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Nationalism problems in balcan
Topix of my diploma was religion in albania. I think confederation albanian kosovo macedonia
montenegro croatia slovenia rep musl of bosnia was posible. Zagreb and tirana like ankara istambol. But i
think with suport of moscow and vatikan one patriarchat and centar in skopje. One christian religion many
languages and may be a wife from croatia will force these confederation. After thata benelux with serbia.
We give ok for rep srpska 25000km2 and get kosovo presevo 12000km2
How to choice nationalism problem in Serbia. Today 15% of Serbia ar minorities . Serbia must choice
nationalIzm problem. First novi pasar sjenic tutin presevoo to unit with kosovo. That means 15000km2.
But albaniansss to know right of srpska to unit with Serbia. Second choice is Serbia in 4canton.
Vojvodiona where secretar is Hungarian chef to be Serbian. Central Serbia. Southern Serbia with central
varja but secretar to be albanian. Fourth canton of Sandjack . Also Serbia to know right for invest
albanian in prokupje that live in turkey as same Arabs of negev in Israel or German of sudet
New agreement in macedonia.I think agreement of ohrid must change. First new agreement for local
administration. Lipkovo with kumanovo. Resnja with some teritoroies of manastur. Chashka with some
villages will be albanian. Second in many muncipalities chef macedonian sekratar will be albanian. Third
macedonia will be in four cantons. Scopje kumanovo with 300thousand people where 90thousand are
albanian secretar albanian . Tetovo gostivar debar 300thousant where 200thousant albanian or 70%.
Secretar macedonian. Kercova resnja struga dolneni cashka manastir prilep 300thousant people
70thousant are are albanian. Secretar and albaniuan language. Now in scopje rom and serbian language
and in easter macedonia turkish language. That is macedonia like zwiserland
Solution for national problems southerneastern in Balcan. A person in Balcan think to change
borders to be united with brother in other state. But also has many choices. One form is Berlin east and
west when yu are together in architechture, economy, culture. Albanian people is spread in Montenegro,
Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo. A form to regulate Albanian question is confederation Albania , Kosovo,
Macedonia and Beneluks with Greece and Montenegro . For Albanians of Preshevo and Albanians of
Ulcin to protect by Tirana like Germans of Belgium by Germany .A language to be Albanian, Italian
,German , English. Also Podgorica with Ulcin and Plava to be one canton in Montenegro where officially is
Albanian and Montenegrins language. Also chef to be Montenegrin but secretar to be Albanian.In this
canton Albanians are 30% In Macedonia to be these cantons as below : 1Debar, Tetovo, Gostivar one
canton with chef Albanian and secretar Macedonian. Macedonian are 30%. Also Albanian and
Macedonian language . 2 Struga, Bitola, Kercovo one canton where chef to be Macedonian and secretar
Albanian . In these canton are 30% albanians and official language to be Albanian and Macedonian.. 3
Scopje with Kumanovo to be one canton where 30% are Albanians . Chef to be macedonian and secretar
to be Albanian. Oficial language to be Macedonian and Albanian language. The fourth canton to be
eastern Macedonia where 90% are Macedonian and 10% Turkish That is form how to choice nationalism
problems in balcan
How to choice nationalism problem in Serbia. Today 15% of Serbia ar minorities . Serbia must
choice nationalIzm problem. First novi pasar sjenic tutin presevoo to unit with kosovo. That means
15000km2. But albaniansss to know right of srpska to unit with Serbia. Second choice is Serbia in
4canton. Vojvodiona where secretar is Hungarian chef to be Serbian. Central Serbia. Southern Serbia
with central varja but secretar to be albanian. Fourth canton of Sandjack . Also Serbia to know right for
invest albanian in prokupje that live in turkey as same Arabs of negev in Israel or German of sudet
Montenegro .problem for minorities. Montenegro has 7% albanIan 15% Muslim. Maybe we must
cantonise and Montenegro. That means podgorioca ulqin one canton where albanians are 30%.
Secretary of these canton to be from albanians. Also official language albanian and Montenegro.
