000 Testament
  • 131. THE EARLY CHURCH ADOPTED APOSTOLIC WRITINGS AS CANONICAL They continued steadfastly in the apostles‘ doctrine - Ac 2:42; cf. 2 Pet. 3:2; Jude 17 They received their words as the Word of God - 1 Th 2:13; cf. 1 Co 14:37 Paul quoted the gospel of Luke as Scripture - 1 Ti 5:18; cf. Luke 10:7 Paul‘s letters were designed to be circulated among the churches - Co 4:16 Peter equated Paul‘s letters with ―Scripture‖ - 2 Pet. 3:15-16 The church accepted the apostles‘ writings because to accept their teaching was to accept Jesus Christ Himself - cf. Jn. 13:20
  • 132. THE UNITY OF THE BIBLE THE BIBLE CONTAINS 66 BOOKS 1. Over a 1600 year span 2. Over a period of 40 generations 3. By approximately 40 authors from every walk of life; e.g.: a. Moses Political leader trained in Egypt b. Peter Fisherman c. Amos Herdsman d. Joshua Military general e. Nehemiah Cup bearer to a king f. Daniel Prime minister g. Luke A physician h. Solomon King i. Matthew Tax collector j. Paul Tentmaker and rabbi
  • 133. WRITTEN IN DIFFERENT PLACES a. Moses In the wilderness b. Jeremiah In a dungeon c. Daniel On a hillside and in a palace d. Paul Inside prison walls e. Luke While traveling f. John In exile on island of Patmos g. Others In the rigors of military campaign
  • 134. AT DIFFERENT TIMES a. David - In times of war b. Solomon- In times of peace DURING DIFFERENT MOODS a. Some writing from the heights of joy b. Others from the depths of sorrow and ` despair ON THREE CONTINENTS: Asia - Africa - Europe IN THREE LANGUAGES: Hebrew - Aramaic - Greek
  • 135. THE FULFILLED PROPHECIES IN THE BIBLE A FEW EXAMPLES... 1. Fall of Babylon, written 200 years before it occurred - Isa 13:17-22 2. Fall of Egypt, that it would be destroyed more by civil war than by outside forces – Isa. 19:1-4 3. The fall of Nineveh, with its utter desolation - Zeph. 2:13-15 4. The fall of Tyre, with its becoming a place for the spreading of nests - Ezek 26:1-5 5. There are the prophecies concerning Christ - cf. Lk 24:44-45 a. It has been stated there 332 prophecies fulfilled in Christ. b. The mathematical probability that all could be fulfilled in one person by chance alone has been calculated as one in 84 times ten to the 123rd power (84 followed by 123 zeroes)
  • 136. IN NUMERICAL FORM 1 in 84 x 10123! 1 in 840, 000, 000,000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  • 137. THE SCIENTIFIC FOREKNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE 1. In the Bible there are scientific truths a. Unknown by man with all his wisdom and resources b. Stated as facts hundreds of years in advance of the discovery of these truths by men 2. The writers of the Bible could have known these facts only through inspiration a. They could not have known such things on their own b. They must have had divine help, i.e., inspiration from God A FEW EXAMPLES... 1. The roundness of the earth – Isa. 40:22 2. The suspension of the earth in space - Job 26:7 3. The currents in the seas – Psa. 8:8 4. The springs in the seas - Job 38:16 5. All nations of one blood - Ac 17:26
  • 138. HARMONY AND CONTINUITY OF THE BIBLE Compare the continuity of the Bible with any other such writings of man a. Imagine what you would have if you just took ten authors... 1) From one walk of life, one generation, one place, one time, one mood one continent, one language 2) Speaking on one controversial subject b. You would have a conglomeration of ideas, not harmony! The reason for the unity of the Bible? The writers were all moved by the same Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:20-21)
  • 139. The Gnostic Gospels The Gnostic gospels are attributed to a group known as the Gnostics.
  • 140. Gnosticism 101 Gnosis means ―To Know‖ They were a kind of religious secret society. Gnostics believed that salvation was attained through attaining certain Knowledge These people thought they had secret, special knowledge hidden from ordinary people.
