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City Council Candidate Questionnaire 
Candidate: Annie Campbell Washington 
District: 4 
Note: Please limit your answers to 250 words except where the question 
indicates a different word limit. 
1. Please state your position on the following November ballot measures along with a brief 
(No more than 30 word) statement supporting your position. 
 Measure Z: Public Safety (Parcel tax for police, fire and violence prevention programs) 
 Measure XX: Public Ethics (Restructuring of Public Ethics Commission and mandatory 
funding for its staff) 
 Measure XX: Redistricting (Redistricting commission for City Council boundaries ) 
I support Measure Z: Public Safety. We cannot afford to lose a single dollar dedicated to 
police services and violence prevention in this city. This is the continuation of an 
existing tax that currently pays for police officers, fire service and outreach 
workers/violence interrupters doing the work of the Ceasefire initiative. We need these 
vital services to continue. 
I support Measure CC: Public Ethics. This Measure strengthens the Public Ethics 
Commission in critical ways to ensure that it has the resources and authority to fulfill its 
mission of enforcing campaign finance, lobbying, transparency and ethics laws. 
I support Measure DD: Redistricting. Measure DD establishes a 13-member Independent 
Redistricting Commission that will be responsible for drawing the boundaries of the 
seven districts for the election of Councilmembers and Oakland Unified School Board of 
Directors. A 13-member board will provide a new degree of neutrality and independence 
to this work that we have not experienced in the past. 
2. MOBN!’s public safety plan calls for increasing Oakland’s police force to 900 sworn 
officers within four years. To reach this goal, MOBN! advocates that the city should: 1) not layoff 
any Oakland police officers under any circumstances; 2) schedule, fund, and conduct sufficient 
police academies each year to increase that number, not simply replace officers who retire or 
otherwise leave the force; and 3) make increasing the size of the police department its number 
one priority. Do you agree or disagree? 
As Councilmember, I will not vote to layoff any police officers under any circumstances. 
I will schedule, fund, and conduct sufficient police academies to increase the number of
the force, not simply replace officers who retire or otherwise leave. Increasing public 
safety is my number one priority – the strategies to accomplish that will be multi-faceted. 
3. OPD’s difficulty in achieving the authorized sworn staffing level appears to 
be exacerbated by high attrition and low morale, as shown by the department’s internal polling 
( and it’s loss of officers only months after they complete their 
training. How should the City solve OPD’s attrition and morale problems? 
OPD’s attrition and morale problems could be greatly reduced through the following: 
1) The Mayor and City Council must budget for adequate equipment and technology 
upgrades in the Police Department every year. 
2) The Mayor and City Council must develop funding and budget for a new Police 
Administration building. 
3) The Mayor and City Council must stay focused on finally getting into compliance 
with the Negotiated Settlement Agreement. 
4) The Mayor and City Council must develop personal relationships with the 
leadership in OPD and OPOA built on mutual respect. 
4. OPD has been under Federal Court supervision for close to twelve years. While 
Oaklanders have repeatedly been told that the end is in sight, in late July, Judge Henderson 
stated that Oakland’s disciplinary processes have violated Court orders, and that continuing the 
same practices will "undermine any confidence in the sustainability of the reforms that have 
been and continue to be achieved." Then, on August 14, the Judge criticized the City’s recent 
inability to sustain through arbitration an officer termination in connection with response to the 
Occupy Oakland protests. (Source: The Court opined that Oakland 
could not be in compliance with two NSA tasks if internal investigations were inadequate and 
“discipline is not consistently imposed.” Many people believe the Monitor has repeatedly 
imposed requirements on Oakland that far exceed the literal requirements of the NSA, and that 
as a result of the Monitor’s shifting standards, Oakland may never be able to extricate itself from 
Court supervision. As a City Council member, to what extent would you be prepared to oppose 
continued and changing demands from the Monitor, and what is your plan to end the era of 
Court supervision? 
