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Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                                                                                          

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                      ON THE W RITI NGS OF A B D A LHA Z RE T ( ‫ " عب د الح ضرة‬S LA V E OF THE P RE S E NCE " ) A LS O W ID E LY KNOWN A S
                      T H E M A D P O E T ( ‫ . )ش ا ع ر م ج ن و ن‬I N P A R T I C U L A R I T E X P L O R E S T H E C U R R E N T S O F M Y S T I C A L A N D M A G I C A L
                          T H O U G H T I N T H E N E A R E A S T D U R I N G T H E 8 T H C E N T U R Y. P R E - I S L A M I C A R A B M YT H O L OG Y, E A R L Y
                     S U F I S M , G R E C O - E G YP T I A N M A G I C , G N O S T I C I S M , M E S O P O T A M I A N M YT H , A N D C E N T R A L A S I A N M YT H A L L
                                                       I M P A C T E D A L H A Z R E T ' S M A G N U M O P U S : _ A L ' A Z I F _ ( ‫. )ا ل ع ز ي ف‬

              MONDA Y, JUNE 4, 2012                                                                                        PAGES

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              Arabic chart with detailed celestial information relevant to those rites
              which are howled in their seasons

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 10:42 P M   N O COM M E N TS :                                          Already a member? Sign in

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              A Kufic symbol of contact with the Old Ones
                                                                                                                               ▼ June (1)
                                                                                                                                   Astrological Chart

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1 of 7                                                                                                                                                                        7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                         

              The swastika-like "Sign of the Old Ones" is in the center of this symbol and
              it is surrounded by a four-fold repetition of the Arabic word 'azif (voice of
              the Jinn) in an ancient Kufic script. These are in turn encased in an eight-
              pointed star.

              The swastika is an appropriate symbol for the Old Ones (as Lovecraft
              suggested) for many reasons:

              The inward spiral suggests an ingress of some type.

              The right angles (as opposed to a smooth curving spiral) suggests a radical
              change. Indeed, the right angle is as different as an angle can be (because
              once you go past it; you start to get closer again).

              So the swastika can be a symbol of the ingress of that which is most
              different or -most alien-.

              The right angle is significant on another level. The fourth dimension is -at a
              right angle- to absolutely everything. So the "Sign of the Old Ones" can be
              symbolic of the ingress of the extra-dimensional. The incursion of the
              extra-cosmic into the cosmic (and terrestrial). (cf the Dunwich Horror and
              Dreams in the Witch-house etc)

              The anti-clockwise directionality is a reversal of the normal order (and it is
              worth noting that widdershins circumambulation is used at the Ka'aba; a
              rite which goes back to its use as a pagan shrine)

              These meanings all seem vaguely congruent with the 'azif which is the
              incursion of a non-human and pre-adamic consciousness into the human

2 of 7                                                                                                  7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                                

              The four bars of the swastika are often said to represent the rotation of the
              seasons. The fact that this swastika is diagonal can be seen as a reference
              to the pre-Islamic celebration (later adopted in Islam) of the seasonal
              *cross-quarter* rites (which are of course the "rites howled at their
              Seasons", and are also identical to the "greater Sabbats" of the witch-cult).

              The eight pointed star is one of the quintessential Arab symbols (and/or
              artistic motifs). Although it was adopted by Islam, it is pre-Islamic in origin
              and is associated with controlling the Jinn. An eight-pointed star is also the
              symbol of Chaos and of Chaos-Magick, a system which often taps into the
              "magical current" of the Old Ones.

