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                  Branding Small & Medium Size Chemical
                          Enterprises through Advertising
                          A Case Study for the Fine Chemical Industry

                                                                                                               Dan St. Andrei

                 Yesterday, branding was a prerogative of large chemical companies. Today, small and medium
                 size chemical companies MUST include branding in their activities or risk being wiped out by
                 the globalization tsunami. This article provides an insight into the relationship between posi-
                 tioning, branding and advertising for SMEs.

       Introduction                                                    est CPhI-Paris 2010 edition. e.g., there were approxi-
                                                                       mately 1900 companies offering their products and ser-

                lobalization has changed the rules of engagement
                                                                       vices to a market where the top ten pharmaceutical com-
                in B2B markets and yet few executives involved
                                                                       panies cater to roughly 75% of the total global demand.
                in the chemical industry seem to acknowledge
                                                                       In the post-industrial era, many have the product or the
       this. Countless small and medium size enterprises con-
                                                                       service and clearly that the offer is overwhelming the de-
       tinue to focus their resources on developing better tech-
       nologies and purer products, increasing manufacturing
       capacities or enhancing their regulatory and analytical            The question arises how can a SME stand out in
       capabilities. Little, if any attention is being paid, how-      the global cacophony of names and logos and capture
       ever, to the processes happening at the interface with the      the buyer’s attention?
           For a marketing agency this does not come as a sur-         B2B Marketing: back to the future
       prise. The “manufacturing” culture has its roots in the
                                                                          The history of B2C marketing offers a great clue on
       post-war, blue collar era when the product was every-
                                                                       how to achieve awareness and acceptance in cluttered
       thing. Very few companies had the technology and the
                                                                       markets. A long time ago, consumers began to be con-
       workforce to innovate and manufacture a winning prod-
                                                                       fronted with an overwhelming number of product
       uct or service. THE PRODUCT was the key to commer-
                                                                       choices. This was when consumer companies realized
       cial success in a world of national competition and boom-
                                                                       that sales and profitability are not determined by the
       ing demand.
                                                                       product itself but also by the marketing behind the prod-
          This situation has since changed radically: at the lat-      uct.

                        Dan St. Andrei is an art director and communications consultant specializing in
                        advertising, branding and rebranding. He is the Creative Director and owner of the
                        agency Creative Corporation, which is based in Lisbon, Portugal, and has offices in
                        Canada and Romania.

                                               Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012
                                                Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012                                 149


