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Niels Brock - Main Thesis – Beverage Bag
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u	
What	procedures	and	challenges	must	be	overcome	to	successfully	launch	beverage	bag	
dispensers	into	the	Zambian	market?	
Based	on	Zambian	Breweries	PLC	internship	
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Niels	Brock
Executive	Summary	
Zambia	 has	 been	 growing	 economically	 at	 a	 steady	 rate,	 making	 it	 a	 very	
attractive	 place	 for	 foreign	 investment.	 With	 an	 average	 growth	 rate	 of	 5.1	
percent	 and	 economic	 incentives	 created	 to	 further	 boost	 investor	 confidence,	
Zambia	is	a	market	with	many	opportunities.		
Through	an	understanding	into	the	market	dynamics	of	the	beverage	industry	
gained	 during	 my	 work	 placement	 at	 Zambian	 Breweries	 Plc.,	 a	 subsidiary	 of	
SABMiller,	I	have	gained	insight	into	potential	target	groups	of	people	that	are	
not	 exploited	 by	 any	 businesses	 in	 Zambia.	 By	 creating	 the	 company	 Brolund	
Solutions,	 I	 will	 be	 able	 provide	 an	 innovative	 Beverage	 Solution	 by	 using	
beverage	bag	dispensers.	
Beverage	 bag	 dispensers	 are	 a	 mobile	 keg	 that	 is	 able	 to	 keep	 liquid	 cold	 or	
warm	for	up	to	4	hours	and	dispense	the	beverage	into	reusable	cups.	They	are	
also	used	for	branding	due	to	their	elevated	body	and	flag	for	easy	sighting.	They	
are	a	proven	success	in	European	markets,	most	notably	with	public	gatherings	
such	as	football	games	at	a	stadium.	The	bag	increases	profits	by	selling	more	
drinks	while	improving	customer	satisfaction.	
Due	to	the	supply	of	beverages	being	limited	to	local	producers	that	can	supply	
kegs,	 a	 market	 analysis	 was	 done	 to	 select	 the	 best	 soft	 drinks	 and	 beers.	
Zambian	 Breweries	 Plc.,	 is	 the	 market	 leader	 for	 local	 beer	 and	 producers	 for	
Cola-Cola	in	Zambia	making	their	products	the	right	choice.	This	is	due	to	Coca-
Cola	 dominating	 the	 market	 share	 for	 soft	 drinks	 and	 Mosi	 and	 Castle	 lager	
dominating	the	beer	category.	
In	order	to	secure	the	rights	to	be	the	official	beverage	seller	at	football	games,	
the	 benefits	 of	 the	 products	 must	 be	 highlited	 to	 the	 Ministry	 of	 Sport	 and	
Football	association	of	Zambia.	The	environmentally	friendly	cups	and	increased	
safety	 due	 to	 few	 people	 crowing	 at	 bars	 will	 be	 presented	 to	 them	 alongside	
with	the	increased	customer	satisfaction.		
The	main	regions	of	Zambia	that	Zambia	Breweries	use	will	be	geographically	
targeted.	These	are	Lusaka	and	the	Copperbelt	primarily	due	to	local	production	
of	drinks	and	football	infrastructure.	Nothern,	Southern	and	Central	will	also	be	
targeted	due	to	their	large	populations.
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The	target	age	groups	will	be	cross	over	as	beer	drinkers	also	drink	soft	drinks.	
Both	target	groups	fit	into	the	general	target	group	of	young	people	that	is	the	
highest	proportion	of	the	population,	the	working	class	included.	
