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Healthcare 2020
How Automated Patient Experiences
Will Transform the Landscape
Executive Summary
Today, healthcare providers are working hard to advance the holistic
experience of their patients, both through concepts formerly linked most
prominently with customer service in the B2C sphere such as retention and
loyalty, as well as in the improvement of healthcare outcomes and provision of
touchpoints for gathering more useful patient-generated healthcare data.
One of their key areas of focus is bridging the gaps in the patient experience
that occur in between visits to a primary care center. When a patient is
provided with limited options to engage with their provider, provide feedback
or seek information on their care, not only is there a risk of a patient becoming
unsatisfied with their experience, but they may become unengaged with
their care to the point that it can negatively affect their chances of a positive
outcome. Automated healthcare promises to bridge these gaps in the care
experience by providing artificially intelligent assistance to the patient that is
available when they need it.
By dramatically extending the ability of a healthcare provider to reach and
engage with their patients while simultaneously gathering important patient-
generated healthcare data that can inform them on the progress of their
care, automated healthcare is one of the key trends that patient experience
executives believe will help them to change the paradigm of care, from
transactional and episodic, to continuous and collaborative.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................2
Key Findings................................................................................................3
Research Findings
The importance of exceptional patient experience.........................4
Patient-generated health data as key
to improving patient experience.........................................................5
Current methods for collecting and acting
on patient-generated healthcare data................................................6
Merging patient-generated health data collection
and engagement through automated healthcare............................7
Automated healthcareā€™s benefits are
wide-ranging and strongly felt.............................................................8
Automated Patient Engagement Uses
& Value.......................................................................................................9
Automated healthcareā€™s role in changing standards of care.......10
Key Recommendations.........................................................................11
Appendices.................................................................................. 12
Appendix A: Methodology........................................................... 12
Appendix B: Demographic Information........................................ 12
Conversa Health......................................................................... 12
WBR Insights............................................................................... 12
Key Findings
As the healthcare
industry becomes
more impacted by
the empowerment
of patient choice,
healthcare providers
are increasingly
awakening to the
importance of
patient experience
as a competitive
advantage and
requirement in the
Formerly unaccustomed
to thinking in customer
experience terms that
are more associated with
a commercial market as
opposed to healthcare today
the discipline of patient
experience is being taken
seriously as a data driven
area of focus, headed in
many cases by a Chief
Patient Experience Officer
empowered to make choices
and drive forward projects
from end-to-end designed
to improve a range of patient
experience metrics.
Automated patient
experience is about
engaging a patient
in their own care,
gathering data
for improvement,
and developing
channels that
bridge the gaps
that would
normally exist in
a patient-provider
Aside from the obvious
desire to provide great
outcomes and a positive
experience for patients,
automated healthcare
solutions can also
drive improvements in
the holistic healthcare
experience by allowing
formerly transactional and
episodic care standards to
be replaced by constant
healthcare data
is more valuable
than ever, and now
the number of
touchpoints where it
can be collected are
more numerous than
they have ever been.
In the smart-phone era,
itā€™s become much easier
to reliably capture PGHD
thanks to a proliferation of
developing technologies.
Along with this proliferation
of opportunities, a new
emphasis on effectively
gathering and utilizing this
data is becoming critically
This is a very exciting time in the evolution of the
provider-patient relationship. Healthcare is transitioning
from a paternalistic, one-size fits all system based on
episodic in-person visits to one which is personalized
and embraces continuous virtual conversations that
incorporates valuable patient generated health data
(PGHD) into patient care. Conversational AI is enabling
this transition by automating patient engagement and
collecting PGHD for key initiatives, including population
health, care management, care coordination, transitions
of care, as well as patient acquisition, retention, and
satisfaction. Improving outcomes while bending the cost
curve is no longer a human-scale problem.
Murray Brozinsky, Chief Strategy Officer, Conversa
Research Analysis
The importance of exceptional patient experience
Do you have a Chief Patient Experience Officer, or
equivalent title within your organization?
What reimbursement model does your
organization utilize?
44% 58%44% 	Yes
56% 	No
58% 	Fee for
27% 	Value
15% 	Both
Improving the patient
experience has grown
as a focus for healthcare
providers exponentially
over the past several years,
thanks to an evolving
market and attitudes
about the importance
of customer retention.
Forty-four percent of
respondents have a C-level
Movements towards
value based care have
a part to play in the
greater emphasis
organizations are placing
on patient satisfaction and
experience. Currently, the
majority of respondents
are somewhere in between
a fee for service or value
based model, though
this has the potential to
change significantly over
the next several years. In
an environment where
satisfaction with a care
position dedicated
to advancing patient-
centric improvements.
Out of this group, 40%
report that role has only
existed for 2 or fewer
yearsā€”a sign of the
rapid recognition of just
how important patient
experience has become.
outcome can have a role
in defining the value of a
treatment, understanding
what factors lead to
patient satisfaction
is a critical concern.
Regardless of the model
in place, itā€™s important to
treat patient engagement
and experience as key
priorities. The use of
automated healthcare
solutions to improve
these metrics remains
highly relevant in both
44% of respondents have a C-Level position within
their organizations dedicated to bettering patient
The majority of organizations are in the midst of
transitioning from fee for service to value based care
We have learned that moving toward
value-based care and away from fee-for-
service directly ties to improved quality,
safety, and experience outcomes.
