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Miami, San Antonio, Denver, Los Angeles

                                          Connections                       PASSION - INNOVATION - CREATIVITY

                Brandthread is the alternative to business-as-usual old guard global agencies. We don’t try to solve
                unique problems with boilerplate answers. We have guts to be great thinkers and deliver results. We
                practice what we preach, our founders left the safe large agency fold to forge our own brand. The
                result is a nimble, independently minded strategic agency that embraces change and innovation over
                doing things the way they’ve always been done. We are committed to help our clients drive brand
                success through - Passion, Innovation and Creativity.
INDEX                      Inside this issue

      Overview                                                        1.1
      Brandthread                                                     1.2
      Services                                                        1.3
      Leadership                                                      1.4
      Current Clients                                                 2.1
      Strategic Brand Planning                                        3.1
      What Sets Us Apart                                              4.1
      Public Relations Capabilities                                   5.1
      Creative Sampler                                                6.1

                                      Names and Titles of Principals:
         Published By:                John Doscher, Director/CSO
1.1      Agency:
                                      Cory Matthews, VP Creative Director
                                      Ed Irons, Director/Media Services
         Brandthread, Inc.            Claudia Zabka, Director of Creative Services
                                      Diana Nagles Director/Account Services
O        HQ Address:                  Marielise García, Director/Public Relations
V        10110 USA Today Way
E                                     Offices and Facts:
         Miramar, FL 3302
R                                     Miami/Los Angeles/San Antonio/Denver/Puerto Rico
         Phone: 954.294.2841
V                                     Member of the ComVort Global Agency Network
         Fax: 954.337.2348
I                                     Ranked top 1/3 of U.S. Advertising Agencies / AdAge 2009
W                                     Key Agency Contact :   John Doscher

Brandthread is a full service global communications firm
where strategy, innovation, and creativity = results. We’re
the creative thinkers you’ve always wanted. Focused on all
phases of the process, true partners who never lose site of
the bottom line: your success.

We are the fusion of the best industry practices including:
creative concepting, brand positioning, design, editing and
integrated communications. For our clients we produce
fresh and innovative work that builds differentiated and
enduring brands. Our finely tuned strategies and creative
processes are what allow us to create culturally impactful
communications that create demand and build successful

                                                              We not only create brands. We discover them. We discover
                                                              them by gaining insight into your company, your audiences
                                                              and the cultural influences that surround them.

                                                              Our hallmark is the highest level of dedication to our clients.
                                                              You will get the benefits of dealing with experienced
                                                              passionate professionals who insist on excellence. The client
                                                              experience is one of work efficiency, fluid workflow and great

Marketing & Communications Planning:             Online & New Media:
Strategic Marketing/Advertising Planning         Web Design
Brand Positioning                                Programming Services
Creative Concepts                                Database and Content Management Tools
Marketplace Planning                             Advertising and Content
Public Relations                     Planning    Virtual Tours & Demonstrations            Online
Community Outreach                               Interactive Sales Brochures
Corporate Communications                         Gaming and Product Integration

Creative:                                        Offline/Online Communications Services:
Branding & Identity                              Planning
Logo Design                                      Market Research
Copywriting                                      Public Relations
Direct Marketing                                 Media Buying and Product Placement
Business and Corporate Materials                 Partnerships, Promotions and Events
Print/Electronic/Online Advertising              Database Development and Management
Magazine & Newsletters                           Traffic Support
                                      Creative                                             Media
                                                 Tracking and Performance Measurement
Packaging                                        Reports and Reconciliation