Through	 registering	 the	 company,	 Brolund	 Solutions	 at	 PACRA	 for	 DKK	 500,	
investing	 in	 equipment	 worth	 DKK	 14	 000,	 and	 agreeing	 with	 Zambian	
Breweries	&	the	Ministry	of	Sport,	3	business	models	can	be	exploited	to	position	
Brolund	Solutions	as	the	leader	for	beverage	solutions	through	the	Beverage	Bag	
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Table	of	Contents	
Executive	Summary	...........................................................................................................	2	
Problem	formulation	........................................................................................................	5	
Introduction	........................................................................................................................	6	
Methodology	........................................................................................................................	6	
Statistics	and	Data	Collection	........................................................................................	7	
Flow	Chart	............................................................................................................................	8	
CHAPTER	1	...........................................................................................................................	9	
PESTEL	ANALYSIS	-	ZAMBIA	....................................................................................................	9	
Political	.........................................................................................................................................................	9	
Economic	Environment	.........................................................................................................................	9	
Social	Environment	..............................................................................................................................	12	
Technological	Environment	..............................................................................................................	12	
Environment	............................................................................................................................................	13	
Legal	Environment	...............................................................................................................................	13	
Vending	Laws	..........................................................................................................................................	15	
Chapter	2	...........................................................................................................................	16	
Beverage	Bag	Dispensers	in	other	markets	....................................................................	16	
European	Market	Analysis	...................................................................................................	17	
Chapter	3	...........................................................................................................................	19	
The	Zambian	Beverage	Market	...........................................................................................	19	
Soft	drinks	................................................................................................................................................	19	
Market	Share	Analysis	...........................................................................................................	23	
Soft	Drink	Brand	Analysis	.....................................................................................................	25	
The	Product	...............................................................................................................................	26	
Beer	(clear)	................................................................................................................................	28	
Market	Share	Analysis	...........................................................................................................	28	
Beer	Brand	Analysis	...............................................................................................................	29	
Market	Segmentation	.............................................................................................................	33	
Geographic	Target	Group	......................................................................................................	34	
Target	Age	Group	.....................................................................................................................	36	
Target	Group	.............................................................................................................................	37	
Strategy	.......................................................................................................................................	38	
Beverage	Bags	Competitive	advantage	............................................................................	39	
Business	Model	.........................................................................................................................	41	
The	Budget	.................................................................................................................................	42	
Implementation	........................................................................................................................	44	
Conclusion	.........................................................................................................................	46	
Appendix	............................................................................................................................	49
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Problem	formulation	
What	procedures	and	challenges	must	be	overcome	to	successfully	launch	beverage	
bag	dispensers	into	the	Zambian	market?	
Sub	questions	
• What	challenges	could	be	faced	in	launching	the	Beverage	Bag	dispenser	
in	Zambia	(Part	A)?	
• How	are	beverage	bag	dispensers	currently	doing	in	other	markets?	(Part	
• What	is	the	beverage	bag	dispenser’s	competitive	advantage	that	could	be	
used	and	how	can	it	be	positioned	in	the	Zambian	Market	(Part	C)?	
The	 context	 of	 this	 problem	 formulation	 is	 I	 am	 planning	 to	 open	 my	 first	
business	soon	in	Zambia.	After	seeing	this	product	used	in	Germany	at	a	music	
festival,	I	have	wanted	to	bring	this	product	the	Zambia,	where	I	grew	up.
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Zambia	is	a	developing	country	experiencing	high	levels	of	economic	growth	and	
is	 on	 the	 path	 to	 becoming	 an	 emerging	 market.	 As	 the	 country	 continues	 to	
grow,	public	gathering	events	such	as	music	festivals,	sporting	events	are	on	the	
rise.	Especially	now	that	Zambia,	are	the	current	African	Football	champions	and	
are	set	to	host	the	African	Cup	of	Nations	tournament	in	the	newly	designed,	high	
capacity	football	stadiums.	
Happy	Customers,	Growing	Profits!	
With	 beverage	 bag	 dispensers,	 you	 now	 have	 the	 power	 to	 make	 public	
gatherings	your	new	storefront	with	mobile	vending	products	from	the	Beverage	
Bag	 Dispenser	 and	 Cup-Service.	 The	 full	 line	 of	 environmentally	 friendly	 Cup-
Service	products	lets	you	and	your	staffs	take	hot	or	cold	refreshments	i.e.	beer,	
coffee,	 and	 soda	 directly	 to	 the	 customer.	 Mobile	 vending	 products	 like	 the	
Beverage	Bag	Dispenser	are	the	tools	you	need	to	generate	sales	and	profit	that	
you	would	otherwise	miss	due	to	congested	lines	at	bars	or	various	events.	
Chapter	 1	will	be	investigating	part	A	of	the	problem	formulation.	In	order	to	
answer	 what	 challenges	 launching	 the	 beverage	 bag	 dispenser	 could	 face	 in	
Zambia,	I	will	carry	out	an	external	marketing	audit	through	a	pestle	analysis.	I	
will	also	use	porter’s	five	forces	to	analyse	the	Zambian	market,	as	I	will	set	up	a	
company.	I	will	also	look	at	the	legal	aspects	of	using	the	Beverage	Bag	dispenser	
in	Zambia.	
