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Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06
Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038
Branch office: Komplek Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis
Outline of Book Contents
Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera.
Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!
Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera.
Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!
Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan
di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual
yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi,
studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya.
Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk
informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam
mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami
tawarkan kepada Anda adalah “Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan
Prospek Industri Pulp dan Kertas di Indonesia, 2013.
Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga
(Tujuh juta rupiah), guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Pulp dan
Kertas, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor,
dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara
para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam
negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Pulp dan Kertas
di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan y
kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Pulp
dan Kertas, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan
Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui.
(terlampir contoh Profil Perusahaan).
Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan
kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal
maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan
dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien,
lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat.
Kata Pengantar
Industri Agro memiliki peranan strategis dalam struktur industri dan
ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kontribusi Industri Agro dalam
PDB, ekspor, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Peranan lainnya adalah dalam hal
mendukung ketahanan pangan, mendukung pengembangan ekonomi dan
pemerataan industri ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Perkembangan industri selama ini telah menunjukkan kemajuan
kemajuan, namun belum optimal sebagaimana diharapkan. Hal ini disebabkan
berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi, antara lain:
1. Masih berbasis comparative advantage;
2. Kelangkaan bahan baku, karena banyak diekspor dalam bentuk produk
3. Persaingan yang semakin ketat;
4. Adanya hambatan tarif dan non tarif, sehingga masih diperlukan upaya
Commercial Global Data
Consultant – Survey –
Sukamanah RT. 04/06 No. 199 Cisaat, Sukabumi
Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email:
Komplek Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis, Kota Depok
Garis Besar Isi Buku
Outline of Book Contents
Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan
di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual
yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi,
Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan
informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam
mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami
“Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan
Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 7.000.000
, guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Pulp dan
Kertas, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor,
rkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara
para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam
negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Pulp dan Kertas
di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang
kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Pulp
dan Kertas, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan
Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui.
Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan
kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal
maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan
lebih produktif, efisien,
Industri Agro memiliki peranan strategis dalam struktur industri dan
ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kontribusi Industri Agro dalam
tenaga kerja. Peranan lainnya adalah dalam hal
mendukung ketahanan pangan, mendukung pengembangan ekonomi dan
Perkembangan industri selama ini telah menunjukkan kemajuan-
gaimana diharapkan. Hal ini disebabkan
berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi, antara lain:
Kelangkaan bahan baku, karena banyak diekspor dalam bentuk produk
Adanya hambatan tarif dan non tarif, sehingga masih diperlukan upaya
Our customers love! Peace.
May we all exist in the shadow of God!
Background: Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
Our customers love! Peace.
May we all exist in the shadow of God!
We are an agency consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the
areas of global research data, presenting a variety of real
information that includes the manufacturing industry sector, mining, bankin
insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services.
We present as your consultant partner, to provide real
that you need in order to determine the direction of policy in developing your
company. One study book products that we offer to you is
Market Conditions and Prospects of Pulp and Paper Industry in
Indonesia, 2013.
We offer these books to you for
rupiahs), to help businesses in the Pulp and Paper Industry, helping the
investors, help the banks or creditors, and other relevant parties, by
the map of power among the competitors / your partner, both competitors from
abroad and within the country, studying the development of Export and Import
products Pulp and Paper in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities
for companies whose condition fluctuates, find out the Main Market of any
company's Pulp and Paper, know the market share abroad, knowing the Board
of Directors and Commissioners , as well as the other information you need to
know. (Company Profile attached example).
How big is your company's contribution in increasing production
capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at all
the opportunities that exist, and are expected to have this book, your company
become more productive, efficient, more advanced and compete fairly.
Agro Industry has a strategic role in the Indonesian economy and
industrial structure. It can be seen from the contribution of Agriculture in GDP,
exports, and employment. Other role is in support of food se
economic development and equitable distribution to the industry throughout
Industrial development had been showing progress, but not optimal,
as expected. This is due to a variety of challenges and problems faced, among
1. Still based on comparative advantage;
2. Scarcity of raw materials, as widely exported in the form of primary
3. Increasing competition;
4. The existence of tariff and non-tariff barriers, thus still needed development
Data Research
– Research – Report
Sukabumi 43152, Jawa Barat
Kota Depok Phone: 085793929829
Garis Besar Isi Buku
May we all exist in the shadow of God!
Background: Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
We are an agency consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the
areas of global research data, presenting a variety of real-time business
information that includes the manufacturing industry sector, mining, banking,
insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services.
We present as your consultant partner, to provide real-time information
that you need in order to determine the direction of policy in developing your
company. One study book products that we offer to you is "Book Study on the
ts of Pulp and Paper Industry in
We offer these books to you for Rp. 7,000,000 (seven million
, to help businesses in the Pulp and Paper Industry, helping the
investors, help the banks or creditors, and other relevant parties, by looking at
the map of power among the competitors / your partner, both competitors from
abroad and within the country, studying the development of Export and Import
products Pulp and Paper in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities
whose condition fluctuates, find out the Main Market of any
company's Pulp and Paper, know the market share abroad, knowing the Board
of Directors and Commissioners , as well as the other information you need to
know. (Company Profile attached example).
How big is your company's contribution in increasing production
capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at all
the opportunities that exist, and are expected to have this book, your company
nt, more advanced and compete fairly.
Agro Industry has a strategic role in the Indonesian economy and
industrial structure. It can be seen from the contribution of Agriculture in GDP,
exports, and employment. Other role is in support of food security, support
economic development and equitable distribution to the industry throughout
Industrial development had been showing progress, but not optimal,
as expected. This is due to a variety of challenges and problems faced, among
Still based on comparative advantage;
Scarcity of raw materials, as widely exported in the form of primary
tariff barriers, thus still needed development
Industri Pulp dan Kertas juga merupakan salah satu industri yang
mempunyai peranan penting dan merupakan produk unggulan dalam
menunjang perekonomian Indonesia. Ada 3 alasan utama yang
melatarbelakangi pentingnya sumbangan industri ini, Pertama: produk pulp
dan kertas harganya banyak ditentukan dalam nilai dolar; Kedua: komponen
impor yang digunakan dalam proses produksi nilainya tidak lebih dari 30%; dan
Ketiga: produk pulp dan kertas cenderung banyak yang ditujukan untuk pasar
ekspor. Sehingga dalam masa krisis ekonomi global yang dihadapi Indonesia
saat itu, industri ini masih dapat diandalkan dalam membantu penerimaaan
devisa negara.
Pentingnya industri pulp dan kertas yang besar tidak terlepas dari
kondisi yang dimilikinya. Sampai saat ini industri pulp dan kertas Indonesia
memiliki keunggulan komparatif dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Keunggulan
yang lebih banyak mengandalkan sumber bahan baku yang berlimpah dengan
harga yang relatif murah serta tenaga kerja dengan upah buruh yang relatif
rendah. Dalam hal bahan baku misalnya, Indonesia termasuk negara penyedia
bahan baku pulp terbesar, karena mempunyai hutan terluas kedua di dunia.
Sehingga bahan baku (kayu) untuk pembuatan pulp dan kertas tersedia
banyak di Indonesia. Begitu juga dalam hal tenaga kerja, angkatan kerja
produktif di Indonesia mencapai puluhan juta orang. Keunggulan komparatif
tersebut sebagai akibat dari kondisi alam dan demografi. Tetapi keuntungan
komparatif belum merupakan syarat cukup untuk bisa bersaing dimasa
mendatang. Untuk mampu berkompetisi dengan industri sejenis dari negara
lain dimasa mendatang, maka keunggulan komparatif harus ditingkatkan
menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Keunggulan kompetitif ini akan lebih
mengandalkan kepada inovasi produk, proses dan jasa, penggunaan teknologi
yang ramah lingkungan, perluasan pasar serta benchmarking dengan
perusahaan bereputasi internasional.
Dilihat dari pangsa produksi dan ekspor penguasaan jaringan pasar
luar negeri, masih menjadi kelemahan bagi sebagian besar produsen pulp dan
kertas Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, beberapa (group) perusahaan telah
mencoba menembus pasar luar negeri, terutama pasar Asia, dengan
melakukan ekspansi ke negara-negara di kawasan ini. Kelompok Sinar
memasuki pasar Asia dengan mendirikan kelompok perusahaan melalui
bendera APP (Asia Pulp and Paper) di Singapura, China, Malaysia, dan India.
Begitu juga dengan keluarga Tanoto dan Tanjung Enim Lestari (TEL) yang
mengibarkan bendera APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holding
Ltd). Kedua kelompok ini memilih Singapura sebagai kantor pusat perusahaan
Pentingnya jaringan pemasaran lebih dipicu terutama pada pasar
bebas di kawasan Asia Tenggara (AFTA) tahun 2003, dan kawasan Asia
Pasifik (APEC) tahun 2010 yang lalu. Pasar bebas tersebut akan memaksa
para produsen pulp dan kertas Indonesia untuk mampu bersaing
memperebutkan pasar Asia Pasifik yang terbuka. Kawasan Asia Pasifik
merupakan kawasan dengan pasar pulp terbesar di dunia. Oleh karena itu,
perlu dilakukan analisis mengenai kondisi pasar luar negeri terutama pasar
Asia, dan bagaimana strategi untuk memasuki dan mengembangkan pasar di
kawasan tersebut. Selain itu pasar dalam negeri juga perlu dikaji karena
merupakan basis untuk memperkuat daya saing secara nasional.
Saat ini, Indonesia berpotensi untuk menjadi produsen 3 besar dalam
industri pulp dan kertas di dunia, antara lain karena produksi pulp dan kertas di
tanah air diuntungkan oleh berbagai kondisi alam dan geografis di khatulistiwa
ini. Saat ini Indonesia menempati peringkat 11 dunia untuk industri kertas dan
peringkat 9 dunia untuk industri pulp.
Indonesia diuntungkan karena letak geografis Indonesia yang berada
di garis khatulistiwa yang rata-rata memiliki pepohonan yang tumbuh tiga kali
lebih cepat dibandingkan di negara-negara yang berada di daerah dingin,
sehingga tersedia hutan yang luas sebagai sumber bahan baku, selain itu
Indonesia juga berada di tengah-tengah Asia yang sedang berkembang
menjadi raksasa ekonomi baru yang menjadi pasar terbesar pulp dan kertas
dunia dimasa depan.
Persaingan global dalam bisnis pulp dan kertas sangat tinggi dan
persyaratan lingkungan yang diterapkan juga semakin lama semakin ketat.
Apalagi program hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan sekarang ini telah
menjadi tuntutan bisnis, karena negara-negara tujuan ekspor dan para pembeli
produk semakin menuntut adanya pulp dan kertas yang diproduksi dari sumber
yang legal, yang dilengkapi dengan sertifikasi resmi mengenai legalitasnya.
Tahun 2013 saja, ekspor kertas dari Indonesia masih akan diwarnai
dengan tuduhan dumping, karena harga kertas Indonesia sangat kompetitif di
beberapa negara tujuan ekspor. Setiap tahun selalu ada negara tujuan ekspor
kertas Indonesia yang melakukan tuduhan dumping. Industri kertas dan
pemerintah terus melakukan perlawanan, antara lain melalui lembaga
internasional seperti WTO.
Perlawanan juga dilakukan langsung terhadap negara-negara
penuduh, karena apabila negara tujuan ekspor berhasil mengenakan Bea
Masuk Anti Dumping (BMAD) terhadap suatu jenis kertas, dikhawatirkan
tuduhan dumping akan berkembang kepada jenis-jenis kertas dan komoditi
ekspor Indonesia lainnya.
Pulp and paper industry is also one industry which has an important
role and is the flagship product in supporting the Indonesian economy. There
are 3 main reasons behind the importance of the contribution of this industry,
First: pulp and paper product prices are determined in the value of the dollar;
Second: imported components used in the production process is worth no more
than 30%, and Third: pulp and paper products tend to be much intended for the
export market. So that in times of global economic crisis facing Indonesia at
that time, the industry is still reliable in helping the acceptance of foreign
Importance of the pulp and paper industry is not large regardless of
the condition they have. Until now the Indonesian pulp and paper industry has
a comparative advantage compared to other countries. The advantages are
more reliant on abundant sources of raw materials at a relatively cheap and
labor with relatively low labor costs. In terms of raw materials, for example,
Indonesia is the country's largest provider of pulp raw material, because it has
the second largest forest in the world. So that the raw material (wood) for the
manufacture of pulp and paper available lot in Indonesia. So also in the case of
labor, productive labor force in Indonesia reaches tens of millions of people.
The comparative advantage as a result of natural conditions and
demographics. But comparative advantage has not been a sufficient condition
to be able to compete in the future. To be able to compete with similar
industries of other countries in the future, it should be increased comparative
advantage into competitive advantage. This competitive advantage will be
relying on the innovation of products, processes and services, the use of
environmentally friendly technologies, market expansion, and benchmarking
with internationally reputed companies.
Judging from the share of the production and export control networks
overseas markets, is still a weakness for most of the Indonesian pulp and
paper manufacturers. Even so, some (group) company has been trying to
penetrate foreign markets, especially the Asian market, by expanding into
countries in the region. Sinar group entered the Asian market by setting up a
group of companies through flag APP (Asia Pulp and Paper) in Singapore,
China, Malaysia, and India. So also with the family Tanoto and Tanjung Enim
Lestari (TEL) is flying the flag APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International
Holdings Ltd). Both groups chose Singapore as their corporate headquarters.
The importance of network marketing is more driven primarily on the
free market in Southeast Asia (AFTA) in 2003, and the Asia Pacific region
(APEC) in 2010. The free market will force the Indonesian pulp and paper
manufacturers to be able to compete for the Asia Pacific markets are open.
Asia Pacific is the region with the world's largest pulp market. Therefore, it is
necessary to analyze the condition of overseas markets, especially the Asian
market, and how strategies to enter and develop the market in the region.
Besides the domestic market also needs to be studied because it is the basis
for strengthening national competitiveness.
Currently, Indonesia has the potential to be a top 3 manufacturers in
the pulp and paper industry in the world, partly because of the production of
pulp and paper in the country benefited by various natural and geographical
conditions at the equator. Currently, Indonesia is ranked 11th for the paper
industry and 9th world for the pulp industry.
Indonesia benefited from Indonesia's geographical location at the
equator on average have trees that grow three times faster than in the
countries that are in cold regions, making available vast forests as a source of
raw materials, but it is also located in Indonesia the middle of the emerging
Asian economic giant into new markets the world's largest pulp and paper in
the future.
Global competition in the pulp and paper business is very high and
environmental requirements applicable also becoming increasingly stringent.
