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1927 Dacia 973 64 YES YES
2006 973774408 196 YES YES
2012 606 175 YES
2015 Alba Trayectos 978 232 YES YES
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
G. M. Zamfirescu Miss Nastasia
poca Romanian
<p>„Miss Nastasia” is a tragic comedy in three acts. Nastasia , a
young woman from Joy slum lives with his father,  shoemaker Ion Sor-
cova in miserable conditions. She is a hardworking girl, clean and ho-
nest who dreams to get out from her humble condition. She dreams to
move into a neighborhood of honest people with Luke, the boy who she
loves since they were children. Vulpaşin, a  lazy drunkard from the
slum, asks her to become his wife, but she plans to marry with Luke in
2 weeks. Vulpașin kills Luke of jealousy. Nastasia accepts to marry with
Vulpașin who loves her very much, only for humiliate him and to make
him suffer.  In the wedding day, she commits suicide when Vulpașin
come to bring her to the church.</p>
Barbu Ștefănescu De-
lavrancea Sultănica București Agora Clasici români Romanian
<p>The literary work presents the destiny of a girl, named Sultanica,
whose father has died. This tragical family  event determined Sultanica
to interiorise and to stay apart even from her mother, preferring to be
alone in her grief. Besides all these, one day a boy she has fallen in
love with, bet with his friends that he would gain her over, and he decla-
red his love to her, even if he was going to marry the mayor’s daughter.
When Sultanica found out the boy’s real intentions her grief was deeper
and it was followed by her mother’s death and the leaving of the villa-
ge.  In conclusion in the literary work "Sultanica" by Barbu Delavrancea
the principle of equal chances among people with different social status
is broken . </p>
Ionel Teodoreanu Prăvale Baba București Agora Clasici români Romanian
<p>The novel “Pravale-Baba illustrates the fact that under the modes-
ty’s coat, it is hidden most of the times a man with special characteristi-
cs, whose actions shine in the eyes of those around him. Fanuta, a
poor child with a coat tailored from an old one, comes to school with a
poor lunch and, although he is socially underprivileged, he is the proud
of his class being  more intelligent than the other students. Despite this,
the mayor’s son has all the social advantages, is described as the cla-
ss’ fool and is correctly treated by the teacher. Thus, the Romanian no-
velist, IonelTeodoreanu, emphasizes the equality of chances among
children.  </p>
James Essinger El algoritmo de Ada Madrid
Alba Edi-
torial Spanish
<p><span> Ada Lovelace was Lord Byron's  only daughter, she studied
maths. She made an important apportation to modern
maths.<span> We can use this book to explain girls that they can go to
the university and study wathever they like. </span> </span></p>
<p><span>Ada Lovelace, única hija de Lord Byron, estudió matemati-
cas e hizo interesantes aportaciones a las matemáticas modernas. Se
puede usar este libro para trabajar con las niñas y explicarles que pue-
den ir a la universidad y estudiar la materia que más les
<p> </p>
<p><span> </span></p>
1894 9,786E+012 308 YES
1884 9,790E+012 115 NO
1908 973 356 YES NO
Ioan Slavici Mara București
ne Buildingsroman Romanian
<p>Mara is a romanian novel by Ioan Slavici, published in 1894 in „Va-
tra” magazine, but the volume appeared only in 1906. „Mara” is part of
the Bildungsroman, that is a novel of initiation and training because, th-
roughout the novel is given the passage of two children, Persida and
Trica, from childhood to adulthood and also the initiate in their life.</p>
<p>The title is the name of the main character, a strong and powerful
woman around which the action unfolds. The action is set in the late ni-
neteenth century and early twentieth century.</p>
<p>The novel begins with this character that gives it name: Mara, a
woman widowed with two children . Mara loved her children very much
and that's why she was able to do everything. She strange money every
day for both of them. They always wanted to be big girl and boy. She
wanted to send Persida to the monastery to be well educated, because
Mara`s feeling is that she will not be able to give a good education to
her, and the boy will be an apprentice.</p>
<p>It was translated in English, German, French and Hungarian.</p>
Ioan Slavici Pădureanca București Andreas Marii clasici Romanian
<pre><span>„ </span><span>Pădureanca” is a short story wri-
tten by Ioan Slavici. Padureanca is a realistic novel, because the the-
me, the heroes, the conflict and the subject are taken from the social
life of Transylvania, at the end of the nineteenth century.</span></pre>
<pre><span>         Iorgovan  is the main character of the novel. Simina,
a clever and an active girl is not going with her father to Socodar but
she remains to work in the house of Busuioc, where his wife, Vica wan-
ts to stay because Iorgovan designs to marry her. Neacşu, Simina’s fa-
ther dies because of cholera and Simina left alone in a conflict situa-
<pre><span>         <span>Padureanca classicist character of novel
stems from the fact that the heroes are universal human traits: Simina -
love, Iorgovan - indecision, Busuioc - pride, Neacsu - temperance, Şo-
fron – strength.</span></span></pre>
<pre><span>        Author causing the reader to engage in as a confi-
dent  who shares his thoughts and words of his heroes.</span></pre>
<pre><span>         „Pădureanca” was translated in French and German
(by Queen Elisabeth of Romania).</span></pre>
<pre><span> </span></pre>
Ion Agârbiceanu Fefeleaga București Facla Clasici români Romanian
<p>The short story "Fefeleaga" presents the tragic destiny of Maria
Dinu,a poor woman who was facing her horrbile life.When her husband
still lived she was called Dinu's Maria but at short time after her hus-
band's funeral everyone started calling her Fefeleaga and from that po-
int in time no one called her Maria again. She never asked for help from
anyone. From Dinu's death she only trusted Bator, her horse, which
helped her with the difficulties she had.</p>
<p>Fefeleaga worked hard for her 5 children.Every morning she went
with Bator to carry stones and building materials. After 5 years from her
husband's funeral 3 children died before turning 15 . One after another
they were all going to pass away.To be able to bury her daughter Pău-
nița, her last child Fefeleaga had to sell her horse, her only friend, who
helped her his intire life. She couldn't use Bator anymore because eve-
rytime she looked at him she started remembering the long streak of
deaths and simply couldn't get over it. Being a very dramatic and tragic
story, "Fefeleaga" written by Ion Agarbiceanu brings in the attention of
the reader not only the social aspect of the main character's life but
also her very deep and tragic destiny.</p>
<p>Fefeleaga was a poor woman, she worked from morning to evening
to earn enough money to feed her horse and her daughter. Although
she could hardly face the cruel life, she remained strong even when
nobody helped her and she had to sell her horse in which she had the
biggest trust.</p>
1930 978 204 YES YES
2013 9,790E+012 122 YES YES
1884 Litera 9,790E+012 180 YES
Popa Tanda 1875 Litera 9,790E+012 28 YES YES
Mihail Sadoveanu Baltagul București
nească Sadoveanu Romanian
<p>The novel "Baltagul" presents Vitoria Lipan's journey and how she
tries to find out what happend to her husband , Nechifor but also later
on to punish the 2 men that killed and robbed him.</p>
<p>In the book ,Vitoria Lipan represents the confident and smart type
of woman.This qualtities also being accompanied by a good spirit of
observation. Her very well individualized character appeared as a con-
sequence of all thing she's been through in her life.She was an old
lady, who had seen many things and knew what life is about because
her husband left her alone with the children for long periods of time
which ment she had to take care of the animals, the house and children
but also to process the products that Nechifor brought from the
<p>Other languages: German,Czech,Slovak,Finnish,Italian,Hungarian,
Danish,Spanish,Serbian,Slovenian,Russian and Norwegian.</p>
Tudor Mușatescu Titanic vals București
Ars Do-
Contemporary Ro-
manian Literature Romanian
<p>Titanic Vals is a theatrical piece composed by Tudor Mușatescu.
The main idea is based on equality between men and women.</p>
<p>       The characters are Spirache, Dacia, which is his wife, his mo-
ther and their children. The story talks about Spirache’s family, which is
destroyed, because of their financial situation.Women in the family are
very bad sort, after inheriting the fortune of his dead brother in a mari-
tim accident. The story ends in an optimistic way, and the family is reu-
<p>       Tudor Mușatescu support the equality between men and wo-
men, because the women from the text can do the same things like the
men, and they are equal.</p>
Ion Luca Caragiale A lost letter București Comedy Romanian
<p>The main idea of the text is presentation of political and social life in
a little village before  the election in 1883.</p>
<p>The characters are Zaharia Trahanache, Zoe,his wife, Tipatescu
Stefan, Farfuridi, Branzovenescu, Cațavencu,  Ghiță Pristanda and
Agamiță Dandanache.</p>
<p>The story talks about a love letter to Zoe which is found of Cata-
vencu. He told them  they must vote him becasue if he will lose he will
publish the letter. Till the day of elections a new member, Agamita
Dandanache registred and in the end he won, because the other mem-
bers commited ilegal facts and nobody trust them</p>
<p>In text exist equallity  between women and men because. Zoe re-
presents an important politiical person, the central idea is that a woman
has her rights and the liberty to chose her future and to show that a
woman is as smart as a man or maybe smarter than him.</p>
Ioan Slavici București Novele din popor Romanian
<p>The story talks about Trandafir, a priest who is very severe and the
people begin not to come to the curch anymore. Seeing this he started
to become more human and gentle but the situation is not changing.
The priest walks door to door and gives advice to villagers, but no resul-
ts. He starts to help his wife to do everything she considers that it good
to be done for their home.</p>
<p>            In the end the villagers understood that the priest is a good
people and they called him “Man of God”, only after he changed his life
and he started to work together with his wife, not only to try to convince
people to start working.</p>
<p>            The idea of equality appears when Popa Tanda helped his
wife to do houseworks. This gesture highlights that a man can do wo-
men’s  work too and that’s not degrading to do this. Also, this respects
the claim that everyone is equal by gender beeing different by his or her
1966 30665 192 NO
2009 978 476 YES
Mihail Sadoveanu The Wonderful Grove București
lui Pupil`s Library Romanian
<p>After her mother's death, Lizuca was raised by her grandparents,
her  mother's parents, who lived in a small village. Her father remarried
and he took her to live with him and his new wife. After a period of time,
he came to the same conclusion as his new wife that the girl was rude
and <strong><a href="
l=en&amp;d=en&amp;query=ill-behaved">ill-behaved</a></strong> so
they decided never left the little girl to live with her grandparents
<p> Lizuca was a  pretty and chubby little girl. Her hair was cut like a
boy. She had a large mouth, red cheeks and brown eyes, shadowed by
black eyelashes. Lizuca represents the universal child who can not se-
parate yet the world of the tales, heared from her grandparents, from
the world of reality. As every child, she loves nature and all the nature's
creatures, having that specifical childish curiosity and desire of knowing
<p>Because she didn't feel loved by her stepmother, being often bea-
ten by the maid, Lizuca used to complain to Patrocles, her red beloved
dog. Distressed, Lizuca decided to go to her grandparents along with
Patrocles. Late in the night, they arrived into a wood. They found a
shelter in a hollow of a tree  and both of them felt asleep. Lizuca dreamt
that the grove turned into an enchanting world, full of creatures with
human features, a world in which there were talking flowers and ani-
mals and fairytale characters: Sister of the Sun, Holy Wednesday. Early
in the morning, Lizuca and her pet were found by her grandparents and
taken to the old house. The next morning, the stepmother and her
maid, came to take Lizuca with them. But the grandfather refused. The
stepmother, angry and bitten by bees went away.</p>
George Călinescu The Otilia`s Enigma București
Holding 100 Esential Works Romanian
<pre>In the summer of 1909, the teenager orphan Felix Sima gra-
duated the high school in Iasi and arrived in Bucharest, at his uncle’s
house, Costache Giurgiuveanu, in order to attend the courses of the 
Faculty of Medicine. Costache Giurgiuveanu, though famous for his
avarice, took care of the orphan Otilia Marculescu, feeling for her a
strange paternal tenderness even if he couldn’t decide himself to be-
come her tutor or not. Otilia turned into a charming teenager so, her
uncle’s friend, Pascalopol fell for her. He was much older than her but
fashionable and a good man. That’s why she was envied by all Tulea’s
members especially by Costache’s sister, Aglae Tulea and her son in
law, the lawyer Stanica Ratiu. In time, the friendship between Felix and
Otilia turned into a tender and profound love story. But the girl, judging
practicality and pragmatically, chose to get married to the rich Pascalo-
pol even if her heart belonged to Felix. One day, Stanica extorted Cos-
tache's money causing the death of the old miser. After Costache’s
death, Stănică Ratiu divorced his wife, Olimpia, and went in for politics,
Otilia and Pascalopol got married and Felix grew up after his first love
failure. He became a respectful professor and a well known scientist,
with a strong career, getting married to the daughter of one personality
of that time. <br />
 Over many years, into a train, Felix met Pascalopol who showed him
a   a photo of Otilia. She seemed different, still beautiful but with a cer-
tain appearance of a common woman. Felix found out that  Pascalopol
and Otilia had divorced but she remarried again  and became an artist
in Buenos Aires. </pre>
<p>          Otilia is the prototype of a determined woman who knew what
she wanted in life, a woman that shaped her own destiny, following the
voice of the lucid rationality instead of the voice of a profound love. She
is a character who proved that anytime, women could be equal with
men, in front of the decisions of life.                                                  </p>
1928 973 142 YES
EL MONSTRUO 2008 9,788E+012 24 YES NO
JUUL 2016 9,788E+012 32 NO NO
2010 FINEO 9,790E+012 22 YES NO
2014 978 40 YES
HADABRUJA 2016 978 32 YES
Mihail Sadoveanu The Other Ancuța București
Book Romanian
<p>Crafts ManIenache remembers the old days when everything was
much different than it is today. In one of those days he sees some mer-
cenaries, and in their midst a man bound. Between the mercenaries is
Căruntu Costea, minister at Agie that it strikes the prey fist over jaws.
Coropcarul Căruntu Costea is the man that is Todor Catana. Was cau-
ght and beaten, he will be more severely punished because he had the
impudence to flee mistress Varvara, sister  governor, Bobeica. Follo-
wing the mistress Varvara nobleman was sent to a monastery Agapia
"to weep there youthful mistake" and the răzas locked him in Iasi Golia
tower ". By morning, he manages to escape and to lose after giving big
nuisance pursuers.</p>
<p>               After a while the master sits near a fountain, but seeing a
cart coming towards him, he makes the sign and stop it. Climbing up
into the wagon sees Tododoriţa Catana. Ienache say to Catana that
people were sent after him, and the cost will go alone Căruntu the mis-
tress Varvara Monastery Agapia. Todirica Catana tells coropcarului that
goes to Java Cafe where he would wait for the Caruntu Costea. Arriving
at the inn, Todorița with the hostess and Ienache plotting his capture
and abduction mistress Varvara Caruntu Costea. The plan has succee-
ded, Costea narrowly escapes with his life, and Todor stay with his girl-
friend, Barbara.</p>
Daniel Martín y Ramón
GUEZ Spanish
<p> </p>
LENCIA Spanish
<p>Podemos encontrar actividades, resumen, personajes ... en esta di-
<p> </p>
LENCIA Spanish
<p>YOUTUBE: <span>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
TOMIE DE PAOLA 9,788E+012 48 YES
2005 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO
2005 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO
2007 ATHENS 978 27 NO NO
2009 ATHENS 978 50 NO NO
2004 ATHENS 960 25 NO NO
2000 ATHENS 960 88 NO NO
2006 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO
2004 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO
2002 ATHENS 960 36 NO NO
2001 ATHENS 9,790E+012 32 NO NO
2012 ATHENS 978 31 NO NO
Frantseska Alexopou-
lou Petraki-
Αλεξοπούλου –
«Friends? Obviously!»
-«Φίλοι; φως φανάρι!»
