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ATTENTION: Men & Women Over 45 Struggling With Knee Pain...
1,000 Year Old "5 Minute
Ritual" Reveals Secret To
Decreasing Knee Pain By
Learn How You Can Cut Your Knee Pain In Half In The Next 5
Minutes WITHOUT Harmful Drugs Or Invasive Surgeries... 
Dear friend,
Imagine living a life free from knee pain… each day getting better
than the day before, rather than worse.
Walking, looking and feeling normal again -- without those achy
joints because you 몭xed them… feeling and moving like you were
20 years younger.
Having knees that are stronger... so you are able to move with
ease, and not worrying that as you age you will fall down because
you are weak... because you’ve built this energetic body that can
handle anything...
Going for a nice bike ride, walking on the golf course or around
your neighborhood. 
Doing things you love to do, and most importantly spending time
with loved ones and friends.
And imagine this... going for a walk without worrying that your
knees won’t make it because they’ll be full of energy and pain
Think about what you’ll be able to accomplish now... not only
running circles around your friends, but even throwing the ball
around or having fun in the yard with your loved ones.
Living a better quality of life, longer than what you thought
You can see it now, right?
Well, not only is it possible… but it’s already happening for people
around the world…
But how have people just like you achieved this?
They’ve found a solution to their knee pain, and you can too…
Michigan Trainer Publically "Blows Whistle"
Michigan Trainer Publically "Blows Whistle"
On Drug Companies And Reveals TRUE
Cause of Chronic Knee Pain
Hi, My name is Todd Kuslikis (Koosh- Lick-iss). Don’t worry, you’re
not the 몭rst person to mispronounce my last name.
A little about myself and how I discovered this unique ritual. 
From a very young age, I’ve been fascinated by how the body heals
itself. Here’s why...
I still remember a heart-wrenching experience that changed my life
I was 5 years old and my cat that I dearly loved was extremely sick
and about to die. He was my best bud. 
We were laying together on our living room 몭oor on a cold winter
night in Michigan. As the snow hit the window, I could hear the
sloshing of tires as cars passed by. 
He was hardly breathing as my tears hit his fur and I pet him -
with each stroke maybe being the last.
You see, my family didn’t have enough money to bring him to the
vet. My dad said, "Maybe you should feed him sugar water through
an eye dropper. At least that way, he'll get some nutrition." 
I decided to give it a shot. And for two days, I fed him sugar water
through the eye dropper. At 몭rst, he just "gummed" the water
without any interest. But soon, he actually started drinking it
through the dropper. To my amazement, he started getting
It worked like magic!
He slowly regained his strength moving better and better than the
day before… and after a few weeks he was fully recovered and
back to his normal, lovable Leo again!
That’s where it all began...
From then on, I made it my mission to study and learn how the
human body recovered and gained optimal health and vitality.
I started my mission studying traditional Chinese medicine as well
as herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture and internal healing
arts. I realized that these ancient healing techniques dated back
thousands of years and contained hidden "secrets" that worked
like miracles. Eastern Medicine couldn't explain "why they worked",
they just worked. But my curious mind had to learn the science
behind these amazing techniques.  
So I embarked on a parallel path of Western Medicine and studied
Nursing at Western Michigan University, personal training and
human physiology and eventually got my masters degree with a
focus on health... so I could understand how to research and dive
deep into credible scienti몭c studies and help people achieve the
pain free lives they want and deserve. 
The insights I discovered over 15 years of studying Eastern and
Western medicine gave me the tools to help thousands of people
overcome some of the most common ailments people are facing
And the lesson I learned from my sick cat over three decades ago
have stayed with me all these years.
This is what I learned...
The body CAN heal itself, you just have to get out of the way and
perform simple “recovery” rituals to foster this healing.
I discovered the foundation for this unique ritual while studying at
the Blue Heron Academy of Healing Arts and Sciences.
There my teacher, known as "The Doc", unlocked the thousand
year old mystery of how the human body can heal itself quickly
and without harmful drugs... eliminating pain from the body and
regaining optimal health and rejuvenation....
I shared these techniques with tens of thousands of people and
saw 몭rst hand how miraculous they really were… and it all led to
you reading this today...
So I’m about to reveal to you the true cause of knee pain… and
how you can be free from your nagging joint pain forever using a
simple thousand year old, 5-minute ritual ANYONE can do. 
Now, you might be thinking… “why haven’t I heard of this ritual
Well, there are a couple of reckless groups of people that you can
blame, but 몭rst let’s dive into the main problem: Why does knee
pain exists in the 몭rst place?
If you are over the age of 45, your doctor might have already told
you to manage your knee pain and arthritis by gobbling up drugs
like Advil or Tylenol.
You might have even gotten injections in your knee or a full knee
However, do you know what is actually behind the pain in your
New research is revealing that there are 3 main causes of joint
pain. I call them the "Joint Pain Triad". 
The 3 Harmful Causes of Chronic Joint
"Joint Pain Triad"
Harmful Cause #1: Cellular Inflammation
According to The Mayo Clinic, in몭ammation is one of the leading
causes of joint pain in adults over 45. 
In fact, some of the most common symptoms of aging such as
aches, pains and fatigue are all caused by in몭ammation... 
Did you catch that? 
The in몭ammation inside your joint is causing much of the su몭ering
you are experiencing on a daily basis. Waking up in the morning
with sti몭, achy joints. Trying to chase your grandkids but unable to
keep up because of your "old knees". Living your life constantly
wishing your knees would just stop throbbing. 
In몭ammation is at the root of the pain you are feeling right now. 
But that's not all. Let's talk about the second Harmful Cause:
Postural Misalignment.
Harmful Cause #2: Postural Misalignment
You may not even realize it but how you stand, walk and even sit
can cause havoc on your knees. It's the "silent killer" you don't even
know is hurting you. 
According to Dr's Tetsworth and Paley in a ground-breaking 2004
study, they found that even a 5% misalignment of your knee can
cause a 70-90% increase in added stress inside the joint. 
They revealed, "This dramatic increase in load creates a four-fold
increase in the risk of worsening the knee over 18 months". 
Yes, you heard that correctly. 
Even just a small misalignment of only 5% can create long-term
harmful e몭ects inside your knee and lead to osteoarthritis and
other debilitating knee problems. 
If you are overweight, this only increases the rate at which your
joints break down. Thankfully, this easy 5 minute ritual helps
quickly realign your entire body (including your knees) so you don't
ever have to worry about misaglinment destroying your knees. The
best part is that it works, even if you are 30, 50 or even 100lbs
But before we get to this simple ritual, we have one more evil
member of the "Joint Pain Triad'.... 
Harmful Cause #3: Cartilage Deterioration
Renowned Dr. Chris Centeno M.D., a specialist in regenerative
medicine, states that joint instability is one of the leading causes
of cartilage breakdown. 
If you are experiencing sudden "shifting, popping or cracking" or
"soreness or swelling after activity", according to Dr. Centeno, you
might have low cartilage in your joint. 
Often times, cartilage breakdown is due to a common condition
called "loose joints". 
Imagine your knee as if it was being held together by "duct tape". If
the duct tape is loose then the knee moves around too much and
slowly injures the cartilage over time. 
Can Joint Pain Lead to Disability & Even
A recently released 76-page authoritative study shocked the
medical community and sent chills throughout the industry…
The CDC (Centers For Disease Control) reported that joint pain and
arthritis is now “One Of The Top Chronic Conditions Leading To
Death And Disability.”
Yes, the problem is THAT serious. 
Even if you are just experiencing a little bit of pain or swelling or
sti몭ness. That small pain is ballooning into a big problem that will
soon pop and... decrease the quality of your life and force you to
live with unnecessary pain. 
There are many harmful e몭ects knee pain has on your body and
your life. 
Here are just a few...
