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Brad	Bishop,	Kaitlyn	Farmer,	Tara	Quinn,	
Maria	Weyer
Execu=ve	Summary	
What	makes	Dr.	Raska	unique	and	different	than	other	
Dr.	Raska	encourages	and	inspires	students	by	
crea=ng	a	high	energy,	comfortable	work	
environment	and	providing	his	students	with	client-
based	projects.		
What	unsa=sfied	needs	do	his	prospec=ve	customers	
have	that	can	be	sa=sfied	by	his	services?	
Students	have	dull	classes	that	don’t	excite	them	
about	their	major	and	need	something	that	“pops”	
on	a	resume,	showing	an	employer	their	marke=ng	
Conclusion:	Dr.	Raska	can	leverage	his	use	of	client-based	projects	and	high-energy	
environment	to	create	an	excellent,	engaging	experience	for	current	and	future	
What	makes	Dr.	Raska	unique	and	different	than	
other	professors?	
Dr.	Raska	encourages	and	inspires	students	by	crea=ng	a	high	energy,	
comfortable	work	environment	and	providing	his	students	with	client-based	
What	unsa=sfied	needs	do	his	prospec=ve	
customers	have	that	can	be	sa=sfied	by	his	
Students	have	dull	classes	that	don’t	excite	them	about	their	major	and	need	
something	that	“pops”	on	a	resume,	showing	an	employer	their	marke=ng	
What	posi=oning	strategy	do	we	recommend	to	
Dr.	Raska	(including	value	proposi=on)?			
Dr.	Raska	should	set	specific	goals	and	
dates,	therefore	mo=va=ng	students	to	
strive	for	excellence.		
Strive	for	excellence!	
Students	have	part-=me	jobs	and	enjoy	spending	=me	with	family	and	friends	
(Table	2a).	They	need	to	know	in	advance	what	is	coming	up,	in	terms	of	
homework	and	projects,	so	they	can	plan	ahead	and	be	less	stressed	about	the	
course.	In	turn,	students	will	be	happy	and	excited	to	come	to	class.
What	would	we	do	to	make	prospec=ve	
customers	aware	of	Dr.	Raska’s	classes	and	
make	them	enroll	in	one	of	them	in	the	spring	of	
We	would	encourage	students	to	share	
their	experience	on	social	media	to	gain	
Rewards	Program	points,	therefore	
raising	awareness	of	Bluezzoon	and	Dr.	
Raska’s	classes	among	poten=al	
Students	outside	of	Dr.	Raska’s	classes	are	not	aware	of	Bluezzoon	(Table	1d)	or	
the	marke=ng	experience	they	could	gain	in	Raska’s	classes.	Students	will	be	
mo=vated	to	share	their	experience	if	they	earn	extra	credit	through	the	
Rewards	Program	(Table	1c).
Table	1a.	Social	Media	Following............................	 8	
Table	1b.	Internal	Analysis......................................	 9	
Table	1c.	Compe==ve	Analysis	(Strengths).............	 10	
Table	1d.	Compe==ve	Analysis	(Weaknesses)........	 11	
Table	1e.	External	Analysis......................................	 12	
Table	1f.	SWOT	Analysis	Summary.........................	 13	
Table	2a.	Segment	Profile.......................................	 14	
Table	2b.	Summary	of	Target	Marke=ng................	 15	
Figure	1.	Perceptual	Map	.......................................	 16	
Table	3.	Summary	of	Marke=ng	Mix		.....................	 17
Table	1a.	Social	Media	Following	
Bluezzoon	 NKU	Sports	
NKU	Center	for	
MRPP	 INKUbator	 Social	Media	
Instagram	 227	 86	 37	 -	 -	 96	
Facebook	 712	 -	 76	 -	 162	 136	
TwiEer	 149	 682	 334	 -	 302	 1,188	
LinkedIn	 64	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	
BoEom	Lines	 Bluezzoon	has	
the	widest	
variety	of	social	
media	presence.	
connect	with	
others	from	
from	Dr.	Raska	
and	provide	
NKU	Sports	
followers	are	
on	Instagram	
and	TwiVer.	
More	followers	
are	on	TwiVer.		
The	majority	of	
NKU	Center	for	
followers	are	
on	TwiVer.	
Followers	learn	
about	current	
MRPP	does	
not	have	a	
social	media	
followers	are	on	
Facebook	and	
TwiVer,	with	
more	followers	on	
Social	Media	
has	the	most	
followers	on	
Students	are	
engaged	in	
events	related	
to	social	
Major	Finding:	Bluezzoon	is	present	across	all	social	media	plahorms,	allowing	students	to	choose	which	social	media	site	
they	would	like	to	use.	It	is	the	only	“brand”	an	NKU	professor	has.	