Moreover, energy-saving programs and environmentally friendly is today the
demands of business, because the export destination countries and the buyers
are increasingly demanding the pulp and paper produced from legal sources,
which comes with an official certification regarding its legality.
In 2013 alone, exports of Indonesian paper will still tinged with
allegations of dumping, because the price is very competitive Indonesian paper
in some export destinations. Every year there is always a paper Indonesian
export destination countries are doing the dumping charges. Paper industry
and government continue to take the fight, including through international
institutions such as the WTO.
Resistance also be made directly to the accuser states, since if
successful export destination countries impose anti-dumping duty (BMAD) to a
type of paper, it is feared dumping charges will evolve to the types of paper and
other Indonesian export commodities.
Indonesia telah menjadi bulan-bulanan tuduhan dumping dari negara-
negara tujuan ekspor kertas. Meskipun sebagian besar tuduhan tersebut dapat
dipatahkan, tetapi untuk menghadapi tuduhan tersebut memakan waktu,
tenaga, dan biaya. Industri kertas Indonesia juga harus menghadapi
pengenaan Bea Masuk Anti Dumping (BMAD) dan Countervailing Duty (CVD),
dimana negara-negara pesaing tidak mau mencabutnya, seperti yang terjadi
terhadap ekspor kertas tulis-cetak ke Korea Selatan dan kertas koran ke
Malaysia. Kedua negara tersebut tetap mengenakan BMAD meskipun sudah
melewati batas waktu 5 tahun yang ditetapkan WTO.
Baru-baru ini, APKI meminta dukungan Kementerian Perdagangan
dan Perindustrian agar mencermati banyaknya perjanjian perdagangan antara
negara di dunia seperti PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) dan FTA (Free
Trade Agreement), apakah berpotensi memberikan dampak negatif atau positif
terhadap neraca perdagangan Indonesia.
Misalnya PTA Pakistan-China, ternyata Pakistan memberikan
penurunan bea-masuk terhadap kertas dari China. Tetapi karena belum ada
PTA Pakistan - Indonesia, kertas Indonesia ke Pakistan tetap dikenakan bea-
masuk normal. Nilai ekspor kertas Indonesia ke Pakistan dalam beberapa
tahun ini sekitar USD55 juta/tahun. Sementara itu dengan PTA Pakistan-China,
Pakistan mengenakan bea-masuk terhadap kertas packaging China sebesar
17%, sedang untuk kertas packaging ex. Indonesia dikenakan bea masuk
normal sebesar 40%. Dengan ditandatanganinya PTA Pakistan-China dapat
diperkirakan pembeli kertas Pakistan akan lebih memilih mengimpor kertas dari
China, dibandingkan dari Indonesia.
Tabel 1
Kapasitas Produksi Pulp dan Kertas, 2007-2012
Kapasitas Produksi (Ton/Tahun)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 Pulp 6.697.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100
2 Kertas 10.359.481 12.178.650 12.178.650 12.178.650 14.427.830 14.427.830
Sumber: Direktorat Jenderal Industri Agro
Tabel 2
Realisasi Produksi Pulp dan Kertas, 2007-2012
Realisasi Produksi (Ton/Tahun)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 Pulp 6.282.330 5.910.416 6.525.099 7.047.107 7.140.537 7.516.129
2 Kertas 8.680.804 8.251.972 9.308.225 10.518.294 12.446.090 13.482.849
Sumber: Direktorat Jenderal Industri Agro
1.1. Latar Belakang
1.2. Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup
1.3. Sumber Data dan Informasi
1.4. Struktur Industri Pulp dan Kertas
1.5. Pemain utama Industri Pulp dan Kertas
1.6. Aspek Produksi
2.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan III-2012
2.1.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan III-2012
2.1.2. Nilai PDB atas Dasar Harga Berlaku dan Harga
Konstan 2000 Triwulan III-2012
2.1.3. Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan III
Tahun 2011 dan 2012
2.1.4. PDB menurut Pengeluaran Triwulan III-2012
2.1.5. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok
Provinsi, Triwulan III-2012
2.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan IV-2012
2.2.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Tahun 2012
2.2.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan IV-2012
2.2.3. Struktur PDB menurut lapangan usaha, Tahun 2010-
2.2.4. PDB menurut Penggunaan
2.2.5. PDB dan Produk Nasional Bruto Per Kapita
2.2.6. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok
Provinsi Triwulan IV-2012
2.3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2013 tumbuh
6,3-6,8 Persen
2.4. Perkembangan indeks harga konsumen/inflasi
2.5. Penduduk Indonesia bisa mencapai lebih dari 257 Juta Jiwa
Tahun 2013
3.1. Sejarah Pengelolaan Hutan di Indonesia
3.2. Fungsi Hutan
3.3. Kerusakan Hutan Indonesia
3.3.1. Ekspansi Industri Pulp dan Kertas besar-besaran
3.3.2. Empat jagoan Pulp dan Kertas
Indonesia has become the butt of the alleged dumping of export
destination countries of the paper. Although most of the charges can be
dismissed, but to face the charges takes time, effort, and cost. Indonesian
paper industry also has to face the imposition of anti-dumping duty (BMAD)
and Countervailing Duty (CVD), in which the competing countries do not want
to pull out, as happened to the printing-writing paper exports to South Korea to
Malaysia and newsprint. Both countries are still wearing BMAD despite being
over the limit of 5 years specified WTO.
Recently, APKI requested support from the Ministry of Trade and
Industry in order to look at the many trade agreements between the countries
in the world such as the PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) and the FTA
(Free Trade Agreement), whether the potential negative or positive impact on
Indonesia's trade balance.
Pakistan-China PTA for example, it turns out Pakistan giving duty-log
reduction on paper from China. But because there is no Pakistan PTA -
Indonesian, Indonesian paper to Pakistan remains subject to import-enter
normal. The export value of Indonesian paper to Pakistan in recent years,
approximately $ 55 million/year. Meanwhile the Pakistan-China PTA, Pakistan-
enter impose duties on Chinese paper packaging by 17%, while for the paper
packaging ex. Indonesia normal duty levied at 40%. With the signing of the
Pakistan-China PTA can be expected buyers would prefer a Pakistan paper
paper imports from China, than from Indonesia.
Table 1
Pulp and Paper Production Capacity, 2007-2012
Type of
Production capacity (Ton/Year)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 Pulp 6,697,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100
2 Paper 10,359,481 12,178,650 12,178,650 12,178,650 14,427,830 14,427,830
Source: Directorate general of agriculture
Tabel 2
Realization of the Pulp and Paper Production, 2007-2012
Type of
Realization of Production (Ton/Year)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1 Pulp 6,282,330 5,910,416 6,525,099 7,047,107 7,140,537 7,516,129
2 Paper 8,680,804 8,251,972 9,308,225 10,518,294 12,446,090 13,482,849
Source: Directorate general of agriculture
1.1. Background
1.2. Purpose and Scope
1.3. Source of Data and Information
1.4. Structure of the Pulp and Paper Industry
1,5. The main players Pulp and Paper Industry
1.6. Aspects of Production
2.1. Indonesian Economic Growth Third Quarter 2012
2.1.1. Economic Growth in Third Quarter 2012
2.1.2. Value of GDP at Current Prices and Constant
2000 Quarter III-2012
2.1.3. Structure of GDP by Sectors Third Quarter
2011 and 2012
2.1.4. GDP by Expenditure Quarter III-2012
2.1.5. Indonesian Economic Spatial profile according
to Provincial Group, Third Quarter 2012
2.2. Economic growth in Indonesia in Quarter IV-2012
2.2.1. Economic Growth In 2012
2.2.2. Economic Growth in Fourth Quarter of 2012
2.2.3. Structure of GDP by economic activities, 2010-
2012 Year
2.2.4. GDP by expenditure
2.2.5. GDP and Per Capita Gross National Product
2.2.6. Spatial profile of Indonesian Economic
Quarterly Province by Group IV-2012
2.3. Indonesian Economic Growth First Quarter-2013 grew
from 6.3 to 6.8 Percent
2.4. Development of the consumer price index / inflation
2.5. Indonesia's population could reach more than 257
Million People in 2013
3.1. History of Forest Management in Indonesia
3.2. Forests function
3.3. Damage to Forests Indonesia
3.3.1. Pulp and Paper Industry Expansion massive
3.3.2. Four whiz Pulp and Paper
3.3.3. Menelusuri jejak rusaknya Hutan Indonesia
3.4. Industri Kehutanan membutuhkan momentum investasi
3.5. Perkembangan pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia
3.6. Pemanfaatan hutan alam terbesar di Kalimantan
3.6.1. Kalimantan Timur memiliki hutan tanaman terbesar
3.7. BUMN dominasi IUPHHK hutan alam
3.8. Perusahaan chip mills memberikan tekanan lebih pada hutan-
hutan dan kehidupan di Kalimantan Selatan
3.8.1. Kesenjangan pasokan
3.8.2. Mengganti hutan dengan chip kayu
3.8.3. Gambaran satu sisi saja untuk masyarakat desa-
desa di Pulau Laut
3.8.4. Dukungan Internasional
3.9. Jumlah Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan menurut
3.10. Luas areal perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan
3.11. Produksi Kayu Bulat oleh Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan
Hutan menurut Jenis Kayu
3.12. Sebaran Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) di Indonesia
3.13. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) tentang Hasil Hutan
4.1. Pengertian Kertas
4.1.1. Sejarah Kertas
4.1.2. Nicholas Louis Robert, penemu proses pembuatan
4.1.3. Ukuran kertas
4.1.4. Kertas Washi
4.1.5. Kertas Daluwang
4.1.6. Kertas Lontar
4.2. Ruang Lingkup Industri Pulp dan Kertas
4.2.1. Cakupan industri pulp
4.2.2. Cakupan industri kertas
4.3. Pengelompokan Industri Kertas
4.3.1. Kelompok Industri Hulu
4.3.2. Kelompok Industri Antara
4.3.3. Kelompok Industri Hilir
4.3.4. KBLI Produk Industri Pulp dan Kertas
4.4. Standarisasi Industri Pulp dan Kertas
5.1. Bahan Baku
5.1.1. Selulosa
5.1.2. Jenis-jenis kertas
5.2. Proses Pembuatan Pulp dan Kertas
5.2.1. Proses Pembuatan Bubur Kertas (Pulp)
5.2.2. Proses Pembuatan Kertas (Paper machine)
5.2.3. Beberapa fakta untuk menghargai selembar Kertas
5.2.4. Pembuatan kertas basah-kering
5.2.5. Pengeringan dalam mesin Fourdrinier
5.2.6. Aspek ekonomis
6.1. Indonesia berpeluang menyusul Skandinavia di Pasar Bubur
6.2. Pasar Kertas Domestik tumbuh 4,2% tahun ini
6.3. Sinarmas bangun Pabrik Kertas 27 Triliun Rupiah
6.4. Menteri Perindustrian pelajari boikot kertas oleh Walt Disney
6.5. Industri Percetakan tumbuh Negatif
6.6. Harga Kertas dan Bubur Kertas merosot
6.7. Peluang Indonesia menjadi pemasok utama Pulp dan Kertas
6.8. Produksi Kertas bisa mencapai 13 Juta Ton
6.9. Indonesia menuju Net Importer Kertas
6.10. Pulp dan Kertas perlu adopsi Teknologi Hijau
6.11. Produsen Kertas harus ikuti Prosedur WTO
6.12. Produksi Pulp naik 5,26 Persen
6.13. Momentum kebangkitan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia
6.14. KADI Investigasi Impor Kertas
6.15. Produksi kertas nasional dalam prosesnya mengacu kepada
Syarat Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK)
6.16. Taiwan membuat kertas dari beras dan batang gandum
6.17. Industri Pulp butuh 1,5 Juta Hektar
6.18. Permintaan naik, APP memacu produksinya
6.19. Eco-Labeling dan Otonomi Daerah
6.19.1. Pengertian dari ECO-LABELING
6.19.2. Sejarah Perkembangan Ekolabel
6.19.3. Permasalahan dengan Pengembangan Agribisnis
Pulp dan Kertas dalam Era Eco-Labeling dan
Otonomi Daerah
6.19.4. Hasil Analisa Eco-Labeling pada Industri Pulp dan
6.20. Pembangunan Industri Pulp dan Kertas: Jangan mengganggu
Kelestarian Hutan Alam Indonesia
3.3.3. Trace the destruction of Indonesia's forests
3.4. Forestry industry requires investment momentum
3.5. Development of forest management in Indonesia
3.6. Utilization of the largest natural forests in Borneo
3.6.1. East Kalimantan has the largest plantation
3.7. SOE dominance of natural forest IUPHHK
3.8. Chip mills company put even more pressure on forests
and life in South Kalimantan
3.8.1. Supply gap
3.8.2. Replacing forests with wood chips
3.8.3. Picture of one side to the villages in Sea Island
3.8.4. International Support
3.9. Amount Forest Concession Companies by Province
3:10. The area of forest concession companies
3.11. By Round Wood Production Forest Concession
Company by Wood Type
3.12. Distribution of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) in
3.13. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) of Forest Products
4.1. Definition Paper
4.1.1. History of Paper
4.1.2. Nicholas Louis Robert, the inventor of paper-
making process
4.1.3. Paper size
4.1.4. Washi paper
4.1.5. Paper Daluwang
4.1.6. Papyrus paper
4.2. Scope of the Pulp and Paper Industry
4.2.1. Coverage pulp industry
4.2.2. Coverage paper industry
4.3. Paper Industry Grouping
4.3.1. Upstream Industry Group
4.3.2. Between Industry Group
4.3.3. Downstream Industry Group
4.3.4. ISIC Products Pulp and Paper Industry
4.4. Standardization of Pulp and Paper Industry
5.1. Raw Materials
5.1.1. Cellulose
5.1.2. The types of paper
5.2. Pulp and Paper Making Process
5.2.1. Pulp Making Process (Pulp)
5.2.2. Papermaking (paper machine)
5.2.3. Some facts to appreciate a piece of paper
5.2.4. Papermaking wet-dry
5.2.5. Drying the Fourdrinier machine
5.2.6. Economical aspects
6.1. Indonesia likely to follow in the Scandinavian Market
6.2. Paper domestic market grew 4.2% this year