                                                                                   the physical product made by the plant is ac-
       Countless small and medium size enterprises continue to fo-                 tually translated by marketing activities in pal-
       cus their resources on developing better technologies and                   pable financial assets.
       purer products, increasing manufacturing capacities or en-                     So, what I want to emphasize here is the
       hancing their regulatory and analytical capabilities. Little,               principle that small investments in branding
       if any attention is being paid however to the processes hap-                activities can work just as well in a SME en-
       pening at the interface with the customers.                                 vironment, lead to market leadership and in-
                                                                                   creased profitability.
          In particular, branding emerged as the main antidote                       In today’s economy, the marketing battle is
       against the lack of product differentiation. In their fight     a battle of the brands. Companies will recognize that
       for the consumers’ mind share, companies branded                brands are the most valuable assets and that it is more
       pretty much anything from big ticket items (Mercedes            important to own markets than the factories, because the
       and Frigidaire) to services (Hilton and Hertz) and to bev-      only way to own markets is to own dominant brands.
       erages (Pepsi and Gatorade) and even to plain water                 Many marketers struggle to get CEOs to see the value
       (Evian and Perrier). Brands command higher prices as            in B2B branding. The CEOs see the branding process as
       they fulfill consistently a certain expectation in terms of     an expense rather than an investment. It is easy to see
       functional and emotional attributes.                            why this thinking has been predominant in recent years
          A similar paradigm shift is now afoot in the B2B mar-        when you look at their business models. B2B companies
       kets as companies are facing a similar situation. With the      operating in small vertical markets know most of their
       advent of globalization, the company’s message has to           customers and competitors by heart. When the customer
       break through the hubbub of an increasingly complex             relationship is built on personality why would the cre-
       market place. Beyond the numerical and geographical ex-         ation of a brand help business? Branding, they argue, is
       pansion of the competition, a flurry of international and       more suitable to a B2C environment than a B2B.
       transnational acquisitions, mergers and divestitures                Recent economic conditions have shaken these verti-
       around the world have only added to the confusion. Es-          cal markets. They are no longer a safe haven. As every-
       tablished names in the chemical industry disappear,             one is looking for an opportunity, those in related fields
       morph or shatter continuously in a constellation of new         could well make the jump into a relatively naive market
       names and complex ownership structures.                         and make a big splash. The economy has forced compa-
          In this context, the power of the brand remains the          nies to diversify. This means they have to transcend mar-
       prerogative of large organizations such as BASF, DuPont,        kets. The only means they have to do this successfully is
       Degussa, Dow, Bayer, DSM or Lonza. Moreover, most of            by being recognized and having successful B2B brand-
       the newer brands have emerged as a result of the M&A            ing. Despite having no roots in the market, the brand is
       activities of branded companies, e.g. Evonik from               strong enough to make the transition.
       Degussa, Lanxess and Saltigo from Bayer, etc.
           It seems that the value of the brand is understood          Branding Penn: a business case
       only by the market leaders who know how to build their
       brand architecture and use it to boost profitability. As a       In 2005, Penn Specialty Chemicals Inc. (a US based
       matter of fact, people realize that the brand has a dollar   medium enterprise specializing in furan derivatives) ap-
       value just like any other physical or financial asset sit- proached our agency to develop the concept for their ad-
       ting on the balance sheet: e.g. the 3M brand value was $ vertising campaign. This advertising campaign coincided
       3.1 billion in 2010 and was ranked # 90 on the
       Interbrand Best 100 Global Brands list. When
       brands lose their lustre so does the shareholder        It seems that the value of the brand is understood only by
       value! Merck’s brand was valued at $ 9.1 billion        the market leaders who know how to build their brand ar-
       in 2001 but was worth less than $ 3 billion in 2010     chitecture and use it to boost profitability. As a matter of fact,
       after the Vioxx debacle.                                people realize that the brand has a dollar value just like any
                                                               other physical or financial asset sitting on the balance sheet.
           In spite of this palpable dollar value attached
                                                               In spite of this palpable dollar value attached to the brand,
       to the brand, SME executives continue to miss the
                                                               SME executives continue to miss the connection between
       connection between brands, profits, growth and
                                                               brands, profits, growth and company valuation.
       company valuation. They fail to acknowledge that

       150                                     Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012