The Harmful Effects Knee Pain Is Having On
Your Body and Life
 Trouble walking
Aching, Swollen, and Pulsing Knees
Inflamed Knee Joint Pain
Constantly Having To Take Anti­Inflammatory Drugs
Moving in Pain
Overweight Due To Pain
Low Energy Levels
Feeling Older and Immobile
What BIG Pharma and Hospitals Do NOT
Want You To Know About Your Knee Pain
A few years ago, the popular publication "The New Yorker" blew
the whistle on big companies such as Purdue Pharma, Johnson &
Johnson and Endo Pharmaceuticals because of their aggressive
marketing tactics for pain pills. 
These companies promoted their drugs to doctors across the U.S.
through publications and even continued education courses
needed by medical professionals. 
Why do you think so many doctors prescribe NSAIDs and other
"anti-pain" drugs to manage knee pain? 
Why not simply 몭x the core issues caused by the "The Knee Pain
The doctors have been in몭uenced by the big pharacuetical
companies. It's the way the medical establishment has worked for
decades. They rake in billions while you su몭er with pain the rest of
your life. Popping pills in the hope for even minor relief. And what's
worse, is they get an even bigger pay day when you eventually
need surgery for a knee replacement.
They make money BECAUSE of your pain. The more pain, the more
money they make.
Knee joint pain alone costs hard working people more than 27
billion dollars a year.
That’s 27 billion dollars going to the healthcare industry from
pockets of people just like you.
It’s a big, big business.
However, what if there was a way to 몭ght back against knee joint
pain and possibly avoid surgery in the 몭rst place -- or avoid
ANOTHER surgery?
What if there was a way to decrease your pain and
in몭ammation… enjoying pain-free movement?
Well there is…
National Institute of Health Exposes Secret
Exercise To Decreasing Knee Pain by 58%
According to research from the US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health... 
There is a simple exercise that can decrease your knee pain by
The purpose of this study was to monitor the pain relief of the
knee resulting from isometric quadriceps exercise in patients with
knee joint pain…
The participants in the study did one simple isometric exercise a
few times a week and saw a huge reduction of pain. The results
were amazing... no pill-popping, no knee surgeries, just a simple
easy-to-do exercise, anyone can do. 
And… we’ll get to that speci몭c exercise very soon…
But 몭rst…
What are Isometric exercises?
Isometric exercises are a simple, e몭ective and easy exercise where
you increase the tension in the muscles without moving your joints.
It gives your body the ability to use its muscles without ever
moving… and allows your knees to release your pain...for good. 
Is this the real deal?
Shocking University Study PROVES Anti­
Inflammatory Drugs LESS Effective Than
Simple 5 Minute 1,000 Year Old Exercise!
Renowned Western Ontario and McMaster Universities revealed in
a revoluationary study that a simple form of isometric exercise
worked signifcantly better for reducing and even eliminating knee
This isometric exercise successfully outperformed the drugs and
pills… in both pain relief and knee joint function.
This unique 1,000 year old isometric exercise is easy to perform,
painless and can drastically heal your knee joint faster than
anything you've tried so far. 
What’s the secret behind isometrics? Why does it work so well?
You're about to discover the secret behind the ritual I call "Knee
Relief Secrets". This is the secret sauce behind how this unique
form of exercise has been proven to reduce and eliminate knee
pain WITHOUT causing more damage to the joint like other popular
exercises being performed today. 
But before I share these "Relief Secrets" you may be wondering...
"Todd, I've tried exercising before. I can't do it. It causes too
much pain." 
Imagine your achy, painful knee joint as a rubber band. This rubber
band is tattered and weak. What would happen if you were to
stretch that rubber band? It increases the chances that it would
snap, right? Not to mention you'd be weakening it further.
When you have pain in your knee and you exercise using "normal"
exercises... you feel more knee pain because you are stretching
that weak rubber band. The result? More in몭ammation and
cartilage damage because you are aggravating your knee. Your
brain is sensing the pain so it tells your body to produce more
in몭ammation to protect that area. It's an endless cycle and your
knee never heals properly. 
With this unique isometric exercise, the weak rubber band (your
knee) doesn’t actually move. You are building a strong, healthy
knee without causing more in몭ammation or aggravation.
This 5 Minute Isometric Ritual uses your body to repair itself rather
than hiding the problem with foreign drugs…
Getting Rid Of Knee Pain Can Be Easy, Fast,
Getting Rid Of Knee Pain Can Be Easy, Fast,
And Done At Home Without Any Equipment
Using The 5 Minute Feel Good Knees Method
Over the course of the last two decades, I've traveled and studied
under renowned experts in health and rehabilitation. 
When I discovered this simple form of unique isometrics, I knew I
had to share it with the world. 
I've collected the MOST e몭ect variations of isometrics that ANYONE
can do. And I mean anyone, no matter if you have had knee
surgery already... struggling with grinding knee joints daily... or
simply have that nagging, acheness you want to eliminate. 
My greatest techniques have been combined into a simple and
easy to follow 5-minute ritual called the Feel Good Knees Method. 
I started sharing these simple techniques with people I knew that
were struggling with knee pain and quickly my inbox became
몭ooded with people that were blown away by the results. 
Here are a just a few of them that I found in my email the other
Knees Feel Better Than They've Felt In 30
I am a 68 year old man and I recently purchased your program to
help me gain strength after recovering from several years of
health issues. Living with pain in my knees was just normal to me. I
found your course and am so happy with the results. The
exercises were easy to follow and didn’t hurt while I was doing
Because of your program, not only are my knees feeling better
than they have felt in 30 years but I am much more solid and
stable on my feet. And I don't feel any pain going up and down
stairs anymore.
- Charles R. from Fairfax, VA
I Can Now Walk In The Park Without Pain!
I have been following your Feel Good Knees program for one week
and already seeing a huge reduction in pain in my knees. 
Wow! I do the 5 minute routine in the morning. It’s so simple and
feels so good after doing it. Thank you so much for creating this
 I am so excited because yesterday I took a walk in my favorite
park next to my house and my knees didn’t give me any pain… like
they normally do!  
- Clarence J. from Clearwater, Fl
Grandmother On Vacation Gets INSTANT
I am currently on vacation on a private island and have
incorporated your exercises into my daily routine. They 몭t so well
into any environment which is a great feature! 
But the best part is that I can tell my knees are improving daily!
Less and less pain which I haven’t felt for years. 
I especially like your rejuvenation techniques as my knees feel
instant pain relief! Wow. So impressed with this Feel Good Knees
-Sofía M. from Santa Ana, CA
Seeing Huge Pain Reduction & Enjoying Life
Since starting the Feel Good Knees program I haven’t missed a
day. I never realized how sti몭 my left leg was compared to my
With your program I’m 몭nding my left leg loosen up so much. 
I especially found your Primary Thought Dictum technique helpful. 
I’m noticing huge results in pain reduction and feel blessed that
I have found this awesome program. 
-Craig E. from Tullahoma, TN
Finally Able To Get Rid Of Pain Meds!
For most of my life I have felt sti몭 and have had to manage my
pain using medications. I knew the long term a몭ects they were
doing to my body but have always had pain in my knees. 
I am always a bit concerned about trying anything new because I
don’t want to hurt my knees more. 
But I started following your program and 몭nding that I have much
more strength in my knees and feeling really good! For the 몭rst
time in years, I’m even planning to get rid of my pain meds!
-Jenette S. from Lamar, CO
You Have Brought HOPE Back For Complete
A few months ago I incurred an injury that left me in quite a bit of
pain. I am in a 몭nancial situation and can’t a몭ord health insurance
or surgery so I knew I had to 몭nd an alternative. 
I came upon your program using isometrics and after one week
was blown away by the results. My pain reduced so much and
am so thankful to you Todd and these simple isometric exercises. 
You have brought hope back into my life and I know that with
time, I will have complete healing. 
- Phil E. from Bowman, CA
Decreased Pain AND Walking With Normal
I just wanted to thank you Todd for creating this incredible
program. To put it on a nutshell, I was in an accident a long time
ago and my left leg was injured pretty badly. Over the years it has
become very weak and hard to use. 
I just started your program 2 weeks ago and am already so
impressed by how quickly my pain has decreased and how strong
my leg is getting. 
And I'm even getting closer to walking with a more normal gait!