                                                 Promotion & Event:
Business and Corporate Materials                 Tradeshow Concepts and Event Management
Print/Electronic/Online Creative                 Exhibit Signage & Banners
Magazine & Newsletters                           Tradeshow & Support Materials
Brochures & Catalogs                             National Tours
Packaging                                        Local or National Sweepstakes
Photography and Video                    CI                                                Event
                                                 Internal Incentives
Financial Reports                                Customer Loyalty Programs
1.4 Brandthread // Sr. Leadership
JOHN DOSCHER /DIRECTOR-CSO                    DIANA NAGLES/ACCOUNT SERVICES                  loves to be in front of clients
                                                                                             presenting great ideas that become
With more than 20 years of strategic          Courtney strategically conceives, develops     successful solutions. She’s fluent in
marketing and communications                  and implements custom one-to-one               English and Spanish but, has
experience in the United States and           marketing and promotional programs that        developed creative campaigns around
Global markets, John’s expertise              identify, persuade, bond, develop and          the globe.
includes brand planning, online/offline       continually manage core consumer target
advertising, sports marketing, integrated     groups/audiences.                              Specialties:
communications strategy, field                                                               Making the complex simple and the
promotions, market entry and re-              Courtney provides creatively driven, highly    simple beautiful. Expert creative,
branding. He has developed an                 targeted, deep impact, integrated direct       design and graphic communications
integrated team approach to provide the       marketing and promotional campaigns.           services, emerging technologies and
tools to think strategically. This approach   His team’s results-oriented programs to        social/new media creative
delivers the biggest ideas to the smallest    readily increase target audience share and     development.
tactics and incorporates the appropriate      subsequent market share of revenue. He is
lifestyle and cultural nuances to foster      a leader and innovator in CRM, you can         COREY Matthews/ VP
brand loyalty with the targeted               rely on our team to create the perfect CRM     CREATIVE DIRECTOR
audience. In addition, John has managed       architecture that is right for your needs.
the formal brand review process,                                                             Cory isn’t just a creative director…
mapping, segmentation, planning,              Specialties:
strategy and execution providing real         Direct mail, Online marketing,                 He’s the personification of one of
value to his clients’ businesses.             Custom publishing, Telemarketing               advertising’s most basic rules – making
                                              Database marketing, Affinity/CRM               the ordinary extraordinary.
Specialties:                                  programs, Sweepstakes and promotions
Consumer research, brand strategy,                                                           At first he seems like a nice, modest
integrated marketing, interactive                                                            guy with a kind smile and an easy-
strategy, innovation and product                                                             going manner. But like any good
development, customer relationship                                                           advertising idea, there’s far more to
marketing, sports marketing,                                                                 him than meets the eye. And soon
promotions, public relations and event                                                       you will discover how extraordinary he
planning & execution                                                                         really is.

ED IRONS/DIRECTOR-MEDIA                                                                      Cory has over 10 years of experience
                                              CLAUDIA ZABKA/CREATIVE DIRECTOR                in both above and below-the-line
Ed has over 20 years experience                                                              advertising, creating award-winning
supervising media campaigns. He is the        Claudia has worked in creative for more        campaigns for a variety of national and
company’s chief strategist and                than 15 years. She started as a designer for   international clients.
communications manager. Ed has                print and rapidly moved through the ranks.
managed millions of dollars in media          Claudia supervises and mentors our             To create positive impact on our
across the globe for clients like Chrysler,   creative teams overseeing all aspects of       clients’ bottom lines today, Cory brings
Microsoft, Hilton, Verizon Wireless,          client advertising and marketing, creative,    the wisdom, experience and passion
American Airlines and Kmart. His              art direction, and design.                     he’s exhibited throughout his career.
experience has enabled us to build                                                           In short, he lives for the business. And
intimate relationships with media             She is also on the forefront of new media,     it shows in everything he does.
outlets, online vehicles, stations and        business to business and direct marketing
publications.                                 creative. Her passion for integrated           Specialties:
                                              marketing that brings the offline and online   Consumer research, brand strategy,
Specialties:                                  worlds into compelling and results oriented    online/offline advertising campaigns,
Strategic 360 degree experiential media       directions fuels her every day. Claudia        ATL, BTL, art direction, copywriting,
and communications planning                                                                  corporate identity.
Client Partners
Client                                 Years
Microsoft                                7
Nestlé Purina                            5
Audi AG                                  5
Dr. Brandt Skincare                      4
Woodbine Southwest                       4
University of Phoenix                    3
Fisher Island Hotel and Resort           2
Best Buddies International               2
DTS Digital                              2
Rayovac                                  2
Volkswagen                               2
Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino          1
Lance Foods                              1
FBI                                      1

