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Becoming a Global
Opportunity with the
Unified Global MPCP
Global Expansion
        (A Global Company & Opportunity)

            The World has discovered us!
                  WE ARE THE WORLD

    MA was built as a One Country at a time Model
Over the last 2 years we have retooled and changed our
thinking, objectives, infrastructure, plan, internet sites
architecture + design, Product selection & distribution,
 Tracking of volume, and the MPCP and UBP to expand
       Internationally and be a Global Company.
Global                  Regions Established:                           EMP
                                                                           (Emerging Market
                                 Americas(UAU), Asia                          Program)
                                 Pacific (UAP) and
                                 Europe (UEU) –                         For expansion and
                                 grouping counties into                 seeding to establish
                                 regions with one                       new countries
                                 BV/IBV bank & MPCP
                                 and a integrated
                        web site.

              Global Unification of                UGC’s (Unified Global
                Regions through                          Centers)
             connecting each UFO’s              Work to max out earning of each
                MPCP using IRC’s                UFO’s BDC in home county and
                                                insures that each UFO earns on all
             (International Reentry             business in their organization cross
                    Centers)                    pollinated in all 3 regions globally
           This allows you to earn 2ce on new   compounding earnings. This allows
           business built by connecting plans   you to earn 3 times on new and
           and BV/IBV where it is needed in     existing global business. There are
           the MPCP at home to complete         no former Global center
           and earn on your BDC’s and also      requirements or barriers. You must
           earn on new center in Europe or      be a Coordinator in home country
           new Region at same time.             to turn on UGC’s (see rules).
6) IRC ‘s (International Reentry                         1) Creating Three Regions with Unified BV
    centers) & UGC’s (Unfired                                banks and MPCP’s : The Americas,
    Global Centers)                                          Europe, Asia Pacific
    Allows UFOs with a
    larger organization and many                               Unifying the Americas (UAM):
    UFOs in other regions to earn                               United States, Canada, Mexico
    on their BV/IBV again in the                                Coming Soon: South America .
    regions they are building in                                (EMP: Dominica Republic, Costa
    with their Unified Global                                   Rica, Ecuador, Colombia) unified
    Center (UGC) from each UFO                                  into one MPCP
    accruing BV to earn in the                                  Working on Peru and Chile
    new region while at the same                               Unifying Europe (UEU): Europe,
    time they first complete their                              currently United Kingdom
    home county top BDCs,                                      EMP: Spain
    insuring a secure and stable                               Unifying Asia Pacific (UAP): Taiwan,
    business an organization at                                 Hong Kong, Australia
    home.                                                      EMP: Singapore, New Zealand to
                                         MPCP Global            start
                                                                      1) l
5) Uses Strong common                    Unification                  2) EMP works with Partner
   leg to complete
   weak leg                                Regions                       Now and Waiting Room
                                                                         to sponsor people
                                          Structure                      remotely

       4) Combine the BV/IBV of all                    3) Combine the BV/IBV of all countries
          regions together to accrue                      within region together to accrue in one
          where needed by each UFO and                    plan and one BV/IBV bank making it
          capture all BV/IBV from 3                       like one country.
          regions globally in UGC’s
Global Connecting of Regions in MPCP for each UFO
where they need it to complete weak side of BDC’s earn
   more $ withInternational Re-entry Centers (IRCs)
  A revolutionary new global unification plan weaving the BV/IBV banks from the two
  regions (The Americas & Europe) together where each UFO needs it to complete
  centers and earn more. Re-entering in the new region enables you earn commissions
  in the new country and tie it back to the weak side of a BDC you are working to
  complete your BDC’c in your home country.

Works very similar
to re-entries in the                   1                       Fundamentally it allows
                                                               you to earn on a new
MPCP. But with                                                 center and complete an
two BV/IBV banks                                               existing one at the same
which allows                                                   time. Leverages your
building together                                              earning power.
as a team in a                                                 Encourages synergistic
strong leg but                                                 team work based on

                          3                        2
connecting the                                                 binary strategy. Everyone
BV/IBV back to a                                               wins!
weak leg with the
new regions
3 MAGIC SOLUTIONS of Global Unified MPCP
Global Inter-Regional Unification: Connecting Regions with IRC Cross-pollination
  This allows every UFO to cross-        Solves the lack of   Eliminates the barriers
  pollinate in another region from       incentive or         or resistance to enter
  their Home Country’s Region using a    negative incentive   into other countries and
  International Re-entry Center (IRC)    to cross-pollinate   regions of the global
  which operates like a normal BDC       and expand in        center requiring
  similar to a re-entry when placed in   other countries      activation and finding 2
  a country in another regions other     and regions.         qualified Distributors
  than their home country. Allows to                          abroad.
  complete leg at home and earn
  again in Europe or new Region at
  SAME TIME- 2ce!

Current Growth Model…
Typical Development of Distributorship in the United States

Why One Global Unified BV bank & MPCP
 Does not work? Plus You make Less $!
       Example of Current Genealogy of High-Level Distributor

 High Level Distributors “max out” and have no monetary incentive to keep
 building their legs.
Current Growth Model…
  Example of Current Genealogy of Lower Level Distributor

                        Building weaker incomplete
                                 leg in order to earn

Lower Level Distributors focus on building their
weak side and are unable to expand globally.
Global Unified Volume would be “Overflow” to Builders
                       Top Earning UFO’s will not make more $
                         because the are “maxed “ out in top
                        centers. No incentive. If they do ‘t go
                         Lower level Distributors can’t cross
                               pollinate. No one goes.
        The Americas                                              Europe

        Lets examine why it doesn’t work for Leaders and Builders          12
Current Global MPCP
            Because the leaders have completed their top centers –
        they are maxed out & earn $2100 - 3600/wk . If successful IUFO
          builders don’t go Lower UFO’s have no one to show plan or
           support and build. Easier and less costly to Stay at home

The Americas                                                             Europe

This is why we have the Transparent Overlay (same genealogy)
             Separate MPCPs and BV in each Country.
 You use your organization in one country to cross pollinate and find people in the new coun
 or region to build new business. This is what was done in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

           The Americas                                                            Europe

                                         You and your genealogy
                                  transparently exist in new countries.
                                  If your team cross pollinates you can
                                    build new volume there to earn $.

                     It requires a Global BDC, Subscription Fee for that country
                    , qualifying, and activating. You must sponsor 2 personally.
                    But If you and your team find people there or have contacts
                      there you can earn a 2nd commission check on each BDC.

But it is not that easy for everyone and it is more expensive than at home
Current Global MPCP
There is more expense in transcontinental building. Easier
   to complete a BDC or start a new one in their home

 The Americas                                          Europe

                                          $$ MORE EXPENSIVE $$

JR has a Miraculous
     & Genius

Global Opportunity: Change the dynamics!

 BV and IBV will both be credited globally. However, for the purpose of this
  presentation only BV is indicated. IBV behaves exactly the same simultaneously

 For the purpose of this presentation the two regions being used are:
  The Americas and Europe

        The Americas = UAM                         Europe = UEU

                Home Country                     New region          17
Everyone is awarded an IRC (International Re-entry Center)

   Access IRC within your UnFranchise® Business Account

New Global Unified MPCP

                                                   The Americas

                  The European (BV) volume                             Europe
                  converts to The Americas (BV)
                  volume at the connection point
                  (IRC) to your weak leg in the
                  home country The Americas and
                  accrues up as American volume.

