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MA Sports Management                                                      Philip Barnes

                                  Sports Economics

   An Analysis of the Ability to Buy Success in the English Football Association
     Premier League and the Subsequent Implications on Consumer Welfare

‘The professional game has consistently rebutted the notion that success can be built,
crafted or coerced out of anything other than a significant heft in the transfer market.
Under Abramovich Chelsea spent £150m on players and abruptly won the league for
the first time in 50 years. Manchester United (valued at just over £900m), Arsenal
(£600m) and Chelsea (£384m) are among the top eight richest clubs in the world.
Between them they've won the last 13 Premier League titles.’
                                                                      Ronay (2008, p.1)

       Out of the top 25 richest clubs in the world, 10 are from the English Football
Association Premier League (FAPL). That is two fifths of the world’s richest football
clubs that ply their trade in the Premiership. In addition to the observation by Ronay,
Liverpool are also among the top eight, thus it is clear to see why these four clubs,
Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool, have gained the reputation as the
‘Big Four.’ Is it possible for other clubs in the league to dislodge one of these teams
or become successful enough to create the hypothetical ‘Big Five?’ On the contrary,
does a glass ceiling exist where teams’ advancements are limited by financial power?
Competitive balance must surely be a foregone conclusion between the Big Four and
the rest of the FAPL. Between the 2000/01 and 2007/08 seasons; the Big Four came
in the top four league positions 28 times out of a possible 32, won 69% of domestic
cups (FA and League Cup) and claimed the prestigious UEFA Champions League
(CL) twice. This dominance, domestically, is in part ‘shaped by assumed annual
returns from lucrative European club soccer competition (Williams 2007, p.139).’

       It appears that the Big Four have been entered into a vicious circle, where
sporting success yields financial rewards, allowing the club to invest to ensure further
successes in the future (Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et al. 2006). This article
will examine the extent to which teams in the FAPL are buying success. Can a
winning team be purchased? One of the most interesting questions in soccer, where
players’ salaries are relatively high, is whether salary structures and player
performance are correlated (Torgler & Schmidt 2007, p.2355). A host of authors
suggest so, identifying a strong positive correlation between pay and performance
(Szymanski & Smith 1997; Hall et al. 2002; Rosner & Shropshire 2004; Buraimo et
al. 2007; Barros & Garcia-del-Barrio 2008). To add to this intriguing range of

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literature, this study will also look at wage disparity, its consequent competitive
imbalance and the implication of subsequent ‘bought successes’ on consumer welfare.

       Sporting success is an individual entity with different meanings for different
teams; for example, to recently promoted teams, the interpretation of success is
maintaining FAPL status for the following year. To the Big Four, success is the
FAPL title and competing for the CL, whilst mid table teams’ aim for entry to the less
important but still financially resourceful UEFA Cup. As Downward & Dawson
(2000) identify, the Big Four may contest the championship whereas many stand no
hope in even competing. In the FAPL, it appears that the more affluent clubs gain the
most success.     Differences in teams’ prosperity originate from an array of
characteristics including their history, demand for tickets with willingness to pay,
stadium size, allure of sponsorship, effective management and marketing to mention a
few (Szymanski & Smith 1997, Frick 2005). Can a financial injection upon a club
enhance that team’s performance?        This is an extremely captivating question,
considering the fact that Chelsea couldn’t compete with Arsenal, Liverpool and
Manchester United before they were taken over by Russian billionaire Roman
Abramovich prior to the 2003/2004 season. Interestingly, Arsenal, Liverpool and
Manchester United all share one common characteristic, their red home kit. Attrill et
al. (2008) undertook a study that suggested football teams with a red kit share a strong
positive correlation with long term success. They warn that ‘the injection of large
sums of money into individual teams, irrespective of shirt colour, may begin to
override any selective advantage that has built up over the last 50 years (p.581).’
Chelsea’s kit is blue, and so is the mood of Williams (2007, p.137) who proposes
billionaire takeovers provide ‘a bleak future for the premiership as a whole.’

       Abramovich doubled Chelsea’s wage bill in his first season, bringing them
closer to FAPL success than ever before, finishing second to Arsenal. Frick (2005,
p.250) argues that in addition to players salaries, ‘head coach remuneration has a
positive and statistically significant influence on a team’s performance.’ A new
manager, whose contract made him the highest paid manger in the world (Burt 2005),
Jose Mourinho, took over in the summer of 2004 and promptly guided his highest
paid FAPL team to two successive FAPL titles, the FA Cup and two League Cups.
Coinciding with this drive towards English football dominance was an ever-advancing

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assault on European CL success (Appendix 1). Wagg (2007, p.447) places this recent
success by virtue of Mourinho’s skill rather than Abramovich’s millions, adding that
in the Premiership ‘there is equality of opportunity and that money cannot buy
success,’ which is nonsense as Chelsea’s recent success has been no coincidence;
looking at the Big Four price for success analysis (Appendix 2), we can see that
Chelsea have paid a much higher price than their competitors for domestic and
European points1. The comparative Big Four success graph (Appendix 3) paints a
clear picture, with Chelsea spending an estimated £406 million more than their rivals
for an equivalent level of success.