 Brandthread - Creating Brand Success

 In the past many have staked a claim in the global   specializing in unequaled consumer insight, strong
 markets. But they lacked the most important          creative and measurement capabilities.
 building block: real insight into the culture and
 lifestyle. The ability to be invited into peoples’   We have set a high level of expertise in delivering
 lives.                                               powerful insights and creativity that positions our
                                                      clients successfully, taking their businesses to new
 In response to a market need for a strategic         levels. We will continue to operate with the same
 marketing agency, we decided to merge three          vision, drive and passion for innovation as day one.
 companies and make it happen. In 2003, we
 opened the first Brandthread office
The Brandthread Strategic Planning “BrandFraming”
Phase One:
We provide medium-range vision that is not
confined to a single technique but are consistent,
integrated guidelines for the development of our
clients’ brand portfolios. BrandFraming is the
distillation of our consumer research and
understanding into a clear picture of how the
brand fits into the target audience lives and how
we can define it to be unique and exclusive.
BrandFraming provides our clients’ brands to
stand apart from their competitors and be
embraced by their consumers.

Here are the key steps that we follow:
1. We develop an Identity card – like a Drivers
         • What is its individuality?
         • What are the long-term goals and ambitions?
         • What is its consistency?
         • What are the values?
         • What are the basic truths?
         • What are its recognition signs?

2. The agency reviews the brand’s core values, sources of inspiration of continuity and the true identity of
  the brand.

                                                                             3. We take a deep look at
                                                                                Identity and Image.

                                                      From the “Equity Bridges” we can develop the Rules of
  4. We take a deep look at                           Engagement:
  the target audience                                                         • Deep understanding of
  and the Pillars that affect                                                   the consumer Mind Map
  their lives. We                                                             • Effective communications
  provide our brands with                                                     • Keep commitment areas
  the “Equity Bridges” to                                                     • Bridges to developing a
  build the brand:                                                              relationship by being
                                                                                invited into peoples lives
Brandthread Strategic Brand Planning
“Phase Two”
     1. Creating a “Mind Map” in order to
     understand the brand’s position in
     the customer’s mind:

2. Research and planning recommend what the brand should occupy in the customer’s mind in the future.

Creating the brand ambition          3. Development of the Selling Idea
involves:                              Platform to connect the customer       The selling Idea Platform is the
• Understanding the qualities that     with the brand:                        articulation of the strategic
  can be leveraged                   • The target                             message in communications--it is
• Competitive brandscape             • Core desire (need, wish, desire)       not a tagline. It is a single,
• Understanding the consumer         • Role of the brand (fulfill the need)   focused, strategic idea that ignites
  pillars and equity bridges         • Compelling truth (honest               creative process with the
• Understanding the client’s           information about the product)         marketing plan.
  business strategy and objective
  of the brand
The Brandthread Mapping Tools:

Customer Mapping is an insight identification methodology that seeks to optimize brand in order to build
opportunities across segments. Along with traditional research and planning tools we can also implement the
• Quantification of brand opportunity across       • Cultural Mapping of values/ behaviors against brand
  cultures/lifestyle segments                        equities and product attributes
• Cultural Relevance Meter™                        • Development of “Sweet Spot” to optimize business
        •Determine message relevance against         opportunities across selected cultural segments
        segments                                   • Development of culturally relevant messages and
                                                                                        Marketing Analytics:
                                                                                        Brandthread offers an integrated
                                                                                        portfolio of Precision
                                                                                        Marketing Services called the
                                                                                        Brandthread Suite. This
       What Sets Us Apart?                                                              comprehensive
                                                                                        set of services includes all of the
                                                                                        processes, experts, technology
                                                                                        and infrastructure a company
                                                                                        needs to perform best practice
                                                                                        Precision Marketing.

