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[com_modifying urban activation]                                       ---- -- - - - - - --
---- -- - ----- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - --- -- - --- ----- - - -- -- - --- --- - -
- -- - --- - -- -- - --- --- - --- - - --- --- -
Document printed by Emmanuel P. Gee

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©2006/2007, Emmanuel Pierre Gee
B-Arch Thesis written & designed by Emmanuel P. Gee
Advisor: Bob Trempe

ARCH 442 - Thesis Program Preparation
Inst. Kate Wingert-Playdon, Sneha Patel

                 Temple University
                 Tyler School of Art
                 The Architecture Program

                 1947 North 12th Street
                 Philadelphia, PA 19122

All rights reserved
No part of this document may be used or reproduced in any manner without
written permission from Temple University except in the context of reviews.
Code_ noun:

1. anything involving a set of parameters which
activate a response. Similar to an equation,
information is received or created. 2. a series
of dispersed or deviated information sets, which
require a key or cypher in order to connect or

System_ noun:

1. anything involving a series of parts, inter-
laced or weaved together. 2. inter-related parts
bound to create a larger, more complex whole.

             This thesis was an effort in collaborating very divergent forms of information, media,
             and research. The text has been a direct response to all of the varying information with-
             in, and is a design cipher for urban investigation. This document has grown through the pro-

             This document is a network in its self. It is a graphic layering of information, bound by principals
             derived from research. Imbedded is a series of codes and systems, designed to assist and clarify
             my statements, as well as to bind the conceptual framework of this thesis within the graphical lay-
             out. This is an attempt to tune the individual’s senses and activate them physically as users.

  graphic   legend

            [primary reference code for cited material] - graphic symbols of qr-codes, which work
            similar to bar codes. These codes are programed to provide you with all necessary informa-
            tion on a referenced text. These can most commonly be scanned with cell phones, and will
            provide immediate information about the text and ISBN number (the ISBN could be used to
            purchase the selected book via amazon through your phone). If the cited material was from
            a web-site, you will be directed directly to that site via your web browser on your phone.

.__         [secondary reference code for cited material] - the citations are categorized by section
            the titles within each letter group. They are shared by different authors, but never dupli-
            page is cited within the same title. This key increases in number only when there are two
            or more pages of cited text. If the citation has only one reference page the key box will
            be crossed out. Graphical charts explaining this system in more detail may be found in the

            chapter markers
FedEx + UPS = 21 million packages sent on average_daily_worldwide
i    sensory overload
                                                                                                                this image board represents a metaphor for our urban attitude and behavior. constructed

                                                                                 from a series of frames, these images initially were viewed in an introduction animation for this thesis. The video cat-

                                                                                 egorizes urban       media, imagery, and behavior, and overly stimulates the transition from one image to the
                                                                                 next, in response to our perception of the city.

                                                                          iii    preface + graphic manual

                                                                          2      [proposal abstract]

                                                                          4      [proposal statement]

                                                    [proposal research]   12

                                                                          34     [program theory]
                         media          appendages               ‡   12

              consumer         code         scanning             ‡   16

                                    i       P       o       d    ‡   18
                                                                          45     [program code]

                               “the             bubble”          ‡   24
                                                                                          41   ‡   the project birth

                                                                                          43   ‡   the project placement
sold - lifestyles + billboard propoganda                         ‡   27                   47   ‡   the project application

                    the “disneyfied” city                        ‡   29

                                            SURJUDP VSHFL¿FDWLRQ@        60
                                                                          66     FRPBPRGL¿HG WKRXJKWV@

                    a     u     t       o       m       a   t    ‡   55

                                                                          68     [appendix]
              vending      /   24       hour        ease         ‡   57
                                                                                69   ‡   a_ code charts

                                                                                79   ‡   b_ illustration index

              re-configureable                  systems          ‡   59         83   ‡   c_ selected bibliography

                                                                                91   ‡   d_ cited notes

           public   or   private...or               both?        ‡   61

Ephemeral City_ verb/noun:

1. a condition where the city’s presence is lost
due to consumer media. 2. an instance where
the urban environment is no longer noticed by
an urbanite. 3. a contemporary metropolis.

Perpetual Shift_ verb:

1. a condition where a change is occuring con-
stantly. 2. a type of motion, stated within space
and time, where an environment continously
adapts to ongoing cultural shifts.

Urban Fabric_ noun:

environment. 2. the cultural representation of
a society. 3. conditions and setting found in an
urban setting.

Phenomenological_ verb:

1. a theoretical concept implying an interaction
or transition without physical limits. 2. a bodily
sensation activated by a realization. 3. the the-
oretical translation of one thing to the next via
an inhibitor (i.e. skin, media device, etc.).
abstract         statement               research            theory             code        specification    thoughts            appendix

   Today’s consumer society is heavily blended        individual and therefore separating the role of
   with popular culture.       It has consumed        architecture from the public and the street.
   the   individual,   becoming   the   fabric   of
                                                                                                        [proposal abstract]
   our represented landscape.        Society has      This media driven “rainforest” which has
   succumbed to consumer capitalism affected          emerged within the urban fabric, brings
   by design, publicity, and market research.         cause for a re-investigation between the
   These factors have the power of manipulating       role of the urbanite and the ephemeral
   who we are and attempt to suggest what             city.  Studies between [the urbanite and
   society should be. Yet imagine what would          media] and [architecture and media] will
   society be without mass media? This tension,       GHYHORS WKH FRQGLWLRQV VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DQG
   between contemporary society’s desire to           parameters to design for. These parameters
   consume and the exploitation of this desire        found through the mapping of research,
   through personalized media and marketing           can potentially imply a new code for design
   imagery, will be investigated in this thesis.      and a re-activation between the urbanite,
                                                      the street, and architecture. This attempt
   Cities of mass urban congestion, such as New       to adopt media and translate program
   York, London, and Tokyo, are in a perpetual        through consumer culture, is a prototype
   shift with response to media and consumerism.      for creating a facilitator of interaction
   The urban environment is effected by this          within the urban fabric.     The activation
   response, and in reaction to this continuous       by the user from the street will integrate
   ÀX[ WKH FLW LV VORZO EHLQJ VHFOXGHG IURP WKH    and become the adaptive and responsive
   urbanite while architecture continues to grow      PHFKDQLVP WR UHGH¿QH DQG UHLQVWDWH WKH
   in consumer propaganda. The ever expanding         physical and phenomenological interaction
   development of media in the consumerist age        between    architecture   and   the   urbanite.
   is re-adapting our lifestyle, and incorporating
   marketing strategies and product design as
   a key cognitive connection to the city. The
   daily interactions within public spaces are in a
   process of transformation and the individual’s
   response to these characteristics, the presence

Hybrid Mechanism_ noun:

1. a simbiotic relationship between two or more
different objects. 2. a system taking two or
more inter-dependant parts to create a larger
more complex unit.       3. a condition where a
other though physical attachment.

                                                  “Visual imagery is a process of information which is represented
                                                  in working memory. Products are designed through the use of
                                                  processing and create an appeal to the consumer.” (Dahl, 19-20)
abstract          statement                research            theory            code         specification       thoughts              appendix

   In today’s global market, consumerism is             relationship develops between the individual
   transpired as a psychological and individualistic    and the product. The idea of the human
   representation of the “self”.       It is multi-     ERG DV D GLVSOD FDVH PRGL¿HV LWV LQWHQVLRQ
   commerce of the Western world, but as a              developing relationship between an individual
   cultural identity for all markets. Its structure     and a product becomes the structural
   is based in economics; the more we buy and           binding for this hybrid mechanism.           As    [proposal statement]
   the more we sell, the further an economy is          FRQVXPHUV ZH DUH DOORZLQJ WKH LQÀXHQFH
   developed. Although consumerism is generally         of products to input “advice” within our
   reviewed in terms of large scale economic            constant decision making.        This “advice”
   growth, its most fascinating quality is its effect   is clearly a conceptual and psychological
   on the human individual.                             relation, but as consumers we can begin
                                                        to see a how consumer media is affecting
   Consumerism as the representation of the             DQG LQÀXHQFLQJ RXU GDLO OLIH 7KLV LQWLPDWH
   “self,” is an idea that we are branded by what       relationship will be studied further within this
   we buy. For the individual, consumerism is           document as conditions reveal themselves.
   collection and exhibition of our material            7KHVH LGHDV RI FRQVXPHULVW LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ
   possessions      psychologically    creates     a    can be found incorporated within all design
   representational marker for who we are. This         industries. For example, the fashion industry
   with commercial brands, allows us to classify        The choice of garments that we carry becomes
   ourselves in a given society.1 If our identity is    WKH LPDJH RU FRGH WKDW FODVVL¿HV XV ZLWKLQ
   LQÀXHQFHG E WKH GHVLJQ RI D SURGXFW WKHQ WKH       society.   These representations, at home,
   human display of symbols becomes a series of         work, or leisurely allows for the clothing to
   GH¿QHG ODEHOV FDWDORJLQJ FODVV ZLWKLQ VRFLHW       become a new layer of skin for the human
   7KHVH EUDQGV DFW DV VLJQL¿HUV WR RWKHUV LQ DQ        body to display. It is an adaptation to a
   applied category and can potentially initiate        psychological trend which allows us to be
   communication between individuals.                   branded with new “armor” as an extension of
                                                        our natural envelope, becoming our artillery
   Then an interesting condition arises within this     WR ¿JKW ZLWKLQ WKLV FRPSHWLWLYH ZRUOG :H DUH
   “consumer branding”…a personal and intimate          grafted organisms in a media driven society.

Vernacular_ adjective:

1. the contemporary cultural stereotype of a
given context 2. the adapted language of pop

Skin_ noun:

1. a surface activated by interaction. 2. the
threshold for communication between an exte-
rior context and an interior context. 3. the layer
of armor which provides sensation to the hu-
man body.

                                 coverings are natural processes of sociological integration, and provide a response as to why we
1. the natural and essential human desire to
cover ones self. 2. the physical masking of
parts. 3. the use of consumer media as a status
abstract            statement                   research        theory            code         specification   thoughts        appendix

      Georges Teyssot wrote in response to Cristobal      in multiple ways with all types of products;
      Balenciaga’s Bride in White Gazar,                  GHVLJQV IURP FDUV WR 3'$V XOWLPDWHO LQÀXHQFH
                                                          the inner person within us, and bring forth
           “the initial thrust is not fashion, but the    the question as to why we are stimulated by
                                                          the consumption of material possessions?
           “nature” of coverings, the latent eroticism
           of clothing, the secret language of mask
                                                          In response to Teyssot, “the nature of
           DQG VNLQQDWXUDO RU DUWL¿FLDO´   7HVVRW     coverings” can be interpreted as the cultural
           – 12)                                          elements that have emerged in society.
      Teyssot is speaking about this consumerist          What we begin to see is a psychological and
      LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DV D VHFUHW ODQJXDJH ZKLFK ZH         physiological response to media technologies.
      are all governed by as a natural process of         Our popular culture becomes the vernacular
      representation. He wrote this in response to        language    of   our   consumerist    attitude.3
      a collection of images categorized by Elizabeth
      'LOOHU DQG 5LFDUGR 6FR¿GLR 7KH LPDJHV ORRN         This consumerist language then becomes a
      at different skinsQDWXUDO DQG DUWL¿FLDO LQ WHUPV   collection of different modes of human and
      of an envelope which communicates their             media interaction. Since each human being
      respective internal mechanisms, as well as          KDV D GLIIHUHQW FXOWXUDO LGHQWLW LQÀXHQFHG
      the extension of the human body.2 We can            by consumerism, their individual application
      therefore suggest that the idea of coverings are    or “word” creates a different response and                      2

                                                                                                                                _     ‡
      natural processes of sociological integration,      interaction to society within one common
      and provide a response as to why we are so          entity. Coverings are one type of “word” for
                                                          this language, another would be media devices,
are so affected by consumer products.                     and another would be marketing.          Within
      Forms of fashion are not the only physical          each of these words would be the letters:
      relationships which products have with the          VSHFL¿F WSHV RI IDVKLRQ PHGLD GHYLFHV RU
      human body; there are other elements to             advertising schemes, creating a collection of
      the consumerist language. This idea of the          different cognitive responses to the individual.
      hybrid mechanism extends further than just          7KLV DWWLWXGH GH¿QLQJ RXU FXOWXUDO LGHQWLW LV
      fashion branding. The integration of industrial     developing from these hybrid relationships
      SURGXFWV KDV DOVR H[WHQGHG DQG LQÀXHQFHG            and is the departure point for architectural
      the application of technology upon the human        severance within the urban fabric.
      body. Our consumerist image is displayed

abstract   statement   research   theory   code   specification   thoughts          appendix


urban vernacular language

                   FODVVL¿FDWLRQ WSHVZRUGV
                                                               t h e   c o n s u me r       a l p h a b et

                                               ‡                                  media devices

                                               ‡   marketing                            ‡






abstract         statement              research           theory           code        specification            thoughts        appendix

   This language or network implies a multiplicity   where the human body is analyzed in reference
   of individualistic circumstances, and could       to programmatic functions.
   By specifying a focused subject such as
   media devices will tune our philosophical
   understanding within a given condition.
   What we will begin to see is a collapse of the                                                     ‡

   urban fabric as a shared environment and
   communicator of architectural knowledge.                                                           ‡

   As the human body adapts to a media driven
   society, technology has begun to dictate a new
   mode of behavior for the individual.

   Media devices as human appendages and
   grafted interfaces have begun to address
   privatized environments. Marketing strategies
   become apparent as facial reconstructions
   of priorities within the structure of the city.
   Through this adaptation of media in our
   lifestyle, the urbanite begins to loose the
   presence of the city within him. The separation
   of the urbanite and the built environment will
   be analyzed and categorized through the
   implications of media upon the human body.
   This investigation will also use the human
   body as reference in designing a network to
   facilitate a new physical interaction between
   will attempt to become Lacan’s mirror image
   of the body; a radical re-study of Vitruvius,

Senses_ noun, verb:

1. a physical or physiological response to stim-
uli. 2. the communication initiated by the skin,
in-order to transmit conditions from and exter-
nal source to an internal source. 3. reactions
hear, see, and taste).