         Football clubs spend in an attempt to achieve sporting success, as the financial
rewards continue to prove principal incentives (Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et
al. 2006). If successful, the rewards can be plentiful, but if not, clubs can fall into
serious financial difficulty; this may involve selling top players for a reduced price,
going into administration or selling the club. This scenario has escalated recently
according to Buraimo et al. (2006), who recall the downfall of Leeds and West Ham
United who had to sell their best talent at a reduced rate. The authors also discover a
paradox where FAPL is ever increasing in affluence due to the vast broadcast of
games and the fact that clubs are becoming global brands. These characteristics
combined were the catalyst for the high wage bills of the current climate (Forrest et al.
2006; Noll 2007).          Rosner & Shropshire (2004) identify a spiral effect where
escalating salary costs increase as a result of the precedent set by the previous season.
As we see by comparing recent FAPL total wage bills (Appendix 4), a coefficient (R²)
of 0.85 shows a strong positive correlation that the total wage expenditure in the
FAPL increases each season. According to Deloitte (2008), the wage total for the
2007/08 Premier League season was £1.1 billion2. Unlike the majority of American
sports, football is a free market where teams can offer whatever they can afford;
according to Hall et al. (2002), ‘teams compete in the market for playing talent,
bidding up salaries to the point where wages equal marginal revenue products,
therefore total payroll is a perfect predictor of performance.’ We will look at points
as a measure of team’s performance, despite Simmons & Forrest (2004, p.128)
suggesting that ‘teams in a league competition are probably less concerned with

  Using the familiar point system, 3 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a defeat, in the knockout stages of the
CL, this analysis became more accurate.
  Estimated with the average exchange rate for the year on €1.4 billion

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points ratio than their relative standing.’ It is an obvious theory that the more points a
team has the higher their relative standing; with an R² of 0.89 (Appendix 5), this
relationship is nearly perfect and is therefore an ideal measurement of performance.

        Barros & Garcia-del-Barrio (2008, p.26) summarise an extensive range of
literature (Hall et al. 2002; Rosner & Shropshire 2004; Simmons & Forrest 2004;
Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et al. 2006; Togler & Schmidt 2007) suggesting
‘investment made in players is positively correlated to points scored on the pitch.’
Looking at the FAPL between the 2000/01 and 2006/07 seasons, a coefficient of 0.58
was identified (Appendix 6), showing the significant positive relationship between
individual annual team wage bills and the level of seasonal points they accrued. It is
possible however to eliminate time from the equation to strengthen the analysis
further. A seven year time span can see a huge difference in the value of money, thus
using a relative wage system, where the season’s average wage is taken from each
team’s wage bill, the relationship is further reinforced with a coefficient 0.63
(Appendix 7). This reinforces the wide array of literature suggesting higher wage
spend will yield better performance. Incidentally the PKF Football Finance Annual
Report 2008 shows that 59% of FAPL club financial directors would be budgeting to
spend more on the first team salaries, with 66% saying they would be reducing the
first team squad to do so; perhaps their optimal FAPL team would sacrifice squad
depth for richer quality which could possibly have an adverse effect. The theory
suggests that performance and wage bill are very highly correlated (Szymanski &
Smith 1997), yet not perfect ‘due to factors such as managerial talent, injuries, luck or
poor judgement (Hall et al. 2002, p.157).’ Team cohesion and homesickness may
also affect individual performances, which according to Torgler & Schmidt (2007),
are significantly related to salary.

        Tunaru et al. (2004, p.284) suggest that a football team striving for success in
domestic and European competition ‘must employ the best, and inevitably, the most
expensive players’; thus the most affluent clubs will command a greater level of
playing talent (Szymanski & Smith 1997).           Looking at the recent Professional
Footballer’s Association Player of the Year award, we can see the best players play
for the top four placed teams each year, coincidentally the highest paid as well
(Appendix 8). With regard to the employment of the best playing talent, net transfer

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activity must be taken into account.       Comparing the transfer spend with the
performance of the thirteen teams that remained in the premiership throughout a five
year observation period (2002/03 – 2006/07), a significant relationship of 0.5 can be
seen (Appendix 9). This relationship would be a lot stronger if Chelsea hadn’t spent
erratically in the transfer market, three times more in fact than the next highest
spending team. Investment in player talent alone will not guarantee success according
to Frick & Simmons (2005, p.16), who suggest that an increase in wages and transfer
spending needs to be ‘accompanied by some investment in coaching talent if teams
are to progress up the league.’ In a detrimental effect on the league, larger market
teams will preside over smaller teams as they can afford to hire more talent, be it
playing or managerial (Simmons & Forrest 2004).

       Wage disparity is damaging the competitiveness of the FAPL, with a widening
gap between the big four and the rest (Michie & Oughton 2005; Buraimo et al. 2006);
Rosner & Shropshire (2004, p.9) picture it as ‘the division between the haves and the
have nots.’ A successful league campaign and subsequent European expedition will
bring increased revenue to a club enabling the potential capture of more and better
playing talent, to help ensure future successes. Conversely, usually the financially
weaker teams that aren’t performing well get relegated, which can be economically
devastating to the club who will have to make substantial losses to survive (Michie &
Oughton 2005; Buraimo et al. 2006); Simmons & Forrest (2004) recommend that
teams with high relegation risk should spend to survive. Buraimo et al. (2007, p.204)
add to the already identified relationship between pay and performance, confirming
that ‘teams with higher revenues will have higher league positions or winning
percentages than teams with smaller revenues.’ Every year the inequality of
expenditure is increasing, shown in a wage dispersion box plot (Appendix 10). This
system shows the level of imbalance there is through dispersion and skew.          A
common characteristic through the seasons was the majority of teams sitting below
£45 million per year, which coincided with an unfair rapid increase of wages between
the top tier and the bottom. The highest paid team was paying an estimated 3.5 times
as much as the lowest paid team in the 2000/2001 season opposed to an incredible 7.5
times in 2006/2007. The FAPL is the worlds most popular soccer league, however
Wagg (2008) points out that the competition is beginning to lack credibility as the
potential champions are too easily predicted.

