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                 CENTRAL BUCKS                    DETACHMENT                                  #636
                              Marine Corps League
                              of Pennsylvania, Inc.

   VOLUME XXIII, Number 9                                                                   SEPTEMBER 2010
    Commandant: JAMES POWELL                                                               Editor: DON H. GEE

VA Makes Filing Claims                             G.I. BILL’S 66th ANNIVERSARY
  Easier and Faster                       WASHINGTON--On the 66th anni-           was known at that time--was respon-
 with Simpler Forms                       versary of signing the GI Bill into     sible for carrying out the law's key
                                          law, the Department of Veterans Af-     provisions for education and training,
WASHINGTON--As part of the effort         fairs (VA) announced it has issued      loan guaranty for homes, farms or
to break the back of the backlog, the     more than $3.6 billion in the bill's    businesses, and unemployment pay.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)       newest manifestation, the Post-9/11        Before the World War II, college
is reducing the paperwork and expe-       GI Bill.                                and homeownership were, for the
diting the process for Veterans seek-        Benefit payments under the bill,     most part, unreachable dreams for the
ing compensation for disabilities re-     implemented last year, have gone to     average American. Thanks to the GI
lated to their military service.          more than 285,000 people and their      Bill, millions who would have
    "These reductions in paperwork,       educational institutions.               flooded the job market opted for edu-
along with other improvements to              On June 22, 1944, President         cation instead.
simplify and speed the claims process,    Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the          In the peak year of 1947, Veterans
symbolize changes underway to make        Servicemen's Readjustment Act of        accounted for 49 percent of college
VA more responsive to Veterans and        1944, commonly known as the GI          admissions. By the time the original
their families," said Secretary Eric K.   Bill of Rights.
Shinseki.                                                                           Please see G. I. BILL, Page 6
                                            The Veterans Administration--as it
  VA has shortened application forms
to reduce paperwork for Veterans. The           Space Available Travel for Retirees
new forms, which are being made             Retirees who dream of climbing an     travelers take advantage of this mili-
available on VA's Web site at             Egyptian pyramid, schussing down        tary benefit each year. <http://               a black diamond ski slope in Bavaria,     Retired service members with a re-> , include:           or walking on a Hawaiian beach can      tiree ID card and who are eligible to
* A shortened VA Form 21-526 for          make these dreams come true with        receive retired or retainer pay, fly as
Veterans applying for thef irst-time to   Space-Available travel.                 Category VI passengers. Since mis-
VA for disability compensation or            Typically, these dreams require a    sions can be rerouted, delayed or can-
pension benefits. This form has been      lot of money; however, Space-A          celed for a variety of reasons -
cut in half--from 23 to 10 pages. It is   travel is free with the exception of    weather, maintenance issues or higher
immediately available to Veterans via     customs or federal inspection fees on   priority missions - retirees need to be
Web download, and will be available       some chartered commercial air ser-      flexible. They need to plan for any
through VA's online claim-filing pro-     vice missions.                          potential delays and added expenses
cess later this summer at                   Air Mobility Command aircraft fly     for stays, especially in high-cost ar-
http://va            all over the globe and often have       eas. There are four different meth-
vonapp/main.asp                           open passenger seats available. An      ods for signing up for Space-A travel:
                                          AMC aircraft takes off every 90 sec-
   Please see FORMS, Page 6                                                          Please see SPACE, Page 6
                                          onds. More than 130,000 Space-A
                                   Hello Marines,                            Children’s Hospital in Winston-
       CENTRAL BUCKS                  Hopefully everyone has sur-            Salem.
    DETACHMENT, Inc. #636          vived the extreme summer heat so
         P. O. Box 1372
                                                                               The Convention was somewhat
  Doylestown, PA 18901-1372        far as we head in to the fall sea-        contentious at time as there were
              Meets                son.
            7:30 p.m.
                                                                             many bylaws changes proposed
    2nd Wednesday of Month             Again this year Junior Past           and the Commandant and Judge
   American Legion Post 210        Commandant and Department
315 North Street, Doylestown, PA
                                                                             Advocate positions were up for
                                   SE District Vice Commandant               grabs by two candidates each.
        COMMANDANT                 Bill Miller and I attended the 87th
                                                                                 All of the Khaki shirt bylaw
         215-862-6280              annual Marine Corps League Na-            change proposals were defeated            tional Convention and 71st MODD           and I believe that they are gone
    Sr. VICE COMMANDANT            Supreme Growl, in Greensboro,             forever. I will discuss this and all
           BEN JONES               NC.
                                                                             of the other activities that went on            We had a great time with the           at the Convention at our Septem-
                                   Devil Dogs as Pennsylvania Pack           ber meeting.
     A. J. (JACK) GENTILE          had 11 Dog advance to PDD and                Everyone should also be aware
          215-968-2291             this year the Kennel was able to
                                                                             that nominations for Detachment
                                   raise $20,000 for the Brenner             Marine of the Year should be
       DON H. GEE, PC
                                                                             turned into the Detachment Ma-
                                     G.I. BILL           from Page 1         rine of the Year Committee prior
                                       By the time the original GI Bill      to the October Detachment meet-
       JUDGE ADVOCATE              ended, July 25, 1956, 7.8 million of      ing.
                                   the 16 million World War II Veterans         If you believe that someone in        had participated in an education or       the Detachment has done things
                                   training program.                         during the past year that warrants
                                      In 1984, former Mississippi Con-       consideration for this great honor,
        215-822-6898               gressman G. V. "Sonny" Montgom-           please put together a nominating
                                   ery revamped the GI Bill. The Mont-
          CHAPLAIN                                                           letter for that Marine. Then pass
 ELLIS M. (BUDD) PEARCE, PC        gomery GI Bill assured that VA home
         215-343-5609              loan guaranty and education pro-
                                                                             it onto the Marine of the Year
                                   grams continued to work for Veter-        Committee, which consists of all
       MESS SERGEANT               ans of the post-Vietnam era.              of the past Marines of the Year.
          WIL HAAS                    In 2009, GI Bill benefits were up-        Also, Junior Vice Comman-
                                   dated again.                              dant Jack Gentile and his com-
 PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER            The new law gave Veterans with ac-      mittee are working on the Birth-
      DON H. GEE, PC               tive duty service on, or after, Septem-
                                                                             day Ball and we will be discuss-                ber 11 2001, enhanced educational         ing this in more detail at the next
                                   benefits to cover more expenses, pro-     few meetings, too.
                                   vide a living allowance, money for          Hope to see you at the Septem-
          215-348-8925             books and the ability to transfer un-
                                                                             ber meeting.
                                   used educational benefits to spouses
                                   or children.
                                                                                          Semper Fi,
       JAMES POWELL                    For more information about the
        215-862-6280               Post-9/11 GI Bill for Veterans, visit
       The regular meeting of Central Bucks Detachment #636, Inc., of the Marine Corps League of
    Pennsylvania, Inc., was held August 11, 2010, at the Albert E. Atkinson American Legion Post, 315
    North St., Doylestown, PA.
       There were 14 members present including all officers except the Commandant and the Judge
    Advocate. Distinguished members in attendance included Past Commandants Don Gee, Budd
    Pearce, and Bob Sundling, Past National Northeast Division Commandant/Past Department
    of New Jersey Commandant Ed Hoth.
      Sick Call: Marine of the Year Ken Murray is undergoing treatment at the V. A. Medical Center in
    Coatesville. It was also noted that Army Medal of Honor recipient Dave Dolby, who was the
    Grand Marshal for this year’s Memorial Day had died suddenly Aug. 13 while in Idaho.
    The Minutes of the July Meeting were unanimously accepted.
      The Paymaster’s Report was presented and was unanimously accepted.
                                          OFFICER REPORTS
       In the absence of Commandant Jim Powell who was attending the Marine Corps League Na-
    tional Convention, Senior Vice Commandant Ben Jones reported the Detachment strength at 68

