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The Ballad of Dennis Richland
 Act 1; Chapter 1: The Curtains Rise
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, I must welcome you to the opening chapter of “The Ballad of Dennis
Richland.” The Sim you see above is Mr. Richland himself, who is a Romance Sim through and through, with a
personality of 0/8/3/9/5, turn-ons of Fitness and Creativity, and a turn-off of Fatness. His LTW is to WooHoo twenty
different Sims, a want which will likely be filled - eventually.

       But that's not the point of this Legacy, nor is it meant to be played for points, or topping careers. In fact, Sims
fulfilling their LTWs and reaching the tops of their careers will actually be a rarity. No, this Legacy aims to tell an
interesting story, though I will avoid posing and other artificial methods as much as possible, as I am also trying to
play for fun. I will also be adhering strictly to the Fourth Wall. The last thing I must mention is that I haven't planned
this Legacy either, it goes wherever I feel it should go based on the moment. Now, onward with the show.
Dennis Richland had begun digging into his first bowl of college cereal, or, more accurately, vacuuming his first
bowl, as a dark young woman sat down across from him saying, “Hi, I'm Mabel Yngwe,” to have her breakfast as
Dennis spit out something along the lines of, “Hello,” while also spraying a few bits of food across the table and
into the poor girl's bowl. Speechless, and with a look of disgust on her face, she simply got up and walked away,
leaving the bowl behind.
It wasn't until later that day that Dennis was studying his book to see what his first class was all about, when he
looked over and spied a redhead bending down just enough to reach a particular book while also inadvertently
showing off a few of her curves. The man's admiration suddenly overpowered him as he put his book away and
approached her, figuring he'd try to make a good impression.
He sauntered over and told her, “Hey baby, I was admiring dat fine behind as you were bending over, figured I'd
come over here and tell you about it!”
Once again, disgust filled her face as she yelled at him, “What the fuck, perv! I ought to slap the shit out of you!
Go burn in hell, freak!”
Dennis recoiled in surprise, muttering, “Er... Uh... Sorry?”
Grazyna simply walked away, leaving Dennis to cringe and think to himself, Okay... That could've gone a lot
Things just weren't going all that well for Dennis, it seemed, as he watched TV and complained to some other
guys who didn't seem to care, “I don't get it! I thought college was the heaven of easy women!” No one responded,
leaving him to continue to talk to himself until he caught another woman practically fawning at him behind his
He pounced on her as she passed by, telling her with false anger, “Hey, you, I saw you looking at me.” Her face
turned bright red, “Oh, uh, I didn-” But Dennis didn't let her finish, “And I have to say, you're pretty stunning
yourself!” She exhaled deeply and then finally laughed, “Oh, god, you had me there. I thought you were about to
reject me. I'm Vendela Miettinen by the way.”
Dennis was ecstatic that one of his attacks had finally worked, “I'm Dennis Richland. So tell me, Vendella, what
do you like most in a man?” She thought for a moment, a finger on her lips, “Umm, well, I like men to have some
experience you know, maybe salt-and-pepper hair, or just plain salt. Old dudes aren't always bad, sometimes they
have money too!”

     Dennis blinked, thinking to himself, Obvious Gold Digger is obvious..., then replying, “Well, that's great, but I
have some other stuff to do, talk to you later!” She frowned and started to ask why, but he was already gone.
Dennis sighed as he walked through the arched doorway, What's up with this place? It's like all the women here
are all stuck up or in it for the mon- That's the woman from before! La... May... No, Mabel! She's pretty hot...
Mabel recognized him from before as well, smiling, “Hey cute stuff, you're not eating again are you?”
He laughed at her playful jab and slid close to her, “Well, maybe not food, but I could certainly eat something.”
Mabel giggled a bit, “Oh really? I still haven't got your name, Mister...?” Dennis imitated the James Bond of legend,
stating, “Richland, Dennis Richland...”
He then touched her shoulder lightly and ran his finger down her arm, “And you, Mabel Yngwe, are quite the
gorgeous beauty, maybe even gorgeous enough to be with a man like Dennis Richland.” Mabel giggled again and
raised an eyebrow, saying playfully, “Oh, is that so?”
Before he answer, she asked, “So do you think you're manly and strong enough for a 'gorgeous beauty' such as
myself?” Dennis realized that he liked this girl quite a bit, “I'm fairly strong. Not ripped, but I could be...”
He slyly grabbed her hands as he moved into his final question, “So, Mabel Yngwe, all that considered, do you
think you have what it takes to be my girl?” Mabel was suddenly genuinely surprised, “Oh, wow. You move really
fast, don't you? I'm not sure, I mean we only spent the last couple minutes actually talking...”
He drew her in suddenly, having a good hunch that she was already into him as much as he was into her, and he
was right. Mabel couldn't resist smiling as she went along with Dennis, sharing in his first kiss.
His first kiss almost immediately flowed into a deeper one, surprising Mabel once again as she bent slightly
Dennis then swung her over one of his legs and continued kissing her again, then planting kisses all over her.
Mabel could scarcely breath by the time she realized she had to go to class. She hurried away, but looked back
and smiled, “I'm sorry, I've got to go to class. I'll see you again really soon, okay?” Dennis only smiled, satisfied by
his performance and how fun kissing actually was. Of course, he'd never tell Mabel that was actually the first time
he'd ever kissed a woman. He probably wouldn't tell Mabel a lot of things.
The morning, he woke up and stretched, then sat back on his arms, Man, last night was awesome... I hope today
will be even better. I have to watch it though, I can't get too attached to Mabel, as much as she might make my heart
flutter... Man, my stomach is roaring. Dennis quickly got dressed and headed out to get some breakfast from the
cafeteria, hoping to meet Mabel along the way.
But she didn't show until after he'd finished eating his breakfast. They joked around and talked, Mabel
explained that she came from a normal middle-class family, never did anything too out of the ordinary in High
School, and didn't really have a clue as to what kind of job she really wanted. Dennis said he too was rather ordinary,
nothing extraordinary about him, and then joked, “But hey, then again, I think I might have a bit of an extraordinarily
large bomb, haha.” Mabel smiled seductively, “I'll find out soon enough.”
Minutes later, they were practically making out on the cafeteria's counter, causing the worker to plant his palm
firmly against his face and say, “Oh, for the love of God, go to your rooms!”
