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The Natural World 
By the Writers from Anjali House January 2019 
Sue Guiney 
Barbara Rittner   
Jess Blackledge 
Suos d’ei,
I am very pleased to introduce to you Anjali House’s Writing Through magazine for 2019.
The relationship between Anjali House and Writing Through is a very special one. This is where the
first Writing Through workshops were held, and our year always begins with a new workshop with
these very special students.
This year, we explored the big idea of The Natural World in our poems and stories. As usual, we used
our brainstorming technique to help us imagine and think creatively about this topic. But this year
we did something new. We used our very own garden as the springboard for our efforts. Our
creativity on the page grew out of our creativity in the garden where together with all the Anjali
family we have learned not only how to grow our own food, but why it is important to ourselves and
our community. Working with our hands in the soil is in itself a creative act. Turning that work into
new thoughts expressed in new language is something very special.
I have loved working with each of these students, as always. They have each shown industry,
bravery, diligence and persistence, as well as selflessness and love. I am proud to be their teacher.
Special thanks go to Try Sophany, the Young Adult Program Coordinator, for her help and sensitivity.
I also want to thank Anjali’s Director, Ke Simon, Head Teacher, Dim Bun Thorng and volunteer Annie
Sharp for their support of these students’ creativity. Also, thanks go out to my Shadows, Writing
Through Assistant Director, Jess Blackledge and Facilitator, Barbara Rittner, for their many
contributions to the week’s efforts.
But of course, special thanks go to the students themselves for their hard work, their sense of
humor, and their trust.
I hope you enjoy the poems and stories in this year’s magazine. They represent the dreams and
hopes of our children, which provide an important reminder to those of us who might have
forgotten our own.
Samnang laor,
Sue Guiney, Facilitator
Founder and Director of Writing Through
Under the Blue Sky 
a group poem by the writers of Anjali House 
There was an Earth 
There was life 
There was a plant 
Green, small, good smell 
Mixing together with lots of color 
A lot of animals are near 
We take care of them 
In a small farm. 
We feel happy 
We like to take care of them 
They are our lives 
We need them to eat 
We have energy 
We are healthy 
We grow up 
We can work a lot 
We can do anything we want.  
Life in a Limited World 
A group poem by the writers of Anjali House: Advanced Group 
We are in one Earth 
Growing together 
Time passes day by day 
All of us are changing 
We are not protecting but 
we are destroying 
Earth is like a journey 
Where we decide and set 
what it will be. 
We are part of nature 
we can work together 
to protect it 
and save our lives 
Earth helps us 
but Earth needs us 
It must be balanced.  
​Beauty of the Garden 
By Suki, Age 17 
In the garden, there are many things 
people sound, taste, vegetables 
it’s so small but have fun 
when we work together 
sweat, laugh, action, beautiful all come out. 
The sunshine comes and the water everyday 
I smell sponge flower, sound in the garden 
like music that I listen to. 
Makes me so fresh to see a fruitful result 
we get a lot, every month.  
The Garden View 
By Phanna, Age 14 
In the garden, it’s very beautiful 
It has a lot of plants, animals, people 
They are busy working 
I see a lot of people working, saying, doing 
and birds fly in the air 
They are happy to work in the garden. 
I taste bananas, mangoes, long beans, winter melon, papaya 
and a lot more 
They eat so much and work more 
I feel so fresh 
I hear them water the plants, walk, talk, do work and  
they work so happily 
They feel so fresh 
when their work is finished. 
A Special Gift 
By Reatrey, Age 15 
There was a planet 
with beautiful creatures 
who live in the forest with the nature. 
The sun is shining 
The fresh air comes 
The flowers are blossoming 
The bees are ready for the war 
There was a life 
Living happily with their family 
in the small town, they work 
in the beautiful garden 
it tastes sweet for them 
to live among the planet again.  
​How the Garden Makes Us Feel 
By Sreyleak, Age 15 and Sovannarith, Aged 14 
When I’m in the garden 
I can listen to the bird sound 
It makes me fresh 
I smell grass 
I smell compost, it is smelly 
the sweet basil smells good. 
I touch pineapple trees and banana trees 
when I touch them I feel good 
I see flowers blooming and people 
I see people working in the garden 
they work a lot like watering the  
okra, chilli, tomato, passion, onion 
I hear them say it is very hot 
but they are happy. 
​Feeling in the Garden 
By Sreyphai Age 14 and Pheaktra, Age 15 
After the garden, I feel tired 
It’s so hot because of the sunshine 
In the garden there is a lot of flowers 
It’s so beautiful with the blue sky 
I see the birds over the trees 
I feel good when I see the colorful garden 
It’s like heaven. 
I like to eat the fruit 
some sweet, some sour 
I feel bad when I smell rotten fruit. 
Luckily, I see the butterfly over the flowers 
I feel good 
working in the garden. 
I have a lot of feelings mixed together 
I love everything in our garden.  
My Garden 
By Karona, Age 15 
There was a big garden 
It was so beautiful 
There were a lot of plants 
Green, good smell, yellow 
There were a lot  
Of people working 
They work in the garden 
They work hard 
They feel happy when they work together 
They feel sad when they are hot, tired 
But, they feel happy to help in the garden 
Gardens can teach me not to be lazy 
When I work in the garden I feel good 
I like to help in the garden 
The Big Garden 
By Vatey, Age 15 
When I am in the garden 
I see a flower, a little insect 
And the smell is very good. 
In the garden there are a lot of  
banana trees, lots of onions. 
When I touch a wall 
people come and say  
can you get a shirt for me. 
I hear the people speaking 
noisy and happy, playing. 
I like the smell of the sponge flower. 
I am so happy in the garden. 
Everything About the Garden is Good 
By Sokea, Age 14
In the little garden 
were a lot of things 
A lot of plants are growing 
banana, eggplant, mango, chilli, 
tomato, okra, salad. 
I see a lot of people working. 
I taste mint. It is bitter. 
I feel fresh. 
I smell lemongrass. 
It smells good. 
I see green Nature. 
The birds are singing. 