Cooperation with scodra is possible like Berlin east and west. Also if scodra kukes debar to be one
regions these region with name gegnia would corporate with kosovooo debar and these region of
Montenegro. About Muslim 15% are Muslim. A region with center bjelopolje will be possible
Peace in Balcan
Balican penisula is a region with heterogenity population. So here live muslim orthodox and
catholix by religion and slavian Albanian Bulgarian Greeks and Romanians by ethnicity.
During cold war were created Yugoslavian a state with two religion catholix orthodox and
Also Croatian Serbian Slovenian and minorities like Albanians Hungarians.
For expansion against Greece were created Macedonian nation and after that republic of
Lider of Yugoslavia Josif Brox Tito for expansion against Albania were tried for kosovar
After death of Yugoslavia we have again nationalism problems .
But now which will be solution for nationalism problem.
State of Bosnia and Hercegovina is death . May be when were created ex Yugoslavia were
done a bad mistake .So croatian albanians bosniaks slovenians has the same origin but not
Serbia . Serbian nation were created after 1820. So may be now better idea for nationalism
question in Balcan will be as below
Confederation Albania , Croatia, Slovenia Montenegro rep muslim of Bosnia Macedonia and
Cosovo with name Latinia
Why latinia. Because all these people are oxidant and have same origjin ilirians and vlachs for
Macedonians ,Together with these confederation will be Kosovo with some municipalities of
Serbia Novi pasar Sjenic Tutin and Presevo with Bujanovc. In these municipalities lived
Albanians and muslims. Or Cosovo with 15oookm2 and together with Serbia will be republic
Srpska around 25000km2. So Serbia will realize its dream to be in Adriatic sea .
That will be better solution.
So cosova is like Serbians of vojvodina . Serbians of vojvodina has problems with Serbia.
Albanians of Macedonia are like Serbians of bosnia .
May be future Tito to be an intellectual person and to be married with a croation intellectual
woman .
These will be better solution because two big nation of these confederation Croatian and
ALBANIANS has no conflict with each other . Second Albanians and Croatians has no borders
with each other .Third if they don’t want to be with each other they can separated
About properties better solution will be like sudets and checs.
That will be better solution for peace in Balcan .
Also in all territories when has minorities better solution will be Berlin east and west
So that will be for moment solution for Albanian question like Ulcin with Scadar, Pogradec with
After that a Benelux with Greece Serbia and Latinia will be possible
MA.Leonard CARCANIBelow is a platform for economy and diplomacy
Platform of solidarity
* Foreign policy
Confederation albania cosovo macedonia montenengro.
Where first confederation albanian cosovo the same budget for education
of these countries
And in 2013 confederation Albanian cosovo Montenegro macedonia
Better for bussines, better for free movement of people. Better for
Albanian question
These confederation to be like swiserland open for economy , to be
block for police .
May be after that a confederation albania montengro , cosovo, macedonia ,
bosnia with name latinia and after that benelux with serbia and greece
like netherlands , luxemburg and belgium
* Platform for education
A comitee from academy of science where these persons with high quality
to choice rector and director of education
The same text for all Albanians
We think education to be profesionalised . Also for second profesions
subvecioned by state
Also an office for job in every center of prefecture where person with
high quality to choice specialist
* Platform for elections
1,7milion vote in ln Albania 1,3milion vote outside
These 1,3milion to vote outside and 2representative to be for emigrant in
Greece and 1 represantative to be for emigrant in Italy. So we eliminate
corruption in votes
And to be new registration where think 100deputies and Albania in north
and south to be in period of zog with zone . Also Albania to separate in
5 zone. Every zone 2odeputies
* Asisstance social
Minimum 50$ for persons and for family 4 persons 200$ but state to pay
electricity and all taxes but sure in control for example 2$ telephone
* Platoform for landfield
Every person that has home but its landfield it isn’t of this person
the state to get it and to bild apartament where some flats to be these
persons and with money of these persons to pay owner
So has free place for persons that want to live in state. And so the
budget of the state is free
FOR MORE 0666559172
My idol was djindic. But now has blood between serbs and us. But now benelux with serbia. Its better for
serbia to let kosovo and some teritories and give ok for rep srpska. So 16000km2 and benelux with serbia
. Serbia will have 25000km2. Also im with europe not with meta. Its father has been closed to enver
hoxhas wife .. Monika its wife is from dibra. Also its father has been closed to father of wife of boy of
enver hoxha. I have no nothing with hoxhas family . But these person now is closed with piramid clan that
means mafia. Ok mafia. Its better for masonery of elbasan to go way salamandra
Sistem of berlin or decentralisation will be choice for minorities rights. So i think zyrkolic of sandjack is
agent of serbs. He want our help. Ok municipality of novi pasar coporotae with mitrovica . Also ulqin with
scodra .that is in albanian language but i think example. One architecture one economy one politic. Two
bordes Berlni.