As Councilmember, I will do absolutely everything in my power to end Court supervision 
of our police department. My opinions on these issues result from being personally 
involved with the Negotiated Settlement Agreement from December 2011-December 2013. 
I believe that the key Oakland players in these issues are the Mayor, the City Attorney, 
the Chief of Police and the Plaintiff’s Attorneys. The City of Oakland has an extremely 
limited ability to impact the Court at this point. In the past three years, the Judge has not 
met with the Mayor or City Attorney in person and has met with the Chief of Police less 
than a handful of times. I am realistic about the amount of leverage the City Council has 
in this situation, but I will still do everything in my power as Councilmember to ensure 
that the City remains in compliance with the NSA and we end Court supervision. 
5. According to the Public Works Department, Oakland is on an 85-year repaving schedule, 
meaning a street that is repaved today won’t be repaved again for 85 years. Further, according 
to Public Works, maintaining the existing pavement condition on Oakland’s streets would 
require an estimated $28 million annually, while the amount allocated annually has been less 
than $6 million in recent years. Sixty percent of the City’s curb ramps are non-compliant or non-existent. 
The total needed to rehabilitate Oakland streets is over $435 million. How do you plan
to reverse the ongoing deterioration of our streets and sidewalks? If you are elected, when will 
Oaklanders see a difference? 
The abhorrent quality of the streets in Oakland is a critical issue for me. It disturbs me 
greatly that even in very good economic times, the City of Oakland has never funded 
street repair at a level that can even make a dent. Because we have high priority 
demands on our city dollars – namely public safety and unfunded liabilities – I support 
Measure BB, the Alameda County measure that will be on the ballot in November 2014 to 
ensure that we have a significant, stable and sustainable funding stream for this work for 
the next 30 years. This measure will provide a significant funding stream for local street 
repair projects in the City of Oakland -- $17M per year/$577M over 30 years for local 
streets maintenance and safety. 
6. The extent to which the City faces unfunded liabilities and what should be done about 
them has been a contentious issue in recent years. As recently as last December, the City 
Administrator projected that for the three fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015, Oakland faces all-funds 
budget structural shortfalls totaling $795 million if it addresses its deferred capital 
expenses and deferred liabilities, and $342 million if it does not (Source: December 12, 2013 
Update to Five-Year Financial Forecast, Attachment D, Do you believe 
Oakland faces a financial shortfall, and if so, how will you address it if elected in November? 
I believe that the City of Oakland does not have the revenue it needs to fund every 
project and initiative that is desired in Oakland, so in this sense we will always face a 
financial shortfall that will require budget trade-offs by the Mayor and City Council. 
There is an incredible amount of deferred maintenance of sewers, streets and facilities in 
Oakland, so there will always be a higher demand for revenue than we can possibly 
The City Council must remain vigilant in budgeting conservatively for our future. The 
most important role of the City Council is adopting a balanced budget that provides for 
the core needs of the residents and business owners of Oakland. 
As Councilmember, I will remain focused on ensuring that the Council adopts a budget 
 uses one-time revenue for one-time expenditures; 
 provides a clear, reasonable and continuous payment plan for unfunded liabilities; 
 accounts for all new expenses on the horizon resulting from previously approved 
contracts with our employees, rising healthcare and other benefits costs; 
 continues to fund police officer academies to ensure that we are doing better than 
just meeting attrition; 
 funds technology, equipment and programs in the Oakland Police Department 
with the intention of creating true community policing and reducing violent crime 
 funds services that create safety in every neighborhood – illegal dumping 
abatement; graffiti abatement; after-school programs at libraries; recreation 
centers and parks; local business attraction and support; 
 identifies a funding stream for affordable housing, such as a percentage of the 
boomerang funds from Redevelopment 
 funds a clear, reasonable and continuous plan for street maintenance and 
transportation projects – ideally funded outside of the City’s general fund
7. Operation Ceasefire has been described as the centerpiece of Oakland’s violent crime 
reduction effort. We understand that funding for its manager has been dependent on grant 
funding and that there is an insufficient number of case managers to maximize Ceasefire’s 
success. Do you support expanding Operation Ceasefire? Where specifically do you propose 
allocating resources and staffing? 