Being in the garden is good for relaxing. 
Advanced Group Poems 
Protecting the Garden 
By Vandy, Aged 17 
Plants are growing 
Insects are destroying 
Humans are protecting 
The Sun is burning 
This is the garden. 
Protect what you grow 
otherwise you will lose it 
The garden can help you 
earn money 
have food 
make your house beautiful 
So take care of it. 
Windy Evening 
By Buntha, Age 18 
Beautiful, windy evening 
some feel fresh 
and some feel blue 
My feelings are like small leaves 
blowing in the wind 
Memory of childhood 
comes up 
In the middle of the garden 
Fresh morning glory in the river 
Cooking an awesome dish 
with Mum.  
Protect Nature 
By Narong, Age 18 
The nature is my home. 
I promise to keep it 
Healthy and beautiful 
I will save the land 
I want to protect nature 
it is important because 
they give us fresh air, water 
and all living animals. 
I will be the defender of my nature 
until with my family. 
I will save the nature. 
I will love land 
I will save the nature.  
Open then Close 
By Oudom, Age 17 
The volcano explodes in the earth 
The old generation of nature 
Falls into the dark abyss 
The sound of silence 
Brightness of generations updated 
Provide struggle, animals are the role model for humans 
The shadow of humans makes nature frightened. 
Nature’s Love 
By Daley, Age 17 
I fall in love with nature 
flowers trees, plants and fruits 
and helping me to grow well. 
Nature gives me houses, parks 
foods and fruits. I feel fresh and 
comfortable with nature. 
Nature gives me many kinds of things 
so I must give hope for nature 
by starting to grow trees 
flowers and plants around my house 
also anywhere else.  
Every Life is Worthy 
By Borith, Age 18 
Listen to the sound of plants 
They’re crying, they’re begging 
They need you to be with them 
Where are you? 
Take a deep breath and close your eyes 
Listen to the sound that floats in the air 
Let it go through your ears and touch your heart 
Nature always gives you something 
Do not be careless with the gift. 
It gives you flowers you smell 
It gives you food you eat 
be fair to the life that gives 
you the air to breathe.  
Quiet Path 
By Sokuam 
Living a great life in this journey 
Walking a great way with nobody to know 
a field of green grass, beautiful flowers  
animals singing in front of me 
a big mountain, many big trees. It is 
a wonderful way but people don’t know. 
Telling alone, asking myself 
am I doing right or wrong? 
But I know clearly who I am. 
So I know this is the best way 
even if I am alone.
My Feeling Plants 
By Chanpi, Age 18 
I walk into the garden 
I see dancing lemongrass 
It looks happy with the wind 
Butterflies flying around the garden 
with the wind, crying birds. 
I feel good, smell the flowers 
I take an umbrella when it rains.  
Be Like the Nature 
By Sokly, Age 16
Beautiful nature is dancing along the wind 
The sun is shining with a colorful view 
The beautiful butterflies are flying around 
Feeling happy and loving it 
Nature is trying to grow, trying to prove the 
To get out of the hard land 
To see the sun shine 
And give hope to the humans 
Touch the wind, do you feel it? 
Please breathe and imagine. 
The Beautiful Garden 
By Siengly, Age 17 
Walk step by step 
Think of the beautiful garden 
Feel delighted to see the plants grow well. 
Hear the sound of the birds 
Touch the plant with hand 
Taste the new plant 
My heart is in the garden 
Try hard and work hard 
Together to have the successful garden. 
We Feel the Same 
By Srey Len, Age 18 
I walk into the garden 
I see struggling plants 
They are trying to go beyond the obstacle 
to survive, to live their own lives. 
It is easier for them to die than to live. 
We are like the plants 
We struggle to go beyond the obstacle 
It is easier for us to die than to live 
so we need help from each other. 
They give us food 
We give them water, fertilizer 
to feel balanced.  
Sound of Nature 
By Vicheka, Age 17 
When I walk into the garden 
I hear some sound of animals 
I see some plants start to grow 
To show their new leaves 
And new life to the world 
To see the sun and touch the wind 
To feel soft and fresh 
And smell the soil 
To grow good and bring new hope 
New smile for the farmer 
To be happy with their plants. 
Summer Season 
A Group Story by the Writers of Anjali House 
I​n January, in the summer, there was a poor 
family who worked very hard in the hot sun. 
There was a handsome man, his name was 
Vichet. He had a wife. Her name was Bopha. 
They had three children, two girls and a boy. 
The children studied at a school far from the 
house. The boy, Vibol, was in grade 8. One 
girl, who was in grade 9, was called Sreyka. 
The other girl whose name was Chantrea, was 
in grade 4. 
  They lived together in a small village 
near a mountain. The people kept the village 
clean. There were a lot of trees. The farmer 
worked in his field, near the mountain. That 
year, the farmer was trying to plant his crops 
but the sun was too hot. He did not have 
enough water to drink, or for the plants. So 
the farmer got sick, but because the farmer was sick, the children did not want to 
go to school. They wanted to stay home to help their father. But their mother said 
they must go to school and so they did. Their father was getting more and more 
  One day an old doctor from the city came to the village. She saw that the 
farmer was sick. The doctor asked the wife, ‘’How did your husband get sick and 
how long has he been sick for?’’ 
Bopha said, ‘’He has been sick for one month. He was working hard in the 
hot sun and he got a fever and his body hurts. He does not eat enough, he is very 
The doctor said ‘’He needs to rest and eat more. I will come every day to 
give medicine and an injection. He will then get better.’’ She advised ‘’When the 
rains come, store the water so you have enough for yourself and your crops, and 
keep the water clean.’’ One week later, the farmer started to get better and his 
crops started to grow more. 
That year in the rainy season, there were big rainstorms. The farmer and his 
wife remembered the advice of the doctor. They stored the water and kept it clean 
and the farmer did not get sick again, and the family lived happily. 
Bob’s Wonderful Holiday 
A Group Story by the Writers of Anjali House: Advanced Group 
  Bob is an eight year old boy and he is having a vacation in his hometown. 