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       Using the C5 index of competitive balance derived by Michie & Oughton
(2004), we can analyse if the FAPL is in fact competitively imbalanced. The C5
index is gained by dividing the top five teams’ net total of points by the total number
of points won by all clubs. In a perfectly balanced league of 20 teams, the C5 ratio
should equal 0.25, therefore anything greater than this shows the level of competitive
disproportion. The FAPL has an average C5 index of 0.35 between the 2000/01 and
2006/07 seasons highlighting the constant inequality. Given the link between pay and
performance alongside the widening gap between the top and bottom teams, it is
obvious to see why the contest is imbalanced. Research suggests that this competitive
discrepancy could deteriorate the level of FAPL broadcasting as consumers want to
see more competition and uncertainty of outcome (Forrest et al. 2006; Noll 2007).
Kesenne (2007, p.11) argues that ‘fans don’t like to see the same clubs on top year
after year;’ this author regards competitive imbalance to reduce fan interest.
However, to explain the global popularity of the league, the ‘competitiveness of the
weaker teams is crucial to maintain the uncertainty of game outcomes (Rosner &
Shropshire 2004, p.57).’

       Thus the FAPL remains balanced when the big four are removed from the
equation, and even when they aren’t, Andreff & Szymanski (2006, p.597) suggest the
‘realisation of the completely unexpected can generate enormous satisfaction.’ On the
contrary, competition between the big four is also fierce with unbelievable
competitive balance where bookmakers usually give very small odds as they are so
uncertain of the outcome. It is this uncertainty of outcome which maintains consumer
interest according to Rosner & Shropshire (2004). One of the best feasible measures
to determine fan interest level is through attendance figures. Whilst the FAPL’s
average attendance also gradually increased throughout the seven year period, a
considerable relationship of 0.33 was seen between attendance figures and
performance (Appendix 12). Therefore the consumer interest remains high despite
this imbalance with fans increasing in attendance watching teams achieving more
success (Forrest & Simmons 2002). However, Noll (2007, p.419) warns that ‘the
centralization of the sale of television rights in leagues will cause increasing harm to
consumers by restricting choice and raising prices.’ The twenty teams that form the
FAPL must remain independent sporting clubs with respect to their sporting

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performances, yet also form economic allies to sustain and enhance consumer welfare
(Flynn & Gilbert 2001; Rosner & Shropshire 2004); in addition, Buraimo et al. (2006)
argue that a financial disaster for one team could weaken the league as a whole.

       To summarise, this study has strengthened the recent array of recent literature
highlighting the link between pay and performance. A significant relationship of 0.63
helped prove the assumption that ‘greater spending on talent will indeed translate to
higher win percent (Simmons & Forrest 2004, p.123).’ Thus teams in the FAPL can
buy success to a relatively large extent; considering that the theory isn’t perfect due to
external factors such as injuries and poor form, the PKF Football Finance Annual
Report 2008 suggests performance related pay is the way forward for teams looking
to focus their financial resources on the best players. 54% of FAPL clubs in the
current 2008/2009 season are making 10-25% of players pay dependant on
performance. However, such a system will evidently create a competitive imbalance
between the richer and poorer teams (Hall et al. 2002; Michie & Oughton 2004;
Szymanski 2007). However, given the attendance figures we can see that buying
success in the FAPL fails to affect consumers’ welfare negatively with fans inclined
to increase in attendance as their team gets more successful. Michie & Oughton
(2004) suggest that applying best practice across each teams’ business strategy,
marketing, financial management and corporate governance ‘would help to boost the
income of lagging clubs and close the revenue gap.’

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            Appendix 1 – Chelsea’s Champions League Progression (Various Seasons)

                       Owner        Season     Chelsea’s Champions League Progression
                     Ken Bates      1998/99                 Didn’t Qualify
                     Ken Bates      1999/00                 Quarter Final
                     Ken Bates      2000/01                 Didn’t Qualify
                     Ken Bates      2001/02                 Didn’t Qualify
                     Ken Bates      2002/03                 Didn’t Qualify
                     Abramovich     2003/04                  Semi Final
                     Abramovich     2004/05                  Semi Final
                     Abramovich     2005/06                 Quarter Final
                     Abramovich     2006/07                  Semi Final
                     Abramovich     2007/08                     Final

                           Appendix 2 – The Big Four: Price for Success Analysis

            Season                  2002/03        2003/04         2004/05         2005/06          2006/07
            Wages                     60,569,000      69,889,000      66,012,000      82,965,000       89,700,000
            Transfers                 16,762,000      12,188,000       8,736,000      11,793,000        8,009,000
Arsenal     Total Money               77,331,000      82,077,000      74,748,000      94,758,000       97,709,000
            League Points                     78             90              83                67             68
            Cup Points                        10             13              10                25             11
            Total Points                      88             103             93                92             79
            Money Per Point             £878,761        £796,864        £803,742      £1,029,978       £1,236,823

            Season                  2002/03        2003/04         2004/05         2005/06          2006/07
            Wages                     54,365,000     114,784,000     108,887,000     114,002,000      132,800,000
            Transfers                   -354,000     131,049,000     126,724,000      85,425,000       11,740,000
Chelsea     Total Money               54,011,000     245,833,000     235,611,000     199,427,000      144,540,000
            League Points                     67             79              95                91             83
            Cup Points                        0              19              19                11             19
            Total Points                      67             98              114              102             102
            Money Per Point             £806,134      £2,508,500      £2,066,763      £1,955,167       £1,417,059

