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Advertising In The New Paradigm
                              Written by Darryl Howard

    Advertising In The New Paradigm
A practical application of consciousness research for
  advertising, communication, movies and politics.
                            By Darryl Howard

                            Strong attractors attract.
                             Weak attractors repel.
                     There is a way to tell the difference.
               Whether it is the emotion of a TV commercial,
              a photograph in a print ad, a politicians speech,
                      or the smile of a spokesperson,
           the strength of the attractor pattern can be measured.
       There is a method by which the subjective can be measured.

          The implications for the advertising industry are staggering.

    Few in the world have taken the time to apply this leading edge research
    in advertising, communications, movies and politics. Over the last three
    years, that is what has been done. This document is only meant to walk
         the reader through a glimpse of the research and applications.

                         Darryl Howard and Associates
                                 P.O. Box 1083
                         Salem, Oregon, 97304 U.S.A.

                           Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                        1
                P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                                Written by Darryl Howard

                                               Table of Contents
Advertising In The New Paradigm ............................................................................... 3
Introduction and overview............................................................................................ 3
  The paradigm shift in communication. ......................................................................... 5
  The stretched logo – case study. ................................................................................. 6
Attractor patterns. ......................................................................................................... 6
The brain. ....................................................................................................................... 7
  Consciousness into the database equation. ................................................................ 8
  The Heisenberg cut – the measurement location. ....................................................... 8
Consciousness............................................................................................................ 10
Advanced consciousness research. ......................................................................... 11
 Quantum mechanics.................................................................................................. 12
 The body reacts. ........................................................................................................ 14
 A means to distinguish truth from falsehood.............................................................. 16
A scale of 1 to 1000. .................................................................................................... 17
  Direct mail going from 145 to 310 – case study. ........................................................ 20
  An ad and selected market – how do they line up? ................................................... 20
The testing – the questioning technique overview. ................................................. 21
  Testing qualifications and methods............................................................................ 21
  The accuracy of the data. .......................................................................................... 22
Audiences above and below 200, is there a difference? ......................................... 23
Advertisements over 500 and ads below 500. .......................................................... 24
The world over 200 – the paradigm shift................................................................... 26
Applying calibrations in advertisements, elections etc........................................... 26
 Recent political TV ad– case study (from political memo). ........................................ 27
 A dog’s wagging tail – political case study................................................................. 28
 The announcers voice for a TV ad – case study........................................................ 29
 Political direct mail – case study. ............................................................................... 29
 The non-profit fundraising/newsletter – case study.................................................... 30
 Logo and creative design – observations relative to calibration................................. 30
SUMMARY.................................................................................................................... 31
Darryl Howard biography. .......................................................................................... 32

                                      Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                                                               2
                           P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

                  Advertising In The New Paradigm
      A practical application of consciousness research for advertising,
                    communication, movies and politics.
                                      By Darryl Howard

Introduction and overview.
   Advertising today can be tested differently to obtain information not available from
the machinery used in neuromarketing. Ad agencies and creative people designing a
TV commercial, print ad or website may want to know how to do it. This document
serves as a starting point to lay out the research applied by this author and some
associated case study examples.

     Neuromarketing today is very good. It gives wonderful data on what is happening in
the brain. Companies can use this data to reveal information about what their message
is doing or not doing in the brain. This document is meant to complement that effort, it
does not replace it. What is does do is give people at all levels another tool to use. It will
tell you things that neuromarketing cannot.

     The research applied here can be used at most all stages of design and production.
It is simple, fast and can reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of advertisements
and communication. It is a new approach that has been repeatedly tested by this author
and found to be extremely effective.

   While working as the Director of Market Research for a movie company, this author
came across some very profound research that no one had applied to movie production.

   In about September of 2006 research on study and application of the research
began. The implications and applications were so profound, that a sabbatical for several
years was taken from most work to begin understanding the research and applying it.
This is a compilation of some of what has been learned and a sample of case study

    Many reports have been done on how the public does not trust advertising. Based
the research we were doing, we saw this research as a useful method by which we
could test movie scripts, artwork and advertisements. More importantly we could quickly
test its truthfulness, and remove those lower energy attractors. Therefore, we could
ensure a greater degree of trust in a communication with the public.

    Better yet, if we could calibrate the level of the audience we were communicating
with, and work to make our TV commercial, movie, or artwork, match their level, a
greater degree of trust could potentially be established with the audience. The answer
was found in advanced consciousness research.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                               3
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                  Written by Darryl Howard

   Advances in neuromarketing are focused on the brain. The brain is not the decider
however. Consciousness itself is the decider and then notifies the brain and the brain
makes the body respond accordingly.

   There were many questions and they became multi-faceted:
      • Can we tailor our message to the consciousness of the audience?
      • Can we test and remove all things that were considered “false” by the
      • Will it work worldwide, in all forms of communication and be inexpensive?

   The answer to all the above questions was an emphatic, “Yes!”

    This author has been studying applying these new findings for the past three years
in a variety of capacities. He has helped advertisers learn how to communicate at the
consciousness level of their target market in both the U.S. and abroad. His work in this
area for the film industry is currently being used by leading producers in Hollywood and
around the country.

    He has been helping his clients learn to speak at the consciousness level of their
target market; how to calibrate the communications; how to detect “weak” spots in their
advertising and all forms of communication; and learn the science behind it.

   After study and application, the work was shared with some close associates. They
appreciated it and used it. There seemed to be a silent “but.” A comparison can be
made to the following stories:

      •   It was 1928 when Alexander Fleming made an observation of a discarded
          Petri dish. It had areas which bacteria would not grow. Fleming wrote of his
          findings in 1929 and was published in the British Journal of Experimental
          Pathology. Very few paid attention to his article. Years later would people
          take notice and production of a drug called Penicillin began. In 1945, Fleming
          and others were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

      •   Two brothers who owned a bicycle shop. They had produced and tested a
          machine that could fly. The War Department of the U.S. was not interested. It
          would be years before they were even granted a Patent for their invention.

      •   Galileo was sentenced to house arrest. But, some things seem to take a
          generation to be accepted. In Galileo’s case it was 359 years before the
          Church admitted it had erred in the case of the astronomer and physicist.

      •   And then there is the story of Dr. Louis Pasteur. If you have ever drank a
          glass of pasteurized milk, the bacteria and molds killed by the heating
          process of that milk is called pasteurization. Of course, there were many who
          thought, “Dr. Pasteur, it can’t be that simple.”

                               Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                              4
                    P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   What you are about to read is in-fact quite simple. But you may say, “It has to be
more complex that this.” It is not. Strong attractors attract, weak attractors repel, and
there is a way to tell the difference. It is that simple.

    Currently, neuromarketing is becoming more accepted. More importantly, some in
neuromarketing are turning their attention to terms like “pre-brain” or “pre-conscious”
activity or other indicators. To that end it was time to articulate the findings and
applications of experience with this advanced consciousness research by this author
and share them with others.

   While the case studies are done by this author, what has mainly been done is take
existing consciousness research, expand on it for specific application and explain it to
the audience.

The paradigm shift in communication.
   Communication today has changed and many have felt this major shift. Many
companies from all over the world are left trying to figure out the new rules in
communication. The effects have been substantial, but few have understood “what” has
taken place, and therefore not figured out “how” to change the way they communicate

    Currently, advertisers struggle to find out what specific items in their ads are not
working. Corporations are wondering what they can do to regain the trust of the public.
This is compounded by the fact that the public is no longer tolerating even a hint of
dishonesty. CEO’s may be asking themselves, “What has changed?” Is society looking
at all communication differently? The simple answer is yes, but first some basics.

    Many are left trying to find the answer to, “How do I get the public to believe and
trust in our advertising?” Today, every communication has to develop trust within the
marketplace and show the integrity level of the business initiating the communication.
Many studies point to the fact that the public believes it is being lied to most of the time
in advertising today. Companies are left scratching their head and may wonder, “How
can we bring up or believability level and equally important, how do we measure it,
ensure its accuracy and communicate it to the audience?”

     Research methods elaborated on herein show that over 80% of advertisements on
TV today have components of low energy attractors. Are those low energy attractors
failing to attract their target audience? Worse yet, are they unknowingly driving the
audience away from their product?

   Low energy attractors within an advertisement likely go undetected and unnoticed by
conventional methods of testing such as electro encephalogram (EEG), functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), etc. It may be reflected in the data, but those that
are looking at the data do not know what a movement here or there means because
they are not looking at it from that perspective.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                                  5
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   Are these the “lies” the audience is referencing? Or, are they low energy attractors
that are below a calibratable level of truth that consciousness is detecting. Could it be
both? Here is a similar example:

The stretched logo – case study.
          A commercial was designed and tested using the methods described in this
       document. Every aspect of the commercial was tested including the script, video
       images, music, and announcer’s voice, etc. According to the research elaborated
       herein, the commercial tested at a certain point in which it registered in the
       medial prefrontal cortex portion of the brain. That is the part of the brain in which
       emotion is tied to decision making. In other words, it was bypassing the logical
       part of the brain and going to the emotional part which is where the movie
       company wanted it.

           During the processes of finalizing the commercial, the decision was made to
       include the seal of an award (which is a strong attractor) indicating the film had
       received that award. The production company, prior to inserting the award seal,
       elongated the seal by stretching it top to bottom. Then it was inserted. The result
       was a lowering of the testing level of the commercial. By elongating the seal they
       had changed it from a strong attractor to a weak attractor.

          Worse yet, it now registered in a different part of the brain, the dorsolateral
       prefrontal cortex (logical rather than emotional). Upon further testing, it was
       concluded that this version of the seal was false. The original seal was examined
       and the reason for the low calibration was immediately spotted.

          When the production company was notified of the problem, they changed the
       seal to the original shape and the commercial went back to its original testing
       level and registered back in the portion of the brain desired.

Attractor patterns.
   Attractor patterns, first discovered by MIT meteorologist Edward Lorenz, are patterns
that, out of chaos or a mass of meaningless data, when repeated, emerge patterns that
are predictable. These small occurrences, at first glance seem meaningless, but when
multiplied or repeated (iteration), affect the outcome of unrelated events. A famous
example is the “Lorenz Butterfly.” Attractor patterns helped Lorenz predict weather

     If you have ever watched a school of fish swimming together or a flock of birds
flying, you have seen an attractor pattern in nature. Perhaps you have noticed how they
all turn, almost if they are as one. It is not that one fish or bird says “turn” and they all
turn, there is a knowingness that they all need to turn and they all do in a flowing

   Attractor patterns are also expressed in the human domain. They are expressed in
the different levels of consciousness. The consciousness level of the advertising can
also be calibrated on a logarithmic scale. If the attractor pattern of the consciousness
                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                               6
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

level of the advertisement does not match closely to that of the target audience, it fails
to attract the audience. Of course the advertisement can be adjusted to attractor
patterns of the consciousness level of the audience.

   The calibration levels can be denoted by strong attractors and weak attractors. Put
another way there are attractors that attract the audience or repel the audience.

The brain.
    With EEG and fMRI tests, researchers have come to understand what is going on in
the brain when an advertisement is viewed by the audience. Neuromarketing is
perceived to be very leading edge technology with retinal cognition, EEG, fMRI, and a
variety other methods that will tell us certain types of information of what is going on in
the brain.

   However, the measurement of brain activity can be compared to the relation
between a thermometer and temperature. The thermometer does not cause the
temperature, it only registers the temperature. Temperature is due to other factors.
Similarly, the brain only indicates what is has already happened at another level; the
level of consciousness. It is then communicated to the brain.

    The brain is the physical matter. Consciousness is where our thoughts and emotions
such as love and beauty are experienced. Consciousness activates the neurons in the
brain. Therefore, while EEG’s and fMRI’s are very useful in detecting where an
advertisement has registered in the brain, the brain is not the decider. The decision has
already occurred in consciousness and then reflected in activations in the brain.

    The “decision” is a priori (before) brain activity. This takes place at the quantum level
of physics (consciousness), not at the classical level of physics (EEG, fMRI measuring
brain activity). One might say it is the difference between the micro and the macro.
There is more and more writing on the subjects of “pre-brain” or “pre-conscious” activity
in the public domain.

   Attractor pattern research is different than neuromarketing. One of the main
concerns of this author is that any brain activity is measured at the Classical physics
level and not at the quantum level at which the “action” is originating.

   Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., is a physicist at the Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Stapp has worked with Wolfgang Pauli and Nobel
Laureates Emilio Segre, Owen Chamberlain, Werner Heisenberg (The Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle). He has also written Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics,
(Springer - Jan 2004), and Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating
Observer, (Springer - July 2007), along with over 300 technical and mathematical
published papers pertinent to basic foundational issues. Dr. Stapp has worked with
some of the most brilliant minds in quantum mechanics and he himself is considered in
that category. He explains more on the brain:

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                                7
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   “We are interested here in brain dynamics. Everyone admits that at the most basic
   dynamical level the brain must be treated as a quantum system: the classical laws
   fail at the atomic level. This dynamics rests upon myriads of microscopic processes,
   including flows of ions into nerve terminals. These atomic-scale processes must in
   principle be treated quantum mechanically.” Physicalism Versus Quantum
   Mechanics, Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., Physicist, Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence
   Berkeley National Laboratory,

Consciousness into the database equation.
    Does quantum mechanics enter the equation? Whether you understand it or not,
quantum mechanics affects about one-third of our economy. A few examples are lasers,
transistors, and fMRI’s. In the book Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters
Consciousness, authors Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner put it quite eloquently:

      “There is no way to interpret quantum theory without encountering
      consciousness. Most interpretations accept the encounter but offer a rationale for
      avoiding the relationship. They usually start with the presumption that the
      physical world should be dealt with independently from the observer.”

   All interpretations of quantum mechanics have one thing in common: they all lead to
consciousness. Rosenblum and Kettner go on to point out that consciousness is the
“skeleton in the closet” that most in physics today choose to avoid talking about. Instead
they teach the new students to just do the math of quantum mechanics and forget the
other part of quantum mechanics which is consciousness.

   The question has been: How to develop advertisements at the audience’s
consciousness level. Because attractor pattern research is conducted at the level of
consciousness itself, it is a very useful tool that is simple and quick.

The Heisenberg cut – the measurement location.
    As background, in 1927 many leading physicists of the time gathered in
Copenhagen to work out what would become known as the “Copenhagen
Interpretation” of quantum mechanics. In attendance were some of the best minds of
the day. There were names like Albert Einstein, Madam Curie, Erwin Schrödinger, Paul
Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr, Max Born and Max Planck along with Werner
Heisenberg who is considered the father of quantum mechanics.

   Heisenberg was concerned with the measurement problem. In simple terms, one
could measure position and momentum. The more certain the information about one,
the less certain can be about the other. It is the nature of the system. Thus the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle was formed.

    So for the purposes in the measurement of an advertisement or communication it is
asked, “At what point does one measure?” What instrument do we use? To properly
explore the methods available in testing today, it is best to understand the Heisenberg

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             8
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                               Written by Darryl Howard

Here Dr. Stapp elaborates:

   “The Copenhagen solution is to divide nature into two parts. One part is the
   observing system, including the bodies, brains, and minds of the human beings
   that are setting up the experimental situations and acquiring, via experiential
   feedbacks, increments in knowledge. This observing part includes also the
   measuring devices. This observing system is described in ordinary language
   refined by the concepts of classical physics. Thus the agent can say “I placed the
   measuring device in the center of the room, and one minute later I saw the
   pointer swing to the right.” The agent’s description is a description of what he
   does---of what probing actions he takes---and of the experienced consequences
   of his actions. The descriptions in terms of the language and concepts of
   classical physics are regarded as part of this first kind of description.

