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By Christopher Raymond
Christopher Raymond
12223 Veterans Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77067
(832) 763-7872
A Glimpse Of Deceit
By Christopher Raymond
A Glimpse Of Deceit is a drama, faith-based movie about a highly successful family whose
patriarch favors one child out of 9 siblings. Self-aggrandizement, deceit, and jealousy
prompt the siblings to plot to destroy the life of the favored son. Only the intervention of
fateful circumstances and strong faith redeems the family from continued ruination.
JASON BECKER. JASON is not married. His attitude is typical of a young executive. He is
somewhat carefree, very smart, and he works in the family business. He has ideas about
increasing its market exposure. His father favors him. JASON is oblivious to his siblings’ deep
envy of this favored position. He barely survives a first attempt at his life. He does not, however,
survive a second betrayal that inflicts the severest of circumstances upon him. His Christian
beliefs are ingrained solidly and so he turns to his Christianity to help him through his long-term
suffering. He can’t fathom the possibility that his family is at the center of these tragic conflicts.
PERCY BECKER, SR. He is the patriarch of the Becker family, a self-made multi-millionaire
and chairman of the board of BECKER INDUSTRIES. He rules the family’s business gracefully
but sternly, is loving and caring, yet remains prideful of having built the business on his own. He
doesn’t interfere with his children’s use of their BECKER fortune. He favors JASON because
JASON has the special gift of interpretation and he has shared it with his father. PERCY is
unaware that his obvious favoritism breeds discontent and fosters deadly conflict amongst the
rest of the brothers.
GARY BECKER. He is the toughest of JASON’s contemptible siblings, and the loudest
negative to everything positive about JASON. He orchestrates all attempts to corrupt JASON’s
life with traitorous actions. GARY is judgmental, and unwilling to accept JASON’s nearly
flawless rise within BECKER INDUSTRIES. GARY exerts overwhelming influence on his
brothers, in particular, CALVIN.
CALVIN BECKER. He is the quickest to side with GARY as he attempts to undermine
JASON, and even to have him killed. Yet, he is sarcastic and pokes fun at GARY’s unsuccessful
and inept attempt at sabotaging JASON’s car. He willingly participates in a murder.
RODNEY BECKER. RODNEY raises a question as to GARY’s and CALVIN’s designs to put
JASON’s life in jeopardy and/or bring about his potential death. His queries as to their motives
and operandi are quickly quashed by GARY and CALVIN.
The remaining BECKER male siblings all have a weakness when it comes to GARY’s influence
although at least one or two are truly unaware of how serious and gravely JASON’s life hangs in
the balance. Their collective silence is an indictment of their inactions to save JASON.
AMBER BECKER. She is the only female sibling, in love with her life, doting on her father
and protective of JASON. Her Christian upbringing gives her the foundation for a loving
relationship with CLARK HICKS, the son of billionaire HENRY HICKS, C.E.O. of TRI-LINES
AIRLINES. However, CLARK, in contrast to AMBER’s virtuousness, forces himself on her in
a horrible act of rape. She confesses to her older brothers what has occurred at the hands of
CLARK and this sets in motion an irreversible event.
HECTOR GOMEZ. HECTOR is a criminal, a drug pusher. He knows GARY but knows him
on a level that isn’t serious. HECTOR’s uncle is a major drug trafficker. GARY hires HECTOR
to help him with JASON, although isn’t aware who the target is. HECTOR asks his uncle for a
drug cache of a rather large size. HECTOR plants illegal drugs in JASON’s car.
GRAHAM MARAY. In certain aspects, he is the mirror image of JASON. He is however, the
only male heir in his family. GRAHAM is South African by birth, son of an imposing
powerhouse of a father, ALISTAIR MARAY, a mover and shaker in business, with tremendous
political influence worldwide, and known to pick up a phone to call a president, or ambassador to
ask for a favor, or to confer one. GRAHAM’s responsibility to his family’s business is to expand
its market share. His abilities to sell completely overshadow his executive and managerial faults.
GRAHAM’s business trip to the USA starts a chain reaction that will soon envelope JASON and
the BECKER family in a convulsive grip. JASON’S interpretation of a dream GRAHAM had
causes an astounding revelation for ALISTAIR.