            Season                  2002/03        2003/04         2004/05         2005/06          2006/07
            Wages                     54,431,000      65,635,000      64,233,000      68,868,000       92,300,000
            Transfers                 15,981,000       3,324,000      20,157,000      28,212,000       46,173,000
Liverpool   Total Money               70,412,000      68,959,000      84,390,000      97,080,000      138,473,000
            League Points                     64             60              58                82             68
            Cup Points                        8               0              22                12             22

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                                               Total Points                          72                  60               80                94                               90
                                               Money Per Point                 £977,944         £1,149,317         £1,054,875       £1,032,766         £1,538,589

                                               Season                      2002/03         2003/04            2004/05           2005/06             2006/07
                                               Wages                         79,517,000         76,874,000         77,010,000       85,389,000         77,600,000
                                               Transfers                      7,861,000         28,804,000         -2,651,000       32,551,000         10,587,000
Manchester                                     Total Money                   87,378,000        105,678,000         74,359,000      117,940,000         88,187,000
                                               League Points                         83                  75               77                83                               89
                                               Cup Points                            15                  15               11                    6                            18
                                               Total Points                          98                  90               88                89                          107
                                               Money Per Point                 £891,612         £1,174,200           £844,989       £1,325,169           £824,178

                                                                        Appendix 3 – Buying Success: The Big Four

                                                                              Buying Success - The Big Four

                                    1,000,000,000                                                                                                       600

                                     900,000,000                                                     Expenditure
                                                                                                     Points Achieved                                    500
 Expenditure (Wage & Transfers)


                                                                                                                                                              Points (Premiership and

                                                                                                                                                               Champions League)

                                     500,000,000                                                                                                        300



                                               0                                                                                                        0
                                                              Arsenal                Chelsea                  Liverpool         Manchester United

                                                           Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 – 2007, Champions League
                                                                2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007)

                                                                Appendix 4 -Recent Increase of FAPL Wages Graph

                                                                          Recent Increase of FAPL Wages

     Annual FAPL Wages (Millions)


                                                                                                                                          R = 0.8524
                                                                                                                                 y = 53.12x - 105656

                                          2000                2001            2002          2003              2004          2005
                                                                                                                                            Page No. 9
                                                                                                                                           2006      2007
                                                                                          Annual FAPL Seasons
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                                                     Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual
                                                               Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007)

                                           Appendix 5 - Points and Performance Relationship Graph

                                            FAPL Points and Performance Relationship

Position in League

                                                                                                                    R = 0.8917
                                 0    10            20          30         40         50           60       70            80        90        100
                                                                         League Points Accrued

                                                             Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League)

                                           Appendix 6 - FAPL Wage Performance Relationship Graph

                                                    FAPL Wage Performance Relationship (2000-2007)


   League Points Accrued


                                                                                                        y = 6E-07x + 30.833
                                                                                                            R2 = 0.5826


                            0                                                                                                   Page No. 10
                                 £0   £20,000,000        £40,000,000   £60,000,000   £80,000,000    £100,000,000   £120,000,000    £140,000,000
                                                                         Annual Wage (Millions)
MA Sports Management                                                                                Philip Barnes

                            Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte
                                                                          2000 - 2007)

                                               Appendix 7 – FAPL Relative Wage Performance Graph

                                               FAPL Relative Wage Performance Relationship


    Performance (Points)



                                                                  40                                                2
                                                                                                                   R = 0.6284
                                                                                                                y = 6E-07x + 52.121

                           -£60,000, -£40,000, -£20,000,               £0        £20,000, £40,000, £60,000, £80,000, £100,000
                              000       000       000                              000      000      000      000      ,000
                                                                            Relative Wage

                            Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte
                                                                          2000 - 2007)

                            Appendix 8 – The Performance of Teams with Award Winning High Wage Players

                                                  2000/01         2001/02          2002/03        2003/04         2004/05           2005/06       2006/07
                PFA Player of the Year          T.Sheringham    R.V.Nistelrooy      T.Henry         T.Henry             J.Terry     S.Gerrard     C.Ronaldo
                                      Team          Man Utd            Man Utd       Arsenal         Arsenal         Chelsea        Liverpool       Man Utd
                            Team's Wage Bill      50,002,000       69,999,000     60,569,000      69,889,000     108,887,000       68,868,000     92,300,000
   Team's Position in League                                1                3               2              1                1                3             1

PFA Young Player of the Year                       S.Gerrard        C.Bellamy        J.Jenas        S.Parker      W.Rooney         W.Rooney       C.Ronaldo
                                      Team         Liverpool        Newcastle      Newcastle         Chelsea        Man Utd          Man Utd        Man Utd
                            Team's Wage Bill      48,880,000       32,055,000     45,195,000     114,784,000      77,010,000       85,389,000     92,300,000
   Team's Position in League                                3                4               3              2                3                2             1

                                                       Data Source: Professional Footballer’s Association 2008

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                                                  Appendix 9 – Net Transfer Activity Affecting Performance

                                                    Player Spending and Performance (Five Year Period)


                                                                                                    R = 0.5019

                          Net Points



                                             0    50,000,0 100,000, 150,000, 200,000, 250,000, 300,000, 350,000, 400,000,
                                                     00      000      000      000      000      000      000      000
                                                                     Net Transfer Activity (£)

                        Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte
                                                                      2002 - 2007)

                                                         Appendix 10 – Wage Dispersion Box Plot
                                                   FAPL Wage Dispersion Box Plot [2000 to 2007]



Club Wages (Millions)