There is an enormous cultural shift
happening now, and patients are
informed consumers within a highly
complexĀ  continuum of care. With this
perspective, healthcare must redefine
what ā€œvalueā€ means to patients and
families and that begins by asking that
question to them first.Ā 
Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient
Experience Officer, Northwell Health
Research Analysis
Patient-generated health data as key to improving patient experience
What is your current ability to collect and utilize
patient-generated health data?
What type of patient-generated health data are
you gathering?
We are not able to collect
this data
We are just beginning to
collect this data
We are able to collect some
of this data, but we have
trouble integrating it with
our current systems
We are beginning to
integrate the data we
collect more efficiently
We are fully enabled to
collect and integrate PGHD
into our systems and act
on it to create an improved
Health history
Treatment history
Lifestyle/Social data
Symptoms data
Biometric data
The ability to collect and
act on patient-generated
healthcare data is
becoming a key barometer
of how far along healthcare
providers have come with
their patient experience
initiatives. This data can
provide insights on a
patientā€™s experiences and
attitudes beyond their time
at a care location, allowing
Alongside information
on health and treatment
histories, 59% of
respondents are now
collecting patient-
generated data on lifestyle
and social engagement.
This data can help bridge
the gaps between the
care experience that a
patient has in a treatment
center, and their continuing
convalescence outside of it.
the creation of a much
more complete picture of
the progression of their
treatment and overall
satisfaction. This in turn
leads to more positive
patient outcomes as
well as a wealth of
information that can be
used to further refine the
patient experience itself.
Symptoms and biometric
data are also key pieces
of information for gaining
a better appreciation of
how a course of care is
progressing, rounding
out a picture of health
that is dynamic, as
opposed to fixed and
periodically updated
during care visits.
Virtually all respondents have taken an interest in
collecting and utilizing patient-generated healthcare
data, and 49% are either finished with or in the process
of integrating PGHD to improve patient experience.
Lifestyle and social, symptoms, and biometric data are
all increasingly sought out types patient-generated
health data.
What we have found with the use of
technology within our model is that
we can drive efficiency if we automate
transactional interactions. That allows
us to invest more deeply in the human
contact that occurs with relational
Transactional interactions are often
things that are simple like data gathering,
changing demographics, or connecting
patient-generated health data. That
needs to be balanced. The efficiencies
gained by automating in a scalable way
should be supplemented with deeper
human interaction for those who need it.
Youā€™ve got everything from providers,
health care teams, health coaches,
care managers, dietitians, and nurses
connecting with patients. Really having
the time to spend with the patients is
important because the automated parts
have taken away the burden of these
simple transactional steps.
Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical
Director, Primary Care Innovation and
Proactive Health, Atrium Health
Research Analysis
Current methods for collecting and acting on patient-generated healthcare data
How are you collecting patient-generated
health data?
How often are you utilizing patient-generated health
data into your patient engagement initiatives?
Not only are healthcare
providers seeking to
gather more and do more
with patient-generated
healthcare data, they are
increasingly turning to
mobile and device based
techniques that can help
to supplement a more
traditional portal and
phone-based approach.
Just over one-in-four
respondents are collecting
data through a patient
mobile app, while 17% are
providing clinical wearable
devices to monitor patient
progress at home. One-
in-ten respondents have
One of the significant
benefits of utilizing patient-
generated health data
in patient engagement
initiatives is the ability to
gain regular updates from
patients on their progress,
adherence to treatment
plans, and ongoing status
around new symptoms or
complications. Another
advantage that comes from
having this data is that it
can be used as a means to
drive patient engagement
by providing them with a
even integrated feedback
from fitness devices into
their patient-generated
data collections, gaining
an important real-time
source of information
on patient health such
as heart rate and daily
step count. These
diverse touchpoints
provide more insight on
a patientā€™s health, and
they are an open door
to create highly effective
engagement with a
patient during the course
of their care experience.
source of insights about
their own health without
needing to visit at their
primary care site. Taken a
step further, automated
healthcare solutions
can use this patient-
generated healthcare
data to trigger reminders,
ask further questions,
or flag a negative
development, bringing
the engagement potential
that PGHD provides onto
a whole other level of
While patient portals and direct telephone conversations
are still the most common methods for collecting
patient-generated health data, apps and wearable
devices are starting to become much more common
sources among more advanced respondents.
Nearly a quarter of respondents are using patient-
generated health data to boost their patient
engagement initiatives on a daily basis, with another
21% using it roughly each month.
Patient-generated healthcare is part of our evolution
from a provider-centric culture to a patient-
centric culture because it takes us away from the
paternalistic medical model. When information
is all provider-generated, the dialogue can seem
one-sided. ā€œWe have all your information, we know
what is best for you, and this is what weā€™re going
to track about you as a patient.ā€ When seeking
patient-generated health data, you get deeper into
what matters to the patient and what is important to
them as theyā€™re navigating their health. You get more
insight into the human being, and somewhere in
the middle, weā€™re able to deliver the best outcomes
and the best experiences because we are together
working on the care.
If we think about the amount of data that we capture
and track about a patient that gets put in their
medical record or in other systems, itā€™s enormous.
But what do we know about them as human beings?
Thatā€™s what we get from the patient. We learn what is
important to them, what their hobbies are, what their
likes and dislikes are, what their family life is like. All
of those are very important things to consider on a
health journey.
Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient Experience
Officer, Northwell Health
Patient portal entry
Telephone calls with
Patient app
Clinical device/Wearable
Fitness device/Wearable
Interview based assesment
As needed
Merging patient-generated health data collection
and engagement through automated healthcare
Are you interested in the use of automated healthcare / AI solutions for
improving continuous care experiences for your patients?