  • 141. "The Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls [are] the earliest Christian records.“- DVC All of the Biblical gospels date from the last half of the first century, whereas the two texts the Da Vinci Code relies on mostly, the gospel of Phillip and the gospel of Mary Magdalene, are from the third to fifth century.
  • 142. The Nag Hammadi & The Gospel of Phillip Brown‘s Error: The Gnostic Gospel, The Gospel of Philip was not written in Aramaic as the Da Vinci Code implies but in Coptic, translated from Greek. (DVC Page 246)
  • 143. The Nag Hammadi Discovery •Discovery date: December 1945 •Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi •By a peasant •Content: codices [Handwritten Books] •Dates back to the fourth century. •They included poems, myths, mysticism and what some call the ―Secret Gospels‖
  • 145.
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  • 147. Facts on the Gnostic gospels •Fifty-two copies of ancient writings. •13 leather-bound papyrus codices. •Written in Coptic and belonged to a library in a monastery. •Among the 52 writings, scholars discovered works many attribute to the leading Gnostic, Valentinus. •The texts reject the Genesis account of creation, the Creator God is mocked as a blind fool. He is called the Demiurge, the lesser God. •The Gospel of Egyptians was used by the Gnostic sect, called Nassenes.
  • 148. Valentinus One document, the manifesto of the Valentinian school called ―The Gospel of Truth,‖ contains themes and passages from Matthew, Luke, John, 10 of Paul‘s 13 letters, 1 John, and Revelation and likely contained 2 John, Hebrews, and Jude. This is a sizable portion of our New Testament, and it was in place 120 years after Jesus. In spite of Brown‘s assertion in DVC that eighty gospels‖ existed, only New Testament Gospels were alluded to by Valentinus
  • 149. The Gnostic ―Gospels‖ The quickest way to have the Gnostic teaching accepted by the masses was to attach the names of Apostles to their writings. These were used to gain acceptance for the Gnostic teachings. The earliest dates for these Gnostic works date from the early 2nd and 3rd century. The Gospel The Gospel The Gospel of Thomas of Philip of Truth The Gospel The Apocalypse The Apocalypse of the Egyptians of Peter of Paul The Letter Testimony Perfect Mind and of Peter to Philip of Truth The Thunder
  • 150. CHINESE WISPERS, ANYONE? It's a rule of thumb in the ancient history detective business that the documents closest to the event are the ones most likely to tell us the truth. In other words, the documents that Ban Brown thinks hold the secrets about Jesus aren't as ancient and reliable as the ones that tell us the secrets every time we open a Bible.
  • 151. Why where the Gnostic gospels Rejected? • They are too late to be written by the purported authors. • They rely heavily on the stories in the existing gospels. • They contradict the beliefs taught in the orthodox gospels.
  • 152. Use of Literal Deceit in the Da Vinci Code
  • 153. “Teabing flipped through the book (The Gnostic Gospels) and pointed out several other passages that clearly suggest MM and Jesus had a romantic relationship.” Teabing was still talking. “I shan’t bore you with the countless references to the Jesus and Mary Magdalene union. That has been explored, ad nauseam, by modern historians.” (Pg. 247)
  • 154. 1John 4:1-3 ―Dear friends, do not believe every spirit; but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world‖
  • 155. This is a portion of the Gospel of Thomas manuscript found in Nag Hammadi. The title at the bottom reads, in Coptic, "The Gospel of Thomas."
  • 156. The Gospel According to Thomas
  • 157. The Gospel According to Thomas "These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote. And he said, Whoever finds the explanation of these word will not taste death. Jesus said: Let him who seeks, not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled, and when he has been troubled, he will marvel and he will reign over the All.."
  • 158. Jesus said: If those who lead you say to you: 'See, the Kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of the heaven will precede you. If they say to you: 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.
  • 159. Jesus said: The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child of seven days about the place of Life, and he will live. For many who are first shall become last and they shall become a single one. Jesus said: Know what is in thy sight, and what is hidden from thee will be revealed to thee. For there is nothing hidden which will not be manifest.
  • 160. His disciples asked Him, they said to Him: Wouldst thou that we fast and how should we pray and should we give alms and what diet should we observe? Jesus said: Do not lie; and do not do what you hate, for all things are manifest before Heaven.