                                                                                     Penn had limited marketing resources so
                                                                                 they could not invest in building first this
                                                                                 umbrella brand. They chose to invest simul-
                                                                                 taneously in the marketing of a product
                                                                                 with high market potential. It was hoped
                                                                                 that the successful marketing of the green
                                                                                 solvent would eventually spill over to estab-
          Fig 1: Penn’s new logo expresses the shift to a green economy          lish Penn as the innovative global leader in
                               with a global reach (2005)                        green solvents. The chosen solvent, 2-
                                                                                 MeTHF, was an excellent opportunity to
                                                                    substitute tetrahydrofuran (THF) with a quarter billion
       with the rebranding of the company from a leader in fu-
                                                                    dollars market.
       ran derivatives to a leader in the emerging markets of
       green chemicals.                                                 Penn’s market research, however, showed that by late
                                                                    2005 the world was not prepared to pay a premium on
           One of the major elements of any brand is creating the
                                                                    green. The concern for MeTHF’s high price overpowered
       brand story. Penn’s long tradition in producing solvents
                                                                    the environmental benefits of the solvent. Therefore, we
       from corn cobs and sugar cane bagasse could be traced
                                                                    developed an advertising concept emphasizing the over-
       back to WWII efforts to diversify chemicals away from
                                                                    all cost reduction opportunities offered by MeTHF due
       petrochemicals. Penn’s history provided, therefore, a
                                                                    to its superior product attributes. Nevertheless, we did
       unique backdrop for its brand repositioning on the green
                                                                    provide the “green” overtone to the ad concept through
       dimension as it was truly a pioneer in chemicals from
                                                                    the presence of the new logo and tagline. Moreover,
       renewable resources.
                                                                    colour coordination with the logo added to the “green”
           As the Kyoto protocol entered into force on February overtone of the ad and established an early claim on
       16, 2005, Penn expected that it would usher in an era of sustainability (Fig 2).
       a low carbon economy. Penn’s solvents were uniquely po-
                                                                        Subsequent market research by Penn showed that the
       sitioned to capitalize on their bio-origin in corn cobs and
                                                                    sustainability aspects got increasing traction as the Kyoto
       sugar cane.
                                                                    protocol was seeping through national legislations and
           In this strategic context, Penn had to reinvent its com- corporate values around the world. The advertising
       mercial persona and capture the strategic position of changed in 2006 to accentuate the green aspects first. Sec-
       leader in the green solvent markets.                         ondary overtones in cost savings were still present as cost
           Penn started by abandoning its old logo, (a black and remained a high concern (Fig 3).
       white contour of William Penn) that spoke
       mainly about the origin of the company in
       the Philadelphia area and Quaker Oats
       Chemicals. These powerful symbols in the
       North American culture meant little to its
       global customer base. It also spoke nothing
       about the green offering of the company.
           Penn’s new logo was a pentagon colored
       in shades of green and blue, a hybrid sym-
       bol of the five member furan ring and a re-
       minder of the green fields, blue skies and
       rain water, the three natural forces behind
       Penn’s production of furfural (Fig 1).
           The heraldic change was further rein-
       forced by the modification of the tag line
       from a strong positioning on the technical
       dimension (The furan chemistry specialists)
       to a strong positioning on the green dimen-
       sion (Chemicals from renewable resources).          Fig 2: Early stage advertising for 2-MeTHF emphasizes cost
                                                                                savings first (2005)

                                              Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012                                 151


           Finally, market research conducted by
       Penn at the end of 2006 showed that mar-
       ket perceptions shifted even further. By
       now, focus groups represented by purchas-
       ers, R&D and regulatory professionals
       saw the low carbon economy as the way
       to the future. Several pharma companies
       clearly captured this in their annual re-
          In response to the shift in demand we
       repositioned the product as a true agent
       of change. The juxtaposition of MeTHF
       with Penn’s logo ensured that the green
       future is associated with the umbrella
       brand of the company (Fig 4).
          MeTHF was nominated for the CPhI
       Innovation Award in Paris in 2006 and for        Fig 3: 2-MeTHF advertises greenness as Kyoto protocol gains
       the Presidential Green Chemistry Award                                market traction (2006)
       in Washington DC in 2007. At that point
       Penn’s name was firmly established as a leader in green
                                                                  evolve into.
                                                                     Managing demand is critical in a globalized world.
                                                                  Marketing is the dedicated function that manages the
       Conclusion                                                 long term demand. Most chemical SMEs however focus
          For many companies, successful branding will only only on sales, which is short term focused. Chemical
       come when the concept of having a B2B brand is accepted SMEs should learn from their industry leaders and make
       throughout their organization. Everybody needs to know better use of marketing activities such as branding and
       that branding, and having a brand, is more than having advertising.
       a logo. A brand holds the promise of what the organiza-           As if that wasn’t enough to convince you, a quick look
       tion represents now, what it aspires to and what it will      at the top ten global brands for 2010 will show you that
                                                                                       five of them are primarily B2B brands.
                                                                                       Download the full list of the top 100
                                                                                       brands and you will see many more B2B
                                                                                       companies with mature brands. The old
                                                                                       excuse that branding is a B2C activity
                                                                                       no longer stacks up. B2B branding is
                                                                                       here to stay.
                                                                                            Branding is no longer the reserve of
                                                                                        leading consumer businesses. In order
                                                                                        for an organization, be it B2B, to pro-
                                                                                        mote its uniqueness in a busying field,
                                                                                        it has to distinguish itself by means of
                                                                                        a brand. B2B branding will become more
                                                                                        prominent as more organizations real-
                                                                                        ize this.
                                                                                            So, I am ready to bet that in the 2011
                                                                                        Top 100 brands list you will see more
                                                                                        B2B organizations showcasing success-
                                                                                        ful brand.
        Fig 4 Contrast between old and new; Penn becomes a leader in
                             sustainability (2007)

