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Argentis Consulting is dedicated to the
development, distribution and support
of recognized certified solutions for
SAP Business One.
As an SAP Software Service Provider
Partner with Gold Status.
Currently Argentis is doing business in 24 countries and delivers high
quality services to over 100 partners in all continents. Headquartered in
Miami (USA), and with offices in Buenos Aires and Cordoba (Argentina) ,
San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Madrid (Spain), Argentis is planning to
continue to grow the channel partner network and keep achieving
unsurpassed results.
SAP Business One
Industries Solutions

SAP Business One
Business Solutions

Others ERP

Apparel & Footwear
Project Management
ACe Warehouse
Demand Planning

One Merchant

SAP® Business One

Apparel & Footwear
Now Fashion companies can
grow from Small to Extra Large
with Apparel & Footwear for
SAP® Business One

Many small fashion businesses want to grow income while
increasing profit margins. But doing so can be difficult
without a full view of the entire business – from financials to
customer relationships, from style conception to delivery, all
integrated into a single suite. Apparel and Footwear is a
vertical solution for the fashion and footwear industries
tightly integrated
Apparel & Footwear B1 PLM
collaborative suite of applications
facilitates the management of products,
from design all the way through to

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
It will enable you to innovate faster every season
all integrated to the core of SAP Business One.
And also remote web access to users, customers
and vendors.
Attribute Control and Product Segmentation
Apparel and Footwear multi attribute capabilities

Become more efficient by eliminating data
redundancies and errors by using an integrated
Product Lifecycle Management Solution.

enables companies to use attributes as a complement to item numbers. It is an optimal solution for
all environments with graded products.

Sales Order Entry
Season and off-season order entry could be a painful
process in in fashion companies. Create orders through
the SAP Business One integrated mode, web or mobile
Product Data Management (PDM)
Apparel & Footwear Product data management (PDM)
serves as a central knowledge repository for
process and product history, and promotes integration
and data exchange among all business users who
interact with all company products.

It supports the grading process from supply,
through warehouse activities, to order fulfillment.
SKU and Bill of Material complexity
In textile, apparel, and footwear companies, SKU and
Bill of Material complexity is a challenge that you
face across your supply chain systems.
With Apparel and Footwear for SAP Business One
dimensional capability, you will be able to manage
your data at the end item level to successfully
forecast, plan, and manufacture your product,
delivering the right product and controlling your

Manage Images, Colors, Materials, POMs
Manage raw materials and labors for costing. Add Point
of measures based con templates. Generate SKU
information directly from the product data
Generate dynamics techpacks for each style according
to the stage, including general data, Point of Measures,
Bill of Materials, Colorways, etc.
Sales force Automation (SFA)
Use the Web to grow revenue and provide more
services to your customers. Apparel and footwear
offers web presence for your sales employees and users.

Production and Purchasing
Generate production stages templates for your
styles. Enable the Advanced Planning & Scheduling
for complex factory processes.

Track product development, update critical path
activities, and interact with vendors and customers.
SAP® Business One

Project Management
ProjectManagement provides
powerful analysis tools that help
you to ascertain profitability of
your projects at the touch
of a button.
ProjectManagement is a project planning and project
controlling solution based on SAP Business One that has
been specifically designed for the needs of small and midsize
businesses (SMBs).
ProjectManagement is an
integrated solution that caters
for the entire workflow of your






The add-on ensures compliance with local legal and


best practices requirements. The "Enabled By SAP

ProjectManagement caters for the entire workflow of

Business One" designation has a significant

service industries, from project planning and data

advantage for the customer when it comes to safe


and secure investment. In addition, standardized







procedures and documentation for installation,
customization and training materials for end users

Proposal management and quotation

Solid Ground for Decision-Making

are available.

The use of one single system for data management

Project planning

guarantees that each authorised user has access to

Worldwide Support

up-to-the minute information. Managers using


Time recording and expenses management

ProjectManagement have access to solid data for

languages. Languages include not only German and

better decision making.

English but Spanish and French also. A network of

Data clearance





qualified partners in the EMEA and America region
Cost Reduction


provides local service and support.




affordable ERP solution SAP Business One, only one
system has to be maintained and updated. This
lowers the costs for software updates significantly.
Certified Project Management Software
The industry solutions of ProjectManagement have
been certified as “Enabled By SAP Business One”. The
"Enabled By SAP Business One" designation helps
customers to identify partner add-ons that are based
on rigorous quality standards of SAP and are
designed for rapid and reliable implementation while
ensuring integration and interoperability.
SAP® Business One

ACe Warehouse
Optimización de Almacén
y Logística para
SAP® Business One

Hoy en día casi nadie duda de que una empresa deba
disponer de un sistema de gestión de almacenes en tiempo
Los WMS en tiempo real permiten determinadas operaciones
que se traducen directamente en ahorro de costos. Un
operario no tiene que desplazarse para que le entreguen un
papel con la siguiente tarea que debe hacer; tampoco para
confirmar acciones o para registrar una incidencia allá donde
se produzca.
Los ahorros de costo dependen de
la diferencia de operación antes y
después de la implantación de un
WMS, pero para un almacén
convencional existe el criterio muy
extendido de que un 25% de
ahorro en costo directo del
personal es razonable.

