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I hold degrees from New York University and the Sorbonne, as wellas a Ph.D in French from
The University of Madrid, and a Ph.D in Spanish from The University of Massachusetts. I taught
languages and literatures at The University of Puerto Rico, the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico,
Purdue University, the University of Massachusetts and the State University of New York (Buffalo) from
where I retired in 2002.
I am the author of 12 books, and the editor of six others, most of them in Spanish, some in French
and one in English. Those books, published in Puerto Rico, the USA, Germany, Spain and Australia,
include literary and historical essays,reference works,collections of short stories, plays and a memoir
published by Australia’s ASJ Publishing. ASJ Publishing has also accepted for publication my children’s
book “Little Johnny’s Magic Hermonica,” and the Miami, Florida publisher La Pereza Ediciones has just
recently published my collection of short stories titled Cuando cae la noche.Moreover, I am the author of
over 40 publications in newspapers and journals from Puerto Rico, the USA, Canada, Spain, Venezuela,
Mexico, Peru,Italy, Colombia, and the Internet. I have received literary awards in Portugal, Puerto Rico
and the United States,and my work has been the subject of large portions of two published books.
Below are internet links to my work:
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 2
All Books Review International
Marie Lavender
Book Club Reading List
“Another World” June 4, 2013
By Robert P. Mitchell
“The Island Across the River,” Serialized in 8 installments, May 27, 2013-
August 5, 2013, in the online magazine YAREAH:
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 3
“The Island Across the River,” Serialized in 8 installments, May 27, 2013-
August 5, 2013, in the online magazine YAREAH:
Damilola Ogunremi
Fiction – books-Author
1. La imagen del otro (Drama). San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura
Puertorriqueña, 1980.
2. Cuentos fantásticos. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto
Rico, 1983.
3. Desde el fondo del caracol y otros cuentos taínos. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de
Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1992.
4. Cuando cae la noche. Miami, FL.: La Pereza Ediciones, 2013.
Non-fiction – books-Author
5. Normas ortográficas del francés. Boston: Florentia Publishers, 1977.
6. Le Verbe français. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto
Rico, 1979.
7. El indiano en las comedias de Lope de Vega. Acta Columbina 15. Kassel, Germany:
Edition Reichenberger, 1991.
8. Literatura hispánica e hispanoamericana: Tres autores revalorados: Ricardo Palma,
Julián del Casal y Jacinto Benavente. Problemata lberoamericana 5. Kassel, Germany:
Edition Reichenberger, 1992.
9. La cronología de "Señas de identidad”, de Juan Goytisolo. Problemata Literaria 13.
Kassel,Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1992.
10. La crítica literaria sobre Alfonsina Storni (1945–1980). Problemata Iberoamericana
10. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1997.
11. Dos crónicas desconocidas de Lope de Aguirre. Colección Ciencia, Serie
Antropología # 340, Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 2012.
12. The Other Island: A Memoir. Melbourne, Australia: ASJ Publishing, 2013.
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 4
Fiction – books- editor
1. Cuentos modernos (Antología). Jaime Martinez Tolentino, Ed., Rio Piedras, Puerto
Rico: Editorial Edil, 1975.
2. El Enfermo imaginario (Annotated Edition of Molière’s Le Malade imaginaire), Jaime
Martínez-Tolentino, Ed., New York: Plus Ultra Educational Publishers, 1977.
3. Veinte siglos después del homicidio. By Carmelo Rodríguez Torres. 3rd ed., Jaime
Martínez Tolentino, Ed. and Introduction. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial
Antillana, 1980. 13-30.
4. Caminos (selección poética). By Ramón M. Estrada Vega. Jaime Martínez Tolentino,
Ed. and prologue. Problemata Iberoamericana 8. Kassel, Germany: Edition
Reichenberger, 1996: xiii-cvii.
5. Alfonsina Storni: Selección poética. Jaime Martínez Tolentino, Ed. Problemata
Iberoamericana 14. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1998.
6. Caminos (selección poética), 2ª ed. By Ramón M. Estrada Vega. Prologue by Jaime
Martínez Tolentino. USA: Create Space, 2013.
