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Population Health for
Accountable Care
May 7, 2012

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
A Population Health Parable
     Over the last forty years, a rural New England county has achieved the highest health status rank, the lowest chronic disease risk factor
     levels, and the lowest mortality rate in the state. For 2011, the county was ranked first in the state in health outcomes, despite relatively
     higher levels of poverty, by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.

       Health Status Rank
                                                                     Cumulative Risk Factor Rankings                                           Mortality Rate in
       Ten Years, by County
16                                           16                          Four Years, by County                                                Deaths per 10,000
15                                           15                                                                                              Ten Years, by County
14                                           14
13                                           13                                                                               620
12                                           12
11                                           11                                                                               600
10                                           10
 9                                            9                                                                               580
 8                                            8
 7                                            7                                                                               560
 6                                            6
 5                                            5
 4                                            4
 3                                            3
 2                                            2                       Smoking                  Weight                         520
 1                                            1
                                                                      Blood Pressure           Cholesterol                    500

      American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Record, N.B.; et al. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19(1):30-38, 2000) and highlighted by the American College of
      Cardiology in the report of its 33rd Bethesda Conference (Task Force #3, Preventive cardiology: How can we do better? Presented at the 33 rd Bethesda Conference, Bethesda,
      MD, December 18, 2001, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 40:579-651, 2002).

 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
A Corporate Health Parable
  In two years, a corporate health initiative employing the same program achieved 75% participation (2,553 employees and dependents),
  increased the number of healthy participants by 15%, and reduced annual growth in direct health care costs to less than 4%. Recent
  research shows a greater than three-to-one return on investment for comparable programs.

                Growth in Direct Annual Health                                             Change in Number of Employees
                          Care Costs                                                               Attaining Goal
                                                                                          Weight         4%
                                                                                         Exercise                                   22%
                                                                                             Diet                           17%

                                                  12%                                 Depression           5%
                                                                                     Tobacco Use                                  20%
                                                                                      Cholesterol                                       23%
                                                                                   Blood Pressure                           17%
              Start                       Year 1                          Year 2

                                                                                              $ 3.27
                                                                                              Return on Investment
                                                                                              On average, employee health care costs fell
                                                                                              by $3.27 for every $1.00 spent on
                                                                                              employee wellness programs.*
* HEALTH AFFAIRS 29, NO. 2 (2010): ©2010 Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
Shared Success Factors

               Trained and                                        Actionable
                                                                                          Program              Assessed and
                Equipped                                            Health
                                                                                        Methodology              Engaged
                  “Care                                           Assessment
                                                                                            and                Health Users
                Partners”                                         Technology

         “Care partners” who                                  A health status        A program           Assessed, engaged,
         combine skills in health                             assessment and         management          and more literate
         assessment,                                          reports that           model combining     health users with the
         motivational                                         address health         “high touch”        agency and data to
         interviewing, empathic                               risks and actions in   services delivery   support more
         attention, and active                                the context of         and a campaign      rational and effective
         listening to collect                                 clinical               approach to user    health decisions
         comprehensive health                                 effectiveness and      engagement and
         information and                                      regulatory             health assessment
         engage health users                                  compliance

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
So What?
Four federal programs (value-based purchasing, meaningful use of electronic records, avoidable hospital readmissions and the creation of accountable care
organizations) will significantly impact hospitals through the use of Medicare penalties and incentives. In order to qualify for the incentives and avoid penalties,
hospitals will have to go beyond simple "check-box" processes and employ new patient engagement strategies that actually work to improve outcomes and the overall
patient experience. Progress to-date is not encouraging.

                  Historical fee-for-service, or volume-based, reimbursement has produced
                     – health plans serving “members” whose financial risk must be managed, through benefit
                         design, enrollment and utilization management
                     – health providers serving “patients” whose clinical needs must be met by discrete, billable
                         encounters, procedures and other episodes
                  Accountable or value-based healthcare requires that delivery systems assume the financial risk of
                   an assigned population’s health care, previously the domain of health plans. More than 160 such
                   accountable care organizations are making that shift today and the number is growing.
                  This shift has exposed a gap in the accountable care continuum -- the process of enrollee
                   engagement and assessment. Neither the traditional enrollment process nor the primary care
                     – engages health users sufficiently to “own” their health status and advance that sense of
                         health agency;
                     – conducts a comprehensive health risk assessment; and
                     – develops - with the patient – and manages a personalized prevention plan with anything
                         approaching population health levels of participation and management.
                  While CMS reimburses annual wellness visits and preventive services through Medicare, Medicaid,
                   and commercial plans, few providers accommodate them, citing lack of structure, process
                   familiarity, system fatigue, and discomfort conducting the assessments and using preventive
                   services strategically, systematically, and comprehensively.
                  Health systems do proceed, however, to invest in related, more costly, technology, service capacity,
                   and human capital initiatives that will be hampered by their absence.