Un WMS permite mejorar la calidad de servicio.
Calidad de servicio implica el correcto tratamiento de
los criterios de rotación o el mantenimiento de la
trazabilidad, o la exactitud en la mercadería servida, o
la fiabilidad en los tiempos de entrega que permite
establecer compromisos de calidad en forma y plazo.
Un sistema de gestión de almacenes en tiempo real
nos dice si es necesaria o no una inversión en
recursos, reduce los costos logísticos del almacén y
mejora la calidad de servicio.

Identifica cada una de las entradas en los inventarios
por lote de compra o lote de producción o número
de serie
Agiliza el proceso de conteos físicos de inventarios.
Omite los conteos masivos que impidan el normal
funcionamiento de la planta generando conteos
periódicos selectivos.
Se logran traslados de mercancía controlados con
validación de envío y de recibo.

Definición completa de la arquitectura del almacén:
Ubicaciones, atributos, productos fijos, etc.
Agiliza el proceso de Entradas (Ordenes de compra)
y Salidas (Ordenes de venta) de productos por medio
de terminales.
Mantiene el Inventario de productos permanentes,
esto es, al día,
para la buena administración de éstos.
Minimiza los errores en las entradas de productos al
Mantiene una total trazabilidad de los movimientos
de los productos

Conozca la capacidad de almacenamiento de la
Identifica rápidamente los productos en sus
SAP® Business One

Demand Planning
VALOGIX® Inventory Planner
is a next generation inventory
forecasting and planning tool
that will forever change the way
you plan your inventory.

The use of one single system for data management
guarantees that each authorised user has access to up-to-the
minute information.
VALOGIX® Inventory Planner is a next
generation inventory forecasting and
planning tool that will forever change
the way you plan your inventory.

VALOGIX® Inventory Planner is a next generation
inventory forecasting and planning tool that will
forever change the way you plan your inventory.
VALOGIX Inventory Planner is a PC-based inventory
planning software solution. It enables you to forecast,
plan, and optimize inventory with less effort and

Tracking by serials, lots and expiration date
Complete FIFO picking logic

more accuracy. And the application is affordable, fast,
and easy to use. It is a smart system and does the
complex computations for you.

Multiple company, multiple warehouse
Directed put away for receiving and directed picking

VALOGIX Inventory Planner is ideal for:

VALOGIX Inventory Planner determines which items
to stock, which items to order, and which items are
excess or overstocked. It manages an unlimited
number of items and locations, and provides
flexibility while different planning parameters allow

Automotive Parts & Supplies
Electrical Supplies
Gourmet & Specialty Foods
Household Goods
Industrial Goods & Supplies
Janitorial Supplies & Paper Products
Kitchen Supplies
Marine Goods Supplies
Medical Devices & Supplies
Novelty Items
Non-perishable Food
Paint, Hardware, Tools
Pet Food and Supplies
Plumbing Supplies

more precise planning. VALOGIX Inventory Planner
helps you manage by exception.
The software's intelligence provides "Alerts" of
potential problems, before they occur... saving you
valuable time and assisting you to avoid potentially
serious Customer Satisfaction problems.
VALOGIX Inventory Planner's automated installation
tool makes it fast and simple to install. Installations
are scripted and supported by our professional staff.
SAP® Business One

One Merchant
One Merchant™
Is the e-commerce solution
for SAP® Business One.

It is flexible, reliable, affordable, expandable and easy to use.
The solution comes with comprehensive features that are
intuitive for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for
the most demanding e-commerce expert..
The solution comes with comprehensive
features that are intuitive for new online
businesses, yet powerful enough for the
most demanding e-commerce expert.
One Merchant is a solution with more than 55,000
customers and more than 200,000 stores world wide

Powerful Store Design Tools
Both Miva Merchant and Magento provide you with
complete control over your entire online store
design. Use the built-in store template, or modify
pages to suit your specific business needs.
Catalog Management
Miva Merchant and Magento enable you to build up
your online store as large as you like. The software has
been designed with no limitations on the number of
products, categories, or sub-categories you can
Inventory Tracking and Product Merchandising
The extensive inventory tracking system allows you
to keep track of what products you have on hand,
and can even notify you when an item is out of stock.
Display customized messages, telling your customers
how many are available, or if stock is running low.
Order Processing and Customer Management
Batch your orders at the end of the day, run a batch
report to analyze order data, and even process your
orders through your payment gateway.
Shipping Calculation and Payment Processing
FedEx and USPS shipping calculators in Miva
Merchant and Magenti retrieve real-time shipping
rates based on weight and distance.