ALISTAIR MARAY. He is the authoritative and hard-edged ying to MRS. EVA ALISTAIR’S
polished, refined, and elegant yang. He has taken the MARAY diamond mine company to
heights never before known in Maray family history. He is not iron-fisted, but requires absolute
loyalty from everyone. He can request favors from the highest influences worldwide. His keen
appraisal of JASON is pivotal in producing a life changing moment for JASON when he agrees
to enter into his employ. JASON’s interpretation of a dream ALISTAIR had shatters the man’s
personal notion of himself.
MRS. EVA MARAY. She is refined and elegant. Protective of her son in the most delicate and
eloquent manner. She is very careful to accept anyone. Yet, she immediately sets JASON apart
as someone who will bring out the best in GRAHAM and for the betterment of the company.
NADIA MARAY. Tender, loving, but spoiled, little sister to GRAHAM. Immediately takes a
liking to JASON, and makes it plainly known, if for no other reason than to needle GRAHAM’s
fiancé SERENA, since JASON finds he has no reason to even look or speak to SERENA at all
when they first meet.
SERENA. She is beautiful but self-centered. She gets her way or is vindictive and spiteful about
it. She tries to tempt JASON once she learns that the MARAY patriarch has graced JASON with
heavily weighted responsibilities over the entire MARAY diamond mine company empire and
will make him his successor. She now craves JASON’s attention and acts upon this.
HENRY HICKS. HENRY is a self-made billionaire and C.E.O. of Tri-Lines Airlines. He has
positive vibes of a joint venture with BECKER INDUSTRIES after JASON lays out a new plan
for manufacturing engine parts for Tri-Line Airlines. HENRY can use his immense and powerful
contacts to make this new venture a success and give BECKER INDUSTRIES a solid boost as
well. However, he becomes enraged with the entire BECKER family when tragedy befalls his
family, and so seeks revenge on the BECKER family, by any and all means at his disposal.
CLARK HICKS. The only son to HENRY HICKS, and named to be JASON’s counter-part in
the new venture. However, CLARK is not a moral man, and quite contrary to his father’s good
character traits, judges himself deserving of AMBER’s virtuous innocence. However, when
AMBER resists him, he commits an act of rape on his soon-to-be fiancé. AMBER’s brothers are
told by AMBER and they seek and obtain the ultimate revenge.
NICK CHASE. Long time friend and attorney for the BECKER family business, and personally
for PERCY. NICK is unable to successfully provide a defense for JASON when a cache of drugs
are found in his Ferrari through a dubious but perfectly well-timed phone call to the police by an
anonymous tipster. JASON is sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. NICK winds up being the
go-between in an effort by ALISTAIR to get JASON released from prison.
ELOISE DALE. A beautiful young female totally in love with JASON. She is cautious and
fearful on the subject of the attempts on JASON’s life. She can’t bear the thought of anything
happening to him. ELOISE is loyal to JASON and will wait for an eternity for him, or until he is
released from prison.
OSCAR. A county inmate who shares a cell with JASON. OSCAR is a dangerous criminal.
Unfortunately, he has a daughter dying of renal failure. He very reluctantly relates this burden to
JASON. JASON sends his father a request to have something done for OSCAR but quietly.
OSCAR repays the favor to JASON by saving him and GRAHAM from some prison bullies
intent on killing GRAHAM.
Modern day. JASON BECKER arrives late to a board meeting for the family business. His
tardiness is overlooked because AMBER BECKER covers him. However, PERCY BECKER is
very put out over JASON’s continual disrespect for proper business conduct, but immediately
dismisses JASON’s impertinence the moment he shows up. His brothers don’t condone this
behavior. JASON relates the new venture will move the family business forward, but with an
investment of resources to get it off the ground. JASON’s brothers don’t want it, if for no other
reason than that it makes JASON more powerful and important in their father’s eyes. They voice
contrary opinions, while PERCY dismisses their opposition by explaining this has already been
discussed. That night JASON and ELOISE DALE have dinner and he expresses his concern as to
the upcoming venture. Next, he is on his way to a meeting when his Ferrari’s brakes fail. His car
careens out of control and crashes through a guardrail. He survives even where thrown from the
vehicle. He lands on a pile of hay. His brothers feign concern for what could have been tragic.