I support identifying a sustainable, stable and ongoing funding source for Ceasefire. 
Ceasefire is the cornerstone of the City of Oakland’s plan to reduce violent crime. It 
must be funded fully in the next two year budget. The manager, case managers and 
violence interrupters/outreach workers are currently funded by grants and the existing 
Measure Y. I am prepared to fund this work with General Purpose fund dollars in the 
next two year budget if other funding sources are not available. 
8. In 2012-2013, Oakland contracted with Strategic Policy Partners (Robert Wasserman et 
al.) to present a comprehensive public safety plan. Strategic Policy Partners made a large 
number of recommendations, some of which have been implemented and some of which have 
not. (The reports are here:,, If the voters elect you in November, please state whether you will 
support implementing the following recommendations (We are looking for a “yes” or “no” 
answer, with explanatory narrative not exceeding 25 words for each recommendation): 
 Call for Service Reduction strategy; Yes – the Department must continue to look for 
ways to reduce the number of calls actually requiring an officer to visit the 
location by increasing the number of calls that can be handled by civilian staff or 
staff of other departments and increasing the number of calls that can be handled 
 Expanded investigation capacity in each of the City’s 5 policing districts, so that each 
district has an investigative sergeant, 3 investigators, and 3 to 5 police 
officers. Yes – this staffing plan is ideal and should be implemented as revenue 
 Increased sworn police personnel to a ratio of 2 officers for every 1,000 in the population 
(i.e., 800). Yes – I believe that we do not have enough police officers because 
residents do not feel that they can get a quick response when they call 911. I will 
vote to support a budget that funds police academies to ensure that we are 
beating our attrition rate. 
 Expansion of the Ceasefire initiative. Yes -- answered in previous question. 
Ceasefire is the cornerstone of our public safety plan to reduce violence in the 
 Redesign of community policing, so that the entire Police Department, not just PSOs, 
are focused on community relationship building. Yes – I don’t believe we have ever 
truly implemented community policing and as much as I love the work of the 
PSOs, it has siloed community policing to a very small group of officers. Every 
police officer in Oakland should be a community policing officer. 
 Measurement of the state of community / police relations. Yes – I would like this to be 
part of an annual survey to the community. 
 Moving restorative justice practices into the community, to address neighborhood 
disorder and minor crimes in a manner that brings community into the process and 
prevents future crime and disorder occurrences. Yes – restorative justice programs 
and practices are very successful in Oakland schools and can also be very 
effective in the community. 
 Appointing a Director of Community Improvement who will be responsible for 
coordinating collaborative action by city agencies, community groups and state and 
federal partners, to address both quality of life issues and crime. No – I am not in favor 
of creating a new position every time we identify a need in the community. There 
are talented employees in the City of Oakland. This is critical work. The Mayor 
and City Administrator must identify an existing staff person who can handle this 
charge excellently. City Councilmembers can help facilitate this work because 
they often have the closest relationships to the community members. 
 Appointing a team of representatives from the community to work with the Director of 
Community Improvement, the Police Department and other government agencies to 
insure community coordination. Yes – this work is imperative and should be 
prioritized by the Mayor, City Council and City Administrator. 
 Bringing Security Ambassadors into the crime reduction strategic plan and require 
advanced training to those who patrol downtown areas, so they are active and have the 
ability to intervene in minor situations that impact public security. Yes – the Security 
Ambassadors play a critical role in providing safety in our business districts. 
Their work is commendable. The City should proactively bring them closer by 
providing training and ensuring deep working relationships between the 
Ambassadors and police officers. 