Better idea is latinia because slovenuan croatian albanian bosnian ar ilirian second alphabet is latinian
third yu ar in german influenc albania rusian influence kosovo american proiject. Please think about it.
May be and croatian woman
Kosovars with us are like serbs of vojvodina with serbia. Albanians of macedonia like serbians of bosnia
We have no sindicate. Party controll every thing. Now is agreement against where teachers will pay with
force for sindicate. I create a sindicate where left and rights teachers student profesors has their opinions
but in sindicate we are one. And we think to colaborate with any parties like laburist or sindicate in italy or
turkey with our conditions. But media is blocked. Sindicate is destroyd. And my carier because i study for
phd is blocked. Also as solidarity in poland we have project for peace. So we think minorites like german
in belgium. And project for latinia that is confederaion macedonia albania montenegro cosovo croatia and
bosnia. So ex yugoslavia without serbia and slovenia but with albania. Also albanians that are go way to
have some rights like agreemen palestinians with israels,sudets in chekia. This project is against
movement black and right that want ethnic albania with war. These movement is of mister berisha. But i
think we must listened.
May be badenter is ok for minorites in serbia and balcan. But also a choice for peace in balcan is german
like belgium . Sure for minorities no more than 300thousand people and in borders. So between germany
and belgium has no borders. Also for them has the same rigts like germans in germany in field of
education culture. But same rights to have hungarian bulgarian rumanian croats albanians of serbia and
albanians and bosniacs of montengro.Also confederation albania macedonia montengro. Some rights to
have greeks in albania and albanian christians in thesprotia. About properties all albanians refugies from
all the time and macedonians of greece from civil war to have some rights like germans of sudets and
germans of poland or palestinians in Israel
In time of yugoslavia two people ar in principle croatians and serbs and religions catholics and orthodox.
May be now confederation cr mac al ko mo bosnia all states that arent in eu without serbia . In history our
traditions ar very well between us. Now will be two people albanians andr croatians. Our language to be
english. Also catholics and muslim to be in princip of these future states. We dont hate each other. Best
regards. Ma. Leonard carcani
Ex urss was confederation. After seperate of states that is reason that has no war. Ex yougoslavia was
federation. Confederetion means borders of states but free movement. Free market. Also that is good
choice for albanian question. Our platform is to edi rama and social party because we are social
movement. But we have no permision in media for discution and threatened by our state. If yu come in
albania we want to meet you
May be badenter is ok for minorites in serbia and balcan. But also a choice for peace in balcan is german
like belgium . Sure for minorities no more than 300thousand people and in borders. So between
germany and belgium has no borders. Also for them has the same rigts like germans in germany in field
of education culture. But same rights to have hungarian bulgarian rumanian croats albanians of serbia
and albanians and bosniacs of montengro.Also confederation albania macedonia montengro. Some
rights to have greeks in albania and albanian christians in thesprotia. About properties all albanians
refugies from all the time and macedonians of greece from civil war to have some rights like germans of
sudets and germans of poland or palestinians in israel
European integration of ucrahina.