Also, lifting and carrying items is becoming less awkward. Thank
you, thank you, thank you! 
-Steve A. from Traverse City, MI
Feeling GREAT Even After Bad Car Accident
Several years ago, I was in a bad car accident. I still stu몭er with
PTSD and have pain throughout my body, including my knees. I
can’t begin to tell you how your story and program has lifted the
world o몭 my shoulders. I’m feeling so much less pain in my knees
now and this is giving me hope for the future. 
God bless you Todd, both you and your family. 
-Pam F. from Souiz Falls, SD
How Can The Feel Good Knees Method Be
So Powerful?
Knee Relief Secret #1
Regrow Healthy Cartilage In Your Knee
Your doctor may have told you that once you lost your cartilage in
your knee you could never gain it back again. But I am here to tell
you it's simply not true. And I'll prove it with two groundbreaking
studies in the area of joint rehabilitation. 
The 몭rst is a two-year study of 325 subjects published in the
Journal of American Medical Association. All subjects in the
study had cartilage degeneration to some degree. 
After the study, the researchers used MRI machines to analyze the
To their surprise, the results showed that 37% of the participants
experienced cartilage improvements in their knees. The author's
summed up the research that the MRI results showed cartilage
repair and healing. 
So how can the knee repair the cartilage? 
Remember, your body WANTS to heal, you just have to get out of
the way and allow it to. 
Increase Joint Fluid = Faster Knee Recovery
Researchers in Japan wanted to study the e몭ects of these unique
isometric exercises on knee joint recovery. 
They measured joint 몭uid levels before and after the study and
discovered that using the simple isometric exercise signi몭cantly
increased "joint viscosity" from 45.8 to 59.8 mPas. 
What does this mean? The exercise helped "lubricate" the joint
and decreased overall pain.
Knee Relief Secret #2
Reduce Inflammation & Promote Healing
Pharmaceutical companies want you to believe their drugs are the
only way to reduce in몭ammation and promote healing. 
Eastern medicine has known for thousands of years the near
instant e몭ects these unique exercises have on reducing
Now science is catching up. 
Dr's Perandini and Sa-Pinto, from the School of Physical Education
and Sport found that one of the MOST e몭ective ways of decreasing
in몭ammation was to perform these unique isometric strength
Patients saw improvements in physical functioning, decrease in
body & joint pain and improvement of overall vitality. 
In fact, recent literature shows that it is one of the fastest ways to
reduce in몭ammation and promote overall healing inside the knee
Knee Relief Secret #3
Better Joint Mobility That Is Painless... At
Living with pain is not fun, and it usually only gets worse and
worse.... IF you cover up the core problems with harmful drugs. 
The problem is that when your knees hurt, you don't feel like you
can do anything. So you just sit and your knees become weaker
and lose their mobility. 
This becomes an endless cycle of decreased mobility and more
and more pain. 
The 5 Minute Ritual revealed in the Feel Good Knees Method
immediately starts improving your knee mobility and pulls you out
of this endless cycle. 
You're knees can 몭nally feel good as you move them.
You'll regain the youthful mobility you had 30 years ago and will be
able to move your joints through a full range of motion without
pain or discomfort. 
Knee Relief Secret #4
Holistic & Natural Knee Pain Relief
The Journal of Sport and Exercise Medicine published by the British
Medical Journal released a cover story on how people just like you,
who have been su몭ering from knee pain for years (or even
decades) are experiencing amazing pain relief in their knees. 
This is all being done, holistically and naturally... without drugs,
painful injections or expensive knee replacement surgeries 
The simple 5-minute ritual contains these easy to perform
exercises that provide near-instant relief. 
Researchers behind the study, Dr's O'Reilly, Muir and Doherty
came to the conclusion that this simple routine of these exercises
"can signi몭cantly improve self-reported knee pain and function". 
Knee Relief Secret #5
Improvement In Overall Strength
Did you know that weak muscles around your knee may actually be
causing the pain you are feeling? 
It's true. A few years ago, 462 men and women, 65 years of age or
older were studied to better understand the causes of knee pain. 
The researchers used the latest technology to measure levels of
strength in the muscles surrounding the knee. 
What they found startled the community. Muscle weakness,
especially the muscles surrounding the knee "is a primary risk
factor for knee pain, disability, and progression of joint damage". 
Yes, you read that correctly.
The participants that had weakness in the muscles of their knee
(especially the quadriceps muscle) had a greater likelihood of knee
But why? 
When your muscles are weak, it creates less support for your knee.
When your knees are strong, the kneecap and surrounding
ligaments and tendons are healthy and supportive. 
Knee Relief Secret #6
Knee­Cap Realignment & Greater Stability
Did you know that there is a small bone on top of your knee that
may be causing the majority of your problems? 
It's called the "patella" but most people know it as the kneecap.
One of the problems that occurs when your body is even slightly
out of alignment is that the kneecap doesn't function properly. It
might be slightly to the left or slightly to the right. You can imagine
when you walk, even though it might not feel like its out of
alignment, ends up causing you signi몭cant pain. 
Researchers published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine
wanted to learn the e몭ects of isometric exercises on patients with
"Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome". 
This is a fancy word for pain around the knee cap. 
Their results blew the researchers away. A simple combination of
isometric exercises greatly improved stability and realignment of
the kneecap. What's the result? Less knee pain. 
If you are fed up with nagging joint pain in your knees and ready to
gain the quality of life you had 20 or 30 years ago, I'd like to
introduce you to a quick, holistic method for reducing or
eliminating your knee pain for good... 
Introducing... The 5 Minute "Feel Good
Knees Method" 
For FAST Knee Pain Relief!
Feel Good Knees is an easy-to-follow method that only takes 5
minutes a day to do. If you are already on a workout program,
that’s great, because you can use this right alongside it to ease
your pain-ridden knees, lower your in몭ammation, and
increase your energy and overall well-being, so you can 몭nally
feel young again.
This program is so quick and easy, you'll be shocked at how fast
you're free of knee joint pain.
Here's Whats Included In the Feel Good
Knees Method...
Feel Good Knees 
Companion Guide
This companion program gives you a handy visual guide of how to
perform each of the exercises. Learn the fastest method for
reducing pain in your knees and develop strong, healthy, "feel
good" knees. 
The guide includes full-color pictures and descriptions for
performing the routine, as well as exercise modi몭cations.
 Feel Good Knees Pain Reduction Tracker
Visually see your progress as you track your pain quickly
disappearing. Use this handy tracker so you stay on course and
use as a daily visual reminder on your path to strong, healthy, “feel
good” knees.
Feel Good Knees Video Library
Learn the perfect form for how to perform each ritual. Includes a
full video library where I guide you through each of the exercises as
well as modi몭cations and how each of the exercises should feel.
Includes follow-along videos for each of the 3 levels so all you
have to do is tap “play” and follow along for the next 5 minutes.
As I researched other programs claiming to help reduce knee pain,
I found that they were complicated, required a ton of equipment
and took a long time.
However, this is a simple yet e몭ective method where you don’t
need any equipment and it only takes 5 minutes.
Is this for everyone?
No, it’s not… if you don’t have 5 minutes to invest in a pain-free life,
your health, and your body… then please leave the page now.
Listen, I’m just being honest. I can’t help you unless you are here to
help yourself. 
To show you how committed I am to helping you today, I'd like to
o몭er you 2 FREE gifts when you pick up your own copy of the The 5
Minute Feel Good Knees Method.... 
If You Order Today You’ll Receive
Two FREE "Feel Good" Gifts
Free Gift #1: 1­Minute Rejuvenation Finishers 
(Valued at $29.95)
These quick, one minute 몭nishers help you rejuvenate and relieve
your knee pain even faster. These 1-minute “몭nishers’ can be
performed either after the 5 minute ritual or whenever you have a
brief moment. 
They speed up recovery and strengthen the muscles surrounding
your knee. This program includes a follow-along video of me
guiding you through each of these unique rejuvenation 몭nishers.