                                                                                                                     Page No. 12
                                        2000/01        2001/02     2002/03      2003/04          2004/05      2005/06        2006/07
                                                                         Annual FAPL Seasons
MA Sports Management                                                                                  Philip Barnes

                               Data Source: Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2002 - 2007)

                                Appendix 11 – Seasonal Wage Comparison Graph

                                                                                    Coefficient of Pay
                          Season       Mean Wage         Standard Deviation         and Performance
                          2000/01         28.3998                11.646873                   0.486519
                          2001/02         34.2090                14.943004                   0.779042
                          2002/03         38.0396                15.732267                   0.533733
                          2003/04         40.5737                23.088258                   0.617164
                          2004/05         38.3837                22.551997                   0.741742
                          2005/06         41.0479                25.421491                   0.708655
                          2006/07         48.5150                27.912529                   0.668845

                             Data Source: Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007)

                            Appendix 12 – Club Performance and Consumer Welfare

                                      Performance and Consumer Welfare
                                                                          R2 = 0.3291







                      0       10        20       30        40        50        60       70           80       90     100
                                                         Points (Performance)

             Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte
                                                           2000 - 2007)

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Buying Success in the English Premier League

  • 1. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Sports Economics An Analysis of the Ability to Buy Success in the English Football Association Premier League and the Subsequent Implications on Consumer Welfare ‘The professional game has consistently rebutted the notion that success can be built, crafted or coerced out of anything other than a significant heft in the transfer market. Under Abramovich Chelsea spent £150m on players and abruptly won the league for the first time in 50 years. Manchester United (valued at just over £900m), Arsenal (£600m) and Chelsea (£384m) are among the top eight richest clubs in the world. Between them they've won the last 13 Premier League titles.’ Ronay (2008, p.1) Out of the top 25 richest clubs in the world, 10 are from the English Football Association Premier League (FAPL). That is two fifths of the world’s richest football clubs that ply their trade in the Premiership. In addition to the observation by Ronay, Liverpool are also among the top eight, thus it is clear to see why these four clubs, Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool, have gained the reputation as the ‘Big Four.’ Is it possible for other clubs in the league to dislodge one of these teams or become successful enough to create the hypothetical ‘Big Five?’ On the contrary, does a glass ceiling exist where teams’ advancements are limited by financial power? Competitive balance must surely be a foregone conclusion between the Big Four and the rest of the FAPL. Between the 2000/01 and 2007/08 seasons; the Big Four came in the top four league positions 28 times out of a possible 32, won 69% of domestic cups (FA and League Cup) and claimed the prestigious UEFA Champions League (CL) twice. This dominance, domestically, is in part ‘shaped by assumed annual returns from lucrative European club soccer competition (Williams 2007, p.139).’ It appears that the Big Four have been entered into a vicious circle, where sporting success yields financial rewards, allowing the club to invest to ensure further successes in the future (Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et al. 2006). This article will examine the extent to which teams in the FAPL are buying success. Can a winning team be purchased? One of the most interesting questions in soccer, where players’ salaries are relatively high, is whether salary structures and player performance are correlated (Torgler & Schmidt 2007, p.2355). A host of authors suggest so, identifying a strong positive correlation between pay and performance (Szymanski & Smith 1997; Hall et al. 2002; Rosner & Shropshire 2004; Buraimo et al. 2007; Barros & Garcia-del-Barrio 2008). To add to this intriguing range of Page No. 1
  • 2. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes literature, this study will also look at wage disparity, its consequent competitive imbalance and the implication of subsequent ‘bought successes’ on consumer welfare. Sporting success is an individual entity with different meanings for different teams; for example, to recently promoted teams, the interpretation of success is maintaining FAPL status for the following year. To the Big Four, success is the FAPL title and competing for the CL, whilst mid table teams’ aim for entry to the less important but still financially resourceful UEFA Cup. As Downward & Dawson (2000) identify, the Big Four may contest the championship whereas many stand no hope in even competing. In the FAPL, it appears that the more affluent clubs gain the most success. Differences in teams’ prosperity originate from an array of characteristics including their history, demand for tickets with willingness to pay, stadium size, allure of sponsorship, effective management and marketing to mention a few (Szymanski & Smith 1997, Frick 2005). Can a financial injection upon a club enhance that team’s performance? This is an extremely captivating question, considering the fact that Chelsea couldn’t compete with Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United before they were taken over by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich prior to the 2003/2004 season. Interestingly, Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United all share one common characteristic, their red home kit. Attrill et al. (2008) undertook a study that suggested football teams with a red kit share a strong positive correlation with long term success. They warn that ‘the injection of large sums of money into individual teams, irrespective of shirt colour, may begin to override any selective advantage that has built up over the last 50 years (p.581).’ Chelsea’s kit is blue, and so is the mood of Williams (2007, p.137) who proposes billionaire takeovers provide ‘a bleak future for the premiership as a whole.’ Abramovich doubled Chelsea’s wage bill in his first season, bringing them closer to FAPL success than ever before, finishing second to Arsenal. Frick (2005, p.250) argues that in addition to players salaries, ‘head coach remuneration has a positive and statistically significant influence on a team’s performance.’ A new manager, whose contract made him the highest paid manger in the world (Burt 2005), Jose Mourinho, took over in the summer of 2004 and promptly guided his highest paid FAPL team to two successive FAPL titles, the FA Cup and two League Cups. Coinciding with this drive towards English football dominance was an ever-advancing Page No. 2
  • 3. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes assault on European CL success (Appendix 1). Wagg (2007, p.447) places this recent success by virtue of Mourinho’s skill rather than Abramovich’s millions, adding that in the Premiership ‘there is equality of opportunity and that money cannot buy success,’ which is nonsense as Chelsea’s recent success has been no coincidence; looking at the Big Four price for success analysis (Appendix 2), we can see that Chelsea have paid a much higher price than their competitors for domestic and European points1. The comparative Big Four success graph (Appendix 3) paints a clear picture, with Chelsea spending an estimated £406 million more than their rivals for an equivalent level of success. Football clubs spend in an attempt to achieve sporting success, as the financial rewards continue to prove principal incentives (Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et al. 2006). If successful, the rewards can be plentiful, but if not, clubs can fall into serious financial difficulty; this may involve selling top players for a reduced price, going into administration or selling the club. This scenario has escalated recently according to Buraimo et al. (2006), who recall the downfall of Leeds and West Ham United who had to sell their best talent at a reduced rate. The authors also discover a paradox where FAPL is ever increasing in affluence due to the vast broadcast of games and the fact that clubs are becoming global brands. These characteristics combined were the catalyst for the high wage bills of the current climate (Forrest et al. 2006; Noll 2007). Rosner & Shropshire (2004) identify a spiral effect where escalating salary costs increase as a result of the precedent set by the previous season. As we see by comparing recent FAPL total wage bills (Appendix 4), a coefficient (R²) of 0.85 shows a strong positive correlation that the total wage expenditure in the FAPL increases each season. According to Deloitte (2008), the wage total for the 2007/08 Premier League season was £1.1 billion2. Unlike the majority of American sports, football is a free market where teams can offer whatever they can afford; according to Hall et al. (2002), ‘teams compete in the market for playing talent, bidding up salaries to the point where wages equal marginal revenue products, therefore total payroll is a perfect predictor of performance.’ We will look at points as a measure of team’s performance, despite Simmons & Forrest (2004, p.128) suggesting that ‘teams in a league competition are probably less concerned with 1 Using the familiar point system, 3 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a defeat, in the knockout stages of the CL, this analysis became more accurate. 2 Estimated with the average exchange rate for the year on €1.4 billion Page No. 3
  • 4. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes points ratio than their relative standing.’ It is an obvious theory that the more points a team has the higher their relative standing; with an R² of 0.89 (Appendix 5), this relationship is nearly perfect and is therefore an ideal measurement of performance. Barros & Garcia-del-Barrio (2008, p.26) summarise an extensive range of literature (Hall et al. 2002; Rosner & Shropshire 2004; Simmons & Forrest 2004; Michie & Oughton 2004; Buraimo et al. 2006; Togler & Schmidt 2007) suggesting ‘investment made in players is positively correlated to points scored on the pitch.’ Looking at the FAPL between the 2000/01 and 2006/07 seasons, a coefficient of 0.58 was identified (Appendix 6), showing the significant positive relationship between individual annual team wage bills and the level of seasonal points they accrued. It is possible however to eliminate time from the equation to strengthen the analysis further. A seven year time span can see a huge difference in the value of money, thus using a relative wage system, where the season’s average wage is taken from each team’s wage bill, the relationship is further reinforced with a coefficient 0.63 (Appendix 7). This reinforces the wide array of literature suggesting higher wage spend will yield better performance. Incidentally the PKF Football Finance Annual Report 2008 shows that 59% of FAPL club financial directors would be budgeting to spend more on the first team salaries, with 66% saying they would be reducing the first team squad to do so; perhaps their optimal FAPL team would sacrifice squad depth for richer quality which could possibly have an adverse effect. The theory suggests that performance and wage bill are very highly correlated (Szymanski & Smith 1997), yet not perfect ‘due to factors such as managerial talent, injuries, luck or poor judgement (Hall et al. 2002, p.157).’ Team cohesion and homesickness may also affect individual performances, which according to Torgler & Schmidt (2007), are significantly related to salary. Tunaru et al. (2004, p.284) suggest that a football team striving for success in domestic and European competition ‘must employ the best, and inevitably, the most expensive players’; thus the most affluent clubs will command a greater level of playing talent (Szymanski & Smith 1997). Looking at the recent Professional Footballer’s Association Player of the Year award, we can see the best players play for the top four placed teams each year, coincidentally the highest paid as well (Appendix 8). With regard to the employment of the best playing talent, net transfer Page No. 4