Completes your home country BDC by earning commissions weekly
New Global Unified MPCP

                                                The Americas

                   The European (BV) volume                    Europe
                   converts to The Americas (BV)
                   volume at the connection point
                   (IRC) to your weak leg in the
                   home country The Americas and
                   accrues up as American volume.

Completes your home country BDC by earning commissions weekly
UGC (Universal Global Center)

In addition to the IRC, your top center in transparent genealogy is a
 UGC (Unified Global Center) which enables you to be credited with
volume from another region on everyone in your organization cross-
          pollinating with IRC’s and building in the region.

    The UGC will be explained in depth later in the presentation.

Building Your Organization…
Every UFO has a Home Country. Your genealogy begins there and is your foundation.
However, your organization exists in every region transparently

          The Americas                                                          Europe

               BV in each Region is separate and accrues separately to earn separate
                   checks in each region– But there is one transparent genealogy

Two identical, transparent genealogies mirror each other with separate BV/IBV Banks
      BV can grow separately in the BV banks of different regions
Building Your Organization…
    International Expansion leads to greater volume and higher earnings.

      The Americas                                            Europe

                               Success comes first in
                              But it can be expanded
                             your own Home Country.
                              to a different Region to
                                reach new markets.

Let’s build your organization. Let’s see how expansion happens…
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

             The Americas                                                        Europe

                               An IRC is a BDC like a re-entry placed in a new
                               Region (Europe) and connected back to home
                               country (Americas) . There is a “place holder”
                              in the home country where it connects back to
                                         preserve genealogy linkage

                            Let’s see how expansion happens… 24
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

             The Americas                                              Europe

                                     Place an IRC in a new
                                    country in new Region
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

             The Americas                                                      Europe

                            Place the new IRC strategically for most benefit
                               for the plan in the Home Country. That is
                              usually the weak side of an unfinished BDC
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

             The Americas                                                     Europe)

                                                      Tom is a person in the UK or Europe that is from or
                                                      lives in a home country in the new region and
                                                      building the business with you under your (IRC1).
               Home Country

                                   Weak Leg

                               Target Region (Crosspollination)

                                              Start Building your Europe Organization and
                                                      encourage cross-pollination
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

             The Americas                                                     Europe

                                            Whenever a new BDC is created, it is reflected
                                               within the Home Country Genealogy
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

                  The Americas                                                                       Europe

    When an IRC is placed in the new region it must be connected back to the Home country left or right side of a
    BDC where the BV created from the new region where the IRC is accumulates will connect back and transfer
    the BV and convert it to Home Country BV.

(The placement of the IRC and connection point back to home country can never be changed under any circumstance- it is permanent) .
Unified MPCP Genealogy
Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow

               The Americas                                                             Europe

        As live BDC’s you added in accruing Europe BV under accrue BV up to theto earn a
                  But are also are America they continue to your IRC in Europe next American BDC and
              continue flowingnew region too.!European centers are placeholders live in the Europe
                  check in the upline. The red You can earn twice in the same BV!

                                                    As live BDCs are added in America they continue to accrue
                                                    BV/UBV up to the next American BDC. But then the BV under
                                                    your Europe (new Region) IRC connects back to the Home
                                                    Country American where you placed and connected it and the
                                                    Europe BV converts to American BV and accrues upward
                                                    combined with the American BV to count for all BDCs and
                                                    complete your weaker leg to earn checks!

  As you build in Europe (Target region) the business continues to grow in home country too from people
  sponsoring and building there.
 The Red BDCs in New region Europe are shown are transparent “place holders”
                to link genealogies in Home Country Americas.
Unifying Regions with IRCs
Americas BV only counts for Americas in the The Americas MPCP and European BV for Europe
MPCP except at the connection point where the IRC connects to the Home Country (Americas)
from the new region (Europe).

              The Americas)                                                          Europe)
                The IRC is like a re-entry accruing European BV in the new region MPCP but then
              connects to an American BDC (home country) to convert to American BV and accrue
               upline in the American MPCP (home country) to your BDCs to complete them and
                                                    earn checks.

                                                        IRC is connected to
                                                        Americas MPCP to
                                                      complete the leg in BDC
                                                         in American plan.
Real World Example
American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for European MPCP except at
the connection point.

              The Americas                                                   Europe)

                                      IRC from America is placed by Distributor
                                        to build in Europe. Accrued European
                                           volume earns commission in this
                                                European BDC or (IRC).
Real World Example
American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for Europe MPCP except
at the connection point in the home country (America) at which point the BV accrues up
in the American MPCP to your 001.

            The Americas                                                    Europe

                                             The IRC 001 placed in Europe
                                           From this point, it only accrues up to
                                        accumulating BV/IBV in Europe to earn
                                          BDCs of same home country region it is
                                         a check there crosses over to America
                                                      connected to.
                                          and connects to the American plan.
Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules

  Access and Review the detailed
  information and explanation at:
Power Point Presentation:


 Look for an announcement next
Unified MPCP Genealogy
American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for Europe MPCP except
at the connection point in the home country (America) at which point the BV accrues up
in the American MPCP to your 001 and also accrues for each American BDC in between
the connection point & your 001

            The Americas                                                           Europe

                                 The additional BDCs under the IRC 001 in blue that are in America would
                           Let’s see how expansion happens… right side to your 003 and
                               also accumulate up to the IRC 001 and upward on
YOU Connecting Regions
Cross-pollinating & placing an IRC to earn in another region to build and
earn on your BDC at home at same time             The American Distributor A (YOU) uses IRC
                                                               #1 and places on weak side of original
                                                               American 002 IRC in European MPCP.
                                                               Distributor A can earn $2100 per week
                                                               from European GBV and all European GBV
                                                               is converted to American GBV When it
                                                               flows up. This also applies to IBV, for up to
                                                               $1500 – Totaling $3600 combined.

                                                                                Distributor A (You) places
                                                                                an IRC on the weak side of
                                                                                 genealogy in Europe and
                                                                                    begins building an
                                                                                  organization in the UK.

                   The converted BV is accrued by all
                 qualified BDCs in the American MPCP.
                This benefits Distributor YOU by helping
               complete it and all Distributors in the line.

All European BV created below the IRC accumulates in left
     and right banks toward s earning a commission in
European MPCP and that GBV is converted to American BV
when it flows up to the connection point in the American

            Let’s see organic growth between Regions…
Real World Example
Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under
you to do the same from home country and the new region. They can do the same
thing from Europe (other region) back to your home country adding BV to your home
BDC to earn checks.

         The Americas                                                    Europe)

                                        European Distributor B in your
                                        European group places an IRC
                                          in Mexico Americas MPCP
                                           from his 003 and begins
                                           building organization in
                                              Mexico (Americas.
Crosspollination works both Directions: America to Europe
          and Europe to America called Zippering
      Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under
      you to do the same both from Home country and from a new region (Europe)

          The Americas                                                           Europe

                    The Blue Centers under IRC 001 for Tom are place holders for linkage in the
                   European plan and genealogy from Tom’s IRC placed in America + new BDC’s
                                                added in Mexico
Real World Example
Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to
do the same.

            The Americas                                               Europe

                                              American BV accrues to
                                               Tom’s IRC 001 toward
                                               earning commission in
Real World Example
Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to
do the same.

            The Americas                                                          Europe

                 Tom connects his American IRC back to the European MPCP on the
                weak side of his original European 003 to complete the BDC in Europe
                            and also earn commission there based on BV.
Real World Example
 Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you in your home country
 to do the same in the target country. However, your UFOs now in the other region (Europe) can do the same
 thing in reverse into America. The BV flows back to them in Europe and up to your IRC and back to your weak
 leg in America and also combines with BV generated by UFOs in the line in America compounding to
 accelerate the completing of centers and earning checks in your home country!

