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Claws Dark Heart Ch 05
Chapter 5
It's been over ten years since he stepped on the soil of soil Onor. Memories of childhood
flooded him, as expected. Little princess tried to forget chased him clearly when his band
performed at the dark castle, using skills learned from the corridors of the hall now crept.
His band moved like a cat feet expertly set each brick quietly in the night. Their heart was
pounding in my ears, there have been so close to justice, which so eagerly waiting for.
He told his best friend, Gareth night before the fire, because the band was asleep. Many
nights the two talked and joked with certainty about his impending raids, but last night
Novak shared his anxiety. He did not want to hurt the princess of his memories, but he also
knew that his people were waiting for this day for decades. If only he could do what he had
to do, and anyone else in the band could take your righteousness to the royal family
without him having to look at her. He was afraid to see him weaken princess; Love wanted
to betray plan. He recoiled at the thought of the princess replaces the image of his father,
kneeling at the feet of the king Anor, the sword pressing into the pulsating heart when he
begged for the life of his young son. It was only ten years old when he fought hard against
Onor guards to release him so he could run on his father's side and cry to her father's
strong arms that are used to wrap around him whenever possible. His father is kind face
always welcomes and loves his son, was now filled with anxiety and dread. His father gave
his life and the lives of their people for Novak.
He was never prepared for the mystery of the most powerful force in the country, when
they entered the throne room. It has been empty since the nobility, already the artists play
music in their halls, the company prosperous villagers spent in the throne room, stone
walls were naked art, hunting trophies and precious metals silver and gold, precious stones
from afar country were replaced by cold black iron. King, the man he hated, who picked
him up, sat down to his throne. His clothes were elegant red marker just once hung on
regent for his bone age of the body, such as curtains. Kalich dangling in his hand, he was
drunk, and not one that came to his downfall. Weak man found it funny to sit like melted
wax to young fighters. Novak hardly believed that King stood in front of the man who
caused so much Terry. This drunk, dirty man sitting on a throne successfully manipulated
his family to give up his kingdom. Smith was now thick with a sword, the sword of his
father, who was hidden Gareth family, he proceeded towards the king. The king laughed,
"Dog is finally back," and then stood on shaky balance.
Novak felt predators standing over him and opened his eyes quickly shift them around the
tent. The pain of division split his skull waking him up in the morning. Talyis stood in the
middle of the tent and watched him like a hawk waiting to swoop down his impressive prey,
her expression determined. In a panic, ears made an inventory of his band out and quickly
headed out of the tent.
Did witch murder their husbands in their sleep? alarmed Novak inside.
He broke through the tent and found his man. Sun inching towards the top of the sky. Men
sat around the smoldering fire talk much, just pack quietly not to disturb their hangovers.
They expect their leaders to wake up and begin their journey home.
"Where is Gareth?" snapped against his conviction swirling his hangover.
"He never came back since yesterday evening, my lord," replied one.
Novak rolled his eyes and strolled back to the tent. He lay down on the bed and buried his
face into the pillow. His own hangover began hitting on her body.
Talyis remained planted in the middle of the tent and cannoned her voice, "Now, if you
take me, I know your wishes."
Novak cursed, "You rotten mosquito, you can see that I do not want to talk to you."
He massaged his temples and caught Talyis heels dug into the ground. He was devastated
other; dared him through his pigheadedness.
"If your wish is my territory, can you have it. My country is rich and you will make big
profits in trading. Personally arrange for its allies to join with his people. Just let my
people live and scattering., Let family find refuge.'ll assure you that it will not seek
revenge for their fallen kingdom. "
"I told you, I do not want you to land," Novak groaned and closed his eyes, wishing her
booming voice closed.
She rearranged her determination to keep its boiling contempt destroys the significance of
this meeting. "That's life for the life you want. Take my life and none of my people from a
generation that killed off yours. Younger generation does not even know that they exist.