       152                                   Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012


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  • 1. Promotion Promotion Branding Small & Medium Size Chemical Enterprises through Advertising A Case Study for the Fine Chemical Industry Dan St. Andrei Yesterday, branding was a prerogative of large chemical companies. Today, small and medium size chemical companies MUST include branding in their activities or risk being wiped out by the globalization tsunami. This article provides an insight into the relationship between posi- tioning, branding and advertising for SMEs. Introduction est CPhI-Paris 2010 edition. e.g., there were approxi- mately 1900 companies offering their products and ser- G lobalization has changed the rules of engagement vices to a market where the top ten pharmaceutical com- in B2B markets and yet few executives involved panies cater to roughly 75% of the total global demand. in the chemical industry seem to acknowledge In the post-industrial era, many have the product or the this. Countless small and medium size enterprises con- service and clearly that the offer is overwhelming the de- tinue to focus their resources on developing better tech- mand. nologies and purer products, increasing manufacturing capacities or enhancing their regulatory and analytical The question arises how can a SME stand out in capabilities. Little, if any attention is being paid, how- the global cacophony of names and logos and capture ever, to the processes happening at the interface with the the buyer’s attention? customers. For a marketing agency this does not come as a sur- B2B Marketing: back to the future prise. The “manufacturing” culture has its roots in the The history of B2C marketing offers a great clue on post-war, blue collar era when the product was every- how to achieve awareness and acceptance in cluttered thing. Very few companies had the technology and the markets. A long time ago, consumers began to be con- workforce to innovate and manufacture a winning prod- fronted with an overwhelming number of product uct or service. THE PRODUCT was the key to commer- choices. This was when consumer companies realized cial success in a world of national competition and boom- that sales and profitability are not determined by the ing demand. product itself but also by the marketing behind the prod- This situation has since changed radically: at the lat- uct. Author Dan St. Andrei is an art director and communications consultant specializing in advertising, branding and rebranding. He is the Creative Director and owner of the agency Creative Corporation, which is based in Lisbon, Portugal, and has offices in Canada and Romania. Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012 Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012 149 CMYK
  • 2. Promotion the physical product made by the plant is ac- Countless small and medium size enterprises continue to fo- tually translated by marketing activities in pal- cus their resources on developing better technologies and pable financial assets. purer products, increasing manufacturing capacities or en- So, what I want to emphasize here is the hancing their regulatory and analytical capabilities. Little, principle that small investments in branding if any attention is being paid however to the processes hap- activities can work just as well in a SME en- pening at the interface with the customers. vironment, lead to market leadership and in- creased profitability. In particular, branding emerged as the main antidote In today’s economy, the marketing battle is against the lack of product differentiation. In their fight a battle of the brands. Companies will recognize that for the consumers’ mind share, companies branded brands are the most valuable assets and that it is more pretty much anything from big ticket items (Mercedes important to own markets than the factories, because the and Frigidaire) to services (Hilton and Hertz) and to bev- only way to own markets is to own dominant brands. erages (Pepsi and Gatorade) and even to plain water Many marketers struggle to get CEOs to see the value (Evian and Perrier). Brands command higher prices as in B2B branding. The CEOs see the branding process as they fulfill consistently a certain expectation in terms of an expense rather than an investment. It is easy to see functional and emotional attributes. why this thinking has been predominant in recent years A similar paradigm shift is now afoot in the B2B mar- when you look at their business models. B2B companies