And that's exactly what they did, after Dennis had a double bed moved into his room. He looked over at her,
“So... I'm guessing you want to get the measuring tape for that bomb, huh?” Mabel rolled her eyes and practically tore
his clothes off.
It was almost a certainty that the entire doom could hear the bed slamming against the walls, creating a sound
not quite unlike the boom of thunder.
They intertwined their hands once they were both exhausted as Mabel whispered, “That was... fantastic... mind-
blowing? I'm not sure I have the words to describe it...” Dennis chuckled, “I have to agree, it was amazing. You're
amazing.” Mabel smiled and moved closer to cuddle with Dennis.
Eventually though, it had to end, as Mabel frowned and told him, “I've got to go off to class again. I'll see you
again soon?” Dennis replied, “Of course,” as they shared a goodbye kiss. Mabel quickly got her clothes back on and
tried to straighten her hair a bit as she rushed out of the room, waving to him as she went.
Dennis took his time getting dressed again, and decided he'd try out the guitar he'd recently bought along with
the bed. He picked up the instrument and looked at it, remembering how he'd always wanted to learn to play, but
never had the money. Now, finally, with scholarships, grants, and maybe a few stolen items, he could learn.
In his mind, he was playing like a rockstar, but in truth, at first, he sounded like a cat being choked down, with
its claws grinding against a chalkboard.
But it wasn't long before he playing the guitar like a pro, able to play it upside down, behind his back,
everything. The guitar just seemed to feel... right... to Dennis, and he was a natural at it, maybe even a savant. Dennis
Richland realized at that moment that he wanted to be a God of Rock.
Guitar consumed his life. He had to master it, to become one of the best, if not the best, as he went to bed.
Dennis stopped for a moment and noticed that the Sun had come up, high enough that it was actually well past
sunrise, “Man... I guess you really do lose track of time when you're having fun...” He fell onto the bed and passed
But he was up again in a few hours, playing his heart out. His fellow dormies had even started tipping him well,
enough that he was making plenty of extra money.
The only thing that could stop his playing was the sound of his cell phone going off. It was time to go to his
final. He sighed and got dressed, then walked out to the door to make a C on his first semester. Other people might
have been ecstatic, or incredibly depressed at the score, but Dennis couldn't care less. He just wanted to strum those
And strum he did, until he'd strummed so much the guitar became an extension of his body. Dennis was finally
satisfied. He finally could put the guitar down and not feel like he had to keep improving, when another thought
occurred to him.
Dennis cringed as he approached the treadmill. It was something he'd meant to do, to work on his body and get
fit and toned like Mabel wanted, but actually doing it was another story. He inhaled and jumped on, doing what he
could to keep up with the fast pace, pushing himself to the limit.
Of course, not everyone succeeds at first, but he knew he had to keep going, and so he did...
Until his work paid off, as his body was clearly even more toned than it normally was, I bet Mabel will be even
more excited to see me now... Actually, I haven't seen in her a few days...
He went and knocked on her door, which just happened to be across the hall from his room. From inside, her
voice asked, “Who is it?” Dennis simply asked, “Who do you think?”
Mabel opened the door quickly, “Dennis? I've hardly se-” her sentence was cut short by the assault of Dennis'
They progressed quickly that night, trying to make their way through the doorways while interlocked, but
failing a few times and then quickly falling into Dennis' bed. Mabel didn't return to her room that night.
Dennis felt like heading to the Campus Lounge the next day and playing to his heart's - and wallet's - content.
That, and he'd likely get to meet some friends, contacts, and potential lovers at the campus hangout.

Authors Note: Ignore the lack of roof in that shot. This was my first slip-up, and the game doesn't take pictures that
match my screen, there's extra on the top and bottom that I have to try and account for.
Dennis had become such a master of guitar that everything else was simply drowned out as he played, allowing
him to focus purely on the music he was playing. To him, it was like he was already playing in a sold-out concert.
Of course, that didn't stop him from hearing the sound of a bass being played well, as he and the unknown
Bassist meshed their music together almost flawlessly. Dennis decided that he had to know this guy better once he'd
gotten the tips he wanted.
And hunt the Bassist down after the performance he did, “Hey man, you sound great. If you're not already in a
band, I'm thinking of forming one when I move out and start my own Greek House. I don't know the name yet, but
with you on bass, it'll kick ass in my opinion. I'm Dennis Richland by the way, sorry I didn't mention my name
The Bassist nodded as Dennis went on, then smiled and nodded again, “Hell yeah I'll be your bassist, Dennis.
I'm Micheal Bicomolhado by the way, love the bass, been playing for years.” Dennis blinked, trying to comprehend
the man's last name, “I... Uh... What? The hell kind of last na-... forget it, I'll call you Micheal B.” Micheal shrugged,
“Yeah I know it's hard to say.”
The two decided to sit down and let Dennis discuss his idea, “I don't know the name of the band, but we're
pretty good. We just need a drummer and a singer. I'm not sure if we want a man or woman as the singer though...
Despite all that, I'm thinking our popularity is going to skyrocket. We just need to find the right record company to
listen to our kick ass songs, and practice, practice, practice.”

    Micheal nodded the whole time, adding, “How about a woman as the singer? I might know a few in my society
who might be good. In the meantime, you should keep looking for those two as well, checking here and so on.”
Dennis laughed and smiled, saying, “This band is going to be awesome. We're going to be rich beyond our
wildest dreams! We just got to work for it, you know.”
Micheal clapped his hands together and got up, “Well, I got to head off to do some other stuff. Keep in touch
and give me a ring when you start that Greek House, Dennis. See you later.” Dennis waved him away, “See you. I'm
going to stay here and keep searching for potential.”
He also stayed to rack up more tips, making hundreds of dollars from what were apparently already adoring fans
of his.
The women in particular seemed to go crazy about him, as one blond cheerleader cheered, “You're amazing and
ridiculously hot!!!” Dennis laughed and kept playing, making a mental note to approach her after the performance.
When he was done and had counted his tips - a few hundred bucks - he made his way over to the cheerleader,
“Hey sexy, name and number?” The cheerleader giggled and flaunted herself a little, “My name is Lia Nolan, and
here's my number...” She handed him a slip with the number already written, “And you better call me, because I don't
like to play games.” She left after smiling slyly at Dennis, who only chuckled and pocketed the slip of paper.