Fiction- short stories and one-act plays in newspapers and journals
1. "La tormenta," Isla Literaria (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 2.8,9,10 (1971):14.
2. "Miedo," Atenea (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico), 7.2 (1971): 93-95.
3. "Miedo," Claridad (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 31 January 1976, Supplemento "En Rojo": 14.
4. "Miedo," Momento (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 10 September 1977.
5. "Su regreso," Inti (Providence, Rhode Island), 12 (1980): 93-97.
6. "Una voz que grita adentro, desde el fondo del caracol," Renacimiento (Rio Piedras, Puerto
Rico), 1.2 (1981):113-122.
7. "La armónica mágica," Gente Joven, (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 4.9 (1982):60-61.
8. "Esos dioses venidos del bagua," Alba de América, 6.3-4 (1990): 427-433.
9. "His Return," Top Ten Short Stories of 1993. Owings Mills, MD: American Literary Press,
1993. 29-33.
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 5
10. "El largo sueño de doña Manuela," Sección “Textos teatrales puertorriqueños,” Boletín del
Archivo Nacional de Teatro y Cine del Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Núm. 4 (julio a diciembre de
2005): 237-240.
11. “The Island Across the River,” by Jaime Martinez-Tolentino. [From Chapter 7 of The Other
Island: A Memoir. Melbourne, Australia: ASJ Publishing Co., 2013], Yareah Magazine,
(NYC), Issue 36, May 27, 2013 – August 5, 2013.
Non-fiction articles in journals and newspapers
12. "El prefacio de La comedia humana: Un importante documento literario," Atenea
(Mayaguez, Puerto Rico), 5.1-2 (1968): 109-116.
13. "Las ciencias biológicas en La Comédie humaine," Filologia Moderna (Madrid, Spain), 40-
41 (November 1970-February 1971): 111-136.
14. "De la cognomología en la literatura," La Torre (Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico), 20.75-76 (1972):
15. "Traducen al francés una novela puertorriqueña," El Mundo (San Juan, Puerto Rico),
December 17, 1978: B-22.
16. "Una introducción al cuento fantástico," Renacimiento (Río Piedras,Puerto Rico), 1.1 (1981):
17. "Nueva novela puertorriqueña es 'sensacional'," La Estrella del Oeste (Mayagüez, Puerto
Rico), 21 April 1982): 7.
18. "Alfonsina Storni y Gabriela Mistral: La poesía como condena o salvación," Escritura
(Caracas, Venezuela), 8.16 (1983): 223-230.
19. "Mi mamá me ama, de Emilio Díaz Valcárcel: Cómo se satiriza una vision distorsionada de
Puerto Rico," Cuadernos Americanos (Mexico,D.F.), 43.252.1 (1984): 216-226.
20. "La familia como fuente de todo mal en El obsceno pájaro de la noche, de José Donoso,"
Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (Lima,Peru), 11.23 (1986): 73-79.
21. "La mujer como némesis del hombre en El túnel," Quaderni Ibero-Americani (Turin, Italy),
16.8.61-62 (December 1986, July – December1987): 193-200.
22. "Algunas observaciones sobre la novela Al filo del agua suscitadas por un ensayo de Alfonso
Reyes," Escritura (Caracas, Venezuela), 12.23-24 (1987):123-137.
23. "El salón de Guillermo Martínez," La Estrella de Puerto Rico (Mayagüez,Puerto Rico), 4–10
August 1988: 18.
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 6
24. Book Review of In Search of the City: Engels, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, By Marc Eli
Blanchard. Romance Quarterly 36.1 (1989): 112-113.
25. "Machado y el alma española en 'A orillas del Duero,'" Escritura, 15.29 (1990): 85-94.
26. "Las opiniones literarias de Julián Del Casal", La Torre (Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico) 5.17
(1991): 19-55.
27. "La irrealización del paisaje en María y Cumandá", Texto y Contexto (Bogotá, Colombia), 25
(1994): 126-131.
28. "El indiano en tres comedias de Lope de Vega", Teatro (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) 5 (2001):
29. "La génesis de un drama," Boletín del Archivo Nacional de Teatro y Cine del Ateneo
Puertorriqueño, Núm. 4 (julio a diciembre de 2005): 42-45.