6.3. Sinarmas up 27 Trillion Dollar Paper Factory
6.4. Industry Minister learned boycott the paper by Walt
6.5. Printing Industry growing Negative
6.6. Paper and Pulp prices decline
6.7. Opportunities Indonesia became a major supplier of
Pulp and Paper
6.8. Paper production could reach 13 million tonnes
6.9. Indonesia to Net Importer Paper
6.10. Pulp and Paper Green Technology needs adoption
6.11. Paper manufacturers have to follow the procedure of
6.12. Pulp production rose 5.26 Percent
6.13. Momentum resurrection Indonesian Pulp and Paper
6.14. Investigation committee is Import Paper
6.15. National paper production process to our Terms of
Timber Legality Verification (SVLK)
6.16. Taiwan to make paper from rice and wheat stalks
6.17. Pulp need 1.5 Million Hectares
6.18. Demand rose, spurring APP production
6.19. Eco-Labeling and Autonomy
6.19.1. Understanding of ECO-LABELING
6.19.2. History of Ecolabel
6.19.3. Problems with Agribusiness Pulp and Paper in
the Age of Eco-Labeling and Autonomy
6.19.4. Results Analysis of Eco-Labeling on the Pulp
and Paper Industry
6.20. Pulp and Paper Industry Development: Do not disturb
Indonesia Natural Forest Sustainability
6.20.1. Ekspor dan konsumsi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia
semakin meningkat
6.20.2. Bahan baku Pulp dan Kertas dari hutan alam
6.20.3. Realisasi pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri
(HTI) terlalu lambat
6.20.4. Semakin merusak hutan alam
6.20.5. Jalan Keluar
6.21. Tiga unit usaha APP meraih penghargaan Industri Hijau 2012
6.22. Menteri Perindustrian menyikapi boikot Kertas oleh Walt
6.23. Sinarmas membangun Pabrik Kertas Rp 27 Triliun
6.24. Indonesia menuju Net Importer Kertas
6.25. Pembangunan Pabrik Kertas terbesar di Asia
6.26. Industri Pulp membutuhkan tambahan 1,5 Juta Hektar
6.27. Produsen kertas harus mengikuti prosedur WTO
6.28. Ekspor Pulp dan Kertas ditargetkan naik US$2,64 Miliar
6.29. Industri Pulp dan Kertas menarik Investasi US$ 16 miliar
6.30. Sebagian Pengusaha Pulp dan Kertas keluhkan minimnya
pasokan bahan baku kayu
6.31. Pasar dunia mengandalkan kayu asal Indonesia
6.32. Ekspor pulp dan kertas diprediksi tumbuh 4%
6.33. Luas Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) turun, Hutan Rakyat naik
6.33.1. Nilai Investasi pada Industri Kehutanan naik 10%
6.33.2. Kehutanan: SVLK tidak menghambat kinerja ekspor
kayu Indonesia
6.34. Industri Indonesia diprediksi tidak akan mampu menggarap
peluang Pulp dan Kertas di Asia
6.35. Target Produksi RAPP bakal stagnan 2,8 juta ton
6.36. Investasi Industri Kertas diharapkan naik 8%
6.37. Pulp dan Kertas, komoditi ekspor non migas andalan
6.38. Pembangunan Pabrik Kertas “OKI Pulp dan Paper Mills”,
terbesar di Asia
6.39. Industri Kertas dan Bubur Kertas Genjot Produksi
6.40. Industri kertas diharapkan meningkat 8 persen tahun 2013
6.41. Pengusaha Pulp dan Paper meminta kepada Pemerintah,
agar Peraturan Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu diperjelas
6.42. Permintaan bertambah, Produksi Pulp naik 5,26%
6.43. Pengusaha Pulp dan Kertas, mengeluhkan minimnya
pasokan bahan baku Kayu
6.44. Diterpa isu miring, ekspor kertas bangkit
6.45. Isu Lingkungan NGO Internasional Lemahkan Ekspor Kertas
6.46. Permintaan naik, APP menggenjot produksinya
6.47. Perusahaan Taiwan membuat kertas dari beras dan batang
6.48. Momentum kebangkitan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia
6.49. Produksi Kertas bisa mencapai 13 Juta Ton
6.50. Pabrik Kertas milik Prabowo terbesar di ASEAN
6.51. Industri Tembakau (Rokok)
6.51.1. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor Tembakau
6.51.2. Trend Nilai Ekspor Tembakau
6.51.3. Perkembangan Volume Ekspor Tembakau
6.51.4. Trend Volume Ekspor Tembakau
6.51.5. Perkembangan Nilai Impor Tembakau
6.51.6. Trend Nilai Impor Tembakau
6.51.7. Perkembangan Volume Impor Tembakau
6.51.8 Perkembangan jumlah tenaga kerja pada Industri
Tembakau dan Rokok
6.51.9. Trend jumlah tenaga kerja pada Industri Tembakau
dan Rokok
6.51.10. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor Rokok menurut Negara
6.51.11. Perkembangan Nilai Impor Industri Rokok menurut
Negara Asal
6.52. Industri Kemasan Karton
6.52.1. Anthoni Salim Gandeng Jepang Operasikan Pabrik
Kemasan Karton
6.52.2. Melihat bisnis kemasan sebagai peluang usaha
6.53. Daftar Perusahaan Industri Pulp dan Kertas, Kapasitas
Terpasang dan Jenis Produk
7.1. Industri Kertas Indonesia masih prospektif
7.2. Kecenderungan Global
7.2.1. Kecenderungan yang telah terjadi
7.2.2. Kecenderungan yang akan terjadi
7.2.3. Analisis terhadap kecenderungan yang telah dan
akan terjadi dalam perkembangan Industri Kertas
7.3. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Industri Kertas
7.4. Faktor Daya Saing
6.20.1. Exports and consumption Indonesian Pulp and
Paper has increased
6.20.2. Pulp and Paper raw materials from Indonesia's
natural forests
6.20.3. The realization of the development of industrial
timber estates (HTI) is too slow
6.20.4. Increasingly destructive natural forest
6.20.5. Way out
6.21. Three business units APP awarded the Green Industry in
6.22. Paper Industry Minister to address a boycott by Walt
6.23. Sinarmas build a Rp 27 Trillion Paper Factory
6.24. Indonesia to Net Importer Paper
6.25. Construction of Asia's largest paper factory
6.26. Pulp industry requires an additional 1.5 million hectares
6.27. Paper producers must follow the procedures of WTO
6.28. Pulp and paper exports targeted to U.S. $ 2.64 Billion
6.29. Pulp and Paper Industry Investment attract U.S. $ 16
6.30. Most entrepreneurs are complaining about the lack of Pulp
and Paper supply of wood raw material
6.31. World markets rely on wood from Indonesia
6.32. Pulp and paper exports is expected to grow 4%
6.33. Widespread industrial timber estates (HTI) down, Forestry
6.33.1. Investments in Forest Industry value up 10%
6.33.2. Forestry: TLVS not hamper the performance of
Indonesia's timber exports
6.34. Indonesian industry predicted would not be able to work
opportunities in the Asia Pulp and Paper
6.35. Production targets will RAPP stagnant 2.8 million tons
6.36. Paper Industry investment is expected to rise 8%
6.37. Pulp and Paper, exports of non-oil commodities are
6.38. Development Paper Factory "OIC Pulp and Paper Mills",
the largest in Asia
6.39. Paper and Pulp Industry Boosts Production
6.40. The paper industry is expected to increase 8 percent in
6.41. Pulp and Paper Entrepreneur ask the Government, in
order to clarify the Timber Legality Verification Regulations
6.42. Demand increases, production rose 5.26% Pulp
6.43. Pulp and Paper Entrepreneur, complained about the lack
of raw material supply Wood
6.44. Buffeted by rumors, paper exports rose
6.45. International Environmental NGO Issues Paper weakening
6.46. Demand up, ramped APP
6.47. Taiwan firm to make paper from rice and wheat stalks
6.48. Momentum resurrection Indonesian Pulp and Paper
6.49. Paper production could reach 13 million tonnes
6.50. Paper mill owned by Prabowo largest in ASEAN
6.51. Industry Tobacco (Smoking)
6.51.1. Development of Export Value Tobacco
6.51.2. Trend Tobacco Exports
6.51.3. Development Tobacco Export Volumes
6.51.4. Volume Trend Tobacco Exports
6.51.5. Development Tobacco Import Value
6.51.6. Trend Import Value of Tobacco
6.51.7. Development Tobacco Import Volume
6.51.8 The number of workers on Tobacco and
Cigarette Industry
6.51.9. Trend amount of labor in Tobacco and Cigarette
6.51.10. Development of Export Value by Destination
Country Cigarette
6.51.11. Development of the Cigarette Industry Import
Value by Country of Origin
6.52. Industrial Packaging Cardboard
6.52.1. Anthoni Salim Cooperate with Japan Operate
Carton Packaging Plant
6.52.2. Looking at the packaging business as a lucrative
business opportunity
6.53. List of Pulp and Paper Industry, Installed Capacity and
Product Types
7.1. Indonesian paper industry is still prospective
7.2. Global Trends
7.2.1. Trends that have occurred
7.2.2. Tendency to expect
7.2.3. Analysis of the trends that have and will occur in
the development of Paper Industry
7.3. Problems faced Paper Industry
7.4. Competitiveness Factors
7.4.1. Permintaan dan Penawaran
7.4.2. Faktor Kondisi (Input) Sumber Daya Alam Sumber Daya Modal Sumber Daya Manusia Infrastruktur Teknologi
7.5. Industri Inti, Pendukung dan Terkait
7.6. Strategi Pengusaha dan Perusahaan
7.7. Analisis SWOT
7.7.1. Kekuatan
7.7.2. Kelemahan
7.7.3. Peluang
7.7.4. Ancaman
7.8. Sasaran
7.8.1. Jangka Menengah (2010-2014)
7.8.2. Jangka Panjang (2010-2025)
7.9. Strategi dan Kebijakan
7.9.1. Visi dan arah pengembangan Industri Kertas
7.9.2. Indikator Pencapaian
7.9.3. Tahapan Implementasi
7.10. Program
7.10.1. Jangka Menengah (2010-2014)
7.10.2. Jangka Panjang (2010-2025)
7.11. Kelembagaan
7.12. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Board Industrial
7.13. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Cigarette Paper
7.14. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Corrugating Medium
7.15. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Joss Paper
7.16. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Kraft Liner and Fluting
7.17. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Newsprint
7.18. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Printing/Writing Uncoated
7.19. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Printing/Writing Coated
7.20. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Sack Kraft (Kertas Semen)
7.21. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Security Paper
7.22. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Specialty Paper
8.1. Pulp
8.2. Kertas
8.2.1. Kertas Budaya
8.2.2. Kertas Industri
8.2.3. Kertas Tissue
8.3. Realisasi Produksi
8.3.1. Pulp
8.3.2. Kertas
8.4. Indeks Kinerja Industri Pulp dan Kertas
8.5. Pemantauan Impor Sub Kelompok Hasil Industri Kertas
8.6. Pemantauan Impor Sub Kelompok Hasil Industri Barang dari
kertas/karton lainnya
8.7. Perkembangan Ekspor Komoditi pulp Hasil Industri ke Negara
8.8. Perkembangan Impor Komoditi Pulp Hasil Industri dari
8.9. Perkembangan Ekspor Komoditi paper Hasil Industri ke
8.10. Perkembangan Impor Komoditi paper Hasil Industri dari
8.11. Perusahaan Eksportir Pulp Indonesia
8.12. Perusahaan Eksportir Kertas Indonesia
8.13. Pemantauan Impor: 31 Kelompok Hasil Industri
8.14. Perkembangan Nilai Produksi Industri Besar dan Sedang
8.15. Realisasi Ekspor Pulp dan Kertas ke Amerika Serikat (Juta
9.1. Investasi Industri Kertas ditaksir tumbuh 8%
9.2. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMA berdasarkan
Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Sektor
Triwulan IV 2012
9.3. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMA berdasarkan
Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Lokasi
Triwulan IV 2012
9.4. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi Pma Berdasarkan
Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut
Negara Triwulan IV 2012
9.5. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMDN berdasarkan
Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Sektor
Triwulan IV 2012
9.6. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMDN berdasarkan
Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut lokasi
Triwulan IV 2012
7.4.1. Supply and Demand
7.4.2. The condition factor (Input) Natural Resources Capital Resources Human Resources Infrastructure Technology
7.5. Industrial Core, Supporting and Related
7.6. Entrepreneurs and Corporate Strategy
7.7. SWOT Analysis
7.7.1. Strength
7.7.2. Weakness
7.7.3. Chance
7.7.4. Threat
7.8. Target
7.8.1. Medium Term (2010-2014)
7.8.2. Long-term (2010-2025)
7.9. Strategy and Policy
7.9.1. Vision and direction of the development of
Paper Industry
7.9.2. Indicators of Achievement
7.9.3. Stages of Implementation
7.10. Program
7.10.1. Medium Term (2010-2014)
7.10.2. Long-term (2010-2025)
7.11. Institutional
7.12. List of Companies / Manufacturers Industrial Board
7.13. List of Companies / Manufacturers Cigarette Paper
7.14. List of Companies / Manufacturers of Corrugating
7.15. List of Manufacturers Joss Paper
7.16. List of Manufacturers Kraft Liner and Fluting
7.17. List of Companies / Manufacturers Newsprint
7.18. List of Companies / Manufacturers Printing / Writing
7.19. List of Companies / Manufacturers Printing / Writing
7.20. List of Manufacturers Sack Kraft (Paper Cement)
7.21. List of Manufacturers Security Paper
7.22. List of Manufacturers of Specialty Paper Company
8.1. Pulp
8.2. Paper
8.2.1. Paper Culture
8.2.2. Paper Industry
8.2.3. Tissue Paper
8.3. Realization of Production
8.3.1. Pulp
8.3.2. Paper
8.4. Performance index Pulp and Paper Industry
8.5. Import Monitoring Sub Group Industrial Products Paper
8.6. Monitoring Sub Group Industrial Products Import
Goods of paper / paperboard
8.7. Commodity Exports pulp industry results to State
8.8. Pulp Commodity Imports from State Industrial Products
8.9. Commodity Exports paper industry results to State
8.10. Commodity Imports paper from State Industrial
8.11. Indonesian Pulp Exporters company
8.12. Paper Company Exporter Indonesia
8.13. Monitoring Imports: 31 of Industrial Products Group
8.14. The Development of Large and Medium Industrial
Production Indonesian
8.15. Realization of the Pulp and Paper Exports to the United
States (U.S. $ Million)