             The Americas                                                             Europe

Let’s see what happens when you complete your 1st European IRC…
What happens after you complete your 1st IRC?
Just like re-entry, when you complete the 1st IRC (cycles at 5000BV / 5000BV), you earn a 2nd
IRC . In this example you place that aligned with your next weak side or new leg that you plan
to build, complete and earn on. Here you placed and connected it in the inside of your 002.

           The Americas                                                           Europe

                             Once you complete the 1st IRC in new region
                          (Europe), you earn a second IRC just like re-entry in
                                            current MPCP.
Real World Example – Multiple IRCs
Your 2nd IRC works the same as the 1st IRC. Place your 2nd IRC to the weak side of a BDC (002). It
works to earn a check in the target region (Europe) and accrues up in the home country to each BDC
and enabling you to earn commissions from your 002.

            The Americas                                                          Europe

                       Here we are connecting it to the weak side of the 002 in
                        your home country (Americas) MPCP to complete the
                            002 BDC and leg to earn a commission check.
Regions are Unified for Each UFO individually as needed to
          strengthen their business in home country.
 Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV flow between regions
 as needed to complete BDCs at Home and at same time earn again in the new region.

              The Americas                                                              Europe

The BV under IRC #2 accrues toward earning on IRC #2 and then is converted to America BV at the connection point
  in home country American and BV IBV accrues up towards earning commissions in your BDC 002 and your 001.

 Connection Point where European BV changes
  to American ( home country) BV and accrues
Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules

  Access and Review the detailed
  information and explanation at:
Power Point Presentation:


 Look for an announcement next
Purpose and Use of the Unification Global Center
(UGC) (001)

• First – you see how the IRC and Regional Unification
  works from YOUR single perspective
• Next you must understand the unification regional
  cross pollination unification model from a
  organizational view point
• What happens when many UFO’s do it?
• What happens if they do it in the new region and it is
  not under your IRC?
• How do you get credit?
What happens when other UFOs in your home country organization do the same
 thing and place IRCs in the New Region? You want them to cross pollinate but how
 do you get credit?
      The Global Unified MPCP allows UFOs to use BV in other regions to accelerate the completion and earning of
      legs in Home country while expanding in a new region working to earn twice from what is built in the new
      region (Europe).

           YOU must complete your BDC at home first and then the BV can
                   The Americas                                                             Europe
           flow back to the UGC banks in the Region where the BV
           originated from your IRC and can count again! The volume
           accrues back into your on UFOs in Your homeIRC in the new
               How is BV accrued UGC banks above the country organization that come in
           Region (Europe) center IRC #1 is already placedand other UFOs(YOU) or in the
                 after Your counting to earn on your IRCs & are above A in
           your opposite leg. Also UFOsin the Globals already in prior of placing Your IRC?
                group with IRCs placed with New Region (Europe)

Complete your BDC at home and then the extra volume flows back to the UGC in the new Region the BV originating in
that region from the IRC counts again in the UGC! The volume accrues into your top Home Country BDC’s (001-003) first
to complete them. first. Then it accrues to complete your home country BDC. Once the BDC is over 5000 from home
country BV + converted IRC BV (combined BV) The extra BV accrues back to the UGC counting to earn a 3rd time on
other YOU GET CREDIT ON OTHER in the New Region (Europe). If the homeOUTDSIDE is already over 5000
      UFO’s in your group and your IRC’s UFO’S WHO CROSS POLLINATE country BDC OF YOUR IRCs BY
with Home country BV or there are several UFO’s with IRC’s OUT YOUR TOP BDCs (OO1)
                            COMPLETING & MAXING accruing over 5000 most of the volume will accrue into the
UGC earning you checks again.
What happens when other UFOs in your home country organization do the same
    thing and place IRCs in the New Region? What about other Global Centers in my
    organization or IRCs placed on the other side or above my IRC #1? You want them to
    cross pollinate but how do you get credit?

                The Americas                                                            Europe

     How is BV accrued on UFOs in your organization that come in after Your center IRC #1 above A (you)
               or in the opposite leg or UFOs with Globals already in prior of placing your IRC?


The Global Unified MPCP allows UFOs to use BV in other regions to accelerate the completion and earning of BDCs in
 home country while expanding in a new region working to earn twice from what is built in the new region (Europe)
You start Building & Your group duplicates- Does the same
       This is where we left off with Your IRC’s and what you have built.
What happens when other UFO’s in your Organization do the same but not under
                                   your IRC’s?

             The Americas                                                    Europe
                       The red arrows indicate where UFOs from your home
                            organization placed IRCs in the New region
                  A                                                    UGC


                                 B                                                    B
ALL BV from UFOs
                                              Let’s build your organization…

                                          The red arrows indicate where UFOs from your
                                         home organization placed IRCs in the New region

                      The Americas                                                                         Europe

                                                                              The blue arrows indicate where UFOs from your
                                                                              home organization placed IRCs in the New region
                            A                                                                 UGC

                 C                                                                   C
                IRC                       F                                         IRC         F
                                              E                                                IRC

D                                                 B                  D                                              B

                                                                     E                                                                    E
    Note that C, D and F placed IRC’s in the Yellow triangle outside the BV/IBV accrual field of your IRC #1 or #2. They accrue BV/IBV   IRC
    for them in New placedtowardunder your IRC #1 to team up with whereThis happens often and is a
              E has Region a IRC represents the back (yellow arrows) of your transparent home country
              The Yellow triangleearning & connectorganizational fieldyou. needed in US to solidify their business &
    complete their home country BDC’s UFO has a weak side can place or already have IRC’s that you do.
              good strategy when a which can also country to connect to on and increase your previously
              genealogy where UFO’s from home secure your home county BDCthe same line or residual income .
              But that is not centers.
              existing Globalalways the case.
All UFO’s in your Group with IRC’s in Europe Help you Earn in US + in
       the UGC . Watch the effect of the BV flow and accrual!
 Take notice that when there are multiple UFOs cross-pollinating with you the converted volume and combined volume is multiplied
 and exceeds 5000 BV quickly when this happens in your strong legs (BDC’s that are already over 5000)The UGC’s immediately start
 filling and earn quickly. In that case they can earn nearly at the same time IRC’s Earn checks!

                    The Americas                                                                     Europe

                                   Converted BV/IBV over                                 A
                          A                                                             UGC
                                    5000 flows to UGC
               C                                                                C
              IRC                      F                                       IRC         F

D                                              B                D                                            B

                                                                 E                                                                  E
Follow How BV Accrues in a Region, Connects back to
        home country, and then Flows back to UGCs.
    UGCs replace GLOBALs. They use all BV produced by your organizations in all regions
    not under your IRCs to earn globally after UFOs earn on IRCs and Home country 001-

                The Americas                                          Europe

                     A                                       UGC

           C                                            C
          IRC                  F                       IRC     F

D                                      B     D                             B

                                             E                                             E
Let’s see how the IRC, Converted BV and Home country BV work
    together to complete BDCs and then Pay YOU on all of your team
    UFOs that cross pollinated in the new region