<p>A  book that describes the power of communication and friendship
among children. The power of the non verbal communication and the
acceptance of diversity. Where there is will there is a way!</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" wi-
dth="1200" height="1200" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" /></p>
<p> </p>
Αλεξοπούλου - Fran-
tseska Alexopoulou
«Φίλοι; φως φανάρι!»-
«Friends? Obviously!» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ
<p>A  book that describes the power of communication and friendship
among children. The power of the non verbal communication and the
acceptance of diversity. Where there is will there is a way!<img
src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/mio.png" width="157" height="215"
alt="mio.png" /></p>
Νικόλαος - Nikolaos
Andrikopoulos ,
«Δυο παπούτσια με
καρότσι - «Two shoes in
a wheel chair»
ΤΑ Greek
<p>We are in the land where all the people use wheelchairs. In order to
show the indifference that society shows towards disabled people the
author takes us to the land that all use wheelchairs and healthy people
find it difficult to live there<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo.png" width="480" height="650" alt="Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo.png" /></p>
Αρτζανίδου, Έλενα, -
Helena Artzanidou,
«Τα γυαλάκια της
Μαλένας» - «Malena’s
ΟΣ - Greek
<p>By reading this book children realize that wearing glasses isn’t a
bad thing. Furthermore they learn that making fun of children that wear
glasses isn’t fair. They are all equal. After all Malena could see whate-
ver the others couldn’t!</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo
%20%281%29.png" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo%20%281%29.png"
Αυτζής, Μερκούριος,
Merkourios Avtzis,
«Θέλω μόνο να παίξω
μαζί σου» -«I want only
to play with you»
ΤΑ Greek
<p>A story about a boy whose appearance isn’t as good as the other
children. No one wants  to play with him. In the contrary he knows how
to play, how to share and above all how to love.</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" wi-
dth="160" height="222" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" /></p>
Βακάλη –
Φιλομήλα, -Filomela
Vakali Syrrogianno-
«Σ’ ένα πέλαγο
ανοιχτό… και άλλες
ιστορίες» «To an open
sea…and other stories” ΠΑΤΑΚΗ
Σ Greek
<p>Knowing the special characteristics of the others helps to communi-
cate and to understand one <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="210" height="333" alt="Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" />another more easily.</p>
Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, -
Leda Varvarousi,
«Ένα σκουλήκι με
φτερά» -«A worm with
<p>Looking different at first but it turns out that a wonderful evolution
lies ahead.</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="160" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
<p> </p>
Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, -
Leda Varvarousi,
«Ένα ψάρι που δεν
ήξερε να κολυμπάει»-
«A fish that didn’t know
how to swim»
<p>If you want something very much, you will find a way to achieve it.
Perhaps  someone will make fun of you but there is always the one that
will help you.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="210" height="210" alt="Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Βαρβαρούση Λήδα,
-Leda Varvarousi,
«Ένας καλόκαρδος
καρχαρίας»- «The shark
with the good heart»
<p>A book that talks about the strength of friendship  and unity in the
society.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png"
width="348" height="354" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Βαρβαρούση Λήδα,
-Leda Varvarousi,
«Ένας πολύ γλυκός
λύκος»-«A very sweet
<p>Despite being a wild animal and the sheep are afraid of him, the
wolf prefers only sweets!! Don’t judge from the appearance!!</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="164" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Βαρελά Αγγελική, -A-
ggeliki Varella,
«Δώσε την αγάπη»-
«Give the love» ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Greek
<p>A book that teaches children how to behave  when children from
another country arrives at their school.<img
src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160"
height="223" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
2002 ATHENS 960 218 NO NO
2003 ATHENS ΚΑΣΤΩΡ 960 29
2004 ATHENS 960 182 NO NO
2005 ATHENS 960 28 NO NO
2015 ATHENS 9,790E+012 192 NO NO
2004 ATHENS 960 149 NO NO
2011 ATHENS ΚΕΔΡΟΣ 9,790E+012 36 NO NO
2007 ATHENS 9,790E+012 62 NO NO
2009 ATHENS 978 140 NO NO
Θεοδώρα, Theodora
Georgakoudi ,
«Από την κερασιά στο
ίντερνετ» “ From cherry
tree to internet”
ΟΣ Greek
<p>A great book, full of sense of humor and freshness. It opens the
children’s heart in love, understanding and in the acceptance of diffe-
rence. <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2%20%281%29.png" width="160" height="242" alt="Sin
%20t%C3%ADtulo2%20%281%29.png" /></p>
.Δαμιανού Ελένη,-
Eleni Damianou
«Αγκαλίτσα;»-, “A little
hug?” Greek
<p>A few years ago, there was a place that its residents didn’t know
what a hug means! They showed their love in other ways. One day two
special children, Titso and Litsa, were met and became friends…<img
src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160"
height="221" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Δαρλάση Αγγελική,
-Aggeliki Darlasi,
«Ονειροφύλακες» - “
The dream’s guards”
Σ Greek
<p>This fairytale looks like our life. A book for children and adults who
want to put their dreams in their everyday life<img
src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="130"
height="187" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" />!</p>
Δημουλίδου Χρύσα,
Chrisa Dimoulidoy,
The green Easterman”
<p>It’s a book about a reader who talks about dissimilarity, the value of 
friendship and cooperation. <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160" height="196" alt="Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Διακαινισάκη Πόπη,
--Popi Diakainisaki ,
«Ας βγάλουμε άλλη
φωτογραφία» - “ Let’s
take another photo” Greek
<p>A little history that talks with humor about dissimilarity and it tea-
ches how is to be different and unique.</p>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="164" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Δικαίου Ελένη, - Eleni
Dikaiou ,
«Θα σε ξαναδώ,
φιλαράκι μου» - “ I will
see you again, my little
friend ” ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Greek
<p>This book talks to us for a caring relationship between a young
woman who study child psychology and a little child.<img
src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="110"
height="165" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Ευθυμίου Ελένη, -
Eleni Efthimiou ,
«Τα πρώτα μου
νοήματα» - “My first sig-
ΙΩΤΗ Greek
<p>“This book teaches how to communicate by using the Greek sign
language. This book is aimed at deaf children, their families and their
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="210" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Ζαραμπούκα Σοφία,
-Sofia Zarabouka,
«Στο δάσος»- The Fo-
rest. Greek
<p>Which animal is best suited to become leader of the animals? The
smartest or the strongest? The male or the female ? A book about gen-
der equality.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="150" height="145" alt="Sin%20t
%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
Ζέη Άλκη, -Alki Zei,
«Άλλοι καιροί – Άλλα
Παιδιά» -«Different ti-
mes, different children»
Ε. Greek
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="233" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
<pre>Popular writers Alki Zei and Zorz Sari, for the first time together in
a book, testify the memories of a long-standing friendship since their
childhood, their shared high school years, in the World War II. <br /><br
Βησσαρία, -Zorba –
«Το κρυμμένο
παιχνιδιών»-«The hi-
dden toy factory»
ΤΑ Greek
<pre>With fine writing, sensitivity and tenderness writer Vissaria Zorba-
Rammopoulou address the issue of child labor in the East and beyond,
and the gender equality.</pre>
<p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi-
dth="160" height="263" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
<pre> </pre>
2012 9,786E+012 256 YES NOGeorge Cosbuc Poems Bucharest Aramis Pupils library Romanian
<p align="center">You were such a knucklehead!</p>
<p align="right">By George Coșbuc</p>
<p>You were such a knucklehead!</p>
<p>I didn`t like you</p>
<p>Causse I kept running from you?</p>
<p>It`s not fair, not fair, Sorine!</p>
<p>You liked me, I know it for sure,</p>
<p>But say it, you got frightened.</p>
<p>I did everything I could</p>
<p>So that you can tell me</p>
<p>So that you can ask me:</p>
<p>- Do you want me, girl?</p>
<p>And I was crying upset</p>
<p>As you were such a knucklehead.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>You were such a knucklehead!</p>
<p>You say I`m proud and that</p>
<p>I wouldn`t listen to your words?</p>
<p>How do you know?</p>
<p>I walked on your way</p>
<p>On hills and valley,</p>
<p>And wherever I knew you could be.</p>
<p>Long days I wasted to</p>
<p>Get closer to you:</p>
<p>You used to shy by walk,</p>
<p>And pain would cry inside me</p>
<p>Because you were such a knucklehead.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>You were such a knucklehead!</p>
<p>I was bitchy and I wouldn`t</p>
<p>Let you, as the other girls,</p>
<p>To hug and kiss me?</p>
<p>But have you ever asked me?</p>
<p>I fought myself not to kiss you!</p>
<p>I cunningly tried to make you ask me,</p>
<p>I felt anger for whole months</p>
<p>That you were such a knucklehead.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>You were such a knucklehead!</p>
<p>You say that if you had proposed to me</p>
<p>I wouldn`t have accepted to be</p>
<p>Your mother daughter in law?</p>
<p>Leave it away!</p>
<p>The one who cares about a girl</p>
<p>Would never think it seems!</p>
<p>Should you have started loving me</p>
<p>I should have completed it</p>
<p>With bread and knife in your hands</p>
<p>You will die hungry, knucklehead!</p>
1827 0 152 YES NO
2009 - 9738571294 192 YES YES
Vasile Alecsandri Chirița at the province Bucharest Simplu
Stories and novels
for children and
youngs Romanian
<p>    In the novel „Chirita in provincie” of Vasile Alecsandri, it is pre-
sented Chirita’s life who is married with Barzoi, an wealthy villager. This
is why, she wants to collect a large sum of money,to become boyars.
She asked Barzoi to become a steward, to get rich. Chirita wants his
son, Gulita, to get married with Luluta, an orphan girl, who inherits an
important wealth, but she doesn’t want this. In the end, she remains
with Leonas, a steward who she loves and the others agree.</p>
<p>    The novel support the equality between men and women by the
acceptance of the Luluta’s wish to not get married with Gulita, but with
who she wants. Her wish and her feelings are, finally, accepted by the
other characters.</p>
<p>       In romanul „Chirita in provincie” a autorului Vasile Alecsandri,
este vorba despre viata Chiritei care este casatorita cu Barzoi, un
satean mai instarit. De aceea vrea sa adune o avere importanta si sa
intre in randul boierilor. Ea il indeamna pe Barzoi sa obtina functia de
ispravnic, pentru a se imbogati. Chirita vrea sa-l casatoreasca pe baia-
tul ei, Gulita cu Luluta, o fata orfana care mosteneste o avere importan-
ta, insa ea nu doreste acest lucru. La final, ea ramane impreuna cu
Leonas, un ispravnic cu care aceasta vrea sa ramana, ceilalti fiind de
<p>      Opera sustine egalitatea dintre femei si barbati prin acceptarea
dorintei Lulutei de a nu se casatori cu Gulita, ci cu cine vrea ea. Dorinta
si sensimentele ei fiind, intr-un final, acceptate de celelalte
<p> </p>
Mihai Eminescu Poems (The Lake) Bucharest Hera Romanian
<p><span>Water lilies load all over</span><span><br /><span>The
blue lake amid the woods,</span><br /><span>That imparts, while in
white circles</span><br /><span>Startling, to a boat its
moods.</span><br /><br /><span>And along the strands I'm
passing</span><br /><span>Listening, waiting, in unrest,</span><br
/><span>That she from the reeds may issue</span><br /><span>And
fall, gently, on my breast;</span><br /><br /><span>That we may jump
in the little</span><br /><span>Boat, while water's voices
whelm</span><br /><span>All our feelings; that
enchanted</span><br /><span>I may drop my oars and
helm;</span><br /><br /><span>That all charmed we may be
floating</span><br /><span>While moon's kindly light
surrounds</span><br /><span>Us, winds cause the reeds to
rustle</span><br /><span>And the waving water sounds.</span><br
/><br /><span>But she does not come; abandoned,</span><br /><s-
pan>Vainly I endure and sigh</span><br /><span>Lonely, as the water
lilies</span><br /><span>On the blue lake ever lie.</span></span></p>
<p><span>Romanian:<span>Lacul codrilor albastru</span><br /><s-
pan>Nuferi galbeni îl încarcă;</span><br /><span>Tresărind în cercuri
albe</span><br /><span>El cutremură o barcă.</span><br /><br /><s-
pan>Și eu trec de-a lung de maluri,</span><br /><span>Parc-ascult și
parc-aștept</span><br /><span>Ea din trestii să răsară</span><br
/><span>Și să-mi cadă lin pe piept;</span><br /><br /><span>Să sărim
în luntrea mică,</span><br /><span>Îngânați de glas de
ape,</span><br /><span>Și să scap din mână cârma,</span><br /><s-
pan>Și lopețile să-mi scape;</span><br /><br /><span>Să plutim cu-
prinși de farmec</span><br /><span>Sub lumina blândei lune
-</span><br /><span>Vântu-n trestii lin foșnească,</span><br /><s-
pan>Undoioasa apă sune!</span><br /><br /><span>Dar nu vine...