Chapter	2	will	investigate	part	B	of	the	problem	formulation.	In	order	to	answer	
how	the	Beverage	bag	dispensers	are	doing	in	other	markets,	I	will	carry	out	an	
analysis	of	the	marketing	mix	in	selected	European/American	markets	(product,	
place,	promotion,	and	price).
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Chapter	3	will	focus	on	part	C	of	the	problem	formulation.	In	order	to	answer	
what	the	competitive	advantage	and	positioning	should	be,	I	will	investigate	the	
strengths	and	weaknesses	(SWOT	analysis)	of	the	product.	This	chapter	will	also	
be	used	to	analyse	the	previous	chapters,	as	they	will	assist	me	in	positioning	the	
product	on	the	Zambian	Market	and	identifying	where	on	 the	Ansoff’s	growth	
matrix	 my	 company	 would	 be	 placed.	 To	 get	 a	 full	 understanding	 of	 the	
positioning,	 I	 will	 do	 a	 product	 mix,	 product	 positioning	 and	 standardization	
versus	 adaptation.	 Alongside	 with	 all	 this,	 I	 will	 analysis	 the	 competitive	
landscape	 and	 select	 a	 target	 market	 through	 market	 segmentation.	 After	 the	
target	market	is	identified,	I	will	select	an	ideal	strategy	to	use.	
I	will	also	make	a	budget	for	the	entire	launch	in	Zambia.	
Statistics	and	Data	Collection		
I	will	primarily	be	using	course	literature	using	various	theories	and	models	to	
help	 explain	 our	 findings.	 We	 will	 be	 using	 the	 Internet	 as	 a	 source	 to	 find	
information	 such	 as	 articles	 and	 annual	 reports	 on	 beverage	 vending	 and	 the	
environmental	impact	of	the	re-usable	cup	service.	Zambian	Breweries	Plc	has	
provided	data	for	the	beverage	market	analysis	in	Zambia.	This	Data	is	gathered	
and	 analysed	 by	 two	 external	 advanced	 marketing	 research	 companies,	
	and	Frontlines2
	.	This	data	is	strictly	confidential	and	is	intended	for	
my	research	only.	The	responsible	parties	have	been	informed	that	this	data	is	
for	student	research	only.	
1	(The	Nielsons	Company,	2006)	
2	(Frontline	Market	Research,	2010)
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Flow	Chart	
•  Is Zambia suitable for Beverage Bag Dispensers?
•  Entry Modes
•  Legal Issues
•  How attractive are Beverage Bad Dispensers in other
•  Marketing Mix Europe/America
•  SWOT Analysis
•  Porters Five Forces
•  Competitors in the Zambian market
•  Market Segmentation
•  Postioning & Marketing Mix
•  Strategy to implement
•  Ansoff Matrix
•  Budget
•  Recommendations
•  Conclusion
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Zambia	 is	 a	 constitutional	 democracy	 with	 a	 peaceful,	 stable	 multi	 party	
environment,	which	is	anchored	on	the	rule	of	law	with	distinct	separation	of	
powers	 between	 the	 executive,	 legislature	 and	 judiciary3
.	 The	 press	 and	 the	
judiciary	 system	 are	 run	 independently	 alongside	 a	 strong	 civil	 society.	 These	
political	 characteristics	 provide	 a	 stable	 environment	 for	 investors	 to	 conduct	
business	with	the	security	and	confidence	they	need.	As	Zambia	has	consistently	
continued	on	a	path	of	political	freedom	and	remained	peaceful,	it	has	become	a	
relatively	predictable	environment	for	investors	to	do	business	in.	This	has	made	
it	 easy	 for	 agencies	 like	 the	 Zambia	 Development	 Agency	 to	 promote	 broad	
based	investments,	trade	and	exports4
Previous	governments	have	been	very	supportive	of	business	as	they	undertook	
a	number	of	reforms	that	were	aimed	at	improving	the	investment	and	business	
environment	 in	 Zambia.	 One	 of	 the	 most	 prominent	 of	 these	 reforms	 was	 the	
Private	 Sector	 Development	 Programme	 (PSDP)	 and	 strategic	 Action	 Initiative	
for	 Economic	 Development	 (SAIED),	 commonly	 referred	 to	 as	 the	 Triangle	 of	
Hope	 (ToH).	 The	 extent	 of	 how	 successful	 this	 reform	 has	 been	 is	 still	 been	
measured	 up	 to	 today	 but	 the	 progress	 is	 clear	 in	 progressive	 state	 of	 the	
economic	environment.	