Grafted_ verb:

1. the joined unison of a media device as an
extension of the human body 2. to “surgically”
attach or extend a part of the body. 3. this

Interface_ noun:

1. a surface of common boundary between bod-
ies, systems, spaces, and zones. 2. the surface
of interaction, where the initial activation of a
system will occur. a portal for information to
be transferred to another location as well as re-
ceiving information.
abstract         statement              research            theory             code         specification      thoughts              appendix

   Through the uses of new mobile technologies,      consists   of   “1.9   billion+   mobile   phones
   the sociological imprint of our culture has       worldwide, more than the number of TVs and
   shifted. Our daily routines have now become       PCs combined.”1 Cellular phones have become
   ingrained with personalized devices which allow   the assemblage of media technology; a device
   for a steady stream of information to reach       completely self contained... designed for
   us.   With the incorporation of wireless PDAs     communication, information, entertainment,
   and integrated smart phones, our personalized     commerce and the ability to record life.
   environment is no longer within the aspects
   of home or work, but integrated within the        How have we as individuals adapted to this
   constant movement of our being.        Media      type of environment? What becomes next in
                                                                                                         [proposal research]
   technologies have extended the human senses       media integration? Within the cellular phone
   and have become new human appendages.             community, Japan is the most developed
   They act as grafted interfaces linking us to      network and has become the leading test
   systems of information, communication and         site for cell phone innovation. Some current
   entertainment.                                    key features include GPS navigating and FM
                                                     UDGLR EXW WKH PRVW LQÀXHQWLDO DUH WKH %DUFRGH                                 _.
   This connection to information has become         reading and mobile commerce capabilities.2
   a necessity in life for the general public. We    Individuals can now buy, sell, and trade stocks
   have become ingrained with the ability to         from their phone and the barcode readers have
   access virtually anything from anywhere. For      completely shifted the consumer integration
   example, the cellular telephone has become        of society.
   the user portal for global communication. Its
   continuous development allows the individual      What these barcode readers imply is a new
   to move within the world and stay connected       trend in consumerism. These RFID based
   to the consumer network. The most common          systems allow for users to scan, check, and
   mobile phone features include web browsing,       compare prices for products. People can then
   mobile e-mail, download capabilities, PDA         store the information or buy directly off sites
   functions, mobile gaming, photo and video         such as Amazon.3 The Japanese have also
   messaging, digital music listening, and mobile    tested this system in school, where vending
   TV. When looking at this list one must be         machines have an interface which allows you
   amazed at the technological developments          to scan the barcode of an item and pay for it
   ZLWKLQ ¿YH HDUV 7RGD¶V FHOOXODU QHWZRUN        directly with your phone.

Cellular phones have become the assemblage of media technology; a device completely self contained...
abstract     statement         research         theory       code      specification             thoughts            appendix

                                                                                            [information ease]

   designed for communication, information, entertainment, commerce and the ability to record life.

Cosmetic_ adjective, adverb:

1. the adherence of a product to highlight an
ment to the human body. 3. a non-homoge-
neous appendage, attached or latched onto the
skin, but not working in unison.

Identity_ noun:

1. the realization of ones self, i.e. Lacan’s mirror
image. 2. a series of physical and technical data
stating your existence in a given society. 3. ap-
plies to the psychological effect of losing ma-
terial possessions, which affects an emotional
disturbance relating to ones consciousness.
abstract         statement                research            theory          code         specification   thoughts        appendix

   With this technology integrated and available       transit, on the human mind and body? Why
   in society, the interaction of the user off the     do we have such a strong connection to these
   street will begin to change.       These codes      devices or products?
   will attempt to engage the user by adapting
   themselves to storefronts and publicity.            The consumerist attitude and its relationship
   $OWKRXJK WKLV KDV LWV EHQH¿WV LQ FRQYHQLHQFH ,     to products are successful due to the high
   question how dependant the user will become         level of market research developed for
   with media devices. That personal and intimate      product distribution. For the successful sale
   relationship stated earlier becomes apparent        of products, designers focus on visual imagery
   with how affected individuals have become           as the central cognitive characteristic for
   over their cell phones. With the slightest          design. 4 “The goal is to give the product
                                                                                                                         _..     ‡
   notion of loosing this cosmetic attachment,         physical and psychological attributes that
   we suppress ourselves into depression as if we      will lead to success in the marketplace. (Dahl
   have lost a part of our identity. It has become     – 19) What becomes apparent is the search
   an integral part of our body with perhaps too       for originality and creative innovation within
   much of our focus attended.                         product design.

   These media appendages, cell phones and             One of the revolutionizing and leading
   PDAs, act as primary information interfaces for     consumer products which has cornered the
   the urbanite. The urbanite is an individual who     portable media market is the Apple iPod.
   regularly travels within an urban environment,      The sexy cool sleek design of the iPod has
   and interacts with its systems and buildings.       become the trend setting media device for
   The urbanite is transitive, meaning he/she          the urban culture. The iPod is a new type of
   moves along a city’s pathways. The urbanite         iconography; its simplicity invokes a level of
   is affected by the city as is the city by the       purity which has not been visible previously.
   urbanite. The urbanite is the principal activator   Its image developed from consistent research
   for the city and is subjected to consumerisms       has burned itself into the media driven
   “rainforest” of media.       The concentration      world and continues to be the predominant
   of media in an urban environment implies            media device for creative innovation. It was
   and maybe even forces a lifestyle upon the          imagined while the Apple computer company
   individual. How do we therefore register the        was researching applicable software for the
   LPSDFW RI PHGLD GHYLFHV VSHFL¿FDOO ZKLOH LQ       consumer market.5 Through research Apple

“...people have found pleasure and
meaning in the use of their eyes.
They have consciously attempted
to produce objects of beauty and
have delighted in them.” (Bloch, 16)
abstract   statement   research   theory   code   specification   thoughts        appendix

Artifact_ noun:

1. an instance where an object becomes iden-
receives a level of permanence society. 3.
abstract         statement                research            theory           code         specification   thoughts               appendix

   found that most companies were developing           VHOOLQJ RYHU  PLOOLRQ SHU ¿VFDO TXDUWHU ZLWK
   technology for such things as digital cameras       a total of 58,912,000+ iPods sold.8 ,Q ¿J
   and PDAs, but found that there was very little      7, we can see that as iPod sales grow Apple
   focus on the portable media player.6                develops larger product diversity.    These
                                                       numbers do not respond to an increase in
   :LWK WKLV LQ PLQG WKH ¿UVW JHQHUDWLRQ L3RG ZDV     economic growth, but to the development and
   born. It began as a test, due to a common           social behavior that Apple has focused on in
   psychological skepticism within the idea            its research. They have cornered the market                    6    8   9

   WKDW PXVLF FRXOG EH DQ XQGH¿QHG YDULDEOH            by continuously redesigning the iPod.
   in a chip. People were still attached to the
   physical presence of CDs and its artwork, and       (DFK QHZ JHQHUDWLRQ KDV EHHQ UH¿QHG WR
   the collection of items was important to the        promote a better consumer outcome. The
   user. Now there is a shift and the focus is         interface has been the main development
   redirected to the product. Dr. Michael Bull,        factor in its design, which includes the touch
   professor at Sussex University and considered       sensitive wheel replacing the mechanical scroll
   the leading academic expert on the social           wheel, color displays with anti-aliased text,
   impact of personal stereo devices, writes           DQG ÀDVK PHPRU UHSODFLQJ KDUG GLVNV9 In
   about the iPod as an artifact.7 Bull states “with   addition to the interface, each generation or
                                                                                                                           _...      ‡
   vinyl, the aesthetic was in the cover of the        model design has traditionally become smaller
   record…With the rise of digital; the aesthetic      and simpler and with the availability of colors
   has left the object and is in now the artifact.”    and now photo and video options, the design
   (Bull, 3) Here we begin to see the idea of the      of the iPod has been left un-comparable within
   product as a design issue. How is it created as     the hand-held device industry. Peter Bloch
   an artifact in order to develop a personalized      wrote that “people have found pleasure and
   relationship between it and the user?               meaning in the use of their eyes. They have
                                                       consciously attempted to produce objects of
   Since its test phase, the iPod has developed        beauty and have delighted in them.”10 Through
   into 5 different generations in addition to         an innovated design and marketing campaign,
   more compact modules available known as:            the Apple iPod has given the young generation
   WKH L3RG 6KXIÀH WKH L3RG 0LQL DQG WKH L3RG        a new mode to live [buy].
   Nano. Four years of design innovation and 12
   models of production, the Apple Company is          What has become very interesting with the

“It’s an extension of the memory: storing the soundtrack of a lifetime, as well as names, addresses, calendars and notes…if I lose this stuff, I lose part of my identity.”
                                                                                                                                                       (Giesler, 3)
abstract          statement              research            theory            code         specification   thoughts         appendix

   development and monopoly of the iPod is its        breakdown, which allows the product to gain a
   effect on the consumer. We have adapted to         SDUWLDO FRQWURO RYHU WKH XVHU DQG LQÀXHQFH RU
   LWV SODFHPHQW LQ RXU VRFLHW DQG UHFRQ¿JXUHG     “advise” the individual’s interaction in a given
   our lives with its presence.   Its design now      environment.
   promotes sophistication and purity to all age’s
   groups and implies a sense of class. This          This is not the extent to which the iPod has
   product, which has been designed for ease in       affected our environment and consumer
   functionality, has become a stylish attachment     market. The iPod is so integrated with our fast-
   to our body.                                       paced culture that secondary companies pay for
                                                      the rights in selling technological accessories
   Markus Giesler, a professor of marketing at York   for the iPod. New luxury cars, such as Audi,
   University in Toronto, states that the iPod “is    Mercedes, and BMW have now integrated an
   an entirely new beast: a revolutionary device      option for a pre-designed interface within
   that transforms listeners into cyborgs through     the dashboard and wheel. These designer
   a process he calls techno-transcendence.”          cars incorporate a docking system and click
   (Giesler, 2) He continues saying that the          wheel interface.11 There is even a market for
   consumer has adopted mobile technologies in        clothing design, which adapts the iPod as an
   a cybernetic way, with the uses of products        attachment to the skin. Here we begin to see
   such as iPods and cell phones. Giesler states      this idea of coverings adapting to technology
   “It’s an extension of the memory: storing the      and consumer trends. The leading designer
   soundtrack of a lifetime, as well as names,        in iPod clothing is Kyono, which integrates a
   addresses, calendars and notes…if I lose this      fabric embroidered interface within jackets
   stuff, I lose part of my identity.” (Giesler,      and shirts.12 Other companies such as Levis
   3) This attachment to media technologies           are developing an iPod integrated denim jean
   becomes a cultural emblem of our society. We       as well as an iPod Nano adaptable belt.13
   KDYH EHFRPH GH¿QHG WR DQ H[WHQW LQ ZKLFK                                                                        13

   we can feel psychologically separated from our     The iPod has effectively changed the way we
   body through the loss of a material item. This     perceive the environment. It has incorporated
   cultural stratum becomes a key investigation       itself into the systems of our representation.
   into understanding our placement in today’s        Its appearance in clothing, cars, and even
   electronic age. The relationship to products       integrated wall systems has proven its cultural
   has evolved and allowed for a psychological        affect on our society and its representation as a

Bubble_ noun:

1. the theoretical shield encompassing an indi-
vidual. 2. an unmeasurable distance off of the
body’s skin which dictates our comfort level. 3.
an adapted version of the this armor highlighted
by the use of media devices, instating a private/
personalized environment.
abstract          statement                research            theory           code         specification   thoughts         appendix

   pop culture icon. With all of this inconsideration   questions the physical interaction with you.
   it has inherently affected the mode of thinking      As the user you inherently disregard the
   in which we have on our environment. It has          others presence as well, because your focus
   shifted the user within the urban environment        is deviated from the physical interaction that
   and created a new paradox. This paradox is           is created: eye contact or any other type of
   the simultaneous inherent acknowledgment of          facial gesture. It allows us to focus on music
   ourselves in an environment and the parallel         or media throughout our daily trajectory, and
   separation of ourselves within the environment       only becoming removed from it when we’ve
   through the focus of the iPod. Dr. Michael Bull      reached the given destination. The New
   speaks about how the iPod gives the individual       York Times questioned what becomes of
   control over his or her environment.14 “They         the public space when the public space                         14

                                                                                                                            _...   ‡
   are controlling their space, their time, and their   becomes privatized?15         This is a valid
   interaction…” (Bull, 2) He is essentially stating    question; what happens to the urban
   that we are creating a strategy of interaction,      fabric when the users no longer have
   where the iPod creates a human bubble. This          an intimate relationship with it?           Do
   bubble is a theoretical armor preventing             we continue to become aware of our
   interactions to occur unless the user chooses        surroundings or do our senses become                                _...   ‡‡
   to engage. The most common form he speaks            oblivious with the exception of extreme
   of is “nonreciprocal looking,” which entails         encounters? This armor suggests a design
   the direct contact with another being through        condition for this project, as it has become a
   eye sight, but with an understanding that            separation from society. How does one re-
   your concentration is diverted to your private       integrate physical interaction, with mobile
   acoustical environment and not the image             media devices activated?          This question
   you’re in contact with.                              becomes a primary investigation into what
                                                        type of program can be developed for these
   This armor works with the understanding that         conditions.
   the person you technically have eye contact
   with sees your mobile device activated.              These questions become the necessary
   With that acknowledgment the other person            investigations in order to analyze the
   assumes an immediate disregard of your               development of human interaction within the
   presence due to the fact that your attention         urban environment. The iPod and other mobile
   is focused on something else, and therefore          media devices have culturally shifted our

abstract         statement                research            theory           code         specification   thoughts         appendix

   environment…to an extent which has separated        enclosures.17
   the role of the urbanite in the urban fabric.
   These media appendages are only one side to         Hugo felt that architecture would die due to
   WKLV VHSDUDWLRQ 2XU FRQVXPHULVW LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ      the technological advancements in which
   is encouraged by the development of brands,         society was headed. Ironically buildings today
   and companies therefore undertake strong            are re-grafted with mass information. Large
   media and marketing campaigns to affect the         commerce capitals such as New York, Shanghai,
   XVHU :H ¿QG WKHVH FDPSDLJQV HYHUZKHUH             and Seoul have districts where the design of
   we are and they have transmitted themselves         WKH HGL¿FH KDV GLVDSSHDUHG *DUGHQV RI PHGLD
   to the urban fabric. The city has now begun         are growing along the built environment, with
   its own transformation, and as a result of          no connection to the program of architecture.
   the continuing development in commerce,             7KH HGL¿FH LV LQ VKDGRZ KLGGHQ DQG DFWLQJ
   the billboard has begun its own division of         only as the structure for mass information.
   removing the presence of the city from the          Perhaps because consumer society had
   individual and is therefore detaching the role      adopted the notion that marketing strategies
   of architecture from the public and the street.     such as publicity may take control of the built
                                                       HQYLURQPHQW WKDW WKH HGL¿FH RI WKH SDVW KDV
                                                       re-emerged. Spaces such as Times Square
   Victor Hugo wrote “This will kill that…The          and Piccadilly Circus have become cultural
   ERRN ZLOO NLOO WKH HGL¿FH«7KH SUHVV ZLOO NLOO WKH   motifs to live by. They are selling a lifestyle
   church…Printing will kill architecture.”16 When     such as the church did in the past. Whether                         ....
   writing this he was stating that the invention      or not a lifestyle is sold, this type of sprawl
   of the printing press would dissolve the            is applied imagery and not a skin. It has
   primary expression of society…architecture.         no architectural integration, and therefore
   He spoke of the original billboard, the mask of     simply a material aesthetic. By re-integrating
   WKH KULVWLDQ HUD ZKHUH WKH HGL¿FH DGYHUWLVHG      the façade as a communicative occupyable
   religion to the people. Architecture throughout     skin or skins, the foundation of architecture
   our history has been wrapped in imagery, in         can re-emerge. Vitruvius used the human
   order to tell stories. The Egyptian Pyramids,       body for balance and order so that façades
   the Temple of Solomon, to the Basilicas of          could communicate a story. I will apply the
   5DYHQQD WKH HGL¿FH VSRNH WR LWV VRFLHW            human body as another method of design and
   with grafted information along its walls and        communication. The networks of parts which