M   including 29 Life Members, 30 Regular Annual Members, 2 Dual Detachment Members, 6 Associ-
    ate Annual Members and 1 Honorary Member. He also reported he had nearly completed the
    Detachment 25th Anniversary logo and should have it at the next meeting.
    Junior Vice Commandant Jack Gentile reported the Detachment strength at 68 members includ-
    ing 29 Life Members, 30 Regular Members, 2 Dual Members, 6 Associate Members, and 1 Honor-

I   ary Member. He has done some preliminary investigating of sites for this year’s Birthday Ball.
    More information will be given at the September Meeting. He also discussed the Breakfast Fund-
    Raiser at Applebee’s in Newtown on Saturday, July 17. The event was very successful for a first-
    time activity. We hope to do even better next time.

N   Sergeant-at-Arms Bob Sundling, PC, reported there had been no requests for the Color Guard
    since the last meeting.
    The Public Relations Officer set Aug. 20 as the deadline for submission of material for the next
    LISTEN UP! The Detachment has again been requested to participate in Nockamixon Day in

    September. More on this at the next meeting.
    Quartermaster Corey Fisher reported sales of $11.00 at the last meeting.
                                       COMMITTEE REPORTS
    Young Marines Liaison Bob Sundling reported the LibertyYoung Marines Unit held its “Boot
    Camp” for 12 new members in Lakehurst, NJ. The Unit is also finalizing a trip to Washington at

T   the end of the month. Anyone interested in participating should contact him as soon as possible.
    Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator Budd Pearce announced the next highway clean-up will be on
    Saturday, Aug. 14.
    Rifle & Pistol Team Captain Budd Pearce reported the Department Rifle Match will be held

E   Sept. 24-26 at Ft. Indiantown Gap. The Detachment will have six members particiupating this year.
    Anyone else interested in joining the Detachment team should contact him as soon as possible.
    Chaplain Pearce also announced the Detachment Parade Float will undergo repairs after Labor Day.
    He is still looking for members to help with the repairs.

