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2015 BAQC February Quiz
Nisha Pillai
BAQC February 15, 2015
“February. Take ink and weep…”
35 - 40 questions, most are very workoutable
Infinite Bounce, No pounce
+10 for correct answer, occasional bonus points
No part points, unless exceptional circs.
Negative points also possible, in exceptional circs 
Candy (and other goodies) store
Where have we all seen it?
Chagrin Falls, OH
Downtown, overview
30 seconds
Different renditions of a character from Commedia dell’Arte.
Name that accessory he’s carrying & why is it called so?
30 seconds
(“batacchio” in Italian, in origin a magic wand used by the devil
character to change the scenery of the play)
Used by Harlequin in his comic capacity to hit other characters.
The stick makes a loud noise when clapped, without
transferring much force.
One of the earliest ever “special effects”, dating back to at least
the 1500s.
Memorial to the victims of war & tyranny, Berlin
Central work: Mother with her dead son (Pieta)
Name the artist.
30 seconds
Kathe Kollwitz.
Two major Kollwitz museums:
-- Berlin
-- Cologne
Representation of a legendary
…and its supposed resting place
Name the city.
30 seconds
Creature is Joseph (Yossele), the Golem of Prague. Supposedly
created by Rabbi Loew to defend the ghetto against pogroms,
and resting in the attic of the old synagogue in Prague, to be
revived in time of need.
Who or what?
“The great Charlemagne, my Father, liberated me from the
And from heaven he gave me life of Meritxell the great Mother.
I was born a Princess, a Maiden neutral between two nations.
I am the only remaining daughter of the Carolingian empire.”
30 seconds
Only national anthem in the first person.
Andorra also has the dubious distinction of having a head of state
who is democratically elected by the people of another country
(President of France is one of Andorra’s two heads of state, the
other being the Bishop of Urgell, a RC diocese in Spain).
The indigenous people of this country refer to themselves as
“normal” (as opposed to deities and spirits) or “people of the land”.
One of the main landmasses is called “the fish of Maui”.
Their founding mythology goes as follows:
The original explorer came to this land in a canoe. In some versions
of the story, he named the land after his canoe. In other versions, his
wife or daughter was watching the horizon and saw a cloud as they
were crossing the ocean. In these versions, he named the land after
the cloud.
What modern-day country?
30 seconds
New Zealand.
Aotearoa == Land of the long white cloud.
North Island is Te Ika a Māui, The fish of Māui.
There are only 3 true elective monarchies in the world.
1. Cambodia: King is chosen for life, candidates all have royal blood
2. The Vatican: Pope is elected in conclave by College of Cardinals
3. X: Supreme Head of State is elected to a 5 year term. Nine
hereditary rulers elect one of themselves as the Supreme Head
of State, by secret ballot.
What is X?
30 seconds
While there are ambiguous cases and similar forms (e.g., Saudi
Arabia), none are elective monarchies.
This word derives from the Dutch
vrijbuiter, also the root of the English
It was originally used to describe men
such as William Walker (mugshot on
right), who was a US citizen who
fomented several insurrections in Latin
America in the mid-19th century.
The freewheeling actions of men like
Walker led to this word being applied
figuratively in a different arena.
What’s the good word?
30 seconds
Among other exploits, Walker even ruled Nicaragua for a time.
The designer of these things
found his greatest design
success in a different category.
That design is ubiquitous the
world over, and has not changed
in ~50 years.
What? Bonus for designer.
30 seconds
Design has not changed since
Bonus: Kenji Ekuan
The Yarlung Tsangpo, often called the “Everest of rivers”, originates
near Mount Kailash, and flows east across the Tibetan plateau.
1700 kilometers later, near the Eastern edge of the Himalayas, this
mighty river disappears.
Just downstream of a little village called Gyala, the Tsangpo roars
into a narrow canyon between the 24000 ft+ peaks of Namcha
Barwa and Gyala Pelri, whose summits are separated by just 13
Through the era of the great British led adventures (1800s…until
1913), the subsequent fate of the Tsangpo was unknown. Popular
theory had it that it emerges from the Himalayas, hundreds of
miles away, as the only major river in the vicinity that emerges
from the Himalayas flowing east. Which river is that?