Free Gift #2: Postural Alignment Guide (Valued
at $29.95)
Most people don’t realize there are 6 hidden postural mistakes
they are committing that are causing their knees to hurt even
more. Simple tweaks to how you sit in your chair, drive your car, lay
in your bed and more... can give you immediate relief of your pain. 
The Postural Alignment Guide includes a video tutorial to show you
how to make these easy adjustments so you start feeling
immediate relief and stop stunting your chance for recovery.
In Addition To The Free Gifts, I'm Going to
Give You 
2 Iron­Clad Guarantees... 
That’s right.
You’re going to get a Pain Reduction Guarantee, so Feel Good
Knees HAS to work for you…
And on top of that, you'll also get my 100% Money Back
Guarantee when you invest in yourself today.
That’s how con몭dent I am that I’ve brought the right formula
together for you to 몭nally be free of knee pain.
Again, I’ll take all the risk, so you can move forward risk-free.
Fair enough?
How Much Would It Be Worth To Be Free Of
Knee Pain?
For most people su몭ering from knee pain… they can’t put a
number on how much it would be worth. Living without pain is life-
Now, you know that you can continue in pain, however, this life of
su몭ering and pain does not have to be your fate... especially with
all of the relief that Feel Good Knees can o몭er you.
Listen, let me be frank… if you insist on continuing to live with this
type of pain… here’s what you have to look forward to.
Low energy, feeling OLDER THAN YOU ARE, walking in pain, and
sadly being left behind by loved ones and the people you care
However, this doesn’t have to be your path.
You can now live your life free of pain. With each day being better
than the day before.
Walking, looking and feeling normal again… feeling like you were 20
years younger.
Listen, for one session of physical therapy… you would end up
paying at least 100 dollars… not including your time and gas. And
of course, that’s only for ONE session…
Most of the time, the physical therapist requires multiple
sessions… sometimes even for months!
At $100 a piece… you could be looking at hundreds or even
thousands of dollars…
But I don’t want that for you…
So this is where I want to help you out.
If you take action right now, and choose the path you know deep
down is the right one...
Truth is, with all the time and years of researching the fastest and
MOST e몭ective methods for eliminating knee pain... this program
has $42,876.57 INVESTED into it.
If I were to price this program at the same cost a Phyiscal Therapist
would charge you for just a few sessions...
I should probably charge at least $497.00.
However, I’m not evening going to charge close to the value of this
And to do you one last favor… I’m not even going to charge you for
how much one physical therapy session would cost you… So yup,
less than $100… Because you are on this page today, I'm going to
give you a special sale price of 90% OFF!
You can get your copy of Feel Good Knees with your 2 FREE Gifts
for just one payment of $15.
You’ll get the Feel Good Knees Videos, The Full Program, Your Pain
Reduction Tracker And Your Two Free Gifts with my “Pain
Reduction Guarantee” and “60 Day Money Back Guarantee.”
I take all of the risk so that you don’t have to.
The Time Is Now For Your Knees To Feel
Good Again…
Today, you can have the Feel Good Knees
System plus the two FREE bonus gifts for
only one payment of... 
ONLY $15
Choose Your Preferred Option Below... 
Instant Digital Download or Physical Product Shipped To Your
You’ll get the Feel Good Knees Videos, The Full Program, Your Pain
Reduction Tracker And Your Two Free Gifts with my “Pain
Reduction Guarantee” and “60 Day Money Back Guarantee.”
I take all of the risk so that you don’t have to.
I used my background in alternative medicine and my network of
experts in the 몭eld that took me 15 years to build. And I’m bringing
this to you so that you can 몭nally have a knee that is functioning
This is not some "pill" that you pop in your mouth to mask your
knee pain. As you already know, most of the pills are causing more
damage than good… taking years o몭 of your life, while I am o몭ering
something for you to add years on. If you are one of those people
that doesn't have a few minutes a day to invest in the pain-free life
you desire, than this method isn't for you. 
Why $15? Is this a scam?
No, no it’s not. Listen, I’m on a mission to ease 1,000,000 people
from their pain and I know that most people can’t a몭ord or can’t
budget $170 a session for massage therapists, $180 a session for a
chiropractic appointment and $200 a session for a rehab specialist,
or even $100 a session with a physical therapist...
I knew there had to be a better way to ease people of their pain,
and that’s why Feel Good Knees came into existence. Instead of
paying $500 a week to ease your pain or $2,000 a month…
And that’s not including the drive to the o몭ce, the time it takes to
go to each appointment and how long the session is...
The Time Is Now For Your Knees To Feel
Good Again…
Claim yours now, with your free bonuses!
Today, you can have the Feel Good Knees
System plus the two FREE bonus gifts for
only one payment of... 
ONLY $15
Choose Your Preferred Option Below... 
Instant Digital Download or Physical Product Shipped To Your
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this help me burn fat and lose weight?
This program alone only takes 5 minutes… and although it will help
you burn some calories, stay active, and give you energy… Feel
Good Knees is meant to reduce your knee pain, so you can get
back to enjoying things as simple as walking, playing with your
family in the park or even enjoying your favorite sport!
Will I be able to do this even if I’m injured?
Yes, however, if you have an injury it’s always best to consult your
doctor before starting any program.
What’s the best time of the day to do Feel Good Knees?
Anytime! The best part about it is that it only takes 몭ve minutes. So
you can do it day or night…
How many times a week do I have to do Feel Good Knees?
You can do it 3-6 times a week because it’s such a low impact
exercise routine, however we advise at least 4 times a week.
I’ve had knee surgery, is Feel Good Knees okay to do?
Yes, however if you have had a previous surgery it’s always best to
consult your doctor before starting any program.
I just want to get back to my workout routine but my knees
are bothering me, is this for me?
This is the perfect program for getting back into it if you are
su몭ering from knee pain… you are exactly who I made this for!
Who do I contact if I have any questions about the program?
I’ve tried online programs before and nobody helped me.
Easy, after you order the program you'll get a special email that
goes directly to me and my team. I’m here to serve you and help
you live a better life. You are not alone!
Is this program a digital download or a physical product?
The Feel Good Knees is an instant access digital download...
meaning as soon as you purchase, you will receive a link with
access to the ebooks and videos so you can start feeling relief right
Today, you can have the Feel Good Knees
System plus the two FREE bonus gifts for
only one payment of... 
ONLY $15
Choose Your Preferred Option Below... 
Instant Digital Download or Physical Product Shipped To Your
Scientific References:
1. Al­Johani, A H, et al. “Comparative Study of Hamstring and Quadriceps Strengthening Treatments in the
Management of Knee Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science., U.S. National Library of
Medicine, June 2014
2. Anwer, S, and A Alghadir. “Effect of Isometric Quadriceps Exercise on Muscle Strength, Pain, and Function
in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Study.”Journal of Physical Therapy Science.,
U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2014
3. “A Proximal Strengthening Program Improves Pain, Function, and Biomechanics in Women With
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine
4. Biddulph, SL, et al. “A Possible Role of Synovial Fluid in Bone Healing.” SA Orthopaedic Journal, South
African Orthopaedic Association
5. Decrease in Quadriceps Inhibition after Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation in Patients with Anterior Knee Pain.”
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Mosby, 4 Nov. 2005
6. Ding, MD Changhai. “Natural History of Knee Cartilage Defects and Factors Affecting Change.” Archives of
Internal Medicine, American Medical Association, 27 Mar. 2006
7. Gounder, Celine. “Who Is Responsible for the Pain­Pill Epidemic?” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19
June 2017.
8. Huang, L. “Effects of Quadriceps Functional Exercise with Isometric Contraction in the Treatment of Knee
Osteoarthritis.” International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases., U.S. National Library of Medicine
9. Hunter, David J, and Felix Eckstein. “Exercise and Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Anatomy, Blackwell Science
Inc, Feb. 2009.
10. “Joint Pain.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 26 Feb. 2016.
11. Miyaguchi, M, et al. “Biochemical Change in Joint Fluid after Isometric Quadriceps Exercise for Patients
with Osteoarthritis of the Knee.” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2003.
