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SSO and fine grained
authorization in the cloud
         Oliver Wulff
Brief introduction
●   Solution Architect
●   Web Services (Axis, CXF, …)
●   Security (WS-*, Kerberos, Web SSO, …)
●   Corba
●   Java / C# / C++
●   Apache CXF PMC member
●   Talend Community Coder (
●   Authentication & Authorization
    in Web Applications
●   Apache CXF Fediz
●   Fediz and STS Use cases
●   Relying Party IDP
●   Fediz Roadmap
Authentication & Authorization
    in Web Applications
Application Security 10 years ago
●   SSO solution using Reverse Proxy
●   Proprietary SSO token / protocol
●   Same product at Reverse Proxy, Application
    Server andcentral Security Service
●   Security tokens validated by
    remote Security Server
●   Role Based Access Control (Java, .NET API)
●   User/ID management internal
Security Challenges
●   Non IT company
    –   Buy vs build (non IT company)
    –   Applications hosted in the cloud
●   SaaS for IT companies
●   Integrate several IDM systems
    (B2B customers)
●   Access to user information
    –   Network connectivity
    –   Replicating user information
●   Reduce Security Code in the Application
●   Fine grained authorization (beyond RBAC) in
    application logic
●   Tight coupling to custom security components and
    protocols (central server, reverse proxy, proxy agent)
●   Tight coupling to single user domain
●   Lack of agility and risk
    due to managing B2B users internally
●   Different authentication mechanism in the application
●   Integration with Web Services Stack
    Mock testing
How to address that?
●   Indirect Trust Relationship to Security Server
●   Push user data to the application instead of pulling it
●   Externalize Authentication to a Central server
●   Lightweight Open Source component
●   Industry standard based solution
●   OASIS Standard 2009
●   Security Token agnostic (SAML 1.1/2.0, …)
●   Extends WS-Trust
●   Browser and Web Services SSO
●   PRP adapts Browser to WS-Trust
●   No connectivity between Application
    and IDP required (Cloud)
●   Claims/Attribute Based Access Control
●   Supports several Authentication domains
WS-Trust Security Token Service
                 1. Consumer requests token from STS,
                    presenting credentials (RST = Request Security

                 2. STS verifies credentials and issues signed

                 3. STS sends token back to consumer (RSTR =
                    Request Security Token Response)

                 4. Consumer encloses token in message to
                    service provider (optionally signing message)

                 5. Service provider validates token (and

                 6. Service provider sends response to consumer

                 WS-SecurityPolicy brings flexibility
                 and transparency to service consumer
Apache CXF Fediz
Apache CXF Fediz
●   Sub-project of Apache CXF project
●   Work started mid of 2011
●   Community growing
●   First release in June 2012
●   Current release 1.0.2
●   Finishing work for 1.1
Apache CXF Fediz
                                                                                        Id e n tity P r o v id e r (ID P )
                                                                                        S e c u r ity T o k e n S e r v ic e (S T S )

                                                         W S - F e d e r a tio n
                                                                                                            F e d iz ID P

                                                           tio                                                                            S e c u r ity T o k e n s
                                                     t ic a e n        W S -T ru s t                                                      is s u e d b y S T S
                                                   en Tok                                                   F e d iz S T S
                                              u th

U s e r M a c h in e

                       B ro w s e r

                                                                                       R e ly in g P a r ty (R P )

                                                                                                            W e b A p p lic a tio n

                                                 eb ec

                                                   A to

                                                       p p ID
                                                          lic P

                                                                                                                     F e d iz P lu g in

                                                                      H TTP S
                                                                                                           S e r v le t C o n ta in e r
Apache CXF Fediz
                                  2 ) S ig n In R e q u e s t

                                             3 ) L o g in                  Id e n tity P r o v id e r
W eb U ser
                                                                                     ID P / S T S
                                   4 ) P o s t C r e d e n tia ls

                               5 ) S ig n In R e s p o n s e
                                     S A M L to k e n
             B ro w s e r                                                                                         T r u s t r e la t io n s h ip
                                                                                                                  S ig n e d T o k e n
                                                                                                                  N o C a ll to S T S