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
Assessment and Engagement: The Missing Step

                     Enrollment &                                         Assessment &                          Encounter &
                      Verification                                         Engagement                           Care Delivery

   Pre-Enrollment:                                        Pre-Engagement                                      Pre-Encounter
   • Form conversion                                      • Target patient, provider, and site selection      • Patient call for appointment
   • Applicant eligibility                                    • Provider-patient concentration                • Practice call for follow-up
   Enrollment:                                                • Geographic concentration                      • Referral
   • Member Eligibility Verification                          • Payor concentration                           Encounter
   • Member Enrollment                                    • Data sourcing, extraction, and pre-population     • Primary Care
   • Application processing                                   • Systems of record (EMR, patient accounts,         • “First contact” care
   • Enrollment reconciliation                                  registries, scheduling, clinical ancillary)
                                                                                                                  • Evaluation &
   • Member Management                                        • Demographics, relevant assessment data
   • Payment reconciliation                               Engagement
                                                                                                                  • Continuous (ongoing)
   • Risk Management                                      • Invitation, scheduling, confirmation
   • Suspect Claims                                       • Assessment
   • Chart Analysis                                       • Draft personal health plan                            • Coordinated care
   • Coordination of benefits (COB)                       • PCP-patient review, as needed                         • Comprehensive care
   Post-Enrollment:                                       Post-Engagement                                     • Specialty Care
   • Data, eligibility, and payment                       • Data services                                         • Primary care referral
     verification with CMS or health                          • Validation                                        • Self-referral
   • Post-enrollment education                                • Provider review                               • Emergent Care
                                                              • Entry in systems of record
                                                              • Reporting and visualization
                                                          • Clinical demand planning
                                                              • Visit prioritization
                                                              • Capacity planning and service line impact

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
Agentic Health – Turnkey Assessment and Engagement

            Assessment and Engagement                                     Program Management
              – Practice integration and enrollee                            – Source, train, equip, and
                outreach                                                       mobilize care partners
              – Welcoming the patient to the                                 – Maintain assessment software
                program, conducting the                                        and hardware
                assessment, and preparing the                                – Optimize logistics of site,
                personal prevention plan                                       provider, and enrollee matching
              – Completing reports for                                       – Pre-populate assessments with
                individual, primary provider, and                              data currently available from
                employer (at appropriate levels                                insurers’ data and providers’
                of detail and confidentiality)                                 systems of record
              – User guidance on highest value                               – Ensure availability of completed
                actions to improve their health                                data sets to EMRs, patient
              – Follow-up                                                      accounts, registries, scheduling
                                                                               apps, and other systems of

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
The Care Partner
  Agentic Health trains Care Partners in the skills required to conduct the health assessment and engage health users and their
  providers in understanding their health and the best actions they can take to improve it.

                  Competency in “person-centered” care where             Motivational interviewing and active listening
                   important care support services are provided             – Informing and emboldening the patient
                   outside the healthcare system                                as a shared decision-maker
                     – Family support guidance and ongoing                  – Uncovering barriers to change that
                        access by telephone or email                            include physical pain, emotional
                     – Knowledge of and guidance regarding                      difficulties, financial concerns, and lack of
                        access to community services that                       confidence in one’s ability to change
                        address the risk factors that are the focus         – Assistance in patients setting realistic
                        of the assessment, including, where                     goals, self-monitoring, harnessing support
                        established, local Area Agencies on Aging               systems, and engaging their care provider
                        and Aging Disability Resource Centers.                  effectively
                     – Knowledge of and guidance regarding
                        other community support functions                 Provider and practice support and engagement
                        including home delivered meals,                     – Engaging the care team to use
                        transportation for shopping, program                    assessment reports to prioritize and
                        eligibility and benefit counseling,                     highlight patients’ health risks and
                        translation services, respite care, and                 appropriate action steps
                        fitness programs
                                                                            – With appropriate privacy protections,
                  Cultural competency, respecting individuals’                 aggregating assessment data for use by
                   beliefs, understanding the cultural context in               individual physicians, provider practices,
                   which they experience illness and health, and                health facilities, and accountable care
                   developing a collaboratively set health plan                 organizations for performance