Brandthread Analytics:                           Media Planning and Media Buying:              Global, Youth and Transcultural:
• Strategic thinking, planning &                 Brandthread’s media department                Brandthread is an integrated marketing
  communications that are customer               structure allows for the agency to            communications agency providing niche
  centered and bottom line driven                respond immediately to the time               strategic marketing to
• A thorough and consistent alignment of         sensitive media dynamics. Our systems         reach consumers in the global youth and
  marketing and performance metrics              and staff provide the advertiser with the     transcultural segments. We have
• Intelligent and precision metrics              ability to turn on a dime, whether it’s the   successfully developed communications
  embedded in technology architecture and        placement of a media buy or the               initiatives designed to effectively reach
  data stream, readily accessible at multiple    immediate adjustment to a previously          them by understanding consumer
  levels of the enterprise                       placed buy.                                   behavior. Consumer behavior requires
                                                                                               understanding the psychographics of
Brandthread Hospitality Services:                The agency also employs personnel and         what people buy and why they choose
• Achieving optimum balance between              systems devoted to the protection of the      one product or store over another. The
  Direct vs. Indirect Channel Sales              advertiser’s media investment. Media          experience that a consumer takes with
• Internet, online distribution channels and     buys are routinely audited for proof of       them during the purchase process can
  eMarketing                                     performance, ensuring that media dollars      make the difference between our clients
• Knowledge of local market conditions           reach the intended media targets,             products being considered exceptional or
• Working closely with group business            eliminating an avenue of risk for the         “just there.”
  generators, meeting planners,                  advertiser. Brandthread has unmatched
  wholesalers, incentive travel companies,       performance driven experience in the          For our global ,youth and ethnic
  corporate travel departments, and              media planning and buying arena. We           segments, marketing strategy requires
  franchise-sponsored marketing programs         have managed media planning and               both an understanding of in-culture
• Effective marketing campaigns                  buying against a variety of global and        nuances and lifestyle of the groups of
• Effective sales incentive program              multicultural segments. We offer our          people that a business is trying to reach.
• Developing effective approaches to             clients the resources necessary to            Global marketing also pertains to many
  prospecting, qualifying, selling and closing   develop “culturally cognizant” media          niche-markets best found in metropolitan
                                                 solutions.                                    environments. For clients like Microsoft
High Worth Consumer Segments                                                                   and Pioneer our marketing strategy is
Brandthread has been responsible to              Large Multi Channel Companies:                considered a customized assessment
proactively position and manage the delivery     Brandthread has worked with                   based on their actual business, individual
of our clients marketing strategy against the    companies that include multiple brand         products and market profiles. We do not
high net worth segment on a global basis, in     management teams, regional and                work from ‘templates’ because we
order to grow the customer base and to           channel marketing managers, regional          believe that each client is unique.
maximize the value out of the customer           and field sales managers, co-op partners,
base.                                            distributors, lead agencies, branding and
                                                 public relations firms. Some of these firms
We have executed successfully for client’s       include Audi, Pioneer, Microsoft, Nestle
like: Audi, Woodbine Southwest, dr. brandt       Purina, The Discovery Channel, etc.
skincare, Ritz Carlton, etc.

  What Sets Us Apart?

Brandthread Public Relations:
Brandthread has been a dominant presence in the South Florida region for over twenty years. Our knowledge of
national, local and state government, the breadth of our clientele and our extensive network of business and
media relationships has put us in a unique position to help accomplish a wide range of client objectives.
                   • Public Affairs
                   • Extraordinary Circumstances (Also known as “Crisis Management”)
                   • Civic Marketing
Whether the goal involves establishing a strong brand presence, launching an ambassador marketing campaign
or dealing with a business crisis, we can quickly determine a client's communications needs and then aggressively
implement effective programs to address them.