30 seconds
Original poster for what
A huge success in its day, it
is probably best known
today for parts of its
musical score.
30 seconds
(the first minute of so. British Airways, and many others)
The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) is
known for its Grammy awards.
Luciano Pavarotti was scheduled to perform at the 40th annual
Grammy function in 1998. He had to cancel at the last minute
due to illness. With barely 20 minutes’ notice, someone else
stepped in, resulting in something the NARAS called "the greatest
last-second substitution act in Grammy history“.
What happened?
30 seconds
Aretha Franklin sang Nessun Dorma.
3:11 to 4:25
Railway station, circa 1900. Abandoned in the 1930s because its
platforms were too short to accommodate long distance trains.
What is it today?
30 seconds
Musee d’Orsay, Paris
Rather appropriately, whose official residence?
30 seconds
Malacañang Palace, official residence of the President of
The country is an archipelago, consisting of 7000+ islands.
Mugshot, featuring whom? #ganapathystylz
30 seconds
Alphonse Bertillon,
inventor of the mugshot
In 1998, the Australian satirical television program The Games
debuted a character named Jack Hughes.
The show was a satire critical of, among other things, corruption in
the organizing of the Olympic Games in Sydney; the character Jack
Hughes was a journalist who often probed into scandals and
corruption, much to the annoyance of the show's protagonists.
Jack Hughes was inspired by what (in)famous publication?
30 seconds
The Dreyfus Affair was the most divisive issue in French society at
the time. For example, at a political shindig in Autueil, Jules-Albert
De Dion, a Titan of the French automotive industry, got into an
argument about the issue and ended up hitting the French
President on the head with a walking stick.
Le Vélo, at the time France’s largest sporting newspaper, reported
the incident in a way that incensed De Dion. He was so angry that
he opened a rival paper, L’Auto. In an attempt to catch up with the
rival paper and ideally put them out of business, L’Auto started
what in 1903?
30 seconds
The Tour de France.
It is a town of ~10,000, situated in a valley in the Ardennes
mountain chain, 45km southwest of Aachen. As the site of healing
cold springs, it has been frequented since as early as the 14th
In 1918, it was the Principal Headquarters of the German Army.
From here, German delegations set out for consultations leading up
to the Armistice that ended WW1.
It is also the birthplace of Hercule Poirot.
Name the town.
30 seconds
Spa, Belgium.
How did this telegram
change the world?
30 seconds
Zimmermann Telegram.
The German Empire contacted Mexico in 1917, offering a military
alliance in the event the US should enter WW1. The British
intercepted and decoded the telegram and passed it on to the US.
When revealed, public opinion swung heavily in favor of the US
entering WW1 and that’s what happened.
It is a region in France, in the
Western Alps.
The feudal ruling house of this
territory, installed in A.D 1003,
became the longest surviving
royal house in Europe. After
1860, they became the ruling
dynasty of Italy until the end of
Name, please.
30 seconds
Savoy & The House of Savoy.
In 1888, they opened a restaurant in Baden-Baden. The owner and
founder of the Savoy group of hotels, invited them to take over as
manager and chef (respectively) of the Savoy Hotel in London,
which they did in 1889.
They put together what was described as “a little army of hotel men
for the conquest of London”. Under their management, the London
Savoy was a tremendous success. However, in 1898, they were
allegedly implicated in a financial scandal and dismissed.
Their partnership lasted another decade, during which they started
an iconic business that is still synonymous with luxury. Both names,
30 seconds
Cesar Ritz
Auguste Escoffier
Ritz Hotels
It was the first international drug control treaty. It was
implemented in 1915 by the United States, Netherlands, China,
Honduras, and Norway. It went into force globally in 1919 when it
was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles.
Name it.
30 seconds
International Opium Convention
Christian Ludwig was an 18th century Prince of the Prussian Royal
House, and Margrave (military commander) of a Prussian
In 1721, a collection of six instrumental works was presented to
him, with a florid and rather sycophantic dedication. The music was
deemed too difficult for the musicians available to Christian Ludwig,
and left unused. In 1734, it was sold for the equivalent of $24.00 in
2014 US dollars.
Subsequently lost until rediscovered in 1849, today the works in this
score are widely regarded as some of the best orchestral
compositions of that era. So, what principality was Christian Ludwig
Margrave of?