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
The Assessment: Compliance in Design and Process*
                  Demographics and limited family/personal
                   health history
                  Self-assessment of health status, frailty, or
                   physical/mental functioning
                  Biometric measures (when these data are not
                   readily available from laboratory results or
                   medical records): e.g., overweight and obesity
                   (height/weight, body mass index (BMI), waist
                   circumference), hypertension
                   (systolic/diastolic blood pressure), blood lipids
                   (HDL/LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerides),
                   and blood glucose (blood sugar and
                   hemoglobin A1c levels)
                  Psychosocial risks: e.g., depression/life
                   satisfaction, stress/anger, loneliness/social
                   isolation, and pain/fatigue
                  Behavioral risks: e.g., tobacco use, inadequate
                   physical activity, poor nutrition or diet,             * Health risk assessments (HRAs), in conjunction with
                   excessive alcohol consumption, prescription            follow-up counseling, coaching, and behavior change
                   drug use for nonmedical reasons, and motor             interventions make up the personalized prevention plan,
                   vehicle safety                                         aimed at improving the health and well-being of
                  Compliance with current screenings,                    Medicare beneficiaries. This approach also applies to a
                   chemoprophylaxis, and immunization                     non-Medicare population, including privately insured
                   guidelines established by the USPSTF and ACIP          adult individuals in both the individual and group
                   (when this information is not available from           markets, when an HRA and follow-up interventions are
                   the EMR or PHR)                                        used to promote health and prevent disease.

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
What HAE Looks Like: Clinic-Based

                                                                                    Primary Care

                                                                     Care Partner



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            Roles                                                                                                      Total         PMPM
              – Care Partners – Engage                                    Revenue                                       8,175,000 11.35
                 enrollees and capture
                 assessment data
              – Data Partners – Pre-populate                              Expenses       Direct Labor   Care Partners   4,200,000      5.83
                 assessments with available
                 data and ensure presentation                                                           Data Partners     840,000      1.17
                 of updated data to systems of-
                 record                                                                                 Management      1,414,000      1.96
              – Management – Train and
                                                                                         Sub-Total                      6,454,000      8.96
                 deploy Partners while
                 providing regular progress
                                                                                         Direct Non-
                 reviews with designated client                                          Labor                            312,000      0.43
            Size*
              – One Care Partner / 1,000                                                 Sub-Total                      6,766,000      9.40
              – One Data Partner / 5,000                                  Contribution                                  1,409,000      1.96
                 enrollees                                                Contribution
              – One Manager / 15,000                                      Margin                                                17%    17%
              – One Program Director / 60,000
                 enrollees                                                Enrollees                                     60,000

   * fully operational program at 60,000 engagements and assessments annually

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Approach: Consultation to transfer

          Enterprise                                       Pilot Selection      Pilot Evaluation
                                                                                                          Program Launch
          Evaluation                                        and Launch         & Program Design
  Know what current                                  Develop a pilot HAE      Conclude pilot or set    Commence program
   and planned programs                                program proposal that     an endpoint for pilot     launch with 12-24
   and services affect or                              is representative,        evaluation                month timetable to
   will be affected by the                             replicable,                                         run-rate.
   implementation of                                                            Review pilot
                                                       measurable, and
   HAE                                                                           performance, identify
                                                       bounded in time and
                                                                                 strengths and
  Array populations,                                                            weaknesses
   sites of service, and                              Establish evaluative
   potential HAE                                                                Develop refined
                                                       criteria and
   beneficiaries                                                                 program proposal of
                                                       communications plan
                                                                                 appropriately larger
  Develop an HAE                                     Launch pilot              scope
   methodology, staffing
   plan, and program                                                            Review proposal with
   management model                                                              program and client
   incorporating the                                                             leadership
   organization’s needs                                                         Revise and ratify
   and capacities                                    Duration: 6 months          program proposal
 Duration: 6 months                                                            Duration: 6 months

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
Agentic Health Leadership
                  Denny Brennan – Denny has over two decades of experience as a consultant and entrepreneur working with the country’s
                   leading academic medical centers and medical schools, integrated delivery networks, hospitals, service providers, and industry
                   associations on strategy, organizational effectiveness, and information technology challenges . He brings specialized expertise in
                   population health management, healthcare policy, business strategy, and risk management to assist organizations in preparing
                   for success under increased market competition and health reform.
                   Denny earned a Masters of Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University and a Masters in Public and Private
                   Management from the Yale School of Management.