We are:
• Specialists in positioning clients in the global marketplace
• Deeply entrenched in all facets of the South Florida community and in key economic sectors
• Access to high-level decision makers in all areas (media, business, government, politics, civic, philanthropy)
• Experienced in a broad range of business sectors (real estate, technology, entertainment, health care, travel,
  media, hospitality, environment, banking and finance)
• Focused on revenue generating activities (brand development, strategic alliances, CRM and TRM)
Media Relations:
Brandthread places media relations strategy at the core of every integrated communications
program. Our specialists, many of them former award-winning journalists, hail from every media
discipline, and excel at matching the right message with the right audience.

We work the way the media do. We have structured ourselves much like a newsroom of a major
news organization so that we can work quickly, globally and 24/7, And we are constantly
evolving to mirror the rapidly changing media landscape.

      •   Strategy and Message Development            •   Editorial Campaigns
      •   Tracking and Analysis                       •   Media Training
      •   Audience Targeting                          •   Media Tours
      •   Op-ed Development and Placement             •   Media Material Development
      •   Audits                                      •   Database Development and Maintenance
Brandthread, Inc.
                            10110 USA Today Way
                                 Miramar, FL 3302
                             Direct: 954.294.2841
                                Fax: 954.337.2348

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Brandthread Agency Presentation 2011