              The disproportionally large letter "zai" is significant because its sound
              reflects the buzzing sound of the 'azif which the Mad Poet can hear in a
              trance state. It also is a direct reference to the tree-branch like "Elder
              Sign" which in fact is "zai" in the graphemes of Disaqoridos (‫. )ديسقوريدس‬

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 10:14 P M   1 COM M E N T:

              SA T UR DA Y, JUNE 26, 2010

              Alhazret's "Elder Sign" and its occult associations

                                                                   Alhazret's "Elder Sign" seems to
                                                                   be all but completely unknown
                                                                   to western occulƟsts. However,
                                                                   it is a relaƟvely common
                                                                   symbol in Arabic magical
                                                                   tradiƟons. Below the
                                                                   associaƟons of Alhazret's "Elder
                                                                   sign" have been summarized
                                                                   based on the wriƟngs of Ibn
                                                                   Wahshiyya (‫ )بن وحشية‬and
                                                                   supplemented with material
                                                                   from Ibn 'Arabi (‫ )ابن عربي‬and
                                                                   other sources.

              The name of the sign is "Zai" (‫) زاي‬

              It is a Solar Grapheme ["huruf ash-shams" (‫])حروف الشمس‬

              Its numeric value is 7 (٧)

              It is associated with the 19th lunar mansion ["manzil" (‫ ])منزل‬which
              called The SƟng ["ash-shaula" (‫])الشولة‬

              Its zodiacal sign is Scorpio [“burj al ‘aqrab” (‫]) برج العقرب‬

              The divine name associated with this sign is The Living One ["al
              Hayy" (‫])الحي‬

              Terrestrially it is associated with the element Water and celestially it is
              associated with the element of Air.

3 of 7                                                                                                         7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                            

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 11:11 P M   6 COM M E N TS :

              T H UR SDA Y, JUNE 24, 2010

              Coming Soon: The Secrets of Lēng

              It doesn't appear to be well known, but Lēng and Tsang are real regions in
              Central Asia on the Tibetan Plateau. The tantric sects of these areas
              actually do practice anthropophagy and make extensive use of ritual items
              made from human corpses. While the phrase "the corpse-eating cult of
              inaccessible Lēng, in Central Asia" may be overly sensationalistic, it is also
              accurate. The author has participated in the rituals of these sects and will
              be publishing a short illustrated essay describing various ritual items from
              his personal collection, their origin, and their traditional uses.

              This includes a rare look at the actual Indo-Tibetan practice of necrophagy,
              the survival of the practice into the present, and its slow (and extremely
              cautious) transplantation to Western countries .

              The collection includes:

              Extremely rare pills made from human flesh (                          ) which are
              consumed to gain magic-powers

              Several styles of ritual drinking bowls made from human skulls (           )

4 of 7                                                                                                     7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                                       

              A hand-drum made from the skulls of two children and human skin (                       )

              A trumpet made from a human thigh-bone (                       )

              A rosary made from bone from multiple human skulls (                           )

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 5:58 A M   3 COM M E N TS :

              W EDNESDA Y, MA R C H 24, 2010

              Alhazret's Sources of Inspiration

                                                                             We can identify with
                                                                             reasonable certainty where
                                                                             Alhazret derived his
                                                                             description of kthulu (ُ‫)خذول‬
                                                                             as: being far older than the
                                                                             human species, coming to
                                                                             the Earth ages ago from
                                                                             "out of the sky" (amongst
                                                                             the stars), being of gigantic
                                                                             size, with scaly skin,
                                                                             leathery wings, and
                                                                             prodigious claws on its fore
                                                                             and hind limbs. Most
                                                                             disturbingly, having a mass
                                                                             of writhing serpentine
                                                                             appendages where one
              would expect to find a head or face.

              Alhazret's parents, being typical Sana'a natives in the 7th century, only
              converted to Islam as adults. So, Alhazret almost certainly would have been
              familiar with this image as an older representation of ash-shaytan (‫.)الشيطان‬
              Being fluent in Greek, it is likely that Alhazret also read descriptions of this
              figure in such ancient texts as _Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου_ where we find
              Σατανᾶς described as a “δράκων µέγας” and as “ἔχων κεφαλὰς ἑπτὰ”.