Simultaneously, GRAHAM MARAY and his father ALISTAIR MARAY meet at their offices.
ALISTAIR informs his son that he needs to go to the USA and consummate some deals with
new distribution outlets for something called their blue diamond selection.
JASON meets HENRY and concludes their new venture. Meanwhile, his brothers plot further to
foil his rise in the family business, and in the eyes of their father, by planning JASON’s total
ruin. GARY informs CALVIN that he has someone, HECTOR GOMEZ, who will perpetrate the
perfect crime and plant drugs in JASON’s car which will be impossible for him to explain when
he is arrested. HECTOR’s uncle CARLOS is a major drug trafficker who will facilitate
HECTOR getting his hands on the drugs. This costs GARY four hundred thousand dollars.
JASON again has dinner with ELOISE and now feels like everything is coming together
properly. He is genuinely happy to provide his family’s business with a new line of work for
revenue well into the future. JASON returns to the office late and talks to PERCY. He tells
PERCY about a dream he had where wheat stalks being harvested and laid down actually rise up
and then bow down to him. PERCY’s reaction is subdued disgust and hurt pride that he and the
rest of the family would bow down to JASON. At this juncture HECTOR has already found
JASON’s car and finished the dirty job. The next day JASON travels to the family office. At the
office, CALVIN makes a call to the local police when JASON leaves, describing something akin
to a drug deal having just taken place and that a black Ferrari’s trunk holds the illicit drugs.
GRAHAM’s overseas plane trip has resulted in him meeting a beautiful woman, ALEXIS
JOHNSON, a model returning to the USA. Their newfound friendship flourishes and they agree
to have dinner. At a night club fateful circumstances continue to domino. GRAHAM loses his
wallet and his passport at the night club. It is an accidental event. After dropping off ALEXIS he
is stopped for driving erratically. After questioning by the police he is arrested for driving under
the influence, and for failure to have identification. He is considered an illegal alien. He placed
in county jail.
JASON is arrested and thrown in county jail. GRAHAM is accosted in the showers but defends
himself well. JASON uses the public phone to call his father to tell him about the arrest. PERCY
is beside himself with concern and vows to get JASON cleared. JASON meets his cellmate:
OSCAR, a notorious gang member with a life sentence. Later he learns OSCAR has a daughter
dying from renal failure. Meanwhile, GARY and CALVIN gloat over JASON’s final and
complete demise. GRAHAM meets JASON and OSCAR in jail. He and JASON become
friendly. OSCAR distantly admires GRAHAM for hanging tough against some prison bullies. At
this juncture PERCY learns that NICK cannot help JASON with the bail and the charges.
However, PERCY agrees to help OSCAR’s family after JASON requests it. In a conversation,
GRAHAM tells JASON of a recurring dream he has that he can’t figure out. JASON interprets
the dream for him. GRAHAM is highly impressed. Later, in the exercise yard GRAHAM and
JASON are approached by prison bullies but OSCAR intervenes.
HENRY and his son CLARK HICKS meet. HENRY informs CLARK of the new deal and wants
CLARK as his point man. CLARK speaks about the deal, and about AMBER BECKER but
speaks of her in a vain, dark manner. His father is not impressed CLARK is attributing to
AMBER a gold digger attitude. GRAHAM is released from county jail due to his father’s
tremendous influence. He tells JASON he’ll remember him, but he won’t until after 2 years.
CLARK and AMBER have dinner and he takes her home but invites himself in. AMBER is
reluctant but accedes. In her home CLARK rapes her. He leaves her with a dire warning to keep
this quiet or else the HICKS/BECKER new deal will get canned. AMBER calls her brother
GARY and tells him what happened. He flies into a rage and he picks up CALVIN to go see
AMBER. She begs them not to hurt CLARK because she wants closure on her terms. They
promise but break it. They ultimately find CLARK and they beat him to death, or so they think.