   The other part of nature is the system being probed by the classically conceived
   and described observing system. This probed system is described in the
   symbolic language of quantum mathematics.

   In classical physics the classical concepts are asserted to be applicable in
   principle right down to the atomic level. But according to the quantum precepts
   the quantum mathematical description must be used for any properties of the
   atomic entities upon which observable features of nature sensitively depend.
   This separation between the two parts of nature is called the Heisenberg cut.
   Above the cut one uses experience-based classical descriptions, while below the
   cut one uses the quantum mathematical description.

   The cut can be moved from below a measuring device to above it. This
   generates two parallel descriptions of this device, one classical and the other
   quantum mechanical. The quantum description is roughly a continuous smear of
   classical-type states. The postulated theoretical correspondence, roughly, is that
   the smeared out mathematical quantum state specifies the statistical weights of
   the various alternative possible classically described experienceable states. The
   predictions of the theory thereby become, in general, statistical predictions about
   possible experiences described in the conceptual framework of classical physics.

   There is, however, a fly in the ointment: In order to extract statistical predictions
   about possible experiences, some specific probing question must be physically
   posed. This probing question must have a countable set of experientially distinct
   alternative possible responses. “Countable” means that the possible responses
   can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with the whole numbers 1, 2, 3, …,
   or with some finite subset of these numbers. But the number of possible
   classically describable possibilities is not countable: there is a continuous infinity
   of such possibilities. So some decision must be made as to which of the possible
   probing questions will be physically posed.” Henry P. Stapp Ph.D., QUANTUM

                            Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                               9
                 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661

Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

    So the question in evaluating the components of a TV ad or communication is where
to place the cut?

   In classical physics (EEG, fMRI), the instrument is set up and a measurement of
some experiment is performed. In quantum mechanics, all factors become part of the
experiment and one must put the observer in the system being measured.

   To separate the observed from the observer would be classical Newtonian physics
(Cartesian dualism – here/there, now/then, etc. which is classical physics) and not
quantum mechanics. So, at what point does the measurement separate from the

   One description might be this. A commercial could be developed, played it in front of
an audience and ask them verbally what they thought. That measurement would be
considered “cut” at the audience vocalizing their impressions.

   Another “cut” point might be the one currently used in neuromarketing. Audience
members are brought in for testing and EEG (or other) registering devices are placed
onto their head, or the audience member is placed inside an fMRI machine. Then the
commercial is played and a measurement of what activity is going on in the brain is
noted and interpreted. Therefore the measuring point or “cut” is moved from vocalizing
impressions to measuring impressions in the brain prior to being vocalized.

    The “cut” point referred to in this research can be explained as prior to brain activity
at the quantum level. That is, at the level of consciousness itself, which is prior to either
“cut” point mentioned above (EEG, fMRI or audience vocalized response).

    Advances in our understandings of quantum mechanics and what leading physicists
have written about in recent years, along with the advanced consciousness research
work have made possible the movement of the “cut” point of measurement to be moved
to the point of consciousness itself. To the point of where the “decision” about the
advertisement, product, communication or movie is occurring.

    Imagine driving down the street and a squirrel runs across the road right in front of
your car. Immediately, without thinking, you slam on the brakes and turn the wheel
slightly to avoid hitting the squirrel. It happened in less than about 1/10,000th of a
second. That is consciousness responsible for the braking. The brain had no time to
process it and act.

    Now, the ego steps in and tries to claim credit. “Oh look at me, I did a great job
helping the little squirrel.” The ego had nothing to do with it. In fact, the ego will take you
off the edge of the cliff. Example: You come upon a flooded road. Consciousness tells
you the water is too deep for your car to drive through. Then the ego gets involved. “Oh,
the water is not that deep, we can do it, keep driving.”

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                               10
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   Next thing you know you might be calling 911 and saying, “I knew that water was too
deep across the road. I should have listened to my gut.” And in fact there are studies
about gastric motility, lying and the relation to the brain with EEG studies. Perhaps you
should have listened to those “butterflies” in the stomach.

    Now, imagine you are watching a TV commercial. Something in that commercial
gives you that “I don’t trust what is being said,” feeling. Consciousness has picked up on
the level of the attractor patterns (strong or weak) in the ad. It has picked up on the level
of truth in the ad. It could be the script, the visuals, the music or any number of things.
Those items in the ad can be calibrated as to their level of truth or whether they are
strong attractors or weak attractors.

   Consciousness tells the body to react. The body reacts in a variety of methods, most
notably, it goes weak. Many good papers have been written about methods currently
deemed “non-invasive” such as galvanic skin response, pupil response, and electrical
response (research papers on “non-invasive” testing are available for in the public

Advanced consciousness research.
   David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., is an internationally renowned psychiatrist,
physician, researcher, author of eight books. Additionally, in 1973 he co-authored the
ground-breaking book “Orthomolecular Psychiatry” with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling,
that helped revolutionize psychiatry. He has been a pioneer in the fields of
consciousness research and has provided us with useful insights in his book Power vs.
Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (published in 17 languages by
Veritas Publishing, 1995, In Power vs Force he wrote:

       “The main obstacle to man's development, then, is his lack of knowledge about
       the nature of consciousness itself. If we look within ourselves at the instant-by-
       instant processes of our minds, we will soon notice that the mind acts much more
       rapidly than it would acknowledge. It becomes apparent that the notion that our
       actions are based on thoughtful decisions is a grand illusion. The decision-
       making process is a function of consciousness itself; with enormous rapidity, the
       mind makes choices based on millions of pieces of data and their correlations
       and projections, far beyond conscious comprehension. This is a global function
       dominated by the energy patterns which the new science of nonlinear dynamics
       terms attractors.

       Consciousness automatically chooses what it deems best from instant to instant
       because that is, ultimately, the only function of which it is capable. The relative
       weight and merit given to certain data are determined by a predominant attractor
       pattern operating in the individual or in a collective group of minds. These
       patterns can be identified, described and calibrated; out of that information arises
       a totally new understanding of human behavior, history and the destiny of
       mankind.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 21), Veritas

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             11
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                  Written by Darryl Howard

   What are the “energy patterns” to which Dr. Hawkins was referring? The level of
thought, for our purposes here in advertising, can also be measured also. Consider this:

      “The energy of human thought, though minute, is nonetheless absolutely
      measurable. A thought that emanates from the 100 level of consciousness will
      typically measure between the log 10-800 million and 10-700 million microwatts. On the
      other hand, a loving thought at the consciousness level of 500 measures
      approximately log 10-35 million microwatts.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power
      vs. Force (Pg.234), Veritas Publishing,

The energy level of an advertisement or its components and the audience to which it is
targeted can similarly be measured.

Quantum mechanics.
    What is quantum mechanics and why is it relevant? It appears that physics has
rules. Those rules apply until physicists find an unknown, then they attempt to come up
with new rules.

   For hundreds of years, classical physics or what is known as Newtonian physics,
held the explanation of most of what was known. Then physicists discovered that things
on a big scale behaved the same, but things on a small scale behaved differently than
they did a large scale. For a science that had “rules” and “laws” this was not adequate.
Laws should apply to both the big and the small.

    So there was a problem, a very fundamental problem. Then came Max Planck with
his Black Body Radiation experiment. In 1900 physicist Max Planck was attempting to
understand how things (say metal) behave when they get hot.

   When you heat metal it glows different colors as the temperature is raised. He took a
box which was flat black. Because it was flat black it did not emit light. It was then
heated. At the lower temperatures it glowed red. Then the more it was heated, the
colors emitted changed as the temperature changed.

    The question that classical or Newtonian physics had not answered was why did it
glow differently? Plank would come up with the fact that the black box was emitting
packets, or “quanta” of energy when it was heated to different colors. The atoms of the
black box would “jiggle” differently as the amount of heat was changed. The higher the
rate of jiggle, the difference in color.

    The size of the packets of energy emitted within each color was the same. Each
color had different quanta or size of the packets. Red packets were a certain size, green
packets were a certain size, violet packets were a certain size and so on. The size of
the violet packets were larger than the green, which were larger that the red, etc. This
provided the ability for Planck to measure the energy emitted in quanta. The equation
for this became known as Planck’s Constant. This great discovery would be the
beginning of quantum mechanics.

                               Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                               12
                    P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   Of course, today if you look at the visible and invisible electromagnetic (light)
spectrum and the measurement of light this makes sense (as when the rainbow in the
sky is observed). Einstein would later propose that all energy was quantized. The
photoelectric effect was caused by the absorption of quanta of light. For this, he won the
Nobel Prize.

   Consciousness is on a scale much the same way light is measured. We “see” only a
small band of light that (like the rainbow) is visible to the human eye. Gamma Rays, X-
Rays, Ultra Violet, Infra Red, Microwave, and Radio Waves are part of the entire
spectrum and can be measured but not seen.

   As stated by Nobel Laureate, Werner Heisenberg:

      “We may remark at this point that modern physics is in some way extremely near
      to the doctrines of Heraclitus. If we replace the word `fire' by the word `energy'
      we can almost repeat his statements word for word from our modern point of
      view. Energy is in fact the substance from which all elementary particles, all
      atoms and therefore all things are made, and energy is that which moves. Energy
      is a substance, since its total amount does not change, and the elementary
      particles can actually be made from this substance as is seen in many
      experiments on the creation of elementary particles. Energy can be changed into
      motion, into heat, into light and into tension. Energy may be called the
      fundamental cause for all change in the world.” Physics and Philosophy: The
      Revolution in Modern Science, Werner Heisenberg, Harper & Row, 1958 (page

   The only thing that changes is the device by which we quantify that energy.

   The reader may detect that we are now starting to discuss how energy is measured.
This is important in the calibration (measurement) of consciousness. In-fact, everything
has a measurable amount of energy. The question is how it is measured, the instrument
used and the cut point.

   The “attractor patterns” of consciousness can similarly be measured in microwatts
as was noted earlier in the document. Everything, including people, has a calibratable
level of consciousness (or energy). One can calibrate the advertising target audience or
electorate in a particular population segment, state or country.

   Some have seen the value of Dr. Hawkins’ discoveries as evidenced by the founder
of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton’s, quote on the back of Power vs. Force saying:

      “I especially appreciate [the] research and presentation on the attractor patterns
      of business…”

   In fact, the smiley face that was used by Wal-Mart is a very strong attractor.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                          13
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

The body reacts.
    In Power vs. Force, Dr. Hawkins elaborates on the discovery of how the body reacts.
For many years testing muscle strength has been used for a variety of purposes around
the world. In 1968, Dr. Hawkins saw the muscle testing technique demonstrated. It was
observed that the body went weak with negative stimuli such as holding artificial
sweetener and went strong with positive stimuli such as a smile. What he saw was
different than anyone else.

      “Subjects listening to tapes of known deceits-Lyndon Johnson perpetrating the
      Tonkin Gulf hoax, Edward Kennedy stonewalling the Chappaquiddick incident
      universally tested weak. While listening to recordings of demonstrably true
      statements, they universally tested strong.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.,
      Power vs. Force (Pg 4), Veritas Publishing,

   While some saw the body reacting “locally,” Dr. Hawkins saw a “nonlocal” reaction.
He saw the body interacting with a field of consciousness itself. Now with advances in
theoretical physics it is possible to understand more about this field. Here Dr. Hawkins
commented on the muscle testing technique:

      “[…] I was instantly amazed at the potential I saw. It was the ‘wormhole’ between
      two universes – the physical world, and the world of mind and spirit – an interface
      between dimensions.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg.299),
      Veritas Publishing,

   In simple terms: the human body went weak when it listened to lies (known deceits).
While listening to known true statements the body tested strong. This was the
connection (wormhole) between the physical body and what was going on in
consciousness itself. It was a nonlocal response.

   Sidenote: Non locality
   In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team
   led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most
   important experiments of the 20th century. Aspect and his team discovered that
   under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as Photons are able to
   instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating
   them. This is what Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”

   This “action” was proven in 1982 through an experiment where it was demonstrated
   that when entangled photons were separated, neither has a spin. When one is
   observed it starts to spin. The other photon immediately starts to spin in the
   opposing direction without being observed. Somehow each particle always seems
   to know what the other is doing. This proved a nonlocal interconnectedness. The
   problem for some was that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that nothing happens
   faster than the speed of light.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                          14
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                  Written by Darryl Howard

   When you begin to understand that all things are connected, much as gravity is
   everywhere and has an effect on us all then you begin to see there is no “here and
   there.” Both are equally connected and one in the same.

      “Now entangled particles are ones (say pairs of particles for simplicity) such that,
      measuring one property of one of them affects the second particle. For example,
      with entangled photons, measuring the spin of one of them will affect the
      measured spin of the other,” […]Quantum entangled photons - or spooky
      particles - are being used in the design of quantum computers. The information
      contained in the entangled particles is called a "qubit", analogous to the bits used
      in ordinary digital computers. They are also being used in making better, more
      precise atomic clocks.” Dr. Louis M. Barbier Astropysicist, Astroparticle Physics
      Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Associate Chief Scientist, NASA Engineering and
      Safety Center (NESC). (February 2004)

    What Dr. Hawkins had seen was the fact that consciousness signaled the muscle
system of subjects with a nonlocal response, without any prior knowledge of the
truthfulness of a statement, and went strong or weak on statements that were known to
be true or false. Consciousness was in-fact tapping into a “database of consciousness.”

   Physics is now coming to that same understanding. Look at what two physicists
have written recently. Henry P. Stapp Ph.D., puts it quite succinct:

      “Thus, according to this quantum conception of nature, the physical universe ---
      represented by the quantum state --- is a repository of evolving information that
      has the dispositional power to create more information. […]

      Given a well posed question about the world to which one’s attention is directed
      quantum theory says that nature either gives the affirmative answer, in which
      case there occurs an experience describable as ‘Yes, I perceive it!’ or,
      alternatively, no experience occurs in connection with that question.” Henry P.
      Stapp, Ph.D., Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics, Springer - Jan 2004

   In other words, the universe stores information and it is retrievable.

   Along those same lines, but from a different perspective, is the information from Seth
Lloyd, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Engineering
Systems at MIT. He is a principal investigator at the Research Laboratory of Electronics
at MIT and the designer of the first feasible quantum computer. In his book,
Programming the Universe (Vintage Books/Random House, 2006) Lloyd writes:

      “This book is the story of the universe and the bit. The universe is the biggest
      thing there is and the bit is the smallest possible chunk of information. The
      universe is made up of bits. Every molecule, atom, and elementary particle
      registers bits of information. Every interaction between those pieces of the
      universe processes that information by altering those bits. That is, the universe
      computes, and because the universe is governed by the laws of quantum

                               Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                              15
                    P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

       mechanics, it computes in an intrinsically quantum-mechanical fashion; its bits
       are quantum bits. The history of the universe is, in effect, a huge ongoing
       quantum computation. The universe is a quantum computer.

       What does the universe compute? It computes itself. The universe computes its
       own behavior.” Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Programming the Universe, Vintage Books,
       Random House (2006).

