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Case Study 2 I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Religion and Politics have traditionally been highly debated
topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has
added to this debate.
American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of
Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential
inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge
has a great deal of sentimental value to many Americans, but
also creates a great deal of controversy for others.
Review the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School
District v. Newdow, which highlights the debate.
Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:
1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk
Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
2. Discuss the levels of the court through which the case
evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
3. Explain the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in
4. Explain the fundamental impact that the court decision in
question has had on American society in general and on ethics
in American society in particular. Provide a rationale for the
5. Discuss whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge
of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the
United States.
6. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should be
allowed to recite the pledge.
7. Use at least three (3) quality academic
resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as
academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
The format is different than other Strayer University courses.
Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
· Examine the current ethical issues inherent throughout the
criminal and civil justice systems.
· Describe the dispensation of justice through the criminal and
civil justice systems.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in
the criminal court and the judicial process in America.
· Write clearly and concisely about the American court system
using proper writing mechanics and SWS style conventions.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points:Â 200
Case Study 2: I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk
Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely summarized the salient points of
the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v.
Insufficiently summarized the salient points of the Supreme
Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
Partially summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court
case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
Satisfactorily summarized the salient points of the Supreme
Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
Thoroughly summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court
case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow.
2. Discuss the levels of the court through which the case
evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed the levels of the court
through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme
Insufficiently discussed the levels of the court through which
the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
Partially discussed the levels of the court through which the
case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
Satisfactorily discussed the levels of the court through which
the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
Thoroughly discussed the levels of the court through which the
case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court.
3. Explain the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely explained the decision of the
Supreme Court in this case in brief.
Insufficiently explained the decision of the Supreme Court in
this case in brief.
Partially explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this
case in brief.
Satisfactorily explained the decision of the Supreme Court in
this case in brief.
Thoroughly explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this
case in brief.
4. Explain the fundamental impact that the court decision in
question has had on American society in general and on ethics
in American society in particular. Provide a rationale for the
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely explained the fundamental
impact that the court decision in question has had on American
society in general and on ethics in American society in
particular. Did not submit or incompletely provided a
rationale for the response.
Insufficiently explained the fundamental impact that the court
decision in question has had on American society in particular.
Insufficiently provided a rationale for the response.
Partially explained the fundamental impact that the court
decision in question has had on American society in general and
on ethics in American society in particular. Partially provided a
rationale for the response.
Satisfactorily explained the fundamental impact that the court
decision in question has had on American society in general and
on ethics in American society in particular. Satisfactorily
provided a rationale for the response.
Thoroughly explained the fundamental impact that the court
decision in question has had on American society in general and
on ethics in American society in particular. Thoroughly
provided a rationale for the response.
5. Discuss whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge
of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the
United States.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether you believe
that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious
issue or a sign of respect for the United States.
Insufficiently discussed whether you believe that the recitation
of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of
respect for the United States.
Partially discussed whether you believe that the recitation of the
Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for
the United States.
Satisfactorily discussed whether you believe that the recitation
of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of
respect for the United States.
Thoroughly discussed whether you believe that the recitation of
the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect
for the United States.
6. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should be
allowed to recite the pledge.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether or not you
think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge.
Insufficiently discussed whether or not you think public schools
should be allowed to recite the pledge.
Partially discussed whether or not you think public schools
should be allowed to recite the pledge.
Satisfactorily discussed whether or not you think public schools
should be allowed to recite the pledge.
Thoroughly discussed whether or not you think public schools
should be allowed to recite the pledge.
7. 3 References
Weight: 5%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
8. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
Running head: ADULT EDUCATION1
Adult Education
BGS/2985 Adults in Transition
Eastern Illinois University
Adult education
An adult degree learner is any mature person taking education
beyond their normal schooling days. So many reasons and
circumstances may lead one to take adult education. First, in the
years when they were supposed to lean, they might have been
poor, which led to dropping out of school. However, others
might not have seen the essence of learning at that particular
time. Secondly, others go back to school to get more knowledge
in their field of work. Most of them get support from the
organizations they work for. This kind of education is crucial in
developing both the company and the individual. Adults must
acquire education because it helps them catch up with the latest
technological improvements and the changing environment.
Besides, most of them being experienced, education plays a role
in giving them a promotion in their workplace. This translates
to better salaries which improve their lives on top of added
Learning Objectives
Most adults who study in the university sponsor themselves
financially. Besides, they also have responsibilities back at
home and school as well. Therefore, most of them get distracted
from studies since they try to meet all the responsibilities in
addition to education. In addition, they lack enough time to
study because most of the time, they are at work. Also, most of
them lack quality sleeping time since they try to create time to
study out of their rest schedule. To overcome these challenges,
it is good for them to take study leave so that they can focus all
their time in their studies.
Additionally, they should save enough money to cater for their
education and other needs they might need to meet because
education should not hinder their other responsibilities. They
should remember that it is not only about enrolling but being an
adult student entails having other expenses such as the purchase
of materials and work tools, transportation expenses and other
resources. They should ensure they have saved enough cash to
take care of these needs.