9.1. Paper Industry investment is estimated to grow 8%
9.2. Realization of Foreign Direct Investment by Investment
Activity Report (LKPM) by Sector Fourth Quarter 2012
9.3. Realization of Foreign Direct Investment by Investment
Activity Report (LKPM) according Location Fourth
Quarter 2012
9.4. Foreign Direct Investment Realization Based on
Investment Activity Report (LKPM) by Country Fourth
Quarter 2012
9.5. Actual development of the Domestic Investment by
Investment Activity Report (LKPM) by Sector Fourth
Quarter 2012
9.6. Actual development of the Domestic Investment by
Investment Activity Report (LKPM) according to the
location of Fourth Quarter 2012
10.1. Pengertian dari Eco-Labeling
10.2. Sejarah Perkembangan Ekolabel
10.3. Permasalahan dengan Pengembangan Agribisnis Pulp dan
Kertas dalam Era Eco-Labeling dan Otonomi Daerah
10.4. Produsen Pabrik Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia yang telah
menerapkan Ekolabel
11.1. Peluang Bisnis (Sektor Kertas dan Pulp di India)
11.1.1. Pasar berkembang untuk Kertas
11.1.2. Fokus
11.1.3. Faktor dibalik pertumbuhan
11.1.4. Ikhtisar Industri
11.2. Outlook sektor Pulp dan Kertas Kanada, 2011-2020
11.3. Industri Pulp dan Kertas Brazil
11.4. Industri Pulp dan Kertas di China
12.1. Green Industry: Pemerintah Dorong Penerapan Industri Hijau
untuk Pulp dan Kertas
12.2. SK Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia No.
SK.101/Menhut-II/2004 tentang Percepatan Pembangunan
Hutan Tanaman untuk Pemenuhan Bahan Baku Industri Pulp
dan Kertas
12.3. Rencana Strategis Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas Tahun
13.1. Peluang Penghematan Energi pada Industri Pulp dan Kertas
13.2. Potensi Konsumsi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi pada Industri
13.2.1. Tanjung Enim Lestari
13.2.2. Toba Pulp Lestari
13.3. Potensi Konservasi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi di Industri
13.3.1. Adiprima Suraprinta
13.3.2. Aspec Kumbong
13.3.3. Bekasi Teguh
13.3.4. Fajar Surya Wisesa
13.3.5. Indah Kiat – Serang
13.3.6. Pakerin
13.3.7. Pindo Deli
13.3.8. Pura Nusa Persada
13.3.9. Pura Barutama
13.3.9. Surya Zigzag
13.4. Potensi Konservasi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi di Industri Pulp
dan Kertas Terpadu
13.4.1. Indah Kiat Perawang Pulp and Paper
13.4.2. Lontar Papyrus
13.4.3. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper
14.1. Bidang Sarana Riset dan Standardisasi
14.2. Penelitian
15.1. Aturan Limbah Industri: Undang-Undang Nomor 32/2009
tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
15.2. Dunia Usaha keberatan RPP Limbah B3
15.3. Asia Pulp dan Paper mempunyai Teknologi Penyaring Air
Bersih IPAG60
15.4. Pemanfaatan campuran limbah padat dengan lindi hitam
sebagai bahan Bio Briket
15.5. Konsep Zero Waste
16.1. Fokus perhatian Dunia pada HTI Indonesia
16.2. Kawasan Hutan dan Pemanfaatannya
16.2.1. Luas Kawasan Hutan Indonesia
16.2.2. Trend Perkembangan Pembangunan IUPHHK-Hutan
Alam dan Hutan Tanaman
16.3. Industri Pulp dan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku
16.3.1. Kebutuhan Bahan Baku untuk Industri Pulp RAPP
dan IKPP
16.3.2. Membandingkan kontribusi HTI dan Hutan Alam bagi
16.4. Pemenuhan Bahan Baku, dan Kondisi Hutan Alam Riau
10.1. Understanding from Eco-Labeling
10.2. History of Ecolabel
10.3. Problems with Agribusiness Pulp and Paper in the Age
of Eco-Labeling and Autonomy
10.4. Manufacturers Factory Pulp and Paper Indonesian who
have implemented Ekolabel
11.1. Opportunity Business (Sector Paper and Pulp in India)
11.1.1. Market is growing for Paper
11.1.2. Focus
11.1.3. Factor is reversed growth
11.1.4. Overview Industry
11.2. Outlook sectors Pulp and Paper Canadian, 2011-2020
11.3. Brazilian Pulp and Paper Industry
11.4. Industry Pulp and Paper in China
12.1. Green Industry: The Government Push the Application
of Green Industry for Pulp and Paper
12.2. SK Minister of of Forestry Republic of Indonesia No..
SK.101/Menhut-II/2004 about Acceleration the Forest
Development Plant for Fulfillment Materials Industrial
Raw Pulp and Paper
12.3. Center for Strategic Plan Year 2010-2014 Pulp and
13.1. Opportunities Energy Saving on Industry Pulp and
13.2. Potential Energy Consumption and Emission Reduction
in the Pulp Industry
13.2.1. Tanjung Enim Lestari
13.2.2. Toba Pulp Lestari
13.3. Potency Energy Conservation and Emissions
Reductions in Industry Paper
13.3.1. Adiprima Suraprinta
13.3.2. Aspec Kumbong
13.3.3. Bekasi Teguh
13.3.4. Fajar Surya Wisesa
13.3.5. Indah Kiat – Serang
13.3.6. Pakerin
13.3.7. Pindo Deli
13.3.8. Pura Nusa Persada
13.3.9. Pura Barutama
13.3.9. Surya Zigzag
13.4. Potency Energy Conservation and Emissions
Reductions in the Industry Pulp and Paper Integrated
13.4.1. Indah Kiat Perawang Pulp and Paper
13.4.2. Lontar Papyrus
13.4.3. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper
14.1. Field of Sarana Research and Standardization
14.2. Research
15.1. Rules Industrial Waste: to Law Number 32/2009
concerning Protection and Environmental Management
15.2. World Enterprises objection RPP Waste B3
15.3. Asia Pulp and Paper have the Technology Filters are
Water Clean IPAG60
15.4. Utilization mixture solid waste with black liquor as
ingredient Bio Briquette
15.5. Concept Zero Waste
16.1. Focus of attention the World on HTI Indonesian
16.2. Forest Areas and Its Usage
16.2.1. Broad Forest Estate Indonesian
16.2.2. Trend The development of Construction of
IUPHHK-Forests Alam and Forests Plants
16.3. Industrial Pulp and Needs Raw Materials
16.3.1. Raw Materials for the Industry requirement
Pulp RAPP and IKPP
16.3.2. Comparing contribution of HTI and Forests
Alam for PT. RAPP and PT. IKPP
16.4. Fulfillment Raw Materials, and Conditions Natural
Forest Riau
17.1. Kesimpulan
17.2. Implikasi Kebijakan
17.3. Prospek 5 tahun ke depan
17.1. Conclusion
17.2. Policy implications
17.3. Prospects for the next 5 years
Company : PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI, Integrated Sister
company of
Date of establishment : 16th December 1996
Address : Jl. Kasir II No. 7, Kelurahan Pasir Jaya
Kecamatan Jatiuwung
Phone : ++ 62 - 21 5903362 (Hunting)
F a x : ++ 62 - 21 5903363, 5905508
N P W P : 1.679.499.2-402
Type of Product : Corrugated Carton Box, Capacity 3500 Tons/month
Paper Tube / Bobbin, Capacity 1500 Tons/month
No. of employee : 550 people
Total Investment : US$. 10,000,000.00
Land area : 39,625 m²
Board of Director : David S. Kurniawan
Person in charge : Hengky Somali - General Manager
M. Anwar - Vice Sales Manager
N. A. Hamdani - Accounting Manager
Ma' Ani - Technical Manager
Lie Jiauw Tek - PPIC Manager
Endang S. - Production Manager for Corrugated
Carton Box
Taufik - Production Manager for Paper Tube
Installed machineries :
1 Corrugating Machine Hsieh Hsu Width : 1800 mm 1
2 Flexo Printer Slotter Ming Wei 2 Color 1
3 Flexo Printer Slotter Hsieh Hsu 2 Color 1
4 Flexo Printer Slotter TCY 3 Color 1
Long Way Printing
Hsieh Hsu 2 Color 1
6 Pounch 6
7 Rotary Die Cut Ming Wei Width : 1600 mm 1
8 Glue Machine 1
9 Stitching Machine 20
10 Strapping Machine 15
11 Tying Machine 10
12 Paper Slitting Machine 4
Paper Tube Winding
PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI located in the industrial area in Pasar Kemis, Jl. Kasir II
No. 7, TANGERANG, on the land about 4 Ha. The location is very strategic for the
access towards Tangerang city, Highway Gate Bitung / Curug as well as to the
international Airport Sukarno-Hatta Cengkareng.
Presently PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI employs about 550 employee, which devided
into 2 shift operation. With the support from PAKERIN's group for the supply of paper as
raw material as well as the support through its experiences PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI
has grown to be a reliable partner for its customers to supply their demand for the
corrugated carton boxes and paper tubes.
Corrugated Carton Board / sheet machine with high speed and capacity produces high
quality of corrugated carton sheets. Using a corrugating machine with 1800 mm paper
width and installed speed about 150 m/min PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI is able to
achieve production capacity of over 3500 Tons per month.
Our 2 and 3 color automatic Flexo Printer Slotter machines can print 2 - 3 color
instantaneously with high quality and precision. Additionally the high precision automatic
Gluing Machine assures the high quality and reliable product.
In the other side, the Paper Tube Division of PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI uses 4 units
Slitting machines and 10 units Winders. Supported by long term working experience the
Paper Tube Division is able to achieve the production capacity of about 1500 Tons high
quality Paper Tube per month with various sizes of Tube and quality upon the customer's
PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI is fully supported by PT. PAKERIN, which builds a fully
integrated Corrugated Carton Box and Paper Tube company with a paper manufacturing
company, therefore we have significant advantages, i.e.:
1. Stable quality and assurance of paper supply as raw material, which supported by
paper manufacturing company as integrated Headquarters.
2. If any problems occur with the paper, the problem can be solved immediately due to
the factory integration.
On the other hand, with our laboratory equipment and the experts in its field we are
always controlling the quality of our finished products in order to assure our customer's
satisfaction. Testing in our laboratory starts from the raw material test up to the finished
goods test.
The following tests can be performed at PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI's QC-Lab :
1. Box Compression Test (BCT)
2. Bursting Test
3. Edgewise Crush Test (ECT)
4. Flat Crush Test (FCT)
5. Pin Adhesion Test (PAT)
6. Moisture Test
7. Etc.
To serve our customers with high quality of product and on time delivery to assure our
customer's satisfaction.
Corrugated Carton Box
PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures high Quality of Corrugated Carton Boxes, for
the Box Quality as well as the Printing; therefore we are able to serve our Customer's
requirement and our Customer's Satisfaction.
PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures various kind of Corrugated Carton Boxes
with various Quality Grades and Sizes to suit the Customer's requirement. Our Product
Ranges consist of :
From the simple Standard Boxes
Up to the Complicated Chicken Boxes
The following table will give you the Information about the Paper Grade and Weight,
which are commonly used in PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI.
1. KRAFT LINER (KL) 125 gsm, 150 gsm, 200 gsm and 300 gsm
2. MEDIUM LINER (ML) 125 gsm, 150 gsm, 250 gsm
3. WHITE LINER (WL) 150 gsm, 200 gsm
For our concern to the surrounding Nature we introduce herewith our New Product, i.e.
the Paper Pallet in order to replace the wooden Pallet.
• Termites Free
• Bark Free
• Environmental Friendly
• Fully Recyclable
• Light Weight
• Paper Tubes
PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures Paper Tubes with various Sizes and Tube
Thickness in order to suit the Customer's requirements. The Diameter, which can be
manufactured in PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI, is from the smallest 13 mm up to 375
mm, and the Tube Thickness can be fom 1 mm up to 15 mm.
Beside the Diameter and the Thickness of the Paper Tubes, PT. ASIA CARTON
LESTARI manufactures various kind of Paper Tubes, from the simple standard type,
Up to the complicated type like BULL NOSE.
Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi
Phones: +62 (0266) 9296038
Branch office:
Kirimkan kepada kami buku : “STUDI TENTANG
Send us the book : "STUDY
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Company Address
Telepon/Fax : …………………………………………………………………………
Email : …………………………………………………………………………
Hubungi kami / Contact Us :
DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department)
Address : Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java
Phone : +62 (0266) 9296038, 085793929829
Pembayaran melalui : √ Cash
Payment via
Bank name Cabang Sukabumi
Nomor Rekening : 14081015480
Account number
Rekening atas nama : ROHIYAH
Account in the name
Buku pesanan Anda akan segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan.
Book your order will immediately tell us when there is confirmation from the buyer
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami.
Thank you for the trust you partner with us.
Commercial Global Data
Consultant – Survey –
Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat
: +62 (0266) 9296038, 085793929829, Fax:+62 (0266) 241346 Email:
Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis
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: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department) “Commercial Global Data Research”
: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java – INDONESIA
5793929829; Fax: +62 (0266) 241346; E-mail:
Cash Cheque Transfer
segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan.
Book your order will immediately tell us when there is confirmation from the buyer
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami.
Thank you for the trust you partner with us.