    Seth Lloyd goes on to write, “Quantum computers process information stored on
individual atoms, photons and electrons,” Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Programming the
Universe” (Vintage Books/Random House (2006)

    The universe is a database of information. That fact needs to be put in perspective.
An atom holds 1 bit of information. From other research we can put an atom in
perspective. If you were to look at the atoms of an Orange (fruit), you would need to
blow the Orange up to about the size of the earth, and then the atom would be the size
of a Cherry.

    Inside the atom are electrons, protons and neutrons. If you blew up the Cherry to the
size of the largest cathedral in the world, the electron would be like a fly buzzing around
in the middle of the cathedral.

    Now consider this: you could store all the written words (electronic or paper) in
history on the atoms inside a 12” helium balloon. Now ask yourself, what is the storage
capacity of the universe that is billions of light years across?

A means to distinguish truth from falsehood.
    What Dr. Hawkins had discovered was that the muscle testing response of the arm,
a “wormhole between to universes,” indicated a “yes” or “not yes” to the question (in the
form of a statement). This response was accessing a database of everything that had
ever been said, done or thought. That which has truth is registered in the quantum state
of the universe or as Carl Yung called it a “database of consciousness.” Dr Hawkins

       “To quell my own fear that perhaps, despite my best efforts, the reader might not
       get the essential message of the study, I will spell it out in advance: the individual
       human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The
       database is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is
       merely an individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness
       of all mankind. This database is the realm of genius; because to be human is to
       participate in the database, everyone by virtue of his birth has access to genius.
       The unlimited information contained in the database has now been shown to be
       readily available to anyone in a few seconds, at any time and in any place. This
       is indeed an astonishing discovery, bearing the power to change lives, both
       individually and collectively, to a degree never yet anticipated.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             16
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

       The database transcends time and space and all limitations of individual
       consciousness. This distinguishes it as a unique tool for future research and
       opens as yet undreamed-of areas for possible investigation. It holds forth the
       prospect of the establishment of an objective basis for human values, behaviors
       and belief systems. The information obtained by this method reveals a new
       context for understanding human behavior and a new paradigm for validating
       objective truth. Because the technique itself can be used by anyone, anywhere,
       at any time, it has the capacity to initiate a new era of human experience based
       on observable and verifiable truth.

       We have at our fingertips a means of accurately distinguishing truth from
       falsehood, workable from unworkable, benevolent from malign. We can illuminate
       the hidden forces, hitherto overlooked, that determine human behavior. We have
       at our disposal a means of finding answers to previously unresolved personal
       and social problems. Falsehood need no longer hold sway aver our lives.” David
       R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 12-13), Veritas Publishing,

    All of the bodily activity is telling us something. Like the tiny amoeba does, the body
is reacting positive to that which is safe or favorable to life, and negatively to that which
is hazardous or harmful to life. The physicist and Nobel laureate, Dr. Richard Feynman
once said, “The inconceivable nature of nature.” Nature often acts in ways we do not
expect. As a scientist, he was trying to explain scientifically, what he observed in nature.
On occasion, the ego steps in and wants us to believe it is inconceivable. Nature does
what it does no matter what man may think of that.

A scale of 1 to 1000.
   With Dr. Hawkins experience of over 50 years in the medical field, he calibrated
emotions well-known as the emergency emotions and the welfare emotions. Each had a
logarithmic numeric level of energy, (along with other indicators) and thus a Map of
Consciousness© which is a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1000 was developed.

    In Power vs Force, he details on the Map of Consciousness© that the lower energy
attractors are the emergency emotions or negative, energy depleting emotions such as
Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger and Pride.

   At the levels of the higher energy attractors are the welfare or positive emotions
such as Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, and Joy. Over
99% of humans calibrate below the level of Joy.

       “The millions of calibrations which confirmed this discovery further disclosed a
       stratification of levels of power in human affairs, revealing a remarkable
       distinction between power and force and their respective qualities. This in turn
       led to a comprehensive reinterpretation of human behavior in order to identify the
       invisible energy fields that control it.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             17
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

      The calibrated scale was found to coincide with sublevels of the hierarchy of the
      perennial philosophy; correlations with emotional and intellectual phenomena in
      sociology, clinical psychology, and traditional spirituality immediately suggested

      The calibrated scale has been examined here in light of current discoveries in
      advanced theoretical physics and the nonlinear dynamics of chaos theory.
      Calibrated levels, we suggest, represent powerful attractor Fields within the
      domain of consciousness itself, that dominate human existence and therefore
      define content, meaning, and value, and serve as organizing energies for
      widespread patterns of human behavior.

      This stratification of attractor Fields according to corresponding levels of
      consciousness provides a new paradigm for recontextualizing the human
      experience throughout all time.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force
      (Pg 8-9), Veritas Publishing,

   All audiences, advertisements, or communications have a calibratable level of
consciousness. The main objective in the application of this research for purposes
elaborated herein is four-fold:

      •   To assist the reader in producing communication that calibrates above the
          level of truth.
      •   To identify through “critical point analysis” (as elaborated below), points in the
          ad or communication that calibrate below the level of truth and therefore are
          registered as false within consciousness.
      •   Understand that each audience has a calibratable level of consciousness and
          how to calibrate that level.
      •   To match up the level of the advertisement with the level of the audience.

   Critical Point Analysis:

      “Critical point analysis is a technique derived from the fact that in any highly
      complex system there is a specific critical point at which the smallest input
      will result in the greatest change. The great gears of a windmill can be
      halted by lightly touching the right escape mechanism; it is possible to
      paralyze a giant locomotive if you know exactly where to put your finger.

      Nonlinear dynamics enables these significant patterns to be identified in complex
      presentations, even when they are obscured by incoherence or sheer mass of
      indecipherable data.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 31),
      Veritas Publishing,

   The audiences calibration level determines how they see the world and therefore
any advertisement, product or company.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            18
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                            Written by Darryl Howard

“Let us attempt to understand all this better through an example. Imagine a so-
called "bum" on a street corner:

In a fashionable neighborhood in a big city stands an old man in tattered clothes,
alone, leaning against the corner of an elegant brownstone. Look at him from the
perspective of various levels of consciousness and note the differences in how
he appears.

From the bottom of the scale at a level […] Shame, the bum is dirty, disgusting,
disgraceful. From […] (Guilt) he would be blamed for his condition. He deserves
what he gets; he's probably a lazy welfare cheat. At […] (Hopelessness) his
plight would appear desperate, damning evidence that society can't do anything
about homelessness. At […] (Grief) the old man looks tragic, friendless and

At […] (Fear) we might see him as threatening, a social menace. Perhaps we
should call the police before he commits some crime. At […] (Desire) he might
represent a frustrating problem – why doesn't somebody do something? At […]
(Anger) the old man might look like he could be violent, or, on the other hand,
one could be furious that such conditions exist. At […] (Pride) he could be seen
as an embarrassment or as lacking the self-respect to better himself. At […]
(Courage) we might be motivated to wonder if there is a local homeless shelter;
all he needs is a job and a place to live.

At […] (Neutrality) the bum looks okay, maybe even interesting. "Live and let
live," we might say; after all, he's not hurting anyone. At […] (Willingness) we
might decide to go down and see what we can do to cheer up that fellow on the
corner, or volunteer some time at the local mission. At […] (Acceptance) the man
on the corner appears intriguing. He probably has an interesting story to tell; he's
where he is for reasons we may never understand. At […] (Reason) he is a
symptom of the current economic and social malaise, or perhaps a good subject
for in-depth psychological study.

At the higher levels, the old man begins to look not only interesting, but friendly,
then lovable. Perhaps we would then be able to see that he was, in fact, one who
had transcended social limits and gone free, a joyful old guy with the wisdom of
age in his face and the serenity that comes from indifference to material things.
At […] (Peace) he is revealed as one's own self in a temporary expression.

When approached, the bum's response to these different levels of consciousness
would vary with them. With some he would feel secure, with others, frightened or
dejected. Some would make him angry, others delighted. Some he would
therefore avoid, others greet with pleasure. (Thus is it said that we meet what we
mirror.)” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg199-200), Veritas

                         Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            19
              P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   If your audience is in England and calibrates at 310, it is likely that you might not
want a commercial or mail piece that calibrates at 145. Matching the level of the
communication to the audience is very important.

   An ad that plays in the United States at one level may not be appropriate in the UK,
South America, or Russia. Each market is a different level of consciousness. Let us look
an example.

Direct mail going from 145 to 310 – case study.
       A client asked for help with a direct mail piece which included new ideas with
   language and creative. Their existing mail piece calibrated at 145 and the audience
   calibrated at 310. Critical points were identified in the existing mail pieces that
   calibrated below the level of truth and were removed.

      They were taught to communicate at a level commensurate with their audience
   (310), themes were tailored into the mail design that resonates in the current socio-
   economic climate (using generational science), and suggestions were made for a
   new look and feel. The new mail piece calibrated slightly over 310. The new mail
   piece was tested and was successful. The client was happy.

      Mathematically, because the scale is logarithmic, the difference in the energy of
   the old and new mail pieces was that the new pieces had 1994 times the energy of
   the old mail pieces.

       At 310, it was a different quality and a different set of emotions. The audience at
   310 has a completely different set of attractions and aversions than at level 145.
   Attractions and aversions associated with each level and emotion have not been
   elaborated upon in this document. They are however very helpful in communicating
   at the concordant level of consciousness and the appropriate language selected.

An ad and selected market – how do they line up?
   Three levels of consciousness you should calibrate (logos, pathos, ethos).
             • Audience – What is the calibratable level of the audience? To what are
                they attracted and to what are they adverse?
             • The Message – At what level does the ad or communication calibrate?
                Are there “critical points” that calibrate below 200? (Below the level of
             • Messenger – Does the messenger calibrate over 200?

   Understanding these three calibrations you can match up your message to the

   There are descriptions of each of the levels on the Map of Consciousness© in Power
vs Force. This is only meant to be a glimpse of the application of work in the advertising
and film industry.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                              20
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

The testing – the questioning technique overview.
   The technique is expanded upon in the back of Power vs. Force, and in each of Dr.
Hawkins books written since. Reading there is recommended. They are available
around the world in many languages. For now, this is an overview.

   It should be noted that on the scale there are two critical fulcrum points which are
200 and 500. Simply put – 200 is the level of truth. That which calibrates 200 and
above, calibrates as true (Power). That which is below 200 calibrates that truth is not
present (Force). Truth is either present or not. It can be compared to the 0 and 1 bit
data of a computer. Like electricity in the wire, it is either present or not. There is no “off-
ness” that is generated and sent down the wire to tell the light bulb to stay off.

    At 500 and above is the subjective whereas 499 and below is objective. That which
is “scientifically provable” calibrates to 499 on the Map of Consciousness©.

    One cannot explain love and beauty using science. It is not of the same paradigm. It
is the difference between the linear and the nonlinear; the difference between the
“Objective” (0 to 499) and the “Subjective” (500 and up). The subjective is not provable.
You can demonstrate or observe love, but it is subjective and therefore not provable.

    In order to measure the subjective you need an instrument that calibrates over 500.
The muscle testing technique itself calibrates at 600. Newtonian science such as EEG’s
and fMRI’s are in the objective calibration levels as is Newtonian science. That is why
you cannot test emotion itself with an EEG. You may be able to test where it manifests
in the brain, but again that is the objective below 500. You cannot take the temperature
of music with a thermometer. They are different paradigms.

   For the last 100 years, science has been pushing higher and higher to get closer to
500. There are attempts to come up with a “Theory of Everything,” but it is still below
500. And we could cite many wonderful scientific papers and theories that have come
about in the last 20-years, but again they are under 500.

Testing qualifications and methods.
    Understand that about 85% of the world calibrates under 200 (below the level of
truth). People who they themselves do not calibrate over 200 will not get valid results.
Additionally, of those who do calibrate over 200, about 10 to 15% cannot do it for a
variety of reasons. And finally, some husbands and wives cannot do it together, but can
calibrate with someone over 200 who is not as close to them. The question itself has to
be integrus (calibrate over 200).

   You have to be non-attached to the outcome. You have to be seeking truth for truth’s
sake and not have a stake (attachment) in the outcome. You have to first seek the truth
about what you are calibrating and then decide what to do with the findings later. You
cannot use the technique to try to “prove” something.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                                21
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

    The question has to be formed as a statement i.e. “This advertisement does contain
components calibrating under 200,” or “this advertisement contains no components
calibrating under 200.”

    The first person (tested) holds the arm out parallel to the ground, the second person
(tester) says (while holding an image of Winston Churchill or a smiley face ☺ in mind)
“the image I am holding in mind calibrates over 200, resist.” The tester then pushes
down on the tested person’s arm. The tested person’s arm should have the strength to
hold strong. This is not a strength competition, but a difference in strength will be

    You would do the same testing while holding in mind Osama Bin Laden, or a sad
face . In both cases the arm of the tested person should not be able to be held up
while the tester is pushing down on the tested person arm. You should begin with
testing the statement “I have permission to ask this question, (holding in mind what you
intend to ask), resist.” Sometimes, permission is not present as truth and further
exploration as to the reasons could be further calibrated such as perhaps the question
is phrased wrong.

   Holding in mind the image of Winston Churchill should make the body go strong.
Holding mind the image of Osama Bin Laden should make the body go weak.

    You could ask more specifics such as “the content of the document I am holding
calibrates over 200, resist. (strong response) Over 300, resist. (strong response) Over
500, resist. (weak response).” At the point the arm goes weak one can narrow the
count. “Over 400, resist. (strong response) Over 425, resist. (strong response) Over
430, resist. (weak response)” With practice one will get the hang of it. For further study
there is information available on muscle testing methods.

    One way to double check your answers is to ask the question in a variety of ways –
in the positive and in the negative. If “this” is true then phrased in the opposite should be
not-true. There should not be music or TV distracting in the background. Music and TV
can calibrate from the very low to the very high and therefore should not be on in the
background to avoid false calibrations.

   Again, there are other reasons that one may get an inaccurate calibration and for
that reason the reader is encouraged to explore muscle testing techniques from Power
vs Force and other sources in depth.

The accuracy of the data.
    Millions of calibrations later, Dr. Hawkins found the data and methodology extremely
accurate. As background, this author began writing and conducting public opinion
polling in 1987. Working with over 150 candidates and conducting market research for
the film industry gave this author a very good background for understanding the
reliability and replicablity of the results.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             22
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                    Written by Darryl Howard

       “It isn't that we lack data; we are virtually drowning in data. The obstacle is that
       we do not have the proper tools to interpret the significance of our data. We have
       not yet asked the right questions because we have not had an adequate gauge
       of our questions' relevance or accuracy.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power
       vs. Force(Pg 17), Veritas Publishing,

   From a market research perspective accuracy and reliability of data is important.
Here are the results and level of accuracy reported in his doctoral thesis titled
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Level of Human
Consciousness and repeated in his book, Power vs Force.

   To validate the results for the doctoral thesis, muscle testing was done by both large
and small groups of individuals. Testing was done using a combinations of the stimuli
“Love,” “Lincoln,” Organic Vitamin C,” “Hate,” “Hitler,” ”Swastika,” and “Pesticide.”