Milieu_ noun:

1. french for middle ground.      2. implies a
boundary or threshold not physically attainable.
3. used in context as a communicative system
or network imbedded within the skin[s] of the
project...[the sensory pathways for human in-
abstract         statement                research            theory               code           specification   thoughts         appendix

   make up the human body, will communicate            DQG YLROHQFH VSHFL¿FDOO EHWZHHQ WKH V
   DQ LQWHUDFWLRQ EHWZHHQ RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFHV            and 1990s.        What is interesting, is the
   and the interior organs.         Therefore the      architectural layering found in Times Square.
   skin[s] becomes the communicative “milieu”          These original theatres and music halls have
   between the environment and the building            been continuously re-adapted to different
   SURJUDP 7KLV GH¿QHG DQG GHULYHG VSDFH LV           programs. Some have been refurbished and
   where the physical and phenomenological             some have been demolished, but there is an
   interaction will occur, mimicking sensations as     existing layer of originality in Times Square.
   program use, as if the media responded to the       Rem Koolhaas implied that Manhattan was
   interactions of the program…like a human face,      perpetually re-building itself, interwoven layer
   communicating by blushing and sweating?18           after layer.
                                                                                                                                   _    ‡

   Although Times Square becomes an interesting             “the permanence can never end or even
                                                            progress in the conventional sense of
   study as to how an urban environment can
                                                            dramatic plotting; it can only be the cyclic
   be manipulated and controlled by consumer
                                                            restatement of a single theme: creation
   strategists.   Walking down Broadway and                 and destruction irrevocably interlocked,
   seventh streets you will encounter a junction            endlessly re-enacted. The only suspense
   of animated publicity latching itself to any             in the spectacle comes from the constantly
   available vertical surface. This surrounding             escalating intensity of the performance.”
                                                            (Koolhaas – Delirous New York, 15)
   area stretching out to West 42nd and 47th
   streets in New York City is a media haven of
                                                       This idea that an archeological past still exists
                                                       in Times Square is important. Without this
   by an amusement park of gaudy neon signs
                                                       physical presence of origin, Times Square
   and billboards, has become known as the                                                                                  19
                                                       would be reduced to impertinent signage.
   symbol of New York. Today it is recognized as                                                                                 ....
                                                       Although there is a historical root behind Times
   a tourists attraction, but it was not always this
                                                       Square, its presence is masked by high-tech
                                                       ÀDVK LPDJHU VXFK DV 7KH 'LVQH VWRUH«
                                                       framing the relic New Amsterdam Theatre in
   Times Square began as a theatre and music                                                                                20
                                                       gaudy signage for the consumer individual.20                               ...
   hall hub in the early 1900’s.19     After the                                                                                        ‡‡

   depression of the 1930’s, Times Square grew
                                                       This over exposed immersive environment
   into an eclectic neighborhood of sex, scandal,

The image of architecture is being
perceived as a consumer driven
landscape, and only engaging the
omitting the complexity of design.
Studying the human body as a system of parts connected and communicated through its sensory skin
abstract         statement               research            theory            code         specification   thoughts        appendix

   LV VSHFL¿FDOO GHVLJQHG WR PDVN WKH FXUUHQW        see applied: “brilliant architecture creating
   architectural constructs located on this site.     dazzling gateways to the rejuvenated strip.” 24
                                                                                                                           ...    ‡‡
   In 1992 a group called the Times Square            This statement addresses a design condition
   Business Improvement District was established      where the interaction of the individual and the
   to rejuvenate the area encompassing Times          street entrance becomes the highlight of the
   Square.     Due to the importance of this          “strip”. It’s the only circumstance where you
   site, the Times Square BID has created its         FDQ ¿QG DQ DWWHPSW WR LQFRUSRUDWH WKH EXLOGLQJ
   own miniaturized city. This district within        within this animated fabric. This idea of a
   Manhattan is an autonomous security zone,          gateway is the fundamental structure of the
   with its own police force, waste removal, and      thesis. Studying the human body as a system
   homeless outreach programs.21                      of parts connected and communicated through
                                                                                                                           ...    ‡
                                                      LWV VHQVRU VNLQ ZLOO DOORZ IRU D UH¿QHPHQW
   7KHLU FRPPLWWHH GHVLJQDWHG VSHFL¿F GHVLJQ          of adjacency off the street edge.        It will
   parameters for any new development or              therefore map urban interaction points, where
   leasing opportunities.      These parameters       a user can initiate activation. This moment
   dictate a “vivid” around the clock pedestrian      of habitation within the public space, will be
   interaction, emphasis on extravagant signage       derived through the buildings application as
   on street corners, and most important…all          an environment to occupy.
   new developments must contain commercial
   iconography     to   illuminated   the   street    This design situation occurs because the
   edge.22 These design parameters are mainly         separation of the urbanite and the built
                                                                                                                           ...    ‡‡
   consumerist design strategies, focusing on         environment has come to a climax.         The
   SUR¿W PDUJLQV DQG IDOVH DHVWKHWLFV         7KH    image of architecture is being perceived as a
   application of media and imagery is becoming       consumer driven landscape, and only engaging
   less and less referenced to the building and       WKH LQGLYLGXDO DW D VXSHU¿FLDO OHYHO RPLWWLQJ
   more inclined as a light show. The historical      the complexity of design. An activation of the
   and modern presence of architecture is hidden      physical and phenomenological interactions of
   behind New York’s cosmetic facelift.        This   the human individual and architecture should
   metaphor - “the skin is slit open, pulled tight,   be investigated and revived. Our society will
   and reattached,”23 UHDPSOL¿HV .RROKDDV¶V          not change, but only grow and therefore our
                                                                                                                           ...    ‡‡‡
   statement     of   Manhattan   continuously        engagement is key in developing a cohesive
   rebuilding itself. I question and condone          interaction between consumer urbanites and
   one parameter they dictate which I do not          urban architecture.

q u e s t i o n i n g ................delineating..........coding
specifying............. instigating ...................subtracting
transferring..........transforming................ highlighting................
finding............ meandering .................traveling.......sharing
.........swapping.........deviating...... detouring.........constructing
......... habitating ......interacting....activating............
c o m m u n i c a t i n g . . . . . . . . m e rg i n g . . . . . . . . g r a f t i n g . . . . . . . . . r e -
configuring.....modulating........... un-plugging .........
                                                                                           The design Intent is an investigation in the re-comm

MATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by natural symbolism, imagery
      compatible with natural processes / “soul” cannot exist without body; rebirth principle

                                                                                Matriarchal Lineage

                                                                                    The Human Body
                                                                                                                              Fashion industry / indust

                                                        New layer of skin / branded with new armor / extension of envelope

                                                                                  extension of memory / part of my identity
                                   technologies have extended the human senses and have become new media appendages

                                                                         grafted interfaces linking information, communication, and entertainment

                                                                                                    mechanism to plug into - respond to

                                                 Exteroception / Proprioception / Interoception

responding and communicating through “blushing and sweating”

                                                    sense of the body react to senses of the building

                                 Non-reciprical looking / the bubble / personalized environments

                                 What happens when there is no intimate relationship with urban fabric

                                                                                  The end result will be an attempt in facilitating an interac
abstract                      statement                   research                      theory                code             specification                          thoughts                appendix
munication between the individual and architecture.

                                                          PATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by anti-natural symbolism, imagery incompatible
                                                          with natural processes or at least artificial or mechanical / “soul” seeks release from body; immortality principle

                                             Patriarchal Lineage

                                                 Consumer Devices
rial design / Architecture

                                         Identity   Marker,   human    branding    as   a    response    to   classification

   The idea of an “artifact” becomes the key cognitive relationship, between user and product interface

            Media    driven   “rainforest”   /   the   billboards   division   /   selling   a   lifestyle.

                                                                      Marketing: the edifice was the first cultural not integrate as a communicator.

       Product form / exterior communicating information / quality and perception of life .

 Material, sensory qualities, originality and creative innovation

                       Psychological effects of material possessions

ction between the individual, the street, and the building
Activation_ verb:

1. an instance of birth through transmission of
force. 2. to set in motion a series of events.
3. in context, activation is the renewal of user
participation within an urban setting.

Transient_ adjective:

1. to live, pass through, be acknowledged,
make presence, or occupy shortly. 2. a person
who travels without recognition of ones place
and time. 3. the act of masking the perception
of the environment.

Sensory Perception_ noun:

1. to acknowledge emotion through physiologi-
cal interactions. 2. relates to senses (see pg.
12) with a grounding of placement in a setting.
3. the reception of stimuli affecting ones cogni-
tive state.
abstract         statement              research            theory            code         specification      thoughts            appendix

   This investigation and research is a process in   now adapting to this newly created ephemeral
   GHYHORSLQJ D FRGH RU IRUPXOD IRU VSHFL¿F GHVLJQ   city by processing our daily activities in quick
   parameters. There are two primary guidelines      “stop and go actions.” It is now a matter of
   for this code: the human body and consumer        traveling from point A to point B, and the
   devices. These will be called the matriarchal     distance between is occupied by the media
   and patriarchal lines (see code-map_1).           grafted to our body.
   From these lines will derive the conditions
   for design evaluation. The matriarchal line       Antonin Artaud, an avant-garde poet and
   [the human body] will analyze, deconstruct,       playwright wrote this quote about the human
   and re-construct conditions from the human        body as a machine. “Under the skin the body
   body as a discovery mode in developing site       is an over-heated factory,/ and outside,/ the
   and programmatic functions. The patriarchal       invalid shines,/ glows,/ from every burst
   line [consumer devices] will question the user    pore.”1 I interpret it as a symbolism of what is      [program theory]
   activation of the project. With this weave        occurring in today’s age. We…the individual…
   or network of information we can develop a        the human body, within the realm of our
   response to the ongoing urban shift (see code-    physical and phenomenological interaction to
   map_2). This shift, again, is the separation      urbanity, are becoming deactivated machines.
   between     the   transient   individual   and    The mechanisms of our bodily functions, such
   architecture. As stated, consumerism’s media      as walking, driving, and eating breakfast,
   devices have changed our sensory perception,      work but our sensory interactions with the
   having become integrated as new organ(s)          city are disappearing. These media devices
   within our bodies. Our realization of placement   shelter our relation to the city and to other
   within the urban fabric is now masked through     transitive urbanites. Artaud continues with
   our cosmetic supplements and has changed          a “declaration of war” on the human body;
   the individual into a transient being. These      “The body is the body/ it is all by itself/ and
   supplements intend to be devices, added to        has no need of organs/ the body is never an
   PDNH XS IRU RXU GH¿FLHQFLHV DV DQ RUJDQLVP       organism/ organisms are the enemies of the                               2

   and to strengthen the body as a whole. They       body”2….“for you can tie me up if you wish,
   have extended our periphery senses, but have      but there is nothing more useless than an
   in-turn weakened our connection to the city.      organ.”3 Although I do not agree with his
   This masking has made us partially oblivious      statement that the body’s organs are useless,                            3

   to the surrounding environment, and we are        I do believe the interpretations of the “body                                ._

Masking_ verb:

1. to shield or hide something. 2. shadowing or
dissipating in reference to place. 3. in context,
masking refers to the perceptual and psycho-
logical removal of the city. this is a condition
created un-willingly and accidental, which can
be adjusted for.
abstract         statement                research            theory          code         specification       thoughts        appendix

   without organs” in Delueze and Guattari’s           senses in response to the outside world. The
   Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus are            hypochondriac may only see the world as a
   good illustrations behind the reasoning of          germ infested surface, and the paranoid will
   the separation within today’s society. Their        always feel as though he is under attack.
   concept of “the body without organs” implies
   that within society there are conditions or         In all of these parameters there are instances
   circumstances which remove the functions of         ZKHUH D QDWXUDO RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFH KDV
   organs within the human body and reshape            implemented a change within the psyche and
   our sensory systems. These conditions dictate       then inherently with our body and senses. I
   instances where our human psyche disregards         believe that in today’s consumer driven world,
   the role of the body’s mechanisms in response       we have a new condition which can be applied
   WR RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFHV   We are “desiring-           to this “body without organs.” Our attachment
   machines,” man and nature combined                  to consumer products has become the sixth

   as one system of relationships, and that
                                                       circumstance:           the cybernetic           body
                                                       These media devices are masking the urban
                                                       environment from us.       They are creating
   share in nature.4 This idea of a homogenous         new anti-social/personalized environments

   cycle is a very important variable in this design   within the psyche and are re-formulating
   code. The presence of consumer media is not         the presence of the urban environment upon
   a factor that can be removed from society, and      our senses. The eye as an organ, no longer
   in turn should be incorporated with design as       focuses on the immediate surroundings, but
   an adapted mode of thinking. The conditions         instead creates a mental image in response
   that Delueze and Guattari speak of, “the body       to what the media device is focused on.
   ZLWKRXW RUJDQV´ EHFRPHV DSSDUHQW DV ¿YH            We could say that we are suppressing our
   VSHFL¿F FLUFXPVWDQFHV the hypochondriac            physical response to sensory stimuli. What
   body, the paranoid body, the schizo body, the       becomes interesting is this idea of a personal
   drugged body, and the masochist body.5 For          environment.    What happens when urban                               _..
   example, the drugged body refers to a body          SXEOLF VSDFH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK DQ LQ¿QLWH DPRXQW
   EHLQJ LQVXI¿FLHQW WR D SRLQW ZKHUH GUXJV IXO¿OO     of private environments? This is where the
   the space where the organs once were. They          GHVLJQ FRGH EHFRPHV DSSOLHG DV D ¿OWHU RI
   imply then, that the organs no longer function      variables.    These variables, parameters,
   within the correct application that they were       and questions derive relationships from one
   designed for. It references a masking of our        another and attempt to create design logic.