Affiliate Programs and Marketing Services
Promote your online store with an affiliate program.
The affiliate tracking system built into enables you to
create affiliate partners for your store, with individual
commission levels based on order traffic, customers
referred, or a combination of both.
Order Processing and Customer Management
Batch your orders at the end of the day, run a batch
report to analyze order data, and even process your
orders through your payment gateway right from
within Miva Merchant.
Payment Modules
Both Miva and Magento payment modules are
designed to work smoothly with industry leaders.
These payment modules were designed in
partnership with the Payment Gateway providers, to
ensure security and ease-of-use. Just turn it on, enter
your account information, and the payment module
does the rest.
Sales Tax Calculation
Automatically calculate accurate sales tax at the
point of sale so you don’t get stuck with a tax bill.
Simplify your business with Avatax sales tax
collection, reporting & remittance integration.
SAP® Business One

Control Purchase Operations
with eProcurement for
SAP® Business One

eProcurement for SAP® Business One automates the
processes of employees finding the products they need to
buy, generating requisitions, getting manager approvals
(automatically or manually if needed), creating orders, and
delivering those orders electronically to the suppliers for
confirmation and fulfillment.
The solution also offers Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM)
capabilities such as Spend Analysis,
Supplier Assessment, Sourcing,
Procurement and Order Fulfillment,
all integrated to SAP Business One.

Why eProcurement
for SAP Business One?
Most of the companies spend more than planned,
managing purchase requisitions and approvals
manually losing traceability of their purchasing
activities. eProcurement is your platform for smarter
spending over SAP® Business One.
With eProcurement.
Company managers have everything they need to
review and approve (or reject) requisitions in seconds
- and don’t even need to log into the web to do it.
Requisitions, such as internal, RFI, RFP or from
catalogs, are consistently formatted and easy to read,
and automatically routed to the right reviewers
based on pre-defined approval workflows.
Users at the purchase department will spend more
time in core activities, since electronic requests can
be consolidated and post RFQ (Request for
Quotation) and Purchase Orders easily.
Vendors can access and negotiate with the company
online as well as access order and invoice status
making this a valuable and cost efficient solution for
SAP® Business One.

Simplify your Purchases.
eProcurement for SAP® Business One allows multiple
access levels and permissions, helping managers
organize administrative users by roles, groups, or
tasks. Procurement managers do not need to be as
highly trained or paid, the application is
standardized and easy to learn.
Increase spend under management by over 35%
Reduce requisition-to order cycles by 75%
Reduce requisition-to order costs by over 45%
Request and Tracks
User can enter request from Item Master Data stored
in SAP® Business One, from Vendor Catalogues or
simplylling up a free form. Requestors are able to
track requisitions and access status at all time, all
from a web browser.
SAP® Business One

A powerful suite of Business
Process Management (BPM)

TaskCentre® brings people, systems and information together
within an organisation through the acquisition,
manipulation, dissemination and integration of information;
offering a generic approach to automated processes
specifically designed to meet precise business requirements.
TaskCentre® is based on the central
concept of the Task, which performs part
or all of a business or technical process
triggered by one or more Events.


Document Automation

Workflow enforces consistency in the organization’s

The creation, distribution and management of

processes and can therefore play a fundamental part

business documents are commonplace activities for

in the acceleration of company performance and the

management personnel and administrative staff


alike. Traditional document concepts still form the






backbone of structured business communications
and transactions.

Data services & Integration

The problems caused by traditional approaches to
workflow are also exacerbated by the number of

Subscriptions & Requests

Document Automation

people and departments that business processes can

Today’s consumers and business partners want

Web content Publishing

cross and, therefore, the requirement for intelligent

information on demand. We require specific data as

Workflow functionality is high on the IT agenda.

it becomes relevant and demand that it is sensitive

Advanced Business Alerts

to the channel through which we make the requests.
Through TaskCentre®, organizations are able to add
Workflow capabilities to their existing software

Web Content Publishing



Communicating with company stakeholders and

productivity, eradicates administrative waste and

ensuring that they have access to and visibility of

enhances stakeholder relationships

relevant information is vital in the current






Data Services & Integration

communication will help to develop long-term

Organizations now require business applications that

beneficial relationships and contribute to future

'talk to each other' or that can be updated

organisational growth.

dynamically with credit management, sales and
marketing or property details from online data

Advanced Business Alerts

services. Indeed, data or application integration has

Organisations today need to ensure that they are

never been more fundamental to the success of

instantly notified of situations before or as they

today’s business and the TaskCentre Business Process

happen, enabling them to make better informed

Management (BPM) Suite has a proven track record

decisions based upon critical data events.

of addressing these challenges.
SAP® Business One

A Fully Compliant and
Advanced Sales Tax Solution
for SAP Business One and Miva
Merchant in real time.

Setting up tax schedules, researching , maintaining and using
sales tax rates, or trying to figure out if a tax rate applied to a
sales order document is correct is a time-consuming and a
cumbersome non-revenue generating task.
The solution comes with comprehensive
features that are intuitive for new online
businesses, yet powerful enough for the
most demanding e-commerce expert.