In the time of urss ucrahina has ambasy. Its ambasador of this state that protect our country in
conference of peace on 1947. In carakurt lived about 5000albanians. Black eyes is a song of jevtucenko
for an albanian girl when he was soldier. Problem betwen ucrahina and russia is problem of culture. In
east lived orthodox uchrahinas that speak language near to russian. In west lived unites ucranhina. East
depend from moscow west from watican. Its line of culture. During these years has been 3parties
influenced by rusian by europe and nationalist. When prodi were asked if uchrahina will be in europe he
said. Also maroco want in europe but it is mediteraneo
Solution for crimeaUcraina is region between europe and rusia. In midle of 1950 Crimea for best
friendsheep were given by president of ex urss to ucraina. Origin of president were uchrainian. At these
time these state has more autonomy to soviets. Ambasador of these state to iunited nation has given
suport for us. After urss were seperated has problems between these two states. When prodi wereasked
these state want to include in europe he said yes but moroco want but it is mediteraneo. At 1995
chechenia were sacrificed for cosovo. Now putin want compromis. I think usa and rusia must do a new
jalta. That means 25000km2 rep srpska 25000kosovo. Kosovo sandjack and toplica. May be ucrhaina
must do compromise. Croatia discused with serbia. That means oik rusia confederation ucrhaina and
crime but yu dont suport riusophone in other teritories . When serbs of craina wanted indipendence serbia
didnt suport.
Resyme for crimea Crimea is region in ukrahina. Rusophones want indipendence by ukrahina. Putin
want big compromise. It said same as cosovo. Which are solutions. That is depended by ukrahina. First is
confederation crimea ukrahina. Second same solution as djindic for cosovo. Second president of ucrahina
to be from rusophones. Third solutioin by croatia. Discuss with rusia and to clean other teritories by
rusians. Fourth compromises between europe and riusia or usa and rusia
End of rusian imperatory United nation didnt except riusian force in crimea. Also putin want
compromis. Its first president of russia for compromiss. Also european union didnt want indipendence for
crimea. Chine can do the same. Usa has told rusia other ethnic problems like tartairia. After mark for
ecomonys of hoxhas sistem turkey and germany helped indipendence of tartaria. Whats wrong with rusia.
It is the end of imperatory. From 10years many chineses not legal has popilates siberia. At 30milion of
east of siberia 8milion are mongols. At center 5milion are turkeys and only in eiuroipe 85% are rusians. Its
the end of rusia and invaded of siberia by china and turkey . May be to se
Turkey Russia China usa love or hate each other. Russia has 20% Muslim of population. Center
Asia is problem for influence between turkey and Russia . That means Russia hate turkey. China has
Muslim minority 4million but in big superfiocie. Also a problem for turkey and China is eastern Asia. A
problem between China and Russia is siberia where 30% are Chinese. That means China and Russia are
not alies. But turkey and China can do compromise. That means sinkiang is your influence but not center
azia. Europe is better alie of China. They have no problem. And turkey with europe can be alie. In other
part usa want a big turkey but not super power state like chalifat. If turkey and Egypt would do
compromise a big Islam state when turkey and Egypt Istanbul and kajro like Istanbul and Ankara that will
be great . At these big state Africa is in influence of Egypt and Asia in influence of turkey .... These biger
state can collaborate with europe and China but will be against usa that is with Israel
Compromise between force. I think if usa will be in America will be ally with all countries. Maybe to
see in Africa. Russia will have belariusia and crimea but europa can have ucrahina. But it is fault of
ucrahina . These big aleanc will be good. May be after a benelux eu Russia. Russia to get kaukaz .