                                                                                                       The design Intent is an investigation in the re-comm

MATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by natural symbolism, imagery
      compatible with natural processes / “soul” cannot exist without body; rebirth principle

                                                                                          Matriarchal Lineage

                                                                                               The Human Body
                                                                                                                                                   Fashion industry / indust

                                                   Exteroception     /     Proprioception       /     Interoception

              Facade - Skin - Armour - Facilitator

              User activator
                                                                                                Organs      and     Informative        Corridors
              Interface / cognitive relationship
                                                                                                Mechanical system and network of interfaces.
              Communicator - user / urban fabric
                                                                                                Access to temporary environments.
              Application as extension for body - Mechanism
                                                                                                Information Corridors
              Sensory stimuli
                                                                                                Facilities / administration / program functions.
              Main Programmatic function - Spine Network
                                                                                                Docking bays for “plugs”
              Integration of personalized environment into the
              interaction of urban fabric
                                                                                                Secondary Programmatic Functions
              Surface - Material

                                                         Positioning in Space

                                                        Where do the interactions need to occur to re-integrate the user back into the

                                                        How do we adapt architecture to the consumer driven landscape?

                                                        Consumer media is not a factor that can be removed from society, and in turn
                                                        should be incorporated with design as an adapted mode of thinking.

                                                        How do you design for a user group that responds to ephemeral vision?

                                                        What happens to urban space when it is masked?

                                                        What happens when urban public space is filled with infinite private environments?

                                                        PROGRAM SHOULD BE A DAILY ACTIVITY FOR THE TRANSITIVE INDIVIDUAL. IT
                                                        SHOULD BE A MOMENT WHERE PROGRAM AND HUMAN INTERACTION OCCUR IN
                                                        THE URBAN FABRIC. IT SHOULD BE ABLE TO RETAIN ITS EPHEMERAL CHARAC-
                                                        TERISTICS, BUT INTEGRATE ITSELF AND THE USER.

                                                        Site requirements become adjacencies to public squares or street level w/ enough
                                                        sqft to have an “interaction ground.”

                                                        Proposed for any urban environment...may be customized for cultural specifica-

                                                        Pre-Fab mechanical interfaces and docking stations as well as interior media

                                                                                             The end result will be an attempt in facilitating an intera
abstract                      statement          research                     theory                    code               specification                      thoughts               appendix
munication between the individual and architecture.

                                                 PATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by anti-natural symbolism, imagery incompatible
                                                 with natural processes or at least artificial or mechanical / “soul” seeks release from body; immortality principle

                                      Patriarchal Lineage

                                        Consumer Devices
trial design / Architecture

                                                                                                                            User Application

                                                               How do bodies perform or react differently to the interfaces?

                                                               Do we change as individuals? How? Why?                                                        [code-map_2]
                                                               The physical attributes to architecture should be taken into consideration as a
                                                               “latching tool” for the individual.

                                                               What happens when we detach from them?

                                                               How do we feel when we detach / loose them?

                                                               Where do the mechanized interfaces come from? Re-tractable modules? Self
                                                               Service Application?

                                                               Application must be accessed from street level...traveling urbanite interaction.

                                                               What type of information, communication, and entertainment is provided?

                                                               Interior organs, must relate to Media devices.

                                                               What is the psychological affect on the individual?

                                                               Does it change the perception of the environment?

                                                               DOES THE ENVIRONMENT ADAPT AND MERGE WITH THE PRIVATIZED BUBBLE,
                                                               INTO A HOMOGENEOUS INTERACTION? I.E. PROBLEM OF SEPARATION HAS
                                                               BEEN REACTIVATED THROUGH HUMAN INTERVENTION, BUT THE EPHEMERAL
                                                               QUALITIES OF MEDIA DEVICES ARE STILL ACTIVE.

ction between the individual, the street, and the building                                                                                                             339-3/002006-11-11_042/043
Inhibitor_ noun:

1. an accelerator of a situation. 2. increaser
level of stimuli. 3. inhibitors do not work on
their own, they attach to a given thing, and
tunes their senses (positively and negatively).
4. in context, the inhibitors are the media de-
vices which mask our environment. as objects
they increase the level of perception and recog-
nition within an urban setting.
abstract         statement               research            theory           code         specification     thoughts              appendix

   The program code will consist of three phases:     In order to re-engage the individual off the
   the project birth, the project placement, the      street and activate program, the physical and
   project application. This code is a response       phenomenological interaction will occur within
   to the research of consumerism, the effect it      the skin[s] of the building. As stated earlier
   KDV RQ WKH LQGLYLGXDO VSHFL¿FDOO ZLWK PHGLD      the skin[s] should have moments of habitation
   devices and marketing billboards), and the         to occupy and a certain amount of depth.
   systems and networks of the human body. With
   this collection of data, a design condition was    Question 2: Since consumer media is not
   observed implementing an approach scheme.          a factor which can be removed, how do we
   This data was then categorized, diagramed,         adapt architecture to the consumer driven
   and applied to these three phases in attempt to    landscape? This project focuses on media
   develop a solution for the separation, and a re-   devices as an inhibitor for this ephemeral
   interaction between the transitive urbanite and    masking as well as a source for information,
   the ephemeral city. The following section may      communication, and entertainment. With this
   need to be referred back to these diagrams for     in consideration, this project will incorporate
   further understanding (code-map_1 + 2).            the applied logic and services of media and
                                                      technology information.       This logic may
   The Project Birth is the inception of the          articulate methods and principals, which             [program code]
   proposed project elements for this thesis. To      these devices can communicate with design
   derive the main application for this project we    attributes for the user.
   have to consider the research for factors and
   limitations to design with. In this situation, a   Question 3: How do you design for a user
   series of questions were derived, with which       group that responds to this ephemeral vision?
   JDYH VSHFL¿F SDUDPHWHUV WR GHVLJQ E              This circumstance relates to question 2, but
                                                      EHFRPHV PRUH VSHFL¿F 6RFLHW¶V SRS FXOWXUH
   Question 1: Where do the interactions need         is a sophisticated assemblage of signals,
   to occur to re-establish the physical and          rumors, and images, in a constant attempt
   phenomenological communication between             WR UHGH¿QH WKH QHZ LQ RUGHU WR FRPPRGLI
   the individual and architecture? The design        “lifestyles” into products.1 It is an instance
   LVVXH LV VSHFL¿F LQ VWDWLQJ WKDW WKH LQWHUDFWLRQ   which will not change but only continue to
   between the transient individual and the           develop.     By understanding this concept,
   urban fabric must occur at the street edge.        the design of this project should adapt

abstract         statement               research              theory           code         specification   thoughts        appendix

   DQG FRQ¿JXUH WR WKLV HSKHPHUDO YLVLRQ       %    themselves. This could perhaps relieve some
   modifying the transient urbanite’s “bubble”,       of the information gathering from the public
   without subjugating or disrupting their mind’s     space.    Another resolution could perhaps
   framework, a harmonious interaction between        deploy mini-environments onto public spaces,
   the user and the project may be re-activated.      attempting to re-activate the independent
   The project’s main program should then             individual.
   incorporate the ideas of functions which can
   be applicable to a transient individual as an      In response to these questions and conditions,
   H[WHQVLRQ RI WKHLU GDLO ÀRZ                      a design proposal has been achieved. The
                                                      project birth will be an urban coffee distribution
   Question 4:      What happens when urban           center. It will engage the urbanite off the
   SXEOLF VSDFH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK DQ LQ¿QLWH DPRXQW       street edge with a series of automated coffee
   of private environments? This is a question        pumps. There would be a type of interface
   could be a thesis on its own, but has relevance    activated from a skin[s] to supply to the user
   to this project. The scale of this idea is much    group “get in and get out.” There will be a
   larger than that of the separation in which this   secondary program element activated from
   thesis speaks of, but implies the loss of human    another skin[s] to accommodate the user
   interaction with one another. The awkward          group “relaxed informative.” They will have
   approach to a stranger has disappeared. Your       the opportunity to get coffee (automated as
   SHUVRQDOL]HG ¿UHZDOO KDV VRFLDOO VHSDUDWHG        well) and interact with an array of informative
   you from the unwanted interactions with            media devices. Details of these functions
   people such as the homeless or street side         will be applied in the phase The Project
   marketers. It is classifying the individual as     Application.
   an extreme independent, and brings forth
   an interesting programmatic relationship for       The Project Placement phase derives
   this project. Although the project is focused      possibilities for applicable sites. It will look
   on the application of the user and the street      into research of current coffee markets for
   edge, there is a secondary program which           application as well as design improvements.
   can evolve. Within the basic programmatic          Starbucks coffee will be the primary source
   functions of the building, there could be          for comparison. The world distribution of
   individualized environments for users to           Starbucks Coffee is diagramed in code-map_3.
   gather information, communicate, or entertain      The Starbucks Corporation has reached out to

canada                    united kingdom
                                                               france    austria
                                                              spain     greece turkey                         japan
                       united states                                      lebanon kuwait                 south korea
                                                                       saudia arabia                 beijing
hawaii                                                                                             shanghai
                                                                                              thailand taiwan
                                                                                                      hong kong

                                                                                                                        new zealand

     [Global   sites   for   Starbucks:   code-map_3]
abstract         statement               research                theory                     code                specification     thoughts          appendix

   the international market and as of October 5th,    of consumers, 80% of coffee drinkers are in
   2006 it consists of over 12,000 stores in 37
   countries.2 Starbucks has come into debate         WKH XVHU SUR¿OH ³JHW LW DQG JHW RXW´* This                                           2

                                                                                                                                                .   ..
   over the last few years, due to their globalized   implies that programmatically, distribution
   expansion. What is interesting to see is that      LQ TXDQWLW LV PRUH HI¿FLHQW IRU WKH XUEDQLWH
   although Starbucks is the monopoly giant           This therefore leads to the concept of a Self-
   which we all know, it only accounts for roughly    Service (SST) activation off the street edge.
   two percent of global coffee production.3 This     “SSTs are technological interfaces that enable                                        3

   illustrates the consumption of coffee around       customers to produce a service independent of
   WKH ZRUOG DQG MXVWL¿HV DQ H[SORUDWLRQ LQWR D      direct service employee involvement.” (Bitner,
   new design approach and delivery method.           50) Imagine, walking through the city and
   Within the United States, Starbucks accounts       then suddenly activating a kiosk interface for
   for 8,905 retail stores (code-map_4) and has       coffee dispensing. It would be as convenient
   just announced its plan to increase worldwide      as an ATM machine, Wawa sandwich selection
   stores from 12,000 to 40,000. Approximately        interface, or a “pay at the pump” terminal.
   3 stores open daily, and if they reach their       Numerous branches or outposts could be
   quota, they would double to triple the amount      implemented upon the street edge, eliminating
   of Starbucks stores in the United States.          long lines and potentially decrease price due
   Figure 17 demonstrates the urban congestion        to less physical employment.
   of cafes within a 3 mile radius of city hall in
   Philadelphia. This bring into question whether     The concept of the program is designated by
   it is necessary to clutter the urban fabric with   a system of skin[s] and surfaces which the
   LQHI¿FLHQW NLRVNV RI FRIIHHquot;                       human could physically inhabit and activate.
                                                      This environment will have the ability through
   I don’t question the need for coffee, but in       SST technology to service the city as a
   most of these torrefactions the coffee is pre-     whole. It could also then be implemented
   measured and implemented in the design of          in any urban environment…globally, even
   an automated machine. The interaction with         customized, assuming that consumer society
   employee personnel is very limited and can be      in that area is applicable to the design code.
   experienced while this ephemeral masking is        For the application of a building program, its
   activated. In addition, with the exception to      SODFHPHQW LV YHU VSHFL¿F EXW YHU YHUVDWLOH
   a numerous but proportionately small amount        The potential users could be any urbanite, but
                                                         These statistics were taken off a personal survey, and is not meant to
                                                      * factual...only estimated.

rivers -----
                  no_build ZONE -----                                    distribution_centers -----

                                                                                                                           ----- square/free_space
                                                            ----- temp_kiosk
                                        urban_voids -----
                                                                                                      ----- urban_growth

[Urban Voids Philadelphia / Sites: code-map_6]
abstract         statement                research            theory                 code             specification   thoughts        appendix

   would probably have a high success rate with        development of these mechanisms, in which
   an age group of 15 – 35.                            this phase talks about, is again derived from
                                                       this design code.       The project application is
   The urban coffee distribution center would          highlighted by a three word principal, taken
   need an acceptable amount of open square            from Teyssot’s “Mutant Body of Architecture:”4
                                                                                                                                       _    ‡‡
   feet adjacent to the street edge. This could        Exteroception / Proprioception / Interoception.
   be referenced as a square or piazza, open to        I will begin with Proprioception, which deals
   WKH SXEOLF ZLWK WKH VNLQV@ GH¿QLQJ KDELWDWLRQ    with our senses and our positioning of
   The interfaces would form habitation dents in       VSDFH 7KLV LV DSSOLHG YHU VSHFL¿FDOO WR WKH
   the surfaces off the street edge. In order for      movements of the human body and how they
   the street to be “invited” into the square, its     react to the given interface, as well as the
   juxtaposition should be at least 50ft long. The     placements of appendages. The control of the
   program would ultimately work best on a two         human body is referenced as a collection of
   sided street lot or positioned adjacent to a        movements and gestures translated as one
   public meeting ground (i.e. square, park, etc.)     mechanism and not a series of independent
   Independent kiosks or remote outposts could         parts.5 (Foucault, 137)     This is important                             4

   ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV LQWHJUDWHG LQ WKH XUEDQ IDEULF      to apply within this project, because it
   ORFDWHG DW VSHFL¿F MXQFWLRQV RU YRLGV 7KHVH        integrates the three design programs as one
   nodes would be one to two habitation dents          mechanical body working in unison. These
   in a surface implemented like an installation       design programs have individual qualities
   on the city; plugged in as programmatic             [retail – individual movements and gestures],
   ¿OOHUV   2WKHU DSSHQGDJHV FRXOG LQVWLJDWH          but become communicative as a whole. The
   interactions in public environments, such as        SURMHFW LV WKHQ PRGL¿HG VLPXOWDQHRXVO E
   deployable cafés randomly extracted in parks        human bodies…working as a mechanism.
   and squares.
                                                            “…scale of the control: it was question
                                                            not of treating the body, en masse,
   The Project Application becomes the
                                                            ‘wholesale’, as if it were an in dissociable
                                                            unity, but of working it ‘retail’, individually;
   looks at the interaction of the human body               of exercising upon a subtle coercion, of
   in the project scope. This phase details the             obtaining holds upon it at the level of the
   concept of how the building provides a function          mechanism itself – movements, gestures,
   and is simultaneously a communicator. The                DWWLWXGHV UDSLGLW DQ LQ¿QLWHVLPDO SRZHU