He is clever and funny and he is a good boy. It is the dry season and the weather is 
getting very hot. One day he decides to go for a walk outside the village. He is 
alone but he is not frightened. He is excited. 
  On the way, while he is walking he sees a lot of interesting things like a 
temple and a big tree. Suddenly, he sees a giant scarecrow. It has big eyes, a 
coconut head and bad teeth. It is fat and tall and he is holding a broom. Bob sees 
it and is afraid because it looks like a giant. Bob wonders, “What is this?” He runs 
to a big tree and climbs on top. He thinks he is in a safe place but suddenly a bee 
comes to him and stings him in the neck. Bob falls out of the tree and screams 
  Bob falls on top of the scarecrow. The scarecrow says, “Hey son, what are 
you doing?” Bob faints and the scarecrow catches him. At midnight Bob finally 
wakes up and finds the scarecrow is still holding him. But he falls asleep again. In 
the morning he wakes up and sees he is in a beautiful garden. He wonders, “how 
did I get here?” The scarecrow is gone and Bob is alone. 
  Bob feels fresh as everything around him is fresh. He hears the sound of 
the waterfall, bees and the birds singing. He feels wonderful. Bob wonders how 
this happened and he wants this place in his village, too. The scarecrow comes and 
says, “I made this place. If you want to 
make a place like this too I can teach 
you.” Bob is not afraid of the 
scarecrow anymore. He says to the 
scarecrow, “Please teach me because I 
want to have a beautiful garden like this 
  The next year, when Bob comes 
to visit he sees that every house has a 
beautiful garden. He knows it is 
because of him. 
The Good Neighbors 
By Vatey Age 15, Sreypha Age 15 and Pheaktra Age 16 
​ It was morning, on Thursday 17 January 2019. In the garden there was a red ant 
and a black ant. They were neighbors. They lived in the small land in the garden. 
They liked to help each other. They couldn’t fly so they only walked. They could 
talk to each other to find food in the dry season. They worked hard together so 
they have food. 
One day the ants were walking together and they heard the caterpillar singing. They 
saw that the caterpillar was lazy. He was not working. The caterpillar was hungry. 
He threatened the ants and said ‘’I will steal your food.’’ The ants were scared of 
the caterpillar. The ants said ‘’You are hungry because you are lazy!’’ The caterpillar 
said “Yes, you are right,” and the caterpillar went away and found food for him 
and the ants said ‘’Wait, we can help you!.’’ The ants and the caterpillar are now 
working together everyday. They are good neighbors. 
The Farmer and the Ladybird 
By Sokea Age 14, Reatrey Age 15 and Karona Age 15 
​ In the rainy season, there was a man from France who was a farmer in 
Cambodia. He was a single man. He was tall with 
blonde hair, blue eyes and his name was John. He 
was a kind person. His farm was not too big and not 
too small. The plants were beautiful and they grew 
very fast because he always put the fertilizer and 
watered them everyday. 
One rainy night there was a big storm. The thunder 
was very loud but there was no lightning. The next 
morning, John went outside and found a flood! The 
flood was one meter deep. When he saw the plant 
dying, his heart was broken. He just wanted to sit and 
waste time because he was so sad. John was about to 
go home but suddenly he heard a noise. It was very 
quiet but he could still hear a small voice saying 
‘’Help me! Help me! I can’t swim!’’ He couldn’t see 
anyone so he asked ‘’Who are you?’’ He felt scared 
and his heart was beating faster and his body was shaking. The voice said, ‘’Look 
down! I am a ladybird. My name is Pisey and I can’t swim and I’m dying!’’ John 
looked down and he saw a ladybird drowning in the water. He put his finger in the 
water and started to laugh because he had never seen a talking ladybird before! 
’’Quick! Take my finger!’’ She took it and he pulled her out. Pisey said ‘’Thank you 
for helping me.’’ John said ‘’No problem, you’re welcome.’’ 
The Magic Caterpillar 
By Phanna, Age 14, Srey Leak Age 14, Suki Age 16, Sovannarith Age 16 
In 2015, in the morning there was a gardener named Virak. He was 45 years 
old. He lived in a poor family. Virak was good looking. One day, Virak went to 
the garden to look at the eggplant garden. He walked through to the eggplants and 
saw a caterpillar on a leaf. Virak took 
the caterpillar to a big tree. Virak said, 
“I don’t want to kill you.” And Virak 
continued his work. 
The next day Virak went back to 
work in the garden and he saw the 
caterpillar again. He asked the 
caterpillar, “Why did you come here 
again?” Suddenly, the caterpillar said to 
Virak, “I come here not to harm you. I 
just want to see your beautiful garden. 
I see you work hard.” The gardener 
was surprised the caterpillar could 
speak. The caterpillar disappeared. 
The gardener came back the next 
day and saw that many leaves had 
turned to gold. The gardener felt excited. He cut the gold leaves to show his 
mother. His mother took the gold leaves and sold them. With the money, they 
were able to build a beautiful home. Virak came back to the garden to thank the 
caterpillar but the caterpillar had turned in to a beautiful woman. The gardener 
married the woman and they lived in the beautiful house. 
The Inspiration of Plants 
By Borit Age 18, Siengly and Age 17 and Vicheka Age 17. 
In a rural area, there is a big free land near the mountain. The land has a lot of 
big rocks, bushes, and the soil is very hard. The villagers want to use that land to 
do farming but they don’t have enough ability to rent modern machinery to clear 
and prepare the land. 
At that time, there is a man who has curly black hair and a big belly that comes 
from the city. He has invested some money in that land. About two weeks later, 
the land was prepared but he didn’t have any employees to manage the land for the 
farming. He announced that he was looking for workers. The announcement took 
only two days and then it was full of workers. They started planting many kinds of 
vegetables and fruits. Three months later they harvested the crops in the farm. But 
it didn’t fit what the boss expected. He blamed the workers but he didn’t know 
how the workers felt. Because the land was so hard, it was hard to plant. But still 
the workers tried as hard as they could to make things better and they really tried 
hard and worked hard. 