                    The Americas                                                                      Europe
    The After and after you BV/IBV fills the banks in 001 the IRC’s needed it is automatically result of UFOs the BV in BDCs
    2nd UGC.s the your UFO’s accrued into after each onto twice on new and home at the Asflows to fill the UGC banksHome
    1ST You (A)filledconverted and your UFOsand earnedearns 5000 asin IRCs, region and BDC’s .same time accruedcompletingto earn
    In this example, your IRC#1., IRC#2 and in home country 1st and approved by company the UEU ion UGC’s If it Accrue on
    Only when a UFO must be a CoordinatorUnified your organization and D would does to collectIRC UGC banks 001 + 002
    Remember,a BDC (001) exceeds 5000 BVUFO’s in BV (UMA HC + UEUCIRC Converted)a all be filling your portion. of they earnback
    at home you benefit on all of your and complete being secure. BDC’a a result you earn again on that happens first for a
    another (America to finish weak les r UFO’s cross-pollinating with IRC’s 001 to 003, This guaranteesUGC’s be duplicated more
    Country Global check at home too earning more or(max out their Then asin other regions.. The process can a 3rd time. Thein
    with and complete right BDC’s
    to the UGC filled Region side. this happens
    IRC’s 003 ½ in theonhomeit originated (UEU) automatically. Test program Yr. to Yr. based on actuarial
    UFOs on + 003 once UGC
    UGC income business. 001 is completed.
    solid 002 your+team cross-pollinating and doing this the faster it happens + the more you earn!
                                           Europe Converted BV combines with American        A
                         A                 BV to complete Your top BDC’s 001-003 as
                                           needed over 5000BV/wk. excess BV first from
                                           Europe over 5000 accrues to the UGC banks
                                           towards earning Europe Checks on all IRC’s in
                                           your organization in Europe
               C                                                                       C
              IRC                      F                                              IRC    F

D                                              B                    D                                         B

                                                                     E                                                              E
Watch the Unification process again of cross pollinating with
    IRCs, Connecting BV to home country, completing home country BDCs and
    then earning on UGCs. Build Solid. Earn 3 ways!

                              Remember, a UFO must be a Coordinator in home
                              country 1st and approved by company to collect
                              ion UGCs . If they earn on IRCs and complete
               The Americas                                                          Europe
                              home BDCs this happens automatically. Test
                              program year to year based on actuarials

                    A                                                          UGC

          C                                                           C
         IRC                  F                                      IRC        F

D                                     B               D                                   B

                                                       E                                       E

                                      Let’s build your organization…
Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules

  Access and Review the detailed
  information and explanation at:
Power Point Presentation:


 Look for an announcement next
1. Volume is transferred from the
                                   BDCs (001, 002, 003 ) once a
                                   week to the corresponding UGC
                                   001, 002, 003.
             1                  2. Everything over 5000 from
                                   Europe or IRC’s
                                3. And the beginning of the next
                                   week you begin with the
5        BV Transfers       2      accumulated amount of BV in
        Once per Week              the UGC for commission
          to UGC’s                 purposes.
                                4. If the UGC reaches a MPCP
                                   bracket on each side it will pay
    4                   3          the corresponding commission
                                   that week the same way it does
                                   weekly in the MPCP for home
                                   countries (regular plan)
                                5. You must be coordinator already
                                   in Home country

•   Let’s Look at the Global Unified MPCP cross
    pollination with IRC to connect Regions from Your




               IT IS SIMPLE!
Global Unification with IRC’s and UGC’s
 Every Distributor (application with paid subscription)
 • Three (3) Home Country Business Development Centers
 • One (1) International Re-entry Center (IRC) and,
 • The right to designate one (1) Personal BDC (e.g.
   001, 002, 003, etc.) as a Unified Global Center (UGC).
 • To turn on the UGC to accrue BV from IRCs + BDCs you
   must first qualify as Coordinator in the home country
   (Americas) & have accumulated 1200BV of American
   generated BV in the left and right banks of the BDC
   accruing to the UGC.
 Each has some unique properties relative to the
 Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP).

 Single UFO’s (YOU) point of
     view or perspective

Home country BDCs

                         WEAK                                   STRONG

                        WEAK                  STRONG

 Each BDC can earn up to $3,600 per week from the Business Volume generated by
 Distributors/Sales Representatives within their left and right organizations; provided that the
 respective BDC has been qualified and activated.
                   You use International BV to Get Paid “Home Country”
                             WEAK                                     STRONG

                                     You Get Paid International

Place the IRC underneath “Home Country” Distributors that are in the “weak side” of the BDC you are trying to
get paid weekly on.
Advanced Strategy Summary

                          Business Builder
                   WEAK                      STRONG

                                                        Dormant or

                    Get Paid WEAK
                Home Country

The placement and growth of the BV under the IRC leverages and maximizes pay out in the following ways:


                                                        UGC                           You Get Paid again
       Helps them
                                                                                      International by
         Get Paid                                                                     Working
     Home Country                                                                     Combinations
                            Business Builder
                     WEAK                      STRONG

                                                              Dormant or
  Get Paid                                                      ReEnty

Home Country

                                                                           Business Builder
                                         WEAK                  STRONG

            You Get Paid
             International                                                          Work Combinations

The placement and growth of the BV under the IRC leverages and maximizes pay out in the following ways
1) You get paid in Home Country BDC above IRC
2) You complete a “dangling” (dormant or abandoned)solid one sided Reentry with the IRC = SOLID (Pay wkly)
3) You get paid in IRC Country
4) You get paid in UGC after the respective Home Country 001 BDC is accruing 5000BV/wk
Every UFO has a               Earn 2ce on new            Home country weak
 Home country and                business built in           leg (side of BDC)
starts building there.         Europe (new region)          can be a strong leg
   Every UFO has a            IRC crosspollination          for you and Up line
weaker side to a BDC          allows you to connect             in Europe. It
    they need to              BV of IRC to weal side          becomes a 2nd
 complete OR a new            of home country BDC               strong leg in
                              to earn and earn on
BDC they need build                                               America !
                              IRC in new region at
     2 legs under             same time

               Teams with same weak             Like a reentry .
               side that need to finish         Double whamy.
               weak side at home can
               team up in same line to
               build in Europe to earn
              and at same time create a
               second stronger side at
               home = complete + max
                     out the BDC.
IRC Team strategies        Don’t have to go           Do not need Global
    and synergy.             there to start            Center. Eliminates
Strength in Numbers                                     barriers to entry

               Tipple play with          Zippering. Cross
               Dangling reentry          pollination works
                 (Dormant or                both ways!
              Abandoned). Look           People, recuiting
                  for them!             and BV generator!
                                          Re-seeds home
                                       country. Lights fire in
Quadruple          Other IRC’s from         UGC turbochargers:
    Whammy!            your organization
                                            •    Completed Maxed out
• IRC                 cross-pollinating &        legs or BDC’s– all
• Home Country BDC   completing BDC’s at         Europe BV goes right
                        home indirectly          back to UGC because US
  – weak side
                                                 BDC 001 or (002-003)
• Reentry Dangling      makes you earn           doesn’t need it
• UGC                 more faster, more     •    Multiple IRC cross-
                        frequently and           pollinated on same line
                                                 multiply accumulation
                       secures business.         over 5000/wk FAST to
It is like the UBP or MPCP. You didn’t understand it all the first time. Took 3 times

Didn’t really get it until you did it, showed the plan or maybe after you earned a check!

You didn’t really understand balancing, placing volume down stream, Supervisory
entry, requirements or reentry.

The next step became obvious: qualify, activate, need more in the weak leg.
Later as the business grew you realized the importance of:
    o placing extra volume down line,
    othe benefit of 2 solid legs completes half the 002 and 003. and
    oWOW—then reentry! The same happens here!

Your up line senior partner mentor, leader, Director, will understand it and put you on a
team and explain everything. They have a BIG financial incentive now to do that!