12. Ojoawo, A O, et al. “Comparative Effects of Proprioceptive and Isometric Exercises on Pain Intensity and
Difficulty in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Control Study.” Technology and Health Care :
Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14
Nov. 2016
13. O'Reilly, Sheila C, et al. “Effectiveness of Home Exercise on Pain and Disability from Osteoarthritis of the
Knee: a Randomised Controlled Trial.” Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 1 Jan.
14. “Quadriceps Weakness and Osteoarthritis of the Knee.” Quadriceps Weakness and Osteoarthritis of the
Knee | Annals of Internal Medicine | American College of Physicians, 15 July 1997
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All testimonials in this advertisement are from real people. In order to
protect the privacy of some of our customers, their name and picture has been changed in the
advertisement.  In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear
that the testimonials and customer letters we have received are exceptional results, don't apply to
the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve
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ankle and knee pain

  • 1. ATTENTION: Men & Women Over 45 Struggling With Knee Pain... 1,000 Year Old "5 Minute Ritual" Reveals Secret To Decreasing Knee Pain By 58% Learn How You Can Cut Your Knee Pain In Half In The Next 5 Minutes WITHOUT Harmful Drugs Or Invasive Surgeries...  Dear friend, Imagine living a life free from knee pain… each day getting better than the day before, rather than worse. Walking, looking and feeling normal again -- without those achy joints because you 몭xed them… feeling and moving like you were 20 years younger. Having knees that are stronger... so you are able to move with ease, and not worrying that as you age you will fall down because you are weak... because you’ve built this energetic body that can handle anything...
  • 2. Going for a nice bike ride, walking on the golf course or around your neighborhood.  Doing things you love to do, and most importantly spending time with loved ones and friends. And imagine this... going for a walk without worrying that your knees won’t make it because they’ll be full of energy and pain free... Think about what you’ll be able to accomplish now... not only running circles around your friends, but even throwing the ball around or having fun in the yard with your loved ones. Living a better quality of life, longer than what you thought possible… You can see it now, right? Well, not only is it possible… but it’s already happening for people around the world… But how have people just like you achieved this? They’ve found a solution to their knee pain, and you can too… Michigan Trainer Publically "Blows Whistle"
  • 3. Michigan Trainer Publically "Blows Whistle" On Drug Companies And Reveals TRUE Cause of Chronic Knee Pain Hi, My name is Todd Kuslikis (Koosh- Lick-iss). Don’t worry, you’re not the 몭rst person to mispronounce my last name. A little about myself and how I discovered this unique ritual.  From a very young age, I’ve been fascinated by how the body heals itself. Here’s why... I still remember a heart-wrenching experience that changed my life forever.  I was 5 years old and my cat that I dearly loved was extremely sick and about to die. He was my best bud. 
  • 4. We were laying together on our living room 몭oor on a cold winter night in Michigan. As the snow hit the window, I could hear the sloshing of tires as cars passed by.  He was hardly breathing as my tears hit his fur and I pet him - with each stroke maybe being the last. You see, my family didn’t have enough money to bring him to the vet. My dad said, "Maybe you should feed him sugar water through an eye dropper. At least that way, he'll get some nutrition."  I decided to give it a shot. And for two days, I fed him sugar water through the eye dropper. At 몭rst, he just "gummed" the water without any interest. But soon, he actually started drinking it
  • 5. through the dropper. To my amazement, he started getting better…  It worked like magic! He slowly regained his strength moving better and better than the day before… and after a few weeks he was fully recovered and back to his normal, lovable Leo again! Hallelujah!  That’s where it all began... From then on, I made it my mission to study and learn how the human body recovered and gained optimal health and vitality. I started my mission studying traditional Chinese medicine as well as herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture and internal healing arts. I realized that these ancient healing techniques dated back thousands of years and contained hidden "secrets" that worked like miracles. Eastern Medicine couldn't explain "why they worked", they just worked. But my curious mind had to learn the science behind these amazing techniques.   So I embarked on a parallel path of Western Medicine and studied Nursing at Western Michigan University, personal training and human physiology and eventually got my masters degree with a focus on health... so I could understand how to research and dive deep into credible scienti몭c studies and help people achieve the pain free lives they want and deserve. 
  • 6. The insights I discovered over 15 years of studying Eastern and Western medicine gave me the tools to help thousands of people overcome some of the most common ailments people are facing today.  And the lesson I learned from my sick cat over three decades ago have stayed with me all these years. This is what I learned... The body CAN heal itself, you just have to get out of the way and perform simple “recovery” rituals to foster this healing.
  • 7. I discovered the foundation for this unique ritual while studying at the Blue Heron Academy of Healing Arts and Sciences. There my teacher, known as "The Doc", unlocked the thousand year old mystery of how the human body can heal itself quickly and without harmful drugs... eliminating pain from the body and regaining optimal health and rejuvenation.... I shared these techniques with tens of thousands of people and saw 몭rst hand how miraculous they really were… and it all led to you reading this today... So I’m about to reveal to you the true cause of knee pain… and how you can be free from your nagging joint pain forever using a simple thousand year old, 5-minute ritual ANYONE can do.  Now, you might be thinking… “why haven’t I heard of this ritual before?!”  Well, there are a couple of reckless groups of people that you can blame, but 몭rst let’s dive into the main problem: Why does knee pain exists in the 몭rst place? If you are over the age of 45, your doctor might have already told you to manage your knee pain and arthritis by gobbling up drugs like Advil or Tylenol.
  • 8. You might have even gotten injections in your knee or a full knee replacement… However, do you know what is actually behind the pain in your knee? New research is revealing that there are 3 main causes of joint pain. I call them the "Joint Pain Triad".  The 3 Harmful Causes of Chronic Joint Pain: "Joint Pain Triad"
  • 9. Harmful Cause #1: Cellular Inflammation According to The Mayo Clinic, in몭ammation is one of the leading causes of joint pain in adults over 45.  In fact, some of the most common symptoms of aging such as aches, pains and fatigue are all caused by in몭ammation...  Did you catch that? 
  • 10. The in몭ammation inside your joint is causing much of the su몭ering you are experiencing on a daily basis. Waking up in the morning with sti몭, achy joints. Trying to chase your grandkids but unable to keep up because of your "old knees". Living your life constantly wishing your knees would just stop throbbing.  In몭ammation is at the root of the pain you are feeling right now.  But that's not all. Let's talk about the second Harmful Cause: Postural Misalignment. Harmful Cause #2: Postural Misalignment You may not even realize it but how you stand, walk and even sit can cause havoc on your knees. It's the "silent killer" you don't even know is hurting you.  According to Dr's Tetsworth and Paley in a ground-breaking 2004
  • 11. study, they found that even a 5% misalignment of your knee can cause a 70-90% increase in added stress inside the joint.  They revealed, "This dramatic increase in load creates a four-fold increase in the risk of worsening the knee over 18 months".  Yes, you heard that correctly.  Even just a small misalignment of only 5% can create long-term harmful e몭ects inside your knee and lead to osteoarthritis and other debilitating knee problems.  If you are overweight, this only increases the rate at which your joints break down. Thankfully, this easy 5 minute ritual helps quickly realign your entire body (including your knees) so you don't ever have to worry about misaglinment destroying your knees. The best part is that it works, even if you are 30, 50 or even 100lbs overweight.  But before we get to this simple ritual, we have one more evil member of the "Joint Pain Triad'....  Harmful Cause #3: Cartilage Deterioration Renowned Dr. Chris Centeno M.D., a specialist in regenerative medicine, states that joint instability is one of the leading causes of cartilage breakdown.  If you are experiencing sudden "shifting, popping or cracking" or "soreness or swelling after activity", according to Dr. Centeno, you might have low cartilage in your joint. 
  • 12. Often times, cartilage breakdown is due to a common condition called "loose joints".  Imagine your knee as if it was being held together by "duct tape". If the duct tape is loose then the knee moves around too much and slowly injures the cartilage over time.  Can Joint Pain Lead to Disability & Even Death? 