In the next three months it was time to harvest again. This time, the workers 
made the boss very shocked. Because of their patience, even though their boss 
blamed them without knowing what the soil was like, what the weather was like 
and the obstacles with planting, they still pleased him with their results. After that, 
their boss inspired them to do their work, and the workers inspired the boss, too. 
Strange Chicken  
By Sokuam Age 17, Narong Age 18 and Chanpi Age 18 
​Two years ago, there was a group of youth having a party together at Som’s house. 
While they were eating food, they saw a very colorful and bright chicken. Som 
asks, “What’s that thing?”, “It’s a chicken” said Som’s friends. Then Som said 
loudly, “Let’s catch it!!” Everyone ran to catch that chicken. The chicken ran 
quickly away and jumped into the cupboard. Then no one could find it. But then 
Som said it is in the cupboard and they all ran into the cupboard, too. 
After they got outside of a very dark place everything they saw surprised 
them. In front of them there was a world full of beautiful nature. There was a 
very high waterfall, a very big forest of very big grass, vegetables, lemongrass, tall 
trees with very big flowers, singing sounds of animals, tiny little elephants and 
other creatures. Som said, “Where is this place? Why are all the big things 
becoming tiny and all the small things becoming huge?” But there was no answer 
for him. After that they all started to walk in to this strange world. While they 
were walking there was something shining in front of them. It was a really tiny 
golden coin. Som took it and prepared to go and find more coins and to find his 
chicken. But suddenly there was a very strange and huge sound of creatures 
running to them. “Run,” said Som’s friends. Som turned back and saw his 
chicken but it was very big and strong. The chicken was trying to catch them but 
they ran very fast. They tried to hide themselves under lemongrass. But the 
chicken pulled out the lemongrass and tried to catch them again. They quickly ran 
away and jumped back in to the cupboard. “Ha, ha ha!’’ laughed Som’s friends 
because when the chicken jumped into the cupboard it became normal. Som took 
the chicken and walked out of his house to make sure that everything else was 
Suddenly a very strange thing happened to him. The earth started to 
tremble and his golden coin jumped from his pocket and became a very huge 
golden coin. He brought that coin to his family to help the poor people in the 
The Couple’s Secret Garden 
By Daley Age 17, Srey Len Age 18 and Sokly Age 16 
​   Joe and Ddu were a young couple. Joe was 16 years old and he was nasty but 
smart. Ddu was 15 years old and she was beautiful and a nice girl. They had a big 
garden behind their house. In their garden there were lots of things such as 
lemongrass, morning glory, pineapple, eggplants, banana trees and lots of green 
In summer, the weather wasn’t very hot. The plants grew very well, but 
there was a secret that the young couple didn’t know. Their plants could talk! 
Every night they heard some noise from their garden. Every morning they always 
rode on their buffalo called Anuk, to check their garden. Suddenly, Anuk stepped 
on some sponges’ hands. Suddenly, the sponges shouted very loudly ‘’Ouch!’’ Then 
the couple saw that their plants could talk. They felt surprised. Also, some animals 
like frogs and toads could talk, too. They all worked together to help the sponges 
and all the plants said, ‘We must help each other because we are in one family.’’ 
From that time on, the young couple and plants were living together happily.  
Jock the Caveman 
By Buntha Age 18, Oudom Age 17 and Vandy Age 18 
There is a dark, scary cave and in the cave lives a man called Jock who has a 
lot hair and is tall and skinny. He never sees the sun and doesn’t even know what 
is nature. 
One night, while he was sleeping, he dreamt that outside of his cave there 
was a place full of big tall trees, a waterfall, animals and also the beautiful shine 
from the sun that he can’t imagine. When he woke up he decided to discover the 
place that he dreamed of. When he was outside of the cave, he saw something that 
looked like what he had dreamed. He was shocked and wondered why did I not 
know about this place before? So, he decided to continue to walk around.   
While he was busy looking at beautiful nature suddenly he heard a sound, 
“crack, crack!” So, he walked toward the sound. When he arrived there, he was 
very surprised because there were a group of people cutting down the tree and 
killing the wild animals. He didn’t even know what to do so he started to think 
that if he is still watching this place there will be a line of dust. He alone went to 
talk to the group of people to try to stop the action but they didn’t even listen so a 
fight began. While they were fighting against each other, tigers, an elephant and a 
lion came to chase the bad people away. 
Helpful Tips to Keep You Writing! 
In your workshop with Writing Through, you learned several techniques 
which you can use at home. These will help you continue to write and grow in your ability to 
translate your thinking and feeling into words that are uniquely you. 
Use your Magic 
The Magic Pencil helps to transport you to a place that is different 
from your everyday life. Using it helps to create a ritual, and ritual 
allows us to step outside of our norms and respond to things in 
new ways. We also suggest finding a notebook or journal which 
you use solely for your writing. That will work the same magic as 
your Magic Pencil. 
Read out loud!    When you read what you have written out loud, you can hear the 
words in your own voice. Then ask yourself these questions: 
Do you like what you hear? 
Does this sound like you? 
Do you stumble when you say some of the words you’ve written? 
If anything that you have written doesn’t feel right, or doesn’t 
really express what you want to say, then change it. It can also be 
helpful to do your out-loud reading in a different place from where 
you did your writing. A change of scene can often make you see 
what you have written with greater objectivity and clarity. 
Don’t forget your 
Before you start, grab your Magic Pencil and start to brainstorm 
about a very general idea or topic which you want to write about. 
Make your list of words or phrases as wide and varied as you want. 
Don’t edit yourself​. Write down whatever pops into your head. This 
will get you started and might well bring up some new ideas that 
you didn’t even know you had. 
The Four Rules of Writing Through 
1. Do not think! 
Relax, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Let words and ideas pop 
into your head, even if you do not know why they did. 
2. Use the ​back​ of your brain. 
The ideas that live in the front of your brain are the everyday, 
not-so-exciting ideas. We want to hear about the unique and special 
ideas that live in the ​back ​of your brain inside your imagination.   
3. Write with your ears. 
Words have meanings ​and​ sounds. Listen to the sounds of words and 
letters. When choosing words for your poems and stories, think about 
how the words sound. 