                  Martin November, MD –An OB/GYN physician and was a member of the teaching faculty at Harvard Medical School for more
                   than 10 years. He held various administrative positions at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center including Director of the
                   Division of Community Medicine. His academic research focused on patient safety, cost effectiveness analysis, and process
                   improvement in healthcare. He worked with researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health on The Malpractice Insurers’
                   Medical Error Prevention Study (MIMEPS), a nationwide study of malpractice claims and medical errors.
                   Prior to joining Agentic Health, Martin has worked with Advanced Practice Strategies and the Harvard Business School
                   Healthcare Initiative to develop the first Harvard Business School Health Science and Business Immersion Program in January
                   2006. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Duke University, a Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of North Carolina
                   at Chapel Hill, and a Master of Business Administration degree at the Harvard Business School.

                  Gary Gallant – Gary is an accomplished entrepreneur with 25+ years of technology sales, marketing and management
                   experience. His background includes founding, building, managing, consulting, mentoring and seed-funding multiple pre-launch
                   and early-stage software companies in a range of markets including information security, financial trading, mobile social
                   networking and healthcare informatics. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Lowell MA with a BS in Business
                   Management and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of a large, non-profit, inner city secondary school.

Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.

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Agentic Health Simplified

  • 1. Population Health for Accountable Care May 7, 2012 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 2. A Population Health Parable Over the last forty years, a rural New England county has achieved the highest health status rank, the lowest chronic disease risk factor levels, and the lowest mortality rate in the state. For 2011, the county was ranked first in the state in health outcomes, despite relatively higher levels of poverty, by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Health Status Rank Cumulative Risk Factor Rankings Mortality Rate in Ten Years, by County 16 16 Four Years, by County Deaths per 10,000 15 15 Ten Years, by County 14 14 13 13 620 12 12 11 11 600 10 10 9 9 580 8 8 7 7 560 6 6 5 5 4 4 540 3 3 2 2 Smoking Weight 520 1 1 Blood Pressure Cholesterol 500 American Journal of Preventive Medicine (Record, N.B.; et al. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19(1):30-38, 2000) and highlighted by the American College of Cardiology in the report of its 33rd Bethesda Conference (Task Force #3, Preventive cardiology: How can we do better? Presented at the 33 rd Bethesda Conference, Bethesda, MD, December 18, 2001, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 40:579-651, 2002). 2 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 3. A Corporate Health Parable In two years, a corporate health initiative employing the same program achieved 75% participation (2,553 employees and dependents), increased the number of healthy participants by 15%, and reduced annual growth in direct health care costs to less than 4%. Recent research shows a greater than three-to-one return on investment for comparable programs. Growth in Direct Annual Health Change in Number of Employees Care Costs Attaining Goal Weight 4% 25% Exercise 22% Diet 17% 12% Depression 5% Tobacco Use 20% 4% Cholesterol 23% Blood Pressure 17% Start Year 1 Year 2 $ 3.27 Return on Investment On average, employee health care costs fell by $3.27 for every $1.00 spent on employee wellness programs.* * HEALTH AFFAIRS 29, NO. 2 (2010): ©2010 Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. 3 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 4. Shared Success Factors Structured Trained and Actionable Program Assessed and Equipped Health Methodology Engaged “Care Assessment and Health Users Partners” Technology Management “Care partners” who A health status A program Assessed, engaged, combine skills in health assessment and management and more literate assessment, reports that model combining health users with the motivational address health “high touch” agency and data to interviewing, empathic risks and actions in services delivery support more attention, and active the context of and a campaign rational and effective listening to collect clinical approach to user health decisions comprehensive health effectiveness and engagement and information and regulatory health assessment engage health users compliance 4 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 5. So What? Four federal programs (value-based purchasing, meaningful use of electronic records, avoidable hospital readmissions and the creation of accountable care organizations) will significantly impact hospitals through the use of Medicare penalties and incentives. In order to qualify for the incentives and avoid penalties, hospitals will have to go beyond simple "check-box" processes and employ new patient engagement strategies that actually work to improve outcomes and the overall patient experience. Progress to-date is not encouraging.  Historical fee-for-service, or volume-based, reimbursement has produced – health plans serving “members” whose financial risk must be managed, through benefit design, enrollment and utilization management – health providers serving “patients” whose clinical needs must be met by discrete, billable encounters, procedures and other episodes  Accountable or value-based healthcare requires that delivery systems assume the financial risk of an assigned population’s health care, previously the domain of health plans. More than 160 such accountable care organizations are making that shift today and the number is growing.  