                                 7 ) R e s o u r c e , S e t C o o k ie
                                                                               R e ly in g P a r ty
                             6 ) P o s t S ig n In R e s p o n s e
                                                                          E x . T o m c a t, W e b s p h e re ,
                                                                                  A S P .N E T , e tc .
                            1 ) H T T P G E T re s o u rc e
                                  R e d ir e c t to I D P
Apache CXF STS
●   WS-Trust 1.3/1.4                 ●   SAML token creation
●   WS-SecurityPolicy 1.3                customizable
●   RST                                  Subject, Audience,
    authenticationUsername/Kerb          AttributeStatements,…
    eros/SAML token                  ●   Claims support
●   Security Bindings:               ●   Support for realms/security
    Symmetric, Asymmetric,               domains
    Transport                        ●   Identity Mapping
●   Supported bindings               ●   Claims transformation
    Issue, validate, cancel, renew   ●   Advanced RST
●   Token provider                       elementsKeyType, Entropy,
    SAML 1.1/2.0 (HOK, Bearer),          AppliesTo,
    Custom,                              SecondaryParameters, …
    Secure Conversation              ●   Intermediary
●   Token encryption
                                         supportOnBehalfOf, ActAs
●   Issue/validate supports          ●   Custom Claims dialects
    token transformation             ●   Batch processing (RSTC)
Fediz IDP / STS
●   Username / password authentication
●   User store (File, LDAP, JAAS)
    –   File store
    –   LDAPLoginModule
    –   Other JAAS Login Module
●   Claims/Role store (File, LDAP)
    –   LdapClaimsHandler
    –   FileClaimsHandler
    –   custom
●   SAML Token creation customizable
●   Small footprint (Mock testing)
●   Wiki
Fediz Plugin
●   WS-Federation 1.0/1.1/1.2
●   SAML 1.1 / 2.0 Tokens
●   IDP trust types
    Chain Trust, Direct Trust
●   Core Logic Container independent
●   Supports Tomcat 7
●   WS-Federation Metadata publish
●   Claims provided in FederationPrincipal
●   Wiki
Fediz Plugin Configuration
  Config element           Description                  Metadata
issuer                Issuer URL                 PassiveRequestorEndpoint

realm                 Realm                      TargetScope

authenticationType    Authentication Type        NA

roleURI               Claim URI for roles        NA

roleDelimiter         Role Value Delimiter       NA

claimTypesRequested   Requested claims           ClaimTypesRequested

homeRealm             Home Realm                 NA

tokenValidators       Security Token Validator   NA

signingKey            Key for Metadata           Metadata signature
Fediz Plugin Extensions (1/2)
●   Customize Sign-In Request
     Configuration        SignIn Request   Callback
     authenticationType   wauth            WAuthCallback
     homeRealm            whr              HomeRealmCallback
     freshness            wfresh           FreshnessCallback
     issuer               N.A.             IDPCallback

●   Customize Security Token Validation
Fediz Plugin Extensions (2/2)
●   Callback Handler implementation for Home Realm
public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {

  public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws … {
    for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
      if (callbacks[i] instanceof HomeRealmCallback) {
        HomeRealmCallback callback =
            (HomeRealmCallback) callbacks[i];
        HttpServletRequest request = callback.getRequest();
        String homeRealm = ...
      } else {
        throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks[i],
"Unrecognized Callback");
       ●   Wiki
Fediz Interoperability
                   Fediz IDP   Adnovum IDP   Microsoft ADFS

    Fediz Plugin


●   Fediz STS based on Apache CXF STS
●   Apache CXF STS integrated into Adnovum
Fediz and STS Use cases
STS: Use case Web SSO
     Fediz example “simpleWebapp”
 ● WS-Federation 1.2
 ● WS-Trust 1.3
 ● SAML 2.0
 ● OASIS Identity Metasystem

CXF STS capabilities
 ● RST UsernameKerberos
 ● SAML 2.0 Bearer
 ● Claims from LDAP
 ● Claim data in

Federation plugin
 ● SAML token validation
   (WSS4J, OpenSAML)
 ● Creates security context
STS: Use case intermediary
    Fediz example “wsclientWebapp”
 ●  WS-Trust 1.3
 ●  SAML 2.0
 ●  WS-SecurityPolicy