Automated healthcare and AI solutions are trending technologies, and have the
majority of healthcare providers interested.
The first major benefit of patient-generated health data is
patients gaining personal insights to better help themselves.
The second is that when you start allowing them to share
that data in meaningful ways with their care provider or care
team, there is now an opportunity to weave that into their
care plan and care management.
The gathering of the data is woven into the fabric of the
patientsā€™ lives, and the collection and communication of
the data is woven into the care model. You can then apply
data science and intelligence in a way that allows all parties
involved to gain more in a more scalable and efficient way.
The patient-generated data collection that we have today
takes the form of surveys, mobile apps, and digital devices.
As we evolve into complete precision medicine models with
genomic data alongside those things, we start to have a
really informed, personalized, or at least a mass customized
approach to healthcare that is scalable. Thatā€™s a powerful
lever, and weā€™re only starting to scratch the surface.
Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical Director,
Primary Care Innovation and Proactive Health,
Atrium Health
Research Analysis
Data collection and
patient engagement are
both critical focus areas
for healthcare leaders,
and today emerging
technologies are making
it easier for them to fulfill
both of these needs at the
same time. Automated
healthcare solutions that
allow patients to engage
directly with an artificially
intelligent interface help
support a higher standard
of continuous care by
prompting patients to self-
report on their progress,
and follow up with them to
boost their engagement.
With so many respondents
valuing the benefits of
automated healthcare
enough to assign it top
priority among their patient
experience initiatives, the
range of potential benefits
need to be both broad and
74% 	Interested
26% Uninterested
Research Analysis
Automated healthcareā€™s benefits are wide-ranging and
strongly felt
Elements to be particularly
attentive to include:
ā€¢	 72% of respondents
perceive major benefits
around patient loyalty
and retention, as the
concept of loyalty
strategy is a fairly new
one in the context of
healthcare providers.
ā€¢	 The development of
communication reach
is a benefit to 82% of
respondents. Building
an efficient and reliable
means to communicate
to patients is the
cornerstone of any
engagement and
retention strategy,
making this a
particularly strong
point in favor of
automated healthcare.
ā€¢	 Respondents feel that
automated healthcare
will provide a significant
boost in patient
engagement in their
own care, another vital
metric that influences
all aspects of a patient
experience strategy.
ā€¢	 Patient-generated
healthcare data collection
and population health
management are both
considered to be benefits
by the majority of
respondents as well. This
makes sense, considering
that managing the needs
of individuals within a
care population can be
synergistically supported
by up-to-date and
relevant information that
is consistently available.
Helping the Patient Engage in Their Own Care
Patient Satisfaction
Care Coordination Between Care Team and Patient
Patient Generated Health Data Collection
Efficient Communication
Population Health Management
Patient Loyalty / Retention
I like to look at other industries and
what they have done to engage their
customers. They have retrained the
consumer in how to interact with the
business in a very short period of time.
Whatā€™s important today is time
convenience. I like that I can make my
airline reservation on my phone and
check in on the same device. I donā€™t
have to have someone assign my seat,
I can do that myself on the app. I can
walk right onto the plane.
Weā€™re at that point in healthcare where
we still have expectations to make the call
to a call center, go somewhere to check
in, and fill information out on a clipboard.
All of this can be automated from the
follow up through reminders to automated
accommodations with the patient.
The streamlined customer journey
is something that as an industry, we
can learn a lot from. We can retrain
ourselves and our patients to expect
this level of convenience.
Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient
Experience Officer, Northwell
Respondents selected all the benefits they see from
automated healthcare.
Research Analysis
Patient Care Management Marketing  Patient Experience
Post Acute Acquisition
Pre  Post Surgical Nurture  Retention
Chronic Care Brand Experience
Lifestyle  Wellness Make and Appointment
Personalized Education Web Site  Call Center Chat
PsychoSocial Find a Doctor
ā€¢	 Manages Key Populations
ā€¢	 Automates Outreach and Monitoring
ā€¢	 Optimizes Pre/Post Surgical Care
ā€¢	 Efficient Care Coordination
ā€¢	 Decreases Readmissions
ā€¢	 Improves Patient Engagement
ā€¢	 Increases Patient Satisfcation
ā€¢	 Improves Patient Response and Access
ā€¢	 Efficient CRM and Mass Personalization
ā€¢	 Generates Incremental Patient Visits
ā€¢	 Patient Retention/Loyalty
ā€¢	 Optimizes Call Center Operations
ā€¢	 Increases Patient Satisfaction
ā€¢	 Streamlines Operations and Relationship
I would argue that the increased financial
responsibility that consumers have for their own
care (primary care, in particular) drives the value
of continuous, collaborative, conversational
care as it relates to consumers, even before
the healthcare economy fully shifts to value.
Consumers are seeking value in ways that weā€™re
not prepared to deliver today.
One area of focus needs to be how to make
healthcare interactions a lot more consumer-
friendly. Government and commercial payers
are starting to make it a little easier and more
rewarding to deliver on continuous collaborative
care in support of a value-based model. There
were Remote Patient Monitoring reimbursement
changes that occurred late last year that are
going to help investments in technology and
in the process around interacting with people
outside facility encounters. This will help to
promote the idea of continuous, collaborative,
connected care.
Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical
Director, Primary Care Innovation and
Proactive Health, Atrium Health
Automated Patient Engagement Uses  Value
Research Analysis
Automated healthcareā€™s role in changing standards of care
What is the time frame within which your
organization plans to adoptĀ automated
healthcare solutions?
Do you think automated healthcare will help close
gaps in current standards of care?
Healthcare executives are
picking up the pace, and
over half of them will have
integrated automated
healthcare solutions by the
end of the next 12 months.
For 98% of respondents,
automated healthcare is
one of the key pieces of
technology they believe will
help healthcare providers
fully transition away from
a care standard that
assumes that care occurs
in a treatment center,
to one based around
continuous care supported
by technology that allows
for constant engagement
with patient populations,
improving their outcomes
and satisfaction. In the
ever-more patient-centric
This has significant
implications around the
direction of automated
healthcare solutions as a
competitive advantage.
healthcare industry,
concepts such as
retention, omnichannel
engagement, and the
integration of customer
feedback into formal
strategies are becoming
incredibly important.
Healthcare executives
adopting automated
healthcare are
increasingly able to
deliver patient-centric
improvements, and
explore cutting edge
tools to assist them in
their missions.
The pace of integrating automated healthcare is
moving quickly
Automated healthcare is set to play a critical role in
the transitioning of healthcare away from episodic
transactional care, toward a continuous and collaborative
care standard that transcends the on-site environment.
We are
We are in
the midst
of rolling
out newly
We are
on rolling
these out in
the next
6 months
We are
on rolling
these out in
the next 12
We are
on rolling
these out in
the next 13-
24 months
10% 11% 10%
Within the next 24 months, 79% of healthcare
providers will roll out automated healthcare
solutions to keep pace with their peers
Healthcare is slow to adapt to some
changes due to the inherent complexities
in the industry. However, we absolutely
need to move in the direction of a
continuous care experience because it is
demanded by the world we live in now.
Listening to the voices of our patients
and caregivers is important because their
voices become bigger and bigger.
We need better data and we need patients
in our processes. All of those things are
very important. Within the next 12 months,
I would say healthcare leaders should
absolutely be working on this particularly
as the industry moves slowly.
Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient
Experience Officer, Northwell Health
Key Recommendations
Take the time to
build out a patient
engagement strategy
that goes beyond the
primary care site
Patient experience initiatives
are increasingly being
framed around loyalty and
retention, which means
that the patient experience
cannot be thought of as
being confined to the
amount of time that a
patient is at a hospital or
treatment center. Healthcare
executives must account
for the full care cycle in
their strategies, including
time that patients would
traditionally have only
limited touchpoints to their
care provider relationships.
Lean in to patient-
healthcare data
by enhancing your
collection methods
As patient experience and
engagement initiatives
are rolled out and fine
tuned, patient-generated
healthcare data is one
of the major resources
that can be used to gain
insightful metrics into
their performance and
ensure a high standard
of care. Thanks to a
proliferation of channels
and technologies that
patients can use to stay in
touch with care providers,
healthcare data is more
readily available than
ever and more valuable
in the context of urgent
development in response
to changing care models.
Itā€™s no longer sufficient to
simply provide a patient
portal, in a world where
mobile and dynamic
resources are becoming
increasingly common.
Consider the
potential of
healthcare for
bridging key gaps in
patient experience
and engagement
with their care.
There are wide-ranging
benefits to automated
healthcare adoption;
in particular, 72% of
respondents believe
that they can gain strong
benefits to their patient
retention through
implementing automated
healthcare tools that
can lead a conversation
with a patient on their
treatment progression
and status to enrich
their care experience.
The benefits to patient
engagement in their own
care are also significant,
with 87% of respondents
predicting automated
healthcare will bring
significant improvements.
Given the belief in
benefits and interest
healthcare providers are
demonstrating, it makes
sense to integrate these
solutions in the near-term.
We have been using automated
technology and it has exceeded
my expectations. It has enabled
us to engage with our patients
in a way thatā€™s convenient for
them, and gives us the kind of
information we need to help them
manage their lives.
Margaret Sabin, Chief Executive Officer,
Penrose-St. Francis Health Services,
Centura Health
Demographic Information
What is your job function? What is your industry?Ā 
The results analyzed in this report were
gathered from responses to a digital and
on-site benchmarking survey delivered
to healthcare executives (128 executives
responded to the survey). Interviews with
sources were conducted after survey data
was compiled, and centered on discussion
of benchmark results. The views expressed
by the contributors in this paper are their
own, and not representative of the official
views of their organizations.
46% 77%
46% 	Patient experience
21% 	 Operations
12% 	Clinical
5% 	 Marketing
4% 	 Other
3% 	 Strategy
3% 	All of the above
2% 	 Technology
2% 	 Compliance
2% 	Quality and safety
77% 	Hospitals/
	 Health Systems
6% 	 Other
5% 	 Physician Offices
3% 	 Consulting
2% 	Home Healthcare
2% 	 Behaviour Health
2% 	 Manufacturer
1% 	 Pharmaceuticals
1% 	 Wellness
1% 	Reference
As healthcareā€™s conversation platform, Conversa delivers
an easy and meaningful way for care teams and patients
to communicate. Conversa has an extensive library of over
330 clinically-intelligent conversation programs that include
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetes, hypertension, joint
replacement, and many more. Recently Juniper Research
stated that ā€œConversa is the type of company that, through
their presence in the market and the kind of product they
offer, have the potential to reshape the whole digital health
sector. They are an AI company disrupting healthcare
in a big way.ā€ Using Conversaā€™s innovative and scalable
Conversational AI technology, healthcare organizations can
deliver automated, personalized doctor-patient conversation
experiences that lead to more informed and meaningful
patient relationships, effective population management and,
ultimately, better clinical and financial outcomes. For more
information, visit
Worldwide Business Research
(WBR) is one of the worldā€™s leading
providers of strategic business
intelligence. With 16 offices
worldwide, it focuses on analyzing
key sectors that include Retail,
Healthcare, Logistics, Automotive
and Finance. WBR Insights is a
connected a team of researchers and
writers who are passionate about
creating exceptional custom content.
