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Competition and communication:
                                                to the rescue of fragile competitive markets
                                                                            by Julia Harrison, Managing Partner, FD Blueprint

                              20   l0 is shaping up to be a fascinating year in the EU and nowhere more so
                                than in competition policy. Having got used to a fairly omnipotent position
                                     ruling on headline grabbing merger and other transactions, with a few
                               exceptions the last l8 months have seen a complete reversal of focus if not
                            fortune for EU competition authorities.The objective of competition policies
                             is to make markets work well for the benefit of consumers and business.The
                              generally accepted principle has been that the market economy is the most
                                    effective way to provide consumers with goods and services at the best
                                 conditions, in terms of price, qualit¡ choice and innovation and the theory
                                 goes that it is the enforcement of antitrust, cartel and state aid rules that
                                                                 leads to the realisation of effective markets.

During the economic crisis the competit¡on                    entwined. lndeed competition policy is becoming
spotlight switched from review of proactive private           integrated with and subject to more visible
sector and market machinations to       reactive public       interconnections with a range of other policy areas,
sector attempts to support and bail out struggling            These links and cross references have always existed
businesses and prop up markets, particularly in the           subtly and in the EU legislative framework, Since the
financial services sector.The crisis has emphasised           pressures on competition policy during the
that, at EU-level at least, competition decisions are         negotiation of the Lisbon Treat, howeven and given
made on the basis of three not two analytical                 the new reality of a suddenly and very publicly
perspectives: regulatory/legal; economic and                  shocking complex financial crisis, the pressure on
markets; and thirdly the elephant in the room:                competition regulators, public authorities and
politics,                                                     political figures to be publicly more engaged in   a

   Political communication has become an essential            dialogue far wider than the purist regulatory one
aspect of the competition fìeld; for governments in           has increased enormously, No one is suggesting
need of protecting their political credibilit¡ but            that competition rules are being abandoned, but
more importantl¡ for companies needing to argue               this does mean a much greater effort to
their case and counter increasing public criticism.           communicate and explain the interrelationship
Business, particularly in   the financial sector, now   has   between regulatory or economic aspects and softer
to respond to much greater public scrutiny on the             political interests.
one hand and    to political and regulatory   pressures          Functionall¡ the new Competition Directorate
on the other.                                                 sees itself working much more closely with the
                                                              other DGs to establish a more coherent approach
Economic crisis, recovery and the                             to policy formation where antitrust/competition
treaty drive linkages with other                              rules are aligned with wider interests not opposed
policy areas                                                  to them.The aim of this renewed cooperation is not
As 2010 sees the beginnlngs of the EU drive                   just to achieve competition-friendly decisions in
towards recovery, the year has started with a                 cases which arose through crisis distress, but also to
confluence of factors which further underline just            establish three key thingsl fìrstly the competitive
how political communication and publlc affairs have           conditions for post crisis growth in key horizontal
become central to the EU competition dynamic,                 areas such as online commerce; secondly conditions
   The non-descript Llsbon Agenda has been                    which recognise the increased importance post
replaced by Europe 2020 as the EU's agreed path to            crisis of protecting the consumer; and thirdl¡
recovery from the reality of 23 million unemployed,           conditions which more effectively regulate particular
public defìcits at over 7% of GDP and                         sectors such as financial services in the post crisis
unprecedented levels of public debt, ln this hard             world,With these links to other central policy     areas
realit¡ competition regulation and competltiveness            and more public objectives comes a greater public
pollcy are due to become ever more closely                    requirement to explain and communicate the role of

competit¡on policy. A new onus will be placed on                   Financial serv¡ces regulation and the
 DG Competition to communicate beyond its usual                     wider compet¡t¡on context
 limited legal and regulatory audience and to explain               One of the hottest dossiers now on the table is of
 its critical role.                                                 course financial regulation, including the
                                                                    Commission's proposals on hedge funds,financial
 A new European Commission                                          supervision and updated capital requirements, Most
 ln February this year Joaquín Almunia, a social                    importantly for the competition world, it is crucial
 democrat who was previously Commissioner for                       that these regulations export the principles of open
 monetary and economic affairs,took up his position                 and fair competition to encourage the creation of
 as Commissioner in charge of competition. He is an                 strong business models.With a visible conflict
 assiduous Spanish politician who knows his way                     between Member States and the somewhat isolated
 around the European institutions perfectly and is                  position of the UK, there has been a surfeit of very
 known for tackling countries' deficits and putting                 vocal communication in some quarters and not all
 large countries under the grill, a perlect background              to good effect. ln an area so complex that      even