  • 161. For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered. Jesus said: Blessed is the lion which the man eats and the lion will become man; and cursed is the man whom the lion eats and the lion will become man
  • 162. The Gospel of Mary •The Gospel of Mary came from neither the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Nag Hammadi Library. •Dan Brown does not tell us the source of the Gospel of Mary, but we are led to believe that it came from the Nag Hammadi Library. •The Gospel of Mary was found in the Berlin Codex discovered in 1896. It is a manuscript dated to the fifth century. •DVC says mid-second century!
  • 163. The following portion of The Second Treatise of the Great Seth illustrates how the Gnostics viewed the Old Testament. The words Hebdomad, meaning "the seventh god," and Archon, "the ruler," are epithets they used in reference to the God of Israel. English translation by Roger A. Bullard and Joseph A. Gibbons, in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English, translated and introduced by members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont, California, third edition (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988), pp. 368-69.
  • 164. "Adam was a laughingstock, since he was made a counterfeit type of man by the Hebdomad, as if he had become stronger than I and my brothers . . . Abraham and Isaac and Jacob were a laughingstock . . . David was a laughingstock . . . the prophets were laughingstocks . . . they came into being as counterfeits . . . Moses, a 'faithful servant,' was a laughingstock, having been named 'The Friend' since they perversely bore witness concerning him who never knew me .. .
  • 165. the Archon was a laughingstock because he said, 'I am God, and there is none greater than I. I alone am the Father, the Lord, and there is none other beside me. I am a jealous God, who brings the sins of the fathers upon the children for three and four generations,' as if he had become stronger than I and my brothers.
  • 166. Thus he was in an empty glory . . . I did not succumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflicted at all . . . I did not die in reality but in appearance . . . I removed the shame from me . . . It was another . . . who drank the gall and the vinegar . . . who bore the cross . . . upon whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height over all . . . I was laughing at their ignorance. I am Christ, the Son of Man."
  • 167. The Controversial Quote from the gospel of Mary The companion of the [ ] Mary Magdalene. [ ] her more than [ ] the disciples, and used to kiss her [ ] on her [ ]. The rest [ ] … They said to him, “Why do you love her more than all of us?" The savior answered and said, "Why do I not love you as her?"
  • 168. Dan Brown‘s Insertions The companion of the [ savior is ] Mary Magdalene. [ But Christ loved ] her more than [ all ] the disciples, and used to kiss her [ often ] on her [ mouth ]. The rest of [ the disciples were offended ] …. They said, “Why do you love her more than all of us”? The savior answered and said to them, “Why do I not love you as her”?
  • 169. Let‘s Play the Devil‘s Advocate
  • 170. • Even though the script did not say any of the things Dan Brown wants his readers to believe, question is… • Why would the Apostles be ―OFFENDED‖ by Jesus ―KISSING‖ MM on her ―MOUTH‖ if they were ―MARRIED‖ ? • Why would they demand a man loves his wife less?
  • 171. 1COR. 3:18-19 Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a ―fool‖ so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God‘s sight. As it is written: ―He catches the wise in their craftiness‖.
  • 172. 1Pet. 2:21-22 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow is his steps. ―He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.‖
  • 173. Nowhere do these documents found in Nag Hammadi state that Jesus married Mary Magdalene. To what extent do you think the Apostle went in their fight against the Gnostics?
  • 174. 2 John 7-11 ―Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully.
  • 175. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work‖
  • 176. What is the "Holy Grail" A PEEP INTO THE WORLD OF GRAIL LEGENDS
  • 177. In ―Christian‖ mythology, the Holy Grail was the dish, plate, or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper, said to possess ―miraculous powers‖.
  • 178. The beginnings of the Grail in literature The Grail is first featured in “Perceval, le Conte du Graal” (The Story of the Grail) by Chrétien de Troyes, A Poem dated sometime between 1180 and 1191 The Grail was considered a bowl or dish when first described by Chrétien de Troyes. Other authors had their own ideas; Robert de Boron portrayed it as the vessel of the Last Supper
  • 179. The connection of Joseph of Arimathea with the Grail legend dates from Robert de Boron's Joseph d'Arimathie (late twelfth century) in which Joseph receives the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and sends it with his followers to Great Britain; building upon this theme, later writers recounted how Joseph used the Grail to catch Christ's blood while interring him and that in Britain he founded a line of guardians to keep it safe.