30 seconds
Brandenburg, hence Brandenburg Concertos.
It was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October
1648 in Osnabrück and Münster that ended the Thirty Years’ War.
Party to the treaties were:
– The Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III, of the House of Habsburg;
– The Kingdom of Spain
– The Kingdom of France
– The Swedish Empire
– The Dutch Republic
– The Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; and
– Sovereigns of the free imperial cities.
What were these treaties collectively called?
30 seconds
The Peace of Westphalia
After the Storm depicts a Breton
peasant woman cradling the body
of her grandson who had been
caught in a fisherman’s nets.
The artist allegedly took anatomy
lessons specifically to convey the
intensity of the subject.
Name the artist, who acquired
legendary status in another field,
while studying sculpture and
exhibiting work at the Paris Salon
from 1874 to 1886.
30 seconds
Sarah Bernhardt.
This is the Ayuwang Buddhist temple in Ningbo, one of the oldest
cities in China with a history going back to 4800 B.C. Its most prized
possession is a bone of Sakyamuni, the Buddha, dug up in the late
3rd century. The temple and nearby mountain are both named in
honor of the provider
of this precious relic.
How do we know
Ayuwang better?
30 seconds
After Sakyamuni passed away, King Ashoka ordered pagodas built all
over the world to house the body relic (bone ash) of Sakyamuni. A
total of 84,000 pagodas were built. According to Buddhist
scriptures, nineteen such pagodas were built in China. They were
all named after Ashoka, and this is the only surviving one.
Karkin is an Ohlone language that has probably not been spoken
since the 19th century. Its only documentation is a single vocabulary
recorded in 1821 at Mission Dolores.
How is the language (and the people who spoke it) remembered
30 seconds
Karkin was Los Carquines in Spanish, hence Carquinez Strait (and
The Ballad of _______ was first transcribed in the Musical Records
of Old and New in the 6th century. The original work no longer
exists, and the text of the poem comes from another work known
as the Music Bureau Collection, compiled during the 11th or 12th
century. The author explicitly mentions the Musical Records of Old
and New as his source for the poem.
Over time, the story of rose in popularity as a folk tale among
Chinese people. In Chinese, _________ means “magnolia”. We all
know the story through one of its many modern adaptations.
30 seconds
This mountain is a collection of three volcanoes, two of which are
extinct and the last one dormant. The existence of a crater on top
was only confirmed in 1889. The crater was named after Gustav
Otto Reusch, upon his summiting the mountain 25 times.
The name of the summit translates to “Freedom Peak”. Name it, or
the well-known character from popular culture who shares the
30 seconds
Uhuru Peak.
Or Uhura.
The mountain is, of course, Kilimanjaro.
This region used to be known as the Barbary States. In Spain,
inhabitants of this region were referred to as Moors. It was
somewhat unified as a political entity as the kingdom of Numidia. It
was then successively ruled by the Roman Empire, the Byzantine
Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, and later on, the Ottoman Turks.
In 1989, the countries in the region banded together as a common
market, using its present moniker. Muammar Gaddafi envisioned it
as an Arab superstate. That vision is now frozen, but the moniker
has been adopted by Islamist militant organizations.
Name, please.
30 seconds
(today infamous as in al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
He was described by Simón Bolívar
as the real discoverer of South
America and by Charles Darwin as
the greatest scientific traveler who
ever lived.
He has several species named after
him, including a penguin, a squid, a
lily, an orchid and an Amazon river
dolphin. There are mountains,
glaciers and water bodies around
the world that bear his name.
Who is this?
30 seconds
Alexander von Humboldt.
A few of his achievements:
– His work laid the foundation for the science of meteorology
– Discovered decrease in intensity of Earth’s magnetic field from poles to
– He established that the Orinoco and Amazon water-systems are
– Traveled upriver to the source of the Amazon
– He is the “second discoverer of Cuba”
– Established the then-record for ascending the Chimborazo
He is a culture hero in Maori, Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
mythologies. Some of his exploits are:
– His mother complains that the days are too short. So he
climbs to the House of the Sun and lassoes the sun’s rays. The
sun agrees to a compromise: short days in winter and long
days in summer.