Whether you live in freedom. Believe that it is very diplomatic, nations rise and fall. Your
people raised their fate. "
Novak charged Talyis, head swirling, making him sick, he pushed the girl to the ground.
His spree energy sucked all the air out of the tent, "My people were calm. Your king
massacred our country without proper justice. Told you, princess, let alone, but your
obstinate audacity would have canned. You are identified. know what that means? "
She shook her head looking frazzled at him in confusion.
"It means that I married you. You are bound to me for the rest of his miserable life,
however short and miserable is possible."
"You want to torture me?" she shouted, and then gritted her teeth, determined to fight.
"I'm the leader of the people, a prisoner of war. You can not treat me like that."
"Silent, that language when I speak to you. Already a princess and will be treated as one.
Seal You are me, you are my slave. I'll do what I want. If I wish you to serve me, you will. If
I wish you to serve your people, you., if I wish to fuck you're ready. Gotcha. "He was
excited, and knelt before Talyis his words bring warmth to your face with every word," And
just to make it clear. Think nothing. should you be with a child with me, it will mean
nothing. I will send to the mines. "
Talyis confidence melted on a quiet panic satisfied Novak stood up and began to change
into his clothes when he sat down to have in the middle of the tent. He ordered, "Pack up
the tent and get my horse ready." He strolled out of the tent and heard him demanding
Gareth outdoors. She gave his temperament volcano erupt running his hot impatience to
everyone in his path.
Gareth went quietly up to the edge of the camp, "I'm a prince."
"Where have you been?" Novak cautioned. "I need you now."
Talyis was surprised when Novak broke through the tent with Gareth, "Why do not you
pack this tent," he snapped, ignoring that has been trying to get back into his crib. "Never
mind, give me some bitter." She looked at the two men curiously, "Give me a drink!"
She gave a little to find what caused their revelry the night before and brought her to him.
Smith and Gareth were arguing over the route plan. Novak's face red with heat and
disease, grabbed a drink from it without hesitation his tirade.
Talyis carefully packed tent men listen to the debate on how to avoid the two camps
Navapa obstructing their options at home. She did not know the territory, and he knew
better than to look at the map Novak so close. But she was quick impression of sound
arguments Novak despite being under the weather. He was a great leader, a ruthless but
When Gareth felt that Novak crankiness settled once the decision has been met traveling,
quietly filed Talyis package woven close, while Smith was obsessed with maps. She
hesitantly took a soft package. White and blue simple dresses have evolved from paper
when released twine. Holding the dress to her body, she gave thanks to Gareth simple
Taking a quiet room secretly moving behind him, Smith turned his attention to the two
conspirators "What is it?" Novak criticized and turned the rudder dress in his fingers, "You
give gifts slave now?"
"Smith," Gareth tried to reason, "she can not walk in a shift for the rest of their days."
Talyis was always careful to not jeopardize the already tense air around the man.
"What do you care what she was wearing?"
"These are dirty. She is bleeding out as we speak," answered Gareth.
Talyis yelled as Gareth took the helm of their shift to exhibit fresh blood stains red paint.
Agony raced through her, she was so focused on Novak, in their arguments, they noticed
that she was bleeding from her attacks last night in shifts.
"We can not travel between these Navapa with her in this state," Gareth justified.
"Okay," irritated Smith. "Clean."
"I can heal myself," squirting Talyis assertively than Gareth could take a step forward
following the instructions Novak.
"So go, I go."
Novak turned back to his maps and Talyis winced again faced with the dilemma of having
to touch and look at each other. Last night, he was so physically and mentally exhausted;
and she had not slept since he woke up from a raid on a burlap bag. Feeling overwhelmed
her as she dared to check her injuries. Last night, she fainted once had peace for herself
and her head hit the indentation Novak bed. Now, they were very present: the burning of
her pussy torn walls, bubbling from the cooking of his trademarks, stiffness in the whole
body of men grinding her muscles pushing hard with every thrust into a wooden base car.
