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1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Bunjee-Jumping off the the Victoria Falls bridge with a massive hangover and 20kg’s of excess
body weight.
2. Tell us something no one knows about you?
I failed statistics in first year university.
3. What keeps you motivated?
Watching my agents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly,
expanding my knowledge and skills through continuous growth in my Academic career
4. Which 3 items would you take to a desert island other than food, water and a swimming
Two really large cows, and a fishing rod. I am going to eat the cows then live on fish
5. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be?
Cookies and cream...hmmmmmmmm.
6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead
role as you?
Bradley Cooper.
7. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and what
would you call yourself?
My name would be HORMONE MAN and my super powers would enable me to manipulate, alter,
block, pause and redesign hormones.
8. What is your favourite way of relaxing or de-stressing?
Drawing and watching a really good movie.
Agent Close Up
9. What has been your biggest achievement at Pam Golding Properties?
Navigating this company through the economic recession.
10. Do you have a party trick?
I am the trick of the party!
11. Have you ever done something illegal?
Nope... I am a certified Nerd.
12. Who is your favourite actor?
Most definitely Julia Roberts.
13. What is the best thing about married life?
I am not single and I am not married but I am in a committed relationship and that’s the best thing.
14. Where do you buy your clothes?
My favourite place to buy clothes is at Woolworths because I love Trenery and Country Road
15. Do you think that you are a Master of your Art?
I believe that if I am the Master of my Destiny then my life will not be a repetitive march from the
cradle to the grave. Everything that I try my hand at or get involved in becomes a challenge that I
want to Master. That’s what gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
Our BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur Buzz
Welcome to iLEAD my Vision 2013. Over the next four months your primary and sole aim is to achieve the
goals that you set out for yourself during the month of July.Why are the next four months so important for
your real estate success? Simply put, these are the highest yielding real estate sales months of the year on
the East Rand. This is your unique chance on the real estate time line to really give your all, the resultant
success will be well worth it.
I would like to share some tips from some reputable literature that may help you get over a stock shortage
but first lets try and understand the East Rand market at this point in time. The East Rand market is
continuing to experience a housing demand that exceeds the supply of well priced homes. A shortage
of well priced homes on the market is often the reason for an increase of the average price of homes on
the market. Overall, price growth is great news as it illustrates a healthy property market recovery as well
increases consumer confidence in the market. In the short however, it may be enticing some homeowners
to play the waiting game with their properties, which may continue to add to the current stock shortage
in the area.
A stock shortage can also present us with many benefits: they help bump up the demand for homes in your
area, influence house prices back to healthy levels, and lower marketing time of homes on the market. I
believe some of the these benefits will start to show themselves over the next four months as you start to
pick up your stock levels.Whilst you are on your mission to acquire stock and reach your goals, I would like
to give you some pointers that you could focus on:
• Meet your competition at their level. In other words, don’t be scared to take on an “open” mandate
because you need to build a relationship with sellers and you need valuable showdays.
• Knock on “open” mandates and try to conduct as many valuations on them as you can.Ask the seller
if he knows any neighbours that are selling or want to come on the market.
• Remember to be confident enough to start getting your name into schools, book clubs, local charities
and generally in the face of your market.
• Overcome objections to an Exclusive Mandate by providing real solutions to the sellers needs.
• Plan canvassing days and try make them fun by inviting a colleague to canvass with you. You can
reciprocate by helping in their area.
• Dont be afraid to unsettle your competition, they are naturally intimidated by you, therefore unravel
them by knocking on doors and filling the area with boards on showdays.
• Wear your name badge, use your bumper sticker and generate some referrals.You never know where
a referral may lead you and what door it can open.
• Have fun, make each accomplishment know.Write me a mail every time you reach a goal. Ring a bell,
blow your horn, puff on a vuvuzela, pop a bottle of “champers” and remember to spread the news of
your accomplishments.