There is a Webinar and a Link for this presentation to review and study and we will be
holding corings with Q and A

     PowerPoint Link______________________________________________
Becoming a Global
Opportunity with the
Unified Global MPCP

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Becoming a global_opportunity_with_the_unified_global_with_jr_ridinger(1)

  • 1.
  • 2. Becoming a Global Opportunity with the Unified Global MPCP
  • 3.
  • 4. Global Expansion (A Global Company & Opportunity) The World has discovered us! WE ARE THE WORLD MA was built as a One Country at a time Model Over the last 2 years we have retooled and changed our thinking, objectives, infrastructure, plan, internet sites architecture + design, Product selection & distribution, Tracking of volume, and the MPCP and UBP to expand Internationally and be a Global Company.
  • 5. Global Regions Established: EMP (Emerging Market Americas(UAU), Asia Program) Pacific (UAP) and Europe (UEU) – For expansion and grouping counties into seeding to establish regions with one new countries BV/IBV bank & MPCP and a integrated web site. Global Unification of UGC’s (Unified Global Regions through Centers) connecting each UFO’s Work to max out earning of each MPCP using IRC’s UFO’s BDC in home county and insures that each UFO earns on all (International Reentry business in their organization cross Centers) pollinated in all 3 regions globally This allows you to earn 2ce on new compounding earnings. This allows business built by connecting plans you to earn 3 times on new and and BV/IBV where it is needed in existing global business. There are the MPCP at home to complete no former Global center and earn on your BDC’s and also requirements or barriers. You must earn on new center in Europe or be a Coordinator in home country new Region at same time. to turn on UGC’s (see rules).
  • 6. 6) IRC ‘s (International Reentry 1) Creating Three Regions with Unified BV centers) & UGC’s (Unfired banks and MPCP’s : The Americas, Global Centers) Europe, Asia Pacific Allows UFOs with a larger organization and many Unifying the Americas (UAM): UFOs in other regions to earn United States, Canada, Mexico on their BV/IBV again in the Coming Soon: South America . regions they are building in (EMP: Dominica Republic, Costa with their Unified Global Rica, Ecuador, Colombia) unified Center (UGC) from each UFO into one MPCP accruing BV to earn in the Working on Peru and Chile new region while at the same Unifying Europe (UEU): Europe, time they first complete their currently United Kingdom home county top BDCs, EMP: Spain insuring a secure and stable Unifying Asia Pacific (UAP): Taiwan, business an organization at Hong Kong, Australia home. EMP: Singapore, New Zealand to MPCP Global start 1) l 5) Uses Strong common Unification 2) EMP works with Partner leg to complete weak leg Regions Now and Waiting Room to sponsor people Structure remotely 4) Combine the BV/IBV of all 3) Combine the BV/IBV of all countries regions together to accrue within region together to accrue in one where needed by each UFO and plan and one BV/IBV bank making it capture all BV/IBV from 3 like one country. regions globally in UGC’s
  • 7. Global Connecting of Regions in MPCP for each UFO where they need it to complete weak side of BDC’s earn more $ withInternational Re-entry Centers (IRCs) A revolutionary new global unification plan weaving the BV/IBV banks from the two regions (The Americas & Europe) together where each UFO needs it to complete centers and earn more. Re-entering in the new region enables you earn commissions in the new country and tie it back to the weak side of a BDC you are working to complete your BDC’c in your home country. Works very similar to re-entries in the 1 Fundamentally it allows you to earn on a new MPCP. But with center and complete an two BV/IBV banks existing one at the same which allows time. Leverages your building together earning power. as a team in a Encourages synergistic strong leg but team work based on 3 2 connecting the binary strategy. Everyone BV/IBV back to a wins! weak leg with the new regions volume.
  • 8. 3 MAGIC SOLUTIONS of Global Unified MPCP Global Inter-Regional Unification: Connecting Regions with IRC Cross-pollination This allows every UFO to cross- Solves the lack of Eliminates the barriers pollinate in another region from incentive or or resistance to enter their Home Country’s Region using a negative incentive into other countries and International Re-entry Center (IRC) to cross-pollinate regions of the global which operates like a normal BDC and expand in center requiring similar to a re-entry when placed in other countries activation and finding 2 a country in another regions other and regions. qualified Distributors than their home country. Allows to abroad. complete leg at home and earn again in Europe or new Region at SAME TIME- 2ce! MORE OF YOUR TEAM CAN AND WILL PARTICIPATE.
  • 9. Current Growth Model… Typical Development of Distributorship in the United States 9
  • 10. Why One Global Unified BV bank & MPCP Does not work? Plus You make Less $! Example of Current Genealogy of High-Level Distributor High Level Distributors “max out” and have no monetary incentive to keep building their legs. 10
  • 11. Current Growth Model… Example of Current Genealogy of Lower Level Distributor Building weaker incomplete leg in order to earn Lower Level Distributors focus on building their weak side and are unable to expand globally. 11
  • 12. Global Unified Volume would be “Overflow” to Builders Top Earning UFO’s will not make more $ because the are “maxed “ out in top centers. No incentive. If they do ‘t go Lower level Distributors can’t cross pollinate. No one goes. The Americas Europe Lets examine why it doesn’t work for Leaders and Builders 12
  • 13. Current Global MPCP Because the leaders have completed their top centers – they are maxed out & earn $2100 - 3600/wk . If successful IUFO builders don’t go Lower UFO’s have no one to show plan or support and build. Easier and less costly to Stay at home The Americas Europe 13
  • 14. This is why we have the Transparent Overlay (same genealogy) Separate MPCPs and BV in each Country. You use your organization in one country to cross pollinate and find people in the new coun or region to build new business. This is what was done in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Americas Europe You and your genealogy transparently exist in new countries. If your team cross pollinates you can build new volume there to earn $. It requires a Global BDC, Subscription Fee for that country , qualifying, and activating. You must sponsor 2 personally. But If you and your team find people there or have contacts there you can earn a 2nd commission check on each BDC. 14 But it is not that easy for everyone and it is more expensive than at home
  • 15. Current Global MPCP There is more expense in transcontinental building. Easier to complete a BDC or start a new one in their home country The Americas Europe $$ MORE EXPENSIVE $$ 15
  • 16. JR has a Miraculous & Genius SOLUTION! 16
  • 17. Global Opportunity: Change the dynamics! KEY TO TERMINOLGY DIAGRAMS FOR THIS PRESENTATION  BV and IBV will both be credited globally. However, for the purpose of this presentation only BV is indicated. IBV behaves exactly the same simultaneously  For the purpose of this presentation the two regions being used are: The Americas and Europe The Americas = UAM Europe = UEU Home Country New region 17
  • 18. Everyone is awarded an IRC (International Re-entry Center) Access IRC within your UnFranchise® Business Account 18
  • 19. New Global Unified MPCP The Americas The European (BV) volume Europe converts to The Americas (BV) volume at the connection point (IRC) to your weak leg in the home country The Americas and accrues up as American volume. Completes your home country BDC by earning commissions weekly 19
  • 20. New Global Unified MPCP The Americas The European (BV) volume Europe converts to The Americas (BV) volume at the connection point (IRC) to your weak leg in the home country The Americas and accrues up as American volume. 20 Completes your home country BDC by earning commissions weekly
  • 21. UGC (Universal Global Center) In addition to the IRC, your top center in transparent genealogy is a UGC (Unified Global Center) which enables you to be credited with volume from another region on everyone in your organization cross- pollinating with IRC’s and building in the region. The UGC will be explained in depth later in the presentation. 21
  • 22. Building Your Organization… Every UFO has a Home Country. Your genealogy begins there and is your foundation. However, your organization exists in every region transparently The Americas Europe BV in each Region is separate and accrues separately to earn separate checks in each region– But there is one transparent genealogy Two identical, transparent genealogies mirror each other with separate BV/IBV Banks BV can grow separately in the BV banks of different regions
  • 23. Building Your Organization… International Expansion leads to greater volume and higher earnings. The Americas Europe Success comes first in But it can be expanded your own Home Country. to a different Region to reach new markets. Let’s build your organization. Let’s see how expansion happens…
  • 24. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe An IRC is a BDC like a re-entry placed in a new Region (Europe) and connected back to home country (Americas) . There is a “place holder” in the home country where it connects back to preserve genealogy linkage Let’s see how expansion happens… 24
  • 25. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe Place an IRC in a new country in new Region (Europe)
  • 26. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe Place the new IRC strategically for most benefit for the plan in the Home Country. That is usually the weak side of an unfinished BDC
  • 27. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe) Tom is a person in the UK or Europe that is from or lives in a home country in the new region and building the business with you under your (IRC1). Home Country Weak Leg Target Region (Crosspollination) Start Building your Europe Organization and encourage cross-pollination
  • 28. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe Whenever a new BDC is created, it is reflected within the Home Country Genealogy
  • 29. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe When an IRC is placed in the new region it must be connected back to the Home country left or right side of a BDC where the BV created from the new region where the IRC is accumulates will connect back and transfer the BV and convert it to Home Country BV. (The placement of the IRC and connection point back to home country can never be changed under any circumstance- it is permanent) .
