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The Catalunya Chronicle
                  An English Paper for Tarragona and beyond....                                FREE every month ~ suitable for all the family.

 Welcome to our March issue - we hope that you will enjoy it. We                                                DO YOU HAVE
                                                                                                             TRACTORS             CARS
 are very pleased to announce that we are now being printed in Spain
 - Lleida, which will give us a little more time to prepare each month.                                      MACHINERY            GENERATORS
                                                                                                                 WORKING OR NON WORKING

 Furthermore, our print run increases yet again this month, up to                                                CASH AVAILABLE FOR ALL
                                                                                                                     OF THE ABOVE
 4,000 copies which will enable us to deliver more copies to more
 sites.                                                                                                           FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                     PLEASE CONTACT

                                                                                                                   689 468 752
 A huge thank you to everyone who has helped (and continues to
 help) with the production and distribution of the paper - you are
                                                                                                             Get Involved.
                                                                                                     This is your paper - got a story to tell or
   ONCE UPON A TIME...                                                                               something to moan about - let us know.
                                                                                                       Do you have an event coming up?
    MORA D'EBRE , THE RIBERA D'EBRE REGION AND A BRIEF                                                              Broadcast it!
    Jennifer Figuerola

Standing proudly on the banks of the Ebro and framed by the famous arched bridge, Mora
                                                                                                          Inside This Month
d'Ebre has evolved into a bustling market town of 5000 inhabitants, its commodities
serving many of the surrounding villages and hamlets.
                                                                                                                  Readers Letters

Somehow there is a completely different atmosphere to any of the coastal resorts; yes                       Tales from the Riverbank
there are plenty of bars and cafés, but the main focus is on the community and its needs,
giving the town more of a sense of 'normality'. Of historical interest, there is an Islamic                             Pets
castle and a convent, 'Les Mínimes'.                                                                                 Short Story
The parish church of St John the Baptist is beautifully preserved. Like most settlements                  Ice without the Gin and Tonic
along the river, boats or canoes can be hired to meander up and down to see the scenery
at its best with the backdrop of the mountains and the birds of prey circling overhead.                            Whats Online
Other settlements in the region include Riba-Roja d'Ebre, La Palma d'Ebre, Flix, Vinebre,
La Torre de L'Español, Ascó, Garcia, Darmós, La Serra d'Almos, Llaberia, Benissanet,                                  Whats On
Miravet, Ginestar, Tivissa and Rasquera. Mora d'Ebre is situated in the centre of the
Ribera d'Ebre region, and as such is the region's capital.                                                               Sports
Directly across the river stands the smaller town of Mora La Nova, which came into being                                 Reviews
after the train station was built. The first train to stop at the station, from Reus, destination
Zaragoza, was on 8 April, 1891. Gradually the town grew until becoming a municipality                             Growing Nicely
independent of Mora D'Ebre. The manor house, 'Mas de la Coixa', is an emblem of the
town's origins. It has also become very well-known for hosting the annual agricultural fair.                    Community News
Mora d'Ebre hosts the annual 'Casafir', every September.This is a hunters` fair, with
archery, gundogs, displays, birds of prey , police dog displays and obstacle courses for                                 Health
                                                                                                                    La Matanca
For Kath and Gary Jordan, this is their third year actually living in Mora dÈbre, just outside
the town. They looked around the area for a couple of years before settling and absolutely                                Food
love the area. They have around 11 large olive trees and 15 smaller ones, and Gary has
just become the proud owner of half a very smart yellow tractor, with which he is clearing                               Puzzles
the land for more trees and other vegetables.

They moved here to be closer to their son and his family and have gradually filled their                            Information
lives to the full. They love the fact that they don't live on the coast and are bombarded by
tourists every summer, yet the coast is a mere 25 mins drive away when they do want to                             Classified Ads
                                                                                                                  The Final Word
Beer is cheaper inland too!
                                                                                                                    and more....
               The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 1
Gary often wanders down to Club Nautica by the            There is a Meander area, around 5 km of                   of Santa Magdalena, protected by a huge boulder,
river in Mora. It's one of his favourite dog walks,       protected river, with a river island below Flix           which is directly above it. The views from here are
as there is a fabulous park there and surprisingly        castle. The area is rich in wildlife, both for nesting    breathtaking.
not well frequented, so boxer Nancy is free to            and migration and there have been sightings of
roam to her heart's content. Gary loves walking           more than 200 bird species. In 1175, King Alfonso         Darmós is an Arabic name, and although the
and motorbiking along the river route and Kath            gave a donation to the knight Español de Prades,          church is beautiful, renovated in 1810, the main
takes spanish lessons and is a member of the              and the settlement was apparently thus named              focus of the settlement is the Mata tree
ladies' group, Tiara, useful for all expats to get        La Torre de L'español.                                    dominating its surroundings. It is a unique species
together for all sorts of reasons!                                                                                  and featured on the Darmós coat of arms.
                                                          High up in the hills, the village is rich in history,
They have found the locals very friendly, with            but a word of advice if you decide to visit, make         The municipality of Tivissa comprises the four
granddaughter Maisie providing a useful way of            it during the milder months. It can be bitterly cold      towns of Tivissa, La Serra d'Almos, Darmós and
integration, as they met a lot of locals when taking      in winter, with howling, relentless and very              Llaberia. Tivissa itself has a rich historical
her to school. Their spanish neighbours, Teresa           unforgiving winds, which are infinitely                   heritage. There is the Iberian city of Castellet de
and Pasqual Blanch and their children Rut, Isaac                                                                    Banyoles and the cave paintings of the Font
andMario, have been great despite the language                                                                      Vilella ravine.
barrier and are now firm friends. Mora hosts
festivals throughout the year, which they enjoy,                                                                    The oldest, smallest hamlet of all, Llaberia, lies
in fact the only gripe, if there is one, is the lack of                                                             23km NW of Tivissa. From the hills above, some
live music in the area.                                                                                             912m, it becomes clear that this area dominates
                                                                                                                    the Tarragona plains. The Romanesque church
A musician himself, Gary finds this frustrating, but                                                                is surrounded by fountains, making it memorable
intends to investigate the problem further and                                                                      and unique. Miravet, with the Knight's Templar
actually do something about it. So watch this                                                                       castle at the head, overlooking the village below,
space for news of a venue with live music from                                                                      is steeped in history over many years of battles
the mandolin, banjo, guitar, bass guitar and violin.                                                                and strife.
Too good to miss!
                                                                                                                    It is perhaps the most picturesque of all the
    Returning to the subject of the                                                                                 settlements, with houses set onto the cliffs and
    historical attracitons of the region, I                                                                         along the river, all with a story to tell. The ferry is
                                                                                                                    an interesting way to approach the village, and
    have simply provided an idea of what
                                                                                                                    the main square sits prettily on the riverside.
    is where; a taster to prompt any
    interested parties to delve more                                                                                Ginestar houses the remains of one of the oldest
    deeply.                                                                                                         towns in Cataluña, the ravine of Gàfols, built in
                                                                                                                    the 7th century B.C. The church of Saint Marti,
I begin with Riba-Roca. Historical sources in                                                                       clearly visible from the road was built in the 18th
Riba-Roja date back to Neolithic times, as there                                                                    century, as well as the Sant Isidre Hermitage, built
are still remains of a settlement there, and other                                                                  in 1617, on the outskirts.
later remains of a Roman settlement. Parts of the
ancient fortress are still there and the church, Sant                                                               Finally, Rasquera, last but certainly not least to
Bertomeu dominates the square.                                                                                      be mentioned, has two distinct parts. The town,
                                                                                                                    ancient, with a centre that conserves the structure
The hamlets Santa Madrona and Berrús are                  incompatible with wandering around and making             of a closed-in village surrounding a castle, and
nearby and definitely worth a visit. At La Palma          a day of it, and most certainly if you brave it to the    then the land. Local artisans handcraft their work
d'Ebre, the church of Santa Maria dates back to           top of the Torno, where the views are stunning            using boxwood and palm, and in the Cardó
the 12th century, and it has recently been                across most of the towns and villages of the whole        mountain range, there is a yew forest.
renovated. The village was built under the                Ribera d'Ebre region.
protection of the magnificent 'Pi del Pino', a                                                                      Skimming through all of the above, for anyone
gigantic pine tree, now itself protected by               There is the Horta fountain, of Roman origin, and         interested in the history of the region, it seems
Cataluñan law. It is literally situated a hundred         the Torrent fountain and the church is                    that you could well have more than a few
metres to the north along an old pathway, the             Neoclassical with beautiful detail in Baroque style.      interesting days out ahead, exploring the villages
Granadella lane. In the Town Hall, on the ground          For a little place, it certainly holds its head up high   and hamlets at your leisure. Only one thing left to
floor, there is an ancient medieval prison. Just on       in terms of historical interest.                          say really:
the outskirts there is 'Font Vella', an ancient
fountain of Arab origin.                                  Another town in the region with historical roots              ¡Disfrute!
                                                          dating back to Neolithic times is Ascó. The streets
Flix is also of medieval origin, located on a hill        are incredibly narrow in places, and overflowing
overlooking the river Ebro. Industry has always           with signs linking it to its Moorish history. Several
been prominent here, principally the hydroelectric        Iberian settlements have been discovered in the
power station and the dam. Yet there are also             surrounding area, and again, it is dominated by                PLUMBING • ELECTRICS • HEATING
many interesting historical features, namely the          the classicist church, with a tower and a belfry.              AIR CONDITIONING • SATELLITE TV
castle remains and the gothic temple of Santa
Maria . Nearby is the Sebes Wildlife and Nature           Garcia is another settlement in the region, sitting
Reserve of some 204 hectares. It includes the             on the confluence of the rivers Ebro and Siurana.                          Nigel Morton
nature area of Sebes, located above the dam,              There's a large recreational area on the river                             English and Spanish Spoken
                                                          banks popular with visitors for the natural beauty                                N.I.E Supplied
which has one of the largest reedbeds in Cataluña
and a riverine forest.                                    of the surroundings. The old church, although                                                      Tortosa and
                                                          destroyed in the Civil War, is still standing and              Tel: 620 353 138              Surrounding areas
                                                          worth a look. Also of local interest is the hermitage