I hope you learn so much more about yourself and your true potential as you start the process of driving
toward your goals. You will most certainly feel a sense of achievement and a great feeling of satisfaction
when you reach your 100%. I am so excited for you and I am so excited to be a part of your vision. Thank
you for being a part of mine!
Marinda Wilde 3 August
Salim Dawood 5 August
Liz Francis 10 August
Happy Birthday
She hit the spotlight inThe Devil’sAdvocate,and won anAcademyAward for BestActress
for her role as a disturbed murderer in the 2003 film, Monster. She won a modelling
contract when she was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered
a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed Charlize’s alcoholic, abusive father when he
attacked both of them.
Charlize Theron
Benita Dos Ramos 14 August
Abert Roos 19 August
...She was 16, and
studied at the Joffrey
Ballet School until she
suffered a knee injury.
Her mother shot and
killed ...
succeed. Working on
my fitness, physique
and health everyday.
Lastly, expanding my
knowledge and skills
through ...
How can we help
YOU to realise YOUR
VISION and achieve
... If it is a cash sale,
the purchaser can
either pay the funds
Trust account by the
guarantee date or he
can elect to leave ...
... Well done to all
agents and staff that
participated in our
annual Walk The Talk
for Choc, which took
place on Sunday the
28th of July 2013...
Veshad Pooran
Operations Manager
When completing the Agreement of Sale always remember
1. If the agreement is subject to a bond, the guarantee date must be after the date for grant of the loan. The guarantee will
be issued by the Bank that granted the bond.
2. If the agreement is subject to the sale of a property by the Purchaser, the guarantee date must be after the date by which the
property has to be sold i.e., if they have 90 days to sell, they cannot supply guarantees within 60 days from date of acceptance.
The guarantee will be issued from the proceeds of the Purchaser’s property sold.
3. If it is a cash sale, the Purchaser can either pay the funds into the Conveyancer’s Trust account by the guarantee date or he
can elect to leave the funds with his Bank but has to arrange for his Bank to then supply a guarantee by the guarantee date.
Guarantees only pay out once the Bank has received confirmation of registration.
STELLA: 083 709 7364
011 425 4340
134 Pretoria Road
Rynfield, Benoni
Well done to all agents and
staff that participated in our
annual Walk The Talk for Choc,
which took place on Sunday the
28th of July was a lot of
fun and an overall success.
Hope to see you all there with
us next year!
GOAL SETTINGIs it Necessary ?
In the book,Alice in Wonderland,Alice reaches a crossroads in her journey and is not sure which way to go. She has a conversation with the Madhatter who is perched on
top of the crossroads sign.The conversation is as follows…
Alice: Which road should I take?
Madhatter : Well, where are you going to?
Alice: I don’t know.
Madhatter : Then it doesn’t matter which road you take then, does it.
We are taught, from an early age on , that unless you have a plan , destination , goal or some kind of direction.We are probable not going to achieve anything.
What is a Goal Setting?
In broad terms goal setting is the process of deciding on WHAT you want, planning. HOW to get it and working towards the objective (WHEN)
It is not wishing or dreaming but it is something that is progressively worked towards achieving it.
Why is It Important to Set Goals?
Because it is a great way to keep you on track and keep focused what needs to be accomplished.We get so caught up in everyday things that we forget.
The concept is very simple… If someone says to “try your best,” this does not motivate. But if someone quantifies the goal, to “sign an extra sole mandate or do an
additional show house “ for instance, doing so will provide a very specific motivation. With little children, to tell them to “eat their food” does little. To say “eat three
more bites” usually gets the child to eat, since the goal is quantified and easy to picture. The vague goal does not motivate because parameters have not been spelt out.
Motivation centres around conveying to an individual that he or she has control over the task.
Goals that are deemed difficult to achieve and specific tend to increase performance more than goals that are not.