30. "On Writing 1st Chapters; Dean Koontz's Strangers", April 16, 2001:Barnes &
31. 1st INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, November 29, 2012,
32. 2nd INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, December 6, 2012,
33. 3RD INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, December 12, 2012,
34. “Mami…Papi”, an excerpt from my memoir “The Other Island,” ANGIE’S DIARY,
December 17th, 2012,
35. Christmas in Puerto Rico, ANGIE’S DIARY, December 24th, 2012
36. “An American Baby,” TUCK MAGAZINE, January 16, 2013:
37. 1st Installment of “The Island Across the River,” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, April 27, 2013.
38. 2nd Installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, June 3, 2013.
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 7
39. 3rd Installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, June 24, 2013.
40. 4th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 1st , 2013.
41. 5th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 8, 2013.
42. 6th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 15, 2013.
43. 7th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 22, 2013.
44. 8th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, August 5, 2013.
Published Translations
1. Glannon, Walter. "Unamuno y la metafísica de la ficción." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino.
Estelas,laberintos, nuevas sendas: Unamuno, Valle-Inclán, García Lorca, La Guerra
Civil. Ed. Angel Loureiro. Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos, 1988: 95-108.
2. Benítez-Rojo, Antonio."Fernando Ortiz and Cubanness: A Post-Modern Perspective." Trans.
Jaime Martínez-Tolentino. Cuban Studies 18. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,
1988: 125-132.
3. Sommer, Doris. “El Mal de María: (Con)fusión en un romance nacional.” Trans. Jaime
Martínez-Tolentino; MLN 104. 2 (March 1989): 439-474.
4. Sturges, Hollister. New Art from Puerto Rico/Nuevo Arte de Puerto Rico. Trans. Jaime
Martínez-Tolentino. Springfield, Massachusetts: Museum of Fine Arts, 1990.
5. Román Capeles, Mervin. "Doña Ana Is Not Here..." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino.
Voices of America. Colorado Springs, CO.:Western Poetry Association, 1992. 101.
6. González Mandri, Flora. "A House on Shifting Sands." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino and
Flora González Mandri. Michigan Quarterly Review 33.3 (Summer 1994). 553-556.
1. Second Prize, Short Story Category, “Jogos Florais”, Lisbon, Portugal, 1970.
2. Honors Certificate for Literary Merit and Contributions to Puerto Rican Letters, Sociedad de
About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 8
Autores Puerrtorriqueños, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 17, 1984.
3. Finalist, Short Story Category, "Premio Literario Letras de Oro," American Express and the
University of Miami, 1988.
4. Certificate, “Primer Concurso Internacional Sobre la Historia de Puerto Rico” [First
International Contest On Puerto Rican History], Consejo Superior de Educación de Puerto Rico
[Puerto Rican Council of Higher Education], San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1989.
5. Semi-Finalist, Short Story Contest 1993, American Literary Press, 1993.
6. 1993 Western New York Writer-In-Residence, "Just Buffalo Literary Center," Buffalo, N.Y.,
7. Finalist,“Family Matters” Category, 2007 Glimmer Train Magazine Literary Awards,
Portland, Oregon.
8. Honorable Mention, Tales 2 Inspire Literary Contest, 2013.
1. Román-Capeles, Mervin. El cuento fantástico en Puerto Rico y Cuba. Kassel, Germany:
Clark Atlanta University and Edition Reichenberger, 1995. [See pps. 72-85]
2. Ayala-Richards, Haydée. La presencia Taína en la narrativa puertorriqueña. Lewiston, NY:
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. [See pps. 84-108]