Again, her feelings embedded in your mind, now it flooded, freezing it before the two men
in the tent.
"Smith can not look at you," he whispered reverently Gareth.
"Come on girl," said Smith, shaking her mind back to the tent, "You smell of other men's
cum all night, I want to swim out of me."
Furry increased in the belly: Novak wanted to hit, but resigned, and followed him to his
horse. Novak gently pat the horse and took his reign leads him through the meadow. Talyis
followed him, her arms across her chest, wanting to get away from the eyes of men
resembling took it.
Novak horse trotting on the open field, he gave her a gentle pat on his ass. Talyis
positioned itself at the entrance to the meadow, she wished to be free of its current state. I
should run free in clearings with bare feet. She wished it was her green eyes boy looking at
her from the middle of the field beckons her to him; instead it was jealousy.
"Follow me," he snapped, and marched to the other end of the meadow, where fresh fish
pond sat sparkling in the sunlight.
Novak pulled off his tunic, his muscle-defined back she shivered. He threw the shoes away
and dropped his pants disposal is easy. She stood watching his buttocks move under his
strong legs wide eyes. He looked like a god. The greatest fighter who ever lived with a
smooth, enhanced skin that bore no battle scars. He splashed into the pond with heavy
steps and disappeared under the water. Talyis stepped closer, curious to see what lies
between the thighs. She had never seen a man's body other than his shadow shining in the
firelight and forces its impact on her body.
Her heart was pounding; Novak was under for a long time and come to the top. Her legs
were moving into the water before she could respond to her mind. Why she runs to him,
she could run away, run to the other end of the forest. He came out of the water and she
quickly ran back to the edge of a grassy pond.
"Take off the shift and wash the wounds," he said sourly less in it for the first time this
She took a shift over her head and let it fall gently on the grass, his hands wrapped around
his tender breasts. Novak could not help but let his mouth fall, she was really hurt. Her
legs were covered with blood, black bruises covering her golden brown skin, his brand
looked like a big white cat viciously inflamed boil instead of complex tribal beliefs and line
of his personal seal. Blood leaked from between her dangling pussy lips. He felt guilty for
ruining his angel beauty.
"Come into the water, wash your feet," he ordered. Talyis raised an inquisitive eyebrow at
him, not moving. Novak could see her anxiety and swam farther edge of the pond so that
they will feel safe. She steps but winced. Eyebrows cross with concern, knowing that every
step brought pain between his legs that he carefully concealed from his nerve back. His
Talyis always tried to be strong despite its vulnerability. When he was satisfied with his
attempts to clean the dirt from his feet, he continued, "Relax and wash your hair back and
pay attention to my brand afloat."
She rolled her eyes in exasperation. How dare you think that he could learn how to swim.
Instead, he took water and sprinkled it over her back, she cries aloud when some hit the
water boil. She paused and unfolded, everything falls apart, Talyis scrambled back into the
grass, held her body tightly in his arms.
"Stop, I have not given you permission to leave," he snapped out of the pond and swam to
her. His hands were shaking nervously reached her trembling girl and made her sit on the
grass with her legs floating in the water. His eyes softened when he was nervous in his
futile attempts to care for the girls were laughing. "Stay."
Talyis squeezed her arms around his chest and rocked trying to slow down the raging
torrent in it. It was insensitive to Novak move around. He got out of the water and brought
her to move back, he knelt tight legs. He pried open the legs slightly apart, his eyes
avoiding her, while crossing into the water and then carefully wiped his feet clean. He
slowly dragged his feet down with a cloth, let it cool calm her down. Neglecting the center
again moisten a cloth and cleaned her neck and shoulders, with more confidence and took
his hands away from her.
He avoided her eyes. Her mind finally stopped climbing on a cliff that was desperately
trying to throw himself off and went back into his body. His hands worked quickly re-
soaking her shift, then gently cleaning to avoid the pain. His hand took by the throat and
threw back her head. Her face flushed as her breasts were extended towards him, wanted
to reduce, but not paying attention to her embarrassment. Novak had hair shower screen.