Setting goals affects outcomes in 4 ways …
Goals narrow attention and direct efforts to goal-relevant activities, and away from perceived undesirable and goal-irrelevant actions.
Goals can lead to more effort; for example, if an agent typically acquires 4 Sole Mandates a month, and has the goal of acquiring 6, An agent may work more intensely
towards the goal than one would otherwise.
An agent becomes more prone to work through setbacks if pursuing a goal.
Goals can lead individuals to develop and change their behaviour. Our brains are problem-solving, goal-achieving machines and purpose can cause action.
Because it is a great way to keep you on track and keep focused what needs to be accomplished.We get so caught up in everyday things that we forget.
1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Bunjee-Jumping off the the Victoria Falls bridge with a massive hangover and 20kg’s of excess
body weight.
2. Tell us something no one knows about you?
I failed statistics in first year university.
3. What keeps you motivated?
Watching my agents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly,
expanding my knowledge and skills through continuous growth in my Academic career
4. Which 3 items would you take to a desert island other than food, water and a swimming
Two really large cows, and a fishing rod. I am going to eat the cows then live on fish
5. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be?
Cookies and cream...hmmmmmmmm.
6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead
role as you?
Bradley Cooper.
7. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and what
would you call yourself?
My name would be HORMONE MAN and my super powers would enable me to manipulate, alter,
block, pause and redesign hormones.
8. What is your favourite way of relaxing or de-stressing?
Drawing and watching a really good movie.
Agent Close Up
9. What has been your biggest achievement at Pam Golding Properties?
Navigating this company through the economic recession.
10. Do you have a party trick?
I am the trick of the party!
11. Have you ever done something illegal?
Nope... I am a certified Nerd.
12. Who is your favourite actor?
Most definitely Julia Roberts.
13. What is the best thing about married life?
I am not single and I am not married but I am in a committed relationship and that’s the best thing.
14. Where do you buy your clothes?
My favourite place to buy clothes is at Woolworths because I love Trenery and Country Road
15. Do you think that you are a Master of your Art?
I believe that if I am the Master of my Destiny then my life will not be a repetitive march from the
cradle to the grave. Everything that I try my hand at or get involved in becomes a challenge that I
want to Master. That’s what gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
Our BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur Buzz
Welcome to iLEAD my Vision 2013. Over the next four months your primary and sole aim is to achieve the
goals that you set out for yourself during the month of July.Why are the next four months so important for
your real estate success? Simply put, these are the highest yielding real estate sales months of the year on
the East Rand. This is your unique chance on the real estate time line to really give your all, the resultant
success will be well worth it.
I would like to share some tips from some reputable literature that may help you get over a stock shortage
but first lets try and understand the East Rand market at this point in time. The East Rand market is
continuing to experience a housing demand that exceeds the supply of well priced homes. A shortage
of well priced homes on the market is often the reason for an increase of the average price of homes on
the market. Overall, price growth is great news as it illustrates a healthy property market recovery as well
increases consumer confidence in the market. In the short however, it may be enticing some homeowners
to play the waiting game with their properties, which may continue to add to the current stock shortage
in the area.
A stock shortage can also present us with many benefits: they help bump up the demand for homes in your
area, influence house prices back to healthy levels, and lower marketing time of homes on the market. I
believe some of the these benefits will start to show themselves over the next four months as you start to
pick up your stock levels.Whilst you are on your mission to acquire stock and reach your goals, I would like
to give you some pointers that you could focus on:
• Meet your competition at their level. In other words, don’t be scared to take on an “open” mandate
because you need to build a relationship with sellers and you need valuable showdays.
• Knock on “open” mandates and try to conduct as many valuations on them as you can.Ask the seller
if he knows any neighbours that are selling or want to come on the market.
• Remember to be confident enough to start getting your name into schools, book clubs, local charities
and generally in the face of your market.
• Overcome objections to an Exclusive Mandate by providing real solutions to the sellers needs.