9. In early 2010, Oakland’s Finance and Management Committee received a presentation 
from staff and visiting personnel from the City of Baltimore concerning CitiStat, a leadership 
strategy a mayor can employ to mobilize city agencies to produce specific results. (More 
information is at ). CitiStat involves use of a round-the-clock 311 reporting 
system for any request for city services other than policing. It uses data in a manner similar to 
ComStat. High level city management uses the 311-generated data and benchmarks and 
regular meetings to hold departments accountable, judge successes and failure, reveal what 
agencies are doing and not doing to achieve benchmarks and provide the best possible 
services to residents. Explain your familiarity with CitiStat and whether you believe such a 
program can and should be implemented in Oakland. If you do not believe it should be 
implemented in the near future, explain why. If you think it should, explain what you will do to 
support implementation. 
Yes – I support CitiStat and believe it should be implemented in Oakland. As 
Councilmember, I will surface CitiStat as a priority for funding and will work hard to build 
consensus around the funding of Citi 
10. Oakland has room to improve its policies in the areas of crime reduction, budget 
processes, street maintenance, and economic maintenance. What cities can Oakland learn 
from, and adopt or emulate policies from with respect to these subjects? What policies from 
other cities would benefit Oakland? 
I am thrilled, as a graduate of the Goldman School of Public Policy, to bring my expertise 
in public policy research and analysis to each and every problem facing Oakland as it 
becomes necessary as a Councilmember. In addition, I will have the opportunity to have 
a small staff to research best practices and develop solutions to problems facing 
11. Do you support the following policies and, briefly, why or why not? 
A. Creation by Charter amendment of a Rainy day fund as recommended by MOBN! and the 
Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)? Support. I am a proponent of a Rainy Day Fund. 
B. Annual polling of city residents on their satisfaction with city services? What would you do 
with that information? Support. It would help inform my budgeting decisions. 
C. Conducting a police resource deployment study to determine the number of officers actually 
need by OPD and how they should be deployed? Support. Must be done with support of 
OPD leadership. 
D. Will you support the preparation of a comprehensive public safety plan? Support. One 
major benefit of a comprehensive public safety plan is that it will provide elected 
officials, city hall leaders and the community a sole plan to refer to and to work as a 
collective body to implement. Currently, these issues feel confused and disjointed and 
the community has lost faith in city hall. 

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City council candidate questionnaire Annie Campbell Washington - D4

  • 1. City Council Candidate Questionnaire 1 Candidate: Annie Campbell Washington District: 4 Note: Please limit your answers to 250 words except where the question indicates a different word limit. 1. Please state your position on the following November ballot measures along with a brief (No more than 30 word) statement supporting your position.  Measure Z: Public Safety (Parcel tax for police, fire and violence prevention programs)  Measure XX: Public Ethics (Restructuring of Public Ethics Commission and mandatory funding for its staff)  Measure XX: Redistricting (Redistricting commission for City Council boundaries ) I support Measure Z: Public Safety. We cannot afford to lose a single dollar dedicated to police services and violence prevention in this city. This is the continuation of an existing tax that currently pays for police officers, fire service and outreach workers/violence interrupters doing the work of the Ceasefire initiative. We need these vital services to continue. I support Measure CC: Public Ethics. This Measure strengthens the Public Ethics Commission in critical ways to ensure that it has the resources and authority to fulfill its mission of enforcing campaign finance, lobbying, transparency and ethics laws. I support Measure DD: Redistricting. Measure DD establishes a 13-member Independent Redistricting Commission that will be responsible for drawing the boundaries of the seven districts for the election of Councilmembers and Oakland Unified School Board of Directors. A 13-member board will provide a new degree of neutrality and independence to this work that we have not experienced in the past. 2. MOBN!’s public safety plan calls for increasing Oakland’s police force to 900 sworn officers within four years. To reach this goal, MOBN! advocates that the city should: 1) not layoff any Oakland police officers under any circumstances; 2) schedule, fund, and conduct sufficient police academies each year to increase that number, not simply replace officers who retire or otherwise leave the force; and 3) make increasing the size of the police department its number one priority. Do you agree or disagree? As Councilmember, I will not vote to layoff any police officers under any circumstances. I will schedule, fund, and conduct sufficient police academies to increase the number of
