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Accountability of the                                                                         undergo three months’ imprisonment.
                                                                                              Arundhati Roy was sent to Tihar jail. She
                                                                                              spent a day there and came out after paying

Supreme Court                                                                                 Rs 2,000.
                                                                                                The ground of contempt that is known
                                                                                              as scandalising the court has fallen in disuse
                                                                                              in most of the advanced countries and it
Arundhati Roy Case                                                                            has not been used in England during the
                                                                                              entire 20th century. In all democratic
                                                                                              countries, the space of judicial review has
Can a citizen of India not criticise the Supreme Court’s decisions?                           expanded and it has acquired a political
Can she not criticise the procedures and management of the                                    dimension. Criticism of judicial decisions
court? Is the court not supposed to be accountable? How will its                              and of the judicial system is necessary to
accountability be enforced if it were made absolutely immune                                  reinforce its accountability to the people.
from public criticism?                                                                          What did Arundhati Roy say which
                                                                                              infuriated the court? In her affidavit she
S P SATHE                                      the decision of the court was severely           On the grounds that judges of the Supreme
                                               criticised. A complaint was made against         Court are too busy, the chief justice of

         rundhati Roy’s conviction and         Medha Patkar, advocate Prashant Bhushan          India refused to allow a sitting judge to
         punishment for contempt of court      and Arundhati Roy by some lawyers al-            head the judicial enquiry into the Tehelka
         shows that despite its doctrinal      leging contempt of court and the court           scandal, even though it involves matters
activism on human rights, the Supreme          issued a notice asking why they should not       of national security and corruption in the
Court of India is still way behind the times   be punished. All the three respondents           highest places. Yet when it comes to an
in balancing freedom of speech and con-        denied that they had committed any con-          absurd, despicable, entirely unsubstanti-
tempt of court. Action against Arundhati       tempt and asserted that they had a right         ated petition in which all the three respon-
must be seen in the context of the decision    to criticise the judiciary and its decisions     dents happen to be people who have
of the Supreme Court in NBA vs India in        in exercise of their freedom of speech           publicly – though in markedly different
                                                                                                ways – questioned the policies of the
which the court permitted the concerned        guaranteed by the Constitution. When that
                                                                                                government and severely criticised a re-
state governments to raise the height of the   matter was heard, it was revealed that the       cent judgment of the Supreme Court, the
Sardar Sarovar dam up to 90 ft. That           petitions were frivolous, they suffered from     court displays a disturbing willingness to
decision came in 1998 after the work on        various procedural flaws, and none of the        issue notice.
the dam had remained stayed on the court’s     charges made against any of the three            It indicates a disquieting inclination on the
order since 1994. It came as a great dis-      respondents could be proved. The court           part of the court to silence criticism and
appointment to Narmada Bachao Andolan          had to concede that had its registry care-       muzzle dissent to harass and intimidate
(NBA) and its sympathisers because a rise      fully scrutinised the petition, perhaps even     those who disagree with it. By entertaining
in the height of the dam meant submer-         a notice might not have been issued. The         a petition based on an FIR that even a local
gence of more villages and displacement        three persons were therefore acquitted. But      police station does not see fit to act upon,
of thousands of more people from their         the court took suo motu notice of the            the Supreme Court is doing its own repu-
homes. Since even those displaced earlier      contemptuous statements contained in             tation and credibility considerable harm.