  • 13. Death?  A recently released 76-page authoritative study shocked the medical community and sent chills throughout the industry… The CDC (Centers For Disease Control) reported that joint pain and arthritis is now “One Of The Top Chronic Conditions Leading To Death And Disability.” Yes, the problem is THAT serious.  Even if you are just experiencing a little bit of pain or swelling or sti몭ness. That small pain is ballooning into a big problem that will soon pop and... decrease the quality of your life and force you to live with unnecessary pain.  There are many harmful e몭ects knee pain has on your body and your life.  Here are just a few...
  • 14. The Harmful Effects Knee Pain Is Having On Your Body and Life  Trouble walking    Aching, Swollen, and Pulsing Knees    Inflamed Knee Joint Pain    Constantly Having To Take Anti­Inflammatory Drugs    Moving in Pain    Overweight Due To Pain    Low Energy Levels    Feeling Older and Immobile What BIG Pharma and Hospitals Do NOT Want You To Know About Your Knee Pain A few years ago, the popular publication "The New Yorker" blew the whistle on big companies such as Purdue Pharma, Johnson & Johnson and Endo Pharmaceuticals because of their aggressive marketing tactics for pain pills.  These companies promoted their drugs to doctors across the U.S. through publications and even continued education courses needed by medical professionals.  Why do you think so many doctors prescribe NSAIDs and other "anti-pain" drugs to manage knee pain? 
  • 15. Why not simply 몭x the core issues caused by the "The Knee Pain Triad"? The doctors have been in몭uenced by the big pharacuetical companies. It's the way the medical establishment has worked for decades. They rake in billions while you su몭er with pain the rest of your life. Popping pills in the hope for even minor relief. And what's worse, is they get an even bigger pay day when you eventually need surgery for a knee replacement. They make money BECAUSE of your pain. The more pain, the more money they make. Knee joint pain alone costs hard working people more than 27 billion dollars a year. That’s 27 billion dollars going to the healthcare industry from pockets of people just like you. It’s a big, big business. However, what if there was a way to 몭ght back against knee joint
  • 16. pain and possibly avoid surgery in the 몭rst place -- or avoid ANOTHER surgery? What if there was a way to decrease your pain and in몭ammation… enjoying pain-free movement? Well there is… National Institute of Health Exposes Secret Exercise To Decreasing Knee Pain by 58% According to research from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health...  There is a simple exercise that can decrease your knee pain by 58%.
  • 17. The purpose of this study was to monitor the pain relief of the knee resulting from isometric quadriceps exercise in patients with knee joint pain… The participants in the study did one simple isometric exercise a few times a week and saw a huge reduction of pain. The results were amazing... no pill-popping, no knee surgeries, just a simple easy-to-do exercise, anyone can do.  And… we’ll get to that speci몭c exercise very soon… But 몭rst… What are Isometric exercises? Isometric exercises are a simple, e몭ective and easy exercise where you increase the tension in the muscles without moving your joints. It gives your body the ability to use its muscles without ever moving… and allows your knees to release your pain...for good.  Is this the real deal? Shocking University Study PROVES Anti­ Inflammatory Drugs LESS Effective Than Simple 5 Minute 1,000 Year Old Exercise! Renowned Western Ontario and McMaster Universities revealed in a revoluationary study that a simple form of isometric exercise worked signifcantly better for reducing and even eliminating knee pain. 
  • 18. This isometric exercise successfully outperformed the drugs and pills… in both pain relief and knee joint function. This unique 1,000 year old isometric exercise is easy to perform, painless and can drastically heal your knee joint faster than anything you've tried so far. 
  • 19. What’s the secret behind isometrics? Why does it work so well? You're about to discover the secret behind the ritual I call "Knee Relief Secrets". This is the secret sauce behind how this unique form of exercise has been proven to reduce and eliminate knee pain WITHOUT causing more damage to the joint like other popular exercises being performed today.  But before I share these "Relief Secrets" you may be wondering... "Todd, I've tried exercising before. I can't do it. It causes too much pain."  Imagine your achy, painful knee joint as a rubber band. This rubber band is tattered and weak. What would happen if you were to stretch that rubber band? It increases the chances that it would snap, right? Not to mention you'd be weakening it further. When you have pain in your knee and you exercise using "normal" exercises... you feel more knee pain because you are stretching that weak rubber band. The result? More in몭ammation and cartilage damage because you are aggravating your knee. Your brain is sensing the pain so it tells your body to produce more in몭ammation to protect that area. It's an endless cycle and your knee never heals properly.  With this unique isometric exercise, the weak rubber band (your knee) doesn’t actually move. You are building a strong, healthy knee without causing more in몭ammation or aggravation. This 5 Minute Isometric Ritual uses your body to repair itself rather than hiding the problem with foreign drugs… Getting Rid Of Knee Pain Can Be Easy, Fast,
  • 20. Getting Rid Of Knee Pain Can Be Easy, Fast, And Done At Home Without Any Equipment Using The 5 Minute Feel Good Knees Method Over the course of the last two decades, I've traveled and studied under renowned experts in health and rehabilitation.  When I discovered this simple form of unique isometrics, I knew I had to share it with the world.  I've collected the MOST e몭ect variations of isometrics that ANYONE can do. And I mean anyone, no matter if you have had knee surgery already... struggling with grinding knee joints daily... or simply have that nagging, acheness you want to eliminate.  My greatest techniques have been combined into a simple and easy to follow 5-minute ritual called the Feel Good Knees Method.  I started sharing these simple techniques with people I knew that were struggling with knee pain and quickly my inbox became 몭ooded with people that were blown away by the results.  Here are a just a few of them that I found in my email the other day... Knees Feel Better Than They've Felt In 30 Years!
  • 21. I am a 68 year old man and I recently purchased your program to help me gain strength after recovering from several years of health issues. Living with pain in my knees was just normal to me. I found your course and am so happy with the results. The exercises were easy to follow and didn’t hurt while I was doing them.  Because of your program, not only are my knees feeling better than they have felt in 30 years but I am much more solid and stable on my feet. And I don't feel any pain going up and down stairs anymore. - Charles R. from Fairfax, VA I Can Now Walk In The Park Without Pain! I have been following your Feel Good Knees program for one week and already seeing a huge reduction in pain in my knees.  Wow! I do the 5 minute routine in the morning. It’s so simple and feels so good after doing it. Thank you so much for creating this program.
  • 22.  I am so excited because yesterday I took a walk in my favorite park next to my house and my knees didn’t give me any pain… like they normally do!   - Clarence J. from Clearwater, Fl Grandmother On Vacation Gets INSTANT Relief I am currently on vacation on a private island and have incorporated your exercises into my daily routine. They 몭t so well into any environment which is a great feature! 
  • 23. But the best part is that I can tell my knees are improving daily! Less and less pain which I haven’t felt for years.  I especially like your rejuvenation techniques as my knees feel instant pain relief! Wow. So impressed with this Feel Good Knees program.  -Sofía M. from Santa Ana, CA Seeing Huge Pain Reduction & Enjoying Life Again Since starting the Feel Good Knees program I haven’t missed a day. I never realized how sti몭 my left leg was compared to my right.  With your program I’m 몭nding my left leg loosen up so much.  I especially found your Primary Thought Dictum technique helpful. 
