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charitiesgroup                                                      issue 2


                                                                   LEADING ADVISORS IN THE CHARITIES SECTOR

new pension auto-enrolment
Significant reforms to pension law         salary and gradually rise to 3%.           ‘essential’ if current and future
under the Pensions Acts of 2007 and                                                   resources are potentially insufficient
2008 are to affect charities within        Charities operating defined benefit        to meet additional contributions, or
England, Wales and Scotland from           schemes (also known as final salary        if the impact of funding the scheme
October 2012.                              schemes) are also to be subject to         is to have an ‘unacceptable’ impact
                                           the requirements of accounting             on charitable activities.
Under the Acts, charities will have to     standard FRS17, which requires
automatically enrol all eligible workers   disclosure of the schemes’ assets or       For more information go to
into a qualifying pension scheme.          liabilities on the balance sheet.
Whereas previously an employee
would not benefit from a pension           Several commentators have raised
scheme unless they had opted in,           concerns about the effect this
under auto-enrolment they will
automatically benefit from their
                                           disclosure will have on the way a
                                           charity manages its reserves (the ‘free’
                                                                                        public benefit
employer’s qualifying scheme unless        resources available once commitments         reporting
they choose to opt out. Employees          have been met and expenditure
declining to opt out will have to          covered). However, according to the          requirements
contribute at least 5% of their earnings   Charity Commission, provided a
to the scheme, while employers will        charity is confident that scheme             Compliance with the Public Benefit
also have to contribute a percentage.      contributions can be maintained              Reporting (PBR) requirements varies
                                           with no impact on planned levels of          greatly between charities, according
While these auto-enrolment provisions      charitable activity, trustees are            to a study carried out by Sheffield
seem onerous, they are to be               unlikely to have to designate any            Hallam University. Responding to this
implemented with a degree of               further funds when drafting their            research the Charity Commission has
flexibility. Employers’ duties under       reserves policy.                             urged trustees to embrace PBR as a
the Acts are to be phased in, meaning                                                   chance to ‘tell the story of their
an employer will only be obliged to        If the trustees are uncertain as to          charity’s work and its impact.’
fulfil them once the relevant ‘staging     whether increasing contributions can
date’ arrives. The staging date will       be met using expected future income          Less than 6% of the charities
depend upon the number of                  or they feel doing so would mean             surveyed with an income below or
employees, with charities employing        ‘significant curtailment’ of charitable      equal to £500,000 clearly addressed
larger numbers having an earlier           activities they are advised to seek          all the PBR requirements. While
staging date than those employing          ‘immediate actuarial and legal advice’.      larger charities were generally more
relatively small numbers. The              Seeking professional advice becomes          likely to have met the requirements,
employer’s contribution levels are                                                      in some cases this was as a result of
also to be phased in. Contributions                                                     work by external advisers and
will start at 1% of an employee’s                                                       members of staff, rather than the
                                                                                        trustees’ themselves, with the
                                                                                        research claiming that in some cases
                                                                                        trustees’ had only a ‘vague
                                                                                        awareness’ of relevant guidance.
                                                                                        Compliance ‘general charitable
                                                                                        purposes’ charities being less likely
                                                                                        than others to satisfy the

Charities and the Bribery Act
The Bribery Act 2010 came into            by the MoJ, which include principles
force on 1 July 2011. It created four     of proportionate procedures, due
new offences, including failure by a      diligence and communication.
commercial organisation to prevent
bribery, and modernised the general       The MoJ is particularly clear on the
law on bribery and corruption. In         issue of facilitation payments. While
‘The Bribery Act 2010 – A Quick           these small payments for the
Start Guide’ the Ministry of Justice      purpose of speeding up a service are
(MoJ) confirmed that the Act applies      treated as the norm in some
to charities.                             cultures, they are nevertheless
                                          counted as bribes under the new law       exemption’ in respect of facilitation
The Charity Commission                    just as they are under the old law.       payments, and describes
recommends that all charities adopt                                                 prosecution as usually taking place
a risk-based approach to compliance       According to the Commission, the          unless it is sufficiently within the
and advises them to carry out risk        Government recognises that                public interest to do otherwise.