Singuratic</span><br /><span>În zadar suspin și sufăr</span><br
/><span>Lângă lacul cel albastru</span><br /><span>Încărcat cu flori
de nufăr.</span></span></p>
2009 - 192 YES YES
1998 9,790E+012 225 YES
Mihai Eminescu Poems (And if...) Bucharest Hera Romanian
<p>And If... <br /><br /> And if the branches tap my pane <br /> And
the poplars whisper nightly, <br /> It is to make me dream again <br /> I
hold you to me tightly.</p>
<p>And if the stars shine on the pond <br /> And light its sombre
shoal, <br /> It is to quench my mind's despond <br /> And flood with
peace my soul.</p>
<p>And if the clouds their tresses part <br /> And does the moon ou-
tblaze, <br /> It is but to remind my heart <br /> I long for you
<p>Romanian: <span style="font-size:xx-small;">Şi
dacă...</span><span> </span><br /><br /><span>Şi dacă ramuri bat în
geam</span><br /><span>Şi se cutremur plopii,</span><br /><span>E
ca în minte să te am</span><br /><span>Şi-ncet să te
apropii.</span><br /><br /><span>Şi dacă stele bat în lac</span><br
/><span>Adâncu-i luminându-l,</span><br /><span>E ca durerea mea
s-o-mpac</span><br /><span>Înseninându-mi gândul.</span><br /><-
br /><span>Şi dacă norii deşi se duc</span><br /><span>De iese-n lu-
ciu luna,</span><br /><span>E ca aminte să-mi aduc</span><br /><s-
pan>De tine-ntotdeauna.</span></p>
Gala Galaction La Vulturi Bucharest
Teodor Romanian
<p>It is a realistic novel, which has theme fight in defense of national
and  <br /> for asserting national consciousness, for treating movement
from the moment events 1821 - Tudor Vladimirescu`s Revolution.</p>
<p>Novel deals with the life of a character, a symbol of Romanian peo-
ple - Danila, representative of the shepherds from the village of Eagle,
Valley lablanicioarei. The novel has a realistic character, for Agripina
and Peacock Ozun are typical heroes in typical historical social circu-
mstances for the Romanian people from the early nineteenth
<p>La Vulturi! is a romantic novel, because the theme - heroes, conflict
and the subject are based on love feeling for the country.</p>
<p>Este un roman realist, care are ca tematică lupta pentru apărarea
națională, pentru afirmarea conștiinței naționale, pentru eviden'ierea
mișcării din momentul evenimentelor 1821 - Revoluția lui Tudor Vladi-
<p>Romanul se ocupă de viața unui personaj, un simbol al poporului
român - Danila, reprezentantul păstorilor din satul Vulturi, Valea Iabla-
nicioarei. Romanul are un caracter realist, deoarece Agripina și Ozun
sunt eroi tipici în circumstanțele sociale istorice relevante pentru popo-
rul român de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea.</p>
<p>La Vulturi! Este un roman romantic, deoarece tema - eroii, conflictul
și subiectul se bazează pe sentimentul iubirii pentru țară.</p>
<p> </p>
1867 0 0 YES YES
2004 0 527 YES
Marin Preda Moromeții București
liței Adevărul Romanian
<p>Morometii by Marin Preda is a novel published in two volumes pu-
blished by the State Literature and Art in 1955 and in 1967, dedicating
it to the author including name postwar literature.</p>
<p>A novel type social fresco, the work depicts rural life in the interwar
and postwar period. Over a thousand pages and twenty years, the au-
thor illustrates the slow disintegration of social core areas, the patriar-
chal family, and the destruction of peasant spirit.</p>
<p>The most important theme of hisprose Marin Preda is the disappea-
rance of the traditional peasantry. But a long side this problem, the au-
thor deals with the theme of history, of time "no longer have patience",
that passes without taking into account the wish of the people and that
brings with it radical changes and unexpected. Title Moromeţii family
sits in central theme of the novel, but the evolution and familycrisis are
symbolic transformations of Romanian village.</p>
<p>Objective narrator's perspective is supplemented by that of reflec-
tors: the role of character in the first volume-reflector belongs to Ilie Mo-
romete, and in the second volume of Niculae. Also, there are charac-
ters such as Parizianu tells the villagers that he visited Moromete`s
boys in Bucharest.</p>
<p>Equality is suggested by the way they were seated at the table Ca-
trina and Ilie Moromete. Each hadhis place at the table, and tha teach
one had his piece of land. It is one of the reasons that triggered the
quarrel between them.</p>
<p>Moromeții este un roman de Marin Preda apărut în două volume la
Editura de Stat pentru Literatură și Artă, în 1955 și în 1967, consacrân-
du-l pe autor printre numele literaturii postbelice.</p>
<p>Un roman de tip frescă socială, opera ilustrează viața rurală în pe-
rioada interbelică și postbelică. Pe parcursul a o mie de pagini și apro-
ximativ douăzeci de ani, autorul ilustrează dezagregarea lentă a nucleu-
lui social rural, familia patriarhală, și distrugerea spiritului țărănesc.</p>
<p>  Cea mai importantă temă a prozei lui Marin Preda este dispa-
riţiaţărănimiitradiţionale. Dar, alături de această problemă, autorul tra-
tează şi tema istoriei, a timpului „care nu mai avea răbdare”, care trece
fără a ţine cont de dorinţa oamenilor şi care aduce cu el schimbări radi-
cale şineaşteptate. Titlul Moromeţiiaşează tema familie în centrul ro-
manului, însă evoluţiaşi criza familiei sunt simbolice pentru transformări-
le din satul românesc.</p>
<p>                 Perspectiva naratorului obiectiv se completează prin
aceea a reflectorilor: în primul volum rolul de personaj-reflector îi apa-
rţine lui Ilie Moromete, iar în al doilea volum lui Niculae. De asemenea,
există şi personaje-informatori, cum ar fi de exemplu Parizianu care le
povesteştecelorlalţi săteni de vizita lui Moromete la băieţi, la Bucu-
<p>Egalitatea dintre sexe este sugerata de felul cum erau asezati la
masa Ilie Moromete si Catrinca. Fiecare avea locul lui la masa, dar si
de faptul ca fiecare avea bucata lui de pamant. Acesta fiind unu dintre
motivele care a declansat cearta dintre cei doi.</p>
Nichita Stănescu Cântec de iarnă București
Romane Sensul iubirii
<p>Winter song</p>
<p>You are so beautiful in winter! <br /> The field stretched on its back,
near the horizon,<br /> and the trees stopped running from the winter
wind ... <br /> My nostrils tremble<br /> and no scent<br /> and no
breeze<br /> only the distant, icy smell<br /> of the suns. <br /> How
transparent your hands are in winter! <br /> And no one passes -<br />
only the white suns revolve in quiet worship. <br /> and the thought
spreads in circles<br /> ringing the trees<br /> in twos<br /> in
<p><em>Esti atît de frumoasa, iarna!</em> <em>Cîmpul întins pe spa-
te, lînga orizont,</em></p>
<p><em>si copacii opriti, din fuga crivatului…</em></p>
<p><em>Îmi tremura narile</em></p>
<p><em>si nici o mireasma,</em></p>
<p><em>si nici o boare,</em></p>
<p><em>doar mirosul îndepartat, de gheata,</em></p>
<p><em>al sorilor.</em></p>
<p><em>Ce limpezi sînt mîinile tale, iarna!</em></p>
<p><em>Si nu trece nimeni</em></p>
<p><em>doar sorii albi se rotesc linistit, idolatru</em></p>
<p><em>si gîndul creste-n cercuri</em></p>
<p><em>sonorizînd copacii</em></p>
<p><em>cîte doi,</em></p>
<p><em>cîte patru.</em></p>
9,789E+012 NO NO
Ellen Ekman & Elin
The week before recei-
ving the child allowance
(Veckan före barnbidra-
get) Swedish
<p><span>This is a book that tells us about how it is to struggle with a
challenging financial situation as a single mom in Sweden. The author
focuses on the challenges but has also a playful approach to their tou-
gh situation. This book gives a new perspective since it’s about a single
mom and the illustrator has chosen not to make all character’s super-
skinny or stereotype in any other way but genuine and
<p><span>(The book is not yet available in English but sure will
Astrid Lindgren Pippi Longstocking
<p><span>Pippi Longstocking is a well-known children’s book which
has been translated to over 70 languages. This is a book about a small
girl who lives on her own, stands up for herself and her friends and
breaks the societies norms with a twinkle in her eye. There are three
books about Pippi Longstocking but the stories has also been reprodu-
ced to picture books, films and much more.</span></p>
<p><span>(Available in English and many other
Gunilla Bergström
Alfie Atkins (Alfons
<p><span>There is over 20 books about Alfons Åberg and all of them
have been translated into English, and other languages as well. Alfons
Åberg lives with his dad, a dad who is mostly busy doing important stu-
ff, seems stressed and tired most of the time but who also breaks the
male-stereotype by playing around, doing all the housework and ex-
pressing emotions. All the books are about different everyday situations
and tells us about how Alfons and his dad deals with them, often in a
warm and realistic way.</span></p>
<p><span> </span></p>
Maria Turtschaninoff Naondel
<p><span>Turtschaninoff is a Finland-Swedish fantasy-writer who wri-
tes mostly for youths but I would say she can be regarded as a crosso-
ver writer. Her books have become international bestsellers and most
of them discuss equality and woman’s positions in different contexts.
Naondel tells us about a young girl who falls in love, gets abuse and yet
manages to make things work and build up a sisterhood where patriar-
chy rules.</span></p>
<p><span>Available in English.</span></p>
Gro Dahle The war (Kriget)
<p><span>Kriget is written by Gro Dahle, a Norwegian writer but has
been translated to Swedish and lots of other languages. This book was
a huge breakthrough when it comes to children’s literature produced in
the Nordic countries over the last couple of years. This is a children’s
book about divorce and it deals with the subject in a way that we have
never seen before. The writer focuses on the child’s perspective and
does it in a very convincing way. A heart-breaking story which contribu-
tes a new perspective to adults and that has been used in therapy for
children who has been stressed or traumatized by their parent’s divor-
<p><span> </span></p>
Per Gustavsson
When princes got bewi-
tched (När prinsar blir
förtrollade) Swedish
<p><span>Princes are always brave, strong and fearless. But what ha-
ppens if they have traumas about getting bewitched to frogs?
<p><span>This is a wonderful story for children about male stereoty-
pes. The book is not yet availabel in english but I hope it will soon
Astrid Lindgren
Ronia the robbers dau-
ghter (Ronja Rövardo-
<p><span>Ronia is a children's fantasybook about a girl growing up
among a clan of robbers living in a castle in the woodlands of early-Me-
dieval Scandinavia. As the only child of Matt, the chief, she is expected
to become the leader of the clan someday. Their castle, Matt's Fort, is
split in two parts by a lightning bolt on the day of Ronia's birth. Ronia
grows up with Matt's clan of robbers as her only company, until a rival
robber group led by Borka moves into the other half of the castle, exa-
cerbating the longstanding rivalry between the two bands</span></p>
Pija Lindenbaum
Bridget and the gray
wolves (Gittan och grå-
<p><span>This story for children by Pija Lindenbaum tells us about
when a timid girl tames a wolf pack. </span></p>
<p><span>Bridget is a very careful child. She never climbs on roofs or
pets dogs or jumps over ditches. In fact, she's afraid of most things. But
when Bridget gets lost and meets up with a pack of gray wolves in the
deep, dark woods, she takes charge.</span></p>
<p><span> </span></p>
Astrid Lindgren
Brenda Brave (Kajsa
<p><span>Brenda Brave/Kajsa Kavat is written by Astrid Lindgren and
is a children's book about Kajsa who lives with her grandmother in a
swedish small town. Her grandmother found her one morning outside
her door in a basket with a letter with the text "Take care of this child
because no one else will". Kajsa grows up to a strong girl who makes
sense of her name "Kavat", in english "Brave".</span></p>
978 252 YES NO
2015 96 YES YES
2010 130 NO NO
2017 9,789E+012 224 YES YES
2011 9,789E+012 172
2013 9,789E+012 164 NO NO
9,789E+012 48 NO YES
2015 9,789E+012 64 YES NO
Tove Jansson
Tales from Moominva-
<p><span>Tales from Moominvalley is the sixth book in the Moominse-
ries</span><span> by Finnish author, Tove Jansson. Unlike all the
other books, which were novels, it is a book of short stories, and is the
longest book in the series. One of my favourits in the book is the part
about the Invisible Child called Ninni and her way to get
visible. </span></p>
Ewa Majewska, Ewa
Równa szkoła - edukac-
ja wolna od dyskryminac-
Polsko -
ckiej Polish
<p><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>This publication is intended
to provide a handy set of information on socio-cultural gender issues,
discrimination and equality</span></span></p>
Bab Heller
Czy można przekonać
Batorego Polish
<p><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>The book is a contribution
to critical world exploration, the book encourages us to reflection on
problems od the modern world</span></span></p>
V. Beerly
Belle, astute e coraggio-
se. Otto storie di eroine”
by V. Beerli
Ragazzi Italian <p>Eight girls around the world, with their qualities and defects..</p>
Francesca Cavallo e
E. Favilli
Good Night Stories for
Rebel Girls
<p>A children's book that reinvents fairy tales, inspiring girls with the
stories of 100</p>
<p>great women from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams.</p>
R.Fregona and C.
“Maschi contro femmi-
Erickson Italian <p>Games and activities to teach gender equality</p>
N. Muscialini “Di pari passo”,
ve Italian
<p>An educative proposal to teach equality gender in the lower secon-
dary school.</p>
Raquel Diaz Reguera
C’è qualcosa di più
noioso che essere una
principessa rosa? Ra-
quel Diaz Reguera
<p>Tilte in Spanish. ¿Hay algo más aburrido que ser una princesa
<p>Carlotta is a pink princess but doesn’t want to kiss a lot of toads to
find the blue</p>
Lorenzo naia “Fiabe in rosso”
lant Italian
<p>Gender stereotypes can be fight imagining a different final in the
traditional stories</p>
2017 9,789E+012 224 YES YES
9,789E+011 YES
2014 EDT 978 28 NO NO
9,789E+012 94
2003 978 NO NO
2000 978 252 YES
2005 GWP 978 112 NO YES
2005 978 128 NO NO
2013 978 40 NO NO
2010 978 40 NO NO
2009 16 YES NO
2009 16 YES NO
Francesca Cavallo e
E. Favilli
Good Night Stories for
Rebel Girls
an <p>9788804676379</p>
Christian Bruel
Storia di Giulia che ave-
va un'ombra da bambino
by Christian Bruel
ve Italian http://no http://French
Anselmo Roveda “Il trattore della nonna Italian
<p> </p>
<p>No one can try drive tractor better than grandma and none cooks
applePies better</p>
<p>than grandpa...</p>
Meat Market. Carne
femminile sul banco
del capitalismo by
Laurie Penny Laurie Penny
<p>The book reveals capitalist mechanisms that impoverish
<p>potentialities and offer a perspective of change.</p>
Bianca Pitzorno “Extraterrestre alla pari” Torino
Ragazzi Italian
<p>A young ET comes to the HEART and lives one day as a boy and
one day as a</p>
<p> discover his sex., but there will be a surprise...</p>
Równa szkoła –
edukacja wolna od
Równa szkoła – edukac-
ja wolna od dyskryminac-
ji Warszawa
Polsko -
ckiej Polish
<p>Książka   - jakrozmawiać z dziecmi, dorosłymi o dyskryminacji w ró-
A dlaczego ?
A dlaczego ? Jak odpo-
wiadać na trudne pyta-
nia dzieci Gdansk Polish
<p>Dziecizadajądużoróżnychpytań, niektóre z nichsątrudne. Ta ka-
siążkadajeinformacjejakrozmawaić z dziećminatematihmałychproble-
mów. </p>
Domowa Szkoła prze-
Domowa Szkoła prze-
trwania. Podręcznik po-
rozumiewania się Poznan
Publicat Polish
<p>Jakrozmawaić z dziećmi I ichrodzicami, jakrodzicepowinniroz-
mawiać z dziećmi I jakdziecipowinnyrozmawaić z rodzicami</p>
Różni, ale tacy sami.
Książka o tolerancji Krakow
czka Polish
<p><em><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Książka w bardzo dowcipny
sposób omawia podobieństwa i różnice międzyludzkie. Czy naprawdę
jesteśmy tak inni? Czy to, że podobne dzieci grają najlepiej? Książka
zachęca do refleksji i dyskusji na temat pojęcia tolerancji, współczucia,
współistnienia. A przede wszystkim pokazuje, jak nasz obawy przed
obcymi zmieniają się w coś pozytywnego i konstruktywnego, podobnie
jak inni zapraszają do udziału w społeczności zamiast ignorować i odr-
zucać. Tolerancja nie zawsze jest łatwa.</span></em></p>
Małaksiążka o toleran-
cji Małaksiążka o tolerancji Warszawa
naowca Polish
<table style="width:641px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
align="left"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="519">
<p>Autor w prosty sposób wyjaśnia koncepcję tolerancji i jej historii.