  • 30. Unified MPCP Genealogy Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV Flow The Americas Europe As live BDC’s you added in accruing Europe BV under accrue BV up to theto earn a But are also are America they continue to your IRC in Europe next American BDC and continue flowingnew region too.!European centers are placeholders live in the Europe check in the upline. The red You can earn twice in the same BV! As live BDCs are added in America they continue to accrue BV/UBV up to the next American BDC. But then the BV under your Europe (new Region) IRC connects back to the Home Country American where you placed and connected it and the Europe BV converts to American BV and accrues upward combined with the American BV to count for all BDCs and complete your weaker leg to earn checks! As you build in Europe (Target region) the business continues to grow in home country too from people sponsoring and building there. The Red BDCs in New region Europe are shown are transparent “place holders” to link genealogies in Home Country Americas.
  • 31. Unifying Regions with IRCs Americas BV only counts for Americas in the The Americas MPCP and European BV for Europe MPCP except at the connection point where the IRC connects to the Home Country (Americas) from the new region (Europe). The Americas) Europe) The IRC is like a re-entry accruing European BV in the new region MPCP but then connects to an American BDC (home country) to convert to American BV and accrue upline in the American MPCP (home country) to your BDCs to complete them and earn checks. IRC is connected to Americas MPCP to complete the leg in BDC in American plan.
  • 32. Real World Example American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for European MPCP except at the connection point. The Americas Europe) IRC from America is placed by Distributor to build in Europe. Accrued European volume earns commission in this European BDC or (IRC).
  • 33. Real World Example American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for Europe MPCP except at the connection point in the home country (America) at which point the BV accrues up in the American MPCP to your 001. The Americas Europe The IRC 001 placed in Europe From this point, it only accrues up to accumulating BV/IBV in Europe to earn BDCs of same home country region it is a check there crosses over to America connected to. and connects to the American plan.
  • 34. Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules Access and Review the detailed information and explanation at: Power Point Presentation: Webinar: SEARCH KEYWORD: UNIFICATION  Look for an announcement next week
  • 35. Unified MPCP Genealogy American BV only counts for American MPCP and European BV for Europe MPCP except at the connection point in the home country (America) at which point the BV accrues up in the American MPCP to your 001 and also accrues for each American BDC in between the connection point & your 001 The Americas Europe The additional BDCs under the IRC 001 in blue that are in America would Let’s see how expansion happens… right side to your 003 and also accumulate up to the IRC 001 and upward on 001.
  • 36. YOU Connecting Regions Cross-pollinating & placing an IRC to earn in another region to build and earn on your BDC at home at same time The American Distributor A (YOU) uses IRC #1 and places on weak side of original American 002 IRC in European MPCP. Distributor A can earn $2100 per week from European GBV and all European GBV is converted to American GBV When it flows up. This also applies to IBV, for up to $1500 – Totaling $3600 combined. Distributor A (You) places an IRC on the weak side of genealogy in Europe and begins building an organization in the UK. The converted BV is accrued by all qualified BDCs in the American MPCP. This benefits Distributor YOU by helping complete it and all Distributors in the line. All European BV created below the IRC accumulates in left and right banks toward s earning a commission in European MPCP and that GBV is converted to American BV when it flows up to the connection point in the American MPCP. Let’s see organic growth between Regions…
  • 37. Real World Example Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to do the same from home country and the new region. They can do the same thing from Europe (other region) back to your home country adding BV to your home BDC to earn checks. The Americas Europe) European Distributor B in your European group places an IRC in Mexico Americas MPCP from his 003 and begins building organization in Mexico (Americas.
  • 38. Crosspollination works both Directions: America to Europe and Europe to America called Zippering Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to do the same both from Home country and from a new region (Europe) The Americas Europe The Blue Centers under IRC 001 for Tom are place holders for linkage in the European plan and genealogy from Tom’s IRC placed in America + new BDC’s added in Mexico
  • 39. Real World Example Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to do the same. The Americas Europe American BV accrues to Tom’s IRC 001 toward earning commission in America.
  • 40. Real World Example Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you to do the same. The Americas Europe Tom connects his American IRC back to the European MPCP on the weak side of his original European 003 to complete the BDC in Europe and also earn commission there based on BV.
  • 41. Real World Example Your organization can grow faster by connecting globally and helping those under you in your home country to do the same in the target country. However, your UFOs now in the other region (Europe) can do the same thing in reverse into America. The BV flows back to them in Europe and up to your IRC and back to your weak leg in America and also combines with BV generated by UFOs in the line in America compounding to accelerate the completing of centers and earning checks in your home country! The Americas Europe Let’s see what happens when you complete your 1st European IRC…
  • 42. What happens after you complete your 1st IRC? Just like re-entry, when you complete the 1st IRC (cycles at 5000BV / 5000BV), you earn a 2nd IRC . In this example you place that aligned with your next weak side or new leg that you plan to build, complete and earn on. Here you placed and connected it in the inside of your 002. The Americas Europe Once you complete the 1st IRC in new region (Europe), you earn a second IRC just like re-entry in current MPCP.
  • 43. Real World Example – Multiple IRCs Your 2nd IRC works the same as the 1st IRC. Place your 2nd IRC to the weak side of a BDC (002). It works to earn a check in the target region (Europe) and accrues up in the home country to each BDC and enabling you to earn commissions from your 002. The Americas Europe Here we are connecting it to the weak side of the 002 in your home country (Americas) MPCP to complete the 002 BDC and leg to earn a commission check.
  • 44. Regions are Unified for Each UFO individually as needed to strengthen their business in home country. Unification requires linking the two, transparent genealogies together to facilitate BV flow between regions as needed to complete BDCs at Home and at same time earn again in the new region. The Americas Europe The BV under IRC #2 accrues toward earning on IRC #2 and then is converted to America BV at the connection point in home country American and BV IBV accrues up towards earning commissions in your BDC 002 and your 001. Connection Point where European BV changes to American ( home country) BV and accrues upward
  • 45. Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules Access and Review the detailed information and explanation at: Power Point Presentation: Webinar: SEARCH KEYWORD: UNIFICATION  Look for an announcement next week
  • 46. Purpose and Use of the Unification Global Center (UGC) (001) • First – you see how the IRC and Regional Unification works from YOUR single perspective • Next you must understand the unification regional cross pollination unification model from a organizational view point • What happens when many UFO’s do it? • What happens if they do it in the new region and it is not under your IRC? • How do you get credit?
  • 47. What happens when other UFOs in your home country organization do the same thing and place IRCs in the New Region? You want them to cross pollinate but how do you get credit? The Global Unified MPCP allows UFOs to use BV in other regions to accelerate the completion and earning of legs in Home country while expanding in a new region working to earn twice from what is built in the new region (Europe). YOU must complete your BDC at home first and then the BV can The Americas Europe flow back to the UGC banks in the Region where the BV originated from your IRC and can count again! The volume accrues back into your on UFOs in Your homeIRC in the new How is BV accrued UGC banks above the country organization that come in Region (Europe) center IRC #1 is already placedand other UFOs(YOU) or in the after Your counting to earn on your IRCs & are above A in your opposite leg. Also UFOsin the Globals already in prior of placing Your IRC? group with IRCs placed with New Region (Europe) UGC Complete your BDC at home and then the extra volume flows back to the UGC in the new Region the BV originating in that region from the IRC counts again in the UGC! The volume accrues into your top Home Country BDC’s (001-003) first to complete them. first. Then it accrues to complete your home country BDC. Once the BDC is over 5000 from home country BV + converted IRC BV (combined BV) The extra BV accrues back to the UGC counting to earn a 3rd time on other YOU GET CREDIT ON OTHER in the New Region (Europe). If the homeOUTDSIDE is already over 5000 UFO’s in your group and your IRC’s UFO’S WHO CROSS POLLINATE country BDC OF YOUR IRCs BY with Home country BV or there are several UFO’s with IRC’s OUT YOUR TOP BDCs (OO1) COMPLETING & MAXING accruing over 5000 most of the volume will accrue into the UGC earning you checks again.
  • 48. What happens when other UFOs in your home country organization do the same thing and place IRCs in the New Region? What about other Global Centers in my organization or IRCs placed on the other side or above my IRC #1? You want them to cross pollinate but how do you get credit? The Americas Europe How is BV accrued on UFOs in your organization that come in after Your center IRC #1 above A (you) or in the opposite leg or UFOs with Globals already in prior of placing your IRC? UGC The Global Unified MPCP allows UFOs to use BV in other regions to accelerate the completion and earning of BDCs in home country while expanding in a new region working to earn twice from what is built in the new region (Europe)