               The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 2
                                                                                             The post-bag started to fill up - many thanks
        Readers Letters - to the Editor                                                      to everyone who wrote in.
                                                                                              All submissions must be received by the
Please address your letters to:- The Catalunya Chronicle , C/ Martirs
                                                                                             18th of the calendar month to ensure
6, 43500, Tortosa, or alternatively you may email them to                                    publication for the following issue.
All letters must contain a contact telephone number - thank you.
                                                Spanish or Catalan Social Security body application form by the end of March 2010,
  READERS CALLS INTO THE                        (INSS).                                             your card should arrive before the new
                                                                                                    regulations come into force.
  E DITOR , REGARDING THE                       Now, I do not know for sure if this is the letter
  EHIC CARDS                                    to which you refer and wondered if you have If you are not a national of an EU member
                                                received an additional one. (** Jean and Ken) state, or you live in Iceland, Liechtenstein,
                                                                                                    Norway or Switzerland, then the country
We have had two calls regarding the EHIC -      Nevertheless, I will proceed, but please do where you live will remain responsible for
one last week, and one today, which have        call me directly or text me on +34 619 772 issuing your EHIC. In these circumstances,
passed over to you (Rosie Ray) as our 'EHIC     492      or      email     me       directly     at please contact the authorities in your country
expert'.                               so we may of residence.
                                                discuss your issues and alleviate your
Jean & Ken rang to say they have received       concerns.                                           For more information please call the
a letter from the UK saying that they are no                                                        Overseas Healthcare Team on 0191 218
longer covered should they travel outside of    Primarily, the online updated information 1999.>>>>>
Spain. They are pensioners, resident in Spain   reads as quoted below.
and registered disabled. Apparently, as their                                                          On another UK government's
                                                Note:- it is interesting at this stage (in front of    website the following comment
pension is paid from the UK then Spain will
                                                the above mentioned MED letters of 28-01-              states:
no longer pay for their medical insurance
                                                2010 being issued) that they cautiously use
                                                the verb "may".
Their telephone number is xxx xxx
                                                <New EU regulations from May 1 2010 >
                                                                                                    <NEW EU REGULATIONS >
xxx(removed for privacy) they seem to be
very confused by the line the UK is taking.
                                                                                                 If you live in another European Union member
I am passing this on as I have no real                                                           state, and the United Kingdom covers the cost
knowledge of the issue.                         Due to changes in European Union                 of your healthcare, the UK may be
                                                regulations, from May 1, 2010 the United         responsible for the issue of your European
Also had another call from a Mr. Sharpendale                                                     Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from May 1,
                                                Kingdom may be responsible for the issue of
with what appears to be a similar problem.                                                       2010.
                                                your European Health Insurance Card instead
Rosie Reay replies to the telephone of the member state where you live.                          Secondly, the standard letter issued below is
queries following on from the article on                                                         the very latest information available:-
                                                This will apply if you are a national of an EU
EHIC changes in the December issue and
                                                member state and live in an EU member
reply to a 'write-in' in the February issue                                                      < the MED letter of the 28th January, 2010-
                                                state, and you either:
:-                                                                                               issued by Carol Shotton Business Manager>
                                                receive your state pension or other long-term
Firstly, Jean and Ken I have tried several                                                       The key paragraph reads:
                                                benefit from the UK and you have registered
times to call the number supplied only to be
                                                the form E121 with the health authorities in     **(Jean & Ken) < Due to changes in EC
informed by the kindly Spanish lady
                                                the member state where you live; or              regulations, from 1 May 2010 the United
answering that she had no idea who you were
but would be very pleased to chat to me all you are dependent on a citizen working in the        Kingdom, as the member state responsible
day. So I endeavour to answer your enquiry UK and have registered the form E109 issued           for payment of your pension, will also be
as best I can on updated information I have by the UK                                            responsible for issue of your EHIC instead of
and the standard run of the mill letter issued,                                                  the member state where you are now living.
as promised, by the Overseas Healthcare You will need to send your application by
                                                                                                 If you wish to apply for an EHIC you should
Team to "him indoors" dated 28th Janaury post. An application form, along with an
                                                                                                 complete the enclosed application form and
2010. (My elderly mother too received the explanatory letter, will be posted to you during
                                                                                                 return it in the enclosed envelope. Please
same letter.)                                   February 2010. This application form will be
                                                                                                 ensure you complete all fields and refer to the
                                                different from the EHIC application form
However, each person's reference number available in the UK, and will be modified to             notes and examples on the form to aid
on the letter "MED is followed with a 6 figured prove your entitlement to the new UK-issued      completion.
number" and the enclosed eco-green postal EHIC card.
                                                                                                 The application form contains your personal
application form is unique to that person's
                                                                                                 details and is not transferable. Applications
E121 form that has been registered with These cards will be sent out from April 2010
                                                                                                 can only be made by post at the present time.
                                                onwards. If you return your completed
                                                                                                 The cards will start to be issued by the NHS

             The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 3
Business Services Authority in April 2010 and      regardless of whether you are covered by your
can be used from 1 May 2010. Please note           EHIC. This is because the EHIC does not              # Letter to the address above.
that if you have any dependent children under      cover all situations in which you might find
the age of 16 a separate letter and application    yourself. For example, it will not cover the cost   Their written reply may save you anguish at
form will be issued.>                              of your journey back to your country of             a later date, whereas a telephone call is no
                                                   residence if you need to be sent home.>             proof of what you are covered for!
I strongly suggest you should complete it and
return it even if you have no definite plans for   More expense for the Expats to incur! The next    I trust this information is helpful to you all. If
travel in the EU outside of Spain. You never       paragraph I have emailed them about for           you are listed as a dependent spouse on the
know when you may need to go quickly.You           detailed and precise confirmation of what each    E121 form then you should have received an
cannot at this stage apply online.Only via         country in the EU will cover. We never know       independent letter and form. If not write off
'snail' mail and once they issued them it can      when we may wish to visit or take a different     straight away for it, cross referencing in to
take 2 weeks to reach you as DWP post may          road, rail or air route back to old Blighty.      your spouse's MED number and both of your
be sent via Ireland, Malta or Switzerland for                                                        National Insurance numbers. You must apply
onward despatch. I kid you not!                  <Each country has different rules about state separately and have your own card!
                                                 medical provision. In some countries treatment Without due prejudice.
But read the next paragraph with caution. is free but in others you will have to pay part
They continue:-                                  or all of the cost and then claim a full or partial
                                                 refund. If you do incur expenses during a visit
< The EHIC will cover any medical treatment you may be able to claim a refund by                            Sent in by one of our readers .. Female
that becomes necessary during your trip contacting:                                                         we think
because of either illness or an accident, or in
relation to some pre-existing conditions.The Overseas Healthcare Team                                  Top 10 Things Only Women Understand
card gives access to state - provided medical The Pension Service
                                                                                                       10. Why it's good to have five pairs of
treatment only and you will be treated on the Room TC001
                                                                                                       black shoes.
same basis as an 'insured' person living in Tyneview Park
the country you are visiting.>                   Whitley Road                                          9. The difference between cream, ivory,
                                                 Newcastle-upon-Tyne                                   and off-white.
I would recommend that you attach a NE98 1BA
separate letter with your green MED form England                                                       8. Crying can be fun.
stating any pre-existing medical conditions
you have and ask for written confirmation that Tel:-44 191 218 1999 (Monday to Friday 7. Fat clothes.
you are in fact covered for those conditions. 8am-5pm, UK time)>
Then the reply you receive, always take a                                                              6. A salad, diet drink, and a hot fudge
copy of it with your card. I find that statement However, any telephone calls I would suggest sundae make a balanced lunch.
rather worrying!                                 you take a note of the contact person and
                                                 follow it up by:                                      5. Discovering a designer dress on the
We proceed further as nothing is ever straight                                                         clearance rack can be considered a peak
forward with these 'bods':-                       # Fax:0044 191 218 7376                              life experience.
                                                                            #                Email:
<You are advised to take out private travel 4. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale
insurance before you go to another country                                                             ever made.
                                                                                                        3. A good man might be hard to find, but a
                               CatALARMya                                                               good hairdresser is next to impossible.

                              KEEP INTRUDERS AWAY                                                       2. Why a phone call between two women
                               FROM YOUR DOOR!!!                                                        never lasts under ten minutes.

                                FULL ALARM SYSTEMS                                                      AND THE NUMBER ONE THING ONLY
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                                                                                                        Top Ten Things That Men Understand
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                                  PHONE TEXT UPON
                                 TRIGGERING SYSTEMS                                                     1.                      6.

                             SELF POWERED SYSTEMS                                                       2.                      7.
        We also offer an away monitoring service and alarm systems for rent
                                                                                                        3.                      8.
                                                                                                        4.                      9.
       TONY on 678 149 697 or ANTHONY on 690 055 709 XERTA
                                                                                                        5.                      10.
                        E-mail: catalarmya@

             The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 4

Pets leave Paw Prints on your Heart
In this section we present 3 shelter animals each month, who
are ready for adoption and in search of a good home.
Shelter Favorite
Mimi is a 2 year old spayed female. She's a lovely dog and                                             minimum
gets along with anything and everything. She loves to play                                              order
                                                                                                                                          See us at the following venues:
and be cuddled and would make a great family dog. Mimi
may not be the prettiest dog to look at, but she sure makes
up for it in sweetness! Her dream is to find a safe warm
caring home with lot's of attention.
Shelter Ambassador
The 1 year old Momo is this months shelter
ambassador. When he was first brought in to the
shelter he was extremely scared. He had been
badly mistreated. He's a sweet dog who gets along                                                  
great with children and other dogs. He seems to                                                         email:
have lost his faith in humans and is looking for a                                                         TELEPHONE TIM OR ELISA
good new home where he can gradually gain back                                                                    ON 696 894 134
his confidence. Momo's perfect new home would                                                                 FOR FURTHER DETAILS
be any place with love and patience.
Shelter May-Day
Rico is a beautiful German Shepard Mix. He's young.
Only about 1 year old. This beautiful animal came to                                                                                  ARTÍ
the shelter through the police, and sadly nothing is
known about his past. Rico is this month's shelter                                                                      UERAL
emergency because he's too scared to adapt well to
the shelter surroundings. Though he's big in size, the                                                             CONSTRUCTION
other dogs in his free-run pen pick on him and have                                                           Reforms
pushed him to the lowest ranks. He's getting more
scared by the day and is beginning to wither away.
Rico desperately needs to find a home of his own, with a responsible loving owner,                                  New Builds
who can help him restore the confidence that this type of dog should have.
                                                                                                                          Fincas for Sale
If you are interested in one of these animals, please visit the no kill animal shelter
"Alberg d'animals de les Terres de l'Ebre" in Camarles. Saturday and Sunday
mornings 9:00 - 12:00 there are english speaking volounteers present. currently
the shelter does not have regular opening hours, so please call before visiting to                                        C/Deu, 21, Camarles
avoid disappointment. Directions: On the N340 between L'Aldea and Camarles                                                  Tel: 636292568
take the entrance road next to the big red Estrella Dam building, at km 1089.5.                                             (English spoken)
From here, call the shelter at 619848778 and they will explain how to continue.                                 
                                                                                                                              NIF Supplied
What happend to our shelter buddies from last month? Did they make a lasting
impression? Did they manage to leave their Paw Prints all over your hearts? Who was
adopted and who hasn't found their soulmate yet?
                                                                                                                          ARCA Association for the
                                                                                                                         refuge and care of animals
Sadly, none of our 3 shelter dogs have been adopted. They are still waiting for that one
                                                                                                                        Situated on the C42 TORTOSA ALDEA.
person to give them a second chance at life, with a caring loving new home. Hopefully a
small reminder of their loyal faces will spark a love with one of our readers and still lead   Are you able to help us by adopting one of our loving dogs which will enable
                                                                                                                               us to carry on taking in others.
to adoption. Bello, Lila, and Sita.
                                                                                                  Alternatively perhaps you could help to sponsor one for a small amount per month as we
                                                                                                                        currently have over 200 dogs to choose from.

                                                                                                We would be very grateful for any help or donations you can give to us. If so please contact:

                                                                                               MAVE 678975816                  SUE 630791918                      CARMEN 655040359.



              The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 5
BY   ROSIE REAY                                      a hot classroom, with African sunshine Some people learn the swear words first. I
                                                     beating in through the windows, yawning think it is far more fun to learn phrases!
                                                     away as Mother Superior droned on and on, Gracies a Valerie.
     NEVER TOO OLD TO TACKLE                         trying to drum Latin verb declensions into me,
     ANOTHER LANGUAGE!                               is finally paying off!                               The first word I learned off Catalan
                                                                                                          TV was " Avui " - meaning Today,
                                                     All of the above is happening because I have         and the programme is similar to
For years I have been put off by other Expats        found the most delightful teacher. A lady who        the Yorkshire regional channel,
about taking up Catalan. Oh how I wish I had         shares my passion for all things linguistic, but     where they pop up in local
not listened to them and started studying it         the mistress of many Romance languages               villages, as well as covering the
seriously many years afore. Now I am older,          tucked under her belt. What is more amazing          entire region of Catalunya.
the brain is rustier and I have to now study         is my professora lives within strolling distance
harder and longer. Continually pushing myself        d'la meva casa and I didn't even know until a Other methods of picking up Catalan is just
daily to find something in Catalan, outside my       friend happened to drop it into conversation! to switch on Radio Tortosa while you do the
designated homework period, to not just pick                                                          household chores or munch your breakfast.
and scan or discard because it looks too             Aside: Kerren Stephens BA Hons(                  Just an hour each day and you will be amazed
difficult.                                           University of Southampton)                       how quickly you pick up the local accent on
                                                     CertTEFLA. English-Catala-                       these words - aquestes paraules- They
The beauty of committing to learning another         Castellano-Francais = translator,                suddenly start to mean something or become
language is so exhilarating. A form of                                                                clear enough for you to look them up in a
                                                     interpreter and teacher. +34 618 571
escapism for me from my daily 24 hour Care                                                            diccionari or be able to repeat them ad hoc
Duties for 2 family members, (I put my hands         233
                                                                                                      to a neighbour and ask them what they do
up to this. I am guilty of this.)
                                                     This past week has been very exciting for mean.
     But it is more than that! It has                Valerie Collins and Theresa O'Shea co- Local agenda de Jesus:
     given me something to focus on, a               authors of "In the Garlic" who were
     purpose, a chance to motivate the               interviewed on Spanish channel 6 26, 27 i 28 de febrer
     intellect locked away for far too     
     long in my dormant brain.                                                                        XV Fira de l'Oli de les terres de l'Ebre.
                                                       by the popular host Andre Beunafuente. If
                                                     you missed it you can see them on YouTube X Concurs de Pintura de Jesus
It has enabled me to think past today, to live
                                                     in two sections:
instead of just exist as I have done for all of                                                       A local Ebro Valley olive oil fiesta held in
2009. I could not then think past the 24 hours       1. #                                             Jesus just off the C12 on the outskirts of
schedule I was locked into. I couldn't think     Tortosa and exhibitions of local artists and
about tomorrow. I dare not think about the day            culos/ver/entrevistas/191/dos_inglesas_ other stall holders. A very interesting 3 day
after, let alone "Have I done my Catalan                  preocupadas_por_la_burrocracia/138          and night event.
homework for next lesson?" I feel I can start             781
to hope again.                                                                                        A method of learning Catalan, though less
                                                     2. #                                             amusing, is to loan your sons your car over
Catalan studying has restored direction back     the festive season and then have to go and
into my life, irrespective of what the future             culos/ver/entrevistas/191/frases_typical_ sign for a certified letter (long after they have
holds for me. Furthermore, even after just 4              spanish_traducidas_al_ingles/138783         returned to the UK) sent to you from Municipi:
lessons (yes, just four ...quatre classes) I find                                                     Tortosa that reads - Estacionar un vehicle en
it easier to read medical instructions and           While chatting with Valerie this week I asked zona de parquimetre, sense l'obtencio' previa
signs. But the specialists and nurses are only       if she could share some amusing or helpful del ticket...Import a pagar: 21,00 euro.
too please also to help me and explain what          phrases in Catalan. She charmingly obliged.
certain medical terms are in Catalan.                                                                     Changing holiday-maker trends
                                                     "Well, of course there's the famous one 'Anem
Admittedly, I do have a somewhat grasp of            per feina' -let's get down to work.               Folk in the UK are starting to think about
"Espanyol" But soon you see the correlation                                                           holidays abroad and the enquiries are filtering
of certain words and phrases are similar, if         Most of my favourites I learned from the TV3
                                                                                                      through to us at
not the same, but just a twist on the                soap operas!
                                                                                                      However, it is a buyers market and we are
pronunciation or the suffix is different. Those      # És un tros de pa - He/she's a piece of
years, many moons ago when I sat bored in            bread. Meaning = a lovely person, easy to
                                                     persuade, a soft touch
                                  For a free quote
                                                                                                              Brighter              Roseann
     RAILING                                                                                                                   Vacation rentals - Relocation
   STAIRCASES                        call Steve      # Són quatre gats.- (They are four cats).                 Spain            Activity Holidays - Property
    WRECKERS                       659 225 068       Meaning = Very few people.                                                         Management.
 HOME SECURITY                                                                                                                   Local Guide - Advertising
                                    NIE Approved
     MOBILE                                          # Aixó son figues d'un altre paner - (That's
                                                     figs from another basket). Meaning = That's
                             en Snaith
NO JOB TOO SMALL                                                                                                                   +34 619 772 492 (mobile)