3. Russel, Jesse and Ronald Cohn. Jaime Martínez Tolentino. VSD Publisher, 2012.

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  • 1. ABOUT JAIME MARTINEZ-TOLENTINO & WRITING CREDITS I hold degrees from New York University and the Sorbonne, as wellas a Ph.D in French from The University of Madrid, and a Ph.D in Spanish from The University of Massachusetts. I taught languages and literatures at The University of Puerto Rico, the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, Purdue University, the University of Massachusetts and the State University of New York (Buffalo) from where I retired in 2002. I am the author of 12 books, and the editor of six others, most of them in Spanish, some in French and one in English. Those books, published in Puerto Rico, the USA, Germany, Spain and Australia, include literary and historical essays,reference works,collections of short stories, plays and a memoir published by Australia’s ASJ Publishing. ASJ Publishing has also accepted for publication my children’s book “Little Johnny’s Magic Hermonica,” and the Miami, Florida publisher La Pereza Ediciones has just recently published my collection of short stories titled Cuando cae la noche.Moreover, I am the author of over 40 publications in newspapers and journals from Puerto Rico, the USA, Canada, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Peru,Italy, Colombia, and the Internet. I have received literary awards in Portugal, Puerto Rico and the United States,and my work has been the subject of large portions of two published books. Below are internet links to my work: 1. 2. 3. h+Books 4. C10 5. =producto&idioma=es 6. 7. m8rhrakPeEvjP8hHQ&cp=7&gs_id=v&xhr=t&q=Jaime+Martinez+tolentino&pf=p&output=sea
  • 2. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 2 rch&sclient=psy&oq=Jaime+M&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=87b3d75909e 1627d&biw=1067&bih=520 8. 9.!/groups/227628437263968/ 10. 11. keywords=Jaime+Martinez+Tolentino 12. 13. 14. 15. keywords=Ramon+Estrada+Vega BOOK REVIEWS AND AN AUTHOR INTERVIEW ABOUT THE OTHER ISLAND: All Books Review International REVIEW THE OTHER ISLAND.docx Marie Lavender Book Club Reading List “Another World” June 4, 2013 By Robert P. Mitchell Tolentino/dp/0987516531/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1370642278&sr =1-1&keywords=jaime+martinez+tolentino Amazon “The Island Across the River,” Serialized in 8 installments, May 27, 2013- August 5, 2013, in the online magazine YAREAH:
  • 3. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 3 “The Island Across the River,” Serialized in 8 installments, May 27, 2013- August 5, 2013, in the online magazine YAREAH: ABOUT TAINO: Damilola Ogunremi Fiction – books-Author 1. La imagen del otro (Drama). San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1980. 2. Cuentos fantásticos. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1983. 3. Desde el fondo del caracol y otros cuentos taínos. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1992. 4. Cuando cae la noche. Miami, FL.: La Pereza Ediciones, 2013. Non-fiction – books-Author 5. Normas ortográficas del francés. Boston: Florentia Publishers, 1977. 6. Le Verbe français. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1979. 7. El indiano en las comedias de Lope de Vega. Acta Columbina 15. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1991. 8. Literatura hispánica e hispanoamericana: Tres autores revalorados: Ricardo Palma, Julián del Casal y Jacinto Benavente. Problemata lberoamericana 5. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1992. 9. La cronología de "Señas de identidad”, de Juan Goytisolo. Problemata Literaria 13. Kassel,Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1992. 10. La crítica literaria sobre Alfonsina Storni (1945–1980). Problemata Iberoamericana 10. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1997. 11. Dos crónicas desconocidas de Lope de Aguirre. Colección Ciencia, Serie Antropología # 340, Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 2012. 12. The Other Island: A Memoir. Melbourne, Australia: ASJ Publishing, 2013.