4. You cannot make a mistake. (No mistakes.) 
This is the most important rule. Do not worry about making a mistake. 
If you have an idea and it comes from your head or your heart, then it 
is right. It is not a mistake. ​Never​ ​worry about being wrong! 
Do you have more ideas? Write them here… 

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Anjali House, Writing Through Magazine, 2019

  • 1.           MAGAZINE  The Natural World  By the Writers from Anjali House January 2019                        FACILITATED BY: FOR:  Sue Guiney    WITH:  Barbara Rittner    Jess Blackledge 
  • 2. Suos d’ei, I am very pleased to introduce to you Anjali House’s Writing Through magazine for 2019. The relationship between Anjali House and Writing Through is a very special one. This is where the first Writing Through workshops were held, and our year always begins with a new workshop with these very special students. This year, we explored the big idea of The Natural World in our poems and stories. As usual, we used our brainstorming technique to help us imagine and think creatively about this topic. But this year we did something new. We used our very own garden as the springboard for our efforts. Our creativity on the page grew out of our creativity in the garden where together with all the Anjali family we have learned not only how to grow our own food, but why it is important to ourselves and our community. Working with our hands in the soil is in itself a creative act. Turning that work into new thoughts expressed in new language is something very special. I have loved working with each of these students, as always. They have each shown industry, bravery, diligence and persistence, as well as selflessness and love. I am proud to be their teacher. Special thanks go to Try Sophany, the Young Adult Program Coordinator, for her help and sensitivity. I also want to thank Anjali’s Director, Ke Simon, Head Teacher, Dim Bun Thorng and volunteer Annie Sharp for their support of these students’ creativity. Also, thanks go out to my Shadows, Writing Through Assistant Director, Jess Blackledge and Facilitator, Barbara Rittner, for their many contributions to the week’s efforts. But of course, special thanks go to the students themselves for their hard work, their sense of humor, and their trust. I hope you enjoy the poems and stories in this year’s magazine. They represent the dreams and hopes of our children, which provide an important reminder to those of us who might have forgotten our own. Samnang laor, Sue Sue Guiney, Facilitator Founder and Director of Writing Through  
  • 3. Under the Blue Sky  a group poem by the writers of Anjali House    There was an Earth  There was life  There was a plant  Green, small, good smell  Mixing together with lots of color  A lot of animals are near  We take care of them  In a small farm.    We feel happy  We like to take care of them  They are our lives  We need them to eat  We have energy  We are healthy  We grow up  We can work a lot  We can do anything we want.                                           
  • 4. Life in a Limited World  A group poem by the writers of Anjali House: Advanced Group  We are in one Earth  Growing together  Time passes day by day  All of us are changing  We are not protecting but  we are destroying  Earth is like a journey  Where we decide and set  what it will be.    We are part of nature  we can work together  to protect it  and save our lives  Earth helps us  but Earth needs us  It must be balanced.        
  • 5. ​Beauty of the Garden  By Suki, Age 17  In the garden, there are many things  people sound, taste, vegetables  it’s so small but have fun  when we work together  sweat, laugh, action, beautiful all come out.    The sunshine comes and the water everyday  I smell sponge flower, sound in the garden  like music that I listen to.  Makes me so fresh to see a fruitful result  we get a lot, every month.          
  • 6.    The Garden View  By Phanna, Age 14  In the garden, it’s very beautiful  It has a lot of plants, animals, people  They are busy working  I see a lot of people working, saying, doing  and birds fly in the air  They are happy to work in the garden.    I taste bananas, mangoes, long beans, winter melon, papaya  and a lot more  They eat so much and work more  I feel so fresh  I hear them water the plants, walk, talk, do work and   they work so happily  They feel so fresh  when their work is finished.                    
  • 7. A Special Gift  By Reatrey, Age 15    There was a planet  with beautiful creatures  who live in the forest with the nature.  The sun is shining  The fresh air comes  The flowers are blossoming  The bees are ready for the war    There was a life  Living happily with their family  in the small town, they work  in the beautiful garden  it tastes sweet for them  to live among the planet again.                  
  • 8. ​How the Garden Makes Us Feel  By Sreyleak, Age 15 and Sovannarith, Aged 14  When I’m in the garden  I can listen to the bird sound  It makes me fresh  I smell grass  I smell compost, it is smelly  the sweet basil smells good.  I touch pineapple trees and banana trees  when I touch them I feel good  I see flowers blooming and people  I see people working in the garden  they work a lot like watering the   okra, chilli, tomato, passion, onion  I hear them say it is very hot  but they are happy.                         
  • 9. ​Feeling in the Garden  By Sreyphai Age 14 and Pheaktra, Age 15  After the garden, I feel tired  It’s so hot because of the sunshine  In the garden there is a lot of flowers  It’s so beautiful with the blue sky  I see the birds over the trees  I feel good when I see the colorful garden  It’s like heaven.    I like to eat the fruit  some sweet, some sour  I feel bad when I smell rotten fruit.  Luckily, I see the butterfly over the flowers  I feel good  working in the garden.  I have a lot of feelings mixed together  I love everything in our garden.                                                  
  • 10. My Garden  By Karona, Age 15  There was a big garden  It was so beautiful  There were a lot of plants  Green, good smell, yellow  There were a lot   Of people working    They work in the garden  They work hard  They feel happy when they work together    They feel sad when they are hot, tired  But, they feel happy to help in the garden    Gardens can teach me not to be lazy  When I work in the garden I feel good  I like to help in the garden                                       
  • 11. The Big Garden  By Vatey, Age 15  When I am in the garden  I see a flower, a little insect  And the smell is very good.    In the garden there are a lot of   banana trees, lots of onions.    When I touch a wall  people come and say   can you get a shirt for me.    I hear the people speaking  noisy and happy, playing.    I like the smell of the sponge flower.  I am so happy in the garden.      Everything About the Garden is Good    By Sokea, Age 14 In the little garden  were a lot of things  A lot of plants are growing  banana, eggplant, mango, chilli,  tomato, okra, salad.    I see a lot of people working.  I taste mint. It is bitter.  I feel fresh.  I smell lemongrass.  It smells good.  I see green Nature.  The birds are singing.  Being in the garden is good for relaxing. 