Strengths	 Weaknesses	
Company	 1.	Professors	have	real	experience	with	work	connec=ons	
2.	Small	class	sizes	(faculty-student	ra=o)	
3.	Personal	approach	with	a	passion	for	student	success	
1.	NKU	is	not	a	“college	town”	
2.	NKU	has	a	lot	of	commuter	students	
3.	Students	don’t	take	pride	in	“NKU”	
Brand	 1.	Challenges,	mo=vates,	inspires,	and	excites	students	in	
the	course	
2.		The	brand	name	and	logo	is	unique	and	different	
3.		Depicts	student	success	with	a	focus	on	mentoring	
1.	Only	Raska’s	classes	are	aware	of	brand	
2.	Unclear	link	with	brand	and	Batman/Yoda	
3.	No	link	to	NKU’s	brand	
Product	 1.	Client-based	projects	bring	real	world	work	experience	
2.	Student’s	are	able	to	build	their	resume	and	gain	
connec=ons	to	poten=al	jobs	
3.	Many	opportuni=es	for	engaging,	team	oriented	work	
1.	Online	course	not	available	
2.	Lots	of	outside	work	with	no	upfront	due	dates	(no	
set	dates	in	the	syllabus)	
3.	Class	can	be	fast	paced	and	confusing	
Channels	 1.	Classrooms	are	easy	to	find	in	the	building	
2.	Classrooms	are	small	
3.		Classrooms	have	wi-fi	available	to	all	students	
1.	Classrooms	are	not	cozy	(they	are	plain)	
2.	Uncomfortable	for	students	(chairs	and	tables)	
3.	Class	is	limited	to	only	NKU	classrooms	
Promo:on	 1.	Raska	promotes	his	other	classes/brand	oken	in	class	
2.	Majority	(if	not	all)	students	are	connected	and	engaged	
with	brand	through	social	media	
3.	Raska	fundraises	for	good	causes	during	classes	
1.	Social	media	posts	are	the	same	across	all	
2.	Website	“under	construc=on”	
3.	TwiVer	has	few	followers	
Price	 1.	Social	media	is	no	extra	cost	
2.	Class	does	not	require	a	textbook	
3.	Cost	of	class	is	“included”	in	tui=on	
1.	Parking	on	campus	is	expensive	
2.	S=ll	have	to	pay	for	extra	supplies	(laptop;	
notebooks,	etc.)	
3.	Prin=ng	workbooks	is	costly	
Dr.	Raska	presents	his	students	with	real-world	marke:ng	
experience	to	challenge	and	mo:vate	them,	while	
engaging	with	them	through	social	media	using	
Dr.	Raska	can	be	unclear	with	his	expecta:ons	and	
give	his	students	a	lot	of	outside	work.	
Table	1b.	Internal	Analysis	 9
Table	1c.	Compe==ve	Analysis	(Strengths)		 10	
		 Bluezzoon	 NKU	Sports	Business	
NKU	center	for	Economic	
Educa:on	 MRPP		 INKUbator	
Company	 - Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- -Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- -Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
Brand	 -  Recognizable	logo	
-  Mo=vates	and	engages	
- Strong	student	
- -guidance	from	advisors	
- Promote	economic	&	
financial	literacy	
-	Aimed	towards	all	grade	
- Educate	undergrad	students	
effec=vely	&	ethically	
-	Seeks	to	create	excitement		
- Encourages	students	with	
drive	&	passion	
-	Mentor	advise	pushes	student	
Product	 -  client-based	projects	
lead	to	real	work	
-  Post-gradua=on	job	
-  Rewards	Program	
-professional	networking	
-	Includes	field	
-improve	quality	/	quan=ty	
of	economic	instruc=on	
-professional	development	
program	for	teacher’	
- hands-on	research	
- 	connec=ons	to	partnering	
- Building	strong	business	
-	Team	building		
Channels	 - Small	class	sizes	
- 	internet	access	
- 	Small	class	sizes	
- 	internet	access	
- Small	class	sizes	
- 	internet	access	
- Small	class	sizes	
- 	internet	access	
- Small	class	sizes	
- 	internet	access	
Promo:on	 -  Students	from	past,	
present,	and	future	can	
connect	through	social	
-  In	class	promo=ons	and	
- mee=ngs/	ac=vi=es	for	
ac=ve	students		
-	LinkedIn	to	connect	
current	students	to	
-TwiVer	/	Facebook	
-	Affiliated	with	Kentucky	
Council	on	Economic	
Educa=on	&	Council	for	
Economic	Educa=on	
-student	interac=on	w/	
marke=ng	professionals	
-	Client	project	involvement	
-access	to	program	through	
-open	to	all	students	not	just	
Price	 -  Cost	of	class	included	in	
-  Social	media	is	no	cost	
to	the	users	
-no	cost	for	Social	media	
-	AVainable	4	year	
degree	leads	to	less	
tui=on	cost	
- No	cost	for	social	media	
- -	Serves	NKY	area	at	no	
-student	involvement	cost	
included	in	tui=on	
-6	local	firms	pay	membership	
fee	annually	
- Eligible	students	can	receive	
- -	free	access	to	resources	@	
NKU	&	business	community	for	
being	NKU	student	
BoEom	Line	 - Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- -Engages	students	with	
- Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- -Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- -Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
- Experienced	professors	
- -	student	success	drive	
Major	Finding				NKU	has	a	student	success	driven	environment	with	many	experienced	professors.	All	the	brands	have	some	sort	of	job	connec=ons	or	networking	
opportuni=es.,	but	Bluezzoon	has	the	most	recognizable	logo	and	engaging	social	media.