The Main Challenges That Hinder Adults from Completing
Their Degree
Adults learners face many challenges since they have to balance
between education, family commitments and work. Besides,
they have daily bills and expenditures that they must meet thus
leading to financial constraints. Others, due to their age, they
doubt if they can be able to make it in their studies (Lawrence,
Merkhaal & Dodds, 2019). Also, most adult students get little
or no assistance from the lecturers because they believe that
adult students are skilled and responsible, which is a fallacy.
These believe leads to lack of assistance from the lecturers and
fellow students. In addition, due to many schedules both at the
workplace and home, they lack time (Lin, 2016). It is important
to note that when adults’ learners decide to learn, they may lack
support from their parents, community or family members. This
can be demoralizing to the student who may lead to some
cutting short of their studies.
Steps A University Should take to Support Adults Complete
Their Degree
For the institutions of higher education to help the adult’s
learners, they should come up with programs that encourage
adult learning. Both the assignments are given at school, and
other teaching activities would take into consideration the
interests of the adultlearners. Also, the programs should put
into consideration the educational background and experience of
the adult (Madden & Monahan, 2019). In addition, one they do
the assignment, the teachers should offer the learners immediate
feedback so that they can learn from their mistakes. Besides,
from time to time, the administration should emphasize the real-
world benefits of education to the learners and ensure that they
create deliverables which can be completed conveniently and
quickly. Finally, lecturers should break down the content being
taught into smaller chunks which will help these learners to
comprehend the lessons quickly on top of integrating
emotionally-driven content.
Steps the Community Should Take to Support Adults Complete
Their Degree
It is very challenging for most adults to contemplate to go back
to university and compete in their studies. The community plays
a big role in ensuring that adults among the society are
encouraged to go back to school. Therefore, they should make
them see the relevance of education by making it more
lucrative. The community should let the aspiring adult’s student
understand that their education will help the community by
making it more sustainable and tolerant (Brockett & Hiemstra,
2018). Besides, through education, the learners would be able
to build social capital while developing social networks.
Besides, adult learners shall reduce dependence on the
community while developing individual skills.
The community should also let them know that education is the
engine that drives the level of development of a society. That
means that education is the strength of its educational, scientific
and technological research systems as well as the factor that
accelerates the development of information technologies and
media. It is here that the importance of education for society
lies, becoming a vital and essential element.
Under the preceding information, it should be noted that at the
birth of this new century, there is an unprecedented need for
education, escorted by an inordinate transformation of it, and a
greater awareness of the fundamental importance of education
for such economic and social development to which the new
generations and adults must be prepared with new skills,
knowledge and ideas. In this sense, the importance of education
within a changing society lies in the rejuvenation and increase
that it brings to human rights and the dignity of the people who
make up that society, the extinction of inequalities, the
strengthening of sustainable development. Consolidation of
creative and emotional developments, changes in values,
attitudes and behaviors.
s for Adults to Complete Their Degree
For adults to complete their studies, the need to be flexible and
have proper budgeting so that they can avoid financial
constraints during their studies which might hinder the
continuity of their studies. Furthermore, they need support from
the family members and workplace. This will give them the
motivation to put more effort into their studies, thus completing
it (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). They should also consider
studying smart by saving time and being strategic. For them to
prevent more acquisition of notes, they should continually read
and practice what they learn in school.
Adults should ensure that they complete their university studies
because it helps develop the community through the
improvement the social capital. Education is one of the features
that mostly influences the development and advancement of
people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge and
learning it enriches culture, spirit, and values which
characterizes human beings. In that sense, in the social life of
the community, education is essential in all facets to achieve
better levels of economic growth and social welfare. It levels
economic and social inequalities, promotes the social mobility
of people. Besides, it will help them access better levels of
employment so that they help their families. For the adults to
overcome the challenges they will face in school, they should
prepare adequately both financially and psychologically.
Brockett, R. G., & Hiemstra, R. (2018). Self-direction in adult
learning: Perspectives on theory, research and practice.
Lawrence, J. A., Merkhaal, S. S., & Dodds, A. E. (2019).
Obstacles in the pathway to professional life for a Chaldean
refugee woman. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning,
21(2), 86-99.
Lin, X. (2016). Barriers and Challenges of Female Adult
Students Enrolled in Higher Education: A Literature Review.
Higher Education Studies, 6(2), 119-126.
Madden, T., & Monahan, S. (2019). Partnering Programs to
Eliminate Obstacles to Success. The Journal of Continuing
Higher Education, 67(1), 37-41.
Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing adult
motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all
adults. John Wiley & Sons.
Communicating professionally and ethically is one of the
essential skill sets we can teach you at Strayer. The following
guidelines will ensure:
· Your writing is professional
· You avoid plagiarizing others, which is essential to writing
· You give credit to others in your work
Visit Strayer’s Academic Integrity Center for more information.
Winter 2019
Strayer University Writing Standards 2
� Include page numbers.
� Use 1-inch margins.
� Use Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, or Calibri font style.