    The analysis was that those stimuli that were positive muscle tested positive, and
those stimuli that we negative muscle tested. In simplified terms, the hypothesis that
you would get 50/50 response on positive and negative stimuli was null and therefore
validating the results. In-fact replicability and reliability of the results was substantial.
The results were as follows:

   Group 1 –   301 individuals @ (P≤.001)
                45 individuals @(P≤.01)
                14 individuals @ (P≤.05)
   Group 2 – 3,293 individuals @ (P≤.001)
   Group 3 – 335 individuals @ (P≤.001)
   Group 4 – 616 individuals @ (P≤.001)

Audiences above and below 200, is there a difference?
    There is a difference between the brain function of an audience over 200 and one
under 200. It is physiological. Because current neuroscience has not examined the
brain in concordance with how it operates relative to a person’s level of consciousness,
this fact likely goes unnoticed. It may just be that they do not know what to look for.

    One example of the manifestations of this difference in these two audiences can be
seen in the “so-called bum” on the street example elaborated herein earlier. Audiences
of weak energy attractors (below 200) view a TV commercial or communication from the
emergency emotions perspective. Audiences whom view a TV commercial or
communication from the strong energy attractors (above 200) or positive emotions see
the world from an entirely different perspective.

   Note: It would be interesting to take EEG neuromarketing studies and divide them up
   between audience results of the portions of the audience that calibrate under 200
   and those that are over 200.

   It is likely that when shown ads that calibrate over 500 there would be a noticeable
   difference in the EEG results between the two audiences. The ad agency could then
                                 Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                                  23
                      P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   plan accordingly. This type of recontextualization of the research could actually be
   accomplished after an EEG study is conducted by calibrating the levels of
   consciousness of each individual on which the EEG testing was performed. This
   could be accomplished after the EEG testing had been completed and the subjects
   had left the testing facility.

   From the perspective of this author, the difference in the two audiences is something
that neuromarketing is missing. For example, a neuromarketing firm performs EEG or
other forms of testing on a group of individuals watching a commercial. They may use
the normal forms of demographic breakdowns or perhaps they use generational age
break downs such as Millennials, Gen-Xers, and Baby Boomers.

    The audience is shown a highly emotional advertisement that on this scale would
calibrate over 500. They get a reaction and it is measured. What is not measured is the
consciousness calibration level of the audience? What is the reaction of the audience
that calibrates under 200 verses over 200? Those two calibration levels of audiences
react differently to an ad over 500.

   Is the difference between the two audiences significant? About 55% of the United
States calibrates below 200. Conversely, about 45% calibrate over 200. That fact has
significant meaning. (This data can be obtained for any country).

    For instance, in movie production it has been calibrated that audiences below 200
will watch a movie calibrating over 200. Of real significance is the fact that audiences
over 200 do not find the same value in watching movies that calibrate below 200 and
may well avoid them. They do not resonate at their attractor pattern level.

   Strong attractors attract and weak attractors repel.

    The same applies for commercials. When a commercial below 200 is played in the
United States, the 45% of the population that is over calibration level 200 would rather
watch something, almost anything else (calibrates as true). An advertising firm that is
targeting all of the United States and plays an advertisement calibrating below 200 is
potentially repelling nearly half the population who watches it.

Advertisements over 500 and ads below 500.
   It is the view of this author that there are two main types of ads. Those matched to
the calibratable level of their target audience (with a minimum calibration of above 200),
and those ads that calibrate over 500. Research has shown that audiences below 200
do not experience ads that calibrate over 500 in the same manner as the audience
above 200. Therefore the advertisement may not elicit the same response in an
audience below 200 as above 200.

     An example of the manifestation of this situation might be as follows: An ad is
produced by an individual that calibrates over 200. The ad itself calibrates over 500.
The audience under 200 does not respond as the producer expects and the producer is
left wondering why the audience did not feel the ad like they did.
                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                              24
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

    Science only goes to 499 on the scale. One way to put that in context would be that
Love (not the attachment love, but the calibration of Love) begins at 500. One cannot
explain love and beauty using science. It is not of the same paradigm. It is the
difference between the linear and the nonlinear; the difference between the objective (0
to 499) and the subjective (500 and up).

    One can test whether the advertisement calibrates high enough to go above logic to
high states of emotion (those that are above 500). In testing the emotionality of the ad,
one can measure the difference between objective and subjective. The case studies
mention one fundraising/newsletter that was at 499. The letter/word “I” was removed
and replaced with the word “We.” The letter then calibrated over 500, which was a shift
of paradigm (linear to the nonlinear).

   It is often easy for science to measure the objective, but how does one measure the
subjective? For instance, it is easy to quantify the objective such as a scientific
experiment involving the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar, but to
measure the subjective such as love and other emotions has been more difficult. Until
now, there has really never been a method by which to accomplish this especially in the
early stages of production or design. For instance, you can’t “prove” you love your
spouse or children; you can demonstrate it or observe it, but it is beyond the provable.

   Only 4% of commercials calibrate above 500, into the area of the highly emotional
subjective. A few recent examples of TV ads above 500 are listed here:

   The first is the Allstate ad produced by the Leo Burnett Company titled “Back to
   Basics.” Back to Basics can be viewed here:

   Another is the American Express smile ad (a smiley face calibrates 540). If you view
   it, notice at what point which the name “American Express” is mentioned and the
   emotional association at the time it is mentioned. That is a defining moment in the
   placement of the product. The American Express ad can be viewed here:

   A dogs wagging tail and a kitty’s purr calibrate over 500. The Travelers Insurance ad
   titled “Prized Possession,” is about a dog and its bone also calibrates over 500. That
   ad (Produced by the Fallon Worldwide) can be viewed here:

   Then candidate, now Congressman Curt Schrader, (OR-05) used a dogs wagging
   tail in his commercial last cycle and it had a very positive effect on the commercial.
   The Schrader ad can be viewed here:

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                           25
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

The world over 200 – the paradigm shift.
   Just as anything can be calibrated, mankind itself can be and has been calibrated. In
the late 1980’s mankind went from 190 to 204. This is a very significant fact when you
consider that above 200 is the level of truth, and 190 is below the level of truth.

   Over the last few years, much emphasis has been placed on integrity in business.
Today we don’t put up with the corporations that lack integrity. In a world where truth
(above 200) is now expected, that which is false (below 200) is no longer deemed

   The fact of the shift that has taken place has alluded over 99% of the population.
The significance is that for millions of years prior to the late 1980’s mankind operated in
a different paradigm. The manifestations of operating in a world above 200 are now
showing up.

   That which we deemed acceptable at 190, is now suddenly unacceptable and many
don’t understand what has changed. You hear things like, “That is the way we always
have done it.” Or, “Why is it not alright now?”

   For instance, in a world where mankind is at 190 an individual might commit some
negative act and think that many people will not care. In a world where mankind is over
200, they seem to make the nightly news on a regular basis.

    This CEO, or that business person, may have rightfully thought the public had a
different perspective about their actions in the early 1980’s at 190. Now, all of a sudden
they are on the nightly news and receive a harsh penalty by the court and the public for
their bad behavior. They are left wondering, “What is different?”

   The same changes have been reflected in the public’s acceptance of advertisements
that do not calibrate over 200. What was acceptable before is no longer tolerated.

   An example was during the 2008 presidential primary election. Hillary Clinton’s
campaign produced and played an advertisement titled “Guard.” The ad calibrated at
195, or below the level of truth. A memo was sent to a few individuals in the political
community expressing what was discovered. About 6-weeks later a well known news
organization reported that the “Guard” ad was in-fact false. That ad may be viewed

Applying calibrations in advertisements, elections etc.
   Because of this author’s background in politics, the 2008 elections were looked at to
add context and an overview of the uses in politics. It also gave great insight of some of
the things to look at and calibrate when working on commercials for television. For
those not involved in politics, consider this data in the context of any business or
industry and how one could map the commercials.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                             26
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

    The following are excerpts of a memo that was written in December of 2007 to a few
interested people and political consultants. The electorate (target audience) was
calibrated for the three primary states as follows:

   Iowa Primary Voting Democrats - 322
   New Hampshire Primary Voting Democrats - 330
   South Carolina Primary Voting Democrats 318

  To add some context, the commercial Morning in America calibrates at 466. That ad
may be viewed here:

   Barack Obama
   Iowa – “Enough” – 288                    Iowa – “Friendship” – 416
   Iowa – “Honesty” – 415                   Iowa – “Candor” – 405
   Iowa – “Our Moment is Now” – 400         Iowa – “Chances I Had” – 405
   New Hampshire – “Chances I Had” – 405 New Hampshire – “Carry” – 400
   South Carolina – “Hope and Change” – 447 “Mother” – 388
   “What If” – 335                          1st “Draft Obama” ad – 456

   Hillary Clinton
   “President” – 185                          “Stand By You” – 236
   “Stand By Us” - South Carolina Version – 248
   “Holiday Message to the Troops” – 257
   “Stakes” – 177                             “Make It Happen” – 268
   “Presents” – 255                           “Tested” – 313
   “Guard” – 195                              “Great things” – 226
   “Proud” – 190                              “Hillary’s Mom” – 200 (exactly)
   “New Beginning” – 215                      “Strong” – 217
   “Wes Clark” – 240                          “Machine” – 195
   “Joe Ward” – 225                           “Energy Factor” – 186
   “Trapdoor” – 216                           “Stand by Us” – 192
   “Hillary’s Health Care Plan” – 205         “Ready for Change” – 208
   “Invisibles” – 245

   From an advertising perspective, when you look at the level of the audience and the
level of both of these candidates commercials, many conclusions can be drawn.

   The same type of comparison could be done by any business or industry.

Recent political TV ad– case study (from political memo).
   Relevant to the timing of this writing is the contents of a memo written about the
Fred Thompson ad for Doug Hoffman in New York’s 23rd congressional district special

   This ad calibrates at 485. It is likely a combination of factors. Take a look at it from
an attractor pattern research perspective. If you have not seen the ad, it may be viewed
                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            27
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

    If they changed the portion where Fred Thompson said, “Doug’s like us,” it would
have gone over 500. He is not like us. He can’t be like us. It is impossible and therefore
a lie. You are you. You cannot be Doug or Fred or anyone else. That is a very simple
fact. It may seem like a technicality, but that is what it calibrated. The statement “Doug’s
like us” calibrates below 200 which is below the level of truth. That is what is called
“Critical Point” elaborated on earlier.

   The difference would have been that in “common” terms, the ad would have
bypassed the “brain” and gone straight to the “heart.” In technical terms (like Dr. Drew
Westen puts it in the book The Political Brain) it would have registered in the medial
prefrontal cortex which is emotion tied to decision making, instead of registering in the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex which is logic and reason. Reason is objective and Love is
subjective. That is the difference of below 500 (objective) and above 500 (Subjective).

    Here are some positives about the ad (from the perspective of this author). The
script has a Depression era look and feel. “America is in trouble,” is an honest (straight
talk) statement. The tone implies we can “overcome the dreads of our environment” and
make things better.

    The music is simple (like the Allstate ad referenced above) and conjures up high
emotion (over 500), and reminds of simple times and when things were bad, but yet we
can make them better. It lets us know we are not alone in this feeling. “There are others
you know,” and they are “like us.” It tells us with emotion and music that Doug is “like
us.” Therefore it is not required to be said and a statement that calibrates below 200
could have been avoided.

   The memo concluded with: This ad is a triple. If they would have fixed that one line
“Doug’s like us,” it would have been considered by some to be a home run.

A dog’s wagging tail – political case study.
    One state Senator that has used the work said, “I don’t know how it works, all I know
is that it works.”

    A discussion was taking place about how a dog’s wagging tail calibrates at 500. A
candidate running for Congress (referenced earlier) had a commercial that had a dog
with a wagging tail in his TV commercial (discussed earlier). It was mentioned that he
did not even realize what he had done in raising the level from under 500 to over 500
and therefore registering in a different part of the brain.

    The Senator had a puppy. His wife, understanding this work, took a photograph of
their puppy with a wagging tail and put it in the brochure being prepared for the election.
It brought that page of the mail piece up 50 points to over 400, similar to the rest of the
mail piece.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            28
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

The announcers voice for a TV ad – case study.
    A commercial was being designed promoting a movie DVD. Two variations were
tested during its production. Both were identical in content (video, music and script)
except for the announcer’s voice.

   The content of the video, music and script had been tested during design or
production and were at acceptable levels for the customers market. Then two different
announcer’s voices were added, one in each commercial.

    The first ad the announcer’s voice made the audience go weak during a very specific
portion of the ad. In the second ad there were no “critical points” that tested below 200
within the ad. The second ad was sent to final production by the client.

    Many problems in the commercials that were worked on were identified in the script
and design phase of the work. Often a script is tested paragraph by paragraph, line by
line, to find the low testing points. This saves a lot of time and money in production.

Political direct mail – case study.
    One candidate was having a direct mail piece produced. The candidate himself had
written the majority of the piece and thought it was very good and sent it for testing.
Prior calibration had established the level of his market audience. His communication
with them had to be over that level.

    The direct mail piece content was tested paragraph by paragraph. One paragraph
tested low. Further testing revealed one sentence that brought down the whole
document. One specific word, “we” was the reason. The word “we” was changed to
“they” and two things were accomplished:

   •   First, the testing level of the communication rose to the level a little above his
       target market where it needed to be.
   •   Second, a lie was avoided. While most thought it was a good piece, the audience
       would have considered it a lie (whether they realized it or not) because of it
       technical inaccuracy. It appeared acceptable to everyone who had previously
       proof read it.

   Research reveals that merely by looking at the mail piece, the consciousness of the
reader picks up the energy of the mail piece and the inaccuracy before it is even read.

   The same is true for products on the store shelves. Consider this: research methods
elaborated herein reveal of all the products on store shelves throughout the world, over
56% contain parts that test negatively. Until now there have never been methods
available to test for low calibrating attractors.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            29
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

The non-profit fundraising/newsletter – case study.
      In one fundraising/newsletter, a single letter/word made the difference in where it
   registered in the brain. The document calibrated at over 499 but below 500. This
   was a very important difference in fundraising and delivering an emotional appeal.

      Upon further testing it was found that the letter/word at the “critical point” was the
   word “I.” The word ‘I’ was removed and the word “We” was substituted, and the letter
   went from logical to emotional. Again a paradigm shift from the linear to the
   nonlinear, or below 500 to above 500.

   What has this client said about the application of the research?
         “I am compelled to write you today to express our sincere appreciation for
     your counsel and calibration of our recent monthly appeal letters. We have
     enjoyed a steady increase in the response to our letters as well as an
     encouraging increase in listener monthly financial support. […]

          I might add that I have shared our experience and results of your research
      with my colleagues at (name purposely left out for confidentiality). Radio and
      Television executives from 9 countries are now looking into applying this
      information to their current broadcast operations.”
                                         Signed by the company’s President

Logo and creative design – observations relative to calibration.
    In this document discussion has included a dog’s wagging tail, a kitty’s purr and the
smiley face. There have been clients with whom the calibration of the company’s logo
was discussed. When checking into a Marriott® Hotel one time the company logo was
noticed to have a slight arc of what could be compared to a slight smile under the name
Marriott®. If you look, the Dannon® logo has a similar arc that is red in color under the
name Dannon®. These arcs specifically, along with the smile in the new Pepsi® logo, all
calibrate at 540.

   During one presentation of the work in Washington D.C. a rectangle box was drawn
on a white board and it calibrated at about 200. The bottom line of the rectangle was
replaced with a smile arc. The new design calibrated at 375.