  • 180. THE DA VINCI CODE CLAIMS The sarcophagus containing the bones of Mary Magdalene and ancient documents that tell the true story of her life, according to the Opus Dei secret society, is the true Holy Grail, since Mary‘s womb is the metaphorical chalice that bore the royal bloodline of Jesus on earth.
  • 181.
  • 182. Hear Dan Brown ―Teabing spoke more quietly now. ‗The quest for the Holy Grail is literally the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one, the lost sacred feminine.‖ (page 277, DVC)
  • 183. OUR POSITION AGAIN ―we did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty‖ -2PETER 1:16
  • 185. The next few slides will focus on relics attributed to Jesus that people believe or believed to be authentic The Shroud of Turin. PICTURE TAKEN 1898
  • 186. The Holy Chalice which Jesus used for serving wine during the Last Supper
  • 187. Other alleged Holy relics include: 3.Pieces of the True Cross, including the half of the INRI inscription tablet, preserved at the ancient basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome. Very small pieces or particles of the True Cross are preserved in hundreds of other churches in Europe. 4.The Calvary of crucifixion, a small rock called Golgotha, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Inside the church is a pile of rock about 3 m high, believed to be what is now visible of Calvary.
  • 188. 5.The Holy Prepuce or foreskin of Jesus, removed during his circumcision • The Spear of Destiny or Holy Lance, the spear of Longinus used to pierce Jesus' side when he was on the cross, to ensure that he had died. • The Crown of Thorns which was placed upon the head of Jesus at his crucifixion by Pontius Pilate
  • 189. Veronica's Veil Used to wipe the sweat from Jesus' brow as he carried the cross Note that this is only a painting
  • 190. 9.The Seamless robe of Jesus, which is kept at the cathedral of Trier 10.Letters Jesus himself has written to Abgar, the King of Edessa declining an invitation to visit his palace.
  • 191. 11.The Holy Sponge, in Santa Croce in Gerusalemme 12.The Holy Umbilical Cord 13. Hair 14. Tears 15. Blood 16. Milk teeth
  • 194. "Jesus was the original feminist. He intended for the future of the church to be in the hands of Mary Magdalene" Sir Leigh Teabing, The Da Vinci Code p.248
  • 195. Which Mary? •There is Mary "the mother of Jesus― •Mary "the mother of James and Joses― •Mary "the wife of Clopas", and •Mary "the sister of Lazarus". •However, Mary Magdalene stands out from the other Marys as she is not directly associated with any man. •Mary "Magdalene" means "Mary of Magdala", just as Jesus "the Nazarene" means "Jesus of Nazareth". •If they were married, Mary Magdalene should have been called, by all logic, Mary "the wife of Jesus"
  • 196. •In three different passages we learn of Mary of Bethany, who washes Jesus‘ feet. You read of a prostitute who washes Jesus‘ feet in chapter seven of Luke. •Mary Magdalene is introduced in Luke chapter eight, where Jesus cleanses her of seven demons. •In John 12, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, Mary of Bethany, washes Jesus‘ feet in preparation for his death and burial, and also as a display of worship for raising her brother from the dead in the preceding verses. •That was Mary of Bethany, not Mary Magdalene.