Turkey can't have expansion in Russia in tartaria. Riusia to let turkey and China in centar Asia. China
can't dream siberia. That means China Russia together. Turkey to let sinkiang 1million km2 but China
can't have centar Asia. That is new jalta. But new problem to be Africa
Israel and palestine . Israelians and palestians are two people that hate each other. Palestinians are
philistinians. But in 1947 when israel became indipendent 14000 km2 are israelians and 11000 are
palestinians. Jerusalem was neutral. But palestinians didnt axcept this. Whats wrong. About
300000palestinians were go way from desert of negev. End of compromise was by clinton in 1995. 2/3 of
jerusalem was israelitians and 1/3 palestinians. Also jerusalem east to be capital of palestina. Also
palestinians has right of ownersheep in negev. Arafat didnt axcept. I think these agreement will be ok and

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  • 1. Nationalism problems in balcan Topix of my diploma was religion in albania. I think confederation albanian kosovo macedonia montenegro croatia slovenia rep musl of bosnia was posible. Zagreb and tirana like ankara istambol. But i think with suport of moscow and vatikan one patriarchat and centar in skopje. One christian religion many languages and may be a wife from croatia will force these confederation. After thata benelux with serbia. We give ok for rep srpska 25000km2 and get kosovo presevo 12000km2 How to choice nationalism problem in Serbia. Today 15% of Serbia ar minorities . Serbia must choice nationalIzm problem. First novi pasar sjenic tutin presevoo to unit with kosovo. That means 15000km2. But albaniansss to know right of srpska to unit with Serbia. Second choice is Serbia in 4canton. Vojvodiona where secretar is Hungarian chef to be Serbian. Central Serbia. Southern Serbia with central varja but secretar to be albanian. Fourth canton of Sandjack . Also Serbia to know right for invest albanian in prokupje that live in turkey as same Arabs of negev in Israel or German of sudet
  • 2. New agreement in macedonia.I think agreement of ohrid must change. First new agreement for local administration. Lipkovo with kumanovo. Resnja with some teritoroies of manastur. Chashka with some villages will be albanian. Second in many muncipalities chef macedonian sekratar will be albanian. Third macedonia will be in four cantons. Scopje kumanovo with 300thousand people where 90thousand are albanian secretar albanian . Tetovo gostivar debar 300thousant where 200thousant albanian or 70%. Secretar macedonian. Kercova resnja struga dolneni cashka manastir prilep 300thousant people 70thousant are are albanian. Secretar and albaniuan language. Now in scopje rom and serbian language and in easter macedonia turkish language. That is macedonia like zwiserland
  • 3. Solution for national problems southerneastern in Balcan. A person in Balcan think to change borders to be united with brother in other state. But also has many choices. One form is Berlin east and west when yu are together in architechture, economy, culture. Albanian people is spread in Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo. A form to regulate Albanian question is confederation Albania , Kosovo, Macedonia and Beneluks with Greece and Montenegro . For Albanians of Preshevo and Albanians of Ulcin to protect by Tirana like Germans of Belgium by Germany .A language to be Albanian, Italian ,German , English. Also Podgorica with Ulcin and Plava to be one canton in Montenegro where officially is Albanian and Montenegrins language. Also chef to be Montenegrin but secretar to be Albanian.In this canton Albanians are 30% In Macedonia to be these cantons as below : 1Debar, Tetovo, Gostivar one canton with chef Albanian and secretar Macedonian. Macedonian are 30%. Also Albanian and Macedonian language . 2 Struga, Bitola, Kercovo one canton where chef to be Macedonian and secretar Albanian . In these canton are 30% albanians and official language to be Albanian and Macedonian.. 3 Scopje with Kumanovo to be one canton where 30% are Albanians . Chef to be macedonian and secretar to be Albanian. Oficial language to be Macedonian and Albanian language. The fourth canton to be eastern Macedonia where 90% are Macedonian and 10% Turkish That is form how to choice nationalism problems in balcan
  • 5.