                rks by Steph
                                                     something very different. That's another kettle                                 +34 977 059 306 (eve)
     Iro   nw o                                      of fish. "                                         Voice of Ebro Valley

                   The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 6
being asked to compete against favourable      fish (ladies and kids may wish too also) or the      It will give you so much more the feeling and
quotes against reputable hotels along the      ladies may wish to "trawl the markets " and          vibrancy of the real Barcelona, plus hours of
coasts that are offering them at ridiculously  an evening meal in and around the town or            enjoyment as you move from one short story
low prices.                                    villages where you are spoilt for choice in          to another.
                                               menus. Possibly taking a couple of days out
One example was for 375 pounds in total for on the incredible beaches and coves along               Talking about the author, he describes his 20
a double room b&b for four weeks. How do the Costa Daurada and try a meal along one                 helpful Spanish expressions in an article on
they do it? That is not a weekly rate, but the of those delightful seafood restaurants along -well actually 19. One was in
total cost for 2 people!                       the marinas before heading home.                     Catalan and it did make me laugh. I can share
                                                                                                    the link but because of copyright can not print
An enterprising holiday apartment owner      The second week they may choose either an              the phrase. But do look them up. You will be
(whose property nestles in the Natural Parks exertive family holiday where they can get out         amused by Jeremy Holland's 20 phrases
of the Els Ports) who has thought long and   on the bikes or hike the trails high up into the or to learn more interesting
hard in the face of adversity and has come   Els Ports either on their own or with a proper         facts about Barcelona read his lively blog
up with a novel pricing idea. This is very   guide (add on cost). The second choice need   .
forward thinking and is matching the enquiry not be active. It can be whatever you wish.
trends we are now seeing. The holiday        As tranquil as you please alone with your              Large families or two families travelling
makers are no longer just accepting the      musings, avid birdwatching or photography,             together - we have choices too. One that
displayed price structure and barter that whylazing under citrus trees reading, writing or          would suit those with teenagers more with a
should they pay for 5 when there are only twopainting or just stretching away the aches             huge pool and open lawns next to a canal
of them. The prices are quoted in sterling inand pains, or tiredness as the sun kisses your         where you can walk into a nearby village and
this example and are correct for 2010.       bones that have had too harsh a winter in              not far from the Via Verda, and Tortosa
                                             other climes. (How did they survive that               medieval town,
07 March 2010 - 08 May 2010 and 03 October
                                             winter? I am so glad we sought warmer
2010 - 06 November 2010                                                                             Where as, another has enclosed secured
First 2 occupants 175.00 per week - Extra                                                           gardens and a delightful range of children
occupants 25.00 per week                     Aside: Will the lady walker-cum-writer (who            play equipment and games and trampoline,
                                             lives near Tortosa castle) who contacted me            pool and more.
09 May 2010 - 26 June 2010 and 05
                                             over the festive period please, please call me
September - 02 October 2010                                                                         Or a posh villa set on the side of the Benifallet
                                             on +34 619 772 492. I apologize profusely. I
First 2 occupants 240.00 per week - Extra                                                           mountain with grounds right down to the Ebro
                                             filed your number and email in a very safe
occupants 30.00 per week                                                                            River and sleeps 10 people. Past tourists and
                                             spot. (Sorry, 'I am only a woman' & all of us
                                                                                                    locals claim this as the most beautiful view of
27 June 2010 - 04 September 2010             women are guilty of these safe spot(s) to
                                                                                                    the River Ebro with a GR walking route
First 2 occupants 285.00 per week - Extra place things, I hear the male Ebrobrites                  crossing their access road! Already heavily
occupants 35.00 per week                     groan., "..never to be seen again.Well, not
                                                                                                    booked for the 3 summer months, though
                                             until next spring clean!")
                                                                                                    there are a few free weeks scattered over that
Another option we can offer is a two centre
location by working with two or more holiday Other holiday owners concentrate on couples
property owners in different locations. For only and can tailor more to the individual              Fishermen from Poland and other Eastern
example, the first week the men may wish to couples interests and desires and even take             Europeans are also looking at holiday spots.
                                             them around certain wineries or share
                                                                                                    So maybe the market is starting to come alive
                                             companionship in an enclosed courtyard with
       Emergency Drain Services.                                                                    again.
                                             wonderful delights of self catering coming
            24 Hour 7 Day Service            from the most magnificent outdoor kitchen I            We have many more options available and
                                             have ever seen. One you would expect to see            on both sides of the river! Folk are booking
                                             on lifestyle living pages in the "Sunset -Living       short breaks to Barcelona and then popping
                                             in the West" magazine. Your delightful hosts           down for one day fishing and one night in
                                             here can offer a choice of two apartments and          B&B. Half a loaf is better than no bread at all!
                                             the upstairs studio one even has an outdoor
                                             jaccuzzi bath where the most amazing         
                                             sunsets can be viewed while enjoying a glass
                                             of cava, or several and relax amongst the
                                                But all these properties still allow you to enjoy
                                                                                                               BADMINTON CLUB
       Drain unblocking and repairs.            a day out in Barcelona by taking the train. But
                                                first I suggest you buy the book
                                                                                                               PERELLO SPORTS HALL
   Septic tanks and drain laying service.                                                                                        Tuesday
                                                "...from Barcelona. Stories behind the city:                                11.30am - 1.00pm
              No job too small                  Volume 1 ".                                                                Beginners Thursday
                                                                                                                            11.30 am - 1.00pm

          For fast reliable service             See review in last month’s issue              at                      3€ PER SESSION
                                                                                                                     FOR FURTHER INFO
                                                                                           TEL 671 127 629
       Tel - 689918301 or 667399237

             The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 7
A Short Story by the Wizard..             3 months old clamber up onto the            out in the open. When she was about         ours. We were overcome with grief
                                          store roof and eagerly forage for the       one year old it became apparent that        and when we looked to Phillipe there
    A Debt Repaid in many                 remains of the bread thrown for the         she was pregnant but we decided to          were tears also in his eyes, he
    ways                                  birds. When we approached, the              keep her and see what she would             understood our loss and shared our
                                          kitten scampered off in the direction       present us with! As her time drew           remorse.
We had arrived here in southern           of the nearest hedge preferring the         near she became furtive and uneasy,
Catalonia full of enthusiasm,             total secrecy and darkness that lay         we would miss her for long periods           We were now left with 5 three week
expectation and perhaps a little          within. Every evening she would             of the day but she always returned          old kittens who were totally
apprehension, to start a new life in      return and as time passed by we             at nightfall for her meal. Then one         dependent on their mother. Urgent
the campo surrounded by olive and         would try to gain her confidence by         evening she did not return and for          efforts had to be made if these
citrus trees.                             leaving a little food closer to the patio   the next 5 days we only saw a few           defenceless waifs were to survive. A
                                          where we ate. Initially, at this stage,     fleeting glimpses of her. It was            phone call to the local animal refuge
Our little finca, small in stature        the food was left, she dared not to         apparent that she had given birth but       centre soon put us onto the right
compared to the home we had left in       be close to humans, but hunger              where was her litter of kittens?            track and after a quick visit to their
England, gave us the promise of a         overcame her and gradually she                                                          offices we arrived back home with
new life without the pressure and         would come up to the patio but not             Then one night we had an                 special powdered milk formula and
demands of living in a busy industrial    onto it to take the scraps of food          horrendous thunder storm with               an ample supply of syringes. When
town in Lancashire. We gave our           offered. Our Catalan friends laughed        torrential rain and high winds, on and      you hold such a small creature in the
new home a lick of paint, hung            at us saying that you cannot have           on it went, seemingly never to end.         palm of your hand you suddenly
paintings and prints on the walls,        just one cat, beware, more will come.       Just before we retired to our beds we       realise how slender the thread of life
renovated the kitchen and generally       Perhaps they could not understand           peered out through the open door            is and to have the responsibility to
made ourselves busy in settling into      the feeling that the English have for       into the porch and there in the shelter     cater for 5 of these creatures all
our new life.                             animals.                                    of one of the summer chairs were 3          demanding in their squeals to be fed
                                                                                      totally helpless kittens and as we          and cared for makes you realise how
Our Catalan neighbours made it a            Throughout that summer and into           glanced up, there on the patio was          small we are in this unfolding
point of honour that they introduced      autumn her confidence in us grew            mother with a further 2 kittens in her      universe but by our actions and
themselves to us and made it clear        and she would spend more time on            mouth bringing them into the only           deeds we can make an effort to
that we were most welcome. Gifts of       our land, taking the food offered and       place that she knew that she could          assist in fulfilling not only our own life
lemons, oranges and bottles of the        in return offering her thanks by            find shelter, safety and security. The      and of others around us but in all
most tasty prepared olives would be       dropping the occasional dead rat            faith and confidence built up over the      things that make this planet such a
festooned on our gate as if left by       near the doorstep to show her               previous year was now being repaid          varied and plentiful place that it is.
fairies and whenever we were              appreciation. We grew into her and          in full. On this dark and stormy night
working in our very large garden,         she into us. When we occasionally           with rain in torrents and lightening    As I write this article I can look out
they would shout across to us,            came home late she would always                                                    onto the patio and see 5 growing
                                                                                      that lit up the night sky as if daylight,
waving their arms in welcome and          be sat on the drive as if a parent          she knew where of a place where        kittens, playing with anything and
ask of us ‘Que tal’ to which we would     waiting for child to arrive home. Once      protection was to be found with no     every thing that takes their
reply ‘Mol be’ in our hesitant Catalan.   the car had been parked up and we           obligation or demands. We quickly      amusement. One of them has the
                                          turned to enter the house, she had          found a box and some old but warm      white paws of her mother, another
By the first summer we had                gone, her duty done, but early the          bedding, placed it in the sheltered    the black and tan colouring of her
progressed well, the vegetable            next morning she would be within a          porch and watched as she carried by    coat and another the mute cry that
garden was in full supply and we          few yards of the front door, waiting        mouth each defenceless kitten into     will always endear my thoughts of
were able to repay the gifts that had     for perhaps a few scraps of food.           the dry, warm box.                     such a trusting cat. And sometimes,
festooned our gate with reciprocal                                                                                           sometimes, I swear that I can see
offerings of courgette's, tomatoes,   We never attempted to handle her,                Over the next few days she hardly their mother sat alongside them.
onions and beans. When our           and if she wanted something she                  left her kittens alone, almost every
neighbours passed by they would      would find us, sit a few paces from              time we glanced into the box she was        A debt truly repaid in full.
hoot their cars horns and nod in     us and attempt to meow, I say                    there feeding or tendering to her
approval that a gift had been        attempt because it was apparent that             young. We quietly left food and water
received. We truly felt at ease with she was mute! This did not hinder                by the side of the box so that she did
all things around us.                her from forging a stronger friendship           not have far to go in search of her
                                     with us and occasionally she would               own food. About three weeks later,
 Every evening on this first summer even rub up against our legs if she               our Catalan neighbour Phillipe came
after our evening meal, we would felt that she was not being noticed.                 up the drive shouting in some
throw the left over bread onto the                                                    urgency. As we walked down to him
store roof for the birds and the Winter came and past, she had                        it was apparent that he was carrying
following day we were satisfied to found shelter in the store. I had                  something. To our horror it was the
see that everything had been taken. thrown a scarf into an old delivery               body of our cat, she had been run
Then one evening we were surprised box and she had claimed it as her                  over by a passing motorcyclist as
to see a young kitten, not more than own, preferring to sleep there than              she ran from Phillipe’s land onto

                   PROGAT DE TORTOSA  

                   Do you find disturbing the way that cats live and are treated on the streets? Join Progat and you´ll help us to help them.