– He convinces his brothers to take him out fishing, but catches
his hook upon the ocean floor. He tells them that he has
caught a big fish, and to paddle as hard as they can. He
repeats this trick several times, creating an island chain.
– He stole fire from the Fire-Goddess and brought it to Earth,
barely escaping with his life.
Who is this?
30 seconds
House of the Sun = Haleakalā
View from City Hall
of what city center,
particularly relevant
this weekend?
30 seconds
Dresden, 1945
In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy
bombers of the RAF and 527 of the USAAF dropped more than
3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the
The bombing and the resulting firestorm destroyed over 1,600
acres (6.5 km2) of the city center. An estimated 22,700 to 25,000
people were killed.
This traditional dance piece was composed to commemorate the
creator’s escape from death. The main part of it translates as:
I die, I die, I live, I live
I die, I die, I live, I live,
This is the hairy man
...Who caused the sun to shine again for me
Up the ladder, Up the ladder
Up to the top
The sun shines!
Where have you all seen it?
30 seconds
Ka Mate.
On this day (February 15) in 1946, it was formally dedicated at the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, having cost $500,000 ($6M
in today’s dollars) to build.
While its designers were all men, its main “operators” were Kay
McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas
and Ruth Lichterman. The Los Alamos National Lab became so
interested in it that it was repurposed from its original application
and put to work on the hydrogen bomb project.
Parts of it are on display today at the Smithsonian. What is it?
30 seconds
ENIAC, the first electronic general purpose computer.
Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, conceived and
designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of
They were Central Asian Turko-Mongols from modern-day
Uzbekistan, who claimed direct descent from both Genghis Khan
(through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur. They were, however,
culturally more oriented towards Persian. In their early days in
power, they used Chagatai Turkic as court language, in honor of
their ancestry. It was later dropped in favor of Persian.
At the height of their power in the late 17th and early 18th
centuries, they ruled a population that has been estimated as
between 110 and 150 million (one quarter of the world's
population at the time).
Which dynasty, whose rule lasted ~350 years?
30 seconds
Mughal dynasty
There are 3 countries in Europe that do not border any other
country. Name them.
No part points.
30 seconds
Iceland, Cyprus, Malta
The man in the picture was a
Protestant pastor who spent the
last seven years of Nazi rule in
Saschenhausen and Dachau as a
“personal prisoner” of Hitler.
His anti-Semitic statements in
the pre-war (WW2) years are
well documented. He later
became a prominent Nazi critic
and spent the postwar years
lecturing on the evils of Nazi
What is he best known for?
30 seconds
Martin Niemoller.
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Which US state has no pro sports teams?
30 seconds
FITB with a popular expression.
Peter Harding: Soames has been waiting for a bishopric for years.
Sir Humphrey: ____________
30 seconds
Long time no see.
This painting was ridiculed as “Worshipping X”. Who or what is X?
Manet (centre)
Also seen: Renoir (in hat), Zola (next to Renoir, right arm up),
Monet (last on the right)
Painter: Henri Fantin-Latour
Painting: A Studio at Les Batignolles, Un atelier aux Batignolles
Considered one of the first raids on a defenseless civilian
population by a modern air force, it was an attack on a Basque
town east of Bilbao by German and Italian air forces at the request
of Francisco Franco. The operation was code named Operation
At the time, the Basque government claimed over 1600 civilian
deaths, while modern consensus puts the casualty figure at under
Name the town that was attacked.

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BAQC Feb 2015 Quiz

  • 1. 2015 BAQC February Quiz Nisha Pillai BAQC February 15, 2015 “February. Take ink and weep…”
  • 2. OVERVIEW: 35 - 40 questions, most are very workoutable Infinite Bounce, No pounce +10 for correct answer, occasional bonus points No part points, unless exceptional circs. Negative points also possible, in exceptional circs  “ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE. THE QM IS THE PERSON. THEY HAVE THE VOTE.” ONLY ONE RULE:
  • 3. QUESTION 1 Candy (and other goodies) store Where have we all seen it? Chagrin Falls, OH Downtown, overview
  • 6. QUESTION 2 Different renditions of a character from Commedia dell’Arte. Name that accessory he’s carrying & why is it called so?