When he was satisfied with his work, he took a new breath determination and gently
rubbed her nipples clean, careful not to disturb the scabs that form on the teeth marks.
His penis bounced on her belly expands wanting to dip into their warm folds, which were so
close to his bulbous head. He dominated his thoughts on last night did everything in him
lament his choice. Her stomach did not rise or fall as she looked at his fingers clean her
breasts and her nipples peaking.
Her eyes caught him peeking at her trying to find her expression as she gently wash her
body. She watched as her nipples curiously began saluting to the touch. She saw flashes of
yellow sun in his green eyes and blushed. He stopped swirling the cloth around her breasts
and played himself in the past-future conflict in them. Novak reluctantly broke from her
point of view and got forgotten his swollen penis and looked at her. He let her into the
water and walked around the pond, fingers combing grass. He found what he was looking
for and went between her legs. Either brought to his lips and twisted it, leaking juice on
her fingers. He wiped the juice on his mark, and she winced. He took her hand firmly in his
own, to comfort her and continued to nurse. He squeezed her hand, comforting her with
every flinch she did. Satisfied, he gathered more juice from a bud was held between the
lips. He let go of her hand to move your foot further apart from others. Its petals opened
his eyes were glistening wet in the sun. Carefully fingers swirled around her outer lips with
healing juice and then stuck his finger into her hole. His finger pushed against the bottom
of her slit, her tears and relieves pressure on the construction of the dam. Talyis mouth
with a sigh escaped his lips. Novak grinned; His lips curled around the fetus in the teeth,
as again more juice and continued to treat the girl. She watched as his finger slipped
between her folds, curling her feel like she was going to the bathroom. Her leg swung from
side to side in an attempt to relax her pussy at the mercy of their singers, but the rest of
her body tensed into tight balls. Heard that is close to wail like a quiet hiss escaped her
moist lips.
He threw his attempts to heal party and pressed a finger against a rough ball of nerves in
the upper part of her pussy. His thumb clamped on her clit and started massaging her. Her
hips circled in ancient dances, he drove his fingers deeper and faster into her. Juices from
the bud of her sex and mixed sloshing loudly as he became more urgent. Nerves His own
penis moved on their own accord, his fingers were squeezed into the pussy now owned.
Talyis moaned in quiet, quick breaths following closer. Her silken walls were so tight for
hands barely pull insistently; instead pulled his fingers out of her and thrust his penis into
her spasming walls. He was ecstatic, her orgasm her pussy pulsed around him as they
injected her, forcing the walls apart, again driving her to another explosion.
His arms circled her how to shake along the water's edge. Their breathing melded together
collectively. Lying on her, his cock still hard in her loose pussy. He sighed, pulled and he
swam into the water where they found either find another. He returned to her, she lay on
her back, her chest still rises and falls deep. He cleaned his cum from her pussy and then
wound bud juice with her. Her hips by bending with the simplest touch, grinned and
unenthusiastic refused to be further stimulated.
He emerged from the pond and wrung out damp shift. Talyis stood, sweaty backs and
decorated with straws. He laughed softly and rubbed her back to dry tunic to remove grass
from her back and buttocks. He was tied around the waist shift moist, bandaging his mark
for it to heal. He pulled out a white and blue dress that Gareth purchased in the village
over her head, her dress before they put their shoes and pants.
His sucked his teeth loudly kiss for horses, but it was busy grazing on grass. He blushed
and smiled at the sight of Talyis and embarrassed by his stubborn horse. He ran calling for
his horse in the ancient language. She could not help but smile when youthful crouched
and walked through the tall grass, his dark curls playing on his shoulders. The horse got
scared and started to run away, but then he realized that his master. Colt ran at him
chortling with his master in affection. Novak brought his horse to Talyis and raised it to
her gently lay on top of his prized stallion. She cried out, shooting pain raked through her
body to the brain and he jerked her apologetically. He waved his tunic and led his horse
back to camp Talyis on top, as it did so many times when they were young.