To learn more about their work
around the Next Generation Patient
Experience visit patientexperience.

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Automating the Patient Experience

  • 1. Healthcare 2020 How Automated Patient Experiences Will Transform the Landscape
  • 2. 2 Executive Summary Today, healthcare providers are working hard to advance the holistic experience of their patients, both through concepts formerly linked most prominently with customer service in the B2C sphere such as retention and loyalty, as well as in the improvement of healthcare outcomes and provision of touchpoints for gathering more useful patient-generated healthcare data. One of their key areas of focus is bridging the gaps in the patient experience that occur in between visits to a primary care center. When a patient is provided with limited options to engage with their provider, provide feedback or seek information on their care, not only is there a risk of a patient becoming unsatisfied with their experience, but they may become unengaged with their care to the point that it can negatively affect their chances of a positive outcome. Automated healthcare promises to bridge these gaps in the care experience by providing artificially intelligent assistance to the patient that is available when they need it. By dramatically extending the ability of a healthcare provider to reach and engage with their patients while simultaneously gathering important patient- generated healthcare data that can inform them on the progress of their care, automated healthcare is one of the key trends that patient experience executives believe will help them to change the paradigm of care, from transactional and episodic, to continuous and collaborative. Table of Contents Executive Summary.................................................................................2 Key Findings................................................................................................3 Research Findings The importance of exceptional patient experience.........................4 Patient-generated health data as key to improving patient experience.........................................................5 Current methods for collecting and acting on patient-generated healthcare data................................................6 Merging patient-generated health data collection and engagement through automated healthcare............................7 Automated healthcareā€™s benefits are wide-ranging and strongly felt.............................................................8 Automated Patient Engagement Uses & Value.......................................................................................................9 Automated healthcareā€™s role in changing standards of care.......10 Key Recommendations.........................................................................11 Appendices.................................................................................. 12 Appendix A: Methodology........................................................... 12 Appendix B: Demographic Information........................................ 12 Conversa Health......................................................................... 12 WBR Insights............................................................................... 12
  • 3. 3 Key Findings As the healthcare industry becomes more impacted by the empowerment of patient choice, healthcare providers are increasingly awakening to the importance of patient experience as a competitive advantage and requirement in the marketplace. Formerly unaccustomed to thinking in customer experience terms that are more associated with a commercial market as opposed to healthcare today the discipline of patient experience is being taken seriously as a data driven area of focus, headed in many cases by a Chief Patient Experience Officer empowered to make choices and drive forward projects from end-to-end designed to improve a range of patient experience metrics. Automated patient experience is about engaging a patient in their own care, gathering data for improvement, and developing channels that bridge the gaps that would normally exist in a patient-provider relationship. Aside from the obvious desire to provide great outcomes and a positive experience for patients, automated healthcare solutions can also drive improvements in the holistic healthcare experience by allowing formerly transactional and episodic care standards to be replaced by constant engagement. Patient-generated healthcare data is more valuable than ever, and now the number of touchpoints where it can be collected are more numerous than they have ever been. In the smart-phone era, itā€™s become much easier to reliably capture PGHD thanks to a proliferation of developing technologies. Along with this proliferation of opportunities, a new emphasis on effectively gathering and utilizing this data is becoming critically important. This is a very exciting time in the evolution of the provider-patient relationship. Healthcare is transitioning from a paternalistic, one-size fits all system based on episodic in-person visits to one which is personalized and embraces continuous virtual conversations that incorporates valuable patient generated health data (PGHD) into patient care. Conversational AI is enabling this transition by automating patient engagement and collecting PGHD for key initiatives, including population health, care management, care coordination, transitions of care, as well as patient acquisition, retention, and satisfaction. Improving outcomes while bending the cost curve is no longer a human-scale problem. Murray Brozinsky, Chief Strategy Officer, Conversa
  • 4. 4 Research Analysis The importance of exceptional patient experience Do you have a Chief Patient Experience Officer, or equivalent title within your organization? What reimbursement model does your organization utilize? 44% 58%44% Yes 56% No 58% Fee for service 27% Value based 15% Both Improving the patient experience has grown as a focus for healthcare providers exponentially over the past several years, thanks to an evolving market and attitudes about the importance of customer retention. Forty-four percent of respondents have a C-level Movements towards value based care have a part to play in the greater emphasis organizations are placing on patient satisfaction and experience. Currently, the majority of respondents are somewhere in between a fee for service or value based model, though this has the potential to change significantly over the next several years. In an environment where satisfaction with a care position dedicated to advancing patient- centric improvements. Out of this group, 40% report that role has only existed for 2 or fewer yearsā€”a sign of the rapid recognition of just how important patient experience has become. outcome can have a role in defining the value of a treatment, understanding what factors lead to patient satisfaction is a critical concern. Regardless of the model in place, itā€™s important to treat patient engagement and experience as key priorities. The use of automated healthcare solutions to improve these metrics remains highly relevant in both environments. 44% of respondents have a C-Level position within their organizations dedicated to bettering patient experience. The majority of organizations are in the midst of transitioning from fee for service to value based care models. We have learned that moving toward value-based care and away from fee-for- service directly ties to improved quality, safety, and experience outcomes. There is an enormous cultural shift happening now, and patients are informed consumers within a highly complexĀ  continuum of care. With this perspective, healthcare must redefine what ā€œvalueā€ means to patients and families and that begins by asking that question to them first.Ā  Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient Experience Officer, Northwell Health