Economic Environment
The	 economic	 climate	 in	 Zambia	 has	 been	 improving	 tremendously	 and	
continues	to	move	in	this	direction.	From	1999	to	2008,	Zambia’s	economy	has	
	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2009)	
	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2009)
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experienced	positive	growth	and	very	stable	macroeconomic	surroundings.	Real	
gross	 domestic	 product	 	 (GDP)	 has	 averaged	 5.1%	 per	 annum	 between	 2001-
2007. 5 	Other	 important	 macroeconomic	 detectors	 such	 interest	 rates	 and	
inflation	has	also	gained	much	ground	in	the	recent	years,	as	their	downward	
trend	has	increased.	For	over	30	years,	inflation	levels	have	never	been	this	low.	
Inflation	declined	to	single	digits	from	18.7%	in	2001	to	8.9%	in	20076.	In	2008,	
inflation	moved	upwards,	but	this	was	mostly	due	to	the	financial	crisis	as	it	has	
stabilized	 since.	 The	 rates	 for	 borrowing	 more	 have	 also	 declined	 from	 an	
average	of	54.6%	in	2001	to	26.9%	in	2008.	Exchange	rates	have	been	improving	
while	 also	 been	 relatively	 stable.	 This	 stability	 is	 really	 good	 as	 it	 allows	 a	
business	 to	 predict	 the	 future	 more	 accurately.	 Such	 stability	 is	 connected	
directly	 linked	 to	 the	 implementation	 of	 various	 monetary	 policies	 and	 fiscal	
measure	at	the	rights	times,	improving	investor’s	confidence	in	Zambia.	
Zambia	is	and	continues	to	be	a	free	market	economy	and	pave	the	way	for	other	
economies.	Furthermore	Zambia	has	become	more	recognized	as	one	of	the	most	
liberalized	economies,	not	only	in	the	sub	region	(Southern	Africa)	but	also	in	
Africa	as	a	whole.	Investors	in	Zambia	are	allowed	to	repatriate	100%	of	their	
net	profits	due	to	Zambia	having	no	foreign	exchange	controls	while	also	being	
offered	 fiscal	 incentives.	 This	 makes	 Zambia	 a	 very	 attractive	 investment	
Infrastructure	 in	 Zambia	 will	 also	 be	 crucial	 to	 Beverage	 bag	 dispensers	 been	
successful	in	Zambia	as	public	gatherings	will	be	prime	locations	for	launching	
out	product.	Zambia’s	infrastructure	is	very	underdeveloped	but	is	moving	in	the	
right	direction.	The	government	is	committed	to	improving	the	infrastructure	in	
remote	 areas	 of	 the	 country	 in	 order	 to	 increase	 the	 potential	 investment	
opportunities	that	can	be	tapped	out	with	business	creation.	The	infrastructure	
for	 sport	 in	 Zambia	 is	 making	 great	 headway.	 Zambian	 culture	 is	 closely	
associated	with	sport,	particularly	football,	the	government	has	taken	great	steps	
to	 develop	 this	 sector.	 They	 have	 partnered	 with	 the	 Chinese	 government	 to	
5	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2009)	
	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2009)
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restore	several	current	 stadiums	and	build	3	new	high	capacity	stadiums.	This	
comes	at	a	time	when	Zambia	has	also	just	won	the	Africa	Cup	of	Nations,	making	
them	the	African	Champions	of	Football.	This	has	created	a	great	atmosphere	in	
Zambia	due	to	the	fashion	in	which	they	won	the	competition	making	football	
stadiums	a	prime	target	for	beverage	bag	dispensers	to	be	used	during	football	
games	and	other	events	held	at	these	stadiums.	From	an	institutional	analysis	
view,	this	is	a	perfect	time	to	add	my	product	to	the	sporting	sector	as	football	is	
on	the	high	rise	in	Zambia.	