                                               CXF STS capabilities
CXF capabilities                                ● RST SAML token [4,6]
 ● Issued token assertion(WS-SecurityPolicy)    ● SAML 2.0 Bearer [6]
 ● SecondaryParameters                          ● Custom Token [4]
 ● OnBehalfOf                                     (BinarySecurityToken)
 ● Token caching                                ● Token transformation [4,6]
                                                ● Identity Mapping[4]
                                                ● OnBehalfOf [4,6]
Relying Party IDP
More than one Requestor IDP
●   WS-Federation defines Requestor
    and Relying Party IDP
●   RP IDP issues SAML token for application
    in a requestor independent format
●   Integrate Requestor IDPs without
    affecting application
●   HomeRealm Discovery
●   RP IDP federates Identities or Claims
Internal ID management
                                                                                                       Federate identites
                                        R e q u e s to r Id P
                                                                                                        ● CXF IdentityMapper
R e q u e s to r Id P
                                        m y c o m p a n y .c o m                                        ● Relationship: FederateIdentity
m y c o m p a n y .c o m


                                                                                   R P - Id P
                                                                                   H o m e r e a lm
                                                                                   d is c o v e r y
                                                                                   Id P
                                                                                   m y c o m p a n y .c o m
                        B ro w s e r
                        In tr a n e t

                                                                           R e ly in g P a r ty

                                                                           A p p lic a tio n
                                                                           C o n ta in e r

                                                                           Ex. Tom cat
Hyprid ID management
                                                                                                              R e q u e s to r Id P

                                                                                                              F a b r ik a m .c o m

                                                                                                              In te r n a l
                                        R e q u e s to r Id P

                                        m y c o m p a n y .c o m
R e q u e s to r Id P
                                        APAC                                                                                                      B ro w s e r
m y c o m p a n y .c o m
                                                                                                                                              3   f a b r ik a m .c o m

                                                                                   R P -Id P                                              2
                                                                                   H o m e r e a lm
                                                                                   d is c o v e r y
                                                                                   Id P
                                                                                   m y c o m p a n y .c o m
                        B ro w s e r
                        In tr a n e t                                                                                                 1

                                                                           R e ly in g P a r ty

                                                                           A p p lic a tio n
                                                                           C o n ta in e r

                                                                           Ex. Tom cat                          Federate identities
                                                                                                                 ● CXF IdentityMapper
                                                                                                                 ● Relationship: FederateIdentity
External requestor IDPs (SaaS)
                                                                                                              R e q u e s to r Id P

                                                                                                              F a b r ik a m .c o m

                                                                                                              In te r n a l
                                        R e q u e s to r Id P

                                        m y c o m p a n y .c o m
R e q u e s to r Id P
                                        APAC                                                                                                                      B ro w s e r
m y c o m p a n y .c o m
                                                                                                                                                      3           f a b r ik a m .c o m

                                                                                   R P -Id P                                              2
                                                                                   H o m e r e a lm
                                                                                   d is c o v e r y
                                                                                   Id P
                                                                                   m y c o m p a n y .c o m
                        B ro w s e r
                        In tr a n e t                                                                                                 1 2
                                                                                                                                                                      B ro w s e r
                                                                                                                                                                      a d a ta m .c o m

                                                                           R e ly in g P a r ty                                       1
                                                                           A p p lic a tio n

                                                                           C o n ta in e r

                                                                           Ex. Tom cat

                                                                                                                                      R e q u e s to r Id P

                                   Federate claims/attributes                                                                         a d a ta m .c o m
                                    ● CXF ClaimsMapper                                                                                E x te rn a l

                                    ● Relationship: FederateClaims
Fediz Roadmap
●   WS-Federation support for RP-IDP (1.1)
●   HomeRealm Discovery (1.1)
●   SAML Profile (1.1+)
●   Support encrypted SAML tokens (1.1)
●   SAML Holder-Of-Key (1.1)
●   Fediz Plugin support
    –   Karaf (1.1)
    –   Jetty (1.1)
    –   Spring Security (1.1)
More information
●   Fediz website
●   Blogs
Content Slides
●   Level 1
    –   Level 2
        ●   Level 3
             –   Level 4
                   ● Level 5
 ●  WS-Trust 1.3
 ●  SAML 2.0
                                                           Id e n tity P r o v id e r
 ●  WS-SecurityPolicy                                          < < S o la r is > >
                                                                                                                                            Id e n tit y S to r e            Id e n tity S to r e
                                                                                                                                           < < W in d o w s > >            < < M a in f r a m e > >
                                             ID P
                                        < < N e v is > >

CXF STS capabilities

                                                                    2 .1
                                                                                                                                                 LDAP                              RACF
                                                                                          STS                                       2 .2
   RST SAML token [4,6]