Specyficzne przykłady wskazują, jakie zagrożenia powodują wrogie ste-
reotypy uprzedzeń i wynikającej dyskryminacji i wykluczenia konkretny-
ch osób i całych grup społecznych.</p>
<p> </p>
Wprowadzenie –
Wprowadzenie – idee
równości i edukacja Katowice
Śląski Polish
<p>Równość i edukacja jest możliwa. W tej publikacji dowiadujemy się,
jak pracować z uczniami, aby nauczyć się najważniejszych
Wprowadzenie –
Wprowadzenie – idee
równości i edukacja Katowice
Śląski Polish
<p>Równość i edukacja jest możliwa. W tej publikacji dowiadujemy się,
jak pracować z uczniami, aby nauczyć się najważniejszych
2012 9,788E+012 280 NO NO
2016 9,788E+012 134 NO NO
2011 Literatura 9,788E+012 40 NO NO
2017 1 70 NO NO
2016 PIC 10 195
2016 PIC 13 195 NO NO
2016 PIC 13 195 NO YES
Polityka równości płci
w Unii Europejskiej
Polityka równości płci w
Unii Europejskiej Warszawa
PWN Polish
<div> </div>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>Równość płci odgrywa coraz ważniejszą rolę w podejmowaniu dec-
yzji i działaniach na szczeblu UE i krajowym. Rozporządzenia Unii Eu-
ropejskiej wpływają na rozwiązania przyjęte zarówno w państwach
członkowskich, jak iw krajach kandydujących. Wraz ze wzrastającym
znaczeniem nierówności płci w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci zakres
dziedzin polityki, w których jest on brany pod uwagę, wyraźnie się rozs-
<p>Celem książki jest analiza decyzji i działań Unii Europejskiej w zak-
resie równego traktowania kobiet i mężczyzn, aby wykazać złożoność
problemu i ocenić jego złożoność</p>
Wolność Wolność Warszawa
szałek Polish
<p>Wolność – czy jest  wolność ? Jakrozmawiać o wolności bez wol-
gdybymbyłdziewczynką Warszawa Polish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<h2>Dwóch autorów zastanawiało się, co by się stało, gdyby urodził się
dziewczynę i co by się zmieniło w jej życiu, gdyby była Krzysiem. I z
tego "garbowania" nadeszły poważne i pełne humoru opowieści. Ws-
paniała książka dla dzieci 7-10</h2>
Кина Котлерска и др
Тя / Той е равна в
Европа / Добри
педагогически практики
/ Виолета Стойчева,
LTD, Ve-
Bulgaria Bulgarian
<p>1. "Точно ли е проблемът за равенството в съвременното
българско общество? Успешни практики в областта на политиките
за равенство между половете в българските въоръжени сили "- д-р
NevenaAtanasova - Кръстева, подполковник, професор в
Националния военен университет.<br />"Образователна програма
Civic за равенство между половете inBulgarian Основно училище /
7-10 години ученици / и-членка образователни стандарти." - Кина
Котларска, главницата на СУ "Емилиян Станев".<br />Резюме на
проекта Еразъм "Той / Той е равен в Европа". - Галина Гогева,
български координатор на проекта.<br />Учители в СУ "Емилиан
Станев":<br />"Подарък за майка" - урок по изкуство - І клас -
Пролет Петрова</p>
<p>"Мартеницата" - аn древната българска традиция на вземане
на символи за здраве от най-старата жена в семейството - бабата -
урок inTechnologies и entrepreneurship- I клас - Пролет
<p>"Различни, но равни" - урок по социални науки - II клас - Биляна
<p>"Женска кариера в мъжки професии" - урок за наблюдение в
Националния военен университет - Гражданско образование - II
клас - Галина Гогева</p>
<p> "Жените по математика" - урок по математика - ІІІ-ІV степен -
Борислава Иванова</p>
<p>"Равенство на мъжа и жената в семейството" - урок по
гражданско образование - І-ІІ клас - Борислава Иванова</p>
<p>"Най-успешните български жени в различни сфери на
обществото" - урок по гражданско образование - III клас - Ивета
Виолета Стойчева,
Кина Котлерска Учебник за учителя
Tarnovo Bulgarian
<p>Целта на настоящата справочна книга е да подкрепи усилията
на педагози, социални работници, психолози, учители и младежки
лидери за повишаване на чувствителността на младите хора към
половите стереотипи и съществуващите дискриминационни
практики, свързани с пола в училище, семейство и общество.</p>
Violeta Stoycheva,
Kina Kotlarska Teacher's manual
Tarnovo English
<p>The purpose of the present reference book is to support the efforts
of pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, teachers and youth lea-
ders for increasing the sensibility of the young people towards gender
stereotypes and the existing discriminative practices concerning gender
in school, family and society.</p>
Violeta Stoycheva,
Kina Kotlarska Teacher's manual
Tarnovo English
<p>The purpose of the present reference book is to support the efforts
of pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, teachers and youth lea-
ders for increasing the sensibility of the young people towards gender
stereotypes and the existing discriminative practices concerning gender
in school, family and society.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Primary, Secondary, High school</p>
2010 9,790E+012 80 NO NO
1992 9751000122 408 YES YES
2014 9,790E+012 168 NO NO
2016 9,790E+012 218 YES NO
1997 9,790E+012 194 NO NO
Kemalettin Tuğcu
(Mothers Suffering) Istanbul
Yayınları Turkish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>The book tells the story of a mother who suffers a lot from her hus-
bandsirresponsibilities and how she struggles to make her children well
educated despite the all difficulties of life.</p>
<p>This  book is a good sample for children to make them understand
their mothers’ suffering and struggles for them and also the inequality
they live in the society</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Primary and secondary</p>
<p> </p>
Reşat Nuri Güntekin Çalıkuşu (The Wren) Istanbul
tabevi Turkish
<p>In the book, the adventure of a well-educated and rich Istanbul girl
named Feride who lived as a teacher in various villages and towns of
Anatolia is told.Feride decides to become a teacher in Anatolian villa-
ges who live an ordinary and poor life in order to forget the pain of love
that she lived. She tries to teach the children everything she knows. In
this regard, Feride is an ideal and a Turkish novel hero to be taken as
an example. One of the reasons for keeping the book updated over the
years is that although many years have gone by, assignments in go-
vernment offices have not progressed without familiarity, various injus-
tices and harassment have been experienced, and a woman's loneli-
ness to benefit from it has not changed. We are surprised to witness
that the perspective of women has not changed much</p>
<p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Reşat Nuri Güntekin (Istanbul, 25
November 1889 - London, 13 December 1956) was a Turkish novelist,
storywriter and playwright. His novel, Çalıkuşu ("The Wren", 1922) is
about the destiny of a young Turkish female teacher in Anatolia; the
movie was filmed on this book in 1966, and remade as TV series in
1986</span><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">.</span><span lang="el"
xml:lang="el">He worked as a teacher and administrator at high
schools in Bursa and Istanbul, then as an inspector at the Ministry of
National Education (1931). He served as the deputy of Çanakkale be-
tween 1933 and 1943 in the Turkish Parliament, the chief inspector at
the Ministry of National Education (1947), and a cultural attaché to Pa-
ris (1950), when he was also the Turkish representative to
Muzaffer İzgü
EkmekParası (Brea-
dwinning) Istanbul
yınevi Turkish
<p>This book is the one that should be read by everyone, young or ol-
d.It tells the children the social injustice and unfairness what difficulties
the poors have to bring home the bread, difficulties to survive, hungry
nights, naked winter days, but love to life and to people in spite of ever-
Yaşar Kemal
Sultan of Elephants and
Ants) Istanbul
ları Turkish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>In the Filler Sultanı, the relationship between power and justice is
discussed through a folk tale. The Sultan of Elephantsstartsa battle
against the ants, relying on his power. It does not matter to him to be ri-
ght or wrong. The intention is to test his power onantsthataremillionti-
meslittlethanhim. But the ants unite and overthrow the sultan of ele-
phants without submitting to injustice.</p>
<p>Thisstory is a greatsampleforchildrentoteachthemtocometogethe-
That is a bookcriticisingthesociologicalproblems</p>
Muzaffer İzgü
Slum) Ankara
yınevi Turkish
<p>Ittellsthedifficultiesandsocialinjusticethatpeopleliving in slums of İs-
tanbul have.Itshowsveryclearsamplesfromthelives of poorandretire-
dpeoplewhotrytosurvive in theirslums in a bigmetropolitan. Thisbook is
a goodsampletomakechildrenknowaboutthe life of othersandtoteach
how todevelopempathyandrespecttodisadvantagedpeople in societyto-
create an equalsociety</p>
2010 9,786E+012 80 NO NO
2016 9,790E+012 448 YES YES
2007 9,790E+012 80 NO NO
KAŞAĞI 2016 9753628648 96 YES YES
Aziz Nesin
(Animals Team) Istanbul
Yayinevi Turkish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>According to scientific research, it is understood that %80 of the
offenders are the ones who have tortured animals in their childhood, so
we must teach children how to love animals and treat animals in order
to grow up as useful and respectful people for the society. Children who
look after any animal develop self-esteem, feelings of
<p>This book is a good sample for children to teach children that ani-
mals are the part of our life and our friends and they deserve to live in
equal conditions with us.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Primary and secondary</p>
Yaşar Kemal
Mehmed) Istanbul
ları Turkish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>İnce Memed is thestory of a
bravemansearchingforjustice,challengingagainstinjustice.<br /> İnce-
Memed passes through a poor village in an ovary full of thistles south of
Anatolia. The landowner, Agha, who holds all the power, seizes the lot
of marbles produced. The hero of the story, Thin Memed, takes the
head of Aga's tyranny. Eventually he goes out into the mountains and
joins a bandit. In the struggle against the oppression, Memed stretches
arm wing to the poor and becomes a kind of Anatolian Robin
<p>This famous and awarded story is a great sample for everyone to
teach not to be silent against injustice situations and fight for justice
and equality</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Secondary, High school, adults</p>
Kemalettin Tuğcu
Dark Life) Istanbul
Yayinian Turkish
<p>The book tells the relationship and friendship of a young boy and a
blind young girl who cannot see.It contains lot of messages including
endless love, respect, empathy,eqaulity, friendship and tolerance  for
disadvantaged people and a great book that should be read by all chil-
<p>Primary and secondary</p>
Ömer Seyfettin Istanbul
yınları Turkish
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" valign="top">
<p>Ömer and his brother Hasan spent their childhood on a large farm.
Little Omer and Hasan loved to play with horses the most, especially to
groom them. For this they were using a specially plowed KAŞAĞI from
Istanbul. But one day, Little Omer, with the excitement of childhood,
breaks the KAŞAGI and commits his brother Hasan. His father is very
angry with Hasan after this, and told him:</p>
<p>- He's a liar.</p>
<p>Hasan, after this event, falls in and one day he gets sick. That's
when the hard times begin for Omer.</p>
<p>Thisstory is a goodsampletoteachchildren how badtotelllieandto be
a liarandhow totelleven simple lies can lead to major problems</p>
<p>From 9 to 14</p>
SAKIZ SARDUNYA 2015 6050922912 156 NO YES
2006 9,790E+012 224 YES YES
Elif Şafak
tapları Turkish
<p>The book tells the amazing and adventurous story of a little gir-
lwhodoes not like her name,Sakız.In her first children book Master wri-
ter ElifŞafak wrote a warm and unusual story for children.In the book
 friendship, sharing, imagination, books and love of nature are meticu-
lously described.and this is a great sample for children to teach
<p>Primary and secondary.</p>
<p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Elif </span><span lang="tr"
xml:lang="tr">Şafak</span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el"> was born in
Strasbourg, France, in 1971. She is an award-winning novelist and the
most widely read woman writer in Turkey. Critics have named her as
“one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Turkish and world li-
terature”. Her books have been translated into more than 40 languages
and she was awarded the honorary distinction of Chevalier of the Order
of Arts and Letters</span></p>
<p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Shafak has published thirteen
books, nine of which are novels. She writes fiction in both Turkish and
English. Shafak blends Western and Eastern traditions of storytelling,
bringing out the myriad stories of women, minorities, immigrants, sub-
cultures, youth and global souls</span></p>
Aziz Nesin
(Today’s Children Won-
derful) Istanbul
Yayinevi Turkish
<p>This Novel is not only for the children but also for the parentsandthe
teachers. In this book, the children are told how big they are. - children
criticize their parents, teachers, and parents. This novel describes the
wrongness of some of the most valuable judges of our age who are
deemed necessary in child education. -This novel is about protecting
the rights of the children and their self.</p>
<p>In this book, two children named Ahmet and Zeynep tell the events
they have lived with each other through writing letters. They write ea-
chother about the events they have lived in their homes and schools.