  • 1. Miami, San Antonio, Denver, Los Angeles Connections PASSION - INNOVATION - CREATIVITY Brandthread is the alternative to business-as-usual old guard global agencies. We don’t try to solve unique problems with boilerplate answers. We have guts to be great thinkers and deliver results. We practice what we preach, our founders left the safe large agency fold to forge our own brand. The result is a nimble, independently minded strategic agency that embraces change and innovation over doing things the way they’ve always been done. We are committed to help our clients drive brand success through - Passion, Innovation and Creativity.
  • 2. INDEX Inside this issue Overview 1.1 Brandthread 1.2 Services 1.3 Leadership 1.4 Current Clients 2.1 Strategic Brand Planning 3.1 What Sets Us Apart 4.1 Public Relations Capabilities 5.1 Creative Sampler 6.1 Names and Titles of Principals: Published By: John Doscher, Director/CSO 1.1 Agency: Cory Matthews, VP Creative Director Ed Irons, Director/Media Services Brandthread, Inc. Claudia Zabka, Director of Creative Services Diana Nagles Director/Account Services O HQ Address: Marielise García, Director/Public Relations V 10110 USA Today Way E Offices and Facts: Miramar, FL 3302 R Miami/Los Angeles/San Antonio/Denver/Puerto Rico Phone: 954.294.2841 V Member of the ComVort Global Agency Network Fax: 954.337.2348 I Ranked top 1/3 of U.S. Advertising Agencies / AdAge 2009 E W Key Agency Contact : John Doscher 954.294.2841
  • 3. Brandthread 1.2 Brandthread is a full service global communications firm where strategy, innovation, and creativity = results. We’re the creative thinkers you’ve always wanted. Focused on all phases of the process, true partners who never lose site of the bottom line: your success. We are the fusion of the best industry practices including: creative concepting, brand positioning, design, editing and integrated communications. For our clients we produce fresh and innovative work that builds differentiated and enduring brands. Our finely tuned strategies and creative processes are what allow us to create culturally impactful communications that create demand and build successful brands. We not only create brands. We discover them. We discover them by gaining insight into your company, your audiences and the cultural influences that surround them. Our hallmark is the highest level of dedication to our clients. You will get the benefits of dealing with experienced passionate professionals who insist on excellence. The client experience is one of work efficiency, fluid workflow and great creative.
  • 4. Services 1.3 Marketing & Communications Planning: Online & New Media: Strategic Marketing/Advertising Planning Web Design Brand Positioning Programming Services Creative Concepts Database and Content Management Tools Marketplace Planning Advertising and Content Public Relations Planning Virtual Tours & Demonstrations Online Community Outreach Interactive Sales Brochures Corporate Communications Gaming and Product Integration Creative: Offline/Online Communications Services: Branding & Identity Planning Logo Design Market Research Copywriting Public Relations Direct Marketing Media Buying and Product Placement Business and Corporate Materials Partnerships, Promotions and Events Print/Electronic/Online Advertising Database Development and Management Magazine & Newsletters Traffic Support Point-of-Purchase Creative Media Tracking and Performance Measurement Packaging Reports and Reconciliation Catalogs Promotion & Event: Business and Corporate Materials Tradeshow Concepts and Event Management Print/Electronic/Online Creative Exhibit Signage & Banners Magazine & Newsletters Tradeshow & Support Materials Brochures & Catalogs National Tours Packaging Local or National Sweepstakes Photography and Video CI Event Internal Incentives Financial Reports Customer Loyalty Programs
  • 5. 1.4 Brandthread // Sr. Leadership JOHN DOSCHER /DIRECTOR-CSO DIANA NAGLES/ACCOUNT SERVICES loves to be in front of clients presenting great ideas that become With more than 20 years of strategic Courtney strategically conceives, develops successful solutions. She’s fluent in marketing and communications and implements custom one-to-one English and Spanish but, has experience in the United States and marketing and promotional programs that developed creative campaigns around Global markets, John’s expertise identify, persuade, bond, develop and the globe. includes brand planning, online/offline continually manage core consumer target advertising, sports marketing, integrated groups/audiences. Specialties: communications strategy, field Making the complex simple and the promotions, market entry and re- Courtney provides creatively driven, highly simple beautiful. Expert creative, branding. He has developed an targeted, deep impact, integrated direct design and graphic communications integrated team approach to provide the marketing and promotional campaigns. services, emerging technologies and tools to think strategically. This approach His team’s results-oriented programs to social/new media creative delivers the biggest ideas to the smallest readily increase target audience share and development. tactics and incorporates the appropriate subsequent market share of revenue. He is lifestyle and cultural nuances to foster a leader and innovator in CRM, you can COREY Matthews/ VP brand loyalty with the targeted rely on our team to create the perfect CRM CREATIVE DIRECTOR audience. In addition, John has managed architecture that is right for your needs. the formal brand review process, Cory isn’t just a creative director… mapping, segmentation, planning, Specialties: strategy and execution providing real Direct mail, Online marketing, He’s the personification of one of value to his clients’ businesses. Custom publishing, Telemarketing advertising’s most basic rules – making Database marketing, Affinity/CRM the ordinary extraordinary. Specialties: programs, Sweepstakes and promotions Consumer research, brand strategy, At first he seems like a nice, modest integrated marketing, interactive guy with a kind smile and an easy- strategy, innovation and product going manner. But like any good development, customer relationship advertising idea, there’s far more to marketing, sports marketing, him than meets the eye. And soon promotions, public relations and event you will discover how extraordinary he planning & execution really is. ED IRONS/DIRECTOR-MEDIA Cory has over 10 years of experience CLAUDIA ZABKA/CREATIVE DIRECTOR in both above and below-the-line Ed has over 20 years experience advertising, creating award-winning supervising media campaigns. He is the Claudia has worked in creative for more campaigns for a variety of national and company’s chief strategist and than 15 years. She started as a designer for international clients. communications manager. Ed has print and rapidly moved through the ranks. managed millions of dollars in media Claudia supervises and mentors our To create positive impact on our across the globe for clients like Chrysler, creative teams overseeing all aspects of clients’ bottom lines today, Cory brings Microsoft, Hilton, Verizon Wireless, client advertising and marketing, creative, the wisdom, experience and passion American Airlines and Kmart. His art direction, and design. he’s exhibited throughout his career. experience has enabled us to build In short, he lives for the business. And intimate relationships with media She is also on the forefront of new media, it shows in everything he does. outlets, online vehicles, stations and business to business and direct marketing publications. creative. Her passion for integrated Specialties: marketing that brings the offline and online Consumer research, brand strategy, Specialties: worlds into compelling and results oriented online/offline advertising campaigns, Strategic 360 degree experiential media directions fuels her every day. Claudia ATL, BTL, art direction, copywriting, and communications planning corporate identity.
  • 6. 3.1 Client Partners Client Years Microsoft 7 Nestlé Purina 5 Audi AG 5 Dr. Brandt Skincare 4 Woodbine Southwest 4 University of Phoenix 3 Fisher Island Hotel and Resort 2 Best Buddies International 2 DTS Digital 2 Rayovac 2 Volkswagen 2 Chukchansi Gold Resort & Casino 1 Lance Foods 1 FBI 1 Brandthread - Creating Brand Success In the past many have staked a claim in the global specializing in unequaled consumer insight, strong markets. But they lacked the most important creative and measurement capabilities. building block: real insight into the culture and lifestyle. The ability to be invited into peoples’ We have set a high level of expertise in delivering lives. powerful insights and creativity that positions our clients successfully, taking their businesses to new In response to a market need for a strategic levels. We will continue to operate with the same marketing agency, we decided to merge three vision, drive and passion for innovation as day one. companies and make it happen. In 2003, we opened the first Brandthread office
  • 7. 3.1 The Brandthread Strategic Planning “BrandFraming” Phase One: We provide medium-range vision that is not confined to a single technique but are consistent, integrated guidelines for the development of our clients’ brand portfolios. BrandFraming is the distillation of our consumer research and understanding into a clear picture of how the brand fits into the target audience lives and how we can define it to be unique and exclusive. BrandFraming provides our clients’ brands to stand apart from their competitors and be embraced by their consumers. Here are the key steps that we follow: 1. We develop an Identity card – like a Drivers License: • What is its individuality? • What are the long-term goals and ambitions? • What is its consistency? • What are the values? • What are the basic truths? • What are its recognition signs? 2. The agency reviews the brand’s core values, sources of inspiration of continuity and the true identity of the brand. 3. We take a deep look at Identity and Image. From the “Equity Bridges” we can develop the Rules of 4. We take a deep look at Engagement: the target audience • Deep understanding of and the Pillars that affect the consumer Mind Map their lives. We • Effective communications provide our brands with • Keep commitment areas the “Equity Bridges” to • Bridges to developing a build the brand: relationship by being invited into peoples lives
  • 8. 3.1 Brandthread Strategic Brand Planning “Phase Two” 1. Creating a “Mind Map” in order to understand the brand’s position in the customer’s mind: 2. Research and planning recommend what the brand should occupy in the customer’s mind in the future. Creating the brand ambition 3. Development of the Selling Idea involves: Platform to connect the customer The selling Idea Platform is the • Understanding the qualities that with the brand: articulation of the strategic can be leveraged • The target message in communications--it is • Competitive brandscape • Core desire (need, wish, desire) not a tagline. It is a single, • Understanding the consumer • Role of the brand (fulfill the need) focused, strategic idea that ignites pillars and equity bridges • Compelling truth (honest creative process with the • Understanding the client’s information about the product) marketing plan. business strategy and objective of the brand The Brandthread Mapping Tools: Customer Mapping is an insight identification methodology that seeks to optimize brand in order to build opportunities across segments. Along with traditional research and planning tools we can also implement the following: • Quantification of brand opportunity across • Cultural Mapping of values/ behaviors against brand cultures/lifestyle segments equities and product attributes • Cultural Relevance Meter™ • Development of “Sweet Spot” to optimize business •Determine message relevance against opportunities across selected cultural segments segments • Development of culturally relevant messages and strategies