Sale Tax

Management solution which is fully integrated into
SAP Business One and Miva Merchant is a valuable
tool which will save your organization time and
money while generating accurate sales tax.
With its precise integration between applications,

Speed up the exemption certificate process
Ensure timely filing adn remitance
Putting all together
End-to-end sales tax compliance

AvaTax integration empowers your accounting





functionality and management control that boosts
business productivity while minimizing audit risk
Dealing with sales tax doesn't have to be
time-consuming and error-prone: Simplify it with

AvaTax provides fully detailed reports that are easily
accessible, while returns are automatically
pre-populated and generated. It only takes a few
minutes to download and install.
Also, each organization has its own profile which
includes setting up nexus, taxability codes, having
access to the AvaTax Dashboard to maintain all tax
management needs over a secure internet
connection and more
Avatax provides your organization with a fully
integrated and automated Sales Tax Management
System, which includes functionality to protect
against audits, obsolete data, and changing tax laws.

AvaTax for SAP Business One and AvaTax for Miva
Argentis Consulting has partnered with Avalara the






Management Services with 10,000+ customers.
Joining together to created Avatax a powerful
solution making tax automation for any business
It’s a Web hosted, based service solution that
automatically performs address validation, sale tax
calculation and sales tax jurisdiction research — all
within your accounting application and no change to
your existing workflow.
SAP® Business One

Control de producción
y trazabilidad agropecuaria
con integración a sistemas
Administrativos, Comerciales
y de Logística

Agrobit TRZ administra información cronológica y geo
referenciada de las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas desde el
origen de las mismas hasta el destino final de la producción
contemplando la planificación y el control, siguiendo
estándares que ayuden a la certificación de origen y calidad
de los productos.
Con la implementación de Agrobit TRZ
su empresa agropecuaria va a lograr
beneficios adicionales por la posibilidad
de medir y comparar en cualquier
momento los datos productivos y
Agrobit es un producto de fácil uso, totalmente
diseñado en Windows y orientado al productor; capaz
de organizar y administrar datos de:


Administra la información cronológica de las
actividades agropecuarias, desde el origen de los
mismos hasta el destino final de la producción.
Planificación y presupuesto
Los eventos son dinámicos e impactan en el flujo de
fondos y de producción.
Ordenes de trabajo
Puede establecerse un circuito de trabajo completo.
Work flow de aprobación
Administración y control de los flujos de trabajo.
Administración y control del tráfico de vehículos,
envases, choferes, pesos de orígenes y destinos,
control de viaje, etc.


Sistemas de ubicación, identificación
y monitoreo
Toma datos de ubicación e identificación en forma
automática para el registro de las transacciones (gps,
tags rfid, códigos de barra, etc.), Integra y almacena
datos de monitoreo (monitores de rendimiento,
balanzas, estaciones meteorológicas, etc.)
Web 2/Integración




Movilidad (consulta y transacciones)
Aplicación instalada en dispositivos que permite
recolectar datos a campo geo referenciando.


Sistema empresarial
(multi idioma, multi empresa y multi moneda)
Sistema multi idioma diseñado para múltiples
empresas que trabajan con múltiples monedas
(local, fuerte, índice).

Indicadores y alertas en tiempo real
Indicadores de gestión en tiempo real por
establecimientos, actividades y lotes.


Plantillas/Base de conocimiento
Planillas preconfiguradas que agilizan los procesos.
Protocolo de calidad
Agrobit cumplimenta con exigencias internacionales
registrando protocolos de calidad.
SAP® Business One

Winshuttle's products replace
manual data entry and complex
technical tools and can be used
in both implementation and
post production projects.

Argentis and WinShuttle partner to provide clients a means
to reduce operational costs, reduce SAP support requests,
and free up resources to focus on high value projects by
leveraging the suite of WinShuttle products.
The use of one single system for data
management guarantees that each
authorised user has access to up-to-the
minute information.

WinShuttle produces easy-to-use tools that let users

Winshuttle's products help with the following issues:

quickly and accurately enter data from Excel or

Companies that use SAP software to run their

Access to SAP, or download data from SAP to Excel

business can use Winshuttle products facilitated by

and Access without custom programming and

Argentis Consulting consultants to enable business

without impacting SAP security.

users - not just technical users or programmers - to
enter data quickly and accurately using Excel or

Speed up the exemption certificate process

Winshuttle's products replace manual data entry and

Access as a front-end data entry tool. This

complex technical tools and can be used in both

streamlines data entry tasks for everyone involved

implementation and post production projects,

and frees individuals up to focus on their

Putting all together


department's business operations

End-to-end sales tax compliance

• SAP data entry


Ensure timely filing adn remitance

• SAP data import
• SAP data quality

SHUTTLE data from Microsoft Excel/ Microsoft

• SAP data integration

Access to SAP
Easy to use – no programming needed

Our tools empower businesses to solve the SAP data

Desktop Software sits outside SAP

problems they face and still meet the governance

Easy to install

requirements of IT. With thousands of users spread

Preserves SAP security using standard SAP interfaces

across hundreds of the world's biggest companies,

Integrated results and error logging

Winshuttle, shuttling billions of records across every

Integrated scheduler to run in an unattended mode

SAP module, our software can easily help improve

Backup SAP data

your SAP processes.
Contact Information




8345 NW 66th ST
Miami, FL, 33166

City View Plaza – Suite 301
48 Road 165
Guaynabo, PR. 00968
Puerto Rico

Ávila y Zarate 2048
Cerro de la Rosas, Córdoba, CP 5009
Córdoba - Argentina

C/ Juan Bravo N° 3 - A 28006
Phone: (+34) 91 123 7263
Madrid - Spain

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Argentis Solutions for SAP Business One