  • 12. Advanced Group Poems  Protecting the Garden  By Vandy, Aged 17  Plants are growing  Insects are destroying  Humans are protecting  The Sun is burning  This is the garden.    Protect what you grow  otherwise you will lose it  The garden can help you  earn money  have food  make your house beautiful  So take care of it.                                             
  • 13. Windy Evening  By Buntha, Age 18    Beautiful, windy evening  some feel fresh  and some feel blue  My feelings are like small leaves  blowing in the wind    Memory of childhood  comes up  In the middle of the garden  Fresh morning glory in the river  Cooking an awesome dish  with Mum.                     Protect Nature  By Narong, Age 18    The nature is my home.  I promise to keep it  Healthy and beautiful  I will save the land  I want to protect nature  it is important because  they give us fresh air, water  and all living animals.  I will be the defender of my nature  until with my family.  I will save the nature.  I will love land  I will save the nature.  
  • 14. Open then Close  By Oudom, Age 17    The volcano explodes in the earth  The old generation of nature  Falls into the dark abyss  The sound of silence  Brightness of generations updated  Provide struggle, animals are the role model for humans  The shadow of humans makes nature frightened.            
  • 15. Nature’s Love  By Daley, Age 17    I fall in love with nature  flowers trees, plants and fruits  and helping me to grow well.    Nature gives me houses, parks  foods and fruits. I feel fresh and  comfortable with nature.    Nature gives me many kinds of things  so I must give hope for nature  by starting to grow trees  flowers and plants around my house  also anywhere else.                                            
  • 16.   Every Life is Worthy  By Borith, Age 18    Listen to the sound of plants  They’re crying, they’re begging  They need you to be with them  Where are you?  Take a deep breath and close your eyes  Listen to the sound that floats in the air  Let it go through your ears and touch your heart    Nature always gives you something  Do not be careless with the gift.    It gives you flowers you smell  It gives you food you eat  be fair to the life that gives  you the air to breathe.                                 
  • 17.     Quiet Path  By Sokuam  Living a great life in this journey  Walking a great way with nobody to know  a field of green grass, beautiful flowers   animals singing in front of me  a big mountain, many big trees. It is  a wonderful way but people don’t know.  Telling alone, asking myself  am I doing right or wrong?  But I know clearly who I am.  So I know this is the best way  even if I am alone.                       My Feeling Plants  By Chanpi, Age 18  I walk into the garden  I see dancing lemongrass  It looks happy with the wind  Butterflies flying around the garden  with the wind, crying birds.  I feel good, smell the flowers  I take an umbrella when it rains.    
  • 18. Be Like the Nature  By Sokly, Age 16   Beautiful nature is dancing along the wind  The sun is shining with a colorful view  The beautiful butterflies are flying around  Feeling happy and loving it    Nature is trying to grow, trying to prove the  obstacle  To get out of the hard land  To see the sun shine  And give hope to the humans  Touch the wind, do you feel it?  Please breathe and imagine.        The Beautiful Garden  By Siengly, Age 17  Walk step by step  Think of the beautiful garden  Feel delighted to see the plants grow well.    Hear the sound of the birds  Touch the plant with hand  Taste the new plant    My heart is in the garden  Try hard and work hard  Together to have the successful garden.         
  • 19. We Feel the Same  By Srey Len, Age 18  I walk into the garden  I see struggling plants  They are trying to go beyond the obstacle  to survive, to live their own lives.  It is easier for them to die than to live.    We are like the plants  We struggle to go beyond the obstacle  It is easier for us to die than to live  so we need help from each other.    They give us food  We give them water, fertilizer  to feel balanced.           Sound of Nature  By Vicheka, Age 17    When I walk into the garden  I hear some sound of animals  I see some plants start to grow  To show their new leaves  And new life to the world  To see the sun and touch the wind  To feel soft and fresh  And smell the soil  To grow good and bring new hope  New smile for the farmer  To be happy with their plants.     
  • 20. Summer Season  A Group Story by the Writers of Anjali House  I​n January, in the summer, there was a poor  family who worked very hard in the hot sun.  There was a handsome man, his name was  Vichet. He had a wife. Her name was Bopha.  They had three children, two girls and a boy.  The children studied at a school far from the  house. The boy, Vibol, was in grade 8. One  girl, who was in grade 9, was called Sreyka.  The other girl whose name was Chantrea, was  in grade 4.    They lived together in a small village  near a mountain. The people kept the village  clean. There were a lot of trees. The farmer  worked in his field, near the mountain. That  year, the farmer was trying to plant his crops  but the sun was too hot. He did not have  enough water to drink, or for the plants. So  the farmer got sick, but because the farmer was sick, the children did not want to  go to school. They wanted to stay home to help their father. But their mother said  they must go to school and so they did. Their father was getting more and more  sick.    One day an old doctor from the city came to the village. She saw that the  farmer was sick. The doctor asked the wife, ‘’How did your husband get sick and  how long has he been sick for?’’  Bopha said, ‘’He has been sick for one month. He was working hard in the  hot sun and he got a fever and his body hurts. He does not eat enough, he is very  weak.’’  The doctor said ‘’He needs to rest and eat more. I will come every day to  give medicine and an injection. He will then get better.’’ She advised ‘’When the  rains come, store the water so you have enough for yourself and your crops, and  keep the water clean.’’ One week later, the farmer started to get better and his  crops started to grow more.  That year in the rainy season, there were big rainstorms. The farmer and his  wife remembered the advice of the doctor. They stored the water and kept it clean  and the farmer did not get sick again, and the family lived happily.     