assessments when faced with               facilitation payments may be
situations that have the “potential to    necessary to protect against ‘loss of     For more information go to:
involve bribery or corruption”. When      life, limb or liberty,’ and in such
drafting anti-bribery policies and        cases is likely to allow the common
procedures a charity should consider      law defence of duress; however, it        To view the MoJ guidance go to:
the six informing principles outlined     stresses that there ‘is no general

grant applications – learn from rejection
A set of new guidelines has been          enhance their processes to cut down       the refusal of funding, as well as
published to help charities learn         on the time they spend on rejected        methods of providing feedback and
from and improve on unsuccessful          submissions.                              post-refusal support.
grant applications and to assist
grant-making organisations to             Jon Fitzmaurice of Cass Business          Read the guide at:
support rejected applicants more          School said they had found ‘a lot of
effectively. The research, published      frustration on both sides’, as grant
by the Centre for Charity                 seekers wanted feedback even when
Effectiveness at the Cass Business        applications were successful, while
School, aims to improve policy and        grant makers struggled to find time
practice among grant makers and           to give detailed feedback. He added
grant seekers.                            that ‘if both sides work harder at this
                                          process the sector will benefit
'The Art of Refusal: Promising            enormously.’
Practice for Grant Makers and Grant
Seekers' was funded by the Charities      The guide provides advice to grant
Aid Foundation (CAF) and includes         seekers on how to make pre-
qualitative research from around 40       application contact with the grant
grant-making and 100 grant-seeking        makers, how to identify the
organisations.                            appropriate individual and suitable
                                          timing for the contact. It also advises
Jane Arnott, senior advisory manager      on how to gain good quality
at the CAF, explained that many           feedback and how to manage the
charities that had failed to secure a     communication of a grant refusal
grant were ‘puzzled as to why an          within their organisation.
application failed.’ She added that as    For grant makers, the guide makes
competition for grants is becoming        suggestions for attracting the best
increasingly fierce, it is important to   applicants, setting clear criteria
help charities improve their              throughout all stages of the process,
applications and grant makers             and best practice for communicating
in brief..                                models, according to research by          to make charitable donations both in
                                          New Philanthropy Capital (NPC).           their will, and during their lifetime.
                                          The study found that social               Hannah Terry of CAF explained that
Charities' independence                   enterprises reported an average of        new incentives could "help to
could be questioned                       17% annual growth over the last five      establish a norm of leaving 10% of
Charities and social enterprises          years, compared to just 6% growth         an estate to charity" but that this tax
established by public sector              in normal firms. Two thirds of social     relief alone "will not have a major
employees under Government                enterprises were still operating five     impact." There is more on this story
reforms could be in danger of             years after starting up, compared         at:
having their independence                 with 47% of normal businesses. A
questioned, two experts in the            spokeswoman for NPC attributed            Cheques to continue as long
sector have claimed. Responding to        the resilience of social enterprises to   as they are needed
a consultation by the Independence        their "diverse sources of funding", as    The Payments Council announced in
Panel, Rosie Chapman and Belinda          they get income from both                 July that cheques would continue to
Pratten, former policy heads of the       commercial activities and grants.         be used, after proposals to scrap
Charity Commission and National           There is more on this story at:           them provoked widespread criticism.