  • 6. How to choice nationalism problem in Serbia. Today 15% of Serbia ar minorities . Serbia must choice nationalIzm problem. First novi pasar sjenic tutin presevoo to unit with kosovo. That means 15000km2. But albaniansss to know right of srpska to unit with Serbia. Second choice is Serbia in 4canton. Vojvodiona where secretar is Hungarian chef to be Serbian. Central Serbia. Southern Serbia with central varja but secretar to be albanian. Fourth canton of Sandjack . Also Serbia to know right for invest albanian in prokupje that live in turkey as same Arabs of negev in Israel or German of sudet Montenegro .problem for minorities. Montenegro has 7% albanIan 15% Muslim. Maybe we must cantonise and Montenegro. That means podgorioca ulqin one canton where albanians are 30%. Secretary of these canton to be from albanians. Also official language albanian and Montenegro. Cooperation with scodra is possible like Berlin east and west. Also if scodra kukes debar to be one regions these region with name gegnia would corporate with kosovooo debar and these region of Montenegro. About Muslim 15% are Muslim. A region with center bjelopolje will be possible
  • 7. Peace in Balcan Balican penisula is a region with heterogenity population. So here live muslim orthodox and catholix by religion and slavian Albanian Bulgarian Greeks and Romanians by ethnicity. During cold war were created Yugoslavian a state with two religion catholix orthodox and muslim. Also Croatian Serbian Slovenian and minorities like Albanians Hungarians. For expansion against Greece were created Macedonian nation and after that republic of Macedonia Lider of Yugoslavia Josif Brox Tito for expansion against Albania were tried for kosovar nation. After death of Yugoslavia we have again nationalism problems . But now which will be solution for nationalism problem.
  • 8. State of Bosnia and Hercegovina is death . May be when were created ex Yugoslavia were done a bad mistake .So croatian albanians bosniaks slovenians has the same origin but not Serbia . Serbian nation were created after 1820. So may be now better idea for nationalism question in Balcan will be as below Confederation Albania , Croatia, Slovenia Montenegro rep muslim of Bosnia Macedonia and Cosovo with name Latinia Why latinia. Because all these people are oxidant and have same origjin ilirians and vlachs for Macedonians ,Together with these confederation will be Kosovo with some municipalities of Serbia Novi pasar Sjenic Tutin and Presevo with Bujanovc. In these municipalities lived Albanians and muslims. Or Cosovo with 15oookm2 and together with Serbia will be republic Srpska around 25000km2. So Serbia will realize its dream to be in Adriatic sea . That will be better solution. So cosova is like Serbians of vojvodina . Serbians of vojvodina has problems with Serbia. Albanians of Macedonia are like Serbians of bosnia . May be future Tito to be an intellectual person and to be married with a croation intellectual woman . These will be better solution because two big nation of these confederation Croatian and ALBANIANS has no conflict with each other . Second Albanians and Croatians has no borders with each other .Third if they don’t want to be with each other they can separated About properties better solution will be like sudets and checs. That will be better solution for peace in Balcan . Also in all territories when has minorities better solution will be Berlin east and west So that will be for moment solution for Albanian question like Ulcin with Scadar, Pogradec with Struga After that a Benelux with Greece Serbia and Latinia will be possible MA.Leonard CARCANIBelow is a platform for economy and diplomacy
  • 9. Platform of solidarity * Foreign policy Confederation albania cosovo macedonia montenengro. Where first confederation albanian cosovo the same budget for education of these countries And in 2013 confederation Albanian cosovo Montenegro macedonia Better for bussines, better for free movement of people. Better for Albanian question These confederation to be like swiserland open for economy , to be block for police . May be after that a confederation albania montengro , cosovo, macedonia , bosnia with name latinia and after that benelux with serbia and greece like netherlands , luxemburg and belgium * Platform for education A comitee from academy of science where these persons with high quality to choice rector and director of education The same text for all Albanians We think education to be profesionalised . Also for second profesions subvecioned by state Also an office for job in every center of prefecture where person with high quality to choice specialist * Platform for elections 1,7milion vote in ln Albania 1,3milion vote outside These 1,3milion to vote outside and 2representative to be for emigrant in Greece and 1 represantative to be for emigrant in Italy. So we eliminate corruption in votes