 ● SAML 2.0 Bearer [6]                                                                                                                           4 .1
 ● Custom Token [4]
   (BinarySecurityToken)                                                                                                                                                   B u s in e s s S e r v ic e

                                                                                                                                                                               < < T o m c a t> >

 ● Token transformation [4,6]
                                                                                                          4 / 6
   Identity Mapping[4]
                                                                                                                                                                              A p p lic a t io n
 ●                                                                                                                                                                             J A X -R P C

 ● OnBehalfOf [4,6]                                                                                                                                                              Not CXF
                                                                                                        W e b A p p lic a tio n
                                                                                                          < < T o m c a t> >
                                                                                                                                                                   T   )
                                                                                                                                                            (   BS
CXF capabilities            B ro w s e r
                                                                          3                               A p p lic a tio n
 ● Issued token assertion(WS-                                             1
                                                                                                            J A X -W S

                                                                                                                                                                           B u s in e s s S e r v ic e
   SecurityPolicy)                                                                            F e d e r a t io n _ _          CXF
                                                                                                                                                                            < < O S G i K a ra f> >

 ● SecondaryParameters                                                                                                                                7 (S T )
                                                                                                                                                                                A p p lic a t io n
 ● OnBehalfOf                                                                                                                                                                     J A X -W S

 ● Token caching                                                                                                                                                                      CXF

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SSO and fine grained authorization in the cloud