Council for Voluntary Organisations                  It also said that the target date of
(NCVO) respectively, said the                                                       2018 for the closure of the cheque
reforms could cause the public to         Charity Commission                        processing system would be
doubt a charity's independence, and       publishes guidance on                     abandoned. The Payments Council
therefore, the extent to which it is      Equality Act                              consulted around 600 stakeholder
working in their interest. They also      The Charity Commission has                groups and concluded that many,
argue that this is particularly true of   published guidance on a key section       particularly charities and small
charities with Government-                of the Equality Act 2010 that may         businesses, would suffer if the
appointed trustees and other such         affect charities' activities. The guide   cheque payment method was
links to Government.                      focuses particularly on the 'charities'   removed. The Payments Council
There is more on this story               exemption' in the Act, which allows       Board has said that it will work on                 charities to restrict the help they       improving the security and efficiency
                                          provide to a section of society that      of all payment methods and
'Donation by default' most                shares a protected characteristic,        encourage innovation in payment
effective, research finds                 provided it can be justified as a fair,   options. There is more on this story
Adding a donation to a customer's         balanced and reasonable way of            at:
bill and giving them the choice to        carrying out a legitimate aim. A
opt out is the most effective way of      spokeswoman for the Commission            Guide to ethical investment
getting people to give to charity,        said that “trustees must remember         for charities launched
research by the Cabinet Office's          that the general principle of fair and    The National Ethical Investment
Behavioural Insight Team (BIT)            equal treatment for all applies to        Week (NEIW) Action Guide for
suggests. The research, which was         charities." She added that trustees       Charities has been launched in
conducted in a restaurant, found          should "familiarise themselves with       partnership with the Charity Finance
'donation by default' to be more          this guidance to ensure that their        Directors' Group (CFDG). The Guide
effective than other methods such as      charity is working within the law."       provides advice on how social
informing diners about a charity and      There is more on this story at:           impact investing and other green
leaving an envelope on the table.                 and ethical forms of investment can
The BIT estimated that the average                                                  help charities achieve their mission.
obtained in this way was equivalent       Proposed inheritance tax                  Research by NEIW found that impact
to 1.2% of each diner's spend, and        relief welcomed                           investing is becoming more popular
that if this method was rolled out        The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF),       with charities and 36% of private
across UK restaurants, it could           Charity Finance Directors’ Group          investors want to know more about
generate £50 million for charities.       (CFDG) and National Council for           it. Caron Bradshaw, chief executive
There is more on this story at:           Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)            of the CFDG, explained that green,                 have welcomed proposals to                ethical and impact investments ‘reap
                                          introduce inheritance tax relief for      significant social, mission related,
Social enterprises more                   charitable legacies in their joint        reputational and financial benefits’
resilient in recession, report            response to an HM Revenue &               for charities and charitable
finds                                     Customs (HMRC) consultation.              foundations. Read more at:
Social enterprises are more likely to     However, the groups have urged the
survive in a difficult economic           Government to introduce further           Read the guide at:
climate than traditional business         initiatives to encourage more people
charities still fail to ‘showcase’ benefits
            Charities must do more to                                                According to the Charity Commission,
            demonstrate how the public benefits                                      which regulates charities in England
            from their work, the Charity                                             and Wales, trustees are generally
            Commission has warned. Research                                          able to describe their charity’s aims
            carried out for the Commission by                                        and describe who benefits from their
            Sheffield Hallam University found                                        work, but are less able to demonstrate
            that many charities are failing to meet                                  how people have benefited in practice.
            the legal requirement to demonstrate                                     Small charities in particular were
            public benefit in their Trustees’ Annual                                 found to be at fault. According to
            Reports (TARs). Almost a third of the                                    the research, while 26% of charities
            charities included in the research did                                   with an income of more than
            not provide descriptions of the                                          £500,000 had prepared TARs that
            benefits that arise from their activities,                               met the requirement, only 10% of
            and a further 50% provided only                                          charities with an income of between      aims to relieve poverty or advance
            vague or unclear descriptions. Less                                      £100,000 and £500,000 did so.            education or religion were presumed
            than 20% provided clear descriptions                                     Among charities with an income of        to provide public benefit, but were
            of public benefits in their TARs.                                        less than £100,000, only 2%              not required to demonstrate this.
                                                                                     managed to meet the requirement.         The Charities Commission has
                                                                                                                              published guidance for charities on
                                                                                     The requirement to demonstrate           demonstrating public benefit, along
                                                                                     public benefit was introduced in         with sample TARs, on its website.