  • 5. 5 Research Analysis Patient-generated health data as key to improving patient experience What is your current ability to collect and utilize patient-generated health data? What type of patient-generated health data are you gathering? We are not able to collect this data We are just beginning to collect this data We are able to collect some of this data, but we have trouble integrating it with our current systems We are beginning to integrate the data we collect more efficiently We are fully enabled to collect and integrate PGHD into our systems and act on it to create an improved experience Health history Treatment history Lifestyle/Social data Symptoms data Biometric data CAHPS Other Demographics The ability to collect and act on patient-generated healthcare data is becoming a key barometer of how far along healthcare providers have come with their patient experience initiatives. This data can provide insights on a patientā€™s experiences and attitudes beyond their time at a care location, allowing Alongside information on health and treatment histories, 59% of respondents are now collecting patient- generated data on lifestyle and social engagement. This data can help bridge the gaps between the care experience that a patient has in a treatment center, and their continuing convalescence outside of it. the creation of a much more complete picture of the progression of their treatment and overall satisfaction. This in turn leads to more positive patient outcomes as well as a wealth of information that can be used to further refine the patient experience itself. Symptoms and biometric data are also key pieces of information for gaining a better appreciation of how a course of care is progressing, rounding out a picture of health that is dynamic, as opposed to fixed and periodically updated during care visits. Virtually all respondents have taken an interest in collecting and utilizing patient-generated healthcare data, and 49% are either finished with or in the process of integrating PGHD to improve patient experience. Lifestyle and social, symptoms, and biometric data are all increasingly sought out types patient-generated health data. 9% 73% 64% 59% 52% 32% 6% 4% 2% 14% 28% 30% 19% What we have found with the use of technology within our model is that we can drive efficiency if we automate transactional interactions. That allows us to invest more deeply in the human contact that occurs with relational interactions. Transactional interactions are often things that are simple like data gathering, changing demographics, or connecting patient-generated health data. That needs to be balanced. The efficiencies gained by automating in a scalable way should be supplemented with deeper human interaction for those who need it. Youā€™ve got everything from providers, health care teams, health coaches, care managers, dietitians, and nurses connecting with patients. Really having the time to spend with the patients is important because the automated parts have taken away the burden of these simple transactional steps. Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical Director, Primary Care Innovation and Proactive Health, Atrium Health
  • 6. 6 Research Analysis Current methods for collecting and acting on patient-generated healthcare data How are you collecting patient-generated health data? How often are you utilizing patient-generated health data into your patient engagement initiatives? Not only are healthcare providers seeking to gather more and do more with patient-generated healthcare data, they are increasingly turning to mobile and device based techniques that can help to supplement a more traditional portal and phone-based approach. Just over one-in-four respondents are collecting data through a patient mobile app, while 17% are providing clinical wearable devices to monitor patient progress at home. One- in-ten respondents have One of the significant benefits of utilizing patient- generated health data in patient engagement initiatives is the ability to gain regular updates from patients on their progress, adherence to treatment plans, and ongoing status around new symptoms or complications. Another advantage that comes from having this data is that it can be used as a means to drive patient engagement by providing them with a even integrated feedback from fitness devices into their patient-generated data collections, gaining an important real-time source of information on patient health such as heart rate and daily step count. These diverse touchpoints provide more insight on a patientā€™s health, and they are an open door to create highly effective engagement with a patient during the course of their care experience. source of insights about their own health without needing to visit at their primary care site. Taken a step further, automated healthcare solutions can use this patient- generated healthcare data to trigger reminders, ask further questions, or flag a negative development, bringing the engagement potential that PGHD provides onto a whole other level of interactivity. While patient portals and direct telephone conversations are still the most common methods for collecting patient-generated health data, apps and wearable devices are starting to become much more common sources among more advanced respondents. Nearly a quarter of respondents are using patient- generated health data to boost their patient engagement initiatives on a daily basis, with another 21% using it roughly each month. Patient-generated healthcare is part of our evolution from a provider-centric culture to a patient- centric culture because it takes us away from the paternalistic medical model. When information is all provider-generated, the dialogue can seem one-sided. ā€œWe have all your information, we know what is best for you, and this is what weā€™re going to track about you as a patient.ā€ When seeking patient-generated health data, you get deeper into what matters to the patient and what is important to them as theyā€™re navigating their health. You get more insight into the human being, and somewhere in the middle, weā€™re able to deliver the best outcomes and the best experiences because we are together working on the care. If we think about the amount of data that we capture and track about a patient that gets put in their medical record or in other systems, itā€™s enormous. But what do we know about them as human beings? Thatā€™s what we get from the patient. We learn what is important to them, what their hobbies are, what their likes and dislikes are, what their family life is like. All of those are very important things to consider on a health journey. Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient Experience Officer, Northwell Health Patient portal entry Telephone calls with patients Patient app Clinical device/Wearable Fitness device/Wearable Interview based assesment EMR Other Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Never As needed Other 66% 53% 27% 17% 10% 6% 6% 4% 23% 6% 21% 31% 9% 6% 4%