                                            OLD BUSINESS
    Audit Committee--Junior Vice Commandant Gentile reported the annual audit of the Paymaster’s
    records had been completed and everything was in order.
                                            NEW BUSINESS
    Senior Vice Commandant Powell presented a Marine Corps League Life Member card to Junior
    Vice Commandant Jack Gentile.
    A motion was unanimously accepted to donate $100 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
A motion was made and unanimously accepted to make a $100 donation to
the Wounded Warrior Project.
A motion was made and unanimously accepted to make a $100 donation to                        SCHEDULE
the Philadelphia Veterans Comfort House.
A motion was made and unanimosuly accepted to give a $50 honorarium to
Junior Vice Commandant Gentile for the use of his truck during this year’s
Memorial Day and 4th Of July Parades.
Sergeant-at-Arms Sundling announced his son--our own Marine Bob                                Labor day
Sundling (the younger)--is to be married on August 28.                                        6 september
The Sergeant-at-Arms also relatyed storties of the lengendary Seamus Garrity
and his world-renowned farm near Gettysburg where he entertains Generals
and Privates alike at sumptuous barbecues and special events.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until 7:30                         8 SEPTEMBER
p.m. on Wednesday, September 8.
                                                                                               patriot day
         VA Announces Test of Paperless                                                       11 september
           Claims Processing System                                                          GRANDPARENTS
WASHINGTON--The Department of                 erans Benefits Management System, one               DAY
Veterans Affairs (VA) has selected its re-    of more than three dozen initiatives in
gional benefits office in Providence, RI,     progress at VA to “break the back of the
                                                                                             12 SEPTEMBER
to test a paperless system and new pro-       backlog.” This first VBMS pilot comes
cedures to improve processing of Veter-       after completion of the Virtual Regional          FIRST DAY
ans’ claims for disability compensation.      Office project collocated at the Baltimore       OF AUTUMN
  “This test program marks a major mile-      Regional Office in May 2010. VA                 23 SEPTEMBER
stone in VA’s move to paperless process-      brought claims processors from around
ing,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs      the country to Baltimore this past spring
Eric K. Shinseki. “It supports VA’s           to assist in the rapid prototyping of a dem-    COLUMBUS DAY
transformation of the claims process to       onstration system.                               11 OCTOBER
ensure speedy delivery of benefits to Vet-       Secretary Shinseki has set a goal that
erans, their families and their survivors.”   by 2015 VA will process all claims within       DETACHMENT
The pilot, which initially focuses on com-    125 days with 98 percent accuracy.
pensation benefits, is expected to start at      VA will provide compensation, pen-
the Providence facility in November, with     sion, education, loan guaranty, vocational      13 OCTOBER
completion in May 2011. Additional pi-        rehabilitation, employment, and insur-
lots are expected before the new claims       ance benefits valued at nearly $70 bil-         DEPARTMENT
system is deployed to all 57 VA regional      lion this year to Veterans, their families     STAFF MEETING
benefits offices.                             and survivors through 57 VA regional
  The Providence pilot is part of the Vet-    offices.
                                                                                             22-23 OCTOBER

                                                                                              ELECTION DAY
            GOODIES FOR THE TROOPS                                                             2 NOVEMBER
 Peggy Sundling, who continues to send “Goodies to the Troops,” has provided a
 sampling of items which are needed for the shipments. She cautions, “NO                      marine corps
 CHOCOLATE!” Items include Moist Wipes--with or without aloe (some people
 are allergic); Beef Jerky/Slim Jims--very popular; Hard Candy--no lollipops;
 Lotions and Moisturizers; Lip Balm; Chewing Gum; Crackers/Snacks/Granola                     10 november
 Bars--in individual packages for easy toting; Fruit Snacks/Raisins--in individual
 packages; Writing Tablets/Envelopes/Pens; Crossword Puzzles; Magazines--mili-                detachment
 tary, automotive, hunting, etc. (used, are fine); Drink Mixes--individual enve-                meeting
                                                                                              10 november
                 Thanks, Marines, for your continued support!