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  • 1. [com_modifying urban activation] ---- -- - - - - - -- ---- -- - ----- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - --- -- - --- ----- - - -- -- - --- --- - - - -- - --- - -- -- - --- --- - --- - - --- --- -
  • 2. Document printed by Emmanuel P. Gee Bound by 1527 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Toll Free: (800) 551-2341 Phone: (215) 563-8742 Fax: (215) 563-0888 ©2006/2007, Emmanuel Pierre Gee B-Arch Thesis written & designed by Emmanuel P. Gee Advisor: Bob Trempe ARCH 442 - Thesis Program Preparation Inst. Kate Wingert-Playdon, Sneha Patel Temple University Tyler School of Art The Architecture Program 1947 North 12th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 All rights reserved No part of this document may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from Temple University except in the context of reviews.
  • 3.
  • 4. Code_ noun: 1. anything involving a set of parameters which activate a response. Similar to an equation, YDULDEOHV DUH ¿UVW LQSXWWHG DQG WKHQ D UHWXUQ RI information is received or created. 2. a series of dispersed or deviated information sets, which require a key or cypher in order to connect or communicate. System_ noun: 1. anything involving a series of parts, inter- laced or weaved together. 2. inter-related parts bound to create a larger, more complex whole.
  • 5. Preface This thesis was an effort in collaborating very divergent forms of information, media, and research. The text has been a direct response to all of the varying information with- in, and is a design cipher for urban investigation. This document has grown through the pro- FHVV RI TXHVWLRQLQJ FRQGLWLRQV UHVXOWLQJ LQ VSHFL¿HG YDULDEOHV GH¿QLQJ D FRGH IRU GHVLJQ This document is a network in its self. It is a graphic layering of information, bound by principals derived from research. Imbedded is a series of codes and systems, designed to assist and clarify my statements, as well as to bind the conceptual framework of this thesis within the graphical lay- out. This is an attempt to tune the individual’s senses and activate them physically as users. graphic legend [primary reference code for cited material] - graphic symbols of qr-codes, which work similar to bar codes. These codes are programed to provide you with all necessary informa- tion on a referenced text. These can most commonly be scanned with cell phones, and will provide immediate information about the text and ISBN number (the ISBN could be used to purchase the selected book via amazon through your phone). If the cited material was from a web-site, you will be directed directly to that site via your web browser on your phone. .__ [secondary reference code for cited material] - the citations are categorized by section DQG ZLWKLQ HDFK VHFWLRQ D VHULHV RI NHV PDS WKH VRXUFH¶V SODFHPHQW 7KH ¿UVW NH LV EDVHG RI PRUVH FRGH DQG UHSUHVHQWV WKH ¿UVW OHWWHU RI WKH DXWKRUV ODVW QDPH ,W LV IROORZHG E D FRGH NH ZKLFK PDUNV WKH WLWOH RI WKH VRXUFH E DXWKRU ,Q WKLV FRGLQJ VVWHP D ¿YH SDUW VKDGRZ SDOHWWH LV XVHG DV WHPSRUDU WLWOH PDUNHUV 7KHVH GLIIHUHQW ¿OOV RI EODFN FDWHJRUL]H the titles within each letter group. They are shared by different authors, but never dupli- FDWHG ZLWKLQ HDFK LQGLYLGXDO DXWKRU¶V WLWOH VHW 7KH ¿QDO NH LV RQO DSSOLHG ZKHQ D GLIIHUHQW page is cited within the same title. This key increases in number only when there are two or more pages of cited text. If the citation has only one reference page the key box will be crossed out. Graphical charts explaining this system in more detail may be found in the appendix. chapter markers
  • 6. FedEx + UPS = 21 million packages sent on average_daily_worldwide
  • 7. i sensory overload this image board represents a metaphor for our urban attitude and behavior. constructed from a series of frames, these images initially were viewed in an introduction animation for this thesis. The video cat- egorizes urban media, imagery, and behavior, and overly stimulates the transition from one image to the next, in response to our perception of the city. iii preface + graphic manual 2 [proposal abstract] 4 [proposal statement] [proposal research] 12 34 [program theory] media appendages ‡ 12 consumer code scanning ‡ 16 i P o d ‡ 18 45 [program code] “the bubble” ‡ 24 41 ‡ the project birth 43 ‡ the project placement sold - lifestyles + billboard propoganda ‡ 27 47 ‡ the project application the “disneyfied” city ‡ 29 SURJUDP VSHFL¿FDWLRQ@ 60 66 FRPBPRGL¿HG WKRXJKWV@ a u t o m a t ‡ 55 68 [appendix] vending / 24 hour ease ‡ 57 69 ‡ a_ code charts 79 ‡ b_ illustration index re-configureable systems ‡ 59 83 ‡ c_ selected bibliography 91 ‡ d_ cited notes public or private...or both? ‡ 61 339-3/002006-11-11_000/001
  • 8. Ephemeral City_ verb/noun: 1. a condition where the city’s presence is lost due to consumer media. 2. an instance where the urban environment is no longer noticed by an urbanite. 3. a contemporary metropolis. Perpetual Shift_ verb: 1. a condition where a change is occuring con- stantly. 2. a type of motion, stated within space and time, where an environment continously adapts to ongoing cultural shifts. Urban Fabric_ noun: WKH VVWHPV RU QHWZRUNV GH¿QLQJ DQ XUEDQ environment. 2. the cultural representation of a society. 3. conditions and setting found in an urban setting. Phenomenological_ verb: 1. a theoretical concept implying an interaction or transition without physical limits. 2. a bodily sensation activated by a realization. 3. the the- oretical translation of one thing to the next via an inhibitor (i.e. skin, media device, etc.).
  • 9. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix Today’s consumer society is heavily blended individual and therefore separating the role of with popular culture. It has consumed architecture from the public and the street. the individual, becoming the fabric of [proposal abstract] our represented landscape. Society has This media driven “rainforest” which has succumbed to consumer capitalism affected emerged within the urban fabric, brings by design, publicity, and market research. cause for a re-investigation between the These factors have the power of manipulating role of the urbanite and the ephemeral who we are and attempt to suggest what city. Studies between [the urbanite and society should be. Yet imagine what would media] and [architecture and media] will society be without mass media? This tension, GHYHORS WKH FRQGLWLRQV VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DQG between contemporary society’s desire to parameters to design for. These parameters consume and the exploitation of this desire found through the mapping of research, through personalized media and marketing can potentially imply a new code for design imagery, will be investigated in this thesis. and a re-activation between the urbanite, the street, and architecture. This attempt Cities of mass urban congestion, such as New to adopt media and translate program York, London, and Tokyo, are in a perpetual through consumer culture, is a prototype shift with response to media and consumerism. for creating a facilitator of interaction The urban environment is effected by this within the urban fabric. The activation response, and in reaction to this continuous by the user from the street will integrate ÀX[ WKH FLW LV VORZO EHLQJ VHFOXGHG IURP WKH and become the adaptive and responsive urbanite while architecture continues to grow PHFKDQLVP WR UHGH¿QH DQG UHLQVWDWH WKH in consumer propaganda. The ever expanding physical and phenomenological interaction development of media in the consumerist age between architecture and the urbanite. is re-adapting our lifestyle, and incorporating marketing strategies and product design as a key cognitive connection to the city. The daily interactions within public spaces are in a process of transformation and the individual’s DWWHQWLRQ WR LWV VXUURXQGLQJV LV ÀXFWXDWLQJ ,Q response to these characteristics, the presence RI WKH FLW FRXOG ¿QG LW¶V VHOI UHPRYHG IURP WKH 339-3/002006-11-11_002/003
  • 10. Hybrid Mechanism_ noun: 1. a simbiotic relationship between two or more different objects. 2. a system taking two or more inter-dependant parts to create a larger more complex unit. 3. a condition where a SURGXFW DQG D KXPDQ ERG LQÀXHQFH RQH DQ- other though physical attachment. “Visual imagery is a process of information which is represented in working memory. Products are designed through the use of IXQFWLRQDO TXDVLSLFWRULDO UHSUHVHQWDWLRQV WR LQÀXHQFH FRJQLWLYH processing and create an appeal to the consumer.” (Dahl, 19-20)
  • 11. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix In today’s global market, consumerism is relationship develops between the individual transpired as a psychological and individualistic and the product. The idea of the human representation of the “self”. It is multi- ERG DV D GLVSOD FDVH PRGL¿HV LWV LQWHQVLRQ FXOWXUDO DQG QR ORQJHU YLHZHG DV WKH GH¿QLWLYH DV D VLJQL¿HU WR D hybrid mechanism. This commerce of the Western world, but as a developing relationship between an individual cultural identity for all markets. Its structure and a product becomes the structural is based in economics; the more we buy and binding for this hybrid mechanism. As [proposal statement] the more we sell, the further an economy is FRQVXPHUV ZH DUH DOORZLQJ WKH LQÀXHQFH developed. Although consumerism is generally of products to input “advice” within our reviewed in terms of large scale economic constant decision making. This “advice” growth, its most fascinating quality is its effect is clearly a conceptual and psychological on the human individual. relation, but as consumers we can begin to see a how consumer media is affecting Consumerism as the representation of the DQG LQÀXHQFLQJ RXU GDLO OLIH 7KLV LQWLPDWH “self,” is an idea that we are branded by what relationship will be studied further within this we buy. For the individual, consumerism is document as conditions reveal themselves. JUDWL¿FDWLRQ 7KLV LPSOLHV WKHQ WKDW WKH collection and exhibition of our material 7KHVH LGHDV RI FRQVXPHULVW LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ possessions psychologically creates a can be found incorporated within all design representational marker for who we are. This industries. For example, the fashion industry FRJQLWLYH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ WR D SURGXFW VSHFL¿FDOO LV RQH PRGH RI FODVVL¿FDWLRQ IRU WKH LQGLYLGXDO with commercial brands, allows us to classify The choice of garments that we carry becomes 1 ourselves in a given society.1 If our identity is WKH LPDJH RU FRGH WKDW FODVVL¿HV XV ZLWKLQ .__ LQÀXHQFHG E WKH GHVLJQ RI D SURGXFW WKHQ WKH society. These representations, at home, human display of symbols becomes a series of work, or leisurely allows for the clothing to GH¿QHG ODEHOV FDWDORJLQJ FODVV ZLWKLQ VRFLHW become a new layer of skin for the human 7KHVH EUDQGV DFW DV VLJQL¿HUV WR RWKHUV LQ DQ body to display. It is an adaptation to a applied category and can potentially initiate psychological trend which allows us to be communication between individuals. branded with new “armor” as an extension of our natural envelope, becoming our artillery Then an interesting condition arises within this WR ¿JKW ZLWKLQ WKLV FRPSHWLWLYH ZRUOG :H DUH “consumer branding”…a personal and intimate grafted organisms in a media driven society. 339-3/002006-11-11_004/005
  • 12. Vernacular_ adjective: 1. the contemporary cultural stereotype of a given context 2. the adapted language of pop culture. Skin_ noun: 1. a surface activated by interaction. 2. the threshold for communication between an exte- rior context and an interior context. 3. the layer of armor which provides sensation to the hu- man body. coverings are natural processes of sociological integration, and provide a response as to why we 1. the natural and essential human desire to cover ones self. 2. the physical masking of parts. 3. the use of consumer media as a status PDUNHU DQG FODVVL¿FDWLRQ WUHQG
  • 13. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix Georges Teyssot wrote in response to Cristobal in multiple ways with all types of products; Balenciaga’s Bride in White Gazar, GHVLJQV IURP FDUV WR 3'$V XOWLPDWHO LQÀXHQFH the inner person within us, and bring forth “the initial thrust is not fashion, but the the question as to why we are stimulated by VLPXOWDQHRXVO HVVHQWLDO DQG VXSHU¿FLDO the consumption of material possessions? “nature” of coverings, the latent eroticism of clothing, the secret language of mask In response to Teyssot, “the nature of DQG VNLQQDWXUDO RU DUWL¿FLDO´ 7HVVRW coverings” can be interpreted as the cultural – 12) elements that have emerged in society. Teyssot is speaking about this consumerist What we begin to see is a psychological and LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DV D VHFUHW ODQJXDJH ZKLFK ZH physiological response to media technologies. are all governed by as a natural process of Our popular culture becomes the vernacular representation. He wrote this in response to language of our consumerist attitude.3 a collection of images categorized by Elizabeth 3 'LOOHU DQG 5LFDUGR 6FR¿GLR 7KH LPDJHV ORRN This consumerist language then becomes a .__ at different skinsQDWXUDO DQG DUWL¿FLDO LQ WHUPV collection of different modes of human and of an envelope which communicates their media interaction. Since each human being respective internal mechanisms, as well as KDV D GLIIHUHQW FXOWXUDO LGHQWLW LQÀXHQFHG the extension of the human body.2 We can by consumerism, their individual application therefore suggest that the idea of coverings are or “word” creates a different response and 2 _ ‡ natural processes of sociological integration, interaction to society within one common and provide a response as to why we are so entity. Coverings are one type of “word” for this language, another would be media devices, are so affected by consumer products. and another would be marketing. Within Forms of fashion are not the only physical each of these words would be the letters: relationships which products have with the VSHFL¿F WSHV RI IDVKLRQ PHGLD GHYLFHV RU human body; there are other elements to advertising schemes, creating a collection of the consumerist language. This idea of the different cognitive responses to the individual. hybrid mechanism extends further than just 7KLV DWWLWXGH GH¿QLQJ RXU FXOWXUDO LGHQWLW LV fashion branding. The integration of industrial developing from these hybrid relationships SURGXFWV KDV DOVR H[WHQGHG DQG LQÀXHQFHG and is the departure point for architectural the application of technology upon the human severance within the urban fabric. body. Our consumerist image is displayed 339-3/002006-11-11_006/007
  • 14.
  • 15. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix [coverings] 339-3/002006-11-11_008/009
  • 16. urban vernacular language FODVVL¿FDWLRQ WSHVZRUGV ‡ t h e c o n s u me r a l p h a b et ‡ media devices ‡ marketing ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
  • 17. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix This language or network implies a multiplicity where the human body is analyzed in reference of individualistic circumstances, and could to programmatic functions. FUHDWH D GLFWLRQDU RI LQ¿QLWH UHODWLRQVKLSV By specifying a focused subject such as WKH XUEDQLWH WKH DSSOLHG DIIHFWV RI VSHFL¿F media devices will tune our philosophical coverings understanding within a given condition. What we will begin to see is a collapse of the ‡ urban fabric as a shared environment and communicator of architectural knowledge. ‡ As the human body adapts to a media driven society, technology has begun to dictate a new mode of behavior for the individual. Media devices as human appendages and grafted interfaces have begun to address privatized environments. Marketing strategies become apparent as facial reconstructions RI WKH HGL¿FH DQG GLFWDWH D UHRUJDQL]DWLRQ ‡ of priorities within the structure of the city. Through this adaptation of media in our lifestyle, the urbanite begins to loose the presence of the city within him. The separation of the urbanite and the built environment will be analyzed and categorized through the implications of media upon the human body. This investigation will also use the human body as reference in designing a network to facilitate a new physical interaction between WKH LQGLYLGXDO DQG DUFKLWHFWXUH 7KH HGL¿FH will attempt to become Lacan’s mirror image of the body; a radical re-study of Vitruvius, 339-3/002006-11-11_010/011
  • 18. Senses_ noun, verb: 1. a physical or physiological response to stim- uli. 2. the communication initiated by the skin, in-order to transmit conditions from and exter- nal source to an internal source. 3. reactions FUHDWHG E DQ RI WKH ¿YH VHQVHV VPHOO WRXFK hear, see, and taste). Grafted_ verb: 1. the joined unison of a media device as an extension of the human body 2. to “surgically” attach or extend a part of the body. 3. this DFW PRGL¿HG WR UHSODFH D GDPDJHG RU GHIHFWLYH part. Interface_ noun: 1. a surface of common boundary between bod- ies, systems, spaces, and zones. 2. the surface of interaction, where the initial activation of a system will occur. a portal for information to be transferred to another location as well as re- ceiving information.
  • 19. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix Through the uses of new mobile technologies, consists of “1.9 billion+ mobile phones 1 the sociological imprint of our culture has worldwide, more than the number of TVs and _ shifted. Our daily routines have now become PCs combined.”1 Cellular phones have become ingrained with personalized devices which allow the assemblage of media technology; a device for a steady stream of information to reach completely self contained... designed for us. With the incorporation of wireless PDAs communication, information, entertainment, and integrated smart phones, our personalized commerce and the ability to record life. environment is no longer within the aspects of home or work, but integrated within the How have we as individuals adapted to this constant movement of our being. Media type of environment? What becomes next in [proposal research] technologies have extended the human senses media integration? Within the cellular phone and have become new human appendages. community, Japan is the most developed They act as grafted interfaces linking us to network and has become the leading test systems of information, communication and site for cell phone innovation. Some current entertainment. key features include GPS navigating and FM 2 UDGLR EXW WKH PRVW LQÀXHQWLDO DUH WKH %DUFRGH _. This connection to information has become reading and mobile commerce capabilities.2 a necessity in life for the general public. We Individuals can now buy, sell, and trade stocks have become ingrained with the ability to from their phone and the barcode readers have access virtually anything from anywhere. For completely shifted the consumer integration example, the cellular telephone has become of society. the user portal for global communication. Its continuous development allows the individual What these barcode readers imply is a new to move within the world and stay connected trend in consumerism. These RFID based to the consumer network. The most common systems allow for users to scan, check, and mobile phone features include web browsing, compare prices for products. People can then 3 mobile e-mail, download capabilities, PDA store the information or buy directly off sites _._ functions, mobile gaming, photo and video such as Amazon.3 The Japanese have also messaging, digital music listening, and mobile tested this system in school, where vending TV. When looking at this list one must be machines have an interface which allows you amazed at the technological developments to scan the barcode of an item and pay for it ZLWKLQ ¿YH HDUV 7RGD¶V FHOOXODU QHWZRUN directly with your phone. 339-3/002006-11-11_012/013
  • 20. Cellular phones have become the assemblage of media technology; a device completely self contained...
  • 21. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix [information ease] designed for communication, information, entertainment, commerce and the ability to record life. 339-3/002006-11-11_014/015
  • 22. Cosmetic_ adjective, adverb: 1. the adherence of a product to highlight an RWKHUZLVH GH¿FLHQW SDUW DQ DUWL¿FLDO VXSSOH- ment to the human body. 3. a non-homoge- neous appendage, attached or latched onto the skin, but not working in unison. Identity_ noun: 1. the realization of ones self, i.e. Lacan’s mirror image. 2. a series of physical and technical data stating your existence in a given society. 3. ap- plies to the psychological effect of losing ma- terial possessions, which affects an emotional disturbance relating to ones consciousness.
  • 23. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix With this technology integrated and available transit, on the human mind and body? Why in society, the interaction of the user off the do we have such a strong connection to these street will begin to change. These codes devices or products? will attempt to engage the user by adapting themselves to storefronts and publicity. The consumerist attitude and its relationship $OWKRXJK WKLV KDV LWV EHQH¿WV LQ FRQYHQLHQFH , to products are successful due to the high question how dependant the user will become level of market research developed for with media devices. That personal and intimate product distribution. For the successful sale relationship stated earlier becomes apparent of products, designers focus on visual imagery with how affected individuals have become as the central cognitive characteristic for 4 over their cell phones. With the slightest design. 4 “The goal is to give the product _.. ‡ notion of loosing this cosmetic attachment, physical and psychological attributes that we suppress ourselves into depression as if we will lead to success in the marketplace. (Dahl have lost a part of our identity. It has become – 19) What becomes apparent is the search an integral part of our body with perhaps too for originality and creative innovation within much of our focus attended. product design. These media appendages, cell phones and One of the revolutionizing and leading PDAs, act as primary information interfaces for consumer products which has cornered the the urbanite. The urbanite is an individual who portable media market is the Apple iPod. regularly travels within an urban environment, The sexy cool sleek design of the iPod has and interacts with its systems and buildings. become the trend setting media device for The urbanite is transitive, meaning he/she the urban culture. The iPod is a new type of moves along a city’s pathways. The urbanite iconography; its simplicity invokes a level of is affected by the city as is the city by the purity which has not been visible previously. urbanite. The urbanite is the principal activator Its image developed from consistent research for the city and is subjected to consumerisms has burned itself into the media driven “rainforest” of media. The concentration world and continues to be the predominant of media in an urban environment implies media device for creative innovation. It was and maybe even forces a lifestyle upon the imagined while the Apple computer company individual. How do we therefore register the was researching applicable software for the 5 LPSDFW RI PHGLD GHYLFHV VSHFL¿FDOO ZKLOH LQ consumer market.5 Through research Apple .__ 339-3/002006-11-11_016/017
  • 24. “...people have found pleasure and meaning in the use of their eyes. They have consciously attempted to produce objects of beauty and have delighted in them.” (Bloch, 16)
  • 25. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix 339-3/002006-11-11_018/019
  • 26. Artifact_ noun: 1. an instance where an object becomes iden- WL¿DEOH DV D FXOWXUDO LFRQ D SURGXFW ZKLFK receives a level of permanence society. 3.
  • 27. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix found that most companies were developing VHOOLQJ RYHU PLOOLRQ SHU ¿VFDO TXDUWHU ZLWK technology for such things as digital cameras a total of 58,912,000+ iPods sold.8 ,Q ¿J and PDAs, but found that there was very little 7, we can see that as iPod sales grow Apple focus on the portable media player.6 develops larger product diversity. These numbers do not respond to an increase in :LWK WKLV LQ PLQG WKH ¿UVW JHQHUDWLRQ L3RG ZDV economic growth, but to the development and born. It began as a test, due to a common social behavior that Apple has focused on in psychological skepticism within the idea its research. They have cornered the market 6 8 9 .__ WKDW PXVLF FRXOG EH DQ XQGH¿QHG YDULDEOH by continuously redesigning the iPod. in a chip. People were still attached to the physical presence of CDs and its artwork, and (DFK QHZ JHQHUDWLRQ KDV EHHQ UH¿QHG WR the collection of items was important to the promote a better consumer outcome. The user. Now there is a shift and the focus is interface has been the main development redirected to the product. Dr. Michael Bull, factor in its design, which includes the touch professor at Sussex University and considered sensitive wheel replacing the mechanical scroll the leading academic expert on the social wheel, color displays with anti-aliased text, impact of personal stereo devices, writes DQG ÀDVK PHPRU UHSODFLQJ KDUG GLVNV9 In 7 about the iPod as an artifact.7 Bull states “with addition to the interface, each generation or _... ‡ vinyl, the aesthetic was in the cover of the model design has traditionally become smaller record…With the rise of digital; the aesthetic and simpler and with the availability of colors has left the object and is in now the artifact.” and now photo and video options, the design (Bull, 3) Here we begin to see the idea of the of the iPod has been left un-comparable within product as a design issue. How is it created as the hand-held device industry. Peter Bloch an artifact in order to develop a personalized wrote that “people have found pleasure and relationship between it and the user? meaning in the use of their eyes. They have consciously attempted to produce objects of 10 Since its test phase, the iPod has developed beauty and have delighted in them.”10 Through _... into 5 different generations in addition to an innovated design and marketing campaign, more compact modules available known as: the Apple iPod has given the young generation WKH L3RG 6KXIÀH WKH L3RG 0LQL DQG WKH L3RG a new mode to live [buy]. Nano. Four years of design innovation and 12 models of production, the Apple Company is What has become very interesting with the 339-3/002006-11-11_020/021
  • 28. “It’s an extension of the memory: storing the soundtrack of a lifetime, as well as names, addresses, calendars and notes…if I lose this stuff, I lose part of my identity.” (Giesler, 3)
  • 29. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix development and monopoly of the iPod is its breakdown, which allows the product to gain a effect on the consumer. We have adapted to SDUWLDO FRQWURO RYHU WKH XVHU DQG LQÀXHQFH RU LWV SODFHPHQW LQ RXU VRFLHW DQG UHFRQ¿JXUHG “advise” the individual’s interaction in a given our lives with its presence. Its design now environment. promotes sophistication and purity to all age’s groups and implies a sense of class. This This is not the extent to which the iPod has product, which has been designed for ease in affected our environment and consumer functionality, has become a stylish attachment market. The iPod is so integrated with our fast- to our body. paced culture that secondary companies pay for the rights in selling technological accessories Markus Giesler, a professor of marketing at York for the iPod. New luxury cars, such as Audi, University in Toronto, states that the iPod “is Mercedes, and BMW have now integrated an an entirely new beast: a revolutionary device option for a pre-designed interface within that transforms listeners into cyborgs through the dashboard and wheel. These designer a process he calls techno-transcendence.” cars incorporate a docking system and click 11 (Giesler, 2) He continues saying that the wheel interface.11 There is even a market for ._ consumer has adopted mobile technologies in clothing design, which adapts the iPod as an a cybernetic way, with the uses of products attachment to the skin. Here we begin to see such as iPods and cell phones. Giesler states this idea of coverings adapting to technology “It’s an extension of the memory: storing the and consumer trends. The leading designer soundtrack of a lifetime, as well as names, in iPod clothing is Kyono, which integrates a addresses, calendars and notes…if I lose this fabric embroidered interface within jackets 12 stuff, I lose part of my identity.” (Giesler, and shirts.12 Other companies such as Levis __. 3) This attachment to media technologies are developing an iPod integrated denim jean becomes a cultural emblem of our society. We as well as an iPod Nano adaptable belt.13 __. KDYH EHFRPH GH¿QHG WR DQ H[WHQW LQ ZKLFK 13 we can feel psychologically separated from our The iPod has effectively changed the way we body through the loss of a material item. This perceive the environment. It has incorporated cultural stratum becomes a key investigation itself into the systems of our representation. into understanding our placement in today’s Its appearance in clothing, cars, and even electronic age. The relationship to products integrated wall systems has proven its cultural has evolved and allowed for a psychological affect on our society and its representation as a 339-3/002006-11-11_022/023
  • 30. Bubble_ noun: 1. the theoretical shield encompassing an indi- vidual. 2. an unmeasurable distance off of the body’s skin which dictates our comfort level. 3. an adapted version of the this armor highlighted by the use of media devices, instating a private/ personalized environment.
  • 31. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix pop culture icon. With all of this inconsideration questions the physical interaction with you. it has inherently affected the mode of thinking As the user you inherently disregard the in which we have on our environment. It has others presence as well, because your focus shifted the user within the urban environment is deviated from the physical interaction that and created a new paradox. This paradox is is created: eye contact or any other type of the simultaneous inherent acknowledgment of facial gesture. It allows us to focus on music ourselves in an environment and the parallel or media throughout our daily trajectory, and separation of ourselves within the environment only becoming removed from it when we’ve through the focus of the iPod. Dr. Michael Bull reached the given destination. The New speaks about how the iPod gives the individual York Times questioned what becomes of control over his or her environment.14 “They the public space when the public space 14 _... ‡ are controlling their space, their time, and their becomes privatized?15 This is a valid interaction…” (Bull, 2) He is essentially stating question; what happens to the urban that we are creating a strategy of interaction, fabric when the users no longer have where the iPod creates a human bubble. This an intimate relationship with it? Do bubble is a theoretical armor preventing we continue to become aware of our 15 interactions to occur unless the user chooses surroundings or do our senses become _... ‡‡ to engage. The most common form he speaks oblivious with the exception of extreme of is “nonreciprocal looking,” which entails encounters? This armor suggests a design the direct contact with another being through condition for this project, as it has become a eye sight, but with an understanding that separation from society. How does one re- your concentration is diverted to your private integrate physical interaction, with mobile acoustical environment and not the image media devices activated? This question you’re in contact with. becomes a primary investigation into what type of program can be developed for these This armor works with the understanding that conditions. the person you technically have eye contact with sees your mobile device activated. These questions become the necessary With that acknowledgment the other person investigations in order to analyze the assumes an immediate disregard of your development of human interaction within the presence due to the fact that your attention urban environment. The iPod and other mobile is focused on something else, and therefore media devices have culturally shifted our 339-3/002006-11-11_024/025
  • 32.
  • 33. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix 16 environment…to an extent which has separated enclosures.17 .... the role of the urbanite in the urban fabric. These media appendages are only one side to Hugo felt that architecture would die due to WKLV VHSDUDWLRQ 2XU FRQVXPHULVW LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ the technological advancements in which is encouraged by the development of brands, society was headed. Ironically buildings today and companies therefore undertake strong are re-grafted with mass information. Large media and marketing campaigns to affect the commerce capitals such as New York, Shanghai, XVHU :H ¿QG WKHVH FDPSDLJQV HYHUZKHUH and Seoul have districts where the design of we are and they have transmitted themselves WKH HGL¿FH KDV GLVDSSHDUHG *DUGHQV RI PHGLD to the urban fabric. The city has now begun are growing along the built environment, with its own transformation, and as a result of no connection to the program of architecture. the continuing development in commerce, 7KH HGL¿FH LV LQ VKDGRZ KLGGHQ DQG DFWLQJ the billboard has begun its own division of only as the structure for mass information. removing the presence of the city from the Perhaps because consumer society had individual and is therefore detaching the role adopted the notion that marketing strategies of architecture from the public and the street. such as publicity may take control of the built HQYLURQPHQW WKDW WKH HGL¿FH RI WKH SDVW KDV re-emerged. Spaces such as Times Square Victor Hugo wrote “This will kill that…The and Piccadilly Circus have become cultural ERRN ZLOO NLOO WKH HGL¿FH«7KH SUHVV ZLOO NLOO WKH motifs to live by. They are selling a lifestyle 17 church…Printing will kill architecture.”16 When such as the church did in the past. Whether .... writing this he was stating that the invention or not a lifestyle is sold, this type of sprawl of the printing press would dissolve the is applied imagery and not a skin. It has primary expression of society…architecture. no architectural integration, and therefore He spoke of the original billboard, the mask of simply a material aesthetic. By re-integrating WKH KULVWLDQ HUD ZKHUH WKH HGL¿FH DGYHUWLVHG the façade as a communicative occupyable religion to the people. Architecture throughout skin or skins, the foundation of architecture our history has been wrapped in imagery, in can re-emerge. Vitruvius used the human order to tell stories. The Egyptian Pyramids, body for balance and order so that façades the Temple of Solomon, to the Basilicas of could communicate a story. I will apply the 5DYHQQD WKH HGL¿FH VSRNH WR LWV VRFLHW human body as another method of design and with grafted information along its walls and communication. The networks of parts which 339-3/002006-11-11_026/027
  • 34. Milieu_ noun: 1. french for middle ground. 2. implies a boundary or threshold not physically attainable. 3. used in context as a communicative system or network imbedded within the skin[s] of the project...[the sensory pathways for human in- teraction].
  • 35. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix make up the human body, will communicate DQG YLROHQFH VSHFL¿FDOO EHWZHHQ WKH V DQ LQWHUDFWLRQ EHWZHHQ RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFHV and 1990s. What is interesting, is the and the interior organs. Therefore the architectural layering found in Times Square. skin[s] becomes the communicative “milieu” These original theatres and music halls have between the environment and the building been continuously re-adapted to different SURJUDP 7KLV GH¿QHG DQG GHULYHG VSDFH LV programs. Some have been refurbished and where the physical and phenomenological some have been demolished, but there is an interaction will occur, mimicking sensations as existing layer of originality in Times Square. program use, as if the media responded to the Rem Koolhaas implied that Manhattan was interactions of the program…like a human face, perpetually re-building itself, interwoven layer 18 communicating by blushing and sweating?18 after layer. _ ‡ Although Times Square becomes an interesting “the permanence can never end or even progress in the conventional sense of study as to how an urban environment can dramatic plotting; it can only be the cyclic be manipulated and controlled by consumer restatement of a single theme: creation strategists. Walking down Broadway and and destruction irrevocably interlocked, seventh streets you will encounter a junction endlessly re-enacted. The only suspense of animated publicity latching itself to any in the spectacle comes from the constantly available vertical surface. This surrounding escalating intensity of the performance.” (Koolhaas – Delirous New York, 15) area stretching out to West 42nd and 47th streets in New York City is a media haven of This idea that an archeological past still exists FRQVXPHU SXEOLFLW 7LPHV 6TXDUH GH¿QHG in Times Square is important. Without this by an amusement park of gaudy neon signs physical presence of origin, Times Square and billboards, has become known as the 19 would be reduced to impertinent signage. symbol of New York. Today it is recognized as .... Although there is a historical root behind Times a tourists attraction, but it was not always this Square, its presence is masked by high-tech ³'LVQH¿HG´ YHUVLRQ ÀDVK LPDJHU VXFK DV 7KH 'LVQH VWRUH« framing the relic New Amsterdam Theatre in Times Square began as a theatre and music 20 gaudy signage for the consumer individual.20 ... hall hub in the early 1900’s.19 After the ‡‡ depression of the 1930’s, Times Square grew This over exposed immersive environment into an eclectic neighborhood of sex, scandal, 339-3/002006-11-11_028/029
  • 36. The image of architecture is being perceived as a consumer driven landscape, and only engaging the LQGLYLGXDO DW D VXSHU¿FLDO OHYHO omitting the complexity of design.
  • 37.
  • 38. Studying the human body as a system of parts connected and communicated through its sensory skin ZLOO DOORZ IRU D UH¿QHPHQW RI DGMDFHQF RII WKH VWUHHW HGJH
  • 39. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix LV VSHFL¿FDOO GHVLJQHG WR PDVN WKH FXUUHQW see applied: “brilliant architecture creating 24 architectural constructs located on this site. dazzling gateways to the rejuvenated strip.” 24 ... ‡‡ In 1992 a group called the Times Square This statement addresses a design condition Business Improvement District was established where the interaction of the individual and the to rejuvenate the area encompassing Times street entrance becomes the highlight of the Square. Due to the importance of this “strip”. It’s the only circumstance where you site, the Times Square BID has created its FDQ ¿QG DQ DWWHPSW WR LQFRUSRUDWH WKH EXLOGLQJ own miniaturized city. This district within within this animated fabric. This idea of a Manhattan is an autonomous security zone, gateway is the fundamental structure of the with its own police force, waste removal, and thesis. Studying the human body as a system 21 homeless outreach programs.21 of parts connected and communicated through ... ‡ LWV VHQVRU VNLQ ZLOO DOORZ IRU D UH¿QHPHQW 7KHLU FRPPLWWHH GHVLJQDWHG VSHFL¿F GHVLJQ of adjacency off the street edge. It will parameters for any new development or therefore map urban interaction points, where leasing opportunities. These parameters a user can initiate activation. This moment dictate a “vivid” around the clock pedestrian of habitation within the public space, will be interaction, emphasis on extravagant signage derived through the buildings application as on street corners, and most important…all an environment to occupy. new developments must contain commercial iconography to illuminated the street This design situation occurs because the 24 edge.22 These design parameters are mainly separation of the urbanite and the built ... ‡‡ consumerist design strategies, focusing on environment has come to a climax. The SUR¿W PDUJLQV DQG IDOVH DHVWKHWLFV 7KH image of architecture is being perceived as a application of media and imagery is becoming consumer driven landscape, and only engaging less and less referenced to the building and WKH LQGLYLGXDO DW D VXSHU¿FLDO OHYHO RPLWWLQJ more inclined as a light show. The historical the complexity of design. An activation of the and modern presence of architecture is hidden physical and phenomenological interactions of behind New York’s cosmetic facelift. This the human individual and architecture should metaphor - “the skin is slit open, pulled tight, be investigated and revived. Our society will 22 and reattached,”23 UHDPSOL¿HV .RROKDDV¶V not change, but only grow and therefore our ... ‡‡‡ statement of Manhattan continuously engagement is key in developing a cohesive rebuilding itself. I question and condone interaction between consumer urbanites and one parameter they dictate which I do not urban architecture. 339-3/002006-11-11_032/033
  • 40.
  • 41. q u e s t i o n i n g ................delineating..........coding deconstructing................deriving.............suggesting............ specifying............. instigating ...................subtracting ................occupying...............deploying.............................. installing....................categorizing.......displaying................. transferring..........transforming................ highlighting................ finding............ meandering .................traveling.......sharing .........swapping.........deviating...... detouring.........constructing ......... habitating ......interacting....activating............ c o m m u n i c a t i n g . . . . . . . . m e rg i n g . . . . . . . . g r a f t i n g . . . . . . . . . r e - configuring.....modulating........... un-plugging ......... plugging..............retracting.........locking........joining ............informing........brewing.........PROGRAMMING
  • 42. PROGRAM WEB: input The design Intent is an investigation in the re-comm MATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by natural symbolism, imagery compatible with natural processes / “soul” cannot exist without body; rebirth principle Matriarchal Lineage The Human Body Fashion industry / indust New layer of skin / branded with new armor / extension of envelope extension of memory / part of my identity technologies have extended the human senses and have become new media appendages grafted interfaces linking information, communication, and entertainment mechanism to plug into - respond to Exteroception / Proprioception / Interoception responding and communicating through “blushing and sweating” sense of the body react to senses of the building Surface, Non-reciprical looking / the bubble / personalized environments What happens when there is no intimate relationship with urban fabric The end result will be an attempt in facilitating an interac
  • 43. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix munication between the individual and architecture. PATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by anti-natural symbolism, imagery incompatible with natural processes or at least artificial or mechanical / “soul” seeks release from body; immortality principle Patriarchal Lineage Consumer Devices rial design / Architecture Identity Marker, human branding as a response to classification The idea of an “artifact” becomes the key cognitive relationship, between user and product interface [code-map_1] Media driven “rainforest” / the billboards division / selling a lifestyle. Marketing: the edifice was the first cultural not integrate as a communicator. Product form / exterior communicating information / quality and perception of life . Material, sensory qualities, originality and creative innovation Psychological effects of material possessions ction between the individual, the street, and the building 339-3/002006-11-11_036/037