  • 197. The Son of God came to earth not to start a family but to save the Church, which is his true bride (Ephesians 5:22-33) If Jesus had married Mary Magdalene, we would expect to see some type of her veneration in the history of the early church as like we see for Mary, Jesus mother. Whenever Jesus' family is referred to, it is his brothers and sisters who are mentioned, but never a wife. Contrast this to descriptions of the apostles, Peter, and the brothers of the Lord, all of whom are said to have had wives
  • 198. Another use of Literal Deceit "According to these unaltered gospels, it was not Peter to whom Christ gave directions with which to establish the Christian Church. It was Mary Magdalene." The Da Vinci Code page 248
  • 199. The Gnostic gospel of Thomas, to which the book refers, records Jesus as wanting to transform Mary Magdalene into a man to make her acceptable to enter heaven. The Mary Magdalene of the Da Vinci Code would have us accept would be a ―Bridal Chamber‖ Bride…someone having a public act of sex. (Hieros Gamos) ―Sacred Marriage‖
  • 200. THE SECRET SOCIETIES The Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon ,officially recognized as such in 1118 The Knights Opus Dei Templar Priory of Sion Founded in the early Founded in 1928 1099 12th century by by a Roman [1950‘s] Hughes de Payens, Catholic priest, St. a veteran of the First Josemaría Escrivá Crusade.
  • 201. The claim that the Order of the Knights Templar was formed by the Priory of Sion is entirely false.
  • 202. Alleged Grand Masters of The Priory of Sion? Victor Hugo Da Vinci 1802-1885 Isaac Newton 1452-1519 Botticelli
  • 203. Frenchman, Pierre Plantard (1920-2000) The whole basis of the Da Vinci Code is based on a hoax created by Pierre Plantard.
  • 204. Leonardo da Vinci never could have known about the Priory of Sion, since it wasn't founded until 1956, 437 years after his death! Unanimous conclusion of scholars and serious investigators: The Priory of Sion was a 20th-century hoax, and that the famous people listed never had anything to do with it
  • 205. Silas the Monk There are no monks in Opus Dei. Albinism is a real medical condition in which a person's body cannot produce the proper amount of the pigment melanin.
  • 206. Although few are blind, many do not see well enough to drive a car or, as seen in "The Da Vinci Code," to shoot people from a distance. In other words, it's extremely unlikely that Silas could perform the tasks described in the novel.
  • 207. Noah: White or Back?
  • 208. Corporal Mortification Practiced by Mother Teresa, Padre Pio and slain archbishop Oscar Romero. 1cor. 9:24-27(?)
  • 209. cilice "...a spiked chain worn around the upper thigh for two hours each day, except for Church feast days, Sundays, and certain times of the year‖
  • 212.
  • 213. A VERY TRUE NUGGET: ―A career hazard of symbologists was a tendency to extract hidden meanings from situations that had none.‖ DVC Page 172
  • 215. ―His Mona Lisa is neither male nor female. It carries a subtle message of androgyny.‖ (DVC120) This, he claims, is why she is smiling – it was her secret (DVC121)
  • 216.
  • 217. The book alleges that the Mona Lisa is an androgynous self portrait of Da Vinci. She is smiling because she knows the secret of the Priory of Zion. She appears to be androgynous, again, because of the equality of god and goddess.
  • 218. Mona Lisa is a young Florentine woman who in 1495 married the well-known figure, Francesco del Giocondo, and thus came to be known as ``La Gioconda'‗. This is confirmed by the discovery of documentation in Florence, Italy archives. She had five children and two became nuns.
  • 220.
  • 221. Many artists have offered a rendition of the ―last supper.‖ Among them are: Duccio (1308) Lorenzetti (1320) Andrea del Castagno (1447) Dieric Bouts (1464) Ghirlandaio (1480) Reubens (1630), and Poussin (1640) Without exception, they all had the apostle John either sitting straight up next to Jesus, or resting against his breast. Only Da Vinci has him leaning away.
  • 222. The Florentine School had a long tradition of often depicting young males as sweet, pretty, rather effeminate persons. JOHN
  • 223. JOHN
  • 224. JOHN
  • 225.
  • 227. Iconography from the Russian Orthodox Church. It goes back much farther in time than Leonardo Da Vinci's era. Pictured is another crucifixion scene where Jesus is giving St. John the responsibility of caring for his mother. It's hard to tell which is which, since both are somewhat androgynous. Despite the long flowing hair, John is the person on the right.
  • 229. These are photos of the St. John figure taken before and after the most recent restoration project that concluded in 1998.
  • 232.
  • 233.
  • 234. All these paintings are from the 14th and 15th centuries, done by artists who were contemporaries of Leonardo. It should be clear that his style merely reflected the spirit of the age. This is why it would‘ve been strange if he didn’t paint John with delicate features
  • 235. A look at artistic fusion of imagery in landscape painting
  • 236.