had not been adequately rehabilitated, what    Arundhati Roy’s affidavit and issued a            Arundhati had said that for “the petition-
would be the fate of such additional dis-      fresh notice of contempt (see S P Sathe,       ers to attempt to misuse the Contempt of
placed persons? The decision was severely      ‘NBA Contempt of Court Case’, EPW,             Court Act and the good offices of the
criticised and NBA undertook campaigns         November 24, 2001, p 4338).                    Supreme Court to stifle criticism and stamp
to educate the people about the harmful          Arundhati appeared and defended what         out dissent, strikes at the very roots of the
effects of the court’s decision. Medha         she said in her affidavit. She asserted that   notion of democracy”. This should make
Patkar, the leader and Arundhati Roy, a        as a citizen of India she had a right to       it clear that her complaint was not that the
Booker Award winner and sympathiser of         criticise the decision of the Supreme Court,   court was motivated but that the court
NBA, criticised the judgment. They were        this being part of her fundamental right       allowed itself to be used by those moti-
served a notice for contempt. The judges       to freedom of speech. She had absolutely       vated to stifle criticism and suppress dis-
were doubtless offended by Roy’s sarcas-       no intention to commit contempt of the         sent. The conclusion of the court that she
tic references to them in her article in a     court and what she said did not amount         had imputed motives to the court was
news magazine but decided to drop the          to contempt. The court held her guilty of      therefore rather hasty. She honestly be-
matter after giving an admonition.             contempt and sentenced her to one day’s        lieved that the decision of the Supreme
   NBA organised a ‘dharna’ in front of the    imprisonment and a fine of Rs 2,000,           Court in the NBA case had done a great
Supreme Court and in a meeting held there      failing to pay which she would have to         harm to the displaced people. She pointed

Economic and Political Weekly April 13, 2002                                                                                          1383
out various examples of judicial decisions          did not say that there was judicial dicta-           Arundhati Roy had no personal axe to
which, according to her, had “materially            torship. She only said that if the courts         grind. She spoke for a cause which she
affected, for better or for worse, the lives        became immune from public criticism, they         thought was important and needed her sup-
and livelihoods of millions of Indian citi-         could usher into a dictatorship and since         port. Should these things not count while
zens”. She then says that:                          any dictatorship is bad, judicial dictator-       trying a person for contempt? If Shiv-
  An activist judiciary, that intervenes in         ship would also be bad.                           shankar’s judicial belonging elicited greater
  public matters to provide corrective to a            While surveying the previous decisions,        tolerance of his views, Arundhati Roy’s
  corrupt, dysfunctional executive, surely          the court distinguished Shivshankar’s case        altruistic intentions also deserved such
  has to be more, not less accountable. To          in which harsh criticism of the judiciary         tolerance. Moreover, the court was rather
  a society that is already convulsed by            was held not to be contemptuous. In               patriarchal in condescendingly referring to
  political bankruptcy, economic distress and       Namboodripad’s case, he had been con-             her as a ‘woman’ whom they treated le-
  religious and cultural intolerance, any form      victed for contempt for a speech which            niently by giving one day’s punishment.
  of judicial intolerance will come as a
                                                    was a pure theoretical statement on the role      Could they not have made it more sym-
  crippling blow. If the judiciary removes
  itself from public scrutiny and account-          of the judiciary from a Marxist perspec-          bolic by sentencing her to imprisonment
  ability, and severs its links with the society    tive. It appears that the fact that Shivshankar   till the rising of the court while simulta-
  that it was set up to serve in the first place,   was a former judge of a high court and later      neously declaring that the court had risen?
  it would mean that yet another pillar of          a minister in the central government made         By convicting her and sentencing her, the
  Indian democracy will crumble. A judicial         his case different from that of                   court has certainly not covered itself with
  dictatorship is as fearsome a prospect as         Namboodiripad. Freedom of speech can-             glory. A more tolerant and more sensitive
  a military dictatorship or any other form         not be greater for one who has been a judge       but not sentimental court would doubtless
  of totalitarian rule.                             than for one who is a citizen                     earn greater public admiration. EPW
   What was contemptuous in this? Did she
say that the Supreme Court was motivated
with the desire to harass her and suppress
her dissent? If her entire statement is read,
it is clear that her statement was made in
the context of the petition that had earlier
been dismissed by the court for being
frivolous. Did the court, though inadvert-
ently, not allow itself to be used by the
petitioners for their nefarious purpose of
suppressing criticism and repressing dis-
sent? Can a citizen of India not criticise
the court’s decisions? Can she not criticise
the procedures and management of the
court? Is the court not supposed to be
accountable? How will its accountability
be enforced if it were made absolutely
immune from public criticism? Even what
she said regarding Tehelka was a mere
criticism of the priorities of the court. How
does such criticism erode the reputation
of the court? Is the reputation of the court
so fragile that it would be lost by mere
criticism of its working? Despite criticism
of several judgments in the past (the most
significant being the emergency decision
in A D M Jabalpore v Shukla), the court’s
reputation has not been affected. People
still have faith in the judiciary which is
obvious from the fact that whenever any
scam takes place or a mayhem occurs,
people ask for an enquiry by a judge.