Data Research
– Research – Report
, Jawa Barat – INDONESIA
k X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok

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Book offers on pulp and paper industry in indonesia, 2013

  • 1. Commercial Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038 Branch office: Komplek Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis Outline of Book Contents STUDY OF PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera. Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan! Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera. Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan! Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya. Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami tawarkan kepada Anda adalah “Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan Prospek Industri Pulp dan Kertas di Indonesia, 2013. Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga (Tujuh juta rupiah), guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Pulp dan Kertas, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Pulp dan Kertas di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan y kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Pulp dan Kertas, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. (terlampir contoh Profil Perusahaan). Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien, lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat. Kata Pengantar Industri Agro memiliki peranan strategis dalam struktur industri dan ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kontribusi Industri Agro dalam PDB, ekspor, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Peranan lainnya adalah dalam hal mendukung ketahanan pangan, mendukung pengembangan ekonomi dan pemerataan industri ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Perkembangan industri selama ini telah menunjukkan kemajuan kemajuan, namun belum optimal sebagaimana diharapkan. Hal ini disebabkan berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi, antara lain: 1. Masih berbasis comparative advantage; 2. Kelangkaan bahan baku, karena banyak diekspor dalam bentuk produk primer; 3. Persaingan yang semakin ketat; 4. Adanya hambatan tarif dan non tarif, sehingga masih diperlukan upaya Commercial Global Data Consultant – Survey – Sukamanah RT. 04/06 No. 199 Cisaat, Sukabumi Website: Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038, Fax: +62 (0266) 241346 Email: Komplek Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis, Kota Depok Garis Besar Isi Buku STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI PULP DAN PAPER Outline of Book Contents STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA, 201 Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami “Buku Studi tentang Kondisi Pasar dan Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 7.000.000 , guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Pulp dan Kertas, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor, rkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Pulp dan Kertas di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Pulp dan Kertas, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan lebih produktif, efisien, Industri Agro memiliki peranan strategis dalam struktur industri dan ekonomi Indonesia. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kontribusi Industri Agro dalam tenaga kerja. Peranan lainnya adalah dalam hal mendukung ketahanan pangan, mendukung pengembangan ekonomi dan Perkembangan industri selama ini telah menunjukkan kemajuan- gaimana diharapkan. Hal ini disebabkan berbagai tantangan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi, antara lain: Kelangkaan bahan baku, karena banyak diekspor dalam bentuk produk Adanya hambatan tarif dan non tarif, sehingga masih diperlukan upaya Our customers love! Peace. May we all exist in the shadow of God! Background: Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) Our customers love! Peace. May we all exist in the shadow of God! We are an agency consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the areas of global research data, presenting a variety of real information that includes the manufacturing industry sector, mining, bankin insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services. We present as your consultant partner, to provide real that you need in order to determine the direction of policy in developing your company. One study book products that we offer to you is Market Conditions and Prospects of Pulp and Paper Industry in Indonesia, 2013. We offer these books to you for rupiahs), to help businesses in the Pulp and Paper Industry, helping the investors, help the banks or creditors, and other relevant parties, by the map of power among the competitors / your partner, both competitors from abroad and within the country, studying the development of Export and Import products Pulp and Paper in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities for companies whose condition fluctuates, find out the Main Market of any company's Pulp and Paper, know the market share abroad, knowing the Board of Directors and Commissioners , as well as the other information you need to know. (Company Profile attached example). How big is your company's contribution in increasing production capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at all the opportunities that exist, and are expected to have this book, your company become more productive, efficient, more advanced and compete fairly. Foreword Agro Industry has a strategic role in the Indonesian economy and industrial structure. It can be seen from the contribution of Agriculture in GDP, exports, and employment. Other role is in support of food se economic development and equitable distribution to the industry throughout Indonesia. Industrial development had been showing progress, but not optimal, as expected. This is due to a variety of challenges and problems faced, among others: 1. Still based on comparative advantage; 2. Scarcity of raw materials, as widely exported in the form of primary products; 3. Increasing competition; 4. The existence of tariff and non-tariff barriers, thus still needed development Data Research – Research – Report Sukabumi 43152, Jawa Barat Website: Kota Depok Phone: 085793929829 Garis Besar Isi Buku STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI PULP DAN PAPER DI INDONESIA, 2013 PROSPECTS 2013 May we all exist in the shadow of God! Background: Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) We are an agency consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the areas of global research data, presenting a variety of real-time business information that includes the manufacturing industry sector, mining, banking, insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services. We present as your consultant partner, to provide real-time information that you need in order to determine the direction of policy in developing your company. One study book products that we offer to you is "Book Study on the ts of Pulp and Paper Industry in We offer these books to you for Rp. 7,000,000 (seven million , to help businesses in the Pulp and Paper Industry, helping the investors, help the banks or creditors, and other relevant parties, by looking at the map of power among the competitors / your partner, both competitors from abroad and within the country, studying the development of Export and Import products Pulp and Paper in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities whose condition fluctuates, find out the Main Market of any company's Pulp and Paper, know the market share abroad, knowing the Board of Directors and Commissioners , as well as the other information you need to know. (Company Profile attached example). How big is your company's contribution in increasing production capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at all the opportunities that exist, and are expected to have this book, your company nt, more advanced and compete fairly. Agro Industry has a strategic role in the Indonesian economy and industrial structure. It can be seen from the contribution of Agriculture in GDP, exports, and employment. Other role is in support of food security, support economic development and equitable distribution to the industry throughout Industrial development had been showing progress, but not optimal, as expected. This is due to a variety of challenges and problems faced, among Still based on comparative advantage; Scarcity of raw materials, as widely exported in the form of primary tariff barriers, thus still needed development
  • 2. Industri Pulp dan Kertas juga merupakan salah satu industri yang mempunyai peranan penting dan merupakan produk unggulan dalam menunjang perekonomian Indonesia. Ada 3 alasan utama yang melatarbelakangi pentingnya sumbangan industri ini, Pertama: produk pulp dan kertas harganya banyak ditentukan dalam nilai dolar; Kedua: komponen impor yang digunakan dalam proses produksi nilainya tidak lebih dari 30%; dan Ketiga: produk pulp dan kertas cenderung banyak yang ditujukan untuk pasar ekspor. Sehingga dalam masa krisis ekonomi global yang dihadapi Indonesia saat itu, industri ini masih dapat diandalkan dalam membantu penerimaaan devisa negara. Pentingnya industri pulp dan kertas yang besar tidak terlepas dari kondisi yang dimilikinya. Sampai saat ini industri pulp dan kertas Indonesia memiliki keunggulan komparatif dibandingkan dengan negara lain. Keunggulan yang lebih banyak mengandalkan sumber bahan baku yang berlimpah dengan harga yang relatif murah serta tenaga kerja dengan upah buruh yang relatif rendah. Dalam hal bahan baku misalnya, Indonesia termasuk negara penyedia bahan baku pulp terbesar, karena mempunyai hutan terluas kedua di dunia. Sehingga bahan baku (kayu) untuk pembuatan pulp dan kertas tersedia banyak di Indonesia. Begitu juga dalam hal tenaga kerja, angkatan kerja produktif di Indonesia mencapai puluhan juta orang. Keunggulan komparatif tersebut sebagai akibat dari kondisi alam dan demografi. Tetapi keuntungan komparatif belum merupakan syarat cukup untuk bisa bersaing dimasa mendatang. Untuk mampu berkompetisi dengan industri sejenis dari negara lain dimasa mendatang, maka keunggulan komparatif harus ditingkatkan menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Keunggulan kompetitif ini akan lebih mengandalkan kepada inovasi produk, proses dan jasa, penggunaan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan, perluasan pasar serta benchmarking dengan perusahaan bereputasi internasional. Dilihat dari pangsa produksi dan ekspor penguasaan jaringan pasar luar negeri, masih menjadi kelemahan bagi sebagian besar produsen pulp dan kertas Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, beberapa (group) perusahaan telah mencoba menembus pasar luar negeri, terutama pasar Asia, dengan melakukan ekspansi ke negara-negara di kawasan ini. Kelompok Sinar memasuki pasar Asia dengan mendirikan kelompok perusahaan melalui bendera APP (Asia Pulp and Paper) di Singapura, China, Malaysia, dan India. Begitu juga dengan keluarga Tanoto dan Tanjung Enim Lestari (TEL) yang mengibarkan bendera APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holding Ltd). Kedua kelompok ini memilih Singapura sebagai kantor pusat perusahaan mereka. Pentingnya jaringan pemasaran lebih dipicu terutama pada pasar bebas di kawasan Asia Tenggara (AFTA) tahun 2003, dan kawasan Asia Pasifik (APEC) tahun 2010 yang lalu. Pasar bebas tersebut akan memaksa para produsen pulp dan kertas Indonesia untuk mampu bersaing memperebutkan pasar Asia Pasifik yang terbuka. Kawasan Asia Pasifik merupakan kawasan dengan pasar pulp terbesar di dunia. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisis mengenai kondisi pasar luar negeri terutama pasar Asia, dan bagaimana strategi untuk memasuki dan mengembangkan pasar di kawasan tersebut. Selain itu pasar dalam negeri juga perlu dikaji karena merupakan basis untuk memperkuat daya saing secara nasional. Saat ini, Indonesia berpotensi untuk menjadi produsen 3 besar dalam industri pulp dan kertas di dunia, antara lain karena produksi pulp dan kertas di tanah air diuntungkan oleh berbagai kondisi alam dan geografis di khatulistiwa ini. Saat ini Indonesia menempati peringkat 11 dunia untuk industri kertas dan peringkat 9 dunia untuk industri pulp. Indonesia diuntungkan karena letak geografis Indonesia yang berada di garis khatulistiwa yang rata-rata memiliki pepohonan yang tumbuh tiga kali lebih cepat dibandingkan di negara-negara yang berada di daerah dingin, sehingga tersedia hutan yang luas sebagai sumber bahan baku, selain itu Indonesia juga berada di tengah-tengah Asia yang sedang berkembang menjadi raksasa ekonomi baru yang menjadi pasar terbesar pulp dan kertas dunia dimasa depan. Persaingan global dalam bisnis pulp dan kertas sangat tinggi dan persyaratan lingkungan yang diterapkan juga semakin lama semakin ketat. Apalagi program hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan sekarang ini telah menjadi tuntutan bisnis, karena negara-negara tujuan ekspor dan para pembeli produk semakin menuntut adanya pulp dan kertas yang diproduksi dari sumber yang legal, yang dilengkapi dengan sertifikasi resmi mengenai legalitasnya. Tahun 2013 saja, ekspor kertas dari Indonesia masih akan diwarnai dengan tuduhan dumping, karena harga kertas Indonesia sangat kompetitif di beberapa negara tujuan ekspor. Setiap tahun selalu ada negara tujuan ekspor kertas Indonesia yang melakukan tuduhan dumping. Industri kertas dan pemerintah terus melakukan perlawanan, antara lain melalui lembaga internasional seperti WTO. Perlawanan juga dilakukan langsung terhadap negara-negara penuduh, karena apabila negara tujuan ekspor berhasil mengenakan Bea Masuk Anti Dumping (BMAD) terhadap suatu jenis kertas, dikhawatirkan tuduhan dumping akan berkembang kepada jenis-jenis kertas dan komoditi ekspor Indonesia lainnya. Pulp and paper industry is also one industry which has an important role and is the flagship product in supporting the Indonesian economy. There are 3 main reasons behind the importance of the contribution of this industry, First: pulp and paper product prices are determined in the value of the dollar; Second: imported components used in the production process is worth no more than 30%, and Third: pulp and paper products tend to be much intended for the export market. So that in times of global economic crisis facing Indonesia at that time, the industry is still reliable in helping the acceptance of foreign exchange. Importance of the pulp and paper industry is not large regardless of the condition they have. Until now the Indonesian pulp and paper industry has a comparative advantage compared to other countries. The advantages are more reliant on abundant sources of raw materials at a relatively cheap and labor with relatively low labor costs. In terms of raw materials, for example, Indonesia is the country's largest provider of pulp raw material, because it has the second largest forest in the world. So that the raw material (wood) for the manufacture of pulp and paper available lot in Indonesia. So also in the case of labor, productive labor force in Indonesia reaches tens of millions of people. The comparative advantage as a result of natural conditions and demographics. But comparative advantage has not been a sufficient condition to be able to compete in the future. To be able to compete with similar industries of other countries in the future, it should be increased comparative advantage into competitive advantage. This competitive advantage will be relying on the innovation of products, processes and services, the use of environmentally friendly technologies, market expansion, and benchmarking with internationally reputed companies. Judging from the share of the production and export control networks overseas markets, is still a weakness for most of the Indonesian pulp and paper manufacturers. Even so, some (group) company has been trying to penetrate foreign markets, especially the Asian market, by expanding into countries in the region. Sinar group entered the Asian market by setting up a group of companies through flag APP (Asia Pulp and Paper) in Singapore, China, Malaysia, and India. So also with the family Tanoto and Tanjung Enim Lestari (TEL) is flying the flag APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd). Both groups chose Singapore as their corporate headquarters. The importance of network marketing is more driven primarily on the free market in Southeast Asia (AFTA) in 2003, and the Asia Pacific region (APEC) in 2010. The free market will force the Indonesian pulp and paper manufacturers to be able to compete for the Asia Pacific markets are open. Asia Pacific is the region with the world's largest pulp market. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the condition of overseas markets, especially the Asian market, and how strategies to enter and develop the market in the region. Besides the domestic market also needs to be studied because it is the basis for strengthening national competitiveness. Currently, Indonesia has the potential to be a top 3 manufacturers in the pulp and paper industry in the world, partly because of the production of pulp and paper in the country benefited by various natural and geographical conditions at the equator. Currently, Indonesia is ranked 11th for the paper industry and 9th world for the pulp industry. Indonesia benefited from Indonesia's geographical location at the equator on average have trees that grow three times faster than in the countries that are in cold regions, making available vast forests as a source of raw materials, but it is also located in Indonesia the middle of the emerging Asian economic giant into new markets the world's largest pulp and paper in the future. Global competition in the pulp and paper business is very high and environmental requirements applicable also becoming increasingly stringent. Moreover, energy-saving programs and environmentally friendly is today the demands of business, because the export destination countries and the buyers are increasingly demanding the pulp and paper produced from legal sources, which comes with an official certification regarding its legality. In 2013 alone, exports of Indonesian paper will still tinged with allegations of dumping, because the price is very competitive Indonesian paper in some export destinations. Every year there is always a paper Indonesian export destination countries are doing the dumping charges. Paper industry and government continue to take the fight, including through international institutions such as the WTO. Resistance also be made directly to the accuser states, since if successful export destination countries impose anti-dumping duty (BMAD) to a type of paper, it is feared dumping charges will evolve to the types of paper and other Indonesian export commodities.