Dennis proceeded to collect more numbers from the audience.
And finally, he collected the last number from a woman named Otylie Branch.
Dennis was satisfied at the progress he'd made with his first groupies as he left the Lounge, but unsatisfied that
no one else had any potential from what he'd seen. He decided that the night was not yet over, but that he would
simply enjoy the rest of it.
He headed down to the Crypt'O'Night Club to dance to the beat and grab some food to continue his search for a
drummer and singer. It was as he got up from his dinner that he turned around and was struck by the sight of a pale
beauty walking strangely, with her arm in front of her face. Despite Dennis' recently-inflated ego and confidence, he
paused for a moment, as the woman seemed to cause his nerves some trouble.
But he ignored his nerves and decided to approach her anyway, following her down onto the dance floor. He did
his best to look sexy and handsome as she looked over at him.
Dennis was about to put on the charm when the woman smiled lightly and held up her arms in rejection, “Sorry,
dearie, but you couldn't handle me.” Dennis' jaw dropped as he was shocked. No one had ever told him that. They'd
been mean, told him they weren't interested, or had been into him. But never that he couldn't handle them. Dennis had
to have her.
Dennis was not a man to be easily dissuaded anymore, especially not by a woman who thought she was beyond
his league, “Baby, I'm Dennis Richland. I think the real problem here is whether or not you could handle me.” The
woman raised an eyebrow and sized him up, considering him for a moment.
And then she smiled. The woman made a 'bring it on' motion, declaring, “Well, you've got the talk, but do you
walk the walk, dearie?” Dennis laughed as he joked, “Oh, I was walking the walk before it was cool.”
Dennis decided he'd compliment the woman on one of her unusual qualities, “Anyway, I have to say, your skin
is very unusual. It's very pale yet it seems very enticing. I can't really describe it. It makes me want to just my hand
along it.”
The woman smiled at the compliment, “I don't often get comments on my skin, so thank you. Maybe you'll get
to run your hands along it one day, as well... But that's beside the point. My name is Countessa Holly Asling.”
The Countessa then continued talking, “But to pay you a compliment, I do love redheads myself. Your hair
makes me want to run my fingers through it.” They both laughed, Dennis feeling that this woman would actually be
pretty easy to win.
They continued to enjoy themselves, talking, dancing, but neither revealed too much about themselves. They
took goofy pictures together, and as Holly stood away from him while waiting for Dennis to get the pictures, he
thought to himself, This woman is really intriguing. She seems to draw me to her, and yet, she has hardly told me
anything about her other than her name. I don't get it. It's like we both have pasts we want to hide. I know mine... but
what's hers?
Dennis came up quietly behind Holly and then attacked her, tickling at her sides. When they finally stopped
laughing and she got her breath back, she told him, “Hey, call me tomorrow night or something, okay? I've got to go
home to get some sleep.” Dennis smiled, “Alright.”
As Dennis walked out, he spotted an unusually angry-looking old woman, making him cough and look at his
watch as he pretended not to see her as he passed by, That's funny. It's just about time for the Sun to rise, and Holly
chose this time to go home...
Mrs. Crumpbottom clutched her purse tightly as she watched Dennis leave behind her shoulder, “They all think
I'm crazy... They all think I'm mad, that I can't see them... But I can, oh, yes, I can... I can see all their filthiness... And
I see a dead man walking in filth...”
Dennis was thoroughly creeped out as he left the Crypt'O'Night Club. First there was the old lady, now there
was this woman who looked like a complete slob standing in the doorway, watching him walk away. He increased his
pace to get the hell away from these people.
Delphine Kaster watched Dennis watch away, muttering to herself while smiling cheerily, “I will have you,
Dennis Richland. I will make you mine... Oh, yes...”
The next day was marked only by Dennis' finals for his Freshman Year, when he made yet another C. It didn't
particularly matter to Dennis though, he was enjoying college way too much to stress about grades, and the grades
hardly mattered as long as he passed. He made way more money off playing his guitar and tips than grants and
scholarships anyway. But the night started off interesting as he received a call from Holly asking that he join her, an
invitation he eagerly accepted.
Dennis looked out the window at the building they had arrived at, “So where have you decided to bring me,
Holly?” Holly looked at it as well, “I decided we'd go swimming or something, this place is a spa and pool. They
have hot tubs too.”
When they got out, Dennis' nerves went crazy. He wasn't sure if it was because of Holly, or that the old lady
from the other night was already waiting here for them. Dennis decided it was the old lady, as he could have sworn he
could hear her muttering about 'dead men,' 'dead women,' 'filth,' and other such insanity, “Uh, babe, let's not draw too
much attention to ourselves while that woman is here...”

     Holly looked over his shoulder and glared at the old lady, “I agree. That bitch is a real pain in couples' asses
sometimes. Here, just give me a back massage until she goes.”
Dennis chuckled quietly as he massaged her back, “How is this not getting the woman's attention, exactly?”
Holly shrugged and then relaxed her back once more, “I don't know, but it feels really good... Focus on the spine...
Yeah...” Dennis raised an eyebrow as he continued massaging, “You only said that trick me into giving you a
massage, didn't you?” Holy only answered with a smile over her shoulder.

     Crumplebottom paused before walking away, “Dead men... Dead women... Filth. They're all filthy. I will cleanse
them all...”
Finally, when the woman was gone, Dennis twirled Holly around and grabbed his hand, pressing his lips upon
it, “Shall we enter, my dearie?” Holly laughed at this act, saying, “It's been so long since a man did that! And yes, let's
A few minutes later, they had changed into swimwear and climbed into hot tub, Dennis admiring Holly as she
climbed in, “You know, you really are stunning, Holly. Like, ridiculously sexy.”
Holly laughed at his compliment and cuddled up close to him in the hot tub, “Well, thank you. So... Do you
want to run your hands all over my skin now?” Dennis felt his heart start pumping harder than it ever had as he bit his
lip. His nerves were fighting against him even more than ever.
Dennis decided to answer her by pulling her into a deep kiss that progressed into an all-out make-out session.
Which itself progressed into raunchy, hot-blooded fun in the hot tub. Dennis would go home feeling even more
satisfied than ever, perhaps even more than when he'd been with Mabel. Still, he wasn't sure if what he felt with Holly
was true love. Maybe the nerves meant it was love? Dennis didn't know. He'd never known for sure whether or not he
had loved someone, and Holly still had yet to tell him hardly anything about herself. Interestingly, she hadn't inquired
much about him either.