Regional	Economic	Comparison	
Referring	 to	 Chart	 A7	in	 the	 Appendix,	 when	 you	 compare	 Zambia	 to	 other	
countries	in	the	region,	you	get	a	better	image	of	how	well	Zambia	is	doing	in	
various	 economic	 indices.	 For	 example,	 Zambia	 claims	 to	 have	 a	 good	 GDP	
growth	rate	of	6.2%	when	neighboring	Angola	has	a	rate	of	21.1%.	Although	this	
shows	Zambia	to	be	far	less	superior	to	Angola	and	a	few	other	countries,	Zambia	
scores	relatively	well	on	the	ease	of	doing	business	scale	in	the	region.	Zambia	
was	 ranked	 at	 101	 out	 of	 181	 countries,	 only	 to	 be	 beaten	 by	 Botswana	 and	
Namibia.	This	is	encouraging	for	me	as	a	prospective	investor	as	other	countries	
with	higher	GDP	growth	like	Congo	and	Angola	are	not	easier	to	operate	making	
Zambia	a	more	stable	and	attractive	market	with	relatively	good	GDP	growth.	To	
Back	this	fact	up,	Zambia	scores	1st	on	the	Foreign	Direct	Investment	inflow	with	
USD	984	million	in	2007	followed	by	Namibia	with	USD	797	million	showing	that	
investors	are	picking	Zambia8.	
Cost	of	doing	Business	in	Zambia	
Referring	 to	 Chart	 B9	on	 company	 registration	 when	 starting	 a	 business	 in	
Zambia,	you	can	see	the	procedures	and	fees	associated	with	this.	All	companies	
must	be	registered	at	the	Patents	and	Companies	registration	Agency	(PACRA).	I	
would	 need	 to	 register	 a	 private	 company	 with	 a	 minimum	 nominal	 capital	
7	World	Economic	Forum,	World	Bank,	IMF,	UNCTAD,	Ministry	of	Finance	&	National	Planning	–	
World	Bank	Survey	conducted	in	2008.	
8	UNCTAD	2008	
9	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2011)
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amount	 of,	 5	 million	 Zambian	 Kwacha,	 which	 is	 approximately	 DKK	 5300.	
Alongside	that	amount	it	will	cost	approximately	DKK	300	to	purchase	forms	and	
register	them.	A	certificate	of	incorporation	and	certificate	of	share	capital	must	
be	obtained	then	a	company	seal	will	be	issued.	The	process	takes	approximately	
28	days	making	it	slightly	complicated	but	nothing	too	serious	as	other	countries	
like	 China	 take	 long	 periods	 too	 but	 still	 attract	 many	 investors	 due	 to	 the	
opportunities	the	market	offers.	
Social Environment
Zambia	has	a	population	of	12	million	people.	Roughly	70%	of	the	population	is	
fairly	educated	as	literacy	levels	are	at	70%.	This	supplies	a	labour	force	that	can	
be	 trained	 relatively	 easy.	 However,	 Zambians	 generally	 lack	 the	
entrepreneurship	spirit	vital	for	people	to	develop	their	own	businesses.	This	is	
due	to	previous	policies	that	encouraged	people	to	train	for	formal	employment.	
HIV/AIDS	 is	 also	 recognized	 as	 problem	 affecting	 development	 in	 Zambia.	
Statistics	show	that	this	virus	mainly	affects	people	aged	15	to	49	years.		This	
aged	group	is	the	main	working	segment	of	the	economy	affecting	productivity.	
This	 could	 also	 affect	 the	 target	 group	 for	 sales	 of	 our	 beverages	 at	 public	
gatherings.	On	a	positive	note,	the	infection	rate	has	reduced	due	to	intensified	
efforts	from	the	government	and	other	partners	addressing	HIV/AIDS.	
Generally,	Zambians	are	popularly	known	for	their	hospitality	that	is	exhibited	to	
foreigners	who	visit	the	country	either	as	tourists	or	as	investors.	
Technological Environment
Zambia	although	developing,	has	not	reached	a	satisfactory	technological	level.	
ICT	 technology	 and	 skills	 development	 programs	 are	 expensive,	 making	 them	
inaccessible	to	most	Zambians.	Rural	areas	are	affected	on	a	higher	scale	as	they	
lack	 ICT	 tools	 and	 services.	 Looking	 towards	 the	 future,	 Zambia	 has	 installed	
optic	fiber	networks	across	the	country	in	an	effort	to	develop	accessibility	and	
the	cost	of	information	through	the	Internet.	The	Zambia	Development	Agency
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also	strives	to	strenuously	promote	technological	investments	in	other	sectors	
such	as	health,	Manufacturing	and	Agriculture.	