They dump him in front of his family’s place of business. JASON learns of this event from
OSCAR who has seen it on the TV news. JASON calls his family about it and learns that
CLARK is hospitalized. At the hospital CLARK dies but not before naming his killers as the
‘Becker brothers’ to the chief surgeon trying to save him. HENRY is told this by the doctor. He
is enraged. Following this, in court JASON is sentenced to a long prison term of 25 years. His
family is aghast. His father is completely crestfallen. In South Africa, GRAHAM arrives back
The BECKER family meets to discuss pending difficult times when suddenly HENRY barges in
and declares his desire for vengeance against the Beckers using every available means. PERCY
is in shock. HENRY leaves. The family continues their meeting when PERCY’s secretary enters
and declares that two of BECKER INDUSTRIES’ largest customers have just canceled the
firm’s biggest orders. Immediately AMBER is suspicious and confronts GARY and CALVIN
about HENRY’s allegations. They admit it. In NICK CHASE’s office, PERCY learns that
JASON is being moved to the worst state penitentiary and that NICK is powerless to prevent it.
Two years later, the Becker family meets to discuss of the business’ demise and that it will soon
be in bankruptcy. PERCY admonishes everyone to find regular employment.
ALISTAIR and GRAHAM meet because he needs to tell GRAHAM something. He’s had a
recurring dream that disturbs him. Then he states he needs a successor. GRAHAM is confounded
because he is not the successor. ALISTAIR explains that GRAHAM needs a close advisor,
someone who GRAHAM can trust implicitly. After almost three years GRAHAM remembers
JASON, who is still in prison. He tells his father he believes JASON is innocent, has the ability
of interpretation, and that their business needs someone like him. He says he trusts JASON.
ALISTAIR tells his personal assistant to get the president of the United States on the phone.
Later, NICK receives a series of phone calls informing him that JASON will be released. JASON
chooses to return to South Africa with GRAHAM when he learns it is GRAHAM’s family who
orchestrated his release and for a good purpose. The Beckers learn of JASON’s decision.
ELOISE learns of it personally. At the airport, JASON meets NADIA, and GRAHAM’s fiancé
SERENA. She instantly has an attraction to JASON but he ignores her. She detests his arrogance
and distance and now considers him nothing more than ‘hired help’ for GRAHAM.
At the MARAY estate, JASON meets ALISTAIR and MRS. EVA MARAY. They are good
people to him instantly. GRAHAM, ALISTAIR and JASON retreat to have a discussion after
dinner. ALISTAIR offers him the job as his successor and JASON agrees. He asks JASON to
interpret his dream. JASON does and ALISTAIR is shocked but remains stoic. SERENA
overhears a part of the conversation and silently comes knocking on JASON’s bedroom suite. He
turns her away. She vehemently accuses him of a lie of being indecent with her. She runs to
GRAHAM’s bedroom suite and relates to GRAHAM to banish JASON from the estate.
GRAHAM quietly confronts JASON, but more so to smooth things over as he explains that she
doesn’t enjoy not getting her way. JASON tells GRAHAM the truth. JASON’s and GRAHAM’s
bond is further solidified. Back in the USA, GARY and CALVIN are fired from their third job.
JASON calls AMBER long distance and she tells him the truth about CLARK and the Becker
brothers. JASON is very unhappy with the news. He prays for the wisdom to help his family. He
speaks to PERCY and shares his sincerest wishes that things were different back home. JASON
asks PERCY to remain strong. In South Africa ALISTAIR introduces JASON to his board of
directors who aren’t happy to have a stranger taking over the business. One day JASON learns of
some bad things occurring with the MARAY diamond mine company with thefts of blue
diamonds. He calls GRAHAM to meet him after JASON trails a worker back to the family
diamond mine. They confront the thieves which turn out to also include some board of director
members. There is a shootout with some turncoat workers guarding boxes of stolen diamonds.
Certain bad characters betraying the family are either killed or subdued. Fortunately, neither
GRAHAM nor JASON are injured. In the USA, GARY and CALVIN approach PERCY’s estate
and ask to stay with him because they have been evicted. In South Africa, ALISTAIR cleans
house on his board due to JASON’s good work. The MARAY family bestows JASON with his
own expansive estate. He makes the necessary arrangements to have his family come over to
South Africa. They are met at the airport by luxurious limousines. Later GARY and CALVIN
confront JASON and admit to their horrible acts of betrayal against him and about their murder
of CLARK. JASON forgives them but informs them they are accountable for their actions.
The Becker family are having dinner. PERCY rises, not to give a toast as he usually does, but to
give JASON his position as head of the household and the family. He asks JASON to toast the
family with words of wisdom. JASON praises GOD for their many blessings.