 for the challenges of economic recovery.                           officials complain of the lack of expertise and
     ln his first speech as Competition Commissioner                resource to 8et to grips with dossiers, how financial
 on February l5 and repeated many times since,                      services businesses communicate and advocate has
 Almunia has underlined that his top priority remains               never been more important.
 the same as in his previous mandate of economic                       No one is disputing the need to restore
 and monetary affairs: overcoming the financial and                 confidence and stability in fragile sectors and to
 economic crisis in the short term, and ensuring                    redress the regulatory environment in the fìnancial
 that European citizens and businesses achieve             a        services area.Although initially markets did mistakenly
 balanced growth in the long term, Promoting                        think they could argue for a return to business as
 competitiveness and creating iobs. Almunia sees                    usual/'light regulation' this was quickly abandoned'
 Competition policy as a fundamental tool for                       Restructuring and enhanced regulation are seen         as

 achieving these goals inextricably linked with wider               complementary routes leading to the same economic
 com Pet¡tiveness.                                                  recovery objective.This is how the Commission
          At the   same time Almunia has explained      that   a    presented its 2009 Communication to the European
     "reasoned and effective" application of competition            Council on'Driving the European Recovery', which
     rules is the best possible encouragement for                   put in place a framework and guidelines covering
     companies to abide by them."And this application is            restructuring of financial market regulation, The
     no less important in periods of economic crisis such           Commission insisted on ensuring that any future
     as   that wh¡ch we are experiencing today", adding             regulatory initiative in the fìnancial sector - whether
     that the harm caused by violations at such t¡mes               at global or European level - should take account of
     was even more significant.Although      it   is typical   to   competition principles to enable bâfrks to comPete
     set a tough line at the outset,Almun¡a does seem               successfully w¡thout state aid and re'establish market
     determined to follow this line; and as one of                  trust and confìdence in the financial system,The way
     European Commission President José Manuel                      forward in communications terms for the sector
     Barroso's most trusted allies, his appointment                  must lie   -   along with the need to explain some very
     underlines the importance attached to cracking                  sophisticated concepts and mechanisms      -   in

     down on any signs of protectionism or flouting of               embracing the context of the wider comPetitiveness
     EU competition rules.                                           agenda and demonstrating the value and contribution

          Although European Commissioners are meant to               of the sector not ¡ust to those working inside it, but
     be impartial to    national influence, one fact of EU           to the competitiveness of the wider economy and the
     political life is that all Member States recognise the          stabil¡ty of our wider society.The confluence of
     kudos of managing a major portfolio, at EuroPean                sector positioning and competitiveness objectives
     level.The competition post is seen as one of the toP            should be helpful in this resPect.
     jobs for Member States to secure, Previous
     Competition Commissioner Kroes who lead a                       A new European Parliament
     tough competitive battle is a hard act to follow.               2009 was decisive for the European Parliament as
     Beginning his term with the high profile                        the new European Members of the Parliament were
     announcement of the investigation into Google and               elected or re-elected in June, Support for the
     sensitive issues such as the review of vertical                 majority centre-right Parties held stead¡ while
     restraints certainly indicates Almunia's bold and               overall the Socialists, though still the second-largest
     determined approach from the outset,                            group, were much diminished, Due to a number of