This shift has exposed a gap in the accountable care continuum -- the process of enrollee engagement and assessment. Neither the traditional enrollment process nor the primary care encounter – engages health users sufficiently to “own” their health status and advance that sense of health agency; – conducts a comprehensive health risk assessment; and – develops - with the patient – and manages a personalized prevention plan with anything approaching population health levels of participation and management.  While CMS reimburses annual wellness visits and preventive services through Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial plans, few providers accommodate them, citing lack of structure, process familiarity, system fatigue, and discomfort conducting the assessments and using preventive services strategically, systematically, and comprehensively.  Health systems do proceed, however, to invest in related, more costly, technology, service capacity, and human capital initiatives that will be hampered by their absence. 5 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 6. Assessment and Engagement: The Missing Step Enrollment & Assessment & Encounter & Verification Engagement Care Delivery Pre-Enrollment: Pre-Engagement Pre-Encounter • Form conversion • Target patient, provider, and site selection • Patient call for appointment • Applicant eligibility • Provider-patient concentration • Practice call for follow-up Enrollment: • Geographic concentration • Referral • Member Eligibility Verification • Payor concentration Encounter • Member Enrollment • Data sourcing, extraction, and pre-population • Primary Care • Application processing • Systems of record (EMR, patient accounts, • “First contact” care • Enrollment reconciliation registries, scheduling, clinical ancillary) • Evaluation & • Member Management • Demographics, relevant assessment data management • Payment reconciliation Engagement • Continuous (ongoing) • Risk Management • Invitation, scheduling, confirmation care • Suspect Claims • Assessment • Chart Analysis • Draft personal health plan • Coordinated care • Coordination of benefits (COB) • PCP-patient review, as needed • Comprehensive care Post-Enrollment: Post-Engagement • Specialty Care • Data, eligibility, and payment • Data services • Primary care referral verification with CMS or health • Validation • Self-referral • Post-enrollment education • Provider review • Emergent Care • Entry in systems of record • Reporting and visualization • Clinical demand planning • Visit prioritization • Capacity planning and service line impact Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 7. Agentic Health – Turnkey Assessment and Engagement  Assessment and Engagement  Program Management – Practice integration and enrollee – Source, train, equip, and outreach mobilize care partners – Welcoming the patient to the – Maintain assessment software program, conducting the and hardware assessment, and preparing the – Optimize logistics of site, personal prevention plan provider, and enrollee matching – Completing reports for – Pre-populate assessments with individual, primary provider, and data currently available from employer (at appropriate levels insurers’ data and providers’ of detail and confidentiality) systems of record – User guidance on highest value – Ensure availability of completed actions to improve their health data sets to EMRs, patient – Follow-up accounts, registries, scheduling apps, and other systems of record 7 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 8. The Care Partner Agentic Health trains Care Partners in the skills required to conduct the health assessment and engage health users and their providers in understanding their health and the best actions they can take to improve it.  Competency in “person-centered” care where  Motivational interviewing and active listening important care support services are provided – Informing and emboldening the patient outside the healthcare system as a shared decision-maker – Family support guidance and ongoing – Uncovering barriers to change that access by telephone or email include physical pain, emotional – Knowledge of and guidance regarding difficulties, financial concerns, and lack of access to community services that confidence in one’s ability to change address the risk factors that are the focus – Assistance in patients setting realistic of the assessment, including, where goals, self-monitoring, harnessing support established, local Area Agencies on Aging systems, and engaging their care provider and Aging Disability Resource Centers. effectively – Knowledge of and guidance regarding other community support functions  Provider and practice support and engagement including home delivered meals, – Engaging the care team to use transportation for shopping, program assessment reports to prioritize and eligibility and benefit counseling, highlight patients’ health risks and translation services, respite care, and appropriate action steps fitness programs – With appropriate privacy protections,  Cultural competency, respecting individuals’ aggregating assessment data for use by beliefs, understanding the cultural context in individual physicians, provider practices, which they experience illness and health, and health facilities, and accountable care developing a collaboratively set health plan organizations for performance improvement 8 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 9. The Assessment: Compliance in Design and Process*  Demographics and limited family/personal health history  Self-assessment of health status, frailty, or physical/mental functioning  Biometric measures (when these data are not readily available from