  • 7. 7 Merging patient-generated health data collection and engagement through automated healthcare Are you interested in the use of automated healthcare / AI solutions for improving continuous care experiences for your patients? Automated healthcare and AI solutions are trending technologies, and have the majority of healthcare providers interested. The first major benefit of patient-generated health data is patients gaining personal insights to better help themselves. The second is that when you start allowing them to share that data in meaningful ways with their care provider or care team, there is now an opportunity to weave that into their care plan and care management. The gathering of the data is woven into the fabric of the patientsā€™ lives, and the collection and communication of the data is woven into the care model. You can then apply data science and intelligence in a way that allows all parties involved to gain more in a more scalable and efficient way. The patient-generated data collection that we have today takes the form of surveys, mobile apps, and digital devices. As we evolve into complete precision medicine models with genomic data alongside those things, we start to have a really informed, personalized, or at least a mass customized approach to healthcare that is scalable. Thatā€™s a powerful lever, and weā€™re only starting to scratch the surface. Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical Director, Primary Care Innovation and Proactive Health, Atrium Health Research Analysis Data collection and patient engagement are both critical focus areas for healthcare leaders, and today emerging technologies are making it easier for them to fulfill both of these needs at the same time. Automated healthcare solutions that allow patients to engage directly with an artificially intelligent interface help support a higher standard of continuous care by prompting patients to self- report on their progress, and follow up with them to boost their engagement. With so many respondents valuing the benefits of automated healthcare enough to assign it top priority among their patient experience initiatives, the range of potential benefits need to be both broad and reliable. 74% 74% Interested 26% Uninterested
  • 8. 8 Research Analysis Automated healthcareā€™s benefits are wide-ranging and strongly felt Elements to be particularly attentive to include: ā€¢ 72% of respondents perceive major benefits around patient loyalty and retention, as the concept of loyalty strategy is a fairly new one in the context of healthcare providers. ā€¢ The development of communication reach is a benefit to 82% of respondents. Building an efficient and reliable means to communicate to patients is the cornerstone of any engagement and retention strategy, making this a particularly strong point in favor of automated healthcare. ā€¢ Respondents feel that automated healthcare will provide a significant boost in patient engagement in their own care, another vital metric that influences all aspects of a patient experience strategy. ā€¢ Patient-generated healthcare data collection and population health management are both considered to be benefits by the majority of respondents as well. This makes sense, considering that managing the needs of individuals within a care population can be synergistically supported by up-to-date and relevant information that is consistently available. Helping the Patient Engage in Their Own Care Patient Satisfaction Care Coordination Between Care Team and Patient Patient Generated Health Data Collection Efficient Communication Population Health Management Patient Loyalty / Retention 87% 85% 84% 82% 82% 77% 72% I like to look at other industries and what they have done to engage their customers. They have retrained the consumer in how to interact with the business in a very short period of time. Whatā€™s important today is time convenience. I like that I can make my airline reservation on my phone and check in on the same device. I donā€™t have to have someone assign my seat, I can do that myself on the app. I can walk right onto the plane. Weā€™re at that point in healthcare where we still have expectations to make the call to a call center, go somewhere to check in, and fill information out on a clipboard. All of this can be automated from the follow up through reminders to automated accommodations with the patient. The streamlined customer journey is something that as an industry, we can learn a lot from. We can retrain ourselves and our patients to expect this level of convenience. Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient Experience Officer, Northwell Health Respondents selected all the benefits they see from automated healthcare.
  • 9. 9 Research Analysis 9 Patient Care Management Marketing Patient Experience Post Acute Acquisition Pre Post Surgical Nurture Retention Chronic Care Brand Experience Lifestyle Wellness Make and Appointment Personalized Education Web Site Call Center Chat PsychoSocial Find a Doctor ā€¢ Manages Key Populations ā€¢ Automates Outreach and Monitoring ā€¢ Optimizes Pre/Post Surgical Care ā€¢ Efficient Care Coordination ā€¢ Decreases Readmissions ā€¢ Improves Patient Engagement ā€¢ Increases Patient Satisfcation ā€¢ Improves Patient Response and Access ā€¢ Efficient CRM and Mass Personalization Reach ā€¢ Generates Incremental Patient Visits ā€¢ Patient Retention/Loyalty ā€¢ Optimizes Call Center Operations ā€¢ Increases Patient Satisfaction ā€¢ Streamlines Operations and Relationship Management I would argue that the increased financial responsibility that consumers have for their own care (primary care, in particular) drives the value of continuous, collaborative, conversational care as it relates to consumers, even before the healthcare economy fully shifts to value. Consumers are seeking value in ways that weā€™re not prepared to deliver today. One area of focus needs to be how to make healthcare interactions a lot more consumer- friendly. Government and commercial payers are starting to make it a little easier and more rewarding to deliver on continuous collaborative care in support of a value-based model. There were Remote Patient Monitoring reimbursement changes that occurred late last year that are going to help investments in technology and in the process around interacting with people outside facility encounters. This will help to promote the idea of continuous, collaborative, connected care. Gregory R. Weidner, MD FACP, Medical Director, Primary Care Innovation and Proactive Health, Atrium Health Automated Patient Engagement Uses Value