  • 5. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes activity must be taken into account. Comparing the transfer spend with the performance of the thirteen teams that remained in the premiership throughout a five year observation period (2002/03 – 2006/07), a significant relationship of 0.5 can be seen (Appendix 9). This relationship would be a lot stronger if Chelsea hadn’t spent erratically in the transfer market, three times more in fact than the next highest spending team. Investment in player talent alone will not guarantee success according to Frick & Simmons (2005, p.16), who suggest that an increase in wages and transfer spending needs to be ‘accompanied by some investment in coaching talent if teams are to progress up the league.’ In a detrimental effect on the league, larger market teams will preside over smaller teams as they can afford to hire more talent, be it playing or managerial (Simmons & Forrest 2004). Wage disparity is damaging the competitiveness of the FAPL, with a widening gap between the big four and the rest (Michie & Oughton 2005; Buraimo et al. 2006); Rosner & Shropshire (2004, p.9) picture it as ‘the division between the haves and the have nots.’ A successful league campaign and subsequent European expedition will bring increased revenue to a club enabling the potential capture of more and better playing talent, to help ensure future successes. Conversely, usually the financially weaker teams that aren’t performing well get relegated, which can be economically devastating to the club who will have to make substantial losses to survive (Michie & Oughton 2005; Buraimo et al. 2006); Simmons & Forrest (2004) recommend that teams with high relegation risk should spend to survive. Buraimo et al. (2007, p.204) add to the already identified relationship between pay and performance, confirming that ‘teams with higher revenues will have higher league positions or winning percentages than teams with smaller revenues.’ Every year the inequality of expenditure is increasing, shown in a wage dispersion box plot (Appendix 10). This system shows the level of imbalance there is through dispersion and skew. A common characteristic through the seasons was the majority of teams sitting below £45 million per year, which coincided with an unfair rapid increase of wages between the top tier and the bottom. The highest paid team was paying an estimated 3.5 times as much as the lowest paid team in the 2000/2001 season opposed to an incredible 7.5 times in 2006/2007. The FAPL is the worlds most popular soccer league, however Wagg (2008) points out that the competition is beginning to lack credibility as the potential champions are too easily predicted. Page No. 5
  • 6. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Using the C5 index of competitive balance derived by Michie & Oughton (2004), we can analyse if the FAPL is in fact competitively imbalanced. The C5 index is gained by dividing the top five teams’ net total of points by the total number of points won by all clubs. In a perfectly balanced league of 20 teams, the C5 ratio should equal 0.25, therefore anything greater than this shows the level of competitive disproportion. The FAPL has an average C5 index of 0.35 between the 2000/01 and 2006/07 seasons highlighting the constant inequality. Given the link between pay and performance alongside the widening gap between the top and bottom teams, it is obvious to see why the contest is imbalanced. Research suggests that this competitive discrepancy could deteriorate the level of FAPL broadcasting as consumers want to see more competition and uncertainty of outcome (Forrest et al. 2006; Noll 2007). Kesenne (2007, p.11) argues that ‘fans don’t like to see the same clubs on top year after year;’ this author regards competitive imbalance to reduce fan interest. However, to explain the global popularity of the league, the ‘competitiveness of the weaker teams is crucial to maintain the uncertainty of game outcomes (Rosner & Shropshire 2004, p.57).’ Thus the FAPL remains balanced when the big four are removed from the equation, and even when they aren’t, Andreff & Szymanski (2006, p.597) suggest the ‘realisation of the completely unexpected can generate enormous satisfaction.’ On the contrary, competition between the big four is also fierce with unbelievable competitive balance where bookmakers usually give very small odds as they are so uncertain of the outcome. It is this uncertainty of outcome which maintains consumer interest according to Rosner & Shropshire (2004). One of the best feasible measures to determine fan interest level is through attendance figures. Whilst the FAPL’s average attendance also gradually increased throughout the seven year period, a considerable relationship of 0.33 was seen between attendance figures and performance (Appendix 12). Therefore the consumer interest remains high despite this imbalance with fans increasing in attendance watching teams achieving more success (Forrest & Simmons 2002). However, Noll (2007, p.419) warns that ‘the centralization of the sale of television rights in leagues will cause increasing harm to consumers by restricting choice and raising prices.’ The twenty teams that form the FAPL must remain independent sporting clubs with respect to their sporting Page No. 6
  • 7. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes performances, yet also form economic allies to sustain and enhance consumer welfare (Flynn & Gilbert 2001; Rosner & Shropshire 2004); in addition, Buraimo et al. (2006) argue that a financial disaster for one team could weaken the league as a whole. To summarise, this study has strengthened the recent array of recent literature highlighting the link between pay and performance. A significant relationship of 0.63 helped prove the assumption that ‘greater spending on talent will indeed translate to higher win percent (Simmons & Forrest 2004, p.123).’ Thus teams in the FAPL can buy success to a relatively large extent; considering that the theory isn’t perfect due to external factors such as injuries and poor form, the PKF Football Finance Annual Report 2008 suggests performance related pay is the way forward for teams looking to focus their financial resources on the best players. 54% of FAPL clubs in the current 2008/2009 season are making 10-25% of players pay dependant on performance. However, such a system will evidently create a competitive imbalance between the richer and poorer teams (Hall et al. 2002; Michie & Oughton 2004; Szymanski 2007). However, given the attendance figures we can see that buying success in the FAPL fails to affect consumers’ welfare negatively with fans inclined to increase in attendance as their team gets more successful. Michie & Oughton (2004) suggest that applying best practice across each teams’ business strategy, marketing, financial management and corporate governance ‘would help to boost the income of lagging clubs and close the revenue gap.’ Page No. 7