disability claim often takes the larg-                     notification to applicants of all
   FORMS                 from Page 1                        est portion of the processing time.                        information and evidence necessary
* VA Form 21-526b for Veterans                                 If VA receives all of the available                     to "fully develop" and substantiate
seeking increased benefits for condi-                       evidence when the claim is submit-                         their claims. With this notification,
tions already determined by VA to be                        ted, the remaining steps in the claims-                    Veterans and their representatives can
service-connected. This new form                            decision process can be expedited                          "fully develop" their claims before
more clearly describes the informa-                         without compromising quality.                              submission to VA for processing.
tion needed to support claims for in-                         To participate in the FDC program,                         Along with the application and cer-
creased benefits.                                           Veterans should complete and submit                        tification, Veterans must also submit
  In order to make the claims process                       an FDC Certification and VA Form                           all relevant and pertinent evidence to
faster, VA has also introduced two                          21-526EZ, "Fully Developed Claim                           "fully develop" their claims. A claim
new forms for Veterans participating                        (Compensation)," for a compensation                        submitted as "fully developed" may
in the Department's new fully devel-                        claim, or a VA Form 21-527EZ,                              still require some additional evidence
oped claim (FDC) program, which is                          "Fully Developed Claim (Pension),"                         to be obtained by VA, to include cer-
one of the fastest means to receive a                       for a pension claim.                                       tain federal records and a VA medi-
claims decision.                                               The forms were designed specifi-                        cal examination.
  Gathering the information and evi-                        cally for the FDC program. These                               VA provides compensation, pen-
dence needed to support a Veteran's                         six-page application forms include                         sion, education, loan guaranty, voca-
                                                                                                                       tional rehabilitation, employment,
                    CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT                                                                           and insurance benefits to Veterans
                        MARINES ON THE NET                                                                             and their families through 57 VA re-
                                                                                                                       gional offices.
   BELSITO, Lou .......................................................................            Disability compensation is a tax-
   CAPRIO, Paul ...................................................................................
                                                                                                                       free benefit paid to a Veteran for
   CONCORDIA, Michael L. ...................................................
   CUPITT, Steve ...................................................................................   disabilities that are a result of--or
   DeBELLA, Vincent ........................................................................          made worse by--injuries or diseases
   DOHERTY, Joe ..........................................................................         that happened while on active duty,
   DUFF, Bob ...................................................................................   active duty for training or inactive
   GEE, Don ..................................................................................
   GENTILE, Jack ...........................................................              duty training. Pension is a benefit
   GREGAN, Ryan ...................................................................             paid to wartime Veterans with lim-
   HAGAN, Vincent ..................................................................             ited income, and who are perma-
   HOTH, Ed .................................................................................       nently and totally disabled or age 65
   JONES, Ben .....................................................................
                                                                                                                       or older.
   KELLER, Bruce .....................................................................
   KIER, Joseph ..........................................................................        For additional information, go to
   KOHLER, Bill ..................................................................... <>
   KOPP, Jacob T. ...............................................................................      or call VA's toll free benefits number
   McCOMB, Jim ....................................................................             at 1-800-827-1000.
   McSTAY, James F. .....................................................................
   MICKELSON, Bill ............................................................
   MILLER, Bill ................................................................................
   MURRAY, Ken ....................................................................
   MOMORELLA, Bob .................................................................. mombo@starlinxcom
                                                                                                                         Take a virtual tour of the
   PARZANESE, Don, Sr. .........................................................                     National Museum
   PARZANESE, Don, Jr. ...............................................
   PEARCE, Budd ...................................................................
                                                                                                                          of the Marines Corps
   POPP, Staci L. ..........................................................................
   POWELL, Jim .............................................................................
   PURA, John A. ..............................................................................                http://
   SCOTT, Rich ............................................................................            www.virtualusmc-
   SMITH, Gary
   SPILLANE, John ......................................................................      
   SUNDLING, Bob .............................................................
   WALDRON, Mike .................................................................
   WIMER, Lee ..................................................................................
Quartermaster Store
Detachment Strip   USMC Satin Jacket   Life Member
                                       Blazer Crest



                         $55.00           T-Shirt

   MCL Patch         License Plate

     $3.50               $10.00           $15.00

   To order any of these items or any other
  Marine Corps League items or Marine Corps
     items and have them ready for pick-up
   at the next Detachment Meeting, contact
      Quartermaster COREY FISHER

        ph: 215-822-6898
P. O. Box 1372
Doylestown, PA 18901-1372


                               "ONCE A MARINE, ALWAYS A MARINE”

                                         Application for Membership
                                           Marine Corps League                                             (Date)

   Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________

   Street ___________________________________________ City _______________________ State ____ Zip _________

   Date of Birth _____/_____/______                  Date of Enlistment/Commissioning ______________________________

   Date of Discharge/Separation/Retirement ____________________                    SSN _____________________________

   Type of Application -- New ( )   Renewal ( )    Associate ( )         Phone (_____) _____________________________

   E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

      I hereby apply for membership in the CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, Marine Corps League, and enclose $30.00 for one $35.00
   year’s membership (which includes subscription to MARINE CORPS LEAGUE MAGAZINE).
      I hereby certify I have served as a U.S. Marine for more than 90 days, the character of my service has been honorable and,
    if discharged, I am in receipt of an Honorable Discharge. By signature on this application, I hereby agree to provide proof
   of Honorable Discharge/service upon request.