Table	1d.	Compe==ve	Analysis	(Weaknesses)		 11	
		 Bluezzoon	 NKU	Sports	Business	
NKU	center	for	Economic	
Educa:on	 MRPP		 INKUbator	
Company	 1.	Not	a	college	town	2.	
Commuter	College	3.	Lack	of	
1.  Not	a	college	town		
2.  Commuter	College		
3.  Lack	of	pride		
1.  Not	a	college	town		
2.  Commuter	College	
3.  Lack	of	pride		
1.  Not	a	college	town		
2.  Commuter	College	
3.  Lack	of	pride		
1.  Not	a	college	town	
2.  Commuter	College	
3.  Lack	of	pride		
Brand	 1.  Not	associated	with	NKU	
brand	name		
2.  	Raska	classes	only	
3.  confusing	brand	meaning		
1.  No	brand	iden=ty		
2.  limited	to	sports	
business	majors	
1.  No	brand	iden=ty		
2.  2.	For	economics	majors	
1.	No	brand	iden=ty		 1.  Not	well	known	brand	
2.  Limited	to	NKU		
Product	 1.  Heavy	courseload	
2.  Fast	paced	and	unclear		
3.  Boring	classroom	
1.  Wide	variety	of	
classes	offered		
2.  Boring	classroom	
1.	No	classes	just	a	help	program		1.  Limited	to	Market	
Research	Program	
2.  Only	undergrad	
1.  Have	to	be	accepted	into	
the	program		
2.  Have	to	have	a	unique	idea	
to	be	considered	
Channels	 1.  Limited	to	NKU		
2.  Not	comfortable	
3.  Boring,	plain	classrooms		
1.  Limited	to	NKU		
2.  Not	comfortable	
3.  Boring,	plain	
1.  Limited	to	NKU		
2.  Not	comfortable		
3.  Boring,	plain	classrooms		
1.  Limited	to	NKU		
2.  Not	comfortable		
3.  Boring,	plain	
1.  Limited	to	NKU		
2.  Not	comfortable		
3.  Boring,	plain	classrooms		
Promo:on	 1.  No	variety	of	posts	
(Mostly	instagram)	
2.  	website	needs	some	
3.  	poor	twiVer	following	
1.	No	adver=sing		
2.	non-engaging	social	
1.  Non	engaging	social	media	
(	mostly	twiVer)		
2.  2.	Weak	website		
1.	No	social	media	
1.  limited	social	media	
2.  	2.	not	engaging	social	
Price	 1.  Cost	of	prin=ng		
2.  expensive	parking	pass		
3.  cost	of	school	supplies		
1.  Cost	of	textbook	
2.  	expensive	parking	
3.  cost	of	school	
1.  Cost	of	textbook		
2.  expensive	parking	pass	
3.  cost	of	school	supplies		
1.  Cost	of	textbook	
2.  expensive	parking	
3.  cost	of	school	
1.  Cost	of	textbook	
2.  expensive	parking	pass	
3.  cost	of	school	supplies		
BoEom	Line	 Bluezzoon	brand	is	not	
clearly	known	about,	has	a	
heavy	courseload	and	can	be	
confusing	at	=mes.	
NKU	Sports	Business	
doesn’t	have	a	brand	
iden=ty	and	is	limited	to	
Sports	Business	Majors.		
NKU	center	for	Economic	
Educa=on	has	very	liVle	
informa=on	about	what	this	
program	is.		
MRPP	has	no	social	
media	accounts,	so	
poor	promo=on.		
INKUbator	is	a	program	that	is	
not	offered	to	everyone,	
students	have	to	be	accepted	
or	have	an	outstanding	idea	to	
even	be	considered.		
There	is	a	lack	of	pride	associated	with	NKU	because	it	is	a	commuter	college	and	not	in	college	town.	It	also	has	boring	classrooms	
for	these	courses.	Bluezzoon	is	the	only	brand	associated	with	NKU	and	all	programs	lack	engagement	with	social	media.