laboratory results or medical records): e.g., overweight and obesity (height/weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference), hypertension (systolic/diastolic blood pressure), blood lipids (HDL/LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerides), and blood glucose (blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c levels)  Psychosocial risks: e.g., depression/life satisfaction, stress/anger, loneliness/social isolation, and pain/fatigue  Behavioral risks: e.g., tobacco use, inadequate physical activity, poor nutrition or diet, * Health risk assessments (HRAs), in conjunction with excessive alcohol consumption, prescription follow-up counseling, coaching, and behavior change drug use for nonmedical reasons, and motor interventions make up the personalized prevention plan, vehicle safety aimed at improving the health and well-being of  Compliance with current screenings, Medicare beneficiaries. This approach also applies to a chemoprophylaxis, and immunization non-Medicare population, including privately insured guidelines established by the USPSTF and ACIP adult individuals in both the individual and group (when this information is not available from markets, when an HRA and follow-up interventions are the EMR or PHR) used to promote health and prevent disease. 9 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 10. What HAE Looks Like: Clinic-Based Primary Care Physician Care Partner Entrance HAE 10 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 11. Economics  Roles Total PMPM – Care Partners – Engage Revenue 8,175,000 11.35 enrollees and capture assessment data – Data Partners – Pre-populate Expenses Direct Labor Care Partners 4,200,000 5.83 assessments with available data and ensure presentation Data Partners 840,000 1.17 of updated data to systems of- record Management 1,414,000 1.96 – Management – Train and Sub-Total 6,454,000 8.96 deploy Partners while providing regular progress Direct Non- reviews with designated client Labor 312,000 0.43 leaders  Size* – One Care Partner / 1,000 Sub-Total 6,766,000 9.40 enrollees – One Data Partner / 5,000 Contribution 1,409,000 1.96 enrollees Contribution – One Manager / 15,000 Margin 17% 17% enrollees – One Program Director / 60,000 enrollees Enrollees 60,000 * fully operational program at 60,000 engagements and assessments annually 11 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 12. Approach: Consultation to transfer Enterprise Pilot Selection Pilot Evaluation Program Launch Evaluation and Launch & Program Design  Know what current  Develop a pilot HAE  Conclude pilot or set  Commence program and planned programs program proposal that an endpoint for pilot launch with 12-24 and services affect or is representative, evaluation month timetable to will be affected by the replicable, run-rate. implementation of  Review pilot measurable, and HAE performance, identify bounded in time and strengths and cost  Array populations, weaknesses sites of service, and  Establish evaluative potential HAE  Develop refined criteria and beneficiaries program proposal of communications plan appropriately larger  Develop an HAE  Launch pilot scope methodology, staffing plan, and program  Review proposal with management model program and client incorporating the leadership organization’s needs  Revise and ratify and capacities Duration: 6 months program proposal Duration: 6 months Duration: 6 months 12 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.
  • 13. Agentic Health Leadership  Denny Brennan – Denny has over two decades of experience as a consultant and entrepreneur working with the country’s leading academic medical centers and medical schools, integrated delivery networks, hospitals, service providers, and industry associations on strategy, organizational effectiveness, and information technology challenges . He brings specialized expertise in population health management, healthcare policy, business strategy, and risk management to assist organizations in preparing for success under increased market competition and health reform. Denny earned a Masters of Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University and a Masters in Public and Private Management from the Yale School of Management.  Martin November, MD –An OB/GYN physician and was a member of the teaching faculty at Harvard Medical School for more than 10 years. He held various administrative positions at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center including Director of the Division of Community Medicine. His academic research focused on patient safety, cost effectiveness analysis, and process improvement in healthcare. He worked with researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health on The Malpractice Insurers’ Medical Error Prevention Study (MIMEPS), a nationwide study of malpractice claims and medical errors. Prior to joining Agentic Health, Martin has worked with Advanced Practice Strategies and the Harvard Business School Healthcare Initiative to develop the first Harvard Business School Health Science and Business Immersion Program in January 2006. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Duke University, a Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Master of Business Administration degree at the Harvard Business School.  Gary Gallant – Gary is an accomplished entrepreneur with 25+ years of technology sales, marketing and management experience. His background includes founding, building, managing, consulting, mentoring and seed-funding multiple pre-launch and early-stage software companies in a range of markets including information security, financial trading, mobile social networking and healthcare informatics. He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Lowell MA with a BS in Business Management and currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of a large, non-profit, inner city secondary school. 13 Confidential: Not for duplication or distribution. Subject to revision.