The next morning, as Dennis wolfed down another bowl of cereal, Mabel came and sat down next to him,
saying, “Hey baby! I haven't seen you in almost two days, is something wrong?” Dennis choked on his cereal for a
moment and stopped eating just long enough to reply, “No, of course not.” His 'love' seemed concerned nonetheless,
as she smiled and asked, “Well, hey, let's spend some time together time again, I need a little... loving. So, date
tonight?” Dennis smiled and agreed.
The only problem was that Holly called again that night, asking for yet another date. Dennis resisted at first, but
finally agreed when she said she's make it quick.
This time, they were having dinner at the Crypt'O'Night Club.
After ordering their food, Holly looked over and asked, “Baby, I asked you here to tell you something about
me... It's very important...”
“Oh shit, you're pregnant?” said Dennis, forgetting for a moment that the server had brought his lobster
thermidor as terror overtook him. “Uh... No...” replied Holly.
Relief washed over Dennis as he returned to his cheery self, “Oh, well, then what's so important you have to call
me out for dinner? Oh, wait, you're not pro-” He was cut off by Holly's answer.

Author's Note: Ignore the slip-up, again. Normally I toggle one of the graphic settings lower and return it higher again
to remove those bubbles, but I thought it wouldn't show in the picture.
Holly said simply, “I'm a Vampire,” and opened her mouth up wide, showing off her fangs. Dennis started
genuinely choking on his food.

Author's Note: Again, ignore the lack of roof. I should really go through and edit all the buildings to have ceilings.
He pounded his chest to dislodge the food in his throat, finally clearing it and saying, “That... That explains
some things... The skin, the Sun rising...”
Holly was starting to get concerned, as she quickly said, “I'm not a horrible mass murderer or killer, Dennis. I
just can't go out in the sunlight or anything... It's not bad to be a Vampire, I mean, we get to live forever, though
forever has its consequences... It doesn't mean I can't love a regular human.”
It was certainly an awkward dinner nonetheless. Holly dragged him out back and held his hands in the
moonlight, “Please, tell me you still love me, despite my... condition.” Dennis paused for a moment, considering what
he should do.
He gulped and continued thinking. Finally, he smiled lightly and said, “I... I still do.”
Holly pulled him in close and they wrapped arms around one another, sharing a kiss.
Suddenly, when they released each other, Holly locked eyes with Dennis and began drawing him forward,
“Look deeply into my eyes, love. You want to love me forever, don't you? Yes, you do... Keep coming closer, coming
to me...”
And then she sunk her fangs into his neck.
Within moments, the unusual magic governing Vampirism coursed through Dennis' veins, turning his flesh to
something alive, and yet dead.
Dennis blinked for a moment, not sure what just happened, but the feel of his fangs let him know quickly that he
was now a Vampire. His mind fought with itself over whether or not this was a good thing, but Holly was smiling at
him, which made him feel better. Finally, she asked, “Soooo.... How do you feel?” Dennis hadn't thought about he
himself felt, but then he realized that he felt incredible, “I actually feel... on top of the world...” Holly couldn't contain
her happiness as her smile widened.
Suddenly, Dennis leaned forward and grabbed Holly's rear, “Photobooth, now.”
They almost sprinted to the booth, and rocked it back and forth. People lined up outside to cheer them on, and
the pair came out bubbling with pleasure and happiness.
They embraced one another, trading kisses and generally grabbing the attention of one particularly old and
particularly angry lady. However, Holly finally said, “Well I've got to get going. Remember to get a coffin to sleep in
during the day, otherwise I'll lose you, okay?” Dennis smiled and nodded, “I understand.”
Once Holly had left, Crumplebottom pounced, slamming her unusually rock-solid purse into his body, “You
filthy man! I knew I saw a dead man walking, dead man! May your life be forever cursed to sadness and filth!”
Dennis simply recoiled under the pounding, yelling, “What the hell, old lady?! What is your problem?!” Then, as
suddenly as she came, Crumplebottom was gone, letting Dennis return to his dorm.
The night was still young as Dennis approached Mabel again, “Hey baby, I remember about our date. So, let's
get started, shall we?” Mabel's smile grew and then diminished for a moment, “Uh, have you changed, Dennis?”
Dennis twirled her around and into his arms, “I've changed a bit, yes, but the important thing is that I'm still me,
and I still love you.”
Mabel's smile returned, even stronger than before, “Aw... You've never told me that before. Do you actually
mean that?” Dennis laughed deeply and then said, “Of course!”
Mabel brought him closer for a kiss that progressed to making out, her heart beating with her lover's. They spent
the rest of the night together, but Dennis still had yet to explain why she couldn't go into his room or what had
changed about him.
Finally, just as the Sun was about to rise, Dennis stood in front of his flash-order coffin, looking out the
window. It was then that his mind really examined the day's events as his Vampiric euphoria after being changed
began to wear off, Shit. I've declared my love to two different women... One human, one Vampire... And now I'm a
Vampire too. I don't even know anything really about Vampirism, and Holly never did ask to turn me... What the hell
are you going to do with yourself, Dennis Richland?
As the Sun rose, he stripped his clothes off and got into the coffin. His skin tingled a bit, Damn, that does kind
of burn a little, and it's not even direct sunlight. Holly wasn't joking about being burnt to a crisp. Does... does this
make me some kind of monster? A creature who fears the light?
Hell if I know, he thought as he began to slumber.

       I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Ballad of Dennis Richland. Next time, the Greek House will
probably be formed, Dennis will probably get his band going, and the problem of Mabel and Holly will likely
continue, as well as the introduction of new 'love' interests. If you're wondering, yes, Dennis is still in his first
semester of his Sophomore year. No, I have no idea how many chapters it will take to just finish college, haha.
Anyway, see you on the next one!