Any	 investor	 in	 Zambia	 must	 be	 aware	 of	 the	 Environment	 Protection	 and	
Pollution	Control	Act	that	provides	guidelines	that	investors	must	be	aware	of.	
This	is	important	and	there	have	been	a	growing	number	of	projects	that	have	
been	rejected	by	the	Environment	council	due	to	the	impact	these	projects	posed	
on	 the	 environment.	 This	 could	 be	 a	 huge	 opportunity	 for	 beverage	 bag	
dispensers	 as	 they	 offer	 to	 reduce	 pollution	 through	 litter	 reduction.	 Our	
beverages	 will	 be	 served	 in	 recyclable	 cups	 rather	 than	 selling	 plastic	 bottles.	
These	is	very	relevant	as	I	have	recently	had	meetings	with	the	minister	of	local	
government	and	houses,	Dr	Nkanduluo,	who	advised	Zambian	Breweries	to	work	
away	from	using	plastic	to	package	there	beverages,	due	to	a	law	to	ban	plastics	
packaging	 soon	 to	 take	 effect.	 Zambia	 Breweries	 has	 had	 to	 take	 this	 into	
consideration	 and	 reflect	 this	 in	 their	 new	 corporate	 strategies.	 If	 plastic	
packages	were	to	be	banned,	alternative	forms	of	more	environmentally	friendly	
packages	would	need	to	be	used.	The	perfect	example	of	this	would	be	beverage	
bag	dispensers	as	there	are	environmentally	friendly.	Meetings	with	the	Ministry	
of	Local	government	could	even	provide	support	for	the	set	up	of	my	company	
that	would	offer	these	solutions.	Furthermore,	Corporate	entities	like	Zambian	
Breweries	may	want	to	enhance	their	corporate	image	by	using	or	branding	our	
beverage	bags	as	there	will	be	used	in	public	events.	
Legal Environment
In	order	to	start	a	business	in	Zambia,	one	must	be	aware	of	the	following	laws	
and	acts:	
• Income	Tax	Act	
• VAT	Act	
• Customs	and	Exercise	Act
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• Immigration	and	Deportation	Act	
• Citizen	Economic	Empowerment	Act	
• Competition	Act	and	other	legislation	
The	Zambia	Development	Agency	works	towards	the	harmonization	of	all	these	
laws	in	order	to	promote	and	facilitate	trade	and	investment	as	best	as	possible	
without	hindrances.	
Summary	–	Reasons	to	Invest	in	Zambia10	
• An	abundance	of	natural	resources	and	manpower	
• Political	stability	since	attaining	independence	in	1964	
• Abolition	of	controls	on:	prices,	interest	rates,	foreign	exchange	rates,	free	
repatriation	of	debt	repayments	
• Guarantees	 and	 security	 to	 investors	 with	 legislated	 rights	 to	 full	 and	
market	value	compensation	
• Duty	Free	Access	to	regional,	wider	African	and	the	USA	markets	under	
SADC,	 COMESA/FTA	 and	 AGOA	 (African	 Growth	 and	 Opportunity	 Act)	
• Banking,	Financial,	Legal	and	Insurance	services	of	international	standard	
as	week	as	a	Stock	Exchange	
• Double	taxation	Agreements	with	a	number	of	European,	North	American,	
African	and	Asian	countries	
• Good	place	to	work	and	live	–	sub-tropical	climate	and	vegetation	with	
plenty	 of	 water.	 Friendly	 people,	 mostly	 English	 speaking,	 high	 literacy	
rate	and	educational	establishments	to	University	level.	Strong	religious	
values.	Open-air	lifestyle	with	nature	reserves,	game	parks,	rivers,	lakes	
and	waterfalls.	
• Thriving	Private	Sector	–	Government	has	successfully	privatised	most	of	
the	 previously	 state	 owned	 enterprises,	 thus	 encouraging	 an	
entrepreneurial	culture.	
10	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2010)	Page	9
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u		 Page	15	 17/08/2016	
Niels	Brock
Financial	Incentives	to	Small	Businesses	(micro	or	small	enterprises)	
• For	an	enterprise	in	an	urban	area	the	income	shall	be	exempt	from	tax	
for	the	first	three	(3)	years.	