     When the rectangle was redrawn with a straight line across the bottom and a frown
arc (upside down smile) across the top, the design calibrated at 175. When the line
across the top was drawn with a frown arc (upside down smile) and the bottom line of
the rectangle drawn with the smile arc, the design calibrated at 205. 200 is the dividing
line between power and force, or that which makes the body go strong and the body
going weak, or the difference of attracting and repelling.

   So what is the energy difference between the design shape at 375 and 175? On the
logarithmic scale the difference is that 375 is 2041 times the energy of 175. The
equation is 37510 ÷ 17510 = 2041.419.

   Each and every component matters and can be calibrated.
                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            30
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm
                                   Written by Darryl Howard

   The effort here has been to give the reader a glimpse of the work. Obviously, three
years of research cannot in the few pages here. It is the hope of this author that the
reader has seen possibilities in which they may apply the research.

    This research can be of help developing trust with the audience and raising the level
of truth of advertising and communication in general. That is the objective of this author.

   Dr. Hawkins laid the foundations of the research, and suggested areas of application
such as advertising that can be further explored by others.

   You can quickly test a TV ad, print ad, movie or speech during all phases of
production from idea to finished product.

    The reader can use the methods outlined herein to augment the other forms of
testing they may be doing.

   For those that are interested, there are several books that can help you get started.
This author would be glad to suggest some.

                                       Contact Information:
                                         Darryl Howard
                                         Darryl Howard and Associates
                                         P.O. Box 1083
                                         Salem, OR 97308 USA
                                         503-566-3661 HM / 503-580-6637 Cell

   Darryl Howard is the owner of the consulting firm Darryl Howard and Associates.
They specialize in attractor pattern research and generational behavior science.

   They specialize in attractor pattern research and in assisting clients in the practical
application of unique new methods used in testing advertising, communications, movie
production, political communication and other applications.
    They work with clients to understand the research and help fine tune their messages
to fit the attractor patterns demonstrated by their target audiences. They currently
provide training and consultation to a variety of corporations and worldwide
   They have tailored presentations for both the U.S. and abroad, to both large and
small groups, general audiences and for specific application briefings of small executive
groups, from business leaders to members of congress.

                                Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard                            31
                     P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
Advertising In The New Paradigm   By Darryl Howard

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Advertising In The New Paradigm By Darryl Howard