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Claws Dark Heart Ch 05

  • 1. Claws Dark Heart Ch 05 Chapter 5 It's been over ten years since he stepped on the soil of soil Onor. Memories of childhood flooded him, as expected. Little princess tried to forget chased him clearly when his band performed at the dark castle, using skills learned from the corridors of the hall now crept. His band moved like a cat feet expertly set each brick quietly in the night. Their heart was pounding in my ears, there have been so close to justice, which so eagerly waiting for. He told his best friend, Gareth night before the fire, because the band was asleep. Many nights the two talked and joked with certainty about his impending raids, but last night Novak shared his anxiety. He did not want to hurt the princess of his memories, but he also knew that his people were waiting for this day for decades. If only he could do what he had to do, and anyone else in the band could take your righteousness to the royal family without him having to look at her. He was afraid to see him weaken princess; Love wanted to betray plan. He recoiled at the thought of the princess replaces the image of his father, kneeling at the feet of the king Anor, the sword pressing into the pulsating heart when he begged for the life of his young son. It was only ten years old when he fought hard against Onor guards to release him so he could run on his father's side and cry to her father's strong arms that are used to wrap around him whenever possible. His father is kind face always welcomes and loves his son, was now filled with anxiety and dread. His father gave his life and the lives of their people for Novak. He was never prepared for the mystery of the most powerful force in the country, when they entered the throne room. It has been empty since the nobility, already the artists play music in their halls, the company prosperous villagers spent in the throne room, stone walls were naked art, hunting trophies and precious metals silver and gold, precious stones from afar country were replaced by cold black iron. King, the man he hated, who picked him up, sat down to his throne. His clothes were elegant red marker just once hung on regent for his bone age of the body, such as curtains. Kalich dangling in his hand, he was drunk, and not one that came to his downfall. Weak man found it funny to sit like melted wax to young fighters. Novak hardly believed that King stood in front of the man who caused so much Terry. This drunk, dirty man sitting on a throne successfully manipulated his family to give up his kingdom. Smith was now thick with a sword, the sword of his father, who was hidden Gareth family, he proceeded towards the king. The king laughed, "Dog is finally back," and then stood on shaky balance. Novak felt predators standing over him and opened his eyes quickly shift them around the tent. The pain of division split his skull waking him up in the morning. Talyis stood in the middle of the tent and watched him like a hawk waiting to swoop down his impressive prey, her expression determined. In a panic, ears made an inventory of his band out and quickly headed out of the tent. Did witch murder their husbands in their sleep? alarmed Novak inside. He broke through the tent and found his man. Sun inching towards the top of the sky. Men sat around the smoldering fire talk much, just pack quietly not to disturb their hangovers. They expect their leaders to wake up and begin their journey home.