  • 8. ANSWER 2 Slapstick. (“batacchio” in Italian, in origin a magic wand used by the devil character to change the scenery of the play) Used by Harlequin in his comic capacity to hit other characters. The stick makes a loud noise when clapped, without transferring much force. One of the earliest ever “special effects”, dating back to at least the 1500s.
  • 9. QUESTION 3 - A Memorial to the victims of war & tyranny, Berlin
  • 10. QUESTION 3 - B Central work: Mother with her dead son (Pieta) Name the artist.
  • 12. ANSWER 3 Kathe Kollwitz. Two major Kollwitz museums: -- Berlin -- Cologne
  • 13. QUESTION 4 Representation of a legendary creature… …and its supposed resting place Name the city.
  • 15. ANSWER 4 Prague. Creature is Joseph (Yossele), the Golem of Prague. Supposedly created by Rabbi Loew to defend the ghetto against pogroms, and resting in the attic of the old synagogue in Prague, to be revived in time of need.
  • 16. QUESTION 5 Who or what? “The great Charlemagne, my Father, liberated me from the Saracens, And from heaven he gave me life of Meritxell the great Mother. I was born a Princess, a Maiden neutral between two nations. I am the only remaining daughter of the Carolingian empire.”
  • 18. ANSWER 5 Andorra. Only national anthem in the first person. Andorra also has the dubious distinction of having a head of state who is democratically elected by the people of another country (President of France is one of Andorra’s two heads of state, the other being the Bishop of Urgell, a RC diocese in Spain).
  • 19. QUESTION 6 The indigenous people of this country refer to themselves as “normal” (as opposed to deities and spirits) or “people of the land”. One of the main landmasses is called “the fish of Maui”. Their founding mythology goes as follows: The original explorer came to this land in a canoe. In some versions of the story, he named the land after his canoe. In other versions, his wife or daughter was watching the horizon and saw a cloud as they were crossing the ocean. In these versions, he named the land after the cloud. What modern-day country?
  • 21. ANSWER 6 New Zealand. Aotearoa == Land of the long white cloud. North Island is Te Ika a Māui, The fish of Māui.
  • 22. QUESTION 7 There are only 3 true elective monarchies in the world. 1. Cambodia: King is chosen for life, candidates all have royal blood 2. The Vatican: Pope is elected in conclave by College of Cardinals 3. X: Supreme Head of State is elected to a 5 year term. Nine hereditary rulers elect one of themselves as the Supreme Head of State, by secret ballot. What is X?
  • 24. ANSWER 7 Malaysia. While there are ambiguous cases and similar forms (e.g., Saudi Arabia), none are elective monarchies.
  • 25. QUESTION 8 This word derives from the Dutch vrijbuiter, also the root of the English “freebooter”. It was originally used to describe men such as William Walker (mugshot on right), who was a US citizen who fomented several insurrections in Latin America in the mid-19th century. The freewheeling actions of men like Walker led to this word being applied figuratively in a different arena. What’s the good word?
  • 27. ANSWER 8 Filibuster. Among other exploits, Walker even ruled Nicaragua for a time.
  • 28. QUESTION 9 The designer of these things found his greatest design success in a different category. That design is ubiquitous the world over, and has not changed in ~50 years. What? Bonus for designer.
  • 30. ANSWER 9 Design has not changed since 1961. Bonus: Kenji Ekuan
  • 31. QUESTION 10 The Yarlung Tsangpo, often called the “Everest of rivers”, originates near Mount Kailash, and flows east across the Tibetan plateau. 1700 kilometers later, near the Eastern edge of the Himalayas, this mighty river disappears. Just downstream of a little village called Gyala, the Tsangpo roars into a narrow canyon between the 24000 ft+ peaks of Namcha Barwa and Gyala Pelri, whose summits are separated by just 13 miles. Through the era of the great British led adventures (1800s…until 1913), the subsequent fate of the Tsangpo was unknown. Popular theory had it that it emerges from the Himalayas, hundreds of miles away, as the only major river in the vicinity that emerges from the Himalayas flowing east. Which river is that?