This book explains how children see their mothers, their fathers and
teachers, and teaches children how to defend themselves. It was wri-
tten to criticize the problems of Turkey. Some of the topics he criticized
are; Education system, memorization, problems of schools, family rela-
tions. Here are some words for parents.</p>
<p>From 10 to 18</p>
<p><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">Aziz </span><span lang="el"
xml:lang="el">Nesin provided a strong indictment of the oppression and
brutalization of the common man. He satirized bureaucracy and expo-
sed economic inequities in stories that effectively combine local color
and universal truths. Aziz Nesin has been presented with numerous
awards in Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and the former Soviet Union. His wo-
rks have been translated into over thirty languages</span><span
lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">. I</span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">n 1972,
he founded the Nesin Foundation. The purpose of the Nesin Founda-
tion is to take, each year, four poor and destitute children into the
Foundation's home and provide every necessity - shelter, education
and training, starting from elementary school - until they complete high
school, a trade school, or until they acquire a vocation. Aziz Nesin has
donated, gratis, to the Nesin Foundation his copyrights in their entirety
for all his works in Turkey or other countries, including all of his publis-
hed books, all plays to be staged, all copyrights for films, and all his wo-
rks performed or used in radio or television</span></p>
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
Coeducational library
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  • 1. AUTHOR TITLE COLLECTION ISBN TEACHING APPLICATION 1927 Dacia 973 64 YES YES 2006 973774408 196 YES YES 2012 606 175 YES 2015 Alba Trayectos 978 232 YES YES Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union COEDUCATIONAL LIBRARY PUBLI- CATION YEAR PU- BLIS- HER CITY PU- BLIS- HER NUM- BER OF PA- GES LAN- GUAGE ON LINE VER- SION LINK TO ON LINE VER- SION IN OTHER LAN- GUAGES LINK TO ANO- THER ENTRY G. M. Zamfirescu Miss Nastasia Cluj-Na- poca Romanian <p>„Miss Nastasia” is a tragic comedy in three acts. Nastasia , a young woman from Joy slum lives with his father,  shoemaker Ion Sor- cova in miserable conditions. She is a hardworking girl, clean and ho- nest who dreams to get out from her humble condition. She dreams to move into a neighborhood of honest people with Luke, the boy who she loves since they were children. Vulpaşin, a  lazy drunkard from the slum, asks her to become his wife, but she plans to marry with Luke in 2 weeks. Vulpașin kills Luke of jealousy. Nastasia accepts to marry with Vulpașin who loves her very much, only for humiliate him and to make him suffer.  In the wedding day, she commits suicide when Vulpașin come to bring her to the church.</p> https://www.y watch? v=AhyZyE2G mpQ /George_Mih ail_Zamfiresc u Barbu Ștefănescu De- lavrancea Sultănica București Agora Clasici români Romanian <p>The literary work presents the destiny of a girl, named Sultanica, whose father has died. This tragical family  event determined Sultanica to interiorise and to stay apart even from her mother, preferring to be alone in her grief. Besides all these, one day a boy she has fallen in love with, bet with his friends that he would gain her over, and he decla- red his love to her, even if he was going to marry the mayor’s daughter. When Sultanica found out the boy’s real intentions her grief was deeper and it was followed by her mother’s death and the leaving of the villa- ge.  In conclusion in the literary work "Sultanica" by Barbu Delavrancea the principle of equal chances among people with different social status is broken . </p> http://www.po vesti-pentru- bu-stefanes- cu-delavran- cea/sultanica. html Ionel Teodoreanu Prăvale Baba București Agora Clasici români Romanian <p>The novel “Pravale-Baba illustrates the fact that under the modes- ty’s coat, it is hidden most of the times a man with special characteristi- cs, whose actions shine in the eyes of those around him. Fanuta, a poor child with a coat tailored from an old one, comes to school with a poor lunch and, although he is socially underprivileged, he is the proud of his class being  more intelligent than the other students. Despite this, the mayor’s son has all the social advantages, is described as the cla- ss’ fool and is correctly treated by the teacher. Thus, the Romanian no- velist, IonelTeodoreanu, emphasizes the equality of chances among children.  </p> u/fckeditor/us erfiles/File/pr avale %20baba %201.pdf James Essinger El algoritmo de Ada Madrid Alba Edi- torial Spanish <p><span> Ada Lovelace was Lord Byron's  only daughter, she studied maths. She made an important apportation to modern maths.<span> We can use this book to explain girls that they can go to the university and study wathever they like. </span> </span></p> <p><span>Ada Lovelace, única hija de Lord Byron, estudió matemati- cas e hizo interesantes aportaciones a las matemáticas modernas. Se puede usar este libro para trabajar con las niñas y explicarles que pue- den ir a la universidad y estudiar la materia que más les guste</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span> </span></p> https://www.a algoritmo- Ada-James- Essinger- ebook/dp/B0 1829N86S/re f=sr_1_1_twi _kin_2? s=books&ie= UTF8&qid=1 465292190& sr=1- 1&keywords= El+algoritmo+ de+Ada https://www.a das-Algorith- m-Daughter- Lovelace- Launched/dp/ 1612194575
  • 2. 1894 9,786E+012 308 YES 1884 9,790E+012 115 NO 1908 973 356 YES NO Ioan Slavici Mara București „Vatra” Magazi- ne Buildingsroman Romanian <p>Mara is a romanian novel by Ioan Slavici, published in 1894 in „Va- tra” magazine, but the volume appeared only in 1906. „Mara” is part of the Bildungsroman, that is a novel of initiation and training because, th- roughout the novel is given the passage of two children, Persida and Trica, from childhood to adulthood and also the initiate in their life.</p> <p>The title is the name of the main character, a strong and powerful woman around which the action unfolds. The action is set in the late ni- neteenth century and early twentieth century.</p> <p>The novel begins with this character that gives it name: Mara, a woman widowed with two children . Mara loved her children very much and that's why she was able to do everything. She strange money every day for both of them. They always wanted to be big girl and boy. She wanted to send Persida to the monastery to be well educated, because Mara`s feeling is that she will not be able to give a good education to her, and the boy will be an apprentice.</p> <p>It was translated in English, German, French and Hungarian.</p> Ioan Slavici Pădureanca București Andreas Marii clasici Romanian <pre><span>„ </span><span>Pădureanca” is a short story wri- tten by Ioan Slavici. Padureanca is a realistic novel, because the the- me, the heroes, the conflict and the subject are taken from the social life of Transylvania, at the end of the nineteenth century.</span></pre> <pre><span>         Iorgovan  is the main character of the novel. Simina, a clever and an active girl is not going with her father to Socodar but she remains to work in the house of Busuioc, where his wife, Vica wan- ts to stay because Iorgovan designs to marry her. Neacşu, Simina’s fa- ther dies because of cholera and Simina left alone in a conflict situa- tion.</span></pre> <pre><span>         <span>Padureanca classicist character of novel stems from the fact that the heroes are universal human traits: Simina - love, Iorgovan - indecision, Busuioc - pride, Neacsu - temperance, Şo- fron – strength.</span></span></pre> <pre><span>        Author causing the reader to engage in as a confi- dent  who shares his thoughts and words of his heroes.</span></pre> <pre><span>         „Pădureanca” was translated in French and German (by Queen Elisabeth of Romania).</span></pre> <pre><span> </span></pre> Ion Agârbiceanu Fefeleaga București Facla Clasici români Romanian <p>The short story "Fefeleaga" presents the tragic destiny of Maria Dinu,a poor woman who was facing her horrbile life.When her husband still lived she was called Dinu's Maria but at short time after her hus- band's funeral everyone started calling her Fefeleaga and from that po- int in time no one called her Maria again. She never asked for help from anyone. From Dinu's death she only trusted Bator, her horse, which helped her with the difficulties she had.</p> <p>Fefeleaga worked hard for her 5 children.Every morning she went with Bator to carry stones and building materials. After 5 years from her husband's funeral 3 children died before turning 15 . One after another they were all going to pass away.To be able to bury her daughter Pău- nița, her last child Fefeleaga had to sell her horse, her only friend, who helped her his intire life. She couldn't use Bator anymore because eve- rytime she looked at him she started remembering the long streak of deaths and simply couldn't get over it. Being a very dramatic and tragic story, "Fefeleaga" written by Ion Agarbiceanu brings in the attention of the reader not only the social aspect of the main character's life but also her very deep and tragic destiny.</p> <p>Fefeleaga was a poor woman, she worked from morning to evening to earn enough money to feed her horse and her daughter. Although she could hardly face the cruel life, she remained strong even when nobody helped her and she had to sell her horse in which she had the biggest trust.</p> http://www.bp - f/Agarbicean u%20Ion %20-%20Fe- feleaga %20(Cartea). pdf
  • 3. 1930 978 204 YES YES 2013 9,790E+012 122 YES YES 1884 Litera 9,790E+012 180 YES Popa Tanda 1875 Litera 9,790E+012 28 YES YES Mihail Sadoveanu Baltagul București Cartea româ- nească Sadoveanu Romanian <p>The novel "Baltagul" presents Vitoria Lipan's journey and how she tries to find out what happend to her husband , Nechifor but also later on to punish the 2 men that killed and robbed him.</p> <p>In the book ,Vitoria Lipan represents the confident and smart type of woman.This qualtities also being accompanied by a good spirit of observation. Her very well individualized character appeared as a con- sequence of all thing she's been through in her life.She was an old lady, who had seen many things and knew what life is about because her husband left her alone with the children for long periods of time which ment she had to take care of the animals, the house and children but also to process the products that Nechifor brought from the sheep.</p> <p>Other languages: German,Czech,Slovak,Finnish,Italian,Hungarian, Bulgaria,English,French,Swedish,Polish,Portuguese,Greek, Danish,Spanish,Serbian,Slovenian,Russian and Norwegian.</p> https://www.a 7800727/MIH AIL_SADOV EANU_HANU _ANCUTEI_B ALTAGUL Tudor Mușatescu Titanic vals București Ars Do- cendi Contemporary Ro- manian Literature Romanian <p>Titanic Vals is a theatrical piece composed by Tudor Mușatescu. The main idea is based on equality between men and women.</p> <p>       The characters are Spirache, Dacia, which is his wife, his mo- ther and their children. The story talks about Spirache’s family, which is destroyed, because of their financial situation.Women in the family are very bad sort, after inheriting the fortune of his dead brother in a mari- tim accident. The story ends in an optimistic way, and the family is reu- nited.</p> <p>       Tudor Mușatescu support the equality between men and wo- men, because the women from the text can do the same things like the men, and they are equal.</p> http://docume ments/titanic- vals-comple- t.html Ion Luca Caragiale A lost letter București Comedy Romanian <p>The main idea of the text is presentation of political and social life in a little village before  the election in 1883.</p> <p>The characters are Zaharia Trahanache, Zoe,his wife, Tipatescu Stefan, Farfuridi, Branzovenescu, Cațavencu,  Ghiță Pristanda and Agamiță Dandanache.</p> <p>The story talks about a love letter to Zoe which is found of Cata- vencu. He told them  they must vote him becasue if he will lose he will publish the letter. Till the day of elections a new member, Agamita Dandanache registred and in the end he won, because the other mem- bers commited ilegal facts and nobody trust them</p> <p>In text exist equallity  between women and men because. Zoe re- presents an important politiical person, the central idea is that a woman has her rights and the liberty to chose her future and to show that a woman is as smart as a man or maybe smarter than him.</p> Ioan Slavici București Novele din popor Romanian <p>The story talks about Trandafir, a priest who is very severe and the people begin not to come to the curch anymore. Seeing this he started to become more human and gentle but the situation is not changing. The priest walks door to door and gives advice to villagers, but no resul- ts. He starts to help his wife to do everything she considers that it good to be done for their home.</p> <p>            In the end the villagers understood that the priest is a good people and they called him “Man of God”, only after he changed his life and he started to work together with his wife, not only to try to convince people to start working.</p> <p>            The idea of equality appears when Popa Tanda helped his wife to do houseworks. This gesture highlights that a man can do wo- men’s  work too and that’s not degrading to do this. Also, this respects the claim that everyone is equal by gender beeing different by his or her attitude.</p> ki/Popa_Tan da
  • 4. 1966 30665 192 NO 2009 978 476 YES Mihail Sadoveanu The Wonderful Grove București Editura Tineretu- lui Pupil`s Library Romanian <p>After her mother's death, Lizuca was raised by her grandparents, her  mother's parents, who lived in a small village. Her father remarried and he took her to live with him and his new wife. After a period of time, he came to the same conclusion as his new wife that the girl was rude and <strong><a href=" l=en&amp;d=en&amp;query=ill-behaved">ill-behaved</a></strong> so they decided never left the little girl to live with her grandparents again.</p> <p> Lizuca was a  pretty and chubby little girl. Her hair was cut like a boy. She had a large mouth, red cheeks and brown eyes, shadowed by black eyelashes. Lizuca represents the universal child who can not se- parate yet the world of the tales, heared from her grandparents, from the world of reality. As every child, she loves nature and all the nature's creatures, having that specifical childish curiosity and desire of knowing more.</p> <p>Because she didn't feel loved by her stepmother, being often bea- ten by the maid, Lizuca used to complain to Patrocles, her red beloved dog. Distressed, Lizuca decided to go to her grandparents along with Patrocles. Late in the night, they arrived into a wood. They found a shelter in a hollow of a tree  and both of them felt asleep. Lizuca dreamt that the grove turned into an enchanting world, full of creatures with human features, a world in which there were talking flowers and ani- mals and fairytale characters: Sister of the Sun, Holy Wednesday. Early in the morning, Lizuca and her pet were found by her grandparents and taken to the old house. The next morning, the stepmother and her maid, came to take Lizuca with them. But the grandfather refused. The stepmother, angry and bitten by bees went away.</p> George Călinescu The Otilia`s Enigma București Adevărul Holding 100 Esential Works Romanian <pre>In the summer of 1909, the teenager orphan Felix Sima gra- duated the high school in Iasi and arrived in Bucharest, at his uncle’s house, Costache Giurgiuveanu, in order to attend the courses of the  Faculty of Medicine. Costache Giurgiuveanu, though famous for his avarice, took care of the orphan Otilia Marculescu, feeling for her a strange paternal tenderness even if he couldn’t decide himself to be- come her tutor or not. Otilia turned into a charming teenager so, her uncle’s friend, Pascalopol fell for her. He was much older than her but fashionable and a good man. That’s why she was envied by all Tulea’s members especially by Costache’s sister, Aglae Tulea and her son in law, the lawyer Stanica Ratiu. In time, the friendship between Felix and Otilia turned into a tender and profound love story. But the girl, judging practicality and pragmatically, chose to get married to the rich Pascalo- pol even if her heart belonged to Felix. One day, Stanica extorted Cos- tache's money causing the death of the old miser. After Costache’s death, Stănică Ratiu divorced his wife, Olimpia, and went in for politics, Otilia and Pascalopol got married and Felix grew up after his first love failure. He became a respectful professor and a well known scientist, with a strong career, getting married to the daughter of one personality of that time. <br />  Over many years, into a train, Felix met Pascalopol who showed him a   a photo of Otilia. She seemed different, still beautiful but with a cer- tain appearance of a common woman. Felix found out that  Pascalopol and Otilia had divorced but she remarried again  and became an artist in Buenos Aires. </pre> <p>          Otilia is the prototype of a determined woman who knew what she wanted in life, a woman that shaped her own destiny, following the voice of the lucid rationality instead of the voice of a profound love. She is a character who proved that anytime, women could be equal with men, in front of the decisions of life.                                                  </p> http://nicugan iblioteca/Enig ma %20otiliei1.p df