  • 2. the force, not simply replace officers who retire or otherwise leave. Increasing public safety is my number one priority – the strategies to accomplish that will be multi-faceted. 3. OPD’s difficulty in achieving the authorized sworn staffing level appears to be exacerbated by high attrition and low morale, as shown by the department’s internal polling ( and it’s loss of officers only months after they complete their training. How should the City solve OPD’s attrition and morale problems? OPD’s attrition and morale problems could be greatly reduced through the following: 1) The Mayor and City Council must budget for adequate equipment and technology upgrades in the Police Department every year. 2) The Mayor and City Council must develop funding and budget for a new Police 2 Administration building. 3) The Mayor and City Council must stay focused on finally getting into compliance with the Negotiated Settlement Agreement. 4) The Mayor and City Council must develop personal relationships with the leadership in OPD and OPOA built on mutual respect. 4. OPD has been under Federal Court supervision for close to twelve years. While Oaklanders have repeatedly been told that the end is in sight, in late July, Judge Henderson stated that Oakland’s disciplinary processes have violated Court orders, and that continuing the same practices will "undermine any confidence in the sustainability of the reforms that have been and continue to be achieved." Then, on August 14, the Judge criticized the City’s recent inability to sustain through arbitration an officer termination in connection with response to the Occupy Oakland protests. (Source: The Court opined that Oakland could not be in compliance with two NSA tasks if internal investigations were inadequate and “discipline is not consistently imposed.” Many people believe the Monitor has repeatedly imposed requirements on Oakland that far exceed the literal requirements of the NSA, and that as a result of the Monitor’s shifting standards, Oakland may never be able to extricate itself from Court supervision. As a City Council member, to what extent would you be prepared to oppose continued and changing demands from the Monitor, and what is your plan to end the era of Court supervision? As Councilmember, I will do absolutely everything in my power to end Court supervision of our police department. My opinions on these issues result from being personally involved with the Negotiated Settlement Agreement from December 2011-December 2013. I believe that the key Oakland players in these issues are the Mayor, the City Attorney, the Chief of Police and the Plaintiff’s Attorneys. The City of Oakland has an extremely limited ability to impact the Court at this point. In the past three years, the Judge has not met with the Mayor or City Attorney in person and has met with the Chief of Police less than a handful of times. I am realistic about the amount of leverage the City Council has in this situation, but I will still do everything in my power as Councilmember to ensure that the City remains in compliance with the NSA and we end Court supervision. 5. According to the Public Works Department, Oakland is on an 85-year repaving schedule, meaning a street that is repaved today won’t be repaved again for 85 years. Further, according to Public Works, maintaining the existing pavement condition on Oakland’s streets would require an estimated $28 million annually, while the amount allocated annually has been less than $6 million in recent years. Sixty percent of the City’s curb ramps are non-compliant or non-existent. The total needed to rehabilitate Oakland streets is over $435 million. How do you plan
  • 3. to reverse the ongoing deterioration of our streets and sidewalks? If you are elected, when will Oaklanders see a difference? The abhorrent quality of the streets in Oakland is a critical issue for me. It disturbs me greatly that even in very good economic times, the City of Oakland has never funded street repair at a level that can even make a dent. Because we have high priority demands on our city dollars – namely public safety and unfunded liabilities – I support Measure BB, the Alameda County measure that will be on the ballot in November 2014 to ensure that we have a significant, stable and sustainable funding stream for this work for the next 30 years. This measure will provide a significant funding stream for local street repair projects in the City of Oakland -- $17M per year/$577M over 30 years for local streets maintenance and safety. 