  • 1.
  • 2. Argentis Consulting is dedicated to the development, distribution and support of recognized certified solutions for SAP Business One. As an SAP Software Service Provider Partner with Gold Status.
  • 3. Currently Argentis is doing business in 24 countries and delivers high quality services to over 100 partners in all continents. Headquartered in Miami (USA), and with offices in Buenos Aires and Cordoba (Argentina) , San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Madrid (Spain), Argentis is planning to continue to grow the channel partner network and keep achieving unsurpassed results.
  • 4. SAP Business One Industries Solutions SAP Business One Business Solutions Others ERP Solutions Apparel & Footwear Project Management ACe Warehouse Demand Planning One Merchant E-Procurement TaskCentre Avatax Agrobit Winshuttle
  • 5.
  • 7.
  • 8. Now Fashion companies can grow from Small to Extra Large with Apparel & Footwear for SAP® Business One Many small fashion businesses want to grow income while increasing profit margins. But doing so can be difficult without a full view of the entire business – from financials to customer relationships, from style conception to delivery, all integrated into a single suite. Apparel and Footwear is a vertical solution for the fashion and footwear industries tightly integrated
  • 9. Apparel & Footwear B1 PLM collaborative suite of applications facilitates the management of products, from design all the way through to production. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) It will enable you to innovate faster every season all integrated to the core of SAP Business One. And also remote web access to users, customers and vendors. Attribute Control and Product Segmentation Apparel and Footwear multi attribute capabilities Become more efficient by eliminating data redundancies and errors by using an integrated Product Lifecycle Management Solution. enables companies to use attributes as a complement to item numbers. It is an optimal solution for all environments with graded products. Sales Order Entry Season and off-season order entry could be a painful process in in fashion companies. Create orders through the SAP Business One integrated mode, web or mobile clients. Product Data Management (PDM) Apparel & Footwear Product data management (PDM) serves as a central knowledge repository for process and product history, and promotes integration and data exchange among all business users who interact with all company products. It supports the grading process from supply, through warehouse activities, to order fulfillment. SKU and Bill of Material complexity In textile, apparel, and footwear companies, SKU and Bill of Material complexity is a challenge that you face across your supply chain systems. With Apparel and Footwear for SAP Business One dimensional capability, you will be able to manage your data at the end item level to successfully forecast, plan, and manufacture your product, delivering the right product and controlling your inventories. Manage Images, Colors, Materials, POMs Manage raw materials and labors for costing. Add Point of measures based con templates. Generate SKU information directly from the product data management. TechPacks Generate dynamics techpacks for each style according to the stage, including general data, Point of Measures, Bill of Materials, Colorways, etc. Sales force Automation (SFA) Use the Web to grow revenue and provide more services to your customers. Apparel and footwear offers web presence for your sales employees and users. Production and Purchasing Generate production stages templates for your styles. Enable the Advanced Planning & Scheduling for complex factory processes. Web PLM Track product development, update critical path activities, and interact with vendors and customers.
  • 11.
  • 12. ProjectManagement provides powerful analysis tools that help you to ascertain profitability of your projects at the touch of a button. ProjectManagement is a project planning and project controlling solution based on SAP Business One that has been specifically designed for the needs of small and midsize businesses (SMBs).
  • 13. ProjectManagement is an integrated solution that caters for the entire workflow of your business: ProjectManagement caters for the entire The add-on ensures compliance with local legal and workflow best practices requirements. The "Enabled By SAP ProjectManagement caters for the entire workflow of Business One" designation has a significant service industries, from project planning and data advantage for the customer when it comes to safe recording, and secure investment. In addition, standardized data clearance and invoicing to accounting. procedures and documentation for installation, customization and training materials for end users Proposal management and quotation Solid Ground for Decision-Making are available. The use of one single system for data management Project planning guarantees that each authorised user has access to Worldwide Support up-to-the minute information. Managers using ProjectManagement Time recording and expenses management ProjectManagement have access to solid data for languages. Languages include not only German and better decision making. English but Spanish and French also. A network of Data clearance is available in different qualified partners in the EMEA and America region Cost Reduction As ProjectManagement provides local service and support. is integrated in the affordable ERP solution SAP Business One, only one system has to be maintained and updated. This lowers the costs for software updates significantly. Certified Project Management Software The industry solutions of ProjectManagement have been certified as “Enabled By SAP Business One”. The "Enabled By SAP Business One" designation helps customers to identify partner add-ons that are based on rigorous quality standards of SAP and are designed for rapid and reliable implementation while ensuring integration and interoperability.
  • 15.
  • 16. Optimización de Almacén y Logística para SAP® Business One Hoy en día casi nadie duda de que una empresa deba disponer de un sistema de gestión de almacenes en tiempo real. Los WMS en tiempo real permiten determinadas operaciones que se traducen directamente en ahorro de costos. Un operario no tiene que desplazarse para que le entreguen un papel con la siguiente tarea que debe hacer; tampoco para confirmar acciones o para registrar una incidencia allá donde se produzca.