                   Progat will be holding their next market towards the end of April, beginning of May, (date to be confirmed) where you may adopt a kitten or cat,
                   or just come and support this wonderful charity and meet the volunteers who strive to look after the stray and abandoned cats here. If you have
                   anything to donate, ie, clothes, books, cds, dvds, bric a brac, anything, please call 977 44 20 26/977 44 66 49. Donations are also welcome.

If you decide to adopt a cat, sterilisation/castration is provided for free. Did you know that one cat can be responsible in only five years, of producing 20,000
descendants?! ….

               The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 8
Another month, the shortest one at that, has             searching inside a mobile phone for an
whizzed by. Now getting closer to warmer weather         emergency contact then that would make it easier
and looking forward to moving away from the heat         for everyone."
                                                                                                                           GOOD ADVICE FROM KIDS
source into the sunny outdoors. My mood will
change once awaking to sun and warmth plus         This came home to me last year when I was asked                       "Never trust a dog to watch your food."
seeing the wonderful colours of spring.            if I knew the names of a friends sons. She was in
                                                                                                                         Patrick, age 10
                                                   hospital but the police could not contact her
At the beginning of the year I promised to take on family. What ever way is best for you and your                        "When your dad is mad and asks you,
the dreaded tasks of dealing with the bureaucratic loved ones, share information as none of us know
                                                                                                                         'Do I look stupid?' Don't answer."
paperwork namely the new EU citizen document what the future may be?
replacing the resident’s card, health card renewal                                                                       Hannah, age 9
and the easy one of making a new will. Yes there Finally the quotes below are some of my
                                                                                                                         Never tell your Mom her diet's not
is a smug satisfaction of it being accomplished, favourites on the inevitable…………….!
and only four mornings of sheer frustrations. How
one department does not synchronise with Age should not have its face lifted, but it should                              Michael, age 14
another especially with new forms issued is rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the
amazing, now you can’t download them as they etchings of experience and the firm line of
                                                                                                                         "Stay away from prunes."
are three-part.                                    character. Ralph B. Perry                                             Randy, age 9
                                                                                                                         "Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you
Alright, I put my hands up to upsetting the system;      Age will not be defied. Francis Bacon
once on their database there is no ability to                                                                            to."
change nationality. Back in 2001 I was holding a         Ageing seems to be the only available way to live               Emily, age 10
British passport now I walk in with an Irish one. A      a long life. Daniel Francois Esprit Auber
difficult very foreign customer just trying their new                                                                    "When your Mom is mad at your dad,
system!                                               By the time you're eighty years old you've learned                 don't let her brush your hair."
                                                      everything. You only have to remember it George                    Taylia, age 11
Making a will could not have been easier - it took Burns
about an hour, cost a little under 40 euros. No                                                                          "Never let your three-year old brother in
discount was offered from the Notary but he slyly Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of                   the same room as your school
asked if I would proof read his translation of the old age. Victor Hugo                                                  assignment."
basic will into English. He wants to be able to offer                                                                    Traci, age 14
a translation to English speakers. Thinking about A useless life is an early death. Johann Wolfgang
this I have now sent it to family members as who Von Goethe                                                              "A puppy always has bad breath--even
would know I have it if both Peter and I died                                                                            after eating a Tic-Tac."
together? This brings to mind a discussion last A lady of a ''certain age,'' which means certainly                        Andrew, age 9
year.                                                 aged. Lord Byron
                                                                                                                         "Never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the
In the situation of accidental death, not a subject      Age imprints more wrinkles in the mind than it                  same time."
that any of us wish to think of. Would your friends      does on the face. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne                    Kyoyo, age 11
know the names of your next of kin? Does your
mobile phone just hold names and numbers                 Age is a high price to pay for maturity. Tom                    "You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a
should the police or other emergency service             Stoppard                                                        glass of milk."
need to identify you and or your next of kin would                                                                       Amir, age 9
they be able to? A couple of years back I read an        Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't
article which I have found again to share.               mind, age don't matter. Leroy ''Satchel'' Paige                 "Don't wear polka-dot underwear under
                                                                                                                         white shorts."
In case of emergency (ICE) is a programme that           Age is not a particularly interesting subject.                  Kellie, age 11
enables first responders, such as paramedics,            Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long
firefighters, and police officers, to identify victims   enough. Groucho Marx                                            "If you want a kitten, start out by asking
and contact their next of kin to obtain important                                                                        for a horse."
medical information. The program was conceived           Alas, I am dying beyond my means. Oscar Wilde                   Naomi, age 15
in the mid-2000s and promoted by British
paramedic Bob Brotchie in May 2005.[1] It                                                                                "Felt-tip markers are not good to use as
encourages people to enter emergency contacts                                                                            lipstick."
in their mobile phone address book under the                                                                             Lauren, age 9
name "ICE". Alternately, a person can list multiple                     RIERES ESTATE AGENT
emergency contacts as "ICE1", "ICE2", etc. The                       PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH          "Don't pick on your sister when she's
popularity of the program has spread across                                                                              holding a baseball bat."
                                                           Large portfolio of properties within 50km radius of Tortosa
Europe and Australia                                           are you looking for a finca or villa or apartment ?       Joel, age 10
                                                             Call or email for a free guide to buying property
When interviewed on July 12, 2005 on the BBC                     Placa Paiolet 2 Tortosa (near the old bridge)           "When you get a bad grade in school,
Radio 4 Today programme, Brotchie said:"I was                 telephone 977445497 or 645335634                           show it to your Mom when she's on the
reflecting on some difficult calls I've attended,                          English Catalan Spanish spoken                phone."
where people were unable to speak to me through               email
injury or illness and we were unable to find out
                                                                                                                         Alyesha, age 13
who they were. I discovered that many people,                                                                            "Never try to baptize a cat."
obviously, carry mobile phones and we were
                                                                                                                         Eileen, age 8
using them to discover who they were. It occurred             website
to me that if we had a uniform approach to

               The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 9
Your monthly round-up of the fun and Spice-up your Sangria skils with these
the factual from the internet.           variations:                                     The Hunting Season is all but over....
Hope you enjoyed last month's list,                                                   Thank goodness that we no longer have to be
this month we're going to open with a A twist on mussels to keep any man
                                                                                      woken up by the virtual 4th of July every
useful little site that makes tiny URL's happy:
from long ones. I'll be using them                                      week-end morning. We will be able to stop
whenever I think it'll save you time                                                  worrying about the safety of our cats, and other
when typing addresses into your CALLING ALL BRANIACS:                                 animals that may become caught up in the
browser - example:        You can never have enough                    weekly ‘sport’.
On the right hand side of their home                              I have no problem with hunting for food, provided of course they
page there are some Tool options -                                                    do not litter the place with beer cans, spent cartridges, and worst
check these out for easy sharing.        Now put it to the test(s):
                                                               of all, the dogs them deem no longer necessary. With the end of
On with the rest then ...                                                             the season, we must be aware that poison is put down to cull the
                                         JUST FOR FUN:                                strays that are abandoned - a way of clearing up after themselves.
GENERAL INTEREST:                        Could this be one of the best jazz
Learn how to make a fantastic tiny arrangements of all time?:                         Last summer I applied to the Department of the Medi-Ambient in
terrarium in a light bulb:                                     Amposta to remove my finca from the hunting register, to no avail.                                                                         It was apparently not possible unless I had over 250 hectares,
                                         Some funny takes on how movie
Think Mars is all red and dusty?:        posters would look if they told the truth:   and preferably 500.                  
                                                                                      Speaking to my neighbour last autumn he mentioned that
15 cute(ish) animals that will kill you: A few twists on the humble tea bag:          ‘theoretically’ hunters were not allowed to shoot within 100m of a                                                  road, that they were not allowed to shoot in the riverbeds, or
                                                                                      barrancs, and most telling of all, they could not shoot on land that
Bored of your desktop picture?:           A gentler approach to online games:                
                                                                                      was cultivated.

SPANISH STUFF:                      How did your Valentines go? Any                   Armed with this knowledge, however flimsy, we erected small
Be prepared with this Spanish bank worse than these?:                                 signs dotted about our finca, outward facing that bore the legend
holiday list:                                                  ‘FINCA PARTICULAR CULTIVADA’ . Letting all and sundry know                                                                         that this finca was private and was being cultivated or worked.
                                    This round-up was bought to you by                Whilst we have seen many hunters nearby this season, we have
Get to know your Spanish cheeses: Jamie Watson.
                                                                                      not had one set foot on our land. Maybe we were lucky, maybe
                                    Jamie is a freelance                              not. At least our various animals enjoyed a respite.
HISTORY:                            creative offering web
A sketch-pad story of pretty much design, illustration,                               At the end of October, I received a reply to an email that I had sent
everything:                         animation         and                             to some various department back in August. At the time I had                       branding services,                                decided to email everyone and anyone connected to the Rural
                                    based in L'Ampolla.                               /Hunting side of things, in an attempt to find out how to take our
Quick lunch option of eggs in bread                                                   finca outside the local ‘coto’ or hunting ground.
                                                                                      It appeared to have been passed around a bit - hence the delay               
                                                                                      - but eventually it found the right person, and they enclosed a
                                                                                      application form which needed to be completed and sent back to
                                                                                                 the MediAmbient in Amposta.
                                                                                                 I will keep you posted.