              We also can conclude that Alhazret derived the name “kthulu” from what was
              already an extremely familiar designation of ash-shaytan (cf: “‫لقد اضلني عن الذكر‬
              ‫.)”بعد اذ جاءني وكان الشيطان لالنسان خذوال‬

              Of course this begs the question of why he chose that particular designation
              and that specific representation out of all the many which existed in his day.
              Alhazret himself seems to indicate that he learned that these were the “true
              name” and the “true form” of this ancient god in a series of bizarre dreams.
              He also claimed that the (non-human?) leaders of the cult dedicated to this
              god in Iram dhat al-'imad (‫ )إرَ م ذات العماد‬confirmed this information. This last
              claim is of course fantastic and either an example of Alhazret’s tendency to
              spin fanciful yarns or perhaps evidence of mental disorder.

5 of 7                                                                                                                7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                      

              In any event, Alhazret seems to have seen himself as preserving the lore of
              an ancient cult from the darkest and most remote of the “Days of Ignorance”
              (Jahiliyyah ‫.)جاھلية‬

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 9:48 P M   N O COM M E N TS :

              F R I D A Y, F E BR UA R Y 1 9, 2 01 0

              Greco-Egyptian Influence

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 2:40 P M   2 COM M E N TS :

              SUNDA Y, DEC EMBER 20, 2009

              Kthulu ُ ‫خذول‬
              The monstrous being called
              Kthulu ‫ . خذول‬He was
              considered one of "the Old
              Ones" (‫ الشيوخ‬ash-shuyūkh),
              which is to say that he was
              one of the terrible
              Gods/Jinn worshiped by
              Arab pagans during the
              Jahiliyyah (‫)جاھلية‬

6 of 7                                                                                               7/22/2012 4:10 PM
Alhazret in Cultural Context                                                             

              Some scholars identify him
              with Moloch. However, he is
              more commonly identified
              as Shaitan (‫لقد اضلني :) شيطان‬
              ‫عن الذكر بعد اذ جاءني وكان الشيطان‬
              ‫لالنسان خذوال‬

              Some have even suggested that Kthulu is the "soul" of Iram (‫ )إرَ م‬and that
              Shaddad (‫ )شدّاد‬was his avatar on earth.

              Whatever his ultimate derivation, his worship was surely one of the most
              degenerate forms of Shirk (‫)شرك‬

              P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 9:39 A M   N O COM M E N TS :

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7 of 7                                                                                                      7/22/2012 4:10 PM

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Jude: Practical Exhortations_Jude 17-23.pptx