  • 17. Los ahorros de costo dependen de la diferencia de operación antes y después de la implantación de un WMS, pero para un almacén convencional existe el criterio muy extendido de que un 25% de ahorro en costo directo del personal es razonable. Un WMS permite mejorar la calidad de servicio. Calidad de servicio implica el correcto tratamiento de los criterios de rotación o el mantenimiento de la trazabilidad, o la exactitud en la mercadería servida, o la fiabilidad en los tiempos de entrega que permite establecer compromisos de calidad en forma y plazo. Un sistema de gestión de almacenes en tiempo real nos dice si es necesaria o no una inversión en recursos, reduce los costos logísticos del almacén y mejora la calidad de servicio. Identifica cada una de las entradas en los inventarios por lote de compra o lote de producción o número de serie Agiliza el proceso de conteos físicos de inventarios. Omite los conteos masivos que impidan el normal funcionamiento de la planta generando conteos periódicos selectivos. Se logran traslados de mercancía controlados con validación de envío y de recibo. Funcionalidades Definición completa de la arquitectura del almacén: Ubicaciones, atributos, productos fijos, etc. Agiliza el proceso de Entradas (Ordenes de compra) y Salidas (Ordenes de venta) de productos por medio de terminales. Mantiene el Inventario de productos permanentes, esto es, al día, para la buena administración de éstos. Minimiza los errores en las entradas de productos al inventario. Mantiene una total trazabilidad de los movimientos de los productos Conozca la capacidad de almacenamiento de la empresa. Identifica rápidamente los productos en sus localizaciones.
  • 19.
  • 20. VALOGIX® Inventory Planner is a next generation inventory forecasting and planning tool that will forever change the way you plan your inventory. The use of one single system for data management guarantees that each authorised user has access to up-to-the minute information.
  • 21. VALOGIX® Inventory Planner is a next generation inventory forecasting and planning tool that will forever change the way you plan your inventory. VALOGIX® Inventory Planner is a next generation inventory forecasting and planning tool that will forever change the way you plan your inventory. VALOGIX Inventory Planner is a PC-based inventory planning software solution. It enables you to forecast, plan, and optimize inventory with less effort and Tracking by serials, lots and expiration date Complete FIFO picking logic more accuracy. And the application is affordable, fast, and easy to use. It is a smart system and does the complex computations for you. Multiple company, multiple warehouse Directed put away for receiving and directed picking VALOGIX Inventory Planner is ideal for: VALOGIX Inventory Planner determines which items to stock, which items to order, and which items are excess or overstocked. It manages an unlimited number of items and locations, and provides flexibility while different planning parameters allow Automotive Parts & Supplies Beverages Electrical Supplies Gourmet & Specialty Foods Household Goods Industrial Goods & Supplies Janitorial Supplies & Paper Products Kitchen Supplies Marine Goods Supplies Medical Devices & Supplies Novelty Items Non-perishable Food Paint, Hardware, Tools Pet Food and Supplies Pharmaceuticals Plumbing Supplies more precise planning. VALOGIX Inventory Planner helps you manage by exception. The software's intelligence provides "Alerts" of potential problems, before they occur... saving you valuable time and assisting you to avoid potentially serious Customer Satisfaction problems. VALOGIX Inventory Planner's automated installation tool makes it fast and simple to install. Installations are scripted and supported by our professional staff.
  • 23.
  • 24. One Merchant™ Is the e-commerce solution for SAP® Business One. It is flexible, reliable, affordable, expandable and easy to use. The solution comes with comprehensive features that are intuitive for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for the most demanding e-commerce expert..
  • 25. The solution comes with comprehensive features that are intuitive for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for the most demanding e-commerce expert. One Merchant is a solution with more than 55,000 customers and more than 200,000 stores world wide Powerful Store Design Tools Both Miva Merchant and Magento provide you with complete control over your entire online store design. Use the built-in store template, or modify pages to suit your specific business needs. Catalog Management Miva Merchant and Magento enable you to build up your online store as large as you like. The software has been designed with no limitations on the number of products, categories, or sub-categories you can create. Inventory Tracking and Product Merchandising The extensive inventory tracking system allows you to keep track of what products you have on hand, and can even notify you when an item is out of stock. Display customized messages, telling your customers how many are available, or if stock is running low. Order Processing and Customer Management Batch your orders at the end of the day, run a batch report to analyze order data, and even process your orders through your payment gateway. Shipping Calculation and Payment Processing FedEx and USPS shipping calculators in Miva Merchant and Magenti retrieve real-time shipping rates based on weight and distance. Affiliate Programs and Marketing Services Promote your online store with an affiliate program. The affiliate tracking system built into enables you to create affiliate partners for your store, with individual commission levels based on order traffic, customers referred, or a combination of both. Order Processing and Customer Management Batch your orders at the end of the day, run a batch report to analyze order data, and even process your orders through your payment gateway right from within Miva Merchant. Payment Modules Both Miva and Magento payment modules are designed to work smoothly with industry leaders. These payment modules were designed in partnership with the Payment Gateway providers, to ensure security and ease-of-use. Just turn it on, enter your account information, and the payment module does the rest. Sales Tax Calculation Automatically calculate accurate sales tax at the point of sale so you don’t get stuck with a tax bill. Simplify your business with Avatax sales tax collection, reporting & remittance integration.