� Use 10-, 11-, or 12-point font size for the body of your text.
� Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one,
two, three, and so on).
Be consistent with your choice throughout the assignment.
� Use either single or double spacing, according to assignment
� If assignment requires a title page:
· Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your
professor’s name, and the
date of submission on a separate page.
� If assignment does not require a title page (stated in the
assignment details):
a. Include all required content in a header at the top of your
or b. Include all required content where appropriate for
assignment format.
Examples of appropriate places per assignment: letterhead of a
business letter
assignment or a title slide for a PowerPoint presentation.
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use the point of view (first, second, or third person) required
by the assignment
� Use spelling and grammar check and proofread to help
ensure your work is error free.
� Use credible sources to support your ideas/work. Find tips
� Cite your sources throughout your work when you borrow
someone else’s words or ideas.
Give credit to the authors.
� Look for a permalink tool for a webpage when possible
(especially when an electronic
source requires logging in like the Strayer Library). Find tips
� Add each cited source to the Source List at the end of your
assignment. (See the Giving
Credit to Authors and Sources section for more details.)
� Don’t forget to cite and add your textbook to the Source List
if you use it as a source.
� Include a Source List when the assignment requires research
or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered on the first line of the page.
� List the sources that you used in your assignment.
� Organize sources in a numbered list and in order of use
throughout the paper. Use the
original number when citing a source multiple times.
� For more information, see the Source List section.
General Standards
Use Appropriate
Title Your Work
Write Clearly
Cite Credible
Build a
Source List
Strayer University Writing Standards 3
Writing Assignments
Strayer University uses several different types of writing
assignments. The Strayer University
Student Writing Standards are designed to allow flexibility in
formatting your assignment and
giving credit to your sources. This section covers specific areas
to help you properly format
and develop your assignments. Note: The specific format
guidelines override guidelines in the
General Standards section.
Paper and Essay
Specific Format
PowerPoint or
Slideshow Specific
Format Guidelines
� Use double spacing throughout the body of your assignment.
� Use a consistent 12-point font throughout your assignment
submission. (For
acceptable fonts, see General Standards section.)
� Use the point of view (first or third person) required by the
assignment guidelines.
� Section headings can be used to divide different content
areas. Align section
headings (centered) on the page, be consistent, and include at
least two section
headings in the assignment.
� Follow all other General Standards section guidelines.
� Title slides should include the project name (title your work
to capture attention if
possible), a subtitle (if needed), the course title, and your name.
� Use spacing that improves professional style (mixing single
and double spacing as
� Use a background color or image on slides.
� Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro,
or Gill Sans font styles.
� Use 28-32 point font size for the body of your slides (based
on your chosen font
style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.
� Use 36-44 point font size for the titles of your slides (based
on chosen font style).
� Limit content per slide (no more than 7 lines on any slide
and no more than 7
words per line).
� Include slide numbers when your slide show has 3+ slides.
You may place the
numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).
� Include appropriate images that connect directly to slide
content or presentation
� Follow additional guidelines from the PowerPoint or
Slideshow Specific Format
Guidelines section and assignment guidelines.
Strayer University Writing Standards 4
Giving Credit to Authors and Sources
When quoting or paraphrasing another source, you need to give
credit by using an in-text
citation. An in-text citation includes the author’s last name and
the number of the source from
the Source List. A well-researched assignment has at least as
many sources as pages (see
Writing Assignments for the required number of sources). Find
tips here.
Option #1: Paraphrasing
Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words
· Rephrase the source information in your words.
Be sure not to repeat the same words of the author.
· Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie
to your Source List).
· Remember, you cannot just replace words of the
original sentence.
“Writing at a college level requires informed
As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for
higher education, it is critical to research and
cite sources (1).
When writing a paper for higher education,
it is imperative to research and cite sources
(Harvey, 1).
Option #2: Quoting
Citing Another Person’s Work Word-For-Word
· Place quotation marks at the beginning and the end of
the quoted information.
· Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie
to your Source List).
· Do not quote more than one to two sentences
(approximately 25 words) at a time.
· Do not start a sentence with a quotation.
· Introduce and explain quotes within the context of
your paper.
“Writing at a college level requires informed
Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college
level requires informed research” (1).
Many authors agree, “Writing at a college
level requires informed research” (Harvey, 1).
Strayer University Writing Standards 5
Page Numbers
When referencing multiple pages in a text book or other
large book, consider adding page numbers to help the
reader understand where the information you referenced
can be found. You can do this in three ways:
a. In the body of your paper;
or b. In the citation;
or c. By listing page numbers in the order they were
used in your paper on the Source List.
Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to
see if there is a preference based on your course.
(Harvey, 1, p. 16)
In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number
is 1, and the page number that this information can be
found on is page 16.
Multiple Sources (Synthesizing)
Synthesizing means using multiple sources in one sentence
or paragraph (typically paraphrased) to make a strong
point. This is normally done with more advanced writing,
but could happen in any writing where you use more than
one source.