  • 10. And to be new registration where think 100deputies and Albania in north and south to be in period of zog with zone . Also Albania to separate in 5 zone. Every zone 2odeputies * Asisstance social Minimum 50$ for persons and for family 4 persons 200$ but state to pay electricity and all taxes but sure in control for example 2$ telephone etc * Platoform for landfield Every person that has home but its landfield it isn’t of this person the state to get it and to bild apartament where some flats to be these persons and with money of these persons to pay owner So has free place for persons that want to live in state. And so the budget of the state is free MA.Leonard CARCANI FOR MORE 0666559172 My idol was djindic. But now has blood between serbs and us. But now benelux with serbia. Its better for serbia to let kosovo and some teritories and give ok for rep srpska. So 16000km2 and benelux with serbia . Serbia will have 25000km2. Also im with europe not with meta. Its father has been closed to enver hoxhas wife .. Monika its wife is from dibra. Also its father has been closed to father of wife of boy of enver hoxha. I have no nothing with hoxhas family . But these person now is closed with piramid clan that means mafia. Ok mafia. Its better for masonery of elbasan to go way salamandra Sistem of berlin or decentralisation will be choice for minorities rights. So i think zyrkolic of sandjack is agent of serbs. He want our help. Ok municipality of novi pasar coporotae with mitrovica . Also ulqin with scodra .that is in albanian language but i think example. One architecture one economy one politic. Two bordes Berlni. Better idea is latinia because slovenuan croatian albanian bosnian ar ilirian second alphabet is latinian third yu ar in german influenc albania rusian influence kosovo american proiject. Please think about it. May be and croatian woman Kosovars with us are like serbs of vojvodina with serbia. Albanians of macedonia like serbians of bosnia We have no sindicate. Party controll every thing. Now is agreement against where teachers will pay with force for sindicate. I create a sindicate where left and rights teachers student profesors has their opinions but in sindicate we are one. And we think to colaborate with any parties like laburist or sindicate in italy or turkey with our conditions. But media is blocked. Sindicate is destroyd. And my carier because i study for phd is blocked. Also as solidarity in poland we have project for peace. So we think minorites like german in belgium. And project for latinia that is confederaion macedonia albania montenegro cosovo croatia and
  • 11. bosnia. So ex yugoslavia without serbia and slovenia but with albania. Also albanians that are go way to have some rights like agreemen palestinians with israels,sudets in chekia. This project is against movement black and right that want ethnic albania with war. These movement is of mister berisha. But i think we must listened. May be badenter is ok for minorites in serbia and balcan. But also a choice for peace in balcan is german like belgium . Sure for minorities no more than 300thousand people and in borders. So between germany and belgium has no borders. Also for them has the same rigts like germans in germany in field of education culture. But same rights to have hungarian bulgarian rumanian croats albanians of serbia and albanians and bosniacs of montengro.Also confederation albania macedonia montengro. Some rights to have greeks in albania and albanian christians in thesprotia. About properties all albanians refugies from all the time and macedonians of greece from civil war to have some rights like germans of sudets and germans of poland or palestinians in Israel In time of yugoslavia two people ar in principle croatians and serbs and religions catholics and orthodox. May be now confederation cr mac al ko mo bosnia all states that arent in eu without serbia . In history our traditions ar very well between us. Now will be two people albanians andr croatians. Our language to be english. Also catholics and muslim to be in princip of these future states. We dont hate each other. Best regards. Ma. Leonard carcani Ex urss was confederation. After seperate of states that is reason that has no war. Ex yougoslavia was federation. Confederetion means borders of states but free movement. Free market. Also that is good choice for albanian question. Our platform is to edi rama and social party because we are social movement. But we have no permision in media for discution and threatened by our state. If yu come in albania we want to meet you May be badenter is ok for minorites in serbia and balcan. But also a choice for peace in balcan is german like belgium . Sure for minorities no more than 300thousand people and in borders. So between germany and belgium has no borders. Also for them has the same rigts like germans in germany in field of education culture. But same rights to have hungarian bulgarian rumanian croats albanians of serbia and albanians and bosniacs of montengro.Also confederation albania macedonia montengro. Some rights to have greeks in albania and albanian christians in thesprotia. About properties all albanians refugies from all the time and macedonians of greece from civil war to have some rights like germans of sudets and germans of poland or palestinians in israel European integration of ucrahina.