  • 27.
  • 28. Control Purchase Operations with eProcurement for SAP® Business One eProcurement for SAP® Business One automates the processes of employees finding the products they need to buy, generating requisitions, getting manager approvals (automatically or manually if needed), creating orders, and delivering those orders electronically to the suppliers for confirmation and fulfillment.
  • 29. The solution also offers Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) capabilities such as Spend Analysis, Supplier Assessment, Sourcing, Procurement and Order Fulfillment, all integrated to SAP Business One. Why eProcurement for SAP Business One? Most of the companies spend more than planned, managing purchase requisitions and approvals manually losing traceability of their purchasing activities. eProcurement is your platform for smarter spending over SAP® Business One. With eProcurement. Company managers have everything they need to review and approve (or reject) requisitions in seconds - and don’t even need to log into the web to do it. Requisitions, such as internal, RFI, RFP or from catalogs, are consistently formatted and easy to read, and automatically routed to the right reviewers based on pre-defined approval workflows. Users at the purchase department will spend more time in core activities, since electronic requests can be consolidated and post RFQ (Request for Quotation) and Purchase Orders easily. Vendors can access and negotiate with the company online as well as access order and invoice status making this a valuable and cost efficient solution for SAP® Business One. Simplify your Purchases. eProcurement for SAP® Business One allows multiple access levels and permissions, helping managers organize administrative users by roles, groups, or tasks. Procurement managers do not need to be as highly trained or paid, the application is standardized and easy to learn. Facts Increase spend under management by over 35% Reduce requisition-to order cycles by 75% Reduce requisition-to order costs by over 45% Request and Tracks User can enter request from Item Master Data stored in SAP® Business One, from Vendor Catalogues or simplylling up a free form. Requestors are able to track requisitions and access status at all time, all from a web browser.
  • 31.
  • 32. A powerful suite of Business Process Management (BPM) technologies. TaskCentre® brings people, systems and information together within an organisation through the acquisition, manipulation, dissemination and integration of information; offering a generic approach to automated processes specifically designed to meet precise business requirements.
  • 33. TaskCentre® is based on the central concept of the Task, which performs part or all of a business or technical process triggered by one or more Events. Workflow Document Automation Workflow enforces consistency in the organization’s The creation, distribution and management of processes and can therefore play a fundamental part business documents are commonplace activities for in the acceleration of company performance and the management personnel and administrative staff development alike. Traditional document concepts still form the of a sustainable competitive advantage. backbone of structured business communications and transactions. Data services & Integration The problems caused by traditional approaches to workflow are also exacerbated by the number of Subscriptions & Requests Document Automation people and departments that business processes can Today’s consumers and business partners want Web content Publishing cross and, therefore, the requirement for intelligent information on demand. We require specific data as Workflow functionality is high on the IT agenda. it becomes relevant and demand that it is sensitive Advanced Business Alerts to the channel through which we make the requests. Through TaskCentre®, organizations are able to add Workflow capabilities to their existing software Web Content Publishing applications, increases Communicating with company stakeholders and productivity, eradicates administrative waste and ensuring that they have access to and visibility of enhances stakeholder relationships relevant information is vital in the current which immediately competitive environment. Cost-effective Data Services & Integration communication will help to develop long-term Organizations now require business applications that beneficial relationships and contribute to future 'talk to each other' or that can be updated organisational growth. dynamically with credit management, sales and marketing or property details from online data Advanced Business Alerts services. Indeed, data or application integration has Organisations today need to ensure that they are never been more fundamental to the success of instantly notified of situations before or as they today’s business and the TaskCentre Business Process happen, enabling them to make better informed Management (BPM) Suite has a proven track record decisions based upon critical data events. of addressing these challenges.
  • 35.
  • 36. A Fully Compliant and Advanced Sales Tax Solution for SAP Business One and Miva Merchant in real time. Setting up tax schedules, researching , maintaining and using sales tax rates, or trying to figure out if a tax rate applied to a sales order document is correct is a time-consuming and a cumbersome non-revenue generating task.