  • 3. Indonesia telah menjadi bulan-bulanan tuduhan dumping dari negara- negara tujuan ekspor kertas. Meskipun sebagian besar tuduhan tersebut dapat dipatahkan, tetapi untuk menghadapi tuduhan tersebut memakan waktu, tenaga, dan biaya. Industri kertas Indonesia juga harus menghadapi pengenaan Bea Masuk Anti Dumping (BMAD) dan Countervailing Duty (CVD), dimana negara-negara pesaing tidak mau mencabutnya, seperti yang terjadi terhadap ekspor kertas tulis-cetak ke Korea Selatan dan kertas koran ke Malaysia. Kedua negara tersebut tetap mengenakan BMAD meskipun sudah melewati batas waktu 5 tahun yang ditetapkan WTO. Baru-baru ini, APKI meminta dukungan Kementerian Perdagangan dan Perindustrian agar mencermati banyaknya perjanjian perdagangan antara negara di dunia seperti PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) dan FTA (Free Trade Agreement), apakah berpotensi memberikan dampak negatif atau positif terhadap neraca perdagangan Indonesia. Misalnya PTA Pakistan-China, ternyata Pakistan memberikan penurunan bea-masuk terhadap kertas dari China. Tetapi karena belum ada PTA Pakistan - Indonesia, kertas Indonesia ke Pakistan tetap dikenakan bea- masuk normal. Nilai ekspor kertas Indonesia ke Pakistan dalam beberapa tahun ini sekitar USD55 juta/tahun. Sementara itu dengan PTA Pakistan-China, Pakistan mengenakan bea-masuk terhadap kertas packaging China sebesar 17%, sedang untuk kertas packaging ex. Indonesia dikenakan bea masuk normal sebesar 40%. Dengan ditandatanganinya PTA Pakistan-China dapat diperkirakan pembeli kertas Pakistan akan lebih memilih mengimpor kertas dari China, dibandingkan dari Indonesia. Tabel 1 Kapasitas Produksi Pulp dan Kertas, 2007-2012 No Jenis Industri/ Komoditi Kapasitas Produksi (Ton/Tahun) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 Pulp 6.697.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 7.902.100 2 Kertas 10.359.481 12.178.650 12.178.650 12.178.650 14.427.830 14.427.830 Sumber: Direktorat Jenderal Industri Agro Tabel 2 Realisasi Produksi Pulp dan Kertas, 2007-2012 No Jenis Industri/ Komoditi Realisasi Produksi (Ton/Tahun) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 Pulp 6.282.330 5.910.416 6.525.099 7.047.107 7.140.537 7.516.129 2 Kertas 8.680.804 8.251.972 9.308.225 10.518.294 12.446.090 13.482.849 Sumber: Direktorat Jenderal Industri Agro DAFTAR ISI BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1. Latar Belakang 1.2. Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup 1.3. Sumber Data dan Informasi 1.4. Struktur Industri Pulp dan Kertas 1.5. Pemain utama Industri Pulp dan Kertas 1.6. Aspek Produksi BAB II PERTUMBUHAN PEREKONOMIAN DAN PENDUDUK INDONESIA 2.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan III-2012 2.1.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan III-2012 2.1.2. Nilai PDB atas Dasar Harga Berlaku dan Harga Konstan 2000 Triwulan III-2012 2.1.3. Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan III Tahun 2011 dan 2012 2.1.4. PDB menurut Pengeluaran Triwulan III-2012 2.1.5. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok Provinsi, Triwulan III-2012 2.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan IV-2012 2.2.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Tahun 2012 2.2.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan IV-2012 2.2.3. Struktur PDB menurut lapangan usaha, Tahun 2010- 2012 2.2.4. PDB menurut Penggunaan 2.2.5. PDB dan Produk Nasional Bruto Per Kapita 2.2.6. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan IV-2012 2.3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2013 tumbuh 6,3-6,8 Persen 2.4. Perkembangan indeks harga konsumen/inflasi 2.5. Penduduk Indonesia bisa mencapai lebih dari 257 Juta Jiwa Tahun 2013 BAB III PULP DAN KERTAS ASAL HUTAN INDONESIA 3.1. Sejarah Pengelolaan Hutan di Indonesia 3.2. Fungsi Hutan 3.3. Kerusakan Hutan Indonesia 3.3.1. Ekspansi Industri Pulp dan Kertas besar-besaran 3.3.2. Empat jagoan Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia has become the butt of the alleged dumping of export destination countries of the paper. Although most of the charges can be dismissed, but to face the charges takes time, effort, and cost. Indonesian paper industry also has to face the imposition of anti-dumping duty (BMAD) and Countervailing Duty (CVD), in which the competing countries do not want to pull out, as happened to the printing-writing paper exports to South Korea to Malaysia and newsprint. Both countries are still wearing BMAD despite being over the limit of 5 years specified WTO. Recently, APKI requested support from the Ministry of Trade and Industry in order to look at the many trade agreements between the countries in the world such as the PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement) and the FTA (Free Trade Agreement), whether the potential negative or positive impact on Indonesia's trade balance. Pakistan-China PTA for example, it turns out Pakistan giving duty-log reduction on paper from China. But because there is no Pakistan PTA - Indonesian, Indonesian paper to Pakistan remains subject to import-enter normal. The export value of Indonesian paper to Pakistan in recent years, approximately $ 55 million/year. Meanwhile the Pakistan-China PTA, Pakistan- enter impose duties on Chinese paper packaging by 17%, while for the paper packaging ex. Indonesia normal duty levied at 40%. With the signing of the Pakistan-China PTA can be expected buyers would prefer a Pakistan paper paper imports from China, than from Indonesia. Table 1 Pulp and Paper Production Capacity, 2007-2012 No Type of industry/ commo- dity Production capacity (Ton/Year) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 Pulp 6,697,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 7,902,100 2 Paper 10,359,481 12,178,650 12,178,650 12,178,650 14,427,830 14,427,830 Source: Directorate general of agriculture Tabel 2 Realization of the Pulp and Paper Production, 2007-2012 No Type of industry/ commo- dity Realization of Production (Ton/Year) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 Pulp 6,282,330 5,910,416 6,525,099 7,047,107 7,140,537 7,516,129 2 Paper 8,680,804 8,251,972 9,308,225 10,518,294 12,446,090 13,482,849 Source: Directorate general of agriculture LIST OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background 1.2. Purpose and Scope 1.3. Source of Data and Information 1.4. Structure of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1,5. The main players Pulp and Paper Industry 1.6. Aspects of Production CHAPTER II POPULATION GROWTH AND INDONESIA 2.1. Indonesian Economic Growth Third Quarter 2012 2.1.1. Economic Growth in Third Quarter 2012 2.1.2. Value of GDP at Current Prices and Constant 2000 Quarter III-2012 2.1.3. Structure of GDP by Sectors Third Quarter 2011 and 2012 2.1.4. GDP by Expenditure Quarter III-2012 2.1.5. Indonesian Economic Spatial profile according to Provincial Group, Third Quarter 2012 2.2. Economic growth in Indonesia in Quarter IV-2012 2.2.1. Economic Growth In 2012 2.2.2. Economic Growth in Fourth Quarter of 2012 2.2.3. Structure of GDP by economic activities, 2010- 2012 Year 2.2.4. GDP by expenditure 2.2.5. GDP and Per Capita Gross National Product 2.2.6. Spatial profile of Indonesian Economic Quarterly Province by Group IV-2012 2.3. Indonesian Economic Growth First Quarter-2013 grew from 6.3 to 6.8 Percent 2.4. Development of the consumer price index / inflation 2.5. Indonesia's population could reach more than 257 Million People in 2013 CHAPTER III PULP AND PAPER FOREST INDONESIA ORIGIN 3.1. History of Forest Management in Indonesia 3.2. Forests function 3.3. Damage to Forests Indonesia 3.3.1. Pulp and Paper Industry Expansion massive 3.3.2. Four whiz Pulp and Paper
  • 4. 3.3.3. Menelusuri jejak rusaknya Hutan Indonesia 3.4. Industri Kehutanan membutuhkan momentum investasi 3.5. Perkembangan pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia 3.6. Pemanfaatan hutan alam terbesar di Kalimantan 3.6.1. Kalimantan Timur memiliki hutan tanaman terbesar 3.7. BUMN dominasi IUPHHK hutan alam 3.8. Perusahaan chip mills memberikan tekanan lebih pada hutan- hutan dan kehidupan di Kalimantan Selatan 3.8.1. Kesenjangan pasokan 3.8.2. Mengganti hutan dengan chip kayu 3.8.3. Gambaran satu sisi saja untuk masyarakat desa- desa di Pulau Laut 3.8.4. Dukungan Internasional 3.9. Jumlah Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan menurut Provinsi 3.10. Luas areal perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan 3.11. Produksi Kayu Bulat oleh Perusahaan Hak Pengusahaan Hutan menurut Jenis Kayu 3.12. Sebaran Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) di Indonesia 3.13. Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) tentang Hasil Hutan BAB IV TEORI TENTANG INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 4.1. Pengertian Kertas 4.1.1. Sejarah Kertas 4.1.2. Nicholas Louis Robert, penemu proses pembuatan kertas 4.1.3. Ukuran kertas 4.1.4. Kertas Washi 4.1.5. Kertas Daluwang 4.1.6. Kertas Lontar 4.2. Ruang Lingkup Industri Pulp dan Kertas 4.2.1. Cakupan industri pulp 4.2.2. Cakupan industri kertas 4.3. Pengelompokan Industri Kertas 4.3.1. Kelompok Industri Hulu 4.3.2. Kelompok Industri Antara 4.3.3. Kelompok Industri Hilir 4.3.4. KBLI Produk Industri Pulp dan Kertas 4.4. Standarisasi Industri Pulp dan Kertas BAB V BAHAN BAKU DAN PROSES PEMBUATAN PULP DAN KERTAS 5.1. Bahan Baku 5.1.1. Selulosa 5.1.2. Jenis-jenis kertas 5.2. Proses Pembuatan Pulp dan Kertas 5.2.1. Proses Pembuatan Bubur Kertas (Pulp) 5.2.2. Proses Pembuatan Kertas (Paper machine) 5.2.3. Beberapa fakta untuk menghargai selembar Kertas 5.2.4. Pembuatan kertas basah-kering 5.2.5. Pengeringan dalam mesin Fourdrinier 5.2.6. Aspek ekonomis BAB VI KONDISI PASAR INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS DI INDONESIA 6.1. Indonesia berpeluang menyusul Skandinavia di Pasar Bubur Kertas 6.2. Pasar Kertas Domestik tumbuh 4,2% tahun ini 6.3. Sinarmas bangun Pabrik Kertas 27 Triliun Rupiah 6.4. Menteri Perindustrian pelajari boikot kertas oleh Walt Disney 6.5. Industri Percetakan tumbuh Negatif 6.6. Harga Kertas dan Bubur Kertas merosot 6.7. Peluang Indonesia menjadi pemasok utama Pulp dan Kertas 6.8. Produksi Kertas bisa mencapai 13 Juta Ton 6.9. Indonesia menuju Net Importer Kertas 6.10. Pulp dan Kertas perlu adopsi Teknologi Hijau 6.11. Produsen Kertas harus ikuti Prosedur WTO 6.12. Produksi Pulp naik 5,26 Persen 6.13. Momentum kebangkitan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia 6.14. KADI Investigasi Impor Kertas 6.15. Produksi kertas nasional dalam prosesnya mengacu kepada Syarat Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK) 6.16. Taiwan membuat kertas dari beras dan batang gandum 6.17. Industri Pulp butuh 1,5 Juta Hektar 6.18. Permintaan naik, APP memacu produksinya 6.19. Eco-Labeling dan Otonomi Daerah 6.19.1. Pengertian dari ECO-LABELING 6.19.2. Sejarah Perkembangan Ekolabel 6.19.3. Permasalahan dengan Pengembangan Agribisnis Pulp dan Kertas dalam Era Eco-Labeling dan Otonomi Daerah 6.19.4. Hasil Analisa Eco-Labeling pada Industri Pulp dan Kertas 6.20. Pembangunan Industri Pulp dan Kertas: Jangan mengganggu Kelestarian Hutan Alam Indonesia 3.3.3. Trace the destruction of Indonesia's forests 3.4. Forestry industry requires investment momentum 3.5. Development of forest management in Indonesia 3.6. Utilization of the largest natural forests in Borneo 3.6.1. East Kalimantan has the largest plantation 3.7. SOE dominance of natural forest IUPHHK 3.8. Chip mills company put even more pressure on forests and life in South Kalimantan 3.8.1. Supply gap 3.8.2. Replacing forests with wood chips 3.8.3. Picture of one side to the villages in Sea Island 3.8.4. International Support 3.9. Amount Forest Concession Companies by Province 3:10. The area of forest concession companies 3.11. By Round Wood Production Forest Concession Company by Wood Type 3.12. Distribution of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) in Indonesia 3.13. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) of Forest Products CHAPTER IV THEORY OF PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY 4.1. Definition Paper 4.1.1. History of Paper 4.1.2. Nicholas Louis Robert, the inventor of paper- making process 4.1.3. Paper size 4.1.4. Washi paper 4.1.5. Paper Daluwang 4.1.6. Papyrus paper 4.2. Scope of the Pulp and Paper Industry 4.2.1. Coverage pulp industry 4.2.2. Coverage paper industry 4.3. Paper Industry Grouping 4.3.1. Upstream Industry Group 4.3.2. Between Industry Group 4.3.3. Downstream Industry Group 4.3.4. ISIC Products Pulp and Paper Industry 4.4. Standardization of Pulp and Paper Industry CHAPTER V RAW MATERIAL AND PROCESS OF PULP AND PAPER 5.1. Raw Materials 5.1.1. Cellulose 5.1.2. The types of paper 5.2. Pulp and Paper Making Process 5.2.1. Pulp Making Process (Pulp) 5.2.2. Papermaking (paper machine) 5.2.3. Some facts to appreciate a piece of paper 5.2.4. Papermaking wet-dry 5.2.5. Drying the Fourdrinier machine 5.2.6. Economical aspects CHAPTER VI CONDITIONS MARKET PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA 6.1. Indonesia likely to follow in the Scandinavian Market Pulp 6.2. Paper domestic market grew 4.2% this year 6.3. Sinarmas up 27 Trillion Dollar Paper Factory 6.4. Industry Minister learned boycott the paper by Walt Disney 6.5. Printing Industry growing Negative 6.6. Paper and Pulp prices decline 6.7. Opportunities Indonesia became a major supplier of Pulp and Paper 6.8. Paper production could reach 13 million tonnes 6.9. Indonesia to Net Importer Paper 6.10. Pulp and Paper Green Technology needs adoption 6.11. Paper manufacturers have to follow the procedure of WTO 6.12. Pulp production rose 5.26 Percent 6.13. Momentum resurrection Indonesian Pulp and Paper Industry 6.14. Investigation committee is Import Paper 6.15. National paper production process to our Terms of Timber Legality Verification (SVLK) 6.16. Taiwan to make paper from rice and wheat stalks 6.17. Pulp need 1.5 Million Hectares 6.18. Demand rose, spurring APP production 6.19. Eco-Labeling and Autonomy 6.19.1. Understanding of ECO-LABELING 6.19.2. History of Ecolabel 6.19.3. Problems with Agribusiness Pulp and Paper in the Age of Eco-Labeling and Autonomy 6.19.4. Results Analysis of Eco-Labeling on the Pulp and Paper Industry 6.20. Pulp and Paper Industry Development: Do not disturb Indonesia Natural Forest Sustainability