scandals involving power and parliamentary-                      merger in the UK, and the Commerzbank/Dresdner
expenses, several MEPs were punished and there                   merger in Germany           -   fell under the jurisdiction of
were significant protest votes for far-right part¡es (in         national competition authorities. Mergers in general
the Netherlands, UK, Hungar¡ Finland,Austria,                    have declined due to liquidity issues and the
Denmark, Greece, ltaly and Slovakia), who increased              difficulty in raising finance.The Commission,
their representation with vows to close borders,                 therefore, has sought to show flexibility and
evict immigrants or dismantle the EU,                            adaptabilit¡ react¡ng as quickly as possible as
    With the success for the centre-right majority it            competition authorities are forced to be more
is hoped that there will be a more sympathetic                   creative in thinking about appropriate remedies.
hearing for industry for some of the financial                   DG Competition confirmed that, where applicable, it
services legislation which is currently under                    would also take into account the so-called'failing
consideration in the European Parliament, On the                 firm defence', which permits the clearance of              a
much debated AIFM the EP is thought to be the best               merger to keep the company from going under, by
hope for a balanced outcome,This is however by no                accepting that a failing company may be acquired in
means certain given the ascendancy of consumer                   order to save it from total collapse.Traditionall¡ the
policy and public interest in most areas of legislation          Brussels regulator has been reluctant            to accept such
currently.The role of sensitive and appropriately                arguments and in the past such mergers would not
timed communication and of the underlying                        have been cleared.
rationale of some of the competition arguments will                 When M&A activity picks up again, not only in
play a crucial role balancing the instinctive anti-              the financial sector, but also in other areas of the
market sentiments that can ar¡se at times in the EP              economy where the effects of the crisis may result
                                                                 in certain forms of consolidation, there will be new
lmpact on competition policies of                                challenges and decision makers will have to
financial cris¡s                                                 recalibrate judgements as to what level of economic
The financial crisis continues to influence many of              stability has been reached and what impact likely
the forthcoming EU policies and in turn impact                   high levels of consolidation and deal flow will have
enforcement, particularly of competition policy and              on recovering markets.The crisis will continue to
particularly in the fìnancial sector,                            impact the way EU decision-makers go about
   At   an early stage in the crisis Member States               enforcing competition policy and we can expect
clutched at State Aid DG Competition and with                    to   see ongoing domestic political manoeuvring,
exclusive competence     to examine     cases    it suddenly     some of which will be successful. Companies and
found itself swamped,                                            nat¡onal governments will have           to ensure the
    ln the banking sector, DG Competition made it a              broader political and economic risks are fully
principle to ensure that competition between banks               taken into consideration, Competitors or other
in different Member States and between banks that                interested pârties w¡ll increasingly call on collateral
had different risk profìles was safeguarded,At the               political influencers   -   either via public affairs or
same time, a rapid response     to Member        State           communication mechanisms             - to influence decision-
measures for individual banks and national schemes               makers in their assessment of competition cases,
to support the   banking sector was indispensable to                  The role in merger approval processes of both
provide legal certainty and help restore financial               economics, already increasingly important           -   witness
stability, Highly political discussions with Member              the growth in the chief economist's office in DG
States during the approval period were intensified               Competition - and of communications of the wider
and time spans concertinaed in some cases to                     context of a deal will increase significantly.
almost overnight in order to enable expeditious                  Companies and legal advisors currently take differing
decisions. Post this intense period     it   is easy to forget   approaches to the EU when seeking approval from
the pressures of the time, However, the subsequent               DG Competition, Some integrate media and political
impacts of the state aid decisions will be seen for              communication or public affairs outreach from the
quite some time and re-establishing the recovery                 outset   -   particularly in the more high profile
level playing fìeld will be a task that will require the         transactions, others restrict input        to   Phase   ll when
careful consideration and application of enforcement             the involvement of the wider College of
across the full range of competition measures,                   Commissioners in the decision dictates
   On the merger side, DG Competition             has            complementary outreach beyond DG Competition,
recently been confronted with a rather limited                   Moving forward, however, the wider communication
number of cases directly related to the financial                of societal as well as economic value of deals; the
sector. Some mergers    -   such as the LloydsiHBOS              public affairs engagement with a broader range of

regulatory and above all political stakeholders           foreseeable future there will be intense political
     beyond DG    Competition; and,   the integration of       interest and scrutiny in investigations and
     political messaging alongside investor and capital        competition cases of all sorts.These will be assessed
     market communications, will undoubtedly make          a   beyond the purely jurisdictional sphere of the
     significant difference to successful outcomes.            competit¡on authorities both politically and in the
        So how should companies cope with the crisis           court of public   as   well as investor opinion. More
     environment, the new institutions, the changing           than ever, competition cases will be dependent on
     pressures and influencing factors outlined above in       the economic context, regulator¡ institutional and
     the face of the new and highly impactful regulatory       political environment.
     environmentf Two basic rules apply: first refresh            2010 will demand from companies a wider
     communication channels in order to secure new             perspect¡ve, sensitive and increased communication
     political allies amongst newly appointed                  around competition and antitrust issues, particularly
     policymakers.Think more broadly beyond the tactics        in the fìnancial world.
     and themes of particular issues and regulatory
     arguments - communication of the broader                                                                  Author:
     engagement and contribution of companies, while                                  Julia Harrison, Managing Partner
     often the first thing to be cut in economic                                                          FD Blueprint
     downturns, has never been more important in the                                                Avenue desArts 58
     EU and regulatory context.                                                                           1000 Brussels
        Typically companies develop crisis communications,                                                      Belgium
     lR and capital markets strategies and think less                                              Tel: +32 (2) 289 0946
     about'soft' or political communication. ln the new                                          ¡¿¡1;+32 (2) 513 0577
     regulatory environment and expanded forward role                            Email:
     of competition policy in the wider context for the                                      Web: www.fdbluepri