  • 2. "Where is Gareth?" snapped against his conviction swirling his hangover. "He never came back since yesterday evening, my lord," replied one. Novak rolled his eyes and strolled back to the tent. He lay down on the bed and buried his face into the pillow. His own hangover began hitting on her body. Talyis remained planted in the middle of the tent and cannoned her voice, "Now, if you take me, I know your wishes." Novak cursed, "You rotten mosquito, you can see that I do not want to talk to you." He massaged his temples and caught Talyis heels dug into the ground. He was devastated other; dared him through his pigheadedness. "If your wish is my territory, can you have it. My country is rich and you will make big profits in trading. Personally arrange for its allies to join with his people. Just let my people live and scattering., Let family find refuge.'ll assure you that it will not seek revenge for their fallen kingdom. " "I told you, I do not want you to land," Novak groaned and closed his eyes, wishing her booming voice closed. She rearranged her determination to keep its boiling contempt destroys the significance of this meeting. "That's life for the life you want. Take my life and none of my people from a generation that killed off yours. Younger generation does not even know that they exist. Whether you live in freedom. Believe that it is very diplomatic, nations rise and fall. Your people raised their fate. " Novak charged Talyis, head swirling, making him sick, he pushed the girl to the ground. His spree energy sucked all the air out of the tent, "My people were calm. Your king massacred our country without proper justice. Told you, princess, let alone, but your obstinate audacity would have canned. You are identified. know what that means? " She shook her head looking frazzled at him in confusion. "It means that I married you. You are bound to me for the rest of his miserable life, however short and miserable is possible." "You want to torture me?" she shouted, and then gritted her teeth, determined to fight. "I'm the leader of the people, a prisoner of war. You can not treat me like that." "Silent, that language when I speak to you. Already a princess and will be treated as one. Seal You are me, you are my slave. I'll do what I want. If I wish you to serve me, you will. If I wish you to serve your people, you., if I wish to fuck you're ready. Gotcha. "He was excited, and knelt before Talyis his words bring warmth to your face with every word," And just to make it clear. Think nothing. should you be with a child with me, it will mean nothing. I will send to the mines. " Talyis confidence melted on a quiet panic satisfied Novak stood up and began to change into his clothes when he sat down to have in the middle of the tent. He ordered, "Pack up
  • 3. the tent and get my horse ready." He strolled out of the tent and heard him demanding Gareth outdoors. She gave his temperament volcano erupt running his hot impatience to everyone in his path. Gareth went quietly up to the edge of the camp, "I'm a prince." "Where have you been?" Novak cautioned. "I need you now." Talyis was surprised when Novak broke through the tent with Gareth, "Why do not you pack this tent," he snapped, ignoring that has been trying to get back into his crib. "Never mind, give me some bitter." She looked at the two men curiously, "Give me a drink!" She gave a little to find what caused their revelry the night before and brought her to him. Smith and Gareth were arguing over the route plan. Novak's face red with heat and disease, grabbed a drink from it without hesitation his tirade. Talyis carefully packed tent men listen to the debate on how to avoid the two camps Navapa obstructing their options at home. She did not know the territory, and he knew better than to look at the map Novak so close. But she was quick impression of sound arguments Novak despite being under the weather. He was a great leader, a ruthless but brilliant. When Gareth felt that Novak crankiness settled once the decision has been met traveling, quietly filed Talyis package woven close, while Smith was obsessed with maps. She hesitantly took a soft package. White and blue simple dresses have evolved from paper when released twine. Holding the dress to her body, she gave thanks to Gareth simple smile. Taking a quiet room secretly moving behind him, Smith turned his attention to the two conspirators "What is it?" Novak criticized and turned the rudder dress in his fingers, "You give gifts slave now?" "Smith," Gareth tried to reason, "she can not walk in a shift for the rest of their days." Talyis was always careful to not jeopardize the already tense air around the man. "What do you care what she was wearing?" "These are dirty. She is bleeding out as we speak," answered Gareth. Talyis yelled as Gareth took the helm of their shift to exhibit fresh blood stains red paint. Agony raced through her, she was so focused on Novak, in their arguments, they noticed that she was bleeding from her attacks last night in shifts. "We can not travel between these Navapa with her in this state," Gareth justified. "Okay," irritated Smith. "Clean." "I can heal myself," squirting Talyis assertively than Gareth could take a step forward following the instructions Novak.