Reputation of the Indian judiciary is cer-
tainly high in comparison with the repu-
tation of the other organs of government.
But it can remain so only if it is constantly
subjected to people’s ombudsmanning. If
the courts adopt an attitude of being a holy
cow, they will not know how they are
evaluated by the people. Arundhati Roy

1384                                                                                       Economic and Political Weekly          April 13, 2002

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Accountability sc epw

  • 1. Commentary Accountability of the undergo three months’ imprisonment. Arundhati Roy was sent to Tihar jail. She spent a day there and came out after paying Supreme Court Rs 2,000. The ground of contempt that is known as scandalising the court has fallen in disuse in most of the advanced countries and it Arundhati Roy Case has not been used in England during the entire 20th century. In all democratic countries, the space of judicial review has Can a citizen of India not criticise the Supreme Court’s decisions? expanded and it has acquired a political Can she not criticise the procedures and management of the dimension. Criticism of judicial decisions court? Is the court not supposed to be accountable? How will its and of the judicial system is necessary to accountability be enforced if it were made absolutely immune reinforce its accountability to the people. from public criticism? What did Arundhati Roy say which infuriated the court? In her affidavit she said: S P SATHE the decision of the court was severely On the grounds that judges of the Supreme criticised. A complaint was made against Court are too busy, the chief justice of A rundhati Roy’s conviction and Medha Patkar, advocate Prashant Bhushan India refused to allow a sitting judge to punishment for contempt of court and Arundhati Roy by some lawyers al- head the judicial enquiry into the Tehelka shows that despite its doctrinal leging contempt of court and the court scandal, even though it involves matters activism on human rights, the Supreme issued a notice asking why they should not of national security and corruption in the Court of India is still way behind the times be punished. All the three respondents highest places. Yet when it comes to an in balancing freedom of speech and con- denied that they had committed any con- absurd, despicable, entirely unsubstanti- tempt of court. Action against Arundhati tempt and asserted that they had a right ated petition in which all the three respon- must be seen in the context of the decision to criticise the judiciary and its decisions dents happen to be people who have of the Supreme Court in NBA vs India in in exercise of their freedom of speech publicly – though in markedly different ways – questioned the policies of the which the court permitted the concerned guaranteed by the Constitution. When that government and severely criticised a re- state governments to raise the height of the matter was heard, it was revealed that the cent judgment of the Supreme Court, the Sardar Sarovar dam up to 90 ft. That petitions were frivolous, they suffered from court displays a disturbing willingness to decision came in 1998 after the work on various procedural flaws, and none of the issue notice. the dam had remained stayed on the court’s charges made against any of the three It indicates a disquieting inclination on the order since 1994. It came as a great dis- respondents could be proved. The court part of the court to silence criticism and appointment to Narmada Bachao Andolan had to concede that had its registry care- muzzle dissent to harass and intimidate (NBA) and its sympathisers because a rise fully scrutinised the petition, perhaps even those who disagree with it. By entertaining in the height of the dam meant submer- a notice might not have been issued. The a petition based on an FIR that even a local gence of more villages and displacement three persons were therefore acquitted. But police station does not see fit to act upon, of thousands of more people from their the court took suo motu notice of the the Supreme Court is doing its own repu- homes. Since even those displaced earlier contemptuous statements contained in tation and credibility considerable harm. had not been adequately rehabilitated, what Arundhati Roy’s affidavit and issued a Arundhati had said that for “the petition- would be the fate of such additional dis- fresh notice of contempt (see S P Sathe, ers to attempt to misuse the Contempt of placed persons? The decision was severely ‘NBA Contempt of Court Case’, EPW, Court Act and the good offices of the criticised and NBA undertook campaigns November 24, 2001, p 4338). Supreme Court to stifle criticism and stamp to educate the people about the harmful Arundhati appeared and defended what out dissent, strikes at the very roots of the effects of the court’s decision. Medha she said in her affidavit. She asserted that notion of democracy”. This should make Patkar, the leader and Arundhati Roy, a as a citizen of India she had a right to it clear that her complaint was not that the Booker Award winner and sympathiser of criticise the decision of the Supreme Court, court was motivated but that the court NBA, criticised the judgment. They