  • 5. 6.20.1. Ekspor dan konsumsi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia semakin meningkat 6.20.2. Bahan baku Pulp dan Kertas dari hutan alam Indonesia 6.20.3. Realisasi pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) terlalu lambat 6.20.4. Semakin merusak hutan alam 6.20.5. Jalan Keluar 6.21. Tiga unit usaha APP meraih penghargaan Industri Hijau 2012 6.22. Menteri Perindustrian menyikapi boikot Kertas oleh Walt Disney 6.23. Sinarmas membangun Pabrik Kertas Rp 27 Triliun 6.24. Indonesia menuju Net Importer Kertas 6.25. Pembangunan Pabrik Kertas terbesar di Asia 6.26. Industri Pulp membutuhkan tambahan 1,5 Juta Hektar 6.27. Produsen kertas harus mengikuti prosedur WTO 6.28. Ekspor Pulp dan Kertas ditargetkan naik US$2,64 Miliar 6.29. Industri Pulp dan Kertas menarik Investasi US$ 16 miliar 6.30. Sebagian Pengusaha Pulp dan Kertas keluhkan minimnya pasokan bahan baku kayu 6.31. Pasar dunia mengandalkan kayu asal Indonesia 6.32. Ekspor pulp dan kertas diprediksi tumbuh 4% 6.33. Luas Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) turun, Hutan Rakyat naik 6.33.1. Nilai Investasi pada Industri Kehutanan naik 10% 6.33.2. Kehutanan: SVLK tidak menghambat kinerja ekspor kayu Indonesia 6.34. Industri Indonesia diprediksi tidak akan mampu menggarap peluang Pulp dan Kertas di Asia 6.35. Target Produksi RAPP bakal stagnan 2,8 juta ton 6.36. Investasi Industri Kertas diharapkan naik 8% 6.37. Pulp dan Kertas, komoditi ekspor non migas andalan Indonesia 6.38. Pembangunan Pabrik Kertas “OKI Pulp dan Paper Mills”, terbesar di Asia 6.39. Industri Kertas dan Bubur Kertas Genjot Produksi 6.40. Industri kertas diharapkan meningkat 8 persen tahun 2013 6.41. Pengusaha Pulp dan Paper meminta kepada Pemerintah, agar Peraturan Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu diperjelas 6.42. Permintaan bertambah, Produksi Pulp naik 5,26% 6.43. Pengusaha Pulp dan Kertas, mengeluhkan minimnya pasokan bahan baku Kayu 6.44. Diterpa isu miring, ekspor kertas bangkit 6.45. Isu Lingkungan NGO Internasional Lemahkan Ekspor Kertas 6.46. Permintaan naik, APP menggenjot produksinya 6.47. Perusahaan Taiwan membuat kertas dari beras dan batang gandum 6.48. Momentum kebangkitan Industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia 6.49. Produksi Kertas bisa mencapai 13 Juta Ton 6.50. Pabrik Kertas milik Prabowo terbesar di ASEAN 6.51. Industri Tembakau (Rokok) 6.51.1. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor Tembakau 6.51.2. Trend Nilai Ekspor Tembakau 6.51.3. Perkembangan Volume Ekspor Tembakau 6.51.4. Trend Volume Ekspor Tembakau 6.51.5. Perkembangan Nilai Impor Tembakau 6.51.6. Trend Nilai Impor Tembakau 6.51.7. Perkembangan Volume Impor Tembakau 6.51.8 Perkembangan jumlah tenaga kerja pada Industri Tembakau dan Rokok 6.51.9. Trend jumlah tenaga kerja pada Industri Tembakau dan Rokok 6.51.10. Perkembangan Nilai Ekspor Rokok menurut Negara Tujuan 6.51.11. Perkembangan Nilai Impor Industri Rokok menurut Negara Asal 6.52. Industri Kemasan Karton 6.52.1. Anthoni Salim Gandeng Jepang Operasikan Pabrik Kemasan Karton 6.52.2. Melihat bisnis kemasan sebagai peluang usaha menguntungkan 6.53. Daftar Perusahaan Industri Pulp dan Kertas, Kapasitas Terpasang dan Jenis Produk BAB VII PROSPEK DAN TANTANGAN INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS INDONESIA 7.1. Industri Kertas Indonesia masih prospektif 7.2. Kecenderungan Global 7.2.1. Kecenderungan yang telah terjadi 7.2.2. Kecenderungan yang akan terjadi 7.2.3. Analisis terhadap kecenderungan yang telah dan akan terjadi dalam perkembangan Industri Kertas 7.3. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Industri Kertas 7.4. Faktor Daya Saing 6.20.1. Exports and consumption Indonesian Pulp and Paper has increased 6.20.2. Pulp and Paper raw materials from Indonesia's natural forests 6.20.3. The realization of the development of industrial timber estates (HTI) is too slow 6.20.4. Increasingly destructive natural forest 6.20.5. Way out 6.21. Three business units APP awarded the Green Industry in 2012 6.22. Paper Industry Minister to address a boycott by Walt Disney 6.23. Sinarmas build a Rp 27 Trillion Paper Factory 6.24. Indonesia to Net Importer Paper 6.25. Construction of Asia's largest paper factory 6.26. Pulp industry requires an additional 1.5 million hectares 6.27. Paper producers must follow the procedures of WTO 6.28. Pulp and paper exports targeted to U.S. $ 2.64 Billion 6.29. Pulp and Paper Industry Investment attract U.S. $ 16 billion 6.30. Most entrepreneurs are complaining about the lack of Pulp and Paper supply of wood raw material 6.31. World markets rely on wood from Indonesia 6.32. Pulp and paper exports is expected to grow 4% 6.33. Widespread industrial timber estates (HTI) down, Forestry ride 6.33.1. Investments in Forest Industry value up 10% 6.33.2. Forestry: TLVS not hamper the performance of Indonesia's timber exports 6.34. Indonesian industry predicted would not be able to work opportunities in the Asia Pulp and Paper 6.35. Production targets will RAPP stagnant 2.8 million tons 6.36. Paper Industry investment is expected to rise 8% 6.37. Pulp and Paper, exports of non-oil commodities are Indonesia 6.38. Development Paper Factory "OIC Pulp and Paper Mills", the largest in Asia 6.39. Paper and Pulp Industry Boosts Production 6.40. The paper industry is expected to increase 8 percent in 2013 6.41. Pulp and Paper Entrepreneur ask the Government, in order to clarify the Timber Legality Verification Regulations 6.42. Demand increases, production rose 5.26% Pulp 6.43. Pulp and Paper Entrepreneur, complained about the lack of raw material supply Wood 6.44. Buffeted by rumors, paper exports rose 6.45. International Environmental NGO Issues Paper weakening exports 6.46. Demand up, ramped APP 6.47. Taiwan firm to make paper from rice and wheat stalks 6.48. Momentum resurrection Indonesian Pulp and Paper Industry 6.49. Paper production could reach 13 million tonnes 6.50. Paper mill owned by Prabowo largest in ASEAN 6.51. Industry Tobacco (Smoking) 6.51.1. Development of Export Value Tobacco 6.51.2. Trend Tobacco Exports 6.51.3. Development Tobacco Export Volumes 6.51.4. Volume Trend Tobacco Exports 6.51.5. Development Tobacco Import Value 6.51.6. Trend Import Value of Tobacco 6.51.7. Development Tobacco Import Volume 6.51.8 The number of workers on Tobacco and Cigarette Industry 6.51.9. Trend amount of labor in Tobacco and Cigarette Industry 6.51.10. Development of Export Value by Destination Country Cigarette 6.51.11. Development of the Cigarette Industry Import Value by Country of Origin 6.52. Industrial Packaging Cardboard 6.52.1. Anthoni Salim Cooperate with Japan Operate Carton Packaging Plant 6.52.2. Looking at the packaging business as a lucrative business opportunity 6.53. List of Pulp and Paper Industry, Installed Capacity and Product Types CHAPTER VII PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES OF PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY INDONESIA 7.1. Indonesian paper industry is still prospective 7.2. Global Trends 7.2.1. Trends that have occurred 7.2.2. Tendency to expect 7.2.3. Analysis of the trends that have and will occur in the development of Paper Industry 7.3. Problems faced Paper Industry 7.4. Competitiveness Factors
  • 6. 7.4.1. Permintaan dan Penawaran 7.4.2. Faktor Kondisi (Input) Sumber Daya Alam Sumber Daya Modal Sumber Daya Manusia Infrastruktur Teknologi 7.5. Industri Inti, Pendukung dan Terkait 7.6. Strategi Pengusaha dan Perusahaan 7.7. Analisis SWOT 7.7.1. Kekuatan 7.7.2. Kelemahan 7.7.3. Peluang 7.7.4. Ancaman 7.8. Sasaran 7.8.1. Jangka Menengah (2010-2014) 7.8.2. Jangka Panjang (2010-2025) 7.9. Strategi dan Kebijakan 7.9.1. Visi dan arah pengembangan Industri Kertas 7.9.2. Indikator Pencapaian 7.9.3. Tahapan Implementasi 7.10. Program 7.10.1. Jangka Menengah (2010-2014) 7.10.2. Jangka Panjang (2010-2025) 7.11. Kelembagaan 7.12. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Board Industrial 7.13. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Cigarette Paper 7.14. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Corrugating Medium 7.15. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Joss Paper 7.16. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Kraft Liner and Fluting 7.17. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Newsprint 7.18. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Printing/Writing Uncoated 7.19. Daftar Perusahaan/Produsen Printing/Writing Coated 7.20. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Sack Kraft (Kertas Semen) 7.21. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Security Paper 7.22. Daftar Perusahaan Produsen Specialty Paper BAB VIII PERKEMBANGAN EKSPOR-IMPOR DAN KINERJA INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 8.1. Pulp 8.2. Kertas 8.2.1. Kertas Budaya 8.2.2. Kertas Industri 8.2.3. Kertas Tissue 8.3. Realisasi Produksi 8.3.1. Pulp 8.3.2. Kertas 8.4. Indeks Kinerja Industri Pulp dan Kertas 8.5. Pemantauan Impor Sub Kelompok Hasil Industri Kertas Budaya 8.6. Pemantauan Impor Sub Kelompok Hasil Industri Barang dari kertas/karton lainnya 8.7. Perkembangan Ekspor Komoditi pulp Hasil Industri ke Negara 8.8. Perkembangan Impor Komoditi Pulp Hasil Industri dari Negara 8.9. Perkembangan Ekspor Komoditi paper Hasil Industri ke Negara 8.10. Perkembangan Impor Komoditi paper Hasil Industri dari Negara 8.11. Perusahaan Eksportir Pulp Indonesia 8.12. Perusahaan Eksportir Kertas Indonesia 8.13. Pemantauan Impor: 31 Kelompok Hasil Industri 8.14. Perkembangan Nilai Produksi Industri Besar dan Sedang Indonesia 8.15. Realisasi Ekspor Pulp dan Kertas ke Amerika Serikat (Juta US$) BAB IX REALISASI INVESTASI PADA INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 9.1. Investasi Industri Kertas ditaksir tumbuh 8% 9.2. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMA berdasarkan Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Sektor Triwulan IV 2012 9.3. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMA berdasarkan Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Lokasi Triwulan IV 2012 9.4. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi Pma Berdasarkan Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Negara Triwulan IV 2012 9.5. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMDN berdasarkan Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut Sektor Triwulan IV 2012 9.6. Perkembangan Realisasi Investasi PMDN berdasarkan Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) menurut lokasi Triwulan IV 2012 7.4.1. Supply and Demand 7.4.2. The condition factor (Input) Natural Resources Capital Resources Human Resources Infrastructure Technology 7.5. Industrial Core, Supporting and Related 7.6. Entrepreneurs and Corporate Strategy 7.7. SWOT Analysis 7.7.1. Strength 7.7.2. Weakness 7.7.3. Chance 7.7.4. Threat 7.8. Target 7.8.1. Medium Term (2010-2014) 7.8.2. Long-term (2010-2025) 7.9. Strategy and Policy 7.9.1. Vision and direction of the development of Paper Industry 7.9.2. Indicators of Achievement 7.9.3. Stages of Implementation 7.10. Program 7.10.1. Medium Term (2010-2014) 7.10.2. Long-term (2010-2025) 7.11. Institutional 7.12. List of Companies / Manufacturers Industrial Board 7.13. List of Companies / Manufacturers Cigarette Paper 7.14. List of Companies / Manufacturers of Corrugating Medium 7.15. List of Manufacturers Joss Paper 7.16. List of Manufacturers Kraft Liner and Fluting 7.17. List of Companies / Manufacturers Newsprint 7.18. List of Companies / Manufacturers Printing / Writing Uncoated 7.19. List of Companies / Manufacturers Printing / Writing Coated 7.20. List of Manufacturers Sack Kraft (Paper Cement) 7.21. List of Manufacturers Security Paper 7.22. List of Manufacturers of Specialty Paper Company CHAPTER VIII THE EXPORT-IMPORT AND PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE 8.1. Pulp 8.2. Paper 8.2.1. Paper Culture 8.2.2. Paper Industry 8.2.3. Tissue Paper 8.3. Realization of Production 8.3.1. Pulp 8.3.2. Paper 8.4. Performance index Pulp and Paper Industry 8.5. Import Monitoring Sub Group Industrial Products Paper Culture 8.6. Monitoring Sub Group Industrial Products Import Goods of paper / paperboard 8.7. Commodity Exports pulp industry results to State 8.8. Pulp Commodity Imports from State Industrial Products 8.9. Commodity Exports paper industry results to State 8.10. Commodity Imports paper from State Industrial Products 8.11. Indonesian Pulp Exporters company 8.12. Paper Company Exporter Indonesia 8.13. Monitoring Imports: 31 of Industrial Products Group 8.14. The Development of Large and Medium Industrial Production Indonesian 8.15. Realization of the Pulp and Paper Exports to the United States (U.S. $ Million) CHAPTER IX REALIZED INVESTMENT IN PULP AND PAPER 9.1. Paper Industry investment is estimated to grow 8% 9.2. Realization of Foreign Direct Investment by Investment Activity Report (LKPM) by Sector Fourth Quarter 2012 9.3. Realization of Foreign Direct Investment by Investment Activity Report (LKPM) according Location Fourth Quarter 2012 9.4. Foreign Direct Investment Realization Based on Investment Activity Report (LKPM) by Country Fourth Quarter 2012 9.5. Actual development of the Domestic Investment by Investment Activity Report (LKPM) by Sector Fourth Quarter 2012 9.6. Actual development of the Domestic Investment by Investment Activity Report (LKPM) according to the location of Fourth Quarter 2012