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Commarca comunicación 7

  • 1. Competition and communication: to the rescue of fragile competitive markets by Julia Harrison, Managing Partner, FD Blueprint 20 l0 is shaping up to be a fascinating year in the EU and nowhere more so than in competition policy. Having got used to a fairly omnipotent position ruling on headline grabbing merger and other transactions, with a few exceptions the last l8 months have seen a complete reversal of focus if not fortune for EU competition authorities.The objective of competition policies is to make markets work well for the benefit of consumers and business.The generally accepted principle has been that the market economy is the most effective way to provide consumers with goods and services at the best conditions, in terms of price, qualit¡ choice and innovation and the theory goes that it is the enforcement of antitrust, cartel and state aid rules that leads to the realisation of effective markets. During the economic crisis the competit¡on entwined. lndeed competition policy is becoming spotlight switched from review of proactive private integrated with and subject to more visible sector and market machinations to reactive public interconnections with a range of other policy areas, sector attempts to support and bail out struggling These links and cross references have always existed businesses and prop up markets, particularly in the subtly and in the EU legislative framework, Since the financial services sector.The crisis has emphasised pressures on competition policy during the that, at EU-level at least, competition decisions are negotiation of the Lisbon Treat, howeven and given made on the basis of three not two analytical the new reality of a suddenly and very publicly perspectives: regulatory/legal; economic and shocking complex financial crisis, the pressure on markets; and thirdly the elephant in the room: competition regulators, public authorities and politics, political figures to be publicly more engaged in a Political communication has become an essential dialogue far wider than the purist regulatory one aspect of the competition fìeld; for governments in has increased enormously, No one is suggesting need of protecting their political credibilit¡ but that competition rules are being abandoned, but more importantl¡ for companies needing to argue this does mean a much greater effort to their case and counter increasing public criticism. communicate and explain the interrelationship Business, particularly in the financial sector, now has between regulatory or economic aspects and softer to respond to much greater public scrutiny on the political interests. one hand and to political and regulatory pressures Functionall¡ the new Competition Directorate on the other. sees itself working much more closely with the other DGs to establish a more coherent approach Economic crisis, recovery and the to policy formation where antitrust/competition treaty drive linkages with other rules are aligned with wider interests not opposed policy areas to them.The aim of this renewed cooperation is not As 2010 sees the beginnlngs of the EU drive just to achieve competition-friendly decisions in towards recovery, the year has started with a cases which arose through crisis distress, but also to confluence of factors which further underline just establish three key thingsl fìrstly the competitive how political communication and publlc affairs have conditions for post crisis growth in key horizontal become central to the EU competition dynamic, areas such as online commerce; secondly conditions The non-descript Llsbon Agenda has been which recognise the increased importance post replaced by Europe 2020 as the EU's agreed path to crisis of protecting the consumer; and thirdl¡ recovery from the reality of 23 million unemployed, conditions which more effectively regulate particular public defìcits at over 7% of GDP and sectors such as financial services in the post crisis unprecedented levels of public debt, ln this hard world,With these links to other central policy areas realit¡ competition regulation and competltiveness and more public objectives comes a greater public pollcy are due to become ever more closely requirement to explain and communicate the role of lD
  • 2. competit¡on policy. A new onus will be placed on Financial serv¡ces regulation and the DG Competition to communicate beyond its usual wider compet¡t¡on context limited legal and regulatory audience and to explain One of the hottest dossiers now on the table is of its critical role. course financial regulation, including the Commission's proposals on hedge funds,financial A new European Commission supervision and updated capital requirements, Most ln February this year Joaquín Almunia, a social importantly for the competition world, it is crucial democrat who was previously Commissioner for that these regulations export the principles of open monetary and economic affairs,took up his position and fair competition to encourage the creation of as Commissioner in charge of competition. He is an strong business models.With a visible conflict assiduous Spanish politician who knows his way between Member States and the somewhat isolated around the European institutions perfectly and is position of the UK, there has been a surfeit of very known for tackling countries' deficits and putting vocal communication in some quarters and not all large countries under the grill, a perlect background to good effect. ln an area so complex that even for the challenges of economic recovery. officials complain of the lack of expertise and ln his first speech as Competition Commissioner resource to 8et to grips with dossiers, how financial on February l5 and repeated many times since, services businesses communicate and advocate has Almunia has underlined that his top priority remains never been more important. the same as in his previous mandate of economic No one is disputing the need to restore and monetary affairs: overcoming the financial and confidence and stability in fragile sectors and to economic crisis in the short term, and ensuring redress the regulatory environment in the fìnancial that European citizens and businesses achieve a services area.Although initially markets did mistakenly balanced growth in the long term, Promoting think they could argue for a return to business as competitiveness and creating iobs. Almunia sees usual/'light regulation' this was quickly abandoned' Competition policy as a fundamental tool for Restructuring and enhanced regulation are seen as achieving these goals inextricably linked with wider complementary routes leading to the same economic com Pet¡tiveness. recovery objective.This is how the Commission At the same time Almunia has explained that a presented its 2009 Communication to the European "reasoned and effective" application of competition Council on'Driving the European Recovery', which rules is the best possible encouragement for put in place a framework and guidelines covering companies to abide by them."And this application is restructuring of financial market regulation, The no less important in periods of economic crisis such Commission insisted on ensuring that any future as that wh¡ch we are experiencing today", adding regulatory initiative in the fìnancial sector - whether that the harm caused by violations at such t¡mes at global or European level - should take account of was even more significant.Although it is typical to competition principles to enable bâfrks to comPete set a tough line at the outset,Almun¡a does seem successfully w¡thout state aid and re'establish market determined to follow this line; and as one of trust and confìdence in the financial system,The way European Commission President José Manuel forward in communications terms for the sector Barroso's most trusted allies, his appointment must lie - along with the need to explain some very underlines the importance attached to cracking sophisticated concepts and mechanisms - in down on any signs of protectionism or flouting of embracing the context of the wider comPetitiveness EU competition rules. agenda and demonstrating the value and contribution Although European Commissioners are meant to of the sector not ¡ust to those working inside it, but be impartial to national influence, one fact of EU to the competitiveness of the wider economy and the political life is that all Member States recognise the stabil¡ty of our wider society.The confluence of kudos of managing a major portfolio, at EuroPean sector positioning and competitiveness objectives level.The competition post is seen as one of the toP should be helpful in this resPect. jobs for Member States to secure, Previous Competition Commissioner Kroes who lead a A new European Parliament tough competitive battle is a hard act to follow. 2009 was decisive for the European Parliament as Beginning his term with the high profile the new European Members of the Parliament were announcement of the investigation into Google and elected or re-elected in June, Support for the sensitive issues such as the review of vertical majority centre-right Parties held stead¡ while restraints certainly indicates Almunia's bold and overall the Socialists, though still the second-largest determined approach from the outset, group, were much diminished, Due to a number of (D
  • 3. scandals involving power and parliamentary- merger in the UK, and the Commerzbank/Dresdner expenses, several MEPs were punished and there merger in Germany - fell under the jurisdiction of were significant protest votes for far-right part¡es (in national competition authorities. Mergers in general the Netherlands, UK, Hungar¡ Finland,Austria, have declined due to liquidity issues and the Denmark, Greece, ltaly and Slovakia), who increased difficulty in raising finance.The Commission, their representation with vows to close borders, therefore, has sought to show flexibility and evict immigrants or dismantle the EU, adaptabilit¡ react¡ng as quickly as possible as With the success for the centre-right majority it competition authorities are forced to be more is hoped that there will be a more sympathetic creative in thinking about appropriate remedies. hearing for industry for some of the financial DG Competition confirmed that, where applicable, it services legislation which is currently under would also take into account the so-called'failing consideration in the European Parliament, On the firm defence', which permits the clearance of a much debated AIFM the EP is thought to be the best merger to keep the company from going under, by hope for a balanced outcome,This is however by no accepting that a failing company may be acquired in means certain given the ascendancy of consumer order to save it from total collapse.Traditionall¡ the policy and public interest in most areas of legislation Brussels regulator has been reluctant to accept such currently.The role of sensitive and