  • 49. You start Building & Your group duplicates- Does the same This is where we left off with Your IRC’s and what you have built. What happens when other UFO’s in your Organization do the same but not under your IRC’s? The Americas Europe The red arrows indicate where UFOs from your home organization placed IRCs in the New region A A UGC C A D B B
  • 50. ALL BV from UFOs Let’s build your organization… The red arrows indicate where UFOs from your home organization placed IRCs in the New region The Americas Europe The blue arrows indicate where UFOs from your home organization placed IRCs in the New region A A UGC C C IRC F IRC F E IRC D B D B IRC E E Note that C, D and F placed IRC’s in the Yellow triangle outside the BV/IBV accrual field of your IRC #1 or #2. They accrue BV/IBV IRC for them in New placedtowardunder your IRC #1 to team up with whereThis happens often and is a E has Region a IRC represents the back (yellow arrows) of your transparent home country The Yellow triangleearning & connectorganizational fieldyou. needed in US to solidify their business & complete their home country BDC’s UFO has a weak side can place or already have IRC’s that you do. good strategy when a which can also country to connect to on and increase your previously genealogy where UFO’s from home secure your home county BDCthe same line or residual income . But that is not centers. existing Globalalways the case.
  • 51. All UFO’s in your Group with IRC’s in Europe Help you Earn in US + in the UGC . Watch the effect of the BV flow and accrual! Take notice that when there are multiple UFOs cross-pollinating with you the converted volume and combined volume is multiplied and exceeds 5000 BV quickly when this happens in your strong legs (BDC’s that are already over 5000)The UGC’s immediately start filling and earn quickly. In that case they can earn nearly at the same time IRC’s Earn checks! The Americas Europe Converted BV/IBV over A A UGC 5000 flows to UGC C C IRC F IRC F E D B D B IRC E E IRC
  • 52. Follow How BV Accrues in a Region, Connects back to home country, and then Flows back to UGCs. UGCs replace GLOBALs. They use all BV produced by your organizations in all regions not under your IRCs to earn globally after UFOs earn on IRCs and Home country 001- 003 The Americas Europe A A UGC C C IRC F IRC F E D B D B IRC E E IRC
  • 53. Let’s see how the IRC, Converted BV and Home country BV work together to complete BDCs and then Pay YOU on all of your team UFOs that cross pollinated in the new region The Americas Europe The After and after you BV/IBV fills the banks in 001 the IRC’s needed it is automatically result of UFOs the BV in BDCs 2nd UGC.s the your UFO’s accrued into after each onto twice on new and home at the Asflows to fill the UGC banksHome 1ST You (A)filledconverted and your UFOsand earnedearns 5000 asin IRCs, region and BDC’s .same time accruedcompletingto earn In this example, your IRC#1., IRC#2 and in home country 1st and approved by company the UEU ion UGC’s If it Accrue on Only when a UFO must be a CoordinatorUnified your organization and D would does to collectIRC UGC banks 001 + 002 Remember,a BDC (001) exceeds 5000 BVUFO’s in BV (UMA HC + UEUCIRC Converted)a all be filling your portion. of they earnback at home you benefit on all of your and complete being secure. BDC’a a result you earn again on that happens first for a another (America to finish weak les r UFO’s cross-pollinating with IRC’s 001 to 003, This guaranteesUGC’s be duplicated more Country Global check at home too earning more or(max out their Then asin other regions.. The process can a 3rd time. Thein with and complete right BDC’s to the UGC filled Region side. this happens IRC’s 003 ½ in theonhomeit originated (UEU) automatically. Test program Yr. to Yr. based on actuarial UFOs on + 003 once UGC UGC income business. 001 is completed. solid 002 your+team cross-pollinating and doing this the faster it happens + the more you earn! Europe Converted BV combines with American A A BV to complete Your top BDC’s 001-003 as UGC needed over 5000BV/wk. excess BV first from Europe over 5000 accrues to the UGC banks towards earning Europe Checks on all IRC’s in your organization in Europe C C IRC F IRC F E D B D B IRC E E IRC
  • 54. Watch the Unification process again of cross pollinating with IRCs, Connecting BV to home country, completing home country BDCs and then earning on UGCs. Build Solid. Earn 3 ways! Remember, a UFO must be a Coordinator in home country 1st and approved by company to collect ion UGCs . If they earn on IRCs and complete The Americas Europe home BDCs this happens automatically. Test program year to year based on actuarials A A UGC C C IRC F IRC F E D B D B IRC E E IRC Let’s build your organization…
  • 55. Additional IRC Placement Information + Rules Access and Review the detailed information and explanation at: Power Point Presentation: Webinar: SEARCH KEYWORD: UNIFICATION  Look for an announcement next week
  • 56. 1. Volume is transferred from the BDCs (001, 002, 003 ) once a week to the corresponding UGC 001, 002, 003. 1 2. Everything over 5000 from Europe or IRC’s 3. And the beginning of the next week you begin with the 5 BV Transfers 2 accumulated amount of BV in Once per Week the UGC for commission to UGC’s purposes. 4. If the UGC reaches a MPCP bracket on each side it will pay 4 3 the corresponding commission that week the same way it does weekly in the MPCP for home countries (regular plan) 5. You must be coordinator already in Home country
  • 57. SUMMARY and SIMPLIFICATION • Let’s Look at the Global Unified MPCP cross pollination with IRC to connect Regions from Your perspective. • HOW DOES IT WORK FOR YOU? • WHAT DO YOU DO? • WHAT ARE THE STEPS? IT IS SIMPLE! 57
  • 58. Global Unification with IRC’s and UGC’s Every Distributor (application with paid subscription) receives: • Three (3) Home Country Business Development Centers (BDCs) • One (1) International Re-entry Center (IRC) and, • The right to designate one (1) Personal BDC (e.g. 001, 002, 003, etc.) as a Unified Global Center (UGC). • To turn on the UGC to accrue BV from IRCs + BDCs you must first qualify as Coordinator in the home country (Americas) & have accumulated 1200BV of American generated BV in the left and right banks of the BDC accruing to the UGC. Each has some unique properties relative to the Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP).
  • 59. SUMMARY and SIMPLIFICATION Single UFO’s (YOU) point of view or perspective 59
  • 60. Home country BDCs WEAK STRONG WEAK STRONG Each BDC can earn up to $3,600 per week from the Business Volume generated by Distributors/Sales Representatives within their left and right organizations; provided that the respective BDC has been qualified and activated.
  • 61. Basic You use International BV to Get Paid “Home Country” WEAK STRONG You Get Paid International Place the IRC underneath “Home Country” Distributors that are in the “weak side” of the BDC you are trying to get paid weekly on.
  • 62. Advanced Strategy Summary Business Builder WEAK STRONG Dormant or Abandoned ReEnty 004 Get Paid WEAK Home Country The placement and growth of the BV under the IRC leverages and maximizes pay out in the following ways: WATCH THIS! AMAZING QUADRUPLE PLAY!
  • 63. Advanced UGC You Get Paid again Helps them International by Get Paid Working Home Country Combinations Business Builder WEAK STRONG Dormant or Abandoned Get Paid ReEnty Home Country 004 Business Builder WEAK STRONG You Get Paid International Work Combinations Internationally The placement and growth of the BV under the IRC leverages and maximizes pay out in the following ways 1) You get paid in Home Country BDC above IRC 2) You complete a “dangling” (dormant or abandoned)solid one sided Reentry with the IRC = SOLID (Pay wkly) 3) You get paid in IRC Country 4) You get paid in UGC after the respective Home Country 001 BDC is accruing 5000BV/wk
  • 64. Every UFO has a Earn 2ce on new Home country weak Home country and business built in leg (side of BDC) starts building there. Europe (new region) can be a strong leg Every UFO has a IRC crosspollination for you and Up line weaker side to a BDC allows you to connect in Europe. It they need to BV of IRC to weal side becomes a 2nd complete OR a new of home country BDC strong leg in to earn and earn on BDC they need build America ! IRC in new region at 2 legs under same time Teams with same weak Like a reentry . side that need to finish Double whamy. weak side at home can team up in same line to build in Europe to earn and at same time create a second stronger side at home = complete + max out the BDC.
  • 65. IRC Team strategies Don’t have to go Do not need Global and synergy. there to start Center. Eliminates Strength in Numbers barriers to entry Tipple play with Zippering. Cross Dangling reentry pollination works (Dormant or both ways! Abandoned). Look People, recuiting for them! and BV generator! Re-seeds home country. Lights fire in basement!
  • 66. Quadruple Other IRC’s from UGC turbochargers: Whammy! your organization • Completed Maxed out • IRC cross-pollinating & legs or BDC’s– all • Home Country BDC completing BDC’s at Europe BV goes right home indirectly back to UGC because US – weak side BDC 001 or (002-003) • Reentry Dangling makes you earn doesn’t need it • UGC more faster, more • Multiple IRC cross- frequently and pollinated on same line multiply accumulation secures business. over 5000/wk FAST to IMMEDITELY.
  • 67. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT UNDERSTANDING ALL OF THIS TODAY! It is like the UBP or MPCP. You didn’t understand it all the first time. Took 3 times Didn’t really get it until you did it, showed the plan or maybe after you earned a check! You didn’t really understand balancing, placing volume down stream, Supervisory entry, requirements or reentry. The next step became obvious: qualify, activate, need more in the weak leg. Later as the business grew you realized the importance of: o placing extra volume down line, othe benefit of 2 solid legs completes half the 002 and 003. and oWOW—then reentry! The same happens here! Your up line senior partner mentor, leader, Director, will understand it and put you on a team and explain everything. They have a BIG financial incentive now to do that! There is a Webinar and a Link for this presentation to review and study and we will be holding corings with Q and A Webinar____________________________________________________ PowerPoint Link______________________________________________
  • 68. Becoming a Global Opportunity with the Unified Global MPCP