The key here is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources
in the same sentence (of paragraph if the majority of the
information contained in the paragraph is paraphrased),
you should include each source in the citation. Separate
sources using semi-colons (;) and create the citation in
the normal style that you would for using only one source
(Name, Source Number).
(Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2)
In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were
paraphrased to help the student make a strong point.
Harvey is the first source on the source list, and Buchanan is
the second source on the source list.
Traditional Sources
Strayer University Writing Standards 6
Discussion Posts
When quoting or paraphrasing a source for discussion
threads, include the source number in parenthesis after the
body text where you quote or paraphrase. At the end of
your post, type the word “Sources” and below that include
a list of any sources that you cited.
If you pulled information from more than one source,
continue to number the additional sources in the order that
they appear in your post.
For more information on building a Source List Entry, see
Source List section.
The work is the important part of any writing
assignment. According to Smith, “writing
things down is the biggest challenge” (1).
This is significant because…
The other side of this is also important. It is
noted that “actually writing isn’t important as
much as putting ideas somewhere useful” (2).
1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are.
2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really
A web source is any source accessed through an internet
browser. Before using any source, first determine its credibility.
Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your
project. Find tips here.
Home Pages
A home page is the main page that loads when you type
a standard web address. For instance, if you type Google.
com into the web browser, you will be taken to Google’s
home page.
If you do need to cite a home page, use the webpage’s
title from the browser. This found by moving your mouse
cursor over the webpage name at the top of the browser.
When citing a homepage, it is likely because there is a news
thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company
that you wish to include in your assignment.
Specific Web Pages
If you are using any web page other than the home page,
include the specific title of the page and the direct link (when
possible) for that specific page in your Source List Entry.
If your assignment used multiple pages from the same author/
source, create separate Source List Entries for each page
when possible (if the title and/or web address is different).
Web Sources
Strayer University Writing Standards 7
Effective Internet Links
When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and
classmates, start with a brief summary and why you chose
to share it.
Be sure to check the link you’re posting to be sure it will
work for your classmates. They should be able to just click
on the link and go directly to your shared site.
Share vs. URL Options
Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser
may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard
for people to engage with the content you used.
To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose
that when possible so your classmates and professor
get the full, direct link. Always test your link(s) before
submitting to make sure they work.
If you cannot properly share the link, include the article as an
attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can
reference the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here.
Hey check out this article: http://www.
After reading the textbook this week, I
researched job sites. I found an article on how
to find the best job site depending on the job
you’re looking for. The author shared some
interesting tools such as job sites that collect job
postings from other sites and ranks them from
newest to oldest, depending on category. Check
out the article at this link: http://www.Jobs4You.
Charts, images, and tables should be centered and followed by
an in-text citation. Design your page and place a citation
below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart,
image, or table in the body of the assignment, use the citation.
On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual:
· Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name)
· Date (if created by you, provide the year)
· Type (Chart, Image, or Table)
· How to find it (link or other information – See Source List
section for additional details).
Charts, Images, and Tables
Strayer University Writing Standards 8
Source List
The Source List (which includes the sources that you used in
your assignment) is a new page
you add at the end of your paper. The list has two purposes: it
gives credit to the authors that
you use and gives your readers enough information to find the
source without your help. Build
your Source List as you write.
· Type “Sources” at the top of a new page.
· Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper
(the numbers
indicate the order in which you used them).
1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper,
the number
two (2) for the second source, and so on.
2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple
· Ensure each source includes five parts: author or
organization, publication date,
title, page number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have
trouble finding
these details, then re-evaluate the credibility of your source.
· Use the browser link for a public webpage.
· Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here.
· Instruct your readers how to find all sources that do not have
a browser link
or a permalink.
· Separate each Source List Element with a period on your
Source List.
The person(s) who
published the source. This
can be a single person,
a group of people, or an
organization. If the source
has no author, use “No
author” where you would
list the author.
The date the source was
published. If the source
has no publication date,
use “No date” where you
would list the date.
The title of the
source. If the
source has no title,
use “No title”
where you would
list the title.
The page
number(s) used. If
the source has no
page numbers,
omit this section
from your Source
List Entry.
Instruct readers how to find
all sources. Keep explanations
simple and concise, but
provide enough information
so the source can be located.
Note: It is your responsibility
to make sure the source can
be found.
Michael Harvey
In the case of multiple
authors, only list the first.
This is not the same as
copyright date, which is
denoted by ©
The Nuts &
Bolts of College
p. 1
Include p. and
the page(s) used.
Setting Up the
Source List Page
Creating a
Source List Entry
Source List Elements
Strayer University Writing Standards 9
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing.
p. 1.
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing.
p. 1.
2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter
in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http://
3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level
Students’ Narrative Writing.
4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That
Changes Lives.
5. Brad Thor. June 14, 2016. The Best Writing Advice I Ever
6. Karen Hertzberg. June 15, 2017. How to Improve Writing
Skills in 15 Easy Steps.
7. Roy Peter Clark. 2008. Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies
for Every Writer. p.55-67. Book on
8. C.M. Gill. 2014. The Psychology of Grading and Scoring
chapter in Essential Writing Skills for College & Beyond.