  • 34. QUESTION 11 Original poster for what opera? A huge success in its day, it is probably best known today for parts of its musical score.
  • 36. ANSWER 11 Lakmé (the first minute of so. British Airways, and many others)
  • 37. QUESTION 12 The National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) is known for its Grammy awards. Luciano Pavarotti was scheduled to perform at the 40th annual Grammy function in 1998. He had to cancel at the last minute due to illness. With barely 20 minutes’ notice, someone else stepped in, resulting in something the NARAS called "the greatest last-second substitution act in Grammy history“. What happened?
  • 39. ANSWER 12 Aretha Franklin sang Nessun Dorma. 3:11 to 4:25
  • 40. QUESTION 13 Railway station, circa 1900. Abandoned in the 1930s because its platforms were too short to accommodate long distance trains. What is it today?
  • 43. QUESTION 14 Rather appropriately, whose official residence?
  • 45. ANSWER 14 Malacañang Palace, official residence of the President of Phillippines. The country is an archipelago, consisting of 7000+ islands.
  • 46. QUESTION 15 Mugshot, featuring whom? #ganapathystylz
  • 49. QUESTION 16 In 1998, the Australian satirical television program The Games debuted a character named Jack Hughes. The show was a satire critical of, among other things, corruption in the organizing of the Olympic Games in Sydney; the character Jack Hughes was a journalist who often probed into scandals and corruption, much to the annoyance of the show's protagonists. Jack Hughes was inspired by what (in)famous publication?
  • 52. QUESTION 17 The Dreyfus Affair was the most divisive issue in French society at the time. For example, at a political shindig in Autueil, Jules-Albert De Dion, a Titan of the French automotive industry, got into an argument about the issue and ended up hitting the French President on the head with a walking stick. Le Vélo, at the time France’s largest sporting newspaper, reported the incident in a way that incensed De Dion. He was so angry that he opened a rival paper, L’Auto. In an attempt to catch up with the rival paper and ideally put them out of business, L’Auto started what in 1903?
  • 54. ANSWER 17 The Tour de France.
  • 55. QUESTION 18 It is a town of ~10,000, situated in a valley in the Ardennes mountain chain, 45km southwest of Aachen. As the site of healing cold springs, it has been frequented since as early as the 14th century. In 1918, it was the Principal Headquarters of the German Army. From here, German delegations set out for consultations leading up to the Armistice that ended WW1. It is also the birthplace of Hercule Poirot. Name the town.
  • 58. QUESTION 19 How did this telegram change the world?
  • 60. ANSWER 19 Zimmermann Telegram. The German Empire contacted Mexico in 1917, offering a military alliance in the event the US should enter WW1. The British intercepted and decoded the telegram and passed it on to the US. When revealed, public opinion swung heavily in favor of the US entering WW1 and that’s what happened.
  • 61. QUESTION 20 It is a region in France, in the Western Alps. The feudal ruling house of this territory, installed in A.D 1003, became the longest surviving royal house in Europe. After 1860, they became the ruling dynasty of Italy until the end of WW2. Name, please.
  • 63. ANSWER 20 Savoy & The House of Savoy.
  • 64. QUESTION 21 In 1888, they opened a restaurant in Baden-Baden. The owner and founder of the Savoy group of hotels, invited them to take over as manager and chef (respectively) of the Savoy Hotel in London, which they did in 1889. They put together what was described as “a little army of hotel men for the conquest of London”. Under their management, the London Savoy was a tremendous success. However, in 1898, they were allegedly implicated in a financial scandal and dismissed. Their partnership lasted another decade, during which they started an iconic business that is still synonymous with luxury. Both names, please.
  • 66. ANSWER 21 Cesar Ritz Auguste Escoffier Ritz Hotels
  • 67. QUESTION 22 It was the first international drug control treaty. It was implemented in 1915 by the United States, Netherlands, China, Honduras, and Norway. It went into force globally in 1919 when it was incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles. Name it.