   ________________________________________                               _________________________________________
           (Sponsor - where applicable)                                              (Applicant’s Signature)

            Remit this form with check or money order (made payable to CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, MCL)
                      to: CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, P. O. Box 1372, Doylestown, PA 18901-1372

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Central bucks detachment marine corps league september 2010

  • 1. LISTEN UP! CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT #636 Marine Corps League of Pennsylvania, Inc. VOLUME XXIII, Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2010 Commandant: JAMES POWELL Editor: DON H. GEE VA Makes Filing Claims G.I. BILL’S 66th ANNIVERSARY Easier and Faster WASHINGTON--On the 66th anni- was known at that time--was respon- with Simpler Forms versary of signing the GI Bill into sible for carrying out the law's key law, the Department of Veterans Af- provisions for education and training, WASHINGTON--As part of the effort fairs (VA) announced it has issued loan guaranty for homes, farms or to break the back of the backlog, the more than $3.6 billion in the bill's businesses, and unemployment pay. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) newest manifestation, the Post-9/11 Before the World War II, college is reducing the paperwork and expe- GI Bill. and homeownership were, for the diting the process for Veterans seek- Benefit payments under the bill, most part, unreachable dreams for the ing compensation for disabilities re- implemented last year, have gone to average American. Thanks to the GI lated to their military service. more than 285,000 people and their Bill, millions who would have "These reductions in paperwork, educational institutions. flooded the job market opted for edu- along with other improvements to On June 22, 1944, President cation instead. simplify and speed the claims process, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the In the peak year of 1947, Veterans symbolize changes underway to make Servicemen's Readjustment Act of accounted for 49 percent of college VA more responsive to Veterans and 1944, commonly known as the GI admissions. By the time the original their families," said Secretary Eric K. Bill of Rights. Shinseki. Please see G. I. BILL, Page 6 The Veterans Administration--as it VA has shortened application forms to reduce paperwork for Veterans. The Space Available Travel for Retirees new forms, which are being made Retirees who dream of climbing an travelers take advantage of this mili- available on VA's Web site at Egyptian pyramid, schussing down tary benefit each year. <http:// a black diamond ski slope in Bavaria, Retired service members with a re-> , include: or walking on a Hawaiian beach can tiree ID card and who are eligible to * A shortened VA Form 21-526 for make these dreams come true with receive retired or retainer pay, fly as Veterans applying for thef irst-time to Space-Available travel. Category VI passengers. Since mis- VA for disability compensation or Typically, these dreams require a sions can be rerouted, delayed or can- pension benefits. This form has been lot of money; however, Space-A celed for a variety of reasons - cut in half--from 23 to 10 pages. It is travel is free with the exception of weather, maintenance issues or higher immediately available to Veterans via customs or federal inspection fees on priority missions - retirees need to be Web download, and will be available some chartered commercial air ser- flexible. They need to plan for any through VA's online claim-filing pro- vice missions. potential delays and added expenses cess later this summer at Air Mobility Command aircraft fly for stays, especially in high-cost ar- http://va all over the globe and often have eas. There are four different meth- vonapp/main.asp open passenger seats available. An ods for signing up for Space-A travel: AMC aircraft takes off every 90 sec- Please see FORMS, Page 6 Please see SPACE, Page 6 onds. More than 130,000 Space-A
  • 2. COMMANDANT’S COLUMN Hello Marines, Children’s Hospital in Winston- CENTRAL BUCKS Hopefully everyone has sur- Salem. DETACHMENT, Inc. #636 vived the extreme summer heat so P. O. Box 1372 The Convention was somewhat Doylestown, PA 18901-1372 far as we head in to the fall sea- contentious at time as there were Meets son. 7:30 p.m. many bylaws changes proposed 2nd Wednesday of Month Again this year Junior Past and the Commandant and Judge American Legion Post 210 Commandant and Department 315 North Street, Doylestown, PA Advocate positions were up for SE District Vice Commandant grabs by two candidates each. COMMANDANT Bill Miller and I attended the 87th JAMES POWELL All of the Khaki shirt bylaw 215-862-6280 annual Marine Corps League Na- change proposals were defeated tional Convention and 71st MODD and I believe that they are gone Sr. VICE COMMANDANT Supreme Growl, in Greensboro, forever. I will discuss this and all BEN JONES NC. 267-907-2611 of the other activities that went on We had a great time with the at the Convention at our Septem- Jr. VICE COMMANDANT Devil Dogs as Pennsylvania Pack ber meeting. A. J. (JACK) GENTILE had 11 Dog advance to PDD and Everyone should also be aware 215-968-2291 this year the Kennel was able to that nominations for Detachment raise $20,000 for the Brenner Marine of