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  • 1. The Ballad of Dennis Richland Act 1; Chapter 1: The Curtains Rise
  • 2. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, I must welcome you to the opening chapter of “The Ballad of Dennis Richland.” The Sim you see above is Mr. Richland himself, who is a Romance Sim through and through, with a personality of 0/8/3/9/5, turn-ons of Fitness and Creativity, and a turn-off of Fatness. His LTW is to WooHoo twenty different Sims, a want which will likely be filled - eventually. But that's not the point of this Legacy, nor is it meant to be played for points, or topping careers. In fact, Sims fulfilling their LTWs and reaching the tops of their careers will actually be a rarity. No, this Legacy aims to tell an interesting story, though I will avoid posing and other artificial methods as much as possible, as I am also trying to play for fun. I will also be adhering strictly to the Fourth Wall. The last thing I must mention is that I haven't planned this Legacy either, it goes wherever I feel it should go based on the moment. Now, onward with the show.
  • 3. Dennis Richland had begun digging into his first bowl of college cereal, or, more accurately, vacuuming his first bowl, as a dark young woman sat down across from him saying, “Hi, I'm Mabel Yngwe,” to have her breakfast as well.
  • 4. Dennis spit out something along the lines of, “Hello,” while also spraying a few bits of food across the table and into the poor girl's bowl. Speechless, and with a look of disgust on her face, she simply got up and walked away, leaving the bowl behind.
  • 5. It wasn't until later that day that Dennis was studying his book to see what his first class was all about, when he looked over and spied a redhead bending down just enough to reach a particular book while also inadvertently showing off a few of her curves. The man's admiration suddenly overpowered him as he put his book away and approached her, figuring he'd try to make a good impression.
  • 6. He sauntered over and told her, “Hey baby, I was admiring dat fine behind as you were bending over, figured I'd come over here and tell you about it!”
  • 7. Once again, disgust filled her face as she yelled at him, “What the fuck, perv! I ought to slap the shit out of you! Go burn in hell, freak!”
  • 8. Dennis recoiled in surprise, muttering, “Er... Uh... Sorry?”
  • 9. Grazyna simply walked away, leaving Dennis to cringe and think to himself, Okay... That could've gone a lot better...
  • 10. Things just weren't going all that well for Dennis, it seemed, as he watched TV and complained to some other guys who didn't seem to care, “I don't get it! I thought college was the heaven of easy women!” No one responded, leaving him to continue to talk to himself until he caught another woman practically fawning at him behind his shoulder.
  • 11. He pounced on her as she passed by, telling her with false anger, “Hey, you, I saw you looking at me.” Her face turned bright red, “Oh, uh, I didn-” But Dennis didn't let her finish, “And I have to say, you're pretty stunning yourself!” She exhaled deeply and then finally laughed, “Oh, god, you had me there. I thought you were about to reject me. I'm Vendela Miettinen by the way.”
  • 12. Dennis was ecstatic that one of his attacks had finally worked, “I'm Dennis Richland. So tell me, Vendella, what do you like most in a man?” She thought for a moment, a finger on her lips, “Umm, well, I like men to have some experience you know, maybe salt-and-pepper hair, or just plain salt. Old dudes aren't always bad, sometimes they have money too!” Dennis blinked, thinking to himself, Obvious Gold Digger is obvious..., then replying, “Well, that's great, but I have some other stuff to do, talk to you later!” She frowned and started to ask why, but he was already gone.
  • 13. Dennis sighed as he walked through the arched doorway, What's up with this place? It's like all the women here are all stuck up or in it for the mon- That's the woman from before! La... May... No, Mabel! She's pretty hot...
  • 14. Mabel recognized him from before as well, smiling, “Hey cute stuff, you're not eating again are you?”
  • 15. He laughed at her playful jab and slid close to her, “Well, maybe not food, but I could certainly eat something.” Mabel giggled a bit, “Oh really? I still haven't got your name, Mister...?” Dennis imitated the James Bond of legend, stating, “Richland, Dennis Richland...”
  • 16. He then touched her shoulder lightly and ran his finger down her arm, “And you, Mabel Yngwe, are quite the gorgeous beauty, maybe even gorgeous enough to be with a man like Dennis Richland.” Mabel giggled again and raised an eyebrow, saying playfully, “Oh, is that so?”
  • 17. Before he answer, she asked, “So do you think you're manly and strong enough for a 'gorgeous beauty' such as myself?” Dennis realized that he liked this girl quite a bit, “I'm fairly strong. Not ripped, but I could be...”
  • 18. He slyly grabbed her hands as he moved into his final question, “So, Mabel Yngwe, all that considered, do you think you have what it takes to be my girl?” Mabel was suddenly genuinely surprised, “Oh, wow. You move really fast, don't you? I'm not sure, I mean we only spent the last couple minutes actually talking...”
  • 19. He drew her in suddenly, having a good hunch that she was already into him as much as he was into her, and he was right. Mabel couldn't resist smiling as she went along with Dennis, sharing in his first kiss.
  • 20. His first kiss almost immediately flowed into a deeper one, surprising Mabel once again as she bent slightly back.
  • 21. Dennis then swung her over one of his legs and continued kissing her again, then planting kisses all over her.
  • 22. Mabel could scarcely breath by the time she realized she had to go to class. She hurried away, but looked back and smiled, “I'm sorry, I've got to go to class. I'll see you again really soon, okay?” Dennis only smiled, satisfied by his performance and how fun kissing actually was. Of course, he'd never tell Mabel that was actually the first time he'd ever kissed a woman. He probably wouldn't tell Mabel a lot of things.
  • 23. The morning, he woke up and stretched, then sat back on his arms, Man, last night was awesome... I hope today will be even better. I have to watch it though, I can't get too attached to Mabel, as much as she might make my heart flutter... Man, my stomach is roaring. Dennis quickly got dressed and headed out to get some breakfast from the cafeteria, hoping to meet Mabel along the way.
  • 24. But she didn't show until after he'd finished eating his breakfast. They joked around and talked, Mabel explained that she came from a normal middle-class family, never did anything too out of the ordinary in High School, and didn't really have a clue as to what kind of job she really wanted. Dennis said he too was rather ordinary, nothing extraordinary about him, and then joked, “But hey, then again, I think I might have a bit of an extraordinarily large bomb, haha.” Mabel smiled seductively, “I'll find out soon enough.”
  • 25. Minutes later, they were practically making out on the cafeteria's counter, causing the worker to plant his palm firmly against his face and say, “Oh, for the love of God, go to your rooms!”
  • 26. And that's exactly what they did, after Dennis had a double bed moved into his room. He looked over at her, “So... I'm guessing you want to get the measuring tape for that bomb, huh?” Mabel rolled her eyes and practically tore his clothes off.