                                                                                                                               ENGLISH SPEAKING
                                                                                                                                DENTAL SURGERY
                                                                                                                           JENNIFER JACK - DENTIST
                                                                                                                           ALEXANDER JACK
                                                                                                                           MASTER DENTAL
                                                                                                                           Mon / Weds / Fri 10.00 -16.00
                                                                                                                           Tue, Thu         14.00 - 20.00

                                                                                                 Plaza De Bous, 1
                                                                                                 12598 PENISCOLA
                                                                                                 (Castellon)                            PLAYA NORTE

                                                                                                 TEL./FAX: 964 481 588                                      PUERTO

             The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 10
                                                                                Madrid booked their place in the final on 26 May for the first time in ten
   C ATALUNYA C HRONICLE S PORT ’ S P AGE                                       years after a four-nil home win couldn’t be overturned by the Cantabrian
                                                                                side Racing de Santander who won the second leg 3-2.
                                                                                Injury woes continue for Nadal
F1 practice in Jerez ahead of new season                                    Rafa Nadal has been told that he will be out of action for another month
                                                                            following a new injury he picked up playing Andy Murray in the Australian
The Jerez circuit saw all the big names testing their cars mid February for Open at the end of January. Doctors said that he suffered a tear in the
the forthcoming Grand Prix season with the focus of attention on old rivals quadriceps muscle in his right leg and was told to rest for at least two weeks
Fernando Alonso, now with Ferrari, and Michael Schumacher staging his then make a slow return to training.
comeback with Mercedes.
                                                                            Nadal withdrew injured from the Australian Open semi-final clash against
Other teams practising included McLaren, Sauber, Renault, Red Bull, Toro Andy Murray and as a result has seen his world ranking drop to number
Rosso, Williams, Force India-Mercedes GP and Virgin GP.                     four with the Scot moving into third.
Alonso was super confident about the performance of Ferrari’s new F10 Spain criticises Portugal over 2018 World Cup Bid
car, taking it trough 129 laps with a full fuel tank but the final day of testing
saw Britain’s Lewis Hamilton achieve the fastest lap time, albeit with lower The Spanish sports minister Jaime Lissavetzky has told the press he
levels of fuel and a dry track.                                                   doesn’t see Portugal as "overly excited" at the prospect of co-hosting the
                                                                                  2018 World Cup Finals with Spain. He infuriated the Portuguese
Hamilton’s teammate and current world champion Jenson Button also put government by saying "It seems that those in football are more interested
in some impressive performances but couldn’t top Hamilton’s times. than the politicians." Portugal’s minister for sport Laurentino Dias
Thorough testing this season is even more crucial as new rules in place responded by insisting that it doesn't have any money to spend on
mean that there will be no re-fuelling during races.                              remodelling stadiums due to the country's financial difficulties and that the
                                                                                  fact there would be no new investment in stadiums was clear from the
2010 Formula One Calendar                                                         outset.
Bahrain Grand Prix (Sakhir) 12 - 14 Mar                                         The Iberian bid was regarded by many as favourite to succeed in
Australian Grand Prix (Melbourne) 26 - 28 Mar                                   December’s vote but this public disagreement will give both the English
                                                                                and joint Belgium-Netherlands bids a massive boost.
Malaysian Grand Prix (Kuala Lumpur) 02 - 04 Apr
                                                                                Next Month...
Chinese Grand Prix (Shanghai) 16 - 18 Apr
                                                                                Full details of the 2010 MotoGP calendar which starts in Qatar on 11 April.
Spanish Grand Prix (Catalunya) 07 - 09 May
                                                                                Tickets for all major sporting events, including FC Barcelona tickets, La
Grand Prix De Monaco (Monte Carlo) 13 - 16 May                                  Liga tickets & Grand Prix tickets are also available online at
Turkish Grand Prix (Istanbul) 28 - 30 May

Canadian Grand Prix (Montreal) 11 - 13 Jun

Grand Prix Of Europe (Valencia) 25 - 27 Jun

British Grand Prix (Silverstone) 09 - 11 Jul

German Grand Prix (Hockenheim) 23 - 25 Jul

Hungarian Grand Prix (Budapest) 30 Jul - 01 Aug

Belgian Grand Prix (Spa-Francorchamps) 27 - 29 Aug

Italian Grand Prix (Monza) 10 - 12 Sep

Singapore Grand Prix (Singapore) 24 - 26 Sep                                                   Renewable Energy Systems
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             The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 11
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
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Catalunya Chronicle March 2010
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Catalunya Chronicle March 2010