kets as companies are facing a similar situation. With the operating in small vertical markets know most of their advent of globalization, the company’s message has to customers and competitors by heart. When the customer break through the hubbub of an increasingly complex relationship is built on personality why would the cre- market place. Beyond the numerical and geographical ex- ation of a brand help business? Branding, they argue, is pansion of the competition, a flurry of international and more suitable to a B2C environment than a B2B. transnational acquisitions, mergers and divestitures Recent economic conditions have shaken these verti- around the world have only added to the confusion. Es- cal markets. They are no longer a safe haven. As every- tablished names in the chemical industry disappear, one is looking for an opportunity, those in related fields morph or shatter continuously in a constellation of new could well make the jump into a relatively naive market names and complex ownership structures. and make a big splash. The economy has forced compa- In this context, the power of the brand remains the nies to diversify. This means they have to transcend mar- prerogative of large organizations such as BASF, DuPont, kets. The only means they have to do this successfully is Degussa, Dow, Bayer, DSM or Lonza. Moreover, most of by being recognized and having successful B2B brand- the newer brands have emerged as a result of the M&A ing. Despite having no roots in the market, the brand is activities of branded companies, e.g. Evonik from strong enough to make the transition. Degussa, Lanxess and Saltigo from Bayer, etc. It seems that the value of the brand is understood Branding Penn: a business case only by the market leaders who know how to build their brand architecture and use it to boost profitability. As a In 2005, Penn Specialty Chemicals Inc. (a US based matter of fact, people realize that the brand has a dollar medium enterprise specializing in furan derivatives) ap- value just like any other physical or financial asset sit- proached our agency to develop the concept for their ad- ting on the balance sheet: e.g. the 3M brand value was $ vertising campaign. This advertising campaign coincided 3.1 billion in 2010 and was ranked # 90 on the Interbrand Best 100 Global Brands list. When brands lose their lustre so does the shareholder It seems that the value of the brand is understood only by value! Merck’s brand was valued at $ 9.1 billion the market leaders who know how to build their brand ar- in 2001 but was worth less than $ 3 billion in 2010 chitecture and use it to boost profitability. As a matter of fact, after the Vioxx debacle. people realize that the brand has a dollar value just like any other physical or financial asset sitting on the balance sheet. In spite of this palpable dollar value attached In spite of this palpable dollar value attached to the brand, to the brand, SME executives continue to miss the SME executives continue to miss the connection between connection between brands, profits, growth and brands, profits, growth and company valuation. company valuation. They fail to acknowledge that 150 Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012 CMYK
  • 3. Promotion Penn had limited marketing resources so they could not invest in building first this umbrella brand. They chose to invest simul- taneously in the marketing of a product with high market potential. It was hoped that the successful marketing of the green solvent would eventually spill over to estab- Fig 1: Penn’s new logo expresses the shift to a green economy lish Penn as the innovative global leader in with a global reach (2005) green solvents. The chosen solvent, 2- MeTHF, was an excellent opportunity to substitute tetrahydrofuran (THF) with a quarter billion with the rebranding of the company from a leader in fu- dollars market. ran derivatives to a leader in the emerging markets of green chemicals. Penn’s market research, however, showed that by late 2005 the world was not prepared to pay a premium on One of the major elements of any brand is creating the green. The concern for MeTHF’s high price overpowered brand story. Penn’s long tradition in producing solvents the environmental benefits of the solvent. Therefore, we from corn cobs and sugar cane bagasse could be traced developed an advertising concept emphasizing the over- back to WWII efforts to diversify chemicals away from all cost reduction opportunities offered by MeTHF due petrochemicals. Penn’s history provided, therefore, a to its superior product