  • 27. It was almost a certainty that the entire doom could hear the bed slamming against the walls, creating a sound not quite unlike the boom of thunder.
  • 28. They intertwined their hands once they were both exhausted as Mabel whispered, “That was... fantastic... mind- blowing? I'm not sure I have the words to describe it...” Dennis chuckled, “I have to agree, it was amazing. You're amazing.” Mabel smiled and moved closer to cuddle with Dennis.
  • 29. Eventually though, it had to end, as Mabel frowned and told him, “I've got to go off to class again. I'll see you again soon?” Dennis replied, “Of course,” as they shared a goodbye kiss. Mabel quickly got her clothes back on and tried to straighten her hair a bit as she rushed out of the room, waving to him as she went.
  • 30. Dennis took his time getting dressed again, and decided he'd try out the guitar he'd recently bought along with the bed. He picked up the instrument and looked at it, remembering how he'd always wanted to learn to play, but never had the money. Now, finally, with scholarships, grants, and maybe a few stolen items, he could learn.
  • 31. In his mind, he was playing like a rockstar, but in truth, at first, he sounded like a cat being choked down, with its claws grinding against a chalkboard.
  • 32. But it wasn't long before he playing the guitar like a pro, able to play it upside down, behind his back, everything. The guitar just seemed to feel... right... to Dennis, and he was a natural at it, maybe even a savant. Dennis Richland realized at that moment that he wanted to be a God of Rock.
  • 33. Guitar consumed his life. He had to master it, to become one of the best, if not the best, as he went to bed. Dennis stopped for a moment and noticed that the Sun had come up, high enough that it was actually well past sunrise, “Man... I guess you really do lose track of time when you're having fun...” He fell onto the bed and passed out.
  • 34. But he was up again in a few hours, playing his heart out. His fellow dormies had even started tipping him well, enough that he was making plenty of extra money.
  • 35. The only thing that could stop his playing was the sound of his cell phone going off. It was time to go to his final. He sighed and got dressed, then walked out to the door to make a C on his first semester. Other people might have been ecstatic, or incredibly depressed at the score, but Dennis couldn't care less. He just wanted to strum those strings.
  • 36. And strum he did, until he'd strummed so much the guitar became an extension of his body. Dennis was finally satisfied. He finally could put the guitar down and not feel like he had to keep improving, when another thought occurred to him.
  • 37. Dennis cringed as he approached the treadmill. It was something he'd meant to do, to work on his body and get fit and toned like Mabel wanted, but actually doing it was another story. He inhaled and jumped on, doing what he could to keep up with the fast pace, pushing himself to the limit.
  • 38. Of course, not everyone succeeds at first, but he knew he had to keep going, and so he did...
  • 39. Until his work paid off, as his body was clearly even more toned than it normally was, I bet Mabel will be even more excited to see me now... Actually, I haven't seen in her a few days...
  • 40. He went and knocked on her door, which just happened to be across the hall from his room. From inside, her voice asked, “Who is it?” Dennis simply asked, “Who do you think?”
  • 41. Mabel opened the door quickly, “Dennis? I've hardly se-” her sentence was cut short by the assault of Dennis' lips.
  • 42. They progressed quickly that night, trying to make their way through the doorways while interlocked, but failing a few times and then quickly falling into Dennis' bed. Mabel didn't return to her room that night.
  • 43. Dennis felt like heading to the Campus Lounge the next day and playing to his heart's - and wallet's - content. That, and he'd likely get to meet some friends, contacts, and potential lovers at the campus hangout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Ignore the lack of roof in that shot. This was my first slip-up, and the game doesn't take pictures that match my screen, there's extra on the top and bottom that I have to try and account for.
  • 44. Dennis had become such a master of guitar that everything else was simply drowned out as he played, allowing him to focus purely on the music he was playing. To him, it was like he was already playing in a sold-out concert.
  • 45. Of course, that didn't stop him from hearing the sound of a bass being played well, as he and the unknown Bassist meshed their music together almost flawlessly. Dennis decided that he had to know this guy better once he'd gotten the tips he wanted.
  • 46. And hunt the Bassist down after the performance he did, “Hey man, you sound great. If you're not already in a band, I'm thinking of forming one when I move out and start my own Greek House. I don't know the name yet, but with you on bass, it'll kick ass in my opinion. I'm Dennis Richland by the way, sorry I didn't mention my name sooner.”
  • 47. The Bassist nodded as Dennis went on, then smiled and nodded again, “Hell yeah I'll be your bassist, Dennis. I'm Micheal Bicomolhado by the way, love the bass, been playing for years.” Dennis blinked, trying to comprehend the man's last name, “I... Uh... What? The hell kind of last na-... forget it, I'll call you Micheal B.” Micheal shrugged, “Yeah I know it's hard to say.”
  • 48. The two decided to sit down and let Dennis discuss his idea, “I don't know the name of the band, but we're pretty good. We just need a drummer and a singer. I'm not sure if we want a man or woman as the singer though... Despite all that, I'm thinking our popularity is going to skyrocket. We just need to find the right record company to listen to our kick ass songs, and practice, practice, practice.” Micheal nodded the whole time, adding, “How about a woman as the singer? I might know a few in my society who might be good. In the meantime, you should keep looking for those two as well, checking here and so on.”
  • 49. Dennis laughed and smiled, saying, “This band is going to be awesome. We're going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams! We just got to work for it, you know.”
  • 50. Micheal clapped his hands together and got up, “Well, I got to head off to do some other stuff. Keep in touch and give me a ring when you start that Greek House, Dennis. See you later.” Dennis waved him away, “See you. I'm going to stay here and keep searching for potential.”
  • 51. He also stayed to rack up more tips, making hundreds of dollars from what were apparently already adoring fans of his.
  • 52. The women in particular seemed to go crazy about him, as one blond cheerleader cheered, “You're amazing and ridiculously hot!!!” Dennis laughed and kept playing, making a mental note to approach her after the performance.
  • 53. When he was done and had counted his tips - a few hundred bucks - he made his way over to the cheerleader, “Hey sexy, name and number?” The cheerleader giggled and flaunted herself a little, “My name is Lia Nolan, and here's my number...” She handed him a slip with the number already written, “And you better call me, because I don't like to play games.” She left after smiling slyly at Dennis, who only chuckled and pocketed the slip of paper.