appropriately arguments and in the past such mergers would not timed communication and of the underlying have been cleared. rationale of some of the competition arguments will When M&A activity picks up again, not only in play a crucial role balancing the instinctive anti- the financial sector, but also in other areas of the market sentiments that can ar¡se at times in the EP economy where the effects of the crisis may result in certain forms of consolidation, there will be new lmpact on competition policies of challenges and decision makers will have to financial cris¡s recalibrate judgements as to what level of economic The financial crisis continues to influence many of stability has been reached and what impact likely the forthcoming EU policies and in turn impact high levels of consolidation and deal flow will have enforcement, particularly of competition policy and on recovering markets.The crisis will continue to particularly in the fìnancial sector, impact the way EU decision-makers go about At an early stage in the crisis Member States enforcing competition policy and we can expect clutched at State Aid DG Competition and with to see ongoing domestic political manoeuvring, exclusive competence to examine cases it suddenly some of which will be successful. Companies and found itself swamped, nat¡onal governments will have to ensure the ln the banking sector, DG Competition made it a broader political and economic risks are fully principle to ensure that competition between banks taken into consideration, Competitors or other in different Member States and between banks that interested pârties w¡ll increasingly call on collateral had different risk profìles was safeguarded,At the political influencers - either via public affairs or same time, a rapid response to Member State communication mechanisms - to influence decision- measures for individual banks and national schemes makers in their assessment of competition cases, to support the banking sector was indispensable to The role in merger approval processes of both provide legal certainty and help restore financial economics, already increasingly important - witness stability, Highly political discussions with Member the growth in the chief economist's office in DG States during the approval period were intensified Competition - and of communications of the wider and time spans concertinaed in some cases to context of a deal will increase significantly. almost overnight in order to enable expeditious Companies and legal advisors currently take differing decisions. Post this intense period it is easy to forget approaches to the EU when seeking approval from the pressures of the time, However, the subsequent DG Competition, Some integrate media and political impacts of the state aid decisions will be seen for communication or public affairs outreach from the quite some time and re-establishing the recovery outset - particularly in the more high profile level playing fìeld will be a task that will require the transactions, others restrict input to Phase ll when careful consideration and application of enforcement the involvement of the wider College of across the full range of competition measures, Commissioners in the decision dictates On the merger side, DG Competition has complementary outreach beyond DG Competition, recently been confronted with a rather limited Moving forward, however, the wider communication number of cases directly related to the financial of societal as well as economic value of deals; the sector. Some mergers - such as the LloydsiHBOS public affairs engagement with a broader range of (Ð
  • 4. regulatory and above all political stakeholders foreseeable future there will be intense political beyond DG Competition; and, the integration of interest and scrutiny in investigations and political messaging alongside investor and capital competition cases of all sorts.These will be assessed market communications, will undoubtedly make a beyond the purely jurisdictional sphere of the significant difference to successful outcomes. competit¡on authorities both politically and in the So how should companies cope with the crisis court of public as well as investor opinion. More environment, the new institutions, the changing than ever, competition cases will be dependent on pressures and influencing factors outlined above in the economic context, regulator¡ institutional and the face of the new and highly impactful regulatory political environment. environmentf Two basic rules apply: first refresh 2010 will demand from companies a wider communication channels in order to secure new perspect¡ve, sensitive and increased communication political allies amongst newly appointed around competition and antitrust issues, particularly policymakers.Think more broadly beyond the tactics in the fìnancial world. and themes of particular issues and regulatory arguments - communication of the broader Author: engagement and contribution of companies, while Julia Harrison, Managing Partner often the first thing to be cut in economic FD Blueprint downturns, has never been more important in the Avenue desArts 58 EU and regulatory context. 1000 Brussels Typically companies develop crisis communications, Belgium lR and capital markets strategies and think less Tel: +32 (2) 289 0946 about'soft' or political communication. ln the new ¡¿¡1;+32 (2) 513 0577 regulatory environment and expanded forward role Email: of competition policy in the wider context for the Web: www.fdbluepri (@