• Plan canvassing days and try make them fun by inviting a colleague to canvass with you. You can
reciprocate by helping in their area.
• Dont be afraid to unsettle your competition, they are naturally intimidated by you, therefore unravel
them by knocking on doors and filling the area with boards on showdays.
• Wear your name badge, use your bumper sticker and generate some referrals.You never know where
a referral may lead you and what door it can open.
• Have fun, make each accomplishment know.Write me a mail every time you reach a goal. Ring a bell,
blow your horn, puff on a vuvuzela, pop a bottle of “champers” and remember to spread the news of
your accomplishments.
I hope you learn so much more about yourself and your true potential as you start the process of driving
toward your goals. You will most certainly feel a sense of achievement and a great feeling of satisfaction
when you reach your 100%. I am so excited for you and I am so excited to be a part of your vision. Thank
you for being a part of mine!
Marinda Wilde 3 August
Salim Dawood 5 August
Liz Francis 10 August
Happy Birthday
She hit the spotlight inThe Devil’sAdvocate,and won anAcademyAward for BestActress
for her role as a disturbed murderer in the 2003 film, Monster. She won a modelling
contract when she was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered
a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed Charlize’s alcoholic, abusive father when he
attacked both of them.
Charlize Theron
Benita Dos Ramos 14 August
Abert Roos 19 August
...She was 16, and
studied at the Joffrey
Ballet School until she
suffered a knee injury.
Her mother shot and
killed ...
succeed. Working on
my fitness, physique
and health everyday.
Lastly, expanding my
knowledge and skills
through ...
How can we help
YOU to realise YOUR
VISION and achieve
... If it is a cash sale,
the purchaser can
either pay the funds
Trust account by the
guarantee date or he
can elect to leave ...
... Well done to all
agents and staff that
participated in our
annual Walk The Talk
for Choc, which took
place on Sunday the
28th of July 2013...

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  • 1. ContextContextContextContextContextContext 1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Bunjee-Jumping off the the Victoria Falls bridge with a massive hangover and 20kg’s of excess body weight. 2. Tell us something no one knows about you? I failed statistics in first year university. 3. What keeps you motivated? Watching my agents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly, expanding my knowledge and skills through continuous growth in my Academic career 4. Which 3 items would you take to a desert island other than food, water and a swimming trunk? Two really large cows, and a fishing rod. I am going to eat the cows then live on fish 5. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be? Cookies and cream...hmmmmmmmm. 6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you? Bradley Cooper. 7. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and what would you call yourself? My name would be HORMONE MAN and my super powers would enable me to manipulate, alter, block, pause and redesign hormones. 8. What is your favourite way of relaxing or de-stressing? Drawing and watching a really good movie. NELSON FERREIRA Agent Close Up 9. What has been your biggest achievement at Pam Golding Properties? Navigating this company through the economic recession. 10. Do you have a party trick? I am the trick of the party! 11. Have you ever done something illegal? Nope... I am a certified Nerd. 12. Who is your favourite actor? Most definitely Julia Roberts. 13. What is the best thing about married life? I am not single and I am not married but I am in a committed relationship and that’s the best thing. 