  • 1. The Catalunya Chronicle An English Paper for Tarragona and beyond.... FREE every month ~ suitable for all the family. Welcome to our March issue - we hope that you will enjoy it. We DO YOU HAVE TRACTORS CARS are very pleased to announce that we are now being printed in Spain - Lleida, which will give us a little more time to prepare each month. MACHINERY GENERATORS WORKING OR NON WORKING Furthermore, our print run increases yet again this month, up to CASH AVAILABLE FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE 4,000 copies which will enable us to deliver more copies to more sites. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT 689 468 752 A huge thank you to everyone who has helped (and continues to help) with the production and distribution of the paper - you are invaluable. Get Involved. This is your paper - got a story to tell or ONCE UPON A TIME... something to moan about - let us know. Do you have an event coming up? MORA D'EBRE , THE RIBERA D'EBRE REGION AND A BRIEF Broadcast it! GLIMPSE INTO THE LIVES OF TWO BRITISH RESIDENTS. Jennifer Figuerola Standing proudly on the banks of the Ebro and framed by the famous arched bridge, Mora Inside This Month d'Ebre has evolved into a bustling market town of 5000 inhabitants, its commodities serving many of the surrounding villages and hamlets. Readers Letters Somehow there is a completely different atmosphere to any of the coastal resorts; yes Tales from the Riverbank there are plenty of bars and cafés, but the main focus is on the community and its needs, giving the town more of a sense of 'normality'. Of historical interest, there is an Islamic Pets castle and a convent, 'Les Mínimes'. Short Story The parish church of St John the Baptist is beautifully preserved. Like most settlements Ice without the Gin and Tonic along the river, boats or canoes can be hired to meander up and down to see the scenery at its best with the backdrop of the mountains and the birds of prey circling overhead. Whats Online Other settlements in the region include Riba-Roja d'Ebre, La Palma d'Ebre, Flix, Vinebre, La Torre de L'Español, Ascó, Garcia, Darmós, La Serra d'Almos, Llaberia, Benissanet, Whats On Miravet, Ginestar, Tivissa and Rasquera. Mora d'Ebre is situated in the centre of the Ribera d'Ebre region, and as such is the region's capital. Sports Directly across the river stands the smaller town of Mora La Nova, which came into being Reviews after the train station was built. The first train to stop at the station, from Reus, destination Zaragoza, was on 8 April, 1891. Gradually the town grew until becoming a municipality Growing Nicely independent of Mora D'Ebre. The manor house, 'Mas de la Coixa', is an emblem of the town's origins. It has also become very well-known for hosting the annual agricultural fair. Community News Mora d'Ebre hosts the annual 'Casafir', every September.This is a hunters` fair, with archery, gundogs, displays, birds of prey , police dog displays and obstacle courses for Health dogs. La Matanca For Kath and Gary Jordan, this is their third year actually living in Mora dÈbre, just outside the town. They looked around the area for a couple of years before settling and absolutely Food love the area. They have around 11 large olive trees and 15 smaller ones, and Gary has just become the proud owner of half a very smart yellow tractor, with which he is clearing Puzzles the land for more trees and other vegetables. They moved here to be closer to their son and his family and have gradually filled their Information lives to the full. They love the fact that they don't live on the coast and are bombarded by tourists every summer, yet the coast is a mere 25 mins drive away when they do want to Classified Ads go. The Final Word Beer is cheaper inland too! and more.... The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 1
  • 2. ONCE UPON A TIME...(CONTD) Gary often wanders down to Club Nautica by the There is a Meander area, around 5 km of of Santa Magdalena, protected by a huge boulder, river in Mora. It's one of his favourite dog walks, protected river, with a river island below Flix which is directly above it. The views from here are as there is a fabulous park there and surprisingly castle. The area is rich in wildlife, both for nesting breathtaking. not well frequented, so boxer Nancy is free to and migration and there have been sightings of roam to her heart's content. Gary loves walking more than 200 bird species. In 1175, King Alfonso Darmós is an Arabic name, and although the and motorbiking along the river route and Kath gave a donation to the knight Español de Prades, church is beautiful, renovated in 1810, the main takes spanish lessons and is a member of the and the settlement was apparently thus named focus of the settlement is the Mata tree ladies' group, Tiara, useful for all expats to get La Torre de L'español. dominating its surroundings. It is a unique species together for all sorts of reasons! and featured on the Darmós coat of arms. High up in the hills, the village is rich in history, They have found the locals very friendly, with but a word of advice if you decide to visit, make The municipality of Tivissa comprises the four granddaughter Maisie providing a useful way of it during the milder months. It can be bitterly cold towns of Tivissa, La Serra d'Almos, Darmós and integration, as they met a lot of locals when taking in winter, with howling, relentless and very Llaberia. Tivissa itself has a rich historical her to school. Their spanish neighbours, Teresa unforgiving winds, which are infinitely heritage. There is the Iberian city of Castellet de and Pasqual Blanch and their children Rut, Isaac Banyoles and the cave paintings of the Font andMario, have been great despite the language Vilella ravine. barrier and are now firm friends. Mora hosts festivals throughout the year, which they enjoy, The oldest, smallest hamlet of all, Llaberia, lies in fact the only gripe, if there is one, is the lack of 23km NW of Tivissa. From the hills above, some live music in the area. 912m, it becomes clear that this area dominates the Tarragona plains. The Romanesque church A musician himself, Gary finds this frustrating, but is surrounded by fountains, making it memorable intends to investigate the problem further and and unique. Miravet, with the Knight's Templar actually do something about it. So watch this castle at the head, overlooking the village below, space for news of a venue with live music from is steeped in history over many years of battles the mandolin, banjo, guitar, bass guitar and violin. and strife. Too good to miss! It is perhaps the most picturesque of all the Returning to the subject of the settlements, with houses set onto the cliffs and historical attracitons of the region, I along the river, all with a story to tell. The ferry is an interesting way to approach the village, and have simply provided an idea of what the main square sits prettily on the riverside. is where; a taster to prompt any interested parties to delve more Ginestar houses the remains of one of the oldest deeply. towns in Cataluña, the ravine of Gàfols, built in the 7th century B.C. The church of Saint Marti, I begin with Riba-Roca. Historical sources in clearly visible from the road was built in the 18th Riba-Roja date back to Neolithic times, as there century, as well as the Sant Isidre Hermitage, built are still remains of a settlement there, and other in 1617, on the outskirts. later remains of a Roman settlement. Parts of the ancient fortress are still there and the church, Sant Finally, Rasquera, last but certainly not least to Bertomeu dominates the square. be mentioned, has two distinct parts. The town, ancient, with a centre that conserves the structure The hamlets Santa Madrona and Berrús are incompatible with wandering around and making of a closed-in village surrounding a castle, and nearby and definitely worth a visit. At La Palma a day of it, and most certainly if you brave it to the then the land. Local artisans handcraft their work d'Ebre, the church of Santa Maria dates back to top of the Torno, where the views are stunning using boxwood and palm, and in the Cardó the 12th century, and it has recently been across most of the towns and villages of the whole mountain range, there is a yew forest. renovated. The village was built under the Ribera d'Ebre region. protection of the magnificent 'Pi del Pino', a Skimming through all of the above, for anyone gigantic pine tree, now itself protected by There is the Horta fountain, of Roman origin, and interested in the history of the region, it seems Cataluñan law. It is literally situated a hundred the Torrent fountain and the church is that you could well have more than a few metres to the north along an old pathway, the Neoclassical with beautiful detail in Baroque style. interesting days out ahead, exploring the villages Granadella lane. In the Town Hall, on the ground For a little place, it certainly holds its head up high and hamlets at your leisure. Only one thing left to floor, there is an ancient medieval prison. Just on in terms of historical interest. say really: the outskirts there is 'Font Vella', an ancient fountain of Arab origin. Another town in the region with historical roots ¡Disfrute! dating back to Neolithic times is Ascó. The streets Flix is also of medieval origin, located on a hill are incredibly narrow in places, and overflowing overlooking the river Ebro. Industry has always with signs linking it to its Moorish history. Several been prominent here, principally the hydroelectric Iberian settlements have been discovered in the power station and the dam. Yet there are also surrounding area, and again, it is dominated by PLUMBING • ELECTRICS • HEATING many interesting historical features, namely the the classicist church, with a tower and a belfry. AIR CONDITIONING • SATELLITE TV castle remains and the gothic temple of Santa Maria . Nearby is the Sebes Wildlife and Nature Garcia is another settlement in the region, sitting Reserve of some 204 hectares. It includes the on the confluence of the rivers Ebro and Siurana. Nigel Morton nature area of Sebes, located above the dam, There's a large recreational area on the river English and Spanish Spoken banks popular with visitors for the natural beauty N.I.E Supplied which has one of the largest reedbeds in Cataluña and a riverine forest. of the surroundings. The old church, although Tortosa and destroyed in the Civil War, is still standing and Tel: 620 353 138 Surrounding areas worth a look. Also of local interest is the hermitage The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 2
  • 3. CARTES A L'EDITOR The post-bag started to fill up - many thanks Readers Letters - to the Editor to everyone who wrote in. All submissions must be received by the Please address your letters to:- The Catalunya Chronicle , C/ Martirs 18th of the calendar month to ensure 6, 43500, Tortosa, or alternatively you may email them to publication for the following issue. All letters must contain a contact telephone number - thank you. Spanish or Catalan Social Security body application form by the end of March 2010, READERS CALLS INTO THE (INSS). your card should arrive before the new regulations come into force. E DITOR , REGARDING THE Now, I do not know for sure if this is the letter EHIC CARDS to which you refer and wondered if you have If you are not a national of an EU member received an additional one. (** Jean and Ken) state, or you live in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, then the country We have had two calls regarding the EHIC - Nevertheless, I will proceed, but please do where you live will remain responsible for one last week, and one today, which have call me directly or text me on +34 619 772 issuing your EHIC. In these circumstances, passed over to you (Rosie Ray) as our 'EHIC 492 or email me directly at please contact the authorities in your country expert'. so we may of residence. discuss your issues and alleviate your Jean & Ken rang to say they have received concerns. For more information please call the a letter from the UK saying that they are no Overseas Healthcare Team on 0191 218 longer covered should they travel outside of Primarily, the online updated information 1999.>>>>> Spain. They are pensioners, resident in Spain reads as quoted below. and registered disabled. Apparently, as their On another UK government's Note:- it is interesting at this stage (in front of website the following comment pension is paid from the UK then Spain will the above mentioned MED letters of 28-01- states: no longer pay for their medical insurance 2010 being issued) that they cautiously use 'abroad'. the verb "may". Their telephone number is xxx xxx <New EU regulations from May 1 2010 > <NEW EU REGULATIONS > xxx(removed for privacy) they seem to be very confused by the line the UK is taking. If you live in another European Union member broad/Pages/EUregulations.aspx I am passing this on as I have no real state, and the United Kingdom covers the cost knowledge of the issue. Due to changes in European Union of your healthcare, the UK may be regulations, from May 1, 2010 the United responsible for the issue of your European Also had another call from a Mr. Sharpendale Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from May 1, Kingdom may be responsible for the issue of with what appears to be a similar problem. 2010. your European Health Insurance Card instead Rosie Reay replies to the telephone of the member state where you live. Secondly, the standard letter issued below is queries following on from the article on the very latest information available:- This will apply if you are a national of an EU EHIC changes in the December issue and member state and live in an EU member reply to a 'write-in' in the February issue < the MED letter of the 28th January, 2010- state, and you either: :- issued by Carol Shotton Business Manager> receive your state pension or other long-term Firstly, Jean and Ken I have tried several The key paragraph reads: benefit from the UK and you have registered times to call the number supplied only to be the form E121 with the health authorities in **(Jean & Ken) < Due to changes in EC informed by the kindly Spanish lady the member state where you live; or regulations, from 1 May 2010 the United answering that she had no idea who you were but would be very pleased to chat to me all you are dependent on a citizen working in the Kingdom, as the member state responsible day. So I endeavour to answer your enquiry UK and have registered the form E109 issued for payment of your pension, will also be as best I can on updated information I have by the UK responsible for issue of your EHIC instead of and the standard run of the mill letter issued, the member state where you are now living. as promised, by the Overseas Healthcare You will need to send your application by If you wish to apply for an EHIC you should Team to "him indoors" dated 28th Janaury post. An application form, along with an complete the enclosed application form and 2010. (My elderly mother too received the explanatory letter, will be posted to you during return it in the enclosed envelope. Please same letter.) February 2010. This application form will be ensure you complete all fields and refer to the different from the EHIC application form However, each person's reference number available in the UK, and will be modified to notes and examples on the form to aid on the letter "MED is followed with a 6 figured prove your entitlement to the new UK-issued completion. number" and the enclosed eco-green postal EHIC card. The application form contains your personal application form is unique to that person's details and is not transferable. Applications E121 form that has been registered with These cards will be sent out from April 2010 can only be made by post at the present time. onwards. If you return your completed The cards will start to be issued by the NHS The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 3
  • 4. LETTERS CONTD Business Services Authority in April 2010 and regardless of whether you are covered by your can be used from 1 May 2010. Please note EHIC. This is because the EHIC does not # Letter to the address above. that if you have any dependent children under cover all situations in which you might find the age of 16 a separate letter and application yourself. For example, it will not cover the cost Their written reply may save you anguish at form will be issued.> of your journey back to your country of a later date, whereas a telephone call is no residence if you need to be sent home.> proof of what you are covered for! I strongly suggest you should complete it and return it even if you have no definite plans for More expense for the Expats to incur! The next I trust this information is helpful to you all. If travel in the EU outside of Spain. You never paragraph I have emailed them about for you are listed as a dependent spouse on the know when you may need to go quickly.You detailed and precise confirmation of what each E121 form then you should have received an cannot at this stage apply online.Only via country in the EU will cover. We never know independent letter and form. If not write off 'snail' mail and once they issued them it can when we may wish to visit or take a different straight away for it, cross referencing in to take 2 weeks to reach you as DWP post may road, rail or air route back to old Blighty. your spouse's MED number and both of your be sent via Ireland, Malta or Switzerland for National Insurance numbers. You must apply onward despatch. I kid you not! <Each country has different rules about state separately and have your own card! medical provision. In some countries treatment Without due prejudice. But read the next paragraph with caution. is free but in others you will have to pay part They continue:- or all of the cost and then claim a full or partial refund. If you do incur expenses during a visit < The EHIC will cover any medical treatment you may be able to claim a refund by Sent in by one of our readers .. Female that becomes necessary during your trip contacting: we think because of either illness or an accident, or in relation to some pre-existing conditions.The Overseas Healthcare Team Top 10 Things Only Women Understand card gives access to state - provided medical The Pension Service 10. Why it's good to have five pairs of treatment only and you will be treated on the Room TC001 black shoes. same basis as an 'insured' person living in Tyneview Park the country you are visiting.> Whitley Road 9. The difference between cream, ivory, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and off-white. I would recommend that you attach a NE98 1BA separate letter with your green MED form England 8. Crying can be fun. stating any pre-existing medical conditions you have and ask for written confirmation that Tel:-44 191 218 1999 (Monday to Friday 7. Fat clothes. you are in fact covered for those conditions. 8am-5pm, UK time)> Then the reply you receive, always take a 6. A salad, diet drink, and a hot fudge copy of it with your card. I find that statement However, any telephone calls I would suggest sundae make a balanced lunch. rather worrying! you take a note of the contact person and follow it up by: 5. Discovering a designer dress on the We proceed further as nothing is ever straight clearance rack can be considered a peak forward with these 'bods':- # Fax:0044 191 218 7376 life experience. # Email: <You are advised to take out private travel 4. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale insurance before you go to another country ever made. 3. A good man might be hard to find, but a CatALARMya good hairdresser is next to impossible. KEEP INTRUDERS AWAY 2. Why a phone call between two women FROM YOUR DOOR!!! never lasts under ten minutes. FULL ALARM SYSTEMS AND THE NUMBER ONE THING ONLY WOMEN UNDERSTAND: CUSTOM ALARM SYSTEMS 1. OTHER WOMEN! COVERT CAMERAS VISIBLE DETERRENT CAMERAS Top Ten Things That Men Understand About Women PHONE TEXT UPON TRIGGERING SYSTEMS 1. 6. SELF POWERED SYSTEMS 2. 7. We also offer an away monitoring service and alarm systems for rent 3. 8. FOR A FREE CONSULTATION PLEASE CALL: 4. 9. TONY on 678 149 697 or ANTHONY on 690 055 709 XERTA 5. 10. E-mail: catalarmya@ The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 4