6. The extent to which the City faces unfunded liabilities and what should be done about them has been a contentious issue in recent years. As recently as last December, the City Administrator projected that for the three fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015, Oakland faces all-funds budget structural shortfalls totaling $795 million if it addresses its deferred capital expenses and deferred liabilities, and $342 million if it does not (Source: December 12, 2013 Update to Five-Year Financial Forecast, Attachment D, Do you believe Oakland faces a financial shortfall, and if so, how will you address it if elected in November? I believe that the City of Oakland does not have the revenue it needs to fund every project and initiative that is desired in Oakland, so in this sense we will always face a financial shortfall that will require budget trade-offs by the Mayor and City Council. There is an incredible amount of deferred maintenance of sewers, streets and facilities in Oakland, so there will always be a higher demand for revenue than we can possibly collect. The City Council must remain vigilant in budgeting conservatively for our future. The most important role of the City Council is adopting a balanced budget that provides for the core needs of the residents and business owners of Oakland. As Councilmember, I will remain focused on ensuring that the Council adopts a budget that:  uses one-time revenue for one-time expenditures;  provides a clear, reasonable and continuous payment plan for unfunded liabilities;  accounts for all new expenses on the horizon resulting from previously approved contracts with our employees, rising healthcare and other benefits costs;  continues to fund police officer academies to ensure that we are doing better than 3 just meeting attrition;  funds technology, equipment and programs in the Oakland Police Department with the intention of creating true community policing and reducing violent crime  funds services that create safety in every neighborhood – illegal dumping abatement; graffiti abatement; after-school programs at libraries; recreation centers and parks; local business attraction and support;  identifies a funding stream for affordable housing, such as a percentage of the boomerang funds from Redevelopment  funds a clear, reasonable and continuous plan for street maintenance and transportation projects – ideally funded outside of the City’s general fund
  • 4. 7. Operation Ceasefire has been described as the centerpiece of Oakland’s violent crime reduction effort. We understand that funding for its manager has been dependent on grant funding and that there is an insufficient number of case managers to maximize Ceasefire’s success. Do you support expanding Operation Ceasefire? Where specifically do you propose allocating resources and staffing? I support identifying a sustainable, stable and ongoing funding source for Ceasefire. Ceasefire is the cornerstone of the City of Oakland’s plan to reduce violent crime. It must be funded fully in the next two year budget. The manager, case managers and violence interrupters/outreach workers are currently funded by grants and the existing Measure Y. I am prepared to fund this work with General Purpose fund dollars in the next two year budget if other funding sources are not available. 8. In 2012-2013, Oakland contracted with Strategic Policy Partners (Robert Wasserman et al.) to present a comprehensive public safety plan. Strategic Policy Partners made a large number of recommendations, some of which have been implemented and some of which have not. (The reports are here:,, If the voters elect you in November, please state whether you will support implementing the following recommendations (We are looking for a “yes” or “no” answer, with explanatory narrative not exceeding 25 words for each recommendation):  Call for Service Reduction strategy; Yes – the Department must continue to look for ways to reduce the number of calls actually requiring an officer to visit the location by increasing the number of calls that can be handled by civilian staff or staff of other departments and increasing the number of calls that can be handled online.  Expanded investigation capacity in each of the City’s 5 policing districts, so that each district has an investigative sergeant, 3 investigators, and 3 to 5 police officers. Yes – this staffing plan is ideal and should be implemented as revenue allows.  Increased sworn police personnel to a ratio of 2 officers for every 1,000 in the population (i.e., 800). Yes – I believe that we do not have enough police officers because residents do not feel that they can get a quick response when they call 911. I will vote to support a budget that funds police academies to ensure that we are beating our attrition rate.  Expansion of the Ceasefire initiative. Yes -- answered in previous question. Ceasefire is the cornerstone of our public safety plan to reduce violence in the City.  Redesign of community policing, so that the entire Police Department, not just PSOs, are focused on community relationship building. Yes – I don’t believe we have ever truly implemented community policing and as much as I love the work of the PSOs, it has siloed community policing to a very small group of officers. Every police officer in Oakland should be a community policing officer.  Measurement of the state of community / police relations. Yes – I would like this to be part of an annual survey to the community.  Moving restorative justice practices into the community, to address neighborhood disorder and minor crimes in a manner that brings community into the process and prevents future crime and disorder occurrences. Yes – restorative justice programs 4