  • 21. Bob’s Wonderful Holiday  A Group Story by the Writers of Anjali House: Advanced Group    Bob is an eight year old boy and he is having a vacation in his hometown.  He is clever and funny and he is a good boy. It is the dry season and the weather is  getting very hot. One day he decides to go for a walk outside the village. He is  alone but he is not frightened. He is excited.    On the way, while he is walking he sees a lot of interesting things like a  temple and a big tree. Suddenly, he sees a giant scarecrow. It has big eyes, a  coconut head and bad teeth. It is fat and tall and he is holding a broom. Bob sees  it and is afraid because it looks like a giant. Bob wonders, “What is this?” He runs  to a big tree and climbs on top. He thinks he is in a safe place but suddenly a bee  comes to him and stings him in the neck. Bob falls out of the tree and screams  “Ouch!”    Bob falls on top of the scarecrow. The scarecrow says, “Hey son, what are  you doing?” Bob faints and the scarecrow catches him. At midnight Bob finally  wakes up and finds the scarecrow is still holding him. But he falls asleep again. In  the morning he wakes up and sees he is in a beautiful garden. He wonders, “how  did I get here?” The scarecrow is gone and Bob is alone.    Bob feels fresh as everything around him is fresh. He hears the sound of  the waterfall, bees and the birds singing. He feels wonderful. Bob wonders how  this happened and he wants this place in his village, too. The scarecrow comes and  says, “I made this place. If you want to  make a place like this too I can teach  you.” Bob is not afraid of the  scarecrow anymore. He says to the  scarecrow, “Please teach me because I  want to have a beautiful garden like this  place.”     The next year, when Bob comes  to visit he sees that every house has a  beautiful garden. He knows it is  because of him.             
  • 22. The Good Neighbors  By Vatey Age 15, Sreypha Age 15 and Pheaktra Age 16  ​ It was morning, on Thursday 17 January 2019. In the garden there was a red ant  and a black ant. They were neighbors. They lived in the small land in the garden.  They liked to help each other. They couldn’t fly so they only walked. They could  talk to each other to find food in the dry season. They worked hard together so  they have food.    One day the ants were walking together and they heard the caterpillar singing. They  saw that the caterpillar was lazy. He was not working. The caterpillar was hungry.  He threatened the ants and said ‘’I will steal your food.’’ The ants were scared of  the caterpillar. The ants said ‘’You are hungry because you are lazy!’’ The caterpillar  said “Yes, you are right,” and the caterpillar went away and found food for him  and the ants said ‘’Wait, we can help you!.’’ The ants and the caterpillar are now  working together everyday. They are good neighbors.                                                      
  • 23. The Farmer and the Ladybird  By Sokea Age 14, Reatrey Age 15 and Karona Age 15  ​ In the rainy season, there was a man from France who was a farmer in  Cambodia. He was a single man. He was tall with  blonde hair, blue eyes and his name was John. He  was a kind person. His farm was not too big and not  too small. The plants were beautiful and they grew  very fast because he always put the fertilizer and  watered them everyday.  One rainy night there was a big storm. The thunder  was very loud but there was no lightning. The next  morning, John went outside and found a flood! The  flood was one meter deep. When he saw the plant  dying, his heart was broken. He just wanted to sit and  waste time because he was so sad. John was about to  go home but suddenly he heard a noise. It was very  quiet but he could still hear a small voice saying  ‘’Help me! Help me! I can’t swim!’’ He couldn’t see  anyone so he asked ‘’Who are you?’’ He felt scared  and his heart was beating faster and his body was shaking. The voice said, ‘’Look  down! I am a ladybird. My name is Pisey and I can’t swim and I’m dying!’’ John  looked down and he saw a ladybird drowning in the water. He put his finger in the  water and started to laugh because he had never seen a talking ladybird before!  ’’Quick! Take my finger!’’ She took it and he pulled her out. Pisey said ‘’Thank you  for helping me.’’ John said ‘’No problem, you’re welcome.’’                       
  • 24. The Magic Caterpillar  By Phanna, Age 14, Srey Leak Age 14, Suki Age 16, Sovannarith Age 16  In 2015, in the morning there was a gardener named Virak. He was 45 years  old. He lived in a poor family. Virak was good looking. One day, Virak went to  the garden to look at the eggplant garden. He walked through to the eggplants and  saw a caterpillar on a leaf. Virak took  the caterpillar to a big tree. Virak said,  “I don’t want to kill you.” And Virak  continued his work.    The next day Virak went back to  work in the garden and he saw the  caterpillar again. He asked the  caterpillar, “Why did you come here  again?” Suddenly, the caterpillar said to  Virak, “I come here not to harm you. I  just want to see your beautiful garden.  I see you work hard.” The gardener  was surprised the caterpillar could  speak. The caterpillar disappeared.    The gardener came back the next  day and saw that many leaves had  turned to gold. The gardener felt excited. He cut the gold leaves to show his  mother. His mother took the gold leaves and sold them. With the money, they  were able to build a beautiful home. Virak came back to the garden to thank the  caterpillar but the caterpillar had turned in to a beautiful woman. The gardener  married the woman and they lived in the beautiful house.                       