  • 5. LES MASCOTES SHELTER PAW PRINTS ... Pets leave Paw Prints on your Heart In this section we present 3 shelter animals each month, who are ready for adoption and in search of a good home. Shelter Favorite No Mimi is a 2 year old spayed female. She's a lovely dog and minimum gets along with anything and everything. She loves to play order See us at the following venues: and be cuddled and would make a great family dog. Mimi may not be the prettiest dog to look at, but she sure makes up for it in sweetness! Her dream is to find a safe warm caring home with lot's of attention. Shelter Ambassador The 1 year old Momo is this months shelter ambassador. When he was first brought in to the shelter he was extremely scared. He had been badly mistreated. He's a sweet dog who gets along great with children and other dogs. He seems to email: have lost his faith in humans and is looking for a TELEPHONE TIM OR ELISA good new home where he can gradually gain back ON 696 894 134 his confidence. Momo's perfect new home would FOR FURTHER DETAILS be any place with love and patience. Shelter May-Day Rico is a beautiful German Shepard Mix. He's young. Only about 1 year old. This beautiful animal came to ARTÍ the shelter through the police, and sadly nothing is known about his past. Rico is this month's shelter UERAL emergency because he's too scared to adapt well to the shelter surroundings. Though he's big in size, the CONSTRUCTION other dogs in his free-run pen pick on him and have Reforms pushed him to the lowest ranks. He's getting more scared by the day and is beginning to wither away. Rico desperately needs to find a home of his own, with a responsible loving owner, New Builds who can help him restore the confidence that this type of dog should have. Fincas for Sale If you are interested in one of these animals, please visit the no kill animal shelter "Alberg d'animals de les Terres de l'Ebre" in Camarles. Saturday and Sunday mornings 9:00 - 12:00 there are english speaking volounteers present. currently the shelter does not have regular opening hours, so please call before visiting to C/Deu, 21, Camarles avoid disappointment. Directions: On the N340 between L'Aldea and Camarles Tel: 636292568 take the entrance road next to the big red Estrella Dam building, at km 1089.5. (English spoken) From here, call the shelter at 619848778 and they will explain how to continue. NIF Supplied What happend to our shelter buddies from last month? Did they make a lasting impression? Did they manage to leave their Paw Prints all over your hearts? Who was adopted and who hasn't found their soulmate yet? ARCA Association for the refuge and care of animals Sadly, none of our 3 shelter dogs have been adopted. They are still waiting for that one Situated on the C42 TORTOSA ALDEA. person to give them a second chance at life, with a caring loving new home. Hopefully a small reminder of their loyal faces will spark a love with one of our readers and still lead Are you able to help us by adopting one of our loving dogs which will enable us to carry on taking in others. to adoption. Bello, Lila, and Sita. Alternatively perhaps you could help to sponsor one for a small amount per month as we currently have over 200 dogs to choose from. We would be very grateful for any help or donations you can give to us. If so please contact: MAVE 678975816 SUE 630791918 CARMEN 655040359. PROTECTORA.ARCA@WANADOO.ES WWW.PROTECTORAARCA.ORG The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 5
  • 6. TALES FROM THE RIVER EBRO VALLEY BY ROSIE REAY a hot classroom, with African sunshine Some people learn the swear words first. I beating in through the windows, yawning think it is far more fun to learn phrases! away as Mother Superior droned on and on, Gracies a Valerie. NEVER TOO OLD TO TACKLE trying to drum Latin verb declensions into me, ANOTHER LANGUAGE! is finally paying off! The first word I learned off Catalan TV was " Avui " - meaning Today, All of the above is happening because I have and the programme is similar to For years I have been put off by other Expats found the most delightful teacher. A lady who the Yorkshire regional channel, about taking up Catalan. Oh how I wish I had shares my passion for all things linguistic, but where they pop up in local not listened to them and started studying it the mistress of many Romance languages villages, as well as covering the seriously many years afore. Now I am older, tucked under her belt. What is more amazing entire region of Catalunya. the brain is rustier and I have to now study is my professora lives within strolling distance harder and longer. Continually pushing myself d'la meva casa and I didn't even know until a Other methods of picking up Catalan is just daily to find something in Catalan, outside my friend happened to drop it into conversation! to switch on Radio Tortosa while you do the designated homework period, to not just pick household chores or munch your breakfast. and scan or discard because it looks too Aside: Kerren Stephens BA Hons( Just an hour each day and you will be amazed difficult. University of Southampton) how quickly you pick up the local accent on CertTEFLA. English-Catala- these words - aquestes paraules- They The beauty of committing to learning another Castellano-Francais = translator, suddenly start to mean something or become language is so exhilarating. A form of clear enough for you to look them up in a interpreter and teacher. +34 618 571 escapism for me from my daily 24 hour Care diccionari or be able to repeat them ad hoc Duties for 2 family members, (I put my hands 233 to a neighbour and ask them what they do up to this. I am guilty of this.) This past week has been very exciting for mean. But it is more than that! It has Valerie Collins and Theresa O'Shea co- Local agenda de Jesus: given me something to focus on, a authors of "In the Garlic" who were purpose, a chance to motivate the interviewed on Spanish channel 6 26, 27 i 28 de febrer intellect locked away for far too long in my dormant brain. XV Fira de l'Oli de les terres de l'Ebre. by the popular host Andre Beunafuente. If you missed it you can see them on YouTube X Concurs de Pintura de Jesus It has enabled me to think past today, to live in two sections: instead of just exist as I have done for all of A local Ebro Valley olive oil fiesta held in 2009. I could not then think past the 24 hours 1. # Jesus just off the C12 on the outskirts of schedule I was locked into. I couldn't think Tortosa and exhibitions of local artists and about tomorrow. I dare not think about the day culos/ver/entrevistas/191/dos_inglesas_ other stall holders. A very interesting 3 day after, let alone "Have I done my Catalan preocupadas_por_la_burrocracia/138 and night event. homework for next lesson?" I feel I can start 781 to hope again. A method of learning Catalan, though less 2. # amusing, is to loan your sons your car over Catalan studying has restored direction back the festive season and then have to go and into my life, irrespective of what the future culos/ver/entrevistas/191/frases_typical_ sign for a certified letter (long after they have holds for me. Furthermore, even after just 4 spanish_traducidas_al_ingles/138783 returned to the UK) sent to you from Municipi: lessons (yes, just four ...quatre classes) I find Tortosa that reads - Estacionar un vehicle en it easier to read medical instructions and While chatting with Valerie this week I asked zona de parquimetre, sense l'obtencio' previa signs. But the specialists and nurses are only if she could share some amusing or helpful del ticket...Import a pagar: 21,00 euro. too please also to help me and explain what phrases in Catalan. She charmingly obliged. certain medical terms are in Catalan. Changing holiday-maker trends "Well, of course there's the famous one 'Anem Admittedly, I do have a somewhat grasp of per feina' -let's get down to work. Folk in the UK are starting to think about "Espanyol" But soon you see the correlation holidays abroad and the enquiries are filtering of certain words and phrases are similar, if Most of my favourites I learned from the TV3 through to us at not the same, but just a twist on the soap operas! However, it is a buyers market and we are pronunciation or the suffix is different. Those # És un tros de pa - He/she's a piece of years, many moons ago when I sat bored in bread. Meaning = a lovely person, easy to persuade, a soft touch GATES For a free quote Brighter Roseann RAILING Vacation rentals - Relocation STAIRCASES call Steve # Són quatre gats.- (They are four cats). Spain Activity Holidays - Property WRECKERS 659 225 068 Meaning = Very few people. Management. HOME SECURITY Local Guide - Advertising NIE Approved MOBILE # Aixó son figues d'un altre paner - (That's WELDING figs from another basket). Meaning = That's en Snaith NO JOB TOO SMALL +34 619 772 492 (mobile) rks by Steph something very different. That's another kettle +34 977 059 306 (eve) Iro nw o of fish. " Voice of Ebro Valley The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 6
  • 7. TALES CONTD... being asked to compete against favourable fish (ladies and kids may wish too also) or the It will give you so much more the feeling and quotes against reputable hotels along the ladies may wish to "trawl the markets " and vibrancy of the real Barcelona, plus hours of coasts that are offering them at ridiculously an evening meal in and around the town or enjoyment as you move from one short story low prices. villages where you are spoilt for choice in to another. menus. Possibly taking a couple of days out One example was for 375 pounds in total for on the incredible beaches and coves along Talking about the author, he describes his 20 a double room b&b for four weeks. How do the Costa Daurada and try a meal along one helpful Spanish expressions in an article on they do it? That is not a weekly rate, but the of those delightful seafood restaurants along -well actually 19. One was in total cost for 2 people! the marinas before heading home. Catalan and it did make me laugh. I can share the link but because of copyright can not print An enterprising holiday apartment owner The second week they may choose either an the phrase. But do look them up. You will be (whose property nestles in the Natural Parks exertive family holiday where they can get out amused by Jeremy Holland's 20 phrases of the Els Ports) who has thought long and on the bikes or hike the trails high up into the or to learn more interesting hard in the face of adversity and has come Els Ports either on their own or with a proper facts about Barcelona read his lively blog up with a novel pricing idea. This is very guide (add on cost). The second choice need . forward thinking and is matching the enquiry not be active. It can be whatever you wish. trends we are now seeing. The holiday As tranquil as you please alone with your Large families or two families travelling makers are no longer just accepting the musings, avid birdwatching or photography, together - we have choices too. One that displayed price structure and barter that whylazing under citrus trees reading, writing or would suit those with teenagers more with a should they pay for 5 when there are only twopainting or just stretching away the aches huge pool and open lawns next to a canal of them. The prices are quoted in sterling inand pains, or tiredness as the sun kisses your where you can walk into a nearby village and this example and are correct for 2010. bones that have had too harsh a winter in not far from the Via Verda, and Tortosa other climes. (How did they survive that medieval town, 07 March 2010 - 08 May 2010 and 03 October winter? I am so glad we sought warmer 2010 - 06 November 2010 Where as, another has enclosed secured climes!) First 2 occupants 175.00 per week - Extra gardens and a delightful range of children occupants 25.00 per week Aside: Will the lady walker-cum-writer (who play equipment and games and trampoline, lives near Tortosa castle) who contacted me pool and more. 09 May 2010 - 26 June 2010 and 05 over the festive period please, please call me September - 02 October 2010 Or a posh villa set on the side of the Benifallet on +34 619 772 492. I apologize profusely. I First 2 occupants 240.00 per week - Extra mountain with grounds right down to the Ebro filed your number and email in a very safe occupants 30.00 per week River and sleeps 10 people. Past tourists and spot. (Sorry, 'I am only a woman' & all of us locals claim this as the most beautiful view of 27 June 2010 - 04 September 2010 women are guilty of these safe spot(s) to the River Ebro with a GR walking route First 2 occupants 285.00 per week - Extra place things, I hear the male Ebrobrites crossing their access road! Already heavily occupants 35.00 per week groan., "..never to be seen again.Well, not booked for the 3 summer months, though until next spring clean!") there are a few free weeks scattered over that Another option we can offer is a two centre period. location by working with two or more holiday Other holiday owners concentrate on couples property owners in different locations. For only and can tailor more to the individual Fishermen from Poland and other Eastern example, the first week the men may wish to couples interests and desires and even take Europeans are also looking at holiday spots. them around certain wineries or share So maybe the market is starting to come alive companionship in an enclosed courtyard with Emergency Drain Services. again. wonderful delights of self catering coming 24 Hour 7 Day Service from the most magnificent outdoor kitchen I We have many more options available and have ever seen. One you would expect to see on both sides of the river! Folk are booking on lifestyle living pages in the "Sunset -Living short breaks to Barcelona and then popping in the West" magazine. Your delightful hosts down for one day fishing and one night in here can offer a choice of two apartments and B&B. Half a loaf is better than no bread at all! the upstairs studio one even has an outdoor jaccuzzi bath where the most amazing sunsets can be viewed while enjoying a glass of cava, or several and relax amongst the bubbles! But all these properties still allow you to enjoy BADMINTON CLUB Drain unblocking and repairs. a day out in Barcelona by taking the train. But first I suggest you buy the book PERELLO SPORTS HALL Intermediates Septic tanks and drain laying service. Tuesday "...from Barcelona. Stories behind the city: 11.30am - 1.00pm No job too small Volume 1 ". Beginners Thursday 11.30 am - 1.00pm For fast reliable service See review in last month’s issue at 3€ PER SESSION FOR FURTHER INFO TEL 671 127 629 Tel - 689918301 or 667399237 The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 7
  • 8. UN CONTE CURT A Short Story by the Wizard.. 3 months old clamber up onto the out in the open. When she was about ours. We were overcome with grief store roof and eagerly forage for the one year old it became apparent that and when we looked to Phillipe there A Debt Repaid in many remains of the bread thrown for the she was pregnant but we decided to were tears also in his eyes, he ways birds. When we approached, the keep her and see what she would understood our loss and shared our kitten scampered off in the direction present us with! As her time drew remorse. We had arrived here in southern of the nearest hedge preferring the near she became furtive and uneasy, Catalonia full of enthusiasm, total secrecy and darkness that lay we would miss her for long periods We were now left with 5 three week expectation and perhaps a little within. Every evening she would of the day but she always returned old kittens who were totally apprehension, to start a new life in return and as time passed by we at nightfall for her meal. Then one dependent on their mother. Urgent the campo surrounded by olive and would try to gain her confidence by evening she did not return and for efforts had to be made if these citrus trees. leaving a little food closer to the patio the next 5 days we only saw a few defenceless waifs were to survive. A where we ate. Initially, at this stage, fleeting glimpses of her. It was phone call to the local animal refuge Our little finca, small in stature the food was left, she dared not to apparent that she had given birth but centre soon put us onto the right compared to the home we had left in be close to humans, but hunger where was her litter of kittens? track and after a quick visit to their England, gave us the promise of a overcame her and gradually she offices we arrived back home with new life without the pressure and would come up to the patio but not Then one night we had an special powdered milk formula and demands of living in a busy industrial onto it to take the scraps of food horrendous thunder storm with an ample supply of syringes. When town in Lancashire. We gave our offered. Our Catalan friends laughed torrential rain and high winds, on and you hold such a small creature in the new home a lick of paint, hung at us saying that you cannot have on it went, seemingly never to end. palm of your hand you suddenly paintings and prints on the walls, just one cat, beware, more will come. Just before we retired to our beds we realise how slender the thread of life renovated the kitchen and generally Perhaps they could not understand peered out through the open door is and to have the responsibility to made ourselves busy in settling into the feeling that the English have for into the porch and there in the shelter cater for 5 of these creatures all our new life. animals. of one of the summer chairs were 3 demanding in their squeals to be fed totally helpless kittens and as we and cared for makes you realise how Our Catalan