  • 8. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Appendix Appendix 1 – Chelsea’s Champions League Progression (Various Seasons) Owner Season Chelsea’s Champions League Progression Ken Bates 1998/99 Didn’t Qualify Ken Bates 1999/00 Quarter Final Ken Bates 2000/01 Didn’t Qualify Ken Bates 2001/02 Didn’t Qualify Ken Bates 2002/03 Didn’t Qualify Abramovich 2003/04 Semi Final Abramovich 2004/05 Semi Final Abramovich 2005/06 Quarter Final Abramovich 2006/07 Semi Final Abramovich 2007/08 Final Appendix 2 – The Big Four: Price for Success Analysis Season 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Wages 60,569,000 69,889,000 66,012,000 82,965,000 89,700,000 Transfers 16,762,000 12,188,000 8,736,000 11,793,000 8,009,000 Arsenal Total Money 77,331,000 82,077,000 74,748,000 94,758,000 97,709,000 League Points 78 90 83 67 68 Cup Points 10 13 10 25 11 Total Points 88 103 93 92 79 Money Per Point £878,761 £796,864 £803,742 £1,029,978 £1,236,823 Season 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Wages 54,365,000 114,784,000 108,887,000 114,002,000 132,800,000 Transfers -354,000 131,049,000 126,724,000 85,425,000 11,740,000 Chelsea Total Money 54,011,000 245,833,000 235,611,000 199,427,000 144,540,000 League Points 67 79 95 91 83 Cup Points 0 19 19 11 19 Total Points 67 98 114 102 102 Money Per Point £806,134 £2,508,500 £2,066,763 £1,955,167 £1,417,059 Season 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Wages 54,431,000 65,635,000 64,233,000 68,868,000 92,300,000 Transfers 15,981,000 3,324,000 20,157,000 28,212,000 46,173,000 Liverpool Total Money 70,412,000 68,959,000 84,390,000 97,080,000 138,473,000 League Points 64 60 58 82 68 Cup Points 8 0 22 12 22 Page No. 8
  • 9. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Total Points 72 60 80 94 90 Money Per Point £977,944 £1,149,317 £1,054,875 £1,032,766 £1,538,589 Season 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Wages 79,517,000 76,874,000 77,010,000 85,389,000 77,600,000 Transfers 7,861,000 28,804,000 -2,651,000 32,551,000 10,587,000 Manchester Total Money 87,378,000 105,678,000 74,359,000 117,940,000 88,187,000 League Points 83 75 77 83 89 Cup Points 15 15 11 6 18 Total Points 98 90 88 89 107 Money Per Point £891,612 £1,174,200 £844,989 £1,325,169 £824,178 Appendix 3 – Buying Success: The Big Four Buying Success - The Big Four 1,000,000,000 600 900,000,000 Expenditure Points Achieved 500 Expenditure (Wage & Transfers) 800,000,000 Points (Premiership and 700,000,000 Champions League) 400 600,000,000 500,000,000 300 400,000,000 200 300,000,000 200,000,000 100 100,000,000 0 0 Arsenal Chelsea Liverpool Manchester United Team Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 – 2007, Champions League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Appendix 4 -Recent Increase of FAPL Wages Graph Recent Increase of FAPL Wages £1,000 Annual FAPL Wages (Millions) £900 £800 2 R = 0.8524 £700 y = 53.12x - 105656 £600 £500 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Page No. 9 2006 2007 Annual FAPL Seasons
  • 10. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Appendix 5 - Points and Performance Relationship Graph FAPL Points and Performance Relationship 20 18 16 14 Position in League 2 R = 0.8917 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 League Points Accrued Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League) Appendix 6 - FAPL Wage Performance Relationship Graph FAPL Wage Performance Relationship (2000-2007) 120 100 League Points Accrued 80 60 y = 6E-07x + 30.833 R2 = 0.5826 40 20 0 Page No. 10 £0 £20,000,000 £40,000,000 £60,000,000 £80,000,000 £100,000,000 £120,000,000 £140,000,000 Annual Wage (Millions)
  • 11. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Appendix 7 – FAPL Relative Wage Performance Graph FAPL Relative Wage Performance Relationship 120 100 Performance (Points) 80 60 40 2 R = 0.6284 y = 6E-07x + 52.121 20 0 -£60,000, -£40,000, -£20,000, £0 £20,000, £40,000, £60,000, £80,000, £100,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ,000 Relative Wage Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Appendix 8 – The Performance of Teams with Award Winning High Wage Players 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 PFA Player of the Year T.Sheringham R.V.Nistelrooy T.Henry T.Henry J.Terry S.Gerrard C.Ronaldo Team Man Utd Man Utd Arsenal Arsenal Chelsea Liverpool Man Utd Team's Wage Bill 50,002,000 69,999,000 60,569,000 69,889,000 108,887,000 68,868,000 92,300,000 Team's Position in League 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 PFA Young Player of the Year S.Gerrard C.Bellamy J.Jenas S.Parker W.Rooney W.Rooney C.Ronaldo Team Liverpool Newcastle Newcastle Chelsea Man Utd Man Utd Man Utd Team's Wage Bill 48,880,000 32,055,000 45,195,000 114,784,000 77,010,000 85,389,000 92,300,000 Team's Position in League 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 Data Source: Professional Footballer’s Association 2008 Page No. 11
  • 12. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Appendix 9 – Net Transfer Activity Affecting Performance Player Spending and Performance (Five Year Period) 450 400 2 R = 0.5019 350 Net Points 300 250 200 0 50,000,0 100,000, 150,000, 200,000, 250,000, 300,000, 350,000, 400,000, 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Net Transfer Activity (£) Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2002 - 2007) Appendix 10 – Wage Dispersion Box Plot FAPL Wage Dispersion Box Plot [2000 to 2007] 140 120 100 Club Wages (Millions) 80 60 40 20 0 Page No. 12 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Annual FAPL Seasons
  • 13. MA Sports Management Philip Barnes Data Source: Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2002 - 2007) Appendix 11 – Seasonal Wage Comparison Graph Coefficient of Pay Season Mean Wage Standard Deviation and Performance 2000/01 28.3998 11.646873 0.486519 2001/02 34.2090 14.943004 0.779042 2002/03 38.0396 15.732267 0.533733 2003/04 40.5737 23.088258 0.617164 2004/05 38.3837 22.551997 0.741742 2005/06 41.0479 25.421491 0.708655 2006/07 48.5150 27.912529 0.668845 Data Source: Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Appendix 12 – Club Performance and Consumer Welfare Performance and Consumer Welfare 80000 R2 = 0.3291 70000 60000 50000 Attendance 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Points (Performance) Data Source: Past Seasons Tables (Premier League 2000 - 2007), Annual Review of Football Finance (Deloitte 2000 - 2007) Page No. 13
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