  • 70. QUESTION 23 Christian Ludwig was an 18th century Prince of the Prussian Royal House, and Margrave (military commander) of a Prussian principality. In 1721, a collection of six instrumental works was presented to him, with a florid and rather sycophantic dedication. The music was deemed too difficult for the musicians available to Christian Ludwig, and left unused. In 1734, it was sold for the equivalent of $24.00 in 2014 US dollars. Subsequently lost until rediscovered in 1849, today the works in this score are widely regarded as some of the best orchestral compositions of that era. So, what principality was Christian Ludwig Margrave of?
  • 72. ANSWER 23 Brandenburg, hence Brandenburg Concertos.
  • 73. QUESTION 24 It was a series of peace treaties signed between May and October 1648 in Osnabrück and Münster that ended the Thirty Years’ War. Party to the treaties were: – The Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III, of the House of Habsburg; – The Kingdom of Spain – The Kingdom of France – The Swedish Empire – The Dutch Republic – The Princes of the Holy Roman Empire; and – Sovereigns of the free imperial cities. What were these treaties collectively called?
  • 75. ANSWER 24 The Peace of Westphalia
  • 76. QUESTION 25 After the Storm depicts a Breton peasant woman cradling the body of her grandson who had been caught in a fisherman’s nets. The artist allegedly took anatomy lessons specifically to convey the intensity of the subject. Name the artist, who acquired legendary status in another field, while studying sculpture and exhibiting work at the Paris Salon from 1874 to 1886.
  • 79. QUESTION 26 This is the Ayuwang Buddhist temple in Ningbo, one of the oldest cities in China with a history going back to 4800 B.C. Its most prized possession is a bone of Sakyamuni, the Buddha, dug up in the late 3rd century. The temple and nearby mountain are both named in honor of the provider of this precious relic. How do we know Ayuwang better?
  • 81. ANSWER 26 Ashoka. After Sakyamuni passed away, King Ashoka ordered pagodas built all over the world to house the body relic (bone ash) of Sakyamuni. A total of 84,000 pagodas were built. According to Buddhist scriptures, nineteen such pagodas were built in China. They were all named after Ashoka, and this is the only surviving one.
  • 82. QUESTION 27 Karkin is an Ohlone language that has probably not been spoken since the 19th century. Its only documentation is a single vocabulary recorded in 1821 at Mission Dolores. How is the language (and the people who spoke it) remembered today?
  • 84. ANSWER 27 Karkin was Los Carquines in Spanish, hence Carquinez Strait (and bridge).
  • 85. QUESTION 28 The Ballad of _______ was first transcribed in the Musical Records of Old and New in the 6th century. The original work no longer exists, and the text of the poem comes from another work known as the Music Bureau Collection, compiled during the 11th or 12th century. The author explicitly mentions the Musical Records of Old and New as his source for the poem. Over time, the story of rose in popularity as a folk tale among Chinese people. In Chinese, _________ means “magnolia”. We all know the story through one of its many modern adaptations. FITB.
  • 88. QUESTION 29 This mountain is a collection of three volcanoes, two of which are extinct and the last one dormant. The existence of a crater on top was only confirmed in 1889. The crater was named after Gustav Otto Reusch, upon his summiting the mountain 25 times. The name of the summit translates to “Freedom Peak”. Name it, or the well-known character from popular culture who shares the name.
  • 90. ANSWER 29 Uhuru Peak. Or Uhura. The mountain is, of course, Kilimanjaro.
  • 91. QUESTION 30 This region used to be known as the Barbary States. In Spain, inhabitants of this region were referred to as Moors. It was somewhat unified as a political entity as the kingdom of Numidia. It was then successively ruled by the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Caliphate, and later on, the Ottoman Turks. In 1989, the countries in the region banded together as a common market, using its present moniker. Muammar Gaddafi envisioned it as an Arab superstate. That vision is now frozen, but the moniker has been adopted by Islamist militant organizations. Name, please.
  • 93. ANSWER 30 Maghreb (today infamous as in al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb)
  • 94. QUESTION 31 He was described by Simón Bolívar as the real discoverer of South America and by Charles Darwin as the greatest scientific traveler who ever lived. He has several species named after him, including a penguin, a squid, a lily, an orchid and an Amazon river dolphin. There are mountains, glaciers and water bodies around the world that bear his name. Who is this?