  • 1. SSO and fine grained authorization in the cloud Oliver Wulff
  • 2. Brief introduction ● Solution Architect ● Web Services (Axis, CXF, …) ● Security (WS-*, Kerberos, Web SSO, …) ● Corba ● Java / C# / C++ ● Apache CXF PMC member ● Talend Community Coder ( ● ●
  • 3. Agenda ● Authentication & Authorization in Web Applications ● Apache CXF Fediz ● Fediz and STS Use cases ● Relying Party IDP ● Fediz Roadmap
  • 4. Authentication & Authorization in Web Applications
  • 5. Application Security 10 years ago ● SSO solution using Reverse Proxy ● Proprietary SSO token / protocol ● Same product at Reverse Proxy, Application Server andcentral Security Service ● Security tokens validated by remote Security Server ● Role Based Access Control (Java, .NET API) ● User/ID management internal
  • 6. Security Challenges ● Non IT company – Buy vs build (non IT company) – Applications hosted in the cloud ● SaaS for IT companies ● Integrate several IDM systems (B2B customers) ● Access to user information – Network connectivity – Replicating user information ● Reduce Security Code in the Application
  • 7. Gaps ● Fine grained authorization (beyond RBAC) in application logic ● Tight coupling to custom security components and protocols (central server, reverse proxy, proxy agent) ● Tight coupling to single user domain ● Lack of agility and risk due to managing B2B users internally ● Different authentication mechanism in the application (container) ● Integration with Web Services Stack ● Mock testing
  • 8. How to address that? ● Indirect Trust Relationship to Security Server ● Push user data to the application instead of pulling it ● Externalize Authentication to a Central server ● Lightweight Open Source component ● Industry standard based solution
  • 9. WS-Federation ● OASIS Standard 2009 ● Security Token agnostic (SAML 1.1/2.0, …) ● Extends WS-Trust ● Browser and Web Services SSO ● PRP adapts Browser to WS-Trust ● No connectivity between Application and IDP required (Cloud) ● Claims/Attribute Based Access Control ● Supports several Authentication domains
  • 10. WS-Trust Security Token Service 1. Consumer requests token from STS, presenting credentials (RST = Request Security Token) 2. STS verifies credentials and issues signed token 3. STS sends token back to consumer (RSTR = Request Security Token Response) 4. Consumer encloses token in message to service provider (optionally signing message) 5. Service provider validates token (and signature) 6. Service provider sends response to consumer WS-SecurityPolicy brings flexibility and transparency to service consumer
  • 12. Apache CXF Fediz ● Sub-project of Apache CXF project ● Work started mid of 2011 ● Community growing ● First release in June 2012 ● Current release 1.0.2 ● Finishing work for 1.1
  • 13. Apache CXF Fediz Id e n tity P r o v id e r (ID P ) S e c u r ity T o k e n S e r v ic e (S T S ) W S - F e d e r a tio n F e d iz ID P n tio S e c u r ity T o k e n s t ic a e n W S -T ru s t is s u e d b y S T S en Tok F e d iz S T S u th A  U s e r M a c h in e B ro w s e r R e ly in g P a r ty (R P ) A cc es s  W W e b A p p lic a tio n R eb ec ed A to ir p p ID t lic P at io n F e d iz P lu g in H TTP S S e r v le t C o n ta in e r
  • 14. Apache CXF Fediz 2 ) S ig n In R e q u e s t 3 ) L o g in Id e n tity P r o v id e r W eb U ser ID P / S T S 4 ) P o s t C r e d e n tia ls 5 ) S ig n In R e s p o n s e S A M L to k e n B ro w s e r T r u s t r e la t io n s h ip S ig n e d T o k e n N o C a ll to S T S 7 ) R e s o u r c e , S e t C o o k ie R e ly in g P a r ty 6 ) P o s t S ig n In R e s p o n s e E x . T o m c a t, W e b s p h e re , A S P .N E T , e tc . 1 ) H T T P G E T re s o u rc e R e d ir e c t to I D P
  • 15. Apache CXF STS ● WS-Trust 1.3/1.4 ● SAML token creation ● WS-SecurityPolicy 1.3 customizable ● RST Subject, Audience, authenticationUsername/Kerb AttributeStatements,… eros/SAML token ● Claims support ● Security Bindings: ● Support for realms/security Symmetric, Asymmetric, domains Transport ● Identity Mapping ● Supported bindings ● Claims transformation Issue, validate, cancel, renew ● Advanced RST ● Token provider elementsKeyType, Entropy, SAML 1.1/2.0 (HOK, Bearer), AppliesTo, Custom, SecondaryParameters, … Secure Conversation ● Intermediary ● Token encryption supportOnBehalfOf, ActAs ● Issue/validate supports ● Custom Claims dialects token transformation ● Batch processing (RSTC)
  • 16. Fediz IDP / STS ● Username / password authentication ● User store (File, LDAP, JAAS) – File store – LDAPLoginModule – Other JAAS Login Module ● Claims/Role store (File, LDAP) – LdapClaimsHandler – FileClaimsHandler – custom ● SAML Token creation customizable ● Small footprint (Mock testing) ● Wiki
  • 17. Fediz Plugin ● WS-Federation 1.0/1.1/1.2 ● SAML 1.1 / 2.0 Tokens ● IDP trust types Chain Trust, Direct Trust ● Core Logic Container independent ● Supports Tomcat 7 ● WS-Federation Metadata publish ● Claims provided in FederationPrincipal ● Wiki
  • 18. Fediz Plugin Configuration Config element Description Metadata issuer Issuer URL PassiveRequestorEndpoint realm Realm TargetScope authenticationType Authentication Type NA roleURI Claim URI for roles NA roleDelimiter Role Value Delimiter NA claimTypesRequested Requested claims ClaimTypesRequested homeRealm Home Realm NA tokenValidators Security Token Validator NA signingKey Key for Metadata Metadata signature signature