  • 4. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 4 Fiction – books- editor 1. Cuentos modernos (Antología). Jaime Martinez Tolentino, Ed., Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial Edil, 1975. 2. El Enfermo imaginario (Annotated Edition of Molière’s Le Malade imaginaire), Jaime Martínez-Tolentino, Ed., New York: Plus Ultra Educational Publishers, 1977. 3. Veinte siglos después del homicidio. By Carmelo Rodríguez Torres. 3rd ed., Jaime Martínez Tolentino, Ed. and Introduction. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: Editorial Antillana, 1980. 13-30. 4. Caminos (selección poética). By Ramón M. Estrada Vega. Jaime Martínez Tolentino, Ed. and prologue. Problemata Iberoamericana 8. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1996: xiii-cvii. 5. Alfonsina Storni: Selección poética. Jaime Martínez Tolentino, Ed. Problemata Iberoamericana 14. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 1998. 6. Caminos (selección poética), 2ª ed. By Ramón M. Estrada Vega. Prologue by Jaime Martínez Tolentino. USA: Create Space, 2013. Fiction- short stories and one-act plays in newspapers and journals 1. "La tormenta," Isla Literaria (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 2.8,9,10 (1971):14. 2. "Miedo," Atenea (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico), 7.2 (1971): 93-95. 3. "Miedo," Claridad (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 31 January 1976, Supplemento "En Rojo": 14. 4. "Miedo," Momento (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 10 September 1977. 5. "Su regreso," Inti (Providence, Rhode Island), 12 (1980): 93-97. 6. "Una voz que grita adentro, desde el fondo del caracol," Renacimiento (Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico), 1.2 (1981):113-122. 7. "La armónica mágica," Gente Joven, (San Juan, Puerto Rico), 4.9 (1982):60-61. 8. "Esos dioses venidos del bagua," Alba de América, 6.3-4 (1990): 427-433. 9. "His Return," Top Ten Short Stories of 1993. Owings Mills, MD: American Literary Press, 1993. 29-33.
  • 5. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 5 10. "El largo sueño de doña Manuela," Sección “Textos teatrales puertorriqueños,” Boletín del Archivo Nacional de Teatro y Cine del Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Núm. 4 (julio a diciembre de 2005): 237-240. 11. “The Island Across the River,” by Jaime Martinez-Tolentino. [From Chapter 7 of The Other Island: A Memoir. Melbourne, Australia: ASJ Publishing Co., 2013], Yareah Magazine, (NYC), Issue 36, May 27, 2013 – August 5, 2013. Non-fiction articles in journals and newspapers 12. "El prefacio de La comedia humana: Un importante documento literario," Atenea (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico), 5.1-2 (1968): 109-116. 13. "Las ciencias biológicas en La Comédie humaine," Filologia Moderna (Madrid, Spain), 40- 41 (November 1970-February 1971): 111-136. 14. "De la cognomología en la literatura," La Torre (Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico), 20.75-76 (1972): 161-65. 15. "Traducen al francés una novela puertorriqueña," El Mundo (San Juan, Puerto Rico), December 17, 1978: B-22. 16. "Una introducción al cuento fantástico," Renacimiento (Río Piedras,Puerto Rico), 1.1 (1981): 15-29. 17. "Nueva novela puertorriqueña es 'sensacional'," La Estrella del Oeste (Mayagüez, Puerto Rico), 21 April 1982): 7. 18. "Alfonsina Storni y Gabriela Mistral: La poesía como condena o salvación," Escritura (Caracas, Venezuela), 8.16 (1983): 223-230. 19. "Mi mamá me ama, de Emilio Díaz Valcárcel: Cómo se satiriza una vision distorsionada de Puerto Rico," Cuadernos Americanos (Mexico,D.F.), 43.252.1 (1984): 216-226. 20. "La familia como fuente de todo mal en El obsceno pájaro de la noche, de José Donoso," Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (Lima,Peru), 11.23 (1986): 73-79. 21. "La mujer como némesis del hombre en El túnel," Quaderni Ibero-Americani (Turin, Italy), 16.8.61-62 (December 1986, July – December1987): 193-200. 22. "Algunas observaciones sobre la novela Al filo del agua suscitadas por un ensayo de Alfonso Reyes," Escritura (Caracas, Venezuela), 12.23-24 (1987):123-137. 23. "El salón de Guillermo Martínez," La Estrella de Puerto Rico (Mayagüez,Puerto Rico), 4–10 August 1988: 18.