Table	1e.	External	Analysis	 12	
Suppliers	 Opportuni:es	 Threats	
Channels	 1.  Connec=ons	with	former	students	and	business	
2.  Access	to	rich	marke=ng	environment	(Cincinna=)	
1.	Lack	of	demand	for	marke=ng	majors	
2.	Lack	of	basic	resources	
1.  Various	class	formats	(online	and	hybrid)	
2.  Small,	in=mate	campus	
1.	Downsizing	of	classrooms	
2.	Failing	to	update/upgrade	classrooms	
Compe::on	 1.  High	school	students	in	the	Tri-State	area	
2.  Connected	and	engaged	with	brands	through	social	
1.	Tight	budgets	
2.	Lack	of	interest	in	marke=ng	
Society	and	
1.  Partnering	with	other	business	departments	
2.  Career	fairs	and	networking	opportuni=es	
1.	Other	universi=es	
2.	Various	class	formats	
Economy	 1.  Increase	in	marke=ng	interest	
2.  Increase	in	diversity	of	marke=ng	students	
1.	Lack	of	importance	of	college	educa=on	
2.	No	value	in	college	degree	
Poli:cal	and	
1.  Rising	unemployment	levels	
2.  Decreasing	salary	levels	
1.	Bad	job	markets	
2.	High	price	of	college		
1.  Increased	emphasis	on	career-developing	educa=on	
1.	Lack	of	funding	
2.	Restric=ons	on	real-world	marke=ng	examples	in	
class	serngs	
1.  Yearly	snow	storms	causing	class	cancella=ons	
2.  Unpredictable	weather	
1.	Tornadoes,	hurricane	
2.	Terrorist	aVack	
BoEom	Lines	 The	advent	of	new	class	formats,	connec:ons	with	
business	professionals,	and	networking	opportuni:es	
provide	Dr.	Raska	with	the	ability	to	increase	the	value	
of	his	services.		
Dr.	Raska	has	several	poten:al	threats,	including	lack	
of	value	in	degrees,	bad	job	markets,	and	lack	of	
basic	resources.
Table	1f.	SWOT	Analysis	Summary	 13	
Strengths	 Dr.	Raska	presents	his	students	with	real-world	marke=ng	experience	to	
challenge	and	mo=vate	them,	while	engaging	with	them	through	social	
media	using	Bluezzoon.	
Weaknesses	 Dr.	Raska	can	be	unclear	with	his	expecta=ons	and	give	his	students	a	lot	
of	outside	work.	
Opportuni:es	 The	advent	of	new	class	formats,	connec=ons	with	business	professionals,	
and	networking	opportuni=es	provide	Dr.	Raska	with	the	ability	to	increase	
the	value	of	his	services.		
Threats	 Dr.	Raska	has	several	poten=al	threats,	including	lack	of	value	in	degrees,	
bad	job	markets,	and	lack	of	basic	resources.		
Major	Finding:	 Dr.	Raska	presents	with	real-world	marke:ng	experience	to	challenge	
and	mo:vate	them,	while	also	engaging	students	through	social	media	
using	Bluezzoon.	However,	he	can	be	unclear	with	his	expecta:ons	and	
give	his	students	a	lot	of	outside	work.
Table	2a.	Segment	Profile	 14	
Demographics	 Name	 NKU	business	students	
Age	 19-24	year	old	
Gender	 44%	female,	56%	male	
Family	Status	 90%	single,	9%	married	
Children	 93%	without	children	
Job	 74%	part-=me	job,	16%	full	=me	job	
Educa=on	 Working	on	college	degree	(specifically	marke=ng)	
Income	 72%	makes	less	than	$20K	a	year	
Loca=on	 65%	lives	in	Kentucky,	35%	in	Ohio	
Ethnicity	 91%	Caucasian	
Religion	 48%	religious,	22%	non-religious,	30%	in-between	
Psychographics	 Interest	 Friends	and	family,	playing	sports	and	games,	watching	movies	and	listening	to	music	
Values	 Honesty,	family	and	friendship,	loyalty,	kindness	
Traits	 Outgoing,	hardworking,	crea=ve;	caring	
Behavioral	 Stores	 Kroger	(for	groceries),	Target,	Nordstrom,	Kohls,	Apple	
Brands	 Nike,	Apple,	Chipotle,	Adidas,	Under	Armour,	Patagonia	
Music	 Country	Music,	Beatles,	One	Direc=on	
TV/Movies	 Dark	Knight,	Star	Wars,	Harry	PoVer,	Office,	Grey’s	Anatomy,	Game	of	Thrones,	Friends	
Places	 Florida/beaches	
Celebri=es	 LeBron,	Tom	Hanks,	Will	Ferrell	
Online	 Facebook,	Instagram,	Nehlix,	Amazon,	gaming	
BoEom	Line:	NKU	students	are	between	19-24	years	old	pursuing	business	degrees	while	also	working	part	:me	jobs	on-top	of	school.	
They	enjoy	spending	:me	with	their	friends	and	family,	watching	movies	and	listening	to	music,	and	they	value	honesty	and	loyalty.
Table	2b.	Summary	of	Target	Marke=ng	 15	
		 Unique	and	different	product/
brand	aEributes	
Customer’s	unsa:sfied	needs	 Most	important	and	easily	communicable	
product/brand	aEributes	
1	 Network	of	alumni	and	business	
Stress	related	to	finding	a	full-=me	job	 Dr.	Raska	provides	connec=ons	to	
professionals	and	NKU	alumni	(i.e.	poten=al	
future	employers)	
2	 Encourages	and	inspires	
Dull	classes	that	don’t	excite	students	about	
their	major	
Dr.	Raska	encourages	his	students	to	get	
exci=ng	about	marke=ng	and	the	benefits	it	
can	offer	them		
3	 Providing	students	with	project	
that	stand	out	on	a	resume	
Students	need	something	that	“pops”	on	a	
resume	and	shows	an	employer	their	
marke=ng	experience	
Dr.	Raska	offers	client-based	and	real-world	
projects	that	can	help	a	student	stand	out	and	
get	employed	aker	gradua=on	
4	 Free	social	media	access	 College	students	who	are	price-sensi=ve	and	
on	a	=ght	budget	
Dr.	Raska	provides	free	access	to	his	social	
media	plahorms	in	order	to	connect	and	
engage	with	his	students	outside	the	
5	 Small	class	sizes	 Students	who	want	to	have	real	and	in=mate	
business	and	marke=ng	discussions	
Dr.	Raska	has	small	classes	that	allow	for	
engaging	discussion	regarding	marke=ng	
BoEom	Lines	 The	class	provides	real-world	
projects	and	a	connec=on	to	
business	professionals	while	
maintaining	a	small	and	
comfortable	serng.	
Student	stress	about	finding	a	full-=me	job	
and	are	looking	for	opportuni=es	and	projects	
that	will	help	land	them	those	jobs.		
Dr.	Raska	provides	full-=me	job	connec=ons	
and	opportuni=es	while	giving	students	
hands-on	marke=ng	projects.		
Major	Finding	 NKU	business	students	are	not	excited	about	their	major	and	life	a]er	gradua:on,	and	would	like	marke:ng	experience	to	put	
on	their	resumes.	Dr.	Raska	gives	his	students	client-based	projects	to	help	students	stand	out	on	their	resumes	and	
encourages	students	to	get	engaged	in	class	and	excited	about	their	major.
Figure	1.	Perceptual	Map		 16
Table	3.	Summary	of	Marke=ng	Mix			 17	
Product	 Price	 Promo:on	 Place	
1	 Client-based	projects	
bring	real	world	work	
Social	media	is	no	extra	
Raska	promotes	his	other	
classes/brand	oken	in	class	
Classrooms	are	easy	to	find	
in	the	building	
2	 Student’s	are	able	to	
build	their	resume	
Class	does	not	require	a	
Majority	(if	not	all)	
students	are	connected	
and	engaged	with	brand	
through	social	media	
Classrooms	are	small	
3	 Student’s	can	gain	
connec=ons	to	
poten=al	jobs	
Cost	of	class	is	
“included”	in	tui=on	
Raska	fundraises	for	good	
causes	during	classes	
Classrooms	have	wi-fi	
available	to	all	students	
4	 Team	oriented	
projects	in	class	
5	 Engaging	classes	
between	Dr.	Raska	
and	students	
BoVom	Lines	 Client-based	projects	
bring	real	world	work	
Cost	of	class	is	
“included”	in	tui=on	
Majority	(if	not	all)	
students	are	connected	
and	engaged	with	brand	
through	social	media	
Classrooms	are	easy	to	find	
in	the	building	
Major	Finding	 Dr.	Raska’s	classes	are	easy	to	find	and	the	cost	of	classes	are	“included”	in	tui:on.	Client	based	projects	
bring	real	world	work	experience	and	the	majority	of	students	are	connected	and	engaged	with	
Bluezzoon	on	social	media.

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  • 7. Appendix 7 Table 1a. Social Media Following............................ 8 Table 1b. Internal Analysis...................................... 9 Table 1c. Compe==ve Analysis (Strengths)............. 10 Table 1d. Compe==ve Analysis (Weaknesses)........ 11 Table 1e. External Analysis...................................... 12 Table 1f. SWOT Analysis Summary......................... 13 Table 2a. Segment Profile....................................... 14 Table 2b. Summary of Target Marke=ng................ 15 Figure 1. Perceptual Map ....................................... 16 Table 3. Summary of Marke=ng Mix ..................... 17
  • 8. Table 1a. Social Media Following Company Name Bluezzoon NKU Sports Business NKU Center for Economic Educa:on MRPP INKUbator Social Media Instagram 227 86 37 - - 96 Facebook 712 - 76 - 162 136 TwiEer 149 682 334 - 302 1,188 LinkedIn 64 - - - - - BoEom Lines Bluezzoon has the widest variety of social media presence. Students connect with others from different sec=ons/classes from Dr. Raska and provide classroom insights. NKU Sports Business followers are on Instagram and TwiVer. More followers are on TwiVer. The majority of NKU Center for Economic Educa=on followers are on TwiVer. Followers learn about current business events. MRPP does not have a social media presence. INKUbator followers are on Facebook and TwiVer, with more followers on TwiVer. Social Media has the most followers on TwiVer. Students are engaged in events related to social media. Major Finding: Bluezzoon is present across all social media plahorms, allowing students to choose which social media site they would like to use. It is the only “brand” an NKU professor has. 8
  • 9. Strengths Weaknesses Company 1. Professors have real experience with work connec=ons 2. Small class sizes (faculty-student ra=o) 3. Personal approach with a passion for student success 1. NKU is not a “college town” 2. NKU has a lot of commuter students 3. Students don’t take pride in “NKU” Brand 1. Challenges, mo=vates, inspires, and excites students in the course 2. The brand name and logo is unique and different 3. Depicts student success with a focus on mentoring 1. Only Raska’s classes are aware of brand 2. Unclear link with brand and Batman/Yoda 3. No link to NKU’s brand Product 1. Client-based projects bring real world work experience 2. Student’s are able to build their resume and gain connec=ons to poten=al jobs 3. Many opportuni=es for engaging, team oriented work 1. Online course not available 2. Lots of outside work with no upfront due dates (no set dates in the syllabus) 3. Class can be fast paced and confusing Channels 1. Classrooms are easy to find in the building 2. Classrooms are small 3. Classrooms have wi-fi available to all students 1. Classrooms are not cozy (they are plain) 2. Uncomfortable for students (chairs and tables) 3. Class is limited to only NKU classrooms Promo:on 1. Raska promotes his other classes/brand oken in class 2. Majority (if not all) students are connected and engaged with brand through social media 3. Raska fundraises for good causes during classes 1. Social media posts are the same across all plahorms 2. Website “under construc=on” 3. TwiVer has few followers Price 1. Social media is no extra cost 2. Class does not require a textbook 3. Cost of class is “included” in tui=on 1. Parking on campus is expensive 2. S=ll have to pay for extra supplies (laptop; notebooks, etc.) 3. Prin=ng workbooks is costly BoEom Line: Dr. Raska presents his students with real-world marke:ng experience to challenge and mo:vate them, while engaging with them through social media using Bluezzoon. Dr. Raska can be unclear with his expecta:ons and give his students a lot of outside work. Table 1b. Internal Analysis 9
  • 10. Table 1c. Compe==ve Analysis (Strengths) 10 Bluezzoon NKU Sports Business NKU center for Economic Educa:on MRPP INKUbator Company - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - -Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - -Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment Brand -  Recognizable logo -  Mo=vates and engages students - Strong student encouragement - -guidance from advisors - Promote economic & financial literacy - Aimed towards all grade levels - Educate undergrad students effec=vely & ethically - Seeks to create excitement - Encourages students with drive & passion - Mentor advise pushes student success Product -  client-based projects lead to real work experience -  Post-gradua=on job connec=ons -  Rewards Program -professional networking opportuni=es - Includes field internships -improve quality / quan=ty of economic instruc=on -professional development program for teacher’ - hands-on research experience -  connec=ons to partnering firms - Building strong business models - Team building Channels - Small class sizes -  internet access -  Small class sizes -  internet access - Small class sizes -  internet access - Small class sizes -  internet access - Small class sizes -  internet access Promo:on -  Students from past, present, and future can connect through social media -  In class promo=ons and ac=vi=es - mee=ngs/ ac=vi=es for ac=ve students - LinkedIn to connect current students to alumni -TwiVer / Facebook accounts - Affiliated with Kentucky Council on Economic Educa=on & Council for Economic Educa=on -student interac=on w/ marke=ng professionals - Client project involvement -access to program through applica=on -open to all students not just business Price -  Cost of class included in tui=on -  Social media is no cost to the users -no cost for Social media - AVainable 4 year degree leads to less tui=on cost - No cost for social media - - Serves NKY area at no cost -student involvement cost included in tui=on -6 local firms pay membership fee annually - Eligible students can receive funding - - free access to resources @ NKU & business community for being NKU student BoEom Line - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - -Engages students with marke=ng - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - -Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - -Experienced professors - - student success drive environment - Experienced professors - - student success drive environment Major Finding NKU has a student success driven environment with many experienced professors. All the brands have some sort of job connec=ons or networking opportuni=es., but Bluezzoon has the most recognizable logo and engaging social media.
  • 11. Table 1d. Compe==ve Analysis (Weaknesses) 11 Bluezzoon NKU Sports Business NKU center for Economic Educa:on MRPP INKUbator Company 1. Not a college town 2. Commuter College 3. Lack of pride 1.  Not a college town 2.  Commuter College 3.  Lack of pride 1.  Not a college town 2.  Commuter College 3.  Lack of pride 1.  Not a college town 2.  Commuter College 3.  Lack of pride 1.  Not a college town 2.  Commuter College 3.  Lack of pride Brand 1.  Not associated with NKU brand name 2.  Raska classes only 3.  confusing brand meaning 1.  No brand iden=ty 2.  limited to sports business majors 1.  No brand iden=ty 2.  2. For economics majors only 1. No brand iden=ty 1.  Not well known brand name 2.  Limited to NKU Product 1.  Heavy courseload 2.  Fast paced and unclear 3.  Boring classroom 1.  Wide variety of classes offered 2.  Boring classroom 1. No classes just a help program 1.  Limited to Market Research Program students 2.  Only undergrad students 1.  Have to be accepted into the program 2.  Have to have a unique idea to be considered Channels 1.  Limited to NKU 2.  Not comfortable 3.  Boring, plain classrooms 1.  Limited to NKU 2.  Not comfortable 3.  Boring, plain classrooms 1.  Limited to NKU 2.  Not comfortable 3.  Boring, plain classrooms 1.  Limited to NKU 2.  Not comfortable 3.  Boring, plain classrooms 1.  Limited to NKU 2.  Not comfortable 3.  Boring, plain classrooms Promo:on 1.  No variety of posts (Mostly instagram) 2.  website needs some work 3.  poor twiVer following 1. No adver=sing 2. non-engaging social media 1.  Non engaging social media ( mostly twiVer) 2.  2. Weak website 1. No social media accounts 1.  limited social media 2.  2. not engaging social media Price 1.  Cost of prin=ng 2.  expensive parking pass 3.  cost of school supplies 1.  Cost of textbook 2.  expensive parking pass 3.  cost of school supplies 1.  Cost of textbook 2.  expensive parking pass 3.  cost of school supplies 1.  Cost of textbook 2.  expensive parking pass 3.  cost of school supplies 1.  Cost of textbook 2.  expensive parking pass 3.  cost of school supplies BoEom Line Bluezzoon brand is not clearly known about, has a heavy courseload and can be confusing at =mes. NKU Sports Business doesn’t have a brand iden=ty and is limited to Sports Business Majors. NKU center for Economic Educa=on has very liVle informa=on about what this program is. MRPP has no social media accounts, so poor promo=on. INKUbator is a program that is not offered to everyone, students have to be accepted or have an outstanding idea to even be considered. Major Finding There is a lack of pride associated with NKU because it is a commuter college and not in college town. It also has boring classrooms for these courses. Bluezzoon is the only brand associated with NKU and all programs lack engagement with social media.
  • 12. Table 1e. External Analysis 12 Suppliers Opportuni:es Threats Channels 1.  Connec=ons with former students and business professionals 2.  Access to rich marke=ng environment (Cincinna=) 1. Lack of demand for marke=ng majors 2. Lack of basic resources Target Customers 1.  Various class formats (online and hybrid) 2.  Small, in=mate campus 1. Downsizing of classrooms 2. Failing to update/upgrade classrooms Compe::on 1.  High school students in the Tri-State area 2.  Connected and engaged with brands through social media 1. Tight budgets 2. Lack of interest in marke=ng Society and Culture 1.  Partnering with other business departments 2.  Career fairs and networking opportuni=es 1. Other universi=es 2. Various class formats Economy 1.  Increase in marke=ng interest 2.  Increase in diversity of marke=ng students 1. Lack of importance of college educa=on 2. No value in college degree Poli:cal and Legal 1.  Rising unemployment levels 2.  Decreasing salary levels 1. Bad job markets 2. High price of college Technology, transporta:on, & communica:on 1.  Increased emphasis on career-developing educa=on 2.  1. Lack of funding 2. Restric=ons on real-world marke=ng examples in class serngs Natural Environment 1.  Yearly snow storms causing class cancella=ons 2.  Unpredictable weather 1. Tornadoes, hurricane 2. Terrorist aVack BoEom Lines The advent of new class formats, connec:ons with business professionals, and networking opportuni:es provide Dr. Raska with the ability to increase the value of his services. Dr. Raska has several poten:al threats, including lack of value in degrees, bad job markets, and lack of basic resources.
  • 13. Table 1f. SWOT Analysis Summary 13 Strengths Dr. Raska presents his students with real-world marke=ng experience to challenge and mo=vate them, while engaging with them through social media using Bluezzoon. Weaknesses Dr. Raska can be unclear with his expecta=ons and give his students a lot of outside work. Opportuni:es The advent of new class formats, connec=ons with business professionals, and networking opportuni=es provide Dr. Raska with the ability to increase the value of his services. Threats Dr. Raska has several poten=al threats, including lack of value in degrees, bad job markets, and lack of basic resources. Major Finding: Dr. Raska presents with real-world marke:ng experience to challenge and mo:vate them, while also engaging students through social media using Bluezzoon. However, he can be unclear with his expecta:ons and give his students a lot of outside work.
  • 14. Table 2a. Segment Profile 14 Demographics Name NKU business students Age 19-24 year old Gender 44% female, 56% male Family Status 90% single, 9% married Children 93% without children Job 74% part-=me job, 16% full =me job Educa=on Working on college degree (specifically marke=ng) Income 72% makes less than $20K a year Loca=on 65% lives in Kentucky, 35% in Ohio Ethnicity 91% Caucasian Religion 48% religious, 22% non-religious, 30% in-between Psychographics Interest Friends and family, playing sports and games, watching movies and listening to music Values Honesty, family and friendship, loyalty, kindness Traits Outgoing, hardworking, crea=ve; caring Behavioral Stores Kroger (for groceries), Target, Nordstrom, Kohls, Apple Brands Nike, Apple, Chipotle, Adidas, Under Armour, Patagonia Music Country Music, Beatles, One Direc=on TV/Movies Dark Knight, Star Wars, Harry PoVer, Office, Grey’s Anatomy, Game of Thrones, Friends Places Florida/beaches Celebri=es LeBron, Tom Hanks, Will Ferrell Online Facebook, Instagram, Nehlix, Amazon, gaming BoEom Line: NKU students are between 19-24 years old pursuing business degrees while also working part :me jobs on-top of school. They enjoy spending :me with their friends and family, watching movies and listening to music, and they value honesty and loyalty.
  • 15. Table 2b. Summary of Target Marke=ng 15 Unique and different product/ brand aEributes Customer’s unsa:sfied needs Most important and easily communicable product/brand aEributes 1 Network of alumni and business professionals Stress related to finding a full-=me job Dr. Raska provides connec=ons to professionals and NKU alumni (i.e. poten=al future employers) 2 Encourages and inspires students Dull classes that don’t excite students about their major Dr. Raska encourages his students to get exci=ng about marke=ng and the benefits it can offer them 3 Providing students with project that stand out on a resume Students need something that “pops” on a resume and shows an employer their marke=ng experience Dr. Raska offers client-based and real-world projects that can help a student stand out and get employed aker gradua=on 4 Free social media access College students who are price-sensi=ve and on a =ght budget Dr. Raska provides free access to his social media plahorms in order to connect and engage with his students outside the classroom 5 Small class sizes Students who want to have real and in=mate business and marke=ng discussions Dr. Raska has small classes that allow for engaging discussion regarding marke=ng topics BoEom Lines The class provides real-world projects and a connec=on to business professionals while maintaining a small and comfortable serng. Student stress about finding a full-=me job and are looking for opportuni=es and projects that will help land them those jobs. Dr. Raska provides full-=me job connec=ons and opportuni=es while giving students hands-on marke=ng projects. Major Finding NKU business students are not excited about their major and life a]er gradua:on, and would like marke:ng experience to put on their resumes. Dr. Raska gives his students client-based projects to help students stand out on their resumes and encourages students to get engaged in class and excited about their major.
  • 17. Table 3. Summary of Marke=ng Mix 17 Product Price Promo:on Place 1 Client-based projects bring real world work experience Social media is no extra cost Raska promotes his other classes/brand oken in class Classrooms are easy to find in the building 2 Student’s are able to build their resume Class does not require a textbook Majority (if not all) students are connected and engaged with brand through social media Classrooms are small 3 Student’s can gain connec=ons to poten=al jobs Cost of class is “included” in tui=on Raska fundraises for good causes during classes Classrooms have wi-fi available to all students 4 Team oriented projects in class 5 Engaging classes between Dr. Raska and students BoVom Lines Client-based projects bring real world work experience Cost of class is “included” in tui=on Majority (if not all) students are connected and engaged with brand through social media Classrooms are easy to find in the building Major Finding Dr. Raska’s classes are easy to find and the cost of classes are “included” in tui:on. Client based projects bring real world work experience and the majority of students are connected and engaged with Bluezzoon on social media.