  • 19. Fediz Plugin Extensions (1/2) ● Customize Sign-In Request Configuration SignIn Request Callback object authenticationType wauth WAuthCallback homeRealm whr HomeRealmCallback freshness wfresh FreshnessCallback issuer N.A. IDPCallback ● Customize Security Token Validation
  • 20. Fediz Plugin Extensions (2/2) ● Callback Handler implementation for Home Realm Discovery public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler { public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws … { for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { if (callbacks[i] instanceof HomeRealmCallback) { HomeRealmCallback callback = (HomeRealmCallback) callbacks[i]; HttpServletRequest request = callback.getRequest(); String homeRealm = ... callback.setHomeRealm(homeRealm); } else { throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks[i], "Unrecognized Callback"); } } } } ● Wiki
  • 21. Fediz Interoperability Fediz IDP Adnovum IDP Microsoft ADFS Fediz Plugin ASP.NET ● Fediz STS based on Apache CXF STS ● Apache CXF STS integrated into Adnovum IDP
  • 22. Fediz and STS Use cases
  • 23. STS: Use case Web SSO Fediz example “simpleWebapp” https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet
  • 24. Standards ● WS-Federation 1.2 ● WS-Trust 1.3 ● SAML 2.0 ● OASIS Identity Metasystem CXF STS capabilities ● RST UsernameKerberos ● SAML 2.0 Bearer ● Claims from LDAP ● Claim data in AttributeStatement Federation plugin ● SAML token validation (WSS4J, OpenSAML) ● Creates security context
  • 25. STS: Use case intermediary Fediz example “wsclientWebapp” https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/service.jsp
  • 26. Standards ● WS-Trust 1.3 ● SAML 2.0 ● WS-SecurityPolicy CXF STS capabilities CXF capabilities ● RST SAML token [4,6] ● Issued token assertion(WS-SecurityPolicy) ● SAML 2.0 Bearer [6] ● SecondaryParameters ● Custom Token [4] ● OnBehalfOf (BinarySecurityToken) ● Token caching ● Token transformation [4,6] ● Identity Mapping[4] ● OnBehalfOf [4,6]
  • 28. More than one Requestor IDP ● WS-Federation defines Requestor and Relying Party IDP ● RP IDP issues SAML token for application in a requestor independent format ● Integrate Requestor IDPs without affecting application ● HomeRealm Discovery ● RP IDP federates Identities or Claims
  • 29. Internal ID management Federate identites R e q u e s to r Id P ● CXF IdentityMapper R e q u e s to r Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m ● Relationship: FederateIdentity APAC m y c o m p a n y .c o m EM EA R P - Id P H o m e r e a lm d is c o v e r y 3 Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m 2 B ro w s e r In tr a n e t 1 R e ly in g P a r ty A p p lic a tio n C o n ta in e r Ex. Tom cat
  • 30. Hyprid ID management R e q u e s to r Id P F a b r ik a m .c o m In te r n a l R e q u e s to r Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m R e q u e s to r Id P APAC B ro w s e r m y c o m p a n y .c o m 3 f a b r ik a m .c o m EM EA R P -Id P 2 H o m e r e a lm d is c o v e r y 3 Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m 2 B ro w s e r In tr a n e t 1 1 R e ly in g P a r ty A p p lic a tio n C o n ta in e r Ex. Tom cat Federate identities ● CXF IdentityMapper ● Relationship: FederateIdentity
  • 31. External requestor IDPs (SaaS) R e q u e s to r Id P F a b r ik a m .c o m In te r n a l R e q u e s to r Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m R e q u e s to r Id P APAC B ro w s e r m y c o m p a n y .c o m 3 f a b r ik a m .c o m EM EA R P -Id P 2 H o m e r e a lm d is c o v e r y 3 Id P m y c o m p a n y .c o m 2 B ro w s e r In tr a n e t 1 2 B ro w s e r a d a ta m .c o m 1 R e ly in g P a r ty 1 A p p lic a tio n 3 C o n ta in e r Ex. Tom cat R e q u e s to r Id P Federate claims/attributes a d a ta m .c o m ● CXF ClaimsMapper E x te rn a l ● Relationship: FederateClaims
  • 32. Fediz Roadmap ● WS-Federation support for RP-IDP (1.1) ● HomeRealm Discovery (1.1) ● SAML Profile (1.1+) ● Support encrypted SAML tokens (1.1) ● SAML Holder-Of-Key (1.1) ● Fediz Plugin support – Karaf (1.1) – Jetty (1.1) – Spring Security (1.1)
  • 33. More information ● Fediz website ● Blogs
  • 34. Content Slides ● Level 1 – Level 2 ● Level 3 – Level 4 ● Level 5
  • 35. Standards ● WS-Trust 1.3 ● SAML 2.0 Id e n tity P r o v id e r ● WS-SecurityPolicy < < S o la r is > > Id e n tit y S to r e Id e n tity S to r e < < W in d o w s > > < < M a in f r a m e > > ID P < < N e v is > > CXF STS capabilities 2 .1 LDAP RACF STS 2 .2 RST SAML token [4,6] <<CXF>> ● ● SAML 2.0 Bearer [6] 4 .1 ● Custom Token [4] (BinarySecurityToken) B u s in e s s S e r v ic e 2 < < T o m c a t> > ● Token transformation [4,6] 4 / 6 Identity Mapping[4] A p p lic a t io n ● J A X -R P C ● OnBehalfOf [4,6] Not CXF W e b A p p lic a tio n < < T o m c a t> > T ) ( BS CXF capabilities B ro w s e r 5 3 A p p lic a tio n ● Issued token assertion(WS- 1 J A X -W S B u s in e s s S e r v ic e SecurityPolicy) F e d e r a t io n _ _ CXF < < O S G i K a ra f> > ● SecondaryParameters 7 (S T ) A p p lic a t io n ● OnBehalfOf J A X -W S ● Token caching CXF