  • 9. 4.1 Marketing Analytics: Brandthread offers an integrated portfolio of Precision Marketing Services called the Brandthread Suite. This What Sets Us Apart? comprehensive set of services includes all of the processes, experts, technology and infrastructure a company needs to perform best practice Precision Marketing. Brandthread Analytics: Media Planning and Media Buying: Global, Youth and Transcultural: • Strategic thinking, planning & Brandthread’s media department Brandthread is an integrated marketing communications that are customer structure allows for the agency to communications agency providing niche centered and bottom line driven respond immediately to the time strategic marketing to • A thorough and consistent alignment of sensitive media dynamics. Our systems reach consumers in the global youth and marketing and performance metrics and staff provide the advertiser with the transcultural segments. We have • Intelligent and precision metrics ability to turn on a dime, whether it’s the successfully developed communications embedded in technology architecture and placement of a media buy or the initiatives designed to effectively reach data stream, readily accessible at multiple immediate adjustment to a previously them by understanding consumer levels of the enterprise placed buy. behavior. Consumer behavior requires understanding the psychographics of Brandthread Hospitality Services: The agency also employs personnel and what people buy and why they choose • Achieving optimum balance between systems devoted to the protection of the one product or store over another. The Direct vs. Indirect Channel Sales advertiser’s media investment. Media experience that a consumer takes with • Internet, online distribution channels and buys are routinely audited for proof of them during the purchase process can eMarketing performance, ensuring that media dollars make the difference between our clients • Knowledge of local market conditions reach the intended media targets, products being considered exceptional or • Working closely with group business eliminating an avenue of risk for the “just there.” generators, meeting planners, advertiser. Brandthread has unmatched wholesalers, incentive travel companies, performance driven experience in the For our global ,youth and ethnic corporate travel departments, and media planning and buying arena. We segments, marketing strategy requires franchise-sponsored marketing programs have managed media planning and both an understanding of in-culture • Effective marketing campaigns buying against a variety of global and nuances and lifestyle of the groups of • Effective sales incentive program multicultural segments. We offer our people that a business is trying to reach. • Developing effective approaches to clients the resources necessary to Global marketing also pertains to many prospecting, qualifying, selling and closing develop “culturally cognizant” media niche-markets best found in metropolitan solutions. environments. For clients like Microsoft High Worth Consumer Segments and Pioneer our marketing strategy is Brandthread has been responsible to Large Multi Channel Companies: considered a customized assessment proactively position and manage the delivery Brandthread has worked with based on their actual business, individual of our clients marketing strategy against the companies that include multiple brand products and market profiles. We do not high net worth segment on a global basis, in management teams, regional and work from ‘templates’ because we order to grow the customer base and to channel marketing managers, regional believe that each client is unique. maximize the value out of the customer and field sales managers, co-op partners, base. distributors, lead agencies, branding and public relations firms. Some of these firms We have executed successfully for client’s include Audi, Pioneer, Microsoft, Nestle like: Audi, Woodbine Southwest, dr. brandt Purina, The Discovery Channel, etc. skincare, Ritz Carlton, etc.
  • 10. 5.1 What Sets Us Apart? Brandthread Public Relations: Brandthread has been a dominant presence in the South Florida region for over twenty years. Our knowledge of national, local and state government, the breadth of our clientele and our extensive network of business and media relationships has put us in a unique position to help accomplish a wide range of client objectives. • Public Affairs • Extraordinary Circumstances (Also known as “Crisis Management”) • Civic Marketing Whether the goal involves establishing a strong brand presence, launching an ambassador marketing campaign or dealing with a business crisis, we can quickly determine a client's communications needs and then aggressively implement effective programs to address them. We are: • Specialists in positioning clients in the global marketplace • Deeply entrenched in all facets of the South Florida community and in key economic sectors • Access to high-level decision makers in all areas (media, business, government, politics, civic, philanthropy) • Experienced in a broad range of business sectors (real estate, technology, entertainment, health care, travel, media, hospitality, environment, banking and finance) • Focused on revenue generating activities (brand development, strategic alliances, CRM and TRM) Media Relations: Brandthread places media relations strategy at the core of every integrated communications program. Our specialists, many of them former award-winning journalists, hail from every media discipline, and excel at matching the right message with the right audience. We work the way the media do. We have structured ourselves much like a newsroom of a major news organization so that we can work quickly, globally and 24/7, And we are constantly evolving to mirror the rapidly changing media landscape. • Strategy and Message Development • Editorial Campaigns • Tracking and Analysis • Media Training • Audience Targeting • Media Tours • Op-ed Development and Placement • Media Material Development • Audits • Database Development and Maintenance
  • 11. 6.1
  • 12. Brandthread, Inc. 10110 USA Today Way Miramar, FL 3302 Direct: 954.294.2841 Fax: 954.337.2348