were this being part of her fundamental right allowed itself to be used by those moti- served a notice for contempt. The judges to freedom of speech. She had absolutely vated to stifle criticism and suppress dis- were doubtless offended by Roy’s sarcas- no intention to commit contempt of the sent. The conclusion of the court that she tic references to them in her article in a court and what she said did not amount had imputed motives to the court was news magazine but decided to drop the to contempt. The court held her guilty of therefore rather hasty. She honestly be- matter after giving an admonition. contempt and sentenced her to one day’s lieved that the decision of the Supreme NBA organised a ‘dharna’ in front of the imprisonment and a fine of Rs 2,000, Court in the NBA case had done a great Supreme Court and in a meeting held there failing to pay which she would have to harm to the displaced people. She pointed Economic and Political Weekly April 13, 2002 1383
  • 2. out various examples of judicial decisions did not say that there was judicial dicta- Arundhati Roy had no personal axe to which, according to her, had “materially torship. She only said that if the courts grind. She spoke for a cause which she affected, for better or for worse, the lives became immune from public criticism, they thought was important and needed her sup- and livelihoods of millions of Indian citi- could usher into a dictatorship and since port. Should these things not count while zens”. She then says that: any dictatorship is bad, judicial dictator- trying a person for contempt? If Shiv- An activist judiciary, that intervenes in ship would also be bad. shankar’s judicial belonging elicited greater public matters to provide corrective to a While surveying the previous decisions, tolerance of his views, Arundhati Roy’s corrupt, dysfunctional executive, surely the court distinguished Shivshankar’s case altruistic intentions also deserved such has to be more, not less accountable. To in which harsh criticism of the judiciary tolerance. Moreover, the court was rather a society that is already convulsed by was held not to be contemptuous. In patriarchal in condescendingly referring to political bankruptcy, economic distress and Namboodripad’s case, he had been con- her as a ‘woman’ whom they treated le- religious and cultural intolerance, any form victed for contempt for a speech which niently by giving one day’s punishment. of judicial intolerance will come as a was a pure theoretical statement on the role Could they not have made it more sym- crippling blow. If the judiciary removes itself from public scrutiny and account- of the judiciary from a Marxist perspec- bolic by sentencing her to imprisonment ability, and severs its links with the society tive. It appears that the fact that Shivshankar till the rising of the court while simulta- that it was set up to serve in the first place, was a former judge of a high court and later neously declaring that the court had risen? it would mean that yet another pillar of a minister in the central government made By convicting her and sentencing her, the Indian democracy will crumble. A judicial his case different from that of court has certainly not covered itself with dictatorship is as fearsome a prospect as Namboodiripad. Freedom of speech can- glory. A more tolerant and more sensitive a military dictatorship or any other form not be greater for one who has been a judge but not sentimental court would doubtless of totalitarian rule. than for one who is a citizen earn greater public admiration. EPW What was contemptuous in this? Did she say that the Supreme Court was motivated with the desire to harass her and suppress her dissent? If her entire statement is read, it is clear that her statement was made in the context of the petition that had earlier been dismissed by the court for being frivolous. Did the court, though inadvert- ently, not allow itself to be used by the petitioners for their nefarious purpose of suppressing criticism and repressing dis- sent? Can a citizen of India not criticise the court’s decisions? Can she not criticise the procedures and management of the court? Is the court not supposed to be accountable? How will its accountability be enforced if it were made absolutely immune from public criticism? Even what she said regarding Tehelka was a mere criticism of the priorities of the court. How does such criticism erode the reputation of the court? Is the reputation of the court so fragile that it would be lost by mere criticism of its working? Despite criticism of several judgments in the past (the most significant being the emergency decision in A D M Jabalpore v Shukla), the court’s reputation has not been affected. People still have faith in the judiciary which is obvious from the fact that whenever any scam takes place or a mayhem occurs, people ask for an enquiry by a judge. Reputation of the Indian judiciary is cer- tainly high in comparison with the repu- tation of the other organs of government. But it can remain so only if it is constantly subjected to people’s ombudsmanning. If the courts adopt an attitude of being a holy cow, they will not know how they are evaluated by the people. Arundhati Roy 1384 Economic and Political Weekly April 13, 2002