  • 54. Dennis proceeded to collect more numbers from the audience.
  • 55. And finally, he collected the last number from a woman named Otylie Branch.
  • 56. Dennis was satisfied at the progress he'd made with his first groupies as he left the Lounge, but unsatisfied that no one else had any potential from what he'd seen. He decided that the night was not yet over, but that he would simply enjoy the rest of it.
  • 57. He headed down to the Crypt'O'Night Club to dance to the beat and grab some food to continue his search for a drummer and singer. It was as he got up from his dinner that he turned around and was struck by the sight of a pale beauty walking strangely, with her arm in front of her face. Despite Dennis' recently-inflated ego and confidence, he paused for a moment, as the woman seemed to cause his nerves some trouble.
  • 58. But he ignored his nerves and decided to approach her anyway, following her down onto the dance floor. He did his best to look sexy and handsome as she looked over at him.
  • 59. Dennis was about to put on the charm when the woman smiled lightly and held up her arms in rejection, “Sorry, dearie, but you couldn't handle me.” Dennis' jaw dropped as he was shocked. No one had ever told him that. They'd been mean, told him they weren't interested, or had been into him. But never that he couldn't handle them. Dennis had to have her.
  • 60. Dennis was not a man to be easily dissuaded anymore, especially not by a woman who thought she was beyond his league, “Baby, I'm Dennis Richland. I think the real problem here is whether or not you could handle me.” The woman raised an eyebrow and sized him up, considering him for a moment.
  • 61. And then she smiled. The woman made a 'bring it on' motion, declaring, “Well, you've got the talk, but do you walk the walk, dearie?” Dennis laughed as he joked, “Oh, I was walking the walk before it was cool.”
  • 62. Dennis decided he'd compliment the woman on one of her unusual qualities, “Anyway, I have to say, your skin is very unusual. It's very pale yet it seems very enticing. I can't really describe it. It makes me want to just my hand along it.”
  • 63. The woman smiled at the compliment, “I don't often get comments on my skin, so thank you. Maybe you'll get to run your hands along it one day, as well... But that's beside the point. My name is Countessa Holly Asling.”
  • 64. The Countessa then continued talking, “But to pay you a compliment, I do love redheads myself. Your hair makes me want to run my fingers through it.” They both laughed, Dennis feeling that this woman would actually be pretty easy to win.
  • 65. They continued to enjoy themselves, talking, dancing, but neither revealed too much about themselves. They took goofy pictures together, and as Holly stood away from him while waiting for Dennis to get the pictures, he thought to himself, This woman is really intriguing. She seems to draw me to her, and yet, she has hardly told me anything about her other than her name. I don't get it. It's like we both have pasts we want to hide. I know mine... but what's hers?
  • 66. Dennis came up quietly behind Holly and then attacked her, tickling at her sides. When they finally stopped laughing and she got her breath back, she told him, “Hey, call me tomorrow night or something, okay? I've got to go home to get some sleep.” Dennis smiled, “Alright.”
  • 67. As Dennis walked out, he spotted an unusually angry-looking old woman, making him cough and look at his watch as he pretended not to see her as he passed by, That's funny. It's just about time for the Sun to rise, and Holly chose this time to go home...
  • 68. Mrs. Crumpbottom clutched her purse tightly as she watched Dennis leave behind her shoulder, “They all think I'm crazy... They all think I'm mad, that I can't see them... But I can, oh, yes, I can... I can see all their filthiness... And I see a dead man walking in filth...”
  • 69. Dennis was thoroughly creeped out as he left the Crypt'O'Night Club. First there was the old lady, now there was this woman who looked like a complete slob standing in the doorway, watching him walk away. He increased his pace to get the hell away from these people.
  • 70. Delphine Kaster watched Dennis watch away, muttering to herself while smiling cheerily, “I will have you, Dennis Richland. I will make you mine... Oh, yes...”
  • 71. The next day was marked only by Dennis' finals for his Freshman Year, when he made yet another C. It didn't particularly matter to Dennis though, he was enjoying college way too much to stress about grades, and the grades hardly mattered as long as he passed. He made way more money off playing his guitar and tips than grants and scholarships anyway. But the night started off interesting as he received a call from Holly asking that he join her, an invitation he eagerly accepted.
  • 72. Dennis looked out the window at the building they had arrived at, “So where have you decided to bring me, Holly?” Holly looked at it as well, “I decided we'd go swimming or something, this place is a spa and pool. They have hot tubs too.”
  • 73. When they got out, Dennis' nerves went crazy. He wasn't sure if it was because of Holly, or that the old lady from the other night was already waiting here for them. Dennis decided it was the old lady, as he could have sworn he could hear her muttering about 'dead men,' 'dead women,' 'filth,' and other such insanity, “Uh, babe, let's not draw too much attention to ourselves while that woman is here...” Holly looked over his shoulder and glared at the old lady, “I agree. That bitch is a real pain in couples' asses sometimes. Here, just give me a back massage until she goes.”
  • 74. Dennis chuckled quietly as he massaged her back, “How is this not getting the woman's attention, exactly?” Holly shrugged and then relaxed her back once more, “I don't know, but it feels really good... Focus on the spine... Yeah...” Dennis raised an eyebrow as he continued massaging, “You only said that trick me into giving you a massage, didn't you?” Holy only answered with a smile over her shoulder. Crumplebottom paused before walking away, “Dead men... Dead women... Filth. They're all filthy. I will cleanse them all...”
  • 75. Finally, when the woman was gone, Dennis twirled Holly around and grabbed his hand, pressing his lips upon it, “Shall we enter, my dearie?” Holly laughed at this act, saying, “It's been so long since a man did that! And yes, let's enter.”
  • 76. A few minutes later, they had changed into swimwear and climbed into hot tub, Dennis admiring Holly as she climbed in, “You know, you really are stunning, Holly. Like, ridiculously sexy.”
  • 77. Holly laughed at his compliment and cuddled up close to him in the hot tub, “Well, thank you. So... Do you want to run your hands all over my skin now?” Dennis felt his heart start pumping harder than it ever had as he bit his lip. His nerves were fighting against him even more than ever.
  • 78. Dennis decided to answer her by pulling her into a deep kiss that progressed into an all-out make-out session.