  • 5. 1928 973 142 YES EL MONSTRUO 2008 9,788E+012 24 YES NO JUUL 2016 9,788E+012 32 NO NO 2010 FINEO 9,790E+012 22 YES NO 2014 978 40 YES HADABRUJA 2016 978 32 YES ROSA CARAMELO 0 40 YES YES Mihail Sadoveanu The Other Ancuța București Roma- nian Book Romanian <p>Crafts ManIenache remembers the old days when everything was much different than it is today. In one of those days he sees some mer- cenaries, and in their midst a man bound. Between the mercenaries is Căruntu Costea, minister at Agie that it strikes the prey fist over jaws. Coropcarul Căruntu Costea is the man that is Todor Catana. Was cau- ght and beaten, he will be more severely punished because he had the impudence to flee mistress Varvara, sister  governor, Bobeica. Follo- wing the mistress Varvara nobleman was sent to a monastery Agapia "to weep there youthful mistake" and the răzas locked him in Iasi Golia tower ". By morning, he manages to escape and to lose after giving big nuisance pursuers.</p> <p>               After a while the master sits near a fountain, but seeing a cart coming towards him, he makes the sign and stop it. Climbing up into the wagon sees Tododoriţa Catana. Ienache say to Catana that people were sent after him, and the cost will go alone Căruntu the mis- tress Varvara Monastery Agapia. Todirica Catana tells coropcarului that goes to Java Cafe where he would wait for the Caruntu Costea. Arriving at the inn, Todorița with the hostess and Ienache plotting his capture and abduction mistress Varvara Caruntu Costea. The plan has succee- ded, Costea narrowly escapes with his life, and Todor stay with his girl- friend, Barbara.</p> atura-roma- na/carti/MIHA IL-SADO- VEANU-HA- NUL-ANCU- TEI- 1041717318. php Daniel Martín y Ramón Trigo SALA- MANCA EDITO- RIAL LON- GUEZ Spanish <p>DOS HERMANOS QUE SE ENFRENTAN A UNA SITUACIÓN DE VIOLENCIA EN SU HOGAR.</p> <p> </p> https://youtu. be/SiT29x6A J40 GREGIE MAEYER Y KOEN VANMECHE- LEN EDITO- RIAL LÓGUEZ ACOSO Y VIO- LENCIA Spanish <p>Podemos encontrar actividades, resumen, personajes ... en esta di- rección:</p> <p> </p> <p> bros.html</p> ISABEL OLID Y MAR- TINA VANDA ESTELA GRITA MUY FUERTE Buenos Aires ACOSO Y VIO- LENCIA Spanish <p>YOUTUBE: <span> v=3o3ZdASrO0E</span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> https://youtu. be/AAdqgsz Wo9o ADELA TURIN Y NE- LLA BOSNIA ARTURO Y CLEMEN- TINA PONTE- VEDRA KALAN- DRAKA IDENTIDAD, ES- TEREOTIPOS Y ROLES SOCIALES Portuguese# #Spanish https://www.y watch? v=2lW1OpRu l38 https://www.g sa=t&rct=j&q =&esrc=s&so urce=web&cd =1&cad=rja& uact=8&ved= 0ahUKEwi- dzcy6naTS- AhXFPh- QKHQyyD- m0QFgga- MAA&url=htt p%3A%2F %2Fwp-con- tent %2Fuploads %2Farturo_cl ementinaI.- pdf&usg=AF QjCNFUFw- dpq8Cnp9- ph56EovN- YnDAXOMw BRIGITTE MINNE Y CARLL CNEUT BARBA- RA FIO- RE IDENTIDAD, ES- TEREOTIPOS Y ROLES SOCIALES Spanish https://www.y watch? v=gHlFIPHO3 Dk ADELA TURIN Y NE- LLA BOSNIA KALAN- DRAKA IDENTIDAD, ES- TEREOTIPOS Y ROLES SOCIALES Portuguese# #Spanish https://www.y watch? v=qqJx-a09- dT8
  • 6. ROSA CARAMELO 0 40 YES YES TOMIE DE PAOLA 9,788E+012 48 YES MARTIN BALTSCHEIT 9,788E+012 32 YES 2005 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO 2005 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO 2007 ATHENS 978 27 NO NO 2009 ATHENS 978 50 NO NO 2004 ATHENS 960 25 NO NO 2000 ATHENS 960 88 NO NO 2006 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO 2004 ATHENS 960 32 NO NO 2002 ATHENS 960 36 NO NO 2001 ATHENS 9,790E+012 32 NO NO 2012 ATHENS 978 31 NO NO ADELA TURIN Y NE- LLA BOSNIA KALAN- DRAKA IDENTIDAD, ES- TEREOTIPOS Y ROLES SOCIALES Portuguese# #Spanish https://www.y watch? v=qqJx-a09- dT8 OLIVER BUTTON ES UN NENA EVE- REST IDENTIDAD, ES- TEREOTIPOS Y ROLES SOCIALES Spanish https://youtu. be/-MMHUO- 85tsM EL LEÓN QUE NO SA- BÍA ESCRIBIR Spanish https://www.y watch? v=OoZSmA0 eB74 Frantseska Alexopou- lou Petraki- Φραντζέσκα Αλεξοπούλου – Πετράκη «Friends? Obviously!» -«Φίλοι; φως φανάρι!» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>A  book that describes the power of communication and friendship among children. The power of the non verbal communication and the acceptance of diversity. Where there is will there is a way!</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" wi- dth="1200" height="1200" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" /></p> <p> </p> Φραντζέσκα Αλεξοπούλου - Fran- tseska Alexopoulou Petraki «Φίλοι; φως φανάρι!»- «Friends? Obviously!» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>A  book that describes the power of communication and friendship among children. The power of the non verbal communication and the acceptance of diversity. Where there is will there is a way!<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/mio.png" width="157" height="215" alt="mio.png" /></p> Ανδρικόπουλος Νικόλαος - Nikolaos Andrikopoulos , «Δυο παπούτσια με καρότσι - «Two shoes in a wheel chair» ΕΛΛΗΝΙ ΚΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΤΑ Greek <p>We are in the land where all the people use wheelchairs. In order to show the indifference that society shows towards disabled people the author takes us to the land that all use wheelchairs and healthy people find it difficult to live there<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo.png" width="480" height="650" alt="Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo.png" /></p> Αρτζανίδου, Έλενα, - Helena Artzanidou, «Τα γυαλάκια της Μαλένας» - «Malena’s glasses» ΨΥΧΟΓΙ ΟΣ - Greek <p>By reading this book children realize that wearing glasses isn’t a bad thing. Furthermore they learn that making fun of children that wear glasses isn’t fair. They are all equal. After all Malena could see whate- ver the others couldn’t!</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo %20%281%29.png" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo%20%281%29.png" /></p> Αυτζής, Μερκούριος, Merkourios Avtzis, «Θέλω μόνο να παίξω μαζί σου» -«I want only to play with you» ΕΛΛΗΝΙ ΚΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΤΑ Greek <p>A story about a boy whose appearance isn’t as good as the other children. No one wants  to play with him. In the contrary he knows how to play, how to share and above all how to love.</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" wi- dth="160" height="222" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png" /></p> Βακάλη – Συρογιαννοπούλου Φιλομήλα, -Filomela Vakali Syrrogianno- poulou, «Σ’ ένα πέλαγο ανοιχτό… και άλλες ιστορίες» «To an open sea…and other stories” ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Σ Greek <p>Knowing the special characteristics of the others helps to communi- cate and to understand one <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" width="210" height="333" alt="Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" />another more easily.</p> Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, - Leda Varvarousi, «Ένα σκουλήκι με φτερά» -«A worm with feathers» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>Looking different at first but it turns out that a wonderful evolution lies ahead.</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="160" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> <p> </p> Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, - Leda Varvarousi, «Ένα ψάρι που δεν ήξερε να κολυμπάει»- «A fish that didn’t know how to swim» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>If you want something very much, you will find a way to achieve it. Perhaps  someone will make fun of you but there is always the one that will help you.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" width="210" height="210" alt="Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, -Leda Varvarousi, «Ένας καλόκαρδος καρχαρίας»- «The shark with the good heart» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>A book that talks about the strength of friendship  and unity in the society.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="348" height="354" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Βαρβαρούση Λήδα, -Leda Varvarousi, «Ένας πολύ γλυκός λύκος»-«A very sweet wolf» ΠΑΠΑΔΟ ΠΟΥΛΟΣ Greek <p>Despite being a wild animal and the sheep are afraid of him, the wolf prefers only sweets!! Don’t judge from the appearance!!</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="164" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Βαρελά Αγγελική, -A- ggeliki Varella, «Δώσε την αγάπη»- «Give the love» ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Greek <p>A book that teaches children how to behave  when children from another country arrives at their school.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160" height="223" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p>
  • 7. 2002 ATHENS 960 218 NO NO 2003 ATHENS ΚΑΣΤΩΡ 960 29 2004 ATHENS 960 182 NO NO 2005 ATHENS 960 28 NO NO 2003 ATHENS ΚΕΔΡΟΣ 960 36 NO NO 2015 ATHENS 9,790E+012 192 NO NO 2004 ATHENS 960 149 NO NO 2011 ATHENS ΚΕΔΡΟΣ 9,790E+012 36 NO NO 2007 ATHENS 9,790E+012 62 NO NO 2009 ATHENS 978 140 NO NO Γεωργακούδη Θεοδώρα, Theodora Georgakoudi , «Από την κερασιά στο ίντερνετ» “ From cherry tree to internet” ΨΥΧΟΓΙ ΟΣ Greek <p>A great book, full of sense of humor and freshness. It opens the children’s heart in love, understanding and in the acceptance of diffe- rence. <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2%20%281%29.png" width="160" height="242" alt="Sin %20t%C3%ADtulo2%20%281%29.png" /></p> .Δαμιανού Ελένη,- Eleni Damianou «Αγκαλίτσα;»-, “A little hug?” Greek <p>A few years ago, there was a place that its residents didn’t know what a hug means! They showed their love in other ways. One day two special children, Titso and Litsa, were met and became friends…<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160" height="221" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Δαρλάση Αγγελική, -Aggeliki Darlasi, «Ονειροφύλακες» - “ The dream’s guards” ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Σ Greek <p>This fairytale looks like our life. A book for children and adults who want to put their dreams in their everyday life<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="130" height="187" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" />!</p> Δημουλίδου Χρύσα, Chrisa Dimoulidoy, «Ο Πρασινοπασχαλιάς»-“ The green Easterman” Α.Α. ΛΙΒΑΝΗ Greek <p>It’s a book about a reader who talks about dissimilarity, the value of  friendship and cooperation. <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" width="160" height="196" alt="Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Διακαινισάκη Πόπη, --Popi Diakainisaki , «Ας βγάλουμε άλλη φωτογραφία» - “ Let’s take another photo” Greek <p>A little history that talks with humor about dissimilarity and it tea- ches how is to be different and unique.</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="164" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Δικαίου Ελένη, - Eleni Dikaiou , «Θα σε ξαναδώ, φιλαράκι μου» - “ I will see you again, my little friend ” ΠΑΤΑΚΗ Greek <p>This book talks to us for a caring relationship between a young woman who study child psychology and a little child.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" width="110" height="165" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Ευθυμίου Ελένη, - Eleni Efthimiou , «Τα πρώτα μου νοήματα» - “My first sig- ns” ΚΑΣΤΑΝ ΙΩΤΗ Greek <p>“This book teaches how to communicate by using the Greek sign language. This book is aimed at deaf children, their families and their school.”</p> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="210" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Ζαραμπούκα Σοφία, -Sofia Zarabouka, «Στο δάσος»- The Fo- rest. Greek <p>Which animal is best suited to become leader of the animals? The smartest or the strongest? The male or the female ? A book about gen- der equality.<img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" width="150" height="145" alt="Sin%20t %C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> Ζέη Άλκη, -Alki Zei, «Άλλοι καιροί – Άλλα Παιδιά» -«Different ti- mes, different children» Ε.Ψ.Υ.Π. Ε. Greek <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="233" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> <pre>Popular writers Alki Zei and Zorz Sari, for the first time together in a book, testify the memories of a long-standing friendship since their childhood, their shared high school years, in the World War II. <br /><br /></pre> Ζορμπά- Ραμμοπούλου Βησσαρία, -Zorba – Rammopoulou, Vissaria, «Το κρυμμένο εργοστάσιο παιχνιδιών»-«The hi- dden toy factory» ΕΛΛΗΝΙ ΚΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΤΑ Greek <pre>With fine writing, sensitivity and tenderness writer Vissaria Zorba- Rammopoulou address the issue of child labor in the East and beyond, and the gender equality.</pre> <p><img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" wi- dth="160" height="263" alt="Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo2.png" /></p> <pre> </pre>
  • 8. 2012 9,786E+012 256 YES NOGeorge Cosbuc Poems Bucharest Aramis Pupils library Romanian <p align="center">You were such a knucklehead!</p> <p align="right">By George Coșbuc</p> <p>You were such a knucklehead!</p> <p>I didn`t like you</p> <p>Causse I kept running from you?</p> <p>It`s not fair, not fair, Sorine!</p> <p>You liked me, I know it for sure,</p> <p>But say it, you got frightened.</p> <p>I did everything I could</p> <p>So that you can tell me</p> <p>So that you can ask me:</p> <p>- Do you want me, girl?</p> <p>And I was crying upset</p> <p>As you were such a knucklehead.</p> <p> </p> <p>You were such a knucklehead!</p> <p>You say I`m proud and that</p> <p>I wouldn`t listen to your words?</p> <p>How do you know?</p> <p>I walked on your way</p> <p>On hills and valley,</p> <p>And wherever I knew you could be.</p> <p>Long days I wasted to</p> <p>Get closer to you:</p> <p>You used to shy by walk,</p> <p>And pain would cry inside me</p> <p>Because you were such a knucklehead.</p> <p> </p> <p>You were such a knucklehead!</p> <p>I was bitchy and I wouldn`t</p> <p>Let you, as the other girls,</p> <p>To hug and kiss me?</p> <p>But have you ever asked me?</p> <p>I fought myself not to kiss you!</p> <p>I cunningly tried to make you ask me,</p> <p>I felt anger for whole months</p> <p>That you were such a knucklehead.</p> <p> </p> <p>You were such a knucklehead!</p> <p>You say that if you had proposed to me</p> <p>I wouldn`t have accepted to be</p> <p>Your mother daughter in law?</p> <p>Leave it away!</p> <p>The one who cares about a girl</p> <p>Would never think it seems!</p> <p>Should you have started loving me</p> <p>I should have completed it</p> <p>With bread and knife in your hands</p> <p>You will die hungry, knucklehead!</p> https://youtu. be/CPSfU8Jg UtI
  • 9. 1827 0 152 YES NO 2009 - 9738571294 192 YES YES Vasile Alecsandri Chirița at the province Bucharest Simplu Stories and novels for children and youngs Romanian <p>    In the novel „Chirita in provincie” of Vasile Alecsandri, it is pre- sented Chirita’s life who is married with Barzoi, an wealthy villager. This is why, she wants to collect a large sum of money,to become boyars. She asked Barzoi to become a steward, to get rich. Chirita wants his son, Gulita, to get married with Luluta, an orphan girl, who inherits an important wealth, but she doesn’t want this. In the end, she remains with Leonas, a steward who she loves and the others agree.</p> <p>    The novel support the equality between men and women by the acceptance of the Luluta’s wish to not get married with Gulita, but with who she wants. Her wish and her feelings are, finally, accepted by the other characters.</p> <p>Romanian:</p> <p>       In romanul „Chirita in provincie” a autorului Vasile Alecsandri, este vorba despre viata Chiritei care este casatorita cu Barzoi, un satean mai instarit. De aceea vrea sa adune o avere importanta si sa intre in randul boierilor. Ea il indeamna pe Barzoi sa obtina functia de ispravnic, pentru a se imbogati. Chirita vrea sa-l casatoreasca pe baia- tul ei, Gulita cu Luluta, o fata orfana care mosteneste o avere importan- ta, insa ea nu doreste acest lucru. La final, ea ramane impreuna cu Leonas, un ispravnic cu care aceasta vrea sa ramana, ceilalti fiind de acord.</p> <p>      Opera sustine egalitatea dintre femei si barbati prin acceptarea dorintei Lulutei de a nu se casatori cu Gulita, ci cu cine vrea ea. Dorinta si sensimentele ei fiind, intr-un final, acceptate de celelalte personaje.</p> <p> </p> Mihai Eminescu Poems (The Lake) Bucharest Hera Romanian <p><span>Water lilies load all over</span><span><br /><span>The blue lake amid the woods,</span><br /><span>That imparts, while in white circles</span><br /><span>Startling, to a boat its moods.</span><br /><br /><span>And along the strands I'm passing</span><br /><span>Listening, waiting, in unrest,</span><br /><span>That she from the reeds may issue</span><br /><span>And fall, gently, on my breast;</span><br /><br /><span>That we may jump in the little</span><br /><span>Boat, while water's voices whelm</span><br /><span>All our feelings; that enchanted</span><br /><span>I may drop my oars and helm;</span><br /><br /><span>That all charmed we may be floating</span><br /><span>While moon's kindly light surrounds</span><br /><span>Us, winds cause the reeds to rustle</span><br /><span>And the waving water sounds.</span><br /><br /><span>But she does not come; abandoned,</span><br /><s- pan>Vainly I endure and sigh</span><br /><span>Lonely, as the water lilies</span><br /><span>On the blue lake ever lie.</span></span></p> <p><span>Romanian:<span>Lacul codrilor albastru</span><br /><s- pan>Nuferi galbeni îl încarcă;</span><br /><span>Tresărind în cercuri albe</span><br /><span>El cutremură o barcă.</span><br /><br /><s- pan>Și eu trec de-a lung de maluri,</span><br /><span>Parc-ascult și parc-aștept</span><br /><span>Ea din trestii să răsară</span><br /><span>Și să-mi cadă lin pe piept;</span><br /><br /><span>Să sărim în luntrea mică,</span><br /><span>Îngânați de glas de ape,</span><br /><span>Și să scap din mână cârma,</span><br /><s- pan>Și lopețile să-mi scape;</span><br /><br /><span>Să plutim cu- prinși de farmec</span><br /><span>Sub lumina blândei lune -</span><br /><span>Vântu-n trestii lin foșnească,</span><br /><s- pan>Undoioasa apă sune!</span><br /><br /><span>Dar nu vine... Singuratic</span><br /><span>În zadar suspin și sufăr</span><br /><span>Lângă lacul cel albastru</span><br /><span>Încărcat cu flori de nufăr.</span></span></p> ki/Lacul_(Emi nescu) https://www.y watch? v=oa5ObeYp 70U