  • 25. The Inspiration of Plants  By Borit Age 18, Siengly and Age 17 and Vicheka Age 17.     In a rural area, there is a big free land near the mountain. The land has a lot of  big rocks, bushes, and the soil is very hard. The villagers want to use that land to  do farming but they don’t have enough ability to rent modern machinery to clear  and prepare the land.  At that time, there is a man who has curly black hair and a big belly that comes  from the city. He has invested some money in that land. About two weeks later,  the land was prepared but he didn’t have any employees to manage the land for the  farming. He announced that he was looking for workers. The announcement took  only two days and then it was full of workers. They started planting many kinds of  vegetables and fruits. Three months later they harvested the crops in the farm. But  it didn’t fit what the boss expected. He blamed the workers but he didn’t know  how the workers felt. Because the land was so hard, it was hard to plant. But still  the workers tried as hard as they could to make things better and they really tried  hard and worked hard.  In the next three months it was time to harvest again. This time, the workers  made the boss very shocked. Because of their patience, even though their boss  blamed them without knowing what the soil was like, what the weather was like  and the obstacles with planting, they still pleased him with their results. After that,  their boss inspired them to do their work, and the workers inspired the boss, too.                                         
  • 26. Strange Chicken   By Sokuam Age 17, Narong Age 18 and Chanpi Age 18  ​Two years ago, there was a group of youth having a party together at Som’s house.  While they were eating food, they saw a very colorful and bright chicken. Som  asks, “What’s that thing?”, “It’s a chicken” said Som’s friends. Then Som said  loudly, “Let’s catch it!!” Everyone ran to catch that chicken. The chicken ran  quickly away and jumped into the cupboard. Then no one could find it. But then  Som said it is in the cupboard and they all ran into the cupboard, too.  After they got outside of a very dark place everything they saw surprised  them. In front of them there was a world full of beautiful nature. There was a  very high waterfall, a very big forest of very big grass, vegetables, lemongrass, tall  trees with very big flowers, singing sounds of animals, tiny little elephants and  other creatures. Som said, “Where is this place? Why are all the big things  becoming tiny and all the small things becoming huge?” But there was no answer  for him. After that they all started to walk in to this strange world. While they  were walking there was something shining in front of them. It was a really tiny  golden coin. Som took it and prepared to go and find more coins and to find his  chicken. But suddenly there was a very strange and huge sound of creatures  running to them. “Run,” said Som’s friends. Som turned back and saw his  chicken but it was very big and strong. The chicken was trying to catch them but  they ran very fast. They tried to hide themselves under lemongrass. But the  chicken pulled out the lemongrass and tried to catch them again. They quickly ran  away and jumped back in to the cupboard. “Ha, ha ha!’’ laughed Som’s friends  because when the chicken jumped into the cupboard it became normal. Som took  the chicken and walked out of his house to make sure that everything else was  normal.  Suddenly a very strange thing happened to him. The earth started to  tremble and his golden coin jumped from his pocket and became a very huge  golden coin. He brought that coin to his family to help the poor people in the  village.                     
  • 27.   The Couple’s Secret Garden  By Daley Age 17, Srey Len Age 18 and Sokly Age 16  ​   Joe and Ddu were a young couple. Joe was 16 years old and he was nasty but  smart. Ddu was 15 years old and she was beautiful and a nice girl. They had a big  garden behind their house. In their garden there were lots of things such as  lemongrass, morning glory, pineapple, eggplants, banana trees and lots of green  plants.  In summer, the weather wasn’t very hot. The plants grew very well, but  there was a secret that the young couple didn’t know. Their plants could talk!  Every night they heard some noise from their garden. Every morning they always  rode on their buffalo called Anuk, to check their garden. Suddenly, Anuk stepped  on some sponges’ hands. Suddenly, the sponges shouted very loudly ‘’Ouch!’’ Then  the couple saw that their plants could talk. They felt surprised. Also, some animals  like frogs and toads could talk, too. They all worked together to help the sponges  and all the plants said, ‘We must help each other because we are in one family.’’  From that time on, the young couple and plants were living together happily.                  
  • 28.       Jock the Caveman  By Buntha Age 18, Oudom Age 17 and Vandy Age 18      There is a dark, scary cave and in the cave lives a man called Jock who has a  lot hair and is tall and skinny. He never sees the sun and doesn’t even know what  is nature.  One night, while he was sleeping, he dreamt that outside of his cave there  was a place full of big tall trees, a waterfall, animals and also the beautiful shine  from the sun that he can’t imagine. When he woke up he decided to discover the  place that he dreamed of. When he was outside of the cave, he saw something that  looked like what he had dreamed. He was shocked and wondered why did I not  know about this place before? So, he decided to continue to walk around.    While he was busy looking at beautiful nature suddenly he heard a sound,  “crack, crack!” So, he walked toward the sound. When he arrived there, he was  very surprised because there were a group of people cutting down the tree and  killing the wild animals. He didn’t even know what to do so he started to think  that if he is still watching this place there will be a line of dust. He alone went to  talk to the group of people to try to stop the action but they didn’t even listen so a  fight began. While they were fighting against each other, tigers, an elephant and a  lion came to chase the bad people away.                                     
  • 29.             Helpful Tips to Keep You Writing!    In your workshop with Writing Through, you learned several techniques  which you can use at home. These will help you continue to write and grow in your ability to  translate your thinking and feeling into words that are uniquely you.    Use your Magic  Pencil!  The Magic Pencil helps to transport you to a place that is different  from your everyday life. Using it helps to create a ritual, and ritual  allows us to step outside of our norms and respond to things in  new ways. We also suggest finding a notebook or journal which  you use solely for your writing. That will work the same magic as  your Magic Pencil.  Read out loud!    When you read what you have written out loud, you can hear the  words in your own voice. Then ask yourself these questions:    Do you like what you hear?  Does this sound like you?  Do you stumble when you say some of the words you’ve written?    If anything that you have written doesn’t feel right, or doesn’t  really express what you want to say, then change it. It can also be  helpful to do your out-loud reading in a different place from where  you did your writing. A change of scene can often make you see  what you have written with greater objectivity and clarity.  Don’t forget your  brainstorm!  Before you start, grab your Magic Pencil and start to brainstorm  about a very general idea or topic which you want to write about.  Make your list of words or phrases as wide and varied as you want.  Don’t edit yourself​. Write down whatever pops into your head. This  will get you started and might well bring up some new ideas that  you didn’t even know you had.               
  • 30. The Four Rules of Writing Through          1. Do not think!    Relax, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Let words and ideas pop  into your head, even if you do not know why they did.          2. Use the ​back​ of your brain.    The ideas that live in the front of your brain are the everyday,  not-so-exciting ideas. We want to hear about the unique and special  ideas that live in the ​back ​of your brain inside your imagination.              3. Write with your ears.    Words have meanings ​and​ sounds. Listen to the sounds of words and  letters. When choosing words for your poems and stories, think about  how the words sound.            4. You cannot make a mistake. (No mistakes.)    This is the most important rule. Do not worry about making a mistake.  If you have an idea and it comes from your head or your heart, then it  is right. It is not a mistake. ​Never​ ​worry about being wrong!           
  • 31.               Do you have more ideas? Write them here…