  • 10. 10 Research Analysis Automated healthcareā€™s role in changing standards of care What is the time frame within which your organization plans to adoptĀ automated healthcare solutions? Do you think automated healthcare will help close gaps in current standards of care? Healthcare executives are picking up the pace, and over half of them will have integrated automated healthcare solutions by the end of the next 12 months. For 98% of respondents, automated healthcare is one of the key pieces of technology they believe will help healthcare providers fully transition away from a care standard that assumes that care occurs in a treatment center, to one based around continuous care supported by technology that allows for constant engagement with patient populations, improving their outcomes and satisfaction. In the ever-more patient-centric This has significant implications around the direction of automated healthcare solutions as a competitive advantage. healthcare industry, concepts such as retention, omnichannel engagement, and the integration of customer feedback into formal strategies are becoming incredibly important. Healthcare executives adopting automated healthcare are increasingly able to deliver patient-centric improvements, and explore cutting edge tools to assist them in their missions. The pace of integrating automated healthcare is moving quickly Automated healthcare is set to play a critical role in the transitioning of healthcare away from episodic transactional care, toward a continuous and collaborative care standard that transcends the on-site environment. 98% We are already using these solutions We are in the midst of rolling out newly acquired solutions We are planning on rolling these out in the next 6 months We are planning on rolling these out in the next 12 months We are planning on rolling these out in the next 13- 24 months 10% 11% 10% 25% 44% Within the next 24 months, 79% of healthcare providers will roll out automated healthcare solutions to keep pace with their peers Healthcare is slow to adapt to some changes due to the inherent complexities in the industry. However, we absolutely need to move in the direction of a continuous care experience because it is demanded by the world we live in now. Listening to the voices of our patients and caregivers is important because their voices become bigger and bigger. We need better data and we need patients in our processes. All of those things are very important. Within the next 12 months, I would say healthcare leaders should absolutely be working on this particularly as the industry moves slowly. Sven Gierlinger, Chief Patient Experience Officer, Northwell Health
  • 11. 11 Key Recommendations Take the time to build out a patient engagement strategy that goes beyond the primary care site Patient experience initiatives are increasingly being framed around loyalty and retention, which means that the patient experience cannot be thought of as being confined to the amount of time that a patient is at a hospital or treatment center. Healthcare executives must account for the full care cycle in their strategies, including time that patients would traditionally have only limited touchpoints to their care provider relationships. Lean in to patient- generated healthcare data by enhancing your collection methods As patient experience and engagement initiatives are rolled out and fine tuned, patient-generated healthcare data is one of the major resources that can be used to gain insightful metrics into their performance and ensure a high standard of care. Thanks to a proliferation of channels and technologies that patients can use to stay in touch with care providers, patient-generated healthcare data is more readily available than ever and more valuable in the context of urgent development in response to changing care models. Itā€™s no longer sufficient to simply provide a patient portal, in a world where mobile and dynamic resources are becoming increasingly common. Consider the potential of automated healthcare for bridging key gaps in patient experience and engagement with their care. There are wide-ranging benefits to automated healthcare adoption; in particular, 72% of respondents believe that they can gain strong benefits to their patient retention through implementing automated healthcare tools that can lead a conversation with a patient on their treatment progression and status to enrich their care experience. The benefits to patient engagement in their own care are also significant, with 87% of respondents predicting automated healthcare will bring significant improvements. Given the belief in benefits and interest healthcare providers are demonstrating, it makes sense to integrate these solutions in the near-term. 11 We have been using automated technology and it has exceeded my expectations. It has enabled us to engage with our patients in a way thatā€™s convenient for them, and gives us the kind of information we need to help them manage their lives. Margaret Sabin, Chief Executive Officer, Penrose-St. Francis Health Services, Centura Health
  • 12. 12 Appendices Demographic Information Methodology What is your job function? What is your industry?Ā  The results analyzed in this report were gathered from responses to a digital and on-site benchmarking survey delivered to healthcare executives (128 executives responded to the survey). Interviews with sources were conducted after survey data was compiled, and centered on discussion of benchmark results. The views expressed by the contributors in this paper are their own, and not representative of the official views of their organizations. 46% 77% 46% Patient experience 21% Operations 12% Clinical 5% Marketing 4% Other 3% Strategy 3% All of the above 2% Technology 2% Compliance 2% Quality and safety oversight 77% Hospitals/ Health Systems 6% Other 5% Physician Offices 3% Consulting 2% Home Healthcare Services 2% Behaviour Health 2% Manufacturer 1% Pharmaceuticals 1% Wellness 1% Reference Laboratory As healthcareā€™s conversation platform, Conversa delivers an easy and meaningful way for care teams and patients to communicate. Conversa has an extensive library of over 330 clinically-intelligent conversation programs that include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetes, hypertension, joint replacement, and many more. Recently Juniper Research stated that ā€œConversa is the type of company that, through their presence in the market and the kind of product they offer, have the potential to reshape the whole digital health sector. They are an AI company disrupting healthcare in a big way.ā€ Using Conversaā€™s innovative and scalable Conversational AI technology, healthcare organizations can deliver automated, personalized doctor-patient conversation experiences that lead to more informed and meaningful patient relationships, effective population management and, ultimately, better clinical and financial outcomes. For more information, visit Worldwide Business Research (WBR) is one of the worldā€™s leading providers of strategic business intelligence. With 16 offices worldwide, it focuses on analyzing key sectors that include Retail, Healthcare, Logistics, Automotive and Finance. WBR Insights is a connected a team of researchers and writers who are passionate about creating exceptional custom content. To learn more about their work around the Next Generation Patient Experience visit patientexperience.