  • 10. 2009 - 192 YES YES 1998 9,790E+012 225 YES Mihai Eminescu Poems (And if...) Bucharest Hera Romanian <p>And If... <br /><br /> And if the branches tap my pane <br /> And the poplars whisper nightly, <br /> It is to make me dream again <br /> I hold you to me tightly.</p> <p>And if the stars shine on the pond <br /> And light its sombre shoal, <br /> It is to quench my mind's despond <br /> And flood with peace my soul.</p> <p>And if the clouds their tresses part <br /> And does the moon ou- tblaze, <br /> It is but to remind my heart <br /> I long for you always.</p> <p>Romanian: <span style="font-size:xx-small;">Şi dacă...</span><span> </span><br /><br /><span>Şi dacă ramuri bat în geam</span><br /><span>Şi se cutremur plopii,</span><br /><span>E ca în minte să te am</span><br /><span>Şi-ncet să te apropii.</span><br /><br /><span>Şi dacă stele bat în lac</span><br /><span>Adâncu-i luminându-l,</span><br /><span>E ca durerea mea s-o-mpac</span><br /><span>Înseninându-mi gândul.</span><br /><- br /><span>Şi dacă norii deşi se duc</span><br /><span>De iese-n lu- ciu luna,</span><br /><span>E ca aminte să-mi aduc</span><br /><s- pan>De tine-ntotdeauna.</span></p> manianvoi- /poezii/sidaca .php http://poemsi ntranslation.- blogspot.- com/2010/03/ mihai-emi- nescu-and-if- from-roma- nian.html Gala Galaction La Vulturi Bucharest Vrgolici Teodor Romanian <p>It is a realistic novel, which has theme fight in defense of national and  <br /> for asserting national consciousness, for treating movement from the moment events 1821 - Tudor Vladimirescu`s Revolution.</p> <p>Novel deals with the life of a character, a symbol of Romanian peo- ple - Danila, representative of the shepherds from the village of Eagle, Valley lablanicioarei. The novel has a realistic character, for Agripina and Peacock Ozun are typical heroes in typical historical social circu- mstances for the Romanian people from the early nineteenth century.</p> <p>La Vulturi! is a romantic novel, because the theme - heroes, conflict and the subject are based on love feeling for the country.</p> <p>Este un roman realist, care are ca tematică lupta pentru apărarea națională, pentru afirmarea conștiinței naționale, pentru eviden'ierea mișcării din momentul evenimentelor 1821 - Revoluția lui Tudor Vladi- mirescu.</p> <p>Romanul se ocupă de viața unui personaj, un simbol al poporului român - Danila, reprezentantul păstorilor din satul Vulturi, Valea Iabla- nicioarei. Romanul are un caracter realist, deoarece Agripina și Ozun sunt eroi tipici în circumstanțele sociale istorice relevante pentru popo- rul român de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea.</p> <p>La Vulturi! Este un roman romantic, deoarece tema - eroii, conflictul și subiectul se bazează pe sentimentul iubirii pentru țară.</p> <p> </p> action.php atura-roma- na/La-Vulturi- nuvela-rezu- ma- t215831010.p hp
  • 11. 1867 0 0 YES YES 2004 0 527 YES Marin Preda Moromeții București Mircea Ciocâr- liței Adevărul Romanian <p>Morometii by Marin Preda is a novel published in two volumes pu- blished by the State Literature and Art in 1955 and in 1967, dedicating it to the author including name postwar literature.</p> <p>A novel type social fresco, the work depicts rural life in the interwar and postwar period. Over a thousand pages and twenty years, the au- thor illustrates the slow disintegration of social core areas, the patriar- chal family, and the destruction of peasant spirit.</p> <p>The most important theme of hisprose Marin Preda is the disappea- rance of the traditional peasantry. But a long side this problem, the au- thor deals with the theme of history, of time "no longer have patience", that passes without taking into account the wish of the people and that brings with it radical changes and unexpected. Title Moromeţii family sits in central theme of the novel, but the evolution and familycrisis are symbolic transformations of Romanian village.</p> <p>Objective narrator's perspective is supplemented by that of reflec- tors: the role of character in the first volume-reflector belongs to Ilie Mo- romete, and in the second volume of Niculae. Also, there are charac- ters such as Parizianu tells the villagers that he visited Moromete`s boys in Bucharest.</p> <p>Equality is suggested by the way they were seated at the table Ca- trina and Ilie Moromete. Each hadhis place at the table, and tha teach one had his piece of land. It is one of the reasons that triggered the quarrel between them.</p> <p>Moromeții este un roman de Marin Preda apărut în două volume la Editura de Stat pentru Literatură și Artă, în 1955 și în 1967, consacrân- du-l pe autor printre numele literaturii postbelice.</p> <p>Un roman de tip frescă socială, opera ilustrează viața rurală în pe- rioada interbelică și postbelică. Pe parcursul a o mie de pagini și apro- ximativ douăzeci de ani, autorul ilustrează dezagregarea lentă a nucleu- lui social rural, familia patriarhală, și distrugerea spiritului țărănesc.</p> <p>  Cea mai importantă temă a prozei lui Marin Preda este dispa- riţiaţărănimiitradiţionale. Dar, alături de această problemă, autorul tra- tează şi tema istoriei, a timpului „care nu mai avea răbdare”, care trece fără a ţine cont de dorinţa oamenilor şi care aduce cu el schimbări radi- cale şineaşteptate. Titlul Moromeţiiaşează tema familie în centrul ro- manului, însă evoluţiaşi criza familiei sunt simbolice pentru transformări- le din satul românesc.</p> <p>                 Perspectiva naratorului obiectiv se completează prin aceea a reflectorilor: în primul volum rolul de personaj-reflector îi apa- rţine lui Ilie Moromete, iar în al doilea volum lui Niculae. De asemenea, există şi personaje-informatori, cum ar fi de exemplu Parizianu care le povesteştecelorlalţi săteni de vizita lui Moromete la băieţi, la Bucu- reşti.</p> <p>Egalitatea dintre sexe este sugerata de felul cum erau asezati la masa Ilie Moromete si Catrinca. Fiecare avea locul lui la masa, dar si de faptul ca fiecare avea bucata lui de pamant. Acesta fiind unu dintre motivele care a declansat cearta dintre cei doi.</p> ori/marin- preda/morom etii-text.php /Morome %C8%9Bii Nichita Stănescu Cântec de iarnă București Editura Muzeului Literaturii Romane Sensul iubirii English##Ro manian <p>Winter song</p> <p>You are so beautiful in winter! <br /> The field stretched on its back, near the horizon,<br /> and the trees stopped running from the winter wind ... <br /> My nostrils tremble<br /> and no scent<br /> and no breeze<br /> only the distant, icy smell<br /> of the suns. <br /> How transparent your hands are in winter! <br /> And no one passes -<br /> only the white suns revolve in quiet worship. <br /> and the thought spreads in circles<br /> ringing the trees<br /> in twos<br /> in fours.</p> <p><em>Esti atît de frumoasa, iarna!</em> <em>Cîmpul întins pe spa- te, lînga orizont,</em></p> <p><em>si copacii opriti, din fuga crivatului…</em></p> <p><em>Îmi tremura narile</em></p> <p><em>si nici o mireasma,</em></p> <p><em>si nici o boare,</em></p> <p><em>doar mirosul îndepartat, de gheata,</em></p> <p><em>al sorilor.</em></p> <p><em>Ce limpezi sînt mîinile tale, iarna!</em></p> <p><em>Si nu trece nimeni</em></p> <p><em>doar sorii albi se rotesc linistit, idolatru</em></p> <p><em>si gîndul creste-n cercuri</em></p> <p><em>sonorizînd copacii</em></p> <p><em>cîte doi,</em></p> <p><em>cîte patru.</em></p> http://poetii- ta-stanescu- cantec-de- iarna-poezie- id-16860/
  • 12. 9,789E+012 NO NO 9,789E+012 9,789E+012 9,782E+012 9,789E+012 9,789E+012 9,789E+012 9129653959 978 Ellen Ekman & Elin Johansson The week before recei- ving the child allowance (Veckan före barnbidra- get) Swedish <p><span>This is a book that tells us about how it is to struggle with a challenging financial situation as a single mom in Sweden. The author focuses on the challenges but has also a playful approach to their tou- gh situation. This book gives a new perspective since it’s about a single mom and the illustrator has chosen not to make all character’s super- skinny or stereotype in any other way but genuine and realistic.</span></p> <p><span>(The book is not yet available in English but sure will be.)</span></p> Astrid Lindgren Pippi Longstocking English##Sw edish <p><span>Pippi Longstocking is a well-known children’s book which has been translated to over 70 languages. This is a book about a small girl who lives on her own, stands up for herself and her friends and breaks the societies norms with a twinkle in her eye. There are three books about Pippi Longstocking but the stories has also been reprodu- ced to picture books, films and much more.</span></p> <p><span>(Available in English and many other languages.)</span></p> Gunilla Bergström Alfie Atkins (Alfons Åberg) English##Sw edish <p><span>There is over 20 books about Alfons Åberg and all of them have been translated into English, and other languages as well. Alfons Åberg lives with his dad, a dad who is mostly busy doing important stu- ff, seems stressed and tired most of the time but who also breaks the male-stereotype by playing around, doing all the housework and ex- pressing emotions. All the books are about different everyday situations and tells us about how Alfons and his dad deals with them, often in a warm and realistic way.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> Maria Turtschaninoff Naondel English##Sw edish <p><span>Turtschaninoff is a Finland-Swedish fantasy-writer who wri- tes mostly for youths but I would say she can be regarded as a crosso- ver writer. Her books have become international bestsellers and most of them discuss equality and woman’s positions in different contexts. Naondel tells us about a young girl who falls in love, gets abuse and yet manages to make things work and build up a sisterhood where patriar- chy rules.</span></p> <p><span>Available in English.</span></p> Gro Dahle The war (Kriget) English##Sw edish <p><span>Kriget is written by Gro Dahle, a Norwegian writer but has been translated to Swedish and lots of other languages. This book was a huge breakthrough when it comes to children’s literature produced in the Nordic countries over the last couple of years. This is a children’s book about divorce and it deals with the subject in a way that we have never seen before. The writer focuses on the child’s perspective and does it in a very convincing way. A heart-breaking story which contribu- tes a new perspective to adults and that has been used in therapy for children who has been stressed or traumatized by their parent’s divor- ce.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> Per Gustavsson When princes got bewi- tched (När prinsar blir förtrollade) Swedish <p><span>Princes are always brave, strong and fearless. But what ha- ppens if they have traumas about getting bewitched to frogs? </span></p> <p><span>This is a wonderful story for children about male stereoty- pes. The book is not yet availabel in english but I hope it will soon be.</span></p> Astrid Lindgren Ronia the robbers dau- ghter (Ronja Rövardo- tter) English##Sw edish <p><span>Ronia is a children's fantasybook about a girl growing up among a clan of robbers living in a castle in the woodlands of early-Me- dieval Scandinavia. As the only child of Matt, the chief, she is expected to become the leader of the clan someday. Their castle, Matt's Fort, is split in two parts by a lightning bolt on the day of Ronia's birth. Ronia grows up with Matt's clan of robbers as her only company, until a rival robber group led by Borka moves into the other half of the castle, exa- cerbating the longstanding rivalry between the two bands</span></p> Pija Lindenbaum Bridget and the gray wolves (Gittan och grå- vargarna) English##Sw edish <p><span>This story for children by Pija Lindenbaum tells us about when a timid girl tames a wolf pack. </span></p> <p><span>Bridget is a very careful child. She never climbs on roofs or pets dogs or jumps over ditches. In fact, she's afraid of most things. But when Bridget gets lost and meets up with a pack of gray wolves in the deep, dark woods, she takes charge.</span></p> <p><span> </span></p> Astrid Lindgren Brenda Brave (Kajsa Kavat) English##Sw edish <p><span>Brenda Brave/Kajsa Kavat is written by Astrid Lindgren and is a children's book about Kajsa who lives with her grandmother in a swedish small town. Her grandmother found her one morning outside her door in a basket with a letter with the text "Take care of this child because no one else will". Kajsa grows up to a strong girl who makes sense of her name "Kavat", in english "Brave".</span></p>
  • 13. 140306099 978 252 YES NO 2015 96 YES YES 2010 130 NO NO 2017 9,789E+012 224 YES YES 2011 9,789E+012 172 2013 9,789E+012 164 NO NO 9,789E+012 48 NO YES 2015 9,789E+012 64 YES NO Tove Jansson Tales from Moominva- lley English##Sw edish <p><span>Tales from Moominvalley is the sixth book in the Moominse- ries</span><span> by Finnish author, Tove Jansson. Unlike all the other books, which were novels, it is a book of short stories, and is the longest book in the series. One of my favourits in the book is the part about the Invisible Child called Ninni and her way to get visible. </span></p> Ewa Majewska, Ewa Rutkowska Równa szkoła - edukac- ja wolna od dyskryminac- ji Dom Współ- pracy Polsko - Niemie- ckiej Polish <p><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>This publication is intended to provide a handy set of information on socio-cultural gender issues, discrimination and equality</span></span></p> http://www.go sa=t&rct=j&q =&esrc=s&so urce=web&cd =1&ved=0ah UKEwjFra- fl44HUAhX- LKywKH- R7HBEoQ- FggjMAA&url =http%3A %2F %2Fwww.po wiattorunski.- pl%2Fplik %2C26936% 2Crowna- szkola- edukacja- wolna-od- dyskryminac- ji.pdf&usg=A FQjCNG0o- tz02T_R18F_ QNjYMGQJ- T1g0Vw&sig2 =wQGf8Xcpp -v0FcX- gPdEnsw Bab Heller Czy można przekonać olbrzymów Fundacja Batorego Polish <p><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>The book is a contribution to critical world exploration, the book encourages us to reflection on problems od the modern world</span></span></p> http://rownos mages/doku menty/czy- mozna-pr- zekonac-ol- brzymow.pdf V. Beerly Belle, astute e coraggio- se. Otto storie di eroine” by V. Beerli Einaudi Ragazzi Italian <p>Eight girls around the world, with their qualities and defects..</p> Francesca Cavallo e E. Favilli Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls Monda- dori English##Itali an <p>A children's book that reinvents fairy tales, inspiring girls with the stories of 100</p> <p>great women from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams.</p> R.Fregona and C. Quaranti “Maschi contro femmi- ne?” Centro Studi Erickson Italian <p>Games and activities to teach gender equality</p> N. Muscialini “Di pari passo”, Setteno- ve Italian <p>An educative proposal to teach equality gender in the lower secon- dary school.</p> Raquel Diaz Reguera C’è qualcosa di più noioso che essere una principessa rosa? Ra- quel Diaz Reguera Setteno- ve Italian##Span ish <p>Tilte in Spanish. ¿Hay algo más aburrido que ser una princesa rosa?</p> <p>Carlotta is a pink princess but doesn’t want to kiss a lot of toads to find the blue</p> <p>prince...</p> Lorenzo naia “Fiabe in rosso” Verbavo- lant Italian <p>Gender stereotypes can be fight imagining a different final in the traditional stories</p> https://www.i rosso-libro-lo- renzo- naia/e/97888 89122907