  • 237.
  • 238.
  • 239. What if we could call in Leonardo Da Vinci as a Star Witness in this case?
  • 241. “Da Vinci Speaks.” On page 665 of, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, we do find him engaged in preparing the layout for The Last Supper. He made one entry that can help us answer our question. Here we find him fashioning the blueprint for his masterpiece. In verses 9 through 14, he wrote the following:
  • 242. “[9] Another [disciple] speaks into his neighbor’s ear and he, as he listens to him, turns towards him to lend an ear [10], while he holds a knife in one hand, and in the other the loaf, half cut through by the knife. [13] Another who has turned, holding a knife in his hand, upsets with his hand a glass on the table [14]
  • 243. “The Last Supper” in Light of The Gospel of John (13:21-25)
  • 244.
  • 245.
  • 246. A ―Newsweek magazine‖ article that summarized leading scholars‘ opinions concluded that the theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were secretly married has no historical basis. (Barbara Kantrowitz and Anne Underwood, ―Decoding the Da Vinci Code‖, Newsweek, December 8, 2003, pg. 54)
  • 247. The Merovingians The Merovingians were a dynasty of Frankish kings who ruled a (frequently fluctuating) area in parts of present-day France and Germany from the 5th to 8th century AD. They were sometimes referred to as the "long-haired kings" by contemporaries, though the significance of their long hair is not clear.
  • 249. What is The Real Truth Behind The Da Vinci Conspiracy?
  • 250. The Real Da Vinci Conspiracy
  • 251. The Battle to keep Christianity Pure in the First Century B.C. • Pagan mythology and philosophies began to fall with the spread of Christianity • Temple-prostitutes would facilitate worship with Aphrodite/Venus, Ishtar, Astoria. •The Churches at Pergamum and Thyatira were warned about proto- Gnostic and sexual immorality
  • 252. •Using the Gnostic ―Gospel of Philip‖ and ―Mary Magdalene‖ as the Da Vinci Code argues that Mary was Jesus‘ wife, Dan Brown is trying to subvert Christianity back to Greek paganism! • The main sacrament in the ―Gospel of Philip‖ was the bridal chamber, which was the way to redemption.
  • 253. The ―Bridal Chamber‖ was sexual mystery rite, in which the new member would have the right to watch only after he became a ―Bridegroom‖ or ―Bride‖ or ―Heiros Gamos‖ ―Let the others yearn just to listen to her voice and enjoy her ointment... Bridegrooms and brides belong to the bridal chamber. No one shall be able to see the bridegroom with the bride unless one becomes one.‖ Gospel of Philip
  • 254. The Exegesis on the Soul Those who are to have intercourse with one another will be satisfied with the intercourse. And as if it were a burden, they leave behind them the annoyance of physical desire and they do not separate from each other. They become a single life….For they were originally joined to one another when they were with God. This marriage brings them back together again.
  • 256. •Brown‘s thread throughout the book is that male and female are exactly represented in deity, but they have been changed by a male-dominated Church. •True worship, he argues, should include god and goddess worship equally, and that is the conspiracy of the Church over the last two thousand years.
  • 257. On the acknowledgments page, Dan Brown thanks those who helped him complete this book, one of those mentioned is the Gnostic Society Library. The Da Vinci Code champions the Gnostic Gospels, their view of Christianity, their sexual orgies and claims ―Orthodox‖ Christianity stole Jesus from the original Gnostic followers.
  • 258. Early Israelites •The book claims that the early Israelites worshipped the goddess Shekinah as the equal to Yahweh. •In fact, the term Shekinah (derived from Hebrew for "dwelling") does not appear in early Judaism at all.
  • 259. •It was only used in later Talmudic Judaism to refer to the "dwelling", or presence of God among his people. •The term is used to describe a spiritual radiance. •Dan Brown is probably confusing Shekinah with Asherah.
  • 260. Christianity started to spread throughout the Greek and Roman worlds, Pagan ideas and theology began to fall out of favor. Acts 19 is a great example of when people began to burn the sorcery scrolls in public and stopped buying statues of the temple goddess Artemis in about 54 A.D. where Paul was preaching.