  • 37. The solution comes with comprehensive features that are intuitive for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for the most demanding e-commerce expert. AvaTax, a completely automated Sale Tax Management solution which is fully integrated into SAP Business One and Miva Merchant is a valuable tool which will save your organization time and money while generating accurate sales tax. With its precise integration between applications, Speed up the exemption certificate process Ensure timely filing adn remitance Putting all together End-to-end sales tax compliance AvaTax integration empowers your accounting department with unprecedented sales tax functionality and management control that boosts business productivity while minimizing audit risk Dealing with sales tax doesn't have to be time-consuming and error-prone: Simplify it with AvaTax provides fully detailed reports that are easily accessible, while returns are automatically pre-populated and generated. It only takes a few minutes to download and install. Also, each organization has its own profile which includes setting up nexus, taxability codes, having access to the AvaTax Dashboard to maintain all tax management needs over a secure internet connection and more Avatax provides your organization with a fully integrated and automated Sales Tax Management System, which includes functionality to protect against audits, obsolete data, and changing tax laws. AvaTax for SAP Business One and AvaTax for Miva Merchant Argentis Consulting has partnered with Avalara the leading provider of web-based Sales Tax Management Services with 10,000+ customers. Joining together to created Avatax a powerful solution making tax automation for any business simple. It’s a Web hosted, based service solution that automatically performs address validation, sale tax calculation and sales tax jurisdiction research — all within your accounting application and no change to your existing workflow.
  • 39.
  • 40. Control de producción y trazabilidad agropecuaria con integración a sistemas Administrativos, Comerciales y de Logística Agrobit TRZ administra información cronológica y geo referenciada de las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas desde el origen de las mismas hasta el destino final de la producción contemplando la planificación y el control, siguiendo estándares que ayuden a la certificación de origen y calidad de los productos.
  • 41. Con la implementación de Agrobit TRZ su empresa agropecuaria va a lograr beneficios adicionales por la posibilidad de medir y comparar en cualquier momento los datos productivos y reproductivos. Agrobit es un producto de fácil uso, totalmente diseñado en Windows y orientado al productor; capaz de organizar y administrar datos de: Agricultura Trazabilidad Administra la información cronológica de las actividades agropecuarias, desde el origen de los mismos hasta el destino final de la producción. Planificación y presupuesto Los eventos son dinámicos e impactan en el flujo de fondos y de producción. Ordenes de trabajo Puede establecerse un circuito de trabajo completo. Work flow de aprobación Administración y control de los flujos de trabajo. Logística Administración y control del tráfico de vehículos, envases, choferes, pesos de orígenes y destinos, control de viaje, etc. Ganadería Sistemas de ubicación, identificación y monitoreo Toma datos de ubicación e identificación en forma automática para el registro de las transacciones (gps, tags rfid, códigos de barra, etc.), Integra y almacena datos de monitoreo (monitores de rendimiento, balanzas, estaciones meteorológicas, etc.) Web 2/Integración empresariales. SOA con sistemas Movilidad (consulta y transacciones) Aplicación instalada en dispositivos que permite recolectar datos a campo geo referenciando. Tambo Sistema empresarial (multi idioma, multi empresa y multi moneda) Sistema multi idioma diseñado para múltiples empresas que trabajan con múltiples monedas (local, fuerte, índice). Indicadores y alertas en tiempo real Indicadores de gestión en tiempo real por establecimientos, actividades y lotes. Frutas Forestal Plantillas/Base de conocimiento Planillas preconfiguradas que agilizan los procesos. Protocolo de calidad Agrobit cumplimenta con exigencias internacionales registrando protocolos de calidad.
  • 43.
  • 44. Winshuttle's products replace manual data entry and complex technical tools and can be used in both implementation and post production projects. Argentis and WinShuttle partner to provide clients a means to reduce operational costs, reduce SAP support requests, and free up resources to focus on high value projects by leveraging the suite of WinShuttle products.
  • 45. The use of one single system for data management guarantees that each authorised user has access to up-to-the minute information. WinShuttle produces easy-to-use tools that let users Winshuttle's products help with the following issues: quickly and accurately enter data from Excel or Companies that use SAP software to run their Access to SAP, or download data from SAP to Excel business can use Winshuttle products facilitated by and Access without custom programming and Argentis Consulting consultants to enable business without impacting SAP security. users - not just technical users or programmers - to enter data quickly and accurately using Excel or Speed up the exemption certificate process Winshuttle's products replace manual data entry and Access as a front-end data entry tool. This complex technical tools and can be used in both streamlines data entry tasks for everyone involved implementation and post production projects, and frees individuals up to focus on their Putting all together including department's business operations End-to-end sales tax compliance • SAP data entry Benefits Ensure timely filing adn remitance • SAP data import • SAP data quality SHUTTLE data from Microsoft Excel/ Microsoft • SAP data integration Access to SAP Easy to use – no programming needed Our tools empower businesses to solve the SAP data Desktop Software sits outside SAP problems they face and still meet the governance Easy to install requirements of IT. With thousands of users spread Preserves SAP security using standard SAP interfaces across hundreds of the world's biggest companies, Integrated results and error logging Winshuttle, shuttling billions of records across every Integrated scheduler to run in an unattended mode SAP module, our software can easily help improve Backup SAP data your SAP processes.
  • 46. Contact Information USA CARIBEAN ARGENTINA SPAIN 8345 NW 66th ST #2917 Miami, FL, 33166 City View Plaza – Suite 301 48 Road 165 Guaynabo, PR. 00968 Puerto Rico Ávila y Zarate 2048 Cerro de la Rosas, Córdoba, CP 5009 Córdoba - Argentina C/ Juan Bravo N° 3 - A 28006 Phone: (+34) 91 123 7263 Madrid - Spain