14. Where do you buy your clothes? My favourite place to buy clothes is at Woolworths because I love Trenery and Country Road 15. Do you think that you are a Master of your Art? I believe that if I am the Master of my Destiny then my life will not be a repetitive march from the cradle to the grave. Everything that I try my hand at or get involved in becomes a challenge that I want to Master. That’s what gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Our BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur Buzz EASTRAND Welcome to iLEAD my Vision 2013. Over the next four months your primary and sole aim is to achieve the goals that you set out for yourself during the month of July.Why are the next four months so important for your real estate success? Simply put, these are the highest yielding real estate sales months of the year on the East Rand. This is your unique chance on the real estate time line to really give your all, the resultant success will be well worth it. I would like to share some tips from some reputable literature that may help you get over a stock shortage but first lets try and understand the East Rand market at this point in time. The East Rand market is continuing to experience a housing demand that exceeds the supply of well priced homes. A shortage of well priced homes on the market is often the reason for an increase of the average price of homes on the market. Overall, price growth is great news as it illustrates a healthy property market recovery as well increases consumer confidence in the market. In the short however, it may be enticing some homeowners to play the waiting game with their properties, which may continue to add to the current stock shortage in the area. A stock shortage can also present us with many benefits: they help bump up the demand for homes in your area, influence house prices back to healthy levels, and lower marketing time of homes on the market. I believe some of the these benefits will start to show themselves over the next four months as you start to pick up your stock levels.Whilst you are on your mission to acquire stock and reach your goals, I would like to give you some pointers that you could focus on: • Meet your competition at their level. In other words, don’t be scared to take on an “open” mandate because you need to build a relationship with sellers and you need valuable showdays. • Knock on “open” mandates and try to conduct as many valuations on them as you can.Ask the seller if he knows any neighbours that are selling or want to come on the market. • Remember to be confident enough to start getting your name into schools, book clubs, local charities and generally in the face of your market. • Overcome objections to an Exclusive Mandate by providing real solutions to the sellers needs. • Plan canvassing days and try make them fun by inviting a colleague to canvass with you. You can reciprocate by helping in their area. • Dont be afraid to unsettle your competition, they are naturally intimidated by you, therefore unravel them by knocking on doors and filling the area with boards on showdays. • Wear your name badge, use your bumper sticker and generate some referrals.You never know where a referral may lead you and what door it can open. • Have fun, make each accomplishment know.Write me a mail every time you reach a goal. Ring a bell, blow your horn, puff on a vuvuzela, pop a bottle of “champers” and remember to spread the news of your accomplishments. I hope you learn so much more about yourself and your true potential as you start the process of driving toward your goals. You will most certainly feel a sense of achievement and a great feeling of satisfaction when you reach your 100%. I am so excited for you and I am so excited to be a part of your vision. Thank you for being a part of mine! Marinda Wilde 3 August Salim Dawood 5 August Liz Francis 10 August Happy Birthday GETTING CLOSER TO YOUR GOALS BY OVERCOMING A STOCK SHORTAGE She hit the spotlight inThe Devil’sAdvocate,and won anAcademyAward for BestActress for her role as a disturbed murderer in the 2003 film, Monster. She won a modelling contract when she was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed Charlize’s alcoholic, abusive father when he attacked both of them. Charlize Theron Benita Dos Ramos 14 August Abert Roos 19 August ...She was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed ... ...Watchingmyagents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly, expanding my knowledge and skills through ... THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU How can we help YOU to realise YOUR VISION and achieve YOUR GOALS ... If it is a cash sale, the purchaser can either pay the funds intotheConveyancer’s Trust account by the guarantee date or he can elect to leave ... ... Well done to all agents and staff that participated in our annual Walk The Talk for Choc, which took place on Sunday the 28th of July 2013...