  • 261. REVELATION 2:14-17, 20-29 TILL DEATH DO US PART!
  • 262. 20 "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols‖ 21 "And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.‖ 22 "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. Revelation 2:20-21
  • 263. We see these warnings to the churches in Revelation, especially Pergamum and Thyatira. In Thyatira, we have a so called prophetess, who is teaching sexual immorality and idol practices. This would be one of the many proto Gnostic movements that would eventually spread throughout the Christian world.
  • 264. A Peek into the Mystical World of GNOCISM
  • 265.
  • 266.
  • 267. •Jesus came to deliver ―Gnosis‖ knowledge from the ―All-Father‖ the unknown God. •Christ did not die on the Cross, but only a phantom. •The Gnostics took on familiar names and terminology but with much different theology.
  • 268. •They believed there was an unknown All-Father, and Mother God. •This goddess was referred to as Sophia. •They believed all souls originally lived in a spiritual realm of light, the Pleroma, until they were imprisoned in physical bodies on the earth.
  • 269. •Flesh and all matter were viewed as intrinsically evil. •Gnostic ―Salvation‖ equated liberation of the soul from the body—the freeing of the inner spirit from the confines of matter. BIBLE RESPONSE? [Colossians 2:23]
  • 270. •Such liberation could only be achieved through ―Gnosis‖ which brought about the detachment from the evil world (similar to Buddhism) •To achieve this enlightenment, one needed to know the truth about God, (All-Father), himself and life.
  • 271. •Ancient Gnostics preached two gods, a good deity of light and an evil deity of darkness. •The good deity (The Principle, or All-Father) was seen as the epitome of love. •This God was responsible for creating the other god.
  • 272. •This evil god, the demiurge, is the one who created the physical world; He is the God of the Old Testament. •This evil God of the Jews, who favored the Jews, seeks to impede human souls from returning to God and returning to the Divine.
  • 273. •The good God is utterly removed from the world, he is unknowable. •But through sexual intercourse, the bridal chamber, man can return to the Plemoria and become one with the Divine!
  • 274. (DVC page 336) ―Early Jews believed that the Holy of Holies in Solomon‘s Temple housed not only God but also His powerful female equal, Shekinah. Men seeking spiritual wholeness came to the Temple to visit priestesses – or hierodules – with whom they made love and experienced the divine through physical union. The Jewish tetragrammaton YHWH – the sacred name of God – in fact derived from Jehovah, an androgynous physical union between the masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah.‖
  • 275. The Best Way to Justify Sin ―He (Langdon) explained that although what she saw probably looked like a sex ritual, Hieros Gamos had nothing to do with eroticism. It was a spiritual act. Historically, intercourse was the act through which male and female experienced God. The ancients believed that the male was spiritually incomplete until he had carnal knowledge of the sacred feminine. Physical union with the female remained the sole means through which man could become spiritually complete and ultimately achieve gnosis – knowledge of the divine. Since the days of Isis, sex rites had been considered man‘s only bridge from earth to heaven.‖ (page 335, DVC)
  • 276. What is page 335 of DVC Saying? •Group sex is a spiritual act [?] •Immorality is how we experience God [?]
  • 277. Do you now see why the Bible is so intense when it comes to Sexual Immorality?
  • 278. The next 28 slides are proof of this point
  • 279. 1 Timothy 6:20-21 “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, 21which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith.”
  • 280. 2 Peter 2:1-3 “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them— bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.”
  • 281. NUM 25:1-2 1While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women, 2who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate and bowed down before these gods. 3So Israel joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor. And the LORD's anger burned against them.
  • 282. MATT 15:19 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man `unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him `unclean.' "
  • 283. ASTS 5: 20 "It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.
  • 284. ROM. 1:18-32 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.
  • 285. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
  • 286. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
  • 287. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
  • 288. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
  • 289. 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
  • 290. ROM. 13: 13 12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
  • 291. 1COR 10:8 8We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did--and in one day twenty- three thousand of them died. 9We should not test the Lord, as some of them did--and were killed by snakes.