Alhazret in cultural context

  • 1. Alhazret in Cultural Context Share Report Abuse Next Blog» Dashboard Sign Out ۞_A LHA Z RE T IN CULTURA L CONTE XT_۞ WILL E XPLORE V A RIOUS LITE RA RY A ND CULTURA L INFLUE NCE S ON THE W RITI NGS OF A B D A LHA Z RE T ( ‫ " عب د الح ضرة‬S LA V E OF THE P RE S E NCE " ) A LS O W ID E LY KNOWN A S T H E M A D P O E T ( ‫ . )ش ا ع ر م ج ن و ن‬I N P A R T I C U L A R I T E X P L O R E S T H E C U R R E N T S O F M Y S T I C A L A N D M A G I C A L T H O U G H T I N T H E N E A R E A S T D U R I N G T H E 8 T H C E N T U R Y. P R E - I S L A M I C A R A B M YT H O L OG Y, E A R L Y S U F I S M , G R E C O - E G YP T I A N M A G I C , G N O S T I C I S M , M E S O P O T A M I A N M YT H , A N D C E N T R A L A S I A N M YT H A L L I M P A C T E D A L H A Z R E T ' S M A G N U M O P U S : _ A L ' A Z I F _ ( ‫. )ا ل ع ز ي ف‬ MONDA Y, JUNE 4, 2012 PAGES Astrological Chart Home LINKS The Esoteric Order of Dagon Alhazret's Manuscripts FOLLOWERS with Google Friend Connect Members (5) Arabic chart with detailed celestial information relevant to those rites which are howled in their seasons P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 10:42 P M N O COM M E N TS : Already a member? Sign in F R I D A Y, JUL Y 3 0 , 2 0 1 0 BLOG ARCHIVE ▼ 2012 (1) A Kufic symbol of contact with the Old Ones ▼ June (1) Astrological Chart ► 2010 (5) ► 2009 (2) 1 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 2. Alhazret in Cultural Context The swastika-like "Sign of the Old Ones" is in the center of this symbol and it is surrounded by a four-fold repetition of the Arabic word 'azif (voice of the Jinn) in an ancient Kufic script. These are in turn encased in an eight- pointed star. The swastika is an appropriate symbol for the Old Ones (as Lovecraft suggested) for many reasons: The inward spiral suggests an ingress of some type. The right angles (as opposed to a smooth curving spiral) suggests a radical change. Indeed, the right angle is as different as an angle can be (because once you go past it; you start to get closer again). So the swastika can be a symbol of the ingress of that which is most different or -most alien-. The right angle is significant on another level. The fourth dimension is -at a right angle- to absolutely everything. So the "Sign of the Old Ones" can be symbolic of the ingress of the extra-dimensional. The incursion of the extra-cosmic into the cosmic (and terrestrial). (cf the Dunwich Horror and Dreams in the Witch-house etc) The anti-clockwise directionality is a reversal of the normal order (and it is worth noting that widdershins circumambulation is used at the Ka'aba; a rite which goes back to its use as a pagan shrine) These meanings all seem vaguely congruent with the 'azif which is the incursion of a non-human and pre-adamic consciousness into the human mind. 2 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 3. Alhazret in Cultural Context The four bars of the swastika are often said to represent the rotation of the seasons. The fact that this swastika is diagonal can be seen as a reference to the pre-Islamic celebration (later adopted in Islam) of the seasonal *cross-quarter* rites (which are of course the "rites howled at their Seasons", and are also identical to the "greater Sabbats" of the witch-cult). The eight pointed star is one of the quintessential Arab symbols (and/or artistic motifs). Although it was adopted by Islam, it is pre-Islamic in origin and is associated with controlling the Jinn. An eight-pointed star is also the symbol of Chaos and of Chaos-Magick, a system which often taps into the "magical current" of the Old Ones. The disproportionally large letter "zai" is significant because its sound reflects the buzzing sound of the 'azif which the Mad Poet can hear in a trance state. It also is a direct reference to the tree-branch like "Elder Sign" which in fact is "zai" in the graphemes of Disaqoridos (‫. )ديسقوريدس‬ P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 10:14 P M 1 COM M E N T: SA T UR DA Y, JUNE 26, 2010 Alhazret's "Elder Sign" and its occult associations Alhazret's "Elder Sign" seems to be all but completely unknown to western occulƟsts. However, it is a relaƟvely common symbol in Arabic magical tradiƟons. Below the associaƟons of Alhazret's "Elder sign" have been summarized based on the wriƟngs of Ibn Wahshiyya (‫ )بن وحشية‬and supplemented with material from Ibn 'Arabi (‫ )ابن عربي‬and other sources. The name of the sign is "Zai" (‫) زاي‬ It is a Solar Grapheme ["huruf ash-shams" (‫])حروف الشمس‬ Its numeric value is 7 (٧) It is associated with the 19th lunar mansion ["manzil" (‫ ])منزل‬which called The SƟng ["ash-shaula" (‫])الشولة‬ Its zodiacal sign is Scorpio [“burj al ‘aqrab” (‫]) برج العقرب‬ The divine name associated with this sign is The Living One ["al Hayy" (‫])الحي‬ Terrestrially it is associated with the element Water and celestially it is associated with the element of Air. 3 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 4. Alhazret in Cultural Context P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 11:11 P M 6 COM M E N TS : T H UR SDA Y, JUNE 24, 2010 Coming Soon: The Secrets of Lēng It doesn't appear to be well known, but Lēng and Tsang are real regions in Central Asia on the Tibetan Plateau. The tantric sects of these areas actually do practice anthropophagy and make extensive use of ritual items made from human corpses. While the phrase "the corpse-eating cult of inaccessible Lēng, in Central Asia" may be overly sensationalistic, it is also accurate. The author has participated in the rituals of these sects and will be publishing a short illustrated essay describing various ritual items from his personal collection, their origin, and their traditional uses. This includes a rare look at the actual Indo-Tibetan practice of necrophagy, the survival of the practice into the present, and its slow (and extremely cautious) transplantation to Western countries . The collection includes: Extremely rare pills made from human flesh ( ) which are consumed to gain magic-powers Several styles of ritual drinking bowls made from human skulls ( ) 4 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 5. Alhazret in Cultural Context A hand-drum made from the skulls of two children and human skin ( ) A trumpet made from a human thigh-bone ( ) A rosary made from bone from multiple human skulls ( ) P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 5:58 A M 3 COM M E N TS : W EDNESDA Y, MA R C H 24, 2010 Alhazret's Sources of Inspiration We can identify with reasonable certainty where Alhazret derived his description of kthulu (ُ‫)خذول‬ as: being far older than the human species, coming to the Earth ages ago from "out of the sky" (amongst the stars), being of gigantic size, with scaly skin, leathery wings, and prodigious claws on its fore and hind limbs. Most disturbingly, having a mass of writhing serpentine appendages where one would expect to find a head or face. Alhazret's parents, being typical Sana'a natives in the 7th century, only converted to Islam as adults. So, Alhazret almost certainly would have been familiar with this image as an older representation of ash-shaytan (‫.)الشيطان‬ Being fluent in Greek, it is likely that Alhazret also read descriptions of this figure in such ancient texts as _Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου_ where we find Σατανᾶς described as a “δράκων µέγας” and as “ἔχων κεφαλὰς ἑπτὰ”. We also can conclude that Alhazret derived the name “kthulu” from what was already an extremely familiar designation of ash-shaytan (cf: “‫لقد اضلني عن الذكر‬ ‫.)”بعد اذ جاءني وكان الشيطان لالنسان خذوال‬ Of course this begs the question of why he chose that particular designation and that specific representation out of all the many which existed in his day. Alhazret himself seems to indicate that he learned that these were the “true name” and the “true form” of this ancient god in a series of bizarre dreams. He also claimed that the (non-human?) leaders of the cult dedicated to this god in Iram dhat al-'imad (‫ )إرَ م ذات العماد‬confirmed this information. This last claim is of course fantastic and either an example of Alhazret’s tendency to spin fanciful yarns or perhaps evidence of mental disorder. 5 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 6. Alhazret in Cultural Context In any event, Alhazret seems to have seen himself as preserving the lore of an ancient cult from the darkest and most remote of the “Days of Ignorance” (Jahiliyyah ‫.)جاھلية‬ P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 9:48 P M N O COM M E N TS : F R I D A Y, F E BR UA R Y 1 9, 2 01 0 Greco-Egyptian Influence P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 2:40 P M 2 COM M E N TS : SUNDA Y, DEC EMBER 20, 2009 Kthulu ُ ‫خذول‬ The monstrous being called Kthulu ‫ . خذول‬He was ُ considered one of "the Old Ones" (‫ الشيوخ‬ash-shuyūkh), which is to say that he was one of the terrible Gods/Jinn worshiped by Arab pagans during the Jahiliyyah (‫)جاھلية‬ 6 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM
  • 7. Alhazret in Cultural Context Some scholars identify him with Moloch. However, he is more commonly identified as Shaitan (‫لقد اضلني :) شيطان‬ ‫عن الذكر بعد اذ جاءني وكان الشيطان‬ ‫لالنسان خذوال‬ Some have even suggested that Kthulu is the "soul" of Iram (‫ )إرَ م‬and that Shaddad (‫ )شدّاد‬was his avatar on earth. Whatever his ultimate derivation, his worship was surely one of the most degenerate forms of Shirk (‫)شرك‬ P OS TE D B Y S HA 'I R M A J N UN A T 9:39 A M N O COM M E N TS : Home Older Posts Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) 7 of 7 7/22/2012 4:10 PM