  • 6. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 6 24. Book Review of In Search of the City: Engels, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, By Marc Eli Blanchard. Romance Quarterly 36.1 (1989): 112-113. 25. "Machado y el alma española en 'A orillas del Duero,'" Escritura, 15.29 (1990): 85-94. 26. "Las opiniones literarias de Julián Del Casal", La Torre (Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico) 5.17 (1991): 19-55. 27. "La irrealización del paisaje en María y Cumandá", Texto y Contexto (Bogotá, Colombia), 25 (1994): 126-131. 28. "El indiano en tres comedias de Lope de Vega", Teatro (Alcalá de Henares, Spain) 5 (2001): 83-96. 29. "La génesis de un drama," Boletín del Archivo Nacional de Teatro y Cine del Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Núm. 4 (julio a diciembre de 2005): 42-45. 30. "On Writing 1st Chapters; Dean Koontz's Strangers", April 16, 2001:Barnes & 31. 1st INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, November 29, 2012, 32. 2nd INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, December 6, 2012, 33. 3RD INSTALLMENT OF “Mulberry Street,” ANGIE’S DIARY, December 12, 2012, 34. “Mami…Papi”, an excerpt from my memoir “The Other Island,” ANGIE’S DIARY, December 17th, 2012, 35. Christmas in Puerto Rico, ANGIE’S DIARY, December 24th, 2012 36. “An American Baby,” TUCK MAGAZINE, January 16, 2013: 37. 1st Installment of “The Island Across the River,” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, April 27, 2013. 38. 2nd Installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, June 3, 2013.
  • 7. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 7 39. 3rd Installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, June 24, 2013. 40. 4th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 1st , 2013. 41. 5th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 8, 2013. 42. 6th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 15, 2013. 43. 7th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, July 22, 2013. 44. 8th installment of “The Island Across the River” Yareah Magazine Issue 36, August 5, 2013. Published Translations 1. Glannon, Walter. "Unamuno y la metafísica de la ficción." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino. Estelas,laberintos, nuevas sendas: Unamuno, Valle-Inclán, García Lorca, La Guerra Civil. Ed. Angel Loureiro. Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos, 1988: 95-108. 2. Benítez-Rojo, Antonio."Fernando Ortiz and Cubanness: A Post-Modern Perspective." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino. Cuban Studies 18. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988: 125-132. 3. Sommer, Doris. “El Mal de María: (Con)fusión en un romance nacional.” Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino; MLN 104. 2 (March 1989): 439-474. 4. Sturges, Hollister. New Art from Puerto Rico/Nuevo Arte de Puerto Rico. Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino. Springfield, Massachusetts: Museum of Fine Arts, 1990. 5. Román Capeles, Mervin. "Doña Ana Is Not Here..." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino. Voices of America. Colorado Springs, CO.:Western Poetry Association, 1992. 101. 6. González Mandri, Flora. "A House on Shifting Sands." Trans. Jaime Martínez-Tolentino and Flora González Mandri. Michigan Quarterly Review 33.3 (Summer 1994). 553-556. Awards 1. Second Prize, Short Story Category, “Jogos Florais”, Lisbon, Portugal, 1970. 2. Honors Certificate for Literary Merit and Contributions to Puerto Rican Letters, Sociedad de
  • 8. About the Authorand Writing Credits/ 8 Autores Puerrtorriqueños, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 17, 1984. 3. Finalist, Short Story Category, "Premio Literario Letras de Oro," American Express and the University of Miami, 1988. 4. Certificate, “Primer Concurso Internacional Sobre la Historia de Puerto Rico” [First International Contest On Puerto Rican History], Consejo Superior de Educación de Puerto Rico [Puerto Rican Council of Higher Education], San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1989. 5. Semi-Finalist, Short Story Contest 1993, American Literary Press, 1993. 6. 1993 Western New York Writer-In-Residence, "Just Buffalo Literary Center," Buffalo, N.Y., 1993. 7. Finalist,“Family Matters” Category, 2007 Glimmer Train Magazine Literary Awards, Portland, Oregon. 8. Honorable Mention, Tales 2 Inspire Literary Contest, 2013. (See PUBLISHED BOOKS WITH LARGE PORTIONS DEVOTED TO MY WRITINGS: 1. Román-Capeles, Mervin. El cuento fantástico en Puerto Rico y Cuba. Kassel, Germany: Clark Atlanta University and Edition Reichenberger, 1995. [See pps. 72-85] 2. Ayala-Richards, Haydée. La presencia Taína en la narrativa puertorriqueña. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2003. [See pps. 84-108] 3. Russel, Jesse and Ronald Cohn. Jaime Martínez Tolentino. VSD Publisher, 2012. (See +Tolentino&qauth=Jesse+Russel&qsort=p)