the Year should be ADJUTANT-PAYMASTER DON H. GEE, PC turned into the Detachment Ma- G.I. BILL from Page 1 rine of the Year Committee prior 215-822-6898 By the time the original GI Bill to the October Detachment meet- JUDGE ADVOCATE ended, July 25, 1956, 7.8 million of ing. WILLIAM MICKELSON 215-538-0213 the 16 million World War II Veterans If you believe that someone in had participated in an education or the Detachment has done things training program. during the past year that warrants QUARTERMASTER COREY A. FISHER In 1984, former Mississippi Con- consideration for this great honor, 215-822-6898 gressman G. V. "Sonny" Montgom- please put together a nominating ery revamped the GI Bill. The Mont- CHAPLAIN letter for that Marine. Then pass ELLIS M. (BUDD) PEARCE, PC gomery GI Bill assured that VA home 215-343-5609 loan guaranty and education pro- it onto the Marine of the Year grams continued to work for Veter- Committee, which consists of all MESS SERGEANT ans of the post-Vietnam era. of the past Marines of the Year. WIL HAAS In 2009, GI Bill benefits were up- Also, Junior Vice Comman- 215-257-7828 dated again. dant Jack Gentile and his com- PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER The new law gave Veterans with ac- mittee are working on the Birth- DON H. GEE, PC tive duty service on, or after, Septem- 215-822-6898 day Ball and we will be discuss- ber 11 2001, enhanced educational ing this in more detail at the next benefits to cover more expenses, pro- few meetings, too. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS BOB SUNDLING, PC vide a living allowance, money for Hope to see you at the Septem- 215-348-8925 books and the ability to transfer un- ber meeting. used educational benefits to spouses or children. Semper Fi, WEB SERGEANT JAMES POWELL For more information about the 215-862-6280 Post-9/11 GI Bill for Veterans, visit 2
  • 3. AUGUST DETACHMENT MEETING The regular meeting of Central Bucks Detachment #636, Inc., of the Marine Corps League of Pennsylvania, Inc., was held August 11, 2010, at the Albert E. Atkinson American Legion Post, 315 North St., Doylestown, PA. There were 14 members present including all officers except the Commandant and the Judge Advocate. Distinguished members in attendance included Past Commandants Don Gee, Budd Pearce, and Bob Sundling, Past National Northeast Division Commandant/Past Department of New Jersey Commandant Ed Hoth. Sick Call: Marine of the Year Ken Murray is undergoing treatment at the V. A. Medical Center in Coatesville. It was also noted that Army Medal of Honor recipient Dave Dolby, who was the Grand Marshal for this year’s Memorial Day had died suddenly Aug. 13 while in Idaho. The Minutes of the July Meeting were unanimously accepted. The Paymaster’s Report was presented and was unanimously accepted. OFFICER REPORTS In the absence of Commandant Jim Powell who was attending the Marine Corps League Na- tional Convention, Senior Vice Commandant Ben Jones reported the Detachment strength at 68 M including 29 Life Members, 30 Regular Annual Members, 2 Dual Detachment Members, 6 Associ- ate Annual Members and 1 Honorary Member. He also reported he had nearly completed the Detachment 25th Anniversary logo and should have it at the next meeting. Junior Vice Commandant Jack Gentile reported the Detachment strength at 68 members includ- ing 29 Life Members, 30 Regular Members, 2 Dual Members, 6 Associate Members, and 1 Honor- I ary Member. He has done some preliminary investigating of sites for this year’s Birthday Ball. More information will be given at the September Meeting. He also discussed the Breakfast Fund- Raiser at Applebee’s in Newtown on Saturday, July 17. The event was very successful for a first- time activity. We hope to do even better next time. N Sergeant-at-Arms Bob Sundling, PC, reported there had been no requests for the Color Guard since the last meeting. The Public Relations Officer set Aug. 20 as the deadline for submission of material for the next LISTEN UP! The Detachment has again been requested to participate in Nockamixon Day in U September. More on this at the next meeting. Quartermaster Corey Fisher reported sales of $11.00 at the last meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Young Marines Liaison Bob Sundling reported the LibertyYoung Marines Unit held its “Boot Camp” for 12 new members in Lakehurst, NJ. The Unit is also finalizing a trip to Washington at T the end of the month. Anyone interested in participating should contact him as soon as possible. Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator Budd Pearce announced the next highway clean-up will be on Saturday, Aug. 14. Rifle & Pistol Team Captain Budd Pearce reported the Department Rifle Match will be held E Sept. 24-26 at Ft. Indiantown Gap. The Detachment will have six members particiupating this year. Anyone else interested in joining the Detachment team should contact him as soon as possible. Chaplain Pearce also announced the Detachment Parade Float will undergo repairs after Labor Day. He is still looking for members to help with the repairs. S OLD BUSINESS Audit Committee--Junior Vice Commandant Gentile reported the annual audit of the Paymaster’s records had been completed and everything was in order. NEW BUSINESS Senior Vice Commandant Powell presented a Marine Corps League Life Member card to Junior Vice Commandant Jack Gentile. A motion was unanimously accepted to donate $100 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 3