  • 2. Veshad Pooran Operations Manager When completing the Agreement of Sale always remember 1. If the agreement is subject to a bond, the guarantee date must be after the date for grant of the loan. The guarantee will be issued by the Bank that granted the bond. 2. If the agreement is subject to the sale of a property by the Purchaser, the guarantee date must be after the date by which the property has to be sold i.e., if they have 90 days to sell, they cannot supply guarantees within 60 days from date of acceptance. The guarantee will be issued from the proceeds of the Purchaser’s property sold. 3. If it is a cash sale, the Purchaser can either pay the funds into the Conveyancer’s Trust account by the guarantee date or he can elect to leave the funds with his Bank but has to arrange for his Bank to then supply a guarantee by the guarantee date. Guarantees only pay out once the Bank has received confirmation of registration. 24HOUR HOT LINE STELLA: 083 709 7364 011 425 4340 134 Pretoria Road Rynfield, Benoni THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU HOW CAN WE HELP YOU TO REALISE YOUR VISION AND ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS Well done to all agents and staff that participated in our annual Walk The Talk for Choc, which took place on Sunday the 28th of July was a lot of fun and an overall success. Hope to see you all there with us next year! GOAL SETTINGIs it Necessary ? In the book,Alice in Wonderland,Alice reaches a crossroads in her journey and is not sure which way to go. She has a conversation with the Madhatter who is perched on top of the crossroads sign.The conversation is as follows… Alice: Which road should I take? Madhatter : Well, where are you going to? Alice: I don’t know. Madhatter : Then it doesn’t matter which road you take then, does it. We are taught, from an early age on , that unless you have a plan , destination , goal or some kind of direction.We are probable not going to achieve anything. What is a Goal Setting? In broad terms goal setting is the process of deciding on WHAT you want, planning. HOW to get it and working towards the objective (WHEN) It is not wishing or dreaming but it is something that is progressively worked towards achieving it. Why is It Important to Set Goals? Because it is a great way to keep you on track and keep focused what needs to be accomplished.We get so caught up in everyday things that we forget. The concept is very simple… If someone says to “try your best,” this does not motivate. But if someone quantifies the goal, to “sign an extra sole mandate or do an additional show house “ for instance, doing so will provide a very specific motivation. With little children, to tell them to “eat their food” does little. To say “eat three more bites” usually gets the child to eat, since the goal is quantified and easy to picture. The vague goal does not motivate because parameters have not been spelt out. Motivation centres around conveying to an individual that he or she has control over the task. Goals that are deemed difficult to achieve and specific tend to increase performance more than goals that are not. Setting goals affects outcomes in 4 ways … 1.Choice: Goals narrow attention and direct efforts to goal-relevant activities, and away from perceived undesirable and goal-irrelevant actions. 2.Effort: Goals can lead to more effort; for example, if an agent typically acquires 4 Sole Mandates a month, and has the goal of acquiring 6, An agent may work more intensely towards the goal than one would otherwise. 3.Persistence: An agent becomes more prone to work through setbacks if pursuing a goal. 4.Cognition: Goals can lead individuals to develop and change their behaviour. Our brains are problem-solving, goal-achieving machines and purpose can cause action. THE WHOLE POINT OF GOAL SETTING IS TO FACILITATE SUCCESS. Because it is a great way to keep you on track and keep focused what needs to be accomplished.We get so caught up in everyday things that we forget.
  • 3. ContextContextContextContextContextContext 1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Bunjee-Jumping off the the Victoria Falls bridge with a massive hangover and 20kg’s of excess body weight. 2. Tell us something no one knows about you? I failed statistics in first year university. 3. What keeps you motivated? Watching my agents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly, expanding my knowledge and skills through continuous growth in my Academic career 4. Which 3 items would you take to a desert island other than food, water and a swimming trunk? Two really large cows, and a fishing rod. I am going to eat the cows then live on fish 5. If you were an ice cream flavour, what would you be? Cookies and cream...hmmmmmmmm. 6. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you? Bradley Cooper. 7. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and what would you call yourself? My name would be HORMONE MAN and my super powers would enable me to manipulate, alter, block, pause and redesign hormones. 8. What is your favourite way of relaxing or de-stressing? Drawing and watching a really good movie. NELSON FERREIRA Agent Close Up 9. What has been your biggest achievement at Pam Golding Properties? Navigating this company through the economic recession. 10. Do you have a party trick? I am the trick of the party! 