  • 4. "So go, I go." Novak turned back to his maps and Talyis winced again faced with the dilemma of having to touch and look at each other. Last night, he was so physically and mentally exhausted; and she had not slept since he woke up from a raid on a burlap bag. Feeling overwhelmed her as she dared to check her injuries. Last night, she fainted once had peace for herself and her head hit the indentation Novak bed. Now, they were very present: the burning of her pussy torn walls, bubbling from the cooking of his trademarks, stiffness in the whole body of men grinding her muscles pushing hard with every thrust into a wooden base car. Again, her feelings embedded in your mind, now it flooded, freezing it before the two men in the tent. "Smith can not look at you," he whispered reverently Gareth. "Come on girl," said Smith, shaking her mind back to the tent, "You smell of other men's cum all night, I want to swim out of me." Furry increased in the belly: Novak wanted to hit, but resigned, and followed him to his horse. Novak gently pat the horse and took his reign leads him through the meadow. Talyis followed him, her arms across her chest, wanting to get away from the eyes of men resembling took it. Novak horse trotting on the open field, he gave her a gentle pat on his ass. Talyis positioned itself at the entrance to the meadow, she wished to be free of its current state. I should run free in clearings with bare feet. She wished it was her green eyes boy looking at her from the middle of the field beckons her to him; instead it was jealousy. "Follow me," he snapped, and marched to the other end of the meadow, where fresh fish pond sat sparkling in the sunlight. Novak pulled off his tunic, his muscle-defined back she shivered. He threw the shoes away and dropped his pants disposal is easy. She stood watching his buttocks move under his strong legs wide eyes. He looked like a god. The greatest fighter who ever lived with a smooth, enhanced skin that bore no battle scars. He splashed into the pond with heavy steps and disappeared under the water. Talyis stepped closer, curious to see what lies between the thighs. She had never seen a man's body other than his shadow shining in the firelight and forces its impact on her body. Her heart was pounding; Novak was under for a long time and come to the top. Her legs were moving into the water before she could respond to her mind. Why she runs to him, she could run away, run to the other end of the forest. He came out of the water and she quickly ran back to the edge of a grassy pond. "Take off the shift and wash the wounds," he said sourly less in it for the first time this morning. She took a shift over her head and let it fall gently on the grass, his hands wrapped around his tender breasts. Novak could not help but let his mouth fall, she was really hurt. Her legs were covered with blood, black bruises covering her golden brown skin, his brand looked like a big white cat viciously inflamed boil instead of complex tribal beliefs and line of his personal seal. Blood leaked from between her dangling pussy lips. He felt guilty for
  • 5. ruining his angel beauty. "Come into the water, wash your feet," he ordered. Talyis raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him, not moving. Novak could see her anxiety and swam farther edge of the pond so that they will feel safe. She steps but winced. Eyebrows cross with concern, knowing that every step brought pain between his legs that he carefully concealed from his nerve back. His Talyis always tried to be strong despite its vulnerability. When he was satisfied with his attempts to clean the dirt from his feet, he continued, "Relax and wash your hair back and pay attention to my brand afloat." She rolled her eyes in exasperation. How dare you think that he could learn how to swim. Instead, he took water and sprinkled it over her back, she cries aloud when some hit the water boil. She paused and unfolded, everything falls apart, Talyis scrambled back into the grass, held her body tightly in his arms. "Stop, I have not given you permission to leave," he snapped out of the pond and swam to her. His hands were shaking nervously reached her trembling girl and made her sit on the grass with her legs floating in the water. His eyes softened when he was nervous in his futile attempts to care for the girls were laughing. "Stay." Talyis squeezed her arms around his chest and rocked trying to slow down the raging torrent in it. It was insensitive to Novak move around. He got out of the water and brought her to move back, he knelt tight legs. He pried open the legs slightly apart, his eyes avoiding her, while crossing into the water and then carefully wiped his feet clean. He slowly dragged his feet down with a cloth, let it cool calm her down. Neglecting the center again moisten a cloth and cleaned her neck and shoulders, with more confidence and took his hands away from her. He avoided her eyes. Her mind finally stopped climbing on a cliff that was desperately trying