  • 44. Activation_ verb: 1. an instance of birth through transmission of force. 2. to set in motion a series of events. 3. in context, activation is the renewal of user participation within an urban setting. Transient_ adjective: 1. to live, pass through, be acknowledged, make presence, or occupy shortly. 2. a person who travels without recognition of ones place and time. 3. the act of masking the perception of the environment. Sensory Perception_ noun: 1. to acknowledge emotion through physiologi- cal interactions. 2. relates to senses (see pg. 12) with a grounding of placement in a setting. 3. the reception of stimuli affecting ones cogni- tive state.
  • 45. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix This investigation and research is a process in now adapting to this newly created ephemeral GHYHORSLQJ D FRGH RU IRUPXOD IRU VSHFL¿F GHVLJQ city by processing our daily activities in quick parameters. There are two primary guidelines “stop and go actions.” It is now a matter of for this code: the human body and consumer traveling from point A to point B, and the devices. These will be called the matriarchal distance between is occupied by the media and patriarchal lines (see code-map_1). grafted to our body. From these lines will derive the conditions for design evaluation. The matriarchal line Antonin Artaud, an avant-garde poet and [the human body] will analyze, deconstruct, playwright wrote this quote about the human 1 and re-construct conditions from the human body as a machine. “Under the skin the body ._ body as a discovery mode in developing site is an over-heated factory,/ and outside,/ the and programmatic functions. The patriarchal invalid shines,/ glows,/ from every burst line [consumer devices] will question the user pore.”1 I interpret it as a symbolism of what is [program theory] activation of the project. With this weave occurring in today’s age. We…the individual… or network of information we can develop a the human body, within the realm of our response to the ongoing urban shift (see code- physical and phenomenological interaction to map_2). This shift, again, is the separation urbanity, are becoming deactivated machines. between the transient individual and The mechanisms of our bodily functions, such architecture. As stated, consumerism’s media as walking, driving, and eating breakfast, devices have changed our sensory perception, work but our sensory interactions with the having become integrated as new organ(s) city are disappearing. These media devices within our bodies. Our realization of placement shelter our relation to the city and to other within the urban fabric is now masked through transitive urbanites. Artaud continues with our cosmetic supplements and has changed a “declaration of war” on the human body; the individual into a transient being. These “The body is the body/ it is all by itself/ and supplements intend to be devices, added to has no need of organs/ the body is never an PDNH XS IRU RXU GH¿FLHQFLHV DV DQ RUJDQLVP organism/ organisms are the enemies of the 2 ._ and to strengthen the body as a whole. They body”2….“for you can tie me up if you wish, have extended our periphery senses, but have but there is nothing more useless than an in-turn weakened our connection to the city. organ.”3 Although I do not agree with his This masking has made us partially oblivious statement that the body’s organs are useless, 3 to the surrounding environment, and we are I do believe the interpretations of the “body ._ 339-3/002006-11-11_038/039
  • 46. Masking_ verb: 1. to shield or hide something. 2. shadowing or dissipating in reference to place. 3. in context, masking refers to the perceptual and psycho- logical removal of the city. this is a condition created un-willingly and accidental, which can be adjusted for.
  • 47. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix without organs” in Delueze and Guattari’s senses in response to the outside world. The Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus are hypochondriac may only see the world as a good illustrations behind the reasoning of germ infested surface, and the paranoid will the separation within today’s society. Their always feel as though he is under attack. concept of “the body without organs” implies that within society there are conditions or In all of these parameters there are instances circumstances which remove the functions of ZKHUH D QDWXUDO RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFH KDV organs within the human body and reshape implemented a change within the psyche and our sensory systems. These conditions dictate then inherently with our body and senses. I instances where our human psyche disregards believe that in today’s consumer driven world, the role of the body’s mechanisms in response we have a new condition which can be applied WR RXWVLGH LQÀXHQFHV We are “desiring- to this “body without organs.” Our attachment machines,” man and nature combined to consumer products has become the sixth as one system of relationships, and that circumstance: the cybernetic body These media devices are masking the urban WKHVH LQÀXHQFHV DUH D FFOH ZLWK ZKLFK ZH environment from us. They are creating share in nature.4 This idea of a homogenous new anti-social/personalized environments 4 _.. cycle is a very important variable in this design within the psyche and are re-formulating code. The presence of consumer media is not the presence of the urban environment upon a factor that can be removed from society, and our senses. The eye as an organ, no longer in turn should be incorporated with design as focuses on the immediate surroundings, but an adapted mode of thinking. The conditions instead creates a mental image in response that Delueze and Guattari speak of, “the body to what the media device is focused on. ZLWKRXW RUJDQV´ EHFRPHV DSSDUHQW DV ¿YH We could say that we are suppressing our VSHFL¿F FLUFXPVWDQFHV the hypochondriac physical response to sensory stimuli. What body, the paranoid body, the schizo body, the becomes interesting is this idea of a personal 5 drugged body, and the masochist body.5 For environment. What happens when urban _.. example, the drugged body refers to a body SXEOLF VSDFH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK DQ LQ¿QLWH DPRXQW EHLQJ LQVXI¿FLHQW WR D SRLQW ZKHUH GUXJV IXO¿OO of private environments? This is where the the space where the organs once were. They GHVLJQ FRGH EHFRPHV DSSOLHG DV D ¿OWHU RI imply then, that the organs no longer function variables. These variables, parameters, within the correct application that they were and questions derive relationships from one designed for. It references a masking of our another and attempt to create design logic. 339-3/002006-11-11_040/041
  • 48. PROGRAM WEB: output The design Intent is an investigation in the re-comm MATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by natural symbolism, imagery compatible with natural processes / “soul” cannot exist without body; rebirth principle Matriarchal Lineage The Human Body Fashion industry / indust Exteroception / Proprioception / Interoception Facade - Skin - Armour - Facilitator User activator Organs and Informative Corridors Interface / cognitive relationship Mechanical system and network of interfaces. Communicator - user / urban fabric Access to temporary environments. Application as extension for body - Mechanism Information Corridors Sensory stimuli Facilities / administration / program functions. Main Programmatic function - Spine Network Docking bays for “plugs” Integration of personalized environment into the interaction of urban fabric Secondary Programmatic Functions Surface - Material Positioning in Space Where do the interactions need to occur to re-integrate the user back into the building? How do we adapt architecture to the consumer driven landscape? Consumer media is not a factor that can be removed from society, and in turn should be incorporated with design as an adapted mode of thinking. How do you design for a user group that responds to ephemeral vision? What happens to urban space when it is masked? What happens when urban public space is filled with infinite private environments? PROGRAM SHOULD BE A DAILY ACTIVITY FOR THE TRANSITIVE INDIVIDUAL. IT SHOULD BE A MOMENT WHERE PROGRAM AND HUMAN INTERACTION OCCUR IN THE URBAN FABRIC. IT SHOULD BE ABLE TO RETAIN ITS EPHEMERAL CHARAC- TERISTICS, BUT INTEGRATE ITSELF AND THE USER. Site requirements become adjacencies to public squares or street level w/ enough sqft to have an “interaction ground.” Proposed for any urban environment...may be customized for cultural specifica- tions. Pre-Fab mechanical interfaces and docking stations as well as interior media modules. The end result will be an attempt in facilitating an intera
  • 49. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix munication between the individual and architecture. PATRIARCHAL ATTITUDE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Characterized by anti-natural symbolism, imagery incompatible with natural processes or at least artificial or mechanical / “soul” seeks release from body; immortality principle Patriarchal Lineage Consumer Devices trial design / Architecture User Application How do bodies perform or react differently to the interfaces? Do we change as individuals? How? Why? [code-map_2] The physical attributes to architecture should be taken into consideration as a “latching tool” for the individual. What happens when we detach from them? How do we feel when we detach / loose them? Where do the mechanized interfaces come from? Re-tractable modules? Self Service Application? Application must be accessed from street level...traveling urbanite interaction. What type of information, communication, and entertainment is provided? Interior organs, must relate to Media devices. What is the psychological affect on the individual? Does it change the perception of the environment? DOES THE ENVIRONMENT ADAPT AND MERGE WITH THE PRIVATIZED BUBBLE, INTO A HOMOGENEOUS INTERACTION? I.E. PROBLEM OF SEPARATION HAS BEEN REACTIVATED THROUGH HUMAN INTERVENTION, BUT THE EPHEMERAL QUALITIES OF MEDIA DEVICES ARE STILL ACTIVE. ction between the individual, the street, and the building 339-3/002006-11-11_042/043
  • 50. Inhibitor_ noun: 1. an accelerator of a situation. 2. increaser level of stimuli. 3. inhibitors do not work on their own, they attach to a given thing, and tunes their senses (positively and negatively). 4. in context, the inhibitors are the media de- vices which mask our environment. as objects they increase the level of perception and recog- nition within an urban setting.
  • 51. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix The program code will consist of three phases: In order to re-engage the individual off the the project birth, the project placement, the street and activate program, the physical and project application. This code is a response phenomenological interaction will occur within to the research of consumerism, the effect it the skin[s] of the building. As stated earlier KDV RQ WKH LQGLYLGXDO VSHFL¿FDOO ZLWK PHGLD the skin[s] should have moments of habitation devices and marketing billboards), and the to occupy and a certain amount of depth. systems and networks of the human body. With this collection of data, a design condition was Question 2: Since consumer media is not observed implementing an approach scheme. a factor which can be removed, how do we This data was then categorized, diagramed, adapt architecture to the consumer driven and applied to these three phases in attempt to landscape? This project focuses on media develop a solution for the separation, and a re- devices as an inhibitor for this ephemeral interaction between the transitive urbanite and masking as well as a source for information, the ephemeral city. The following section may communication, and entertainment. With this need to be referred back to these diagrams for in consideration, this project will incorporate further understanding (code-map_1 + 2). the applied logic and services of media and technology information. This logic may The Project Birth is the inception of the articulate methods and principals, which [program code] proposed project elements for this thesis. To these devices can communicate with design derive the main application for this project we attributes for the user. have to consider the research for factors and limitations to design with. In this situation, a Question 3: How do you design for a user series of questions were derived, with which group that responds to this ephemeral vision? JDYH VSHFL¿F SDUDPHWHUV WR GHVLJQ E This circumstance relates to question 2, but EHFRPHV PRUH VSHFL¿F 6RFLHW¶V SRS FXOWXUH Question 1: Where do the interactions need is a sophisticated assemblage of signals, to occur to re-establish the physical and rumors, and images, in a constant attempt phenomenological communication between WR UHGH¿QH WKH QHZ LQ RUGHU WR FRPPRGLI 1 the individual and architecture? The design “lifestyles” into products.1 It is an instance _____ LVVXH LV VSHFL¿F LQ VWDWLQJ WKDW WKH LQWHUDFWLRQ which will not change but only continue to between the transient individual and the develop. By understanding this concept, urban fabric must occur at the street edge. the design of this project should adapt 339-3/002006-11-11_0044/045
  • 52.
  • 53. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix DQG FRQ¿JXUH WR WKLV HSKHPHUDO YLVLRQ % themselves. This could perhaps relieve some modifying the transient urbanite’s “bubble”, of the information gathering from the public without subjugating or disrupting their mind’s space. Another resolution could perhaps framework, a harmonious interaction between deploy mini-environments onto public spaces, the user and the project may be re-activated. attempting to re-activate the independent The project’s main program should then individual. incorporate the ideas of functions which can be applicable to a transient individual as an In response to these questions and conditions, H[WHQVLRQ RI WKHLU GDLO ÀRZ a design proposal has been achieved. The project birth will be an urban coffee distribution Question 4: What happens when urban center. It will engage the urbanite off the SXEOLF VSDFH LV ¿OOHG ZLWK DQ LQ¿QLWH DPRXQW street edge with a series of automated coffee of private environments? This is a question pumps. There would be a type of interface could be a thesis on its own, but has relevance activated from a skin[s] to supply to the user to this project. The scale of this idea is much group “get in and get out.” There will be a larger than that of the separation in which this secondary program element activated from thesis speaks of, but implies the loss of human another skin[s] to accommodate the user interaction with one another. The awkward group “relaxed informative.” They will have approach to a stranger has disappeared. Your the opportunity to get coffee (automated as SHUVRQDOL]HG ¿UHZDOO KDV VRFLDOO VHSDUDWHG well) and interact with an array of informative you from the unwanted interactions with media devices. Details of these functions people such as the homeless or street side will be applied in the phase The Project marketers. It is classifying the individual as Application. an extreme independent, and brings forth an interesting programmatic relationship for The Project Placement phase derives this project. Although the project is focused possibilities for applicable sites. It will look on the application of the user and the street into research of current coffee markets for edge, there is a secondary program which application as well as design improvements. can evolve. Within the basic programmatic Starbucks coffee will be the primary source functions of the building, there could be for comparison. The world distribution of individualized environments for users to Starbucks Coffee is diagramed in code-map_3. gather information, communicate, or entertain The Starbucks Corporation has reached out to 339-3/002006-11-11_0046/047
  • 54. canada united kingdom germany france austria swiss spain greece turkey japan united states lebanon kuwait south korea cyprus saudia arabia beijing hawaii shanghai thailand taiwan hong kong singapore malaysia peru argentina australia chile new zealand [Global sites for Starbucks: code-map_3]
  • 55. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix the international market and as of October 5th, of consumers, 80% of coffee drinkers are in 2006 it consists of over 12,000 stores in 37 countries.2 Starbucks has come into debate WKH XVHU SUR¿OH ³JHW LW DQG JHW RXW´* This 2 . .. over the last few years, due to their globalized implies that programmatically, distribution expansion. What is interesting to see is that LQ TXDQWLW LV PRUH HI¿FLHQW IRU WKH XUEDQLWH although Starbucks is the monopoly giant This therefore leads to the concept of a Self- which we all know, it only accounts for roughly Service (SST) activation off the street edge. two percent of global coffee production.3 This “SSTs are technological interfaces that enable 3 .__ illustrates the consumption of coffee around customers to produce a service independent of WKH ZRUOG DQG MXVWL¿HV DQ H[SORUDWLRQ LQWR D direct service employee involvement.” (Bitner, new design approach and delivery method. 50) Imagine, walking through the city and Within the United States, Starbucks accounts then suddenly activating a kiosk interface for for 8,905 retail stores (code-map_4) and has coffee dispensing. It would be as convenient just announced its plan to increase worldwide as an ATM machine, Wawa sandwich selection stores from 12,000 to 40,000. Approximately interface, or a “pay at the pump” terminal. 3 stores open daily, and if they reach their Numerous branches or outposts could be quota, they would double to triple the amount implemented upon the street edge, eliminating of Starbucks stores in the United States. long lines and potentially decrease price due Figure 17 demonstrates the urban congestion to less physical employment. of cafes within a 3 mile radius of city hall in Philadelphia. This bring into question whether The concept of the program is designated by it is necessary to clutter the urban fabric with a system of skin[s] and surfaces which the LQHI¿FLHQW NLRVNV RI FRIIHHquot; human could physically inhabit and activate. This environment will have the ability through I don’t question the need for coffee, but in SST technology to service the city as a most of these torrefactions the coffee is pre- whole. It could also then be implemented measured and implemented in the design of in any urban environment…globally, even an automated machine. The interaction with customized, assuming that consumer society employee personnel is very limited and can be in that area is applicable to the design code. experienced while this ephemeral masking is For the application of a building program, its activated. In addition, with the exception to SODFHPHQW LV YHU VSHFL¿F EXW YHU YHUVDWLOH a numerous but proportionately small amount The potential users could be any urbanite, but These statistics were taken off a personal survey, and is not meant to * factual...only estimated. 339-3/002006-11-11_0048/049
  • 56. rivers ----- no_build ZONE ----- distribution_centers ----- ----- square/free_space r ----- temp_kiosk urban_voids ----- an n ----- urban_growth w [Urban Voids Philadelphia / Sites: code-map_6]
  • 57. abstract statement research theory code specification thoughts appendix would probably have a high success rate with development of these mechanisms, in which an age group of 15 – 35. this phase talks about, is again derived from this design code. The project application is The urban coffee distribution center would highlighted by a three word principal, taken 4 need an acceptable amount of open square from Teyssot’s “Mutant Body of Architecture:”4 _ ‡‡ feet adjacent to the street edge. This could Exteroception / Proprioception / Interoception. be referenced as a square or piazza, open to I will begin with Proprioception, which deals WKH SXEOLF ZLWK WKH VNLQV@ GH¿QLQJ KDELWDWLRQ with our senses and our positioning of The interfaces would form habitation dents in VSDFH 7KLV LV DSSOLHG YHU VSHFL¿FDOO WR WKH the surfaces off the street edge. In order for movements of the human body and how they the street to be “invited” into the square, its react to the given interface, as well as the juxtaposition should be at least 50ft long. The placements of appendages. The control of the program would ultimately work best on a two human body is referenced as a collection of sided street lot or positioned adjacent to a movements and gestures translated as one public meeting ground (i.e. square, park, etc.) mechanism and not a series of independent Independent kiosks or remote outposts could parts.5 (Foucault, 137) This is important 4 ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV LQWHJUDWHG LQ WKH XUEDQ IDEULF to apply within this project, because it ._. ORFDWHG DW VSHFL¿F MXQFWLRQV RU YRLGV 7KHVH integrates the three design programs as one nodes would be one to two habitation dents mechanical body working in unison. These in a surface implemented like an installation design programs have individual qualities on the city; plugged in as programmatic [retail – individual movements and gestures], ¿OOHUV 2WKHU DSSHQGDJHV FRXOG LQVWLJDWH but become communicative as a whole. The interactions in public environments, such as SURMHFW LV WKHQ PRGL¿HG VLPXOWDQHRXVO E deployable cafés randomly extracted in parks human bodies…working as a mechanism. and squares. “…scale of the control: it was question not of treating the body, en masse, The Project Application becomes the ‘wholesale’, as if it were an in dissociable VQWKHVLV RI WKH RWKHU WZR SKDVHV ,W VSHFL¿FDOO unity, but of working it ‘retail’, individually; looks at the interaction of the human body of exercising upon a subtle coercion, of in the project scope. This phase details the obtaining holds upon it at the level of the concept of how the building provides a function mechanism itself – movements, gestures, and is simultaneously a communicator. The DWWLWXGHV UDSLGLW DQ LQ¿QLWHVLPDO SRZHU 339-3/002006-11-11_0050/051