                                                                                     April 2008, following the
                                                                                     implementation of the Charities Act      For more information go to:
                                                                                     2006. Prior to this, charities with
Grimsby                         t: 01472 350601

Louth                           t: 01507 606111
                                                                                     tougher competition for funding
Scunthorpe                      t: 01724 863105
                                                                                     High levels of demand and                to benefit from their support. For                                                             increasing competition for               example, the Lloyds TSB Foundation
                                                                                     diminishing funding streams mean         for England and Wales is looking to
If you would like to receive further                                                 that nearly three quarters of            increase the length of time that
information on any of the articles in                                                organisations applying for funding       must elapse before an organisation
this newsletter, please contact our                                                  from BBC Children in Need are            can re-apply for funding after
charities partner, Kevin Hopper, at our                                              unsuccessful, according to chief         receiving one of its grants. At present,
Grimsby office or e-mail                                                             executive David Ramsden.                 organisations must wait two years                                                                                                 before being eligible to apply again.
                                                                                     Speaking at the Action Planning
Authorised and regulated by the Financial
                                                                                     2011 Charity Funding Roadshow, Mr        Other sources of funding are being
Services Authority.
                                                                                     Ramsden went on to say that fierce       cut off altogether, such as the
                                                                                     competition meant that funding           Government’s Civil Society Transition
                                                                                     organisations would increasingly be      Fund, which was set up to help small
                                                                                     “using the language of outcomes”         charities and social enterprises
                                                                                     when considering applications.           struggling under public sector
independent quality assured professionals
                                                                                     "We’ve had to do some pretty             spending cuts.
The UK200Group is a modern and proactive professional                                careful analysis about where we can
membership association of chartered accountants and
lawyers which provides training and business services to                             make the most difference," he said.      According to Nick Hurd, minister for
enhance the performance of member firms. As well as
being focused on the general small to medium businesses,                                                                      the civil society, no more funding
members have specialist knowledge and experience of the                              Mr Ramsden also commented that,          will be available now that the
agriculture, healthcare, charities, legal and property and
construction sectors to provide effective support and advice                         of the organisations whose funding       Transition Fund’s £107 million has
in the areas of tax, financial management, business planning
and legal issues.
                                                                                     applications were successful, many       been allocated. “It’s finished, there’s                                                                 were not awarded the full amount         no money to do another one,” he
This newsletter has been prepared for general interest and it is important to        they had requested.                      told delegates at the Roadshow.
obtain professional advice on specific issues. We believe the information
contained in it to be correct. While all possible care is taken in the preparation
of this newsletter, no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or
refraining from acting as a result of the material contained herein can be
accepted by the UK200Group, or its member firms or the author.                       Other funding bodies are looking at      For more information go to
UK200Group is an association of separate and independently owned and
managed chartered accountants and lawyer firms. UK200Group does not
                                                                                     ways of enabling more organisations
provide client services and it does not accept responsibility or liability for the
acts or omissions of its members. Likewise, the members of UK200Group are
separate and independent legal entities, and as such each has no
responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of other members.