  • 24. I’m noticing huge results in pain reduction and feel blessed that I have found this awesome program.  -Craig E. from Tullahoma, TN Finally Able To Get Rid Of Pain Meds! For most of my life I have felt sti몭 and have had to manage my pain using medications. I knew the long term a몭ects they were doing to my body but have always had pain in my knees.  I am always a bit concerned about trying anything new because I don’t want to hurt my knees more.  But I started following your program and 몭nding that I have much more strength in my knees and feeling really good! For the 몭rst time in years, I’m even planning to get rid of my pain meds! -Jenette S. from Lamar, CO
  • 25. You Have Brought HOPE Back For Complete Healing A few months ago I incurred an injury that left me in quite a bit of pain. I am in a 몭nancial situation and can’t a몭ord health insurance or surgery so I knew I had to 몭nd an alternative.  I came upon your program using isometrics and after one week was blown away by the results. My pain reduced so much and am so thankful to you Todd and these simple isometric exercises.  You have brought hope back into my life and I know that with time, I will have complete healing.  - Phil E. from Bowman, CA Decreased Pain AND Walking With Normal
  • 26. Gait! I just wanted to thank you Todd for creating this incredible program. To put it on a nutshell, I was in an accident a long time ago and my left leg was injured pretty badly. Over the years it has become very weak and hard to use.  I just started your program 2 weeks ago and am already so impressed by how quickly my pain has decreased and how strong my leg is getting.  And I'm even getting closer to walking with a more normal gait! Also, lifting and carrying items is becoming less awkward. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  -Steve A. from Traverse City, MI Feeling GREAT Even After Bad Car Accident Several years ago, I was in a bad car accident. I still stu몭er with PTSD and have pain throughout my body, including my knees. I
  • 27. can’t begin to tell you how your story and program has lifted the world o몭 my shoulders. I’m feeling so much less pain in my knees now and this is giving me hope for the future.  God bless you Todd, both you and your family.  -Pam F. from Souiz Falls, SD How Can The Feel Good Knees Method Be So Powerful? Knee Relief Secret #1 Regrow Healthy Cartilage In Your Knee Your doctor may have told you that once you lost your cartilage in your knee you could never gain it back again. But I am here to tell you it's simply not true. And I'll prove it with two groundbreaking studies in the area of joint rehabilitation. 
  • 28. The 몭rst is a two-year study of 325 subjects published in the Journal of American Medical Association. All subjects in the study had cartilage degeneration to some degree.  After the study, the researchers used MRI machines to analyze the e몭ects.  To their surprise, the results showed that 37% of the participants experienced cartilage improvements in their knees. The author's summed up the research that the MRI results showed cartilage repair and healing.  So how can the knee repair the cartilage?  Remember, your body WANTS to heal, you just have to get out of the way and allow it to.  Increase Joint Fluid = Faster Knee Recovery
  • 29. Researchers in Japan wanted to study the e몭ects of these unique isometric exercises on knee joint recovery.  They measured joint 몭uid levels before and after the study and discovered that using the simple isometric exercise signi몭cantly increased "joint viscosity" from 45.8 to 59.8 mPas.  What does this mean? The exercise helped "lubricate" the joint and decreased overall pain. Knee Relief Secret #2 Reduce Inflammation & Promote Healing Pharmaceutical companies want you to believe their drugs are the only way to reduce in몭ammation and promote healing.  Eastern medicine has known for thousands of years the near instant e몭ects these unique exercises have on reducing in몭ammation.  Now science is catching up.  Dr's Perandini and Sa-Pinto, from the School of Physical Education
  • 30. and Sport found that one of the MOST e몭ective ways of decreasing in몭ammation was to perform these unique isometric strength exercises.  Patients saw improvements in physical functioning, decrease in body & joint pain and improvement of overall vitality.  In fact, recent literature shows that it is one of the fastest ways to reduce in몭ammation and promote overall healing inside the knee joint.  Knee Relief Secret #3 Better Joint Mobility That Is Painless... At Last! Living with pain is not fun, and it usually only gets worse and worse.... IF you cover up the core problems with harmful drugs.  The problem is that when your knees hurt, you don't feel like you can do anything. So you just sit and your knees become weaker and lose their mobility. 
  • 31. This becomes an endless cycle of decreased mobility and more and more pain.  The 5 Minute Ritual revealed in the Feel Good Knees Method immediately starts improving your knee mobility and pulls you out of this endless cycle.  You're knees can 몭nally feel good as you move them. You'll regain the youthful mobility you had 30 years ago and will be able to move your joints through a full range of motion without pain or discomfort.  Knee Relief Secret #4 Holistic & Natural Knee Pain Relief The Journal of Sport and Exercise Medicine published by the British Medical Journal released a cover story on how people just like you,
  • 32. who have been su몭ering from knee pain for years (or even decades) are experiencing amazing pain relief in their knees.  This is all being done, holistically and naturally... without drugs, painful injections or expensive knee replacement surgeries  The simple 5-minute ritual contains these easy to perform exercises that provide near-instant relief.  Researchers behind the study, Dr's O'Reilly, Muir and Doherty came to the conclusion that this simple routine of these exercises "can signi몭cantly improve self-reported knee pain and function".  Knee Relief Secret #5 Improvement In Overall Strength Did you know that weak muscles around your knee may actually be causing the pain you are feeling?  It's true. A few years ago, 462 men and women, 65 years of age or
  • 33. older were studied to better understand the causes of knee pain.  The researchers used the latest technology to measure levels of strength in the muscles surrounding the knee.  What they found startled the community. Muscle weakness, especially the muscles surrounding the knee "is a primary risk factor for knee pain, disability, and progression of joint damage".  Yes, you read that correctly. The participants that had weakness in the muscles of their knee (especially the quadriceps muscle) had a greater likelihood of knee pain! But why?  When your muscles are weak, it creates less support for your knee. When your knees are strong, the kneecap and surrounding ligaments and tendons are healthy and supportive.  Knee Relief Secret #6
  • 34. Knee­Cap Realignment & Greater Stability Did you know that there is a small bone on top of your knee that may be causing the majority of your problems?  It's called the "patella" but most people know it as the kneecap. One of the problems that occurs when your body is even slightly out of alignment is that the kneecap doesn't function properly. It might be slightly to the left or slightly to the right. You can imagine when you walk, even though it might not feel like its out of alignment, ends up causing you signi몭cant pain.  Researchers published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine wanted to learn the e몭ects of isometric exercises on patients with "Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome".  This is a fancy word for pain around the knee cap.  Their results blew the researchers away. A simple combination of isometric exercises greatly improved stability and realignment of the kneecap. What's the result? Less knee pain. 
  • 35. If you are fed up with nagging joint pain in your knees and ready to gain the quality of life you had 20 or 30 years ago, I'd like to introduce you to a quick, holistic method for reducing or eliminating your knee pain for good...  Introducing... The 5 Minute "Feel Good Knees Method"  For FAST Knee Pain Relief! Feel Good Knees is an easy-to-follow method that only takes 5 minutes a day to do. If you are already on a workout program, that’s great, because you can use this right alongside it to ease your pain-ridden knees, lower your in몭ammation, and increase your energy and overall well-being, so you can 몭nally feel young again. This program is so quick and easy, you'll be shocked at how fast you're free of knee joint pain. Here's Whats Included In the Feel Good Knees Method...
  • 36. Feel Good Knees  Companion Guide This companion program gives you a handy visual guide of how to perform each of the exercises. Learn the fastest method for reducing pain in your knees and develop strong, healthy, "feel good" knees.  The guide includes full-color pictures and descriptions for performing the routine, as well as exercise modi몭cations.  Feel Good Knees Pain Reduction Tracker Visually see your progress as you track your pain quickly disappearing. Use this handy tracker so you stay on course and use as a daily visual reminder on your path to strong, healthy, “feel good” knees.
  • 37. Feel Good Knees Video Library Learn the perfect form for how to perform each ritual. Includes a full video library where I guide you through each of the exercises as well as modi몭cations and how each of the exercises should feel. Includes follow-along videos for each of the 3 levels so all you have to do is tap “play” and follow along for the next 5 minutes. As I researched other programs claiming to help reduce knee pain, I found that they were complicated, required a ton of equipment
  • 38. and took a long time. However, this is a simple yet e몭ective method where you don’t need any equipment and it only takes 5 minutes. Is this for everyone? No, it’s not… if you don’t have 5 minutes to invest in a pain-free life, your health, and your body… then please leave the page now. Listen, I’m just being honest. I can’t help you unless you are here to help yourself.  To show you how committed I am to helping you today, I'd like to o몭er you 2 FREE gifts when you pick up your own copy of the The 5 Minute Feel Good Knees Method....  If You Order Today You’ll Receive Two FREE "Feel Good" Gifts Free Gift #1: 1­Minute Rejuvenation Finishers  (Valued at $29.95) These quick, one minute 몭nishers help you rejuvenate and relieve your knee pain even faster. These 1-minute “몭nishers’ can be performed either after the 5 minute ritual or whenever you have a brief moment.  They speed up recovery and strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee. This program includes a follow-along video of me guiding you through each of these unique rejuvenation 몭nishers.