11. Have you ever done something illegal? Nope... I am a certified Nerd. 12. Who is your favourite actor? Most definitely Julia Roberts. 13. What is the best thing about married life? I am not single and I am not married but I am in a committed relationship and that’s the best thing. 14. Where do you buy your clothes? My favourite place to buy clothes is at Woolworths because I love Trenery and Country Road 15. Do you think that you are a Master of your Art? I believe that if I am the Master of my Destiny then my life will not be a repetitive march from the cradle to the grave. Everything that I try my hand at or get involved in becomes a challenge that I want to Master. That’s what gives me a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Our BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur BuzzOur Buzz EASTRAND Welcome to iLEAD my Vision 2013. Over the next four months your primary and sole aim is to achieve the goals that you set out for yourself during the month of July.Why are the next four months so important for your real estate success? Simply put, these are the highest yielding real estate sales months of the year on the East Rand. This is your unique chance on the real estate time line to really give your all, the resultant success will be well worth it. I would like to share some tips from some reputable literature that may help you get over a stock shortage but first lets try and understand the East Rand market at this point in time. The East Rand market is continuing to experience a housing demand that exceeds the supply of well priced homes. A shortage of well priced homes on the market is often the reason for an increase of the average price of homes on the market. Overall, price growth is great news as it illustrates a healthy property market recovery as well increases consumer confidence in the market. In the short however, it may be enticing some homeowners to play the waiting game with their properties, which may continue to add to the current stock shortage in the area. A stock shortage can also present us with many benefits: they help bump up the demand for homes in your area, influence house prices back to healthy levels, and lower marketing time of homes on the market. I believe some of the these benefits will start to show themselves over the next four months as you start to pick up your stock levels.Whilst you are on your mission to acquire stock and reach your goals, I would like to give you some pointers that you could focus on: • Meet your competition at their level. In other words, don’t be scared to take on an “open” mandate because you need to build a relationship with sellers and you need valuable showdays. • Knock on “open” mandates and try to conduct as many valuations on them as you can.Ask the seller if he knows any neighbours that are selling or want to come on the market. • Remember to be confident enough to start getting your name into schools, book clubs, local charities and generally in the face of your market. • Overcome objections to an Exclusive Mandate by providing real solutions to the sellers needs. • Plan canvassing days and try make them fun by inviting a colleague to canvass with you. You can reciprocate by helping in their area. • Dont be afraid to unsettle your competition, they are naturally intimidated by you, therefore unravel them by knocking on doors and filling the area with boards on showdays. • Wear your name badge, use your bumper sticker and generate some referrals.You never know where a referral may lead you and what door it can open. • Have fun, make each accomplishment know.Write me a mail every time you reach a goal. Ring a bell, blow your horn, puff on a vuvuzela, pop a bottle of “champers” and remember to spread the news of your accomplishments. I hope you learn so much more about yourself and your true potential as you start the process of driving toward your goals. You will most certainly feel a sense of achievement and a great feeling of satisfaction when you reach your 100%. I am so excited for you and I am so excited to be a part of your vision. Thank you for being a part of mine! Marinda Wilde 3 August Salim Dawood 5 August Liz Francis 10 August Happy Birthday GETTING CLOSER TO YOUR GOALS BY OVERCOMING A STOCK SHORTAGE She hit the spotlight inThe Devil’sAdvocate,and won anAcademyAward for BestActress for her role as a disturbed murderer in the 2003 film, Monster. She won a modelling contract when she was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed Charlize’s alcoholic, abusive father when he attacked both of them. Charlize Theron Benita Dos Ramos 14 August Abert Roos 19 August ...She was 16, and studied at the Joffrey Ballet School until she suffered a knee injury. Her mother shot and killed ... ...Watchingmyagents succeed. Working on my fitness, physique and health everyday. Lastly, expanding my knowledge and skills through ... THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU How can we help YOU to realise YOUR VISION and achieve YOUR GOALS ... If it is a cash sale, the purchaser can either pay the funds intotheConveyancer’s Trust account by the guarantee date or he can elect to leave ... ... Well done to all agents and staff that participated in our annual Walk The Talk for Choc, which took place on Sunday the 28th of July 2013...