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Les paradoxes du consommateur 2.0
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Les paradoxes du consommateur 2.0


  • 1. A GLIMPSE OF DECEIT By Christopher Raymond Christopher Raymond 12223 Veterans Memorial Drive Houston, TX 77067 (832) 763-7872
  • 2. A Glimpse Of Deceit By Christopher Raymond A Glimpse Of Deceit is a drama, faith-based movie about a highly successful family whose patriarch favors one child out of 9 siblings. Self-aggrandizement, deceit, and jealousy prompt the siblings to plot to destroy the life of the favored son. Only the intervention of fateful circumstances and strong faith redeems the family from continued ruination. KEY CHARACTERS JASON BECKER. JASON is not married. His attitude is typical of a young executive. He is somewhat carefree, very smart, and he works in the family business. He has ideas about increasing its market exposure. His father favors him. JASON is oblivious to his siblings’ deep envy of this favored position. He barely survives a first attempt at his life. He does not, however, survive a second betrayal that inflicts the severest of circumstances upon him. His Christian beliefs are ingrained solidly and so he turns to his Christianity to help him through his long-term suffering. He can’t fathom the possibility that his family is at the center of these tragic conflicts. PERCY BECKER, SR. He is the patriarch of the Becker family, a self-made multi-millionaire and chairman of the board of BECKER INDUSTRIES. He rules the family’s business gracefully but sternly, is loving and caring, yet remains prideful of having built the business on his own. He doesn’t interfere with his children’s use of their BECKER fortune. He favors JASON because JASON has the special gift of interpretation and he has shared it with his father. PERCY is unaware that his obvious favoritism breeds discontent and fosters deadly conflict amongst the rest of the brothers. GARY BECKER. He is the toughest of JASON’s contemptible siblings, and the loudest negative to everything positive about JASON. He orchestrates all attempts to corrupt JASON’s life with traitorous actions. GARY is judgmental, and unwilling to accept JASON’s nearly flawless rise within BECKER INDUSTRIES. GARY exerts overwhelming influence on his brothers, in particular, CALVIN. CALVIN BECKER. He is the quickest to side with GARY as he attempts to undermine JASON, and even to have him killed. Yet, he is sarcastic and pokes fun at GARY’s unsuccessful and inept attempt at sabotaging JASON’s car. He willingly participates in a murder. RODNEY BECKER. RODNEY raises a question as to GARY’s and CALVIN’s designs to put JASON’s life in jeopardy and/or bring about his potential death. His queries as to their motives and operandi are quickly quashed by GARY and CALVIN. MATTHEW BECKER, ANTOINE BECKER, ANTHONY BECKER, ERIC BECKER. The remaining BECKER male siblings all have a weakness when it comes to GARY’s influence although at least one or two are truly unaware of how serious and gravely JASON’s life hangs in the balance. Their collective silence is an indictment of their inactions to save JASON.
  • 3. AMBER BECKER. She is the only female sibling, in love with her life, doting on her father and protective of JASON. Her Christian upbringing gives her the foundation for a loving relationship with CLARK HICKS, the son of billionaire HENRY HICKS, C.E.O. of TRI-LINES AIRLINES. However, CLARK, in contrast to AMBER’s virtuousness, forces himself on her in a horrible act of rape. She confesses to her older brothers what has occurred at the hands of CLARK and this sets in motion an irreversible event. HECTOR GOMEZ. HECTOR is a criminal, a drug pusher. He knows GARY but knows him on a level that isn’t serious. HECTOR’s uncle is a major drug trafficker. GARY hires HECTOR to help him with JASON, although isn’t aware who the target is. HECTOR asks his uncle for a drug cache of a rather large size. HECTOR plants illegal drugs in JASON’s car. GRAHAM MARAY. In certain aspects, he is the mirror image of JASON. He is however, the only male heir in his family. GRAHAM is South African by birth, son of