• For	an	enterprise	in	a	rural	area	the	income	shall	be	exempt	from	tax	for	
the	first	five	(5)	years.11	
Vending Laws
Zambia	 does	 not	 have	 solid	 vending	 laws	 as	 a	 large	 part	 of	 the	 population	 in	
urban	cities	make	a	living	of	selling	products	as	street	venders.	An	alcohol	license	
must	 be	 obtained	 alongside	 a	 certificate	 of	 heath	 from	 the	 health	 and	 safety	
11	(Zambia	Development	Agency,	2009)Page	10
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u		 Page	16	 17/08/2016	
Niels	Brock
Chapter	2	
Beverage Bag Dispensers in other markets
Referring	 to	 the	 testimonials	 of	 different	 businesses	 using	 beverage	 bag	
dispenser	 on	 the	 thirsty	 solution	 website	 (one	 of	 the	 main	 suppliers	 of	 the	
product),	I	will	give	a	description	of	the	current	uses	for	the	product	in	existing	
markets	around	the	world.	
The	O2	Arena,	London,	UK	–	They	have	worked	with	thirsty	solutions	to	deliver	
beverages	to	their	customers	throughout	the	venue.	Having	the	ability	to	serve	
hot	 and	 cold	 beverages,	 at	 the	 correct	 temperature,	 right	 to	 the	 customers’	
location,	 has	 been	 invaluable	 to	 their	 business	 and	 has	 increased	 their	 sales	
considerably.	(Tom	Haywood)12	
The	London	Eye	–	The	London	Eye	attracts	up	to	18	thousand	visitors	per	day	
and	is	regularly	sold	out.	The	result	of	this	is	queues	of	people	waiting	to	see	
London	 from	 this	 unique	 vantage	 point.	 In	 partnership	 with	 Coca-Cola	 and	
thirsty	solutions,	they	have	been	able	to	deliver	drinks	to	their	customers	when	
they	need	it	most.	These	customers	who	would	otherwise	not	be	able	to	leave	the	
queue,	 can	 now	 receive	 beverages	 at	 the	 correct	 temperature.	 These	 projects	
lead	to	sales	revenues	increasing	by	over	800%.	(Heidi	Humby)13	
Arsenal	 Football	 Club	 –	 Since	introducing	the	beverage	bag	dispensers	at	the	
Emirates	 Stadium,	 their	 beverage	 sales	 figures	 have	 rocketed.	 By	 using	 this	
product	at	mobile	vending	points,	they	have	been	able	to	reduce	the	number	and	
length	 of	 queues	 for	 beverages.	 This	 has	 increased	 the	 satisfaction	 of	 paying	
spectators	as	they	can	enjoy	more	the	football	match	while	increasing	turnover.	
They	take	so	much	pressure	away	from	traditional	outlets	at	peak	periods	such	
12	(Thirsty Solutions, 2009)	
13	(Thirsty Solutions, 2009)
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u		 Page	17	 17/08/2016	
Niels	Brock
as	half	time.	(Kieran	Tingle)	 Other	stadiums	claiming	the	same	experience	are	
that	of	Sheffield	United	F.C	and	Gloucester	Rugby	club.14	
Cardiff	 International	 Arena	 –	 Using	the	beverage	bag	dispenser	lead	to	their	
profits	 rocketing.	 Once	 customers	 begun	 to	 recognize	 the	 backpacks	 and	 the	
concept	of	mobile	selling,	the	concept	really	took	off.	It	helped	minimize	queues	
and	 create	 interest	 from	 those	 that	 don’t	 venture	 into	 bars,	 targeting	 other	
market	segments	in	this	way.	(Paula	Walsh)15	
What	 if	 Innovation	 &	 Phenomenon	 Promotion	 Agency	 –	 Both	 of	 these	
companies	 boost	 a	 much	 more	 efficient	 process	 to	 how	 they	 gather	 market	
research	 for	 new	 drinks.	 They	 can	 move	 on	 streets	 in	 many	 locations	 and	 get	
peoples	 attention	 and	 gather	 feedback	 after	 people	 of	 sampled	 the	 drink.	 The	
easy	to	do	branding	of	the	bags	proved	to	be	extremely	handy	at	getting	peoples	
attention	on	the	street.16	
European Market Analysis
Beverage	 bag	 dispensers	 have	 been	 proving	 to	 be	 a	 revolutionary	 product	 in	
other	markets	around	the	world.	The	strategic	advantage	of	using	these	bags	is	
the	fact	that	with	this	product.	You	take	the	beverage	to	consumer	rather	than	