  • 5. and practices are very successful in Oakland schools and can also be very effective in the community.  Appointing a Director of Community Improvement who will be responsible for coordinating collaborative action by city agencies, community groups and state and federal partners, to address both quality of life issues and crime. No – I am not in favor of creating a new position every time we identify a need in the community. There are talented employees in the City of Oakland. This is critical work. The Mayor and City Administrator must identify an existing staff person who can handle this charge excellently. City Councilmembers can help facilitate this work because they often have the closest relationships to the community members.  Appointing a team of representatives from the community to work with the Director of Community Improvement, the Police Department and other government agencies to insure community coordination. Yes – this work is imperative and should be prioritized by the Mayor, City Council and City Administrator.  Bringing Security Ambassadors into the crime reduction strategic plan and require advanced training to those who patrol downtown areas, so they are active and have the ability to intervene in minor situations that impact public security. Yes – the Security Ambassadors play a critical role in providing safety in our business districts. Their work is commendable. The City should proactively bring them closer by providing training and ensuring deep working relationships between the Ambassadors and police officers. 9. In early 2010, Oakland’s Finance and Management Committee received a presentation from staff and visiting personnel from the City of Baltimore concerning CitiStat, a leadership strategy a mayor can employ to mobilize city agencies to produce specific results. (More information is at ). CitiStat involves use of a round-the-clock 311 reporting system for any request for city services other than policing. It uses data in a manner similar to ComStat. High level city management uses the 311-generated data and benchmarks and regular meetings to hold departments accountable, judge successes and failure, reveal what agencies are doing and not doing to achieve benchmarks and provide the best possible services to residents. Explain your familiarity with CitiStat and whether you believe such a program can and should be implemented in Oakland. If you do not believe it should be implemented in the near future, explain why. If you think it should, explain what you will do to support implementation. Yes – I support CitiStat and believe it should be implemented in Oakland. As Councilmember, I will surface CitiStat as a priority for funding and will work hard to build consensus around the funding of Citi 10. Oakland has room to improve its policies in the areas of crime reduction, budget processes, street maintenance, and economic maintenance. What cities can Oakland learn from, and adopt or emulate policies from with respect to these subjects? What policies from other cities would benefit Oakland? I am thrilled, as a graduate of the Goldman School of Public Policy, to bring my expertise in public policy research and analysis to each and every problem facing Oakland as it becomes necessary as a Councilmember. In addition, I will have the opportunity to have a small staff to research best practices and develop solutions to problems facing Oakland. 5
  • 6. 11. Do you support the following policies and, briefly, why or why not? A. Creation by Charter amendment of a Rainy day fund as recommended by MOBN! and the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)? Support. I am a proponent of a Rainy Day Fund. B. Annual polling of city residents on their satisfaction with city services? What would you do with that information? Support. It would help inform my budgeting decisions. C. Conducting a police resource deployment study to determine the number of officers actually need by OPD and how they should be deployed? Support. Must be done with support of OPD leadership. D. Will you support the preparation of a comprehensive public safety plan? Support. One major benefit of a comprehensive public safety plan is that it will provide elected officials, city hall leaders and the community a sole plan to refer to and to work as a collective body to implement. Currently, these issues feel confused and disjointed and the community has lost faith in city hall. 6