  • 96. ANSWER 31 Alexander von Humboldt. A few of his achievements: – His work laid the foundation for the science of meteorology – Discovered decrease in intensity of Earth’s magnetic field from poles to equator – He established that the Orinoco and Amazon water-systems are connected – Traveled upriver to the source of the Amazon – He is the “second discoverer of Cuba” – Established the then-record for ascending the Chimborazo
  • 97. QUESTION 32 He is a culture hero in Maori, Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander mythologies. Some of his exploits are: – His mother complains that the days are too short. So he climbs to the House of the Sun and lassoes the sun’s rays. The sun agrees to a compromise: short days in winter and long days in summer. – He convinces his brothers to take him out fishing, but catches his hook upon the ocean floor. He tells them that he has caught a big fish, and to paddle as hard as they can. He repeats this trick several times, creating an island chain. – He stole fire from the Fire-Goddess and brought it to Earth, barely escaping with his life. Who is this?
  • 99. ANSWER 32 Maui. House of the Sun = Haleakalā
  • 100. QUESTION 33 View from City Hall of what city center, particularly relevant this weekend?
  • 102. ANSWER 33 Dresden, 1945 In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the RAF and 527 of the USAAF dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. The bombing and the resulting firestorm destroyed over 1,600 acres (6.5 km2) of the city center. An estimated 22,700 to 25,000 people were killed.
  • 103. QUESTION 34 This traditional dance piece was composed to commemorate the creator’s escape from death. The main part of it translates as: I die, I die, I live, I live I die, I die, I live, I live, This is the hairy man ...Who caused the sun to shine again for me Up the ladder, Up the ladder Up to the top The sun shines! Rise! Where have you all seen it?
  • 106. QUESTION 35 On this day (February 15) in 1946, it was formally dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, having cost $500,000 ($6M in today’s dollars) to build. While its designers were all men, its main “operators” were Kay McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas and Ruth Lichterman. The Los Alamos National Lab became so interested in it that it was repurposed from its original application and put to work on the hydrogen bomb project. Parts of it are on display today at the Smithsonian. What is it?
  • 108. ANSWER 35 ENIAC, the first electronic general purpose computer. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, conceived and designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 110. QUESTION 36 They were Central Asian Turko-Mongols from modern-day Uzbekistan, who claimed direct descent from both Genghis Khan (through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur. They were, however, culturally more oriented towards Persian. In their early days in power, they used Chagatai Turkic as court language, in honor of their ancestry. It was later dropped in favor of Persian. At the height of their power in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, they ruled a population that has been estimated as between 110 and 150 million (one quarter of the world's population at the time). Which dynasty, whose rule lasted ~350 years?
  • 113. QUESTION 37 There are 3 countries in Europe that do not border any other country. Name them. No part points.
  • 116. QUESTION 38 The man in the picture was a Protestant pastor who spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in Saschenhausen and Dachau as a “personal prisoner” of Hitler. His anti-Semitic statements in the pre-war (WW2) years are well documented. He later became a prominent Nazi critic and spent the postwar years lecturing on the evils of Nazi rule. What is he best known for?
  • 118. ANSWER 38 Martin Niemoller. “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
  • 119. QUESTION 39 Which US state has no pro sports teams?
  • 122. QUESTION 40 FITB with a popular expression. Peter Harding: Soames has been waiting for a bishopric for years. Sir Humphrey: ____________
  • 125. KUTZ
  • 126. E1 This painting was ridiculed as “Worshipping X”. Who or what is X?
  • 127. E1A Manet (centre) Also seen: Renoir (in hat), Zola (next to Renoir, right arm up), Monet (last on the right) Painter: Henri Fantin-Latour Painting: A Studio at Les Batignolles, Un atelier aux Batignolles
  • 128. QUESTION 38 Considered one of the first raids on a defenseless civilian population by a modern air force, it was an attack on a Basque town east of Bilbao by German and Italian air forces at the request of Francisco Franco. The operation was code named Operation Rügen. At the time, the Basque government claimed over 1600 civilian deaths, while modern consensus puts the casualty figure at under 300. Name the town that was attacked.