to throw himself off and went back into his body. His hands worked quickly re- soaking her shift, then gently cleaning to avoid the pain. His hand took by the throat and threw back her head. Her face flushed as her breasts were extended towards him, wanted to reduce, but not paying attention to her embarrassment. Novak had hair shower screen. When he was satisfied with his work, he took a new breath determination and gently rubbed her nipples clean, careful not to disturb the scabs that form on the teeth marks. His penis bounced on her belly expands wanting to dip into their warm folds, which were so close to his bulbous head. He dominated his thoughts on last night did everything in him lament his choice. Her stomach did not rise or fall as she looked at his fingers clean her breasts and her nipples peaking. Her eyes caught him peeking at her trying to find her expression as she gently wash her body. She watched as her nipples curiously began saluting to the touch. She saw flashes of yellow sun in his green eyes and blushed. He stopped swirling the cloth around her breasts and played himself in the past-future conflict in them. Novak reluctantly broke from her point of view and got forgotten his swollen penis and looked at her. He let her into the water and walked around the pond, fingers combing grass. He found what he was looking for and went between her legs. Either brought to his lips and twisted it, leaking juice on her fingers. He wiped the juice on his mark, and she winced. He took her hand firmly in his own, to comfort her and continued to nurse. He squeezed her hand, comforting her with every flinch she did. Satisfied, he gathered more juice from a bud was held between the lips. He let go of her hand to move your foot further apart from others. Its petals opened
  • 6. his eyes were glistening wet in the sun. Carefully fingers swirled around her outer lips with healing juice and then stuck his finger into her hole. His finger pushed against the bottom of her slit, her tears and relieves pressure on the construction of the dam. Talyis mouth with a sigh escaped his lips. Novak grinned; His lips curled around the fetus in the teeth, as again more juice and continued to treat the girl. She watched as his finger slipped between her folds, curling her feel like she was going to the bathroom. Her leg swung from side to side in an attempt to relax her pussy at the mercy of their singers, but the rest of her body tensed into tight balls. Heard that is close to wail like a quiet hiss escaped her moist lips. He threw his attempts to heal party and pressed a finger against a rough ball of nerves in the upper part of her pussy. His thumb clamped on her clit and started massaging her. Her hips circled in ancient dances, he drove his fingers deeper and faster into her. Juices from the bud of her sex and mixed sloshing loudly as he became more urgent. Nerves His own penis moved on their own accord, his fingers were squeezed into the pussy now owned. Talyis moaned in quiet, quick breaths following closer. Her silken walls were so tight for hands barely pull insistently; instead pulled his fingers out of her and thrust his penis into her spasming walls. He was ecstatic, her orgasm her pussy pulsed around him as they injected her, forcing the walls apart, again driving her to another explosion. His arms circled her how to shake along the water's edge. Their breathing melded together collectively. Lying on her, his cock still hard in her loose pussy. He sighed, pulled and he swam into the water where they found either find another. He returned to her, she lay on her back, her chest still rises and falls deep. He cleaned his cum from her pussy and then wound bud juice with her. Her hips by bending with the simplest touch, grinned and unenthusiastic refused to be further stimulated. He emerged from the pond and wrung out damp shift. Talyis stood, sweaty backs and decorated with straws. He laughed softly and rubbed her back to dry tunic to remove grass from her back and buttocks. He was tied around the waist shift moist, bandaging his mark for it to heal. He pulled out a white and blue dress that Gareth purchased in the village over her head, her dress before they put their shoes and pants. His sucked his teeth loudly kiss for horses, but it was busy grazing on grass. He blushed and smiled at the sight of Talyis and embarrassed by his stubborn horse. He ran calling for his horse in the ancient language. She could not help but smile when youthful crouched and walked through the tall grass, his dark curls playing on his shoulders. The horse got scared and started to run away, but then he realized that his master. Colt ran at him chortling with his master in affection. Novak brought his horse to Talyis and raised it to her gently lay on top of his prized stallion. She cried out, shooting pain raked through her body to the brain and he jerked her apologetically. He waved his tunic and led his horse back to camp Talyis on top, as it did so many times when they were young.