an imposing powerhouse of a father, ALISTAIR MARAY, a mover and shaker in business, with tremendous political influence worldwide, and known to pick up a phone to call a president, or ambassador to ask for a favor, or to confer one. GRAHAM’s responsibility to his family’s business is to expand its market share. His abilities to sell completely overshadow his executive and managerial faults. GRAHAM’s business trip to the USA starts a chain reaction that will soon envelope JASON and the BECKER family in a convulsive grip. JASON’S interpretation of a dream GRAHAM had causes an astounding revelation for ALISTAIR. ALISTAIR MARAY. He is the authoritative and hard-edged ying to MRS. EVA ALISTAIR’S polished, refined, and elegant yang. He has taken the MARAY diamond mine company to heights never before known in Maray family history. He is not iron-fisted, but requires absolute loyalty from everyone. He can request favors from the highest influences worldwide. His keen appraisal of JASON is pivotal in producing a life changing moment for JASON when he agrees to enter into his employ. JASON’s interpretation of a dream ALISTAIR had shatters the man’s personal notion of himself. MRS. EVA MARAY. She is refined and elegant. Protective of her son in the most delicate and eloquent manner. She is very careful to accept anyone. Yet, she immediately sets JASON apart as someone who will bring out the best in GRAHAM and for the betterment of the company. NADIA MARAY. Tender, loving, but spoiled, little sister to GRAHAM. Immediately takes a liking to JASON, and makes it plainly known, if for no other reason than to needle GRAHAM’s fiancé SERENA, since JASON finds he has no reason to even look or speak to SERENA at all when they first meet. SERENA. She is beautiful but self-centered. She gets her way or is vindictive and spiteful about it. She tries to tempt JASON once she learns that the MARAY patriarch has graced JASON with heavily weighted responsibilities over the entire MARAY diamond mine company empire and will make him his successor. She now craves JASON’s attention and acts upon this. HENRY HICKS. HENRY is a self-made billionaire and C.E.O. of Tri-Lines Airlines. He has positive vibes of a joint venture with BECKER INDUSTRIES after JASON lays out a new plan for manufacturing engine parts for Tri-Line Airlines. HENRY can use his immense and powerful
  • 4. contacts to make this new venture a success and give BECKER INDUSTRIES a solid boost as well. However, he becomes enraged with the entire BECKER family when tragedy befalls his family, and so seeks revenge on the BECKER family, by any and all means at his disposal. CLARK HICKS. The only son to HENRY HICKS, and named to be JASON’s counter-part in the new venture. However, CLARK is not a moral man, and quite contrary to his father’s good character traits, judges himself deserving of AMBER’s virtuous innocence. However, when AMBER resists him, he commits an act of rape on his soon-to-be fiancé. AMBER’s brothers are told by AMBER and they seek and obtain the ultimate revenge. NICK CHASE. Long time friend and attorney for the BECKER family business, and personally for PERCY. NICK is unable to successfully provide a defense for JASON when a cache of drugs are found in his Ferrari through a dubious but perfectly well-timed phone call to the police by an anonymous tipster. JASON is sentenced to twenty-five years in prison. NICK winds up being the go-between in an effort by ALISTAIR to get JASON released from prison. ELOISE DALE. A beautiful young female totally in love with JASON. She is cautious and fearful on the subject of the attempts on JASON’s life. She can’t bear the thought of anything happening to him. ELOISE is loyal to JASON and will wait for an eternity for him, or until he is released from prison. OSCAR. A county inmate who shares a cell with JASON. OSCAR is a dangerous criminal. Unfortunately, he has a daughter dying of renal failure. He very reluctantly relates this burden to JASON. JASON sends his father a request to have something done for OSCAR but quietly. OSCAR repays the favor to JASON by saving him and GRAHAM from some prison bullies intent on killing GRAHAM.