9. ABC Company’s Policy & Procedures Committee. No Date.
Employee Dress and Attendance Policy. Policy in my office.
10. Henry M. Sayre. 2014. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity
and Change, Vol. 1. This is the HUM111 textbook.
11. Savannah Student. 2018. Image.
12. Don Dollarsign. 2018. Chart.
13. Company Newsletter Name. 2018. Table. Company
Newsletter Printed Copy (provided upon request).

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Case Study 2 I Pledge Allegiance to the FlagReligion and Politic.docx

  • 1. Case Study 2 I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag Religion and Politics have traditionally been highly debated topics in our society. Recently, the Pledge of Allegiance has added to this debate. American citizens have generally recited the Pledge of Allegiance at important ceremonies ranging from presidential inaugurations to the beginning of the school day. The pledge has a great deal of sentimental value to many Americans, but also creates a great deal of controversy for others. Review the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, which highlights the debate. Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you: 1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. 2. Discuss the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. 3. Explain the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. 4. Explain the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Provide a rationale for the response. 5. Discuss whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. 6. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. 7. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for
  • 2. details. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Examine the current ethical issues inherent throughout the criminal and civil justice systems. · Describe the dispensation of justice through the criminal and civil justice systems. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in the criminal court and the judicial process in America. · Write clearly and concisely about the American court system using proper writing mechanics and SWS style conventions. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 200 Case Study 2: I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag Criteria  Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D  Fair 70-79% C  Proficient 80-89% B  Exemplary
  • 3. 90-100% A 1. Summarize the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. Insufficiently summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. Partially summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. Satisfactorily summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. Thoroughly summarized the salient points of the Supreme Court case Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow. 2. Discuss the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely discussed the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. Insufficiently discussed the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. Partially discussed the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. Satisfactorily discussed the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. Thoroughly discussed the levels of the court through which the case evolved before it reached the Supreme Court. 3. Explain the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. Insufficiently explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief.
  • 4. Partially explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. Satisfactorily explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. Thoroughly explained the decision of the Supreme Court in this case in brief. 4. Explain the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Provide a rationale for the response. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely explained the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for the response. Insufficiently explained the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in particular. Insufficiently provided a rationale for the response. Partially explained the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Partially provided a rationale for the response. Satisfactorily explained the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for the response. Thoroughly explained the fundamental impact that the court decision in question has had on American society in general and on ethics in American society in particular. Thoroughly provided a rationale for the response. 5. Discuss whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether you believe
  • 5. that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. Insufficiently discussed whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. Partially discussed whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. Satisfactorily discussed whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. Thoroughly discussed whether you believe that the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance is a religious issue or a sign of respect for the United States. 6. Discuss whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. Â Insufficiently discussed whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. Partially discussed whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. Satisfactorily discussed whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. Thoroughly discussed whether or not you think public schools should be allowed to recite the pledge. 7. 3 References Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality
  • 6. choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 8. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present Running head: ADULT EDUCATION1 ADULT EDUCATION6 Adult Education BGS/2985 Adults in Transition Eastern Illinois University Adult education Introduction An adult degree learner is any mature person taking education beyond their normal schooling days. So many reasons and circumstances may lead one to take adult education. First, in the years when they were supposed to lean, they might have been poor, which led to dropping out of school. However, others might not have seen the essence of learning at that particular
  • 7. time. Secondly, others go back to school to get more knowledge in their field of work. Most of them get support from the organizations they work for. This kind of education is crucial in developing both the company and the individual. Adults must acquire education because it helps them catch up with the latest technological improvements and the changing environment. Besides, most of them being experienced, education plays a role in giving them a promotion in their workplace. This translates to better salaries which improve their lives on top of added responsibilities. Learning Objectives Most adults who study in the university sponsor themselves financially. Besides, they also have responsibilities back at home and school as well. Therefore, most of them get distracted from studies since they try to meet all the responsibilities in addition to education. In addition, they lack enough time to study because most of the time, they are at work. Also, most of them lack quality sleeping time since they try to create time to study out of their rest schedule. To overcome these challenges, it is good for them to take study leave so that they can focus all their time in their studies. Additionally, they should save enough money to cater for their education and other needs they might need to meet because education should not hinder their other responsibilities. They should remember that it is not only about enrolling but being an adult student entails having other expenses such as the purchase of materials and work tools, transportation expenses and other resources. They should ensure they have saved enough cash to take care of these needs. The Main Challenges That Hinder Adults from Completing Their Degree Adults learners face many challenges since they have to balance between education, family commitments and work. Besides, they have daily bills and expenditures that they must meet thus leading to financial constraints. Others, due to their age, they doubt if they can be able to make it in their studies (Lawrence,