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Charities October11 Forrester Boyd

  • 1. charitiesgroup issue 2 news 2011 LEADING ADVISORS IN THE CHARITIES SECTOR new pension auto-enrolment Significant reforms to pension law salary and gradually rise to 3%. ‘essential’ if current and future under the Pensions Acts of 2007 and resources are potentially insufficient 2008 are to affect charities within Charities operating defined benefit to meet additional contributions, or England, Wales and Scotland from schemes (also known as final salary if the impact of funding the scheme October 2012. schemes) are also to be subject to is to have an ‘unacceptable’ impact the requirements of accounting on charitable activities. Under the Acts, charities will have to standard FRS17, which requires automatically enrol all eligible workers disclosure of the schemes’ assets or For more information go to into a qualifying pension scheme. liabilities on the balance sheet. Whereas previously an employee would not benefit from a pension Several commentators have raised scheme unless they had opted in, concerns about the effect this under auto-enrolment they will automatically benefit from their disclosure will have on the way a charity manages its reserves (the ‘free’ public benefit employer’s qualifying scheme unless resources available once commitments reporting they choose to opt out. Employees have been met and expenditure declining to opt out will have to covered). However, according to the requirements contribute at least 5% of their earnings Charity Commission, provided a to the scheme, while employers will charity is confident that scheme Compliance with the Public Benefit also have to contribute a percentage. contributions can be maintained Reporting (PBR) requirements varies with no impact on planned levels of greatly between charities, according While these auto-enrolment provisions charitable activity, trustees are to a study carried out by Sheffield seem onerous, they are to be unlikely to have to designate any Hallam University. Responding to this implemented with a degree of further funds when drafting their research the Charity Commission has flexibility. Employers’ duties under reserves policy. urged trustees to embrace PBR as a the Acts are to be phased in, meaning chance to ‘tell the story of their an employer will only be obliged to If the trustees are uncertain as to charity’s work and its impact.’ fulfil them once the relevant ‘staging whether increasing contributions can date’ arrives. The staging date will be met using expected future income Less than 6% of the charities depend upon the number of or they feel doing so would mean surveyed with an income below or employees, with charities employing ‘significant curtailment’ of charitable equal to £500,000 clearly addressed larger numbers having an earlier activities they are advised to seek all the PBR requirements. While staging date than those employing ‘immediate actuarial and legal advice’. larger charities were generally more relatively small numbers. The Seeking professional advice becomes likely to have met the requirements, employer’s contribution levels are in some cases this was as a result of also to be phased in. Contributions work by external advisers and will start at 1% of an employee’s members of staff, rather than the trustees’ themselves, with the research claiming that in some cases trustees’ had only a ‘vague awareness’ of relevant guidance. Compliance ‘general charitable purposes’ charities being less likely than others to satisfy the requirements. charities
  • 2. Charities and the Bribery Act The Bribery Act 2010 came into by the MoJ, which include principles force on 1 July 2011. It created four of proportionate procedures, due new offences, including failure by a diligence and communication. commercial organisation to prevent bribery, and modernised the general The MoJ is particularly clear on the law on bribery and corruption. In issue of facilitation payments. While ‘The Bribery Act 2010 – A Quick these small payments for the Start Guide’ the Ministry of Justice purpose of speeding up a service are (MoJ) confirmed that the Act applies treated as the norm in some to charities. cultures, they are nevertheless counted as bribes under the new law exemption’ in respect of facilitation The Charity Commission just as they are under the old law. payments, and describes recommends that all charities adopt prosecution as usually taking place a risk-based approach to compliance According to the Commission, the unless it is sufficiently within the and advises them to carry out risk Government recognises that public interest to do otherwise. assessments when faced with facilitation payments may be situations that have the “potential to necessary to protect against ‘loss of For more information go to: involve bribery or corruption”. When life, limb or liberty,’ and in such drafting anti-bribery policies and cases is likely to allow the common procedures a charity should consider law defence of duress; however, it To view the MoJ guidance go to: the six informing principles outlined stresses that there ‘is no general grant applications – learn from rejection A set of new guidelines has been enhance their processes to cut down the refusal of funding, as well as published to help charities learn on the time they spend on rejected methods of providing feedback and from and improve on unsuccessful submissions. post-refusal support. grant applications and to assist grant-making organisations to Jon Fitzmaurice of Cass Business Read the guide at: support rejected applicants more School said they had found ‘a lot of effectively. The research, published frustration on both sides’, as grant by the Centre for Charity seekers wanted feedback even when Effectiveness at the Cass Business applications were successful, while School, aims to improve policy and grant makers struggled to find time practice among grant makers and to give detailed feedback. He added grant seekers. that ‘if both sides work harder at this process the sector will benefit 'The Art of Refusal: Promising enormously.’ Practice for Grant Makers and Grant Seekers' was funded by the Charities The guide provides advice to grant Aid Foundation (CAF) and includes seekers on how to make pre- qualitative research from around 40 application contact with the grant grant-making and 100 grant-seeking makers, how to identify the organisations. appropriate individual and suitable timing for the contact. It also advises Jane Arnott, senior advisory manager on how to gain good quality at the CAF, explained that many feedback and how to manage the charities that had failed to secure a communication of a grant refusal grant were ‘puzzled as to why an within their organisation. application failed.’ She added that as For grant makers, the guide makes competition for grants is becoming suggestions for attracting the best increasingly fierce, it is important to applicants, setting clear criteria help charities improve their throughout all stages of the process, applications and grant makers and best practice for communicating
  • 3. in brief.. models, according to research by to make charitable donations both in New Philanthropy Capital (NPC). their will, and during their lifetime. The study found that social Hannah Terry of CAF explained that Charities' independence enterprises reported an average of new incentives could "help to could be questioned 17% annual growth over the last five establish a norm of leaving 10% of Charities and social enterprises years, compared to just 6% growth an estate to charity" but that this tax established by public sector in normal firms. Two thirds of social relief alone "will not have a major employees under Government enterprises were still operating five impact." There is more on this story reforms could be in danger of years after starting up, compared at: having their independence with 47% of normal businesses. A questioned, two experts in the spokeswoman for NPC attributed Cheques to continue as long sector have claimed. Responding to the resilience of social enterprises to as they are needed a consultation by the Independence their "diverse sources of funding", as The Payments Council announced in Panel, Rosie Chapman and Belinda they get income from both July that cheques would continue to Pratten, former policy heads of the commercial activities and grants. be used, after proposals to scrap Charity Commission and National There is more on this story at: them provoked widespread criticism. Council for Voluntary Organisations It also said that the target date of (NCVO) respectively, said the 2018 for the closure of the cheque reforms could cause the public to Charity Commission processing system would be doubt a charity's independence, and publishes guidance on abandoned. The Payments Council therefore, the extent to which it is Equality Act consulted around 600 stakeholder working in their interest. They also The Charity Commission has groups and concluded that many, argue that this is particularly true of published guidance on a key section particularly charities and small charities with Government- of the Equality Act 2010 that may businesses, would suffer if the appointed trustees and other such affect charities' activities. The guide cheque payment method was links to Government. focuses particularly on the 'charities' removed. The Payments Council There is more on this story exemption' in the Act, which allows Board has said that it will work on charities to restrict the help they improving the security and efficiency provide to a section of society that of all payment methods and 'Donation by default' most shares a protected characteristic, encourage innovation in payment effective, research finds provided it can be justified as a fair, options. There is more on this story Adding a donation to a customer's balanced and reasonable way of at: bill and giving them the choice to carrying out a legitimate aim. A opt out is the most effective way of spokeswoman for the Commission Guide to ethical investment getting people to give to charity, said that “trustees must remember for charities launched research by the Cabinet Office's that the general principle of fair and The National Ethical Investment Behavioural Insight Team (BIT) equal treatment for all applies to Week (NEIW) Action Guide for suggests. The research, which was charities." She added that trustees Charities has been launched in conducted in a restaurant, found should "familiarise themselves with partnership with the Charity Finance 'donation by default' to be more this guidance to ensure that their Directors' Group (CFDG). The Guide effective than other methods such as charity is working within the law." provides advice on how social informing diners about a charity and There is more on this story at: impact investing and other green leaving an envelope on the table. and ethical forms of investment can The BIT estimated that the average help charities achieve their mission. obtained in this way was equivalent Proposed inheritance tax Research by NEIW found that impact to 1.2% of each diner's spend, and relief welcomed investing is becoming more popular that if this method was rolled out The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), with charities and 36% of private across UK restaurants, it could Charity Finance Directors’ Group investors want to know more about generate £50 million for charities. (CFDG) and National Council for it. Caron Bradshaw, chief executive There is more on this story at: Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) of the CFDG, explained that green, have welcomed proposals to ethical and impact investments ‘reap introduce inheritance tax relief for significant social, mission related, Social enterprises more charitable legacies in their joint reputational and financial benefits’ resilient in recession, report response to an HM Revenue & for charities and charitable finds Customs (HMRC) consultation. foundations. Read more at: Social enterprises are more likely to However, the groups have urged the survive in a difficult economic Government to introduce further Read the guide at: climate than traditional business initiatives to encourage more people