  • 292. GAL. 5:19 The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
  • 293. COL. 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
  • 294. 1THESS. 4:3-5 3Itis God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, 5not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God;
  • 295. HEB. 12:15-17 15See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. 16See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. 17Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. He could bring about no change of mind, though he sought the blessing with tears
  • 296. HEB.13:4 4Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
  • 297. JUDE 1:5-7 5Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe. 6And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. 7In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
  • 298. 1PET. 4:1-5 1Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. 2As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 3For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do-- living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. 5But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
  • 299. REV 9:20-21 20The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk. 21Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts
  • 300. REV. 22:14-15 14"Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
  • 301. EPH 5:3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people
  • 302. 1COR. 6:12-20 12"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything. 13"Food for the stomach and the stomach for food"--but God will destroy them both. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.
  • 303. 15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."17But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.
  • 304. 18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
  • 305. Matthew 7:15-19,20 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit… 20Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”
  • 306. Goddess Worship in Ancient and Modern Religions
  • 307. Durga
  • 308. GODDESS OF THE HEARTH Sea Goddess Mod
  • 309. Adtti kwanyinlight The Goddess Durga Earth goddess
  • 312. The Olympic Games •The motions of the planet Venus do not determine the official length of the Olympic Games, but DVC says that they do. •The Olympic Games were not originally formed to honor Aphrodite. They were originally formed to honor Zeus. •The book claims the Olympics were held for Venus in 8-year cycles but they were actually held for Zeus in 4- year cycles. (Page 36)
  • 313. Remember the ―cleverly invented stories‖ slide? They are called ―fairy tales‖
  • 314. Dan Brown uses fairy Tale to support his claims! WE NOW INTRODUCE TO YOU…
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  • 320. DAN Brown just has to catch himself this time ―A career hazard of symbologists was a tendency to extract hidden meanings from situations that had none.‖ (DVC 172)
  • 321. The book claims there are 666 panes of glass on the pyramid outside the Louvre. The Museum says there are 673. (Page 21) Six hundred three of them are diamond shaped and only seventy of them are triangular
  • 322. Only liquid soap in the rest rooms. No bar soaps The Inverted Pyramid Smart car unable to achieve the speed and dexterity described in the book
  • 323. What If? AGAIN!
  • 324. How do any of these Human activities destroy Jesus‘ divinity? - Birth, Schooling and Carpentry - Eating and Drinking - Tiredness, Crying and Bleeding - Physical Death - Marrying and Ability to Have Children - Would Jesus being single be un-Jewish?
  • 325. The True Marriage and Children Jesus' Bride is still in preparation, but soon will be ready. Rev 19:7-8 "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints." Their children? Revelation 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'" Jesus and his Bride will give life to "whosoever will" to "take the water of life freely." The whole world will be given an opportunity to become their children!
  • 326. Food for Thought •Are you a CHILD of God? •Have you been BORN AGAIN and HOW? •Do you know SCRIPTURES [not stories] that confirm or affirms this new birth? •Are you WILLING to TALK about them? •Is your religion or faith based on FEELINGS, EMOTIONS or biblical facts? •How will you respond to CHALLENGE from the BIBLE? [ACTS 24:24-25]
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  • 337. What do all these pictures have in common?
  • 338. They are all FAKE!
  • 340. Be Careful where we get Your Information from
  • 341. $ Why is Dan Brown Smiling?
  • 342. Conclusion on the Da Vinci Code •Salvation is available to those who come to Jesus- The Jesus of the Bible. • The Jesus of the Da Vinci Code is the Gnostic Jesus- another Jesus. • The Da Vinci Code claiming to be a novel, but is plainly a veiled attack on Christianity
  • 343. • The book is built on a hoax created by Pierre Plantard, a convicted embezzler. •The book is filled with factual and historical errors which are either intentional or irresponsible scholarship.
  • 344. Q&A THIS SESSION WILL HOLD ON WEDNESSDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH Questions or comments should be written on the participants card given to you and submitted to the users or email to before 6.00pm, Tuesday September 12TH 2006
  • 345. Thank You For Coming and Participating Peace of the Lord! Emmanuel Emeh [Evangelist] International Church of Christ Lagos, Nigeria