  • 8. Merkhaal & Dodds, 2019). Also, most adult students get little or no assistance from the lecturers because they believe that adult students are skilled and responsible, which is a fallacy. These believe leads to lack of assistance from the lecturers and fellow students. In addition, due to many schedules both at the workplace and home, they lack time (Lin, 2016). It is important to note that when adults’ learners decide to learn, they may lack support from their parents, community or family members. This can be demoralizing to the student who may lead to some cutting short of their studies. Steps A University Should take to Support Adults Complete Their Degree For the institutions of higher education to help the adult’s learners, they should come up with programs that encourage adult learning. Both the assignments are given at school, and other teaching activities would take into consideration the interests of the adultlearners. Also, the programs should put into consideration the educational background and experience of the adult (Madden & Monahan, 2019). In addition, one they do the assignment, the teachers should offer the learners immediate feedback so that they can learn from their mistakes. Besides, from time to time, the administration should emphasize the real- world benefits of education to the learners and ensure that they create deliverables which can be completed conveniently and quickly. Finally, lecturers should break down the content being taught into smaller chunks which will help these learners to comprehend the lessons quickly on top of integrating emotionally-driven content. Steps the Community Should Take to Support Adults Complete Their Degree It is very challenging for most adults to contemplate to go back to university and compete in their studies. The community plays a big role in ensuring that adults among the society are encouraged to go back to school. Therefore, they should make them see the relevance of education by making it more lucrative. The community should let the aspiring adult’s student
  • 9. understand that their education will help the community by making it more sustainable and tolerant (Brockett & Hiemstra, 2018). Besides, through education, the learners would be able to build social capital while developing social networks. Besides, adult learners shall reduce dependence on the community while developing individual skills. The community should also let them know that education is the engine that drives the level of development of a society. That means that education is the strength of its educational, scientific and technological research systems as well as the factor that accelerates the development of information technologies and media. It is here that the importance of education for society lies, becoming a vital and essential element. Under the preceding information, it should be noted that at the birth of this new century, there is an unprecedented need for education, escorted by an inordinate transformation of it, and a greater awareness of the fundamental importance of education for such economic and social development to which the new generations and adults must be prepared with new skills, knowledge and ideas. In this sense, the importance of education within a changing society lies in the rejuvenation and increase that it brings to human rights and the dignity of the people who make up that society, the extinction of inequalities, the strengthening of sustainable development. Consolidation of creative and emotional developments, changes in values, attitudes and behaviors. Solution s for Adults to Complete Their Degree For adults to complete their studies, the need to be flexible and have proper budgeting so that they can avoid financial
  • 10. constraints during their studies which might hinder the continuity of their studies. Furthermore, they need support from the family members and workplace. This will give them the motivation to put more effort into their studies, thus completing it (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). They should also consider studying smart by saving time and being strategic. For them to prevent more acquisition of notes, they should continually read and practice what they learn in school. Conclusion Adults should ensure that they complete their university studies because it helps develop the community through the improvement the social capital. Education is one of the features that mostly influences the development and advancement of people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge and learning it enriches culture, spirit, and values which characterizes human beings. In that sense, in the social life of the community, education is essential in all facets to achieve better levels of economic growth and social welfare. It levels economic and social inequalities, promotes the social mobility of people. Besides, it will help them access better levels of employment so that they help their families. For the adults to overcome the challenges they will face in school, they should prepare adequately both financially and psychologically. References Brockett, R. G., & Hiemstra, R. (2018). Self-direction in adult
  • 11. learning: Perspectives on theory, research and practice. Routledge. Lawrence, J. A., Merkhaal, S. S., & Dodds, A. E. (2019). Obstacles in the pathway to professional life for a Chaldean refugee woman. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 21(2), 86-99. Lin, X. (2016). Barriers and Challenges of Female Adult Students Enrolled in Higher Education: A Literature Review. Higher Education Studies, 6(2), 119-126. Madden, T., & Monahan, S. (2019). Partnering Programs to Eliminate Obstacles to Success. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 67(1), 37-41. Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults. John Wiley & Sons. Communicating professionally and ethically is one of the essential skill sets we can teach you at Strayer. The following guidelines will ensure: · Your writing is professional
  • 12. · You avoid plagiarizing others, which is essential to writing ethically · You give credit to others in your work Visit Strayer’s Academic Integrity Center for more information. Winter 2019 integrity-center Strayer University Writing Standards 2 � Include page numbers. � Use 1-inch margins. � Use Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, or Calibri font style. � Use 10-, 11-, or 12-point font size for the body of your text. � Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on). Be consistent with your choice throughout the assignment.
  • 13. � Use either single or double spacing, according to assignment guidelines. � If assignment requires a title page: · Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page. � If assignment does not require a title page (stated in the assignment details): a. Include all required content in a header at the top of your document. or b. Include all required content where appropriate for assignment format. Examples of appropriate places per assignment: letterhead of a business letter assignment or a title slide for a PowerPoint presentation. � Use appropriate language and be concise. � Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
  • 14. � Use the point of view (first, second, or third person) required by the assignment guidelines. � Use spelling and grammar check and proofread to help ensure your work is error free. � Use credible sources to support your ideas/work. Find tips here. � Cite your sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas. Give credit to the authors. � Look for a permalink tool for a webpage when possible (especially when an electronic source requires logging in like the Strayer Library). Find tips here. � Add each cited source to the Source List at the end of your assignment. (See the Giving Credit to Authors and Sources section for more details.) � Don’t forget to cite and add your textbook to the Source List if you use it as a source.