  • 4. charities still fail to ‘showcase’ benefits Charities must do more to According to the Charity Commission, demonstrate how the public benefits which regulates charities in England from their work, the Charity and Wales, trustees are generally Commission has warned. Research able to describe their charity’s aims carried out for the Commission by and describe who benefits from their Sheffield Hallam University found work, but are less able to demonstrate that many charities are failing to meet how people have benefited in practice. the legal requirement to demonstrate Small charities in particular were public benefit in their Trustees’ Annual found to be at fault. According to Reports (TARs). Almost a third of the the research, while 26% of charities charities included in the research did with an income of more than not provide descriptions of the £500,000 had prepared TARs that benefits that arise from their activities, met the requirement, only 10% of and a further 50% provided only charities with an income of between aims to relieve poverty or advance vague or unclear descriptions. Less £100,000 and £500,000 did so. education or religion were presumed than 20% provided clear descriptions Among charities with an income of to provide public benefit, but were of public benefits in their TARs. less than £100,000, only 2% not required to demonstrate this. managed to meet the requirement. The Charities Commission has published guidance for charities on The requirement to demonstrate demonstrating public benefit, along public benefit was introduced in with sample TARs, on its website. April 2008, following the implementation of the Charities Act For more information go to: 2006. Prior to this, charities with Grimsby t: 01472 350601 Louth t: 01507 606111 tougher competition for funding Scunthorpe t: 01724 863105 High levels of demand and to benefit from their support. For increasing competition for example, the Lloyds TSB Foundation diminishing funding streams mean for England and Wales is looking to If you would like to receive further that nearly three quarters of increase the length of time that information on any of the articles in organisations applying for funding must elapse before an organisation this newsletter, please contact our from BBC Children in Need are can re-apply for funding after charities partner, Kevin Hopper, at our unsuccessful, according to chief receiving one of its grants. At present, Grimsby office or e-mail executive David Ramsden. organisations must wait two years before being eligible to apply again. Speaking at the Action Planning Authorised and regulated by the Financial 2011 Charity Funding Roadshow, Mr Other sources of funding are being Services Authority. Ramsden went on to say that fierce cut off altogether, such as the competition meant that funding Government’s Civil Society Transition organisations would increasingly be Fund, which was set up to help small “using the language of outcomes” charities and social enterprises when considering applications. struggling under public sector independent quality assured professionals "We’ve had to do some pretty spending cuts. The UK200Group is a modern and proactive professional careful analysis about where we can membership association of chartered accountants and lawyers which provides training and business services to make the most difference," he said. According to Nick Hurd, minister for enhance the performance of member firms. As well as being focused on the general small to medium businesses, the civil society, no more funding members have specialist knowledge and experience of the Mr Ramsden also commented that, will be available now that the agriculture, healthcare, charities, legal and property and construction sectors to provide effective support and advice of the organisations whose funding Transition Fund’s £107 million has in the areas of tax, financial management, business planning and legal issues. applications were successful, many been allocated. “It’s finished, there’s were not awarded the full amount no money to do another one,” he This newsletter has been prepared for general interest and it is important to they had requested. told delegates at the Roadshow. obtain professional advice on specific issues. We believe the information contained in it to be correct. While all possible care is taken in the preparation of this newsletter, no responsibility for loss occasioned by any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material contained herein can be accepted by the UK200Group, or its member firms or the author. Other funding bodies are looking at For more information go to UK200Group is an association of separate and independently owned and managed chartered accountants and lawyer firms. UK200Group does not ways of enabling more organisations provide client services and it does not accept responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of its members. Likewise, the members of UK200Group are separate and independent legal entities, and as such each has no responsibility or liability for the acts or omissions of other members.