the	consumer	going	out	of	their	way	to	locate	a	place	to	purchase	a	drink.	When	a	
consumer	looks	for	a	drink	that	is	time	being	wasted.	Not	every	consumer	will	go	
the	 complete	 length	 for	 a	 drink	 if	 it	 is	 not	 easy.	 This	 product	 also	 caters	 for	
consumer	who	would	not	normally	go	into	bars	or	other	shops	for	drinks	as	we	
go	 directly	 to	 them.	 Users	 such	 as	 the	 Emirates	 stadium	 and	 the	 London	 Eye	
really	highlight	the	progressive	effects	of	the	product.	It	targets	consumers	who	
are	 unable	 or	 would	 preferably	 not	 want	 to	 move	 to	 obtain	 a	 drink	 and	 by	
delivering	to	this	set	of	consumers,	you	sell	product	to	other	consumers	while	
increasing	the	delivered	level	of	satisfaction	to	each	consumer.	At	the	Emirates	
14	(Thirsty Solutions, 2009)	
15	(Thirsty Solutions, 2009)	
16	(Thirsty Solutions, 2009)
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u		 Page	18	 17/08/2016	
Niels	Brock
Stadium,	people	go	there	primarily	to	watch	and	support	their	football	teams	or	
just	watch	a	football	game	in	general.	However	there	is	only	15	minutes	at	half	
time	for	almost	70	thousand	people	to	try	and	buy	food	and	drinks.	The	lead-
time	for	selling	food	and	drink	to	each	person	is	to	high	for	them	to	be	able	to	
cater	for	everyone	in	15	minutes.	Also	instead	of	people	only	getting	drinks	at	
half	time,	they	can	simply	buy	a	drink	whenever	they	want	while	watching	the	
game	they	came	to	see	in	the	first	place.	This	resulted	in	profits	from	beverages	
rocketing	up.	Along	side	the	primary	goal	of	increasing	profits,	the	beverage	bag	
dispenser	also	has	the	effect	of	increasing	safety	at	the	stadium,	queues	and	high	
traffic	 congestion	 at	 stadiums	 is	 seen	 as	 a	 high	 risk	 for	 safety	 at	 such	 venues.	
Similar	to	the	emirates	stadium,	The	London	eye	has	also	been	able	to	serve	the	
people	standing	in	a	line	for	a	ride	on	the	London	eye.	These	people	cannot	leave	
the	queues	so	by	using	this	product,	they	have	essential	created	a	new	market	for	
drinks	at	the	London	eye.	These	benefits	have	lead	to	other	institutions	using	the	
beverage	bag	dispensers	to	boost	drink	revenues	up.	
The	 fact	 that	 drinks	 can	 be	 stored,	 and	 transported	 to	 consumers	 at	 the	 right	
temperature	 is	 also	 good	 for	 other	 uses	 such	 as	 sampling.	 People	 in	 strategic	
location	such	shopping	malls	or	busy	streets	can	be	targeted	and	sampled	with	
little	 risk	 of	 wasting	 the	 products	 due	 to	 the	 cooling	 or	 heating	 insulating	
properties	of	the	bags.
Andreas	Brolund	2x4u		 Page	19	 17/08/2016	
Niels	Brock
Chapter	3	
The Zambian Beverage Market
By	 analyzing	 the	 Zambian	 beverage	 market	 for	 soft	 drinks,	 I	 will	 be	 able	 to	
determine	what	drinks	and	beverage	companies	to	target	in	various	regions	of	
Zambia.	This	is	relevant	for	various	reasons	such	as	branding	on	beverage	bags	
and	determining	what	drinks	to	sell	to	the	various	target	groups	in	the	selected	
regions	of	Zambia.	The	various	beverage	companies	target	different	age	groups	
so	this	will	help	me	determine	my	target	audience.		
Soft drinks
There	 are	 several	 players	 in	 the	 soft	 drinks	 market	 and	 more	 notably,	 Pepsi	
under	Varun	Beverages	LTD	has	recently	entered	the	Zambian	soft	drink	market.	
The	effect	Pepsi	has	had	on	the	market	share	and	the	presence	of	them	in	Zambia	
will	be	crucial	for	my	strategy,	as	they	are	at	the	start	of	the	product	life	cycle	in	
ZAMBIA	subsequently	requiring	much	higher	investment	to	launch	the	product	
and	increase	their	sales	over	Coca-Cola.	
The	following	information	is	confidential	and	for	my	research	only.

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