  • 5. SYNOPSIS ACT I. Modern day. JASON BECKER arrives late to a board meeting for the family business. His tardiness is overlooked because AMBER BECKER covers him. However, PERCY BECKER is very put out over JASON’s continual disrespect for proper business conduct, but immediately dismisses JASON’s impertinence the moment he shows up. His brothers don’t condone this behavior. JASON relates the new venture will move the family business forward, but with an investment of resources to get it off the ground. JASON’s brothers don’t want it, if for no other reason than that it makes JASON more powerful and important in their father’s eyes. They voice contrary opinions, while PERCY dismisses their opposition by explaining this has already been discussed. That night JASON and ELOISE DALE have dinner and he expresses his concern as to the upcoming venture. Next, he is on his way to a meeting when his Ferrari’s brakes fail. His car careens out of control and crashes through a guardrail. He survives even where thrown from the vehicle. He lands on a pile of hay. His brothers feign concern for what could have been tragic. Simultaneously, GRAHAM MARAY and his father ALISTAIR MARAY meet at their offices. ALISTAIR informs his son that he needs to go to the USA and consummate some deals with new distribution outlets for something called their blue diamond selection. JASON meets HENRY and concludes their new venture. Meanwhile, his brothers plot further to foil his rise in the family business, and in the eyes of their father, by planning JASON’s total ruin. GARY informs CALVIN that he has someone, HECTOR GOMEZ, who will perpetrate the perfect crime and plant drugs in JASON’s car which will be impossible for him to explain when he is arrested. HECTOR’s uncle CARLOS is a major drug trafficker who will facilitate HECTOR getting his hands on the drugs. This costs GARY four hundred thousand dollars. JASON again has dinner with ELOISE and now feels like everything is coming together properly. He is genuinely happy to provide his family’s business with a new line of work for revenue well into the future. JASON returns to the office late and talks to PERCY. He tells PERCY about a dream he had where wheat stalks being harvested and laid down actually rise up and then bow down to him. PERCY’s reaction is subdued disgust and hurt pride that he and the rest of the family would bow down to JASON. At this juncture HECTOR has already found JASON’s car and finished the dirty job. The next day JASON travels to the family office. At the office, CALVIN makes a call to the local police when JASON leaves, describing something akin to a drug deal having just taken place and that a black Ferrari’s trunk holds the illicit drugs. GRAHAM’s overseas plane trip has resulted in him meeting a beautiful woman, ALEXIS JOHNSON, a model returning to the USA. Their newfound friendship flourishes and they agree to have dinner. At a night club fateful circumstances continue to domino. GRAHAM loses his wallet and his passport at the night club. It is an accidental event. After dropping off ALEXIS he is stopped for driving erratically. After questioning by the police he is arrested for driving under the influence, and for failure to have identification. He is considered an illegal alien. He placed in county jail.
  • 6. ACT II. JASON is arrested and thrown in county jail. GRAHAM is accosted in the showers but defends himself well. JASON uses the public phone to call his father to tell him about the arrest. PERCY is beside himself with concern and vows to get JASON cleared. JASON meets his cellmate: OSCAR, a notorious gang member with a life sentence. Later he learns OSCAR has a daughter dying from renal failure. Meanwhile, GARY and CALVIN gloat over JASON’s final and complete demise. GRAHAM meets JASON and OSCAR in jail. He and JASON become friendly. OSCAR distantly admires GRAHAM for hanging tough against some prison bullies. At this juncture PERCY learns that NICK cannot help JASON with the bail and the charges. However, PERCY agrees to help OSCAR’s family after JASON requests it. In a conversation, GRAHAM tells JASON of a recurring dream he has that he can’t figure out. JASON interprets the dream for him. GRAHAM is highly impressed. Later, in the exercise yard GRAHAM and JASON are approached by prison bullies but OSCAR intervenes. HENRY and his son CLARK HICKS meet. HENRY informs CLARK of the new deal and wants CLARK as his point man. CLARK speaks about the deal, and about AMBER BECKER but speaks of her in a vain, dark manner. His father is not impressed CLARK is attributing to AMBER a gold digger attitude. GRAHAM is released from county jail due to his father’s tremendous influence. He tells JASON he’ll remember him, but he won’t until after 2 years. CLARK and AMBER have dinner and he takes her home but invites himself in. AMBER is reluctant but accedes. In her home CLARK rapes her. He leaves her with a dire warning to keep this quiet or else the HICKS/BECKER new deal will get canned. AMBER calls her brother GARY and tells him what happened. He flies into a rage and he picks up CALVIN to go see AMBER. She begs them not to hurt CLARK because she wants closure on her terms. They promise but break it. They ultimately find CLARK and they beat him to death, or so they think. They dump him in front of his family’s place of business. JASON learns of this event from OSCAR who has seen it on the TV news. JASON calls his family about it and learns that CLARK is hospitalized. At the hospital CLARK dies but not before naming his killers as the ‘Becker brothers’ to the chief surgeon trying to save him. HENRY is told this by the doctor. He is enraged. Following this, in court JASON is sentenced to a long prison term of 25 years. His family is aghast. His father is completely crestfallen. In South Africa, GRAHAM arrives back home. The BECKER family meets to discuss pending difficult times when suddenly HENRY barges in and declares his desire for vengeance against the Beckers using every available means. PERCY is in shock. HENRY leaves. The family continues their meeting when PERCY’s secretary enters and declares that two of BECKER INDUSTRIES’ largest customers have just canceled the firm’s biggest orders. Immediately AMBER is suspicious and confronts GARY and CALVIN about HENRY’s allegations. They admit it. In NICK CHASE’s office, PERCY learns that JASON is being moved to the worst state penitentiary and that NICK is powerless to prevent it. Two years later, the Becker family meets to discuss of the business’ demise and that it will soon be in bankruptcy. PERCY admonishes everyone to find regular employment.