  • 79. Which itself progressed into raunchy, hot-blooded fun in the hot tub. Dennis would go home feeling even more satisfied than ever, perhaps even more than when he'd been with Mabel. Still, he wasn't sure if what he felt with Holly was true love. Maybe the nerves meant it was love? Dennis didn't know. He'd never known for sure whether or not he had loved someone, and Holly still had yet to tell him hardly anything about herself. Interestingly, she hadn't inquired much about him either.
  • 80. The next morning, as Dennis wolfed down another bowl of cereal, Mabel came and sat down next to him, saying, “Hey baby! I haven't seen you in almost two days, is something wrong?” Dennis choked on his cereal for a moment and stopped eating just long enough to reply, “No, of course not.” His 'love' seemed concerned nonetheless, as she smiled and asked, “Well, hey, let's spend some time together time again, I need a little... loving. So, date tonight?” Dennis smiled and agreed.
  • 81. The only problem was that Holly called again that night, asking for yet another date. Dennis resisted at first, but finally agreed when she said she's make it quick.
  • 82. This time, they were having dinner at the Crypt'O'Night Club.
  • 83. After ordering their food, Holly looked over and asked, “Baby, I asked you here to tell you something about me... It's very important...”
  • 84. “Oh shit, you're pregnant?” said Dennis, forgetting for a moment that the server had brought his lobster thermidor as terror overtook him. “Uh... No...” replied Holly.
  • 85. Relief washed over Dennis as he returned to his cheery self, “Oh, well, then what's so important you have to call me out for dinner? Oh, wait, you're not pro-” He was cut off by Holly's answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Ignore the slip-up, again. Normally I toggle one of the graphic settings lower and return it higher again to remove those bubbles, but I thought it wouldn't show in the picture.
  • 86. Holly said simply, “I'm a Vampire,” and opened her mouth up wide, showing off her fangs. Dennis started genuinely choking on his food. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Again, ignore the lack of roof. I should really go through and edit all the buildings to have ceilings.
  • 87. He pounded his chest to dislodge the food in his throat, finally clearing it and saying, “That... That explains some things... The skin, the Sun rising...”
  • 88. Holly was starting to get concerned, as she quickly said, “I'm not a horrible mass murderer or killer, Dennis. I just can't go out in the sunlight or anything... It's not bad to be a Vampire, I mean, we get to live forever, though forever has its consequences... It doesn't mean I can't love a regular human.”
  • 89. It was certainly an awkward dinner nonetheless. Holly dragged him out back and held his hands in the moonlight, “Please, tell me you still love me, despite my... condition.” Dennis paused for a moment, considering what he should do.
  • 90. He gulped and continued thinking. Finally, he smiled lightly and said, “I... I still do.”
  • 91. Holly pulled him in close and they wrapped arms around one another, sharing a kiss.
  • 92. Suddenly, when they released each other, Holly locked eyes with Dennis and began drawing him forward, “Look deeply into my eyes, love. You want to love me forever, don't you? Yes, you do... Keep coming closer, coming to me...”
  • 93. And then she sunk her fangs into his neck.
  • 94. Within moments, the unusual magic governing Vampirism coursed through Dennis' veins, turning his flesh to something alive, and yet dead.
  • 95. Dennis blinked for a moment, not sure what just happened, but the feel of his fangs let him know quickly that he was now a Vampire. His mind fought with itself over whether or not this was a good thing, but Holly was smiling at him, which made him feel better. Finally, she asked, “Soooo.... How do you feel?” Dennis hadn't thought about he himself felt, but then he realized that he felt incredible, “I actually feel... on top of the world...” Holly couldn't contain her happiness as her smile widened.
  • 96. Suddenly, Dennis leaned forward and grabbed Holly's rear, “Photobooth, now.”
  • 97. They almost sprinted to the booth, and rocked it back and forth. People lined up outside to cheer them on, and the pair came out bubbling with pleasure and happiness.
  • 98. They embraced one another, trading kisses and generally grabbing the attention of one particularly old and particularly angry lady. However, Holly finally said, “Well I've got to get going. Remember to get a coffin to sleep in during the day, otherwise I'll lose you, okay?” Dennis smiled and nodded, “I understand.”
  • 99. Once Holly had left, Crumplebottom pounced, slamming her unusually rock-solid purse into his body, “You filthy man! I knew I saw a dead man walking, dead man! May your life be forever cursed to sadness and filth!” Dennis simply recoiled under the pounding, yelling, “What the hell, old lady?! What is your problem?!” Then, as suddenly as she came, Crumplebottom was gone, letting Dennis return to his dorm.
  • 100. The night was still young as Dennis approached Mabel again, “Hey baby, I remember about our date. So, let's get started, shall we?” Mabel's smile grew and then diminished for a moment, “Uh, have you changed, Dennis?”
  • 101. Dennis twirled her around and into his arms, “I've changed a bit, yes, but the important thing is that I'm still me, and I still love you.”
  • 102. Mabel's smile returned, even stronger than before, “Aw... You've never told me that before. Do you actually mean that?” Dennis laughed deeply and then said, “Of course!”
  • 103. Mabel brought him closer for a kiss that progressed to making out, her heart beating with her lover's. They spent the rest of the night together, but Dennis still had yet to explain why she couldn't go into his room or what had changed about him.
  • 104. Finally, just as the Sun was about to rise, Dennis stood in front of his flash-order coffin, looking out the window. It was then that his mind really examined the day's events as his Vampiric euphoria after being changed began to wear off, Shit. I've declared my love to two different women... One human, one Vampire... And now I'm a Vampire too. I don't even know anything really about Vampirism, and Holly never did ask to turn me... What the hell are you going to do with yourself, Dennis Richland?
  • 105. As the Sun rose, he stripped his clothes off and got into the coffin. His skin tingled a bit, Damn, that does kind of burn a little, and it's not even direct sunlight. Holly wasn't joking about being burnt to a crisp. Does... does this make me some kind of monster? A creature who fears the light?
  • 106. Hell if I know, he thought as he began to slumber. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Ballad of Dennis Richland. Next time, the Greek House will probably be formed, Dennis will probably get his band going, and the problem of Mabel and Holly will likely continue, as well as the introduction of new 'love' interests. If you're wondering, yes, Dennis is still in his first semester of his Sophomore year. No, I have no idea how many chapters it will take to just finish college, haha. Anyway, see you on the next one!