Editor's Notes

  1. This slide has been modified.
  2. This slide has been modified.
  3. animation
  4. This could be ennhances and improved by adding more BDC’s to right side and left (inside right) with a click or an animation and showing volume troll up or 2 arrows up to 00 and show with text or Symbol/image like money 2100 to 3600 per week in top 001 center weekly and optionally (not a must have) the 002 or 003 1500 to 2100 once or twice per month (1-2 cycles per month) and clearly label it as such so it stands out. The point is that the ULD (upper level Distributor) is already earning oin their top center. That sets yup the subsequuent steps explaining that if we unified all volume together into ine plan and one BV_IBV bank---the ULD would not benefit because it would be “overflow “ volume and they would not earn mote
  5. I would enhance this. light up the 2 centers on the right side bottom—maybe circle them or make the inside white have a text label “new UFO” . Then have a arrow coming down on a click or animation pointing under them (label: “building weaker incomplete leg in order to earn” and add a few more BDC’s underneath the ones glowing.
  6. This does not make a lot of sense. The organization in One BV _IBV global unification would have only one color representing one BV or IBV bank and 1 universal MPCP.. Perhaps make it green! IF you pick up where we left off on the last slide YOU need to show that “You” are earning weekly on the 001 and 003 and maybe 2ce a month on the 003.CLICK FOR NEXT STEP OR ANNIUMANTION: 2 globes (with binary organizations in each) OR 2 organizations left and right of the one above (labeled AMERICAS , EUROPE) appear. They either animate roll up like is done in the UBP slides or with a click or animation show volume in the the centers with arrows animated (moving up) or just connect on the click from bottom to the top showing volume being generated in both regions (AMERICA + EUROPE) simultaneously flowing or accruing up to the common home country/global geneology and that the volume is all overflow noit counting for checks to the ULD (there are many ways of illustrating that – but it also should be stated in text or in a box or caption adjacent to the volume flowing up to the middle atr the top 3 centers. If you need input tr ideas as to how to depict it ir show it in the diagram I can explain and give some easy ways).
  7. Continuation if click through or animation steps already describe din notes of slides 8 and 9.
  8. Same– father explanation un same sequence. You coulld show an arrow from one conmtinent to another an $ signs and a text- transcontinental travel and expense. Or MORE EXPENSUVE!
  11. Please check animation.
  12. Please check animation.
  18. This slide has been modified.