  • 39. Free Gift #2: Postural Alignment Guide (Valued at $29.95) Most people don’t realize there are 6 hidden postural mistakes they are committing that are causing their knees to hurt even more. Simple tweaks to how you sit in your chair, drive your car, lay in your bed and more... can give you immediate relief of your pain.  The Postural Alignment Guide includes a video tutorial to show you how to make these easy adjustments so you start feeling immediate relief and stop stunting your chance for recovery.
  • 41.
  • 42. That’s right. You’re going to get a Pain Reduction Guarantee, so Feel Good Knees HAS to work for you… And on top of that, you'll also get my 100% Money Back Guarantee when you invest in yourself today. That’s how con몭dent I am that I’ve brought the right formula together for you to 몭nally be free of knee pain. Again, I’ll take all the risk, so you can move forward risk-free. Fair enough? How Much Would It Be Worth To Be Free Of Knee Pain?
  • 43. For most people su몭ering from knee pain… they can’t put a number on how much it would be worth. Living without pain is life- changing.  Now, you know that you can continue in pain, however, this life of su몭ering and pain does not have to be your fate... especially with all of the relief that Feel Good Knees can o몭er you. Listen, let me be frank… if you insist on continuing to live with this type of pain… here’s what you have to look forward to. Low energy, feeling OLDER THAN YOU ARE, walking in pain, and sadly being left behind by loved ones and the people you care about. However, this doesn’t have to be your path. You can now live your life free of pain. With each day being better than the day before.
  • 44. Walking, looking and feeling normal again… feeling like you were 20 years younger. Listen, for one session of physical therapy… you would end up paying at least 100 dollars… not including your time and gas. And of course, that’s only for ONE session… Most of the time, the physical therapist requires multiple sessions… sometimes even for months! At $100 a piece… you could be looking at hundreds or even thousands of dollars… But I don’t want that for you… So this is where I want to help you out. If you take action right now, and choose the path you know deep down is the right one... Truth is, with all the time and years of researching the fastest and MOST e몭ective methods for eliminating knee pain... this program has $42,876.57 INVESTED into it. If I were to price this program at the same cost a Phyiscal Therapist would charge you for just a few sessions... I should probably charge at least $497.00. However, I’m not evening going to charge close to the value of this program…
  • 45. And to do you one last favor… I’m not even going to charge you for how much one physical therapy session would cost you… So yup, less than $100… Because you are on this page today, I'm going to give you a special sale price of 90% OFF! You can get your copy of Feel Good Knees with your 2 FREE Gifts for just one payment of $15. You’ll get the Feel Good Knees Videos, The Full Program, Your Pain Reduction Tracker And Your Two Free Gifts with my “Pain Reduction Guarantee” and “60 Day Money Back Guarantee.” I take all of the risk so that you don’t have to. The Time Is Now For Your Knees To Feel Good Again…
  • 47.
  • 48. You’ll get the Feel Good Knees Videos, The Full Program, Your Pain Reduction Tracker And Your Two Free Gifts with my “Pain Reduction Guarantee” and “60 Day Money Back Guarantee.” I take all of the risk so that you don’t have to. I used my background in alternative medicine and my network of experts in the 몭eld that took me 15 years to build. And I’m bringing this to you so that you can 몭nally have a knee that is functioning pain-free. This is not some "pill" that you pop in your mouth to mask your knee pain. As you already know, most of the pills are causing more damage than good… taking years o몭 of your life, while I am o몭ering something for you to add years on. If you are one of those people that doesn't have a few minutes a day to invest in the pain-free life you desire, than this method isn't for you.  Why $15? Is this a scam? No, no it’s not. Listen, I’m on a mission to ease 1,000,000 people from their pain and I know that most people can’t a몭ord or can’t budget $170 a session for massage therapists, $180 a session for a chiropractic appointment and $200 a session for a rehab specialist, or even $100 a session with a physical therapist...
  • 49. I knew there had to be a better way to ease people of their pain, and that’s why Feel Good Knees came into existence. Instead of paying $500 a week to ease your pain or $2,000 a month… And that’s not including the drive to the o몭ce, the time it takes to go to each appointment and how long the session is... The Time Is Now For Your Knees To Feel Good Again… Claim yours now, with your free bonuses! Today, you can have the Feel Good Knees System plus the two FREE bonus gifts for
  • 51. Frequently Asked Questions Will this help me burn fat and lose weight?
  • 52. This program alone only takes 5 minutes… and although it will help you burn some calories, stay active, and give you energy… Feel Good Knees is meant to reduce your knee pain, so you can get back to enjoying things as simple as walking, playing with your family in the park or even enjoying your favorite sport! Will I be able to do this even if I’m injured? Yes, however, if you have an injury it’s always best to consult your doctor before starting any program. What’s the best time of the day to do Feel Good Knees? Anytime! The best part about it is that it only takes 몭ve minutes. So you can do it day or night… How many times a week do I have to do Feel Good Knees? You can do it 3-6 times a week because it’s such a low impact exercise routine, however we advise at least 4 times a week. I’ve had knee surgery, is Feel Good Knees okay to do? Yes, however if you have had a previous surgery it’s always best to consult your doctor before starting any program. I just want to get back to my workout routine but my knees are bothering me, is this for me? This is the perfect program for getting back into it if you are su몭ering from knee pain… you are exactly who I made this for!
  • 53. Who do I contact if I have any questions about the program? I’ve tried online programs before and nobody helped me. Easy, after you order the program you'll get a special email that goes directly to me and my team. I’m here to serve you and help you live a better life. You are not alone! Is this program a digital download or a physical product? The Feel Good Knees is an instant access digital download... meaning as soon as you purchase, you will receive a link with access to the ebooks and videos so you can start feeling relief right away. Today, you can have the Feel Good Knees System plus the two FREE bonus gifts for only one payment of...  NORMAL PRICE: $50 TODAY'S DISCOUNTED PRICE: ONLY $15 Choose Your Preferred Option Below...  Instant Digital Download or Physical Product Shipped To Your Door
  • 54.
  • 55. Scientific References: 1. Al­Johani, A H, et al. “Comparative Study of Hamstring and Quadriceps Strengthening Treatments in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science., U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2014 2. Anwer, S, and A Alghadir. “Effect of Isometric Quadriceps Exercise on Muscle Strength, Pain, and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Study.”Journal of Physical Therapy Science., U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2014 3. “A Proximal Strengthening Program Improves Pain, Function, and Biomechanics in Women With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine 4. Biddulph, SL, et al. “A Possible Role of Synovial Fluid in Bone Healing.” SA Orthopaedic Journal, South African Orthopaedic Association 5. Decrease in Quadriceps Inhibition after Sacroiliac Joint Manipulation in Patients with Anterior Knee Pain.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Mosby, 4 Nov. 2005 6. Ding, MD Changhai. “Natural History of Knee Cartilage Defects and Factors Affecting Change.” Archives of Internal Medicine, American Medical Association, 27 Mar. 2006 7. Gounder, Celine. “Who Is Responsible for the Pain­Pill Epidemic?” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017. 8. Huang, L. “Effects of Quadriceps Functional Exercise with Isometric Contraction in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis.” International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases., U.S. National Library of Medicine 9. Hunter, David J, and Felix Eckstein. “Exercise and Osteoarthritis.” Journal of Anatomy, Blackwell Science Inc, Feb. 2009. 10. “Joint Pain.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 26 Feb. 2016. 11. Miyaguchi, M, et al. “Biochemical Change in Joint Fluid after Isometric Quadriceps Exercise for Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee.” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2003. 12. Ojoawo, A O, et al. “Comparative Effects of Proprioceptive and Isometric Exercises on Pain Intensity and Difficulty in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised Control Study.” Technology and Health Care : Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 14 Nov. 2016 13. O'Reilly, Sheila C, et al. “Effectiveness of Home Exercise on Pain and Disability from Osteoarthritis of the
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