  • 4. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to make a $100 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. A motion was made and unanimously accepted to make a $100 donation to SCHEDULE the Philadelphia Veterans Comfort House. A motion was made and unanimosuly accepted to give a $50 honorarium to Junior Vice Commandant Gentile for the use of his truck during this year’s OF Memorial Day and 4th Of July Parades. Announcements EVENTS Sergeant-at-Arms Sundling announced his son--our own Marine Bob Labor day Sundling (the younger)--is to be married on August 28. 6 september The Sergeant-at-Arms also relatyed storties of the lengendary Seamus Garrity and his world-renowned farm near Gettysburg where he entertains Generals and Privates alike at sumptuous barbecues and special events. DETACHMENT MEETING There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until 7:30 8 SEPTEMBER p.m. on Wednesday, September 8. patriot day VA Announces Test of Paperless 11 september Claims Processing System GRANDPARENTS WASHINGTON--The Department of erans Benefits Management System, one DAY Veterans Affairs (VA) has selected its re- of more than three dozen initiatives in gional benefits office in Providence, RI, progress at VA to “break the back of the 12 SEPTEMBER to test a paperless system and new pro- backlog.” This first VBMS pilot comes cedures to improve processing of Veter- after completion of the Virtual Regional FIRST DAY ans’ claims for disability compensation. Office project collocated at the Baltimore OF AUTUMN “This test program marks a major mile- Regional Office in May 2010. VA 23 SEPTEMBER stone in VA’s move to paperless process- brought claims processors from around ing,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs the country to Baltimore this past spring Eric K. Shinseki. “It supports VA’s to assist in the rapid prototyping of a dem- COLUMBUS DAY transformation of the claims process to onstration system. 11 OCTOBER ensure speedy delivery of benefits to Vet- Secretary Shinseki has set a goal that erans, their families and their survivors.” by 2015 VA will process all claims within DETACHMENT The pilot, which initially focuses on com- 125 days with 98 percent accuracy. pensation benefits, is expected to start at VA will provide compensation, pen- MEETING the Providence facility in November, with sion, education, loan guaranty, vocational 13 OCTOBER completion in May 2011. Additional pi- rehabilitation, employment, and insur- lots are expected before the new claims ance benefits valued at nearly $70 bil- DEPARTMENT system is deployed to all 57 VA regional lion this year to Veterans, their families STAFF MEETING benefits offices. and survivors through 57 VA regional The Providence pilot is part of the Vet- offices. 22-23 OCTOBER ELECTION DAY GOODIES FOR THE TROOPS 2 NOVEMBER Peggy Sundling, who continues to send “Goodies to the Troops,” has provided a sampling of items which are needed for the shipments. She cautions, “NO marine corps CHOCOLATE!” Items include Moist Wipes--with or without aloe (some people birthday are allergic); Beef Jerky/Slim Jims--very popular; Hard Candy--no lollipops; Lotions and Moisturizers; Lip Balm; Chewing Gum; Crackers/Snacks/Granola 10 november Bars--in individual packages for easy toting; Fruit Snacks/Raisins--in individual packages; Writing Tablets/Envelopes/Pens; Crossword Puzzles; Magazines--mili- detachment tary, automotive, hunting, etc. (used, are fine); Drink Mixes--individual enve- meeting lopes. 10 november Thanks, Marines, for your continued support! 4
  • 6. disability claim often takes the larg- notification to applicants of all FORMS from Page 1 est portion of the processing time. information and evidence necessary * VA Form 21-526b for Veterans If VA receives all of the available to "fully develop" and substantiate seeking increased benefits for condi- evidence when the claim is submit- their claims. With this notification, tions already determined by VA to be ted, the remaining steps in the claims- Veterans and their representatives can service-connected. This new form decision process can be expedited "fully develop" their claims before more clearly describes the informa- without compromising quality. submission to VA for processing. tion needed to support claims for in- To participate in the FDC program, Along with the application and cer- creased benefits. Veterans should complete and submit tification, Veterans must also submit In order to make the claims process an FDC Certification and VA Form all relevant and pertinent evidence to faster, VA has also introduced two 21-526EZ, "Fully Developed Claim "fully develop" their claims. A claim new forms for Veterans participating (Compensation)," for a compensation submitted as "fully developed" may in the Department's new fully devel- claim, or a VA Form 21-527EZ, still require some additional evidence oped claim (FDC) program, which is "Fully Developed Claim (Pension)," to be obtained by VA, to include cer- one of the fastest means to receive a for a pension claim. tain federal records and a VA medi- claims decision. The forms were designed specifi- cal examination. Gathering the information and evi- cally for the FDC program. These VA provides compensation, pen- dence needed to support a Veteran's six-page application forms include sion, education, loan guaranty, voca- tional rehabilitation, employment, CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT and insurance benefits to Veterans MARINES ON THE NET and their families through 57 VA re- gional offices. BELSITO, Lou ....................................................................... Disability compensation is a tax- CAPRIO, Paul ................................................................................... free benefit paid to a Veteran for CONCORDIA, Michael L. ................................................... CUPITT, Steve ................................................................................... disabilities that are a result of--or DeBELLA, Vincent ........................................................................ made worse by--injuries or diseases DOHERTY, Joe .......................................................................... that happened while on active duty, DUFF, Bob ................................................................................... active duty for training or inactive GEE, Don .................................................................................. GENTILE, Jack ........................................................... duty training. Pension is a benefit GREGAN, Ryan ................................................................... paid to wartime Veterans with lim- HAGAN, Vincent .................................................................. ited income, and who are perma- HOTH, Ed ................................................................................. nently and totally disabled or age 65 JONES, Ben ..................................................................... or older. KELLER, Bruce ..................................................................... KIER, Joseph .......................................................................... For additional information, go to KOHLER, Bill ..................................................................... <> KOPP, Jacob T. ............................................................................... or call VA's toll free benefits number McCOMB, Jim .................................................................... at 1-800-827-1000. McSTAY, James F. ..................................................................... MICKELSON, Bill ............................................................ MILLER, Bill ................................................................................ MURRAY, Ken .................................................................... MOMORELLA, Bob .................................................................. mombo@starlinxcom PARZANESE, Tony Take a virtual tour of the PARZANESE, Don, Sr. ......................................................... National Museum PARZANESE, Don, Jr. ............................................... PEARCE, Budd ................................................................... of the Marines Corps POPP, Staci L. .......................................................................... POWELL, Jim ............................................................................. PURA, John A. .............................................................................. http:// SCOTT, Rich ............................................................................ www.virtualusmc- SMITH, Gary SPILLANE, John ...................................................................... SUNDLING, Bob ............................................................. WALDRON, Mike ................................................................. WIMER, Lee .................................................................................. 6
  • 7. Quartermaster Store Detachment Strip USMC Satin Jacket Life Member Blazer Crest $5.00 Cover $25.00 Detachment $55.00 T-Shirt $22.00 Detachment MCL Patch License Plate $3.50 $10.00 $15.00 To order any of these items or any other Marine Corps League items or Marine Corps items and have them ready for pick-up at the next Detachment Meeting, contact Quartermaster COREY FISHER at ph: 215-822-6898 e-mail: 7
  • 8. CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, Inc. P. O. Box 1372 Doylestown, PA 18901-1372 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED "ONCE A MARINE, ALWAYS A MARINE” Application for Membership _____________________ Marine Corps League (Date) Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________ City _______________________ State ____ Zip _________ Date of Birth _____/_____/______ Date of Enlistment/Commissioning ______________________________ Date of Discharge/Separation/Retirement ____________________ SSN _____________________________ Type of Application -- New ( ) Renewal ( ) Associate ( ) Phone (_____) _____________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby apply for membership in the CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, Marine Corps League, and enclose $30.00 for one $35.00 year’s membership (which includes subscription to MARINE CORPS LEAGUE MAGAZINE). I hereby certify I have served as a U.S. Marine for more than 90 days, the character of my service has been honorable and, if discharged, I am in receipt of an Honorable Discharge. By signature on this application, I hereby agree to provide proof of Honorable Discharge/service upon request. ________________________________________ _________________________________________ (Sponsor - where applicable) (Applicant’s Signature) Remit this form with check or money order (made payable to CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, MCL) to: CENTRAL BUCKS DETACHMENT, P. O. Box 1372, Doylestown, PA 18901-1372