  • 1. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Advertising In The New Paradigm A practical application of consciousness research for advertising, communication, movies and politics. By Darryl Howard Strong attractors attract. Weak attractors repel. There is a way to tell the difference. Whether it is the emotion of a TV commercial, a photograph in a print ad, a politicians speech, or the smile of a spokesperson, the strength of the attractor pattern can be measured. There is a method by which the subjective can be measured. The implications for the advertising industry are staggering. Few in the world have taken the time to apply this leading edge research in advertising, communications, movies and politics. Over the last three years, that is what has been done. This document is only meant to walk the reader through a glimpse of the research and applications. Darryl Howard and Associates P.O. Box 1083 Salem, Oregon, 97304 U.S.A. 503-566-3661 Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 1 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 2. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Table of Contents Advertising In The New Paradigm ............................................................................... 3 Introduction and overview............................................................................................ 3 The paradigm shift in communication. ......................................................................... 5 The stretched logo – case study. ................................................................................. 6 Attractor patterns. ......................................................................................................... 6 The brain. ....................................................................................................................... 7 Consciousness into the database equation. ................................................................ 8 The Heisenberg cut – the measurement location. ....................................................... 8 Consciousness............................................................................................................ 10 Advanced consciousness research. ......................................................................... 11 Quantum mechanics.................................................................................................. 12 The body reacts. ........................................................................................................ 14 A means to distinguish truth from falsehood.............................................................. 16 A scale of 1 to 1000. .................................................................................................... 17 Direct mail going from 145 to 310 – case study. ........................................................ 20 An ad and selected market – how do they line up? ................................................... 20 The testing – the questioning technique overview. ................................................. 21 Testing qualifications and methods............................................................................ 21 The accuracy of the data. .......................................................................................... 22 Audiences above and below 200, is there a difference? ......................................... 23 Advertisements over 500 and ads below 500. .......................................................... 24 The world over 200 – the paradigm shift................................................................... 26 Applying calibrations in advertisements, elections etc........................................... 26 Recent political TV ad– case study (from political memo). ........................................ 27 A dog’s wagging tail – political case study................................................................. 28 The announcers voice for a TV ad – case study........................................................ 29 Political direct mail – case study. ............................................................................... 29 The non-profit fundraising/newsletter – case study.................................................... 30 Logo and creative design – observations relative to calibration................................. 30 SUMMARY.................................................................................................................... 31 Darryl Howard biography. .......................................................................................... 32 Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 2 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 3. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Advertising In The New Paradigm A practical application of consciousness research for advertising, communication, movies and politics. By Darryl Howard Introduction and overview. Advertising today can be tested differently to obtain information not available from the machinery used in neuromarketing. Ad agencies and creative people designing a TV commercial, print ad or website may want to know how to do it. This document serves as a starting point to lay out the research applied by this author and some associated case study examples. Neuromarketing today is very good. It gives wonderful data on what is happening in the brain. Companies can use this data to reveal information about what their message is doing or not doing in the brain. This document is meant to complement that effort, it does not replace it. What is does do is give people at all levels another tool to use. It will tell you things that neuromarketing cannot. The research applied here can be used at most all stages of design and production. It is simple, fast and can reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of advertisements and communication. It is a new approach that has been repeatedly tested by this author and found to be extremely effective. While working as the Director of Market Research for a movie company, this author came across some very profound research that no one had applied to movie production. In about September of 2006 research on study and application of the research began. The implications and applications were so profound, that a sabbatical for several years was taken from most work to begin understanding the research and applying it. This is a compilation of some of what has been learned and a sample of case study applications. Many reports have been done on how the public does not trust advertising. Based the research we were doing, we saw this research as a useful method by which we could test movie scripts, artwork and advertisements. More importantly we could quickly test its truthfulness, and remove those lower energy attractors. Therefore, we could ensure a greater degree of trust in a communication with the public. Better yet, if we could calibrate the level of the audience we were communicating with, and work to make our TV commercial, movie, or artwork, match their level, a greater degree of trust could potentially be established with the audience. The answer was found in advanced consciousness research. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 3 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 4. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Advances in neuromarketing are focused on the brain. The brain is not the decider however. Consciousness itself is the decider and then notifies the brain and the brain makes the body respond accordingly. There were many questions and they became multi-faceted: • Can we tailor our message to the consciousness of the audience? • Can we test and remove all things that were considered “false” by the audience? • Will it work worldwide, in all forms of communication and be inexpensive? The answer to all the above questions was an emphatic, “Yes!” This author has been studying applying these new findings for the past three years in a variety of capacities. He has helped advertisers learn how to communicate at the consciousness level of their target market in both the U.S. and abroad. His work in this area for the film industry is currently being used by leading producers in Hollywood and around the country. He has been helping his clients learn to speak at the consciousness level of their target market; how to calibrate the communications; how to detect “weak” spots in their advertising and all forms of communication; and learn the science behind it. After study and application, the work was shared with some close associates. They appreciated it and used it. There seemed to be a silent “but.” A comparison can be made to the following stories: • It was 1928 when Alexander Fleming made an observation of a discarded Petri dish. It had areas which bacteria would not grow. Fleming wrote of his findings in 1929 and was published in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology. Very few paid attention to his article. Years later would people take notice and production of a drug called Penicillin began. In 1945, Fleming and others were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. • Two brothers who owned a bicycle shop. They had produced and tested a machine that could fly. The War Department of the U.S. was not interested. It would be years before they were even granted a Patent for their invention. • Galileo was sentenced to house arrest. But, some things seem to take a generation to be accepted. In Galileo’s case it was 359 years before the Church admitted it had erred in the case of the astronomer and physicist. • And then there is the story of Dr. Louis Pasteur. If you have ever drank a glass of pasteurized milk, the bacteria and molds killed by the heating process of that milk is called pasteurization. Of course, there were many who thought, “Dr. Pasteur, it can’t be that simple.” Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 4 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 5. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard What you are about to read is in-fact quite simple. But you may say, “It has to be more complex that this.” It is not. Strong attractors attract, weak attractors repel, and there is a way to tell the difference. It is that simple. Currently, neuromarketing is becoming more accepted. More importantly, some in neuromarketing are turning their attention to terms like “pre-brain” or “pre-conscious” activity or other indicators. To that end it was time to articulate the findings and applications of experience with this advanced consciousness research by this author and share them with others. While the case studies are done by this author, what has mainly been done is take existing consciousness research, expand on it for specific application and explain it to the audience. The paradigm shift in communication. Communication today has changed and many have felt this major shift. Many companies from all over the world are left trying to figure out the new rules in communication. The effects have been substantial, but few have understood “what” has taken place, and therefore not figured out “how” to change the way they communicate accordingly. Currently, advertisers struggle to find out what specific items in their ads are not working. Corporations are wondering what they can do to regain the trust of the public. This is compounded by the fact that the public is no longer tolerating even a hint of dishonesty. CEO’s may be asking themselves, “What has changed?” Is society looking at all communication differently? The simple answer is yes, but first some basics. Many are left trying to find the answer to, “How do I get the public to believe and trust in our advertising?” Today, every communication has to develop trust within the marketplace and show the integrity level of the business initiating the communication. Many studies point to the fact that the public believes it is being lied to most of the time in advertising today. Companies are left scratching their head and may wonder, “How can we bring up or believability level and equally important, how do we measure it, ensure its accuracy and communicate it to the audience?” Research methods elaborated on herein show that over 80% of advertisements on TV today have components of low energy attractors. Are those low energy attractors failing to attract their target audience? Worse yet, are they unknowingly driving the audience away from their product? Low energy attractors within an advertisement likely go undetected and unnoticed by conventional methods of testing such as electro encephalogram (EEG), functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), etc. It may be reflected in the data, but those that are looking at the data do not know what a movement here or there means because they are not looking at it from that perspective. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 5 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 6. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Are these the “lies” the audience is referencing? Or, are they low energy attractors that are below a calibratable level of truth that consciousness is detecting. Could it be both? Here is a similar example: The stretched logo – case study. A commercial was designed and tested using the methods described in this document. Every aspect of the commercial was tested including the script, video images, music, and announcer’s voice, etc. According to the research elaborated herein, the commercial tested at a certain point in which it registered in the medial prefrontal cortex portion of the brain. That is the part of the brain in which emotion is tied to decision making. In other words, it was bypassing the logical part of the brain and going to the emotional part which is where the movie company wanted it. During the processes of finalizing the commercial, the decision was made to include the seal of an award (which is a strong attractor) indicating the film had received that award. The production company, prior to inserting the award seal, elongated the seal by stretching it top to bottom. Then it was inserted. The result was a lowering of the testing level of the commercial. By elongating the seal they had changed it from a strong attractor to a weak attractor. Worse yet, it now registered in a different part of the brain, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (logical rather than emotional). Upon further testing, it was concluded that this version of the seal was false. The original seal was examined and the reason for the low calibration was immediately spotted. When the production company was notified of the problem, they changed the seal to the original shape and the commercial went back to its original testing level and registered back in the portion of the brain desired. Attractor patterns. Attractor patterns, first discovered by MIT meteorologist Edward Lorenz, are patterns that, out of chaos or a mass of meaningless data, when repeated, emerge patterns that are predictable. These small occurrences, at first glance seem meaningless, but when multiplied or repeated (iteration), affect the outcome of unrelated events. A famous example is the “Lorenz Butterfly.” Attractor patterns helped Lorenz predict weather patterns. If you have ever watched a school of fish swimming together or a flock of birds flying, you have seen an attractor pattern in nature. Perhaps you have noticed how they all turn, almost if they are as one. It is not that one fish or bird says “turn” and they all turn, there is a knowingness that they all need to turn and they all do in a flowing pattern. Attractor patterns are also expressed in the human domain. They are expressed in the different levels of consciousness. The consciousness level of the advertising can also be calibrated on a logarithmic scale. If the attractor pattern of the consciousness Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 6 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 7. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard level of the advertisement does not match closely to that of the target audience, it fails to attract the audience. Of course the advertisement can be adjusted to attractor patterns of the consciousness level of the audience. The calibration levels can be denoted by strong attractors and weak attractors. Put another way there are attractors that attract the audience or repel the audience. The brain. With EEG and fMRI tests, researchers have come to understand what is going on in the brain when an advertisement is viewed by the audience. Neuromarketing is perceived to be very leading edge technology with retinal cognition, EEG, fMRI, and a variety other methods that will tell us certain types of information of what is going on in the brain. However, the measurement of brain activity can be compared to the relation between a thermometer and temperature. The thermometer does not cause the temperature, it only registers the temperature. Temperature is due to other factors. Similarly, the brain only indicates what is has already happened at another level; the level of consciousness. It is then communicated to the brain. The brain is the physical matter. Consciousness is where our thoughts and emotions such as love and beauty are experienced. Consciousness activates the neurons in the brain. Therefore, while EEG’s and fMRI’s are very useful in detecting where an advertisement has registered in the brain, the brain is not the decider. The decision has already occurred in consciousness and then reflected in activations in the brain. The “decision” is a priori (before) brain activity. This takes place at the quantum level of physics (consciousness), not at the classical level of physics (EEG, fMRI measuring brain activity). One might say it is the difference between the micro and the macro. There is more and more writing on the subjects of “pre-brain” or “pre-conscious” activity in the public domain. Attractor pattern research is different than neuromarketing. One of the main concerns of this author is that any brain activity is measured at the Classical physics level and not at the quantum level at which the “action” is originating. Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., is a physicist at the Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Stapp has worked with Wolfgang Pauli and Nobel Laureates Emilio Segre, Owen Chamberlain, Werner Heisenberg (The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle). He has also written Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics, (Springer - Jan 2004), and Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer, (Springer - July 2007), along with over 300 technical and mathematical published papers pertinent to basic foundational issues. Dr. Stapp has worked with some of the most brilliant minds in quantum mechanics and he himself is considered in that category. He explains more on the brain: Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 7 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 8. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard “We are interested here in brain dynamics. Everyone admits that at the most basic dynamical level the brain must be treated as a quantum system: the classical laws fail at the atomic level. This dynamics rests upon myriads of microscopic processes, including flows of ions into nerve terminals. These atomic-scale processes must in principle be treated quantum mechanically.” Physicalism Versus Quantum Mechanics, Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., Physicist, Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Consciousness into the database equation. Does quantum mechanics enter the equation? Whether you understand it or not, quantum mechanics affects about one-third of our economy. A few examples are lasers, transistors, and fMRI’s. In the book Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness, authors Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner put it quite eloquently: “There is no way to interpret quantum theory without encountering consciousness. Most interpretations accept the encounter but offer a rationale for avoiding the relationship. They usually start with the presumption that the physical world should be dealt with independently from the observer.” All interpretations of quantum mechanics have one thing in common: they all lead to consciousness. Rosenblum and Kettner go on to point out that consciousness is the “skeleton in the closet” that most in physics today choose to avoid talking about. Instead they teach the new students to just do the math of quantum mechanics and forget the other part of quantum mechanics which is consciousness. The question has been: How to develop advertisements at the audience’s consciousness level. Because attractor pattern research is conducted at the level of consciousness itself, it is a very useful tool that is simple and quick. The Heisenberg cut – the measurement location. As background, in 1927 many leading physicists of the time gathered in Copenhagen to work out what would become known as the “Copenhagen Interpretation” of quantum mechanics. In attendance were some of the best minds of the day. There were names like Albert Einstein, Madam Curie, Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr, Max Born and Max Planck along with Werner Heisenberg who is considered the father of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg was concerned with the measurement problem. In simple terms, one could measure position and momentum. The more certain the information about one, the less certain can be about the other. It is the nature of the system. Thus the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle was formed. So for the purposes in the measurement of an advertisement or communication it is asked, “At what point does one measure?” What instrument do we use? To properly explore the methods available in testing today, it is best to understand the Heisenberg cut. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 8 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 9. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Here Dr. Stapp elaborates: “The Copenhagen solution is to divide nature into two parts. One part is the observing system, including the bodies, brains, and minds of the human beings that are setting up the experimental situations and acquiring, via experiential feedbacks, increments in knowledge. This observing part includes also the measuring devices. This observing system is described in ordinary language refined by the concepts of classical physics. Thus the agent can say “I placed the measuring device in the center of the room, and one minute later I saw the pointer swing to the right.” The agent’s description is a description of what he does---of what probing actions he takes---and of the experienced consequences of his actions. The descriptions in terms of the language and concepts of classical physics are regarded as part of this first kind of description. The other part of nature is the system being probed by the classically conceived and described observing system. This probed system is described in the symbolic language of quantum mathematics. In classical physics the classical concepts are asserted to be applicable in principle right down to the atomic level. But according to the quantum precepts the quantum mathematical description must be used for any properties of the atomic entities upon which observable features of nature sensitively depend. This separation between the two parts of nature is called the Heisenberg cut. Above the cut one uses experience-based classical descriptions, while below the cut one uses the quantum mathematical description. The cut can be moved from below a measuring device to above it. This generates two parallel descriptions of this device, one classical and the other quantum mechanical. The quantum description is roughly a continuous smear of classical-type states. The postulated theoretical correspondence, roughly, is that the smeared out mathematical quantum state specifies the statistical weights of the various alternative possible classically described experienceable states. The predictions of the theory thereby become, in general, statistical predictions about possible experiences described in the conceptual framework of classical physics. There is, however, a fly in the ointment: In order to extract statistical predictions about possible experiences, some specific probing question must be physically posed. This probing question must have a countable set of experientially distinct alternative possible responses. “Countable” means that the possible responses can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with the whole numbers 1, 2, 3, …, or with some finite subset of these numbers. But the number of possible classically describable possibilities is not countable: there is a continuous infinity of such possibilities. So some decision must be made as to which of the possible probing questions will be physically posed.” Henry P. Stapp Ph.D., QUANTUM MECHANICAL THEORIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS, 2004 (http://www- Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 9 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 10. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard So the question in evaluating the components of a TV ad or communication is where to place the cut? In classical physics (EEG, fMRI), the instrument is set up and a measurement of some experiment is performed. In quantum mechanics, all factors become part of the experiment and one must put the observer in the system being measured. To separate the observed from the observer would be classical Newtonian physics (Cartesian dualism – here/there, now/then, etc. which is classical physics) and not quantum mechanics. So, at what point does the measurement separate from the measured? One description might be this. A commercial could be developed, played it in front of an audience and ask them verbally what they thought. That measurement would be considered “cut” at the audience vocalizing their impressions. Another “cut” point might be the one currently used in neuromarketing. Audience members are brought in for testing and EEG (or other) registering devices are placed onto their head, or the audience member is placed inside an fMRI machine. Then the commercial is played and a measurement of what activity is going on in the brain is noted and interpreted. Therefore the measuring point or “cut” is moved from vocalizing impressions to measuring impressions in the brain prior to being vocalized. The “cut” point referred to in this research can be explained as prior to brain activity at the quantum level. That is, at the level of consciousness itself, which is prior to either “cut” point mentioned above (EEG, fMRI or audience vocalized response). Advances in our understandings of quantum mechanics and what leading physicists have written about in recent years, along with the advanced consciousness research work have made possible the movement of the “cut” point of measurement to be moved to the point of consciousness itself. To the point of where the “decision” about the advertisement, product, communication or movie is occurring. Consciousness. Imagine driving down the street and a squirrel runs across the road right in front of your car. Immediately, without thinking, you slam on the brakes and turn the wheel slightly to avoid hitting the squirrel. It happened in less than about 1/10,000th of a second. That is consciousness responsible for the braking. The brain had no time to process it and act. Now, the ego steps in and tries to claim credit. “Oh look at me, I did a great job helping the little squirrel.” The ego had nothing to do with it. In fact, the ego will take you off the edge of the cliff. Example: You come upon a flooded road. Consciousness tells you the water is too deep for your car to drive through. Then the ego gets involved. “Oh, the water is not that deep, we can do it, keep driving.” Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 10 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 11. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Next thing you know you might be calling 911 and saying, “I knew that water was too deep across the road. I should have listened to my gut.” And in fact there are studies about gastric motility, lying and the relation to the brain with EEG studies. Perhaps you should have listened to those “butterflies” in the stomach. Now, imagine you are watching a TV commercial. Something in that commercial gives you that “I don’t trust what is being said,” feeling. Consciousness has picked up on the level of the attractor patterns (strong or weak) in the ad. It has picked up on the level of truth in the ad. It could be the script, the visuals, the music or any number of things. Those items in the ad can be calibrated as to their level of truth or whether they are strong attractors or weak attractors. Consciousness tells the body to react. The body reacts in a variety of methods, most notably, it goes weak. Many good papers have been written about methods currently deemed “non-invasive” such as galvanic skin response, pupil response, and electrical response (research papers on “non-invasive” testing are available for in the public domain). Advanced consciousness research. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, author of eight books. Additionally, in 1973 he co-authored the ground-breaking book “Orthomolecular Psychiatry” with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, that helped revolutionize psychiatry. He has been a pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and has provided us with useful insights in his book Power vs. Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior (published in 17 languages by Veritas Publishing, 1995, In Power vs Force he wrote: “The main obstacle to man's development, then, is his lack of knowledge about the nature of consciousness itself. If we look within ourselves at the instant-by- instant processes of our minds, we will soon notice that the mind acts much more rapidly than it would acknowledge. It becomes apparent that the notion that our actions are based on thoughtful decisions is a grand illusion. The decision- making process is a function of consciousness itself; with enormous rapidity, the mind makes choices based on millions of pieces of data and their correlations and projections, far beyond conscious comprehension. This is a global function dominated by the energy patterns which the new science of nonlinear dynamics terms attractors. Consciousness automatically chooses what it deems best from instant to instant because that is, ultimately, the only function of which it is capable. The relative weight and merit given to certain data are determined by a predominant attractor pattern operating in the individual or in a collective group of minds. These patterns can be identified, described and calibrated; out of that information arises a totally new understanding of human behavior, history and the destiny of mankind.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 21), Veritas Publishing, Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 11 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 12. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard What are the “energy patterns” to which Dr. Hawkins was referring? The level of thought, for our purposes here in advertising, can also be measured also. Consider this: “The energy of human thought, though minute, is nonetheless absolutely measurable. A thought that emanates from the 100 level of consciousness will typically measure between the log 10-800 million and 10-700 million microwatts. On the other hand, a loving thought at the consciousness level of 500 measures approximately log 10-35 million microwatts.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg.234), Veritas Publishing, The energy level of an advertisement or its components and the audience to which it is targeted can similarly be measured. Quantum mechanics. What is quantum mechanics and why is it relevant? It appears that physics has rules. Those rules apply until physicists find an unknown, then they attempt to come up with new rules. For hundreds of years, classical physics or what is known as Newtonian physics, held the explanation of most of what was known. Then physicists discovered that things on a big scale behaved the same, but things on a small scale behaved differently than they did a large scale. For a science that had “rules” and “laws” this was not adequate. Laws should apply to both the big and the small. So there was a problem, a very fundamental problem. Then came Max Planck with his Black Body Radiation experiment. In 1900 physicist Max Planck was attempting to understand how things (say metal) behave when they get hot. When you heat metal it glows different colors as the temperature is raised. He took a box which was flat black. Because it was flat black it did not emit light. It was then heated. At the lower temperatures it glowed red. Then the more it was heated, the colors emitted changed as the temperature changed. The question that classical or Newtonian physics had not answered was why did it glow differently? Plank would come up with the fact that the black box was emitting packets, or “quanta” of energy when it was heated to different colors. The atoms of the black box would “jiggle” differently as the amount of heat was changed. The higher the rate of jiggle, the difference in color. The size of the packets of energy emitted within each color was the same. Each color had different quanta or size of the packets. Red packets were a certain size, green packets were a certain size, violet packets were a certain size and so on. The size of the violet packets were larger than the green, which were larger that the red, etc. This provided the ability for Planck to measure the energy emitted in quanta. The equation for this became known as Planck’s Constant. This great discovery would be the beginning of quantum mechanics. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 12 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 13. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Of course, today if you look at the visible and invisible electromagnetic (light) spectrum and the measurement of light this makes sense (as when the rainbow in the sky is observed). Einstein would later propose that all energy was quantized. The photoelectric effect was caused by the absorption of quanta of light. For this, he won the Nobel Prize. Consciousness is on a scale much the same way light is measured. We “see” only a small band of light that (like the rainbow) is visible to the human eye. Gamma Rays, X- Rays, Ultra Violet, Infra Red, Microwave, and Radio Waves are part of the entire spectrum and can be measured but not seen. As stated by Nobel Laureate, Werner Heisenberg: “We may remark at this point that modern physics is in some way extremely near to the doctrines of Heraclitus. If we replace the word `fire' by the word `energy' we can almost repeat his statements word for word from our modern point of view. Energy is in fact the substance from which all elementary particles, all atoms and therefore all things are made, and energy is that which moves. Energy is a substance, since its total amount does not change, and the elementary particles can actually be made from this substance as is seen in many experiments on the creation of elementary particles. Energy can be changed into motion, into heat, into light and into tension. Energy may be called the fundamental cause for all change in the world.” Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, Werner Heisenberg, Harper & Row, 1958 (page 29). The only thing that changes is the device by which we quantify that energy. The reader may detect that we are now starting to discuss how energy is measured. This is important in the calibration (measurement) of consciousness. In-fact, everything has a measurable amount of energy. The question is how it is measured, the instrument used and the cut point. The “attractor patterns” of consciousness can similarly be measured in microwatts as was noted earlier in the document. Everything, including people, has a calibratable level of consciousness (or energy). One can calibrate the advertising target audience or electorate in a particular population segment, state or country. Some have seen the value of Dr. Hawkins’ discoveries as evidenced by the founder of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton’s, quote on the back of Power vs. Force saying: “I especially appreciate [the] research and presentation on the attractor patterns of business…” In fact, the smiley face that was used by Wal-Mart is a very strong attractor. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 13 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 14. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The body reacts. In Power vs. Force, Dr. Hawkins elaborates on the discovery of how the body reacts. For many years testing muscle strength has been used for a variety of purposes around the world. In 1968, Dr. Hawkins saw the muscle testing technique demonstrated. It was observed that the body went weak with negative stimuli such as holding artificial sweetener and went strong with positive stimuli such as a smile. What he saw was different than anyone else. “Subjects listening to tapes of known deceits-Lyndon Johnson perpetrating the Tonkin Gulf hoax, Edward Kennedy stonewalling the Chappaquiddick incident universally tested weak. While listening to recordings of demonstrably true statements, they universally tested strong.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 4), Veritas Publishing, While some saw the body reacting “locally,” Dr. Hawkins saw a “nonlocal” reaction. He saw the body interacting with a field of consciousness itself. Now with advances in theoretical physics it is possible to understand more about this field. Here Dr. Hawkins commented on the muscle testing technique: “[…] I was instantly amazed at the potential I saw. It was the ‘wormhole’ between two universes – the physical world, and the world of mind and spirit – an interface between dimensions.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg.299), Veritas Publishing, In simple terms: the human body went weak when it listened to lies (known deceits). While listening to known true statements the body tested strong. This was the connection (wormhole) between the physical body and what was going on in consciousness itself. It was a nonlocal response. Sidenote: Non locality In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as Photons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. This is what Albert Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” This “action” was proven in 1982 through an experiment where it was demonstrated that when entangled photons were separated, neither has a spin. When one is observed it starts to spin. The other photon immediately starts to spin in the opposing direction without being observed. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. This proved a nonlocal interconnectedness. The problem for some was that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that nothing happens faster than the speed of light. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 14 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 15. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard When you begin to understand that all things are connected, much as gravity is everywhere and has an effect on us all then you begin to see there is no “here and there.” Both are equally connected and one in the same. “Now entangled particles are ones (say pairs of particles for simplicity) such that, measuring one property of one of them affects the second particle. For example, with entangled photons, measuring the spin of one of them will affect the measured spin of the other,” […]Quantum entangled photons - or spooky particles - are being used in the design of quantum computers. The information contained in the entangled particles is called a "qubit", analogous to the bits used in ordinary digital computers. They are also being used in making better, more precise atomic clocks.” Dr. Louis M. Barbier Astropysicist, Astroparticle Physics Laboratory, NASA/GSFC, Associate Chief Scientist, NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC). (February 2004) What Dr. Hawkins had seen was the fact that consciousness signaled the muscle system of subjects with a nonlocal response, without any prior knowledge of the truthfulness of a statement, and went strong or weak on statements that were known to be true or false. Consciousness was in-fact tapping into a “database of consciousness.” Physics is now coming to that same understanding. Look at what two physicists have written recently. Henry P. Stapp Ph.D., puts it quite succinct: “Thus, according to this quantum conception of nature, the physical universe --- represented by the quantum state --- is a repository of evolving information that has the dispositional power to create more information. […] Given a well posed question about the world to which one’s attention is directed quantum theory says that nature either gives the affirmative answer, in which case there occurs an experience describable as ‘Yes, I perceive it!’ or, alternatively, no experience occurs in connection with that question.” Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics, Springer - Jan 2004 In other words, the universe stores information and it is retrievable. Along those same lines, but from a different perspective, is the information from Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Engineering Systems at MIT. He is a principal investigator at the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT and the designer of the first feasible quantum computer. In his book, Programming the Universe (Vintage Books/Random House, 2006) Lloyd writes: “This book is the story of the universe and the bit. The universe is the biggest thing there is and the bit is the smallest possible chunk of information. The universe is made up of bits. Every molecule, atom, and elementary particle registers bits of information. Every interaction between those pieces of the universe processes that information by altering those bits. That is, the universe computes, and because the universe is governed by the laws of quantum Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 15 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 16. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard mechanics, it computes in an intrinsically quantum-mechanical fashion; its bits are quantum bits. The history of the universe is, in effect, a huge ongoing quantum computation. The universe is a quantum computer. What does the universe compute? It computes itself. The universe computes its own behavior.” Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Programming the Universe, Vintage Books, Random House (2006). Seth Lloyd goes on to write, “Quantum computers process information stored on individual atoms, photons and electrons,” Seth Lloyd, Ph.D., Programming the Universe” (Vintage Books/Random House (2006) The universe is a database of information. That fact needs to be put in perspective. An atom holds 1 bit of information. From other research we can put an atom in perspective. If you were to look at the atoms of an Orange (fruit), you would need to blow the Orange up to about the size of the earth, and then the atom would be the size of a Cherry. Inside the atom are electrons, protons and neutrons. If you blew up the Cherry to the size of the largest cathedral in the world, the electron would be like a fly buzzing around in the middle of the cathedral. Now consider this: you could store all the written words (electronic or paper) in history on the atoms inside a 12” helium balloon. Now ask yourself, what is the storage capacity of the universe that is billions of light years across? A means to distinguish truth from falsehood. What Dr. Hawkins had discovered was that the muscle testing response of the arm, a “wormhole between to universes,” indicated a “yes” or “not yes” to the question (in the form of a statement). This response was accessing a database of everything that had ever been said, done or thought. That which has truth is registered in the quantum state of the universe or as Carl Yung called it a “database of consciousness.” Dr Hawkins writes: “To quell my own fear that perhaps, despite my best efforts, the reader might not get the essential message of the study, I will spell it out in advance: the individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is merely an individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind. This database is the realm of genius; because to be human is to participate in the database, everyone by virtue of his birth has access to genius. The unlimited information contained in the database has now been shown to be readily available to anyone in a few seconds, at any time and in any place. This is indeed an astonishing discovery, bearing the power to change lives, both individually and collectively, to a degree never yet anticipated. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 16 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 17. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The database transcends time and space and all limitations of individual consciousness. This distinguishes it as a unique tool for future research and opens as yet undreamed-of areas for possible investigation. It holds forth the prospect of the establishment of an objective basis for human values, behaviors and belief systems. The information obtained by this method reveals a new context for understanding human behavior and a new paradigm for validating objective truth. Because the technique itself can be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time, it has the capacity to initiate a new era of human experience based on observable and verifiable truth. We have at our fingertips a means of accurately distinguishing truth from falsehood, workable from unworkable, benevolent from malign. We can illuminate the hidden forces, hitherto overlooked, that determine human behavior. We have at our disposal a means of finding answers to previously unresolved personal and social problems. Falsehood need no longer hold sway aver our lives.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 12-13), Veritas Publishing, All of the bodily activity is telling us something. Like the tiny amoeba does, the body is reacting positive to that which is safe or favorable to life, and negatively to that which is hazardous or harmful to life. The physicist and Nobel laureate, Dr. Richard Feynman once said, “The inconceivable nature of nature.” Nature often acts in ways we do not expect. As a scientist, he was trying to explain scientifically, what he observed in nature. On occasion, the ego steps in and wants us to believe it is inconceivable. Nature does what it does no matter what man may think of that. A scale of 1 to 1000. With Dr. Hawkins experience of over 50 years in the medical field, he calibrated emotions well-known as the emergency emotions and the welfare emotions. Each had a logarithmic numeric level of energy, (along with other indicators) and thus a Map of Consciousness© which is a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1000 was developed. In Power vs Force, he details on the Map of Consciousness© that the lower energy attractors are the emergency emotions or negative, energy depleting emotions such as Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger and Pride. At the levels of the higher energy attractors are the welfare or positive emotions such as Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, and Joy. Over 99% of humans calibrate below the level of Joy. “The millions of calibrations which confirmed this discovery further disclosed a stratification of levels of power in human affairs, revealing a remarkable distinction between power and force and their respective qualities. This in turn led to a comprehensive reinterpretation of human behavior in order to identify the invisible energy fields that control it. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 17 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 18. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The calibrated scale was found to coincide with sublevels of the hierarchy of the perennial philosophy; correlations with emotional and intellectual phenomena in sociology, clinical psychology, and traditional spirituality immediately suggested themselves. The calibrated scale has been examined here in light of current discoveries in advanced theoretical physics and the nonlinear dynamics of chaos theory. Calibrated levels, we suggest, represent powerful attractor Fields within the domain of consciousness itself, that dominate human existence and therefore define content, meaning, and value, and serve as organizing energies for widespread patterns of human behavior. This stratification of attractor Fields according to corresponding levels of consciousness provides a new paradigm for recontextualizing the human experience throughout all time.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 8-9), Veritas Publishing, All audiences, advertisements, or communications have a calibratable level of consciousness. The main objective in the application of this research for purposes elaborated herein is four-fold: • To assist the reader in producing communication that calibrates above the level of truth. • To identify through “critical point analysis” (as elaborated below), points in the ad or communication that calibrate below the level of truth and therefore are registered as false within consciousness. • Understand that each audience has a calibratable level of consciousness and how to calibrate that level. • To match up the level of the advertisement with the level of the audience. Critical Point Analysis: “Critical point analysis is a technique derived from the fact that in any highly complex system there is a specific critical point at which the smallest input will result in the greatest change. The great gears of a windmill can be halted by lightly touching the right escape mechanism; it is possible to paralyze a giant locomotive if you know exactly where to put your finger. Nonlinear dynamics enables these significant patterns to be identified in complex presentations, even when they are obscured by incoherence or sheer mass of indecipherable data.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg 31), Veritas Publishing, The audiences calibration level determines how they see the world and therefore any advertisement, product or company. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 18 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 19. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard “Let us attempt to understand all this better through an example. Imagine a so- called "bum" on a street corner: In a fashionable neighborhood in a big city stands an old man in tattered clothes, alone, leaning against the corner of an elegant brownstone. Look at him from the perspective of various levels of consciousness and note the differences in how he appears. From the bottom of the scale at a level […] Shame, the bum is dirty, disgusting, disgraceful. From […] (Guilt) he would be blamed for his condition. He deserves what he gets; he's probably a lazy welfare cheat. At […] (Hopelessness) his plight would appear desperate, damning evidence that society can't do anything about homelessness. At […] (Grief) the old man looks tragic, friendless and forlorn. At […] (Fear) we might see him as threatening, a social menace. Perhaps we should call the police before he commits some crime. At […] (Desire) he might represent a frustrating problem – why doesn't somebody do something? At […] (Anger) the old man might look like he could be violent, or, on the other hand, one could be furious that such conditions exist. At […] (Pride) he could be seen as an embarrassment or as lacking the self-respect to better himself. At […] (Courage) we might be motivated to wonder if there is a local homeless shelter; all he needs is a job and a place to live. At […] (Neutrality) the bum looks okay, maybe even interesting. "Live and let live," we might say; after all, he's not hurting anyone. At […] (Willingness) we might decide to go down and see what we can do to cheer up that fellow on the corner, or volunteer some time at the local mission. At […] (Acceptance) the man on the corner appears intriguing. He probably has an interesting story to tell; he's where he is for reasons we may never understand. At […] (Reason) he is a symptom of the current economic and social malaise, or perhaps a good subject for in-depth psychological study. At the higher levels, the old man begins to look not only interesting, but friendly, then lovable. Perhaps we would then be able to see that he was, in fact, one who had transcended social limits and gone free, a joyful old guy with the wisdom of age in his face and the serenity that comes from indifference to material things. At […] (Peace) he is revealed as one's own self in a temporary expression. When approached, the bum's response to these different levels of consciousness would vary with them. With some he would feel secure, with others, frightened or dejected. Some would make him angry, others delighted. Some he would therefore avoid, others greet with pleasure. (Thus is it said that we meet what we mirror.)” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force (Pg199-200), Veritas Publishing, Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 19 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 20. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard If your audience is in England and calibrates at 310, it is likely that you might not want a commercial or mail piece that calibrates at 145. Matching the level of the communication to the audience is very important. An ad that plays in the United States at one level may not be appropriate in the UK, South America, or Russia. Each market is a different level of consciousness. Let us look an example. Direct mail going from 145 to 310 – case study. A client asked for help with a direct mail piece which included new ideas with language and creative. Their existing mail piece calibrated at 145 and the audience calibrated at 310. Critical points were identified in the existing mail pieces that calibrated below the level of truth and were removed. They were taught to communicate at a level commensurate with their audience (310), themes were tailored into the mail design that resonates in the current socio- economic climate (using generational science), and suggestions were made for a new look and feel. The new mail piece calibrated slightly over 310. The new mail piece was tested and was successful. The client was happy. Mathematically, because the scale is logarithmic, the difference in the energy of the old and new mail pieces was that the new pieces had 1994 times the energy of the old mail pieces. At 310, it was a different quality and a different set of emotions. The audience at 310 has a completely different set of attractions and aversions than at level 145. Attractions and aversions associated with each level and emotion have not been elaborated upon in this document. They are however very helpful in communicating at the concordant level of consciousness and the appropriate language selected. An ad and selected market – how do they line up? Three levels of consciousness you should calibrate (logos, pathos, ethos). • Audience – What is the calibratable level of the audience? To what are they attracted and to what are they adverse? • The Message – At what level does the ad or communication calibrate? Are there “critical points” that calibrate below 200? (Below the level of truth.) • Messenger – Does the messenger calibrate over 200? Understanding these three calibrations you can match up your message to the audience. There are descriptions of each of the levels on the Map of Consciousness© in Power vs Force. This is only meant to be a glimpse of the application of work in the advertising and film industry. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 20 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 21. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The testing – the questioning technique overview. The technique is expanded upon in the back of Power vs. Force, and in each of Dr. Hawkins books written since. Reading there is recommended. They are available around the world in many languages. For now, this is an overview. It should be noted that on the scale there are two critical fulcrum points which are 200 and 500. Simply put – 200 is the level of truth. That which calibrates 200 and above, calibrates as true (Power). That which is below 200 calibrates that truth is not present (Force). Truth is either present or not. It can be compared to the 0 and 1 bit data of a computer. Like electricity in the wire, it is either present or not. There is no “off- ness” that is generated and sent down the wire to tell the light bulb to stay off. At 500 and above is the subjective whereas 499 and below is objective. That which is “scientifically provable” calibrates to 499 on the Map of Consciousness©. One cannot explain love and beauty using science. It is not of the same paradigm. It is the difference between the linear and the nonlinear; the difference between the “Objective” (0 to 499) and the “Subjective” (500 and up). The subjective is not provable. You can demonstrate or observe love, but it is subjective and therefore not provable. In order to measure the subjective you need an instrument that calibrates over 500. The muscle testing technique itself calibrates at 600. Newtonian science such as EEG’s and fMRI’s are in the objective calibration levels as is Newtonian science. That is why you cannot test emotion itself with an EEG. You may be able to test where it manifests in the brain, but again that is the objective below 500. You cannot take the temperature of music with a thermometer. They are different paradigms. For the last 100 years, science has been pushing higher and higher to get closer to 500. There are attempts to come up with a “Theory of Everything,” but it is still below 500. And we could cite many wonderful scientific papers and theories that have come about in the last 20-years, but again they are under 500. Testing qualifications and methods. Understand that about 85% of the world calibrates under 200 (below the level of truth). People who they themselves do not calibrate over 200 will not get valid results. Additionally, of those who do calibrate over 200, about 10 to 15% cannot do it for a variety of reasons. And finally, some husbands and wives cannot do it together, but can calibrate with someone over 200 who is not as close to them. The question itself has to be integrus (calibrate over 200). You have to be non-attached to the outcome. You have to be seeking truth for truth’s sake and not have a stake (attachment) in the outcome. You have to first seek the truth about what you are calibrating and then decide what to do with the findings later. You cannot use the technique to try to “prove” something. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 21 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 22. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The question has to be formed as a statement i.e. “This advertisement does contain components calibrating under 200,” or “this advertisement contains no components calibrating under 200.” The first person (tested) holds the arm out parallel to the ground, the second person (tester) says (while holding an image of Winston Churchill or a smiley face ☺ in mind) “the image I am holding in mind calibrates over 200, resist.” The tester then pushes down on the tested person’s arm. The tested person’s arm should have the strength to hold strong. This is not a strength competition, but a difference in strength will be noticed. You would do the same testing while holding in mind Osama Bin Laden, or a sad face . In both cases the arm of the tested person should not be able to be held up while the tester is pushing down on the tested person arm. You should begin with testing the statement “I have permission to ask this question, (holding in mind what you intend to ask), resist.” Sometimes, permission is not present as truth and further exploration as to the reasons could be further calibrated such as perhaps the question is phrased wrong. Holding in mind the image of Winston Churchill should make the body go strong. Holding mind the image of Osama Bin Laden should make the body go weak. You could ask more specifics such as “the content of the document I am holding calibrates over 200, resist. (strong response) Over 300, resist. (strong response) Over 500, resist. (weak response).” At the point the arm goes weak one can narrow the count. “Over 400, resist. (strong response) Over 425, resist. (strong response) Over 430, resist. (weak response)” With practice one will get the hang of it. For further study there is information available on muscle testing methods. One way to double check your answers is to ask the question in a variety of ways – in the positive and in the negative. If “this” is true then phrased in the opposite should be not-true. There should not be music or TV distracting in the background. Music and TV can calibrate from the very low to the very high and therefore should not be on in the background to avoid false calibrations. Again, there are other reasons that one may get an inaccurate calibration and for that reason the reader is encouraged to explore muscle testing techniques from Power vs Force and other sources in depth. The accuracy of the data. Millions of calibrations later, Dr. Hawkins found the data and methodology extremely accurate. As background, this author began writing and conducting public opinion polling in 1987. Working with over 150 candidates and conducting market research for the film industry gave this author a very good background for understanding the reliability and replicablity of the results. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 22 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 23. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard “It isn't that we lack data; we are virtually drowning in data. The obstacle is that we do not have the proper tools to interpret the significance of our data. We have not yet asked the right questions because we have not had an adequate gauge of our questions' relevance or accuracy.” David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., Power vs. Force(Pg 17), Veritas Publishing, From a market research perspective accuracy and reliability of data is important. Here are the results and level of accuracy reported in his doctoral thesis titled Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Level of Human Consciousness and repeated in his book, Power vs Force. To validate the results for the doctoral thesis, muscle testing was done by both large and small groups of individuals. Testing was done using a combinations of the stimuli “Love,” “Lincoln,” Organic Vitamin C,” “Hate,” “Hitler,” ”Swastika,” and “Pesticide.” The analysis was that those stimuli that were positive muscle tested positive, and those stimuli that we negative muscle tested. In simplified terms, the hypothesis that you would get 50/50 response on positive and negative stimuli was null and therefore validating the results. In-fact replicability and reliability of the results was substantial. The results were as follows: Group 1 – 301 individuals @ (P≤.001) 45 individuals @(P≤.01) 14 individuals @ (P≤.05) Group 2 – 3,293 individuals @ (P≤.001) Group 3 – 335 individuals @ (P≤.001) Group 4 – 616 individuals @ (P≤.001) Audiences above and below 200, is there a difference? There is a difference between the brain function of an audience over 200 and one under 200. It is physiological. Because current neuroscience has not examined the brain in concordance with how it operates relative to a person’s level of consciousness, this fact likely goes unnoticed. It may just be that they do not know what to look for. One example of the manifestations of this difference in these two audiences can be seen in the “so-called bum” on the street example elaborated herein earlier. Audiences of weak energy attractors (below 200) view a TV commercial or communication from the emergency emotions perspective. Audiences whom view a TV commercial or communication from the strong energy attractors (above 200) or positive emotions see the world from an entirely different perspective. Note: It would be interesting to take EEG neuromarketing studies and divide them up between audience results of the portions of the audience that calibrate under 200 and those that are over 200. It is likely that when shown ads that calibrate over 500 there would be a noticeable difference in the EEG results between the two audiences. The ad agency could then Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 23 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 24. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard plan accordingly. This type of recontextualization of the research could actually be accomplished after an EEG study is conducted by calibrating the levels of consciousness of each individual on which the EEG testing was performed. This could be accomplished after the EEG testing had been completed and the subjects had left the testing facility. From the perspective of this author, the difference in the two audiences is something that neuromarketing is missing. For example, a neuromarketing firm performs EEG or other forms of testing on a group of individuals watching a commercial. They may use the normal forms of demographic breakdowns or perhaps they use generational age break downs such as Millennials, Gen-Xers, and Baby Boomers. The audience is shown a highly emotional advertisement that on this scale would calibrate over 500. They get a reaction and it is measured. What is not measured is the consciousness calibration level of the audience? What is the reaction of the audience that calibrates under 200 verses over 200? Those two calibration levels of audiences react differently to an ad over 500. Is the difference between the two audiences significant? About 55% of the United States calibrates below 200. Conversely, about 45% calibrate over 200. That fact has significant meaning. (This data can be obtained for any country). For instance, in movie production it has been calibrated that audiences below 200 will watch a movie calibrating over 200. Of real significance is the fact that audiences over 200 do not find the same value in watching movies that calibrate below 200 and may well avoid them. They do not resonate at their attractor pattern level. Strong attractors attract and weak attractors repel. The same applies for commercials. When a commercial below 200 is played in the United States, the 45% of the population that is over calibration level 200 would rather watch something, almost anything else (calibrates as true). An advertising firm that is targeting all of the United States and plays an advertisement calibrating below 200 is potentially repelling nearly half the population who watches it. Advertisements over 500 and ads below 500. It is the view of this author that there are two main types of ads. Those matched to the calibratable level of their target audience (with a minimum calibration of above 200), and those ads that calibrate over 500. Research has shown that audiences below 200 do not experience ads that calibrate over 500 in the same manner as the audience above 200. Therefore the advertisement may not elicit the same response in an audience below 200 as above 200. An example of the manifestation of this situation might be as follows: An ad is produced by an individual that calibrates over 200. The ad itself calibrates over 500. The audience under 200 does not respond as the producer expects and the producer is left wondering why the audience did not feel the ad like they did. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 24 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 25. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard Science only goes to 499 on the scale. One way to put that in context would be that Love (not the attachment love, but the calibration of Love) begins at 500. One cannot explain love and beauty using science. It is not of the same paradigm. It is the difference between the linear and the nonlinear; the difference between the objective (0 to 499) and the subjective (500 and up). One can test whether the advertisement calibrates high enough to go above logic to high states of emotion (those that are above 500). In testing the emotionality of the ad, one can measure the difference between objective and subjective. The case studies mention one fundraising/newsletter that was at 499. The letter/word “I” was removed and replaced with the word “We.” The letter then calibrated over 500, which was a shift of paradigm (linear to the nonlinear). It is often easy for science to measure the objective, but how does one measure the subjective? For instance, it is easy to quantify the objective such as a scientific experiment involving the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar, but to measure the subjective such as love and other emotions has been more difficult. Until now, there has really never been a method by which to accomplish this especially in the early stages of production or design. For instance, you can’t “prove” you love your spouse or children; you can demonstrate it or observe it, but it is beyond the provable. Only 4% of commercials calibrate above 500, into the area of the highly emotional subjective. A few recent examples of TV ads above 500 are listed here: The first is the Allstate ad produced by the Leo Burnett Company titled “Back to Basics.” Back to Basics can be viewed here: Another is the American Express smile ad (a smiley face calibrates 540). If you view it, notice at what point which the name “American Express” is mentioned and the emotional association at the time it is mentioned. That is a defining moment in the placement of the product. The American Express ad can be viewed here: A dogs wagging tail and a kitty’s purr calibrate over 500. The Travelers Insurance ad titled “Prized Possession,” is about a dog and its bone also calibrates over 500. That ad (Produced by the Fallon Worldwide) can be viewed here: Then candidate, now Congressman Curt Schrader, (OR-05) used a dogs wagging tail in his commercial last cycle and it had a very positive effect on the commercial. The Schrader ad can be viewed here: J6dLAOuZ2g. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 25 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 26. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The world over 200 – the paradigm shift. Just as anything can be calibrated, mankind itself can be and has been calibrated. In the late 1980’s mankind went from 190 to 204. This is a very significant fact when you consider that above 200 is the level of truth, and 190 is below the level of truth. Over the last few years, much emphasis has been placed on integrity in business. Today we don’t put up with the corporations that lack integrity. In a world where truth (above 200) is now expected, that which is false (below 200) is no longer deemed acceptable. The fact of the shift that has taken place has alluded over 99% of the population. The significance is that for millions of years prior to the late 1980’s mankind operated in a different paradigm. The manifestations of operating in a world above 200 are now showing up. That which we deemed acceptable at 190, is now suddenly unacceptable and many don’t understand what has changed. You hear things like, “That is the way we always have done it.” Or, “Why is it not alright now?” For instance, in a world where mankind is at 190 an individual might commit some negative act and think that many people will not care. In a world where mankind is over 200, they seem to make the nightly news on a regular basis. This CEO, or that business person, may have rightfully thought the public had a different perspective about their actions in the early 1980’s at 190. Now, all of a sudden they are on the nightly news and receive a harsh penalty by the court and the public for their bad behavior. They are left wondering, “What is different?” The same changes have been reflected in the public’s acceptance of advertisements that do not calibrate over 200. What was acceptable before is no longer tolerated. An example was during the 2008 presidential primary election. Hillary Clinton’s campaign produced and played an advertisement titled “Guard.” The ad calibrated at 195, or below the level of truth. A memo was sent to a few individuals in the political community expressing what was discovered. About 6-weeks later a well known news organization reported that the “Guard” ad was in-fact false. That ad may be viewed here: Applying calibrations in advertisements, elections etc. Because of this author’s background in politics, the 2008 elections were looked at to add context and an overview of the uses in politics. It also gave great insight of some of the things to look at and calibrate when working on commercials for television. For those not involved in politics, consider this data in the context of any business or industry and how one could map the commercials. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 26 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 27. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The following are excerpts of a memo that was written in December of 2007 to a few interested people and political consultants. The electorate (target audience) was calibrated for the three primary states as follows: Iowa Primary Voting Democrats - 322 New Hampshire Primary Voting Democrats - 330 South Carolina Primary Voting Democrats 318 To add some context, the commercial Morning in America calibrates at 466. That ad may be viewed here: Barack Obama Iowa – “Enough” – 288 Iowa – “Friendship” – 416 Iowa – “Honesty” – 415 Iowa – “Candor” – 405 Iowa – “Our Moment is Now” – 400 Iowa – “Chances I Had” – 405 New Hampshire – “Chances I Had” – 405 New Hampshire – “Carry” – 400 South Carolina – “Hope and Change” – 447 “Mother” – 388 “What If” – 335 1st “Draft Obama” ad – 456 Hillary Clinton “President” – 185 “Stand By You” – 236 “Stand By Us” - South Carolina Version – 248 “Holiday Message to the Troops” – 257 “Stakes” – 177 “Make It Happen” – 268 “Presents” – 255 “Tested” – 313 “Guard” – 195 “Great things” – 226 “Proud” – 190 “Hillary’s Mom” – 200 (exactly) “New Beginning” – 215 “Strong” – 217 “Wes Clark” – 240 “Machine” – 195 “Joe Ward” – 225 “Energy Factor” – 186 “Trapdoor” – 216 “Stand by Us” – 192 “Hillary’s Health Care Plan” – 205 “Ready for Change” – 208 “Invisibles” – 245 From an advertising perspective, when you look at the level of the audience and the level of both of these candidates commercials, many conclusions can be drawn. The same type of comparison could be done by any business or industry. Recent political TV ad– case study (from political memo). Relevant to the timing of this writing is the contents of a memo written about the Fred Thompson ad for Doug Hoffman in New York’s 23rd congressional district special election. This ad calibrates at 485. It is likely a combination of factors. Take a look at it from an attractor pattern research perspective. If you have not seen the ad, it may be viewed here: Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 27 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 28. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard If they changed the portion where Fred Thompson said, “Doug’s like us,” it would have gone over 500. He is not like us. He can’t be like us. It is impossible and therefore a lie. You are you. You cannot be Doug or Fred or anyone else. That is a very simple fact. It may seem like a technicality, but that is what it calibrated. The statement “Doug’s like us” calibrates below 200 which is below the level of truth. That is what is called “Critical Point” elaborated on earlier. The difference would have been that in “common” terms, the ad would have bypassed the “brain” and gone straight to the “heart.” In technical terms (like Dr. Drew Westen puts it in the book The Political Brain) it would have registered in the medial prefrontal cortex which is emotion tied to decision making, instead of registering in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex which is logic and reason. Reason is objective and Love is subjective. That is the difference of below 500 (objective) and above 500 (Subjective). Here are some positives about the ad (from the perspective of this author). The script has a Depression era look and feel. “America is in trouble,” is an honest (straight talk) statement. The tone implies we can “overcome the dreads of our environment” and make things better. The music is simple (like the Allstate ad referenced above) and conjures up high emotion (over 500), and reminds of simple times and when things were bad, but yet we can make them better. It lets us know we are not alone in this feeling. “There are others you know,” and they are “like us.” It tells us with emotion and music that Doug is “like us.” Therefore it is not required to be said and a statement that calibrates below 200 could have been avoided. The memo concluded with: This ad is a triple. If they would have fixed that one line “Doug’s like us,” it would have been considered by some to be a home run. A dog’s wagging tail – political case study. One state Senator that has used the work said, “I don’t know how it works, all I know is that it works.” A discussion was taking place about how a dog’s wagging tail calibrates at 500. A candidate running for Congress (referenced earlier) had a commercial that had a dog with a wagging tail in his TV commercial (discussed earlier). It was mentioned that he did not even realize what he had done in raising the level from under 500 to over 500 and therefore registering in a different part of the brain. The Senator had a puppy. His wife, understanding this work, took a photograph of their puppy with a wagging tail and put it in the brochure being prepared for the election. It brought that page of the mail piece up 50 points to over 400, similar to the rest of the mail piece. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 28 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 29. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The announcers voice for a TV ad – case study. A commercial was being designed promoting a movie DVD. Two variations were tested during its production. Both were identical in content (video, music and script) except for the announcer’s voice. The content of the video, music and script had been tested during design or production and were at acceptable levels for the customers market. Then two different announcer’s voices were added, one in each commercial. The first ad the announcer’s voice made the audience go weak during a very specific portion of the ad. In the second ad there were no “critical points” that tested below 200 within the ad. The second ad was sent to final production by the client. Many problems in the commercials that were worked on were identified in the script and design phase of the work. Often a script is tested paragraph by paragraph, line by line, to find the low testing points. This saves a lot of time and money in production. Political direct mail – case study. One candidate was having a direct mail piece produced. The candidate himself had written the majority of the piece and thought it was very good and sent it for testing. Prior calibration had established the level of his market audience. His communication with them had to be over that level. The direct mail piece content was tested paragraph by paragraph. One paragraph tested low. Further testing revealed one sentence that brought down the whole document. One specific word, “we” was the reason. The word “we” was changed to “they” and two things were accomplished: • First, the testing level of the communication rose to the level a little above his target market where it needed to be. • Second, a lie was avoided. While most thought it was a good piece, the audience would have considered it a lie (whether they realized it or not) because of it technical inaccuracy. It appeared acceptable to everyone who had previously proof read it. Research reveals that merely by looking at the mail piece, the consciousness of the reader picks up the energy of the mail piece and the inaccuracy before it is even read. The same is true for products on the store shelves. Consider this: research methods elaborated herein reveal of all the products on store shelves throughout the world, over 56% contain parts that test negatively. Until now there have never been methods available to test for low calibrating attractors. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 29 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 30. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard The non-profit fundraising/newsletter – case study. In one fundraising/newsletter, a single letter/word made the difference in where it registered in the brain. The document calibrated at over 499 but below 500. This was a very important difference in fundraising and delivering an emotional appeal. Upon further testing it was found that the letter/word at the “critical point” was the word “I.” The word ‘I’ was removed and the word “We” was substituted, and the letter went from logical to emotional. Again a paradigm shift from the linear to the nonlinear, or below 500 to above 500. What has this client said about the application of the research? “I am compelled to write you today to express our sincere appreciation for your counsel and calibration of our recent monthly appeal letters. We have enjoyed a steady increase in the response to our letters as well as an encouraging increase in listener monthly financial support. […] I might add that I have shared our experience and results of your research with my colleagues at (name purposely left out for confidentiality). Radio and Television executives from 9 countries are now looking into applying this information to their current broadcast operations.” Signed by the company’s President Logo and creative design – observations relative to calibration. In this document discussion has included a dog’s wagging tail, a kitty’s purr and the smiley face. There have been clients with whom the calibration of the company’s logo was discussed. When checking into a Marriott® Hotel one time the company logo was noticed to have a slight arc of what could be compared to a slight smile under the name Marriott®. If you look, the Dannon® logo has a similar arc that is red in color under the name Dannon®. These arcs specifically, along with the smile in the new Pepsi® logo, all calibrate at 540. During one presentation of the work in Washington D.C. a rectangle box was drawn on a white board and it calibrated at about 200. The bottom line of the rectangle was replaced with a smile arc. The new design calibrated at 375. When the rectangle was redrawn with a straight line across the bottom and a frown arc (upside down smile) across the top, the design calibrated at 175. When the line across the top was drawn with a frown arc (upside down smile) and the bottom line of the rectangle drawn with the smile arc, the design calibrated at 205. 200 is the dividing line between power and force, or that which makes the body go strong and the body going weak, or the difference of attracting and repelling. So what is the energy difference between the design shape at 375 and 175? On the logarithmic scale the difference is that 375 is 2041 times the energy of 175. The equation is 37510 ÷ 17510 = 2041.419. Each and every component matters and can be calibrated. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 30 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661
  • 31. Advertising In The New Paradigm Written by Darryl Howard SUMMARY The effort here has been to give the reader a glimpse of the work. Obviously, three years of research cannot in the few pages here. It is the hope of this author that the reader has seen possibilities in which they may apply the research. This research can be of help developing trust with the audience and raising the level of truth of advertising and communication in general. That is the objective of this author. Dr. Hawkins laid the foundations of the research, and suggested areas of application such as advertising that can be further explored by others. You can quickly test a TV ad, print ad, movie or speech during all phases of production from idea to finished product. The reader can use the methods outlined herein to augment the other forms of testing they may be doing. For those that are interested, there are several books that can help you get started. This author would be glad to suggest some. Contact Information: Darryl Howard Darryl Howard and Associates P.O. Box 1083 Salem, OR 97308 USA 503-566-3661 HM / 503-580-6637 Cell Darryl Howard is the owner of the consulting firm Darryl Howard and Associates. They specialize in attractor pattern research and generational behavior science. They specialize in attractor pattern research and in assisting clients in the practical application of unique new methods used in testing advertising, communications, movie production, political communication and other applications. They work with clients to understand the research and help fine tune their messages to fit the attractor patterns demonstrated by their target audiences. They currently provide training and consultation to a variety of corporations and worldwide organizations. They have tailored presentations for both the U.S. and abroad, to both large and small groups, general audiences and for specific application briefings of small executive groups, from business leaders to members of congress. Copyright 2009© Darryl Howard 31 P.O. Box 1083, Salem Oregon, U.S.A. 503-566-3661