  • 15. � Include a Source List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook. � Type “Sources” centered on the first line of the page. � List the sources that you used in your assignment. � Organize sources in a numbered list and in order of use throughout the paper. Use the original number when citing a source multiple times. � For more information, see the Source List section. General Standards Use Appropriate Formatting Title Your Work Write Clearly Cite Credible Sources
  • 16. Build a Source List m/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=98402046&site=eds- live&scope=site ner_id/956951/uiconf_id/38285871/entry_id/1_w9soryj6/embed/ dynamic Strayer University Writing Standards 3 Writing Assignments Strayer University uses several different types of writing assignments. The Strayer University Student Writing Standards are designed to allow flexibility in formatting your assignment and giving credit to your sources. This section covers specific areas to help you properly format and develop your assignments. Note: The specific format guidelines override guidelines in the General Standards section.
  • 17. Paper and Essay Specific Format Guidelines PowerPoint or Slideshow Specific Format Guidelines � Use double spacing throughout the body of your assignment. � Use a consistent 12-point font throughout your assignment submission. (For acceptable fonts, see General Standards section.) � Use the point of view (first or third person) required by the assignment guidelines. � Section headings can be used to divide different content areas. Align section headings (centered) on the page, be consistent, and include at least two section headings in the assignment. � Follow all other General Standards section guidelines.
  • 18. � Title slides should include the project name (title your work to capture attention if possible), a subtitle (if needed), the course title, and your name. � Use spacing that improves professional style (mixing single and double spacing as needed). � Use a background color or image on slides. � Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font styles. � Use 28-32 point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point. � Use 36-44 point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style). � Limit content per slide (no more than 7 lines on any slide and no more than 7 words per line).
  • 19. � Include slide numbers when your slide show has 3+ slides. You may place the numbers wherever you like (but be consistent). � Include appropriate images that connect directly to slide content or presentation content. � Follow additional guidelines from the PowerPoint or Slideshow Specific Format Guidelines section and assignment guidelines. Strayer University Writing Standards 4 Giving Credit to Authors and Sources When quoting or paraphrasing another source, you need to give credit by using an in-text citation. An in-text citation includes the author’s last name and the number of the source from the Source List. A well-researched assignment has at least as many sources as pages (see Writing Assignments for the required number of sources). Find tips here.
  • 20. Option #1: Paraphrasing Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words · Rephrase the source information in your words. Be sure not to repeat the same words of the author. · Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie to your Source List). · Remember, you cannot just replace words of the original sentence. ORIGINAL SOURCE “Writing at a college level requires informed research.” PARAPHRASING As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for higher education, it is critical to research and cite sources (1).
  • 21. When writing a paper for higher education, it is imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1). Option #2: Quoting Citing Another Person’s Work Word-For-Word · Place quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the quoted information. · Add a number to the end of your source (which will tie to your Source List). · Do not quote more than one to two sentences (approximately 25 words) at a time. · Do not start a sentence with a quotation. · Introduce and explain quotes within the context of your paper. ORIGINAL SOURCE “Writing at a college level requires informed
  • 22. research.” QUOTING Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (1). Many authors agree, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (Harvey, 1). m/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=98402046&site=eds- live&scope=site Strayer University Writing Standards 5 Page Numbers When referencing multiple pages in a text book or other large book, consider adding page numbers to help the reader understand where the information you referenced can be found. You can do this in three ways: a. In the body of your paper;
  • 23. or b. In the citation; or c. By listing page numbers in the order they were used in your paper on the Source List. Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to see if there is a preference based on your course. IN-TEXT CITATION (Harvey, 1, p. 16) In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number is 1, and the page number that this information can be found on is page 16. Multiple Sources (Synthesizing) Synthesizing means using multiple sources in one sentence or paragraph (typically paraphrased) to make a strong point. This is normally done with more advanced writing, but could happen in any writing where you use more than one source. The key here is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources
  • 24. in the same sentence (of paragraph if the majority of the information contained in the paragraph is paraphrased), you should include each source in the citation. Separate sources using semi-colons (;) and create the citation in the normal style that you would for using only one source (Name, Source Number). SYNTHESIZED IN-TEXT CITATION (Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2) In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were paraphrased to help the student make a strong point. Harvey is the first source on the source list, and Buchanan is the second source on the source list. Traditional Sources Strayer University Writing Standards 6 Discussion Posts When quoting or paraphrasing a source for discussion
  • 25. threads, include the source number in parenthesis after the body text where you quote or paraphrase. At the end of your post, type the word “Sources” and below that include a list of any sources that you cited. If you pulled information from more than one source, continue to number the additional sources in the order that they appear in your post. For more information on building a Source List Entry, see Source List section. SAMPLE POST The work is the important part of any writing assignment. According to Smith, “writing things down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant because… The other side of this is also important. It is noted that “actually writing isn’t important as much as putting ideas somewhere useful” (2). SOURCES
  • 26. 1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. 2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really Are. A web source is any source accessed through an internet browser. Before using any source, first determine its credibility. Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your project. Find tips here. Home Pages A home page is the main page that loads when you type a standard web address. For instance, if you type Google. com into the web browser, you will be taken to Google’s home page. If you do need to cite a home page, use the webpage’s title from the browser. This found by moving your mouse cursor over the webpage name at the top of the browser. When citing a homepage, it is likely because there is a news thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company that you wish to include in your assignment.