  • 12. In the time of urss ucrahina has ambasy. Its ambasador of this state that protect our country in conference of peace on 1947. In carakurt lived about 5000albanians. Black eyes is a song of jevtucenko for an albanian girl when he was soldier. Problem betwen ucrahina and russia is problem of culture. In east lived orthodox uchrahinas that speak language near to russian. In west lived unites ucranhina. East depend from moscow west from watican. Its line of culture. During these years has been 3parties influenced by rusian by europe and nationalist. When prodi were asked if uchrahina will be in europe he said. Also maroco want in europe but it is mediteraneo Solution for crimeaUcraina is region between europe and rusia. In midle of 1950 Crimea for best friendsheep were given by president of ex urss to ucraina. Origin of president were uchrainian. At these time these state has more autonomy to soviets. Ambasador of these state to iunited nation has given suport for us. After urss were seperated has problems between these two states. When prodi wereasked these state want to include in europe he said yes but moroco want but it is mediteraneo. At 1995 chechenia were sacrificed for cosovo. Now putin want compromis. I think usa and rusia must do a new jalta. That means 25000km2 rep srpska 25000kosovo. Kosovo sandjack and toplica. May be ucrhaina must do compromise. Croatia discused with serbia. That means oik rusia confederation ucrhaina and crime but yu dont suport riusophone in other teritories . When serbs of craina wanted indipendence serbia didnt suport. Resyme for crimea Crimea is region in ukrahina. Rusophones want indipendence by ukrahina. Putin want big compromise. It said same as cosovo. Which are solutions. That is depended by ukrahina. First is confederation crimea ukrahina. Second same solution as djindic for cosovo. Second president of ucrahina to be from rusophones. Third solutioin by croatia. Discuss with rusia and to clean other teritories by rusians. Fourth compromises between europe and riusia or usa and rusia End of rusian imperatory United nation didnt except riusian force in crimea. Also putin want compromis. Its first president of russia for compromiss. Also european union didnt want indipendence for crimea. Chine can do the same. Usa has told rusia other ethnic problems like tartairia. After mark for ecomonys of hoxhas sistem turkey and germany helped indipendence of tartaria. Whats wrong with rusia. It is the end of imperatory. From 10years many chineses not legal has popilates siberia. At 30milion of east of siberia 8milion are mongols. At center 5milion are turkeys and only in eiuroipe 85% are rusians. Its the end of rusia and invaded of siberia by china and turkey . May be to se Turkey Russia China usa love or hate each other. Russia has 20% Muslim of population. Center Asia is problem for influence between turkey and Russia . That means Russia hate turkey. China has Muslim minority 4million but in big superfiocie. Also a problem for turkey and China is eastern Asia. A problem between China and Russia is siberia where 30% are Chinese. That means China and Russia are
  • 13. not alies. But turkey and China can do compromise. That means sinkiang is your influence but not center azia. Europe is better alie of China. They have no problem. And turkey with europe can be alie. In other part usa want a big turkey but not super power state like chalifat. If turkey and Egypt would do compromise a big Islam state when turkey and Egypt Istanbul and kajro like Istanbul and Ankara that will be great . At these big state Africa is in influence of Egypt and Asia in influence of turkey .... These biger state can collaborate with europe and China but will be against usa that is with Israel Compromise between force. I think if usa will be in America will be ally with all countries. Maybe to see in Africa. Russia will have belariusia and crimea but europa can have ucrahina. But it is fault of ucrahina . These big aleanc will be good. May be after a benelux eu Russia. Russia to get kaukaz . Turkey can't have expansion in Russia in tartaria. Riusia to let turkey and China in centar Asia. China can't dream siberia. That means China Russia together. Turkey to let sinkiang 1million km2 but China can't have centar Asia. That is new jalta. But new problem to be Africa Israel and palestine . Israelians and palestians are two people that hate each other. Palestinians are philistinians. But in 1947 when israel became indipendent 14000 km2 are israelians and 11000 are palestinians. Jerusalem was neutral. But palestinians didnt axcept this. Whats wrong. About 300000palestinians were go way from desert of negev. End of compromise was by clinton in 1995. 2/3 of jerusalem was israelitians and 1/3 palestinians. Also jerusalem east to be capital of palestina. Also palestinians has right of ownersheep in negev. Arafat didnt axcept. I think these agreement will be ok and now