  • 14. 2017 9,789E+012 224 YES YES 9,789E+011 YES 2014 EDT 978 28 NO NO 9,789E+012 94 2003 978 NO NO 2000 978 252 YES 2005 GWP 978 112 NO YES 2005 978 128 NO NO 2013 978 40 NO NO 2010 978 40 NO NO 2009 16 YES NO 2009 16 YES NO Francesca Cavallo e E. Favilli Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls Monda- dori English##Itali an <p>9788804676379</p> https://www.a 8804676379/ s? ie=UTF8&pa ge=1&rh=i %3Aaps %2Ck %3A9788804 676379 Christian Bruel Storia di Giulia che ave- va un'ombra da bambino by Christian Bruel Setteno- ve Italian http://no http://French Anselmo Roveda “Il trattore della nonna Italian <p> </p> <p>No one can try drive tractor better than grandma and none cooks applePies better</p> <p>than grandpa...</p> Meat Market. Carne femminile sul banco del capitalismo by Laurie Penny Laurie Penny Setteno- ve English##Itali an <p>The book reveals capitalist mechanisms that impoverish female</p> <p>potentialities and offer a perspective of change.</p> Bianca Pitzorno “Extraterrestre alla pari” Torino Einaudi Ragazzi Italian <p>A young ET comes to the HEART and lives one day as a boy and one day as a</p> <p> discover his sex., but there will be a surprise...</p> Równa szkoła – edukacja wolna od dyskryminacji Równa szkoła – edukac- ja wolna od dyskryminac- ji Warszawa Dom Współ- pracy- Polsko - Niemie- ckiej Polish <p>Książka   - jakrozmawiać z dziecmi, dorosłymi o dyskryminacji w ró- żnychaspektachżycia</p> A dlaczego ? A dlaczego ? Jak odpo- wiadać na trudne pyta- nia dzieci Gdansk Polish <p>Dziecizadajądużoróżnychpytań, niektóre z nichsątrudne. Ta ka- siążkadajeinformacjejakrozmawaić z dziećminatematihmałychproble- mów. </p> Domowa Szkoła prze- trwania. Domowa Szkoła prze- trwania. Podręcznik po- rozumiewania się Poznan Wydaw- nictwo- Publicat Polish <p>Jakrozmawaić z dziećmi I ichrodzicami, jakrodzicepowinniroz- mawiać z dziećmi I jakdziecipowinnyrozmawaić z rodzicami</p> Różni, Różni, ale tacy sami. Książka o tolerancji Krakow Czar- naOwie- czka Polish <p><em><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Książka w bardzo dowcipny sposób omawia podobieństwa i różnice międzyludzkie. Czy naprawdę jesteśmy tak inni? Czy to, że podobne dzieci grają najlepiej? Książka zachęca do refleksji i dyskusji na temat pojęcia tolerancji, współczucia, współistnienia. A przede wszystkim pokazuje, jak nasz obawy przed obcymi zmieniają się w coś pozytywnego i konstruktywnego, podobnie jak inni zapraszają do udziału w społeczności zamiast ignorować i odr- zucać. Tolerancja nie zawsze jest łatwa.</span></em></p> Małaksiążka o toleran- cji Małaksiążka o tolerancji Warszawa Czar- naowca Polish <table style="width:641px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="519"> <p>Autor w prosty sposób wyjaśnia koncepcję tolerancji i jej historii. Specyficzne przykłady wskazują, jakie zagrożenia powodują wrogie ste- reotypy uprzedzeń i wynikającej dyskryminacji i wykluczenia konkretny- ch osób i całych grup społecznych.</p> <p> </p> </td> </tr></tbody></table> Wprowadzenie – Wprowadzenie – idee równości i edukacja Katowice Uniwers- ytet Śląski Polish <p>Równość i edukacja jest możliwa. W tej publikacji dowiadujemy się, jak pracować z uczniami, aby nauczyć się najważniejszych wartości</p> Wprowadzenie – Wprowadzenie – idee równości i edukacja Katowice Uniwers- ytet Śląski Polish <p>Równość i edukacja jest możliwa. W tej publikacji dowiadujemy się, jak pracować z uczniami, aby nauczyć się najważniejszych wartości</p>
  • 15. 2012 9,788E+012 280 NO NO 2016 9,788E+012 134 NO NO 2011 Literatura 9,788E+012 40 NO NO 2017 1 70 NO NO 2016 PIC 10 195 2016 PIC 13 195 NO NO 2016 PIC 13 195 NO YES Polityka równości płci w Unii Europejskiej Polityka równości płci w Unii Europejskiej Warszawa Wydaw- nictwo Naukowe PWN Polish <div> </div> <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>Równość płci odgrywa coraz ważniejszą rolę w podejmowaniu dec- yzji i działaniach na szczeblu UE i krajowym. Rozporządzenia Unii Eu- ropejskiej wpływają na rozwiązania przyjęte zarówno w państwach członkowskich, jak iw krajach kandydujących. Wraz ze wzrastającym znaczeniem nierówności płci w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci zakres dziedzin polityki, w których jest on brany pod uwagę, wyraźnie się rozs- zerzył.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>Celem książki jest analiza decyzji i działań Unii Europejskiej w zak- resie równego traktowania kobiet i mężczyzn, aby wykazać złożoność problemu i ocenić jego złożoność</p> Wolność Wolność Warszawa Andam- Mar- szałek Polish <p>Wolność – czy jest  wolność ? Jakrozmawiać o wolności bez wol- ności</p> Gdybymbyłachłopcem/ gdybymbyłdziewcz- ynką Gdybymbyłachłopcem/ gdybymbyłdziewczynką Warszawa Polish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <h2>Dwóch autorów zastanawiało się, co by się stało, gdyby urodził się dziewczynę i co by się zmieniło w jej życiu, gdyby była Krzysiem. I z tego "garbowania" nadeszły poważne i pełne humoru opowieści. Ws- paniała książka dla dzieci 7-10</h2> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> Кина Котлерска и др Тя / Той е равна в Европа / Добри педагогически практики / Виолета Стойчева, Veliko Tarnovo Faber LTD, Ve- likoTar- novo, Bulgaria Bulgarian <p>1. "Точно ли е проблемът за равенството в съвременното българско общество? Успешни практики в областта на политиките за равенство между половете в българските въоръжени сили "- д-р NevenaAtanasova - Кръстева, подполковник, професор в Националния военен университет.<br />"Образователна програма Civic за равенство между половете inBulgarian Основно училище / 7-10 години ученици / и-членка образователни стандарти." - Кина Котларска, главницата на СУ "Емилиян Станев".<br />Резюме на проекта Еразъм "Той / Той е равен в Европа". - Галина Гогева, български координатор на проекта.<br />Учители в СУ "Емилиан Станев":<br />"Подарък за майка" - урок по изкуство - І клас - Пролет Петрова</p> <p>"Мартеницата" - аn древната българска традиция на вземане на символи за здраве от най-старата жена в семейството - бабата - урок inTechnologies и entrepreneurship- I клас - Пролет Петрова.</p> <p>"Различни, но равни" - урок по социални науки - II клас - Биляна Бонева</p> <p>"Женска кариера в мъжки професии" - урок за наблюдение в Националния военен университет - Гражданско образование - II клас - Галина Гогева</p> <p> "Жените по математика" - урок по математика - ІІІ-ІV степен - Борислава Иванова</p> <p>"Равенство на мъжа и жената в семейството" - урок по гражданско образование - І-ІІ клас - Борислава Иванова</p> <p>"Най-успешните български жени в различни сфери на обществото" - урок по гражданско образование - III клас - Ивета Станчева</p> Виолета Стойчева, Кина Котлерска Учебник за учителя Veliko Tarnovo Bulgarian <p>Целта на настоящата справочна книга е да подкрепи усилията на педагози, социални работници, психолози, учители и младежки лидери за повишаване на чувствителността на младите хора към половите стереотипи и съществуващите дискриминационни практики, свързани с пола в училище, семейство и общество.</p> Violeta Stoycheva, Kina Kotlarska Teacher's manual Veliko Tarnovo English <p>The purpose of the present reference book is to support the efforts of pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, teachers and youth lea- ders for increasing the sensibility of the young people towards gender stereotypes and the existing discriminative practices concerning gender in school, family and society.</p> Violeta Stoycheva, Kina Kotlarska Teacher's manual Veliko Tarnovo English <p>The purpose of the present reference book is to support the efforts of pedagogues, social workers, psychologists, teachers and youth lea- ders for increasing the sensibility of the young people towards gender stereotypes and the existing discriminative practices concerning gender in school, family and society.</p> <p> </p> <p>Primary, Secondary, High school</p>
  • 16. 2010 9,790E+012 80 NO NO 1992 9751000122 408 YES YES 2014 9,790E+012 168 NO NO 2016 9,790E+012 218 YES NO 1997 9,790E+012 194 NO NO Kemalettin Tuğcu ANNELERİN ÇİLESİ (Mothers Suffering) Istanbul Damla- Yayınları Turkish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>The book tells the story of a mother who suffers a lot from her hus- bandsirresponsibilities and how she struggles to make her children well educated despite the all difficulties of life.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>This  book is a good sample for children to make them understand their mothers’ suffering and struggles for them and also the inequality they live in the society</p> <p> </p> <p>Primary and secondary</p> <p> </p> Reşat Nuri Güntekin Çalıkuşu (The Wren) Istanbul İnkılapKi- tabevi Turkish <p>In the book, the adventure of a well-educated and rich Istanbul girl named Feride who lived as a teacher in various villages and towns of Anatolia is told.Feride decides to become a teacher in Anatolian villa- ges who live an ordinary and poor life in order to forget the pain of love that she lived. She tries to teach the children everything she knows. In this regard, Feride is an ideal and a Turkish novel hero to be taken as an example. One of the reasons for keeping the book updated over the years is that although many years have gone by, assignments in go- vernment offices have not progressed without familiarity, various injus- tices and harassment have been experienced, and a woman's loneli- ness to benefit from it has not changed. We are surprised to witness that the perspective of women has not changed much</p> <p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Reşat Nuri Güntekin (Istanbul, 25 November 1889 - London, 13 December 1956) was a Turkish novelist, storywriter and playwright. His novel, Çalıkuşu ("The Wren", 1922) is about the destiny of a young Turkish female teacher in Anatolia; the movie was filmed on this book in 1966, and remade as TV series in 1986</span><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">.</span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">He worked as a teacher and administrator at high schools in Bursa and Istanbul, then as an inspector at the Ministry of National Education (1931). He served as the deputy of Çanakkale be- tween 1933 and 1943 in the Turkish Parliament, the chief inspector at the Ministry of National Education (1947), and a cultural attaché to Pa- ris (1950), when he was also the Turkish representative to UNESCO</span></p> https://www.a p/product/975 1000122/ref= x_gr_w_bb? ie=UTF8&tag =httpwwwgoo dco- 20&linkCode =as2&camp= 1789&creativ e=9325&crea tiveASIN=97 Muzaffer İzgü EkmekParası (Brea- dwinning) Istanbul BilgiYa- yınevi Turkish <p>This book is the one that should be read by everyone, young or ol- d.It tells the children the social injustice and unfairness what difficulties the poors have to bring home the bread, difficulties to survive, hungry nights, naked winter days, but love to life and to people in spite of ever- ything</p> Yaşar Kemal FİLLER SULTANI İLE TOPAL KARINCA (The Sultan of Elephants and Ants) Istanbul YapıKre- diYayın- ları Turkish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>In the Filler Sultanı, the relationship between power and justice is discussed through a folk tale. The Sultan of Elephantsstartsa battle against the ants, relying on his power. It does not matter to him to be ri- ght or wrong. The intention is to test his power onantsthataremillionti- meslittlethanhim. But the ants unite and overthrow the sultan of ele- phants without submitting to injustice.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>Thisstory is a greatsampleforchildrentoteachthemtocometogethe- randunitalltogetheragainstinjusticepeopleandfightforequalityandjustice.- That is a bookcriticisingthesociologicalproblems</p> https://books. tr/books? id=c9dpAwA AQBAJ&hl=tr Muzaffer İzgü GECEKONDU (The Slum) Ankara BilgiYa- yınevi Turkish <p>Ittellsthedifficultiesandsocialinjusticethatpeopleliving in slums of İs- tanbul have.Itshowsveryclearsamplesfromthelives of poorandretire- dpeoplewhotrytosurvive in theirslums in a bigmetropolitan. Thisbook is a goodsampletomakechildrenknowaboutthe life of othersandtoteach how todevelopempathyandrespecttodisadvantagedpeople in societyto- create an equalsociety</p>
  • 17. 2010 9,786E+012 80 NO NO 2016 9,790E+012 448 YES YES 2007 9,790E+012 80 NO NO KAŞAĞI 2016 9753628648 96 YES YES Aziz Nesin HAYVANLAR TAKIMI (Animals Team) Istanbul Nesin Yayinevi Turkish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>According to scientific research, it is understood that %80 of the offenders are the ones who have tortured animals in their childhood, so we must teach children how to love animals and treat animals in order to grow up as useful and respectful people for the society. Children who look after any animal develop self-esteem, feelings of responsibility.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>This book is a good sample for children to teach children that ani- mals are the part of our life and our friends and they deserve to live in equal conditions with us.</p> <p> </p> <p>Primary and secondary</p> Yaşar Kemal İNCE MEMED (Thin Mehmed) Istanbul YapıKre- diYayın- ları Turkish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>İnce Memed is thestory of a bravemansearchingforjustice,challengingagainstinjustice.<br /> İnce- Memed passes through a poor village in an ovary full of thistles south of Anatolia. The landowner, Agha, who holds all the power, seizes the lot of marbles produced. The hero of the story, Thin Memed, takes the head of Aga's tyranny. Eventually he goes out into the mountains and joins a bandit. In the struggle against the oppression, Memed stretches arm wing to the poor and becomes a kind of Anatolian Robin Hood.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>This famous and awarded story is a great sample for everyone to teach not to be silent against injustice situations and fight for justice and equality</p> <p> </p> <p>Secondary, High school, adults</p> http://kitap- tr.blogspot.- 2/ince-me- med-yasar- kemal-tek-cil- t-ekitap-pdf- indir.html http://ekitapar sp?id=1548 Kemalettin Tuğcu KARANLIK DÜNYA (The Dark Life) Istanbul Nokta Yayinian Turkish <p>The book tells the relationship and friendship of a young boy and a blind young girl who cannot see.It contains lot of messages including endless love, respect, empathy,eqaulity, friendship and tolerance  for disadvantaged people and a great book that should be read by all chil- dren</p> <p>Primary and secondary</p> Ömer Seyfettin Istanbul Ti- maşÇo- cukYa- yınları Turkish <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"> <p>Ömer and his brother Hasan spent their childhood on a large farm. Little Omer and Hasan loved to play with horses the most, especially to groom them. For this they were using a specially plowed KAŞAĞI from Istanbul. But one day, Little Omer, with the excitement of childhood, breaks the KAŞAGI and commits his brother Hasan. His father is very angry with Hasan after this, and told him:</p> <p>- He's a liar.</p> <p>Hasan, after this event, falls in and one day he gets sick. That's when the hard times begin for Omer.</p> </td> </tr></tbody></table></div> <p>Thisstory is a goodsampletoteachchildren how badtotelllieandto be a liarandhow totelleven simple lies can lead to major problems</p> <p>From 9 to 14</p> http://www.kit er-seyfettin- kasagi/
  • 18. SAKIZ SARDUNYA 2015 6050922912 156 NO YES 2006 9,790E+012 224 YES YES Elif Şafak Doğan Egmont ÇocukKi- tapları Turkish <p>The book tells the amazing and adventurous story of a little gir- lwhodoes not like her name,Sakız.In her first children book Master wri- ter ElifŞafak wrote a warm and unusual story for children.In the book  friendship, sharing, imagination, books and love of nature are meticu- lously described.and this is a great sample for children to teach them</p> <p>Primary and secondary.</p> <p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Elif </span><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">Şafak</span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el"> was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1971. She is an award-winning novelist and the most widely read woman writer in Turkey. Critics have named her as “one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Turkish and world li- terature”. Her books have been translated into more than 40 languages and she was awarded the honorary distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters</span></p> <p><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Shafak has published thirteen books, nine of which are novels. She writes fiction in both Turkish and English. Shafak blends Western and Eastern traditions of storytelling, bringing out the myriad stories of women, minorities, immigrants, sub- cultures, youth and global souls</span></p> https://www.g oodreads.- com/work/edit ions/4306488 2-sak-z-sar- dunya Aziz Nesin ŞimdikiÇocuklarHarika (Today’s Children Won- derful) Istanbul Nesin Yayinevi Turkish <p>This Novel is not only for the children but also for the parentsandthe teachers. In this book, the children are told how big they are. - children criticize their parents, teachers, and parents. This novel describes the wrongness of some of the most valuable judges of our age who are deemed necessary in child education. -This novel is about protecting the rights of the children and their self.</p> <p>In this book, two children named Ahmet and Zeynep tell the events they have lived with each other through writing letters. They write ea- chother about the events they have lived in their homes and schools. This book explains how children see their mothers, their fathers and teachers, and teaches children how to defend themselves. It was wri- tten to criticize the problems of Turkey. Some of the topics he criticized are; Education system, memorization, problems of schools, family rela- tions. Here are some words for parents.</p> <p>From 10 to 18</p> <p><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">Aziz </span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">Nesin provided a strong indictment of the oppression and brutalization of the common man. He satirized bureaucracy and expo- sed economic inequities in stories that effectively combine local color and universal truths. Aziz Nesin has been presented with numerous awards in Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and the former Soviet Union. His wo- rks have been translated into over thirty languages</span><span lang="tr" xml:lang="tr">. I</span><span lang="el" xml:lang="el">n 1972, he founded the Nesin Foundation. The purpose of the Nesin Founda- tion is to take, each year, four poor and destitute children into the Foundation's home and provide every necessity - shelter, education and training, starting from elementary school - until they complete high school, a trade school, or until they acquire a vocation. Aziz Nesin has donated, gratis, to the Nesin Foundation his copyrights in their entirety for all his works in Turkey or other countries, including all of his publis- hed books, all plays to be staged, all copyrights for films, and all his wo- rks performed or used in radio or television</span></p> http://mabelta 1-aziz-nesin- online.html