neighbours made it a Throughout that summer and into glanced up, there on the patio was small we are in this unfolding point of honour that they introduced autumn her confidence in us grew mother with a further 2 kittens in her universe but by our actions and themselves to us and made it clear and she would spend more time on mouth bringing them into the only deeds we can make an effort to that we were most welcome. Gifts of our land, taking the food offered and place that she knew that she could assist in fulfilling not only our own life lemons, oranges and bottles of the in return offering her thanks by find shelter, safety and security. The and of others around us but in all most tasty prepared olives would be dropping the occasional dead rat faith and confidence built up over the things that make this planet such a festooned on our gate as if left by near the doorstep to show her previous year was now being repaid varied and plentiful place that it is. fairies and whenever we were appreciation. We grew into her and in full. On this dark and stormy night working in our very large garden, she into us. When we occasionally with rain in torrents and lightening As I write this article I can look out they would shout across to us, came home late she would always onto the patio and see 5 growing that lit up the night sky as if daylight, waving their arms in welcome and be sat on the drive as if a parent she knew where of a place where kittens, playing with anything and ask of us ‘Que tal’ to which we would waiting for child to arrive home. Once protection was to be found with no every thing that takes their reply ‘Mol be’ in our hesitant Catalan. the car had been parked up and we obligation or demands. We quickly amusement. One of them has the turned to enter the house, she had found a box and some old but warm white paws of her mother, another By the first summer we had gone, her duty done, but early the bedding, placed it in the sheltered the black and tan colouring of her progressed well, the vegetable next morning she would be within a porch and watched as she carried by coat and another the mute cry that garden was in full supply and we few yards of the front door, waiting mouth each defenceless kitten into will always endear my thoughts of were able to repay the gifts that had for perhaps a few scraps of food. the dry, warm box. such a trusting cat. And sometimes, festooned our gate with reciprocal sometimes, I swear that I can see offerings of courgette's, tomatoes, We never attempted to handle her, Over the next few days she hardly their mother sat alongside them. onions and beans. When our and if she wanted something she left her kittens alone, almost every neighbours passed by they would would find us, sit a few paces from time we glanced into the box she was A debt truly repaid in full. hoot their cars horns and nod in us and attempt to meow, I say there feeding or tendering to her approval that a gift had been attempt because it was apparent that young. We quietly left food and water received. We truly felt at ease with she was mute! This did not hinder by the side of the box so that she did all things around us. her from forging a stronger friendship not have far to go in search of her with us and occasionally she would own food. About three weeks later, Every evening on this first summer even rub up against our legs if she our Catalan neighbour Phillipe came after our evening meal, we would felt that she was not being noticed. up the drive shouting in some throw the left over bread onto the urgency. As we walked down to him store roof for the birds and the Winter came and past, she had it was apparent that he was carrying following day we were satisfied to found shelter in the store. I had something. To our horror it was the see that everything had been taken. thrown a scarf into an old delivery body of our cat, she had been run Then one evening we were surprised box and she had claimed it as her over by a passing motorcyclist as to see a young kitten, not more than own, preferring to sleep there than she ran from Phillipe’s land onto PROGAT DE TORTOSA Do you find disturbing the way that cats live and are treated on the streets? Join Progat and you´ll help us to help them. Progat will be holding their next market towards the end of April, beginning of May, (date to be confirmed) where you may adopt a kitten or cat, or just come and support this wonderful charity and meet the volunteers who strive to look after the stray and abandoned cats here. If you have anything to donate, ie, clothes, books, cds, dvds, bric a brac, anything, please call 977 44 20 26/977 44 66 49. Donations are also welcome. If you decide to adopt a cat, sterilisation/castration is provided for free. Did you know that one cat can be responsible in only five years, of producing 20,000 descendants?! …. The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 8
  • 9. ICE WITHOUT THE GIN AND TONIC Another month, the shortest one at that, has searching inside a mobile phone for an whizzed by. Now getting closer to warmer weather emergency contact then that would make it easier and looking forward to moving away from the heat for everyone." GOOD ADVICE FROM KIDS source into the sunny outdoors. My mood will change once awaking to sun and warmth plus This came home to me last year when I was asked "Never trust a dog to watch your food." seeing the wonderful colours of spring. if I knew the names of a friends sons. She was in Patrick, age 10 hospital but the police could not contact her At the beginning of the year I promised to take on family. What ever way is best for you and your "When your dad is mad and asks you, the dreaded tasks of dealing with the bureaucratic loved ones, share information as none of us know 'Do I look stupid?' Don't answer." paperwork namely the new EU citizen document what the future may be? replacing the resident’s card, health card renewal Hannah, age 9 and the easy one of making a new will. Yes there Finally the quotes below are some of my Never tell your Mom her diet's not is a smug satisfaction of it being accomplished, favourites on the inevitable…………….! and only four mornings of sheer frustrations. How working." one department does not synchronise with Age should not have its face lifted, but it should Michael, age 14 another especially with new forms issued is rather teach the world to admire wrinkles as the amazing, now you can’t download them as they etchings of experience and the firm line of "Stay away from prunes." are three-part. character. Ralph B. Perry Randy, age 9 "Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you Alright, I put my hands up to upsetting the system; Age will not be defied. Francis Bacon once on their database there is no ability to to." change nationality. Back in 2001 I was holding a Ageing seems to be the only available way to live Emily, age 10 British passport now I walk in with an Irish one. A a long life. Daniel Francois Esprit Auber difficult very foreign customer just trying their new "When your Mom is mad at your dad, system! By the time you're eighty years old you've learned don't let her brush your hair." everything. You only have to remember it George Taylia, age 11 Making a will could not have been easier - it took Burns about an hour, cost a little under 40 euros. No "Never let your three-year old brother in discount was offered from the Notary but he slyly Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of the same room as your school asked if I would proof read his translation of the old age. Victor Hugo assignment." basic will into English. He wants to be able to offer Traci, age 14 a translation to English speakers. Thinking about A useless life is an early death. Johann Wolfgang this I have now sent it to family members as who Von Goethe "A puppy always has bad breath--even would know I have it if both Peter and I died after eating a Tic-Tac." together? This brings to mind a discussion last A lady of a ''certain age,'' which means certainly Andrew, age 9 year. aged. Lord Byron "Never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the In the situation of accidental death, not a subject Age imprints more wrinkles in the mind than it same time." that any of us wish to think of. Would your friends does on the face. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne Kyoyo, age 11 know the names of your next of kin? Does your mobile phone just hold names and numbers Age is a high price to pay for maturity. Tom "You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a should the police or other emergency service Stoppard glass of milk." need to identify you and or your next of kin would Amir, age 9 they be able to? A couple of years back I read an Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't article which I have found again to share. mind, age don't matter. Leroy ''Satchel'' Paige "Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts." In case of emergency (ICE) is a programme that Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Kellie, age 11 enables first responders, such as paramedics, Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long firefighters, and police officers, to identify victims enough. Groucho Marx "If you want a kitten, start out by asking and contact their next of kin to obtain important for a horse." medical information. The program was conceived Alas, I am dying beyond my means. Oscar Wilde Naomi, age 15 in the mid-2000s and promoted by British paramedic Bob Brotchie in May 2005.[1] It "Felt-tip markers are not good to use as encourages people to enter emergency contacts lipstick." in their mobile phone address book under the Lauren, age 9 name "ICE". Alternately, a person can list multiple RIERES ESTATE AGENT emergency contacts as "ICE1", "ICE2", etc. The PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH "Don't pick on your sister when she's popularity of the program has spread across holding a baseball bat." Large portfolio of properties within 50km radius of Tortosa Europe and Australia are you looking for a finca or villa or apartment ? Joel, age 10 Call or email for a free guide to buying property When interviewed on July 12, 2005 on the BBC Placa Paiolet 2 Tortosa (near the old bridge) "When you get a bad grade in school, Radio 4 Today programme, Brotchie said:"I was telephone 977445497 or 645335634 show it to your Mom when she's on the reflecting on some difficult calls I've attended, English Catalan Spanish spoken phone." where people were unable to speak to me through email injury or illness and we were unable to find out Alyesha, age 13 who they were. I discovered that many people, "Never try to baptize a cat." obviously, carry mobile phones and we were Eileen, age 8 using them to discover who they were. It occurred website to me that if we had a uniform approach to The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 9
  • 10. WHAT'S GOING ON ONLINE? Your monthly round-up of the fun and Spice-up your Sangria skils with these the factual from the internet. variations: The Hunting Season is all but over.... Hope you enjoyed last month's list, Thank goodness that we no longer have to be this month we're going to open with a A twist on mussels to keep any man woken up by the virtual 4th of July every useful little site that makes tiny URL's happy: from long ones. I'll be using them week-end morning. We will be able to stop whenever I think it'll save you time worrying about the safety of our cats, and other when typing addresses into your CALLING ALL BRANIACS: animals that may become caught up in the browser - example: You can never have enough weekly ‘sport’. knowledge: On the right hand side of their home I have no problem with hunting for food, provided of course they page there are some Tool options - do not litter the place with beer cans, spent cartridges, and worst check these out for easy sharing. Now put it to the test(s): of all, the dogs them deem no longer necessary. With the end of On with the rest then ... the season, we must be aware that poison is put down to cull the JUST FOR FUN: strays that are abandoned - a way of clearing up after themselves. GENERAL INTEREST: Could this be one of the best jazz Learn how to make a fantastic tiny arrangements of all time?: Last summer I applied to the Department of the Medi-Ambient in terrarium in a light bulb: Amposta to remove my finca from the hunting register, to no avail. It was apparently not possible unless I had over 250 hectares, Some funny takes on how movie Think Mars is all red and dusty?: posters would look if they told the truth: and preferably 500. Speaking to my neighbour last autumn he mentioned that 15 cute(ish) animals that will kill you: A few twists on the humble tea bag: ‘theoretically’ hunters were not allowed to shoot within 100m of a road, that they were not allowed to shoot in the riverbeds, or barrancs, and most telling of all, they could not shoot on land that Bored of your desktop picture?: A gentler approach to online games: was cultivated. SPANISH STUFF: How did your Valentines go? Any Armed with this knowledge, however flimsy, we erected small Be prepared with this Spanish bank worse than these?: signs dotted about our finca, outward facing that bore the legend holiday list: ‘FINCA PARTICULAR CULTIVADA’ . Letting all and sundry know that this finca was private and was being cultivated or worked. This round-up was bought to you by Whilst we have seen many hunters nearby this season, we have Get to know your Spanish cheeses: Jamie Watson. not had one set foot on our land. Maybe we were lucky, maybe Jamie is a freelance not. At least our various animals enjoyed a respite. HISTORY: creative offering web A sketch-pad story of pretty much design, illustration, At the end of October, I received a reply to an email that I had sent everything: animation and to some various department back in August. At the time I had branding services, decided to email everyone and anyone connected to the Rural based in L'Ampolla. /Hunting side of things, in an attempt to find out how to take our FOOD & DRINK: Quick lunch option of eggs in bread finca outside the local ‘coto’ or hunting ground. bowls: It appeared to have been passed around a bit - hence the delay - but eventually it found the right person, and they enclosed a application form which needed to be completed and sent back to the MediAmbient in Amposta. Hmmmm..... I will keep you posted. ENGLISH SPEAKING DENTAL SURGERY JENNIFER JACK - DENTIST ALEXANDER JACK MASTER DENTAL TECHNOLOGIST Mon / Weds / Fri 10.00 -16.00 Tue, Thu 14.00 - 20.00 Plaza De Bous, 1 12598 PENISCOLA (Castellon) PLAYA NORTE TEL./FAX: 964 481 588 PUERTO The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 10
  • 11. ESPORTS Madrid booked their place in the final on 26 May for the first time in ten C ATALUNYA C HRONICLE S PORT ’ S P AGE years after a four-nil home win couldn’t be overturned by the Cantabrian side Racing de Santander who won the second leg 3-2. WITH GOCATALUNYA.COM Injury woes continue for Nadal F1 practice in Jerez ahead of new season Rafa Nadal has been told that he will be out of action for another month following a new injury he picked up playing Andy Murray in the Australian The Jerez circuit saw all the big names testing their cars mid February for Open at the end of January. Doctors said that he suffered a tear in the the forthcoming Grand Prix season with the focus of attention on old rivals quadriceps muscle in his right leg and was told to rest for at least two weeks Fernando Alonso, now with Ferrari, and Michael Schumacher staging his then make a slow return to training. comeback with Mercedes. Nadal withdrew injured from the Australian Open semi-final clash against Other teams practising included McLaren, Sauber, Renault, Red Bull, Toro Andy Murray and as a result has seen his world ranking drop to number Rosso, Williams, Force India-Mercedes GP and Virgin GP. four with the Scot moving into third. Alonso was super confident about the performance of Ferrari’s new F10 Spain criticises Portugal over 2018 World Cup Bid car, taking it trough 129 laps with a full fuel tank but the final day of testing saw Britain’s Lewis Hamilton achieve the fastest lap time, albeit with lower The Spanish sports minister Jaime Lissavetzky has told the press he levels of fuel and a dry track. doesn’t see Portugal as "overly excited" at the prospect of co-hosting the 2018 World Cup Finals with Spain. He infuriated the Portuguese Hamilton’s teammate and current world champion Jenson Button also put government by saying "It seems that those in football are more interested in some impressive performances but couldn’t top Hamilton’s times. than the politicians." Portugal’s minister for sport Laurentino Dias Thorough testing this season is even more crucial as new rules in place responded by insisting that it doesn't have any money to spend on mean that there will be no re-fuelling during races. remodelling stadiums due to the country's financial difficulties and that the fact there would be no new investment in stadiums was clear from the 2010 Formula One Calendar outset. Bahrain Grand Prix (Sakhir) 12 - 14 Mar The Iberian bid was regarded by many as favourite to succeed in Australian Grand Prix (Melbourne) 26 - 28 Mar December’s vote but this public disagreement will give both the English and joint Belgium-Netherlands bids a massive boost. Malaysian Grand Prix (Kuala Lumpur) 02 - 04 Apr Next Month... Chinese Grand Prix (Shanghai) 16 - 18 Apr Full details of the 2010 MotoGP calendar which starts in Qatar on 11 April. Spanish Grand Prix (Catalunya) 07 - 09 May Tickets for all major sporting events, including FC Barcelona tickets, La Grand Prix De Monaco (Monte Carlo) 13 - 16 May Liga tickets & Grand Prix tickets are also available online at Turkish Grand Prix (Istanbul) 28 - 30 May Canadian Grand Prix (Montreal) 11 - 13 Jun Grand Prix Of Europe (Valencia) 25 - 27 Jun British Grand Prix (Silverstone) 09 - 11 Jul German Grand Prix (Hockenheim) 23 - 25 Jul Hungarian Grand Prix (Budapest) 30 Jul - 01 Aug Belgian Grand Prix (Spa-Francorchamps) 27 - 29 Aug Italian Grand Prix (Monza) 10 - 12 Sep Singapore Grand Prix (Singapore) 24 - 26 Sep Renewable Energy Systems Japanese Grand Prix (Suzuka) 08 - 10 Oct We have 180 Watt Monocristalline panels in stock: Korean Grand Prix (Yeongam) * 22 - 24 Oct 542,88 Euro incl. IVA. Brazilian Grand Prix (Sao Paulo) 05 - 07 Nov We provide full installation / sales / service in the Amposta / Tortosa / El Perello region Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (Yas Marina Circuit) 12 - 14 Nov * Subject to circuit approval Seville v Athletico Madrid in Copa del Rey Final Seville went through to the final of the Copa del Rey despite losing one nil Call 693 206 868 for more info, we speak English, to Getafe in the second leg of the semi-final. The Andalucian team won Deutsch, Nederlands, y un poco de español the tie 2-1 on aggregate following their two nil victory at home. Athletico The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 6 March 2010 - - Page 11