attributes. Nevertheless, we did unique backdrop for its brand repositioning on the green provide the “green” overtone to the ad concept through dimension as it was truly a pioneer in chemicals from the presence of the new logo and tagline. Moreover, renewable resources. colour coordination with the logo added to the “green” As the Kyoto protocol entered into force on February overtone of the ad and established an early claim on 16, 2005, Penn expected that it would usher in an era of sustainability (Fig 2). a low carbon economy. Penn’s solvents were uniquely po- Subsequent market research by Penn showed that the sitioned to capitalize on their bio-origin in corn cobs and sustainability aspects got increasing traction as the Kyoto sugar cane. protocol was seeping through national legislations and In this strategic context, Penn had to reinvent its com- corporate values around the world. The advertising mercial persona and capture the strategic position of changed in 2006 to accentuate the green aspects first. Sec- leader in the green solvent markets. ondary overtones in cost savings were still present as cost Penn started by abandoning its old logo, (a black and remained a high concern (Fig 3). white contour of William Penn) that spoke mainly about the origin of the company in the Philadelphia area and Quaker Oats Chemicals. These powerful symbols in the North American culture meant little to its global customer base. It also spoke nothing about the green offering of the company. Penn’s new logo was a pentagon colored in shades of green and blue, a hybrid sym- bol of the five member furan ring and a re- minder of the green fields, blue skies and rain water, the three natural forces behind Penn’s production of furfural (Fig 1). The heraldic change was further rein- forced by the modification of the tag line from a strong positioning on the technical dimension (The furan chemistry specialists) to a strong positioning on the green dimen- sion (Chemicals from renewable resources). Fig 2: Early stage advertising for 2-MeTHF emphasizes cost savings first (2005) Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012 151 CMYK
  • 4. Promotion Finally, market research conducted by Penn at the end of 2006 showed that mar- ket perceptions shifted even further. By now, focus groups represented by purchas- ers, R&D and regulatory professionals saw the low carbon economy as the way to the future. Several pharma companies clearly captured this in their annual re- ports. In response to the shift in demand we repositioned the product as a true agent of change. The juxtaposition of MeTHF with Penn’s logo ensured that the green future is associated with the umbrella brand of the company (Fig 4). MeTHF was nominated for the CPhI Innovation Award in Paris in 2006 and for Fig 3: 2-MeTHF advertises greenness as Kyoto protocol gains the Presidential Green Chemistry Award market traction (2006) in Washington DC in 2007. At that point Penn’s name was firmly established as a leader in green evolve into. solvents. Managing demand is critical in a globalized world. Marketing is the dedicated function that manages the Conclusion long term demand. Most chemical SMEs however focus For many companies, successful branding will only only on sales, which is short term focused. Chemical come when the concept of having a B2B brand is accepted SMEs should learn from their industry leaders and make throughout their organization. Everybody needs to know better use of marketing activities such as branding and that branding, and having a brand, is more than having advertising. a logo. A brand holds the promise of what the organiza- As if that wasn’t enough to convince you, a quick look tion represents now, what it aspires to and what it will at the top ten global brands for 2010 will show you that five of them are primarily B2B brands. Download the full list of the top 100 brands and you will see many more B2B companies with mature brands. The old excuse that branding is a B2C activity no longer stacks up. B2B branding is here to stay. Branding is no longer the reserve of leading consumer businesses. In order for an organization, be it B2B, to pro- mote its uniqueness in a busying field, it has to distinguish itself by means of a brand. B2B branding will become more prominent as more organizations real- ize this. So, I am ready to bet that in the 2011 Top 100 brands list you will see more B2B organizations showcasing success- ful brand. Fig 4 Contrast between old and new; Penn becomes a leader in sustainability (2007) 152 Chemical Industry Digest. Annual January 2012 CMYK