  • 7. BAB X ERA ECO-LABELING DAN OTONOMI DAERAH 10.1. Pengertian dari Eco-Labeling 10.2. Sejarah Perkembangan Ekolabel 10.3. Permasalahan dengan Pengembangan Agribisnis Pulp dan Kertas dalam Era Eco-Labeling dan Otonomi Daerah 10.4. Produsen Pabrik Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia yang telah menerapkan Ekolabel BAB XI PERKEMBANGAN INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS DUNIA 11.1. Peluang Bisnis (Sektor Kertas dan Pulp di India) 11.1.1. Pasar berkembang untuk Kertas 11.1.2. Fokus 11.1.3. Faktor dibalik pertumbuhan 11.1.4. Ikhtisar Industri 11.2. Outlook sektor Pulp dan Kertas Kanada, 2011-2020 11.3. Industri Pulp dan Kertas Brazil 11.4. Industri Pulp dan Kertas di China BAB XII KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH PADA INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 12.1. Green Industry: Pemerintah Dorong Penerapan Industri Hijau untuk Pulp dan Kertas 12.2. SK Menteri Kehutanan Republik Indonesia No. SK.101/Menhut-II/2004 tentang Percepatan Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman untuk Pemenuhan Bahan Baku Industri Pulp dan Kertas 12.3. Rencana Strategis Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas Tahun 2010-2014 BAB XIII POTENSI KONSERVASI ENERGI DAN REDUKSI EMISI PADA BEBERAPA PRODUSEN INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 13.1. Peluang Penghematan Energi pada Industri Pulp dan Kertas 13.2. Potensi Konsumsi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi pada Industri Pulp 13.2.1. Tanjung Enim Lestari 13.2.2. Toba Pulp Lestari 13.3. Potensi Konservasi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi di Industri Kertas 13.3.1. Adiprima Suraprinta 13.3.2. Aspec Kumbong 13.3.3. Bekasi Teguh 13.3.4. Fajar Surya Wisesa 13.3.5. Indah Kiat – Serang 13.3.6. Pakerin 13.3.7. Pindo Deli 13.3.8. Pura Nusa Persada 13.3.9. Pura Barutama 13.3.9. Surya Zigzag 13.4. Potensi Konservasi Energi dan Reduksi Emisi di Industri Pulp dan Kertas Terpadu 13.4.1. Indah Kiat Perawang Pulp and Paper 13.4.2. Lontar Papyrus 13.4.3. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper BAB XIV PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI PULP, KERTAS, DERIVAT SELULOSA DAN LINGKUNGAN 14.1. Bidang Sarana Riset dan Standardisasi 14.2. Penelitian BAB XV LIMBAH INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS 15.1. Aturan Limbah Industri: Undang-Undang Nomor 32/2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup 15.2. Dunia Usaha keberatan RPP Limbah B3 15.3. Asia Pulp dan Paper mempunyai Teknologi Penyaring Air Bersih IPAG60 15.4. Pemanfaatan campuran limbah padat dengan lindi hitam sebagai bahan Bio Briket 15.5. Konsep Zero Waste BAB XVI PENGGUNAAN BAHAN BAKU INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS PADA PERUSAHAAN SKALA BESAR 16.1. Fokus perhatian Dunia pada HTI Indonesia 16.2. Kawasan Hutan dan Pemanfaatannya 16.2.1. Luas Kawasan Hutan Indonesia 16.2.2. Trend Perkembangan Pembangunan IUPHHK-Hutan Alam dan Hutan Tanaman 16.3. Industri Pulp dan Kebutuhan Bahan Baku 16.3.1. Kebutuhan Bahan Baku untuk Industri Pulp RAPP dan IKPP 16.3.2. Membandingkan kontribusi HTI dan Hutan Alam bagi PT. RAPP dan PT. IKPP 16.4. Pemenuhan Bahan Baku, dan Kondisi Hutan Alam Riau CHAPTER X ERA ECO-LABELING AND AUTONOMY REGIONAL 10.1. Understanding from Eco-Labeling 10.2. History of Ecolabel 10.3. Problems with Agribusiness Pulp and Paper in the Age of Eco-Labeling and Autonomy 10.4. Manufacturers Factory Pulp and Paper Indonesian who have implemented Ekolabel CHAPTER XI DEVELOPMENTS INDUSTRY PULP AND PAPER THE WORLD 11.1. Opportunity Business (Sector Paper and Pulp in India) 11.1.1. Market is growing for Paper 11.1.2. Focus 11.1.3. Factor is reversed growth 11.1.4. Overview Industry 11.2. Outlook sectors Pulp and Paper Canadian, 2011-2020 11.3. Brazilian Pulp and Paper Industry 11.4. Industry Pulp and Paper in China CHAPTER XII GOVERNMENT POLICY ON PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY 12.1. Green Industry: The Government Push the Application of Green Industry for Pulp and Paper 12.2. SK Minister of of Forestry Republic of Indonesia No.. SK.101/Menhut-II/2004 about Acceleration the Forest Development Plant for Fulfillment Materials Industrial Raw Pulp and Paper 12.3. Center for Strategic Plan Year 2010-2014 Pulp and Paper CHAPTER XIII POTENCY CONSERVATION OF ENERGY AND REDUCTION EMISSION ON SOME MANUFACTURER INDUSTRY PULP AND PAPER 13.1. Opportunities Energy Saving on Industry Pulp and Paper 13.2. Potential Energy Consumption and Emission Reduction in the Pulp Industry 13.2.1. Tanjung Enim Lestari 13.2.2. Toba Pulp Lestari 13.3. Potency Energy Conservation and Emissions Reductions in Industry Paper 13.3.1. Adiprima Suraprinta 13.3.2. Aspec Kumbong 13.3.3. Bekasi Teguh 13.3.4. Fajar Surya Wisesa 13.3.5. Indah Kiat – Serang 13.3.6. Pakerin 13.3.7. Pindo Deli 13.3.8. Pura Nusa Persada 13.3.9. Pura Barutama 13.3.9. Surya Zigzag 13.4. Potency Energy Conservation and Emissions Reductions in the Industry Pulp and Paper Integrated 13.4.1. Indah Kiat Perawang Pulp and Paper 13.4.2. Lontar Papyrus 13.4.3. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper CHAPTER XIV RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY PULP, PAPER, DERIVAT SELULOSA AND ENVIRONMENT 14.1. Field of Sarana Research and Standardization 14.2. Research CHAPTER XV INDUSTRIAL WASTE PULP AND PAPER 15.1. Rules Industrial Waste: to Law Number 32/2009 concerning Protection and Environmental Management Living 15.2. World Enterprises objection RPP Waste B3 15.3. Asia Pulp and Paper have the Technology Filters are Water Clean IPAG60 15.4. Utilization mixture solid waste with black liquor as ingredient Bio Briquette 15.5. Concept Zero Waste CHAPTER XVI USE OF RAW MATERIALS INDUSTRY PULP AND PAPER ON COMPANY SKALA LARGE 16.1. Focus of attention the World on HTI Indonesian 16.2. Forest Areas and Its Usage 16.2.1. Broad Forest Estate Indonesian 16.2.2. Trend The development of Construction of IUPHHK-Forests Alam and Forests Plants 16.3. Industrial Pulp and Needs Raw Materials 16.3.1. Raw Materials for the Industry requirement Pulp RAPP and IKPP 16.3.2. Comparing contribution of HTI and Forests Alam for PT. RAPP and PT. IKPP 16.4. Fulfillment Raw Materials, and Conditions Natural Forest Riau
  • 8. BAB XVII PENUTUP 17.1. Kesimpulan 17.2. Implikasi Kebijakan 17.3. Prospek 5 tahun ke depan RUJUKAN REGULASI CHAPTER XVII CLOSING 17.1. Conclusion 17.2. Policy implications 17.3. Prospects for the next 5 years REGULATORY REFERENCE SAMPLE OF DIRECTORY Company : PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI, Integrated Sister company of PT. PAKERIN (PABRIK KERTAS INDONESIA) in Surabaya. Date of establishment : 16th December 1996 Address : Jl. Kasir II No. 7, Kelurahan Pasir Jaya Kecamatan Jatiuwung TANGERANG 15135 Phone : ++ 62 - 21 5903362 (Hunting) F a x : ++ 62 - 21 5903363, 5905508 N P W P : 1.679.499.2-402 Type of Product : Corrugated Carton Box, Capacity 3500 Tons/month Paper Tube / Bobbin, Capacity 1500 Tons/month No. of employee : 550 people Total Investment : US$. 10,000,000.00 Land area : 39,625 m² Board of Director : David S. Kurniawan Person in charge : Hengky Somali - General Manager M. Anwar - Vice Sales Manager N. A. Hamdani - Accounting Manager Ma' Ani - Technical Manager Lie Jiauw Tek - PPIC Manager Endang S. - Production Manager for Corrugated Carton Box Taufik - Production Manager for Paper Tube Installed machineries : No. TYPE OF MACHINE MAKER SPECIFICATION QTY. 1 Corrugating Machine Hsieh Hsu Width : 1800 mm 1 2 Flexo Printer Slotter Ming Wei 2 Color 1 3 Flexo Printer Slotter Hsieh Hsu 2 Color 1 4 Flexo Printer Slotter TCY 3 Color 1 5 Long Way Printing machine Hsieh Hsu 2 Color 1 6 Pounch 6 7 Rotary Die Cut Ming Wei Width : 1600 mm 1 8 Glue Machine 1 9 Stitching Machine 20 10 Strapping Machine 15 11 Tying Machine 10 12 Paper Slitting Machine 4 13 Paper Tube Winding Machine 10 THE FACTORY PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI located in the industrial area in Pasar Kemis, Jl. Kasir II No. 7, TANGERANG, on the land about 4 Ha. The location is very strategic for the access towards Tangerang city, Highway Gate Bitung / Curug as well as to the international Airport Sukarno-Hatta Cengkareng. Presently PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI employs about 550 employee, which devided into 2 shift operation. With the support from PAKERIN's group for the supply of paper as raw material as well as the support through its experiences PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI has grown to be a reliable partner for its customers to supply their demand for the corrugated carton boxes and paper tubes. MACHINERY Corrugated Carton Board / sheet machine with high speed and capacity produces high quality of corrugated carton sheets. Using a corrugating machine with 1800 mm paper width and installed speed about 150 m/min PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI is able to achieve production capacity of over 3500 Tons per month. Our 2 and 3 color automatic Flexo Printer Slotter machines can print 2 - 3 color instantaneously with high quality and precision. Additionally the high precision automatic Gluing Machine assures the high quality and reliable product. AUTOMATIC GLUING MACHINE In the other side, the Paper Tube Division of PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI uses 4 units Slitting machines and 10 units Winders. Supported by long term working experience the Paper Tube Division is able to achieve the production capacity of about 1500 Tons high quality Paper Tube per month with various sizes of Tube and quality upon the customer's request. QUALITY PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI is fully supported by PT. PAKERIN, which builds a fully integrated Corrugated Carton Box and Paper Tube company with a paper manufacturing company, therefore we have significant advantages, i.e.: 1. Stable quality and assurance of paper supply as raw material, which supported by paper manufacturing company as integrated Headquarters. 2. If any problems occur with the paper, the problem can be solved immediately due to the factory integration. On the other hand, with our laboratory equipment and the experts in its field we are always controlling the quality of our finished products in order to assure our customer's satisfaction. Testing in our laboratory starts from the raw material test up to the finished goods test. The following tests can be performed at PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI's QC-Lab : 1. Box Compression Test (BCT) 2. Bursting Test 3. Edgewise Crush Test (ECT) 4. Flat Crush Test (FCT) 5. Pin Adhesion Test (PAT) 6. Moisture Test 7. Etc. COMMITMENT To serve our customers with high quality of product and on time delivery to assure our customer's satisfaction. PRODUCTS Corrugated Carton Box PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures high Quality of Corrugated Carton Boxes, for the Box Quality as well as the Printing; therefore we are able to serve our Customer's requirement and our Customer's Satisfaction. PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures various kind of Corrugated Carton Boxes with various Quality Grades and Sizes to suit the Customer's requirement. Our Product Ranges consist of : From the simple Standard Boxes Up to the Complicated Chicken Boxes The following table will give you the Information about the Paper Grade and Weight, which are commonly used in PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI. No. TYPE OF PAPER WEIGHT 1. KRAFT LINER (KL) 125 gsm, 150 gsm, 200 gsm and 300 gsm 2. MEDIUM LINER (ML) 125 gsm, 150 gsm, 250 gsm 3. WHITE LINER (WL) 150 gsm, 200 gsm NEW PRODUCT PAPER PALLET For our concern to the surrounding Nature we introduce herewith our New Product, i.e. the Paper Pallet in order to replace the wooden Pallet. ADVANTAGES • Termites Free • Bark Free • Environmental Friendly • Fully Recyclable • Light Weight • Paper Tubes PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures Paper Tubes with various Sizes and Tube Thickness in order to suit the Customer's requirements. The Diameter, which can be manufactured in PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI, is from the smallest 13 mm up to 375 mm, and the Tube Thickness can be fom 1 mm up to 15 mm. Beside the Diameter and the Thickness of the Paper Tubes, PT. ASIA CARTON LESTARI manufactures various kind of Paper Tubes, from the simple standard type, Up to the complicated type like BULL NOSE.
  • 9. Commercial Head office: Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi Phones: +62 (0266) 9296038 Branch office: Kirimkan kepada kami buku : “STUDI TENTANG KERTAS Send us the book : "STUDY PAPER INDUSTRY Please select the version of your book Versi/version Tanggal Pemesanan : ………………………………………………………………………… Booking date Nama Pemesan : ………………………………………………………………………… Name of buyer Jabatan : ………………………………………………………………………… Position Nama Perusahaan : ………………………………………………………………………… Name of Company Alamat Perusahaan : ………………………………………………………………………… Company Address Telepon/Fax : ………………………………………………………………………… Phone/Fax Email : ………………………………………………………………………… Hubungi kami / Contact Us : DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department) Address : Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java Phone : +62 (0266) 9296038, 085793929829 Pembayaran melalui : √ Cash Payment via Nama Bank : BANK OCBC NISP Bank name Cabang Sukabumi Nomor Rekening : 14081015480 Account number Rekening atas nama : ROHIYAH Account in the name Buku pesanan Anda akan segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan. Book your order will immediately tell us when there is confirmation from the buyer Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami. Thank you for the trust you partner with us. Commercial Global Data Consultant – Survey – Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat Sukabumi, Jawa Barat Website: : +62 (0266) 9296038, 085793929829, Fax:+62 (0266) 241346 Email: Branch office: Kompleks Deppen Blok X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis FORMULIR PEMESANAN ORDER FORM STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI KERTAS DI INDONESIA”, 2013. STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA”, 2013. Silahkan pilih versi buku anda Please select the version of your book version : √ ( ) Indonesia atau/or ( ) English : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… DENI SILALAHI (Marketing Department) “Commercial Global Data Research” : Sukamanah RT. 04/06 Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java – INDONESIA 5793929829; Fax: +62 (0266) 241346; E-mail: Cash Cheque Transfer OCBC NISP Sukabumi 14081015480-1 segera kami kirim setelah ada konfirmasi dari pihak pemesan. Book your order will immediately tell us when there is confirmation from the buyer Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda bermitra dengan kami. Thank you for the trust you partner with us. Data Research – Research – Report , Jawa Barat – INDONESIA Website: k X/3 Harjamukti Cimanggis – Kota Depok KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI PULP DAN PROSPECTS OF PULP AND …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… mail: