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El hema Arabic design   10$
04   Editorial

06 Advertising design                                                           EL HEMA , the Arabic fictive version of
                                                                                the famous Dutch HEMA depatement
                                                                                Store. EL HEMA originally a, idea of Me-
                                                                                diamatic was organized this year
                                                                                through cosmoplis incollaboration with
                                                                                the brand hotel and we were glad at
                                                                                Tarek Atrissi Design to be commissioned
                                                                                for the design of the design to be com-
                                                                                missioned for the design of the main
                                                                                graphic and information design work in-
                                                                                voleved in the project.EL HEMA designs
                                                                                was a huge success the lines soon strete-
                                                                                ched around the block .The visitors could
                                                                                buy the designs The creativity about
                                                                                HEMA have many original idea ,no ar-
                                                                                tistic profession has been courted more
                                                                                intensively by advertising in preceding
                                                                                decades as that of visual artist.

18 Projects                              36 Print                                54 Gallery
            Blog Tarek Atrissi: Pro-                The pantone Matching                         Event Art dubai 2009,
            posal routes for MTV                    System of color ,the                         leading contemporary
            Arabia is Identity and                  accuracy of Pantone                          and      internationnal
            El Ghad design . Mul-                   color is critical in gra-                    Gallery to go to the
            saqat project by khatt                  phic design tools of                         event Dubai Art for the
            foundation design .                     print .                                      third edition.

26   Photography                         40   Software                           60   Professional advice
            The work about the                      Creative Suite CS4:
            arabic artist photogra-                 Photoshop,Illustrator,I     20 ways ti avoid creative block,Use the
            phier Toufic Arman                      ndesign,Flash,Dream         following 20 tips to avoid and get
            and a the concept, the                  weaweaver and Fire          through a tough designer's block.
            vision and philosophy                   works.
            by this artist.

34   Type design                         48   Interview                          64   Books
            The new arabic type by                  Interview with the ara-
            Bifan magazine it is                    bic designer Yousef Ik-     « Visual narratives from Arabic» by Tarek
            design by Kassis Ma-                    freis,he is a graphic       Atrissi and«Graphic design from the
            riem , Bifan arabic                     designer and anima-         Arab world »,Arabesque investigates The
            arial type, it is inspired              tion industry, he is from   book collects of recent innovative and
            by the latin Arial type.                Jordon.                     groundbreaking design work .

                                                                                        Contents                     03

                                                 The graphics professionals are always looking to preserve a certain spiritual free-
                                              dom and a special aesthetic sensibility and the evolution of new technologies for crea-
                                              ting, now the designer is expected to be about news of his domain. In particular,
                                              graphic Arabic is known to maintain and deepen its knowledge to affirm its identity
                                              and existence despite the obstacles that face and obstructing movement. It must also
                                              acquire the domain specific language to enter the world of graphic design and more
                                              about its methods and tools. The graphic designer Arabic must be open to the Gra-
                                              phic Arts and informed on new trends and the latest graphics tools and creative com-
                                              munication methods to be able to achieve its mission, Hence the mission of actors in
                                              the Arab graphic design is not limited to the simple design, but any expression of
                                              Arab culture, a culture renewed and adapted to the new. The role of Arab graphic
                                              designer is not so simple but it is important . This is the main vehicle of our new ma-
                                              gazine " Bifan ", with mediation between modernity and originality to a new vision of
                                              art in particular and Arab art world in general. We thank the whole team for their par-
                                              ticipation so that our publication is born.

                                              Editor by KASSIS Mariem

welcome to Bifan magazine ,the new
magazine for Arabic graphic designers
in our space of the universe and all gra-
phics to the art and visual communica-
tion Bifani is your new magazine invites
you to join this world, our team is made
to ensure a good reading on areas and
subjects of interes.Gallery, Projects , ad-
vertising design, Print,Books, Advice
The Group of Khatt foundation
Tarek atrissi
Mariam Al Dabbagh
kassis Mariem
Huda Abi farés

04                   Editorial
Advertising design
El Hema Arabic Design

Hema becomes El Hema

                                          HEMA stores are official suppliers of         tatouages      of    work    on    design
                                          my bicycle lamps. HEMA annually brings        Arabist.HEMA and design are closely lin-
                                          together designers for a contest but this     ked we know. Mediamatic designers
                                          year, the mark was doubled by another         have presented their project El Hema in
                                          design. Mediamatic is a very interesting      Dutch Design Contest 2007 in the cate-
                                          creative located at the foot of the provi-    gory visual id. Apparently it has rained.
                                          sional location of the Museum of Modern       The metamorphosis of the contemporary
                                          Art in the city Stedelijk Museum CS Post.     Hema to an Arabic modern . Taking a
                                          Many facilities and conferences on des-       step     further    in   developing     its
                                          ign and new media are developed.At the        brand,Hema seems to be smoothly intro-
                                          moment, this Mediamatic El Hema, an           ducing its new simplified logo on the
                                          exercise in style on the opening of a store   products. The Arabic version of the new
                                          HEMA North Africa. The exhibition would       logo was designed based on the primary
                                          then look like a shop whose display pos-      El - Hema, originally designed by Tarek
                                          ters and play on the Arabic typography        Atrissi .The difference is minor but gives
                                          and a staging capable of creating a vi-       the shop a more updated image. The lo-
                                          sual id célèblres close to the shops. Ani-    gotype drops the blue underline and lays
                                          mations are organized works henna             down on a bright square with edges.

El HEMA logo was designed by Tarek
Atrissi using The Mix Arabic from the
Khatt set of fonts.It was designed by
Lucas de Groot and Mouneer Al-Shaa-
rani with the support of Pascal Zoghbi.

T-shirts very fashion about EL HEMA.

06                 Advertising design
Khatt Foundation

The   Khatt Foundation was created in              with the Western perception of typogra-
2004 in Amsterdam as a non-profit cul-            phy. For Khatter foundation, typography
tural foundation dedicated to design re-          should serve as a cultural bridge bet-
search and development through                    ween Europe and the Middle East. To
projects and programs that focus on re-           promote the book and typo) chart in the
juvenating (from within the culture) the          Arab world, has revolutionized the world
applied arts traditions of the Arab world         of typography to 5 asking to join Dutch
and the Middle East. The word khatt not           designers to 5 designers to create Arab
only refers to writing, script, lettering, cal-   Arabic characters with "a key Dutch in
ligraphy, and typographic style. It also          order not westernize of Arabic typogphy,
means line, as in a trace on a page… a            but to make it more contemporary, talk
line of thinking… a direction. The story          about Arab culture, the Khatter Foundtion
starts with AbiFarès Huda Smitshuijzen,           and the Dutch company Mediamatic
a young Lebanese woman married to a               have appealed to 5 young graphic des-
Dutchman, author of the book "Typogra-            igners, four Lebanese and a one Kuwaiti
phic matchmaking." In a spirit of cultural        . In Holland, they have a very false idea    Posters advertising the store with new
exchange and abolition of prejudices              of Arabs, and for this reason that Khatter   logo Arabized El Hema, is a key Arab.
about the Arab community, the represen-           Foundation and organized an exhibition
tative of Khatter Foundation (Khatter or          in Holland for the book launch and im-
calligraphy in Arabic),a nonprofit orga-          plementation of these typefaces . It was
nization working to develop and improve           at that time that we intervene in this ad-   The Khatt Kufi & Kaffiya Symposium on
communication (Fwith a design that is             venture.                                     Arabic Visual Culture.

                                                                                         Advertising design                      07
Advertising design


El Hema could not have opened its
doors without an official Arabesque
fashion show displaying some of the
available merchandise at the exhibit. The
models, which included the five El Hema
graphic design , strutted down the cat-
walk wearing burkas and turquoise
ropes around their heads as spectators,
photographers and TV. Upon reaching
the end of the stage, a strategically pla-
ced fan blew their burkas up revealing
models wearing t-shirts with Arabic pick-
up lines designed by intern Abrar Al-Mu-
sallam, Arabic “I AMsterdam” t-shirts
created by intern Wael Morcos, and a
chosen selection from the Morecult
fashion label designed by Farida Nouna
and Thomas van Gelder. The crowd
cheered and applauded after each burka
gracefully flew up. Choreographer Mar-
tin Butler said he developed the concept
for the show after returning from a trip
to Istanbul two weeks ago. While on va-
cation he said he saw someone step on
the bottom of a woman’s burka. When
she took a step forward it caused her
burka to rise in the front revealing her
pair of fashionable Jimmy Choo
pumps.“I wanted the [El Hema] show to
be more quirky, for it to be a full unvei-
ling.”The concept worked well as the day
not only marked the unveiling of a new
book, exhibit and clothing line, but also
a glimpse into modern Arab culture.
Long queues leading up to the exposition
area, attention in the national press of
the Netherlands, heated comments on
weblogs about the loss or the very en-
richment of culture: seldom has there
been so much ado about typography.
Five new Arabic fonts led to a symposium
discussing contemporary.

08                   Advertising design
An exposition of t-shirts, price tags, cho-    the more popular items were the choco-
colates and plastic bags. But the real         late bars, embroidered kitchen towels,
point was the font.After the fashion show,     underwear and hamsa tank tops. Inside
the excited crowd hurried inside Media-        the muggy exhibit room, attendee Karen
matic’s exhibition room to experience          Voors stood at the end of the long check-
what an Arab version of a Hema store           out line waiting to pay for a hamsa tank
looked like. Exhibit-goers were not allo-      top and an Arabic book. She said she
wed to buy any of the merchandise until        had been anticipating the opening of the
Saturday, but were welcomed to stay for        exhibit and had even marked the date on
drinks and music outside the exhibit           her calendar. "It’s a fun way of combi-
room. "In Lebanon, nobody stands in line       ning both cultures," she said. "People can
for t-shirts," graphic design intern Khajag    either take it for granted or go on and
Apelian said. "We didn’t expect this to        think about it." Karen Mulder who bought
happen with El Hema—it’s exciting!" In-        kitchen towels and a box of hagelslag
side parents and children ransacked the        decorated with Arab patterns and des-
store as they searched for their favorite t-   igns said it would be nice if the real
shirts, djellabas, socks, bottles of wine,     Hema would provide Arabesque pro-
books and even Halal sausages. Organi-         ducts such as these. Both ladies agreed
zers eventually had to limit the number        the designers did an excellent job of ma-
of t-shirts and which items customers          king the store look like a real Hema
could buy in order to keep the exhibit         store. Interns Apelian and Morcos said
looking like an exhibit. Organizers said       they were extremely happy .

                                                                                      Advertising design   09
Advertising design

A concentrate of creativity

                                                                                              Sticker pointing towards towards the
                                                                                              Kaaba in Mecca on the celling of the el
                                                                                              hema show-room in amsterdam. the ins-
                                                                                              cription reads al qibla, which is used to
                                                                                              indicate the direction that should be
                                                                                              faced when a Muslim prays.

The project had gotten quite a bit of           while the t-shirts are really nice (al-
media attention as HEMA had been so           though the my favorite one does not
stupid to threaten to sue mediamatic for      even have text on it) my favorite part of
trademark infringement some 4 weeks           the whole installation is the little arrow on
back (which is more of less the best free     the celing in one of the corners that indi-
publicity you can get). the whole thing is    cates the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca
really well executed (much respect to the     (’qibla’). makes me almost want to have
whole team that worked on it over the         one for my flat…. The Khatter Founda-
last two months). they did not sell any-      tion and the company Mediamatic provi-
thing on the opening night on friday          ded them this opportunity. A dream that,
and when they finally started selling the     for these 5 hopes the Middle East, has
merchandise they almost got run over by       become a reality. Through this award,the
hordes of dutch people who acted as if t-     doors were opened for young people
shirts with arabic script are something       who have found jobs upon their return to
that that never existed before: just try to   the fold. Like what, intercultural ex-
image the opposite scenario: arabs            changes are always very positive.Hema
going crazy over t-shirts with latin script   didn’t see it that way, however. Large
on it (hint: does not really happen unless    posters outside the exhibition waived all
you are taling about expensive brand          responsibility for the project, emphasi-
names). today when i passed by media-         zing that Hema had no part in it. The
matic there was a linestretching almost       posters also said that Hema followed El
100 m outside of the shop. El hema            Hema .

10                   Advertising design
The interesting thing about the new fonts
is not only how they were received, but
also how they were conceived. Teams of
Dutch and Arabic typographers worked
on designing modern Arabic fonts that
can be combined with Western fonts wi-
thout either of the two dominating. A dif-
ficult challenge among the designers. As
well as the different writing traditions.
Nadine Chahine, one of the participa-
ting typographers, explains: "Graphic
design is improving in the Middle East,
but many of the projects are done in
Latin script. The beautiful things we have
are in museums, but the things that re-
gular people see on the street are so
ugly! You want Latin and Arabic script on
the same page .

                                                  The dream of a typographer who grew
                                                 up during the Lebanese civil war: Please,
                                                 no more conflict."The cooperative project
                                                 Typographic Matchmaking was an initia-
                                                 tive of the Khatt Foundation. The objec-
                                                 tive of the Khatt Foundation is to initiate
                                                 dialogue between the Arabic world and
                                                 the Western world, and to contribute to
                                                 an Arabic identity. The foundation hopes
                                                 this will initiate cultural change. Huda
                                                 Smitshuijzen AbiFarès of the Khatt Foun-
                                                 dation: "The font was a logical starting
                                                 point. Script is an identifying part of the
                                                 culture." Identity is one word that was fre-
                                                 quently repeated during the symposium.
                                                 Not always in the same meaning, howe-
                                                 ver. While visionaries talked about fin-
                                                 ding and communicating one's cultural
                                                 identity, others were discussing the des-
                                                 ign of a good corporate identity.

                                             Advertising design                         11
Advertising design
El Hema products

El Hema choclate

The EL HEMA exhibition will open at the
Mediamatic exhibition space. It is a tem-
porary shop where the new Arabic type-
faces are used in the styling of the
exhibition and in the products, such as
Arabic chocolate letters and several other
products. The products of El Hema in an
identical with labels translated into
Dutch, English and articles.." Arabic in
the new fonts created. "They wanted to
make the expo as true as possible,the
place resembles true supermarket Hema.
So we began to study lighting, shelving,
tiling, infrastructure in general, and any-
thing that characterizes the supermarket
Hema.They have proposed to customers
items that had inscriptions in Arabic
,chocolates Arabic letters .

                                              A concentrate of creativity Chocolate let-     However, with the exhibit less than 20
                                              ters reflect a cultural aspect of dutch tra-   days away, it would be quite costly and
                                              ditions and creating the first chocolate       time consuming to make molds for all 19
                                              letters to include them in the exhibition      letters, Baeiras said. It took him one and
                                              was a must. Bernardo worked on the             a half days to create one mold with a kit
                                              molds of the typeface Fedra Bold and re-       that cost about 50 euros. Negotiations
                                              vealed the first results on the koopavond      are still being made. Similarly, measures
                                              ,The idea directly coincides with the or-      are also being taken to produce a do-it-
                                              ganizers’ concept of creating an Arabic        yourself stamp kit designed by graphic
                                              version of the Netherlands’ Hema chain         design intern Maria Hakim.this is the first
                                              stores to publicize the release of five new    Arab chocoladeletters in the Nether-
                                              Arabic fonts. By creating products with        lands. In recent months, the Mediamatic
                                              Arab inspired culture, El Hema organi-         molds for the letters in the Fablab, pro-
                                              zers hope to expose locals to Arab cul-        duction area of the EL HEMA made. To-
                                              ture through script design. The proposal       gether with the corporate Chocolateria
                                              to create chocolate Arab letters was ins-      Jordino Amsterdam. A new Arabic font is
                                              pired by the traditional chocolate letters     used in the design of the various choco-
                                              available at Hema stores during Christ-        ladeletters, it is one of the new digital
                                              mas time. “Kids usually receive their ini-     Arabic fonts that this summer led to the El
                                              tials for Christmas,” Gaeiras said. The        Hema formed, El Hema is an imaginary
                                              plan is to produce molds for all 19            Arab Hema. The Mediamatic is a expres-
                                              shapes of the 29-letter Arab alphabet.         sions of Dutch and Arab culture .

12                   Advertising design
Advertising design

Another Product

Most of the items were very interesting
to work on: Graphic and Typographic
solution for wine labels, chocolate
packaging, water bottles, Duo umbrellas
(with fairuz’s famous rain song), impor-
ted food, and much more; all with an in-
tercultural twist. The focus remained on
making a balance between the initial El
Hema identity and drawing a parallel
line with the real HEMA look- that has
changed a lot over the last year with the
introduction of a revised look and
feel.Images and impressions from the
actual El Hema Exhibition & store in Rot-
terdam. Above: Images of several items
of the new the new collection, mostly ty-
pographic design solutions for intercul-
tural concepts and ideas.

El Hema project seems to always come
with its own challenges and problematic
issues. Amsterdam’s mediamaric exhibi-
tion was faced by an initial unpleasant
reaction from the Dutch Hema depart-
ment store. This year, the difficulties were
faced by the fact that many organizations
and parties were involved in the project,
and not all of them shared necessarily
the same vision on some key issues for
the El Hema brand, particularly that the
concept has moved from its initial
“home”. Not to mention of course an in-
credible short deadline, by which an en-
tire department store had to be
designed!Above: Images of several items
of the new El Hema collection, mostly ty-
pographic design solutions for intercul-
turl concepts and ideas.

14                    Adversting design
El Hema, the Arabic fictive (yet real) ver-    Arabic logo of El Hema, working the
sion of the famous Dutch HEMA depart-          Arabic lettering version El Hema, the
ment store, is back again this year, with      Arabic fictive (yet real) version of the fa-
an exhibition (or rather a store) in Rotter-   mous Dutch HEMA department store, is
dam. El Hema, originally an idea of Me-        back again this year, with an exhibition
diamatic, was organized this year              (or rather a store) in Rotterdam. El
through cosmopolis, in collaboration           Hema, originally an idea of Mediamatic,
with the brand hotel, and we were glad         was organized this year through cosmo-
at Tarek Atrissi Design to be commissio-       polis, in collaboration with the brand
ned for the design of the main graphic         hotel, and we were glad at Tarek Atrissi
and information design work involved in        Design to be commissioned for the des-
the project.The first El Hema project in       ign of the main graphic and information
Amsterdam organized by Mediamaric              design work involved in the project.The
took an incredible press attention and         first El Hema project in Amsterdam orga-
was a big success: It was simply very un-      nized by Mediamaric took an incredible
conventional to see a brand that is so         press attention and was a big success: It
Dutch, HEMA, taking a small twist and          was simply very unconventional to see a        Water bottle packaging for the El Hema
becoming in an Arabic form. A simple           brand that is so Dutch, HEMA, taking a         Oasis Desert water.
idea that reflects much more on the            small twist and becoming in an Arabic
highly debated cross cultural integration      form. A simple idea that reflects much
and communication in the Netherlands.,         more on the highly debated cross cultu-
we designed at Tarek Atrissi Design the        ral integration and communication .

                                                                                        Adversting Design                       15
Advertising design

Buraqas and Djellabas

                                                                                       El Hema designs was a huge suc-
                                                                                       cess the lines soon stretched around the
                                                                                       block. The visitors could buy the designs
                                                                                       if they wished, and by the time a closing
                                                                                       down sale celebrated the end of the exhi-
                                                                                       bit, tens of thousands had come to see
                                                                                       what all the fuss was about. Theshow in-
                                                                                       cluded a whole range oftextiles featuring
                                                                                       Arab text, Velthoven himself which said:
                                                                                       “I can’t read this”, to underpants for men
                                                                                       wanting to try their luck with: “Hey, swee-
                                                                                       tie!”. The designers also used burqas
                                                                                       and djellabas as inspiration, and Leba-
                                                                                       nese wines were presented in classy bot-
                                                                                       tles.‘Mother brand’        also provided
                                                                                       inspiration. The el hema designers used-
                                                                                       burqas and djellabas as inspiration to
                                                                                       Islam society.

Vascular about El Hema                  Describe the materials and techniques          ged or without henna tattoos. Hema
                                        you will need to produce your design.          Product, and then appeared on your re-
                                        Latex gloves and silicone-screen printing      tina household gloves with tattoos. It was
                                        ink. Zeefdrukkerij that the gloves can be      a ghost.
                                        printed.Paperboard for packaging, cello-
                                        phane, printing inks and printing. Fin-
                                        ding a printing that the gloves can be
                                        printed. The creativity about HEMA have
                                        many original idea ,no artistic profession
                                        has been courted more intensively by ad-
                                        vertising in preceding decades as that of
                                        visual artist. What to do if the dishes
                                        must be done and you want the beautiful
                                        henna tattoos on your hands not fade?
                                        (You will not, of course, they hide in ordi-
                                        nary household gloves) Do you not the
                                        dishes or you use Vascular-i-Maatjes for
                                        ultimate protection and elegant. The de-
                                        coration is a simple means to an oerhol-
                                        lands product with a deep-rooted Arab
Vascular about EL HEMA product, it is   tradition.By the name a double meaning
inspireted to henna tattoos.            to be given cultural - (and physical) brid

16                Adversting design
Blog Tarek Atrissi

Proposal routes for MTV Arabia ‘s identity

                                                  MTV Arabia have launched two              amatter of fact. We were invited to put
                                                weeks ago, creating a buzz in the Arab      a proposal for the logo and visual iden-
                                                world, particularly Dubai, as the new       tity of the channel, and we proposed an
                                                youth oriented and long awaited chan-       exciting, youthful and rich Arabic solution
                                                nel that will compete with existing Music   for a corporate Identity system,but we
                                                Channels in the Middle East. For more       never won that Pitch; the project was
                                                than 8 month, we have been working at       awarded to a Dubai based agency. The
                                                i Design on supporting with the concep-     logo created for MTV Arabia consisted of
                                                tualizing, design nd production of some     the classic MTV logo, filled with Arabic
                                                of their Motion Graphics (as well as a      isolated letters that form the word “ara-
                                                custom Arabic Typefaces font, see pre-      bia”. While the concept of the logo has
                                                vious Post)- and I will summarize in this   potential, I found its execution to be very
                                                post the design process of our work, and    poor. The Arabic letters in the logo were
                                                some of our comments on the visual          from the widely used Bassima Font- a
                                                identity created for it.Unfortunately, we   calligraphic digital font that fails in my
                                                were not behind the logo and visual         opinion to create a unique look, and that
                                                identity branding created for the MTV       in itself is a poor handwritten calligraphy
                                                Arabia Channel. We are not a big fan of     imitation. That said, our most criticism .

the identity created was that it did not in-
clude, beyond the logo and the brands-
trapline, a clear and elaborate identity
manual that explains the usage of the
multi-version very colorful logo, and the
definition of a unique visual language
and graphic elements. And as users of
this identity, at a later stage, we found it
very difficult as designers to understand
the visual brand, or how to expand it
while working on several projects for the
channel.Back to our work involvement;
Loosing the Pitch did not stop MTV Ara-
bia from commissioning us at Tarek
Atrissi Design to create the identity of five
Shows of MTV- from logo, look and feel
and motion graphics design and pro-
duction- as well as design a series of
Bumpers for the channel.The project was
challenging on many levels. On one
hand, the five shows were very different
in style and content; On the other hand,

we were wondering what the bigger pic-
ture of MTV is if they will just be impor-
ting international Lack of elaborate briefs
and a vague vision of the entire channel
did make things more difficult- and even-
tually we approached the branding of
every show as a separate project, trying
to base our process on the information
given to us about each specific show,
and our understanding of both the Ara-
bic culture and the Europe Culture. We
approached most of the shows not spe-
cifically with a visible Arabic style, be-
cause we certainly did not want to have
an imposed obvious “Arabic” visual lan-
guage, and kept our consideration and
understanding of the geography and cul-
ture behind MTV Arabia on a deeper less
visible layer. Each show’s look and feel
represented the actual music genre or
content nature present in the program:
“Alternative Nation” visualized its grunge
and rock nature; “World Chart Express”
visualized the adventurous and travel as-
pect of the international music showca-
sed in the program; and “Introducing
Blocks” used a kitsch style to visualize the
“gossipy” aspect of the program. The
only show which truly looked Arabic in its
opening sequence and identity is “Pure
Arabia” and hence the typographic ap-
proach seemed the most appropriate. he
final outcome was a series of flat and
abstract short animations, starting with
patterns inspired from an arabesque
concept- yet very modern- that builds up
the MTV logo. On the bigger picture, the
success of logos MTV Arabia as a chan-
nel is to be judged . In the future, seeing
MTV channel ,if it will be able to be as
influential in Arabia both in music and
cultur it has been in the West...

        Projects                       19

El «Ghad»Type Design

Since I started my Design Studio- Tarek
Atrissi Design, we have been more and
more involved in designing Arabic Type-
faces- which resulted from our focus in
our work on Typography and on creating
modern Arabic Graphic Design. The
Lack of variety of Arabic typefaces made
us develop our own fonts for some pro-
jects, particularly corporate identity pro-
jects. Eventually We started putting more
effort in making our own fonts, and on
delivering custom Arabic fonts for a va-
riety of our clients. The Challenges are
always many- but I always enjoyed the
process of Type Design- and juggling
Design and technology; And Type Design
is one of the studio’s main focuses today.
Several of our fonts will be soon availa-
ble for sale, since I have launched a new
typographic Design in the office, focused
only on type design.I am presenting here
an overview on some of the Typefaces
developed over the last six year. The font
comes in two weights, bold and regular,
and was designed Particularly for screen
usage. This font (shown Above) was
based on a previous font developed for
Al-Ghad newspaper, which was used for
the masthead and for the headlines of
the newspaper, back in 2004.Another
Font developed in 2004 was the Spirit of
Doha Typeface, developed for the Asian
Games 2006, that will launch in around
two weeks in Doh Qatar. With the ope-
ning ceremony approaching, it is so
great to see the typeface in use everyw-
here in and outside Qatar, promoting the
event.This year I completed the type fa-
mily for Amwaj Islands in Bahrain, that
needed a three weights font for use as
the main Arabic font in their corporate
identity. By Tarek Atrissi

Student work from VCU Qatar

Graphics in the evironment

                              The notion of “local Design” was the
                              main field of investigation in the typogra-
                              phy course. Through a variety of experi-
                              mental assignments, the students were
                              focused on creating typographic and
                              graphic pieces that were a true reflection
                              of their own visual environment: The Task
                              was to simply see if it was possible to
                              create a graphic design language that
                              belongs to their own surrounding, a vi-
                              sual language that is unique to the loca-
                              tion where the design work was
                              produced, and that couldn’t be develo-
                              ped elsewhere. Students were asked to
                              explore the rich environmental graphic
                              language that surrounds them: Signs,
                              neon letters, big Arabic and English Pos-
                              tings, wall graffiti .They started by taking
                              photos of a corner, a street, an angle that
                              has a cluster of signs with a lot of bilin-
                              gual typography, particularly Arabic
                              [type, handwritten lettering, Calligraphy
                              .The end result is a series pieces develo-
                              ped by every student, documenting the
                              specific environment they chose.Below
                              are some examples of the work develo-
                              ped by the students: fo example shown
                              below is a complete series of pieces de-
                              veloped by student Dana Ahdab. the first
                              piece started with a collage of a specific
                              corner that she decided to document,
                              and she developed that collage graphi-
                              cally and typographically into further
                              compositions, with focus on type, ima-
                              gery and interesting graphics. The last
                              being made only out of type found in the
                              images yet independent from the photos
                              or the previous compositions. Note how
                              interesting for example composition is; a
                              balanced combination of imagery and
                              type, giving a good feel of the street lan-
                              guage of that specific area in Doha City.

                                      Projects                       21

Project Mulsaq

The khatt Design collection of wall stickers
Project mulsaq is a competition for ara-
bic designers , about the home , or the
arabic home .Homes and their interiors
have become a reflection of the perso-
nality of Arabic house ,site web the site
web about khatter fondation, their ow-
ners ; an eclectic mix of international and
local products , found objects and sou-
venirs, and memorabilia from around
the world . Expressing one is identity
through design commodities is a com-
mon occurrence in the materialistic cul-
ture of consumerism.In contemporary
design and visual communication ,em-
bracing global design trends and self-
conscriously mixing them with local :the
visual culture is done with the aim of as-
serting one is cultural identity in the big
melting pot of world cultures.The home
space is seen as a way stake a unique
sense of place tha can be set apart from
the greater equalizing and transient pu-
blic spaces. In the age of global nomadic
lifesdtyles , the temporary home that is
also a portrait of the life and experiences
of its owners is a secure and stable area
in an otherwise stressful living enviro-
ment. The designers whose work has for-
med this special collection have
originated from all over the world ran-
ging from aras who have lived in Europe
and the Middle East to Europeans who
have traveled and lived in the Arab
World ; From countries like Egypt , Leba-
non ,Jordan , Iraq ,Kuwait, experiences
way of life and specific national social
norms. Though the work is inspired by
traditional Arabic calligraphy and Islamic
and Arabic symbols and customs are re-
visited with a resolute and atypical
contemporary look good humour and
somtimes thought provoking visual puns.

22                   Projects

Winner of Projects Mulsaq

The Khatt Foundation and the trend-set-
ting company Mosaiques, in collabora-
tion with Dubai-based design gallery
Traffic, are launching for the first time a
wall stickers collection reflecting the mul-
tifaceted Middle Eastern identity. Wall
stickers are the latest innovation in
contemporary interior design. They de-
mocratise art by bringing it into ordinary
people’s living spaces. They help consu-
mers create a personalized sense of
place.This design competition will there-
fore provide a platform for talented Khatt
Network members to reach out to wider
audiences within and outside the design
world of Dubai, the Middle East and
beyond.The reputation of Traffic as ‘must
stop shop’ for individuals and architectu-
ral/design firms, and its location near the
up-market Mall of the Emirates makes it
the perfect partner for the launch of this
culturally sensitive and sought-after des-
ign product. A couple of months ago The
Khatt Foundation and the trend-setting
company Mosaiques, in collaboration
with Dubai-based design gallery Traffic
organized a competition to design limi-
ted edition vinyl stickers under the theme
‘Reinvent our space, bring the middle
east home’.My submission, entitled If
walls had ears… eyes & mouths, was se-
lected by the jury to be among the 20 fi-
nalists of the competition. Inspired by the
famous, rather middle-eastern proverb if
walls had ears I elaborated the concept
with an analogy to the famous 3 wise
monkeys’ saying: see no evil, hear no
evil, speak no evil. The idea focuses on
the fact that walls are better off not
seeing, hearing or speaking about what
happens in the room or anywhere else.
Away from evil, away from gossips.




A trained painter and award winning
photographer, Toufic Araman spends his
time between Dubai and New York. He
does advertising and conceptual photo-
graphy. He has displayed his talent
through major advertising campaigns.
His conceptual work was shown at the
Noorderlicht Festival, The Netherlands
and Brecht Forum, New York. He is the
Middle East official photographer for
Starwood hotels. He also teaches photo-
graphy at the American University in
Dubai. Araman's work is distinguished by
his propensity for story-telling, lighting
which plays a character and images that
often have a sense of humor. He studied
at the International Center of Photogra-
phy. He is a member of the Middle East

Professional photographers in Dubai -            We are too involved in our emotions,
MEPP .                                         beliefs and human conditions to portray
                                               objectivity in its finest forms. I don't build
                                               my creativity on a person's influence; ho-
I  don't define myself as anything more        wever, I admire the pioneers, as they de-
than an observer; I don't give solutions, I    fine the concept of uniqueness
simply reflect. My work takes the viewer       (individuality) to me. They dared to do
through the journey of my thoughts, to-        the different against the mainstream,
wards the exact feeling or moral I try to      thus becoming the first in history. It is
reflect. I want to be labeled as an effec-     when you are able to view the world
tive communicator, and let that be             from all sides and perspectives that you
through photography, painting or film.         acquire that gentle touch of art, which re-
Photography is modern and fast. Photo-         flects your deep belonging to humanity
graphy reflects the fragility of objects; it   in general. Photographs are not real.
combines different elements to produce         They reflect the reality of the person be-
one masterpiece. The reason I favor            hind the lens. Photography is very sub-
photography is because of its stillness. It    jective and it is very subjective, and so
could gather all the elements of a 10 mi-      the frame will reflect only what I have
nute film in one single frame. One shot,       chosen to capture.We are too involved in
and the message is there: crystal clear.       our emotions, beliefs and human condi-
Photographs are not real. They reflect the     tions to portray objectivity in its finest
reality of the person behind the lens.         forms.I don't build my creativity.

26                    Photography
He ended up interviewing me at one
point.I was so taken by the level of depth
and knowledge Araman showed during
our 2 hour interview, that I actually star-
ted spilling out my personal sentiments
about art, photography, politics, and life.
I kept answering his questions, and with
no recollection of time, I found myself
being interviewed by my subject. Ara-
man, an intelligent artist, the way I would
describe him. Talking to him, I couldn't
help but wonder about the resemblance
between him and Socrates: they both
reached their versions of truth by ques-
tioning everything else around them. I
have always admired Socrates; conse-
quently, my admiration of Araman was
inevitable. It didn't matter where he was
from, and what belief system he follo-
wed. We talked and talked about so
many aspects of life, without noticing that
the bridges of cultures were connected
without human intervention, without silly
attempts and forced opinions. he best
thing about being an artist, or involved
in art like I am, is the common ground
you find with others who share the pas-
sion. Life, for a moment, becomes a se-
ries of questions and answers: humanity
is what matters.I enjoyed every second I
spent talking to this young great talent,
and I found it to be refreshing that some
people still maintain that strong belief
system of the human being, and his abi-
lity to reform the world. Toufic, you are a
photographer, a painter, a designer,
would you simply call yourself an artist,
and congregate all of these talents toge-
ther? I won't define myself as anything
more than an observer; I don't give solu-
tions, I simply reflect... I send subtle mes-
sages in order to change someone.

                                                Photography   27

Questioning Life, Art & Photography

He ended up interviewing me at one            tioning everything else around them. I        ries of questions and answers: humanity
point. I was so taken by the level of depth   have always admired Socrates; conse-          is what matters.I enjoyed every second I
and knowledge Araman showed during            quently, my admiration of Araman was          spent talking to this young great talent,
our 2 hour interview, that I actually star-   inevitable.It didn't matter where he was      and I found it to be refreshing that some
ted spilling out my personal sentiments       from, and what belief system he follo-        people still maintain that strong belief
about art, photography, politics, and life.   wed. We talked and talked about so            system of the human being, and his abi-
I kept answering his questions, and with      many aspects of life, without noticing that   lity to reform the world. Toufic, you are a
no recollection of time, I found myself       the bridges of cultures were connected        photographer, a painter, a designer,
being interviewed by my subject. Ara-         without human intervention, without silly     would you simply call yourself an artist,
man, an intelligent artist, the way I would   attempts and forced opinions.The best         and congregate all of these talents toge-
describe him. Talking to him, I couldn't      thing about being an artist, or involved      ther? I simply reflect... I send subtle mes-
help but wonder about the resemblance         in art like I am, is the common ground        sages, as I believe that, in order to
between him and Socrates: they both           you find with others who share the pas-       change someone, you need to slowly
reached their versions of truth by ques       sion. Life, for a moment, becomes a           work on sending the desired message.

28                   Photography
thoughts, towards the exact feeling or          stress on the important factors that play a     Thus, for me photographic realism is an
moral I try to reflect. I want to be labeled    role in making an Artist. We see in your        issue of controversy, it doesn't hold a spe-
as an effective communicator, and let           last work, a lot of symbolism is involved.      cific meaning. I believe photographs re-
that be through photography, art, pain-         Do you believe photography is ultimately        flect the reality of the person behind the
ting or film making. The medium is not          the strongest form of modern art in ex-         lens. Photography is very subjective, as a
important, what matters is the                  pressing social moralities and senti-           capture. We are too involved in our
purpose.Why Photography? Photogra-              ments? Of course I don't. How can I             emotions, beliefs and human conditions
phy is modern and fast. I think I favor it      make such a strong assumption about             to portray objectivity in its finest forms.
sometimes for its production ease, the          one form of media? Again, I say it              There have been many excellent photo-
possibilities of using different media, the     doesn't matter what medium you use, as          graphers throughout the evolvement of
clarity of the lenses, and my passion for       long as you know what to do with it.            this form of art, which of them has had
light and glass. Photography reflects fra-      Symbolism is not restricted to any form.        the greatest influence on you? There are
gility of the objects; it combines the diffe-   It's just like a weapon, it can kill, and it    many that influence a person through his
rent elements to produce one                    can protect.It's a matter of choice. In spite   life. Influencing people affect your life for
masterpiece. Do you believe that people         of that, the reason I might favor photo-        a period of time, and then you move on
are born artists? Or do they become ar-         graphy is because of its stillness. It could    developing yourself. For example, for a
tists with time? In the sense, can art and      gather all the elements in a 10 minute          period of time, my father was my role
creativity be nurtured and cultivated? To       film in one single frame. One shot, and         model, however as I grew older, other
be able to answer your question, I would        the message is there: crystal clear. Are        people triggered me and I moved from
need to define the word Artist. However,        you into photographic realism? Do you           one phase to the other, with different per-
to a greater extent, does it really matter?     look to describe reality with your photo-       ceptions. Having said that, I don't build
I don't think so. Whether you are born          graphs, or simply enjoy the artistic free-      my creativity on a person's influence; ho-
one, or become one, what matters is             dom of subject and photography                  wever, I admire the pioneers, as they de-
your will to do something about that gift.      manipulation?Photographs are not real.          fine the concept of uniqueness to me.

                                                                                                 Photography                            29

They dared to do the different against he       your vision in their desired fields. Photo-     Lebanese, I was born in Egypt, but lived
mainstream, thus becoming the first in          graphy here is winning its well-deserved        10 years of my early childhood in Leba-
history. An example of that is Jheronimus       reputation as an effective form of art and      non, until the war broke out, a traumatic
Bosch, who changed the way people loo-          media, and with time, it will become a          experience, which affects me still. I have
ked at art, with his screaming painting         pillar of the modern city.Many argue that       seen what a child can't tolerate, and that
and his vivid imagination.t I admire the-       photography has not been defined yet in         left me with memories of loss and pain.
nonconformist Many artists complain             the country, and some confuse that artis-       We moved to Egypt, familiar with the
about the hardships of making a living;         tic aspect with the commercial one; do          country I tried to fit in. But the truth was
is providing the food on the table a pos-       you agree? Yes I do agree. A lot of             that I have always been an outsider, a
sible thing for you?Can photography be          confusion does exist, but that's why we         minority, a foreigner in my home.I was
In Dubai, yes you can survive as a pho-         are here isn't that right? There are a lot of   the Egyptian in Lebanon, and the Leba-
tographer only. However, my definition          perceptions that should be changed, and         nese in Egypt. So to answer your ques-
of a decent living status might be diffe-       it is my duty as an artist as well as others'   tion, it is when you are able to view the
rent from others. Still, Dubai is a city that   to contribute to this community by defi-        world from all sides and perspectives that
allows such professions as photography          ning the art, and distinguishing it. Toufic,    you acquire that gentle touch of art, to
to prosper without the need for other re-       why do you think you are an artist now?         answer your question reflects your deep
sources.In your opinion, and from your          Let me tell you this of : I am originally       belonging to humanity in general.

30                    Photography
Type Design
Bifan Arabic Arial Type

The Design concept of Bifan Type

Today you can create characters for use
on computers, there is no single method,
each creator develops know-how of its
own, a few sketches on paper or more
directly on the screen. From the Latin po-
lice can create a police Arabic as the
structure and morphology of the Latin, it
is well known that the Arabic writing is
different from the Latin script, it is under
one form and character are linked, we
will suggest to reproduce the font in Latin
Arabic character, the study on the mor-
phology of the font "Arial" will help us to
create our new font Arabic. (Latinized
characters Arabs), with a simplifiacation
the structure of writing Arabic.The treat-
ment of curves is softer and more com-
plete than in most industrial style sans
serif, the axes of the letters are vertical.
The police "Arial" is extremely versatile, is
a character that is used with success in
text reports, presentations, magazines,
posters in newspapers ... It is essential to
know the morphological structure of
"Arial" to create our new Arab character
to facilitate the Latinized letters Arabs.
With minimum ascender and descender
of heights and large x-height, are to be
translated naturally in the Arab style Bi-
fani, "Arial" is a sans serif could work bet-
ter with Arabic, and it actually did.The
design features.The design of Arabic Bi-
fani can be summarized as follows:1.
Contrast: Bifani Arabic is a robust and
simple Kufi characters, with monolinear
stroke (from a low modulation thick and
thin)giving a character of the contempo-
rary and functional look. 2. Openness
and overall color: Arabic is Bifani gene-
rous open windows that match the color
and the overall effect of its Latin counter-
part.3. Proportions: In order to achieve

32                     Type Design
the great characteristics x-height of the    It is an aspect of the design type that is   ,world). And enrich the typothéque Ara-
Latin without compromising the integrity     not often applied to Arabic, but it is       bic, the basics of Arabic and Latin are
of the Arabic script, the height of the      highly necessary.5. And the rate base:       very different, but a Latinized the Arabic
body in the Arabic version was pushed        Some horizontal loop in the connections      letters can give us a very good result with
as high as possible within the acceptable    between certain characters, a feature ins-   the characteristic of the simplicity of
level of normalcy Kufi for design conven-    pired by the more rounded Arabic             Arial.the creation of this policy was a
tions. The descenders are short and to       scripts. This feature of the design helps    good experience for me. The most diffi-
match the proportion of the Latin version,   to create the same tone of gray and avoi-    cult part was handling the issue, that
making position. 4. Strokes and details:     ding the pitfalls of dark ink. the same      Arabic is drawn from scrata better
the thinning of blows before the very eco-   tone of gray and avoiding the pitfalls of    rhythm and break the rigidity world). en-
nomic comcommon in Arabic characters,        dark ink. making Arabic Bifani more ap-      rich the typothéque Arabic, the basics of
where little work optical adjustment is      propriate for continuous playback as         Arabic and Latin are very different, but a
made by a majority of models available.      textface.Deleting Arabic Arial type sevira   Latinized the Arabic letters can give us a
This feature helps to achieve arial fonts.   to communicate more with the designers       very good result with the characteristic .

                                                                                           Type Design                           33
The pantone Matching Systhem

Always show your true colors

The accuracy of color is critical in design.
Because what you see on your monitor is
never what will appear on a printed
sheet, designers need a standardized
color key. It can be very frustrating to see
the logo you worked hard to create look
deep blue on the client's letterhead, blue-
greenish on his business card, and light
blue on his very expensive envelopes. A
way to prevent this is by using a standar-
dized color , such as the PANTONE MAT-
not the only color standardization system,
it is the most widely used and the one that
most printers understand. Aside from
being able to have consistency, PAN-
TONE Colors allow you to use colors that
cannot be mixed in CMYK.

                                               Guides through a color

                                               There are several types of swatch guides
                                               that catalog the colors of the PANTONE
                                               Library. Some are narrow swatch books
                                               made of strips bound on one end with
                                               printed rectangular samples showing the
                                               different PANTONE Colors. The strips can
                                               then be opened or spread out in a fan-
                                               like manner. There are also binders with
                                               chips (rectangular swatches) that can be
                                               torn out and sent to a client with a proof,
                                               so that the client knows how his colors
                                               will look when printed.Some of the PAN-
                                               TONE Colors can be reproduced by
                                               mixing CMYK inks while others must be
                                               pre-mixed inks. Pantone has guides for
                                               their spot colors (called "Solid" or pre-
                                               mixed ink colors by Pantone) and guides
                                               which show the Process colors. Samples
                                               in the process guides are therefore colors
                                               achievable through mixing CMYK (or

36                     Print
"process") inks. A special guide also         ated U = uncoated and M = matte.               shing software will see the color as two
shows you the spot color and how it will      These three are the most important PAN-        different colors and this will cause the
look printed in CMYK along with CMYK          TONE Library abbreviations. You may,           production of one extra plate, and the-
values. This way, if spot colors, which are   however, encounter the abbreviation CV         refore the expense of extra money.
an added expense at print time, cannot        followed by C, U or M. CV stands for
be used, close colors may be mixed in         Computer Video, which is the electronic
process.Same Colour, Different Looks.         representation of the PANTONE Colors.
The type of paper used, will affect the       Now discontinued, but still seen in old
appearance of colors. In separate swatch      versions of software, CV merely meant
or chip books, Pantone shows you how          that the color was an on-screen simula-
their colors look on coated, uncoated,        tion.There are also specialty guides for
and matte paper. Therefore you have the       tints, metallic and pastel colors. One
number of the color (for example, PAN-        note of warning: If you use a color with a
TONE Red 032) followed by a suffix,           certain suffix, don't use it again with ano-
which indicates on what stock your PAN-       ther suffix in the same publication, unless
TONE Color is meant to be printed. If         there is an actual need for that, such as
you want PANTONE Red 032 on shiny             when you use a color on a 4-colour
paper, then you would specify the color       glossy magazine with an insert printed
in this manner: PANTONE 032 C, where          on bond paper. In this case you would be
C stands for "coated". You then have U,       using the same color both on coated and
which stands for "uncoated", and then M,      matte paper. If you use two different suf-
which stands for "matte". You get:C = co      fixes in the same publication,

                                                                                                          Print                  37
Creative suite CS4

This software trial is a fully functional
version of Adobe® Creative Suite® 4
Design Premium edition in a DVD set.
Every feature and aspect of the product
The six different editions of Creative Suite
4 is available since October 2008 in the
United States. Each suite includes a set of
software to meet the needs of specific
trades. Both suites Design (Standard and
Premium) are intended to start their crea-
tive projects focusing on paper (But this is
a sampling of the many innovations pro-
posed by the Creative Suite 3. Indeed, all
the software component have been des-
igned to be compatible with both Win-
dows XP with Windows Vista and to
exploit the strengths, which is incompa-
tible with Vista until the last .

                                                Premium version allows you to increase       content for mobile terminals . This "revi-
                                               the production on the Web or on mobile        sion" of the Adobe Creative Suite also led
                                               terminals. In this suite comprising inclu-    to a huge gain in performance, espe-
                                               ding Photoshop and Illustrator, the cen-      cially for Mac users who benefit most
                                               tral tool is the InDesign desktop             from the new Intel processors used by
                                               publishing software. The latter is not in-    Apple through a direct method of execu-
                                               cluded in both suites "Web" (Standard         tion instead of 'Emulation, due for pre-
                                               and Premium) addressed themselves to          vious versions to the use of lines of code
                                               designers of websites and rely mainly on      created for Apple processors. Moreover,
                                               Dreamweaver .For trades of the video,         Adobe has done a great job of homoge-
                                               following "Production" is a platform for      nization, for all software, including those
                                               post-production that manages the flow         who were already in the Creative Suite 2,
                                               from capture to distribution, through edi-    including to propose a similar interface
                                               ting and creating special effects. Finally,   especially for software from the acquisi-
                                               "Master Collection", which brings toge-       tion as Macromedia Flash, which was
                                               ther all the twelve software, is the most     deemed to have an interface separately.
                                               comprehensive suite offered by Adobe.         Adobe has also worked for the establish-
                                               Among the new software offered by the         ment of a cross-reference format of each
                                               publisher, it should be noted Photoshop       of its software. The native Photoshop for-
                                               Extended, an enhanced version of Photo-       mat (. Psd) is now supported in Flash, Fi-
                                               shop offers 3D processing functions,          reworks and Dreamweaver and the
                                               video and image analysis for the world        launch of Device Central, which creates.

38                     Software
Photoshop CS4
Photoshop Creative Suite is most widely       layers perfectly colors and shades and
used application: Revolutionary features     this extends to your depth of field, auto-
of painting and compositing 3D.Now           matically correcting the vignetting and
paint directly on 3D models, dress 2D        distortion lens:Modification of properties
images of 3D forms, convert curves           and 3D objects .Enhance, brightening
transfer grading 3D objects, give inten-     and manipulate 3D images using a sim-
sity to layers and text, get exceptional     plified interface without dialog boxes.
print quality with the new rendering en-     Adjust the lighting, nets and materials.
gine for raytracing and export your work     Orient objects and easily move the ca-
in     formats       3D     currents.Panel   mera with axes and a 3D projection ho-
Masks:Create and quickly correct your        rizontal plane: Fluid rotation of the
masks since the new panel masks. It of-      working area.With a simple click, rotate
fers all the tools needed to create masks    your work area and view your work in a
and pixelated editable vector, to adjust     non-destructive in terms desired - the for-
their density and contour of their pro-      gotten torticollis!ouplesse pan and
gressive, selection of things not conti-     zoom:Navigate easily to any part of the
guous, and so on.Preserve sharpness          image using new tools to zoom and pan
when automatically optimized merging         ultra-flexible.

                                                                                           pixel and operate easily touch the zoom
                                                                                           factor is greater with the new grid of
                                                                                           pixels. Scale adapted content: Use the
                                                                                           revolutionary new function to scale intel-
                                                                                           ligently to automatically redial a picture
                                                                                           as you resize, preserving the essential
                                                                                           parts. Get away from a perfect image,
                                                                                           without expanding operations cropping
                                                                                           and editing.Display Options files:Handle
                                                                                           multiple files easily opened with the pre-
                                                                                           sentation by the tab or for multiple docu-
                                                                                           ments.pixel and operate easily touch the
                                                                                           zoom factor is greater with the new grid
                                                                                           of pixels. Scale adapted content: Use the
                                                                                           revolutionary new function to scale intel-
                                                                                           ligently to automatically redial a picture
                                                                                           as you resize, preserving the essential
                                                                                           parts. Get away from a perfect opera-
                                                                                           tions cropping and editing.

                                                                                                  Software                      39

Adobe Illustrator CS4

                                          Explore new avenues with vector dra-         and display control to speed up rende-
                                          wing tool par excellencen-Work Plans         ring. Shape tool-spot: Use a brush that
                                          multiple: Create files containing up to      produces a perfect vector, even if the
                                          100 work plans of various sizes, which       traits overlap. Draw as on paper using
                                          can be stacked, juxtaposed or superim-       the tools Form spot, and Rounding gum.-
                                          posed. You can also save, export and         Graduated: Speaking on the degraded
                                          print them separately or together. Fi-       directly at the object. Set the angle of the
                                          nally, you can save all or part of them      gradient, its position and size elliptical.
                                          as a PDF file of several pages.-Transpa-     Add and change colors to the aid of sli-
                                          rency gradients: Set the opacity of diffe-   ders, you immediately see the result.-In-
                                          rent colors of a gradient. Reveal the        tegration and dissemination .Overview
                                          objects and images underlying layers         of separations: Avoid unpleasant sur-
                                          and use, break and melted to create          prises such as unexpected spot colors,
                                          rich mixtures of textures and colors.-       missed the overlays, unwanted or white
                                          Changes in appearance in one panel:          and black in the CMYK text files and im-
                                          Change the characteristics of an object      ported. Elegant style graphics:Combine
                                          directly in the Appearance control panel     styles to produce original effects and
                                          and avoid opening the signs of subs-         apply them without changing the appea-
                                          tance, or contour effects.                   rance of an object.

humbnails and an extensive library of
predefined styles.-Simpler masks clip-
ping: Handle easily masks only viewing
area capped objects. Use the insulation
and the Modify the mask for a Masters
accrue predefined styles.

40                  Software
Adobe Indesign CS4

Upstream control dynamics:Perform a           , which update automatically when the         of rotation and x and y, you can quickly
upstream as your creation. With the           contents of a document is changed or          magnetize the edge of an object or its
continuous control upstream, the poten-       moved. Milestones -commentés - Align,         center horizontal or vertical on other ob-
tial production problems are reported in      space, rotate and resize quickly one or       jects in the layout. Display key attributes
real time. You can quickly access the mis-    more objects with dynamic benchmarks.         of your feed production such as scale,
take, correct it directly and continue your   Thanks to the dynamic benchmarks, ob-         rotation and resolution.-Export to Adobe
work.-customizable:Use this panel to          ject dimensions, angles of rotation and x     Flash CS4 Professional (XFL). Export do-
search, sort and manage all the files im-     and y, you can quickly magnetize the          cuments to the XFL format and then open
ported from your document. Display key        edge of an object or its center horizontal    them in Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
attributes of your feed production such as    or vertical on other objects in the layout.   who faithfully keep the InDesign layout
scale, rotation and resolution.-Export to     -Creating interactive documents with ex-      of origin.
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (XFL). Ex-       port SWF files:Turn your layout dynamic       Rotation of planche:Rotate temporarily
port documents to the XFL format and          SWF files without going through the des-      for a plate without having to turn your
then open them in Adobe Flash CS4 Pro-        ign environment of Adobe Flash ®.             screen and pull full editing features to 90
fessional who faithfully keep the InDe-       Create digital documents complete with        and 180 degrees to include non-hori-
sign layout of origin. Use Flash to add       interactive buttons, hyperlinks and           zontal elements in your models.-Crea-
interactions, animations and navigation       unique page transitions, to be read in        ting interactive documents with export
features sophisticated models for a com-      Adobe Flash Player.Compass commen-            SWF files:Turn your layout dynamic SWF
plex reading attractive. Cross-Refe-          ted :Align, space, rotate and resize          files without going through the design
rences. Simplify writing, production and      quickly one or more objects with dyna-        environment of Adobe Flash ®.
management of long documents through          mic benchmarks. Thanks to the dynamic
cross-references, both flexible               benchmarks, object dimensions, angles

                                                                                                    Software                       41

Flash CS4

                       Animation-based objects: Exercise tight       create kaleidoscope effects and use of
                       control over the various attributes of ani-   funds with the tool Deco, spray or sym-
                       mation using the animation-based ob-          bols at random from a defined area
                       jects, which can apply to objects             through the brush tool sprayer.
                       interpolations, not keyframes. Easily         Support for metadata (XMP): Add your
                       change movements with Bezier handles.         metadata to SWF files from the new
                       Inverse kinematics with the tool Segment      panel XMP Assign quickly tags to im-
                       Create animation effects chain with a se-     prove collaboration and content for mo-
                       ries of related objects or misrepresenting    bile terminals.Presetting movement. Start
                       quickly to a single tool Segment. 3D          a project quickly through the integrated
                       transformation: Animate 2D objects in         animations for any object. Choose from
                       3D space with new tools rotation and          a dozen presets or create and save your
                       translation 3D, which can create anima-       own animations. To save time, share pre-
                       tions on the axes x, y and z. Apply local     sets with your colleagues.Support for the
                       or global changes to any object. Proce-       H.264 standard: Encode the contents in
                       dural modeling tools decoration with          any file format recognized by Adobe
                       brush and spray.Turn any symbol instant       Flash Player with Adobe Media Encoder,
                       design tool.                                  a tool Adobe video software which now

                                                                     etadata to SWF files from the new panel
                                                                     XMP Assign quickly tags to improve col-
                                                                     laboration and content for mobile termi-
                                                                     nals.Presetting movement. Start a project
                                                                     quickly through the integrated anima-
                                                                     tions for any object. Choose from

42          Software
Dreamweaver CS4
With the new Live View mode Dream-         geover work area.Dynamic objects
weaver CS4, you design web pages in        Adobe PhotoshopYou can insert a docu-
real navigation while maintaining direct   ment in Dreamweaver Photoshop PSD to
access to the code. The code changes       create an image. The dynamic objects
are immediately visible on the screen.     are closely related to the source file. You
Indicators code frameworks for Ajax and    can modify the source and update your
JavaScript.Create more effective JavaS-    image in Dreamweaver without opening
cript code through better care of basic    Photoshop.Subversion:You can update
data types and main JavaScript objects.    your site and save the changes directly       The dynamic objects are closely related
Implement Civil extensive programming      from Dreamweaver. Through its integra-        to the source file. You can modify the
Dreamweaver CS4 incorporating current      tion with the Subversion software system,     source and update your image in
JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery,   open source version management,               Dreamweaver without opening Photo-
Prototype and Spry.New User Interface:A    Dreamweaver CS4 streamlines opera-            shop.Integration with Subversion:You
new common user interface allows you       tions archiving extraction.Methods advi-      can update your site and save the
to work more quickly and efficiently in    sed CSS:Apply methods advised CSS             changes directly from Dreamweaver.
the various components of Adobe Crea-      without writing any code. Create rules in     Through its integration with the Subver-
tive Suite ® 4. Go quickly from one en-    the CSS Properties panel and get clear        sion software system, open source ver-
vironment to another work with the new     indications on the as Display key .           sion sociation properties and styles.

                                                                                                Software                     43

Fire works CS4

                                            Create your prototype Adobe ® AIR ™          Gain speed and efficiency through opti-
                                            directly in Adobe Fireworks ® and de-        mized performance since the opening
                                            ploy instantly to the HTML and CSS,          and saving files to intensive manipulation
                                            Adobe Flex ® or SWF Easily convert your
                                                                  .                      of bitmap and vector images through
                                            model. Export-PDF: Generate, from your       updating of symbols.Integration with
                                            compositions Fireworks, PDF documents        Adobe Kuler:Fireworks go for the latest
                                            protected and faithful to the original fa-   color themes of Adobe Kuler web service:
                                            cilitating communication with customers.     test them and apply them to your web
                                            Protect your work password - passwords       creations. Design color harmonies for
                                            can be assigned separate to the consul-      your personal use or to be transferred to
                                            tation and other tasks (print, copy or add   Kuler.Typography-sophisticated: Sign ty-
                                            comments).Exporting CSS: Design your         pographical creations of emergency with
                                            full web pages within a powerful graphi-     the functions of composition engine op-
                                            cal environment and then, a simple click,    timized text Adobe.Import or copy and
                                            export layout with CSS style sheets out-     paste the double-byte characters from Il-
                                            side. Integrate, in the foreground and       lustrator (CS3 or CS4) and Photoshop
                                            background images, including new types       (CS3 or CS4) without compromising
                                            of installment.. Performance Tuned:          quality.

Integration with Adobe ConnectNow:
Gather client and creative in a meeting
online in real time with full screen sha-
ring, all platforms combined in the coun-
tries implementing the Adobe Connect

44                   Software
Yousef Ikhereis

Q. Could you tell us a bit
about yourself (age, location,
country, and education in CG)
and your background in CG?
My name is Yousef Ikhreis, I’m 30 years
old, and I live and work in Amman, Jor-
dan. I’ve been involved in the graphic
design and animation industry for 10
years; I now work as an Art Director in
JAID Productions with 70 employees and
this is a subsidiary of ITG Solutions, one
of the leading companies in design, ani-
mation and e-learning in the region. I
am self-taught artist, and this is my story
of how I got involved in this
business:Going back to the beginnings
of the eighties, when I was a child, I was
afraid to go to the bathroom alone and
always looking for my mom or waking
her up to be around with me, because I
used to see strange faces and creatures
in the corners, and was always very upset      spent the later days like a fugitive with     Q. Can you tell our readers
when my mother and brothers would not         this word “Softimage”, it was like the         what’s the actual work of the
believe me and stare at me with strange       holy sword that will empower me to
                                                                                             Art Director and what qualifi-
faces with a hectic smile, sometimes I        create my creatures and will enforce the
                                                                                             cation is necessary for this job?
would run naked to get them to watch          disbelievers to bow to that little child vi-
them, pointing with my little fingers, but    sions. By Softimage I will recreate my
no one see….so they couldn’t believe.         worlds. At the time Softimage was unk-
Later in 1995, when I was watching TV         nown and not available in Jordan, I star-
programs with boredom feeling, moving         ted investigating about computer
from one channel to another I watched         graphics and someone told me that there
the last minutes of behind the scenes         is a good software called Photoshop,
program, and they were talking about          with flicker speed I purchased a book
the making of “Alien” character (H.R.         about Photoshop, I read it three times (it
Geiger) and while watching it with great      was hard at the beginning), then I started
enthusiasm I kept telling myself (ha, you     learning Illustrator, CorelDraw, Macro-
can do that!! it’s easy, you are a grown      media Flash, Premier to help me in my
up now to watch such things, you always       presentations, After Effects, 3Ds Max,
see these creatures,but don’t tell            Maya, Digital Fusion,ZBrush, Softimage
anyone…they will start joking on you          XSI…etc, also learned script writing,
again), I waited for the next episode, and    screen play, storyboard….etc. Until now
it was about “ Jurassic Park”where they       I spend a lot of time, effort and money
mentioned “Softimage”, a word which           spent the later days like a fugitive with

46                     Interview
Actually, There are different Art Directing
types, the actual work of the Art Director
is depending on the nature of the type;
Printing Art Director, Multimedia Art Di-
rector, Life Shot Art Director, e-learning
Art Director, Architectural Art Director,
games Art Director, Cartoon Art Direc-
tor….etc. so every Art Directing type has
its own consistent workflow that is built to
guarantee, achieve and reach the hi-
ghest levels, and each workflow has its
own specialty such as; the targets, the
production pipeline, the Soft tools, the
Hard tools, the resources… My responsi-
bilities in JAID Productions are:Direct the
design and production of graphics and
animations. Formulating concepts and
supervise workers engaged in executing
layout designs for art work and copy to
be presented by visual communications
media. Review illustrative material and        ting this word ” Yesterday we had philo-    IMr. Marc Peti reflect that.6- Who can
confers with client regarding background       sophers. Today we have directors”.          guarantee that Softimage will be down in
information, objectives, presentation ap-      Q. What’s your comment on                   the near future?
proaches, styles, techniques, and related      the Autodesk acquires Soft-
production factors. Formulate basic            mage?
layout design concept and conduct re-
search to select and secure suitable illus-    t was like a shock or bad Joke, and I
trative material. Assign and direct staff      asked myself: for god sake why is the
members to develop design concepts             fate of Softimage to be dealt like that?
into art. Review, approve, and present         (He) doesn’t deserve that …then after ac-
final layouts for approval. Mentoring,         cepting the fact, I thanked my
training, career directing and performing      god...why?1- Crying can’t turn anything
evaluations for the Art teams. For the Art     back.2- No one can blame Autodesk be-
Director qualifications, I will consider his   cause they are a successful company 3-
philosophy, personality, vision, creativity,   Autodesk is the most powerful company
educated and cultivated as the most im-        that is able to understand and undertake
portant qualifications. Those simple des-      Softimage.4- Autodesk has excellent
criptions will lead him to present the most    knowledge and experience in the CG in-
unique and innovative results, those are       dustry. 5- Softimage has a solid history
spiritual resources for the real talent,       and very powerful to compete so...Softi-
which will give him the ability to visualize   mage will stay alive and healthy, because
the ideas and visions                          everybody loves the power.

                                                                                                  Interview                    47

7- By looking at the last two versions of      this is the fact. Facts are the strongest
Maya (Autodesk) we will notice very good       words. 10- Hatred waves are increasing
enhancements, such as the n cloths, n          for Autodesk, EA, Adobe, Microsoft... but
particles, selection tools, UV folding, ani-   these things are always happening form
mation layer, speed…, all of that should       the beginning and changing naturally,
be considered as a confident points. 8-        look at ZBrush for example, they are the
As we remember, when Adobe acquired            innovative of Digital sculpting technique,
Macromedia everybody thought that all          and everybody thought that it will be do-
Macromedia products will be distorted or       minating on the digital modeling indus-
metamorphosed, on the contrary Flash           try, but look around you now, new
has great features with Action script 3,       Mudbox, Silo, Modo created their own
bones, Animation tracks…9- If you are a        displacements,… even Softimage or
wealthy rich man and start to bankrupt,        Maya after three or four releases will be
and you have a Rolls-Royce car that you        able sculpt as we do in ZBrush, on the
love very very much, but you have to sell      other hand for the last release of ZBrush
it, and you got two buyers, rich arro-         it’s revealing their pure vision by working
gance man whoknows how to deal with            three steps ahead. Everything is chan-
such a car and strange man who has no          ging whether Autodesk or Adobe or any
license to drive, for whom will you sell the   else, but now it will be faster.This is a
car? Of course to the rich man because         NEW ERA, and I agree with Mr. Kim Da-
with him it will stay clean and live, I know   vidson President and CEO of Side Effects
you will feel that your pride is heart but     Software.

48                     Interview

Q. You provide lots of services to the
clients and one of these is “Pipelines
and Software Consulting”,please tell
us in detail what exactly is this and
how much this service is in demand?

There is an old say, describing the pro-
blem is half the solution, everybody in
this industry knows that most of the was-
ted time is lost in the management and
the project planning, the leftover time will
be divided to the production phases with
killing deadline, including the extra re-
quests, and how hard to modify and
change the pipeline or the plan. My ser-
vices is to present common language
between all sides and save the precious
time, all I need is a ful list of the project
requirements, available infrastructure
and resources, human skills, software,
hardware resources…hen I start studying
the project requirements and targets, re-
searching, planning to produce the re-
commended         reasonable        pipeline,
recommendations for software based on
the project demands, deadlines for the
production phases and more… also
good knowledge in choosing the right
software’s could affect positively on the
pipeline, deadline,and performance,be-
cause of the variation of the procedura-
lism in the software’s workflow and the
variation in the strong features in these
software’s.Someone could ask; what are
the differences in my services that other
studios could not offer? When the man-
ger loses one hour from the project time
it will be discounted from every level
down, my pipeline is to built and base
the pipeline from down up of the pyra-
mid, on the contrary of other pipelines
this will afford more time for all
quality,and less stress. Thank you for this
chance to talk with you and Good luck
for all.

50                     Interview
Event Art Dubai

Introductory starements

                                           The Arabic world has always apprecia-         Art Dubai, a DIFC subsidiary, has been
                                           ted art in all its forms and in recent        very successful. The DIFC has a signifi-
                                           months there has been a resurgence of         cant art collection of its own, and has
                                           interest in contemporary art, not only in     long considered the collection, display
                                           Dubai, but across the region. This, I be-     and promotion of regional and contem-
                                           lieve, is due in part to the growing reco-    porary art as integral to our vision. We
The honorary Patron of Art Dubai His       gnition of some excellent artists that we     firmly believe that Dubai can become a
Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid        have among us as well as the awareness        truly global centre for art and that the
Al Maktoum ,Vice President and Prime       generated amongst the art-loving public       DIFC can play an integral role in that
Minister of UAE, Rule of Dubai. Visiting   through visiting art galleries as well as     process. Indeed. The DIFC art strategy is
the art fair in March 2007 with John       the efforts of the Dubai International Fi-    to establish itself as both an international
Martin Fair Director.                      nancial Centre through initiatives such as    and regional presence collecting, dis-
                                           Art Dubai and its own collection. Since       playing and promoting artists from this
                                           the inception of the DIFC in late 2004,       region and across the world.Art Dubai is
                                           we have had a clear desire to promote         very important to us. It is an expression of
                                           the arts of the region in theregion and       the cultural philosophy of the DIFC and
                                           the world. As DIFC bridges the East and       as such is themed to promote Dubai and
Art Dubai was the first international       the West and serves as the gateway to         the DIFC in all its aspects as a hub for art
contemporary event Art fair in the Mid-    the financial world to people in forty-two    a meeting point of the Occident and the
dle East.                                  countries, we additionally aim to be the      Orient. Selected from over 300 applica-
                                           gateway for art. Selected from over 300       tions, the participating. Of the arts gal-
                                           applications, the participating galleries ,   leries were chosen by an international

52                   Gallery

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  • 1. El hema Arabic design 10$
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents 04 Editorial 06 Advertising design EL HEMA , the Arabic fictive version of the famous Dutch HEMA depatement Store. EL HEMA originally a, idea of Me- diamatic was organized this year through cosmoplis incollaboration with the brand hotel and we were glad at Tarek Atrissi Design to be commissioned for the design of the design to be com- missioned for the design of the main graphic and information design work in- voleved in the project.EL HEMA designs was a huge success the lines soon strete- ched around the block .The visitors could buy the designs The creativity about HEMA have many original idea ,no ar- tistic profession has been courted more intensively by advertising in preceding decades as that of visual artist. 18 Projects 36 Print 54 Gallery Blog Tarek Atrissi: Pro- The pantone Matching Event Art dubai 2009, posal routes for MTV System of color ,the leading contemporary Arabia is Identity and accuracy of Pantone and internationnal El Ghad design . Mul- color is critical in gra- Gallery to go to the saqat project by khatt phic design tools of event Dubai Art for the foundation design . print . third edition. 26 Photography 40 Software 60 Professional advice The work about the Creative Suite CS4: arabic artist photogra- Photoshop,Illustrator,I 20 ways ti avoid creative block,Use the phier Toufic Arman ndesign,Flash,Dream following 20 tips to avoid and get and a the concept, the weaweaver and Fire through a tough designer's block. vision and philosophy works. by this artist. 34 Type design 48 Interview 64 Books The new arabic type by Interview with the ara- Bifan magazine it is bic designer Yousef Ik- « Visual narratives from Arabic» by Tarek design by Kassis Ma- freis,he is a graphic Atrissi and«Graphic design from the riem , Bifan arabic designer and anima- Arab world »,Arabesque investigates The arial type, it is inspired tion industry, he is from book collects of recent innovative and by the latin Arial type. Jordon. groundbreaking design work . Contents 03
  • 4. Editorial Welcome The graphics professionals are always looking to preserve a certain spiritual free- dom and a special aesthetic sensibility and the evolution of new technologies for crea- ting, now the designer is expected to be about news of his domain. In particular, graphic Arabic is known to maintain and deepen its knowledge to affirm its identity and existence despite the obstacles that face and obstructing movement. It must also acquire the domain specific language to enter the world of graphic design and more about its methods and tools. The graphic designer Arabic must be open to the Gra- phic Arts and informed on new trends and the latest graphics tools and creative com- munication methods to be able to achieve its mission, Hence the mission of actors in the Arab graphic design is not limited to the simple design, but any expression of Arab culture, a culture renewed and adapted to the new. The role of Arab graphic designer is not so simple but it is important . This is the main vehicle of our new ma- gazine " Bifan ", with mediation between modernity and originality to a new vision of art in particular and Arab art world in general. We thank the whole team for their par- ticipation so that our publication is born. Editor by KASSIS Mariem welcome to Bifan magazine ,the new magazine for Arabic graphic designers in our space of the universe and all gra- phics to the art and visual communica- tion Bifani is your new magazine invites you to join this world, our team is made to ensure a good reading on areas and subjects of interes.Gallery, Projects , ad- vertising design, Print,Books, Advice ,Software... The Group of Khatt foundation ( Tarek atrissi Mariam Al Dabbagh kassis Mariem Huda Abi farés 04 Editorial
  • 5. 9
  • 6. Advertising design El Hema Arabic Design Hema becomes El Hema HEMA stores are official suppliers of tatouages of work on design my bicycle lamps. HEMA annually brings Arabist.HEMA and design are closely lin- together designers for a contest but this ked we know. Mediamatic designers year, the mark was doubled by another have presented their project El Hema in design. Mediamatic is a very interesting Dutch Design Contest 2007 in the cate- creative located at the foot of the provi- gory visual id. Apparently it has rained. sional location of the Museum of Modern The metamorphosis of the contemporary Art in the city Stedelijk Museum CS Post. Hema to an Arabic modern . Taking a Many facilities and conferences on des- step further in developing its ign and new media are developed.At the brand,Hema seems to be smoothly intro- moment, this Mediamatic El Hema, an ducing its new simplified logo on the exercise in style on the opening of a store products. The Arabic version of the new HEMA North Africa. The exhibition would logo was designed based on the primary then look like a shop whose display pos- El - Hema, originally designed by Tarek ters and play on the Arabic typography Atrissi .The difference is minor but gives and a staging capable of creating a vi- the shop a more updated image. The lo- sual id célèblres close to the shops. Ani- gotype drops the blue underline and lays mations are organized works henna down on a bright square with edges. El HEMA logo was designed by Tarek Atrissi using The Mix Arabic from the Khatt set of fonts.It was designed by Lucas de Groot and Mouneer Al-Shaa- rani with the support of Pascal Zoghbi. T-shirts very fashion about EL HEMA. 06 Advertising design
  • 7. Khatt Foundation The Khatt Foundation was created in with the Western perception of typogra- 2004 in Amsterdam as a non-profit cul- phy. For Khatter foundation, typography tural foundation dedicated to design re- should serve as a cultural bridge bet- search and development through ween Europe and the Middle East. To projects and programs that focus on re- promote the book and typo) chart in the juvenating (from within the culture) the Arab world, has revolutionized the world applied arts traditions of the Arab world of typography to 5 asking to join Dutch and the Middle East. The word khatt not designers to 5 designers to create Arab only refers to writing, script, lettering, cal- Arabic characters with "a key Dutch in ligraphy, and typographic style. It also order not westernize of Arabic typogphy, means line, as in a trace on a page… a but to make it more contemporary, talk line of thinking… a direction. The story about Arab culture, the Khatter Foundtion starts with AbiFarès Huda Smitshuijzen, and the Dutch company Mediamatic a young Lebanese woman married to a have appealed to 5 young graphic des- Dutchman, author of the book "Typogra- igners, four Lebanese and a one Kuwaiti phic matchmaking." In a spirit of cultural . In Holland, they have a very false idea Posters advertising the store with new exchange and abolition of prejudices of Arabs, and for this reason that Khatter logo Arabized El Hema, is a key Arab. about the Arab community, the represen- Foundation and organized an exhibition tative of Khatter Foundation (Khatter or in Holland for the book launch and im- calligraphy in Arabic),a nonprofit orga- plementation of these typefaces . It was nization working to develop and improve at that time that we intervene in this ad- The Khatt Kufi & Kaffiya Symposium on communication (Fwith a design that is venture. Arabic Visual Culture. Advertising design 07
  • 8. Advertising design EL HEMA MODESHOW El Hema could not have opened its doors without an official Arabesque fashion show displaying some of the available merchandise at the exhibit. The models, which included the five El Hema graphic design , strutted down the cat- walk wearing burkas and turquoise ropes around their heads as spectators, photographers and TV. Upon reaching the end of the stage, a strategically pla- ced fan blew their burkas up revealing models wearing t-shirts with Arabic pick- up lines designed by intern Abrar Al-Mu- sallam, Arabic “I AMsterdam” t-shirts created by intern Wael Morcos, and a chosen selection from the Morecult fashion label designed by Farida Nouna and Thomas van Gelder. The crowd cheered and applauded after each burka gracefully flew up. Choreographer Mar- tin Butler said he developed the concept for the show after returning from a trip to Istanbul two weeks ago. While on va- cation he said he saw someone step on the bottom of a woman’s burka. When she took a step forward it caused her burka to rise in the front revealing her pair of fashionable Jimmy Choo pumps.“I wanted the [El Hema] show to be more quirky, for it to be a full unvei- ling.”The concept worked well as the day not only marked the unveiling of a new book, exhibit and clothing line, but also a glimpse into modern Arab culture. Long queues leading up to the exposition area, attention in the national press of the Netherlands, heated comments on weblogs about the loss or the very en- richment of culture: seldom has there been so much ado about typography. Five new Arabic fonts led to a symposium discussing contemporary. 08 Advertising design
  • 9. An exposition of t-shirts, price tags, cho- the more popular items were the choco- colates and plastic bags. But the real late bars, embroidered kitchen towels, point was the font.After the fashion show, underwear and hamsa tank tops. Inside the excited crowd hurried inside Media- the muggy exhibit room, attendee Karen matic’s exhibition room to experience Voors stood at the end of the long check- what an Arab version of a Hema store out line waiting to pay for a hamsa tank looked like. Exhibit-goers were not allo- top and an Arabic book. She said she wed to buy any of the merchandise until had been anticipating the opening of the Saturday, but were welcomed to stay for exhibit and had even marked the date on drinks and music outside the exhibit her calendar. "It’s a fun way of combi- room. "In Lebanon, nobody stands in line ning both cultures," she said. "People can for t-shirts," graphic design intern Khajag either take it for granted or go on and Apelian said. "We didn’t expect this to think about it." Karen Mulder who bought happen with El Hema—it’s exciting!" In- kitchen towels and a box of hagelslag side parents and children ransacked the decorated with Arab patterns and des- store as they searched for their favorite t- igns said it would be nice if the real shirts, djellabas, socks, bottles of wine, Hema would provide Arabesque pro- books and even Halal sausages. Organi- ducts such as these. Both ladies agreed zers eventually had to limit the number the designers did an excellent job of ma- of t-shirts and which items customers king the store look like a real Hema could buy in order to keep the exhibit store. Interns Apelian and Morcos said looking like an exhibit. Organizers said they were extremely happy . Advertising design 09
  • 10. Advertising design A concentrate of creativity Sticker pointing towards towards the Kaaba in Mecca on the celling of the el hema show-room in amsterdam. the ins- cription reads al qibla, which is used to indicate the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays. The project had gotten quite a bit of while the t-shirts are really nice (al- media attention as HEMA had been so though the my favorite one does not stupid to threaten to sue mediamatic for even have text on it) my favorite part of trademark infringement some 4 weeks the whole installation is the little arrow on back (which is more of less the best free the celing in one of the corners that indi- publicity you can get). the whole thing is cates the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca really well executed (much respect to the (’qibla’). makes me almost want to have whole team that worked on it over the one for my flat…. The Khatter Founda- last two months). they did not sell any- tion and the company Mediamatic provi- thing on the opening night on friday ded them this opportunity. A dream that, and when they finally started selling the for these 5 hopes the Middle East, has merchandise they almost got run over by become a reality. Through this award,the hordes of dutch people who acted as if t- doors were opened for young people shirts with arabic script are something who have found jobs upon their return to that that never existed before: just try to the fold. Like what, intercultural ex- image the opposite scenario: arabs changes are always very positive.Hema going crazy over t-shirts with latin script didn’t see it that way, however. Large on it (hint: does not really happen unless posters outside the exhibition waived all you are taling about expensive brand responsibility for the project, emphasi- names). today when i passed by media- zing that Hema had no part in it. The matic there was a linestretching almost posters also said that Hema followed El 100 m outside of the shop. El hema Hema . 10 Advertising design
  • 11. The interesting thing about the new fonts is not only how they were received, but also how they were conceived. Teams of Dutch and Arabic typographers worked on designing modern Arabic fonts that can be combined with Western fonts wi- thout either of the two dominating. A dif- ficult challenge among the designers. As well as the different writing traditions. Nadine Chahine, one of the participa- ting typographers, explains: "Graphic design is improving in the Middle East, but many of the projects are done in Latin script. The beautiful things we have are in museums, but the things that re- gular people see on the street are so ugly! You want Latin and Arabic script on the same page . The dream of a typographer who grew up during the Lebanese civil war: Please, no more conflict."The cooperative project Typographic Matchmaking was an initia- tive of the Khatt Foundation. The objec- tive of the Khatt Foundation is to initiate dialogue between the Arabic world and the Western world, and to contribute to an Arabic identity. The foundation hopes this will initiate cultural change. Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès of the Khatt Foun- dation: "The font was a logical starting point. Script is an identifying part of the culture." Identity is one word that was fre- quently repeated during the symposium. Not always in the same meaning, howe- ver. While visionaries talked about fin- ding and communicating one's cultural identity, others were discussing the des- ign of a good corporate identity. Advertising design 11
  • 12. Advertising design El Hema products El Hema choclate The EL HEMA exhibition will open at the Mediamatic exhibition space. It is a tem- porary shop where the new Arabic type- faces are used in the styling of the exhibition and in the products, such as Arabic chocolate letters and several other products. The products of El Hema in an identical with labels translated into Dutch, English and articles.." Arabic in the new fonts created. "They wanted to make the expo as true as possible,the place resembles true supermarket Hema. So we began to study lighting, shelving, tiling, infrastructure in general, and any- thing that characterizes the supermarket Hema.They have proposed to customers items that had inscriptions in Arabic ,chocolates Arabic letters . A concentrate of creativity Chocolate let- However, with the exhibit less than 20 ters reflect a cultural aspect of dutch tra- days away, it would be quite costly and ditions and creating the first chocolate time consuming to make molds for all 19 letters to include them in the exhibition letters, Baeiras said. It took him one and was a must. Bernardo worked on the a half days to create one mold with a kit molds of the typeface Fedra Bold and re- that cost about 50 euros. Negotiations vealed the first results on the koopavond are still being made. Similarly, measures ,The idea directly coincides with the or- are also being taken to produce a do-it- ganizers’ concept of creating an Arabic yourself stamp kit designed by graphic version of the Netherlands’ Hema chain design intern Maria Hakim.this is the first stores to publicize the release of five new Arab chocoladeletters in the Nether- Arabic fonts. By creating products with lands. In recent months, the Mediamatic Arab inspired culture, El Hema organi- molds for the letters in the Fablab, pro- zers hope to expose locals to Arab cul- duction area of the EL HEMA made. To- ture through script design. The proposal gether with the corporate Chocolateria to create chocolate Arab letters was ins- Jordino Amsterdam. A new Arabic font is pired by the traditional chocolate letters used in the design of the various choco- available at Hema stores during Christ- ladeletters, it is one of the new digital mas time. “Kids usually receive their ini- Arabic fonts that this summer led to the El tials for Christmas,” Gaeiras said. The Hema formed, El Hema is an imaginary plan is to produce molds for all 19 Arab Hema. The Mediamatic is a expres- shapes of the 29-letter Arab alphabet. sions of Dutch and Arab culture . 12 Advertising design
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  • 14. Advertising design Another Product Most of the items were very interesting to work on: Graphic and Typographic solution for wine labels, chocolate packaging, water bottles, Duo umbrellas (with fairuz’s famous rain song), impor- ted food, and much more; all with an in- tercultural twist. The focus remained on making a balance between the initial El Hema identity and drawing a parallel line with the real HEMA look- that has changed a lot over the last year with the introduction of a revised look and feel.Images and impressions from the actual El Hema Exhibition & store in Rot- terdam. Above: Images of several items of the new the new collection, mostly ty- pographic design solutions for intercul- tural concepts and ideas. El Hema project seems to always come with its own challenges and problematic issues. Amsterdam’s mediamaric exhibi- tion was faced by an initial unpleasant reaction from the Dutch Hema depart- ment store. This year, the difficulties were faced by the fact that many organizations and parties were involved in the project, and not all of them shared necessarily the same vision on some key issues for the El Hema brand, particularly that the concept has moved from its initial “home”. Not to mention of course an in- credible short deadline, by which an en- tire department store had to be designed!Above: Images of several items of the new El Hema collection, mostly ty- pographic design solutions for intercul- turl concepts and ideas. 14 Adversting design
  • 15. El Hema, the Arabic fictive (yet real) ver- Arabic logo of El Hema, working the sion of the famous Dutch HEMA depart- Arabic lettering version El Hema, the ment store, is back again this year, with Arabic fictive (yet real) version of the fa- an exhibition (or rather a store) in Rotter- mous Dutch HEMA department store, is dam. El Hema, originally an idea of Me- back again this year, with an exhibition diamatic, was organized this year (or rather a store) in Rotterdam. El through cosmopolis, in collaboration Hema, originally an idea of Mediamatic, with the brand hotel, and we were glad was organized this year through cosmo- at Tarek Atrissi Design to be commissio- polis, in collaboration with the brand ned for the design of the main graphic hotel, and we were glad at Tarek Atrissi and information design work involved in Design to be commissioned for the des- the project.The first El Hema project in ign of the main graphic and information Amsterdam organized by Mediamaric design work involved in the project.The took an incredible press attention and first El Hema project in Amsterdam orga- was a big success: It was simply very un- nized by Mediamaric took an incredible conventional to see a brand that is so press attention and was a big success: It Dutch, HEMA, taking a small twist and was simply very unconventional to see a Water bottle packaging for the El Hema becoming in an Arabic form. A simple brand that is so Dutch, HEMA, taking a Oasis Desert water. idea that reflects much more on the small twist and becoming in an Arabic highly debated cross cultural integration form. A simple idea that reflects much and communication in the Netherlands., more on the highly debated cross cultu- we designed at Tarek Atrissi Design the ral integration and communication . Adversting Design 15
  • 16. Advertising design Buraqas and Djellabas El Hema designs was a huge suc- cess the lines soon stretched around the block. The visitors could buy the designs if they wished, and by the time a closing down sale celebrated the end of the exhi- bit, tens of thousands had come to see what all the fuss was about. Theshow in- cluded a whole range oftextiles featuring Arab text, Velthoven himself which said: “I can’t read this”, to underpants for men wanting to try their luck with: “Hey, swee- tie!”. The designers also used burqas and djellabas as inspiration, and Leba- nese wines were presented in classy bot- tles.‘Mother brand’ also provided inspiration. The el hema designers used- burqas and djellabas as inspiration to Islam society. Vascular about El Hema Describe the materials and techniques ged or without henna tattoos. Hema you will need to produce your design. Product, and then appeared on your re- Latex gloves and silicone-screen printing tina household gloves with tattoos. It was ink. Zeefdrukkerij that the gloves can be a ghost. printed.Paperboard for packaging, cello- phane, printing inks and printing. Fin- ding a printing that the gloves can be printed. The creativity about HEMA have many original idea ,no artistic profession has been courted more intensively by ad- vertising in preceding decades as that of visual artist. What to do if the dishes must be done and you want the beautiful henna tattoos on your hands not fade? (You will not, of course, they hide in ordi- nary household gloves) Do you not the dishes or you use Vascular-i-Maatjes for ultimate protection and elegant. The de- coration is a simple means to an oerhol- lands product with a deep-rooted Arab Vascular about EL HEMA product, it is tradition.By the name a double meaning inspireted to henna tattoos. to be given cultural - (and physical) brid 16 Adversting design
  • 17.
  • 18. Projects Blog Tarek Atrissi Proposal routes for MTV Arabia ‘s identity MTV Arabia have launched two amatter of fact. We were invited to put weeks ago, creating a buzz in the Arab a proposal for the logo and visual iden- world, particularly Dubai, as the new tity of the channel, and we proposed an youth oriented and long awaited chan- exciting, youthful and rich Arabic solution nel that will compete with existing Music for a corporate Identity system,but we Channels in the Middle East. For more never won that Pitch; the project was than 8 month, we have been working at awarded to a Dubai based agency. The i Design on supporting with the concep- logo created for MTV Arabia consisted of tualizing, design nd production of some the classic MTV logo, filled with Arabic of their Motion Graphics (as well as a isolated letters that form the word “ara- custom Arabic Typefaces font, see pre- bia”. While the concept of the logo has vious Post)- and I will summarize in this potential, I found its execution to be very post the design process of our work, and poor. The Arabic letters in the logo were some of our comments on the visual from the widely used Bassima Font- a identity created for it.Unfortunately, we calligraphic digital font that fails in my were not behind the logo and visual opinion to create a unique look, and that identity branding created for the MTV in itself is a poor handwritten calligraphy Arabia Channel. We are not a big fan of imitation. That said, our most criticism . the identity created was that it did not in- clude, beyond the logo and the brands- trapline, a clear and elaborate identity manual that explains the usage of the multi-version very colorful logo, and the definition of a unique visual language and graphic elements. And as users of this identity, at a later stage, we found it very difficult as designers to understand the visual brand, or how to expand it while working on several projects for the channel.Back to our work involvement; Loosing the Pitch did not stop MTV Ara- bia from commissioning us at Tarek Atrissi Design to create the identity of five Shows of MTV- from logo, look and feel and motion graphics design and pro- duction- as well as design a series of Bumpers for the channel.The project was challenging on many levels. On one hand, the five shows were very different in style and content; On the other hand, 18 Projects
  • 19. we were wondering what the bigger pic- ture of MTV is if they will just be impor- ting international Lack of elaborate briefs and a vague vision of the entire channel did make things more difficult- and even- tually we approached the branding of every show as a separate project, trying to base our process on the information given to us about each specific show, and our understanding of both the Ara- bic culture and the Europe Culture. We approached most of the shows not spe- cifically with a visible Arabic style, be- cause we certainly did not want to have an imposed obvious “Arabic” visual lan- guage, and kept our consideration and understanding of the geography and cul- ture behind MTV Arabia on a deeper less visible layer. Each show’s look and feel represented the actual music genre or content nature present in the program: “Alternative Nation” visualized its grunge and rock nature; “World Chart Express” visualized the adventurous and travel as- pect of the international music showca- sed in the program; and “Introducing Blocks” used a kitsch style to visualize the “gossipy” aspect of the program. The only show which truly looked Arabic in its opening sequence and identity is “Pure Arabia” and hence the typographic ap- proach seemed the most appropriate. he final outcome was a series of flat and abstract short animations, starting with patterns inspired from an arabesque concept- yet very modern- that builds up the MTV logo. On the bigger picture, the success of logos MTV Arabia as a chan- nel is to be judged . In the future, seeing MTV channel ,if it will be able to be as influential in Arabia both in music and cultur it has been in the West... Projects 19
  • 20. Projects El «Ghad»Type Design Since I started my Design Studio- Tarek Atrissi Design, we have been more and more involved in designing Arabic Type- faces- which resulted from our focus in our work on Typography and on creating modern Arabic Graphic Design. The Lack of variety of Arabic typefaces made us develop our own fonts for some pro- jects, particularly corporate identity pro- jects. Eventually We started putting more effort in making our own fonts, and on delivering custom Arabic fonts for a va- riety of our clients. The Challenges are always many- but I always enjoyed the process of Type Design- and juggling Design and technology; And Type Design is one of the studio’s main focuses today. Several of our fonts will be soon availa- ble for sale, since I have launched a new typographic Design in the office, focused only on type design.I am presenting here an overview on some of the Typefaces developed over the last six year. The font comes in two weights, bold and regular, and was designed Particularly for screen usage. This font (shown Above) was based on a previous font developed for Al-Ghad newspaper, which was used for the masthead and for the headlines of the newspaper, back in 2004.Another Font developed in 2004 was the Spirit of Doha Typeface, developed for the Asian Games 2006, that will launch in around two weeks in Doh Qatar. With the ope- ning ceremony approaching, it is so great to see the typeface in use everyw- here in and outside Qatar, promoting the event.This year I completed the type fa- mily for Amwaj Islands in Bahrain, that needed a three weights font for use as the main Arabic font in their corporate identity. By Tarek Atrissi 20 Projects
  • 21. Student work from VCU Qatar Graphics in the evironment The notion of “local Design” was the main field of investigation in the typogra- phy course. Through a variety of experi- mental assignments, the students were focused on creating typographic and graphic pieces that were a true reflection of their own visual environment: The Task was to simply see if it was possible to create a graphic design language that belongs to their own surrounding, a vi- sual language that is unique to the loca- tion where the design work was produced, and that couldn’t be develo- ped elsewhere. Students were asked to explore the rich environmental graphic language that surrounds them: Signs, neon letters, big Arabic and English Pos- tings, wall graffiti .They started by taking photos of a corner, a street, an angle that has a cluster of signs with a lot of bilin- gual typography, particularly Arabic [type, handwritten lettering, Calligraphy .The end result is a series pieces develo- ped by every student, documenting the specific environment they chose.Below are some examples of the work develo- ped by the students: fo example shown below is a complete series of pieces de- veloped by student Dana Ahdab. the first piece started with a collage of a specific corner that she decided to document, and she developed that collage graphi- cally and typographically into further compositions, with focus on type, ima- gery and interesting graphics. The last being made only out of type found in the images yet independent from the photos or the previous compositions. Note how interesting for example composition is; a balanced combination of imagery and type, giving a good feel of the street lan- guage of that specific area in Doha City. Projects 21
  • 22. Projects Project Mulsaq The khatt Design collection of wall stickers Project mulsaq is a competition for ara- bic designers , about the home , or the arabic home .Homes and their interiors have become a reflection of the perso- nality of Arabic house ,site web the site web about khatter fondation, their ow- ners ; an eclectic mix of international and local products , found objects and sou- venirs, and memorabilia from around the world . Expressing one is identity through design commodities is a com- mon occurrence in the materialistic cul- ture of consumerism.In contemporary design and visual communication ,em- bracing global design trends and self- conscriously mixing them with local :the visual culture is done with the aim of as- serting one is cultural identity in the big melting pot of world cultures.The home space is seen as a way stake a unique sense of place tha can be set apart from the greater equalizing and transient pu- blic spaces. In the age of global nomadic lifesdtyles , the temporary home that is also a portrait of the life and experiences of its owners is a secure and stable area in an otherwise stressful living enviro- ment. The designers whose work has for- med this special collection have originated from all over the world ran- ging from aras who have lived in Europe and the Middle East to Europeans who have traveled and lived in the Arab World ; From countries like Egypt , Leba- non ,Jordan , Iraq ,Kuwait, experiences way of life and specific national social norms. Though the work is inspired by traditional Arabic calligraphy and Islamic and Arabic symbols and customs are re- visited with a resolute and atypical contemporary look good humour and somtimes thought provoking visual puns. 22 Projects
  • 23.
  • 24. Projects Winner of Projects Mulsaq The Khatt Foundation and the trend-set- ting company Mosaiques, in collabora- tion with Dubai-based design gallery Traffic, are launching for the first time a wall stickers collection reflecting the mul- tifaceted Middle Eastern identity. Wall stickers are the latest innovation in contemporary interior design. They de- mocratise art by bringing it into ordinary people’s living spaces. They help consu- mers create a personalized sense of place.This design competition will there- fore provide a platform for talented Khatt Network members to reach out to wider audiences within and outside the design world of Dubai, the Middle East and beyond.The reputation of Traffic as ‘must stop shop’ for individuals and architectu- ral/design firms, and its location near the up-market Mall of the Emirates makes it the perfect partner for the launch of this culturally sensitive and sought-after des- ign product. A couple of months ago The Khatt Foundation and the trend-setting company Mosaiques, in collaboration with Dubai-based design gallery Traffic organized a competition to design limi- ted edition vinyl stickers under the theme ‘Reinvent our space, bring the middle east home’.My submission, entitled If walls had ears… eyes & mouths, was se- lected by the jury to be among the 20 fi- nalists of the competition. Inspired by the famous, rather middle-eastern proverb if walls had ears I elaborated the concept with an analogy to the famous 3 wise monkeys’ saying: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. The idea focuses on the fact that walls are better off not seeing, hearing or speaking about what happens in the room or anywhere else. Away from evil, away from gossips. 24 Projects
  • 25.
  • 26. Photography Toufic ARAMAN Biography A trained painter and award winning photographer, Toufic Araman spends his time between Dubai and New York. He does advertising and conceptual photo- graphy. He has displayed his talent through major advertising campaigns. His conceptual work was shown at the Noorderlicht Festival, The Netherlands and Brecht Forum, New York. He is the Middle East official photographer for Starwood hotels. He also teaches photo- graphy at the American University in Dubai. Araman's work is distinguished by his propensity for story-telling, lighting which plays a character and images that often have a sense of humor. He studied at the International Center of Photogra- phy. He is a member of the Middle East Professional photographers in Dubai - We are too involved in our emotions, MEPP . beliefs and human conditions to portray objectivity in its finest forms. I don't build Photolosophy my creativity on a person's influence; ho- I don't define myself as anything more wever, I admire the pioneers, as they de- than an observer; I don't give solutions, I fine the concept of uniqueness simply reflect. My work takes the viewer (individuality) to me. They dared to do through the journey of my thoughts, to- the different against the mainstream, wards the exact feeling or moral I try to thus becoming the first in history. It is reflect. I want to be labeled as an effec- when you are able to view the world tive communicator, and let that be from all sides and perspectives that you through photography, painting or film. acquire that gentle touch of art, which re- Photography is modern and fast. Photo- flects your deep belonging to humanity graphy reflects the fragility of objects; it in general. Photographs are not real. combines different elements to produce They reflect the reality of the person be- one masterpiece. The reason I favor hind the lens. Photography is very sub- photography is because of its stillness. It jective and it is very subjective, and so could gather all the elements of a 10 mi- the frame will reflect only what I have nute film in one single frame. One shot, chosen to capture.We are too involved in and the message is there: crystal clear. our emotions, beliefs and human condi- Photographs are not real. They reflect the tions to portray objectivity in its finest reality of the person behind the lens. forms.I don't build my creativity. 26 Photography
  • 27. He ended up interviewing me at one point.I was so taken by the level of depth and knowledge Araman showed during our 2 hour interview, that I actually star- ted spilling out my personal sentiments about art, photography, politics, and life. I kept answering his questions, and with no recollection of time, I found myself being interviewed by my subject. Ara- man, an intelligent artist, the way I would describe him. Talking to him, I couldn't help but wonder about the resemblance between him and Socrates: they both reached their versions of truth by ques- tioning everything else around them. I have always admired Socrates; conse- quently, my admiration of Araman was inevitable. It didn't matter where he was from, and what belief system he follo- wed. We talked and talked about so many aspects of life, without noticing that the bridges of cultures were connected without human intervention, without silly attempts and forced opinions. he best thing about being an artist, or involved in art like I am, is the common ground you find with others who share the pas- sion. Life, for a moment, becomes a se- ries of questions and answers: humanity is what matters.I enjoyed every second I spent talking to this young great talent, and I found it to be refreshing that some people still maintain that strong belief system of the human being, and his abi- lity to reform the world. Toufic, you are a photographer, a painter, a designer, would you simply call yourself an artist, and congregate all of these talents toge- ther? I won't define myself as anything more than an observer; I don't give solu- tions, I simply reflect... I send subtle mes- sages in order to change someone. Photography 27
  • 28. Photography Questioning Life, Art & Photography He ended up interviewing me at one tioning everything else around them. I ries of questions and answers: humanity point. I was so taken by the level of depth have always admired Socrates; conse- is what matters.I enjoyed every second I and knowledge Araman showed during quently, my admiration of Araman was spent talking to this young great talent, our 2 hour interview, that I actually star- inevitable.It didn't matter where he was and I found it to be refreshing that some ted spilling out my personal sentiments from, and what belief system he follo- people still maintain that strong belief about art, photography, politics, and life. wed. We talked and talked about so system of the human being, and his abi- I kept answering his questions, and with many aspects of life, without noticing that lity to reform the world. Toufic, you are a no recollection of time, I found myself the bridges of cultures were connected photographer, a painter, a designer, being interviewed by my subject. Ara- without human intervention, without silly would you simply call yourself an artist, man, an intelligent artist, the way I would attempts and forced opinions.The best and congregate all of these talents toge- describe him. Talking to him, I couldn't thing about being an artist, or involved ther? I simply reflect... I send subtle mes- help but wonder about the resemblance in art like I am, is the common ground sages, as I believe that, in order to between him and Socrates: they both you find with others who share the pas- change someone, you need to slowly reached their versions of truth by ques sion. Life, for a moment, becomes a work on sending the desired message. 28 Photography
  • 29. thoughts, towards the exact feeling or stress on the important factors that play a Thus, for me photographic realism is an moral I try to reflect. I want to be labeled role in making an Artist. We see in your issue of controversy, it doesn't hold a spe- as an effective communicator, and let last work, a lot of symbolism is involved. cific meaning. I believe photographs re- that be through photography, art, pain- Do you believe photography is ultimately flect the reality of the person behind the ting or film making. The medium is not the strongest form of modern art in ex- lens. Photography is very subjective, as a important, what matters is the pressing social moralities and senti- capture. We are too involved in our purpose.Why Photography? Photogra- ments? Of course I don't. How can I emotions, beliefs and human conditions phy is modern and fast. I think I favor it make such a strong assumption about to portray objectivity in its finest forms. sometimes for its production ease, the one form of media? Again, I say it There have been many excellent photo- possibilities of using different media, the doesn't matter what medium you use, as graphers throughout the evolvement of clarity of the lenses, and my passion for long as you know what to do with it. this form of art, which of them has had light and glass. Photography reflects fra- Symbolism is not restricted to any form. the greatest influence on you? There are gility of the objects; it combines the diffe- It's just like a weapon, it can kill, and it many that influence a person through his rent elements to produce one can protect.It's a matter of choice. In spite life. Influencing people affect your life for masterpiece. Do you believe that people of that, the reason I might favor photo- a period of time, and then you move on are born artists? Or do they become ar- graphy is because of its stillness. It could developing yourself. For example, for a tists with time? In the sense, can art and gather all the elements in a 10 minute period of time, my father was my role creativity be nurtured and cultivated? To film in one single frame. One shot, and model, however as I grew older, other be able to answer your question, I would the message is there: crystal clear. Are people triggered me and I moved from need to define the word Artist. However, you into photographic realism? Do you one phase to the other, with different per- to a greater extent, does it really matter? look to describe reality with your photo- ceptions. Having said that, I don't build I don't think so. Whether you are born graphs, or simply enjoy the artistic free- my creativity on a person's influence; ho- one, or become one, what matters is dom of subject and photography wever, I admire the pioneers, as they de- your will to do something about that gift. manipulation?Photographs are not real. fine the concept of uniqueness to me. Photography 29
  • 30. Photography They dared to do the different against he your vision in their desired fields. Photo- Lebanese, I was born in Egypt, but lived mainstream, thus becoming the first in graphy here is winning its well-deserved 10 years of my early childhood in Leba- history. An example of that is Jheronimus reputation as an effective form of art and non, until the war broke out, a traumatic Bosch, who changed the way people loo- media, and with time, it will become a experience, which affects me still. I have ked at art, with his screaming painting pillar of the modern city.Many argue that seen what a child can't tolerate, and that and his vivid imagination.t I admire the- photography has not been defined yet in left me with memories of loss and pain. nonconformist Many artists complain the country, and some confuse that artis- We moved to Egypt, familiar with the about the hardships of making a living; tic aspect with the commercial one; do country I tried to fit in. But the truth was is providing the food on the table a pos- you agree? Yes I do agree. A lot of that I have always been an outsider, a sible thing for you?Can photography be confusion does exist, but that's why we minority, a foreigner in my home.I was In Dubai, yes you can survive as a pho- are here isn't that right? There are a lot of the Egyptian in Lebanon, and the Leba- tographer only. However, my definition perceptions that should be changed, and nese in Egypt. So to answer your ques- of a decent living status might be diffe- it is my duty as an artist as well as others' tion, it is when you are able to view the rent from others. Still, Dubai is a city that to contribute to this community by defi- world from all sides and perspectives that allows such professions as photography ning the art, and distinguishing it. Toufic, you acquire that gentle touch of art, to to prosper without the need for other re- why do you think you are an artist now? answer your question reflects your deep sources.In your opinion, and from your Let me tell you this of : I am originally belonging to humanity in general. 30 Photography
  • 31.
  • 32. Type Design Bifan Arabic Arial Type The Design concept of Bifan Type Today you can create characters for use on computers, there is no single method, each creator develops know-how of its own, a few sketches on paper or more directly on the screen. From the Latin po- lice can create a police Arabic as the structure and morphology of the Latin, it is well known that the Arabic writing is different from the Latin script, it is under one form and character are linked, we will suggest to reproduce the font in Latin Arabic character, the study on the mor- phology of the font "Arial" will help us to create our new font Arabic. (Latinized characters Arabs), with a simplifiacation the structure of writing Arabic.The treat- ment of curves is softer and more com- plete than in most industrial style sans serif, the axes of the letters are vertical. The police "Arial" is extremely versatile, is a character that is used with success in text reports, presentations, magazines, posters in newspapers ... It is essential to know the morphological structure of "Arial" to create our new Arab character to facilitate the Latinized letters Arabs. With minimum ascender and descender of heights and large x-height, are to be translated naturally in the Arab style Bi- fani, "Arial" is a sans serif could work bet- ter with Arabic, and it actually did.The design features.The design of Arabic Bi- fani can be summarized as follows:1. Contrast: Bifani Arabic is a robust and simple Kufi characters, with monolinear stroke (from a low modulation thick and thin)giving a character of the contempo- rary and functional look. 2. Openness and overall color: Arabic is Bifani gene- rous open windows that match the color and the overall effect of its Latin counter- part.3. Proportions: In order to achieve 32 Type Design
  • 33. the great characteristics x-height of the It is an aspect of the design type that is ,world). And enrich the typothéque Ara- Latin without compromising the integrity not often applied to Arabic, but it is bic, the basics of Arabic and Latin are of the Arabic script, the height of the highly necessary.5. And the rate base: very different, but a Latinized the Arabic body in the Arabic version was pushed Some horizontal loop in the connections letters can give us a very good result with as high as possible within the acceptable between certain characters, a feature ins- the characteristic of the simplicity of level of normalcy Kufi for design conven- pired by the more rounded Arabic Arial.the creation of this policy was a tions. The descenders are short and to scripts. This feature of the design helps good experience for me. The most diffi- match the proportion of the Latin version, to create the same tone of gray and avoi- cult part was handling the issue, that making position. 4. Strokes and details: ding the pitfalls of dark ink. the same Arabic is drawn from scrata better the thinning of blows before the very eco- tone of gray and avoiding the pitfalls of rhythm and break the rigidity world). en- nomic comcommon in Arabic characters, dark ink. making Arabic Bifani more ap- rich the typothéque Arabic, the basics of where little work optical adjustment is propriate for continuous playback as Arabic and Latin are very different, but a made by a majority of models available. textface.Deleting Arabic Arial type sevira Latinized the Arabic letters can give us a This feature helps to achieve arial fonts. to communicate more with the designers very good result with the characteristic . Type Design 33
  • 34.
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  • 36. Print The pantone Matching Systhem Always show your true colors The accuracy of color is critical in design. Because what you see on your monitor is never what will appear on a printed sheet, designers need a standardized color key. It can be very frustrating to see the logo you worked hard to create look deep blue on the client's letterhead, blue- greenish on his business card, and light blue on his very expensive envelopes. A way to prevent this is by using a standar- dized color , such as the PANTONE MAT- CHING SYSTEM. Though PANTONE is not the only color standardization system, it is the most widely used and the one that most printers understand. Aside from being able to have consistency, PAN- TONE Colors allow you to use colors that cannot be mixed in CMYK. Guides through a color There are several types of swatch guides that catalog the colors of the PANTONE Library. Some are narrow swatch books made of strips bound on one end with printed rectangular samples showing the different PANTONE Colors. The strips can then be opened or spread out in a fan- like manner. There are also binders with chips (rectangular swatches) that can be torn out and sent to a client with a proof, so that the client knows how his colors will look when printed.Some of the PAN- TONE Colors can be reproduced by mixing CMYK inks while others must be pre-mixed inks. Pantone has guides for their spot colors (called "Solid" or pre- mixed ink colors by Pantone) and guides which show the Process colors. Samples in the process guides are therefore colors achievable through mixing CMYK (or 36 Print
  • 37. "process") inks. A special guide also ated U = uncoated and M = matte. shing software will see the color as two shows you the spot color and how it will These three are the most important PAN- different colors and this will cause the look printed in CMYK along with CMYK TONE Library abbreviations. You may, production of one extra plate, and the- values. This way, if spot colors, which are however, encounter the abbreviation CV refore the expense of extra money. an added expense at print time, cannot followed by C, U or M. CV stands for be used, close colors may be mixed in Computer Video, which is the electronic process.Same Colour, Different Looks. representation of the PANTONE Colors. The type of paper used, will affect the Now discontinued, but still seen in old appearance of colors. In separate swatch versions of software, CV merely meant or chip books, Pantone shows you how that the color was an on-screen simula- their colors look on coated, uncoated, tion.There are also specialty guides for and matte paper. Therefore you have the tints, metallic and pastel colors. One number of the color (for example, PAN- note of warning: If you use a color with a TONE Red 032) followed by a suffix, certain suffix, don't use it again with ano- which indicates on what stock your PAN- ther suffix in the same publication, unless TONE Color is meant to be printed. If there is an actual need for that, such as you want PANTONE Red 032 on shiny when you use a color on a 4-colour paper, then you would specify the color glossy magazine with an insert printed in this manner: PANTONE 032 C, where on bond paper. In this case you would be C stands for "coated". You then have U, using the same color both on coated and which stands for "uncoated", and then M, matte paper. If you use two different suf- which stands for "matte". You get:C = co fixes in the same publication, Print 37
  • 38. Software Creative suite CS4 This software trial is a fully functional version of Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 Design Premium edition in a DVD set. Every feature and aspect of the product The six different editions of Creative Suite 4 is available since October 2008 in the United States. Each suite includes a set of software to meet the needs of specific trades. Both suites Design (Standard and Premium) are intended to start their crea- tive projects focusing on paper (But this is a sampling of the many innovations pro- posed by the Creative Suite 3. Indeed, all the software component have been des- igned to be compatible with both Win- dows XP with Windows Vista and to exploit the strengths, which is incompa- tible with Vista until the last . Premium version allows you to increase content for mobile terminals . This "revi- the production on the Web or on mobile sion" of the Adobe Creative Suite also led terminals. In this suite comprising inclu- to a huge gain in performance, espe- ding Photoshop and Illustrator, the cen- cially for Mac users who benefit most tral tool is the InDesign desktop from the new Intel processors used by publishing software. The latter is not in- Apple through a direct method of execu- cluded in both suites "Web" (Standard tion instead of 'Emulation, due for pre- and Premium) addressed themselves to vious versions to the use of lines of code designers of websites and rely mainly on created for Apple processors. Moreover, Dreamweaver .For trades of the video, Adobe has done a great job of homoge- following "Production" is a platform for nization, for all software, including those post-production that manages the flow who were already in the Creative Suite 2, from capture to distribution, through edi- including to propose a similar interface ting and creating special effects. Finally, especially for software from the acquisi- "Master Collection", which brings toge- tion as Macromedia Flash, which was ther all the twelve software, is the most deemed to have an interface separately. comprehensive suite offered by Adobe. Adobe has also worked for the establish- Among the new software offered by the ment of a cross-reference format of each publisher, it should be noted Photoshop of its software. The native Photoshop for- Extended, an enhanced version of Photo- mat (. Psd) is now supported in Flash, Fi- shop offers 3D processing functions, reworks and Dreamweaver and the video and image analysis for the world launch of Device Central, which creates. 38 Software
  • 39. Photoshop CS4 Photoshop Creative Suite is most widely layers perfectly colors and shades and used application: Revolutionary features this extends to your depth of field, auto- of painting and compositing 3D.Now matically correcting the vignetting and paint directly on 3D models, dress 2D distortion lens:Modification of properties images of 3D forms, convert curves and 3D objects .Enhance, brightening transfer grading 3D objects, give inten- and manipulate 3D images using a sim- sity to layers and text, get exceptional plified interface without dialog boxes. print quality with the new rendering en- Adjust the lighting, nets and materials. gine for raytracing and export your work Orient objects and easily move the ca- in formats 3D currents.Panel mera with axes and a 3D projection ho- Masks:Create and quickly correct your rizontal plane: Fluid rotation of the masks since the new panel masks. It of- working area.With a simple click, rotate fers all the tools needed to create masks your work area and view your work in a and pixelated editable vector, to adjust non-destructive in terms desired - the for- their density and contour of their pro- gotten torticollis!ouplesse pan and gressive, selection of things not conti- zoom:Navigate easily to any part of the guous, and so on.Preserve sharpness image using new tools to zoom and pan when automatically optimized merging ultra-flexible. pixel and operate easily touch the zoom factor is greater with the new grid of pixels. Scale adapted content: Use the revolutionary new function to scale intel- ligently to automatically redial a picture as you resize, preserving the essential parts. Get away from a perfect image, without expanding operations cropping and editing.Display Options files:Handle multiple files easily opened with the pre- sentation by the tab or for multiple docu- ments.pixel and operate easily touch the zoom factor is greater with the new grid of pixels. Scale adapted content: Use the revolutionary new function to scale intel- ligently to automatically redial a picture as you resize, preserving the essential parts. Get away from a perfect opera- tions cropping and editing. Software 39
  • 40. Software Adobe Illustrator CS4 Explore new avenues with vector dra- and display control to speed up rende- wing tool par excellencen-Work Plans ring. Shape tool-spot: Use a brush that multiple: Create files containing up to produces a perfect vector, even if the 100 work plans of various sizes, which traits overlap. Draw as on paper using can be stacked, juxtaposed or superim- the tools Form spot, and Rounding gum.- posed. You can also save, export and Graduated: Speaking on the degraded print them separately or together. Fi- directly at the object. Set the angle of the nally, you can save all or part of them gradient, its position and size elliptical. as a PDF file of several pages.-Transpa- Add and change colors to the aid of sli- rency gradients: Set the opacity of diffe- ders, you immediately see the result.-In- rent colors of a gradient. Reveal the tegration and dissemination .Overview objects and images underlying layers of separations: Avoid unpleasant sur- and use, break and melted to create prises such as unexpected spot colors, rich mixtures of textures and colors.- missed the overlays, unwanted or white Changes in appearance in one panel: and black in the CMYK text files and im- Change the characteristics of an object ported. Elegant style graphics:Combine directly in the Appearance control panel styles to produce original effects and and avoid opening the signs of subs- apply them without changing the appea- tance, or contour effects. rance of an object. humbnails and an extensive library of predefined styles.-Simpler masks clip- ping: Handle easily masks only viewing area capped objects. Use the insulation and the Modify the mask for a Masters accrue predefined styles. 40 Software
  • 41. Adobe Indesign CS4 Upstream control dynamics:Perform a , which update automatically when the of rotation and x and y, you can quickly upstream as your creation. With the contents of a document is changed or magnetize the edge of an object or its continuous control upstream, the poten- moved. Milestones -commentés - Align, center horizontal or vertical on other ob- tial production problems are reported in space, rotate and resize quickly one or jects in the layout. Display key attributes real time. You can quickly access the mis- more objects with dynamic benchmarks. of your feed production such as scale, take, correct it directly and continue your Thanks to the dynamic benchmarks, ob- rotation and resolution.-Export to Adobe work.-customizable:Use this panel to ject dimensions, angles of rotation and x Flash CS4 Professional (XFL). Export do- search, sort and manage all the files im- and y, you can quickly magnetize the cuments to the XFL format and then open ported from your document. Display key edge of an object or its center horizontal them in Adobe Flash CS4 Professional attributes of your feed production such as or vertical on other objects in the layout. who faithfully keep the InDesign layout scale, rotation and resolution.-Export to -Creating interactive documents with ex- of origin. Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (XFL). Ex- port SWF files:Turn your layout dynamic Rotation of planche:Rotate temporarily port documents to the XFL format and SWF files without going through the des- for a plate without having to turn your then open them in Adobe Flash CS4 Pro- ign environment of Adobe Flash ®. screen and pull full editing features to 90 fessional who faithfully keep the InDe- Create digital documents complete with and 180 degrees to include non-hori- sign layout of origin. Use Flash to add interactive buttons, hyperlinks and zontal elements in your models.-Crea- interactions, animations and navigation unique page transitions, to be read in ting interactive documents with export features sophisticated models for a com- Adobe Flash Player.Compass commen- SWF files:Turn your layout dynamic SWF plex reading attractive. Cross-Refe- ted :Align, space, rotate and resize files without going through the design rences. Simplify writing, production and quickly one or more objects with dyna- environment of Adobe Flash ®. management of long documents through mic benchmarks. Thanks to the dynamic cross-references, both flexible benchmarks, object dimensions, angles Software 41
  • 42. Software Flash CS4 Animation-based objects: Exercise tight create kaleidoscope effects and use of control over the various attributes of ani- funds with the tool Deco, spray or sym- mation using the animation-based ob- bols at random from a defined area jects, which can apply to objects through the brush tool sprayer. interpolations, not keyframes. Easily Support for metadata (XMP): Add your change movements with Bezier handles. metadata to SWF files from the new Inverse kinematics with the tool Segment panel XMP Assign quickly tags to im- . Create animation effects chain with a se- prove collaboration and content for mo- ries of related objects or misrepresenting bile terminals.Presetting movement. Start quickly to a single tool Segment. 3D a project quickly through the integrated transformation: Animate 2D objects in animations for any object. Choose from 3D space with new tools rotation and a dozen presets or create and save your translation 3D, which can create anima- own animations. To save time, share pre- tions on the axes x, y and z. Apply local sets with your colleagues.Support for the or global changes to any object. Proce- H.264 standard: Encode the contents in dural modeling tools decoration with any file format recognized by Adobe brush and spray.Turn any symbol instant Flash Player with Adobe Media Encoder, design tool. a tool Adobe video software which now etadata to SWF files from the new panel XMP Assign quickly tags to improve col- . laboration and content for mobile termi- nals.Presetting movement. Start a project quickly through the integrated anima- tions for any object. Choose from 42 Software
  • 43. Dreamweaver CS4 With the new Live View mode Dream- geover work area.Dynamic objects weaver CS4, you design web pages in Adobe PhotoshopYou can insert a docu- real navigation while maintaining direct ment in Dreamweaver Photoshop PSD to access to the code. The code changes create an image. The dynamic objects are immediately visible on the screen. are closely related to the source file. You Indicators code frameworks for Ajax and can modify the source and update your JavaScript.Create more effective JavaS- image in Dreamweaver without opening cript code through better care of basic Photoshop.Subversion:You can update data types and main JavaScript objects. your site and save the changes directly The dynamic objects are closely related Implement Civil extensive programming from Dreamweaver. Through its integra- to the source file. You can modify the Dreamweaver CS4 incorporating current tion with the Subversion software system, source and update your image in JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, open source version management, Dreamweaver without opening Photo- Prototype and Spry.New User Interface:A Dreamweaver CS4 streamlines opera- shop.Integration with Subversion:You new common user interface allows you tions archiving extraction.Methods advi- can update your site and save the to work more quickly and efficiently in sed CSS:Apply methods advised CSS changes directly from Dreamweaver. the various components of Adobe Crea- without writing any code. Create rules in Through its integration with the Subver- tive Suite ® 4. Go quickly from one en- the CSS Properties panel and get clear sion software system, open source ver- vironment to another work with the new indications on the as Display key . sion sociation properties and styles. Software 43
  • 44. Software Fire works CS4 Create your prototype Adobe ® AIR ™ Gain speed and efficiency through opti- directly in Adobe Fireworks ® and de- mized performance since the opening ploy instantly to the HTML and CSS, and saving files to intensive manipulation Adobe Flex ® or SWF Easily convert your . of bitmap and vector images through model. Export-PDF: Generate, from your updating of symbols.Integration with compositions Fireworks, PDF documents Adobe Kuler:Fireworks go for the latest protected and faithful to the original fa- color themes of Adobe Kuler web service: cilitating communication with customers. test them and apply them to your web Protect your work password - passwords creations. Design color harmonies for can be assigned separate to the consul- your personal use or to be transferred to tation and other tasks (print, copy or add Kuler.Typography-sophisticated: Sign ty- comments).Exporting CSS: Design your pographical creations of emergency with full web pages within a powerful graphi- the functions of composition engine op- cal environment and then, a simple click, timized text Adobe.Import or copy and export layout with CSS style sheets out- paste the double-byte characters from Il- side. Integrate, in the foreground and lustrator (CS3 or CS4) and Photoshop background images, including new types (CS3 or CS4) without compromising of installment.. Performance Tuned: quality. Integration with Adobe ConnectNow: Gather client and creative in a meeting online in real time with full screen sha- ring, all platforms combined in the coun- tries implementing the Adobe Connect Now. 44 Software
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  • 46. Interview Yousef Ikhereis Q. Could you tell us a bit about yourself (age, location, country, and education in CG) and your background in CG? My name is Yousef Ikhreis, I’m 30 years old, and I live and work in Amman, Jor- dan. I’ve been involved in the graphic design and animation industry for 10 years; I now work as an Art Director in JAID Productions with 70 employees and this is a subsidiary of ITG Solutions, one of the leading companies in design, ani- mation and e-learning in the region. I am self-taught artist, and this is my story of how I got involved in this business:Going back to the beginnings of the eighties, when I was a child, I was afraid to go to the bathroom alone and always looking for my mom or waking her up to be around with me, because I used to see strange faces and creatures in the corners, and was always very upset spent the later days like a fugitive with Q. Can you tell our readers when my mother and brothers would not this word “Softimage”, it was like the what’s the actual work of the believe me and stare at me with strange holy sword that will empower me to Art Director and what qualifi- faces with a hectic smile, sometimes I create my creatures and will enforce the cation is necessary for this job? would run naked to get them to watch disbelievers to bow to that little child vi- them, pointing with my little fingers, but sions. By Softimage I will recreate my no one see….so they couldn’t believe. worlds. At the time Softimage was unk- Later in 1995, when I was watching TV nown and not available in Jordan, I star- programs with boredom feeling, moving ted investigating about computer from one channel to another I watched graphics and someone told me that there the last minutes of behind the scenes is a good software called Photoshop, program, and they were talking about with flicker speed I purchased a book the making of “Alien” character (H.R. about Photoshop, I read it three times (it Geiger) and while watching it with great was hard at the beginning), then I started enthusiasm I kept telling myself (ha, you learning Illustrator, CorelDraw, Macro- can do that!! it’s easy, you are a grown media Flash, Premier to help me in my up now to watch such things, you always presentations, After Effects, 3Ds Max, see these creatures,but don’t tell Maya, Digital Fusion,ZBrush, Softimage anyone…they will start joking on you XSI…etc, also learned script writing, again), I waited for the next episode, and screen play, storyboard….etc. Until now it was about “ Jurassic Park”where they I spend a lot of time, effort and money mentioned “Softimage”, a word which spent the later days like a fugitive with 46 Interview
  • 47. Actually, There are different Art Directing types, the actual work of the Art Director is depending on the nature of the type; Printing Art Director, Multimedia Art Di- rector, Life Shot Art Director, e-learning Art Director, Architectural Art Director, games Art Director, Cartoon Art Direc- tor….etc. so every Art Directing type has its own consistent workflow that is built to guarantee, achieve and reach the hi- ghest levels, and each workflow has its own specialty such as; the targets, the production pipeline, the Soft tools, the Hard tools, the resources… My responsi- bilities in JAID Productions are:Direct the design and production of graphics and animations. Formulating concepts and supervise workers engaged in executing layout designs for art work and copy to be presented by visual communications media. Review illustrative material and ting this word ” Yesterday we had philo- IMr. Marc Peti reflect that.6- Who can confers with client regarding background sophers. Today we have directors”. guarantee that Softimage will be down in information, objectives, presentation ap- Q. What’s your comment on the near future? proaches, styles, techniques, and related the Autodesk acquires Soft- production factors. Formulate basic mage? layout design concept and conduct re- search to select and secure suitable illus- t was like a shock or bad Joke, and I trative material. Assign and direct staff asked myself: for god sake why is the members to develop design concepts fate of Softimage to be dealt like that? into art. Review, approve, and present (He) doesn’t deserve that …then after ac- final layouts for approval. Mentoring, cepting the fact, I thanked my training, career directing and performing god...why?1- Crying can’t turn anything evaluations for the Art teams. For the Art back.2- No one can blame Autodesk be- Director qualifications, I will consider his cause they are a successful company 3- philosophy, personality, vision, creativity, Autodesk is the most powerful company educated and cultivated as the most im- that is able to understand and undertake portant qualifications. Those simple des- Softimage.4- Autodesk has excellent criptions will lead him to present the most knowledge and experience in the CG in- unique and innovative results, those are dustry. 5- Softimage has a solid history spiritual resources for the real talent, and very powerful to compete so...Softi- which will give him the ability to visualize mage will stay alive and healthy, because the ideas and visions everybody loves the power. Interview 47
  • 48. Interview 7- By looking at the last two versions of this is the fact. Facts are the strongest Maya (Autodesk) we will notice very good words. 10- Hatred waves are increasing enhancements, such as the n cloths, n for Autodesk, EA, Adobe, Microsoft... but particles, selection tools, UV folding, ani- these things are always happening form mation layer, speed…, all of that should the beginning and changing naturally, be considered as a confident points. 8- look at ZBrush for example, they are the As we remember, when Adobe acquired innovative of Digital sculpting technique, Macromedia everybody thought that all and everybody thought that it will be do- Macromedia products will be distorted or minating on the digital modeling indus- metamorphosed, on the contrary Flash try, but look around you now, new has great features with Action script 3, Mudbox, Silo, Modo created their own bones, Animation tracks…9- If you are a displacements,… even Softimage or wealthy rich man and start to bankrupt, Maya after three or four releases will be and you have a Rolls-Royce car that you able sculpt as we do in ZBrush, on the love very very much, but you have to sell other hand for the last release of ZBrush it, and you got two buyers, rich arro- it’s revealing their pure vision by working gance man whoknows how to deal with three steps ahead. Everything is chan- such a car and strange man who has no ging whether Autodesk or Adobe or any license to drive, for whom will you sell the else, but now it will be faster.This is a car? Of course to the rich man because NEW ERA, and I agree with Mr. Kim Da- with him it will stay clean and live, I know vidson President and CEO of Side Effects you will feel that your pride is heart but Software. 48 Interview
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  • 50. Interview Q. You provide lots of services to the clients and one of these is “Pipelines and Software Consulting”,please tell us in detail what exactly is this and how much this service is in demand? There is an old say, describing the pro- blem is half the solution, everybody in this industry knows that most of the was- ted time is lost in the management and the project planning, the leftover time will be divided to the production phases with killing deadline, including the extra re- quests, and how hard to modify and change the pipeline or the plan. My ser- vices is to present common language between all sides and save the precious time, all I need is a ful list of the project requirements, available infrastructure and resources, human skills, software, hardware resources…hen I start studying the project requirements and targets, re- searching, planning to produce the re- commended reasonable pipeline, recommendations for software based on the project demands, deadlines for the production phases and more… also good knowledge in choosing the right software’s could affect positively on the pipeline, deadline,and performance,be- cause of the variation of the procedura- lism in the software’s workflow and the variation in the strong features in these software’s.Someone could ask; what are the differences in my services that other studios could not offer? When the man- ger loses one hour from the project time it will be discounted from every level down, my pipeline is to built and base the pipeline from down up of the pyra- mid, on the contrary of other pipelines this will afford more time for all quality,and less stress. Thank you for this chance to talk with you and Good luck for all. 50 Interview
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  • 52. Gallery Event Art Dubai Introductory starements The Arabic world has always apprecia- Art Dubai, a DIFC subsidiary, has been ted art in all its forms and in recent very successful. The DIFC has a signifi- months there has been a resurgence of cant art collection of its own, and has interest in contemporary art, not only in long considered the collection, display Dubai, but across the region. This, I be- and promotion of regional and contem- lieve, is due in part to the growing reco- porary art as integral to our vision. We The honorary Patron of Art Dubai His gnition of some excellent artists that we firmly believe that Dubai can become a Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid have among us as well as the awareness truly global centre for art and that the Al Maktoum ,Vice President and Prime generated amongst the art-loving public DIFC can play an integral role in that Minister of UAE, Rule of Dubai. Visiting through visiting art galleries as well as process. Indeed. The DIFC art strategy is the art fair in March 2007 with John the efforts of the Dubai International Fi- to establish itself as both an international Martin Fair Director. nancial Centre through initiatives such as and regional presence collecting, dis- Art Dubai and its own collection. Since playing and promoting artists from this the inception of the DIFC in late 2004, region and across the world.Art Dubai is we have had a clear desire to promote very important to us. It is an expression of the arts of the region in theregion and the cultural philosophy of the DIFC and the world. As DIFC bridges the East and as such is themed to promote Dubai and Art Dubai was the first international the West and serves as the gateway to the DIFC in all its aspects as a hub for art contemporary event Art fair in the Mid- the financial world to people in forty-two a meeting point of the Occident and the dle East. countries, we additionally aim to be the Orient. Selected from over 300 applica- gateway for art. Selected from over 300 tions, the participating. Of the arts gal- applications, the participating galleries , leries were chosen by an international 52 Gallery