  • 7. ACT III. ALISTAIR and GRAHAM meet because he needs to tell GRAHAM something. He’s had a recurring dream that disturbs him. Then he states he needs a successor. GRAHAM is confounded because he is not the successor. ALISTAIR explains that GRAHAM needs a close advisor, someone who GRAHAM can trust implicitly. After almost three years GRAHAM remembers JASON, who is still in prison. He tells his father he believes JASON is innocent, has the ability of interpretation, and that their business needs someone like him. He says he trusts JASON. ALISTAIR tells his personal assistant to get the president of the United States on the phone. Later, NICK receives a series of phone calls informing him that JASON will be released. JASON chooses to return to South Africa with GRAHAM when he learns it is GRAHAM’s family who orchestrated his release and for a good purpose. The Beckers learn of JASON’s decision. ELOISE learns of it personally. At the airport, JASON meets NADIA, and GRAHAM’s fiancé SERENA. She instantly has an attraction to JASON but he ignores her. She detests his arrogance and distance and now considers him nothing more than ‘hired help’ for GRAHAM. At the MARAY estate, JASON meets ALISTAIR and MRS. EVA MARAY. They are good people to him instantly. GRAHAM, ALISTAIR and JASON retreat to have a discussion after dinner. ALISTAIR offers him the job as his successor and JASON agrees. He asks JASON to interpret his dream. JASON does and ALISTAIR is shocked but remains stoic. SERENA overhears a part of the conversation and silently comes knocking on JASON’s bedroom suite. He turns her away. She vehemently accuses him of a lie of being indecent with her. She runs to GRAHAM’s bedroom suite and relates to GRAHAM to banish JASON from the estate. GRAHAM quietly confronts JASON, but more so to smooth things over as he explains that she doesn’t enjoy not getting her way. JASON tells GRAHAM the truth. JASON’s and GRAHAM’s bond is further solidified. Back in the USA, GARY and CALVIN are fired from their third job. JASON calls AMBER long distance and she tells him the truth about CLARK and the Becker brothers. JASON is very unhappy with the news. He prays for the wisdom to help his family. He speaks to PERCY and shares his sincerest wishes that things were different back home. JASON asks PERCY to remain strong. In South Africa ALISTAIR introduces JASON to his board of directors who aren’t happy to have a stranger taking over the business. One day JASON learns of some bad things occurring with the MARAY diamond mine company with thefts of blue diamonds. He calls GRAHAM to meet him after JASON trails a worker back to the family diamond mine. They confront the thieves which turn out to also include some board of director members. There is a shootout with some turncoat workers guarding boxes of stolen diamonds. Certain bad characters betraying the family are either killed or subdued. Fortunately, neither GRAHAM nor JASON are injured. In the USA, GARY and CALVIN approach PERCY’s estate and ask to stay with him because they have been evicted. In South Africa, ALISTAIR cleans house on his board due to JASON’s good work. The MARAY family bestows JASON with his own expansive estate. He makes the necessary arrangements to have his family come over to South Africa. They are met at the airport by luxurious limousines. Later GARY and CALVIN confront JASON and admit to their horrible acts of betrayal against him and about their murder of CLARK. JASON forgives them but informs them they are accountable for their actions. The Becker family are having dinner. PERCY rises, not to give a toast as he usually does, but to give JASON his position as head of the household and the family. He asks JASON to toast the family with words of wisdom. JASON praises GOD for their many blessings.