  • 27. Specific Web Pages If you are using any web page other than the home page, include the specific title of the page and the direct link (when possible) for that specific page in your Source List Entry. If your assignment used multiple pages from the same author/ source, create separate Source List Entries for each page when possible (if the title and/or web address is different). Web Sources search/evaluating_sources_of_information/index.html Strayer University Writing Standards 7 Effective Internet Links When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and classmates, start with a brief summary and why you chose to share it. Be sure to check the link you’re posting to be sure it will work for your classmates. They should be able to just click on the link and go directly to your shared site.
  • 28. Share vs. URL Options Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard for people to engage with the content you used. To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose that when possible so your classmates and professor get the full, direct link. Always test your link(s) before submitting to make sure they work. If you cannot properly share the link, include the article as an attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can reference the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here. POOR EXAMPLE Hey check out this article: http://www. Jobs4You.FED/Jobs_u_can_get BETTER EXAMPLE After reading the textbook this week, I
  • 29. researched job sites. I found an article on how to find the best job site depending on the job you’re looking for. The author shared some interesting tools such as job sites that collect job postings from other sites and ranks them from newest to oldest, depending on category. Check out the article at this link: http://www.Jobs4You. FED/Jobs_u_can_get Charts, images, and tables should be centered and followed by an in-text citation. Design your page and place a citation below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart, image, or table in the body of the assignment, use the citation. On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual: · Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name) · Date (if created by you, provide the year) · Type (Chart, Image, or Table) · How to find it (link or other information – See Source List section for additional details). Charts, Images, and Tables
  • 30. Strayer University Writing Standards 8 Source List The Source List (which includes the sources that you used in your assignment) is a new page you add at the end of your paper. The list has two purposes: it gives credit to the authors that you use and gives your readers enough information to find the source without your help. Build your Source List as you write. · Type “Sources” at the top of a new page. · Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper (the numbers indicate the order in which you used them). 1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper, the number two (2) for the second source, and so on. 2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple times.
  • 31. · Ensure each source includes five parts: author or organization, publication date, title, page number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have trouble finding these details, then re-evaluate the credibility of your source. · Use the browser link for a public webpage. · Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here. · Instruct your readers how to find all sources that do not have a browser link or a permalink. · Separate each Source List Element with a period on your Source List. AUTHOR PUBLICATION DATE TITLE PAGE NO. HOW TO FIND The person(s) who published the source. This can be a single person, a group of people, or an organization. If the source
  • 32. has no author, use “No author” where you would list the author. The date the source was published. If the source has no publication date, use “No date” where you would list the date. The title of the source. If the source has no title, use “No title” where you would list the title. The page number(s) used. If the source has no page numbers, omit this section from your Source List Entry.
  • 33. Instruct readers how to find all sources. Keep explanations simple and concise, but provide enough information so the source can be located. Note: It is your responsibility to make sure the source can be found. Michael Harvey In the case of multiple authors, only list the first. 2013 This is not the same as copyright date, which is denoted by © The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing
  • 34. p. 1 Include p. and the page(s) used. login?url=http://search. Setting Up the Source List Page Creating a Source List Entry Source List Elements Strayer University Writing Standards 9 1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing.
  • 35. p. 1. login?url= 1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1. 2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http:// .aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=359141&site=e ds-live&scope=site&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_23 3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level Students’ Narrative Writing. login?url= b=edsdoj&AN=edsdoj.9b7fad40e529462bafe3a936 aaf81420&site=eds-live&scope=site 4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives. ed/2015/07/10/419202925/the-writing-assignment-that-changes- lives
  • 36. 5. Brad Thor. June 14, 2016. The Best Writing Advice I Ever Got. 6. Karen Hertzberg. June 15, 2017. How to Improve Writing Skills in 15 Easy Steps. how-to-improve-writing-skills/ 7. Roy Peter Clark. 2008. Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. p.55-67. Book on 8. C.M. Gill. 2014. The Psychology of Grading and Scoring chapter in Essential Writing Skills for College & Beyond. Textbook. 9. ABC Company’s Policy & Procedures Committee. No Date. Employee Dress and Attendance Policy. Policy in my office. 10. Henry M. Sayre. 2014. The Humanities: Culture, Continuity and Change, Vol. 1. This is the HUM111 textbook. 11. Savannah Student. 2018. Image. 12. Don Dollarsign. 2018. Chart.
  • 37. 13. Company Newsletter Name. 2018. Table. Company Newsletter Printed Copy (provided upon request).